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Vlocity Order Capture

Exercise Guide

Doc Version: CME06 Vlocity Order Capture EG v8.0.1.docx


Vlocity Order Capture - Page 2


Table of Contents
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................ 3
Legal Notice ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Document Conventions.................................................................................................................. 5
Preface ............................................................................................................................................. 6
Overview of Vlocity Order Capture ............................................................................................... 8
Quick Setup for Vlocity Communications .................................................................................... 9
Exercise VOC-1: Getting Started with Order Capture (15 mins) .............................................. 11
Exercise VOC-2: Getting Started with Asset-Based Ordering (15 mins) ................................ 22
Exercise VOC-3: Creating Quotes from Assets (30 mins) ........................................................ 34
Exercise VOC-4: Working with Field Mapper (15 mins) ............................................................ 46
Exercise VOC-5: Working with B2B Order Capture .................................................................. 57

Last Revision: 1/2/20

Table of Contents Vlocity Order Capture – Page 3


Legal Notice

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© 2020 Vlocity, Inc.

Vlocity Order Capture - Page 4 Legal Notice


Document Conventions
This training material uses the following conventions.

Convention Meaning Example

Boldface text This formatting highlights the name Click Save.
of a button, menu, link, field,
checkbox, radio button, list, list
option, or panel.

[Boldface text in This formatting highlights a variable /services/apexrest/vlocity_[NS]/v2/DataRapto

brackets] name. Replace this value with the r/AccountExtract/
value for your training environment.

Monospace text This formatting highlights text that IF(CONTAINS(%input_string%, %valu

you must type exactly as it appears, e%), %thenValue%, %elseValue%)
or it is a code example.


For questions or assistance with your Vlocity implementation, please contact Vlocity Support
or your account manager.


Indicates additional supporting materials or online resources.


Indicates nice-to-know information, best practices, or useful tips and tricks.

Remove the titles that do not apply. For example, if the callout is a best practice, just have
“BEST PRACTICES” as the callout title.


Indicates cautionary or important information.


This is an informational note. It provides more detail and draws the reader’s attention.

Document Conventions Vlocity Order Capture – Page 5


These training exercises are based on the Fall’19 release of Vlocity Communications. For additional
information about the topics covered in this module, see the documentation available in Vlocity Success
Community at

This training covers the fundamental features and functionality of Vlocity Cart. You will learn about the
order-capture capabilities of the Vlocity Communications, how to use Vlocity Cart, and how to perform
asset-based ordering. As you progress through this training, you complete practical, hands-on lab
exercises designed for use with the Trialforce trial org provided by Vlocity.

What You Will Learn

When you complete this training, you will be able to:

• Create orders using Vlocity Cart

• Navigate Vlocity Cart’s user experience
• Configure products in Vlocity Cart
• Create assets from an order
• Create a change order
• Create a move assets order
• Illustrate the purpose of line item status fields
• Work with Field Mapper
• Create a filter using Field Mapper
• Create orders with products that are not assetized

The prerequisites for this training include a solid understanding of basic Salesforce concepts and
functionality. You should also have a working knowledge of telecommunications industry business

About the Exercises

With Vlocity applications, it’s important to learn by doing. In this exercise guide, you’ll be presented with
many hands-on exercises. There are two types of hands-on exercises: lab exercises and challenge
exercises. It's recommended that you complete the exercises in order.

Lab exercises include:

Vlocity Order Capture - Page 6 Preface


• A brief scenario that explains the use case or business need that drives the
application feature or functionality.
• A list of tasks
• Step-by-step instructions on how to complete the tasks.

Challenge exercises include:

• A brief scenario that explains the use case or business need that must be met.
• A list of requirements or tasks to complete.

There are three levels of challenge.

A Level 1 Challenge:

• Reinforces the skills you learned in the lab exercises

A Level 2 Challenge:

• Is similar to a Level 1 Challenge

• Requires additional practice of the current skill or skills from previous lessons

A Level 3 Challenge:

• Is more advanced
• Requires you to integrate several skills from different lessons together

Challenge exercises solidify what you learned in the lab exercises, build your skills, and allow you to
make mistakes—which is how you will master this application.

Preface Vlocity Order Capture – Page 7


Overview of Vlocity Order Capture

This section gives you an overview of the order-capture capabilities of Vlocity Communications by
introducing Vlocity Cart and Vlocity Configure Price Quote (CPQ).

Vlocity Cart
Vlocity Cart perfects the purchasing experience with a rich, responsive user interface powered by Vlocity
CPQ. Vlocity Cart optimizes the shopping experience and ensures that every order is an accurate order
based on the rules defined in Vlocity CPQ. Using Vlocity Cart, you can:

• Simplify selling, pricing, and order capture through any channel or device.
• Dynamically configure products based on rules and attributes.
• Allow users to search easily through the product catalog using text searches or filterable
• Ensure users resolve product requirements and availability conflicts prior to submitting orders.

In addition to the robust and fully featured functionality available out-of-the-box, Vlocity Cart is designed
and engineered as an extensible framework using modern web technologies, such as Angular JS,
HTML5, and SMACSS. You can tune Vlocity Cart to the unique requirements of your business, providing
n-degrees of possibility, while dramatically reducing development time and cost as compared to building
an order-capture application from scratch.

Vlocity CPQ
Vlocity CPQ is a powerful rules engine built on the Salesforce platform that ensures that quotes and
orders are valid before submission, minimizing order delays, customer confusion, and customer
dissatisfaction. CPQ picks up where CRM ends, providing real-time product, pricing, and business rules
based on natural language and declarative administration. Using Vlocity CPQ, you can:

• Design basic and advanced availability, eligibility, compatibility, and pricing rules.
• Standardize new product and service introductions.
• Ensure accurate capture of new, move, add, change and disconnect orders.

Vlocity CPQ supports both business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) lead-to-cash
processes. The open architecture of the platform allows you to use Vlocity CPQ components, services,
and user interface selectively as individual components and to integrate process flows with external
systems, all using a unified user interface.

Vlocity Order Capture - Page 8 Overview of Vlocity Order Capture


Quick Setup for Vlocity Communications

Before starting your exercises, ensure that you have completed the setup tasks. This only needs to be
completed once for each Communications, Media & Energy org. For detailed information on these tasks,
please see Vlocity EPC training.

1. Set up My Domain.

a. Log into your training org.

b. Go to Setup.
c. In the Quick Find box, type my domain. Click My Domain.
d. In My Domain Step 1, enter a unique domain name. You can try the unique part of your training
org login plus the industry for this. For example, if your login is [email protected]
999999, try vusrvo-999999-cme. Or if your login is [email protected], try
e. Click Check Availability.
f. Click Register Domain. This process typically takes less than 30 minutes.

2. Calibrate product attributes.

a. Using the Lightning App Launcher in the upper-left, click the Vlocity CME Admin app.
b. In the Lightning navigation bar, click Vlocity Attributes.
c. Click Recently Viewed and change the list view to All.
d. In the upper-right, click Process Attributes.
e. Click Start processing.

3. Set up the platform cache.

a. Open Setup in a new browser tab.

b. In the Quick Find box, type Platform Cache. Click Platform Cache.
c. Click Edit to edit the CPQPartition.
d. Under Org Cache Allocation, enter 5.
e. Click Save.
f. Click Back to Platform Cache Partitions.
g. Click Request Trial Capacity and click OK.
h. Close the Setup browser tab.

4. Initialize the platform cache.

a. Return to the browser tab that has the Vlocity CME Admin app open.
b. In the Lightning navigation bar, click Vlocity CMT Administration.
c. Under Admin Console, click Maintenance Jobs.
d. On the Maintenance Jobs page, find the PRODUCT HIERARCHY MAINTENANCE job, and
click Start.
e. In the Product Hierarchy Maintenance dialog box, click OK.
f. Messages should display indicating that the job completed successfully.
g. At the bottom of the list of jobs, find REFRESH PLAFORM CACHE, and click Start.
h. In the REFRESH PLATRFORM CACHE dialog box, click OK.
Quick Setup for Vlocity Communications Vlocity Order Capture – Page 9

i. A message will display on the page indicating that the job completed successfully.

5. Deploy Your Domain.

a. Go to Setup.
b. In the Quick Find box, type my domain. Click My Domain.
c. If your domain is ready to be deployed, you will see My Domain Step 3. If you do not see this,
wait until your domain is ready. You should receive an email notification.
d. Under your domain name in the middle of the page, click the Log in button to relaunch your
browser in your domain.
e. Click Deploy to Users and click OK.
f. Click Switch to Lightning Experience to return to Lightning.
g. Close any extra browser tabs open in the old domain.

That’s it! Your Communications, Media & Energy training org is ready for you to begin the lab exercises.

Vlocity Order Capture - Page 10 Quick Setup for Vlocity Communications


Exercise VOC-1: Getting Started with Order Capture (15


RoadRunner has homegrown order-capture software that is no longer meeting their needs.
Not only does it lack direct integration to web self-service tools, but it's also difficult to
configure and inflexible with complex pricing and product relationship rules. Enter Vlocity
Communications & Media and Felix, the Vlocity Communications IT guy! Felix is looking
forward to implementing the new software and introducing the team to all its functionality.
(Annoyed at hearing everyone continually congratulating his IT counterpart Alyssa for her
Vlocity work, he’s got a five-point plan to steal her thunder. Jealousy, thy name is Felix.) His
first step is to review Vlocity Cart, so that he can demonstrate the product-ordering process
to the rest of the team.

What You Will Learn

• Create orders using Vlocity Cart
• Navigate Vlocity Cart’s user experience
• Configure products in Vlocity Cart
• Create assets from an order

Task Overview
Task 1: Create and configure a change order
Task 2: Configure the order
Task 3: Create assets from the order

Task 1: Create and configure a change order

1.1 Using the Lightning App Launcher , click Vlocity CPQ.

1.2 This should bring you to the Orders tab. If not, in the Lightning navigation bar, click Orders.

1.3 In the upper-right corner, click New.

VOC-1: Getting Started with Order Capture (15 mins) Vlocity Order Capture – Page 11

1.4 Enter the following information.

Field Value

Order Name New Phone + New Plan

Account Name White, Carole

Start Date [today’s date]

1.5 Click Save.

1.6 From the Actions toolbar, click Configure Order. Vlocity Cart opens.


The Configure Order button is set up for your convenience in the training environment. For
instructions on how to implement this button in your organization’s environment, go to Vlocity
Success Community at

Vlocity Order Capture - Page 12 VOC-1: Getting Started with Order Capture (15 mins)

Task 2: Configure the order

2.1 Review the main sections of Vlocity Cart: the cart header, product list, cart and total bar.


Vlocity Cart is developed using Vlocity Cards. You can customize the appearance and
behavior of Vlocity Cart by cloning and configuring the cards, layouts, and templates that are
provided as part of the Vlocity Communications managed package.

2.2 Notice the cart header. The cart header displays the order, quote or opportunity name, status,
and Account PhotoURL fields. It also shows Vlocity Action buttons, in this case, View Record
and Decompose Order.





The Decompose Order button is used in Vlocity Order Management for order processing
and fulfilment.

2.3 Notice the total bar, which dynamically totals line items for recurring and one-time charges.

2.4 Notice that no products are available in the PRODUCTS list. This is because a price list is not yet


Vlocity Cart uses price lists and Vlocity CPQ rules to determine which products to display in
the PRODUCTS list.

2.5 In the cart header, click the Price List dropdown menu.

VOC-1: Getting Started with Order Capture (15 mins) Vlocity Order Capture – Page 13

2.6 Click B2C Price List. The PRODUCTS list dynamically refreshes.

2.7 In the Search box, type apple.


Vlocity Cart’s Search capability is not case-sensitive. It conducts a text search across product
name and product description fields.

2.8 Next to Apple iPhone X, click More.

Vlocity Order Capture - Page 14 VOC-1: Getting Started with Order Capture (15 mins)

2.9 Review the product details.

2.10 Click Add to Cart once.


Do not click Add to Cart more than once, because doing so adds multiple iPhones. (Maybe
not such a bad thing, you’re thinking?)

2.11 A new product is added to the cart. Vlocity Cart monitors the state of the items in the cart and
does not let you submit the order until you have specified all the required details.

VOC-1: Getting Started with Order Capture (15 mins) Vlocity Order Capture – Page 15

2.12 In the total bar, notice the Incomplete button. This button helps ensure that every order you
submit is an accurate order. Because configuration is still required, the Incomplete button stays
greyed-out in the total bar.


The price list provides the base or list prices, and they appear in the PRODUCTS list on the
left. Once the product is added to the cart, Vlocity Cart calculates the price for each item
based on any active pricing rules or promotions that have been applied, and so the price in
the cart may be different than the base price.

2.13 In the Search box, type plan.

Vlocity Order Capture - Page 16 VOC-1: Getting Started with Order Capture (15 mins)

2.14 In the PRODUCTS list, find Individual Simple Choice Plan, and click Add to Cart. This adds
the plan to the cart, and a second notification message appears

2.15 Click the Messages (2) notification to expand the messages.

2.16 Click the Take Me There icon for 4G LTE Data Plan.

2.17 In Line Item Details, notice the Number of Lines attribute that is read-only with a default value of
1. The required value is 1, because this is an individual plan. You need to choose the amount of
data for the plan.

VOC-1: Getting Started with Order Capture (15 mins) Vlocity Order Capture – Page 17

2.18 Using the Data Plans dropdown menu, select 16 GB.

2.19 Click Close.

Now you just have one missing attribute to set. We’ll look at another way to configure line items

2.20 Open the Cart Line Item Actions dropdown menu for Apple iPhone X and click Configure.

Vlocity Order Capture - Page 18 VOC-1: Getting Started with Order Capture (15 mins)

2.21 In the line item configuration window, for Color, choose Silver.

2.22 Notice that the configuration errors are resolved, because the red notification bar is gone. Also,
the Incomplete button is replaced by the Submit Order button. You now have a perfect order!

2.23 Notice in the line item configuration window, in addition to setting device attributes, you can edit
the Billing Account, Service Account and Quantity. The effective one time total and effective
recurring total fields display also, but you cannot change their values.

2.24 In the line item configuration window, scroll down to Item Name, and enter Primary Line
Handset. This is an optional field that can be used to provide additional information about the
line item.

2.25 Click the X to close the configuration window.

2.26 Notice the line item Action status field. Because this is an order of new items, all the line items
have an Action status of Add.


A line item can have an action status of Add, Existing, Change or Disconnect.
Add = Order has been placed but the product or service has not been provisioned or activated.
Existing = Asset has been provisioned to the customer, and no changes have been requested.
Change = A change has been requested for the asset.

Disconnect = A request has been made to terminate the service or asset.

Suspend = A request has been made to temporarily halt the service.

Resume = A request has been made to reinstate the temporarily halted service.

VOC-1: Getting Started with Order Capture (15 mins) Vlocity Order Capture – Page 19

Task 3: Create assets from the order

3.1 In the total bar, click Submit Order. This submits the order and returns you to Carole White’s
account page.


Clicking the Submit Order button invokes a chain of events, as follows:

Create Assets Action → CPQ/SubmitOrder OmniScript →Submit Order Integration Procedure

These assets are installed as part of the managed package, and they call various classes and
methods to transform the order line items into service assets. You can review them in your training
org to get a better look at what’s happening during the create assets flow.

3.2 On Carole’s account page, scroll down to the Orders related list, and notice that the order you
just submitted has a status of Activated. This field is the Salesforce order status field, and its
possible values are Draft and Activated.

3.3 Scroll up to the Service Asset Management section. Notice that each line item of Carole’s last
order has been transformed into assets alongside the DSL Service asset, which she ordered

3.4 In the Service Asset Management section, click the information icon for the Apple iPhone X
asset. Notice that the attributes for the iPhone X have been captured for the asset but none of the
values can be edited.

3.5 In the asset configuration window, click X to close the window.

Vlocity Order Capture - Page 20 VOC-1: Getting Started with Order Capture (15 mins)

Confirm your understanding by answering these questions.

• What are the four main sections of Vlocity Cart?

• How does Vlocity Cart determine which products to display?
• What type of prices appear in the Products list?
• What technology was used to develop Vlocity Cart? Can it be configured?
• What happens when you click the Take Me There icon?
• How does Vlocity Cart ensure that every order is a perfect order?
• What happens when you click Submit Order in Vlocity Cart?

VOC-1: Getting Started with Order Capture (15 mins) Vlocity Order Capture – Page 21

Exercise VOC-2: Getting Started with Asset-Based Ordering

(15 mins)

Felix also needs to tour the MACD or asset-based ordering features of Vlocity
Communications & Media. The sales and service teams always need to create new orders
based on existing assets because–good news--customers always seem to come back for
products they’ve already ordered. It's a true time-saver.

What You Will Learn

• Create a change order
• Create a move assets order

Task Overview
Task 1: Create and configure a change order
Task 2: Create a move assets order to move existing assets to a new account

Task 1: Create and configure a change order

1.1 You should be on the Service Asset Management section of Carole White’s account.

1.2 In the Service Asset Management section, click the information icon for the DSL Service
asset. Notice that the Download Speed attribute has a value of 20 Mbps.

Vlocity Order Capture - Page 22 VOC-2: Getting Started with Asset-Based Ordering (15 mins)

1.3 In the Service Asset Management section, scroll up until you can see the Change to Quote,
Change to Order, and Move Action buttons. They will be greyed out.


The calendar date picker in the asset management sections provides a way to simulate pricing.
Changing the date reruns pricing rules on assets. For example, if a promotion provides a discount for
three months, changing the date on an asset to fewer than three months will change the price
displayed to the non-promotional price. However, this is only a simulation. In order to actually
change the asset’s price, you would need to run repricing, which is covered in the Vlocity Pricing

1.4 Check the box next to DSL Service, and then click Change to Order.

1.5 The Change to Order Action button invokes the MACD/FDO “Future Dated Orders” OmniScript
that is installed as part of the managed package.

VOC-2: Getting Started with Asset-Based Ordering (15 mins) Vlocity Order Capture – Page 23

1.6 In REQUEST DATETIME, enter a date and a time earlier than today. Notice the error message
that appears.

1.7 Change the REQUEST DATETIME to today’s date. The error message will disappear.

1.8 Click Next. This creates a new order and invokes Vlocity Cart.

1.9 Notice the action status of the DSL Service line item. In the last exercise, we saw that new items
have an action status of Add. Since this order is working with an existing asset, the line item has
an action status of Existing.

1.10 Open the line item action dropdown menu and click Configure.

1.11 In the line item configuration window, change the Download Speed attribute to 40 Mbps.

1.12 Notice the line item action status is now Change.

Vlocity Order Capture - Page 24 VOC-2: Getting Started with Asset-Based Ordering (15 mins)

1.13 In the total bar, click Submit Order.

1.14 You return to Carole White’s account page.

1.15 In Service Asset Management, find the DSL Service asset. Click the information icon . Notice
that the Download Speed attribute has been changed to 40 Mbps.

1.16 In the asset configuration window, click X to dismiss the window.

VOC-2: Getting Started with Asset-Based Ordering (15 mins) Vlocity Order Capture – Page 25

Task 2: Create a move assets order to move existing assets to a new account

On the Account page of Carole White, in the Service Asset Management section, check the
boxes next to DSL Service and Apple iPhone X.


Notice that the Move action button is disabled, because it is only possible to move one asset at a

Uncheck the box next to Apple iPhone X, so that DSL Service is the only asset selected, and
click Move.

This invokes the MACD/Move OmniScript that is provided as part of the managed package.

Vlocity Order Capture - Page 26 VOC-2: Getting Started with Asset-Based Ordering (15 mins)

In the script next to Move-In Account, click the search icon.

In the Service Account Lookup dialog, click the New Account tab.

VOC-2: Getting Started with Asset-Based Ordering (15 mins) Vlocity Order Capture – Page 27

Enter the following information.

Field Value

Account Name White Whistler Residence

Account Record Type Consumer

Click Save.

Vlocity Order Capture - Page 28 VOC-2: Getting Started with Asset-Based Ordering (15 mins)

In the Service Account Lookup dialog, click the Search tab.

Notice that the only accounts that can be selected are the parent account and any accounts in the
account hierarchy.

Click the White Whistler Residence to select it.

Click Next.

VOC-2: Getting Started with Asset-Based Ordering (15 mins) Vlocity Order Capture – Page 29

Check the box next to the DSL Service asset.

Click Next.

Set the move-out date for today and the move-in date for tomorrow.

Click Next.

Review the Move Order.

Click Done to create the order and launch Vlocity Cart.

Vlocity Order Capture - Page 30 VOC-2: Getting Started with Asset-Based Ordering (15 mins)

Notice the two DSL Service products in the cart. The first one is now the active service. Notice it
has an Action status of Existing, has a Recurring Total price, and can be configured, and the
second one is the previous asset. It now has an Action status of Disconnect and has no
Recurring Total price.

For the first DSL Service line item, open the dropdown menu and click Configure.

Notice that if you wanted to make additional changes to the service, you could change the line
item configuration also.

Notice that while the Billing Account is White, Carole, the Service Account has become White
Whistler Residence.

In the total bar, click Submit Order.

In the Service Asset Management section of Carole White’s account page, notice that the DSL
Service is no longer listed as a service asset. However, the DSL Service is listed as a billed asset
in the Billed Asset Management section.

VOC-2: Getting Started with Asset-Based Ordering (15 mins) Vlocity Order Capture – Page 31

Next to the Account Name field, click View Hierarchy.

On the Account Hierarchy page, click White Whistler Residence.

On the White Whistler Residence account page, scroll down to the Service Asset
Management section.

Vlocity Order Capture - Page 32 VOC-2: Getting Started with Asset-Based Ordering (15 mins)

Notice that the DSL Service has been correctly moved as a service asset to the new account.

Confirm your understanding by answering these questions.

• What Vlocity technology powers MACD processes in Vlocity Communications & Media?
• What operations are available to users from the Asset Management section?
• How many assets can you move in one operation?
• What status must an asset have in order to be moved?

VOC-2: Getting Started with Asset-Based Ordering (15 mins) Vlocity Order Capture – Page 33

Exercise VOC-3: Creating Quotes from Assets (30 mins)


On a MACD roll, Felix decides to move from asset to quote. The sales and service teams
have always wanted the ability to create dynamic quotes based upon a variety of criteria, but
using his old tools, Felix’s answer was always “no can do.” Now, using Vlocity Document
Template, it’s “yes can do.”

What You Will Learn

• Create quotes from existing assets
• Configure Vlocity Document Templates
• Set up a Vlocity Action to generate a quote PDF

Task Overview
Task 1: Create a quote from existing assets
Task 2: Review the quote document template
Task 3: Link the document template to Vlocity Action
Task 4: Generate a PDF document from the quote
Task 5: Create an order from the quote

Task 1: Create a quote from existing assets

Let’s say that our customer Carole White wants a quote comparing the price of the Individual Simple
Choice Plan with the Family Simple Choice Plan. We can begin by creating a quote from her existing

In the Lightning search box, type White and press Enter.

In the search results list, under Accounts, click White, Carole.

Scroll down to the Billed Asset Management section of the page.

Check the box next to Individual Simple Choice Plan. Notice that this asset has a recurring total
price of $49.98.

Vlocity Order Capture - Page 34 VOC-3: Creating Quotes from Assets (30 mins)

Click the Change to Quote Action button.

This creates a new quote and launches Vlocity Cart.

In the search box of the PRODUCTS list, type family.

Next to Family Simple Choice Plan, click Add to Cart.

Click the Take Me There icon, and in the Line Items Details window, configure the Data Plans
attribute to 16 GB.

Click Close.

In the Total Bar, notice that there is no Submit Order button. Instead, we can Create Order.
Since this is a quote, the next stage of the selling process is an order. This button transforms the
quote and its line items to become an order and order line items.

VOC-3: Creating Quotes from Assets (30 mins) Vlocity Order Capture – Page 35

In the cart header, notice the Quote to PDF action button. Currently, clicking this button takes
you to an undefined page. You need to put the brains behind the button!

In case you clicked the Quote to PDF button, click the Back button in your browser to return to
Vlocity Cart.

In the cart header, click View Record to exit Vlocity Cart.

In the next section, you configure the Quote to PDF action, which will invoke a document template to
dynamically create a custom PDF quote document.

Vlocity Order Capture - Page 36 VOC-3: Creating Quotes from Assets (30 mins)

About Vlocity Document Templates

Vlocity Document Template is a document-creation tool for defining the structure, content, and format of
documents. This tool is designed primarily for contract documents in Vlocity Contract Lifecycle
Management (CLM). However, Vlocity Document Template can also be used to dynamically create PDFs
for opportunities, quotes and orders.

You can learn more about document templates and Vlocity CLM on Vlocity Success Community.

Task 2: Review the quote document template

2.1 In the Lightning navigation bar, click Vlocity Document Template. (If you don’t see it, click
More to expand the overflow dropdown menu.)

2.2 Expand Quote PDF Template and click Quote PDF Template (Version 2) to review the

2.3 Notice the various document sections. Sections contain tokens in double percentage syntax, for
example, %%Status%%. Tokens merge information from Salesforce object fields or JSON data in
to the document.

VOC-3: Creating Quotes from Assets (30 mins) Vlocity Order Capture – Page 37

Now that Felix has received the document template from the design team, it’s time to hook it up (to use a
technical term). To do that, he must set the PDF Document Template in Custom Settings and then create
a Vlocity Action to call the Visualforce page that performs the PDF generation magic!

Task 3: Link the document template to Vlocity Action

3.1 Go to Setup.

3.2 In the Quick Find box, type Custom, and click Custom Settings.

3.3 In the alpha sort index, click P.

3.4 Find the PDF Document Template setting and click Manage.

3.5 Click New.

3.6 Enter the following information.

Field Value

Name Quote

Document Template Name Quote PDF Template

3.7 Click Save.


This custom setting is used by the document generator engine to specify the sObject and the
Document Template Name that will be used by the Visualforce page QuoteDocumentPdf to generate
the PDF file.

3.8 Close the current browser tab and return to the browser tab that has Vlocity Document Template

3.9 In the Lightning search dialog, enter quote to pdf.

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3.10 In the search results list, click Quote to PDF Vlocity Action.

3.11 Click Edit to open the Quote to PDF action for editing.


The Quote to PDF action is a custom action and not part of the managed package. It has been
partially set up in your training org and linked to the Vlocity Cart Quote header layout.

3.12 Enter the following information exactly and with no spaces.

Field Value

Target URL /apex/vlocity_cmt__QuoteDocumentPdf?id={0}

URL Parameter Id
Open URL in New Tab / Window
Link Type Other

3.13 Click Save.


The Target URL above invokes the QuoteDocumentPDF Visualforce page that is included with
Vlocity CLM. It contains the logic that calls the PDF Document Template custom setting, which in
turn calls the specified document template.

VOC-3: Creating Quotes from Assets (30 mins) Vlocity Order Capture – Page 39

3.14 Review your Quote to PDF action to ensure it matches the screenshot below exactly (except for
the Created By and Last Modified By timestamps).

Vlocity Order Capture - Page 40 VOC-3: Creating Quotes from Assets (30 mins)

Task 4: Generate a PDF document from the quote

4.1 In the Lightning navigation bar, click More, and then click Quotes.

4.2 Under Recently Viewed, click the most recent quote for Carole White.

4.3 From the Actions toolbar, click Configure to launch Vlocity Cart.

4.4 In the cart header, click the Quote to PDF action button.
Review the PDF file that has been generated from your quote.


You can save the PDF file to your computer and attached it to the quote or email the file to a contact.

4.5 Close the current browser tab to return to the quote.

VOC-3: Creating Quotes from Assets (30 mins) Vlocity Order Capture – Page 41

Task 5: Create an order from the quote

5.1 In the total bar in Vlocity Cart, click Create Order. This transforms the quote into an order. Once
the order is loaded, you will see the button in the total bar change from Create Order to Submit
Order, and the actions in the cart header also change.

After Carole has reviewed the quote, she decides to switch from the Individual Simple Choice Plan to the
Family Simple Choice Plan. To do that, the agent can delete or disconnect the existing service, and then
submit the order with the Family Simple Choice Plan, which has an action status of Add.

5.2 Click the line item action menu for the Individual Simple Choice Plan, and then click Delete.

5.3 In the Delete Item dialog, click Delete to confirm.

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5.4 Notice that the line item action status for the Individual Simple Choice Plan changes to

5.5 Click Submit Order.

5.6 Find the Service Asset Management section of Carole White’s account page. Notice that the
Individual Simple Choice Plan asset’s recurring total price has changed from $49.98 to $0.00.
Also, the Family Simple Choice Plan has been added. (You may need to scroll down to see the
Family Simple Choice Plan.)

VOC-3: Creating Quotes from Assets (30 mins) Vlocity Order Capture – Page 43

5.7 Scroll to the top of the Service Asset Management section. Using the calendar date picker, select
tomorrow’s date.

5.8 Notice that the Individual Simple Choice Plan no longer appears in the Service Asset
Management list.

5.9 In the Lightning search dialog, enter individual.

5.10 In the search results list, click Individual Simple Choice Plan Asset.

Vlocity Order Capture - Page 44 VOC-3: Creating Quotes from Assets (30 mins)

5.11 In the asset Details, notice that the Provisioning Status is now Deleted.

Confirm your understanding by answering these questions.

• How are quotes and orders different in Vlocity Cart? How are they the same?
• What is Vlocity Document Template? What does it do?
• What are the buttons in the cart header?
• How can you delete or disconnect an asset?

VOC-3: Creating Quotes from Assets (30 mins) Vlocity Order Capture – Page 45

Exercise VOC-4: Working with Field Mapper (15 mins)


Now that Felix is fully comfortable creating assets and orders and quotes from every
direction, he realizes that at times in the course of human events some products do not
need to be assetized. A Not Assetizable field exists on products but is not copied to orders
when products are added to Vlocity Cart. He MacGyvers this capability using Field Mapper.

What You Will Learn

• Set products as Not Assetizable
• Create a filter using Field Mapper
• Create orders with products that are not assetized

Task Overview
Task 1: Set a product as Not Assetizable
Task 2: Review the custom Not Assetizable field on Order Product
Task 3: Create a filter to honor the Not Assetizable field when creating assets
Task 4: Create a new order with a Not Assetizable product

What is Field Mapper?

Vlocity Communications supports cross-line item (xLI) actions, in which line items move from an
opportunity to a quote to an order to an asset and then back again. Vlocity CPQ processes move order
information between objects and support moving data to or from any object. Field Mapper is the tool that
is used to configure this data movement.

Field Mapper is a field mapping tool to map fields between the Opportunity, Quote, Order, and Asset
objects. Using Field Mapper, you can move any field from any source object to any field of the same type
in any destination object.

As part of the managed package, Vlocity Communications includes a Not Assetizable field on products,
but it does not include a Not Assetizable field on Order Products (which are order line item sObjects).
However, it is your lucky day because we have prebuilt an Order Products Not Assetizable field in your

Vlocity Order Capture - Page 46 VOC-4: Working with Field Mapper (15 mins)

In the following exercise, after we set a product as Not Assetizable, we will review the custom Not
Assetizable field on Order Product, and then create a mapping using Field Mapper to honor the Not
Assetizable field when moving order line item to assets.


To enable this exercise, we have added the Not Assetizable field to the commercial product
layouts in your training org, and we have created the Not Assetizable field on the Order
Products sObject. These are customizations and are not included in the managed package

Task 1: Set a product as Not Assetizable

Vlocity Product Console allows you to manage products in the shared catalog. (You can learn more about
Vlocity Product Console and the shared catalog in Vlocity EPC training.) For this exercise, you will mark
one of the phone case accessory products as not assetizable, meaning it should not be stored in the
asset table after a customer orders it.

1.1 In the Lightning navigation bar, click Vlocity Product Console.

1.2 Under Product Management, click the search icon next to Product.

1.3 In the Search Product… dialog, enter Charlotte and then press [Enter].

1.4 Click the edit icon or the product name to edit the product.

Click the Not Assetizable checkbox.

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1.6 Click Save.

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Task 2: Review the custom Not Assetizable field on Order Product

In addition to having a not assetizable field on the product record, you also need a not assetizable field on
the order line item, which is the Order Product sObject. This does not exist in the application out of the
box, but it can be easily configured. In the next task, we will review the custom field that we created on
Order Product in your training org.

2.1 Go to Setup.

2.2 In the Quick Find box, enter object manager, and click Object Manager.

2.3 In the Quick Find box, enter order product.

2.4 Click Order Product.

2.5 Click Fields & Relationships.

2.6 In the Quick Find box, enter not.

2.7 From the drop-down menu for Not Assetizable, click Edit.

VOC-4: Working with Field Mapper (15 mins) Vlocity Order Capture – Page 49

2.8 Review the Custom Field Definition. The Data Type for this field was set to Formula, and the
Formula Return Type is Checkbox. The formula looks up the IsNotAssetizable field from the
product object.

2.9 Click Cancel.

2.10 Close your current browser window to exit Setup.

Vlocity Order Capture - Page 50 VOC-4: Working with Field Mapper (15 mins)

Task 3: Create a filter to honor the Not Assetizable field when creating assets

The last step is to define a filter using Field Mapper to ensure that any line items that are marked as not
assetizable are not assetized.

3.1 In the Lightning navigation bar, click More, and then click Field Mapper.

3.2 Using the Source Object dropdown menu, select Order Product<OrderItem>.

3.3 Using the Destination Object dropdown menu, select Asset<Asset>.

3.4 Click Load Settings.

3.5 Review the existing field mappings.


The Fields Map is how you can configure custom field mappings for your cross-line item
objects in your implementation. The mappings shown here are those that are installed as
part of the managed package.

VOC-4: Working with Field Mapper (15 mins) Vlocity Order Capture – Page 51

Next to Fields Map, click Filters List.


Use filters to limit source fields based on configured conditions. Filters are inclusive, and you
can define the conditions in a formula expression. If a formula is not indicated, the filters are
joined through an AND statement.

Click Add.

Vlocity Order Capture - Page 52 VOC-4: Working with Field Mapper (15 mins)

Using the first dropdown menu, select the custom Order Product field that you reviewed in the
previous task, Not Assetizable<IsNotAssetizable__c>.

Using the second dropdown menu, set the operator to =.

VOC-4: Working with Field Mapper (15 mins) Vlocity Order Capture – Page 53

In the third data entry box, enter false.

Click Save.

Now it’s time to test our new Field Mapper filter!

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Task 4: Create a new order with a Not Assetizable product

The last step is to define a filter using Field Mapper to ensure that any line items that are marked as not
assetizable are not assetized.

In the Lightning navigation bar, click Orders.

Click New.

Enter the following information.

Field Value

Order Name New Phone + New Case

Account Name White, Carole

Order Start Date [today’s date]
Price List B2C Price List

Click Save.

From the Actions toolbar, click Configure Order. This invokes Vlocity Cart.

In the search dialog on the product list, enter charlotte.

In the product list, next to Charlotte Stripe iPhone 8 Case, click Add to Cart.

In the search dialog on the product list, enter apple.

In the product list next to Apple iPhone 8, click Add to Cart.

Use the Take Me There icon to configure the Color attribute to be Gold.

VOC-4: Working with Field Mapper (15 mins) Vlocity Order Capture – Page 55

Click Close.

Click Submit Order.

In Carole White’s account page, find the Service Asset Management section.

Review Carole’s current assets. Notice the only new asset that has been added to the list is the
Apple iPhone 8 asset.

Confirm your understanding by answering these questions.

• What does it mean to make a product not assetizable?

• What is Field Mapper? What purpose does it serve?
• What two types of functions does Field Mapper allow you to do?
• If a formula is not used when creating a filter, how are multiple filters joined?
Vlocity Order Capture - Page 56 VOC-4: Working with Field Mapper (15 mins)

Exercise VOC-5: Working with B2B Order Capture


Roadrunner Industries has a thriving B2C business, and the next frontier for them is to
extend their success into the B2B marketplace. They have already made substantial
progress into the B2B marketplace, and now they must focus on operational success.
To that end, Roadrunner needs you to close a key opportunity with one of their
strategic enterprise customers, ACME. Review the requirements below and challenge
yourself to move the opportunity to a quote and then to a completed order.

Task Overview
Task 1: Create an opportunity
Task 2: Create a quote from the opportunity
Task 3: Create an order from the quote
Task 4: Submit the order
Task 5: Investigate Item Name mapping

Task 1: Create an opportunity

• Go to Opportunities and create a new opportunity for the Acme account.

• Click Configure Order to launch Vlocity Cart. In the cart, select the B2B Price List. In the
Products list, find the Office Internet Solution product, and add it to the cart.
• Increase the Quantity to 10, and in Item Name field, enter West coast offices.

Task 2: Create a quote from the opportunity

In one click, transform the opportunity to a quote. Then, ACME would like you to add the following
products to their quote.

• Office Internet Solution for 20 East coast offices. ACME wants the exact configuration of the West
coast offices but separated in the quote for easier evaluation.
• Use the Item Name field to specify which bundle of products is intended for each set of offices.

VOC-5: Working with B2B Order Capture Vlocity Order Capture – Page 57


Hint: To duplicate a line item’s configuration, take a look at the options available in the line item
action menu.

Task 3: Create an order from the quote

In one click, transform the quote to an order. Then, ACME would like you to add the following products to
their order.

• Office Hub Modem for the East coast offices only.

Task 4: Submit the order

ACME approves the order, and you are ready to submit the order. Once the order is submitted, review the
assets that are created. What do you notice about them?

Task 5: Investigate Item Name mapping

When you created a quote from the opportunity, what did you notice about the Item Name field on the
line item? How can that be improved?

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Vlocity Order Capture – Page 59

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