Chad Daybell Affidavit of Probable Cause

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Filed: 06/10/2020 10:17:51

Seventh Judicial District, Fremont County

Abbie Mace, Clerk of the Court
By: Deputy Clerk - Parker, Eileen

ROB H. WOOD # 8229

Madison County Prosecuting Attorney
[email protected]

159 East Main Street

P. O. Box 350
Rexburg, Idaho 83440
(208) 356-7768
(208) 356-7839




Plaintiff, Case No.: C Qa 1 " 30‘ 75 5



202 N. 1900 E
Rexburg, ID 83440

DOB: 08/08/1968
SSN: XXX-XX-8136,



County of Madison )

I, Lt. Ron Ball, of the Rexburg Police Department, being first duly sworn under oath,

depose and state as follows:

1. The information contained herein is true and correct to the best ofmy knowledge and belief.

2. I am a Detective with the Rexburg Police Department and have been employed in Law

Enforcement for more than 27 years. I am currently the lieutenant‘over investigations for

“W ‘

the Rexburg Police Department. I currently hold an Advanced Certificate and a

Management Certificate from the Idaho Peace Officers Standards and Training Academy

and have over 2500 hours of training. I have attended multiple trainings and classes

throughout my career, including graduating from the FBI National Academy in 2015. I

have received multiple hours of specialized training in investigations. I have also

conducted numerous investigations and interviews with suspects, Victims and witnesses

involving narcotics, sex crimes and fraud. I have also received numerous hours of training

on traffic stops and detection of criminal behavior.

3. I respectfully ask the court to take notice of the PC Affidavit in Madison County Case No.
CR33-20-0302, a copy of which has been attached.

4. Since November 26, 2019, the Rexburg Police Department has been involved in the search

for JJ Vallow, DOB: 5/25/2012, and Tylee Ryan, DOB: 9/24/2002. The minor childrens’

mother, Lori Vallow, has been charged with two felony counts 0f Desertion 0f a Minor

Child, one misdemeanor count of Resisting and Obstructing, one misdemeanor count of

Solicitation to Commit a Crime and one misdemeanor count of Contempt. The Contempt

charge is for failing to comply with an Order in a child protection action in Madison

of Health
County, Idaho to produce JJ and Tylee to the Rexburg Police or the Department

and Welfare. She was required to produce the children by January 30, 2020. Tylee

17 at the time she went missing and JJ was 7 when he went missing.

5. Chad Daybell was present in Kauai, Hawaii on February 20th, 2020 when Lori Vallow was

arrested on the felony desertion charges. I was present at that arrest. Daybell was also

present at the March 6th initial appearance in Madison County, Idaho. As such, Iknow that

directly related to the location, health, and well-

Chad Daybell was aware of felony charges
being of the minor children named above.

6. Since November 26, 201 9, the Rexburg Police Department, along with the FBI, have
investigating the location and whereabouts ofthese two minor children. The last verifiable

sighting 0f Tylee Ryan was on September 8, 2019, in Yellowstone National Park. The last

verifiable sighting of JJ Vallow was September 22, 2019, in his mother’s apartment,

located at 565 Pioneer Road, #175, Rexburg, Idaho, by Lori’s fi‘iend, Melani Gibb. While

the Rexburg Police and FBI have received many tips of alleged sightings since the

beginning of the case, none ofthese tips have led to any ven‘fiable or actionable information

regarding the health, safety or location of the minor children.

7. Lori Vallow moved to Rexburg on or about September 1,2019, with her children, Tylee

Ryan and JJ Vallow and her brother, Alex Cox. Lori resided with her children at 565

Pioneer Road, Unit #1 75, Rexburg, Idaho. Alex Cox resided in the same complex, initially

living in the same unit as Lori and then moving into his own unit at 565 Pioneer Road, Unit

#1 07, Rexburg, Idaho.

8. Lori Valldw’s close fiiend, Melani Gibb, has cooperated with Idaho and Arizona law

enforcement regarding the investigation of the children. Melani Gibb has reported that

from September 19, 2019, through the morning of September 23, 2019, she Visited Lori

Vallow at her new residence in Rexburg, Idaho. Gibb reports that when she arrived in

“zombie.” Gibb further

Rexburg, Lori Vallow informed her that JJ Vallow had become a

repOrts that the term “zombie” refers to an individual whose mortal spirit has lefl their body

and that their body is now the host of another spirit. The new spirit in a “zombie” is always
considered a “dark spirit.” While the “dark spirit” inhabits the host body, the person’s true

spirit goes into “limbo” and is stuck there until the host body is physically killed. As such,

seen as the mechanism by which the body’s original spirit can

death of the physical body is

be released from limbo. This belief was told to Gibb by Lori Vallow. Lori Vallow had

from Chad Daybell and immediately told Gibb. Gibb was present with
learned it

Vallow when Chad Daybell first taught Lori this information over the phone in early 2019

in reference to Charles Vallow.

9. Melani Gibb has further informed me that Lori Vallow called Tylee a zombie in the spring
0f 2019. Gibb was on the phone with Lori and heard Lori call Tylee a zombie to which

Tylee responded “not me, mom.” This arose out of Lori requiring Tylee to babysit JJ and

Lori Vallow also told Gibb that Tylee had turned into a
Tylee did not want to.

when she was 12 or 13, which was approximately the same time Tylee had become

“difficult” to deal with.

10. Melani Gibb has further informed me that she was told by Chad Daybell and Lori Vallow
that they held the religious belief that they were a part of the “Church of the Firstborn” and

their mission in that Church was to lead the “144,000” mentioned in the Book of

Revelation. They also stated their mission was to rid the world of “zombies.”

11. On January 26, 2020, a search warrant was served on Chad Daybell and Lori Vallow in

Kauai where they were living and on their vehicle. The children were not found with Chad

and Lori in Hawaii and no evidence was found to suggest they were living with Chad and


12. Through this investigation, we have discovered that JJ Vallow was registered at Kennedy

Elementary School in Rexburg, the first week of September, 2019. Kennedy School Was

informed that JJ had an individual education plan, (IEP) due to his autism. Kennedy

Elementary was in the process 0f creating a new IEP for JJ. On September 23, 2019, JJ

had an unexcused absence. On September 24, 2020, Lon' Vallow called Vickie Barton of

the Madison School District and informed her that JJ was going to Louisiana with his

grandparents and wouldn’t be home until the end of October and maybe later. On October

29, Madison School District was informed that JJ would be homeschooled. During searches
Kauai, no
of Lori’s apartment in Rexburg and subsequent searches of her apartment in

evidence of homeschooling material was ever found. No other school district has ever

requested JJ’s records from the Madison School District.

sighting of Tylee Ryan was in Yellowstone National Park

13. As mentioned, the last verifiable
2019. Photographs establish she was there With her mother Lori
on September 8,

there in Alex’s silver Ford F-

her brother JJ Vallow, and her uncle Alex Cox. They drove

This trip was further established by tracking the GPS, cell tower connections, and

Google account information 0n Alex Cox’s phone.

14. The Cellular Analysis Survey Team (hereinafier CAST), is an FBI unit that provides

analyses of cellphone records and presents the information to law enforcement. CAST has
analyzed Alex Cox’s phone and provided the location information mentioned in paragraph

13, The CAST analysis provides the location of Cox’s phone. Due to my training and

expedence and common knowledge I am aware that most individuals now keep their cell-

phones with them at all times and the location of an individual’s phone can be used to

establish the location of the owner of the phone. CAST uses a cellular devices’ GPS data

points, cell tower connections, wi-fi connections, and Google tracking information to

establish the location of a cell phone. The GPS data points used by CAST are considered

to be highly accurate and can place the device within a 6 meter radius.

15. CAST has further informed law enforcement that Cox’s phone exited the west entrance 0f
Yellowstone National Park at 18:40. His phone appeared to be at Buckaroo’s BBQ grill in
West Yellowstone, Montana from 18:45 to 19:02. Cox then returns to Rexburg at

approximately 20:37. The phone is then at Lori’s Apartment number 175 until 21:35, at

which time, Cox appeared to go t0 the Maverick 0n Main Street in Rexburg at 21 :43 until

21:53. Cox then went back t0 Lori’s apartment from 22:44 to 23:15. At 23:44 Cox is

located at his residence in Apartment 107.

16. On Monday, September 9, from 00:00 (12 a.m.) and 00:44 Cox’s phone was located at his

apartment (107.) However, at 02:42 (2:42 am.) to 03:37 (3:37 a.m.) Cox is located again

Lori’s Apartment (1 75) where Lori lived with Tylee and JJ. This is significant, not only

there in the middle of the night, but also because this is the only time in
because he is

September he appears to go over to Lori’s between midnight and 6 am.

own apartment, unit 107 until 08:59. At 09:21 he was

17. At 04:37, Alex went back to his

located at a property with the address 202 N 1900 E, Rexburg, which is the residence of

as Rexburg,
Chad Daybell. (It should be noted that while Chad Daybell’s address is listed

it is actually located in Fremont County, Idaho.) The 09:21 reading is a GPS data point

and places him behind the home on Daybell’s property near the East end of the barn.

18. Alex Cox’s phone was still at the Daybell residence at 10:39. At 10:47, his phone shows a

hit at the City of St. Anthony. At this time, we are unable to tell if he was actually inside

the city limits of St. Anthony, (St. Anthony is about a 5-minute drive from the Daybell

residence) or if this was a cell tower ping on his phone while he was still at the Daybell

residence. At 10:57 to 11:39 Cox is located at the Daybell property. At 11:52 to 12:02 he

was at Dell Taco in Rexburg. He appears to spend most of the rest of the day in his


19. Through this investigation, the Rexburg Police Department and FBI have seized, searched,

and analyzed multiple cellular devices pursuant to several warrants. On June 1, 2020, I

was informed by Special Agent Ricky Wright of the FBI that the FBI had been examining

a phone believed to be owned by Tamara (Tammy) Daybell. Tammy was Chad’s wife and
died on October 19, 2019. The FBI found a text conversation between Tammy and her

husband Chad Daybell on September 9, 201 9, which is the day afier the last known sighting

of Tylee Ryan in Yellowstone National Park.

20. That text conversation reads as follows:

a. Chad to Tammy at 11:53 am:

i. “Well, I've had an interesting morning! I felt I should bum all of the limb

debris by the fire pit before it got too soaked by the coming storms. While

I did so, I spotted a big racoon along the fence. I hurried and got my gun,

and he was still walking along. I got close enough that one shot did the trick.

He is now in our pet cemetery. Fun times!”

b. Chad to Tammy at 11:56:

i. “Gonna shower now and then go write for a while at BYU. Love you!”

c. Tammy to Chad at 2:47 pm:

i. “Good for you!”

d. Chad to Tammy at 2:48 pm:

“I’m back home now”

21. I found the text suspicious because raccoons are normally nocturnal animals and are not

regularly out during the day. It should be noted that from interviewing neighbors of Chad

Daybell, we are aware that in mid-July of 2019, Garth Daybell, Chad’s son, told their

neighbors that Chad had shot a raccoon out of a tree on their property during the day. Those

neighbors are named Matt and Reegan Price. Garth told Matt Price about the raccoon in

response to a question from Matt about hearing a gunshot. The Price’s informed me that

the fire pit in the back of the Daybell property was hardly ever used until the last few

months. Reegan informed me that there appeared to be frequent bonfires in the pit on the

Daybell property over the last few months and the first one she noticed was soon afier

Tammy’s death on October 19, 2019.

22. On June 2, 2020, Detective Bruce Mattingly of the Fremont County Sheriff Office

contacted Samantha Gwilliams, who is the sister of Tammy Daybell. He asked her if she

was aware of a pet cemetery on Chad and Tammy Daybell’s property in Idaho. She

informed him that she was aware of the pet cemetery and stated that both she and Tammy
were pet people and that they had both had pet cemeteries. When asked the location of the

pet cemetery on the Daybell property she stated that it was east of the red barn and near the

fire pit. On June 4, 2020, I spoke with Samantha and she informed me that she was aware

of the location of the pet cemetery on the Daybell property because Tammy had shown it
to her. Samantha was then shown an arial photograph of the Daybell property and she

pointed to the same area near the fire pit where Alex Cox’s phone pinged on
September 9,


The above facts establish that Alex Cox appeared to be at the Daybell property on

September 9, 201 9, until at least 11:39. Chad sent the text to Tammy about burning debris
in the pet cemetery only 14 minutes later at 11:53.
and shooting and burying the raccoon
located at the same location as most of
The pet cemetery referenced by Chad Daybell is

the pings on Alex Cox’s phone on September 9, 2019.

On June 3, 2020, [interviewed Melanie Gibb and her boyfriend David Warwick
in Pleasant

Grove Utah. We discussed in depth the weekend of September 22 and 23, 2019, due t0 the

fact that both Gibb and Warwick stayed at Lori Vallow’s residence in Rexburg that

weekend. Gibb informed me (consistent with information she has previously given to law

enforcement) that she arrived in Rexburg on September 19, 2019. Soon afier she arrived

Lori Vallow informed Gibb that JJ had become a “zombie” and pointed out behaviors such

as sitting still and watching tv, claiming JJ séid he loved Satan, and an increased vocabulary

as evidence that JJ was now a zombie. Gibb observed JJ’s behavior and felt it to be the

same as she had always observed it.

25. The last time Gibb and Warwick verifiably saw JJ was the night of September 22, 2019.

Warwick informed us that it was late and that Gibb, Vallow and Warwick were going to

do a podcast. Warwick said that JJ was acting up and so Alex Cox took JJ to his apartment

in the complex. When Alex returned later that night he was carrying JJ who appeared to

be asleep with his head on Alex’s shoulder. Warwick specifically remembered this because

he saw it as a tender moment.

26. Warwick further informed us that when he woke up the morning of September 23, 2019,

he asked Lori where JJ was. This was between 8 and 9 am. Lori informed Warwick and

Gibb that JJ had been acting like a zombie and had been crawling on the kitchen cabinetry

and had gotten on top of the cabinetry in the space between the cabinetry and the ceiling.

She informed Warwick and Gibb that when JJ had climbed upon the cabinetry that he had

knocked a picture of Jesus off the refi‘igerator. Vallow then informed Warwick and Gibb

that Alex had come and taken JJ.

27. The FBI CAST team has analyzed Alex Cox’s movements the morning of September 23,

2019 by his cellphone GPS. At 09:55 Alex is again on Chad Daybell’s property. He was

there until 10:12. The pings on his phone locate Alex near the pond on Chad’s property at

the northern edge of his property.

28. On June 3, 2020 I asked Special Agent Ricky Wright of the FBI to analyze the frequency

of Alex Cox’s Visits to Chad Daybell’s property during the month of September 201 9. His

response WaS:

a. “Per your request, I checked the Visits by Alex to Chad’s house again. There were

only four visits by Alex during the month of Sept. These were on 9/6 (1241 -

1253), 9/9, 9/23, and 9/25 (1005

— 1022). During the two visits on 9/6 and 9/25,

all the pings were in and around the house, and there were no pings anywhere in

the backyard near the firepit or pond. As you can see, these visits were also short,

about 11 minutes and 17 minutes, like the one on 9/23 (17 minutes). The visit on

9/9 was the only long visit, approximately 2.5 hours.

29. On June 9, 2020 a search warrant was executed at Chad Daybell’s residence and property.

With the assistance of a local FBI ERT team we located at least multiple sites of interest.

These sites were identified and corresponded to the cellular data of Alex Cox’s phone when

he was on the property, mentioned in paragraphs 12-16.

30. Additionally, one of the possible sites correlated to a location on the property Chad had

texted his wife about, mentioned in paragraphs 17 and 18.

31. The first site of interest was located on the north side of the pond near the north edge of

the property. This site corresponded with the two GPS pings from Alex Cox’s phone on

September 23, 2019. A patch of ground was located that appeared to be disturbed. The

weed growth on top of the disturbed ground was shorter than the surrounding weed

What appeared to be sod etching was also noticed. The disturbed area was approximately

4 feet by 2.5 feet.

32. Members 0f the FBI ERT team removed the top layer of sod. Underneath the layer of sod

pieces of flat paneling were

were several large flat rocks. The rocks were removed and two

found. The paneling was removed and investigators exposed a round obj ect covered in

black plastic.

33. Upon exposing the round object covered in black plastic a strong odor was noticed. A FBI
ERT member used a small sharp instrument and made a small incision in the plastic and a
layer 0f white plastic was observed. An incision was made into the white layer of plastic

exposing what appeared to be human remains, the crown of a head covered in light brown


34. The remaining dirt around this obj ect was methodically removed, exposing what appeared

t0 be a body wrapped in black plastic‘ The plastic appeared to be tightly wrapped around

the body and secured with gay duct tape.

35. Cheryl Anderson, associate professor of anthropology at Boise State University, was

present on scene and advised the remains found near the pond appeared to be human.

36. A second site of interest was located behind a red unattached out building located roughly
in the center of the property near a fire pit. Next to the fire pit is an area used as a pet

cemetery. This site correlated to several GPS pings 0f Alex Cox’s phone on September 9,


37. Ground in this area was probed with a steel pole and several areas of disturbed gound were

located. During a search of this ground, a buried cat and dog remains were found. A
backhoe was used to dig further layers of din. While doing this, bricks were located

approximately a foot below the ground.

38. Once the bricks were discovered the soil was examined and what appeared to be two bones

were located. Based 0n the condition 0f the bones, Cheryl Anderson was not able to

determine whether the bones were human.

was searched and several other items of interest were

39. Methodically, the dirt in this area

found including other bones, Chaired tissue and charred bones. Cheryl Anderson

these additional bones, both charred and uncharred and tissue found
were human remains.

some of the remains that were found at the pet

40. Investigators provided photos 0f partial

cemetery t0 Sara Getz, Ph.D., a forensic anthropologist. Dr. Getz was able to identify those

remains as being non-adult human remains.

41. While officers were conducting their search Chad Daybell was observed by oflicers to be
continuously watching where officers were searching. He was observed watching officers

while sitting in his vehicle in his front driveway and while sitting in his vehicle across the

street at his daughter’s residence.

42. Around the time the head mentioned in paragraphs 32 and 33 was discovered Chad Daybell

was observed leaving his daughter’s residence in a grey SUV. I and other officers pursued

him in police vehicles, conducted a traffic stop and detained him due to the fact that human

remains were discovered on his property.

Fulther your afiant sayeth not.

DATED this 4Q day ofJune, 2020.

Ron Ball

Rexburg Police Department


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this [a

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Notary Pubhc

day ofJune, 2020.

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“stamina wasnmuewuw
warms mama: #:518le

ROB H WOOD # 8229

812020 21 :23: 15
Fiie'd: 02/1:

nod co mad? Seventh Judtczai Bistnct. Madison County

Ktm Muir Clerk of the Court
By: itputy Clerk ~Wofod, Angle
159 Bast Main Street
P. 0‘ Box 3.539
Rexburg, Idabb 83440
(208). 356-7768
(208) 356.7839

um sum err mmmmmfi mkra ca "i


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CR 3-20-0302




4M! Queen Emma Drive, #3 ’

Primeviila Hawaii 9.6722

DOB: 06/26I19‘73

ssuz xxx 455-35


STATE 0F tame j

Caunty of Madison. j}.

I; Dex...
Ron- Bau‘, ofth‘e Rum Peirce
‘ "


dcpose and. state as foiiaws:

1a Thcmfomanonm
"- “
ism mammals Bestofmy WWW When“

2. ImaWwfimmmmmmeWmdhmbmmpioyedmm
Enmcemmformeflianflym. Iamcummlytheliemmamovainvesfignfionsfir

the Rexburg Ponce Departm'mt. [currently hold an Advanced Cartifieate and a

andlnmeSOOhoursoftxaining‘ Ihaveamdmfifipknuiningmdcm
havereeeivedmxflfiplchomsdspeciafizedminingininvwfixflfiom. lhavealso

involvingnatcoficgmcdmandfiaud. Ihaveaisomeivednmneroushnmsofuaining

3. OnflleWfiNavemhufiJOlfithekcxbmgPofimWWRPD)
mm as J.V., (DOB: 0545-2012). 1V. is

a 7~yw-old boy With aufinn who WE

(Hem Vfllaw or Lori.) J.V.'s What, Kay Woodgoek, M

Dayhell Lori

4. Lori W,
Vanow also has a

TR. (DOB: 09/240002). As described fimhcr in dais



inszhmg. Wghmmgafim'
alivemsonScpiemberZBflGlthWyEWScbooL mmw24,2019
him. Kennedy Blunemary has infmmed
81mm md um Mfiwonld homcschool
6. We have not been able t0 find any witnesses who" haveseen LV. since September 24,’ 2019.

7. I was familiar with Lori Vafiow becau’sc the. RFD had previously been contacted by the
Gilbert, Amona and mam, Anzana Pogo; 1333mm who requesxed heap to ohm
search warrants {Ora vehicle in Lofi’spassession. Said vekick was related to a pomfisi’e
attempted murder of Lori’s n‘iece’s ex-husband, Bmfldo‘n Boudmaux in Arizona. I am
aware that Detective Ray .H'ennbsiilo had-a‘l’so Manned internment surveifiance on Lori

Vallow at the request of the Gilbert Police Department, starting en Novamber .1, 2019.

Detective Hermosfio repans that he never ghee saw xv; whsn he was pexformmg
surveillance dining the manth afNovembci’r, 2‘01 9f...

8. The

vehicle mentioned inparagmp‘h 6 of this

beanng Texas

is, the
license plate no, me997.
demed husband 0f Lori Vallow.
the proceéss cfgetfing a divorce
maze is

Wa 2018‘, grey Jeep Wrangler,

Vaflowand’Charles Vaflow
as cams Vanow,
weite in
' '

when Charles Vallowdijed.) The Gilbert Poiiwe I I

o :

Was interested in this vehicle because it had been identified in an attempwd shooting ofa

Brandon BOW in Gilbert Arizona on October 2, 201 9. 'Brmdon had pmviously been

married to Lori Vauow’snie'ce, Meianie Boudreaux. Ame time ofhis mm shooting

Brandon witnessed the 36¢? (Which he recognized as being the, same vehinle that T‘R.

neguIarly drovex) Bmdonvobserved a rifle with a silancer oi‘u't ofthe rear window of

the Jeep and then Brandon’s vehicle was shot once in: the front driVer’s doorfiame. As

Brandon dmve away, the Jeep foll'amd; hm-e‘venflmny Wed a difi’erent direction. This
same Jeep obsewad by Brandon wasseized pursuant to a search mum: in November of
2019 in RCXBm‘g, Idaho; 3t is signficant that 'the'veificie' TR. repomdly regularly drove

was stilt in Reaching marly m months afie‘r the last kninwn sighting of TIL

9. I am aware, wough contact with the Gilbert and Chandler Poiice. Deparments, that Lori’s

mm, Charms vaiow, wasshm an Jury 11‘, 2019, by Loris brother? Aiex Cox. 1m
Vallow is now married to Chaé 'D‘aybell, fi‘om Fremont County, Idaho Chad Daybell’s

wife, Tammy Dayben, died in Fremont Comm, Make on acme: 1'9, 2m 9. I was informs:
that Chad and Lori tnam'ed approximately two weeks after the (163$ Of Tamra}: Daybeil.

I later confirmed they were mamed on November 5,. 201-9, on the- ,Isiand of Kauai in

Hawaii. Thmugh our Won, RFD dEmvered photographs oftheir wedding on a

beach in Hawaii. Neithcr J.V. or IR. am m in any ofthose phomgaphs.

10. On November 26, 2019, Detective Hermosillo and'Detective Hope fi'om the RPD went to
Lori’s home located at 565 Pioneer Road, #175, Rexburg, Idaho, w conduct a welfare
check. Detectives Hermosillo and Hope me: with Lori’s brother, Alex Cox, and Chad

Daybell outside the residence. Chad acted as if he didn’t know Lori very well and stated

he didn’t know her phone number. Alex widths detecnm that J.V. was with his gandma,

Kay Woodcock, mLOuiSiMWhichwasnoilikelytobemxeéuetothefactflmKaywas

the individual who first called in a missing child report to the, Gilbert Police Department.

Alex said Lori may be in aparhncnt #107. flamesiiio and Hope went to apment #107,

but the apment was completely emptyland vacant. Atth‘is time, they ”called me and asked

me to come to the premises to help search far 13V.

n. Shortly after caning me, Detecfive Hennosiuo caned me again and indicated mat he saw

Chad Daybell driving a black Chmlet Equinox away fio'm the residence. Detective

Hermosillo stopped Chad and asked him again ifhe had seen 1V. Chad responded that the

last timche had seen J.V. was in-apamnentflm inOctober. Healso admitted hekncw

Lori Vaflow’s phone number and provided it to Detective HeImOS'illo.

12. On that same day, myself and DeteCtive smbbszofth'e RFD located and spoke with Ipri
Vallow in her apamnmt, #175.We idenfified ourselves a8 RPD officers: Lori told us that
J.V. was in Gilbert, Adm with a fiimd named Melanie Gibb‘ We obtained

phone number from Lon We ended our contact with Lori. and immediatelymtempted to
call Melanie Gibb. We were unable to contact her.

13. Because Dewctive Smbbs and I Were unable t0 contact Melanie Gibb we. immadiatcly

contacted Lori Vanow- again and we mugged that she call Melanie Gibb. At this time

“Frozen 2” so was unlikely Melanie

Lori told us that Melanie and 1V. were at the movie

We instructed Lori call Melanie Gibb and have her call us so

would answer the phona. ti)

we could verify the location ormv.‘

l4. By the evening ofNovembe‘r 26, 2019, we had still not heard fi‘om Melanie Gibb, so RPD
informed DaectiVe Ryan Pillar ofthe Gilbert Police Department cfme information we had

received regarding the Children being with Mclahie Gibb. I was infonned latex that evening

around 9:30 pm. that Gilbert Police want to mc-homc of Melanie Gibb. Melanie was not

home but Defective Pillar: contacted her by phone and she stated that J.V. was not staying
atherArizonahouscandhadnotbecnthereforsevsral months.

15. 0n December 6, 2019, RFD Was 0011M by Meinnie Gibb 8nd inform that both Chad
Daybeil and Lori Vallow c'afied. Melanieon Navembcr 26, 20 l 9 at‘sepmate times and asked

her to tell the police that-she had J.V. even though 34V. was not with her. Melanm informed
RFD that She declined Chad’s m Lori’s reqlwsts. This fixther establishes that the

statement made to law enfomament by Lori Valljow on Novembet 26, 2019 was false and
that Lori Vailow knew it was false.»

16.1116 statemml Lori made toRPD about J.V. being with Melanie Gibb delayed the

investigation into the whexmboufs and safety. ofJ.V. by requinng us to take time to


17. On November 27, 2019, RFD ohmimd search waxmnts to watch:

1) "Lori Vaflow’s’ apartment, located at 565 Pioneer Road, #175, Rexbmg, Idaho,

2) Meianie BoMrea’ux/Pavviowsld’s (Lon Valiew’s niece). apm‘b‘nent located at 565

PioneervRoad, #174, 'Rexbmg, Idaho and

3) Alex Cox’s (Lori’s brother) apartment located at 5,65 Pioneer Road, #107,

Rexburg, idaho. (This apmnem had nothing in it other than a cowl: of small

items in its garage.)

All three apartments are part ofthe same complex. J.V. was not iocated at any ofthe

residences. It appeared to me mat most of the clothing in Lori’s apartment had been

removed. Other furniture was still inside the residence. RPD believed that she lefi Rexbutg
with Chad Daybell the night ofNovember 26, 1,2019. Melanie Boudxea’ux later confirmed

that Chad and Lori did leave Rexburg the night of the 263‘.

18. During the seam}; ofLon Vallow’sapamnent, we found evidence that 33V. was prescribed
Risperidone in the fmm of a pin bottle labeled with J.Vis name and me pmm’bed
Rispmidone. I have learned through resemh that Risperidone is a mummy prescaibed
to twat irritability ewwd by autism. That presefiption was filled for J.V. in January 2019
in Arizona. The RiSpcridon‘e bottle still contained '17
pins. We have vcxified through the
Idaho State Pharmacy Board 11m said prescription has not hem filled in Idaho.

19. 0n November 27, 2019 RFD also med a search warrant on Lori Vallow’s shorage unit

lama at SeIf-smge Pius in Rexbmg, Idaho. inside ofthe storage uni: we fomd a

blanket with pictures ofiv. 0n it, .8 blanket With pictures of IR on it, a; bankpack With
J.V.“s initials on it, toys that appeared appropriate for a young boy, winter clothing, other

children’s clothing, bikas, a scootet and a photo album.

Storage Plus was declined on January 2 of 2020-. The owner of Self~Storage Plus has

reportedto Iawenforcementthatas regularoperafingpmmdurchehasmachedoutmbri

Vallow by phone, text, and email but has not heard back fi‘om her. At this time, Lori Vallow

has not attenuated to pmviée mother debit/cre'dit card to Seif Storage-Flus.

21. Soon after We executed the search waniants to find IN. at the. apartments in_chburg,

Gilbert Police asked us if

Rexhxrg. T.R.

Who is deem
is Lon Vallow‘s
we had any
biological W
record of a TR. (DOB:
fiom hm mags
09/24/2002), being in

to Joseph Ryan,

22‘ TR, has abmthernamedCGlby'Ryan. Iamawarem GilbertPofiee Depamnmxflm been

in contact with Coiby. Colby reports that the last time he spoke with TR. was on August

30, 2019, via FaceTime. He infomed Gilbert Felice that when ha tried to contact TR.

after August 30, 201 9, Lori would givecxcuses as to why TI.R. could not talk with him.

23. Through our investigation, R?!) has been informed that TR. moved to Rexburg with Lori

on or about September 1“ or 2'“, 2019. We have been informed that Lon' told Melanie

Gibb that TR. was attending classes ,at‘ BYUeIdaho, Homer, a records check at BYU~1

mamas that m. was never
mm at BYU-Idaho or any other school amnated with


24. RPD verified Lori Vallaw moved into the aparmlcnt located at 565 Pioneer Road, No. 175

in Rexburg with TR. and J.V‘ on or around September lnior 2“, 2019. This infomafion

was corroboramd by Lori Vanow’s neighbors who lived in the same complex in the next-

door apartlnent. They saw TR at or around the r&siégnce when she moved in with Lori.
Thwe same neighbors actually heiped Lori Vallow move into her apartment. They saw

T.R. briefly a couple offimes afia she moved in but have not seen her since the first couple

of weeks of Sepwmber. Their son played with 33V. multiple times These same neighbors

have timber infomled us, through Detacfive Stubbs ofthc RFD, that one oftheir children

went to Lori’s apaflment somfime in lam September to play with J.V. and the child was

informedbyLoriVa'llowflthV. wasnotthereandmathehadgonctostaywfihhis



2S. Another neighbor oflmi Vallow, who lived directly across the courtyard fi'om Lori at 565

PioneerRow hadadwbellcammflmtmoodedlv. outsideplayingon September l7,


flamug‘h phone records, that TR.

26. Throughom om investigation, we Were abie to determine,
Yellowstone National Padg
aooompanied Lori Vallow, Alex Cox, and J.V. onva day trip to
atthc parkenu‘anoethrough
on September 8, 2019. Wehavedbtained aphotograph ofT.R.

the National Park Sauce. Also, through service of a-semch warrant RFD
has 1)me a
in Yellowstone National Path that is time
photo fiom Lori Vallow’s iCloud amount of T.R.
2019. Ihisphotoisflzelastfimewecmfindanyrecord ofTR.
stampedon September 8,

being with Lori Vallow. We have found no witnessw who can vetify they have seen TR.
since September 8, 2019.

the Ins Angelcs, Califomia

27. RFD has verifiedthm Chad Daybeli and Lori Vallaw flew fiom
on December 1, 2019. This information was
Airport to Kauai on American Airlines
served on American Airlines. RFD cannot find any
obtained through a search warrant

infomtion suggesting they have tamed to the mainland of the United 8mm since that

time and it appears they have been in Hawaii since my arrived on December 1, 2019.

Those same rewrds establish that J.V_. and TR. wwe not with their mother Lon' Vaflow
when she flew to Kauai.

28.1amawarethatChad andLorimeu‘rrenfly fivixxgat4l41 QueenEmmaD
Prinoevifle, Kauai, Hawaii lam in contact with the Kanm Police Who are monitofing the
d with Chad
condo in which Chad and Lori ave staying. The children have not been sighte

and Lon Fmther, I am aware thaton multiple oocasiuns, Chad and Lori checked into the
Kauai Bach Rnsonandthatno children checksdinwifhfllem. That‘informafionwas

provided by an employee ofthe Resort.

29. Detectiw Chad Cataluna, ofthc Kauai Police, Department, has perfonned surveillance on

thathehassecn Lori Vallow

Chad DaybellandLori VallawinK’a‘uai. Hehasinformedus
awarethaiChad andLori were
withChadDaybeH atleastflzreetimessmcchc Wasmade
r&sidingon Kauai. Detective Camlunahasinfor
medmthatnotoncehasheseenlv. and

TR. withChadandLmi.

On December 20, 2019, the Rexbmg Police and the FBI published a press release

T3. were, missing, that RP!) was looking for them, and asking
announcing that J.V. and
for the public’s help in locating

2019, this case has received national

media attention Lori Vailow
31. Sinoe Dawnber 20,
flze location ofher
rcemt with any information tegmding
has refusedto provide 'laW-eznfo

children T.R and AV.

has le‘amcd that Lori Vallo

w used the website
32. Through this investigation RFD
nt on
find a babysitter far .JJV; Through service of a search warra
www.camcom to
ofthe babysitter who Lori Vaflow hired
www.ememm we were able to verify tile identity
this Mysitter and she
inflamed us that she watched J.V.
to watch iv. We conta cted
She had met Lori Vanow and 1N. the day before (September
the 19'“ of September.
employment was to be‘ ongoing. The babysitter
2019.) The babysitter understood that her
w and Lori told her that
repons that on September 24,
2019 she reached out t9 Lori Vallo

J.V. hadgnne stay With hisgrandmafcrseveral weeksandthatthe babysitter’s services


33. On Jammy 16, 2020, a ChildProtection Action Was filed by the State ofIdah'o in Madison

County on behalfofJN. and TR. The case number is CV33-20-0045. The Court ordered

Lori Vallow to produce IN. and TR. within 5 days ofs‘a'vice ofthe orderto the Rexburg

Police Went or the Idaho Department of Health and Welfme in Rexburg. Lori

om on Jammy 25, 2020, by Detective Chad Cataluna

Vallow was served that

of the Kauai Police

W. Saturday,

Lon' did not produce the children within

medandhaswproduced the childre‘ntothisdate.

five days of

34.0merthananycmrentordm inapendingChfld Protecn'onAction inMadison County,

Idaho, RPDhasnmfound anymurtrec‘ord ‘ormdeétestabfis‘hing guardianshiporparentage

of TR with anyone other than Lori Vallow. There is a Final Decree of Adoption fiom
the 14‘” Judicial District Court, Parish OfCalcasieu, State-ofLouisiana, csmmishing Charla

mxd Lori Vallow as the adopted parent‘s of J.V., damd July 25, 2014. As such, the only

known living parent of 1V. and TR. is Lori Valio'w.

35. 0n m: dam between January 24, 2020 and January 29, 2020, waas in Hawaii with

Detective Hermosillo rand the Kauai Police Depamncm. Imvicwed video of Lori Valiow

bemgserved with the Order in the child protection case, which was filmed bythe Kauai

Police Departmant. J.V. and 1R. Wm not seen in the video. While we were there, two

FBI agems, Rory Johnsonand Douglas McLand, assisted us in pafoxming surveillance on

Chad Daybgll and Lori Vanow. .On the morning of January 26, 2020, they observed Chad

andlorionabeaclx J.V.andT§R.werenotwithmemé

36. During the afiermon of Jammy 26, 2020*, I observed the Kauai Police Department serve

search warrants on the pasons of Chad Daybell and Lexi Vallew and on a black Ford

Said warrants were served on them in the parking lot of the

Explomr they had rented.

Kauai Beach Resort. J.V. and T.R. were not with Lori and Chad.
The following items

were locatedintheir possession:

a. birth certificates for TR. and J.V.,

b. T335 finimcial tmnsacfion card issued by BBVA.
c. INKS iPad (identified by his initials on the back),
d; another iPad which was logged into J.V.’s Apple account,

e. vasrschooz registration recaps fm- Kennedy 31mm in Rexbmg Idaho.

37, Through om invmfigation, RPDleamed-flw TR.

’s BB’VA financial transaction card which

was found with Lori Vaflow is still active and has hem used. since the last sighting onyIee.

38. 0n January 26, 2020, afimf the search warrants were served 0n the persons and vehicie of
Chad Daybell and Lori Vallow, a sea‘mh wan'ant was served on the condominium located
at 4141 Queen Emma Drive; Unit 3, PfincBVifle,-.Kami, Hawaii, where Chad and Lori

residing I perfionally observed the Kauai Police 9611mm the search, In the garage cf the

candominium, am were two beaoh/lawn chars, 'mo'yoga/fimess mats, and two beach
child. There
tom. Thgre were no items in the garage-flxat appeared to belong to a minor

Was nothing found in the madamnfium that appealed to beltmg to 'T.R. or J.V. Fm,
themwasno‘thing foundin the oondomizfiumtha‘twomd indicatcthat
aseven ywoid boy
children’s medication,
had been there, such as children’s clothing, toys, .clfildzen’s books,
in the eondominium. That
etc. There was'a second room, other thanthemaster’ bedroom,
second room had no signs of being lived in or otherwise

dog for his wtism. This

39. mug}: this investigation RPD discovered that J.V‘ had a servine
dog was named Bailey and was mined by Dog
mining mite, Az. 0n July 22“" she sen:

AZ-an email asking abom'finding 330th“

Dog Training Elite,
f“ Bailey MY ma m
chmgeinnfecimstmces Dog'TrainingEHtgAZpi

Daybell’sp‘arcms, Jack and Sheik Daybell,

40. Through this invmfigation I interviewed Chad

in spfingvme, Utah They informm me mat Chad and Lari mid them in November that

Led Valiow was an “emmy-nester.”

41. Through this inVesfigafion RFD has interviewed Jason and Samanm Gwiiliam. Samantha

Gwiliiam is the sister ofthe deceased Tamra)! Dayb‘eil. Jason and Samantha infbrmed‘ RFD

that Chad told them that Lori had n9 juvenila ehiidxm

42‘ 0n February 1-6, 2020, R1213 received a tip from a mm: animus! in Maui, Hawaii that
Chadnaybenmm Vanovmerexeming' mmmmMcmmmmmeMmfi
ai’mort. The infomant provided a picture ofChad and Lori 1V; and T3,. ware not with

Chad and Lori in the, mature.

43. Thoughnut this investigation, RFD am} file FBI have reviewed Lon Vailow’s bank and

financial information. Nb infannatmn has been found which wmfld suggzst that Lori

Vallow is providing money to anyone'to cane for 1N. ‘anid

44. RFD has found no ewdencc 0r verificatiorx 0f myone providing for the housing,

medical care of 1.5V. Sines Sepwmber 24, 2319 and TR. since
clothing, educating, or

September s, 2919.

4s. As om date ems afiidavit, 34v; am: m anemia missing.

4.6. Due to:

'I-ZR. and J.V‘
Lori Vailowisme Inglpaxent and guardian of

Nobody has seen or vesifiably heard fiom

’m since September s, 2019;

23, 2019;
Nbb‘ody has seem or heard flan: 33V». sinwseptember
on the Island of Kauai Hawaii since me
Lori Va‘iiow has vsfifiahly' been hving
new husbmd, Chad Daybell, and that nut
beginning of Deceflflaer 2039,- WEth her

once have they been seen with

J.Vg or TR;
Daybeii and Lori Valiow contains
The condominium cummiy occupied by Chad
Chad and Lari, is living there;
no evidence that any person other than
5.1; has riot beefl refilled
in the Stave of Idaho at a
f. That mdiwtion prescdbed to

fime when J.V. was verifiably with Lari Valium

pos'seSsiGn of Lori Vaflcw even though
TR.’s financial transaciian catd Was in {ha

TR. is not. Mm Lori Vafiow;

h. Lori Vaflow and Chad Daybell have repmsented to Chad’s family that Lori has no

juvenile childmn;
with J.V.
Lo‘n' Vallow chimed that she was going to homeschool 33V. but she is not

and no other educational facility has requested £st School records;

j. No verification afanofim caregiver for 1V. or TR. has been found; and
with a Court Order to
k. That as of January 30, 2020, Lon‘ Valtow failed to comply

produce the minor children to the, Rexburg Idaho Police Depamnent or the Idaho
of being an order
Department of Health and Weifaxe within five days
served, with,

to do so.

I believe probable cause exists that Lori Vallow has damn! TR and J.V., pm'suant to
for “Every pmon who:
Idaho Code 18-401(1), which. states it shall be afelony

gfihteen (1~8_)tyears dependent upon him or her for cam,

Having any child under the age of’e’i
in any manna wha‘tevcr, with intent to abandon
education or suppon, desens Such child
Vallow intentionally and willfully
it;” I further believe probable cause exists that Lori

pmuant to Idaho Code 18-403 and 18-405.

abandoned J.V. and T.R.

47. Due to:

infb flnafiontoRPDbytemng
a ThefactflthofiVaBonmvided vcfifiabiyfilse
ie Gibb;
RFD flmJN. was lowed inArianawith Mclan
into the
b. That said false informafiw obsh
ucmd and delayed the invesfigation

location ofm by requmng RFD to mamas a raise lean; and

the false
Vaflow solicited Melanie Gibb to corroborate
c. That fact that Lori I

infomation Lon’ gave RPD;

I bclievepr‘obablc cause exists Mimi Vallow did resist, delay, orabstrmt a public
ofice, specifically investigating a
in the discharge or attem
pt to discharge a duty ofhis

Code 187-705.
report ofa missing child, pursuant to Idaho

48. Due to:

ie Gibb to pmvide false
fact that Len Villow did sclicit or request Melafi
a. The
would have further
J.V., which
information to RPD regarding the location of

RPD’s investigation;
obstructed and or delayed


mbable cause exifis that Lori Vallow did commit the cfixfie of Salicitation to

I believe

Comma Crime mam to IdahoCode.18.~2091. 2

49. Dua to:

number ‘CV33-20‘v0045 by failmg to pmduoe J.V. mid TR. to the RFD Or to the

IdahoDepamnemofHeaIthand Weiimemnexburg on Jammy 30th, 2020; M

1 believe probabie cause lusts that Lori Vallbw did violate Mo Code 38-1801 (4). MMMWW»



Due tn the following fact“ beam mat Lon vans“: is a flight


a. Within the day 0f When We met with Lori V'aI’I‘ow on 'NOVembcr 26, 2019 t0 ask wvm;;~»mmmw»wwu§ww

aboutmewhereabomsafmechflmwri Vauowhadlcfithemt ’


l3. T116 charges being flied against Lori Vaifio’w are 3mm Two of thg charges am g


to 14 years in prism.
felony abandonment ofa’ child which Carry up
She no lenger has a home
c. Lori Vaflow has no- significant ties to Madisen County
here and she has abandoned a significant
amount ofpropezty here. wowmmmmwwwwwmW,

d. Lori. Valiow has WY difipiayedawflhngness to disobey and igmr

e a court oréer
land TR. Rexburg even mangh she Was specificall -

by not pmducmg LV‘

in ~

the comm dose and hadaéaquat

e time to do $0.
ordered by, WWW

e. Lori vanow am: Chad Damn have significant financial rem. 1am aware wk


eds upon the

that Chad Daybeli received
at leastgf$430£00m in life insurance proce

deathofhis wife Tawny As such, Lori andC’h'ad have resources Went to help
t and the Gem;
men: nave} and hide finm law enfcrceman
afLo‘ri Novena
51. Based upon the above, I'hem
by 1'qu a Warrant 15e- issued far til“: arrest i

Vallo'w, AKA Lori Natalie Daybeil fer: i

serfionananansuppm afchiidr
mmaho Code 13—4010),
a, two felony cams offie
ubsmicfing Gficers, Idaho Code
b. “one misdemwnor ”count ofresisfing and
nal sofiaitation, Iéabo Code 18-2001,
c. one misdemeanor count of crimi
al contempt, Idaho Code 18d
d. one misdemeanor com: of minim

52. I respectfully request, based upon the above, that bond be set in this matter in the amount

of five million dollars to secule Lori Vallow’s appearance in Court in Madison County,


Further your amant sayeth not.

DATED this / 3 day ofFebruary, 2020. , x

, A Z

. Ron Ball
Rexburg Police Depamnent

SUBMITTED TOMEthis l? dayofFebnmy,2ozo.

‘\\\\\ \
L Thu, ll

w/z Z.
Notary Public


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