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LOANS Section 3.

INTRODUCTION..............................................................3 OTHER CREDIT ISSUES .............................................. 33

LOAN ADMINISTRATION .............................................3 Appraisals .................................................................... 33
Lending Policies .............................................................3 Valuation of Troubled Income-Producing Properties
Loan Review Systems ....................................................4 ................................................................................. 34
Credit Risk Rating or Grading Systems .....................4 Appraisal Regulation ............................................... 34
Loan Review System Elements ..................................4 Interagency Appraisal and Evaluation Guidelines ... 36
Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses (ALLL) .............6 Examination Treatment ........................................... 40
Responsibility of the Board and Management ...........6 Loan Participations ...................................................... 40
Factors to Consider in Estimating Credit Losses........7 Accounting .............................................................. 40
Examiner Responsibilities ..........................................7 Right to Repurchase ................................................. 41
Regulatory Reporting of the ALLL ............................7 Recourse Arrangements ........................................... 41
Accounting and Reporting Treatment ........................8 Call Report Treatment ............................................. 42
PORTFOLIO COMPOSITION..........................................9 Independent Credit Analysis.................................... 42
Commercial Loans .........................................................9 Participation Agreements......................................... 42
General .......................................................................9 Participations Between Affiliated Institutions ......... 43
Accounts Receivable Financing .....................................9 Sales of 100 Percent Loan Participations................. 43
Leveraged Lending ....................................................... 10 Environmental Risk Program ...................................... 43
Applicability............................................................. 10 Guidelines for an Environmental Risk Program ...... 43
General ..................................................................... 10 Examination Procedures .......................................... 44
Risk Management Framework ................................. 11 LOAN PROBLEMS ........................................................ 44
General Policy Expectations .................................... 11 Poor Selection of Risks ................................................ 44
Participations Purchased .......................................... 11 Overlending ................................................................. 44
Underwriting Standards............................................ 12 Failure to Establish or Enforce Liquidation Agreements
Credit Analysis ......................................................... 12 ..................................................................................... 44
Valuation Standards ................................................. 12 Incomplete Credit Information .................................... 45
Risk Rating Leveraged Loans .................................. 13 Overemphasis on Loan Income ................................... 45
Problem Credit Management.................................... 14 Self-Dealing ................................................................. 45
Reporting and Analytics ........................................... 14 Technical Incompetence .............................................. 45
Deal Sponsors........................................................... 15 Lack of Supervision ..................................................... 45
Independent Credit Review ...................................... 15 Lack of Attention to Changing Economic Conditions . 45
Stress Testing ........................................................... 15 Competition ................................................................. 45
Conflicts of Interest .................................................. 15 Potential Problem Indicators by Document ................. 45
Oil and Gas Lending .................................................... 16 SELECTING A LOAN REVIEW SAMPLE IN A RISK-
Industry Overview .................................................... 16 FOCUSED EXAMINATION .......................................... 46
Reserve-Based Lending............................................ 16 Assessing the Risk Profile ........................................... 46
Real Estate Loans ......................................................... 21 Selecting the Sample ................................................... 47
General ..................................................................... 21 Nonhomogeneous Loan Sample .............................. 47
Real Estate Lending Standards ................................. 21 Homogeneous Pool Sample ..................................... 47
Commercial Real Estate Loans ................................ 22 Determining the Depth of the Review ......................... 48
Real Estate Construction Loans ............................... 23 Adjusting Loan Review ............................................... 48
Home Equity Loans ...................................................... 25 Accepting an Institution’s Internal Ratings ................. 49
Agricultural Loans ....................................................... 25 Loan Penetration Ratio ................................................ 49
Introduction .............................................................. 25 Large Bank Loan Review ............................................ 49
Agricultural Loan Types and Maturities .................. 26 LOAN EVALUATION AND CLASSIFICATION ........ 49
Agricultural Loan Underwriting Guidelines ............ 26 Loan Evaluation ........................................................... 49
Administration of Agricultural Loans ...................... 27 Review of Files and Records ....................................... 49
Classification Guidelines for Agricultural Credit ..... 28 Additional Transaction Testing ............................... 50
Installment Loans ......................................................... 30 Loan Discussion .......................................................... 50
Lease Accounting ......................................................... 30 Loan Analysis .............................................................. 50
Direct Lease Financing............................................. 30 Loan Classification ...................................................... 50
Lessor Accounting under ASC Topic 840................ 30 Definitions ................................................................... 51
Lessor Accounting under ASC Topic 842................ 31 Special Mention Assets................................................ 51
Examiner Consideration ........................................... 31 Troubled Commercial Real Estate Loan Classification
Floor Plan Loans .......................................................... 31 Guidelines .................................................................... 52
Check Credit and Credit Card Loans ........................... 32 Technical Exceptions ................................................... 52
Credit Card-related Merchant Activities ...................... 33 Past Due and Nonaccrual ............................................. 52

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Nonaccrual Loans That Have Demonstrated Sustained Overview of the Shared National Credit (SNC) Program
Contractual Performance .............................................. 53 ..................................................................................... 72
Troubled Debt Restructuring - Multiple Note Structure Definition of a SNC ................................................. 72
...................................................................................... 53 SNC Review and Rating Process ............................. 73
Interagency Retail Credit Classification Policy............ 54 SNC Rating Communication and Distribution Process
Re-aging, Extensions, Deferrals, Renewals, or ................................................................................. 73
Rewrites ................................................................... 55 Appeals Process ....................................................... 73
Partial Payments on Open-End and Closed-End Additional Risks Associated with Syndicated Loan
Credit ........................................................................ 56 Participations ............................................................... 73
Examination Considerations .................................... 56 CREDIT SCORING ........................................................ 74
Examination Treatment ............................................ 56 SUBPRIME LENDING .................................................. 75
Impaired Loans, Troubled Debt Restructurings, Introduction ................................................................. 75
Foreclosures, and Repossessions .................................. 57 Capitalization ............................................................... 76
Report of Examination Treatment of Classified Loans 59 Stress Testing ............................................................... 77
Issuance of "Express Determination" Letters to Risk Management ........................................................ 77
Institutions for Federal Income Tax Purposes .............. 60 Classification ............................................................... 80
CONCENTRATIONS ...................................................... 61 ALLL Analysis ............................................................ 80
FEDERAL FUNDS SOLD AND REPURCHASE Subprime Auto Lending .............................................. 80
AGREEMENTS ............................................................... 62 Subprime Residential Real Estate Lending.................. 81
FUNDAMENTAL LEGAL CONCEPTS AND Subprime Credit Card Lending .................................... 81
DEFINITIONS ................................................................. 63 Payday Lending ........................................................... 81
Uniform Commercial Code – Secured Transactions .... 63 Significant Risks ...................................................... 82
General Provisions ................................................... 63 Concentrations ......................................................... 83
Grant of Security Interest ......................................... 63 Capital Adequacy .................................................... 83
Collateral .................................................................. 63 Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses .................... 83
Perfecting the Security Interest ................................ 63 Classifications .......................................................... 83
Right to Possess and Dispose of Collateral .............. 64 Renewals/Rewrites .................................................. 83
Agricultural Liens .................................................... 64 Accrued Fees and Finance Charges ......................... 84
Borrowing Authorization ............................................. 65
Bond and Stock Powers................................................ 66
Comaker ....................................................................... 66
Loan Guarantee ............................................................ 66
Subordination Agreement ............................................ 66
Hypothecation Agreement ............................................ 67
Real Estate Mortgage ................................................... 67
Collateral Assignment .................................................. 67
Introduction .................................................................. 68
Forms of Bankruptcy Relief ......................................... 68
Functions of Bankruptcy Trustees ................................ 68
Voluntary and Involuntary Bankruptcy ........................ 68
Automatic Stay ............................................................. 68
Property of the Estate ................................................... 69
Discharge and Objections to Discharge ....................... 69
Reaffirmation ............................................................... 69
Classes of Creditors ...................................................... 69
Preferences ................................................................... 70
Setoffs .......................................................................... 70
Transfers Not Timely Perfected or Recorded ............... 70
SYNDICATED LENDING.............................................. 70
Overview ...................................................................... 70
Syndication Process ..................................................... 71
Loan Covenants ............................................................ 72
Credit Rating Agencies ................................................ 72

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INTRODUCTION lending policies and to supervise their implementation.

Therefore examiners should encourage establishment and
Section 39 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, maintenance of written, up-to-date lending policies which
Standards for Safety and Soundness, requires each federal have been approved by the board of directors. A lending
banking agency to establish safety and soundness policy should not be a static document, but must be
standards for all insured depository institutions. Appendix reviewed periodically and revised in light of changing
A to Part 364 of the FDIC Rules and Regulations, circumstances surrounding the borrowing needs of the
Interagency Guidelines Establishing Standards for Safety institution's customers as well as changes that may occur
and Soundness, sets standards that institutions are required within the institution itself. To a large extent, the economy
to follow/adopt. Operational and managerial standards of the community served by the institution dictates the
pertaining to an institution’s loan portfolio address areas composition of the loan portfolio. The widely divergent
such as asset quality, internal controls, credit underwriting, circumstances of regional economies and the considerable
and loan documentation. The standards are designed to variance in characteristics of individual loans preclude
identify potential safety and soundness concerns and to establishment of standard or universal lending policies.
ensure that action is taken to address those concerns before There are, however, certain broad areas of consideration
they pose a risk to the Deposit Insurance Fund. and concern that are typically addressed in the lending
policies of all banks regardless of size or location. These
The examiner’s evaluation of an institution’s lending include the following:
policies, credit administration, and the quality of the loan
portfolio is among the most important aspects of the  General fields of lending in which the institution will
examination process. To a great extent, the quality of an engage and the kinds or types of loans within each
institution's loan portfolio determines the risk to depositors general field;
and to the FDIC's insurance fund. Conclusions regarding  Lending authority of each loan officer;
the institution’s condition and the quality of its  Lending authority of a loan or executive committee, if
management are weighted heavily by the examiner's any;
findings with regard to lending practices. Emphasis on  Responsibility of the board of directors in reviewing,
review and evaluation of the loan portfolio and its ratifying, or approving loans;
administration by institution management during  Guidelines under which unsecured loans will be
examinations recognizes that loans comprise a major granted;
portion of most institutions’ assets; and, that it is the asset  Guidelines for rates of interest and the terms of
category which ordinarily presents the greatest credit risk repayment for secured and unsecured loans;
and potential loss exposure to banks. Moreover, pressure  Limitations on the amount advanced in relation to the
for increased profitability, liquidity considerations, and a value of the collateral and the documentation required
more complex society produce great innovations in credit by the institution for each type of secured loan;
instruments and approaches to lending. Loans have  Guidelines for obtaining and reviewing real estate
consequently become more complex. Examiners therefore appraisals as well as for ordering reappraisals, when
find it necessary to devote a large portion of time and needed;
attention to loan portfolio examination.  Maintenance and review of complete and current
credit files on each borrower;
  Appropriate collection procedures including, but not
LOAN ADMINISTRATION limited to, actions to be taken against borrowers who
fail to make timely payments;
Lending Policies  Limitations on the maximum volume of loans in
relation to total assets;
The examiner's evaluation of the loan portfolio involves  Limitations on the extension of credit through
much more than merely appraising individual loans. overdrafts;
Prudent management and administration of the overall loan  Description of the institution's normal trade area and
account, including establishment of sound lending and circumstances under which the institution may extend
collection policies, are of vital importance if the institution credit outside of such area;
is to be continuously operated in an acceptable manner.  Guidelines that address the goals for portfolio mix and
risk diversification and cover the institution's plans for
Lending policies should be clearly defined and set forth in monitoring and taking appropriate corrective action, if
such a manner as to provide effective supervision by the deemed necessary, on any concentrations that may
directors and senior officers. The board of directors of exist;
every institution has the legal responsibility to formulate

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 Guidelines addressing the institution's loan review and  To identify relevant trends affecting the collectibility
grading system ("Watch list"); of the loan portfolio and isolate potential problem
 Guidelines addressing the institution's review of the areas;
Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses (ALLL); and  To evaluate the activities of lending personnel;
 Guidelines for adequate safeguards to minimize  To assess the adequacy of, and adherence to, loan
potential environmental liability. policies and procedures, and to monitor compliance
with relevant laws and regulations;
The above are only guidelines for areas that should be  To provide the board of directors and senior
considered during the loan policy evaluation. Examiners management with an objective assessment of the
should also encourage management to develop specific overall portfolio quality; and
guidelines for each lending department or function. As  To provide management with information related to
with overall lending policies, it is not the FDIC's intent to credit quality that can be used for financial and
suggest universal or standard loan policies for specific regulatory reporting purposes.
types of credit. The establishment of these policies is the
responsibility of each institution's Board and management. Credit Risk Rating or Grading Systems
Therefore, the following discussion of basic principles
applicable to various types of credit will not include or Accurate and timely credit grading is a primary component
allude to acceptable ratios, levels, comparisons or terms. of an effective loan review system. Credit grading
These matters should, however, be addressed in each involves an assessment of credit quality, the identification
institution's lending policy, and it will be the examiner's of problem loans, and the assignment of risk ratings. An
responsibility to determine whether the policies are effective system provides information for use in
realistic and being followed. establishing an allowance for specific credits and for the
determination of an overall ALLL level.
Much of the rest of this section of the Manual discusses
areas that should be considered in the institution's lending Credit grading systems often place primary reliance on
policies. Guidelines for their consideration are discussed loan officers for identifying emerging credit problems.
under the appropriate areas. However, given the importance and subjective nature of
credit grading, a loan officer’s judgement regarding the
Loan Review Systems assignment of a particular credit grade should generally be
subject to review. Reviews may be performed by peers,
The terms loan review system or credit risk review system superiors, loan committee(s), or other internal or external
refer to the responsibilities assigned to various areas such credit review specialists. Credit grading reviews
as credit underwriting, loan administration, problem loan performed by individuals independent of the lending
workout, or other areas. Responsibilities may include function are preferred because they can often provide a
assigning initial credit grades, ensuring grade changes are more objective assessment of credit quality. A loan review
made when needed, or compiling information necessary to system typically includes the following:
assess the appropriateness of the ALLL.
 A formal credit grading system that can be reconciled
The complexity and scope of a loan review system will with the framework used by Federal regulatory
vary based upon an institution’s size, type of operations, agencies;
and management practices. Systems may include  An identification of loans or loan pools that warrant
components that are independent of the lending function, special attention;
or may place some reliance on loan officers. Although  A mechanism for reporting identified loans, and any
smaller institutions are not expected to maintain separate corrective action taken, to senior management and the
loan review departments, it is essential that all institutions board of directors; and
have an effective loan review system. Regardless of its  Documentation of an institution’s credit loss
complexity, an effective loan review system is generally experience for various components of the loan and
designed to address the following objectives: lease portfolio.

 To promptly identify loans with well-defined credit Loan Review System Elements
weaknesses so that timely action can be taken to
minimize credit loss; Loan review policies are typically reviewed and approved
 To provide essential information for determining the at least annually by the board of directors. Policy
appropriateness of the ALLL; guidelines include a written description of the overall
credit grading process, and establish responsibilities for the

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various loan review functions. The policy generally Scope of Reviews

addresses the following items:
Reviews typically cover all loans that are considered
 Qualifications of loan review personnel; significant. In addition to loans over a predetermined size,
 Independence of loan review personnel; management will normally review smaller loans that
 Frequency of reviews; present elevated risk characteristics such as credits that are
 Scope of reviews; delinquent, on nonaccrual status, restructured as a troubled
 Depth of reviews; debt, previously classified, or designated as Special
 Review of findings and follow-up; and Mention. Additionally, management may wish to
periodically review insider loans, recently renewed credits,
 Workpaper and report distribution.
or loans affected by common repayment factors. The
percentage of the portfolio selected for review should
Qualifications of Loan Review Personnel
provide reasonable assurance that all major credit risks
have been identified.
Personnel to involve in the loan review function are
qualified based on level of education, experience, and
Depth of Reviews
extent of formal training. They are knowledgeable of both
sound lending practices and their own institution’s specific
Loan reviews typically analyze a number of important
lending guidelines. In addition, they are knowledgeable of
credit factors, including:
pertinent laws and regulations that affect lending activities.

Loan Review Personnel Independence  Credit quality;

 Sufficiency of credit and collateral documentation;
Loan officers are generally responsible for ongoing credit  Proper lien perfection;
analysis and the prompt identification of emerging  Proper loan approval;
problems. Because of their frequent contact with  Adherence to loan covenants;
borrowers, loan officers can usually identify potential  Compliance with internal policies and procedures, and
problems before they become apparent to others. applicable laws and regulations; and
However, institutions should be careful to avoid over  The accuracy and timeliness of credit grades assigned
reliance upon loan officers. To avoid conflicts of interest, by loan officers.
management typically ensures that, when feasible, all
significant loans are reviewed by individuals that are not Review of Findings and Follow-up
part of, or influenced by anyone associated with, the loan
approval process. Loan review findings should be reviewed with appropriate
loan officers, department managers, and members of senior
Larger institutions typically establish separate loan review management. Typically, any existing or planned
departments staffed by independent credit analysts. Cost corrective action (including estimated timeframes) is
and volume considerations may not justify such a system obtained for all noted deficiencies, with those deficiencies
in smaller institutions. Often, members of senior that remain unresolved reported to senior management and
management that are independent of the credit the board of directors.
administration process, a committee of outside directors, or
an outside loan review consultant fill this role. Regardless Workpaper and Report Distribution
of the method used, loan review personnel should report
their findings directly to the board of directors or a board A list of the loans reviewed, including the review date, and
committee. documentation supporting assigned ratings is commonly
prepared. A report that summarizes the results of the
Frequency of Reviews review is typically submitted to the board at least
quarterly. Findings usually address adherence to internal
The loan review function provides feedback on the policies and procedures, and applicable laws and
effectiveness of the lending process in identifying regulations, so that deficiencies can be remedied in a
emerging problems. Reviews of significant credits are timely manner. Examiners should review the written
generally performed annually, upon renewal, or more response from management in response to any substantive
frequently when factors indicate a potential for criticisms or recommendations and assess corrective
deteriorating credit quality. A system of periodic reviews actions taken.
is particularly important to the ALLL determination

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Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses (ALLL)  Establish and maintain a loan review system that
identifies, monitors, and addresses asset quality
Each institution must maintain an ALLL that is appropriate problems in a timely manner.
to absorb estimated credit losses associated with the held  Ensure the prompt charge-off of loans, or portions of
for investment loan and lease portfolio, i.e., loans and loans, deemed uncollectible.
leases that the institution has the intent and ability to hold  Ensure that the process for determining an appropriate
for the foreseeable future or until maturity or payoff. Each allowance level is based on comprehensive,
institution should also maintain, as a separate liability adequately documented, and consistently applied
account, an allowance sufficient to absorb estimated credit analysis.
losses associated with off-balance sheet credit instruments
such as loan commitments, standby letters of credit, and For purposes of Reports of Condition and Income (Call
guarantees. This separate liability account for estimated Reports) an appropriate ALLL for loans held for
credit losses on off-balance sheet credit exposures should investment should consist of the following items:
not be reported as part of the ALLL on an institution’s
balance sheet. Loans and leases held for sale are carried  The amount of allowance related to loans individually
on the balance sheet at the lower of cost or fair value, with evaluated and determined to be impaired under ASC
a separate valuation allowance. This separate valuation (Accounting Standards Codification) Subtopic 310-10,
allowance should not be included as part of the ALLL and Receivables - Overall.
accordingly regulatory capital.  The amount of allowance related to loans that were
individually evaluated for impairment and determined
The term "estimated credit losses" means an estimate of not to be impaired, as well as other loans collectively
the current amount of the loan and lease portfolio (net of evaluated under ASC Subtopic 450-20, Contingencies
unearned income) that is not likely to be collected; that is, – Loss Contingencies.
net charge-offs that are likely to be realized for a loan, or  The amount of allowance related to loans evaluated
pool of loans. The estimated credit losses should meet the under ASC Subtopic 310-30, Receivables –Loans and
criteria for accrual of a loss contingency (i.e., a provision Debt Securities Acquired with Deteriorated Credit
to the ALLL) set forth in generally accepted accounting Quality.
principles (U.S. GAAP). When available information  The amount of allowance related to international
confirms specific loans and leases, or portions thereof, to transfer risk associated with its cross-border lending
be uncollectible, these amounts should be promptly exposure.
charged-off against the ALLL.
Furthermore, management’s analysis of an appropriate
Estimated credit losses should reflect consideration of all allowance level requires significant judgement in
significant factors that affect repayment as of the determining estimates of credit losses. An institution
evaluation date. Estimated losses on loan pools should may support its estimate through qualitative factors that
reflect historical net charge-off levels for similar loans, adjust historical loss rates or an unallocated portion that
adjusted for changes in current conditions or other relevant can be supported through a similar analysis.
factors. Calculation of historical charge-off rates can
range from a simple average of net charge-offs over a When determining an appropriate allowance, primary
relevant period, to more complex techniques, such as reliance should normally be placed on analysis of the
migration analysis. various components of a portfolio, including all significant
credits reviewed on an individual basis. Examiners should
Portions of the ALLL can be attributed to, or based upon refer to ASC Subtopic 310-10 for guidance in establishing
the risks associated with, individual loans or groups of an allowance for individually evaluated loans determined
loans. However, the ALLL is available to absorb credit to be impaired and measured under that standard. When
losses that arise from the entire portfolio. It is not analyzing the appropriateness of an allowance, portfolios
segregated for any particular loan, or group of loans. evaluated collectively should group loans with similar
characteristics, such as risk classification, past due status,
Responsibility of the Board and Management type of loan, industry, or collateral. A depository
institution may, for example, analyze the following groups
It is the responsibility of the board of directors and of loans and provide for them in the ALLL:
management to maintain the ALLL at an appropriate level.
The allowance should be evaluated, and appropriate  Significant credits reviewed on an individual basis
provisions made, at least quarterly. In carrying out their (i.e., impaired loans);
responsibilities, the board and management are expected

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 Loans and leases that are not reviewed individually, However, while such comparisons can be helpful as a
but which present elevated risk characteristics, such as supplemental check of the reasonableness of
delinquency, adverse classification, or Special management’s assumptions and analysis, they are not, by
Mention designation; themselves, a sufficient basis for determining an
 Homogenous loans that are not reviewed individually, appropriate ALLL. Such comparisons do not eliminate the
and do not present elevated risk characteristics; and need for a comprehensive analysis and documentation of
 All other loans that have not been considered or the loan and lease portfolio and the factors affecting its
provided for elsewhere. collectibility.

In addition to estimated credit losses, the losses that arise Examiner Responsibilities
from the transfer risk associated with an institution’s cross-
border lending activities require special consideration. Generally, following the quality assessment of the loan and
Over and above any minimum amount that is required by lease portfolio, the loan review system, and the lending
the Interagency Country Exposure Review Committee to policies, examiners are responsible for assessing the
be provided in the Allocated Transfer Reserve (or charged appropriateness of the ALLL. Examiners should consider
to the ALLL), an institution must determine if their ALLL all significant factors that affect the collectibility of the
is appropriate to absorb estimated losses from transfer risk portfolio. Examination procedures for reviewing the
associated with its cross-border lending exposure. appropriateness of the ALLL are included in the
Examination Documentation (ED) Modules.
Factors to Consider in Estimating Credit Losses
In assessing the overall appropriateness of an ALLL, it is
Estimated credit losses should reflect consideration of all important to recognize that the related process,
significant factors that affect the portfolio’s collectibility methodology, and underlying assumptions require a
as of the evaluation date. While historical loss experience substantial degree of judgement. Credit loss estimates will
provides a reasonable starting point, historical losses, or not be precise due to the wide range of factors that must be
even recent trends in losses, are not by themselves, a considered. Furthermore, the ability to estimate credit
sufficient basis to determine an appropriate ALLL level. losses on specific loans and categories of loans should
Management should also consider any relevant qualitative improve over time. Therefore, examiners will generally
factors that are likely to cause estimated losses to differ accept management’s estimates of credit losses in their
from historical loss experience such as: assessment of the overall appropriateness of the ALLL
when management has:
 Changes in lending policies and procedures, including
underwriting, collection, charge-off and recovery  Maintained effective systems and controls for
practices; identifying, monitoring and addressing asset quality
 Changes in local and national economic and business problems in a timely manner;
conditions;  Analyzed all significant factors that affect the
 Changes in the volume or type of credit extended; collectibility of the portfolio; and
 Changes in the experience, ability, and depth of  Established an acceptable ALLL evaluation process
lending management; that meets the objectives for an appropriate ALLL.
 Changes in the volume and severity of past due,
nonaccrual, troubled debt restructurings, or classified If, after the completion of all aspects of the ALLL review
loans; described in this section, the examiner does not concur that
 Changes in the quality of an institution’s loan review the reported ALLL level is appropriate, or the ALLL
system or the degree of oversight by the board of evaluation process is deficient, recommendations for
directors; and, correcting these problems, including any examiner
concerns regarding an appropriate level for the ALLL,
 The existence of, or changes in the level of, any
should be noted in the Report of Examination.
concentrations of credit.

Institutions are also encouraged to use ratio analysis as a Regulatory Reporting of the ALLL
supplemental check for evaluating the overall
An ALLL established in accordance with the guidelines
reasonableness of an ALLL. Ratio analysis can be useful
provided above should fall within a range of acceptable
in identifying trends in the relationship of the ALLL to
estimates. When an ALLL is not deemed at an appropriate
classified and nonclassified credits, to past due and
level, management will be required to increase the
nonaccrual loans, to total loans and leases and binding
commitments, and to historical charge-off levels. provision for loan and lease loss expense sufficiently to

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restore the ALLL reported in its Call Report to an While different institutions may use different methods,
appropriate level. there are certain common elements that should be included
in any ALLL methodology. Generally, an institution’s
Accounting and Reporting Treatment methodology should:

ASC Subtopic 450-20 provides the basic guidance for  Include a detailed loan portfolio analysis, performed
recognition of a loss from a contingency that should be regularly;
accrued through a charge to income (i.e., a provision  Consider all loans (whether on an individual or group
expense) when available information indicates that it is basis);
probable the asset has been impaired and the amount is  Identify loans to be evaluated for impairment on an
reasonably estimated. ASC Subtopic 310-10 provides individual basis under ASC Subtopic 310-10; loans
specific guidance about the measurement and disclosure evaluated under ASC Subtopic 310-30; and segment
for loans individually evaluated and determined to be the remainder of the portfolio into groups of loans
impaired. Loans are considered to be impaired when, with similar risk characteristics for evaluation and
based on current information and events, it is probable that analysis under ASC Subtopic 450-20;
the creditor will be unable to collect all interest and  Consider all known relevant internal and external
principal payments due according to the contractual terms factors that may affect loan collectibility;
of the loan agreement. This would generally include all  Be applied consistently but, when appropriate, be
loans restructured as a troubled debt and nonaccrual loans. modified for new factors affecting collectibility;
 Consider the particular risks inherent in different
For individually impaired loans, ASC Subtopic 310-10 kinds of lending;
provides guidance on the acceptable methods to measure  Consider current collateral values (less costs to sell),
impairment. Specifically, this standard states that when a where applicable;
loan is impaired, a creditor should measure impairment  Require that analyses, estimates, reviews and other
based on the present value of expected future cash flows ALLL methodology functions be performed by
discounted at the loan’s effective interest rate, except that competent and well-trained personnel;
as a practical expedient, a creditor may measure  Be based on current and reliable data;
impairment based on a loan’s observable market price.  Be well-documented, in writing, with clear
However, the Call Report instructions require an explanations of the supporting analyses and rationale;
institution to use the fair value of the collateral in its and,
determination of impairment for all impaired collateral
 Include a systematic and logical method to consolidate
dependent loans. When developing the estimate of
the loss estimates and ensure the ALLL balance is
expected future cash flows for a loan, an institution should
recorded in accordance with U.S. GAAP.
consider all available information reflecting past events
and current conditions, including the effect of existing
A systematic methodology that is properly designed and
qualitative factors.
implemented should result in an institution’s best estimate
of the ALLL. Accordingly, institutions should adjust their
Large groups of smaller-balance homogenous loans are
ALLL balance, either upward or downward, in each period
not included in the scope of ASC Subtopic 310-10, unless
for differences between the results of the systematic
the loan is a troubled debt restructuring. Such groups of
determination process and the unadjusted ALLL balance in
loans may include, but are not limited to, credit card,
the general ledger.
residential mortgage, and consumer installment loans.
Examiners should refer to ASC Subtopic 450-20 for loans
Examiners are encouraged, with the acknowledgement of
collectively evaluated for impairment, as well as individual
management, to communicate with an institution’s external
loans that are identified for evaluation on an individual
auditors and request an explanation of their rationale and
basis and determined not to be impaired.
findings, when differences in judgment concerning the
appropriateness of the institution's ALLL exist. In case of
Institutions should not layer their loan loss allowances.
controversy, an institution and its auditor may be reminded
Layering is the inappropriate practice of recording
when an institution's supervisory agency's interpretation on
estimates in the ALLL for the same loan under the
how U.S. GAAP should be applied to a specified event or
different accounting standards. Layering can happen when
transaction (or series of related events or transactions)
an institution measures impairment on an individually
differs from the institution's interpretation, the supervisory
impaired loan and includes that same loan in its estimate of
agency may require the institution to reflect the event(s) or
loan losses on a collective basis, thereby estimating the
transaction(s) in its Call Report in accordance with the
loan loss for the same loan twice.

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agency's interpretation and to amend previously submitted viable means of salvaging a problem situation and
reports. effecting orderly debt collection.

Additional information on the documentation of the Commercial lending policies generally address acquisition
ALLL, including its methodology, and the establishment of credit information, such as property, operating and cash
of loan review systems is provided in the Interagency flow statements; factors that might determine the need for
Statement of Policy on the Allowance for Loan and Lease collateral acquisition; acceptable collateral margins;
Losses, (including frequently asked questions) dated perfecting liens on collateral; lending terms, and charge-
December 13, 2006, and the Interagency Policy Statement offs.
on Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses Methodologies
and Documentation for Banks and Savings Associations, Accounts Receivable Financing
dated July 2, 2001.
Accounts receivable financing is a specialized area of
 commercial lending in which borrowers assign their
PORTFOLIO COMPOSITION interests in accounts receivable to the lender as collateral.
Typical characteristics of accounts receivable borrowers
Commercial Loans are those businesses that are growing rapidly and need
year-round financing in amounts too large to justify
General unsecured credit, those that are nonseasonal and need
year-round financing because working capital and profits
Loans to business enterprises for commercial or industrial are insufficient to permit periodic cleanups, those whose
purposes, whether proprietorships, partnerships or working capital is inadequate for the volume of sales and
corporations, are commonly described as commercial type of operation, and those whose previous unsecured
loans. In asset distribution, commercial or business loans borrowings are no longer warranted because of various
frequently comprise one of the most important assets of an credit factors.
institution. They may be secured or unsecured and have
short or long-term maturities. Such loans include working Several advantages of accounts receivable financing from
capital advances, term loans and loans to individuals for the borrower's viewpoint are: it is an efficient way to
business purposes. finance an expanding operation because borrowing
capacity expands as sales increase; it permits the borrower
Short-term working capital and seasonal loans provide to take advantage of purchase discounts because the
temporary capital in excess of normal needs. They are company receives immediate cash on its sales and is able
used to finance seasonal requirements and are repaid at the to pay trade creditors on a satisfactory basis; it insures a
end of the cycle by converting inventory and accounts revolving, expanding line of credit; and actual interest paid
receivable into cash. Such loans may be unsecured; may be no more than that for a fixed amount unsecured
however, many working capital loans are advanced with loan.
accounts receivable and/or inventory as collateral. Firms
engaged in manufacturing, distribution, retailing and Advantages from the institution's viewpoint are: it
service-oriented businesses use short-term working capital generates a relatively high yield loan, new business, and a
loans. depository relationship; permits continuing banking
relationships with long-standing customers whose financial
Term business loans have assumed increasing importance. conditions no longer warrant unsecured credit; and
Such loans normally are granted for the purpose of minimizes potential loss when the loan is geared to a
acquiring capital assets, such as plant and equipment. percentage of the accounts receivable collateral. Although
Term loans may involve a greater risk than do short-term accounts receivable loans are collateralized, it is important
advances, because of the length of time the credit is to analyze the borrower's financial statements. Even if the
outstanding. Because of the potential for greater risk, term collateral is of good quality and in excess of the loan, the
loans are usually secured and generally require regular borrower must demonstrate financial progress. Full
amortization. Loan agreements on such credits may repayment through collateral liquidation is normally a
contain restrictive covenants during the life of the loan. In solution of last resort.
some instances, term loans may be used as a means of
liquidating, over a period of time, the accumulated and Institutions use two basic methods to make accounts
unpaid balance of credits originally advanced for seasonal receivable advances. First, blanket assignment, wherein
needs. While such loans may reflect a borrower's past the borrower periodically informs the institution of the
operational problems, they may well prove to be the most amount of receivables outstanding on its books. Based on
this information, the institution advances the agreed

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percentage of the outstanding receivables. The receivables supervisory guidance provided in the “Participations
are usually pledged on a non-notification basis and Purchased” section of the guidance.
payments on receivables are made directly to the borrower
who then remits them to the institution. The institution General
applies all or a portion of such funds to the borrower's
loan. Second, ledgering the accounts, wherein the lender Leveraged lending is an important type of financing for
receives duplicate copies of the invoices together with the national and global economies, and the U.S. financial
shipping documents and/or delivery receipts. Upon receipt industry plays an integral role in making credit available
of satisfactory information, the institution advances the and syndicating that credit to investors. In particular,
agreed percentage of the outstanding receivables. The financial institutions should ensure they do not
receivables are usually pledged on a notification basis. unnecessarily heighten risks by originating poorly
Under this method, the institution maintains complete underwritten loans. For example, a poorly underwritten
control of the funds paid on all accounts pledged by leveraged loan that is pooled with other loans or is
requiring the borrower's customer to remit directly to the participated with other institutions may generate risks for
institution. the financial system.

In the area of accounts receivable financing, an institution's Numerous definitions of leveraged lending exist
lending policy typically addresses the acquisition of credit throughout the financial services industry and commonly
information such as property, operating and cash flow contain some combination of the following:
statements. It also typically addresses maintenance of an
accounts receivable loan agreement that establishes a  Proceeds used for buyouts, acquisitions, or capital
percentage advance against acceptable receivables, a distributions.
maximum dollar amount due from any one account debtor,  Transactions where the borrower’s Total Debt divided
financial strength of debtor accounts, insurance that by EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes,
"acceptable receivables" are defined in light of the depreciation, and amortization) or Senior Debt divided
turnover of receivables pledged, aging of accounts by EBITDA exceed 4.0X EBITDA or 3.0X EBITDA,
receivable, and concentrations of debtor accounts. respectively, or other defined levels appropriate to the
industry or sector.
Leveraged Lending  A borrower recognized in the debt markets as a highly
leveraged firm, which is characterized by a high debt-
The Federal institution regulatory agencies initially issued to-net-worth ratio.
guidance on April 9, 2001, concerning sound risk  Transactions when the borrower’s post-financing
management practices for institutions engaged in leverage, as measured by its leverage ratios (for
leveraged financing. In light of the developments and example, debt-to-assets, debt-to-net-worth, debt-to-
experience gained since the initial guidance was issued, the cash flow, or other similar standards common to
Federal institution regulatory agencies issued new particular industries or sectors), significantly exceeds
Interagency Guidance on Leveraged Lending on May 21, industry norms or historical levels.
2013, to update and replace the 2001 guidance. Examiners
should also review the related Frequently Asked Questions A financial institution engaging in leveraged lending
(FAQ) issued on November 7, 2014. typically defines the activity within its policies and
procedures in a manner sufficiently detailed to ensure
Applicability consistent application across all business lines. An
appropriate definition describes clearly the purposes and
A financial institution’s risk management practices should financial characteristics common to these transactions, and
be consistent with the size and risk profile of its leveraged covers risk from both direct exposure and indirect
activities relative to its assets, earnings, liquidity, and exposure via limited recourse financing secured by
capital. Institutions that originate or sponsor leveraged leveraged loans, or financing extended to financial
transactions can refer to the guidance for suggestions about intermediaries (such as conduits and special purpose
sound risk management principles. entities (SPEs)) that hold leveraged loans.

The agencies do not intend for a financial institution that In general, supervisory expectations for sound risk
originates a small number of less complex, leveraged loans management of leveraged lending activities places
to have policies and procedures commensurate with a importance on institutions developing and maintaining the
larger, more complex leveraged loan origination business. following:
However, any financial institution that participates in
leveraged lending transactions may refer to and consider

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 Transactions structured to reflect a sound business analysis of the potential effect on earnings, capital,
premise, an appropriate capital structure, and liquidity, and other risks that result from these
reasonable cash flow and balance sheet leverage. positions, and is approved by the board of directors;
Combined with supportable performance projections,  A limit framework that includes limits or guidelines
these elements of a safe-and-sound loan structure for single obligors and transactions, aggregate hold
should clearly support a borrower’s capacity to repay portfolio, aggregate pipeline exposure, and industry
and to de-lever to a sustainable level over a reasonable and geographic concentrations. This limit framework
period, whether underwritten to hold or distribute; identifies the related management approval authorities
 A definition of leveraged lending that facilitates and exception tracking provisions. In addition to
consistent application across all business lines; notional pipeline limits, financial institutions with
 Well-defined underwriting standards that, among significant leveraged transactions implement
other things, define acceptable leverage levels and underwriting limit frameworks that assess stress
describe amortization expectations for senior and losses, flex terms, economic capital usage, and
subordinate debt; earnings at risk or that otherwise provide a more
 A credit limit and concentration framework consistent nuanced view of potential risk;
with the institution’s risk appetite;  Procedures for ensuring the risks of leveraged lending
 Sound Management Information Systems (MIS) that activities are appropriately reflected in an institution’s
enable management to identify, aggregate, and allowance for loan and lease losses (ALLL) and
monitor leveraged exposures and comply with policy capital adequacy analyses;
across all business lines;  Credit and underwriting approval authorities,
 Strong pipeline management policies and procedures including the procedures for approving and
that, among other things, provide for real-time documenting changes to approved transaction
information on exposures and limits, and exceptions to structures and terms;
the timing of expected distributions and approved hold  Guidelines for appropriate oversight by senior
levels; and, management, including adequate and timely reporting
 Guidelines for conducting periodic portfolio and to the board of directors;
pipeline stress tests to quantify the potential impact of  Expected risk-adjusted returns for leveraged
economic and market conditions on the institution’s transactions;
asset quality, earnings, liquidity, and capital.  Minimum underwriting standards (see “Underwriting
Standards” section below); and,
Risk Management Framework  Effective underwriting practices for primary loan
origination and secondary loan acquisition.
Given the high-risk profile of leveraged transactions,
prudent financial institutions engaged in leveraged lending Participations Purchased
adopt a risk management framework that has an intensive
and frequent review and monitoring process. The Financial institutions purchasing participations and
framework has as its foundation written risk objectives, assignments in leveraged lending transactions should make
risk acceptance criteria, and risk controls. A lack of robust a thorough, independent evaluation of the transaction and
risk management processes and controls at a financial the risks involved before committing any funds. They
institution with significant leveraged lending activities should apply the same standards of prudence, credit
could contribute to supervisory findings that the financial assessment and approval criteria, and in-house limits that
institution is engaged in unsafe-and-unsound banking would be employed if the purchasing organization were
practices. originating the loan. Policies typically include
requirements for:
General Policy Expectations
 Obtaining and independently analyzing full credit
A financial institution’s credit policies and procedures for information both before the participation is purchased
leveraged lending generally address the following: and on a timely basis thereafter;
 Obtaining from the lead lender copies of all executed
 Identification of the financial institution’s risk appetite and proposed loan documents, legal opinions, title
including clearly defined amounts of leveraged insurance policies, Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)
lending that the institution is willing to underwrite (for searches, and other relevant documents;
example, pipeline limits) and is willing to retain (for  Carefully monitoring the borrower’s performance
example, transaction and aggregate hold levels). The throughout the life of the loan; and,
designated risk appetite is commonly supported by an

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 Establishing appropriate risk management guidelines types of collateral and account maintenance
as described in this document. agreements, and periodic reporting requirements; and,
 Whether loan agreements provide for distribution of
Underwriting Standards ongoing financial and other relevant credit
information to all participants and investors.
A financial institution’s underwriting standards should be
clear, written and measurable, and should accurately Credit Analysis
reflect the institution’s risk appetite for leveraged lending
transactions. A financial institution should have clear Effective underwriting and management of leveraged
underwriting limits regarding leveraged transactions, lending risk is highly dependent on the quality of analysis
including the size that the institution will arrange both employed during the approval process as well as ongoing
individually and in the aggregate for distribution. The monitoring. An institution’s analysis of leveraged lending
originating institution should be mindful of reputational transactions typically ensures that:
risks associated with poorly underwritten transactions, as
these risks may find their way into a wide variety of  Cash flow analyses do not rely on overly optimistic or
investment instruments and exacerbate systemic risks unsubstantiated projections of sales, margins, and
within the general economy. An institution’s underwriting merger and acquisition synergies;
standards typically consider the following:  Liquidity analyses include performance metrics
appropriate for the borrower’s industry; predictability
 Whether the business premise for each transaction is of the borrower’s cash flow; measurement of the
sound and the borrower’s capital structure is borrower’s operating cash needs; and ability to meet
sustainable regardless of whether the transaction is debt maturities;
underwritten for the institution’s own portfolio or with  Projections exhibit an adequate margin for
the intent to distribute. unanticipated merger-related integration costs;
 A borrower’s capacity to repay and ability to de-lever  Projections are stress tested for one or two downside
to a sustainable level over a reasonable period. scenarios, including a covenant breach;
 Expectations for the depth and breadth of due  Transactions are reviewed at least quarterly to
diligence on leveraged transactions. determine variance from plan, the related risk
 Standards for evaluating expected risk-adjusted implications, and the accuracy of risk ratings and
returns. accrual status;
 The degree of reliance on enterprise value and other  Enterprise and collateral valuations are independently
intangible assets for loan repayment, along with derived or validated outside of the origination
acceptable valuation methodologies, and guidelines function, are timely, and consider potential value
for the frequency of periodic reviews of those values; erosion;
 Expectations for the degree of support provided by the  Collateral liquidation and asset sale estimates are
sponsor (if any), taking into consideration the based on current market conditions and trends;
sponsor’s financial capacity, the extent of its capital  Potential collateral shortfalls are identified and
contribution at inception, and other motivating factors. factored into risk rating and accrual decisions;
 Whether credit agreement terms allow for the material  Contingency plans anticipate changing conditions in
dilution, sale, or exchange of collateral or cash flow- debt or equity markets when exposures rely on
producing assets without lender approval; refinancing or the issuance of new equity; and
 Credit agreement covenant protections, including  The borrower is adequately protected from interest
financial performance (such as debt-to-cash flow, rate and foreign exchange risk.
interest coverage, or fixed charge coverage), reporting
requirements, and compliance monitoring. Valuation Standards
 Collateral requirements in credit agreements that
specify acceptable collateral and risk-appropriate Institutions often rely on enterprise value and other
measures and controls, including acceptable collateral intangibles when (1) evaluating the feasibility of a loan
types, loan-to-value guidelines, and appropriate request; (2) determining the debt reduction potential of
collateral valuation methodologies. Standards for planned asset sales; (3) assessing a borrower’s ability to
asset-based loans that are part of the entire debt access the capital markets; and, (4) estimating the strength
structure also should outline expectations for the use of a secondary source of repayment. Institutions may also
of collateral controls (for example, inspections, view enterprise value as a useful benchmark for assessing
independent valuations, and payment lockbox), other a sponsor’s economic incentive to provide financial
support. Given the specialized knowledge needed for the

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development of a credible enterprise valuation and the Enterprise value estimates derived from even the most
importance of enterprise valuations in the underwriting and rigorous procedures are imprecise and ultimately may not
ongoing risk assessment processes, enterprise valuations be realized. Therefore, institutions relying on enterprise
should be performed by qualified persons independent of value or illiquid and hard-to-value collateral typically have
an institution’s origination function. policies that provide for appropriate loan-to-value ratios,
discount rates, and collateral margins. Based on the nature
There are several methods used for valuing businesses. of an institution’s leveraged lending activities, the prudent
The most common valuation methods are assets, income, institution establishes limits for the proportion of
and market. Asset valuation methods consider an individual transactions and the total portfolio that are
enterprise’s underlying assets in terms of its net going- supported by enterprise value. Regardless of the
concern or liquidation value. Income valuation methods methodology used, the assumptions underlying enterprise-
consider an enterprise’s ongoing cash flows or earnings value estimates typically are clearly documented, well
and apply appropriate capitalization or discounting supported, and understood by the institution’s appropriate
techniques. Market valuation methods derive value decision-makers and risk oversight units. Further, an
multiples from comparable company data or sales institution’s valuation methods are appropriate for the
transactions. However, final value estimates should be borrower’s industry and condition.
based on the method or methods that give supportable and
credible results. In many cases, the income method is Risk Rating Leveraged Loans
generally considered the most reliable.
The risk rating of leveraged loans involves the use of
There are two common approaches employed when using realistic repayment assumptions to determine a borrower’s
the income method. The “capitalized cash flow” method ability to de-lever to a sustainable level within a reasonable
determines the value of a company as the present value of period of time. For example, supervisors commonly
all future cash flows the business can generate in assume that the ability to fully amortize senior secured
perpetuity. An appropriate cash flow is determined and debt or the ability to repay at least 50 percent of total debt
then divided by a risk-adjusted capitalization rate, most over a five-to-seven year period provides evidence of
commonly the weighted average cost of capital. This adequate repayment capacity. If the projected capacity to
method is most appropriate when cash flows are pay down debt from cash flow is nominal with refinancing
predictable and stable. The “discounted cash flow” the only viable option, the credit will usually be adversely
method is a multiple-period valuation model that converts rated even if it has been recently underwritten. In cases
a future series of cash flows into current value by when leveraged loan transactions have no reasonable or
discounting those cash flows at a rate of return (referred to realistic prospects to de-lever, a Substandard rating is
as the “discount rate”) that reflects the risk inherent likely. Furthermore, when assessing debt service capacity,
therein. This method is most appropriate when future cash extensions and restructures should be scrutinized to ensure
flows are cyclical or variable over time. Both income that the institution is not merely masking repayment
methods involve numerous assumptions, and therefore, capacity problems by extending or restructuring the loan.
supporting documentation should fully explain the
evaluator’s reasoning and conclusions. If the primary source of repayment becomes inadequate, it
would generally be inappropriate for an institution to
When a borrower is experiencing a financial downturn or consider enterprise value as a secondary source of
facing adverse market conditions, a prudent lender will repayment unless that value is well supported. Evidence
reflect those adverse conditions in its assumptions for key of well-supported value may include binding purchase and
variables such as cash flow, earnings, and sales multiples sale agreements with qualified third parties or thorough
when assessing enterprise value as a potential source of asset valuations that fully consider the effect of the
repayment. Changes in the value of a borrower’s assets borrower’s distressed circumstances and potential changes
are typically tested under a range of stress scenarios, in business and market conditions. For such borrowers,
including business conditions more adverse than the base when a portion of the loan may not be protected by
case scenario. Stress tests of enterprise values and their pledged assets or a well-supported enterprise value,
underlying assumptions are generally conducted and examiners generally will rate that portion Doubtful or Loss
documented at origination of the transaction and and place the loan on nonaccrual status.
periodically thereafter, incorporating the actual
performance of the borrower and any adjustments to Risks in leveraged lending activities are considered in the
projections. Prudent institutions perform their own ALLL and capital adequacy analysis. For allowance
discounted cash flow analysis to validate the enterprise purposes, leverage exposures should be taken into account
value implied by proxy measures such as multiples of cash either through analysis of the estimated credit losses from
flow, earnings, or sales. the discrete portfolio or as part of an overall analysis of the

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portfolio utilizing the institution's internal risk grades or  Portfolio performance measures, including
other factors. At the transaction level, exposures heavily noncompliance with covenants, restructurings,
reliant on enterprise value as a secondary source of delinquencies, non-performing amounts, and charge-
repayment should be scrutinized to determine the need for offs;
and adequacy of specific allocations.  Amount of impaired assets and the nature of
impairment, and the amount of the ALLL attributable
Problem Credit Management to leveraged lending;
 The aggregate level of policy exceptions and the
Individual action plans are typically formulated by performance of that portfolio;
management when working with borrowers experiencing  Exposures by collateral type, including unsecured
diminished operating cash flows, depreciated collateral transactions and those where enterprise value will be
values, or other significant plan variances. Weak initial the source of repayment for leveraged loans.
underwriting of transactions, coupled with poor structure Reporting should also consider the implications of
and limited covenants, may make problem credit defaults that trigger pari passu treatment for all lenders
discussions and eventual restructurings more difficult for and, thus, dilute the secondary support from the sale
an institution as well as result in less favorable outcomes. of collateral;
 Secondary market pricing data and trading volume,
A financial institution generally formulates credit policies when available;
that define expectations for the management of adversely  Exposures and performance by deal sponsors. Deals
rated and other high-risk borrowers whose performance introduced by sponsors may, in some cases, be
departs significantly from planned cash flows, asset sales, considered exposure to related borrowers. An
collateral values, or other important targets. These policies institution should identify, aggregate, and monitor
should stress the need for workout plans that contain potential related exposures;
quantifiable objectives and measureable time frames.
 Gross and net exposures, hedge counterparty
Actions may include working with the borrower for an
concentrations, and policy exceptions;
orderly resolution while preserving the institution’s
 Actual versus projected distribution of the syndicated
interests, sale of the credit in the secondary market, or
pipeline, with regular reports of excess levels over the
liquidation of collateral. Problem credits should be
hold targets for the syndication inventory. Pipeline
reviewed regularly for risk rating accuracy, accrual status,
definitions should clearly identify the type of
recognition of impairment through specific allocations, and
exposure. This includes committed exposures that
have not been accepted by the borrower, commitments
accepted but not closed, and funded and unfunded
Reporting and Analytics
commitments that have closed but have not been
Diligent financial institutions regularly monitor higher risk
 Total and segmented leveraged lending exposures,
credits, including leveraged loans. Monitoring includes
including subordinated debt and equity holdings,
management’s review of comprehensive reports about the
alongside established limits. Reports should provide a
characteristics and trends in such exposures at least
detailed and comprehensive view of global exposures,
quarterly, with summaries provided to the board of
including situations when an institution has indirect
directors. Policies and procedures typically identify the
exposure to an obligor or is holding a previously sold
fields to be populated and captured by a financial
position as collateral or as a reference asset in a
institution’s MIS, which then yields accurate and timely
reporting to management and the board of directors that
may include the following:  Borrower and counterparty leveraged lending
reporting should consider exposures booked in other
business units throughout the institution, including
 Individual and portfolio exposures within and across
indirect exposures such as default swaps and total
all business lines and legal vehicles, including the
return swaps, naming the distributed paper as a
covered or referenced asset or collateral exposure
 Risk rating distribution and migration analysis,
through repo transactions. Additionally, the
including maintenance of a list of those borrowers
institution should consider positions in the held for
who have been removed from the leveraged portfolio
sale or traded portfolios or through structured
due to improvements in their financial characteristics
investment vehicles owned or sponsored by the
and overall risk profile;
originating institution or its subsidiaries or affiliates.
 Industry mix and maturity profile;
 Metrics derived from probabilities of default and loss
given default;

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Deal Sponsors financial institution’s leveraged lending business, there is

greater importance for the institution’s credit review
A financial institution that relies on sponsor support as a function to assess the performance of the leveraged
secondary source of repayment typically develops portfolio more frequently and in greater depth than other
guidelines for evaluating the qualifications of financial segments in the loan portfolio. To be most effective, such
sponsors and implements processes to regularly monitor a assessments should be performed by individuals with the
sponsor’s financial condition. Deal sponsors may provide expertise and experience for these types of loans and the
valuable support to borrowers such as strategic planning, borrower’s industry. Portfolio reviews should generally be
management, and other tangible and intangible benefits. conducted at least annually. For many financial
Sponsors may also provide sources of financial support for institutions, the risk characteristics of leveraged portfolios,
borrowers that fail to achieve projections. Generally, a such as high reliance on enterprise value, concentrations,
financial institution rates a borrower based on an analysis adverse risk rating trends, or portfolio performance, may
of the borrower’s standalone financial condition. dictate more frequent reviews.
However, a financial institution may consider support from
a sponsor in assigning internal risk ratings when the A financial institution that staffs its internal credit review
institution can document the sponsor’s history of function appropriately and ensures that the function has
demonstrated support as well as the economic incentive, sufficient resources is most capable of providing timely,
capacity, and stated intent to continue to support the independent, and accurate assessments of leveraged
transaction. However, even with documented capacity and lending transactions. Effective reviews evaluate the level
a history of support, the sponsor’s potential contributions of risk, risk rating integrity, valuation methodologies, and
may not mitigate supervisory concerns absent a the quality of risk management. Such internal credit
documented commitment of continued support. An reviews that review the institution’s leveraged lending
evaluation of a sponsor’s financial support typically practices, policies, and procedures provide management
includes the following: with a complete assessment of the leveraged lending
 The sponsor’s historical performance in supporting its
investments, financially and otherwise; Stress Testing
 The sponsor’s economic incentive to support,
including the nature and amount of capital contributed A financial institution typically develops and implements
at inception; guidelines for conducting periodic portfolio stress tests on
 Documentation of degree of support (for example, a loans originated to hold as well as loans originated to
guarantee, comfort letter, or verbal assurance); distribute, and sensitivity analyses to quantify the potential
 Consideration of the sponsor’s contractual investment impact of changing economic and market conditions on its
limitations; asset quality, earnings, liquidity, and capital. The
 To the extent feasible, a periodic review of the sophistication of stress-testing practices and sensitivity
sponsor’s financial statements and trends, and an analyses are most effective when they are consistent with
analysis of its liquidity, including the ability to fund the size, complexity, and risk characteristics of the
multiple deals; institution’s leveraged loan portfolio. To the extent a
 Consideration of the sponsor’s dividend and capital financial institution is required to conduct enterprise-wide
contribution practices; stress tests, the leveraged portfolio should be included in
any such tests.
 The likelihood of the sponsor supporting a particular
borrower compared to other deals in the sponsor’s
portfolio; and, Conflicts of Interest
 Guidelines for evaluating the qualifications of a
A financial institution typically develops appropriate
sponsor and a process to regularly monitor the
policies and procedures to address and to prevent potential
sponsor’s performance.
conflicts of interest when it has both equity and lending
positions. For example, an institution may be reluctant to
Independent Credit Review
use an aggressive collection strategy with a problem
borrower because of the potential impact on the value of
A financial institution with a strong and independent credit
an institution’s equity interest. A financial institution may
review function demonstrates the ability to identify
encounter pressure to provide financial or other privileged
portfolio risks and documented authority to escalate
client information that could benefit an affiliated equity
inappropriate risks and other findings to their senior
investor. Such conflicts also may occur when the
management. Due to the elevated risks inherent in
underwriting financial institution serves as financial
leveraged lending, and depending on the relative size of a
advisor to the seller and simultaneously offers financing to

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multiple buyers (that is, stapled financing). Similarly, Reserve-Based Lending

there may be conflicting interests among the different lines
of business within a financial institution or between the Loans for E&P activities are typically secured by proved
financial institution and its affiliates. When these reserves and governed by a borrowing base, an
situations occur, potential conflicts of interest arise arrangement known as reserve-based lending, or RBL.
between the financial institution and its customers. Effective credit risk management in RBL requires
Effective policies and procedures clearly define potential conservative underwriting, appropriate structuring,
conflicts of interest, identify appropriate risk management experienced and knowledgeable lending staff, and sound
controls and procedures, enable employees to report loan administration practices. It is also important for the
potential conflicts of interest to management for action board and senior management to consider the unique risks
without fear of retribution, and ensure compliance with associated with this type of lending when developing RBL
applicable laws. Further, management should have an policies and approving and administering such loans.
established training program for employees on appropriate These risks include, but are not limited to, credit,
practices to follow to avoid conflicts of interest. concentration, market volatility/pricing, limited purpose
collateral, production, operational, legal,
Oil and Gas Lending compliance/environmental, interest rate, liquidity,
strategic, and third-party risk.
Industry Overview
RBL may appear similar to traditional asset based lending
Oil and gas (O&G) lending is complex and highly (ABL), but there are notable differences. The primary
specialized due to factors such as global supply and source of repayment for ABL is the orderly liquidation of
demand, geopolitical uncertainty, weather-related the collateral (receivables and inventory) into cash. Such
disruptions, fluctuations and volatility in currency markets loans are typically structured with strong controls over the
(i.e. the strength of the U.S. dollar compared to global collateral, such as a lock box arrangement. In contrast, the
currency markets), and changes in environmental and other primary source of repayment for RBL is the cash flows
governmental policies. As such, companies and borrowers derived from the extraction of O&G reserves. An
that are directly or indirectly tied to the O&G industry independent, third-party reserve engineering report serves
frequently experience expansion and contraction within as the primary underwriting tool to estimate the future cash
key operational areas of their businesses that will directly stream and establish a “borrowing base,” which is a
impact their financial condition and repayment capacity. collateral base agreed to by the borrower and lender that is
used to limit the amount of funds the lender advances the
The O&G industry has four interconnected segments: borrower. The borrowing base is subject to periodic
redeterminations, typically semiannually, that can result in
 Upstream - exploration and production (E&P) the reduction of the borrowing base commitment when
companies commodity prices and reserves are declining.
 Midstream - transporting, treating, processing, storing,
and marketing to Upstream companies Types of Reserves
 Downstream - refining and marketing
Lenders should generally only consider proved reserves,
 Support/Services - equipment, services, or support
defined as having at least a 90 percent probability that the
activities (e.g. drilling, workover units, and water
quantities actually recovered will equal or exceed the
hauling services)
estimate, in determining collateral value. Within the
proved reserves category, Proved Developed Producing
O&G lending to Upstream companies for E&P activities is
(PDP), Proved Developed Non-Producing (PDNP), and
a specialized form of lending, and is the primary focus of
Proved Undeveloped (PUD) reserves are collectively
this section (see Reserve-Based Lending below). Loans to
known as P1. As described below, PDNP and PUD
Midstream, Downstream and Support/Service companies
require capital expenditures (CAPEX) to bring the non-
are generally structured similar to other commercial loans.
producing and undeveloped reserves online as PDP:
In addition, Midstream companies often raise capital
through Master Limited Partnerships that are publicly
traded. The highest credit risk is typically found in  PDP represents reserves that are recoverable from
Support/Services and Upstream lending, which are more existing wells with existing equipment and operating
directly affected by changes in production and commodity methods that are producing at the time of the
prices. engineering report estimate.
 PDNP reserves include both shut-in (PDSI) and
behind the pipe (PDBP) reserves, and production can
be initiated or restored with relatively low

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expenditures compared to the cost of drilling a new Borrowing Base

o PDSI reserves are completion intervals that are The collateral base securing each facility should be
open, but have not started producing; were shut-in primarily comprised of PDP reserves. Inclusion of PDNP
for market conditions or pipeline connections; or reserves in the collateral evaluation should be supported
not capable of production for mechanical reasons. with sufficient documentation to demonstrate that the
o PDBP reserves are those expected to be recovered borrower has the financial capacity to convert PDNP
from existing wells that require additional reserves to PDP reserves by making the necessary
completion work or future completion prior to the investments to restore or initiate production within the
start of production. near-term.
 PUD reserves are expected to be recovered only after
making future investment. These reserves have been To include PUDs in the borrowing base calculation, the
proved by independent engineering reports, but do not borrower should have sufficient liquidity and positive Free
have a well infrastructure in place. Cash Flow to meet operational needs, and debt service
requirements, as well as be able to fund (or obtain the
Other categories of reserves include “probable” (P2) and funding for) the CAPEX that would be required to convert
“possible” (P3). Probable reserves are relatively uncertain, these undeveloped reserves into production. Potential sale
while possible reserves are considered speculative in and/or marketability of the PUDs can also be considered
nature. Probable and possible reserves should not receive when evaluating collateral values, provided there is
any value when determining the borrowing base. adequate documentation of recent PUD sales.

Reserve Engineering Reports Lenders use risk-adjustment factors to lower the value of
unseasoned producing and non-producing reserves before
Reserve engineering reports are an estimate of the volumes applying borrowing base advance rates. Bank
of O&G reserves that are likely to be recovered based on management should consider policy limits on production
reasonable assumptions regarding physical characteristics vs. non-production reserves, the oil and gas mix, maximum
of the reservoir, available technology, and operating production coming from one well (single well
efficiencies. The significant reliance on engineering concentration risk), and other risk-adjustment factors.
reports in underwriting RBL facilities requires sound Ideally, management achieves diversification in the
internal controls over the collateral evaluation process. geographic location of reserve fields, and establishes limits
Reserve reports must be objective; based on reasonable, on the lowest number of producing wells needed to
well-documented assumptions; and completed establish an acceptable borrowing base.
independently of the loan origination and collection
functions. It is important for management to document the Typically, the advance rate for high-quality proved (P1)
qualifications and independence of the engineer, and to reserves should rarely exceed 65 percent (a typical range is
periodically evaluate the production performance, which 50 to 65 percent) of the PV of FNR. If the lender
includes a comparison of production projections to actual determines that PDNP or PUD reserves are to be
results. considered in the borrowing base, these reserves should
generally not exceed 25 to 35 percent of the total
RBL collateral value consists of a point-in-time estimate of borrowing base. In addition, PDNP and PUD reserves
the present value (PV) of future net revenue (FNR) derived should be risk-adjusted (65 to 75 percent for PDNP and 25
from the production and sale of existing O&G reserves, net to 50 percent for PUD, for example) prior to applying the
of operating expenses, production taxes, royalties, and advance rate. Lenders may apply separate risk-adjusted
CAPEX, discounted at an appropriate rate. The advance rates for each proved reserve category in the
engineering reports should contain sufficient information borrowing base. During extended periods of low or
and documentation to support the assumptions and the declining commodity prices, it is not uncommon for banks
analysis used to derive the forecasted cash flows and to increase the risk adjustment for PDNP and PUD
discounted PV. Bank management should provide clear reserves.
guidance to the engineer at engagement regarding discount
rates, pricing assumptions, operating expense escalation As part of the underwriting process, lending personnel
rates, and risk-adjustment guidelines limiting higher risk typically prepare both base-case and sensitivity-case
reserves. The engineer will conduct an analysis of analyses that focus on the ability of converting the
production reports from the subject properties, and project underlying collateral into cash to repay the loan, including
estimated reserve depletion. an estimate of the impact that sustained adverse changes in
market conditions would have on a company’s repayment
ability. A base-case analysis uses standard assumption

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scenarios and generally includes a discount to current using the risk-adjusted sensitivity case to determine
prices against the forward curve (projected futures pricing potential exposure due to adverse market price
estimates of the commodity). A sensitivity case analysis fluctuations.
subjects the O&G reserves to adverse external factors such
as lower market prices and/or higher operating expenses to Loan Structure
ascertain the effect on loan repayment. Full debt service
capacity (DSC) should be analyzed using both the base- RBL credit facilities are typically structured as a revolving
case and sensitivity-case scenarios. line of credit (RLOC), a reducing revolving line of credit
(RRLOC), or an amortizing term loan, governed by a well-
Discount Rates supported and fully documented borrowing base. These
credit facilities generally should fully amortize within the
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requires half-life of the reserves (that is, the time in years required
publicly traded companies to report the value of their to produce one-half of the total estimated recoverable
reserves using a standard discount rate of 10 percent in production) with repayment aligning with projected cash
accordance with ASC Topic 932, Extractive Activities - flows. In other words, the term of the loans should be tied
Oil and Gas. In evaluating collateral valuations for RBL to the economic life of the underlying asset. This is often
facilities, banks often utilize alternative discount rates. For represented as the “reserve tail tests” that are based on the
creditworthy borrowers and during more benign operating economic half-life of the reserves or the cash flow
cycles, a 9 percent discount rate is commonly used. For remaining after projected loan payout.
higher-risk borrowers or during volatile or declining
market cycles for O&G, higher discount rates are typically Loan durations should be fairly short-term and directly tied
used. If a discount rate is selected that significantly differs to the economic life of the asset (generally 50 to 60 percent
from generally accepted discount rates, examiners should of the economic life of the proved reserves or the proved
assess management’s documentation supporting its reserves’ half-life). The terms generally depend on the
rationale. Some banks may use multiple discount rates projected and actual reserve production (reserve run data),
under certain circumstances. An example may include as well as the type and range of collateral (PDP, PDNP, or
establishing a standard discount rate for performing credits PUD). A reasonable portion of the estimated revenues
and a higher rate for higher risk facilities. should remain after the debt has fully amortized (reserve
tail). Borrowing bases should be re-determined at least
Price Decks semiannually, subject to an updated reserve engineering
Prudent management regularly evaluates, and updates as
necessary, its pricing assumptions for RBL, commonly Covenants
referred to as the institution’s price deck. The price deck
is a forecast used to derive cash flow and collateral value Appropriate use of covenants is imperative in managing
assumptions, and typically is approved by the board of credit risk for O&G loans. Lenders typically require
directors or a specifically designated board committee. financial covenants to instill discipline in the lending
Pricing assumptions typically represent the most relationship, including the borrower’s leverage position,
significant variable in driving the final estimate of value, repayment capacity, and liquidity. In addition, covenants
and must be well-supported. should limit cash distributions to owners/shareholders, and
should include standard performance and financial
Each institution’s price deck typically reflects both base- reporting requirements. Examples of commonly used
case and sensitivity-case pricing scenarios. Pricing ratios/covenants for evaluating E&P companies include
assumptions for the sensitivity case are generally Free Cash Flow (FCF), Interest Coverage, Fixed Charge
sufficiently conservative and used to determine whether Coverage, Current Ratio, Quick Ratio, Senior
the borrower has the financial capacity to generate Debt/EBITDA(X), and Total Debt/EBITDA(X). The
adequate cash flow to repay the debt during a prolonged calculation of earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation,
low commodity price environment. Price deck and amortization (EBITDA) typically incorporates
considerations include, for example, current commodity maintenance CAPEX (X) due to its impact on the amount
pricing, forward curve projections (future price of projected FCF that is available after debt service to
considerations), cost assumptions, discount rates, and support operations.
timing of the various reports. Management should also
document any risk-based adjustments applied to each Hedging
proved reserve category. While the risk-adjusted base case
projections will generally be used to underwrite RBLs, When used properly, hedging may be an effective tool to
management should consider the ability to repay the debt help protect the borrower and the lender from sharp

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commodity price declines by providing a stable cash flow Financial analysis typically includes the following:
stream. E&P companies frequently use hedging
instruments such as futures contracts, swaps, collars, and  Adequacy of operating cash flows to service existing
put options to reduce price risk exposure. Generally, total debt;
hedges should be limited to no more than 85 percent of  Overall compliance with financial covenants,
projected production volumes. Counterparties should be including borrowing base limitations as detailed in the
limited to reputable, financially sound companies that are loan agreement;
approved in accordance with the institution’s O&G loan  Reasonableness of the company’s budget assumptions
policy. If the hedges are taken as collateral or part of the and projections;
borrowing base, the advance rate and any limitations on  Comparison of borrower provided production
the hedging position should be documented in the loan projections with actual results;
agreement. If hedges are sold or monetized, the proceeds  Working capital, tangible net worth, and leverage
of such should generally be applied to the respective debt. positions; and
 Impact of capital expenses and recent acquisitions.
Borrower and Financial Analysis
O&G Loan Policy Guidelines
Management should have a clear understanding of the
overall financial health of the borrower that includes an The O&G loan policy should provide sufficient guidance
assessment of the borrower’s ability to maintain operations to loan officers, clearly convey appropriate policy
through adverse market conditions. E&P companies in limitations and monitoring procedures, and detail
sound financial condition should have strong cash flow appropriate underwriting standards and practices. The
from reliable revenue sources and well-controlled O&G policy should clearly indicate those industry
operating expenses. Companies should also have adequate segments (Upstream, Midstream, Downstream, and
sources of liquidity and effective working capital Support/Services) the board chooses to lend to and include
management, sound reserve development practices, well- guidance on each of those segments.
defined criteria for divestiture, adequate capital structure,
manageable levels of debt, and appropriate financial For institutions engaged in RBL, appropriate policies
reporting. As part of the overall financial analysis of the address reserve measurement and valuation analysis,
relationship, updated engineering data should be well- borrowing base determinations, production history
documented and should enable the lender to determine the analysis, financial statement and ratio analysis,
borrower’s capacity to service the debt. Any over-advance commitment advances, discount rates, price deck
situation should have a reasonable plan and timeframe to formulation, financial covenants, steps to cure an over-
cure the over-advance. advance situation, and ALLL considerations. Specific
guidelines typically cover the following areas:
The principals of successful E&P companies should be
experienced and have a well-documented track record of
 Lending objectives, risk appetite, portfolio limits,
managing through all stages of the business cycle. In good
target market, and concentration limits;
times, company management should be able to identify,
 Methodology and requirements for monitoring O&G
acquire, and develop reserves profitably and in line with
markets, including pricing, supply and demand trends,
expectations. During declining price cycles, company
overall market trends, and industry analysis;
management should be able to demonstrate the ability to
 Board and committee oversight over the O&G lending
streamline operations, maintain reasonable production,
and engineering departments;
manage working capital, strategically reduce CAPEX, and
make sound divestitures to ensure repayment of debt.  Officer and committee lending limits;
Bank management should evaluate the borrower’s cost  Borrowing base calculations and risk-adjustments;
cycle, which reflects not only the ability to generate cash  Price deck considerations and adjustments;
flow from production, but also the CAPEX necessary to  Advance rates, risk-adjusted values for PDP, PDNP,
replace depleted reserves. Working capital management is and PUD reserves, and requirement to risk adjust the
critically important, as delinquent payments to vendors can discount value of nonproducing reserves before
result in a negative working capital position (due to applying advance rates;
accounts payable increasing) and an increased leverage  Frequency and required details of borrowing base
ratio. redeterminations and price deck revaluations;
 Requirements for independent engineering reports and
analysis thereof;
 Well concentration guidelines and maximum per
single well limits;

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 Financial covenants, minimum ratio and other  Excessive operating leverage;

financial information requirements, and review  Covenant defaults;
requirements (e.g. current ratio, fixed charge  Delinquent payables, or other evidence of poor
coverage, cash flow coverage, leverage ratios); working capital management;
 Collateral valuation requirements, including required  Significant current or likely future disruptions in
remaining collateral at payout; production;
 Renewal and restructuring guidelines, including  Frequent financial statement revisions or changes in
nonaccrual and troubled debt restructuring chosen accounting method;
implications;  Maintenance or capital expenditures significantly
 Remedies for declining collateral or over-advanced exceed budgeted forecasts; or
situations, such as Monthly Commitment Reductions,  The credit is identified by the institution as a
pledge of additional reserves as collateral, and sale of “distressed” credit.
non-productive reserves;
 Minimum required insurance (including property, Examiners are to consider all information relevant to
liability, and environmental); evaluating the prospects that the loan will be repaid,
 Defined loan safety or coverage factors and/or loan including the borrower’s creditworthiness, the cash flow
value policies, including other debt that is “pari- provided by the borrower’s operation, the collateral
passu” (i.e. all debts sharing equally in the production supporting the loan, integrity and reliability of the
cash flows available to amortize debt); engineering data, borrowing base considerations, primary
 Typical amortization, payout, and loan repayment source of repayment, and any support provided by
terms, including maximum terms for production financially responsible guarantors and co-borrowers. If the
revolvers and term loans; borrower’s circumstances reveal well-defined weaknesses,
 Guarantor requirements; adverse classification of the loan relationship is likely
 Hedging requirements, policies, and limitations; warranted. The level and severity of classification of
 Stress-testing and sensitivity analysis and distressed, collateral-dependent RBLs will depend on the
requirements thereof; and quality of the underlying collateral, based on the most
 Monitoring requirements for the risks inherent in recent re-determined and risk-adjusted borrowing base that
loans dependent on royalty interests in production is contractually obligated to be funded.
revenues for repayment.
The portion of the loan commitment(s) secured by the
Credit Risk Rating Assessment and Classification NPV of total risk-adjusted proved reserves should be
Guidelines classified Substandard. When the potential for loss may be
mitigated by the outcome of certain pending events, or
An appropriate O&G loan policy also addresses specific when loss is expected but the amount of the loss cannot be
credit risk review procedures for the O&G portfolio and reasonably determined, the remaining balance secured by
O&G loan grading criteria. Risk rating definitions should the NPV of total unrisked proved reserves should be
be clearly defined. RBL that are adequately protected by classified Doubtful. The portion of the loan
the current sound worth and debt service capacity of the commitment(s) that exceeds 100 percent of the NPV of
borrower, guarantor, or underlying collateral generally will total unrisked proved reserves, and is uncollectible, should
not be adversely classified for supervisory purposes. be classified Loss. These guidelines may be adjusted
However, if any of the following circumstances are depending on the borrower’s specific situation and should
present, a more in-depth and comprehensive analysis of the not replace examiner judgment.
credit is needed to determine whether the loan has
potential or well-defined weaknesses: The following tables illustrate an example of the rating
methodology for a classified borrower. Actual pricing,
 The loan balance exceeds 65 percent of the PV of discount rates, and risk adjustment factors applied by the
FNR of PDP, or the cash flow analysis indicates that institution may vary according to current market
the loan will not amortize within the reserve half-life; conditions and the nature of the reserves. Examiners
 The credit is not performing in accordance with should closely review the key assumptions made by the
contractual terms (repayment of interest and institution in arriving at the current collateral valuation.
 Advance rates exceed the institution’s limits or
industry standards for proved reserves;
 Frequent over-advances occur at subsequent
borrowing base redeterminations;

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Example: Collateral Valuation ($ Million) The degree of risk in a real estate loan depends primarily
Discounted NPV at 9% and using NYMEX Strip Pricing on the loan amount in relation to collateral value, the
Valuation Hedges PDP PDNP PUD Total interest rate, and most importantly, the borrower's ability
Basis Proved to repay in an orderly fashion. It is extremely important
Unrisked $10 $50 $20 $40 $120 that an institution's real estate loan policy ensure that loans
are granted with the reasonable probability the debtor will
be able and willing to meet the payment terms. Placing
Risk 100% 100% 75% 50% undue reliance upon a property's appraised value in lieu of
adjustment an adequate initial assessment of a debtor's repayment
factors ability is a potentially dangerous mistake.
Risked & $10 $50 $15 $20 $95
Adjusted Historically, many banks have jeopardized their capital
structure by granting ill-considered real estate mortgage
loans. Apart from unusual, localized, adverse economic
Total collateral value: $95 conditions which could not have been foreseen, resulting
in a temporary or permanent decline in realty values, the
Example: Classification ($ Million)
Borrowing base commitment on RBL is $125 million
principal errors made in granting real estate loans include
inadequate regard to normal or even depressed realty
values during periods when it is in great demand thus
RBL $125 $95 $25 $5 inflating the price structure, mortgage loan amortization,
Total $125 $95 $25 $5 the maximum debt load and repayment capacity of the
TC: Total Commitment SM: Special Mention borrower, and failure to reasonably restrict mortgage loans
II: Substandard III: Doubtful IV: Loss on properties for which there is limited demand.

Note: The $25 million of Doubtful represents the A principal indication of a troublesome real estate loan is
difference between the unrisked NPV and the risked NPV. an improper relationship between the amount of the loan,
If the borrower's prospects for further developing PDNP the potential sale price of the property, and the availability
and PUD reserves to producing status are unlikely or not of a market. The potential sale price of a property may or
supported by a pending event, this amount should be may not be the same as its appraised value. The current
reflected as Loss. potential sale price or liquidating value of the property is
of primary importance and the appraised value is of
Institutions should follow accounting principles when secondary importance. There may be little or no current
determining whether a loan should be placed on demand for the property at its appraised value and it may
nonaccrual. Each extension should be independently have to be disposed of at a sacrifice value.
evaluated to determine whether it should be on nonaccrual;
that is, nonaccrual status should not be automatically Examiners must appraise not only individual mortgage
applied to multiple loans or extensions of credit to a single loans, but also the overall mortgage lending and
borrower if only one loan meets the criteria for nonaccrual administration policies to ascertain the soundness of its
status. However, multiple loans to one borrower that are mortgage loan operations as well as the liquidity contained
structured as pari-passu to principal and interest and in the account. Institutions generally establish policies that
supported by the same repayment source should not be address the following factors: the maximum amount that
treated differently for nonaccrual or troubled debt may be loaned on a given property, in a given category,
restructuring purposes, regardless of collateral lien and on all real estate loans; the need for appraisals
position. (professional judgments of the present and/or future value
of the real property) and for amortization on certain loans.
Real Estate Loans
Real Estate Lending Standards
Section 18(o) of the FDI Act requires the Federal banking
Real estate loans are part of the loan portfolios of almost agencies to adopt uniform regulations prescribing
all commercial banks. Real estate loans include credits standards for loans secured by liens on real estate or made
advanced for the purchase of real property. However, the for the purpose of financing permanent improvements to
term may also encompass extensions granted for other real estate. For FDIC-supervised institutions, Part 365 of
purposes, but for which primary collateral protection is the FDIC Rules and Regulations requires each institution
real property. to adopt and maintain written real estate lending policies
that are consistent with sound lending principles,

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appropriate for the size of the institution and the nature and Because there are a number of credit factors besides LTV
scope of its operations. Within these general parameters, limits that influence credit quality, loans that meet the
the regulation specifically requires an institution to supervisory LTV limits should not automatically be
establish policies that include: considered sound, nor should loans that exceed the
supervisory LTV limits automatically be considered high
 Portfolio diversification standards; risk. However, loans that exceed the supervisory LTV
 Prudent underwriting standards including loan-to- limit should be identified in the institution's records and
value limits; the aggregate amount of these loans reported to the
 Loan administration procedures; institution's board of directors at least quarterly. The
 Documentation, approval and reporting requirements; guidelines further State that the aggregate amount of loans
and in excess of the supervisory LTV limits should not exceed
 Procedures for monitoring real estate markets within the institution's total capital. Moreover, within that
the institution's lending area. aggregate limit, the total loans for all commercial,
agricultural and multi-family residential properties
These policies also should consider the Interagency (excluding 1-to-4 family home loans) should not exceed 30
Guidelines for Real Estate Lending Policies and must be percent of total capital.
reviewed and approved annually by the institution's board
of directors. Institutions should develop policies that are clear, concise,
consistent with sound real estate lending practices, and
The interagency guidelines, which are an appendix to Part meet their needs. Policies should not be so complex that
365, are intended to help institutions satisfy the regulatory they place excessive paperwork burden on the institution.
requirements by outlining the general factors to consider Therefore, when evaluating compliance with Part 365,
when developing real estate lending standards. The examiners should carefully consider the following:
guidelines suggest maximum supervisory loan-to-value
(LTV) limits for various categories of real estate loans and  The size and financial condition of the institution;
explain how the agencies will monitor their use.  The nature and scope of the institution's real estate
lending activities;
Institutions are expected to establish their own internal  The quality of management and internal controls;
LTV limits consistent with their needs. These internal  The size and expertise of the lending and
limits should not exceed the following recommended administrative staff; and
supervisory limits:  Market conditions.

 65 percent for raw land; It is important to distinguish between the regulation and
 75 percent for land development; the interagency guidelines. While the guidelines are
 80 percent for commercial, multi-family, and other included as an appendix to the regulation, they are not part
non-residential construction; of the regulation. Therefore, when an apparent violation of
 85 percent for construction of a 1-to-4 family Part 365 is identified, it should be listed in the Report of
residence; Examination in the same manner as other apparent
 85 percent for improved property; and violations. Conversely, when an examiner determines that
 Owner-occupied 1-to-4 family home loans have no an institution is not in conformance with the guidelines and
suggested supervisory LTV limits. However, for any the deficiency is a safety and soundness concern, an
such loan with an LTV ratio that equals or exceeds 90 appropriate comment should be included in the
percent at origination, an institution should require examination report; however, the deficiency would not be
appropriate credit enhancement in the form of either a violation of the regulation.
mortgage insurance or readily marketable collateral.
Examination procedures for various real estate loan
Certain real estate loans are exempt from the supervisory categories are included in the ED Modules.
LTV limits because of other factors that significantly
reduce risk. These include loans guaranteed or insured by Commercial Real Estate Loans
the Federal, State or local government as well as loans to
be sold promptly in the secondary market without These loans comprise a major portion of many banks' loan
recourse. A complete list of excluded transactions is portfolios. When problems exist in the real estate markets
included in the guidelines. that the institution is servicing, it is necessary for
examiners to devote additional time to the review and
evaluation of loans in these markets.

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There are several warning signs that real estate markets or real estate. The institution should realize that appraised
projects are experiencing problems that may result in real collateral values are not usually met until funds are
estate values decreasing from original appraisals or advanced and improvements made.
projections. Adverse economic developments and/or an
overbuilt market can cause real estate projects and loans to The institution, the builder, and the property owner
become troubled. Signs of troubled real estate markets or typically join in a written building loan agreement that
projects include, but are not limited to: specifies the performance of each party during the entire
course of construction. Loan funds are generally disbursed
 Rent concessions or sales discounts resulting in cash based upon either a standard payment plan or a progress
flow below the level projected in the original payment plan. The standard payment plan is normally
appraisal. used for residential and smaller commercial construction
 Changes in concept or plan: for example, a loans and utilizes a pre-established schedule for fixed
condominium project converting to an apartment payments at the end of each specified stage of
project. construction. The progress payment plan is normally used
 Construction delays resulting in cost overruns which for larger, more complex, building projects. The plan is
may require renegotiation of loan terms. generally based upon monthly disbursements totaling 90
 Slow leasing or lack of sustained sales activity and/or percent of the value with 10 percent held back until the
increasing cancellations which may result in project is completed.
protracted repayment or default.
 Lack of any sound feasibility study or analysis. Although many credits advanced for real estate
 Periodic construction draws which exceed the amount acquisition, development or construction are properly
needed to cover construction costs and related considered loans secured by real estate, other such credits
overhead expenses. are, in economic substance, "investments in real estate
ventures". A key feature of these transactions is that the
 Identified problem credits, past due and non-accrual
institution as lender plans to share in the expected residual
profit from the ultimate sale or other use of the
development. These profit sharing arrangements may take
Real Estate Construction Loans
the form of equity kickers, unusually high interest rates, a
percentage of the gross rents or net cash flow generated by
A construction loan is used to construct a particular project
the project, or some other form of profit participation over
within a specified period of time and should be controlled
and above a reasonable amount for interest and related
by supervised disbursement of a predetermined sum of
money. It is generally secured by a first mortgage or deed loan fees. These extensions of credit may also include
such other characteristics as nonrecourse debt, 100 percent
of trust and backed by a purchase or takeout agreement
financing of the development cost (including origination
from a financially responsible permanent lender.
fees, interest payments, construction costs, and even profit
Construction loans are vulnerable to a wide variety of
draws by the developer), and lack of any substantive
risks. The major risk arises from the necessity to complete
financial support from the borrower or other guarantors.
projects within specified cost and time limits. The risk
inherent in construction lending can be limited by Acquisition, Development, and Construction (ADC)
arrangements that are in substance real estate investments
establishing policies which specify type and extent of
of the institution should be reported accordingly.
institution involvement. Such policies generally define
procedures for controlling disbursements and collateral
The following are the basic types of construction lending:
margins and assuring timely completion of the projects and
repayment of the institution's loans.
 Unsecured Front Money - Unsecured front money
Before entering a construction loan agreement, it is loans are working capital advances to a borrower who
appropriate for the institution to investigate the character, may be engaged in a new and unproven venture.
expertise, and financial standing of all related parties. Many bankers believe that unsecured front money
Documentation files would then include background lending is not prudent unless the institution is involved
information concerning reputation, work and credit in the latter stages of construction financing. A
experience, and financial statements. Such documentation builder planning to start a project before construction
indicates that the developer, contractor, and subcontractors funding is obtained often uses front money loans. The
have demonstrated the capacity to successfully complete funds may be used to acquire or develop a building
the type of project to be undertaken. The appraisal site, eliminate title impediments, pay architect or
techniques used to value a proposed construction project standby fees, and/or meet minimum working capital
are essentially the same as those used for other types of requirements established by construction lenders.
Repayment often comes from the first draw against

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construction financing. Unsecured front money loans The prospective borrower's reputation, experience,
used for a developer's equity investment in a project or and financial condition should be reviewed. The
to cover initial costs overruns are symptomatic of an finished project's realistic marketability in favorable
undercapitalized, inexperienced or inept builder. and unfavorable market conditions is also an
important consideration.
 Land Development Loans - Land development loans
are generally secured purchase or development loans In addition to normal safeguards such as a recorded
or unsecured advances to investors and speculators. first mortgage, acceptable appraisal, construction
Secured purchase or development loans are usually a agreement, draws based on progress payment plans
form of financing involving the purchase of land and and inspection reports, an institution dealing with
lot development in anticipation of further construction speculative contractors should institute control
or sale of the property. A land development loan procedures tailored to the individual circumstances. A
should be predicated upon a proper title search and/or predetermined limit on the number of unsold units to
mortgage insurance. The loan amount should be be financed at any one time is typically included in the
based on appraisals on an "as is" and "as completed" loan agreement to avoid overextending the contractor's
basis. Projections should be accompanied by a study capacity. Loans on larger residential construction
explaining the effect of property improvements on the projects are usually negotiated with prearranged
market value of the land. There should be a sufficient permanent financing. Documentation of tract loans
spread between the amount of the development loan frequently includes a master note allocated for the
and the estimated market value to allow for entire project and a master deed of trust or mortgage
unforeseen expenses. Appropriate repayment covering all land involved in the project. Payment of
programs typically are structured to follow the sales or the loan will depend largely upon the sale of the
development program. In the case of an unsecured finished homes. As each sale is completed, the
land development loan to investors or speculators, it is institution makes a partial release of the property
prudent for institution management to analyze the covered by its master collateral document. In addition
borrower's financial statements for sources of to making periodic inspections during the course of
repayment other than the expected return on the construction, periodic progress reports (summary of
property development. inventory lists maintained for each tract project)
typically are made on the entire project. A
 Commercial Construction Loans - Loans financing comprehensive inventory list shows each lot number,
commercial construction projects are usually type of structure, release price, sales price, and loan
collateralized, and such collateral is generally balance.
identical to that for commercial real estate loans.
Supporting documentation should include a recorded The exposure in any type of construction lending is that
mortgage or deed of trust, title insurance policy and/or the full value of the collateral does not exist at the time the
title opinions, appropriate liability insurance and other loan is granted. Therefore, it is important for management
coverages, land appraisals, and evidence that taxes to ensure funds are used properly to complete construction
have been paid to date. Additional documents relating or development of the property serving as collateral. If
to commercial construction loans include loan default occurs, the institution must be in a position to
agreements, takeout commitments, tri-party (buy/sell) either complete the project or to salvage its construction
agreements, completion or corporate bonds, and advances. The various mechanic's and materialmen's liens,
inspection or progress reports. tax liens, and other judgments that arise in such cases are
distressing to even the most seasoned lender. Every
 Residential Construction Loans - Residential precaution should be taken by the lender to minimize any
construction loans may be made on a speculative basis outside attack on the collateral. The construction lender
or as prearranged permanent financing. Smaller banks may not be in the preferred position indicated by
often engage in this type of financing and the documents in the file. Laws of some states favor the
aggregate total of individual construction loans may subcontractors (materialmen's liens, etc.), although those
equal a significant portion of their capital funds. of other states protect the construction lender to the point
Prudence dictates that permanent financing be assured of first default, provided certain legal requirements have
in advance because the cost of such financing can been met. Depending on the type and size of project being
have a substantial effect on sales. Proposals to finance funded, construction lending can be a complex and fairly
speculative housing should be evaluated in accordance high-risk venture. For this reason, institution management
with predetermined policy standards compatible with should ensure that it has enacted policies and retained
the institution's size, technical competence of its sufficiently trained personnel before engaging in this type
management, and housing needs of its service area. of lending.

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Home Equity Loans than the sale of the collateral, especially if the home equity
line is written on a variable rate basis. If the institution has
A home equity loan is a loan secured by the equity in a offered a low introductory interest rate, repayment
borrower's residence. It is generally structured in one of capacity should be analyzed at the rate that could be in
two ways. First, it can be structured as a traditional second effect at the conclusion of the initial term.
mortgage loan, wherein the borrower obtains the funds for
the full amount of the loan immediately and repays the Other important considerations include acceptable loan-to-
debt with a fixed repayment schedule. Second, the home value and debt-to-income ratios, and proper credit and
equity borrowing can be structured as a line of credit, with collateral documentation, including adequate appraisals
a check, credit card, or other access to the line over its life. and written evidence of prior lien status. Another
significant risk concerns the continued lien priority for
The home equity line of credit has evolved into the subsequent advances under a home equity line of credit.
dominant form of home equity lending. This credit State law governs the status of these subsequent advances.
instrument generally offers variable interest rates and It is also important that the institution's program include
flexible repayment terms. Additional characteristics of periodic reviews of the borrower's financial condition and
this product line include relatively low interest rates as continuing ability to repay the indebtedness.
compared to other forms of consumer credit, absorption by
some banks of certain fees (origination, title search, The variation in contract characteristics of home equity
appraisal, recordation cost, etc.) associated with debt affects the liquidity of this form of lending. For debt
establishing a real estate-related loan. The changes to be easily pooled and sold in the secondary market, it
imposed by the Tax Reform Act of 1986 relating to the needs to be fairly consistent in its credit and interest rate
income tax deductibility of interest paid on consumer debt characteristics. The complexity of the collateral structures,
led to the increased popularity of home equity lines of coupled with the uncertain maturity of revolving credit,
credit. makes home equity loans considerably less liquid than
straight first lien, fixed maturity mortgage loans.
Home equity lending is widely considered to be a low-risk
lending activity. These loans are secured by housing While home equity lending is considered to be fairly low-
assets, the value of which historically has performed well. risk, subprime home equity loans and lending programs
Nevertheless, the possibility exists that local housing exist at some banks. These programs have a higher level
values or household purchasing power may decline, of risk than traditional home equity lending programs.
stimulating abandonment of the property and default on Individual or pooled home equity loans that have subprime
the debt secured by the housing. Certain features of home characteristics should be analyzed using the information
equity loans make them particularly susceptible to such provided in the subprime section of this Manual.
risks. First, while the variable rate feature of the debt
reduces the interest rate risk of the lender, the variable Agricultural Loans
payment size exposes the borrower to greater cash flow
risks than would a fixed-rate loan, everything else being Introduction
equal. This, in turn, exposes the lender to greater credit
risk. Another risk is introduced by the very nature of the Agricultural loans are an important component of many
home equity loan. Such loans are generally secured by a community institution loan portfolios. Agricultural banks
junior lien. Thus, there is less effective equity protection represent a material segment of commercial banks and
than in a first lien instrument. Consequently, a decline in constitute an important portion of the group of banks over
the value of the underlying housing results in a much which the FDIC has the primary Federal supervisory
greater than proportional decline in the coverage of a home responsibility.
equity loan. This added leverage makes them
correspondingly riskier than first mortgages. Agricultural loans are used to fund the production of crops,
fruits, vegetables, and livestock, or to fund the purchase or
Institutions that make these kinds of loans typically adopt refinance of capital assets such as farmland, machinery and
specific policies and procedures for dealing with this equipment, breeder livestock, and farm real estate
product line. Management expertise in mortgage lending improvements (for example, facilities for the storage,
and open-end credit procedures is critical to the housing, and handling of grain or livestock). The
appropriate administration of the portfolio. Another major production of crops and livestock is especially vulnerable
concern is that borrowers will become overextended and to two risk factors that are largely outside the control of
the institution will have to initiate foreclosure proceedings. individual lenders and borrowers: commodity prices and
Therefore, underwriting standards should emphasize the weather conditions. While examiners must be alert to, and
borrower's ability to service the line from cash flow rather critical of, operational and managerial weaknesses in

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agricultural lending activities, they must also recognize livestock loans that are unable to be paid at their initial,
when the institution is taking reasonable steps to deal with short-term maturity, and which are rescheduled into an
these external risk factors. Accordingly, loan intermediate or long-term amortization. This situation
restructurings or extended repayment terms, or other arises when weather conditions cause lower crop yields,
constructive steps to deal with financial difficulties faced commodity prices are lower than anticipated, production
by agricultural borrowers because of adverse weather or costs are higher than expected, or other factors result in a
commodity conditions, will not be criticized if done in a shortfall in available funds for debt repayment. The
prudent manner and with proper risk controls and second type of carryover loan refers to already-existing
management oversight. Examiners should recognize these term debt whose repayment terms or maturities need to be
constructive steps and fairly portray them in oral and rescheduled because of inadequate cash flow to meet
written communications regarding examination findings. existing repayment requirements. This need for
This does not imply, however, that analytical or restructuring can arise from the same factors that lead to
classification standards should be compromised. Rather, it carryover production or feeder livestock loans. Carryover
means that the institution’s response to these challenges loans are generally restructured on an intermediate or long-
will be considered in supervisory decisions. term amortization, depending upon the type of collateral
provided, the borrower’s debt service capacity from
Agricultural Loan Types and Maturities ongoing operations, the debtor’s overall financial condition
and trends, or other variables. The restructuring may also
Production or Operating Loans - Short-term (one year or be accompanied by acquisition of Federal guarantees
less) credits to finance seed, fuel, chemicals, land and through the farm credit system to lessen risk to the
machinery rent, labor, and other costs associated with the institution.
production of crops. Family living expenses are also
sometimes funded, at least in part, with these loans. The Agricultural Loan Underwriting Guidelines
primary repayment source is sale of the crops at the end of
the production season when the harvest is completed. Many underwriting standards applicable to commercial
loans also apply to agricultural credits. The discussion of
Feeder Livestock Loans - Short-term loans for the those shared standards is therefore not repeated. Some
purchase of, or production expenses associated with, cattle, items, however, are especially pertinent to agricultural
hogs, sheep, poultry or other livestock. When the animals credit and therefore warrant emphasis.
attain market weight and are sold for slaughter, the
proceeds are used to repay the debt. Financial and Other Credit Information - As with any type
of lending, sufficient information must be available so that
Breeder Stock Loans - Intermediate-term credits (generally the institution can make informed credit decisions. Basic
three to five years) used to fund the acquisition of breeding information includes balance sheets, income statements,
stock such as beef cows, sows, sheep, dairy cows, and cash flow projections, loan officer file comments, and
poultry. The primary repayment source is the proceeds collateral inspections, verifications, and valuations.
from the sale of the offspring of these stock animals, or Generally, financial information should be updated not less
their milk or egg production. than annually (loan officer files should be updated as
needed and document all significant meetings and events).
Machinery and Equipment Loans - Intermediate-term Credit information should be analyzed by management so
loans for the purchase of a wide array of equipment used in that appropriate and timely actions are taken, as necessary,
the production and handling of crops and livestock. Cash to administer the credit.
flow from farm earnings is the primary repayment source.
Loans for grain handling and storage facilities are also Institutions should be given some reasonable flexibility as
sometimes included in this category, especially if the to the level of sophistication or comprehensiveness of the
facilities are not permanently affixed to real estate. aforementioned financial information, and the frequency
with which it is obtained, depending upon such factors as
Farm Real Estate Acquisition Loans - Long-term credits the credit size, the type of loans involved, the financial
for the purchase of farm real estate, with cash flow from strength and trends of the borrower, and the economic,
earnings representing the primary repayment source. climatic or other external conditions which may affect loan
Significant, permanent improvements to the real estate, repayment. It may therefore be inappropriate for the
such as for livestock housing or grain storage, may also be examiner to insist that all agricultural borrowers be
included within this group. supported with the full complement of balance sheets,
income statements, and other data discussed above,
Carryover Loans - This term is used to describe two types regardless of the nature and amount of the credit or the
of agricultural credit. The first is production or feeder debtor’s financial strength and payment record.

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Nonetheless, while recognizing some leeway is comprise “liquidation” rather than “going concern”
appropriate, most of the institution’s agricultural credit values). The extent of use and level of maintenance
lines, and all of its larger or more significant ones, should received significantly affect machinery and equipment
be sufficiently supported by the financial information values. Determining collateral values can therefore be
mentioned. very difficult as maintenance and usage levels vary
significantly. Nonetheless, values for certain pre-owned
Cash Flow Analysis - History clearly demonstrated that machinery and equipment, especially tractors, combines,
significant problems can develop when banks fail to pay and other harvesting or crop tillage equipment, are
sufficient attention to cash flow adequacy in underwriting published in specialized guides and are based on prices
agricultural loans. While collateral coverage is important, paid at farm equipment dealerships or auctions. These
the primary repayment source for intermediate and long- used machinery guides may be used as a reasonableness
term agricultural loans is not collateral but cash flow from check on the valuations presented on financial statements
ordinary operations. This principle should be evident in or in management’s internal collateral analyses.
the institution’s agricultural lending policies and
implemented in its actual practices. Cash flow analysis is Prudent agricultural loan underwriting also includes
therefore an important aspect of the examiner’s review of systems and procedures to ensure that the institution has a
agricultural loans. Assumptions in cash flow projections valid note receivable from the borrower and an enforceable
should be reasonable and consider not only current security interest in the collateral, should judicial collection
conditions but also the historical performance of the measures be necessary. Among other things, such systems
farming operation. and procedures will confirm that promissory notes, loan
agreements, collateral assignments, and lien perfection
Collateral Support - Whether a loan or line of credit documents are signed by the appropriate parties and are
warrants unsecured versus secured status in order to be filed, as needed, with the appropriate State, county, and/or
prudent and sound is a matter the examiner has to municipal authorities. Flaws in the legal enforceability of
determine based on the facts of the specific case. The loan instruments or collateral documents will generally be
decision should generally consider such elements as the unable to be corrected if they are discovered only when the
borrower’s overall financial strength and trends, credit is distressed and the borrower relationship strained.
profitability, financial leverage, degree of liquidity in asset
holdings, managerial and financial expertise, and amount Structuring - Orderly liquidation of agricultural debt, based
and type of credit. Nonetheless, as a general rule, on an appropriate repayment schedule and a clear
intermediate and long-term agricultural credit is typically understanding by the borrower of repayment expectations,
secured, and many times production and feeder livestock helps prevent collection problems from developing.
advances will also be collateralized. Often the security Amortization periods for term indebtedness should
takes the form of an all-inclusive lien on farm personal correlate with the useful economic life of the underlying
property, such as growing crops, machinery and collateral and with the operation’s debt service capacity.
equipment, livestock, and harvested grain. A lien on real A too-lengthy amortization period can leave the institution
estate is customarily taken if the loan was granted for the under secured in the latter part of the life of the loan, when
purchase of the property, or if the borrower’s debts are the borrower’s financial circumstances may have changed.
being restructured because of debt servicing problems. In A too-rapid amortization, on the other hand, can impose an
some cases, the institution may perfect a lien on real estate undue burden on the cash flow capacity of the farming
as an abundance of caution. operation and thus lead to loan default or disruption of
other legitimate financing needs of the enterprise. It is also
Examiner review of agricultural related collateral generally preferable that separate loans or lines of credit be
valuations varies depending on the type of security established for each loan purpose category financed by the
involved. Real estate collateral should be reviewed using institution.
normal procedures. Feeder livestock and grain are highly
liquid commodities that are bought and sold daily in Administration of Agricultural Loans
active, well-established markets. Their prices are widely
reported in the daily media; so, obtaining their market Two aspects of prudent loan administration deserve
values is generally easy. The market for breeder livestock emphasis: collateral control and renewal practices for
may be somewhat less liquid than feeder livestock or production loans.
grain, but values are nonetheless reasonably well known
and reported through local or regional media or auction Collateral Control - Production and feeder livestock loans
houses. If such information on breeding livestock is are sometimes referred to as self liquidating because sale
unavailable or is considered unreliable, slaughter prices of the crops after harvest, and of the livestock when they
may be used as an alternative (these slaughter prices reach maturity, provides a ready repayment source for

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these credits. These self-liquidating benefits may be lost, historical performance and financial strength, overall
however, if the institution does not monitor and exercise financial condition and trends, the value of any collateral,
sufficient control over the disposition of the proceeds from and other sources of repayment must be considered. In
the sale. In agricultural lending, collateral control is considering whether a given agricultural loan or line of
mainly accomplished by periodic on-site inspections and credit should be adversely classified, collateral margin is
verifications of the security pledged, with the results of an important, though not necessarily the determinative,
those inspections documented, and by implementing factor. If that margin is so overwhelming as to remove all
procedures to ensure sales proceeds are applied to the reasonable prospect of the institution sustaining some loss,
associated debt before those proceeds are released for it is generally inappropriate to adversely classify such a
other purposes. The recommended frequency of collateral loan. Note, however, that if there is reasonable uncertainty
inspections varies depending upon such things as the as to the value of that security, because of an illiquid
nature of the farming operation, the overall credit market or other reasons, that uncertainty can, when taken
soundness, and the turnover rate of grain and livestock in conjunction with other weaknesses, justify an adverse
inventories. classification of the credit, or, at minimum, may mean that
the margin in the collateral needs to be greater to offset
Renewal of Production Loans - After completion of the this uncertainty. Moreover, when assessing the adequacy
harvest, some farm borrowers may wish to defer of the collateral margin, it must be remembered that
repayment of some or all of that season’s production loans, deteriorating financial trends will, if not arrested, typically
in anticipation of higher market prices at a later point result in a shrinking of that margin. Such deterioration can
(typically, crop prices are lower at harvest time when the also reduce the amount of cash available for debt service
supply is greater). Such delayed crop marketing will needs.
generally require production loan extensions or renewals.
In these situations, the institution must strike an That portion of an agricultural loan(s) or line of credit,
appropriate balance of, on the one hand, not interfering which is secured by grain, feeder livestock, and/or breeder
with the debtor’s legitimate managerial decisions and livestock, will generally be withheld from adverse
marketing plans while, at the same time, taking prudent classification. The basis for this approach is that grain and
steps to ensure its production loans are adequately livestock are highly marketable and provide good
protected and repaid on an appropriate basis. Examiners protection from credit loss. However, that high
should generally not take exception to reasonable renewals marketability also poses potential risks that must be
or extensions of production loans when the following recognized and controlled. The following conditions must
factors are favorably resolved: therefore be met in order for this provision to apply:

 The borrower has sufficient financial strength to  The institution must take reasonable steps to verify the
absorb market price fluctuations. Leverage and existence and value of the grain and livestock. This
liquidity in the balance sheet, financial statement generally means that on-site inspections must be made
trends, profitability of the operation, and past and documented. Although the circumstances of each
repayment performance are relevant indices. case must be taken into account, the general policy is
 The borrower has sufficient financial capacity to that, for the classification exclusion to apply,
support both old and new production loans. That is, in inspections should have been performed not more than
a few months subsequent to harvest, the farmer will 90 days prior to the examination start date for feeder
typically be incurring additional production debt for livestock and grain collateral, and not more than six
the upcoming crop season. months prior to the examination start date for breeder
 The institution has adequately satisfied itself of the stock collateral. Copies of invoices or bills of sale are
amount and condition of grain in inventory, so that the acceptable substitutes for inspection reports prepared
renewed or extended production loans are adequately by institution management, in the case of loans for the
supported. Generally, this means that a current purchase of livestock.
inspection report will be available.  Loans secured by grain warehouse receipts are
generally excluded from adverse classification, up to
Classification Guidelines for Agricultural Credit the market value of the grain represented by the
When determining the level of risk in a specific lending  The amount of credit to be given for the livestock or
relationship, the relevant factual circumstances must be grain collateral should be based on the daily,
reviewed in total. This means, among other things, that published, market value as of the examination start
when an agricultural loan’s primary repayment source is date, less marketing and transportation costs, feed and
jeopardized or unavailable, adverse classification is not veterinary expenses (to the extent determinable), and,
automatic. Rather, such factors as the borrower’s if material in amount, the accrued interest associated

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with the loan(s). Current market values for breeder through the sale of offspring (or milk and eggs in the case
stock may be derived from local or regional of dairy and poultry operations). If one or both of these
newspapers, area auction barns, or other sources conditions is not met, adverse classification may be in
considered reliable. If such valuations for breeding order, depending upon the support of secondary repayment
livestock cannot be obtained, the animals’ slaughter sources and collateral, and the borrower’s overall financial
values may be used. condition and trends.
 The institution must have satisfactory practices for
controlling sales proceeds when the borrower sells Machinery and Equipment Loans - Loans for the
livestock and feed and grain. acquisition of machinery and equipment will generally not
 The institution must have a properly perfected and be subject to adverse classification if they are adequately
enforceable security interest in the assets in question. secured, structured on an appropriate amortization program
(see above), and are paying as agreed. Farm machinery
Examiners should exercise great caution in granting the and equipment is often the second largest class of
grain and livestock exclusion from adverse classification in agricultural collateral, hence its existence, general state of
those instances where the borrower is highly leveraged, or repair, and valuation should be verified and documented
where the debtor’s basic operational viability is seriously during the institution’s periodic on-site inspections of the
in question, or if the institution is in an under-secured borrower’s operation. Funding for the payments on
position. The issue of control over proceeds becomes machinery and equipment loans sometimes comes, at least
extremely critical in such highly distressed credit in part, from other loans provided by the institution,
situations. If the livestock and grain exclusion from especially production loans. When this is the case, the
adverse classification is not given in a particular case, question arises whether the payments are truly being
institution management should be informed of the reasons “made as agreed.” For examination purposes, such loans
why. will be considered to be paying as agreed if cash flow
projections, payment history, or other available
With the above principles, requirements, and standards in information, suggests there is sufficient capacity to fully
mind, the general guidelines for determining adverse repay the production loans when they mature at the end of
classification for agricultural loans are as follows, listed by the current production cycle. If the machinery and
loan type. equipment loan is not adequately secured, or if the
payments are not being made as agreed, adverse
Feeder Livestock Loans - The self-liquidating nature of classification should be considered.
these credits means that they are generally not subject to
adverse classification. However, declines in livestock Carryover Debt - Carryover debt results from the debtor’s
prices, increases in production costs, or other unanticipated inability to generate sufficient cash flow to service the
developments may result in the revenues from the sale of obligation as it is currently structured. It therefore tends to
the livestock not being adequate to fully repay the loans. contain a greater degree of credit risk and must receive
Adverse classification may then be appropriate, depending close analysis by the examiner. When carryover debt
upon the support of secondary repayment sources and arises, the institution should determine the basic viability
collateral, and the borrower’s overall financial condition of the borrower’s operation, so that an informed decision
and trends. can be made on whether debt restructuring is appropriate.
It will thus be useful for institution management to know
Production Loans - These loans are generally not subject to how the carryover debt came about: Did it result from the
adverse classification if the debtor has good liquidity obligor’s financial, operational or other managerial
and/or significant fixed asset equities, or if the cash flow weaknesses; from inappropriate credit administration on
information suggests that current year’s operations should the institution’s part, such as over lending or improper debt
be sufficient to repay the advances. The examiner should structuring; from external events such as adverse weather
also take into account any governmental support programs conditions that affected crop yields; or from other causes?
or Federal crop insurance benefits from which the In many instances, it will be in the long-term best interests
borrower may benefit. If cash flow from ongoing of both the institution and the debtor to restructure the
operations appears insufficient to repay production loans, obligations. The restructured obligation should generally
adverse classification may be in order, depending upon the be rescheduled on a term basis and require clearly
secondary repayment sources and collateral, and the identified collateral, amortization period, and payment
borrower’s overall financial condition and trends. amounts. The amortization period may be intermediate or
long term depending upon the useful economic life of the
Breeder Stock Loans - These loans are generally not available collateral, and on realistic projections of the
adversely classified if they are adequately secured by the operation’s payment capacity.
livestock and if the term debt payments are being met

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There are no hard and fast rules on whether carryover debt Lease Accounting
should be adversely classified, but the decision should
generally consider the following: borrower’s overall ASC Topic 840, Leases, is the current lease accounting
financial condition and trends, especially financial standard for non-public business entities and entities that
leverage (often measured in farm debtors with the debt-to- have not adopted ASC Topic 842, Leases. ASC Topic 842
assets ratio); profitability levels, trends, and prospects; is effective for public business entities (as defined in U.S.
historical repayment performance; the amount of carryover GAAP) and will become effective for banks that are not
debt relative to the operation’s size; realistic projections of public business entities, for fiscal years beginning after
debt service capacity; and the support provided by December 15, 2019, and interim reporting periods within
secondary collateral. Accordingly, carryover loans to fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2020. As such, a
borrowers who are moderately to highly leveraged, who calendar year end non-public business entity’s first
have a history of weak or no profitability and barely reporting period will be December 31, 2020. Early
sufficient cash flow projections, as well as an adequate but adoption is permitted.
slim collateral margin, will generally be adversely
classified, at least until it is demonstrated through actual Direct Lease Financing
repayment performance that there is adequate capacity to
service the rescheduled obligation. The classification Leasing is a recognized form of term debt financing for
severity will normally depend upon the collateral position. fixed assets. While leases differ from loans in some
At the other extreme are cases where the customer remains respects, they are similar from a credit viewpoint because
fundamentally healthy financially, generates good the basic considerations are cash flow, repayment capacity,
profitability and ample cash flow, and who provides a credit history, management and projections of future
comfortable margin in the security pledged. Carryover operations. Additional considerations for a lease
loans to this group of borrowers will not ordinarily be transaction are the property type and its marketability in
adversely classified. the event of default or lease termination. Those latter
considerations do not radically alter the manner in which
Installment Loans an examiner evaluates collateral for a lease. The
assumption is that the lessee/borrower will generate
An installment loan portfolio is usually comprised of a sufficient funds to liquidate the lease/debt. Sale of leased
large number of small loans scheduled to be amortized property/collateral remains a secondary repayment source
over a specific period. Most installment loans are made and, except for the estimated residual value at the
directly for consumer purchases, but business loans expiration of the lease, will not, in most cases, become a
granted for the purchase of heavy equipment or industrial factor in liquidating the advance. When the institution is
vehicles may also be included. In addition, the department requested to purchase property of significant value for
may grant indirect loans for the purchase of consumer lease, it may issue a commitment to lease, describing the
goods. property, indicating cost, and generally outlining the lease
terms. After all terms in the lease transaction are resolved
The examiner's emphasis in reviewing the installment loan by negotiation between the institution and its customer, an
department should be on the overall procedures, policies order is usually written requesting the institution to
and credit qualities. The goal should not be limited to purchase the property. Upon receipt of that order, the
identifying current portfolio problems, but should include institution purchases the property requested and arranges
potential future problems that may result from ineffective for delivery and, if necessary, installation. A lease
policies, unfavorable trends, potentially dangerous contract is drawn incorporating all the points covered in
concentrations, or nonadherence to established policies. the commitment letter, as well as the rights of the
Direct installment lending policies typically address the institution and lessee in the event of default. The lease
following factors: loan applications and credit checks; contract is generally signed simultaneously with the
terms in relation to collateral; collateral margins; signing of the order to purchase and the agreement to
perfection of liens; extensions, renewals and rewrites; lease.
delinquency notification and follow-up; and charge-offs
and collections. For indirect lending, the policy typically Lessor Accounting under ASC Topic 840
addresses direct payment to the institution versus payment
to the dealer, acquisition of dealer financial information, The types of assets that may be leased are numerous, and
possible upper limits for any one dealer's paper, other the accounting for direct leasing is a complex subject
standards governing acceptance of dealer paper, and dealer which is discussed in detail in ASC Topic 840, Leases.
reserves and charge-backs. Familiarity with ASC Topic 840 is a prerequisite for the
management of any institution engaging in or planning to

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engage in direct lease financing. The following terms are Examiner Consideration
commonly encountered in direct lease financing:
Examiners should determine whether bank management
 Net Lease, one in which the institution is not directly carefully evaluates all lease variables, including the
or indirectly obligated to assume the expenses of estimate of the residual value. Institutions may be able to
maintaining the equipment. This restriction does not realize unwarranted lease income in the early years of a
prohibit the institution from paying delivery and set up contract by manipulating the lease variables. In addition,
charges on the property. an institution can offer the lessee a lower payment by
 Full Payout Lease, one for which the institution assuming an artificially high residual value during the
expects to realize both the return of its full investment initial structuring of the lease. But this technique may
and the cost of financing the property over the term of present the institution with serious long-term problems
the lease. This payout can come from rentals, because of the reliance on speculative or nonexistent
estimated tax benefits, and estimated residual value of residual values.
the property.
 Leveraged Lease, in which the institution as lessor Often, lease contracts contain an option permitting the
purchases and becomes the equipment owner by lessee to continue use of the property at the end of the
providing a relatively small percentage (20-40%) of original term, working capital restrictions and other
the capital needed. Balance of the funds is borrowed restrictions or requirements similar to debt agreements and
by the lessor from long-term lenders who hold a first lease termination penalties. Each lease is an individual
lien on the equipment and assignments of the lease contract written to fulfill the lessee's needs. Consequently,
and lease rental payments. This specialized and there may be many variations of each of the above
complex form of leasing is prompted mainly by a provisions. However, the underlying factors remain the
desire on the part of the lessor to shelter income from same: there is a definite contractual understanding of the
taxation. Creditworthiness of the lessee is paramount positive right to use the property for a specific period of
and the general rule is an institution should not enter time, and required payments are irrevocable.
into a leveraged lease transaction with any party to
whom it would not normally extend unsecured credit. Examination procedures for reviewing lease financing
 Rentals, which include only those payments activities are included in the ED Modules in the Loan
reasonably anticipated by the institution at the time the References section.
lease is executed.
Floor Plan Loans
Lessor Accounting under ASC Topic 842
Floor plan (wholesale) lending is a form of retail goods
ASC Topic 842, Leases does not fundamentally change inventory financing in which each loan advance is made
lessor accounting; however, it aligns terminology between against a specific piece of collateral. As each piece of
lessee and lessor accounting and brings key aspects of collateral is sold by the dealer, the loan advance against
lessor accounting into alignment with the FASB’s new that piece of collateral is repaid. Items commonly subject
revenue recognition guidance in ASC Topic 606. As a to floor plan debt are automobiles, home appliances,
result, the classification difference between direct furniture, television and stereophonic equipment, boats,
financing leases and sales-type leases for lessors moves mobile homes and other types of merchandise usually sold
from a risk-and-rewards principle to a transfer of control under a sales finance contract. Drafting agreements are a
principle. As such, an institution as lessor is required to relatively common approach utilized in conjunction with
classify a lease as a sales-type, direct financing, or floor plan financing. Under this arrangement, the
operating leases. Additionally, there is no longer a institution establishes a line of credit for the borrower and
distinction in the treatment of real estate and non-real authorizes the good’s manufacturer to draw drafts on the
estate leases by lessors. institution in payment for goods shipped. The institution
agrees to honor these drafts, assuming proper
Leases classified as leveraged leases prior to the adoption documentation (such as invoices, manufacturer's statement
of ASC Topic 842 may continue to be accounted for under of origin, etc.) is provided. The method facilitates
ASC Topic 840 unless subsequently modified. ASC Topic inventory purchases by, in effect, guaranteeing payment to
842 eliminates leveraged lease accounting for leases that the manufacturer for merchandise supplied. Floor plan
commence after an institution adopts the new accounting loans involve all the basic risks inherent in any form of
standard. inventory financing. However, because of the banker's
inability to exercise full control over the floored items, the
For more information refer to the Call Report Glossary for exposure to loss may be greater than in other similar types
the accounting for leases or ASC Topic 842. of financing. Most dealers have minimal capital bases

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relative to debt. As a result, close and frequent review of Most institution credit card plans are similar. The
the dealer's financial information is necessary. As with all institution solicits retail merchants, service organizations
inventory financing, collateral value is of prime and others who agree to accept a credit card in lieu of cash
importance. Control requires the institution to determine for sales or services rendered. The parties also agree to a
the collateral value at the time the loan is placed on the discount percentage of each sales draft and a maximum
books, frequently inspect the collateral to determine its dollar amount per transaction. Amounts exceeding that
condition, and impose a curtailment requirement sufficient limit require prior approval by the institution. Merchants
to keep collateral value in line with loan balances. also may be assessed a fee for imprinters or promotional
materials. The merchant deposits the institution credit card
Handling procedures for floor plan lines will vary greatly sales draft at the institution and receives immediate credit
depending on institution size and location, dealer size and for the discounted amount. The institution assumes the
the type of merchandise being financed. In many cases, credit risk and charges the nonrecourse sales draft to the
the term "trust receipt" is used to describe the debt individual customer's credit card account. Monthly
instrument existing between the institution and the dealer. statements are rendered by the institution to the customer
Trust receipts may result from drafting agreements who may elect to remit the entire amount, generally
between an institution and a manufacturer for the benefit without service charge, or pay in monthly installments,
of a dealer. In other instances, the dealer may order with an additional percentage charged on the outstanding
inventory, bring titles or invoices to the institution, and balance each month. A cardholder also may obtain cash
then obtain a loan secured or to be secured by the advances from the institution or dispensing machines.
inventory. Some banks may use master debt instruments, Those advances accrue interest from the transaction date.
and others may use a trust receipt or note for each piece of An institution may be involved in a credit card plan in
inventory. The method of perfecting a security interest three ways:
also varies from state to state. The important point is that
an institution enacts realistic handling policies and ensures  Agent Bank, which receives credit card applications
that its collateral position is properly protected. from customers and sales drafts from merchants and
forwards such documents to banks described below,
Examination procedures and examiner considerations for and is accountable for such documents during the
reviewing floor plan lending activities are included in the process of receiving and forwarding.
ED Modules in the Loan References section.  Sublicensee Bank, which maintains accountability for
credit card loans and merchant's accounts; may
Check Credit and Credit Card Loans maintain its own center for processing payments and
drafts; and may maintain facilities for embossing
Check credit is defined as the granting of unsecured credit cards.
revolving lines of credit to individuals or businesses.  Licensee Bank, which is the same as sublicensee
Check credit services are provided by the overdraft system, institution, but in addition may perform transaction
cash reserve system, and special draft system. The most processing and credit card embossing services for
common is the overdraft system. In that method, a transfer sublicensee banks, and also acts as a regional or
is made from a pre-established line of credit to a national clearinghouse for sublicensee banks.
customer's demand deposit account when a check which
would cause an overdraft position is presented. Transfers Check credit and credit card loan policies typically address
normally are made in stated increments, up to the procedures for careful screening of account applicants;
maximum line of credit approved by the institution, and establishment of internal controls to prevent interception of
the customer is notified that the funds have been cards before delivery, merchants from obtaining control of
transferred. In a cash reserve system, customers must cards, or customers from making fraudulent use of lost or
request that the institution transfer funds from their pre- stolen card; frequent review of delinquent accounts,
established line of credit to their demand deposit account accounts where payments are made by drawing on
before negotiating a check against them. A special draft reserves, and accounts with steady usage; delinquency
system involves the customer negotiating a special check notification procedures; guidelines for realistic
drawn directly against a pre-established line of credit. In charge-offs; removal of accounts from delinquent status
that method, demand deposit accounts are not affected. In (curing) through performance not requiring a catch-up of
all three systems, the institution periodically provides its delinquent principal; and provisions that preclude
check credit customers with a statement of account automatic reissuance of expired cards to obligors with
activity. Required minimum payments are computed as a charged-off balances or an otherwise unsatisfactory credit
fraction of the balance of the account on the cycle date and history with the institution.
may be made by automatic charges to a demand deposit

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Examination procedures for reviewing these activities are services of agents, such as an independent sales
included in the ED Modules. Also, the FDIC has separate organization (ISO). ISOs solicit merchants' credit card
manuals on Credit Card Specialty Bank Examination transactions for a clearing institution. In some cases, the
Guidelines and Credit Card Securitization Activities. ISOs actually contract with merchants on behalf of
clearing institutions. Some of these contracts are entered
Credit Card-related Merchant Activities into by the ISOs without the review and approval of the
clearing institutions. At times, clearing institutions
Merchant credit card activities basically involve the unfortunately rely too much on the ISOs to oversee
acceptance of credit card sales drafts for clearing by a account activity. In some cases, clearing institutions have
financial institution (clearing institution). For the clearing permitted ISOs to contract with disreputable merchants.
institution, these activities are generally characterized by Because of the poor condition of the merchant, or ISO, or
thin profit margins amidst high transactional and sales both, these clearing institutions can ultimately incur heavy
volumes. Typically, a merchant's customer will charge an losses.
item on a credit card, and the clearing institution will give
credit to the merchant's account. Should the customer A financial institution with credit card clearing activities
dispute a charge transaction, the clearing institution is typically develops its own internal controls and procedures
obligated to honor the customer's legitimate request to to ensure sound agent selection standards before engaging
reverse the transaction. The Clearing Institution must then an ISO. ISOs that seek to be compensated solely on the
seek reimbursement from the merchant. Problems arise basis of the volume of signed-up merchants should be
when the merchant is not creditworthy and is unable, or carefully scrutinized. A clearing institution should
unwilling, to reimburse the clearing institution. In these adequately supervise the ISO's activities, just as the
instances, the clearing institution will incur a loss. institution would supervise any third party engaged to
Examiners should review for the existence of any such perform services for any aspect of the institution's
contingent liabilities. operations. Also, institutions typically and appropriately
reserve the right to ratify or reject any merchant contract
To avoid losses and to ensure the safe and profitable that is initiated by an ISO.
operation of a clearing institution's credit card activities,
the merchants with whom it contracts for clearing services Examination procedures for reviewing credit card related
should be financially sound and honestly operated. To this merchant activities are included in the ED Modules in the
end, safe and sound merchant credit card activities include Supplemental Modules Section and in the Credit Card
clear and detailed acceptance standards for merchants, Activities Manual.
such as the following:

 Scrutinizing prospective merchants using the same OTHER CREDIT ISSUES
care and diligence used in evaluating prospective
borrowers. Appraisals
 Closely monitoring merchants with controls to ensure
that early warning signs are recognized so that Appraisals are professional judgments of the market value
problem merchants can be removed from a clearing of real property. Three basic valuation approaches are
institution's program promptly to minimize loss used by professional appraisers in estimating the market
exposure. value of real property; the cost approach, the market data
 Establishing an account administration program that or direct sales comparison approach, and the income
incorporates periodic reviews of merchants' financial approach. The principles governing the three approaches
statements and business activities in cases of are widely known in the appraisal field and are referenced
merchants clearing large dollar volumes. in parallel regulations issued by each of the Federal
 Establishing an internal periodic reporting system of banking agencies. When evaluating collateral, the three
merchant account activities regardless of the amount valuation approaches are not equally appropriate.
or number of transactions cleared, with these reports
reviewed for irregularities so problematic merchant  Cost Approach - In this approach, the appraiser
activity is identified quickly. estimates the reproduction cost of the building and
 Developing policies that follow the guidelines improvements, deducts estimated depreciation, and
established by the card issuing networks. adds the value of the land. The cost approach is
particularly helpful when reviewing draws on
Another possible problem with merchant activities construction loans. However, as the property
involves clearing institutions that sometimes engage the increases in age, both reproduction cost and

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depreciation become more difficult to estimate. Valuation of Troubled Income-Producing Properties

Except for special purpose facilities, the cost approach
is usually inappropriate in a troubled real estate When an income property is experiencing financial
market because construction costs for a new facility difficulties due to general market conditions or due to its
normally exceed the market value of existing own characteristics, data on comparable property sales is
comparable properties. often difficult to obtain. Troubled properties may be hard
 Market Data or Direct Sales Comparison to market, and normal financing arrangements may not be
Approach - This approach examines the price of available. Moreover, forced and liquidation sales can
similar properties that have sold recently in the local dominate market activity. When the use of comparables is
market, estimating the value of the subject property not feasible (which is often the case for commercial
based on the comparable properties' selling prices. It properties), the net present value of the most reasonable
is very important that the characteristics of the expectation of the property's income-producing capacity -
observed transactions be similar in terms of market not just in today's market but over time - offers the most
location, financing terms, property condition and use, appropriate method of valuation in the supervisory
timing, and transaction costs. The market approach process.
generally is used in valuing owner-occupied
residential property because comparable sales data is Estimates of the property's value should be based upon
typically available. When adequate sales data is reasonable and supportable projections of the determinants
available, an analyst generally will give the most of future net operating income: rents (or sales), expenses,
weight to this type of estimate. Often, however, the and rates of occupancy. The primary considerations for
available sales data for commercial properties is not these projections include historical levels and trends, the
sufficient to justify a conclusion. current market performance achieved by the subject and
 The Income Approach - The economic value of an similar properties, and economically feasible and
income-producing property is the discounted value of defensible projections of future demand and supply
the future net operating income stream, including any conditions. If current market activity is dominated by a
"reversion" value of property when sold. If limited number of transactions or liquidation sales, high
competitive markets are working perfectly, the capitalization and discount rates implied by such
observed sales price should be equal to this value. For transactions should not be used. Rather, analysts should
unique properties or in depressed markets, value based use rates that reflect market conditions that are neither
on a comparable sales approach may be either highly speculative nor depressed.
unavailable or distorted. In such cases, the income
approach is usually the appropriate method for valuing Appraisal Regulation
the property. The income approach converts all
expected future net operating income into present Title XI of the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery,
value terms. When market conditions are stable and and Enforcement Act of 1989 requires that appraisals
no unusual patterns of future rents and occupancy prepared by certified or licensed appraisers be obtained in
rates are expected, the direct capitalization method is support of real estate lending and mandates that the
often used to estimate the present value of future Federal financial institutions regulatory agencies adopt
income streams. For troubled properties, however, the regulations regarding the preparation and use of appraisals
more explicit discounted cash flow (net present value) in certain real estate related transactions by financial
method is more typically utilized for analytical institutions under their jurisdiction. In addition, Title XI
purposes. In the rent method, a time frame for created the Appraisal Subcommittee (Subcommittee) of
achieving a "stabilized", or normal, occupancy and the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council
rent level is projected. Each year's net operating (FFIEC) to provide oversight of the real estate appraisal
income during that period is discounted to arrive at process as it relates to federally related real estate
present value of expected future cash flows. The transactions. The Subcommittee is composed of six
property's anticipated sales value at the end of the members, each of whom is designated by the head of their
period until stabilization (its terminal or reversion respective agencies. Each of the five financial institution
value) is then estimated. The reversion value regulatory agencies which comprise the FFIEC and the
represents the capitalization of all future income U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development are
streams of the property after the projected occupancy represented on Subcommittee. A responsibility of the
level is achieved. The terminal or reversion value is Subcommittee is to monitor the state certification and
then discounted to its present value and added to the licensing of appraisers. It has the authority to disapprove a
discounted income stream to arrive at the total present state appraiser regulatory program, thereby disqualifying
market value of the property. the state's licensed and certified appraisers from
conducting appraisals for federally related transactions.

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The Subcommittee gets its funding by charging state  A lease of real estate is entered into, unless the lease is
certified and licensed appraisers an annual registration fee. the economic equivalent of a purchase or sale of the
The fee income is used to cover Subcommittee leased real estate;
administrative expenses and to provide grants to the  The transaction involves an existing extension of
Appraisal Foundation. credit at the lending institution, provided that: (i)
There has been no obvious and material change in the
Formed in 1987, the Appraisal Foundation was established market conditions or physical aspects of the property
as a private not for profit corporation bringing together that threatens the adequacy of the institution’s real
interested parties within the appraisal industry, as well as estate collateral protection after the transaction, even
users of appraiser services, to promote professional with the advancement of new monies; or (ii) There is
standards within the appraisal industry. The Foundation no advancement of new monies, other than funds
sponsors two independent boards referred to in Title XI, necessary to cover reasonable closing costs;
The Appraiser Qualifications Board (AQB) and The  The transaction involves the purchase, sale,
Appraisal Standards Board (ASB). Title XI specifies that investment in, exchange of, or extension of credit
the minimum standards for state appraiser certification are secured by, a loan or interest in a loan, pooled loans,
to be the criteria for certification issued by the AQB. Title or interests in real property, including mortgage-
XI does not set specific criteria for the licensed backed securities, and each loan or interest in a loan,
classification. These are individually determined by each pooled loan, or real property interest met FDIC
state. Additionally, Title XI requires that the appraisal regulatory requirements for appraisals at the time of
standards prescribed by the Federal agencies, at a origination;
minimum, must be the appraisal standards promulgated by  The transaction is wholly or partially insured or
the ASB. The ASB has issued The Uniform Standards of guaranteed by a United States government agency or
Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) which set the United States government sponsored agency;
appraisal industry standards for conducting an appraisal of  The transaction either; (i) Qualifies for sale to a
real estate. To the appraisal industry, USPAP is analogous United States government agency or United States
to generally accepted accounting principles for the government sponsored agency; or (ii) Involves a
accounting profession. residential real estate transaction in which the
appraisal conforms to the Federal National Mortgage
In conformance with Title XI, Part 323 of the FDIC Association or Federal Home Loan Mortgage
regulations identifies which real estate related transactions Corporation appraisal standards applicable to that
require an appraisal by a certified or licensed appraiser and category of real estate;
establishes minimum standards for performing appraisals.  The regulated institution is acting in a fiduciary
Substantially similar regulations have been adopted by capacity and is not required to obtain an appraisal
each of the Federal financial institutions regulatory under other law; or
 The FDIC determines that the services of an appraiser
are not necessary in order to protect Federal financial
Real estate-related transactions include real estate loans,
and public policy interests in real estate-related
mortgage-backed securities, institution premises, real financial transaction or to protect the safety and
estate investments, and other real estate owned. All real
soundness of the institution.
estate-related transactions by FDIC-insured institutions not
 The transaction is a commercial real estate transaction
specifically exempt are, by definition, "federally related
that has a transaction value of $500,000 or less.
transactions" subject to the requirements of the regulation.
Exempt real estate-related transactions include:
Section 323.4 establishes minimum standards for all
appraisals in connection with federally related transactions.
 The transaction value is $250,000 or less;
Appraisals performed in conformance with the regulation
 A lien on real estate has been taken as collateral in an must conform to the requirements of the USPAP and
abundance of caution; certain other listed standards. The applicable sections of
 The transaction is not secured by real estate; USPAP are the Preamble (ethics and competency),
 A lien on real estate has been taken for purposes other Standard 1 (appraisal techniques), Standard 2 (report
than the real estate’s value; content), and Standard 3 (review procedures). USPAP
 The transaction is a business loan that: (i) has a Standards 4 through 10 concerning appraisal services and
transaction value of $1 million or less; and (ii) is not appraising personal property do not apply to federally
dependent on the sale of, or rental income derived related transactions.
from, real estate as the primary source of repayment;

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An appraisal satisfies the regulation if it is performed in the nature of its real estate-related activities when
accordance with all of its provisions and it is still current assessing the appropriateness of its program.
and meaningful. In other words, a new appraisal does not
necessarily have to be done every time there is a When analyzing individual transactions, examiners should
transaction, provided the institution has an acceptable review an appraisal or evaluation to determine whether the
process in place to review existing appraisals. methods, assumptions, and findings are reasonable and
comply with the agencies' appraisal regulations and the
Adherence to the appraisal regulations should be part of institution’s internal policies. Examiners also will review
the examiner's overall review of the lending function. An the steps taken by an institution to ensure that the
institution's written appraisal program should contain individuals who perform its appraisals and evaluations are
specific administrative review procedures that provide qualified and are not subject to conflicts of interest.
some evidence, such as a staff member's signature on an Institutions that fail to maintain a sound appraisal or
appraisal checklist that indicates the appraisal was evaluation program or to comply with the agencies'
reviewed and that all standards were met. In addition, the appraisal regulations will be cited in examination reports
regulation requires that the appraisal contain the appraiser's and may be criticized for unsafe and unsound banking
certification that it was prepared in conformance with practices. Deficiencies will require corrective action.
USPAP. When analyzing individual transactions,
examiners should review appraisal reports to determine the Appraisal and Evaluation Program - An institution's board
institution's conformity to its own internal appraisal of directors is responsible for reviewing and adopting
policies and for compliance with the regulation. policies and procedures that establish an effective real
Examiners may need to conduct a more detailed review if estate appraisal and evaluation program. Effective
the appraisal does not have sufficient information, does not programs:
explain assumptions, is not logical, or has other major
deficiencies that cast doubt as to the validity of its opinion  Establish selection criteria and procedures to evaluate
of value. Examination procedures regarding appraisal and monitor the ongoing performance of individuals
reviews are included in the Examination Documentation who perform appraisals or evaluations;
Modules.  Provide for the independence of the person
performing appraisals or evaluations;
Loans in a pool such as an investment in mortgage- backed  Identify the appropriate appraisal for various lending
securities or collateralized mortgage obligations should transactions;
have some documented assurance that each loan in the  Establish criteria for contents of an evaluation;
pool has an appraisal in accordance with the regulation.  Provide for the receipt of the appraisal or evaluation
Appropriate evidence could include an issuer's certification report in a timely manner to facilitate the underwriting
of compliance. decision;
 Assess the validity of existing appraisals or
All apparent violations of Part 323 should be listed in the evaluations to support subsequent transactions;
examination report in the usual manner. Significant
 Establish criteria for obtaining appraisals or
systemic failures to meet standards and procedures could evaluations for transactions that are otherwise exempt
call for formal corrective measures.
from the agencies' appraisal regulations; and
 Establish internal controls that promote compliance
Interagency Appraisal and Evaluation Guidelines
with these program standards.
The Interagency Appraisal and Evaluation Guidelines
Selection of Individuals Who May Perform Appraisals and
dated December 2, 2010 address supervisory matters
Evaluations - An institution's program establishes criteria
relating to real estate-related financial transactions and
to select, evaluate, and monitor the performance of the
provide guidance to examining personnel and federally
individual(s) who performs a real estate appraisal or
regulated institutions about prudent appraisal and
evaluation. Appropriate criteria ensure that:
evaluation policies, procedures, practices, and standards
that are consistent with the appraisal regulation.
 The selection process is non-preferential and
An institution's real estate appraisal and evaluation policies
and procedures will be reviewed as part of the examination  The individual selected possesses the requisite
of the institution's overall real estate-related activities. An education, expertise and competence to complete the
institution's policies and procedures typically are assignment;
incorporated into an effective appraisal and evaluation  The individual selected is capable of rendering an
program. Examiners will consider the institution's size and unbiased opinion; and

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 The individual selected is independent and has no the services of an appraiser. An agency also may impose
direct or indirect interest, financial or otherwise, in the more stringent appraisal requirements than the appraisal
property or the transaction. regulations require, such as when an institution's troubled
condition is attributable to real estate loan underwriting
Under the agencies' appraisal regulations, the appraiser problems.
must be selected and engaged directly by the institution or
its agent. The appraiser's client is the institution, not the Minimum Appraisal Standards - The agencies' appraisal
borrower. Also, an institution may not use an appraisal regulations include five minimum standards for the
that has been “readdressed” – appraisal reports that are preparation of an appraisal. The appraisal must:
altered by the appraiser to replace any references to the
original client with the institution’s name. An institution  Conform to generally accepted appraisal standards as
may use an appraisal that was prepared by an appraiser evidenced by the Uniform Standards of Professional
engaged directly by another financial services institution, Appraisal Practice (USPAP) promulgated by the
as long as the institution determines that the appraisal Appraisal Standards Board (ASB) of the Appraisal
conforms to the agencies' appraisal regulations and is Foundation unless principles of safe and sound
otherwise acceptable. banking require compliance with stricter standards.
Although allowed by USPAP, the agencies' appraisal
Independence of the Appraisal and Evaluation Function - regulations do not permit an appraiser to appraise any
Because the appraisal and evaluation process is an integral property in which the appraiser has an interest, direct
component of the credit underwriting process, it should be or indirect, financial or otherwise;
isolated from influence by the institution's loan production  Be written and contain sufficient information and
process. An appraiser and an individual providing analysis to support the institution's decision to engage
evaluation services should be independent of the loan and in the transaction. As discussed below, appraisers
collection functions of the institution and have no interest, have available various appraisal development and
financial or otherwise, in the property or the transaction. report options; however, not all options may be
In addition, individuals independent from the loan appropriate for all transactions. A report option is
production area should oversee the selection of appraisers acceptable under the agencies' appraisal regulations
and individuals providing evaluation services. If absolute only if the appraisal report contains sufficient
lines of independence cannot be achieved, an institution information and analysis to support an institution's
must be able to clearly demonstrate that it has prudent decision to engage in the transaction.
safeguards to isolate its collateral evaluation process from  Analyze and report appropriate deductions and
influence or interference from the loan production process. discounts for proposed construction or renovation,
That is, no single person should have sole authority to partially leased buildings, non-market lease terms, and
render credit decisions on loans which they ordered or tract developments with unsold units. This standard is
reviewed appraisals or evaluations. designed to avoid having appraisals prepared using
unrealistic assumptions and inappropriate methods.
The agencies recognize, however, that it is not always For federally related transactions, an appraisal is to
possible or practical to separate the loan and collection include the current market value of the property in its
functions from the appraisal or evaluation process. In actual physical condition and subject to the zoning in
some cases, such as in a small or rural institution or effect as of the date of the appraisal. For properties
branch, the only individual qualified to analyze the real where improvements are to be constructed or
estate collateral may also be a loan officer, other officer, or rehabilitated, the regulated institution may also
director of the institution. To ensure their independence, request a prospective market value based on stabilized
such lending officials, officers, or directors abstain from occupancy or a value based on the sum of retail sales.
any vote or approval involving loans on which they However, the sum of retail sales for a proposed
performed an appraisal or evaluation. development is not the market value of the
development for the purpose of the agencies' appraisal
Transactions That Require Appraisals - Although the regulations. For proposed developments that involve
agencies' appraisal regulations exempt certain categories of the sale of individual houses, units, or lots, the
real estate-related financial transactions from the appraisal appraiser must analyze and report appropriate
requirements, most real estate transactions over $250,000 deductions and discounts for holding costs, marketing
($500,000 for commercial real estate transactions) are costs and entrepreneurial profit. For proposed and
considered federally related transactions and thus require rehabilitated rental developments, the appraiser must
appraisals. A "federally related transaction" means any make appropriate deductions and discounts for items
real estate-related financial transaction, in which the such as leasing commission, rent losses, and tenant
agencies engage, contract for, or regulate and that requires

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improvements from an estimate based on stabilized Report. The major difference among these three reports
occupancy; relates to the degree of detail presented in the report by the
 Be based upon the definition of market value set forth appraiser. The Self-Contained Appraisal Report provides
in the regulation. Each appraisal must contain an the most detail, while the Summary Appraisal Report
estimate of market value, as defined by the agencies' presents the information in a condensed manner. The
appraisal regulations; and, Restricted Report provides a capsulated report with the
 Be performed by state licensed or certified appraisers supporting details maintained in the appraiser's files.
in accordance with requirements set forth in the
regulation. The agencies believe that the Restricted Report format will
not be appropriate to underwrite a significant number of
Appraisal Options - An appraiser typically uses three federally related transactions due to the lack of sufficient
market value approaches to analyze the value of a property supporting information and analysis in the appraisal report.
cost, income, and sales market. The appraiser reconciles However, it might be appropriate to use this type of
the results of each approach to estimate market value. An appraisal report for ongoing collateral monitoring of an
appraisal will discuss the property's recent sales history institution's real estate transactions and under other
and contain an opinion as to the highest and best use of the circumstances when an institution's program requires an
property. An appraiser must certify that he/she has evaluation.
complied with USPAP and is independent. Also, the
appraiser must disclose whether the subject property was Moreover, since the institution is responsible for selecting
inspected and whether anyone provided significant the appropriate appraisal report to support its underwriting
assistance to the person signing the appraisal report. decisions, its program should identify the type of appraisal
report that will be appropriate for various lending
An institution may engage an appraiser to perform either a transactions. The institution's program should consider the
Complete or Limited Appraisal. When performing a risk, size, and complexity of the individual loan and the
Complete Appraisal assignment, an appraiser must comply supporting collateral when determining the level of
with all USPAP standards - without departing from any appraisal development and the type of report format that
binding requirements - and specific guidelines when will be ordered. When ordering an appraisal report,
estimating market value. When performing a Limited institutions may want to consider the benefits of a written
Appraisal, the appraiser elects to invoke the Departure engagement letter that outlines the institution's
Provision which allows the appraiser to depart, under expectations and delineates each party's responsibilities,
limited conditions, from standards identified as specific especially for large, complex, or out-of-area properties.
guidelines. For example, in a Limited Appraisal, the
appraiser might not utilize all three approaches to value; Transactions That Require Evaluations - A formal opinion
however, departure from standards designated as binding of market value prepared by a state licensed or certified
requirements is not permitted. There are numerous appraiser is not always necessary. Instead, less formal
binding requirements which are detailed in the USPAP. evaluations of the real estate may suffice for transactions
Use of the USPAP Standards publication as a reference is that are exempt from the agencies' appraisal requirements.
recommended. The book provides details on each
appraisal standard and advisory opinions issued by the Additionally, prudent institutions establish criteria for
Appraisal Standards Board. obtaining appraisals or evaluations for safety and
soundness reasons for transactions that are otherwise
An institution and appraiser must concur that use of the exempt from the agencies' appraisal regulations.
Departure Provision is appropriate for the transaction
before the appraiser commences the appraisal assignment. Evaluation Content - Prudent standards for preparing
The appraiser must ensure that the resulting appraisal evaluations typically require that evaluations:
report will not mislead the institution or other intended
users of the appraisal report. The agencies do not prohibit  Be written;
the use of a Limited Appraisal for a federally related  Include the preparer's name, address, and signature,
transaction, but the agencies believe that institutions and the effective date of the evaluation;
should be cautious in their use of a Limited Appraisal  Describe the real estate collateral, its condition, its
because it will be less thorough than a Complete current and projected use;
Appraisal.  Describe the source(s) of information used in the
Complete and Limited Appraisal assignments may be  Describe the analysis and supporting information, and;
reported in three different report formats: a Self-
Contained Report, a Summary Report, or a Restricted

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 Provide an estimate of the real estate's market value, subsequent transaction. Factors that could cause changes
with any limiting conditions. to originally reported values include: the passage of time;
the volatility of the local market; the availability of
An appropriate evaluation report includes calculations, financing; the inventory of competing properties;
supporting assumptions, and, if utilized, a discussion of improvements to, or lack of maintenance of, the subject
comparable sales. Documentation should be sufficient to property or competing surrounding properties; changes in
allow an institution to understand the analysis, zoning; or environmental contamination. The institution
assumptions, and conclusions. An institution's own real must document the information sources and analyses used
estate loan portfolio experience and value estimates to conclude that an existing appraisal or evaluation
prepared for recent loans on comparable properties might remains valid for subsequent transactions.
provide a basis for evaluations.
Renewals, Refinancings, and Other Subsequent
An appropriate evaluation provides an estimate of value to Transactions - The agencies' appraisal regulations
assist the institution in assessing the soundness of the generally allow appropriate evaluations of real estate
transaction. Prudent practices may include more detailed collateral in lieu of an appraisal for loan renewals and
evaluations as an institution engages in more complex real refinancings; however, in certain situations an appraisal is
estate-related financial transactions, or as its overall required. If new funds are advanced in excess of
exposure increases. For example, an evaluation for a home reasonable closing costs, an institution is expected to
equity loan might be based primarily on information obtain a new appraisal for the renewal of an existing
derived from a sales data services organization or current transaction when there is a material change in market
tax assessment information, while an evaluation for an conditions or in the physical aspects of the property that
income-producing real estate property describes the threatens the institution's real estate collateral protection.
current and expected use of the property and includes an
analysis of the property's rental income and expenses. The decision to reappraise or reevaluate the real estate
collateral should be guided by the regulatory exemption
Qualifications of Evaluation Providers - Individuals who for renewals, refinancings, and other subsequent
prepare evaluations should have real estate-related training transactions. Loan workouts, debt restructurings, loan
or experience and knowledge of the market relevant to the assumptions, and similar transactions involving the
subject property. Based upon their experience and addition or substitution of borrowers may qualify for the
training, professionals from several fields may be qualified exemption for renewals, refinancings, and other
to prepare evaluations of certain types of real estate subsequent transactions. Use of this exemption depends
collateral. Examples include individuals with appraisal on the condition and quality of the loan, the soundness of
experience, real estate lenders, consultants or sales the underlying collateral and the validity of the existing
persons, agricultural extension agents, or foresters. appraisal or evaluation.
Institutions should document the qualifications and
experience level of individuals whom the institution deems A reappraisal would not be required when an institution
acceptable to perform evaluations. An institution might advances funds to protect its interest in a property, such as
also augment its in-house expertise and hire an outside to repair damaged property, because these funds would be
party familiar with a certain market or a particular type of used to restore the damaged property to its original
property. Although not required, an institution may use condition. If a loan workout involves modification of the
state licensed or certified appraisers to prepare evaluations. terms and conditions of an existing credit, including
As such, Limited Appraisals reported in a Summary or acceptance of new or additional real estate collateral,
Restricted format may be appropriate for evaluations of which facilitates the orderly collection of the credit or
real estate-related financial transactions exempt from the reduces the institution's risk of loss, a reappraisal or
agencies' appraisal requirements. reevaluation may be prudent, even if it is obtained after the
modification occurs.
Valid Appraisals and Evaluations - The institution may use
an existing appraisal or evaluation to support a subsequent An institution may engage in a subsequent transaction
transaction, if the institution documents that the existing based on documented equity from a valid appraisal or
estimate of value remains valid. Therefore, a prudent evaluation, if the planned future use of the property is
appraisal and evaluation program includes criteria to consistent with the use identified in the appraisal or
determine whether an existing appraisal or evaluation evaluation. If a property, however, has reportedly
remains valid to support a subsequent transaction. Criteria appreciated because of a planned change in use of the
for determining whether an existing appraisal or evaluation property, such as rezoning, an appraisal would be required
remains valid will vary depending upon the condition of for a federally related transaction, unless another
the property and the marketplace, and the nature of any exemption applied.

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Program Compliance - Appropriate appraisal and supervisory office for appropriate disposition and referral
evaluation programs establish effective internal controls to the State, as necessary.
that promote compliance with the program's standards. An
individual familiar with the appraisal regulations should Examination Treatment
ensure that the institution's appraisals and evaluations
comply with the appraisal regulations and the institution's All apparent violations of the appraisal regulation should
program. Typically, loan administration files document be described in the schedule of violations of laws and
this compliance review, although a detailed analysis or regulations. Management's comments and any
comprehensive analytical procedures are not required for commitments for correcting the practices that led to the
every appraisal or evaluation. For some loans, the apparent violation should be included. Violations that are
compliance review may be part of the loan officer's overall technical in nature and do not impact the value conclusion
credit analysis and may take the form of either a narrative generally should not require a new appraisal. (These
or a checklist. Examiners should determine whether technical violations should not be relisted in subsequent
corrective action for noted deficiencies was undertaken by examinations.) Since the point of an appraisal is to help
the individual who prepared the appraisal or evaluation. make sound loan underwriting decisions, getting an
appraisal on a loan already made simply to fulfill the
Effective appraisal and evaluation programs have requirements of the appraisal regulation, would be of little
comprehensive analytical procedures that focus on certain benefit. However, an institution should be expected to
types of loans, such as large-dollar credits, loans secured obtain a new appraisal on a loan in violation of the
by complex or specialized properties, non-residential real appraisal regulation when there is a safety and soundness
estate construction loans, or out-of-area real estate. These reason for such action. For example, construction loans
comprehensive analytical procedures are typically and lines of credit need to have the value of the real estate
designed to verify that the methods, assumptions, and reviewed frequently in order for the institution to properly
conclusions are reasonable and appropriate for the manage the credit relationship. A new appraisal might
transaction and the property. These procedures provide for also be needed to determine the proper classification for
a more detailed review of selected appraisals and examination purposes of a collateral dependent loan.
evaluations prior to the final credit decision. The
individual(s) performing these reviews should have the Loan Participations
appropriate training or experience, and be independent of
the transaction. A loan participation is a sharing or selling of ownership
interests in a loan between two or more financial
Appraisers and persons performing evaluations are institutions. Normally, a lead institution originates the
responsible for any deficiencies in their reports. Deficient loan and sells ownership interests to one or more
reports should be returned to them for correction. participating banks at the time the loan is closed. The lead
Unreliable appraisals or evaluations should be replaced (originating) institution retains a partial interest in the loan,
prior to the final credit decision. Examiners should be holds all loan documentation in its own name, services the
mindful that changes to an appraisal's estimate of value are loan, and deals directly with the customer for the benefit of
permitted only as a result of a review conducted by an all participants. Properly structured, loan participations
appropriately qualified state licensed or certified appraiser allow selling banks to accommodate large loan requests
in accordance with Standard III of USPAP. which would otherwise exceed lending limits, diversify
risk, and improve liquidity. Participating banks are able to
Portfolio Monitoring - The institution also typically compensate for low local loan demand or invest in large
develops criteria for obtaining reappraisals or loans without servicing burdens and origination costs. If
reevaluations as part of a program of prudent portfolio not appropriately structured and documented, a
review and monitoring techniques, even when additional participation loan can present unwarranted risks to both the
financing is not being contemplated. Examples of such seller and purchaser of the loan. Examiners should
types of situations include large credit exposures and out- determine the nature and adequacy of the participation
of-area loans. arrangement as well as analyze the credit quality of the
Referrals - Financial institutions are encouraged to make
referrals directly to state appraiser regulatory authorities Accounting
when a state licensed or certified appraiser violates
USPAP, applicable State law, or engages in other unethical The proper accounting treatment for loan participations is
or unprofessional conduct. Examiners finding evidence of governed by ASC Topic 860, Transfers and Servicing, that
unethical or unprofessional conduct by appraisers will applies to the transferor (seller) of assets and the transferee
forward their findings and recommendations to their (purchaser).

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Before considering whether the conditions for a sale have that right to pledge or exchange and provide more
been met, the transfer of a portion of an entire financial than a trivial benefit to the seller; and
asset must first meet the definition of a participating  The seller or their agents do not maintain effective
interest. control over the transferred financial assets. Examples
of a seller maintaining effective control include an
A participating interest in an entire financial asset, as agreement that both entitles and obligates the seller to
defined in ASC Topic 860, has all of the following repurchase or redeem the purchaser's interest in the
characteristics: loan prior to the loan's maturity, an agreement that
provides the seller with the unilateral ability to cause
 From the date of transfer, it must represent a the purchaser to return its interest in the loan to the
proportionate (pro-rata) ownership interest in the seller (other than through a cleanup call), or an
entire financial asset; agreement that permits the purchaser to require the
 From the date of the transfer, all cash flows received seller to repurchase its interest in the loan at a price so
from the entire financial asset, except any cash flows favorable to the purchaser that it is probable that the
allocated as compensation for servicing or other purchaser will require the seller to repurchase.
services performed (which must not be subordinated
and must not significantly exceed an amount that Right to Repurchase
would fairly compensate a substitute service provider
should one be required), must be divided Some loan participation agreements may give the seller a
proportionately among the participating interest contractual right to repurchase the participated interest in
holders in an amount equal to their share of the loan at any time. In this case, the seller's right to
ownership; repurchase the participation effectively provides the seller
 The rights of each participating interest holder with a call option on a specific asset that would preclude
(including the lead lender) must have the same sale accounting if the asset is not readily obtainable in the
priority, no interest is subordinated to another interest, marketplace. If a loan participation agreement contains
and no participating interest holder has recourse to the such a provision, freestanding or attached, it constrains the
lead lender or another participating interest holder purchaser from pledging or exchanging its participating
other than standard representations and warranties and interest, and results in the seller maintaining effective
ongoing contractual servicing and administration control over the participating interest. In such cases, the
obligations; and transfer would be accounted for as a secured borrowing.
 No party has the right to pledge or exchange the entire
financial asset unless all participating interest holders For additional information on the transfer of loan
agree to do so. participations refer to the Call Report Glossary entry:
“Transfers of Financial Assets”.
If the financial asset meets the definition of a participating
interest, the institution must then determine if the Recourse Arrangements
participating interest qualifies for sale treatment. The sale
criteria focus on whether or not control is effectively Recourse arrangements may, or may not, preclude loan
transferred to the purchaser. participations from being accounted for as sales for
financial reporting purposes. The date of the participation
A transfer of an entire financial asset, a group of financial and the formality of the recourse provision affect the
assets, or a participating interest in an entire financial asset accounting for the transaction. Formal recourse provisions
in which the transferor surrenders control over those may affect the accounting treatment of a participation
financial assets shall be accounted for as a sale if and only depending upon the date that the participation is
if all of the following conditions are met: transferred to another institution. Implicit recourse
provisions would not affect the financial reporting
 The transferred financial assets have been isolated treatment of a participation because the accounting
from the seller, meaning that the purchaser's interest in standards look to the contractual terms of asset transfers in
the loan is presumptively beyond the reach of the determining whether or not the criteria necessary for sales
seller and its creditors, even in bankruptcy or other accounting treatment have been met. Although implicit
receivership; recourse provisions would not affect the accounting
 Each purchaser has the right to pledge or exchange its treatment of a loan participation, they may affect the risk-
interest in the loan, and there are no conditions that based capital treatment of a participation.
both constrain the purchaser from taking advantage of
If an originating selling institution has transferred a loan
participation to a participating institution with recourse on

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or before December 31, 2001, the existence of the recourse The transferring institution should also report the
obligation in and of itself does not preclude sale transferred loan participation as a secured borrowing in
accounting for the transfer. If a loan participation “Other Borrowed Money” in the Report of Condition.
transferred with recourse on or before December 31, 2001,
meets the three conditions then in effect for the transferor Independent Credit Analysis
to have surrendered control over the transferred assets, the
transfer should be accounted for as a sale for financial An institution purchasing a participation loan is expected
reporting purposes. However, a loan participation sold to perform the same degree of independent credit analysis
with recourse is subject to the banking agencies’ risk- on the loan as if it were the originator. To determine if a
based capital requirements. participation loan meets its credit standards, a participating
institution must obtain all relevant credit information and
If an originating selling institution transfers a loan details on collateral values, lien status, loan agreements
participation with recourse on or after January 1, 2002, the and participation agreements before a commitment is made
participation generally will not be considered isolated from to purchase. The absence of such information may be
the originating lender in an FDIC receivership. Section evidence that the participating institution has not been
360.6 of the FDIC Rules and Regulations limits the FDIC's prudent in its credit decision.
ability to reclaim loan participations transferred without
recourse as defined in the regulations, but does not limit During the life of the participation, the participant should
the FDIC's ability to reclaim loan participations transferred monitor the servicing and the status of the loan. In order to
with recourse. Under Section 360.6, a participation subject exercise control of its ownership interest, a purchasing
to an agreement that requires the originating lender to institution must ascertain that the selling institution will
repurchase the participation or to otherwise compensate provide complete and timely credit information on a
the participating institution due to a default on the continuing basis.
underlying loan is considered a participation with
recourse. As a result, a loan participation transferred with The procedures for purchasing loan participations should
recourse on or after January 1, 2002, generally should be be provided for in the institution's formal lending policy.
accounted for as a secured borrowing and not as a sale for The criteria for participation loans should be consistent
financial reporting purposes. This means that the with that for similar direct loans. The policy would
originating lender should not remove the participation normally require the complete analysis of the credit quality
from its loan assets on the balance sheet, but should report of obligations to be purchased, determination of value and
the loan participation as a secured borrowing. lien status of collateral, and the maintenance of full credit
information for the life of the participation.
Call Report Treatment
Participation Agreements
When a loan participation meets the definition of a
participating interest and the conditions for sale treatment A participation loan can present unique problems if the
are met, the seller removes the participated interest in the borrower defaults, the lead institution becomes insolvent,
loan from the balance sheet. The purchaser reports the or a party to the participation arrangement does not
participating interest in “Loans” in the Report of perform as expected. These contingencies should be
Condition, and in Call Report Schedule RC-C - Loans and considered in a written participation agreement. The
Lease Financing Receivables, based upon collateral, agreement should clearly state the limitations the
borrower, or purpose. When a loan participation does not originating and participating banks impose on each other
meet the definition of a participating interest, or if a and the rights all parties retain. In addition to the general
transfer of a participating interest does not meet all of the terms of the participation transaction, comprehensive
conditions for sale accounting, the transfer must be participation agreements specifically include the following
reported as a secured borrowing with a pledge of considerations:
collateral. In these situations, because the transferred loan
participation does not qualify for sale accounting, the  The obligation of the lead institution to furnish timely
transferring institution must continue to report the credit information and to provide notification of
transferred participation (as well as the retained portion of material changes in the borrower's status;
the loan) in “Loans” in the Report of Condition, based  Requirements that the lead institution consult with
upon collateral, borrower, and purpose. As a consequence, participants prior to modifying any loan, guaranty, or
the transferred loan participation should be included in the security agreements and before taking any action on
originating lender’s loans and leases for purposes of defaulted loans;
determining the appropriate level for the institution’s  The specific rights and remedies available to the lead
allowance for loan and lease losses. and participating banks upon default of the borrower;

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 Resolution procedures when the lead and participating entities and sophisticated persons and the
banks cannot agree on the handling of a defaulted participations should not be sold directly to the public.
loan;  The credit requirements applicable to the borrower -
 Resolution of any potential conflicts between the lead the originating institution should structure 100% loan
institution and participants in the event that more than participation programs only for borrowers who meet
one loan to the borrower defaults; and the originating institution’s credit requirements.
 Provisions for terminating the agency relationship  Access afforded program participants to financial
between the lead and participating banks upon such information on the borrower - the originating
events as insolvency, breach of duty, negligence, or institution should allow potential loan participants to
misappropriation by one of the parties. obtain and review appropriate credit and other
information to enable the participants to make an
Participations Between Affiliated Institutions informed credit decision.

Examiners should ascertain that banks do not relax their Environmental Risk Program
credit standards when dealing with affiliated institutions
and that participation loans between affiliated institutions Examiners are to ascertain whether a lending institution
comply with Section 23A of the Federal Reserve Act. The has appropriate safeguards and controls to limit exposure
Federal Reserve Board’s staff has interpreted that the to potential environmental liability associated with real
purchase of a participation loan from an affiliate is exempt property held as collateral. The potential adverse effect of
from Section 23A provided that the commitment to environmental contamination on the value of real property
purchase is obtained by the affiliate before the loan is and the potential for liability under various environmental
consummated by the affiliate, and the decision to laws have become important factors in evaluating real
participate is based upon the institution's independent estate transactions and making loans secured by real estate.
evaluation of the creditworthiness of the loan. If these Environmental contamination, and liability associated with
criteria are not strictly met, the loan participation could be environmental contamination, may have a significant
subject to the qualitative and/or quantitative restrictions of adverse effect on the value of real estate collateral, which
Section 23A. Refer to the Related Organizations Section may in certain circumstances cause an insured institution
of this Manual which describes transactions with affiliates. to abandon its right to the collateral. It is also possible for
an institution to be held directly liable for the
Sales of 100 Percent Loan Participations environmental cleanup of real property collateral acquired
by the institution. The cost of such a cleanup may exceed
In some cases, depository institutions structure loan by many times the amount of the loan made to the
originations and participations with the intention of selling borrower. A loan may be affected adversely by potential
100 percent of the underlying loan amount. Certain 100 environmental liability even where real property is not
percent loan participation programs raise unique safety and taken as collateral. For example, a borrower's capacity to
soundness issues that should be addressed by an make payments on a loan may be threatened by
institution’s policies, procedures and practices. environmental liability to the borrower for the cost of a
hazardous contamination cleanup on property unrelated to
If not appropriately structured, these 100 percent the loan with the institution. The potential for
participation programs can present unwarranted risks to the environmental liability may arise from a variety of Federal
originating institution including legal, reputation and and State environmental laws and from common law tort
compliance risks. Therefore, agreements to mitigate these liability.
risks clearly state the limitations the originating and
participating institutions impose on each other and the Guidelines for an Environmental Risk Program
rights all parties retain. This typically includes the
originating institution stating that loan participants are As part of the institution's overall decision-making
participating in loans and are not investing in a business process, the environmental risk program typically includes
enterprise. The policies of an institution engaged in these procedures for identifying and evaluating potential
originations typically address safety and soundness environmental concerns associated with lending practices
concerns and include criteria to address: and other actions relating to real property. The board of
directors normally reviews and approves the program and
 The program’s objectives – these should be of a designates a senior officer knowledgeable in
commercial nature (structured as commercial environmental matters responsible for program
undertakings and not as investments in securities). implementation. The environmental risk program should
 The plan of distribution – participants should be be tailored to the needs of the lending institution. That is,
limited to sophisticated financial and commercial institutions that have a heavier concentration of loans to

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higher risk industries or localities of known contamination  Loans to finance new and untried business ventures
may require a more elaborate and sophisticated which are inadequately capitalized.
environmental risk program than institutions that lend  Loans based more upon the expectation of
more to lower risk industries or localities. An effective successfully completing a business transaction than on
environmental risk program should provide for staff sound worth or collateral.
training, set environmental policy guidelines and  Loans for the speculative purchase of securities or
procedures, require an environmental review or analysis goods.
during the application process, include loan documentation  Collateral loans made without adequate margin of
standards, and establish appropriate environmental risk security.
assessment safeguards in loan workout situations and  Loans made because of other benefits, such as the
foreclosures. control of large deposit balances, and not based upon
sound worth or collateral.
Examination Procedures  Loans made without adequate owner equity in
underlying real estate security.
Examiners should review an institution's environmental  Loans predicated on collateral which has questionable
risk program as part of the examination of its lending and
liquidation value.
investment activities. When analyzing individual credits,
 Loans predicated on the unmarketable stock of a local
examiners should review the institution's compliance with
corporation when the institution is at the same time
its own environmental risk program. Failure to establish
lending directly to the corporation. Action which may
or comply with an appropriate environmental program
be beneficial to the institution from the standpoint of
should be criticized and corrective action required.
the one loan may be detrimental from the standpoint
of the other loan.

 Loans which appear to be adequately protected by
LOAN PROBLEMS collateral or sound worth, but which involve a
borrower of poor character risk and credit reputation.
It would be impossible to list all sources and causes of  Loans which appear to be adequately protected by
problem loans. They cover a multitude of mistakes an collateral, but which involve a borrower with limited
institution may permit a borrower to make, as well as or unassessed repayment ability.
mistakes directly attributable to weaknesses in the  An abnormal amount of loans involving
institution's credit administration and management. Some out-of-territory borrowers (excluding large banks
well-constructed loans may develop problems due to properly staffed to handle such loans).
unforeseen circumstances on the part of the borrower;
 Loans involving brokered deposits or link financing.
however, institution management must endeavor to protect
a loan by every means possible. One or more of the items
in the following list is often basic to the development of Overlending
loan problems.
It is almost as serious, from the standpoint of ultimate
Many of these items may also be indicative of potential losses, to lend a sound financial risk too much money as it
institution fraud and/or insider abuse. Additional is to lend to an unsound risk. Loans beyond the reasonable
information on the warning signs and suggested areas for capacity of the borrower to repay invariably lead to the
investigation are included in the Bank Fraud and Insider development of problem loans.
Abuse Section of this Manual.
Failure to Establish or Enforce Liquidation
Poor Selection of Risks Agreements

Problems in this area may reflect the absence of sound Loans granted without a well-defined repayment program
lending policies, and/or management's lack of sound credit violate a fundamental principle of sound lending.
judgment in advancing certain loans. The following are Regardless of what appears to be adequate collateral
general types of loans which may fall within the category protection, failure to establish at inception or thereafter
of poor risk selection. It should be kept in mind that these enforce a program of repayment almost invariably leads to
examples are generalizations, and the examiner must troublesome and awkward servicing problems, and in
weigh all relevant factors in determining whether a given many instances is responsible for serious loan problems
loan is indeed a poor risk. including eventual losses. This axiom of sound lending is
important not only from the lender's standpoint, but also
the borrower's.

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Incomplete Credit Information  Absence of effective active management supervision

of loans which possessed reasonable soundness at
Lending errors frequently result because of management's inception. Ineffective supervision almost invariably
failure to obtain and properly evaluate credit information. results from lack of knowledge of a borrower's affairs
Adequate comparative financial statements, income over the life of the loan. It may well be coupled with
statements, cash flow statements and other pertinent one or more of the causes and sources of loan
statistical support should be available. Other essential problems previously mentioned.
information, such as the purpose of the borrowing and  Failure of the board and/or senior management to
intended plan or sources of repayment, progress reports, properly oversee subordinates to determine that sound
inspections, memoranda of outside information and loan policies are being carried out.
conferences, correspondence, etc., should be contained in
the institution's credit files. Failure of an institution's Lack of Attention to Changing Economic
management to give proper attention to credit files makes Conditions
sound credit judgment difficult if not impossible.
Economic conditions, both national and local, are
Overemphasis on Loan Income continuously changing, management must be responsive to
these changes. This is not to suggest that lending policies
Misplaced emphasis upon loan income, rather than should be in a constant state of flux, nor does it suggest
soundness, almost always leads to the granting of loans that management should be able to forecast totally the
possessing undue risk. In the long run, unsound loans results of economic changes. It does mean, however, that
usually are far more expensive than the amount of revenue bankers should realistically evaluate lending policies and
they may initially produce. individual loans in light of changing conditions. Economic
downturns can adversely affect borrowers' repayment
Self-Dealing potential and can lessen an institution's collateral
protection. Reliance on previously existing conditions as
Pronounced self-dealing practices are often present in well as optimistic hopes for economic improvement can,
serious problem institution situations and in banks which particularly when coupled with one or more of the causes
fail. Such practices with regard to loans are found in the and sources of loan problems previously mentioned, lead
form of overextensions of unsound credit to insiders, or to serious loan portfolio deterioration.
their interests, who have improperly used their positions to
obtain unjustified loans. Active officers, who serve at the Competition
pleasure of the ownership interests, are at times subjected
to pressures which make it difficult to objectively evaluate Competition among financial institutions for growth,
such loans. Loans made for the benefit of ownership profitability, and community influence sometimes results
interests that are carried in the name of a seemingly in the compromise of sound credit principles and
unrelated party are sometimes used to conceal self-dealing acquisition of unsound loans. The ultimate cost of
loans. unsound loans outweighs temporary gains in growth,
income and influence.
Technical Incompetence
Potential Problem Indicators by Document
Technical incompetence usually is manifested in
management's inability to obtain and evaluate credit The preceding discussions describe various practices or
information or put together a well-conceived loan package. conditions which may serve as a source or cause of weak
Management weaknesses in this area are almost certain to loans. Weak loans resulting from these practices or
lead to eventual loan losses. Problems can also develop conditions may manifest themselves in a variety of ways.
when management, technically sound in some forms of While it is impossible to provide a complete detailing of
lending, becomes involved in specialized types of credit in potential "trouble indicators", the following list, by
which it lacks expertise and experience. document, may aid the examiner in identifying potential
problem loans during the examination process.
Lack of Supervision
 Debt Instrument - Delinquency; irregular payments
Loan problems encountered in this area normally arise for or payments not in accordance with terms; unusual or
one of two reasons: frequently modified terms; numerous renewals with
little or no principal reduction; renewals that include
interest; and extremely high interest rate in relation to

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comparable loans granted by the institution or the 

going rate for such loans in the institution's market SELECTING A LOAN REVIEW SAMPLE
 Liability Ledger - Depending on the type of debt,
failure to amortize in a regular fashion over a Examiners are expected to select a sample of loans that is
reasonable period of time, e.g., on an annual basis, of sufficient size, scope, and variety to enable them to
seasonally, etc.; and a large number of out-of-territory reach reliable conclusions about the aforementioned
borrowers, particularly in cases where these types of aspects of an institution’s overall lending function, and
loans have increased substantially since the previous tailor the loan review sample based on an institution’s
examination. business model, complexity, risk profile, and lending
 Financial and Operating Statements - Inadequate or activities. The review may include all sources of credit
declining working capital position; excessive volume exposure arising from loans and leases, including
or negative trend in receivables; unfavorable level or guarantees, letters of credit, and other commitments.
negative trend in inventory; no recent aging of
receivables, or a marked slowing in receivables;
drastic increase in volume of payables; repeated and
Assessing the Risk Profile
increasing renewals of carry-over operating debt;
Prior to developing the loan review sample, examiners are
unfavorable trends in sales and profits; rapidly
to assess the risk profile of the loan portfolio by reviewing
expanding expenses; heavy debt-to-worth level and/or
the institution’s management reports and policies as well
deterioration in this relationship; large dividend or
as agency available information. This includes evaluating
other payments without adequate or reasonable
concerns detailed in prior Reports of Examination (ROEs),
earnings retention; and net worth enhancements
issues detailed in the institution’s loan exception reports
resulting solely from reappraisal in the value of fixed
and internal loan reviews, and the historical accuracy of
independent credit rating or grading systems. The
 Cash Flow Documentation - Absence of cash flow
Uniform Bank Performance Report provides information
statements or projections, particularly as related to
relative to loan mix and recent trends, such as
newly established term borrowers; projections
concentrations of credit, rapid growth, and loan yields
indicating an inability to meet required interest and
higher or lower than peer in different portfolio segments.
principal payments; and statements reflecting that cash
Examiners are also to consider changes in local economic
flow is being provided by the sale of fixed assets or
or market conditions that could affect the portfolio’s risk
nonrecurring situations.
profile. Numerous economic tools and resources are
 Correspondence and Credit Files - Missing and/or available to examiners to assist in planning the loan
inadequate collateral or loan documentation, such as review.
financial statements, security agreements, guarantees,
assignments, hypothecation agreements, mortgages, As part of the examination planning activities, examiners
appraisals, legal opinions and title insurance, property are to consider whether management has implemented any
insurance, loan applications; evidence of borrower material changes in the institution’s business lines, loan
credit checks; corporate or partnership borrowing products, lending policies, markets, or personnel since the
authorizations; letters indicating that a borrower has prior examination. Additionally, examiners should
suffered financial difficulties or has been unable to consider whether activities conducted by a branch,
meet established repayment programs; and documents subsidiary, affiliate, or third party partner warrant
that reveal other unfavorable factors relative to a line particular attention.
of credit.
 Collateral - Collateral evidencing a speculative loan Examiners are to consider the historical adequacy of the
purpose or collateral with inferior marketability institution’s policies and practices relative to credit
characteristics (single purpose real estate, restricted underwriting, administration, and loan grading for each
stock, etc.) which has not been compensated for by significant loan type. Examiners should review recent
other reliable repayment sources; and collateral of management reports and Board or committee packages
questionable value acquired subsequent to the before selecting a targeted sample to determine whether
extension of the credit. the Board of Directors and officers are receiving sufficient
information to remain abreast of emerging trends and
changes in the loan portfolio’s risk profile.

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Selecting the Sample credit management practices relative to underwriting

standards and credit administration.
The size and composition of the loan sample should be
commensurate with the quantity of credit risk, the In general, a sampling of loans in the following segments
adequacy of risk management practices, and the should be included in the overall loan review sample, as
institution’s financial condition and business model. There applicable to a particular institution:
are no established or expected levels of minimum or
maximum coverage, or penetration, ratios for loan review  Adversely classified or listed for Special Mention in
samples. Rather, examiners should use judgment when prior ROEs.
determining the focus and extent of loan sampling.  Delinquent, nonaccrual, impaired, or
Ensuring that the appropriate types of loans are in the renegotiated/restructured (particularly loans with
sample is more meaningful than how much of the overall multiple renewals).
portfolio is reviewed.  Internally adversely classified by the institution.
 Rated by the institution as a marginally acceptable
Examiners must make the most efficient use of resources, credit.
and should sample loans of sufficient size, scope and  Subject to prior supervisory criticism or corrective
variety to enable them to form reliable conclusions about actions.
overall credit quality and the adequacy of credit risk  Upgraded or removed from internal adverse
management and governance. Examiners’ understanding classification since the prior examination, to ensure
of the institution’s business model, risk profile, that procedures for managing the watch list are
complexity, external and internal reports, as well as appropriate.
discussions with management, will be highly instrumental  Insider loans (directors, officers, employees, principal
in identifying loans to be included in a judgmental sample. shareholders, or related interests at any insured
Examiners may also leverage the institution’s external and depository institution).
internal loan reviews when determining the loan sample.  Originated since the prior examination, including
For example, examiners may want to exclude loans already those in new or expanding product lines.
covered in institution loan reviews or follow-up on loans  Participations.
identified as problems in the loan reviews.  Out of territory.
 Part of a significant credit concentration or growth
If information gathered indicates weaknesses in
underwriting or credit administration practices, or if the
 Flagged for potential fraud.
institution is engaging in lending activities with significant
or increasing risk, the examiner should select a robust  Contain outlier characteristics (e.g. higher risk loans,
sample to fully assess the risk areas. Conversely, credits with policy exceptions).
institutions with stable, well-managed loan functions  Originated by specific loan officers, particularly those
exhibiting few signs of change should have more with known concerns or weaknesses.
streamlined reviews, focusing more on newer originations  In geographic areas exposed to changes in market
and less on loans that were deemed of satisfactory quality conditions.
at previous examinations that continue to perform as  Various sized loans (larger, mid-sized, and smaller
agreed. However, in all instances, examiners should loan amounts).
sample enough credits, including new and various-sized
credits, to assess the adequacy of asset quality, As part of a risk-focused and forward-looking approach to
underwriting practices, and credit risk management, in loan review, loans that had been reviewed at previous
order to support ROE findings and assigned ratings. examinations that had sufficient performance, collateral
and documentation, and continue to amortize as agreed,
Nonhomogeneous Loan Sample may be more appropriate for Discuss Only or not included
at all, which would allow more resources to be focused on
Nonhomogeneous loans include acquisition, development new originations or other loans not previously reviewed
and construction, commercial real estate, commercial and that would help evaluate areas of significant or growing
industrial, and agricultural credits. The nonhomogeneous risk.
loan sample generally should include a sufficient number
of loans to transaction test various segments of the loan Homogeneous Pool Sample
portfolio, but it is unnecessary to review all loans in a
particular segment. Rather, the loan review should Assessing the quality of homogeneous retail consumer
encompass enough loans in each portfolio segment to credit on a loan-by-loan basis is burdensome for both
support examination conclusions about credit quality and institutions and examiners due to portfolios generally

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consisting of a large number of loans with relatively low underwriting exceptions, administrative weaknesses, and
balances. Instead, examiners should assess the quality of apparent violations.
retail consumer loans based on the borrowers’ repayment
performance. Examiners generally should review and For institutions with stable, well-managed loan functions,
classify retail consumer loans in accordance with the In Scope loans should generally focus on newer
procedures discussed later in this section under the originations and insider loans. In these situations, if
Interagency Retail Credit Classification Policy subheading. certain loans from previous examinations are included In
Scope, examiners have the ability to leverage
The EIC may supplement the classification of retail loans documentation from previous reviews and focus on
with a direct review of larger consumer loans or by updates to the essential credit information.
sampling various segments when the risk assessment
supports doing so. Such an expansion may be warranted Discuss Only. This sample is to consist of loans subject to
when homogeneous lending is a major business line of the a limited level of review, and examiners are to discuss
institution or when examiners note rapid growth, new these credits with institution management. Such
products, weaknesses in the loan review or audit program, discussions can be an effective method of confirming the
weaknesses in management information systems, or other adequacy of loan grading systems and credit
factors that raise concerns. The EIC also may conduct administration practices, particularly when the In Scope
limited transaction testing to focus on specific risk sample indicates the institution has adequate risk
characteristics, such as the underwriting standards for new management practices, and when the institution has a
loans or the revised terms granted in workouts or stable, well-managed loan function and exhibits few signs
modifications. of change. Examiners should briefly document key issues
raised during these discussions, but examiners do not need
Sampling for Trading and Derivatives Activities. At to complete full linesheets. When warranted, examiners
institutions that are active in such markets, examiners may conduct a limited file review or assessment of specific
should include an assessment of credit exposures arising work-out plans and performance metrics for these loans.
from matching loans with derivatives (generally swaps or
forwards) to hedge a particular type of risk. For example, Credits should be reallocated from Discuss Only to In
an institution can use a swap to contractually exchange a Scope if management disagrees with the classification,
stream of floating-rate payments for a stream of fixed-rate material concerns with credit underwriting or
payments to hedge interest rate risk. Such activities create administration practices are identified, or the EIC or Asset
a credit exposure relative to both the loan and the Manager determines a more comprehensive review is
derivative. When warranted, examiners should review a warranted.
sufficient number of loan relationships with these
exposures to assess the institution’s overall exposure and Group. This sample could include loans with similar risk
management’s ability to prudently manage derivatives characteristics that merit review on a pooled
activities. Examiners also should review a sample of basis. Examiners generally should discuss or classify the
credit relationships established solely for the purpose of loans not on an individual basis but as a pool, and apply
facilitating derivatives activities. the findings and conclusions to the entire Group.
Examiners may use multiple Groups to focus on the
Determining the Depth of the Review adequacy of credit underwriting and administration
practices or to address different risk attributes in stratified
Examiners should assign loans to be reviewed into one of segments. The Group sample may be appropriate for
three groupings, “In Scope” (full review), “Discuss Only” specific categories of homogeneous retail consumer credit,
(limited review), and, when applicable, “Group” (pooled such as automobile, credit card, or residential mortgage
loans). loans.

In Scope. This sample consists of loans that warrant the Adjusting Loan Review
most comprehensive level of review. Examiners are to
review loan files to the extent needed to assess the risk in The EIC has the flexibility, after communicating with the
the credit, conformance to lending risk management case manager and receiving concurrence of field
policies and procedures, and compliance with applicable management, to adjust the loan review sample at any point
laws and regulations. Examiners should document the during the examination based on findings. The rationale
assessment of the borrower’s repayment capacity, for significant changes in the examination plan will be
collateral protection, and overall risk to the institution on clearly communicated to institution management, along
individual linesheets. Documentation should also note

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with any adjustments to the breadth or depth of and prospects for its orderly repayment. The process
procedures, personnel, and examination schedule. involved in acquiring the foregoing information will
necessarily vary with the type and sophistication of records
Accepting an Institution’s Internal Ratings utilized by the institution.

If the institution’s internal grading system (watch list) is Review of Files and Records
determined to be accurate and reliable, examiners can use
the institution’s data for preparing the applicable Commercial loan liability ledgers or comparable
examination report pages and schedules, for determining subsidiary records vary greatly in quality and detail.
the overall level of classifications, and for providing Generally, they will provide the borrower's total
supporting comments regarding the quality of the loan commercial loan liability to the institution, and the
portfolio. postings thereto will depict a history of the debt.
Collateral records should be scrutinized to acquire the
Loan Penetration Ratio necessary descriptive information and to ascertain that the
collateral held to secure the notes is as transcribed.
The FDIC has not established any minimum or maximum
loan penetration ratios. Gathering credit information is an important process and
should be done with care to obtain the essential
The objectives for loan review on an examination include information, which will enable the examiner to appraise
an analysis of credit quality through transaction testing and the loans accurately and fairly. Failure to obtain and
an assessment of credit administration practices. record pertinent information contained in the credit files
Achieving a specific loan penetration ratio is not to be the can reflect unfavorably on examiners, and a good deal of
driving factor in determining the loan review sample. examiner and loan officer time can be saved by carefully
Rather, examiners should focus on reviewing a sufficient analyzing the files. Ideally, credit files will also contain
number of loans in various segments of the portfolio to important correspondence between the institution and the
assess overall risk in the portfolio and to support borrower. However, this is not universally the case; in
examination findings, and then calculate the resultant loan some instances, important correspondence is deliberately
penetration ratio for informational purposes only and enter lodged in separate files because of its sensitive character.
the ratio in the Summary Analysis of Examination Report. Correspondence between the institution and the borrower
can be especially valuable to the examiner in developing
Large Bank Loan Review added insight into the status of problem credits.

In addition to point-in-time examinations conducted at Verification of loan proceeds is one of the most valuable
most community banks, the FDIC utilizes targeted loan and effective loan examining techniques available to the
reviews conducted under a supervisory plan, guiding a examiner and often one of the most ignored. This
continuous examination program for certain institutions. verification process can disclose fraudulent or fictitious
These targeted programs are generally warranted to ensure notes, misapplication of funds, loans made for the benefit
effective monitoring and examination activity related to or accommodation of parties other than the borrower of
larger and more complex institutions. While the record, or utilization of loans for purposes other than those
supervisory plan and continuous examination processes reflected in the institution's files. Verification of the
and procedures may differ in some respects from the point disbursement of a selected group of large or unusual loans,
in time approach, the principles contained in the preceding particularly those subject to classification or Special
loan review instructions are applicable to examination Mention and those granted under circumstances which
activities for all institutions supervised by the FDIC. appear illogical or incongruous is important. However, it
is more important to carry the verification process one step
further to the apparent utilization of loan proceeds as
 reflected by the customer's deposit account or other related
LOAN EVALUATION AND institution records. The examiner should also determine
CLASSIFICATION the purpose of the credit and the expected source of
Loan Evaluation
Examination Procedures regarding loan portfolio analysis
To properly analyze any credit, an examiner must acquire are included in the ED Modules.
certain fundamental information about a borrower's
financial condition, purpose and terms of the borrowing,

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Additional Transaction Testing Loan Analysis

Part of the assessment of loan administration practices In the evaluation of individual loans, the examiner should
includes transaction testing. Such testing can verify that weigh carefully the information obtained and arrive at a
the institution’s written policies and practices are judgment as to the credit quality of the loans under review.
implemented as intended. Testing can also be useful in Each loan is appraised on the basis of its own
detecting potential fraudulent or irregular activity. In characteristics. Consideration is given to the risk involved
particular, examiners are required to verify a sample of in the project being financed; the nature and degree of
loans that paid off during or just prior to the on-site portion collateral security; the character, capacity, financial
of the examination. Such verification would include responsibility, and record of the borrower; and the
reviewing the loan file, payoff tickets, and tracing the feasibility and probability of its orderly liquidation in
source of funds for the payoff. accordance with specified terms. The willingness and
ability of a debtor to perform as agreed remains the
Loan Discussion primary measure of a loan’s risk. This implies that the
borrower must have earnings or liquid assets sufficient to
The examiner must comprehensively review all data meet interest payments and provide for reduction or
collected on the individual loans. In most banks, this liquidation of principal as agreed at a reasonable and
review should allow the majority of loans to be passed foreseeable date. However, it does not mean that
without criticism, eliminating the need for discussing these borrowers must at all times be in a position to liquidate
lines with the appropriate institution officer(s). No matter their loans, for that would defeat the original purpose of
how thoroughly the supporting loan files have been extending credit.
reviewed, there will invariably be a number of loans which
will require additional information or discussion before an Following analysis of specific credits, it is important that
appropriate judgment can be made as to their credit the examiner ascertain whether troublesome loans result
quality, relationship to other loans, proper documentation, from inadequate lending and collection policies and
or other circumstances related to the overall examination practices or merely reflect exceptions to basically sound
of the loan portfolio. Such loans require discussion with credit policies and practices. In instances where
the appropriate institution officer(s) as do other loans for troublesome loans exist due to ineffective lending practices
which adequate information has been assembled to and/or inadequate supervision, it is quite possible that
indicate that classification or Special Mention is existing problems will go uncorrected and further loan
warranted. quality deterioration may occur. Therefore, the examiner
should not only identify problem loans, but also ascertain
Proper preparation for the loan discussion is essential, and the cause(s) of these problems. Weaknesses in lending
the following points should be given due consideration by policies or practices should be stressed, along with
the examiner. Loans which have been narrowed down for possible corrective measures, in discussions with the
discussion should be reviewed in depth to insure a institution's senior management and/or the directorate and
comprehensive grasp of all factual material. Careful in the Report of Examination.
advance preparation can save time for all concerned.
Particularly with regard to large, complicated lines, undue Loan Classification
reliance should not be placed on memory to cover
important points in loan discussion. Important weaknesses To quantify and communicate the results of the loan
and salient points to be covered in discussion, questions to review, the examiner must arrive at a decision as to which
be asked, and information to be sought should be noted. loans are to be subjected to criticism and/or comment in
The loan discussion should not involve discussion of the examination report. Adversely classified loans are
trivialities since the banker's time is valuable, and it is no allocated on the basis of risk to three categories:
place for antagonistic remarks and snide comments Substandard; Doubtful; and Loss.
directed at loan officers. The examiner should listen
carefully to what the banker has to say, and concisely and Other loans of questionable quality, but involving
accurately note this information. Failure to do so can insufficient risk to warrant classification, are designated as
result in inaccuracies and make follow-up at the next Special Mention loans. Loans lacking technical or legal
examination more difficult. support, whether or not adversely classified, should be
brought to the attention of the institution's management. If
the deficiencies in documentation are severe in scope or
volume, a schedule of such loans should be included in the
Report of Examination.

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Loan classifications are expressions of different degrees of  Doubtful - Loans classified Doubtful have all the
a common factor, risk of nonpayment. All loans involve weaknesses inherent in those classified Substandard
some risk, but the degree varies greatly. It is incumbent with the added characteristic that the weaknesses
upon examiners to avoid classification of sound loans. make collection or liquidation in full, on the basis of
The practice of lending to sound businesses or individuals currently known facts, conditions, and values, highly
for reasonable periods is a legitimate banking function. questionable and improbable.
Adverse classifications should be confined to those loans  Loss - Loans classified Loss are considered
which are unsafe for the investment of depositors' funds. uncollectible and of such little value that their
continuance as bankable assets is not warranted. This
If the internal grading system is determined to be accurate classification does not mean that the loan has
and reliable, examiners can use the institution’s data for absolutely no recovery or salvage value but rather it is
preparing the applicable examination report pages and not practical or desirable to defer writing off this
schedules, for determining the overall level of basically worthless asset even though partial recovery
classifications, and for providing supporting comments may be effected in the future.
regarding the quality of the loan portfolio. If the internal
classifications are overly conservative, examiners should There is a close relationship between classifications, and
make appropriate adjustments and include explanations in no classification category should be viewed as more
the report’s comments. important than the other. The uncollectibility aspect of
Doubtful and Loss classifications makes their segregation
The Uniform Agreement on the Classification and of obvious importance. The function of the Substandard
Appraisal of Securities Held by Depository Institutions classification is to indicate those loans which are unduly
was issued on October 29, 2013, by the Office of the risky and, if unimproved, may be a future hazard.
Comptroller of the Currency, the FDIC, and the Federal
Reserve Board. The attachment to this interagency A complete list of adversely classified loans is to be
statement provides definitions of Substandard, Doubtful, provided to management, either during or at the close of an
and Loss categories used for adversely classifying examination.
institution assets. Amounts classified Loss should be
promptly eliminated from the institution's books. Special Mention Assets
Uniform guidelines have been established by the FDIC Definition - A Special Mention asset has potential
regarding the Report of Exam treatment of assets classified weaknesses that deserve management's close attention. If
Doubtful. The general policy is not to require charge-off left uncorrected, these potential weaknesses may result in
or similar action for Doubtful classifications. Examiners deterioration of the repayment prospects for the asset or in
should make a statement calling for an institution to the institution's credit position at some future date. Special
charge-off a portion of loans classified Doubtful only Mention assets are not adversely classified and do not
when State law or policy requires. Further, any such expose an institution to sufficient risk to warrant adverse
statement should be clear as to the intended purpose of classification.
bringing the institution into conformity with those State
requirements. An exception is made for formal actions Use of Special Mention - The Special Mention category is
under Section 8 of the FDI Act. not to be used as a means of avoiding a clear decision to
classify a loan or pass it without criticism. Neither should
A statement addressing the chargeoff of loans classified it include loans listed merely "for the record" when
Loss is a required comment Report of Examination when uncertainties and complexities, perhaps coupled with large
the amount is material. Amounts classified Loss should be size, create some reservations about the loan. If
promptly eliminated from the institution's books. weaknesses or evidence of imprudent handling cannot be
identified, inclusion of such loans in Special Mention is
Definitions not justified.

 Substandard - Substandard loans are inadequately Ordinarily, Special Mention credits have characteristics
protected by the current sound worth and paying which corrective management action would remedy.
capacity of the obligor or of the collateral pledged, if Often weak origination and/or servicing policies are the
any. Loans so classified must have a well-defined cause for the Special Mention designation. Examiners
weakness or weaknesses that jeopardize the should not misconstrue the fact that most Special Mention
liquidation of the debt. They are characterized by the loans contain management correctable deficiencies to
distinct possibility that the institution will sustain mean that loans involving merely technical exceptions
some loss if the deficiencies are not corrected. belong in this category. However, instances may be

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encountered where technical exceptions are a factor in questionable and improbable. A Doubtful
scheduling loans for Special Mention. classification may be appropriate in cases where
significant risk exposures are perceived, but Loss
Careful identification of loans which properly belong in cannot be determined because of specific reasonable
this category is important in determining the extent of risk pending factors which may strengthen the credit in the
in the loan portfolio and providing constructive criticism near term. Examiners should attempt to identify Loss
for institution management. While Special Mention Assets in the credit where possible thereby limiting the
should not be combined with adversely classified assets, excessive use of the Doubtful classification.
their total should be considered in the analysis of asset  Loss - Advances in excess of calculated current fair
quality and management, as appropriate. value which are considered uncollectible and do not
warrant continuance as bankable assets. There is little
The nature of this category precludes inclusion of smaller or no prospect for near term improvement and no
lines of credit unless those loans are part of a large realistic strengthening action of significance pending.
grouping listed for related reasons. Comments on loans
listed for Special Mention in the Report of Examination Technical Exceptions
should be drafted in a fashion similar to those for
adversely classified loans. There is no less of a Deficiencies in documentation of loans should be brought
requirement upon the examiner to record clearly the to the attention of management for remedial action.
reasons why the loan is listed. The major thrust of the Failure of management to effect corrections may lead to
comments should be towards achieving correction of the the development of greater credit risk in the future.
deficiencies identified. Moreover, an excessive number of technical exceptions
may be a reflection on management's quality and ability.
Troubled Commercial Real Estate Loan Inclusion of the schedule "Assets With Credit Data or
Classification Guidelines Collateral Documentation Exceptions" and various
comments in the Report of Examination is appropriate in
Additional classification guidelines have been developed certain circumstances. Refer to the Report of Examination
to aid the examiner in classifying troubled commercial real Instructions for further guidance.
estate loans. These guidelines are intended to supplement
the uniform guidelines discussed above. After performing Past Due and Nonaccrual
an analysis and evaluation of the project, the examiner
must determine the classification of any exposure. Overdue loans are not necessarily subject to adverse
criticism. Nevertheless, a high volume of overdue loans
The following guidelines are to be applied in instances almost always indicates liberal credit standards, weak
where the obligor is devoid of other reliable means of servicing practices, or both. Because loan renewal and
repayment, with support of the debt provided solely by the extension policies vary among banks, comparison of their
project. If other types of collateral or other sources of delinquency ratios may be misleading. A more significant
repayment exist, the project should be evaluated in light of method of evaluating this factor lies in determination of
these mitigating factors. the trend within the institution under examination, keeping
in mind the distortion resulting from seasonal influences,
 Substandard - Any such troubled real estate loan or economic conditions, or the timing of examinations. It is
portion thereof should be classified Substandard when important for the examiner to carefully consider the
well-defined weaknesses are present which jeopardize makeup and reasons for the volume of overdue loans.
the orderly liquidation of the debt. Well-defined Only then can it be determined whether the volume of past
weaknesses include a project's lack of marketability, due paper is a significant factor reflecting adversely on the
inadequate cash flow or collateral support, failure to quality or soundness of the overall loan portfolio or the
complete construction on time or the project's failure efficiency and quality of management. It is important that
to fulfill economic expectations. They are overdue loans be computed on a uniform basis. This
characterized by the distinct possibility that the allows for comparison of overdue totals between
institution will sustain some loss if the deficiencies are examinations and/or with other banks.
not corrected.
 Doubtful - Doubtful classifications have all the The Report of Examination includes information on
weaknesses inherent in those classified Substandard overdue and nonaccrual loans. Loans which are still
with the added characteristic that the weaknesses accruing interest but are past their maturity or on which
make collection or liquidation in full, on the basis of either interest or principal is due and unpaid (including
currently known facts, conditions and values, highly unplanned overdrafts) are separated by loan type into two

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distinct groupings: 30 to 89 days past due and 90 days or are exempt from the nonaccrual guidelines. Nonetheless,
more past due. Nonaccrual loans may include both current these exempt loans should be subject to other alternative
and past due loans. In the case of installment credit, a loan methods of evaluation to assure the institution's net income
will not be considered overdue until at least two monthly is not materially overstated. Second, any State statute,
payments are delinquent. The same will apply to real regulation or rule which imposes more stringent standards
estate mortgage loans, term loans or any other loans for nonaccrual of interest should take precedence over
payable on regular monthly installments of principal and these instructions. Third, reversal of previously accrued
interest. but uncollected interest applicable to any asset placed in a
nonaccrual status, and treatment of subsequent payments
Some modification of the overdue criteria may be as either principal or interest, should be handled in
necessary because of applicable State law, joint accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
examinations, or unusual circumstances surrounding Acceptable accounting treatment includes reversal of all
certain kinds of loans or in individual loan situations. It previously accrued but uncollected interest against
will always be necessary for the examiner to ascertain the appropriate income and balance sheet accounts.
institution's renewal and extension policies and procedures
for collecting interest prior to determining which loans are Nonaccrual Loans That Have Demonstrated
overdue, since such practices often vary considerably from Sustained Contractual Performance
institution to institution. This is important not only to
validate which loans are actually overdue, but also to The following information applies to borrowers who have
evaluate the soundness of such policies. Standards for resumed paying the full amount of scheduled contractual
renewal should be aimed at achieving an orderly interest and principal payments on loans that are past due
liquidation of loans and not at maintaining a low ratio of and in nonaccrual status. Although a prior arrearage may
past due paper through unwarranted extensions or not have been eliminated by payments from a borrower,
renewals. the borrower may have demonstrated sustained
performance over a period of time in accordance with the
In larger departmentalized banks or banks with large contractual terms. Such loans to be returned to accrual
branch systems, it may be informative to analyze status, even though the loans have not been brought fully
delinquencies by determining the source of overdue loans current, provided two criteria are met:
by department or branch. This is particularly true if a large
volume of overdue loans exist. The production of
 All principal and interest amounts contractually due
schedules delineating overdue loans by department or
(including arrearage) are reasonably assured of
branch is encouraged if it will aid in pinpointing the source
repayment within a reasonable period, and
of a problem or be otherwise informative.
 There is a sustained period of repayment performance
(generally a minimum of six months) by the borrower,
Continuing to accrue income on assets which are in default
in accordance with the contractual terms involving
as to principal and interest overstates an institution's assets,
payments of cash or cash equivalents.
earnings, and capital. Call Report Instructions indicate
that where the period of default of principal or interest
When the regulatory reporting criteria for restoration to
equals or exceeds 90 days, the accruing of income should
accrual status are met, previous charge-offs taken would
be discontinued unless the asset is well-secured and in
not have to be fully recovered before such loans are
process of collection. A debt is well-secured if
returned to accrual status. Loans that meet the above
collateralized by liens on or pledges of real or personal
criteria would continue to be disclosed as past due, as
property, including securities that have a realizable value
appropriate, until they have been brought fully current.
sufficient to discharge the debt in full; or by the guarantee
of a financially responsible party. A debt is in process of
collection if collection is proceeding in due course either Troubled Debt Restructuring - Multiple Note
through legal action, including judgment enforcement Structure
procedures, or, in appropriate circumstances, through
collection efforts not involving legal action which are The basic example of a trouble debt restructuring (TDR)
reasonably expected to result in repayment of the debt or multiple note structure is a troubled loan that is
its restoration to a current status. Institutions are strongly restructured into two notes where the first or "A" note
encouraged to follow this guideline not only for reporting represents the portion of the original loan principal amount
purposes but also bookkeeping purposes. There are which is expected to be fully collected along with
several exceptions, modifications and clarifications to this contractual interest. The second part of the restructured
general standard. First, consumer loans and real estate loan, or "B" note, represents the portion of the original
loans secured by one-to-four family residential properties loan that has been charged-off.

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Interagency Retail Credit Classification

Such TDRs generally may take any of three forms. In Policy
certain TDRs, the "B" note may be a contingent receivable
that is payable only if certain conditions are met (e.g., The quality of consumer credit soundness is best indicated
sufficient cash flow from property). For other TDRs, the by the repayment performance demonstrated by the
"B" note may be contingently forgiven (e.g., note "B" is borrower. Because retail credit generally is comprised of a
forgiven if note "A" is paid in full). In other instances, an large number of relatively small balance loans, evaluating
institution would have granted a concession (e.g., rate the quality of the retail credit portfolio on a loan-by-loan
reduction) to the troubled borrower, but the "B" note basis is burdensome for the institution being examined and
would remain a contractual obligation of the borrower. examiners. To promote an efficient and consistent credit
Because the "B" note is not reflected as an asset on the risk evaluation, the FDIC, the Comptroller of Currency,
institution's books and is unlikely to be collected, for the Federal Reserve and the former Office of Thrift
reporting purposes the "B" note could be viewed as a Supervision adopted the Uniform Retail Credit
contingent receivable. Classification and Account Management Policy (Retail
Classification Policy.)
Institutions may return the "A" note to accrual status
provided the following conditions are met: Retail credit includes open-end and closed-end credit
extended to individuals for household, family, and other
 The restructuring qualifies as a TDR as defined by personal expenditures. It includes consumer loans and
ASC Subtopic 310-40, Receivables – Troubled Debt credit cards. For purposes of the policy, retail credit also
Restructurings by Creditors and there is economic includes loans to individuals secured by their personal
substance to the restructuring. residence, including home equity and home improvement
 The portion of the original loan represented by the "B" loans.
note has been charged-off. The charge-off must be
supported by a current, well-documented credit In general, retail credit should be classified based on the
evaluation of the borrower's financial condition and following criteria:
prospects for repayment under the revised terms. The
charge-off must be recorded before or at the time of  Open-end and closed-end retail loans past due 90
the restructuring. cumulative days from the contractual due date should
 The "A" note is reasonably assured of repayment and be classified Substandard.
of performance in accordance with the modified  Closed-end retail loans that become past due 120
terms. cumulative days and open-end retail loans that
 In general, the borrower must have demonstrated become past due 180 cumulative days from the
sustained repayment performance (either immediately contractual due date should be charged-off. The
before or after the restructuring) in accordance with charge-off should be taken by the end of the month in
the modified terms for a reasonable period prior to the which the 120-or 180-day time period elapses.
date on which the "A" note is returned to accrual  Unless the institution can clearly demonstrate and
status. A sustained period of payment performance document that repayment on accounts in bankruptcy is
generally would be a minimum of six months and likely to occur, accounts in bankruptcy should be
involve payments in the form of cash or cash charged off within 60 days of receipt of notification of
equivalents. filing from the bankruptcy court or within the
delinquency time frames specified in this
Under existing reporting requirements, the "A" note would classification policy, whichever is shorter. The
be disclosed as a TDR. In accordance with these charge-off should be taken by the end of the month in
requirements, if the "A" note yields a market rate of which the applicable time period elapses. Any loan
interest and performs in accordance with the restructured balance not charged-off should be classified
terms, such disclosures could be eliminated in the year Substandard until the borrower re-establishes the
following restructuring. To be considered a market rate of ability and willingness to repay (with demonstrated
interest, the interest rate on the "A" note at the time of payment performance for six months at a minimum)
restructuring must be equal to or greater than the rate that or there is a receipt of proceeds from liquidation of
the institution is willing to accept for a new receivable collateral.
with comparable risk.  Fraudulent loans should be charged off within 90 days
of discovery or within the delinquency time frames
specified in this classification policy, whichever is

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shorter. The charge-off should be taken by the end of Re-aging, Extensions, Deferrals, Renewals, or Rewrites
the month in which the applicable time period elapses.
 Loans of deceased persons should be charged off Re-aging is the practice of bringing a delinquent account
when the loss is determined or within the delinquency current after the borrower has demonstrated a renewed
time frames adopted in this classification policy, willingness and ability to repay the loan by making some,
whichever is shorter. The charge-off should be taken but not all, past due payments. Re-aging of open-end
by the end of the month in which the applicable time accounts, or extensions, deferrals, renewals, or rewrites of
period elapses. closed-end accounts should only be used to help borrowers
 One-to-four family residential real estate loans and overcome temporary financial difficulties, such as loss of
home equity loans that are delinquent 90 days or more job, medical emergency, or change in family
with loan-to-value ratios greater than 60 percent, circumstances like loss of a family member. A permissive
should be classified Substandard. policy on re-agings, extensions, deferrals, renewals, or
rewrites can cloud the true performance and delinquency
When an open- or closed-end residential or home equity status of the portfolio. However, prudent use of a policy is
loan is 180 days past due, a current assessment of value acceptable when it is based on recent, satisfactory
should be made and any outstanding loan balance in excess performance and the true improvement in a borrower's
of the fair value of the property, less cost to sell, should be other credit factors, and when it is structured in accordance
classified Loss. with internal policies.

Properly secured residential real estate loans with loan-to- The decision to re-age a loan, like any other modification
value ratios equal to or less than 60 percent are generally of contractual terms, should be supported in the
not classified based solely on delinquency status. Home institution's management information systems. Adequate
equity loans to the same borrower at the same institution as management information systems usually identify and
the senior mortgage loan with a combined loan-to-value document any loan that is extended, deferred, renewed, or
ratio equal to or less than 60 percent should not be rewritten, including the number of times such action has
classified. However, home equity loans where the been taken. Documentation normally shows that
institution does not hold the senior mortgage, that are institution personnel communicated with the borrower, the
delinquent 90 days or more should be classified borrower agreed to pay the loan in full, and the borrower
Substandard, even if the loan-to-value ratio is equal to, or shows the ability to repay the loan.
less than, 60 percent.
Institutions that re-age open-end accounts should establish
If an institution can clearly document that the delinquent a reasonable written policy and adhere to it. An account
loan is well secured and in the process of collection, such eligible for re-aging, extension, deferral, renewal, or
that collection will occur regardless of delinquency status, rewrite should exhibit the following:
then the loan need not be classified. A well secured loan is
collateralized by a perfected security interest in, or pledges  The borrower should show a renewed willingness and
of, real or personal property, including securities, with an ability to repay the loan.
estimated fair value, less cost to sell, sufficient to recover  The account should exist for at least nine months
the recorded investment in the loan, as well as a reasonable before allowing a re-aging, extension, renewal,
return on that amount. In the process of collection means referral, or rewrite.
that either a collection effort or legal action is proceeding  The borrower should make at least three minimum
and is reasonably expected to result in recovery of the loan consecutive monthly payments or the equivalent lump
balance or its restoration to a current status, generally sum payment before an account is re-aged. Funds
within the next 90 days. may not be advanced by the institution for this
This policy does not preclude an institution from adopting  No loan should be re-aged, extended, deferred,
an internal classification policy more conservative than the renewed, or rewritten more than once within any
one detailed above. It also does not preclude a regulatory twelve-month period; that is, at least twelve months
agency from using the Doubtful or Loss classification in must have elapsed since a prior re-aging. In addition,
certain situations if a rating more severe than Substandard no loan should be re-aged, extended, deferred,
is justified. Loss in retail credit should be recognized renewed, or rewritten more than two times within any
when the institution becomes aware of the loss, but in no five-year period.
case should the charge-off exceed the time frames stated in  For open-end credit, an over limit account may be re-
this policy. aged at its outstanding balance (including the over
limit balance, interest, and fees). No new credit may

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be extended to the borrower until the balance falls to be left with management. A copy of the listing should
below the designated predelinquency credit limit. also be retained in the examination work papers.

Partial Payments on Open-End and Closed-End Credit Examiner support packages are available which have built
in parameters of the formula classification policy, and
Institutions should use one of two methods to recognize which generate a listing of delinquent consumer loans to
partial payments. A payment equivalent to 90 percent or be classified in accordance with the policy. Use of this
more of the contractual payment may be considered a full package may expedite the examination in certain cases,
payment in computing delinquency. Alternatively, the especially in larger banks.
institution may aggregate payments and give credit for any
partial payment received. For example, if a regular Losses are one of the costs of doing business in consumer
installment payment is $300 and the borrower makes installment credit departments. It is important for the
payments of only $150 per month for a six-month period, examiner to give consideration to the amount and severity
the loan would be $900, or three full months delinquent. of installment loan charge-offs when examining the
An institution may use either or both methods in its department. Excessive loan losses are the product of weak
portfolio, but may not use both methods simultaneously lending and collection policies and therefore provide a
with a single loan. good indication of the soundness of the consumer
installment loan operation. The examiner should be alert
Examination Considerations also to the absence of installment loan charge-offs, which
may indicate that losses are being deferred or concealed
Examiners should determine whether institutions’ policies through unwarranted rewrites or extensions.
and practices consider the Retail Classification Policy,
understanding that there may be instances that warrant Dealer lines should be scheduled in the report under the
exceptions to the general classification policy. Loans need dealer's name regardless of whether the contracts are
not be classified if the institution can document clearly that accepted with or without recourse. Any classification or
repayment will occur regardless of delinquency status. totaling of the nonrecourse line can be separately identified
Examples might include loans well secured by marketable from the direct or indirect liability of the dealer.
collateral and in the process of collection, loans for which Comments and format for scheduling the indirect contracts
claims are filed against solvent estates, and loans will be essentially the same as for direct paper. If there is
supported by valid insurance claims. Conversely, the direct debt, comments will necessarily have to be more
Retail Classification Policy does not preclude examiners extensive and probably will help form a basis for the
from reviewing and classifying individual large dollar indirect classification.
retail credit loans that exhibit signs of credit weakness
regardless of delinquency status. No general rule can be established as to the proper
application of dealers' reserves to the examiner's
In addition to reviewing loan classifications, the examiner classifications. Such a rule would be impractical because
should review the ALLL to assess whether it is at an of the many methods used by banks in setting up such
appropriate level. Sound risk and account management reserves and the various dealer agreements utilized.
systems typically include: Generally, where the institution is handling a dealer who is
not financially responsible, weak contracts warrant
 Prudent retail credit lending policies, classification irrespective of any balance in the dealer's
 Measures to monitor adherence to policy, reserve. Fair and reasonable judgment on the part of the
 Detailed operating procedures, and examiner will determine application of dealer reserves.
 Appropriate internal controls.
If the amount involved would have a material impact on
Institutions lacking sound policies or failing to implement capital, consumer loans should be classified net of
or effectively follow established policies will be subject to unearned income. Large business-type loans placed in
criticism. consumer installment loan departments should receive
individual review and, in all cases, the applicable unearned
Examination Treatment income discount should be deducted when such loans are
Use of the formula classification approach can result in
numerous small dollar adversely classified items.
Although these classification details are not always
included in the Report of Examination, an itemized list is

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Impaired Loans, Troubled Debt concession to a debtor in financial difficulty. Examiners

Restructurings, Foreclosures, and are expected to reflect all TDRs in examination reports in
accordance with this accounting guidance and institutions
Repossessions are expected to follow these principles when filing the Call
Loan Impairment – The accounting standard for impaired
loans is ASC Subtopic 310-10. A loan is impaired when, TDRs may be divided into two broad groups: those where
based on current information and events, it is probable that the borrower transfers assets to the creditor in full or
an institution will be unable to collect all amounts due partial satisfaction of the debt, which would include
according to the contractual terms of the loan agreement foreclosures; and those in which the terms of a debtor’s
(i.e., principal and interest). Impaired loans encompass all obligation are modified, which may include reduction in
loans that are restructured in a troubled debt restructuring, the stated interest rate to an interest rate that is less than
including smaller balance homogenous loans that are the current market rate for new obligations with similar
typically exempt from ASC Subtopic 310-10. However, risk, extension of the maturity date, or forgiveness of
the standard does not include loans that are measured at principal or interest. A third type of restructuring
fair value or the lower of cost or fair value. combines a receipt of assets and a modification of loan
terms. A loan extended or renewed at an interest rate
When a loan is impaired under ASC Subtopic 310-10, the equal to the current market interest rate for new debt with
amount of impairment should be measured based on the similar risk is not reported as a restructured loan for
present value of expected future cash flows discounted at examination purposes.
the loan’s effective interest rate (i.e., the contractual
interest rate adjusted for any net deferred loan fees or costs Transfer of Assets to the Creditor - An institution that
and premium or discount existing at the origination or receives assets (except long-lived assets that will be sold)
acquisition of the loan). As a practical expedient, from a borrower in full satisfaction of the recorded
impairment may also be measured based on a loan’s investment in the loan should record those assets at fair
observable market price. The fair value of the collateral value. If the fair value of the assets received is less than
must be used if the loan is collateral dependent. An the institution’s recorded investment in the loan, a loss is
impaired loan is collateral dependent if repayment would charged to the ALLL. When property is received in full
be expected to be provided solely by the sale or continued satisfaction of an asset other than a loan (e.g., a debt
operation of the underlying collateral. security), the loss should be reflected in a manner
consistent with the balance sheet classification of the asset
If the measure of a loan calculated in accordance with satisfied. When long-lived assets that will be sold, such as
ASC Subtopic 310-10 is less than the recorded investment real estate, are received in full satisfaction of a loan, the
in the loan (typically the face amount of the loan, plus real estate is recorded at its fair value less cost to sell. This
accrued interest, adjusted for any premium or discount, fair value (less cost to sell) becomes the “cost” of the
deferred fee or cost, less any charge-offs), impairment on foreclosed asset.
that loan should be recognized as a part of the ALLL. In
general, when the amount of the recorded investment in To illustrate, assume an institution forecloses on a
the loan exceeds the amount calculated under ASC defaulted mortgage loan of $100,000 and takes title to the
Subtopic 310-10 and that amount is determined to be property. If the fair value of the property at the time of
uncollectible, this excess amount should be promptly foreclosure is $90,000 and costs to sell are estimated at
charged-off against the ALLL. In all cases, when an $10,000, a $20,000 loss should be immediately recognized
impaired loan is collateral dependent and the repayment of by a charge to the ALLL. The cost of the foreclosed asset
the loan is expected from the sale of the collateral, any becomes $80,000. If the institution is on an accrual basis
portion of the recorded investment in the loan in excess of of accounting, there may also be adjusting entries
the fair value less cost to sell of the collateral should be necessary to reduce both the accrued interest receivable
charged-off. and loan interest income accounts. Assume further that in
order to effect sale of the realty to a third party, the
Troubled Debt Restructuring - The accounting for TDRs institution is willing to offer a new mortgage loan (e.g., of
is set forth in ASC Subtopic 310-40, Receivables-Troubled $100,000) at a concessionary rate of interest (e.g., 10
Debt Restructurings by Creditors. A restructuring percent while the market interest rate for new loans with
constitutes a troubled debt restructuring if the institution similar risk is 20 percent). Before booking this new
for economic or legal reasons related to the borrower’s transaction, the institution must establish its "economic
financial difficulties grants a concession to the borrower value" or what would be the cash price paid. Pursuant to
that it would not otherwise consider. A troubled debt ASC Subtopic 835-30, Interest – Imputation of Interest,
restructuring takes place when an institution grants a the value is represented by the sum of the present value of

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the income stream to be received from the new loan, interest rate. The institution does not believe the loan is
discounted at the current market interest rate for this type collateral dependent. In this situation, the institution
of credit, and the present value of the principal to be would determine the amount of impairment on the TDR as
received, also discounted at the current market interest the difference between the present value of the expected
rate. This economic value (calculated by discounting the cash flows discounted at the 10 percent rate specified in
cash flows at the current market interest rate) becomes the the original contract and the recorded investment in loan of
proper carrying value for the property at its sale date. $110,000. This amount of the calculated impairment
Since the sales price of $78,000 is less than the property’s becomes a component of the overall ALLL.
carrying amount of $80,000), an additional loss has been
incurred and should be immediately recognized. This Combination Approach - In some instances, the
additional loss should be reflected in the allowance if a institution may receive assets in partial rather than full
relatively brief period has elapsed between foreclosure and satisfaction of a loan or security and may also agree to
subsequent resale of the property. However, the loss alter the original repayment terms. In these cases, the
should be treated as loss on the sale of real estate if the recorded investment in the loan should be reduced by the
asset has been held for a longer period. The new loan fair value of the assets received (less cost to sell, if
would be placed on the books at its face value ($100,000) appropriate). The remaining recorded investment in the
and the difference between the new loan amount and the loan is accounted for as a TDR.
"economic value" ($78,000) is treated as unearned
discount ($22,000). For examination and Call Report Examination Report Treatment - Examiners should
purposes, the asset would be shown net of the unearned continue to classify TDRs, including any impaired
discount which is reduced periodically as it is earned over collateral dependent loans, based on the definitions of
the life of the new loan. The $22,000 discount is accreted Loss, Doubtful, and Substandard. When an impaired loan
into interest income over the life of the loan as long as the is collateral dependent and the loan is expected to be
loan remains in accrual status. satisfied by the sale of the collateral, any portion of the
recorded investment in the loan which exceeds the fair
The basis for this accounting approach is the assumption value of the collateral, less cost to sell is the amount of
that financing the resale of the property at a concessionary impairment included in the ALLL. This is the amount of
rate exacts an opportunity cost which the institution must Loss on that loan that should be promptly charged-off. For
recognize. That is, unearned discount represents the other loans that are impaired loans, the amount of the
present value of the "imputed" interest differential between recorded investment in the loan over the amount of the
the concessionary and market rates of interest. Present calculated impairment is recognized as a component of the
value accounting also assumes that both the institution and ALLL. However, when available information confirms
the third party who purchased the property are indifferent that loans and leases (including any recorded accrued
to a cash sales price at the "economic value" or a higher interest, net deferred loan fees or costs, and unamortized
financed price repayable over time. premium or discount) other than impaired collateral
dependent loans (dependent on the sale of the collateral),
Modification of Terms - When the terms of a TDR or portions thereof, are uncollectible, these amounts should
provide for a reduction of interest or principal, the be promptly charged-off against the ALLL.
institution should measure any loss on the restructuring in
accordance with the guidance for impaired loans as set An examiner should not require an additional allowance
forth in ASC Subtopic 310-10 unless the loans are for credit losses of impaired loans over and above what is
measured at fair value or the lower of cost or fair value. calculated in accordance with these standards. An
The amount of impairment of the restructured loan using additional allowance on impaired loans may be supported
the appropriate measurement method in ASC Subtopic based on consideration of institution-specific factors, such
310-10 is reported as a component in determining the as historical loss experience compared with estimates of
overall ALLL If any amount of the calculated impairment such losses and concerns about the reliability of cash flow
is determined to be uncollectible, that amount should be estimates, the quality of an institution’s loan review
promptly charged-off against the ALLL. function, and controls over its process for estimating its
ASC Subtopic 310-10 allowance.
For example, in lieu of foreclosure, an institution chooses
to restructure a $100,000 loan to a borrower which had Other Considerations - Examiners may encounter
originally been granted with an interest rate of 10 percent situations where impaired loans and TDRs are identified,
for 10 years. The institution and the borrower have agreed but the institution has not properly accounted for the
to capitalize the accrued interest ($10,000) into the note transactions. Where incorrect accounting treatment
balance, but the restructured terms will permit the resulted in an overstatement of earnings, capital and assets,
borrower to repay the debt over 10 years at a six percent it will be necessary to determine the proper carrying values

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for these assets, utilizing the best available information frequently casts doubt on the accuracy of the
developed by the examiner after consultation with classifications. The essential test of loan comments is
institution management. Nonetheless, proper accounting whether they justify the classification.
for impaired loans and TDRs is the responsibility of
institution management. Examiners should not spend a Careful organization is an important ingredient of good
disproportionate amount of time developing the loan comments. Generally, loan comments should include
appropriate accounting entries, but instead discuss with the following items:
and require corrective action by institution management
when the institution’s treatment is not in accordance with  Identification - Indicate the name and occupation or
accepted accounting guidelines. It must also be type of business of the borrower. Cosigners,
emphasized that collectibility and proper accounting and endorsers and guarantors should be identified and in
reporting are separate matters; restructuring a borrower’s the case of business loans, it should be clear whether
debt does not ensure collection of the loan or security. As the borrower is a corporation, partnership, or sole
with all other assets, adverse classification should be proprietorship.
assigned if analysis indicates there is risk of loss present.  Description - The make-up of the debt should be
Examiners should take care, however, not to discourage or concisely described as to type of loan, amount, origin
be critical of institution management’s legitimate and and terms. The history, purpose, and source of
reasonable attempts to achieve debt settlements through repayment should also be indicated.
concessionary terms. In many cases, restructurings offer  Collateral - Describe and evaluate any collateral,
the only realistic means for an institution to bring about indicating the marketability and/or condition thereof.
collection of weak or nonearning assets. Finally, the If values are estimated, note the source.
volume of impaired loans and restructured debts having  Financial Data - Current balance sheet information
concessionary interest rates should be considered when along with operating figures should be presented, if
evaluating the institution’s earnings performance and such data are considered necessary. The examiner
assigning the earnings performance rating. must exercise judgment as to whether a statement
should be detailed in its entirety. When the statement
Examination procedures for reviewing TDRs are included is relevant to the classification, it is generally more
in the ED Modules. effective to summarize weaknesses with the entire
statement presented. On the other hand, if the
Report of Examination Treatment of statement does not significantly support or detract
Classified Loans from the loan, a very brief summarization of the
statement is in order.
The Items Subject to Adverse Classification page allows  Summarize the Problem - The examiner's comments
an examiner to present pertinent and readily should explicitly point out reasons for the
understandable comments related to loans which are classification. Where portions of the line are accorded
adversely classified. In addition, the Analysis of Loans different classifications or are not subject to
Subject to Adverse Classification page permits analysis of classification, comments should clearly set forth the
present and previous classifications from the standpoint of reasoning for the split treatment.
source and disposition. These loan schedules should be  Management's Intentions - Comments should
prepared in accordance with the Report of Examination include any corrective program contemplated by
Instructions. management.

An examiner must present, in writing, relevant and readily Examiners should avoid arbitrary or penalty
understandable comments related to criticized loans. classifications, nor should "conceded" or "agreed" be given
Therefore, a thorough understanding of all factors as the principal reason for adverse classifications.
surrounding the loan is required and only those germane to Management's opinions and ideas should not have to be
description, collectibility, and management plans should emphasized; if a classification is well-founded, the facts
be included in the comments. Comments should be will speak for themselves. If well-written, there is little
concise, but brevity is not to be accomplished by omission need for long summary comments reemphasizing major
of appropriate information. Comments should be points of the loan write-up.
informative and factual data emphasized. The important
weaknesses of the loan should not be overshadowed by When the volume of loan classifications reaches the point
extraneous information which might well have been of causing supervisory concern, analysis of present and
omitted. An ineffective presentation of a classified loan previous classifications from the standpoint of source and
weakens the value of a Report of Examination and disposition becomes very important. For this reason, the

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Analysis of Loans Subject to Adverse Classification page deductions for loans that are wholly or partially worthless.
should be completed in banks possessing characteristics However, the burden of proof is placed on the institution to
which present special supervisory problems; when the support its tax deductions for loan charge-offs.
volume or composition of adversely classified loans has
changed significantly since the previous examination, Examination Guidelines - Institutions are responsible for
including both upward and downward movements; and, in requesting "express determination" letters during
such other special or unusual situations as examiners deem examinations that cover their loan review process, i.e.,
appropriate. Generally, the page should not include during safety and soundness examinations. Examiners
consumer loans and overdrafts and it should be footnoted should not alter the scope or frequency of examinations
to indicate that these assets are not included. merely to permit banks to use the tax-book conformity
Issuance of "Express Determination" Letters
to Institutions for Federal Income Tax When requested by an institution that has made or intends
to make the election under Section 1.166-2(d)(3) of the tax
Purposes regulations, the examiner-in-charge should issue an
"express determination" letter, provided the institution
Tax Rules - The Internal Revenue Code and tax does maintain and apply loan loss classification standards
regulations allow a deduction for a loan that becomes that are consistent with the FDIC's regulatory standards.
wholly or partially worthless. All pertinent evidence is The letter should only be issued at the completion of a
taken into account in determining worthlessness. Special safety and soundness examination at which the examiner-
tax rules permit a federally supervised depository in-charge has concluded that the issuance of the letter is
institution to elect a method of accounting under which it appropriate.
conforms its tax accounting for bad debts to its regulatory
accounting for loan charge-offs, provided certain An "express determination" letter should be issued to an
conditions are satisfied. Under these rules, loans that are institution only if:
charged-off pursuant to specific orders of the institution's
supervisory authority or that are classified by the
 The examination indicates that the institution
institution as Loss assets under applicable regulatory
maintains and applies loan loss classification
standards are conclusively presumed to have become
standards that are consistent with the FDIC's standards
worthless in the taxable year of the charge-offs.
regarding the identification and charge-off of such
loans; and
To be eligible for this accounting method for tax purposes,
 There are no material deviations from the FDIC's
an institution must file a conformity election with its
Federal income tax return. The tax regulations also require
the institution's primary Federal supervisory authority to
Minor criticisms of the institution's loan review process as
expressly determine that the institution maintains and
it relates to loan charge-offs or immaterial individual
applies loan loss classification standards that are consistent
deviations from the FDIC's standards should not preclude
with the regulatory standards of its supervisory authority.
the issuance of an "express determination" letter.
An institution must request an "express determination"
An "express determination" letter should not be issued if:
letter before making the election. To continue using the
tax-book conformity method, the institution must request a
new letter at each subsequent examination that covers the  The institution's loan review process relating to
loan review process. If the examiner does not issue an charge-offs is subject to significant criticism;
"express determination" letter at the end of such an  Loan charge-offs reported in the Report of Condition
examination, the institution's election of the tax-book and Income (Call Reports) are consistently overstated
conformity method is revoked automatically as of the or understated; or
beginning of the taxable year that includes the date of  There is a pattern of loan charge-offs not being
examination. However, that examiner's decision not to recognized in the appropriate year.
issue an "express determination" letter does not invalidate
an institution's election for any prior years. The When the issuance of an "express determination" letter is
supervisory authority is not required to rescind any appropriate, it should be prepared on FDIC letterhead
previously issued "express determination" letters. using the following format. The letter should be signed
and dated by the examiner-in-charge and provided to the
When an examiner does not issue an "express institution for its files. The letter is not part of the Report
determination" letter, the institution is still allowed tax of Examination.

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Express Determination Letter for IRS Regulation 1.166- CONCENTRATIONS
Generally a concentration is a significantly large volume
“In connection with the most recent examination of [Name of economically-related assets that an institution has
of Bank], by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, as advanced or committed to one person, entity, or affiliated
of [examination date], we reviewed the institution’s loan group. These assets may in the aggregate present a
review process as it relates to loan charge-offs. Based on substantial risk to the safety and soundness of the
our review, we concluded that the institution, as of that institution. Adequate diversification of risk allows the
date, maintained and applied loan loss classification institution to avoid the excessive risks imposed by credit
standards that were consistent with regulatory standards concentrations. It should also be recognized, however, that
regarding loan charge-offs. factors such as location and economic environment of the
area limit some institutions' ability to diversify. Where
This statement is made on the basis of a review that was reasonable diversification realistically cannot be achieved,
conducted in accordance with our normal examination the resultant concentration calls for capital levels higher
procedures and criteria. It does not in any way limit or than the regulatory minimums.
preclude any formal or informal supervisory action
(including enforcement actions) by this supervisory Concentrations generally are not inherently bad, but do add
authority relating to the institution’s loan review process or a dimension of risk which the management of the
the level at which it maintains its allowance for loan and institution should consider when formulating plans and
lease losses. policies. In formulating these policies, management
typically addresses goals for portfolio mix and limits
[signature] within the loan and other asset categories. The institution's
Examiner-in-charge business strategy, management expertise and location
[date signed] should be considered when reviewing the policy.
Management should also consider the need to track and
When an "express determination" letter is issued to an monitor the economic and financial condition of specific
institution, a copy of the letter as well as documentation of geographic locations, industries and groups of borrowers
the work performed by examiners in their review of the in which the institution has invested heavily. All
institution's loan loss classification standards should be concentrations should be monitored closely by
maintained in the workpapers. A copy of the letter should management and receive a more in-depth review than the
also be forwarded to the Regional Office with the Report diversified portions of the institution's assets. Failure to
of Examination. The issuance of an “express monitor concentrations can result in management being
determination” letter should be noted in the Report of unaware how significant economic events might impact
Examination according to procedure in the Report of the overall portfolio. This will also allow management to
Examination Instructions. An express determination letter consider areas where concentration reductions may be
should not be issued subsequent to the Report of necessary. Management and the board can monitor any
Examination being finalized and distributed to the reduction program using accurate concentration reports. If
institution. management is not properly monitoring concentration
levels and limits, examiners may consider criticizing
When an examiner-in-charge concludes that the conditions management.
for issuing a requested "express determination" letter have
not been met, the examiner-in-charge should discuss the To establish a meaningful tracking system for
reasons for this conclusion with the Regional Office. The concentrations of credit, financial institutions should be
examiner-in-charge should then advise institution encouraged to consider the use of codes to track individual
management that the letter cannot be issued and explain borrowers, related groups of borrowers, industries, and
the basis for this conclusion. A comment indicating that a individual foreign countries. Financial institutions should
requested "express determination" letter could not be also be encouraged to use the North American Industry
issued, together with a brief statement of the reasons for Classification System (NAICS) or similar code to track
not issuing the letter are addressed in the Report of industry concentrations. Any monitoring program should
Examination Instructions. be reported regularly to the board of directors.

Refer to the Report of Examination Instructions for

guidance in identifying and listing concentrations in the
examination report.

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 Examiners should encourage management of banks

FEDERAL FUNDS SOLD AND engaged in selling Federal funds to implement a policy
with respect to such activity. This policy generally would
consider matters such as the aggregate sum to be sold at
any one time, the maximum amount to be sold to any one
Federal funds sold and securities purchased under
buyer, the maximum duration of time the institution will
agreement for resale represent convenient methods to
sell to any one buyer, a list of acceptable buyers, and the
employ excess funds to enhance earnings. Federal funds
terms under which a sale will be made. As in any form of
are excess reserve balances and take the form of a one-day
lending, thorough credit evaluation of the prospective
transfer of funds between banks. These funds carry a
purchaser, both before granting the credit extension and on
specified rate of interest and are free of the risk of loss due
a continuing basis, is a necessity. Such credit analysis
to fluctuations in market prices entailed in buying and
emphasizes the borrower's ability to repay, the source of
selling securities. However, these transactions are usually
repayment, and alternative sources of repayment should
unsecured and therefore do entail potential credit risk.
the primary source fail to materialize. While sales of
Securities purchased under agreement for resale represent
Federal funds are normally unsecured unless otherwise
an agreement between the buying and selling banks that
regulated by State statutes, and while collateral protection
stipulates the selling institution will buy back the securities
is no substitute for thorough credit review, it is prudent for
sold at an agreed price at the expiration of a specified
the selling institution to consider the possibility of
period of time.
requiring security if sales agreements are entered into on a
continuing basis for specific but extended periods of time,
Federal funds sold are not "risk free" as is often supposed,
or for overnight transactions which have evolved into
and the examiner will need to recognize the elements of
longer term sales. Where the decision is made to sell
risk involved in such transactions. While the selling of
Federal funds on an unsecured basis, the selling institution
funds is on a one-day basis, these transactions may evolve
should be able to present logical reasons for such action
into a continuing situation. This development is usually
based on conclusions drawn from its credit analysis of the
the result of liability management techniques whereby the
buyer and bearing in mind the potential risk involved.
buying institution attempts to utilize the acquired funds to
support a rapid expansion of its loan-investment posture
A review of Federal funds sold between examinations may
and as a means of enhancing profits. Of particular concern
prompt examiners to broaden the scope of their analysis of
to the examiner is that, in many cases, the selling
such activity if the transactions are not being handled in
institution will automatically conclude that the buying
accordance with sound practices as outlined above. Where
institution's financial condition is above reproach without
the institution has not developed a formal policy regarding
proper investigation and analysis. If this becomes the case,
the sale of Federal funds or fails to conduct a credit
the selling institution may be taking an unacceptable risk
analysis of the buyer prior to a sale and during a
continuous sale of such funds, the matter should be
discussed with management. In such discussion, it is
Another area of potential risk involves selling Federal
incumbent upon examiners to inform management that
funds to an institution which may be acting as an
their remarks are not intended to cast doubt upon the
intermediary between the selling institution and the
financial strength of any institution to whom Federal funds
ultimate buying institution. In this instance, the
are sold. Rather, the intent is to advise the banker of the
intermediary institution is acting as agent with the true
potential risks of such practices unless safeguards are
liability for repayment accruing to the third institution.
developed. The need for policy formulation and credit
Therefore, it is particularly important that the original
review on all Federal funds sold should be reinforced via a
selling institution be aware of this situation, ascertain the
comment in the Report of Examination. Also, if Federal
ultimate disposition of its funds, and be satisfied as to the
funds sold to any one buyer equals or exceeds 100 percent
creditworthiness of the ultimate buyer of the funds.
of the selling institution's Tier 1 Capital, it should be listed
on the Concentrations schedule unless secured by U.S.
Clearly, the "risk free" philosophy regarding the sale of
Government securities. Based on the circumstances, the
Federal funds is inappropriate. Selling banks must take the
examiner should determine the appropriateness of
necessary steps to assure protection of their position. The
additional comments regarding risk diversification.
examiner is charged with the responsibility of ascertaining
that selling banks have implemented and adhered to policy
Securities purchased under an agreement to resell are
directives in this regard to forestall any potentially
generally purchased at prevailing market rates of interest.
hazardous situations.
The purchasing institution must keep in mind that the
transaction merely represents another form of lending.
Therefore, considerations normally associated with

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LOANS Section 3.2

granting secured credit should be made. Repayment or versions of the UCC and subsequent revisions, each
repurchases by the selling institution is a major applicable State statute should be consulted.
consideration, and the buying institution should satisfy
itself that the selling institution will be able to generate the General Provisions
necessary funds to repurchase the securities on the
prescribed date. Policy guidelines typically limit the A Security Agreement is an agreement between a debtor
amount of money extended to one seller. Collateral and a secured party that creates or provides for a security
coverage arrangements should be controlled by procedures interest. The Debtor is the person that has an interest in
similar to the safeguards used to control any type of liquid the collateral other than a security interest. The term
collateral. Securities held under such an arrangement Debtor also includes a seller of payment intangibles or
should not be included in the institution's investment promissory notes. The obligor is the person who owes on
portfolio but should be reflected in the Report of a secured transaction. The Secured Party is the lender,
Examination under the caption Securities Purchased Under seller or other person in whose favor there is a security
Agreements to Resell. Transactions of this nature do not interest.
require entries to the securities account of either institution
with the selling institution continuing to collect all interest Grant of Security Interest
and transmit such payments to the buying institution.
For a security interest to be enforceable against the debtor
 or third party with respect to the collateral, the collateral
FUNDAMENTAL LEGAL CONCEPTS AND must be in the possession of the secured party pursuant to
agreement, or the debtor must sign a security agreement
which covers the description of the collateral.
Laws and regulations that apply to credit extended by
banks are more complicated and continually in a state of
change. However, certain fundamental legal principles
Any description of personal property or real estate is a
apply no matter how complex or innovative a lending
sufficient description of the collateral whether or not it is
transaction. To avoid needless litigation and ensure that
specific if it reasonably identifies what is described. If the
each loan is a legally enforceable claim against the
parties seek to include property acquired after the signing
borrower or collateral, adherence to certain rules and
of the security agreement as collateral, additional
prudent practices relating to loan transactions and
requirements must be met.
documentation is essential. An important objective of the
examiner's analysis of collateral and credit files is not only
Unless otherwise agreed a security agreement gives the
to obtain information about the loan, but also to determine
secured party the rights to proceeds from the sale,
if proper documentation procedures and practices are being
exchange, collection or disposition of the collateral.
utilized. While examiners are not expected to be experts
In some cases, the collateral that secures an obligation
on legal matters, it is important they be familiar with the
under one security agreement can be used to secure a new
Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) adopted by their
loan, too. This can be done by using a cross-
respective states as well as other applicable State laws
collateralization clause in the security agreement.
governing credit transactions. A good working knowledge
of the various documents necessary to attain the desired
Perfecting the Security Interest
collateral or secured position, and how those documents
are to be used or handled in the jurisdiction relevant to the
Three terms basic to secured transactions are attachment,
institution under examination, is also essential.
security agreement and security interest. Attachment
refers to that point when the creditor's legal rights in the
Uniform Commercial Code – Secured debtor's property come into existence or "attach.” This
Transactions does not mean the creditor necessarily takes physical
possession of the property, or does it mean acquisition of
Article 9 of the UCC governs secured transactions; i.e., ownership of the property. Rather, it means that before
those transactions which create a security interest in attachment, the borrower's property is free of any legal
personal property or fixtures including goods, documents, encumbrance, but after attachment, the property is legally
instruments, general intangibles, chattel paper or accounts. bound by the creditor's security interest. In order for the
Article 9 was significantly revised effective July 1, 2001, creditor's security interest to attach, there must be a
but each individual state must adopt the changes for it to security agreement in which the debtor authenticates and
become law. Because some states have enacted modified provides a description of the collateral. A creditor's
security interest can be possessory or nonpossessory, a

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secured party with possession pursuant to “agreement” may check filing records personally or a lien search may
means that the “agreement” for possession has to be an be performed by the filing authority or other responsible
agreement that the person will have possession for party. This is especially important when the institution
purposes of security. The general rule is an institution grants new credit lines.
must take possession of deposit accounts (proprietary),
letter of credit rights, electronic chattel, paper, stocks and Agricultural Liens
bonds to perfect a security interest therein. In a transaction
involving a nonpossessory security interest, the debtor An agricultural lien is generally defined as an interest,
retains possession of the collateral. A security interest in other than a security interest, in farm products that meets
collateral automatically attaches to the proceeds of the the following three conditions:
collateral and is automatically perfected in the proceeds if
the credit was advanced to enable the purchase  The lien secures payment or performance of an
obligation for goods or services furnished in
A party's security interest in personal property is not connection with a debtor’s farming operation or rent
protected against a debtor's other creditors unless it has on real property leased by a debtor in connection with
been perfected. A security interest is perfected when it has its farming operation.
attached and when all of the applicable steps required for  The lien is created by statute in favor of a person that
perfection, such as the filing of a financing statement or in the ordinary course of its business furnished goods
possession of the collateral, have been taken. These or services to a debtor in connection with a debtor’s
provisions are designed to give notice to others of the farming operation or leased property to a debtor in
secured party's interest in the collateral, and offer the connection with the debtor’s farming operation.
secured party the first opportunity at the collateral if the  The lien’s effectiveness does not depend on the
need to foreclose should arise. If the security interest is person’s possession of the personal property.
not perfected, the secured party loses its secured status.
An agricultural lien is therefore non-possessory. Law
Right to Possess and Dispose of Collateral outside of UCC-9 governs creation of agricultural liens
and their attachment to collateral. An agricultural lien
Unless otherwise agreed, when a debtor defaults on a cannot be created or attached under Article 9. Article 9,
secured loan, a secured party has the right to take however, does govern perfection. In order to perfect an
possession of the collateral without going to court if this agricultural lien, a financing statement must be filed. A
can be done without breaching the peace. Alternatively, if perfected agricultural lien on collateral has priority over a
the security agreement so provides, the secured party may conflicting security interest in or agricultural lien on the
require the debtor to assemble the collateral and make it same collateral if the statute creating the agricultural lien
available to the secured party at a place to be designated by provides for such priority. Otherwise, the agricultural lien
the secured party which is reasonably convenient to both is subject to the same priority rules as security interests
parties. (for example, date of filing).

A secured party may then sell, lease or otherwise dispose A distinction is made with respect to proceeds of collateral
of the collateral with the proceeds applied as follows: (a) for security interests and agricultural liens. For security
foreclosure expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees interests, collateral includes the proceeds under Article 9.
and legal expenses; (b) the satisfaction of indebtedness For agricultural liens, the collateral does not include
secured by the secured party's security interest in the proceeds unless State law creating the agricultural lien
collateral; and (c) the satisfaction of indebtedness secured gives the secured party a lien on proceeds of the collateral
by any subordinate security interest in the collateral if the subject to the lien.
secured party receives written notification of demand
before the distribution of the proceeds is completed. If Special Filing Requirements – There is a national
requested by the secured party, the holder of a subordinate uniform Filing System form. Filers, however are not
security interest must furnish reasonable proof of his required to use them. If permitted by the filing office,
interest, and unless he does so, the secured party need not parties may file and otherwise communicate by means of
comply with his demand. records communicated and stored in a media other than
paper. A peculiarity common to all states is the filing of a
Examiners should determine institution policy concerning lien on aircraft; the security agreement must be submitted
the verification of lien positions prior to advancing funds. to the Federal Aviation Administration in Oklahoma City,
Failure to perform this simple procedure may result in the Oklahoma.
institution unknowingly assuming a junior lien position
and, thereby, greater potential loss exposure. Management

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LOANS Section 3.2

Default and Foreclosure - As a secured party, an concerns a specific secured transaction in which a creditor
institution's rights in collateral only come into play when makes a loan to a dealer and takes a security interest in the
the obligor is in default. What constitutes default varies dealer's inventory. Suppose such a creditor files a
according to the specific provisions of each promissory financing statement with the appropriate public official to
note, loan agreement, security agreement, or other related perfect the security interest. While it might be possible for
documents. After an obligor has defaulted, the creditor the dealer's customers to determine if an outstanding
usually has the right to foreclose, which means the creditor security interest already exists against the inventory, it
seizes the security pledged to the loan, sells it and applies would be impractical to do so. Therefore, an exception is
the proceeds to the unpaid balance of the loan. For made to the general rule and provides that a buyer in the
consumer transactions, there are strict consumer ordinary course of business, i.e., an innocent purchaser for
notification requirements prior to disposition of the value who buys in the normal manner, cuts off a prior
collateral. For consumer transactions, the lender must perfected security interest in the collateral.
provide the debtor with certain information regarding the
surplus or deficiency in the disposition of collateral. There The second exception to the rule of priority concerns the
may be more than one creditor claiming a right to the sale vulnerability of security interests perfected by doing
proceeds in foreclosure situations. When this occurs, nothing. While these interests are perfected automatically,
priority is generally established as follows: (1) Creditors with the date of perfection being the date of attachment,
with a perfected security interest (in the order in which lien they are extremely vulnerable at the hands of subsequent
perfection was attained); (2) Creditors with an unperfected bona fide purchasers. Suppose, for example, a dealer sells
security interest; and (3) General creditors. a television set on a secured basis to an ultimate consumer.
Since the collateral is consumer goods, the security interest
Under the UCC procedure for foreclosing security is perfected the moment if attaches. But if the original
interests, four concepts are involved. First is repossession buyer sells the television set to another person who buys it
or taking physical possession of the collateral, which may in good faith and in ignorance of the outstanding security
be accomplished with judicial process or without judicial interest, the UCC provides that the subsequent purchase
process (known as self-help repossession), so long as the cuts off the dealer's security interest. This second
creditor commits no breach of the peace. The former is exception is much the same as the first except for one
usually initiated by a replevin action in which the sheriff important difference: the dealer (creditor) in this case can
seizes the collateral under court order. A second important be protected against purchase of a customer's collateral by
concept of UCC foreclosure procedures is redemption or filing a financing statement with the appropriate public
the debtor's right to redeem the security after it has been official.
repossessed. Generally, the borrower must pay the entire
balance of the debt plus all expenses incurred by the The third exception regards the after-acquired property
institution in repossessing and holding the collateral. The clause that protects the value of the collateral in which the
third concept is retention that allows the institution to creditor has a perfected security interest. The
retain the collateral in return for releasing the debtor from after-acquired property clause ordinarily gives the original
all further liability on the loan. The borrower must agree creditor senior priority over creditors with later perfected
to this action, hence would likely be so motivated only interests. However, it is waived as regards the creditor
when the value of the security is likely to be less than or who supplies replacements or additions to the collateral or
about equal to the outstanding debt. Finally, if retention is the artisan who supplies materials and services that
not agreeable to both borrower and lender, the fourth enhance the value of the collateral as long as a perfected
concept, resale of the security, comes into play. Although security interest in the replacement or additions, or
sale of the collateral may be public or private, notice to the collateral is held.
debtor and other secured parties must generally be given.
The sale must be commercially reasonable in all respects. Borrowing Authorization
Debtors are entitled to any surplus resulting from sale price
of the collateral less any unpaid debt. If a deficiency Borrowing authorizations in essence permit one party to
occurs (i.e., the proceeds from sale of the collateral were incur liability for another. In the context of lending, this
inadequate to fully extinguish the debt obligation), the usually concerns corporations. A corporation may enter
institution has the right to sue the borrower for this into contracts within the scope of the powers authorized by
shortfall. This is a right it does not have under the its charter. In order to make binding contracts on behalf of
retention concept. the corporation, the officers must be authorized to do so
either by the board of directors or by expressed or implied
Exceptions to the Rule of Priority - There are three general powers. Usually a special resolution expressly
exceptions to the general rule that the creditor with the gives certain officers the right to obligate the corporate
earliest perfected security interest has priority. The first entity, pledge assets as collateral, agree to other terms of

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LOANS Section 3.2

the indebtedness and sign all necessary documentation on examiners should understand the legal fundamentals
behalf of the corporate entity. governing guarantees. A guarantee may be a guarantee of
payment or of collection. "Payment guaranteed" or
Although a general resolution is perhaps satisfactory for equivalent words added to a signature means that if the
the short-term, unsecured borrowings of a corporation, a instrument is not paid when due, the guarantor will pay it
specific resolution of the corporation's board of directors is according to its terms without resort by the holder to any
generally advisable to authorize such transactions as term other party. "Collection guaranteed" or equivalent words
loans, loans secured by security interests in the added to a signature means that if the instrument is not
corporation's personal property, or mortgages on real paid when due, the guarantor will pay it, but only after the
estate. Further, mortgaging or pledging substantially all holder has reduced to judgment a claim against the maker
of the corporation's assets without prior approval of the and execution has been returned unsatisfied, or after the
shareholders of the corporation is often prohibited, maker has become insolvent or it is otherwise useless to
therefore, an institution may need to seek advice of proceed against such a party.
counsel to determine if shareholder consent is required for
certain contemplated transactions. Contracts of guarantee are further divided into a limited
Loans to corporations should indicate on their face that the guarantee which relates to a specific note (often referred to
corporation is the borrower. The corporate name should as an "endorsement") or for a fixed period of time, or a
appear followed by the name, title and signature of the continuing guarantee which, in contrast, is represented by
appropriate officer. If the writing is a negotiable a separate instrument and enforceable for future (duration
instrument, the UCC states the party signing is personally depends upon State law) transactions between the
liable as a general rule. To enforce payment against a institution and the borrower or until revoked. A well-
corporation, the note or other writing should clearly show drawn continuing guarantee contains language
that the debtor is a corporation. substantially similar to the following: "This is an absolute
and unconditional guarantee of payment, is
Bond and Stock Powers unconditionally delivered, and is not subject to the
procurement of a guarantee from any person other than the
As mentioned previously, an institution generally obtains a undersigned, or to the performance or happening of any
security interest in stocks and bonds by possession. The other condition." The aforementioned unambiguous terms
documents which allow the institution to sell the securities are necessary to the enforceability of contracts of
if the borrower defaults are called stock powers and bond guarantee, as they are frequently entered into solely as an
powers. The examiner should ensure the institution has, accommodation for the borrower and without the
for each borrower who has pledged stocks or bonds, one guarantor's participation in the benefits of the loan. Thus,
signed stock power for all stock certificates of a single courts tend to construe contracts of guarantee strictly
issuer, and a separate signed bond power for each bond against the party claiming under the contract. Unless the
instrument. The signature must agree with the name on the guarantee is given prior to or at the time the initial loan is
actual stock certificate or bond instrument. Refer to made, the guarantee may not be enforceable because of the
Federal Reserve Board Regulations Part 221 (Reg U) for difficulty of establishing that consideration was given.
further information on loans secured by investment Institutions should not disburse funds on such loans until
securities. they have the executed guarantee agreement in their
possession. Institutions should also require the guarantee
Comaker be signed in the presence of the loan officer, or,
alternatively, that the guarantor's signature be notarized. If
Two or more persons who are parties to a contract or the proposed guarantor is a partnership, joint venture, or
promise to pay are known as comakers. They are a unit to corporation, the examiner should ensure the signing party
the performance of one act and are considered primarily has the legal authority to enter into the guarantee
liable. In the case of default on an unsecured loan, a agreement. Whenever there is a question concerning a
judgment would be obtained against all. A release against corporation's authority to guarantee a loan, counsel should
one is a release against all because there is but one be consulted and a special corporate resolution passed by
obligation and if that obligation is released as to one the organization's board of directors.
obligor, it is released as to all others.
Subordination Agreement
Loan Guarantee
An institution extending credit to a closely held
Since banks often condition credit advances upon the corporation may want to have the company's officers and
backup support provided by third party guarantees, shareholders subordinate to the institution's loan any
indebtedness owed them by the corporation. This is

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LOANS Section 3.2

accomplished by execution of a subordination agreement land. "Absolute deed" means a quitclaim or warranty deed
by the officers and shareholders. Subordination such as is used in an ordinary realty sale. On its face, the
agreements are also commonly referred to as standby transaction appears to be a sale of the realty; however, the
agreements. Their basic purpose is to prevent diversion of courts treat such a deed as a mortgage where the evidence
funds from reduction of institution debt to reduction of shows that the instrument was really intended only as
advances made by the firm's owners or officers. security for a debt. If such proof is available, the borrower
is entitled to pay the debt and demand reconveyance from
Hypothecation Agreement the lender, as in the case of an ordinary mortgage. If the
debt is not paid, the grantee must foreclose as if a regular
This is an agreement whereby the owner of property grants mortgage had been made.
a security interest in collateral to the institution to secure
the indebtedness of a third party. Institutions often take The examiner should determine whether the institution has
possession of the stock certificates, plus stock powers performed a title and lien search of the property prior to
endorsed in blank, in lieu of a hypothecation agreement. taking a mortgage or advancing funds. Proper procedure
Caution, however, dictates that the institution take a calls for an abstractor bringing the abstract up to date, and
hypothecation agreement setting forth the institution's review of the abstract by an attorney or title insurance
rights in the event of default. company. If an attorney performs the task, the abstract
will be examined and an opinion prepared indicating with
Real Estate Mortgage whom title rests, along with any defects and encumbrances
disclosed by the abstract. Like an abstractor, an attorney is
A mortgage may be defined as a conveyance of realty liable only for damages caused by negligence. If a title
given with the intention of providing security for the insurance company performs the task of reviewing the
payment of debt. There are several different types of abstract, it does essentially the same thing; however, when
mortgage instruments but those commonly encountered are title insurance is obtained, it represents a contract to make
regular mortgages, deeds of trust, equitable mortgages, and good, loss arising through defects in title to real estate or
deeds absolute given as security. liens or encumbrances thereon. Title insurance covers
various items not covered in an abstract and title opinion.
Regular Mortgages - The regular mortgage involves only Some of the more common are errors by abstractors or
two parties, the borrower and the lender. The mortgage attorneys include unauthorized corporate action, mistaken
document encountered in many states today is referred to legal interpretations, and unintentional errors in public
as the regular mortgage. It is, in form, a deed or records by public officials. Once the institution determines
conveyance of realty by the borrower to the lender title and lien status of the property, the mortgage can be
followed or preceded by a description of the debt and the prepared and funds advanced. The institution should
property, and includes a provision to the effect that the record the mortgage immediately after closing the loan.
mortgage be released upon full payment of the debt. Form, execution, and recording of mortgages vary from
Content of additional paragraphs and provisions varies state to state and therefore must conform to the
considerably. requirements of State law.

Deeds of Trust - In the trust deed, also known as the deed Collateral Assignment
of trust, the borrower conveys the realty not to the lender
but to a third party, a trustee, in trust for the benefit of the An assignment is generally considered as the transfer of a
holder of the notes(s) that constitutes the mortgage debt. legal right from one person to another. The rights acquired
The deed of trust form of mortgage has certain advantages, under a contract may be assigned if they relate to money or
the principle being that in a number of states it can be property, but personal services may not be assigned.
foreclosed by trustee's sale under the power of sale clause Collateral assignments are used to establish the institution's
without court proceedings. rights as lender in the property or asset serving as
collateral. It is generally used for loans secured by savings
Equitable Mortgages - As a general rule, any instrument deposits, certificates of deposit or other cash accounts as
in writing by which the parties show their intention that well as loans backed by cash surrender value of life
realty be held as security for the payment of a debt, insurance. In some instances, it is used in financing
constitutes an equitable mortgage capable of being accounts receivable and contracts. If a third party holder
foreclosed in a court of equity. of the collateral is involved, such as life insurance
company or the payor of an assigned contract, an
Deeds Absolute Given as Security - Landowners who acknowledgement should be obtained from that party as to
borrow money may give as security an absolute deed to the the institution's assigned interest in the asset for collateral

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 Chapter 7 proceeding. In Chapter 11 reorganization, all

CONSIDERATION OF BANKRUPTCY creditors are entitled to vote on whether or not to accept
the repayment plan. In Chapter 13 proceedings, only
secured creditors are so entitled. A majority vote binds the
COLLECTIBILITY OF A DEBT minority to the plan, provided the latter will receive
pursuant to the plan at least the amount they would have
Introduction received in a straight liquidation. The plan is fashioned so
that it may be carried out in three years although the court
Familiarity with the basic terms and concepts of the may extend this to five years.
Federal bankruptcy law (formally known as the
Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978) is necessary in order for Most cases in bankruptcy courts are Chapter 7
examiners to make informed judgments concerning the proceedings, but reorganization cases are increasingly
likelihood of collection of loans to bankrupt individuals or common. From the creditor's point of view, Chapter 11 or
organizations. The following paragraphs present an 13 filings generally result in greater debt recovery than do
overview of the subject. Complex situations may arise liquidation situations under Chapter 7. Nonetheless, the
where more in-depth consideration of the bankruptcy fact that reorganization plans are tailored to the facts and
provisions may be necessary and warrant consultation with circumstances applicable to each bankrupt situation means
the institution's attorney, Regional Counsel or other that they vary considerably and the amount recovered by
member of the Regional Office staff. For the most part, the creditor may similarly vary from nominal to virtually
however, knowledge of the following information when complete recovery.
coupled with review of credit file data and discussion with
institution management should enable examiners to reach Functions of Bankruptcy Trustees
sound conclusions as to the eventual repayment of the
institution's loans. Trustees are selected by the borrower's creditors and are
responsible for administering the affairs of the bankrupt
Forms of Bankruptcy Relief debtor's estate. The bankrupt's property may be viewed as
a trust for the benefit of the creditors, consequently it
Liquidation and rehabilitation are the two basic types of follows the latter should, through their elected
bankruptcy proceedings. Liquidation is pursued under representatives, exercise substantial control over this
Chapter 7 of the law and involves the bankruptcy trustee property.
collecting all of the debtor's nonexempt property,
converting it into cash and distributing the proceeds among Voluntary and Involuntary Bankruptcy
the debtor's creditors. In return, the debtor obtains a
discharge of all debts outstanding at the time the petition When a debtor files a bankruptcy petition with the court,
was filed which releases the debtor from all liability for the case is described as a voluntary one. It is not necessary
those pre-bankruptcy debts. the individual or organization be insolvent in order to file a
voluntary case. Creditors may also file a petition, in which
Rehabilitation (sometimes known as reorganization) is case the proceeding is known as an involuntary
effected through Chapter 11 or Chapter 13 of the law and bankruptcy. However, this alternative applies only to
in essence provides that creditors' claims are satisfied not Chapter 7 cases and the debtor generally must be
via liquidation of the obligor's assets but rather from future insolvent, i.e., unable to pay debts as they mature, in order
earnings. That is, debtors are allowed to retain their assets for an involuntary bankruptcy to be filed.
but their obligations are restructured and a plan is
implemented whereby creditors may be paid.
Automatic Stay
Chapter 11 bankruptcy is available to all debtors, whether
individuals, corporations or partnerships. Chapter 13 Filing of the bankruptcy petition requires (with limited
(sometimes referred to as the "wage earner plan"), on the exceptions) creditors to stop or "stay" further action to
other hand, may be used only by individuals with regular collect their claims or enforce their liens or judgements.
incomes and when their unsecured debts are under Actions to accelerate, set off or otherwise collect the debt
$100,000 and secured debts less than $350,000. The are prohibited once the petition is filed, as are
aforementioned rehabilitation plan is essentially a contract post- bankruptcy contacts with the obligor. The stay
between the debtor and the creditors. Before the plan may remains in effect until the debtor's property is released
be confirmed, the bankruptcy court must find it has been from the estate, the bankruptcy case is dismissed, the
proposed in good faith and that creditors will receive an debtor obtains or is denied a discharge, or the bankruptcy
amount at least equal to what would be received in a court approves a creditor's request for termination of the

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stay. Two of the more important grounds applicable to "exception to discharge"). The borrower obviously
secured creditors under which they may request remains liable for all obligations not discharged, and
termination are as follows: (1) The debtor has no equity in creditors may pursue customary collection procedures with
the encumbered property, and the property is not necessary respect thereto. Grounds for an "objection to discharge"
to an effective rehabilitation plan; or (2) The creditor's include the following actions or inactions by the bankrupt
interest in the secured property is not adequately protected. debtor (this is not an all-inclusive list): fraudulent
In the latter case, the law provides three methods by which conveyance within 12 months of filing the petition;
the creditor's interests may be adequately protected: the unjustifiable failure to keep or preserve financial records;
creditor may receive periodic payments equal to the false oath or account or presentation of a false claim in the
decrease in value of the creditor's interest in the collateral; bankruptcy case and estate, respectively; withholding of
an additional or substitute lien on other property may be books or records from the trustee; failure to satisfactorily
obtained; or some other protection is arranged (e.g., a explain any loss or deficiency of assets; refusal to testify
guarantee by a third party) to adequately safeguard the when legally required to do so; and receiving a discharge
creditor's interests. If these alternatives result in the in bankruptcy within the last six full years. Some of the
secured creditor being adequately protected, relief from the bases upon which creditors may file "exceptions to
automatic stay will not be granted. If relief from the stay discharge" are: nonpayment of income taxes for the three
is obtained, creditors may continue to press their claims years preceding the bankruptcy; money, property or
upon the bankrupt's property free from interference by the services obtained through fraud, false pretenses or false
debtor or the bankruptcy court. representation; debts not scheduled on the bankruptcy
petition and which the creditor had no notice; alimony or
Property of the Estate child support payments (this exception may be asserted
only by the debtor's spouse or children, property
When a borrower files a bankruptcy petition, an "estate" is settlements are dischargeable); and submission of false or
created and, under Chapter 7 of the law, the property of the incomplete financial statements. If an institution attempts
estate is passed to the trustee for distribution to the to seek an exception on the basis of false financial
creditors. Certain of the debtor's property is exempt from information, it must prove the written financial statement
distribution under all provisions of the law (not just was materially false, it reasonably relied on the statement,
Chapter 7), as follows: homeowner's equity up to $7,500; and the debtor intended to deceive the institution. These
automobile equity and household items up to $1,200; assertions can be difficult to prove. Discharges are
jewelry up to $500; cash surrender value of life insurance unavailable to corporations or partnerships. Therefore,
up to $4,000; Social Security benefits (unlimited); and after a bankruptcy, corporations and partnerships often
miscellaneous items up to $400 plus any unused portion of dissolve or become defunct.
the homeowner's equity. The bankruptcy code recognizes
a greater amount of exemptions may be available under Reaffirmation
State law and, if State law is silent or unless it provides to
the contrary, the debtor is given the option of electing Debtors sometimes promise their creditors after a
either the Federal or State exemptions. Examiners should bankruptcy discharge that they will repay a discharged
note that some liens on exempt property which would debt. An example wherein a debtor may be so motivated
otherwise be enforceable are rendered unenforceable by involves the home mortgage. To keep the home and
the bankruptcy. A secured lender may thus become discourage the mortgagee from foreclosing, a debtor may
unsecured with respect to the exempt property. The basic reaffirm this obligation. This process of reaffirmation is
rule in these situations is that the debtor can render an agreement enforceable through the judicial system. The
unenforceable judicial liens on any exempt property and law sets forth these basic limitations on reaffirmations: the
security interests that are both nonpurchase money and agreement must be signed before the discharge is granted;
nonpossessory on certain household goods, tools of the a hearing is held and the bankruptcy judge informs the
trade and health aids. borrower there is no requirement to reaffirm; and the
debtor has the right to rescind the reaffirmation if such
Discharge and Objections to Discharge action is taken within 30 days.

The discharge, as mentioned previously, protects the Classes of Creditors

debtor from further liability on the debts discharged.
Sometimes, however, a debtor is not discharged at all (i.e., The first class of creditors is known as priority creditors.
the creditor has successfully obtained an "objection to As the name implies, these creditors are entitled to receive
discharge") or is discharged only as regards to a specific payment prior to any others. Priority payments include
creditor(s) and a specific debt(s) (an action known as administrative expenses of the debtor's estate, unsecured

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claims for wages and salaries up to $2,000 per person,  Preference rules also apply to a transfer of a lien to
unsecured claims for employee benefit plans, unsecured secure past debts, if the transfer has all five elements
claims of individuals up to $900 each for deposits in set forth under the first point.
conjunction with rental or lease of property, unsecured  There are certain situations wherein a debtor has given
claims of governmental units and certain tax liabilities. a preference to a creditor but the trustee is not
Secured creditors are only secured up to the extent of the permitted to invalidate it. A common example
value of their collateral. They become unsecured in the concerns floating liens on inventory under the
amount by which collateral is insufficient to satisfy the Uniform Commercial Code. These matters are subject
claim. Unsecured creditors are of course the last class in to complex rules, however, and consultation with the
terms of priority. Regional Office may be advisable when this issue
Certain actions taken by a creditor before or during
bankruptcy proceedings may be invalidated by the trustee Setoffs occur when a party is both a creditor and a debtor
if they result in some creditors receiving more than their of another; amounts which a party owes are netted against
share of the debtor's estate. These actions are called amounts which are owed to that party. If an institution
"transfers" and fall into two categories. The first involves exercises its right of setoff properly and before the
absolute transfers, such as payments received by a creditor; bankruptcy filing, the action is generally upheld in the
the trustee may invalidate this action and require the bankruptcy proceedings. Setoffs made after the
payment be returned and made the property of the bankruptcy may also be valid but certain requirements
bankrupt estate. A transfer of security, such as the must be met of which the following are especially
granting of a mortgage, may also be invalidated by the important: First, the debts must be between the same
trustee. Hence, the trustee may require previously parties in the same right and capacity. For example, it
encumbered property be made unencumbered, in which would be improper for the institution to setoff the debtor's
case the secured party becomes an unsecured creditor. loan against a checking account of the estate of the
This has obvious implications as regards loan obligor's father, of which the debtor is executor. Second,
collectibility. both the debt and the deposit must precede the bankruptcy
petition filing. Third, the setoff may be disallowed if
Preferences are a potentially troublesome area for banks funds were deposited in the institution within 90 days of
and examiners should have an understanding of basic the bankruptcy filing and for the purpose of creating or
principles applicable to them. Some of the more important increasing the amount to be set off.
of these are listed here.
Transfers Not Timely Perfected or Recorded
 A preference may be invalidated (also known as
"avoided") if it has all of these elements: the transfer Under most circumstances, an institution which has not
was to or for the benefit of a creditor; the transfer was recorded its mortgage or otherwise fails to perfect its
made for or on account of a debt already outstanding; security interest in a proper timely manner runs great risk
the transfer has the effect of increasing the amount a of losing its security. This is a complex area of the law but
creditor would receive in Chapter 7 proceedings; the prudence clearly dictates that liens be properly obtained
transfer was made within 90 days of the bankruptcy and promptly filed so that the possibility of losing the
filing, or within one year if the transfer was to an protection provided by collateral is eliminated.
insider who had reasonable cause to believe the debtor
was insolvent at the time of transfer; and the debtor 
was insolvent at the time of the transfer. Under
bankruptcy law, borrowers are presumed insolvent for
90 days prior to filing the bankruptcy petition.
 Payment to a fully secured creditor is not a preference Overview
because such a transfer would not have the effect of
increasing the amount the creditor would otherwise Syndicated loans often represent a substantial portion of
receive in a Chapter 7 proceeding. Payment to a the commercial and industrial loan portfolios of large
partially secured creditor does, however, have the banks. A syndicated loan involves two or more banks
effect of increasing the creditor's share and is thus contracting with a borrower, typically a large or middle
deemed a preference which the trustee may avoid. market corporation, to provide funds at specified terms
under the same credit facility. The average commercial
syndicated credit is in excess of $100 million. Syndicated

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credits differ from participation loans in that lenders The Pre-Launch Process - During this phase, the
participate jointly in the origination process, as opposed to syndicators identify the borrower’s needs and perform
one originator selling undivided participation interests to their initial due diligence. Industry information is gathered
third parties. In a syndicated transaction, each financial and analyzed, and background checks may be performed.
institution receives a pro rata share of the income based on Potential pricing and structure of the transaction takes
the level of participation in the credit. Additionally, one or shape. Formal credit write-ups are sent to credit officers
more lenders take on the role of lead or agent (co-agents in for review and to senior members of the syndication group
the case of more than one) of the credit and assume for pricing approval. Competitive bids are sent to the
responsibility of administering the loan for the other borrower. The group then prepares for the launch.
lenders. The agent may retain varying percentages of the
credit, which is commonly referred to as the hold level. An information memorandum is prepared by the agent.
This memorandum is a formal and confidential document
The syndicated-lending market formed to meet basic needs that should address all principal credit issues relating to the
of lenders and borrowers, such as: borrower and to the project being financed. It typically
contains an overview of the transaction including a term
 Raising large amounts of money, sheet, an overview of the borrower’s business, and
 Enabling geographic diversification, quarterly and annual certified financial statements. This
 Obtaining working capital quickly and efficiently, document acts as both the marketing tool and as the source
 Diversifying credit risk among banks, and of information for the syndication.
 Gaining attractive pricing advantages.
The Launch Phase - The transaction is launched into the
In times of excess liquidity in the marketplace, spreads market when banks are sent the information memoranda
typically are quite narrow for investment-grade facilities, mentioned above. Legal counsel commences to prepare
thus making it a borrower’s market. This may be the documentation. Negotiations take place between the
accompanied by an easing of the structuring and banks and the borrower over pricing, collateral, covenants,
covenants. In spite of tightening margins, commercial and other terms. Often there is an institution meeting so
banks are motivated to compete regarding pricing in order potential participants can discuss the company’s business
to retain other business as well as generate fee income. and industry both with the lead agent and with the
Relaxing covenants and pricing may result in lenders
relying heavily on market valuations, or so-called Post-Launch Phase - Typically there is a two-week period
"enterprise values" in arriving at credit decisions. These for potential participants to evaluate the transaction and to
values are derived by applying a current-period multiple to decide whether or not to participate in the syndication.
cash flows (which uses data from comparable companies During this period, banks do their due diligence and credit
within the same industry), or discounting projected cash approval. Often this entails running projection models,
flows over several years (which typically uses an average including stress tests, doing business and industry research,
cost of capital as the discount rate). This value represents and presenting the transaction for the approval process
the intangible business value of a company as a going once the decision is made to commit to the transaction.
concern, which often exceeds its underlying hard assets.
After the commitment due date, participating banks
Many deals involve merger and acquisition financing. receive a draft credit agreement for their comments.
While the primary originators of the syndicated loans are Depending upon the complexity of the agreement, they
commercial banks, most of the volume is sold and held by usually have about a week to make comments. The final
other investors. credit agreement is then negotiated based on the comments
and the loan would then close two to five days after the
A subset of syndicated lending is leveraged lending which credit agreement is finalized.
refers to borrowers with an elevated level of debt and debt
service compared with cash flow. By their very nature, Post-Closing Phase - Post-Closing, there usually is an
these instruments are of higher risk. ongoing dialogue with the borrower about
financial/operating performance as well as quarterly credit
agreement covenant compliance checks. Annually, a full
Syndication Process credit analysis typically is done as well as annual meetings
of the participants for updates on financial and operating
There are four phases in loan syndications: Pre-Launch,
performance. Both the agent institution and the
Launch, Post-Launch, and Post-Closing.
participants need to assess the loan protection level by

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analyzing the business risk as well as the financial risk. financial and other information of the prospective
Each industry has particular dominant risks to be assessed. borrower, including information provided by the borrower
and other non-public information.
Loan Covenants
Credit ratings may represent the overall corporate credit
Loan covenants are special conditions included in a loan rating of a borrower or reflect analysis of a borrower’s
agreement that the borrower is required to fulfill in order specific financial instruments, such as their syndicated
for the loan agreement to remain valid. Typically, loans. Credit ratings for each financial instrument reflect
covenants cover several domains but can broadly be the general credit risk of the borrower, their ability to
divided into financial and non-financial categories. repay the debt, and the probability of the borrower
Effective financial covenants establish an operating defaulting on the instrument in question. Some credit
framework using conditions defined in absolute amounts rating agencies also provide separate ratings that consider
or ratios. If exceeded by the borrower, the covenants the financial loss the holder of a financial instrument such
provide lenders the opportunity to further strengthen as a syndicated loan may incur if a borrower defaults.
collateral controls or adjust interest rates. Some examples
are: Overview of the Shared National Credit
(SNC) Program
Net Worth test: restricts the total amount of debt a
borrower can incur, expressed as a percentage of net The Shared National Credit (SNC) Program is an
worth. interagency initiative administered jointly by the FDIC,
Federal Reserve Board, and the Office of the Comptroller
Current Ratio/ Quick Ratio test: measures liquidity. of the Currency. The program was established in the
1970's for the purpose of ensuring consistency among the
Interest, Debt Service or Fixed Charge Coverage test: three Federal banking regulators in the classification of
assures that some level of cash flow is generated by a large syndicated credits.
company above its interest expense and other fixed
obligations. The proxy for cash flow is usually EBITDA Definition of a SNC
(earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and
amortization). Any loan or formal loan commitment, including any asset
such as other real estate, stocks, notes, bonds and
Capital Expenditure Limitations: generally set according debentures taken for debts previously contracted, extended
to the company’s business plan and then measured to a borrower by a supervised institution, or any of its
accordingly. subsidiaries and affiliates, which in original amount
aggregates $100 million or more and, which is shared by
Borrowing Base Limitations: lending formula typically three or more unaffiliated institutions under a formal
based on eligible accounts receivable and inventory. At lending agreement; or, a portion of which is sold to two or
times, the formula may also include real estate or other more unaffiliated institutions, with the purchasing
non-current assets. institution(s) assuming its pro rata share of the credit risk.

Leverage test: actual leverage covenant levels vary by SNC's generally include:
industry segment. Typical ratios include Total Debt
divided by EBITDA, Senior Debt divided by EBITDA and  Loans administered by a domestic office of a
Net Debt (subtracts cash) divided by EBITDA. supervised institution;
 Domestic commercial and real estate loans and all
Non-financial covenants may include restrictions on other international loans to borrowers in the private sector;
matters such as management changes, provisions of and
information, guarantees, disposal of assets, etc.  Acceptances, commercial letters of credit, standby
letters of credit or similar bonds or guarantees, note
Credit Rating Agencies issuance facilities, revolving underwriting facilities,
Eurodollar facilities, syndications, and similar
The large credit rating agencies (Standard and Poor’s, extensions or commitments, and lease financing
Moody’s, and Fitch Investor Services) provide coverage of receivables.
many syndicated loans at origination and periodically
during the life of the loan. Credit ratings issued by these
agencies reflect a qualitative and quantitative evaluation of

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SNCs Do Not Include: SNC Rating Communication and Distribution Process

 Credits shared solely between affiliated supervised At the conclusion of each semi-annual SNC review,
institutions; electronic reports are generated, and notifications are sent
 Private sector credits that are 100 percent guaranteed via email to participant institution contacts. They are
by a sovereign entity; provided a link to retrieve a summary of ratings, applicable
 International credits or commitments administered in a loan write-ups, cover letter and a list of agent institution
foreign office; contacts. These reports are available to examiners upon
 Direct credits to sovereign borrowers. request and can be retransmitted to the participant
institution contact if needed. The notification email also
SNC Review and Rating Process marks the beginning of a 14 day window for banks to file
an appeal.
Teams of interagency examiners review and risk rate a
sample of credits at agent banks during the first and third Appeals Process
quarters of each year. Of note, SNC reviews occur
regularly at agent banks originating a significant level of Agent and participant banks may appeal any preliminary
SNC credits. For agent banks with smaller SNC rating. Agent and participant banks have 14 days from the
portfolios, credits are only reviewed through the program electronic distribution of preliminary results to submit an
on an ad hoc basis. The SNC review sample is based on appeal. The written appeal details the reasons why the
internal rating, industry, size, and the number of regulated institution is disputing the classification and includes
participants. The regulatory rating assigned by an documentation supporting the institution’s position. The
interagency team of examiners is reported to all written appeal is sent to the applicable agency of the agent
participating banks shortly after the conclusion of the on- institution for the credit in question. An interagency
site review voting period. Ratings remain active on a appeals panel reviews the appeal, determines the final
rolling two review basis (approximately 1 year), thus disposition of the credit, and informs the institution of its
avoiding duplicate reviews of the same loan and ensuring decision in writing. Ratings changed by the appeals
consistent treatment with regard to regulatory credit process are communicated electronically to all affected
ratings. Examiners should not change SNC ratings during participant banks.
risk management examinations. Any material change in a
borrower’s condition should be reported to the national Additional Risks Associated with Syndicated
SNC coordinator. Loan Participations
The SNC rating process includes risk rating, accrual and An institution that purchases a participation interest in
TDR status. Impairment measurement and ALLL large loan syndications faces the same risks as an
treatment are not addressed in the SNC rating and should institution purchasing an ordinary loan participation from
be reviewed at each participant institution. Current and another institution. Examiners should reference the
historical SNC ratings can be accessed through the FDIC’s manual section on Loan Participations for a more in depth
internal systems. Designated SNC credits not reviewed in discussion of related risks. As discussed in that section, an
the current SNC sample will be listed as “Not Rated.” institution purchasing a participation loan is expected to
These credits may be reviewed separately at the participant perform the same degree of independent credit analysis on
institution if significant to the examination scope or an the loan as if it were the originator. The same holds true
examiner believes that the credit may carry an adverse for banks purchasing participation interests in large
rating. syndications. Institutions that lack the resources or skill
sets to perform an independent credit analysis on a
The FDIC’s SNC office can provide examiners with complex loan syndication generally refrain from
additional information to facilitate the review of “Not participating in such a transaction.
Rated” credits or copies of line sheets used in the
interagency SNC review to help examiners explain rating In some cases, an institution may enter into a sub-
rationales to participant banks. In those situations where a participation agreement in which the institution purchases
“Not Rated” credit is reviewed at the participant institution a piece of a participation from another syndicated loan
and an adverse rating is assigned, examiners should participant rather than directly from the agent institution.
communicate their findings to the national SNC As a result, the sub-participant may not be registered with
coordinator. or known to the agent institution and may not receive
timely notification of risk ratings or adverse credit actions
from either the agent institution or the SNC system.

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Additionally, sub-participants may not have the same legal Although banks often use more than one type of credit
rights or remedies as participants of record in the scoring methodology in their underwriting and account
syndicate, which may give rise to other transactional and management practices, many systems incorporate credit
operational risk concerns. bureau scores. Credit bureau scores are updated
periodically and validated on an ongoing basis against
 performance in credit bureau files. Scores are designed to
CREDIT SCORING be comparable across the major credit bureaus; however,
the ability of any score to estimate performance outcome
Automated credit scoring systems allow institutions to probabilities depends on the quality, quantity, and timely
underwrite and price loans more quickly than was possible submission of lender data to the various credit bureaus.
in the past. This efficiency has enabled some banks to Often, the depth and thoroughness of data available to each
expand their lending into national markets and originate credit bureau varies, and as a consequence, the quality of
loan volumes once considered infeasible. Scoring also scores varies.
reduces unit-underwriting costs, while yielding a more
consistent loan portfolio that is easily securitized. These As a precaution, institutions that rely on credit bureau
benefits have been the primary motivation for the scores often sample and compare credit bureau reports to
proliferation of credit scoring systems among both large determine which credit bureau most effectively captures
and small institutions. data for the market(s) in which the institution does
business. For institutions that acquire credit from multiple
regions, use of multiple scorecards may be appropriate,
Credit scoring systems identify specific characteristics that
depending on apparent regional credit bureau strength. In
help define predictive variables for acceptable
some instances, it may be worthwhile for institutions to
performance (delinquency, amount owed on accounts,
pull scores from each of the major credit bureaus and
length of credit history, home ownership, occupation,
establish rules for selecting an average value. By tracking
income, etc.) and assign point values relative to their
credit bureau scores over time and capturing performance
overall importance. These values are then totaled to
data to differentiate which score seems to best indicate
calculate a credit score, which helps institutions to rank
probable performance outcome, institutions can select the
order risk for a given population. Generally, an individual
best score for any given market. Documenting such efforts
with a higher score will perform better relative to an
to differentiate and select the best credit bureau score
individual with a lower credit score.
supports a deliberative decision process.
Few, if any, institutions have an automated underwriting
Although some institutions develop their own scoring
system where the credit score is used exclusively to make
models, most are built by outside vendors and
the credit decision. Some level of human review is usually
subsequently maintained by the institution. Vendors build
present to provide the flexibility needed to address
scoring models based upon specific information and
individual circumstances. Institutions typically establish a
parameters provided by institution management.
minimum cut-off score below which applicants are denied
Therefore, management must clearly communicate with
and a second cutoff score above which applicants are
the vendor and ensure that the scorecard developer clearly
approved. However, there is usually a range, or “gray
understands the institution’s objectives. Bank
area,” in between the two cut-off scores where credits are
management that adheres closely to vendor manual
manually reviewed and credit decisions are judgmentally
specifications for system maintenance and management,
particularly those that provide guidance for periodically
assessing performance of the system, achieve the most
Most, if not all, systems also provide for overrides of
reliable results.
established cut-off scores. If the institution’s scoring
system effectively predicts loss rates and reflects
Scoring models generally become less predictive as time
management’s risk parameters, excessive overrides will
passes. Certain characteristics about an applicant, such as
negate the benefits of an automated scoring system.
income, job stability, and age change over time, as do
Therefore, it is critical for management to monitor and
overall demographics. One-by-one, these changes will
control overrides. Institutions typically develop acceptable
result in significant shifts in the profile of the population.
override limits and prepare monthly override reports that
Once a fundamental change in the profile occurs, the
provide comparisons over time and against the institution’s
model is less able to identify potentially good and bad
parameters. Override reports also typically identify the
applicants. As these changes continue, the model loses its
approving officer and include the reason for the override.
ability to rank order risk. Thus, for the best results,
institutions must periodically validate the system’s

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predictability, refine scoring characteristics when Well-managed subprime lending can be a profitable
necessary, and document these efforts. business line; however, it is a high-risk lending activity.
Successful subprime lenders carefully control the elevated
Institutions initially used credit scoring for consumer credit, operating, compliance, legal, market, and reputation
lending applications such as credit card, auto, and risks as well as the higher overhead costs associated with
mortgage lending. However, credit scoring eventually more labor-intensive underwriting, servicing, and
gained acceptance in the small business sector. Depending collections. Subprime lending should only be conducted
on the manner in which it is implemented, credit scoring by institutions that have a clear understanding of the
for small business lending may represent a fundamental business and its inherent risks, and have determined these
shift in underwriting philosophy if institutions view a risks to be acceptable and controllable given the
small business loan as more of a high-end consumer loan institution’s staff, financial condition, size, and level of
and, thus, grant credit more on the strength of the capital support. In addition, subprime lending should only
principals’ personal credit history and less on the be conducted within a comprehensive lending program that
fundamental strength of the business. While this may be employs strong risk management practices to identify,
appropriate in some cases, it is important to remember that measure, monitor, and control the elevated risks that are
the income from small business remains the primary inherent in this activity. Finally, subprime lenders need to
source of repayment for most loans. Institutions that do retain capital support that is consistent with the volume
not analyze business financial statements or periodically and nature of the additional risks assumed. If the risks
review their lines of credit may lose an opportunity for associated with this activity are not properly controlled,
early detection of credit problems. subprime lending may be considered an unsafe and
unsound banking practice.
The effectiveness of any scoring system directly depends
on the policies and procedures established to guide and The term, subprime, refers to the credit characteristics of
enforce proper use. The most effective policies include an the borrower at the loan’s origination, rather than the type
overview of the institution’s scoring objectives and of credit or collateral considerations. Subprime borrowers
operations; the establishment of authorities and typically have weakened credit histories that may include a
responsibilities over scoring systems; the use of a combination of payment delinquencies, charge-offs,
chronology log to track internal and external events that judgments, and bankruptcies. They may also display
affect the scoring system; the establishment of institution reduced repayment capacity as measured by credit scores,
officials responsible for reporting, monitoring, and debt-to-income ratios, or other criteria. Generally,
reviewing overrides; as well as the provision of a scoring subprime borrowers will display a range of credit risk
system maintenance program to ensure that the system characteristics that may include one or more of the
continues to rank risk and to predict default and loss under following:
the original parameters.
 Two or more 30-day delinquencies in the last 12
Examiners should refer to the Credit Card Specialty Bank months, or one or more 60-day delinquencies in the
Examination Guidelines and the Credit Card Activities last 24 months;
section of the Examination Modules for additional  Judgment, foreclosure, repossession, or charge-off in
information on credit scoring systems. the prior 24 months;
 Bankruptcy in the last 5 years;
  Relatively high default probability as evidenced by,
SUBPRIME LENDING for example, a Fair Isaac and Co. risk score (FICO) of
660 or below (depending on the product/collateral), or
Introduction other bureau or proprietary scores with an equivalent
default probability likelihood; and/or
There is no universal definition of a subprime loan in the  Debt service-to-income ratio of 50 percent or greater,
industry, but subprime lending is generally characterized or otherwise limited ability to cover family living
as a lending program or strategy that targets borrowers expenses after deducting total monthly debt-service
who pose a significantly higher risk of default than requirements from monthly income.
traditional retail banking customers. Institutions often
refer to subprime lending by other names such as the This list is illustrative rather than exhaustive and is not
nonprime, nonconforming, high coupon, or alternative meant to define specific parameters for all subprime
lending market. borrowers. Additionally, this definition may not match all
market or institution-specific subprime definitions, but
should be viewed as a starting point from which examiners

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should expand their review of the institution’s lending and committed, accrued and unpaid interest, and any
program. retained residual assets relating to securitized subprime
Subprime lenders typically use the criteria above to
segment prospects into subcategories such as, for example, Capitalization
A, B, C, and D. However, subprime subcategories can
vary significantly among lenders based on the credit The FDIC’s minimum capital requirements generally
grading criteria. What may be an “A” grade definition at apply to portfolios that exhibit substantially lower risk
one institution may be a “B” grade at another institution, profiles than exist in subprime loan programs. Therefore,
but generally each grade represents a different level of these requirements may not be sufficient to reflect the risks
credit risk. associated with subprime portfolios. Each subprime lender
is responsible for quantifying the amount of capital needed
While the industry often includes borrowers with limited to offset the additional risk in subprime lending activities,
or no credit histories in the subprime category, these and for fully documenting the methodology and analysis
borrowers can represent a substantially different risk supporting the amount specified.
profile than those with a derogatory credit history and are
not inherently considered subprime. Rather, consideration Examiners will evaluate the capital adequacy of subprime
should be given to underwriting criteria and portfolio lenders on a case-by-case basis, considering, among other
performance when determining whether a portfolio of factors, the institution’s own documented analysis of the
loans to borrowers with limited credit histories should be capital needed to support its subprime lending activities.
treated as subprime for examination purposes. Capital levels are typically risk sensitive, that is, allocated
capital should reflect the level and variability of loss
Subprime lending typically refers to a lending program estimates within reasonably conservative parameters.
that targets subprime borrowers. Institutions engaging in Institutions generally specify a direct link between the
subprime lending generally have knowingly and estimated loss rates used to determine an appropriate
purposefully focused on subprime lending through planned ALLL, and the unexpected loss estimates used to
business strategies, tailored products, and explicit determine capital.
borrower targeting. An institution’s underwriting
guidelines and target markets should provide a basis for The sophistication of this analysis should be
determining whether it should be considered a subprime commensurate with the size, concentration level, and
lender. The average credit risk profile of subprime loan relative risk of the institution’s subprime lending activities
programs will exhibit the credit risk characteristics listed and consider the following elements:
above, and will likely display significantly higher
delinquency and/or loss rates than prime portfolios. High  Portfolio growth rates;
interest rates and fees are a common and relatively easily  Trends in the level and volatility of expected losses;
identifiable characteristic of subprime lending. However,  The level of subprime loan losses incurred over one or
high interest rates and fees by themselves do not constitute more economic downturns, if such data/analyses are
subprime lending. available;
 The impact of planned underwriting or marketing
Subprime lending does not include traditional consumer
changes on the credit characteristics of the portfolio,
lending that has historically been the mainstay of
including the relative levels of risk of default, loss in
community banking, nor does it include making loans to
the event of default, and the level of classified assets;
subprime borrowers as discretionary exceptions to the
 Any deterioration in the average credit quality over
institution’s prime retail lending policy. In addition,
time due to adverse selection or retention;
subprime lending does not refer to: prime loans that
develop credit problems after acquisition; loans initially  The amount, quality, and liquidity of collateral
extended in subprime programs that are later upgraded, as securing the individual loans;
a result of their performance, to programs targeted to  Any asset, income, or funding source concentrations;
prime borrowers; or community development loans as  The degree of concentration of subprime credits;
defined in the CRA regulations.  The extent to which current capitalization consists of
residual assets or other potentially volatile
For supervisory purposes, a subprime lender is defined as components;
an insured institution or institution subsidiary that has a  The degree of legal and/or reputation risk associated
subprime lending program with an aggregate credit with the subprime business line(s) pursued; and
exposure greater than or equal to 25 percent of Tier 1  The amount of capital necessary to support the
capital. Aggregate exposure includes principal outstanding institution’s other risks and activities.

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Given the higher risk inherent in subprime lending performed manually, or through automated modeling
programs, examiners should reasonably expect, as a techniques, the Regulatory Agencies will expect that:
starting point, that an institution would hold capital against
such portfolios in an amount that is one and one half to  The process is clearly documented, rational, and easily
three times greater than what is appropriate for non- understood by the board and senior management;
subprime assets of a similar type. Refinements typically  The inputs are reliable and relate directly to the
depend on the factors analyzed above, with particular subject portfolios;
emphasis on the trends in the level and volatility of loss  Assumptions are well documented and conservative;
rates, and the amount, quality, and liquidity of collateral and
securing the loans. Institutions with significant subprime  Any models are subject to a comprehensive validation
programs generally have capital ratios that are well above process.
the averages for their traditional peer groups or other
similarly situated institutions that are not engaged in The results of the stress test exercises should be a
subprime lending. documented factor in the analysis and determination of
capital adequacy for the subprime portfolios.
Some subprime asset pools warrant increased supervisory
scrutiny and monitoring, but not necessarily additional Institutions that engage in subprime lending without
capital. For example, well-secured loans to borrowers who adequate procedures to estimate and document the level of
are slightly below what is considered prime quality may capital necessary to support their activities should be
entail minimal additional risks compared to prime loans, criticized. Where capital is deemed inadequate to support
and may not require additional capital if adequate controls the risk in subprime lending activities, examiners should
are in place to address the additional risks. On the other consult with their Regional Office to determine the
hand, institutions that underwrite higher-risk subprime appropriate course of action.
pools, such as unsecured loans or high loan-to-value
second mortgages, may need significantly higher levels of
capital, perhaps as high as 100% of the loans outstanding Risk Management
depending on the level and volatility of risk. Because of
the higher inherent risk levels and the increased impact The following items are essential components of an
that subprime portfolios may have on an institution’s effective risk management program for subprime lenders.
overall capital, examiners should document and reference
each institution’s subprime capital evaluation in their Planning and Strategy. Prior to engaging in subprime
comments and conclusions regarding capital adequacy. lending, the board and management ensure that proposed
activities are consistent with the institution's overall
business strategy and risk tolerances, and that all involved
Stress Testing parties have properly acknowledged and addressed critical
business risk issues. These issues include the costs
An institution’s capital adequacy analysis typically
associated with attracting and retaining qualified
includes stress testing as a tool for estimating unexpected
personnel, investments in the technology necessary to
losses in its subprime lending pools. Institutions may
manage a more complex portfolio, a clear solicitation and
project the performance of their subprime loan pools under
origination strategy that allows for after-the-fact
conservative stress test scenarios, including an estimation
assessment of underwriting performance, and establishing
of the portfolio’s susceptibility to deteriorating economic,
appropriate feedback and control systems. Appropriate
market, and business conditions. Portfolio stress testing
risk assessment processes extend beyond credit risk and
scenarios may include “shock” testing of basic
appropriately incorporate operating, compliance, market,
assumptions such as delinquency rates, loss rates, and
liquidity, reputation and legal risks.
recovery rates on collateral. It may also consider other
potentially adverse scenarios, such as: changing attrition or
Institutions establishing an appropriate subprime lending
prepayment rates; changing utilization rates for revolving
program proceed slowly and cautiously into this activity to
products; changes in credit score distribution; and changes
minimize the impact of unforeseen personnel, technology,
in the capital markets demand for whole loans, or asset-
or internal control problems and to determine if favorable
backed securities supported by subprime loans.
initial profitability estimates are realistic and sustainable.
Strategic plan performance analysis is generally conducted
These are representative examples. Actual factors will
frequently in order to detect adverse trends or
vary by product, market segment, and the size and
circumstances and take appropriate action in a timely
complexity of the portfolio relative to the institution’s
overall operations. Whether stress test scenarios are

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Management and Staff. Prior to engaging in subprime severity of loss. In addition, successful subprime lenders
lending, the board typically ensures that management and develop criteria for limiting the risk profile of borrowers
staff possess sufficient expertise to appropriately manage selected, giving consideration to factors such as the
the risks in subprime lending and that staffing levels are frequency, recency, and severity of delinquencies and
adequate for the planned volume of activity. Subprime derogatory items; length of time with re-established credit;
lending requires specialized knowledge and skills that and reason for the poor credit history.
many financial institutions may not possess. Marketing,
account origination, and collections strategies and Since the past credit deficiencies of subprime borrowers
techniques often differ from those employed for prime reflect a higher risk profile, appropriate subprime loan
credit; thus it is generally not sufficient to have the same programs are based upon the borrowers’ current reasonable
staff responsible for both subprime and prime loans. ability to repay and a prudent debt amortization schedule.
Servicing and collecting subprime loans can be very labor Loan repayment should not be based upon foreclosure
intensive and requires a greater volume of staff with proceedings or collateral repossession. Institutions are to
smaller caseloads. Lenders should monitor staffing levels, recognize the additional default risks and determine if
staff experience, and the need for additional training as these risks are acceptable and controllable without
performance is assessed over time. Compensation resorting to foreclosure or repossession that could have
programs should not depend primarily on volume or been predetermined by the loan structure at inception.
growth targets. Any targets used should be weighted
towards factors such as portfolio quality and risk-adjusted Profitability and Pricing. A key consideration for
profitability. lenders in the subprime market is the ability to earn risk-
adjusted yields that appropriately compensate the
Lending Policies and Procedures. Lenders typically institution for the increased risk and costs assumed.
have comprehensive written policies and procedures, Successful institutions have a comprehensive framework
specific to each subprime lending product that set limits on for pricing decisions and profitability analysis that
the amount of risk that will be assumed and address how considers all costs associated with each subprime product,
the institution will control portfolio quality and avoid including origination, administrative/servicing, expected
excessive exposure. Prudent institutions implement charge-offs, funding, and capital. In addition, such pricing
policies and procedures before initiating the activity. frameworks allow for fluctuations in the economic cycle.
Institutions may originate subprime loans through a variety Fees often comprise a significant portion of revenue in
of channels, including dealers, brokers, correspondents, subprime lending. Consideration should be given to the
and marketing firms. Regardless of the source, it is critical portion of revenues derived from fees and the extent to
that underwriting policies and procedures incorporate the which the fees are a recurring and viable source of
risk tolerances established by the board and management revenue. Profitability projections typically are
and explicitly define underwriting criteria and exception incorporated into the business plan. Also, effective
processes. Subprime lending policies and procedures management teams track actual performance against
typically address the items outlined in the loan reference projections regularly and have a process for addressing
module of the ED Modules for subprime lending. If the variances.
institution elects to use scoring systems for approvals or
pricing, the model should be tailored to address the Loan Review and Monitoring. Consistent with the safety
behavioral and credit characteristics of the subprime and soundness standards prescribed in Appendix A to Part
population targeted and the products offered. It is 364 of the FDIC Rules and Regulations, institutions must
generally not acceptable to rely on models developed for have comprehensive analysis and information systems that
standard risk borrowers or products. Furthermore, the identify, measure, monitor and control the risks associated
models should be reviewed frequently and updated as with subprime lending. Such analysis promotes
necessary to ensure assumptions remain valid. understanding of the portfolio and early identification of
adverse quality/performance trends. Systems employed
Given the higher credit risk associated with the subprime must possess the level of detail necessary to properly
borrower, effective subprime lenders use mitigating evaluate subprime activity. Examples of portfolio
underwriting guidelines and risk-based pricing to reduce segmentation and trend analyses are discussed in the
the overall risk of the loan. These guidelines include lower subprime lending loan reference module of the ED
loan-to-value ratio requirements and lower maximum loan Modules.
amounts relative to each risk grade within the portfolio.
Given the high-risk nature of subprime lending, the need Comprehensive analysis considers the effects of portfolio
for thorough analysis and documentation is heightened growth and seasoning, which can mask true performance
relative to prime lending. Compromises in analysis or by distorting delinquency and loss ratios. Vintage, lagged
documentation can substantially increase the risk and delinquency, and lagged loss analysis methods are

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sometimes used to account for growth, seasoning, and perception of a lender’s practices, the nature of these risks
changes in underwriting. Analysis should also take into is inherently unpredictable. Institutions that engage in
account the effect of cure programs on portfolio subprime lending must take special care to avoid violating
performance. Refer to the glossary of the Credit Card consumer protection laws. An adequate compliance
Specialty Bank Examination Guidelines for definitions of management program must identify, monitor and control
vintage, roll rate, and migration analysis. the consumer protection hazards associated with subprime
lending. The institution should have a process in place to
Servicing and Collections. Defaults occur sooner and in handle the potential for heightened legal action. In
greater volume than in prime lending; thus a well- addition, management should have a system in place to
developed servicing and collections function is essential monitor consumer complaints for recurring issues and
for the effective management of subprime lending. Strong ensure appropriate action is taken to resolve legitimate
procedures and controls are necessary throughout the disputes.
servicing process; however, particular attention is
warranted in the areas of new loan setup and collections to Audit. The institution’s audit scope should provide for
ensure the early intervention necessary to properly manage comprehensive independent reviews of subprime activities.
higher risk borrowers. Prudent lenders also have well- Appropriate audit procedures include, among other things,
defined written collection policies and procedures that a sample of a sufficient volume of accounts to verify the
address default management (e.g., cure programs and integrity of the records, particularly with respect to
repossessions), collateral disposition, and strategies to payments processing.
minimize delinquencies and losses. This aspect of
subprime lending is very labor intensive but critical to the Third Parties. Subprime lenders may use third parties for
program's success. a number of functions from origination to collections. In
dealing with high credit-risk products, effective
Cure programs include practices such as loan restructuring, management teams take steps to ensure that exposures
re-aging, renewal, extension, or consumer credit from third-party practices or financial instability are
counseling. Cure programs typically are used only when minimized. This includes proper due diligence performed
the institution has substantiated the customer’s renewed prior to contracting with a third party vendor and on an
willingness and ability to pay. Appropriate controls help ongoing basis. Appropriate contracts provide the
ensure cure programs do not mask poor initial credit risk institution with the ability to control and monitor third
selection or defer losses. Effective subprime lenders may party activities (e.g. growth restrictions, underwriting
use short-term loan restructure programs to assist guidelines, outside audits, etc.) and discontinue
borrowers in bringing loans current when warranted, but relationships that prove detrimental to the institution.
will often continue to report past due status on a
contractual basis. Cure programs that alter the contractual Special care must be taken when purchasing loans from
past due status may mask actual portfolio performance and third party originators. Some originators who sell
inhibit the ability of management to understand and subprime loans charge borrowers high up-front fees, which
monitor the true credit quality of the portfolio. may be financed into the loan. These fees provide
incentive for originators to produce a high volume of loans
Repossession and resale programs are integral to the with little emphasis on quality, to the detriment of a
subprime business model. Policies and procedures for potential purchaser. These fees also increase the
foreclosure and repossession activities typically likelihood that the originator will attempt to refinance the
specifically address the types of cost/benefit analysis to be loans. Appropriate contracts restrict the originator from
performed before pursuing collateral, including valuation the churning of customers. Further, subprime loans,
methods employed; timing of foreclosure or repossession; especially those purchased from outside the institution's
and accounting and legal requirements. Effective policies lending area, are at special risk for fraud or
clearly outline whether the institution will finance the sale misrepresentation. Effective management also ensures that
of the repossessed collateral, and if so, the limitations that third party conflicts of interest are avoided. For example,
apply. Institutions that track the performance of such if a loan originator provides recourse for poorly
loans are able to assess the adequacy of these policies. performing loans purchased by the institution, the
originator or related interest thereof should not also be
Compliance and Legal Risks. Subprime lenders responsible for processing and determining the past due
generally run a greater risk of incurring legal action given status of the loans.
the higher fees, interest rates, and profits; targeting
customers who have little experience with credit or Securitizations. Securitizing subprime loans carries
damaged credit records; and aggressive collection efforts. inherent risks, including interim credit, liquidity, interest
Because the risk is dependent, in part, upon the public rate, and reputation risk, that are potentially greater than

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those for securitizing prime loans. The subprime loan ALLL Analysis
secondary market can be volatile, resulting in significant
liquidity risk when originating a large volume of loans An institution’s appropriately documented ALLL analysis
intended for securitization and sale. Investors can quickly identifies subprime loans as a specific risk exposure
lose their appetite for risk in an economic downturn or separate from the prime portfolio. In addition, the analysis
when financial markets become volatile. As a result, segments the subprime lending portfolios by risk exposure
institutions may be forced to sell loan pools at deep such as specific product, vintage, origination channel, risk
discounts. If an institution lacks adequate personnel, risk grade, loan to value ratio, or other grouping deemed
management procedures, or capital support to hold relevant.
subprime loans originally intended for sale, these loans
may strain an institution's liquidity, asset quality, earnings, Adversely classified subprime loans (to include, at a
and capital. Consequently, institutions actively involved in minimum, all loans past due 90 days or more) should be
the securitization and sale of subprime loans typically reviewed for impairment, and an appropriate allowance
develop a contingency plan that addresses back-up should be established consistent with accounting
purchasers of the securities, whole loans, or the attendant requirements. For subprime loans that are not adversely
servicing functions, alternate funding sources, and classified, the ALLL should be sufficient to absorb at least
measures for raising additional capital. An institution’s all estimated credit losses on outstanding balances over the
liquidity and funding structure should not be overly current operating cycle, typically 12 months. To the extent
dependent upon the sale of subprime loans. that the historical net charge-off rate is used to estimate
credit losses, it should be adjusted for changes in trends,
Given some of the unique characteristics of subprime conditions, and other relevant factors, including business
lending, accounting for the securitization process requires volume, underwriting, risk selection, account management
assumptions that can be difficult to quantify reliably, and practices, and current economic or business conditions that
erroneous assumptions can lead to the significant may alter such experience.
overstatement of an institution's assets. Prudent
institutions take a conservative approach when accounting Subprime Auto Lending
for these transactions and ensure compliance with existing
regulatory guidance. Refer to outstanding examination Underwriting. Subprime auto lenders use risk-based
instructions for further information regarding pricing of loans in addition to more stringent advance
securitizations. rates, discounting, and dealer reserves than those typically
used for prime auto loans to mitigate the increased credit
Classification risk. As credit risk increases, advance rates on collateral
decrease while interest rates, dealer paper discounts, and
The Uniform Retail Credit Classification and Account dealer reserves increase. In addition to lower advance
Management Policy (Retail Classification Policy) governs rates, collateral values are typically based on the wholesale
the evaluation of consumer loans. This policy establishes value of the car. Lenders will typically treat a new dealer
general classification thresholds based on delinquency, but with greater caution, using higher discounts and/or
also grants examiners the discretion to classify individual purchasing the dealer’s higher quality paper until a
retail loans that exhibit signs of credit weakness regardless database and working relationship is developed.
of delinquency status. An examiner may also classify
retail portfolios, or segments thereof, where underwriting Servicing and Collections. Repossession is quick,
standards are weak and present unreasonable credit risk, generally ranging between 30 to 60 days past due and
and may criticize account management practices that are sometimes earlier. The capacity of a repossession and
deficient. Given the high-risk nature of subprime resale operation operated by a prime lender could easily be
portfolios and their greater potential for loan losses, the overwhelmed if the lender begins targeting subprime
delinquency thresholds for classification set forth in the borrowers, leaving the lender unable to dispose of cars
Retail Classification Policy should be considered quickly. Resale methods include wholesale auction, retail
minimums. Well-managed subprime lenders recognize the lot sale, and/or maintaining a database of retail contacts.
heightened risk-of-loss characteristics in their portfolios While retail sale will command a greater price, subprime
and, if warranted, internally classify their delinquent lenders may consider limiting the time allocated to retail
accounts well before the timeframes outlined in the sales before sending cars to auction in order to ensure
interagency policy. If examination classifications are more adequate cash flow and avoid excessive inventory build-
severe than the Retail Classification Policy suggests, the up. Refinancing resales are usually limited and tightly
examination report should explain the weaknesses in the controlled, as this practice can mask losses. Lenders
portfolio and fully document the methodology used to
determine adverse classifications.

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typically implement a system for tracking the location of Underwriting for subprime credit cards is typically based
the collateral. upon credit scores generated by sophisticated scoring
models. These scoring models use a substantial number of
Subprime Residential Real Estate Lending attributes, including the frequency, severity, and recency
of previous delinquencies and major derogatory items, to
Underwriting. To mitigate the increased risk, subprime determine the probability of loss for a potential borrower.
residential real estate lenders use risk-based pricing in Subprime lenders typically target particular subprime
addition to more conservative LTV ratio requirements and populations through prescreening models, such as
cash-out restrictions than those typically used for prime individuals who have recently emerged from bankruptcy.
mortgage loans. As the credit risk of the borrower Review of the attributes in these models often reveals the
increases, the interest rate increases and the loan-to-value nature of the institution’s target population.
ratio and cash-out limit decreases. Prudent loan-to-value
ratios are an essential risk mitigant in subprime real estate Servicing and Collections. Lenders continually monitor
lending and generally range anywhere from 85 percent to customer behavior and credit quality and take proactive
90 percent for A- loans, to 65 percent for lower grades. measures to avert potential problems, such as decreasing or
High loan-to-value (HLTV) loans are generally not freezing credit lines or providing consumer counseling,
considered prudent in subprime lending. HLTV loans before the problems become severe or in some instances
should be targeted at individuals who warrant large before the loans become delinquent. Lenders often use
unsecured debt, and then only in accordance with sophisticated scoring systems to assist in monitoring credit
outstanding regulatory guidance. The appraisal process quality and frequently re-score customers. Collection calls
takes on increased importance given the greater emphasis on delinquent loans begin early, generally within the first
on collateral. Prepayment penalties are sometimes used on 10 days delinquent, and sometimes as early as 1-day
subprime real estate loans, where allowed by law, given delinquent, within the framework of existing laws.
that prepayment rates are generally higher and more Lenders generally send written correspondence within the
volatile for subprime real estate loans. Government first 30 days in addition to calling. Account suspensions
Sponsored entities, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, have occur early, generally within the first 45 days of
participated in the subprime mortgage market to a limited delinquency or immediately upon a negative event such as
degree through purchases of subprime loans and refusal to pay. Accounts over 90 days past due are
guarantees of subprime securitizations. generally subject to account closure and charge-off. In
addition, account closures based upon a borrower’s action,
Servicing and Collections. Collection calls begin early, such as repeated refusal to pay or broken promises to bring
generally within the first 10 days of delinquency, within the account current within a specified time frame, may
the framework of existing laws. Lenders generally send occur at any time in the collection process. Account
written correspondence of intent to foreclosure or initiate closure practices are generally more aggressive for
other legal action early, often as early as 31 days relatively new credit card accounts, such as those
delinquent. The foreclosure process is generally initiated originated in the last six months.
as soon as allowed by law. Updated collateral valuations
are typically obtained early in the collections process to Payday Lending
assist in determining appropriate collection efforts.
Frequent collateral inspections are often used by lenders to Payday lending is a particular type of subprime lending.
monitor the condition of the collateral. Payday loans (also known as deferred deposit advances)
are small dollar, short-term, unsecured loans that
Subprime Credit Card Lending borrowers promise to repay out of their next paycheck or
regular income payment (such as social security check).
Underwriting. Subprime credit card lenders use risk- Payday loans are usually priced at a fixed dollar fee, which
based pricing as well as tightly controlled credit limits to represents the finance charge. Because these loans have
mitigate the increased credit risk. In addition, lenders may such short terms to maturity, the cost of borrowing,
require full or partial collateral coverage, typically in the expressed as an annual percentage rate is very high.
form of a deposit account at the institution, for the higher-
risk segments of the subprime market. Initial credit lines In return for the loan, the borrower usually provides the
are set at low levels, such as $300 to $1,000, and lender with a check or debit authorization for the amount
subsequent line increases are typically smaller than for of the loan plus the fee. The check is either post-dated to
prime credit card accounts. Increases in credit lines should the borrower’s next payday or the lender agrees to defer
be subject to stringent underwriting criteria similar to that presenting the check for payment until a future date,
required at origination. usually two weeks or less. When the loan is due, the
lender expects to collect the loan by depositing the check

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or debiting the borrower’s account or by having the risk given the large volume of loans, the handling of
borrower redeem the check with a cash payment. If the documents, and the movement of loan funds between the
borrower informs the lender that he or she does not have institution and any third party originators. Because payday
the funds to repay the loan, the loan is often refinanced loans may be underwritten off-site, there also is the risk
(payday lenders may use the terms “rollover,” “same day that agents or employees may misrepresent information
advance,” or “consecutive advance”) through payment of about the loans or increase credit risk by failing to adhere
an additional finance charge. If the borrower does not to established underwriting guidelines.
redeem the check in cash and the loan is not refinanced,
the lender normally puts the check or debit authorization Third-Party Risk. Insured depository institutions may
through the payment system. If the borrower’s deposit have payday lending programs that they administer
account has insufficient funds, the borrower typically directly, using their own employees, or they may enter into
incurs a NSF charge on this account. If the check or the arrangements with third parties. In the latter arrangements,
debit is returned to the lender unpaid, the lender also may the institution typically enters into an agreement in which
impose a returned item fee plus collection charges on the the institution funds payday loans originated through the
loan. third party. These arrangements also may involve the sale
to the third party of the loans or servicing rights to the
Significant Risks loans. Institutions also may rely on the third party to
provide additional services that the institution would
Credit Risk. Borrowers who obtain payday loans generally normally provide, including collections, advertising and
have cash flow difficulties and few, if any, lower-cost soliciting applications. The existence of third party
borrowing alternatives. In addition, some payday lenders arrangements may, when not properly managed,
perform minimal analysis of the borrower’s ability to significantly increase institutions’ transaction, legal, and
repay either at the loan’s inception or upon refinancing; reputation risks.
they may merely require a current pay stub or proof of a
regular income source and evidence that the customer has Arrangements with third parties should be guided by
a checking account. Other payday lenders use scoring written contract and approved by the institution’s board.
models and consult nationwide databases that track The arrangement typically:
bounced checks and persons with outstanding payday
loans. However, payday lenders typically do not obtain or  Describe the duties and responsibilities of each party,
analyze information regarding the borrower’s total level of including the scope of the arrangement;
indebtedness or information from the major national credit  Specify that the third party will comply with all
bureaus. The combination of the borrower’s limited applicable laws and regulations;
financial capacity, the unsecured nature of the credit, and  Specify which party will provide consumer
the limited underwriting analysis of the borrower’s ability compliance related disclosures;
to repay pose substantial credit risk for insured depository  Authorize the institution to monitor the third party and
institutions. periodically review and verify that the third party and
its representatives are complying with its agreement
Legal and Reputation Risk. Federal law authorizes Federal with the institution;
and state-chartered insured depository institutions making  Authorize the institution and the appropriate banking
loans to out-of-state borrowers to “export” favorable agency to have access to such records of the third
interest rates provided under the laws of the State where party and conduct onsite transaction testing and
the institution is located. That is, a state-chartered operational reviews at the third party locations as
institution is allowed to charge interest on loans to out-of- necessary or appropriate to evaluate such compliance;
state borrowers at rates authorized by the State where the  Require the third party to indemnify the institution for
institution is located, regardless of usury limitations potential liability resulting from action of the third
imposed by the State laws of the borrower’s residence. party with regard to the payday lending program; and
Nevertheless, institutions face increased reputation risk
 Address customer complaints, including any
when they enter into certain arrangements with payday
responsibility for third-party forwarding and
lenders, including arrangements to originate loans on terms responding to such complaints.
that could not be offered directly by the payday lender.
Effective bank management sufficiently monitors the third
Transaction Risk. Payday loans are a form of specialized
party with respect to its activities and performance. Bank
lending not typically found in state nonmember
management dedicates sufficient staff with the necessary
institutions, and are most frequently originated by
expertise to oversee the third party. The institution’s
specialized nonbank firms subject to State regulation. oversight program includes monitoring the third party’s
Payday loans can be subject to high levels of transaction

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LOANS Section 3.2

financial condition, its controls, and the quality of its Classifications

service and support, including its resolution of consumer
complaints if handled by the third party. Oversight The Retail Classification Policy establishes general
programs that are documented sufficiently facilitate the classification thresholds for consumer loans based on
monitoring and management of the risks associated with delinquency, but also grants examiners the discretion to
third-party relationships. classify individual retail loans that exhibit signs of credit
weakness regardless of delinquency status. Examiners
Concentrations also may classify retail portfolios, or segments thereof,
where underwriting standards are weak and present
Given the risk inherent in payday lending, concentrations unreasonable credit risk, and may criticize account
of credit in this line of business pose a significant safety management practices that are deficient.
and soundness concern. In the context payday lending, a
concentration would be defined as a volume of payday Most payday loans have well-defined weaknesses that
loans totaling 25 percent or more of an institution’s Tier 1 jeopardize the liquidation of the debt. Weaknesses include
capital. Where concentrations of payday lending are limited or no analysis of repayment capacity and the
noted, institution management should be criticized for a unsecured nature of the credit. In addition, payday loan
failure to diversify risks. Appropriate supervisory action portfolios are characterized by a marked proportion of
may be necessary to address concentrations, including obligors whose paying capacity is questionable. As a
directing the institution to reduce its loans to an result of these weaknesses, payday loan portfolios are
appropriate level, or raising additional capital. typically classified Substandard.

Capital Adequacy Furthermore, payday loans that have been outstanding for
extended periods of time evidence a high risk of loss.
Payday lending is among the highest risk subsets of While such loans may have some recovery value, it is not
subprime lending, and significantly higher levels of capital practical or desirable to defer writing off these essentially
than the starting point for subprime loans - one and a half worthless assets. Payday loans that are outstanding for
to three times what is appropriate for nonsubprime assets greater than 60 days from origination generally meet the
of a similar type – typically is required. Institutions that definition of Loss. In certain circumstances, earlier
underwrite payday loans may be required to maintain as charge-off may be appropriate (e.g., the institution does
high as one hundred percent of the loans outstanding not renew beyond the first payday and the borrower is
(dollar-for-dollar capital), depending on the level and unable to pay, the institution closes an account). The
volatility of risk. Risks to consider when determining institution’s policies regarding consecutive advances also
capital requirements include the unsecured nature of the should be considered when determining Loss
credit, the relative levels of risk of default, loss in the event classifications. Where the economic substance of
of default, and the level of classified assets. The degree of consecutive advances is substantially similar to “rollovers”
legal or reputation risk associated with payday lending – without appropriate “cooling off” or waiting periods –
should also be considered, especially as it relates to third examiners should treat these loans as continuous advances
party agreements. and classify accordingly.

Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses Examiners would normally not classify loans for which the
institution has documented adequate paying capacity of the
As with other loan types, institutions should maintain an obligors and/or sufficient collateral protection or credit
ALLL that is appropriate to absorb estimated credit losses enhancement.
with the payday portfolio. Although the contractual term
of each payday loan may be short, institutions’ Renewals/Rewrites
methodologies for estimating credit losses on these loans
should take into account the fact that many payday loans The Retail Classification Policy establishes guidelines for
remain continuously outstanding for longer periods extensions, deferrals, renewals, or rewrites of closed-end
because of renewals and rollovers. In addition, institutions accounts. Despite the short-term nature of payday loans,
should evaluate the collectibility of accrued fees and borrowers that request an extension, deferral, renewal, or
finance charges on payday loans and employ appropriate rewrite should exhibit a renewed willingness and ability to
methods to ensure that income is accurately measured. repay the loan. Institutions can refer to the Retail
Classification Policy standards that control the use of
extensions, deferrals, renewals, or rewrites of payday
loans. In consideration of the Retail Classification Policy,
institutions’ standards typically:

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Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
LOANS Section 3.2

 Limit the number and frequency of extensions,

deferrals, renewals, and rewrites;
 Prohibit additional advances to finance unpaid interest
and fees and simultaneous loans to the same customer;
 Ensure that comprehensive and effective risk
management, reporting, and internal controls are
established and maintained.

In addition to the above items, prudent institutions also:

 Establish appropriate “cooling off” or waiting periods

between the time a payday loan is repaid and another
application is made:
 Establish the maximum number of loans per customer
that are allowed within one calendar year or other
designated time period; and
 Provide that no more than one payday loan is
outstanding with the institution at a time to any one

Accrued Fees and Finance Charges

It is important for institutions to evaluate the collectibility

of accrued fees and finance charges on payday loans
because a portion of accrued interest and fees is generally
not collectible. Although regulatory reporting instructions
do not require payday loans to be placed on nonaccrual
based on delinquency status, institutions should employ
appropriate methods to ensure that income is accurately
measured. Such methods may include providing loss
allowances for uncollectible fees and finance charges or
placing delinquent and impaired receivables on nonaccrual
status. After a loan is placed on nonaccrual status,
subsequent fees and finance charges imposed on the
borrower would not be recognized in income and accrued,
but unpaid fees and finance charges normally would be
reversed from income.

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Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

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