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by Oskar Orn Eggertsson

for Dungeons & Dragons, fifth edition
Óskar Örn Eggertsson
aka Emerald Samurai

Cover Art
Nizwa Design

Interior Art
Wizards of the Coast

Background Art
minor changes by Óskar Örn

Fonts Used


Made with
by Serif

Special Thanks
Andreas Schütt
All you wonderful people on
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the
Twitter who make me want Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the

to keep writing this stuff! dragon ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards
of the Coast product names, and their respective
logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in
the USA and other countries.

This work contains material that is copyright

Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such
material is used with permission under the
Community Content Agreement for Dungeon
Masters Guild.

All other original material in this work is

copyright 2018-2020 by Óskar Örn Eggertsson
and published under the Community Content
Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.


immediately gain proficiency
Mortificer with leatherworker’s tools. If you
are already proficient with
ot all artificers pursue the
N perfection of magic items
and machinery but wish to gain
leatherworker’s tools you may
gain proficiency with another set
of artisan tools of your choice.
mastery over life and death.
These artificers attempt to
incorporate necromancy into Mortificer Spells
their magic and infusions, and
raise a terrible undead as their Mortificer Spells
servant and entourage. false life, inflict
Morbid Fascination gentle ripose, ray of
Artificers who follow this path 9th animate dead, revivify
are commonly referred to as
13th blight, death ward
mortificers. It is a degrading title
that mortificers have grown to 17th contagion, raise dead
welcome. When mortificers form
societies, they are usually small Undead Monstrosity
with only a handful of selected
You create an undead
members. Most often, mortificers
monster from a dead body or
work in secret except perhaps in
bodies. This undead servant is
places that welcome their
loyal to you and will do
necromantic exploits, such as
everything you command it to,
even if doing so would destroy it.
If your undead monstrosity is
Features destroyed, you can create a new
one once you’ve finished a long
Mortificer features rest, provided you have the
Tool Proficiency, required materials and tools.
3rd Mortificer Spells,
Your undead monstrosity
Undead Monstrosity
uses the stats from the provided
5th Syphon Life statblock. During a fight, your
9th Arcane Corpse undead monstrosity follows your
15th Morbic Mastery orders and acts immediately
after you in the initiative order.
Tool Proficiency It can only take one action and
move, but has no bonus actions.
Upon choosing this
You can give your undead
specialization at 3rd level, you
monstrosity new orders as a


bonus action on your turn. If you for its Strength score and size.
give it no new orders, it will It has an advantage on
continue to follow the last order Strength ability checks.
you gave it.
• Blades of Bones: Your undead
Your undead monstrosity monstrosity sprouts sharp
does not lose hit points from bones out from various
attacks or effects that deal locations on its body. It
necrotic damage, but instead replaces its slam attack with
regains half that many hit points. a boneblade attack; Melee
It cannot regain hit points from Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
spells such as Cure Wounds or reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit:
Healing Word. It is also immune 1d8 + 2 piercing damage.
to poison damage and to being When you reach level 10 in
poisoned, but is vulnerable to fire this class, the damage
damage. increases to 1d10 + 2.

Finally, your undead • Conduit: Your undead

monstrosity has one of the monstrosity is resistant to
following features. When you lightning damage. In addition,
reach 5th level in this class, it on its first turn after taking
gets another feature, and again lightning damage, its melee
on levels 9th and 15th. These attack deals additional 1d6
features are fixed and cannot be lightning damage. When you
replaced until your undead reach level 10 in this class,
monstrosity is destroyed and the melee attack deals
you make a new one. Each additional 1d8 lightning
feature can only be chosen once. damage instead.

• Acidic Spit: Your undead • Detonate: Your undead

monstrosity has a gland that monstrosity can burst into a
can expel acidic spit. On its ball of fire as its action. All
turn, instead of a slam attack, creatures within a 10-foot
the undead monstrosity can radius from it must make a
make a spit attack; Ranged Dexterity saving throw
Weapon Attack: +0 to hit, against your spell save DC. On
range 15 ft., one creature. Hit: a failure, they take 4d10 fire
2d6 acid damage. When you damage, or half as much if
reach level 10 in this class, they succeed. If your undead
the damage increases to 2d8. monstrosity takes 10 or more
fire damage from a single
• Beast of Burden: Your undead source, they also explode.
monstrosity can carry twice This explosion can only occur
the weight it normally could


once, after which your undead becomes 1d8 poison damage
monstrosity is destroyed. instead.
When you reach level 10 in
this class, the range of the • Intelligent: Your undead
detonation extends to a 20- monstrosity’s Intelligence
foot radius. score increases to 5 and it is
now able to make its own
• Fire Deterred: Your undead decisions. You no longer need
monstrosity is no longer to give it commands during
vulnerable to fire. fights for it to change tactics
(it will still follow commands
• Infected: Your undead when given). In addition, it can
monstrosity is infected. learn another language of
Whenever it strikes a creature your choice (that you know)
with a melee attack, that and is capable of speaking.
creature must make a
Constitution saving throw • Mindless: Your undead
against your spell save DC. If monstrosity becomes immune
it fails, they take additional to the charmed condition. It
1d6 poison damage and are cannot have this feature if it
poisoned for one minute. also has the Intelligent
When you reach the 10th level feature.
of this class, the damage


• Runner: Your undead monstrosity casts the imbued
monstrosity’s speed increases spell, it is always cast at its
by +10. When you reach the lowest level, even if you spend a
10th level of this class, its higher level spell slot. Whenever
speed increases by +20. you finish a long rest, you can
imbue your undead monstrosity
• Sentry: Your undead again, either with the same spell
monstrosity adds your or a different one.
proficiency bonus to its
Wisdom (Perception) checks. You can only imbue your
As long as it remains in one undead monstrosity with a
place and does not move, its cantrip that you know or an
passive Perception increases artificer spell that you can cast.
by +5. If you switch out that cantrip for
another one when you gain a new
Syphon Life level, your undead monstrosity
loses its cantrip and you must
At 5th level, when you roll imbue it with a new one once
necrotic damage from an attack you’ve finished a long rest.
that you control, that attack
deals additional necrotic damage
equal to your Intelligence Morbid Mastery
modifier. In addition, when a As a master mortificer, you
living creature (i.e. neither a gain the following benefits when
construct nor undead) within 30 you reach 15th level:
feet from you takes necrotic
damage from a spell that you • You can create two undead
control, you regain half that monstrosities, following the
many hit points, up to your hit guidelines above. Each can
points maximum. have 4 features, and you can
either assign them the 4 same
features or different 4
Arcane Corpse features each. You must
When you reach 9th level, imbue both monstrosities with
you can imbue your undead the same spell when you use
monstrosity with a single cantrip the Arcane Corpse feature.
or spell. Until you finish a long You cannot create a third
rest, your undead monstrosity undead monstrosity while you
can cast the spell as its action, have the other two.
even if it only requires a bonus
action, using your spell attack • Once per long rest, when you
bonus and spell save DC, and cast the animate dead spell,
spending your spell slots if not a you can give the undead
cantrip. When your undead servant one feature from


those available to your Wand of Bones
undead monstrosities. You
Item: A wand (requires
must do this at the same time
attunement by a spellcaster)
as when you cast the spell.
A creature that uses this wand as
• Through your arcane studies
a focus to cast a spell from the
into immortality, you have
school of necromancy increases
devised arcane means that
their spell save DC by +1. This
can extend your life
bonus increases to +2 at 10th
unnaturally. For every 10
level of this class.
years that pass from this time
onward, your body ages only 1
year. Weapon of Necrosis
Prerequisite: 6th level artificer
New Infusions Item: A melee weapon

Spectral Armor A creature gains a +1 bonus to

Prerequisite: 6th level artificer attack and damage rolls made
with this weapon.
Item: A suit of armor (requires
attunement) Whenever the wielder hits
another creature with this
A creature gains a +1 bonus to weapon, that creature needs to
Armor Class while wearing this make a Constitution saving
armor. throw. If it fails, it takes
additional 1d4 necrotic damage
This suit of armor has 3 and is poisoned until the end of
charges. While wearing it, the the wielder’s next turn. A
wearer can spend one of its creature that is immune to
charges to become etherial until necrotic damage is also immune
the end of their turn. While to being poisoned by this
etherial, they can move through weapon.
solid objects, walls, and other
creatures as if they weren’t
there. If they end their turn
inside an object or in a space
that is occupied by another
creature, they are immediately
forced into the nearest
unoccupied space that can fit
them, and they take 2d8 force
damage. The armor regains all
spent charges daily at dawn.


Undead Monstrosity
Medium undead, unaligned

Armor Class 10 (natural armor)

Hit Points equal to the undead monstrosity’s Constitution modifier +

your Intelligence modifier + five times your level in this class

Speed 20 ft.

Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha

15 (+2) 6 (-2) 16 (+3) 3 (-4) 6 (-2) 5 (-3)

Saving Throws WIS +0

Damage Vulnerabilities fire

Damage Immunities poison

Condition Immunities poisoned

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive perception 8

Languages understands one of your languages (your choice) but can’t


Fueled by Death. Instead of losing hit points to necrotic damage,

the undead monstrosity regains half that many hit points, up to its hit
points maximum.

Might of the Master. The following numbers increase by 1 when

your proficiency bonus increases by 1: the monstrosity’s skill and
saving throw bonuses (above), the bonuses to hit and damage of its
attacks, its Armor Class.

Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the zombie to 0 hit points, it

must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage
taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success,
the zombie drops to 1 hit point instead.

Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.


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