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80-87 (BLMs) 7/7/03 10:54 AM Page 81

for Kindergarten

Activity Masters
Graphic Organizer Masters

42480.pp. 80-87 (BLMs) 6/25/03 12:18 PM Page 82

THEME 1/Week 1


1. What Animals Do
In Mice Squeak, We Speak, animals
make all kinds of sounds.
What other things can animals do?

Learning About Animal Activities

• Choose an animal to find out about.
• Read other books about your animal.

Drawing a Picture/Writing a
• a picture of your animal.
• its name.
• what your • Make your
Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

animal is doing. picture big.

• Write at the
Comparing and
Sharing Pictures
Can you do what
your animal is doing?
CH 1–1 Challenge Master Grade K Theme 1: Look At Us!
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THEME 1/Week 1


2. We Make Noises, Too!

What kinds of sounds
do people make? • Think about
• many people sounds you
on a poster. make.
• Label the people • Think of
with sound words. words for
the sounds.
3. Big and Little
What can you do
Think about
now that you are big?
the questions:
What are you still
• When do I
too little to do?
feel big?
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• a poem about
• When do I
times when you
feel small?
feel big and little.
I feel big when I .
I feel little when I .
Grade K Theme 1: Look At Us! Challenge Master CH 1–2
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THEME 1/Week 2


1. Things I Do
Making a Hand
Wreath • Put one
• Trace your hand thing you
5 times on colored can do on
paper. a hand.

• the hands. • You can

draw it and
• Glue them in a
write it.

Writing What You Do

• one thing you can do on each
Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

Sharing the Wreath

• Show what you made.
• Tell about it.

CH 1–3 Challenge Master Grade K Theme 1: Look At Us!

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THEME 1/Week 2


2. Gotcha!
The fox caught the
Gingerbread Man.
• Add details
How would you catch
to your
him? a picture
and about it.

3. Our Big Book

Make your own page
for a new group big
book. • Think about
how you
• Look at the pictures
see, hear,
and words in Here
touch, and
Are My Hands.
smell things.
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• a picture of
a part of the body
and a sentence or label.

Grade K Theme 1: Look At Us! Challenge Master CH 1–4

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THEME 1/Week 3


1. An Animal’s Body
Learning About an Animal’s Body
• Choose an animal.
• Read about the animal. Look at
pictures of the animal.

Drawing and Writing

• the animal.
• words for • Make a big
parts of the picture.
animal’s body. • Think about
names for
Sharing the Picture
parts of
• Show your picture.
your body.
Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

• Tell how the

animal’s body is like your body.

CH 1–5 Challenge Master Grade K Theme 1: Look At Us!

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THEME 1/Week 3


2. Compare and Contrast

the Mice
Listen to The City Think about:
Mouse and the • What is
Country Mouse tape. different
How are the mice about where
the same? they live?
How are the mice • What is the
different? same?
• or
what you find out.

3. Show Where You Live

Where do you live?
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• a picture. • What do you

• about your like best
picture. about where
you live?
Tell how it looks,
sounds, and feels.
Grade K Theme 1: Look At Us! Challenge Master CH 1–6
48170.pp. 88-93 (BLMs) 7/2/03 3:33 PM Page 88

THEME 2/Week 1


1. Animal Color Cards

Thinking About the Colors of
• Think about
animals and their • Think about
colors. the different
• Pick a color and ways your
find animals that color can
are that color. look.
• a list.

Making the Cards

• Make a card for each animal.
• about and each animal.
“A __________ is __________.” Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

Sharing the Cards

Add your Animal Color Cards to
a class file.

CH 2–1 Challenge Master Grade K Theme 2: Colors All Around

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THEME 2/Week 1


2. Animals Everywhere
What animals could
you see at the zoo or
• Use books
in the forest?
and charts
• a picture of to help you
an animal you write the
could see. words.
• the name
and color of the animal.

3. My Perfect Lunch Box

What would your perfect lunch box
look like?
• a picture of
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your perfect lunch • Use your

box. imagination.
• about your
lunch box.

Grade K Theme 2: Colors All Around Challenge Master CH 2–2

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THEME 2/Week 2


1. Underwater Scene
Planning the Scene
• Think about the
fish you want to
• Fill the page
with your
• Think of other sea picture.
animals and
• Press hard
with your
Making the Poster crayons.

• the scene.
• Label your poster.
• Paint over your picture with blue
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Sharing the Poster

Tell the class about your poster.

CH 2–3 Challenge Master Grade K Theme 2: Colors All Around

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THEME 2/Week 2


2. The Story Continues

What will happen if
the man in Caps of
• Think about
Many Colors takes
another nap?
new that
• and to could
show what will happen.

3. Invent a Color
Make a new color.
• Color with crayons.
• Tell what
• Put colors together the new
to make a new color is like.
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• a big crayon in the new color.
• Give the new color a name.
• about your new color.

Grade K Theme 2: Colors All Around Challenge Master CH 2–4

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THEME 2/Week 3


1. Fishing Game
Go fishing for m, r, • Make big
and s fish. letters on
your fish.
Making Letter Fish
• and the fish.
• m on the back of 2 fish.
• r on the back of 2 fish.
• s on the back of 2 fish.

Making the Game

• Put string on the fishing pole.
• Put a magnet on the string.
• Put a paper clip on each fish.
Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

Sharing the Game

• Catch a fish.
• Say a word that starts with the
letter on your fish.

CH 2–5 Challenge Master Grade K Theme 2: Colors All Around

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THEME 2/Week 3


2. Book Club
Talk about the stories • Look at
you have heard and your
read. favorite
• Tell what you liked. story for
• and a
picture of your favorite story.

3. Beautiful Bird Names

• Drop paint on a
paper towel. • Use color
• Fold the towel and words and
press down. body words
in your
• Open the towel.
Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

bird’s name.
• When the paint is
dry, a bird shape.
• Give your bird a name that tells how
it looks.

Grade K Theme 2: Colors All Around Challenge Master CH 2–6

48170.pp. 94-99 (BLMs) 7/2/03 3:35 PM Page 94

THEME 3/Week 1


1. My Family House

Thinking About Family Members

• Who is in your
• Show details
• Who comes to visit? in your
• family words. drawings.

Making the House

• Trace and 2 house shapes.
• Staple one house on top of the
• the outside of the house.

Drawing and Writing

• family members inside your Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

• a family word for each person.

Sharing with a Partner

• Share your house with a partner.
CH 3–1 Challenge Master Grade K Theme 3: We’re a Family
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THEME 3/Week 1


2. What I Saw
Think of a walk you • Use the
took. What did you whole page
see? for your
• a picture of drawing.
what you saw.
• Label your picture.

3. Helping Hands
Show how family
members help each • How do you
other. help your
• a family family?
member doing
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something for you.

• about your picture.
• On the other side, and
about yourself doing something for
your family.
Grade K Theme 3: We’re a Family Challenge Master CH 3–2
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THEME 3/Week 2


1. My Clothes
How do you like to dress?

Making Body
Outlines • Think about
• Trace your different
partner’s body. kinds of
• Have your partner clothing.
trace you.
• your face and hair.
• your body outline.

Making Clothes
• clothes on your body outline.

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Sharing the Outlines
• Ask a partner to hold your outline.
• Tell about the clothes you made.

CH 3–3 Challenge Master Grade K Theme 3: We’re a Family

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THEME 3/Week 2


2. Goldilocks Play
What did Goldilocks
tell her mother?
• Think about
• Make up things for what
Goldilocks and her Goldilocks
mother to say. might say.
• Act out your play
for your classmates.

3. Story Murals
Listen to some stories.
• and
about part of a
• Choose one
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part of the
• Put the pictures
story to
together in order.

Grade K Theme 3: We’re a Family Challenge Master CH 3–4

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THEME 3/Week 3


1. Shoe Poster
Where do your shoes take you?

Thinking About Where Your

Shoes Go
• Think about the • Fill the
places you go. poster with
• Think about the drawings
shoes you wear. and labels.

Making the Poster

• pictures of different shoes.
• the shoes.
• where each shoe can take you.

Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

Sharing the Poster
• Tell a partner about the different
kinds of shoes you drew.

CH 3–5 Challenge Master Grade K Theme 3: We’re a Family

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THEME 3/Week 3


2. How Did They Clean Up

All That Porridge?
How would you
clean up all that
• Think about
what you
• 3 pictures to
would do
show the steps.
first, next,
• about all the and last.
pictures you drew.

3. Different Kinds of Shoes

Make a poster of different kinds
of shoes.
• pictures of
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shoes and glue them • Use charts

onto your paper. and lists for
• Label each picture. spelling

Grade K Theme 3: We’re a Family Challenge Master CH 3–6

48170.pp.100-105 (BLMs) 7/2/03 3:37 PM Page 100

THEME 4/Week 1


1. Alphabet Book
Make pages for a
group alphabet book.
• Think about
Your Words words for
• Think about words things you
that begin with like to do.
your letters.
• Choose words to and

Writing and Drawing

• a sentence for each word.
• the words that begin with your
letters in a different color.
Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

• a picture for each page.

Sharing the Alphabet Book

• Put your pages into a book.
• Read your pages to the class.
CH 4–1 Challenge Master Grade K Theme 4: Friends Together
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THEME 4/Week 1


2. Alone and Together

• Fold a sheet of
paper in half.
• Cover a lot
• On one half,
of the paper
with your
about something
you like to do with
• On the other half, and
about something you like to do alone.

3. We Read Together
Make a book.
• one sentence • Write a title
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on each page. for your

• pictures for book.
each page.
• Put your pages into a book.
• Read your book with a friend.
Grade K Theme 4: Friends Together Challenge Master CH 4–2
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THEME 4/Week 2


1. Friends Accordion Book

Thinking About Friends
• Who are my
• Make your
• What do we like
pictures fill
to do?
the pages.
• How do we help
each other?

Making the Accordion Book

• Make a page for each friend.
• yourself with your friend.
• what you are doing.
• Tape your pages together.
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• Fold the pages.

Sharing the Accordion Book

• Read your book to a friend.

CH 4–3 Challenge Master Grade K Theme 4: Friends Together

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THEME 4/Week 2


2. Little Friend Helps

Big Friend
How can you help
someone bigger
• Think about
than you?
how the
• yourself mouse
helping a bigger helped the
person. lion.
• Label your picture.

3. Another My Dad and I

Reread My Dad and I.
What else could the
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father and boy do • Think about

together? what else
• a picture. they can
• about your teach each
picture. other.∑

Grade K Theme 4: Friends Together Challenge Master CH 4–4

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THEME 4/Week 3


1. Friendship Quilt
Make a square for a
friendship quilt.
• Think about
Think About what a
Friendship friend is.
What do good
friends do?

Make a Quilt Square

• what two good friends do.
• about your picture.

Make the Quilt and Share Your

• Put your square in the big quilt. Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

• Tell about your square.

CH 4–5 Challenge Master Grade K Theme 4: Friends Together

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THEME 4/Week 3


2. Favorite Soups
What kind of soup
do you like?
• Use the
• your
Word Wall
favorite soup.
for spelling
• the name of help.
the soup.
• Put your picture on the graph.

3. Family Member/
Friend Picture
Family members can
also be friends.∑
• Think about
• Talk to a partner action
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about something words you

you like to do with can use.∑
a family member.
• and about your idea.

Grade K Theme 4: Friends Together Challenge Master CH 4–6

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THEME 5/Week 1


1. Write an Invitation
Write an invitation for the Feast for 10.

Learning About Invitations

• Look at some invitations.

Writing the
• Fold the paper. • Tell when
• on the outside. and where
the feast
• on the inside:
will be.
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• on the inside.

Sharing the Invitations

• Hang your invitation in the classroom.

CH 5–1 Challenge Master Grade K Theme 5: Let’s Count!

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THEME 5/Week 1


2. Penny Rubbings
Make coin rubbings.
• Do a rubbing of
• Use the side
each penny.
of a pencil
• Count the pennies. to do your
• a numeral rubbing.
and number word
under each penny.

3. A Feast for Us Book

Make a group book
about a classroom
• Think about
foods you
• food for a
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• Label your drawing.

Grade K Theme 5: Let’s Count! Challenge Master CH 5–2

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THEME 5/Week 2


1. Counting-Down Big Book

Write a group big book that counts
down from 10 to 1.

Planning the Pages • Look at

• Talk with your charts to
group about your find rhyming
page. words.

Drawing and Writing

• your animal going away.
• Think about words that rhyme with
your number.
• sentences under your picture.

Sharing the Big Book Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

• Read your page to the class.

CH 5–3 Challenge Master Grade K Theme 5: Let’s Count!

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THEME 5/Week 2


2. Noodle Counting Book

Make a counting book for the
• Make 10 pages.
• Think about
• a numeral what you
and number word can see at
on each page. a pond.
• Go from 1 to 10.
• what the Noodles might see
at the pond.

3. Beginning, Middle, End

Think about what happens in a story
you like.
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• the beginning, • Look in the

middle, and end. story for
• about the spelling
pictures. help.

Grade K Theme 5: Let’s Count! Challenge Master CH 5–4

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THEME 5/Week 3


1. 3-D Feast Picture

Make a 3-D picture of food.

Finding and Making

• Use
• and describing
pictures of food words.
you like.

Making the Picture

• Glue a paper plate onto the paper.
• Glue your food onto the plate.
• Glue a fork, knife,spoon, and
napkin next to the plate.
• Glue a half cup above the knife.
Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

Labeling the Food

• Label your food and drink.

Sharing the Picture

• Describe your feast to the class.
CH 5–5 Challenge Master Grade K Theme 5: Let’s Count!
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THEME 5/Week 3


2. Can You Find Peace

and Quiet?
Think about times
when you want peace
• Think about
and quiet.
what the
• Where do you go
quiet place
to find it?
is like.
• and
about the place.

3. Puppy Care Poster

Work with a partner
to make a poster
• Use books
about puppy care.
and charts
Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

• Talk about what a

in the
puppy needs.
• those things. for spelling
• Label the pictures. help.

Grade K Theme 5: Let’s Count! Challenge Master CH 5–6

48170.pp.112-117 (BLMs) 7/2/03 5:09 PM Page 112

THEME 6/Week 1


1. The Weather
Is Perfect For. . . • Use the
What do you like to whole card
do in different kinds for your
of weather? drawing.∑

Weather-Related Activities
• Look through books about weather.

Drawing and Labeling Pictures

• one thing that people like to
do in each type of weather: sunny,
cloudy, rainy, and snowy.
• Label each picture.
Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

Sorting Your Pictures

• Sort your pictures with a partner.

Sharing Pictures with a Partner

• Act out your pictures for a partner.
CH 6–1 Challenge Master Grade K Theme 6: Sunshine and Raindrops
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THEME 6/Week 1


2. Any Time of Year Foods

Create a collage.
• Find pictures of • Use the
foods in magazines. Word Wall
• the pictures for spelling
and glue them onto help.
your paper.
• Label your collage.

3. How Do Animals Feel

About the Weather?
Make an animal puppet.
• and an animal.
• Glue the animal to
Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

a flat stick. • Include the

• Have your puppet head, body,
tell about the and tail of
weather. your animal.

Grade K Theme 6: Sunshine and Raindrops Challenge Master CH 6–2

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THEME 6/Week 2


1. The Sounds of Weather

Make a book about weather sounds.

Thinking About
Weather Sounds • Include the
• Think about the sun, weather
the wind, and the sound in
rain. each of your
• Do they make any pictures.
• List some weather sounds.

Writing and Illustrating

Weather Sounds
• and about your favorite
Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
weather sounds.

Sharing Your Book

• Act out weather sounds from your
CH 6–3 Challenge Master Grade K Theme 6: Sunshine and Raindrops
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THEME 6/Week 2


2. Weather Problems
Think about a weather problem you
have had.
• and
• Tell how you
about the problem.
solved the
• Share your book problem.
with a partner.

3. Lots of Letters
a sentence with many words
that begin with the same sound.
• a sentence
that has three
• Use the Word
words or more
Wall for
Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

that begin with the

spelling help.
same sound.
• a picture to go with it.
• Say your sentence to a partner.

Grade K Theme 6: Sunshine and Raindrops Challenge Master CH 6–4

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THEME 6/Week 3


1. “What if . . .” Weather
Make some pages • Use
for a weather book. describing
words in
Listing and your labels.
Describing Weather
• Think about the types of weather
you know about.
• Make a picture list of your ideas.

Changing Weather
• Think of a way to change each
picture from real to make-believe.
• your new ideas.
Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

Labeling “What if . . .” Pictures

• a label for each picture.
• Share your pictures with a classmate.

CH 6–5 Challenge Master Grade K Theme 6: Sunshine and Raindrops

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THEME 6/Week 3


2. The Woodcutter’s Cap

How are The Woodcutter’s Cap and
The Mitten the same and different?
• a picture that
shows how they are
• What types
the same.
of winter
• a picture that clothing
shows how they are are in each
different. story?
• Label your pictures.

3. A Question Poem
• a question.
• pictures to
Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

answer your • Use question

question. words like
• Label the pictures who, what,
to make a poem. or when.

Grade K Theme 6: Sunshine and Raindrops Challenge Master CH 6–6

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THEME 7/Week 1


1. A Bus Trip Book

Where would you
like to take a bus?
• Show the
Drawing Pictures of bus on the
Places cover of
• Make a list of your book.
places you would
like to visit by bus.
• each place on your list.

Making Your Bus Trip Book

• Label each drawing.
• Make a cover with a title.

Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

• Put the pages together into a book.

Sharing with Others

• Share your book with others.

CH 7–1 Challenge Master Grade K Theme 7: Wheels Go Around

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THEME 7/Week 1


2. My Favorite Wheels
Create a poster of
your favorite kinds of • Include the
wheels. name of the
• your wheels on
favorite wheels. your poster.
• why these
wheels are important.

3. A New Book Cover

Create your own book cover.
• Review the book with a partner.
• Decide what the
Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

main idea of the

• Include a
book is.
picture and
• Make a new cover a title on
for the book. your cover.

Grade K Theme 7: Wheels Go Around Challenge Master CH 7–2

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THEME 7/Week 2


1. Start Your Engine!

Write your own version of a car race.

Planning Your Story

• pictures to show your ideas.
• What will happen to each car in
your story? Why?

Telling Your Story • Include

• the beginning, details in
middle, and end of your pictures.
your story.
• sentences about your pictures.

Completing and Sharing Your Story

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• Create a cover and a title for your
• Staple the pages together.
• Share your story with classmates.

CH 7–3 Challenge Master Grade K Theme 7: Wheels Go Around

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THEME 7/Week 2


2. The Little Engine

That Could
What are three
things you think you • Pick things
can do? you have
• Think of three never done
things you have before.
not done but think
you can do.
• and about them.

3. Why Is It There?
Tell a story with a partner.
• and
Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

about where
• Use words
something is.
that tell
• Create a story that
where when
tells why the thing
you write.
is there.
Grade K Theme 7: Wheels Go Around Challenge Master CH 7–4
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THEME 7/Week 3


1. Travel Poster
Who has traveled by
car, bus, train, or
plane? Find out! • Ask all the
students in
Ask Your your class.
• Make a chart.
• Ask your classmates how they have
• Put their name or a mark in the
right place.

Make a Poster
• cars, buses, trains, or planes
Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
to show your answers.

Tell About It
• Share your poster with the class. 

CH 7–5 Challenge Master Grade K Theme 7: Wheels Go Around

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THEME 7/Week 3


2. Book Club
Talk about the •∑Think about
books you’ve read why you
this week. liked the
• Which were your books.
two favorite
books? Why?
• What book would you like to read

3. The Wheels on the Bus

Tell a travel story.
• Think of a time
• Include
you missed a bus,
details in
Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

train, or plane.
your picture.
• How was the
problem solved?
• and about it.

Grade K Theme 7: Wheels Go Around Challenge Master CH 7–6

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THEME 8/Week 1


1. Cows in the Kitchen

Make a poster about a kitchen.

Finding Kitchen Objects

• Look through magazines.
• Find and pictures of objects
you might find in a kitchen.

Creating a Poster
• Glue the pictures • Make sure
onto the paper. each object
• Label each picture. is labeled
with a
Sharing Your Poster naming
• Share your poster word.
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with a partner.
• Does your partner’s poster have
any of the same objects as yours?

CH 8–1 Challenge Master Grade K Theme 8: Down on the Farm

48170.pp.124-129 (BLMs) 7/2/03 5:13 PM Page 125

THEME 8/Week 1


2. What’s Good About It?

What would be good
about being half a
• Choose only
one idea.
• First, discuss your
• Include
ideas with others.
details in
• Next, and your picture.
about one of
your ideas.

3. A To-Do List
The farmer has a lot • Number the
to clean up! items on the
• Look through the list.
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pictures in Cows in • Use pictures

the Kitchen. and words.
• Find things that the farmer will need
to clean up or fix.
• a “to-do” list for the farmer.
Grade K Theme 8: Down on the Farm Challenge Master CH 8-2
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THEME 8/Week 2


1. Writing a List Poem

Write a list poem about a farm animal.

Choosing a Topic
• Think of a farm • Include 3 or
animal you would 4 details
like to write a about the
poem about. animal you
• Find some pictures choose.
of that farm animal.

Writing the Poem

• Use the name of your animal as the
title of the poem.
• Look at the pictures of that animal.
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What details do you notice about it?
• the details.

Sharing Your Poem

Choose a fun way to share your poem.

CH 8–3 Challenge Master Grade K Theme 8: Down on the Farm

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THEME 8/Week 2


2. Farm
Dominoes • Glue the
Make a farm animal pictures on
domino game. the cards in
• First, make your the same
dominoes. direction.

• Then play with a partner.

• Invent new ways to play.

3. To Fan Fox
Make a hidden word search!
• the words on
grid paper.
• Put one
• Fill in the empty
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letter of
squares with other
each word
into one box
• Have a partner try on the grid
to find the words paper.
on your list.
Grade K Theme 8: Down on the Farm Challenge Master CH 8-4
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THEME 8/Week 3


1. A Farm of Your Own

Design a farm of your own!

Drawing Pictures
• Look through books about farms
and farm animals.
• and pictures of the things
you want to include on your farm.

Designing Your Farm

• Lay your paper on a table or on the
• the ground
for your farm. • Think about
the size of
• Glue your pictures
each object
onto the paper. Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
before you
• Label each picture. draw it.
Sharing Your Farm
Give others an imaginary tour of your
CH 8–5 Challenge Master Grade K Theme 8: Down on the Farm
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THEME 8/Week 3


2. Real and Make-Believe

a real animal
and a make-believe
• Choose one
farm animal.
• Fold your paper.
• “Real” on one
side of the paper and “Not Real” on
the other side.
• and label your animals.

3. Animal Sentences
• Think of a farm animal and a place
that start with the same sound.
• the animal in
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that place.
• Think of all
• a sentence the farm
about it. animals you

Grade K Theme 8: Down on the Farm Challenge Master CH 8-6

48170.pp.130-135 (BLMs) 7/2/03 5:14 PM Page 130

THEME 9/Week 1


1. What Season Is It?

Think of some ways you can tell what
season it is. You will make a picture
riddle about a season.

Choosing a Season and Drawing

Picture Clues
• Choose a season.
• a picture that shows the

Writing Clues • Write at

• Use picture clues least three
and written clues. clues.∑
• On the back of
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your picture, the answer to
your riddle: It is _____.

Sharing Riddles
• Ask classmates to solve your riddle.
CH 9–1 Challenge Master Grade K Theme 9: Spring Is Here
48170.pp.130-135 (BLMs) 7/2/03 5:15 PM Page 131

THEME 9/Week 1


2. Word Pictures
Make spring word pictures.
• a word that
reminds you of
• Choose an
• Add an action word.
action word.
• a picture for
your words.

3. Wordless Picture Story

Think about the changes of the
seasons in Spring Is Here.
• Choose a plant,
animal, or type of
Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

• Think of the
words first,
• pictures to
next, then,
show how this
and last as
thing changes
you draw.
during each season.
Grade K Theme 9: Spring Is Here Challenge Master CH 9–2
48170.pp.130-135 (BLMs) 7/2/03 5:15 PM Page 132

THEME 9/Week 2


1. Spring Jobs
Look at the last page of Spring Jobs.
What jobs do these tools help you do?

Drawing Pictures with Tools

• a picture to show one way
you can use each tool.

Writing Sentences
• a sentence to
tell about each of • Use words
your pictures. from the
• Be sure your word wall,
sentence tells what charts, and
jobs the tools can books.
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help you do.

Making and Sharing a Book

• Create a cover for your book.
• Read your book to a partner.
CH 9–3 Challenge Master Grade K Theme 9: Spring Is Here
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THEME 9/Week 2


2. What Happened?
Complete a story
map to show what • Think about
happens in The the most
Tortoise and the Hare. important
• or what events.
happens in the
beginning, middle, and end.

3. Mrs. McNosh Hangs Up

Her Wash
Make up a story • Make a list
about someone who of things the
paints, cleans, or character
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sweeps everything. can do.

• Give your character
a name that rhymes with the job.
• sentences telling what the
character does.

Grade K Theme 9: Spring Is Here Challenge Master CH 9–4

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THEME 9/Week 3


1. Sense Poem
a poem about a spring flower.

Observing a Flower
• Choose a flower.
• a picture of the flower. List
words around it that tell how the
flower looks, smells, and feels.

Writing a Sense Poem

• Think of a title.
• words or • Use sense
sentences under words in
the title. your poem:

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• a picture of looks, feels,
the flower. smells.

Sharing Poems
• Read your poem to your group.

CH 9–5 Challenge Master Grade K Theme 9: Spring Is Here

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THEME 9/Week 3


2. Clothing Collage
Make a collage.
• or • Choose the
pictures of clothes. best season
• Sort the pictures for each
by season. piece of
• Glue your pictures clothing.
to the paper. Label
each group.

3. Retell a Scene
Choose a scene from Mrs. McNosh
Hangs Up Her Wash.
• Tape a string to a
• Look at the
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sheet of paper to
pictures in
make a clothesline.
the story.
• and
things to go on the clothesline.
• Tape the things to the string.
Grade K Theme 9: Spring Is Here Challenge Master CH 9–6
48170.pp.136-141(BLMs) 7/2/03 5:16 PM Page 136

THEME 10/Week 1


1. Animals Are Interesting!

Choose an animal for a report.

Finding Information
• Find pictures in books and
magazines that show how the
animal looks, where it lives, and
things it likes to do.

Creating the Report

• First, or make the animal.
• Next, show where the animal lives.
• or what the animal likes
to do.

Sharing the Report Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

Display your report • Write a title

on a table. Tell about for your
it and answer report.
CH 10–1 Challenge Master Grade K Theme 10: A World of Animals
48170.pp.136-141(BLMs) 7/2/03 5:16 PM Page 137

THEME 10/Week 1


2. Run Away!
Think of a time when
you were afraid.
• Give a title
• a picture for
to your
the beginning,
middle, and end.
• a sentence
that tells about each picture.

3. What Do Animals Play

Think about animals and the things
they like to play with.
• a picture of
• Make a
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an animal playing.
cover for
• about it like your book.
The _____ likes to play with _____.
• Make as many pages as you can.
Grade K Theme 10: A World of Animals Challenge Master CH 10–2
48170.pp.136-141(BLMs) 7/2/03 5:17 PM Page 138

THEME 10/Week 2


1. Favorite Book of Three

There are many stories of three!
Which do you like?

Finding and • Draw the

Reading Books most
• Find all the stories interesting
of three you can. part of the
• Read the stories. story.

Creating Your Pages

• and about a scene from
each story.
• Make a title page.

Sharing Your Book Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

• Read your book to the class.

• Tell about your favorite story of

CH 10–3 Challenge Master Grade K Theme 10: A World of Animals

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THEME 10/Week 2


2. The Three Little Pigs

• a picture of
the three little pigs.
• Think about
• arrows that
what real
point to things
pigs can do.
about the pigs that
are like real pigs.
• Circle things about the pigs that are
different from real pigs.

3. It Can Fit
• your own • Add details
front door. to your
• On one side of the
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door, and
label things that could fit through it.
• On the other side of the door,
and label things that could not
fit through the door.
Grade K Theme 10: A World of Animals Challenge Master CH 10–4
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THEME 10/Week 3


1. Animals from A to Z
Create an animal alphabet book.

Drawing Pictures of Animals from

A to Z
• an animal that starts with A.
• Label the picture with the letter A.
• Continue with B, and C, and so on,
until you reach the letter Z.

Writing Naming Words

• the name
of each animal
below its picture. • Make a
Making and Sharing Include a Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

the Book title and

• Put your pictures your name.
in ABC order.
• Share your ABC book with classmates.
CH 10–5 Challenge Master Grade K Theme 10: A World of Animals
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THEME 10/Week 3


2. Animal Story
your own
animal story.
• Show or
• Who are the
tell what
• What is the first, next,
problem and the and last.

3. What Did They Learn?

Think of a story.
• What lessons did
• Draw a
the characters
picture to
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help tell
• Make a sign that
the lesson.
shows the lesson
one of the
characters learned.

Grade K Theme 10: A World of Animals Challenge Master CH 10–6

Grade K CH Graphic Organizer 7/3/03 10:40 AM Page 2

Venn Diagram

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CH GO–1 Grade K Graphic Organizer Master 1

Grade K CH Graphic Organizer 7/3/03 10:40 AM Page 3

Story Map
Story Title:


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Grade K Graphic Organizer Master 2 CH GO–2

Grade K CH Graphic Organizer 7/3/03 10:41 AM Page 4


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CH GO–3 Grade K Graphic Organizer Master 3

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Grade K Graphic Organizer Master 4 CH GO–4

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