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NAME OF COURSE: Metallurgy (MEC 3206)
NAME OF LECTURER. Ms. Dione Holder
NAME OF STUDENTS: - O’Neil Leitch -1024833
Jumal Jarvis - 1013056

DUE DATE: 8th May, 2020



Question 1 and Solution …………………………………………. 3

Question 2 and Solution …………………………………………. 5

Question 3 and solution ………………………………………… 6

Question 4 and Solution ………………………………………… 7

Question 5 and solution ………………………………………… 10

Question 6 and Solution ………………………………………… 12

Question 7 and Solution ……………………………………….... 15

Reference ………………………………………… 22


Write the ion-electron equations for the anode and cathode reactions (half-cell reactions) in the
following cases (If you believe corrosion will not occur, write no reaction):

a) An opened (punctured) tin can at the bottom of a fresh-water lake. (A tin can is a steel
can with a tin coating).

b) An opened (punctured) tin can in the ocean. Why would the rate of corrosion be more
rapid here than in part a?

c) A punctured Alcad aircraft wing (pure aluminum covering alloy 2014) exposed to salt


a) The coating of tin applied on the steel sheet prevents the steel in the can from corrosion.
However, since this can have been punctured, it became expose to factors that influences
corrosion therefore a reaction will occur. Corrosion will occur since fresh water has
certain acidic material so with temperature, humidity and the availability of oxygen, the
steel will start to corrode since the protective layer has been damaged.

Reaction at Anode (oxidation)


Fe → Fe 2+¿+2 e ¿

Reaction at Cathode (Reduction)


2 H 2 O+O 2 +4 e−¿→ 4 O H ¿

Net ionic equation

4 Fe+302 +2 H 2 O→ 2 Fe2 O 3 . H 2 O

b) Due to the presence of salt in the water which is an electrolyte, the reaction will be more
rapid since the salt improves water conductivity, thereby increasing ion concentration in
the water and thereby raising the metal's corrosion rate. In this case the salt will not
appear in the equation since it is a spectator ion.

Reaction at Anode (oxidation)


Fe → Fe 2+¿+2 e ¿

Reaction at Cathode (Reduction)

O →2 O H
O+2 e−¿+H 2 ¿

Net ionic equation

Fe+O+ H 2 O→ Fe(OH )2

c) The ion-electron equations for the anode and cathode reactions (half-cell reactions) when
a punctured Alcad aircraft wing (pure aluminum covering alloy 2014) exposed to salt

Reaction at Anode (oxidation)


Al(s) → Al 3+¿+3 e ¿

Reaction at Cathode (Reduction)

−¿ →H 2(g) ¿

2 H +¿+ 2e ¿


Explain why a penknife dipped into copper sulphate solution becomes quickly coated
with copper.


We start by assuming that the penknife is made of iron, (solid metal with alloys), which is dipped
in copper sulphate solution, after some time we will see the solution turned light green (from
blue) in colour. This is because iron is more active than copper (from activity series of metals)
hence it displaces copper from the solution causing some of the iron from the knife will take the
place of the copper and forms iron sulphate which is light green in colour. Copper, will appear as
the solid while iron will be dissolved in water as the metal compound, hence the copper coating.
You will also see copper deposited on the dipped portion of the penknife. [ CITATION Bra19 \l
1033 ]

Fe → Fe 2+¿+2 e ¿

−¿→Cu ¿

Cu2+¿+2 e ¿

CuS O 4 (aq)+ F e(s ) → FeSO 4(aq) +C u(s )


Metal coatings are often used for corrosion and wear protection and applied by
electrode position. In the process the rate of deposition calculated from Faraday’s
laws are typically higher than the rates observed in reality. Why?


The rate of deposition calculated by Faraday’s law is typically assumed and carried out under
ideal conditions which would differ for various metals and compositions. These rates may be
higher or lower than the rates observed in reality for metal coatings depending on how extreme
conditions metal coatings are exposed to. Faraday’s law assumes that under ideal conditions,
there is a constant temperature and pressure, an exact concentrations of chemicals and there are
no impurities present within the surrounding environment, whereas in reality there may be other
reactants in the environment causing an increase or decrease in the rate of the reaction, other
impurities present in the chemicals, varying conditions such as temperature, pH, humidity,
pressure etc. and concentrations may not be exact. However, under controlled conditions, there
could be slight variations in temperature and pressure and other factors which contribute to
corrosion. For this reason, ideal conditions will give an average or estimated rate and prove to be
more efficient than reality. Take for example the electrodeposition processes of Zn-Ni, Zn-Fe,
and Zn-Co alloys are considered anomalous, that is, the deposition of less noble metal ion Zn (II)
is favored when compared to the other alloy metal ions [ CITATION Góm97 \l 1033 ].


Electrolysis is one of the most widely used methods for metal extraction.

a) Give two other methods used for this purpose.

b) Indicate the essential chemistry involved in the removal of carbon from impure
iron in the manufacture of steel.

c) Give two reasons why steel is less expensive to produce than titanium.

d) Give one reason why titanium is used for certain applications despite the extra
cost of this metal as compared to steel.

e) Identify two renowned uses of titanium. Sources pictures.


a) Two other methods used for metal extraction:

 Heat with carbon

 Bioleaching

b) The essential chemistry involved in the removal of carbon from impure iron in the
manufacture of steel:
Reactivity of metals, iron is chemically combined with oxygen or other non-metals. Most
workable iron ores are rich in iron (III) oxide, Fe 2O3. Making iron by removing oxygen
from the ore is the first step in the manufacture of steel.
Reduction and Oxidation, the industrial production of iron involves reducing iron (III)
oxide in a blast furnace. Most of the iron (III) oxide is reduced using carbon monoxide
gas. This gas is the reducing agent which takes the oxygen away from iron (III) oxide.

iron ( III ) oxide+carbon monoxide → iron+carbon dioxide

Fe2 O 3(g )+3 C O (g) → 2 F e(l) +3 C O 2(g )

We can see that each molecule of carbon monoxide gains an oxygen atom hence this is
called oxidation. The overall process is a redox reaction in which iron (III) oxide is
reduced and carbon monoxide is oxidized.

Another redox reaction, not all iron (III) oxide is reduced by carbon monoxide in this
way, between 20% to 30% of the iron is produced by direct reduction when the ore id
directly reduced by carbon.

iron ( III ) oxide+carbon → iron+carbon monoxide

Fe2 O 3(g )+3 C (g) → 2 F e(l) +3 C O (g)

Oxidizing Iron, Iron is changed into steel by blowing oxygen through the molten metal
from the Blast Furnace. This oxidizes the impurities in the molten metal. (The Big
Picture, n.d.)

c) Two reasons why steel is less expensive to produce than titanium.

 Steel typically melts at around 1370 °C while the melting point of titanium is
1,668 °C. Hence the temperatures needed for steel conversion will be lower than
titanium and cost less.
 Nearly ninety 90% of the original material is lost during the processing of
titanium (which is a slow process) thereby leading to its very high cost as oppose
to steel.

d) One reason why titanium is used for certain applications despite the extra cost of this
metal as compared to steel:
In certain cases, Titanium is used instead of steel as it has low density, high strength, is
lighter than steel, is extremely corrosion resistant in sea water and can endure high and
low temperatures making it a safer option. In tour De France, majority of the cycles used
are made of titanium due to its light weight and high strength.

e) Two renowned uses of titanium:

 Titanium bicycle is widely used throughout the sport of cycling due it its light

Image source [ CITATION Top \l 1033 ]

 Titanium is used for dental implants

Image source [ CITATION Nob \l 1033 ]


Electro-galvanizing and Hot-dip galvanizing are example of corrosion control by application of


a) What type of coatings are these?

b) What are the advantages of electro-galvanizing over hot-dip galvanizing?

c) Give a brief outline of the latter process.

d) What other methods are available for applying a coating of zinc to steel?


a) These are zinc coatings

b) The advantages of electro-galvanizing over hot-dip galvanizing are:

 Its luminosity and standard hue make it more esthetically pleasing.
 Standardized coating
 Does not require strict cleaning procedures
 Cheaper coat thickness relative to hot dip galvanizing

c) A brief outline of the latter process:
The process involves immersing iron or steel in a molten zinc bath resulting in a
metallurgical reaction between the steel iron and the molten zinc to create a multi-
layered, corrosion-resistant material coated with zinc-iron alloy and zinc metal coating.
This reaction is a process of diffusion, so the coating forms perpendicular to all surfaces
to produce a uniform thickness across the component.

d) The other methods are available for applying a coating of zinc are:
 Mechanical Galvanizing
 Zinc-Rich Coatings
 Metal Spraying
 Thermal-Diffusion Galvanizing


You are to refer to the Galvanic Series for Seawater and predict the possibility of a galvanic
effect in the following system when used in seawater. If there is a galvanic effect, which metal in
the couple is attacked? Explain your response for the case in Fig (1).


Image source: (Liam, 2013)

Monel is the proprietary term for a collection of alloys composed mainly of nickel and copper,
with some iron and other trace elements in it. According to the table, Monel alloy (400) is under
stainless steel (304) on the galvanic series of metals. On this table the further separated the
metals are the more extreme the galvanic reaction is. Stainless steel is more anodic while Monel

is more cathodic. The Cathodic specie is targeting the anodic therefor stainless steel will be
targeted in this scenario. The stainless steel undergoes a corrosion attack as it is more prone to
oxidize. The weld would appear to degrade the alloy's quality which would speed up the
corrosion rate. The type of corrosion that would occur would be pitting. According to
“sciencedirect” Pits is the result of localized corrosion confined to a small area in the metal
surface, in the form of a small cavity [ CITATION Zak06 \l 1033 ].


Construct the Pourbaix Diagram for Zinc from the set of electrochemical and chemical equilibria
given below. Label all regions of corrosion, passivity and immunity.


Z n2 +2 e−¿→ Zn; E =−0.763V ¿

−¿→ Zn+ H2 O ;E =−0.439 V ¿

Zn ( OH )2+ 2 H +¿+2 e ¿

−¿ → Zn+ 2H O ;E =+0.441V ¿
+ ¿+ 2 e 2
−¿+ 4 H ¿
ZnO 2

−¿ → Zn +2H O ; E =+ 0.054 V ¿
+ ¿+2 e 2
−¿+3 H ¿
HZn O 2


The corresponding Nernst equations are used for drawing a Pourbaix diagram. Because the
Nernst equation is derived solely from thermodynamics, the Pourbaix diagram may be used to
decide which species is thermodynamically stable at a specified E and pH.

Nernst Equation at standard state conditions is given as:

E=Eo− log (Q)

Where n is the number of electrons transfer.

Where Eo is the cell potential of the redox half reaction.

[a product ]
Where Q ¿
[areactant ]

For the water stability lines:

Recall from theory

Reduction of water

E=−0.0592 pH

Oxidation of Water

E=1.23−0.0592 pH

Also, pH = −log ¿

a) Equation 1
−¿ →Zn ; E =−0.763 V ¿
Given : Z n2 +¿+2 e ¿

0.0592 1
E=−0.763− log
2 ¿¿

∴ E=−0.763− log ¿ ¿-1

Since Z n2 +¿¿=10−6 mol-dm3

E=−0.763− log 10−6

Using the log power rule logban=n*logba

E=−0.763− ∗6


E=−0.9406 V

b) Equation 2
−¿→ Zn+ H2 O ;E =−0.439 V ¿

Given: Zn ( OH )2+ 2 H +¿+2 e ¿

0.0592 1
E=−0.439− log
2 ¿ ¿¿

E=−0.439− log¿ ¿ ¿

Using the log power rule logban=n*logba

(−2 ) 0.0592
E=−0.439− ∗log ⁡¿

E=−0.439+0.0592∗log ⁡¿

Recall pH=−log ⁡¿

E=−0.439−0.0592 pH

c) Equation 3
−¿ → Zn +2H O ;E =+0.054 V ¿
+ ¿+2 e 2
−¿+3 H ¿
Given : HZn O 2

0.0592 1
E=0.054− log
2 [HZn O 2 ]¿ ¿ ¿

¿ 0.054− log [ HZn O 2 ] ¿ ¿

Recall pH=−log ⁡¿

Using the log power rule logban=n*logba

E=0.054−0.0886 pH + 0.0295 log ⁡¿

Since HZn O 2=10−6 mol-dm3

E=0.054−0.0886 pH −0.177

E=−0.123−0.0886 pH

d) Equation 4
−¿ → Zn+ 2H O ;E =+0.441V ¿
+ ¿+ 2 e 2
Given: ZnO −¿+

0.0592 1
E=0.441− log
2 ¿ ¿¿

E=0.441− log ¿ ¿-1

Recall pH=−log ⁡¿

Since ZnO2−¿
=10−6 mol-dm3

E=0.441−0.1182 pH +0.0295 log ¿ ¿ ¿

E=0.441−0.1182 pH−0.177

E=0.264−0.1182 pH

E=−0.0592 pH
p E=1.23−0.0592 pH E=−0.439−0.0592
pH pH
E=−0.123−0.0886 p
Water E=−0.9406 V
H Water Oxidation

0 0 1.23 -0.9406 -0.439 0.264 -0.123
1 -0.0592 1.171 -0.9406 -0.4982 0.1458 -0.2116
2 -0.1184 1.112 -0.9406 -0.5574 0.0276 -0.3002
3 -0.1776 1.053 -0.9406 -0.6166 -0.0906 -0.3888
4 -0.2368 0.994 -0.9406 -0.6758 -0.2088 -0.4774
5 -0.296 0.935 -0.9406 -0.735 -0.327 -0.566
6 -0.3552 0.876 -0.9406 -0.7942 -0.4452 -0.6546
7 -0.4144 0.817 -0.9406 -0.8534 -0.5634 -0.7432
8 -0.4736 0.758 -0.9406 -0.9126 -0.6816 -0.8318
9 -0.5328 0.699 -0.9406 -0.9718 -0.7998 -0.9204
10 -0.592 0.64 -0.9406 -1.031 -0.918 -1.009
11 -0.6512 0.581 -0.9406 -1.0902 -1.0362 -1.0976
12 -0.7104 0.522 -0.9406 -1.1494 -1.1544 -1.1862
13 -0.7696 0.463 -0.9406 -1.2086 -1.2726 -1.2748
14 -0.8288 0.404 -0.9406 -1.2678 -1.3908 -1.3634

Pourbaix Diagram for Zinc

0.5 E= 1.23-0.0592pH Water Oxidation

E= -0.9406V
E= -0.439-0.0592pH
E vs SHE

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 E= - 0.0592pH
Water Reduction
E= 0.264-0.1182pH
-1 E= -0.123-0.0886pH



Pourbaix Diagram for Zinc from the set of electrochemical and chemical
equilibria given showing all regions of corrosion, passivity and immunity.


(n.d.). Retrieved from Noble Biocare:

Ahmad, Z. (2006). Galvanic Series. Retrieved from Science Direct:

Brainly. (n.d.). Retrieved April 29, 2019, from

E, G. E. (1997). Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. Electrodeposition of zinc + cobalt alloys: initiations

and development of anomalous co-deposition, pp. 421(1-2):157-163.

The Big Picture. (n.d.). Retrieved April 27, 2019, from The Chemistry of Steel Making:

Top Fuel 9.8Fl. (n.d.). Retrieved from Trek:


Liam, B. (2013). Metals - Galvanic Series in Seawater. Retrieved 6 May 2020, from


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