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SECOND DIVISION note dated June 26, 1968 and secured by a mortgage executed by

respondents over their present and future properties such as buildings,

DBP vs CA GR No. 138703, June 30, 2006
permanent improvements, various machineries and equipment for
x-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------x manufacture.

Subsequently, DBP granted to respondents another loan in the form of

DECISION a five-year revolving guarantee amounting to P1,700,000 which was reflected
in the amended mortgage contract dated November 20, 1968. According to
respondents, the loan guarantee was extended to them when they
AZCUNA, J.: encountered difficulty in negotiating the DBP Progress Bonds. Respondents
were only able to sell the bonds in 1972 or about five years from its issuance
for an amount that was 25% less than its face value.
This is a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of
Court of the decision of the Court of Appeals (CA) dated May 7, 1999 in CA-
On September 10, 1975, the outstanding accounts of respondents with
G.R. CV No. 49239 entitled “Philippine United Foundry and Machinery Corp.
DBP were restructured in view of their failure to pay. Thus, the outstanding
and Philippine Iron Manufacturing Co., Inc. v. Development Bank of the
principal balance of the loans and advances amounting to P4,655,992.35 were
Philippines and Asset Privatization Trust” which upheld the decision of the
consolidated into a single account. The restructured loan was evidenced by a
Regional Trial Court (RTC), Branch 98 of Quezon City in Civil Case No. Q-
new promissory note dated November 12, 1975 payable within seven years,
with partial payments on the principal to be made beginning on the third year
plus a 12% interest per annum payable every month. The following paragraph
Sometime in March 1968, the Development Bank of the Philippines
appears at the bottom portion of the note:
(DBP) granted to respondents Philippine United Foundry and Machineries
Corporation and Philippine Iron Manufacturing Company, Inc. an industrial
loan in the amount of P2,500,000 consisting of P500,000 in cash and This promissory note represents the consolidation into
P2,000,000 in DBP Progress Bonds. The loan was evidenced by a promissory one account of the outstanding principal balance of PHILIMCO
and PHUMACO’s account, and is prepared pursuant to Res. No.
228, dated September 10, 1975, approved by the Executive
Committee pursuant to Bd. Res. No. 3577, s. of 1975. This (3) Bank advances for insurance premiums, taxes,
note is secured by mortgages on the existing assets of the rentals, litigation and acquired assets expenses,
firms. collection and other out-of-pocket expenses not
covered by inspection and processing fees subject to
the following charges:

On the other hand, all accrued interest and charges due amounting to (a) One time service charge of ½% on the amount
advanced to be included in the receivable
P3,074,672.21 were denominated as “Notes Taken for Interests” and account;
evidenced by a separate promissory note dated November 12, 1975. The (b) Penalty charge of 8% per annum on past due
advances; and
following annotation appears at the bottom portion of the note: (c) Interest at 12% per annum.

This promissory note represents all accrued Notwithstanding the restructuring, respondents were still unable to
interests and charges which are taken up as “NOTES TAKEN
FOR INTEREST” due on the accounts of PHILIMCO and comply with the terms and conditions of the new promissory notes. As a
PHUMACO approved under Bd. Res. No. 3577, s. of 1975. This result, respondents requested DBP to refinance the matured obligation. The
note is secured by (a) mortgage on the existing assets of the
firm. request was granted by DBP, pursuant to which three foreign currency
denominated loans sourced from DBP’s own foreign borrowings were extended
to respondents on various dates between 1980 and 1981. These loans were

Both notes provided for the following additional charges and secured by mortgages on the properties of respondents and were evidenced
by the following promissory notes:

Face Value Maturity Date Interest Rate Per

(1) 12% interest per annum on unpaid amortizations; Annum
December 15,
(1) Promissory Note dated $661,330 1990 3% over DBP’s
(2) 10% penalty charge per annum on the total December 11, 1980 borrowing rate
amortizations past due effective 30 days from the
date respondents failed to comply with any of the June 23, 1991
terms stipulated in the notes; and, (2) Promissory Note dated $666,666 3% over DBP’s
the amount in arrears becomes liable to this
June 5, 1981 borrowing rate charge.
December 31,
(3) Promissory Note dated $486,472.37 1982 4% over DBP’s
December 16, 1981 borrowing cost
Under these two notes, respondents also bound themselves to pay
bank advances for insurance premiums, taxes, litigation and acquired assets
Apart from the interest, the promissory notes imposed additional expenses and other out-of-pocket expenses not covered by inspection and
charges and penalties if respondents defaulted on their payments. The notes processing fees as follows:
dated December 11, 1980 and June 5, 1981 specifically provided for a 2%
annual service fee computed on the outstanding principal balance of the (a) One-time service charge of 2% of the amount
advanced, same to be included in the receivable
loans as well as the following additional interest and penalty charges on the account.
loan amortizations or portions in arrears:
(b) Interest at 16% per annum.

(c) Penalty charge from date of advance at 16% per

(a) If in arrears for thirty (30) days or less:

i. Additional interest at the basic loan interest

The note dated December 16, 1981, on the other hand, provided for
rate per annum computed on total amortizations
past due, irrespective of age. the interest and penalty charges on loan amortizations or portions of it in
ii. No penalty charge
arrears as follows:
(b) If in arrears for more than thirty (30) days:

i. Additional interest at the basic loan interest rate (a) Additional interest at the basic loan interest per
per annum computed on total amortizations past annum computed on total amortizations past due
due, irrespective of age, plus, irrespective of age; plus
ii. Penalty charge of 16% per annum computed on
amortizations or portions thereof in arrears for (b) Penalty charges of 8% per annum computed on
more than thirty (30) days counted from the date total amortizations in arrears, irrespective of age.
before DBP could proceed with the foreclosure proceedings, respondents
instituted the present suit for injunction.
Respondents were likewise bound to pay bank advances for insurance
premiums, taxes, litigation and acquired assets expenses and other out-of-
On January 6, 1987, the complaint was amended to include the
pocket expenses not covered by inspection and processing fees as follows:
annulment of mortgage. On December 15, 1987, the complaint was amended
a second time to implead the Asset Privatization Trust (APT) (now the
(a) One-time service charge of 2% of (the) amount Privatization and Management Office [PMO]) as a party defendant.
advanced, same to be included and debited to the
advances account;
Respondents’ cause of action arose from their claim that DBP was
(b) Interest at the basic loan interest rate; and
collecting from them an unconscionable if not unlawful or usurious obligation
(c) Penalty charge from date of advance at 8% per of P62,954,473.68 as of September 30, 1985, out of a mere P6,200,000 loan.
Primarily, respondents contended that the amount claimed by DBP is
erroneous since they have remitted to DBP approximately P5,300,000 to repay
their original debt. Additionally, respondents assert that since the loans were
Sometime in October 1985, DBP initiated foreclosure proceedings procured for the Self-Reliant Defense Posture Program of the Armed Forces of
upon its computation that respondents’ loans were in arrears by the Philippines (AFP), the latter’s breach of its commitment to purchase
P62,954,473.68. According to DBP, this figure already took into account the military armaments and equipment from respondents amounts to a failure of
intermittent payments made by respondents between 1968 and 1981 in the consideration that would justify the annulment of the mortgage on
aggregate amount of P5,150,827.71. respondents’ properties.

However, the foreclosure proceedings were suspended on twelve On December 24, 1986, the RTC issued a temporary restraining order.
separate occasions from October 1985 to December 1986 upon the A Writ of Preliminary Injunction was subsequently issued on May 4, 1987. After
representations of respondents that a financial rehabilitation fund arising trial on the merits, the court rendered a decision in favor of respondents, the
from a contract with the military was forthcoming. On December 23, 1986, dispositive portion of which reads:
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing consideration,
judgment is hereby rendered in favor of the [respondents] and I. THE CA DISREGARDED THE BINDING AND
against the defendants [DBP and APT], ordering that: OBLIGATORY FORCE OF CONTRACTS WHICH IS THE LAW
(1) The Writ of Preliminary Injunction already issued
be made permanent; xxx

(2) The [respondents] be made to pay the original II. THE CA VIOLATED THE PRINCIPLE OF LAW THAT
loans in the aggregate amount of Six Million Two Hundred CONTRACTS TAKE EFFECT ONLY BETWEEN THE PARTIES
(3) The [respondents’] payment in the amount of Five
Million Three Hundred Thirty-Five Thousand, Eight Hundred xxx
Twenty-seven Pesos and Seventy-one Centavos
(P5,335,827.71) be applied to payment for interest and III. THE CA ERRED IN PERMANENTLY ENJOINING THE DBP
(4) No further interest and/or penalties on the PROVISIONS OF P[RESIDENTIAL] D[ECREE NO.] 385 AND
aforementioned principal obligation of P6.2 million shall be PROCLAMATION NO. 50.
imposed/charged upon the [respondents] for failure of the
military establishment to honor their commitment to a valid
On the first issue, PMO asserts that the CA erred in declaring that the
and consummated contract with the former. Costs against the
defendants. interest rate on the loans had been unilaterally increased by DBP despite the
evidence on record (consisting of promissory notes and testimonies of
witnesses for DBP) showing otherwise. PMO also claims that the CA failed to
take into account the effect of the restructuring and refinancing of the loans

Both DBP and PMO appealed the decision to the CA. The CA, however, granted by DBP upon the request of respondents.

affirmed the decision of the RTC. Aggrieved, DBP filed with the CA a motion
for a reconsideration dated May 26, 1999, which motion has not been resolved Anent the second issue, PMO argues that the failure of the AFP to

by the CA to date. PMO, on the other hand, sought relief directly with the honor its commitment to respondents should have had no bearing on

Court by filing this present petition upon the following grounds: respondents’ loan obligations to DBP as DBP was not a party to their contract.
Hence, PMO contends that the CA ran afoul of the principle of relativity of
contracts when it ruled that no further interest could be imposed on the and conclusive, and cannot be reviewed on appeal. It is not the function of
loans. the Court to reexamine or reevaluate evidence, whether testimonial or
documentary, adduced by the parties in the proceedings below. Nevertheless,
Finally, PMO claims that DBP, being a government financial the rule admits of certain exceptions and has, in the past, been relaxed when
institution, could not be enjoined by any restraining order or injunction, the lower courts’ findings were not supported by the evidence on record or
whether permanent or temporary, from proceeding with the foreclosure were based on a misapprehension of facts, or when certain relevant and
proceedings mandated under Section 1 of Presidential Decree No. 385. undisputed facts were manifestly overlooked that, if properly considered,
would justify a different conclusion.
For their part, respondents moved for the denial of the petition in
their comment dated October 27, 1999, stating that (1) the petition merely The resolution of the present controversy turns on the issue regarding
raises questions of fact and not of law; (2) PMO is engaged in forum shopping the precise amount of respondents’ principal obligation under the series of
considering that the motion for reconsideration filed by its co-defendant, mortgages which DBP, as mortgagee-creditor, attempted to foreclose. In this
DBP, against the CA decision was still pending before the appellate court; case, the total amount of respondents’ indebtedness is not simply a question
and, (3) the petition is fatally defective because the attached certification of fact but is a question of law, one requiring the application of legal
against non-forum shopping does not conform to the requirements set by law. principles for the computation of the amount owed, and is thus a matter that
After PMO filed its reply denying the foregoing allegations, the parties can be properly brought up for the Court’s determination.
submitted their respective memoranda.
PMO claims that the total outstanding obligation of respondents
The petition is partly meritorious. reached P62.9 Million on September 30, 1985. This amount was purportedly
the peso equivalent of the foreign-currency denominated loans granted to
Prefatorily, it bears stressing that only questions of law may be raised respondents to refinance the original loans they procured, and is inclusive of
in a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court. This interest, penalties and other surcharges incurred from that date as a result of
Court is not a trier of facts, its jurisdiction in such a proceeding being limited respondents’ past defaults. Respondents contend, on the other hand, that
to reviewing only errors of law that may have been committed by the lower DBP grossly misstated the extent of their obligation, and insist that they
courts. Consequently, findings of fact of the trial court and the CA are final
should be made liable only for the amount of P6.2 Million which they actually by negotiating a different interest rate or term or by repaying the existing
received from DBP. loan with money acquired from a new loan. On the other hand,
restructuring, as applied to a debt, implies not only a postponement of the
As mentioned, the RTC ultimately sustained respondents and made maturity but also a modification of the essential terms of the debt (e.g.,
permanent the writ of preliminary injunction it issued to enjoin the conversion of debt into bonds or into equity, or a change in or amendment of
foreclosure proceedings. Respondents were directed to pay only the amount collateral security) in order to make the account of the debtor current.
of the original loans, that is, P6.2 Million, with the P5.3 Million which they
previously paid to be applied as interest and penalties. The RTC did not find In this instance, it is important to note that DBP accommodated
respondents culpable for defaulting on their loan obligations and passed the respondents’ request to restructure and refinance their account twice in view
blame to the AFP for not fulfilling its contractual obligations to respondents. of the financial difficulties the latter were experiencing. The first
restructuring/refinancing was granted in 1975 while the second one was
The CA affirmed the RTC decision and agreed that DBP cannot be undertaken sometime in the early 1980s. Pursuant to the restructuring
allowed to foreclose on the mortgage securing respondents’ loan. The CA schemes, respondents executed promissory notes and mortgage contracts in
surmised that since DBP failed to adequately explain how it arrived at P62.9 favor of DBP, the second restructuring being evidenced by three promissory
Million, the original loan amount of P6.2 Million could only have been notes dated December 11, 1980, June 5, 1981 and December 16, 1981 in the
“blatantly enlarged or erroneously computed” by DBP through the imposition total amount of $1.8 Million. The reason respondents seek to be excused from
of an “unconscionable rate of interest and charges.” The CA also agreed with fulfilling their obligation under the second batch of promissory notes is that
the trial court that there was no consideration for the mortgage contracts first, they allegedly had “no choice” but to sign the documents in order to
executed by respondents considering the proceeds from the alleged foreign have the loan restructured and thus avert the foreclosure of their properties,
currency loans were never actually received by the latter. This view is and second, they never received any proceeds from the same. This reasoning
untenable and lacks foundation. cannot be sustained.

As correctly pointed out by PMO, the original loans alluded to by Respondents’ allegation that they had no “choice” but to sign is
respondents had been refinanced and restructured in order to extend their tantamount to saying that DBP exerted undue influence upon them. The
maturity dates. Refinancing is an exchange of an old debt for a new debt, as Court is mindful that the law grants an aggrieved party the right to obtain
the annulment of a contract on account of factors such as mistake, violence, free agency when they executed the promissory notes representing
intimidation, undue influence and fraud which vitiate consent. However, the respondents’ refinanced obligations to DBP. For undue influence to be
fact that the representatives were “forced” to sign the promissory notes and present, the influence exerted must have so overpowered or subjugated the
mortgage contracts in order to have respondents’ original loans restructured mind of a contracting party as to destroy the latter’s free agency, making
and to prevent the foreclosure of their properties does not amount to such party express the will of another rather than its own. The alleged
vitiated consent. lingering financial woes of a debtor per se cannot be equated with the
presence of undue influence.
The financial condition of respondents may have motivated them to
contract with DBP, but undue influence cannot be attributed to DBP simply
because the latter had lent money. The concept of undue influence is Corollarily, the threat to foreclose the mortgage would not in itself
defined as follows: vitiate consent as it is a threat to enforce a just or legal claim through
competent authority. It bears emphasis that the foreclosure of mortgaged
properties in case of default in payment of a debtor is a legal remedy given
There is undue influence when a person takes by law to a creditor. In the event of default by the mortgage debtor in the
improper advantage of his power over the will of another,
performance of the principal obligation, the mortgagee undeniably has the
depriving the latter of a reasonable freedom of choice. The
following circumstances shall be considered: the confidential, right to cause the sale at public auction of the mortgaged property for
family, spiritual and other relations between the parties or the
payment of the proceeds to the mortgagee.
fact that the person alleged to have been unduly influenced
was suffering from mental weakness, or was ignorant or in
financial distress.
It is likewise of no moment that respondents never physically received
the proceeds of the foreign currency loans. When the loan was refinanced and
restructured, the proceeds were understandably not actually given by DBP to

While respondents were purportedly financially distressed, there is respondents since the transaction was but a renewal of the first or original

no clear showing that those acting on their behalf had been deprived of their loan and the supposed proceeds were applied as payment for the latter.
It also bears emphasis that the second set of promissory notes contractual relationship, it is imperative that they should honor and adhere
executed by respondents must govern the contractual relation of the parties to their rights and obligations as stated in their contracts because obligations
for they unequivocally express the terms and conditions of the parties’ loan arising from it have the force of law between the contracting parties and
agreement, which are binding and conclusive between them. Parties are free should be complied with in good faith.
to enter into stipulations, clauses, terms and conditions they may deem
convenient; that is, as long as these are not contrary to law, morals, good As a rule, a court in such a case has no alternative but to enforce the
customs, public order or public policy. With the signatures of their duly contractual stipulations in the manner they have been agreed upon and
authorized representatives on the subject notes and mortgage contracts, the written. Courts, whether trial or appellate, generally have no power to
genuineness and due execution of which having been admitted, respondents relieve parties from obligations voluntarily assumed simply because their
in effect freely and voluntarily affirmed all the concurrent rights and contract turned out to be disastrous or unwise investments.
obligations flowing therefrom. Accordingly, respondents are barred from
claiming the contrary without transgressing the principle of estoppel and Thus, respondents cannot be absolved from their loan obligations on
mutuality of contracts. Contracts must bind both contracting parties; their the basis of the failure of the AFP to fulfill its commitment under the
validity or compliance cannot be left to the will of one of them. manufacturing agreement entered by them allegedly upon the prompting of
certain AFP and DBP officials. While it is true that the DBP representatives
The significance of the promissory notes should not have been appear to have been aware that the proceeds from the sale to the AFP were
overlooked by the trial court and the CA. By completely disregarding the supposed to be applied to the loan, the records are bereft of any proof that
promissory notes, the lower courts unilaterally modified the contractual would show that DBP was a party to the contract itself or that DBP would
obligations of respondents after the latter already benefited from the condone respondents’ credit if the contract did not materialize. Even
extension of the maturity date on their original loans, to the damage and assuming that the AFP defaulted in its obligations under the manufacturing
prejudice of PMO which steps into the shoes of DBP as mortgagee-creditor. agreement, respondents’ cause of action lies with the AFP, and not with DBP
or PMO. The loan contract of respondents is separate and distinct from their
At this juncture, it must be emphasized that a party to a contract manufacturing agreement with the AFP.
cannot deny its validity after enjoying its benefits without outrage to one’s
sense of justice and fairness. Where parties have entered into a well-defined
Incidentally, the CA sustained the validity of a loan obligation but PMO also denies that a unilateral increase in the interest rates on the
annulled the mortgage securing it on the ground of failure of consideration. loans caused the substantial increase in the indebtedness of respondents and
This is erroneous. A mortgage is a mere accessory contract and its validity points out that the promissory notes themselves specifically provided for the
would depend on the validity of the loan secured by it. Hence, the rates of interest as well as penalty and other charges which were merely
consideration of the mortgage contract is the same as that of the principal applied on respondents’ outstanding obligations. It should be noted, however,
contract from which it receives life, and without which it cannot exist as an that at the time of the transaction, Act No. 2655, as amended by Presidential
independent contract. The debtor cannot escape the consequences of the Decree No. 116 (Usury Law), was still in full force and effect. Basic is the rule
mortgage contract once the validity of the loan is upheld. that the laws in force at the time the contract is made governs the effectivity
of its provisions. Section 2 of the Usury Law specifically provides as follows:
Again, as a rule, courts cannot intervene to save parties from
Sec. 2. No person or corporation shall directly or
disadvantageous provisions of their contracts if they consented to the same indirectly take or receive in money or other property, real or
freely and voluntarily. Thus, respondents cannot now protest against the fact personal, or choses in action, a higher rate of interest or a
greater sum or value, including commissions, premiums, fines
that the loans were denominated in foreign currency and were to be paid in and penalties, for the loan or renewal thereof or forbearance
its peso equivalent after they had already given their consent to such terms. of money, goods, or credits, where such loan or renewal or
forbearance is secured in whole or in part by a mortgage upon
There is no legal impediment to having obligations or transactions paid in a real estate the title to which is duly registered, or by any
foreign currency as long as the parties agree to such an arrangement. In fact, document conveying such real estate or interest therein, than
twelve per centum per annum or the maximum rate
obligations in foreign currency may be discharged in Philippine currency based prescribed by the Monetary Board and in force at the time the
on the prevailing rate at the time of payment. For this reason, it was loan or renewal thereof or forbearance is granted: Provided,
that the rate of interest under this section or the maximum
improper for the CA to reject outright DBP’s claim that the conversion of the rate of interest that may be prescribed by the monetary board
remaining balance of the foreign currency loans into peso accounted for the under this section may likewise apply to loans secured by
other types of security as may be specified by the Monetary
considerable differential in the total indebtedness of respondents mainly Board.
because the exchange rates at the time of demand had been volatile and led
to the depreciation of the peso. A perusal of the promissory notes reveals that the interest charged
upon the notes is dependent upon the borrowing cost of DBP which, however,
would be pegged at a fixed rate assuming certain factors. The notes dated
December 11, 1980 and June 5, 1981, for example, had a per annum interest In usurious loans, the entire obligation does not become void
rate of 3% over DBP’s borrowing rate that will become 1 ½% per annum in because of an agreement for usurious interest; the unpaid principal debt still
the event the loan is drawn under the Central Bank’s Jumbo Loan. These stands and remains valid but the stipulation as to the interest is void. The
were further subject to the condition that should the loan from where they debt is then considered to be without stipulation as to the interest. In the
were drawn be fully repaid, the interest to be charged on respondents’ absence of an express stipulation as to the rate of interest, the legal rate of
remaining dollar obligation would be pegged at 16% per annum. The 12% per annum shall be imposed.
promissory note dated December 16, 1981, on the other hand, had a per
annum interest rate of 4% over DBP’s borrowing rate. This rate would also As to the issue raised by PMO that the injunction issued by the lower
become 1 ½% per annum in the event the loan is drawn under the Central courts violated Presidential Decree No. 385, the Court agrees with the ruling
Bank’s Jumbo Loan. However, should the loan from where respondents’ of the CA. Presidential Decree No. 385 was issued primarily to see to it that
foreign currency loan was drawn be fully repaid, the interest to be charged government financial institutions are not denied substantial cash inflows
on their remaining dollar obligation would be pegged at 18% per annum. which are necessary to finance development projects all over the country, by
large borrowers who, when they become delinquent, resort to court actions
Due to the variable factors mentioned above, it cannot be in order to prevent or delay the government’s collection of their debts and
determined whether DBP did in fact apply an interest rate higher than what loans.
is prescribed under the law. It appears on the records, however, that DBP
attempted to explain how it arrived at the amount stated in the Statement of The government, however, is bound by basic principles of fairness and
Account it submitted in support of its claim but was not allowed by the trial decency under the due process clause of the Bill of Rights. Presidential
court to do so citing the rule that the best evidence of the same is the Decree No. 385 does not provide the government blanket authority to
document itself. DBP should have been given the opportunity to explain its unqualifiedly impose the mandatory provisions of the decree without due
entries in the Statement of Account in order to place the figures that were regard to the constitutional rights of the borrowers. In fact, it is required
cited in the proper context. Assuming the interest applied to the principal that a hearing first be conducted to determine whether or not 20% of the
obligation did, in fact, exceed 12%, in addition to the other penalties outstanding arrearages has been paid, as a prerequisite for the issuance of a
stipulated in the note, this should be stricken out for being usurious. temporary restraining order or a writ of preliminary injunction. Hence, the
trial court can, on the basis of the evidence then in its possession, make a shopping is committed where the parties did not resort to multiple judicial
provisional determination on the matter of the actual existence of the remedies.
arrearages and the amount on which the 20% requirement is to be computed.
Consequently, Presidential Decree No. 385 cannot be invoked where the In any event, the Court deems it fit to put an end to this controversy
extent of the loan actually received by the borrower is still to be and to finally adjudicate the rights and obligations of the parties in the
determined. interest of a speedy dispensation of justice, taking into account the length of
time this action has been pending with the courts as well as in light of the
Finally, respondents’ allegation that PMO is engaged in forum fact that PMO is the real party-in-interest in this case, being the successor-in-
shopping is untenable. Forum shopping is the act of a party, against whom an interest of DBP.
adverse judgment has been rendered in one forum, of seeking another and
possibly favorable opinion in another forum by appeal or a special civil action WHEREFORE, the petition is PARTLY GRANTED and the assailed
of certiorari. As correctly pointed out by PMO, the present petition is merely Decision dated May 7, 1999 rendered by the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV
an appeal from the adverse decision rendered in the same action where it No. 49239 is REVERSED AND SET ASIDE. The case is hereby remanded to the
was impleaded as co-defendant with DBP. That DBP opted to file a motion for trial court for determination of the total amount of the respondents’
reconsideration with the CA rather than a direct appeal to this Court does not obligation based on the promissory notes dated December 11, 1980, June 5,
bar PMO from seeking relief from the judgment by taking the latter course of 1981 and December 16, 1981 according to the interest rate agreed upon by
action. the parties or the interest rate of 12% per annum, whichever is lower.

It must be remembered that PMO was impleaded as party defendant No costs.

through the amended complaint dated November 25, 1987. Persons made SO ORDERED.
parties-defendants via a supplemental complaint possess locus standi or legal
personality to seek a review by the Court of the decision by the CA which CERTIFICATION

they assail even if their co-defendants did not appeal the said ruling of the
appellate court. Even assuming that separate actions have been filed by two
different parties involving essentially the same subject matter, no forum
Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution, it is hereby Exhibit “2,” pp. 133-146.
certified that the conclusions in the above Decision had been reached in
TSN, October 26, 1990, pp. 17-24; TSN, March 22, 1991, pp. 28-37.
consultation before the case was assigned to the writer of the opinion of the
Court’s Division. Exhibit “8,” pp. 202-203.

Exhibit “8,” p. 203.

Exhibit “9,” pp. 204-205.

Id. at 205.

Exhibit “8,” pp. 202, 204.

Acting Chief Justice
TSN, March 22, 1991, pp. 41-43.

Exhibits “4” and “5,” pp. 152-200.

Exhibit “10,” pp. 206-207.

1 Based on the records, only the Privatization and Management
Office (PMO) filed the present petition for review on certiorari. DBP, It was agreed that this rate will become 1 ½% per annum in the event
for its part, moved for reconsideration of the CA decision instead. the loan is drawn under the Central Bank’s Jumbo Loan. However,
should the loan from where respondents’ foreign currency loan was
* Acting Chief Justice. drawn be fully repaid, the interest to be charged on their remaining
dollar obligation would be pegged at 16% per annum. See Exhibit
** On Official Business. “10,” p. 206.

Exhibit “F,” p. 42. Exhibit “11,” pp. 208-209.

Exhibit “1,” pp. 115-132.

It was agreed that this rate will become 1 ½% per annum in the event CA Rollo, pp. 241-250.
the loan is drawn under the Central Bank’s Jumbo Loan. However,
should the loan from where respondents’ foreign currency loan was Rollo, pp. 37-38.
drawn be fully repaid, the interest to be charged on their remaining
dollar obligation would be pegged at 18% per annum. See Exhibit Id. at 93-110.
“11,” p. 208.
Donato C. Cruz Trading Corp. v. CA, G.R. No. 129189, December 5,
Exhibit “12,” pp. 210-211. 2000, 347 SCRA 13; Baylon v. CA, G.R. No. 109941, August 17, 1999,
312 SCRA 502.
Exhibit “10,” pp. 206-207, Exhibit “11,” pp. 208-209.
Kwok v. Philippine Carpet Manufacturing Corp., G.R. No. 149252,
Exhibit “12,” p. 210. April 28, 2005, 457 SCRA 465.

Id. Swagman Hotels and Travel, Inc. v. CA, G.R. No. 161135, April 8,
2005, 455 SCRA 175.
Exhibit “15,” pp. 215-216.
New Sampaguita Builders Construction, Inc. v. Philippine National
TSN, May 13, 1994, pp. 18-23. Bank, G.R. No. 148753, July 30, 2004, 435 SCRA 565.

Former President Corazon C. Aquino issued Proclamation No. 50 Landl & Company (Phil.), Inc. v. Metropolitan Bank & Trust Co., G.R.
which created the Asset Privatization Trust (APT). APT was mandated No. 159622, July 30, 2004, 435 SCRA 639.
to take title to and possess, manage and dispose of the non-
performing assets of the national government. Pursuant to the Black’s Law Dictionary, 8th edition.
proclamation, DBP transferred and assigned its rights and interests in
the mortgage to APT by virtue of a Deed of Transfer dated February Development Bank of the Philippines v. Perez, G.R. No. 148541,
27, 1987 (Records, pp. 215-234). Because of the expiration of APT’s November 11, 2004, 442 SCRA 238.
term of existence on December 31, 2000, Executive Order No. 323
was issued on December 6, 2000 which created the PMO. PMO
assumed the functions, duties and responsibilities of the now defunct Garcia v. CA, G.R. No. 80201, November 20, 1990, 191 SCRA 493.
Ajax Marketing and Development Corporation v. CA, G.R. No. L-
CA Rollo, p. 202. 118585, September 14, 1995, 248 SCRA 222.

Records, pp. 512-527. TSN, March 22, 1991, pp. 37-42.

TSN, September 18, 1992, pp. 3-4; TSN, October 2, 1992, p. 15. Carpo v. Chua, G.R. Nos. 150773 and 153599, September 30, 2005,
471 SCRA 471.
CIVIL CODE, Article 1391, in relation to Article 1390.
Pryce Corporation v. PAGCOR, G.R. No. 157480, May 6, 2005, 458
CIVIL CODE, Article 1337. SCRA 164.

Carpo v. Chua, G.R. Nos. 150773 and 153599, September 30, 2005, The following paragraphs appear in the promissory notes:
471 SCRA 471.
(a) Promissory note dated December 11, 1980 -
CIVIL CODE, Article 1335.
“x x x Borrower’s obligation shall remain denominated in
BPI Family Savings Bank, Inc. v. Veloso, G.R. No. 141974, August 9, US Dollars or in any foreign currency available for
2004, 436 SCRA 1. relending by DBP. In case of default in the payment of any
installment above, we bind ourselves to pay DBP for
CIVIL CODE, Art. 2087; RULES OF COURT, Rule 68, Sec. 5; Act 3135, advances made on the installment in equivalent pesos
Sec. 4. computed at commercial bank’s selling rate as of [the]
date DBP paid for [the] installment or as of [the] date of
[the] borrower’s payment to DBP, whichever is higher. x x
CIVIL CODE, Article 1306. x” (Exhibit “10,” p. 206)

TSN, September 18, 1992, pp. 3-10. (b) Promissory notes dated June 5, 1981 and December 31, 1981-

Asian Construction & Dev’t. Corp. v. Tulabut, G.R. No. 161904, April “x x x In case of default in the payment of any installment
26, 2005, 457 SCRA 317. above, we bind ourselves to pay DBP for advances made
on the installment in equivalent pesos computed at
CIVIL CODE, Article 1159; Premiere Development Bank v. CA, G.R. No. commercial bank’s selling rate as of [the] date DBP paid
159352, April 14, 2004, 427 SCRA 686. for [the] installment or as of [the] date of [the]
borrower’s payment to DBP, whichever is higher. x x x”
Lim v. Queensland Tokyo Commodities, Inc., G.R. No. 136031, (Exhibits “11” and “12” pp. 208, 210)
January 4, 2002, 373 SCRA 31.
CF Sharp & Co., Inc. v. Northwest Airlines, Inc., G.R. No. 133498,
Exhibit “Q,” pp. 50-64. April 18, 2002, 381 SCRA

Naguiat v. CA, G.R. No. 118375, October 3, 2003, 412 SCRA 591. 314.
TSN, July 18, 1994, p. 38.

Puerto v. CA, G.R. No. 138210, June 6, 2002, 383 SCRA 185.

Supra, note 16.

Supra, note 18.

Exhibit “15,” pp. 215-216.

TSN, April 4, 1994, p. 17.

Development Bank of the Philippines v. Perez, G.R. No. 148541,

November 11, 2004, 442 SCRA 238.

Republic v. CA, G.R. No. 107943, February 3, 2000, 324 SCRA 569.

Polysterene Manufacturing Co., Inc. v. CA, G.R. No. 77631, May 9,

1990, 185 SCRA 207.

Heirs of Trinidad de Leon Vda. De Roxas v. CA, G.R. No. 138660,

February 5, 2004, 422 SCRA 101; Velasquez v. Hernandez, G.R. No.
138660, February 5, 2004, 437 SCRA 357.

Records, pp. 244-257.

Tan v. Mandap, G.R. No. 150925, May 27, 2004, 429 SCRA 711.

Republic v. Express Telecommunications Co., Inc., G.R. No. 147096,

January 15, 2002, 373 SCRA 316.

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