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February 21, 2020

Dear Mr. Rahul Negi,

We are pleased to enclose our offer of appointment-dated 02-Mar-2020 . Please give your acceptance to this offer
within one week of this letter indicating your likely date of joining.

On the day you report for duty, please bring with you the Original Certificates to verify with the document uploaded in to
employee self-service portal:

1. Certificates in support of your Education Qualifications

2. Experience Certificates

3. Your relieving letter and latest salary certificate.

4. Proof of Income Tax deducted from your salary by your previous employer

5. Certificate evidencing your date of birth (Passport/School Leaving Certificate/Birth Certificate)

6. PAN Card

7. Passport-size photographs (2 nos.)

We look forward to a mutually beneficial association.

For NxtGen Datacenter & Cloud Technologies Private Ltd

Suveen S
Head - Human Resources
February 21, 2020


Dear Mr. Rahul Negi,

With reference to your application and subsequent discussions with us, we are pleased to appoint you as Account
Manager in NxtGen Data Center & Cloud Technologies Private Limited ("Company"), on the following terms and

A. Compensation & Benefits

Basic Salary: 15,000 Per month in INR

Benefits & Allowance: As detailed in Annexure A

B. Place of Posting & Responsibilities

Your initial posting will be at Mumbai. However, your services are transferable to any other place or office of the
Company, or to any of its existing/new subsidiaries or associate companies. Such transfer/deputation will be in
accordance with the Company & policies inexistence at that time.

Though you have been engaged for a specific position, the Company reserves the right to determine your future
responsibilities based on prevailing requirements.

During your employment with us, you shall devote your whole time and attention to the Company's business, which is
entrusted to you. You shall not engage directly or indirectly in any other business or service, without the prior written
consent of the Company.

C. Probation

You will initially be on probation for a period of six months, effective from the date of joining. However, the Company
reserves the right to extend your probationary period.
On successful completion of your probation, the Company will confirm your services in writing.
D. Confidentiality

You shall be required to safeguard and maintain the confidentiality and secrecy of all information pertaining to the
Company's operations and intellectual property, and shall execute a non-disclosure agreement to this effect.
In case you are bound by confidentiality agreements with any of your previous employers, you shall inform us of these
agreements in writing. You shall also indemnify the Company against all consequences arising out of any breaches of
such agreements committed by you.

Your remuneration is a matter of privy between yourself and the Company and has been arrived at based on your
background and professional merit. We expect you to maintain this information as personal and confidential at all times

E. Notice Period & Termination

Termination with in six (6) months of employment: In the event of Voluntary resignation by employee or termination by
the company within six (6) months from the date of joining mentioned above, the concerned party shall provide not less
than 30 days / one (1) month prior notice to the company or by pay one (1) month of basic salary in lieu of the notice

Termination of employment after six(6) months: On the expiry of six(6) months from the date of joining herein, either part
can terminate this Employment, by providing 60 days/ two (2) months of prior notice or basic salary in lieu of the notice

You shall abide by the prevailing policies of the Company, which are in force from time to time. The Company has the
right to change and modify any or all of the terms and conditions of service, which shall be binding on you. Breach of
any of the Company's policies or any of the above terms and conditions will render your services liable to termination,
without notice or compensation thereof.

On termination of your appointment, you shall promptly, and without delay, return to the Company any property or
documents of the Company or its customers retained in your possession.

F. Date of Joining

This offer of appointment is valid until 02-Mar-2020. We expect you to join prior to this date, failing which this offer of
appointment shall be deemed as withdrawn.
Our offer of appointment will become effective from the date you join the Company.
G. Retirement Age

As per Company policy, you will retire from the services of the Company on attaining the age of 58 years. Company
policy can change based on situation and requirements.

H. General

This offer letter is subject to satisfactory completion of relevant reference checks, medical checks and verification of
documents and information provided by you. We trust that you have not provided us with any false information or
suppressed any mat material information. In the event that any such information is found to be false at any point of time,
in the future, you will be liable for all consequences including termination from the services

After your confirmation in the Company, your compensation will be reviewed on an Annual basis, as per the Company's

We take pleasure in welcoming you to the growing family of NxtGeners, and wish you the best.


For NxtGen Datacenter & Cloud Technologies Private Ltd

Suveen S
Head - Human Resources


I have read, understood and agree to the terms of employment.


Name : Mr. Rahul Negi


NAME : Mr. Rahul Negi

DESIGNATION : Account Manager
Revised Compensation
Monthly Pay Details Basic 15,000
HRA 7,500
Special Allowance 24,537
Monthly Item Total 47,037
Annual Sub Total 564,444
Annual Pay Details Provident Fund 21,600
PF Admin Charges 1,800
Gratuity 8,656
Group Medical Insurance 3,500
Annual Item Total 600,000
Variable Pay
Total Pay 600000
* Medical Insurance will be covered for the employee and immediate family for a sum insured of 300000. Parental
Insurance Premium are payable by the Employee.
** Performance Linked Incentive is governed by the Performance Management policy

For NxtGen Datacenter & Cloud Technologies Private Ltd

Suveen S
Head - Human Resources

I have read, understood and agree to the terms of employment.

Name : Mr. Rahul Negi

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