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Good habits and healthy food


Good nutrition is vital to good health. With such multiculturism and modern society, food

has established to be much more sophisticated and in variety. Our world is swept away with

not we eat as a normal food but it has been triggering our taste buds by colorful

advertisements. Although minority of people may eat well but most of them from backward

and disadvantaged society care less about how they eat.

Poor nutrition is the major problem in our country, unhealthy diet and physical inactivity,

have produced to the growth of obesity in our country. The purpose of this assignment is to

create a difference between food and diet and similarly it includes how the media

representation has affected our lives with unhealthy choices and the impact on health


The food you eat can affect your health and your risk for certain diseases. To eat healthier

food, you may need to change some of your daily habits. You also may need to change some

things in your environment. Your environment includes everything around you, like your

home or the place you work. You don't need to make huge changes to eat healthier. And you

don't have to change your habits all at the same time. It's best to set small goals and change

your habits a little bit at a time. Over time, small changes can make a big difference in your


This information will help you make useful changes for healthy eating.

 Changing your eating habits and your environment can help you eat healthier foods.

 A healthy diet is good for your overall health. It also can help you reach a healthy

weight and stay there.

 To improve your eating habits, it's best to make small lifestyle changes that you can

keep doing over time.


As food industry is rapidly growing, we will focus on how early advertisements for foods

had helped in changing the way of food we eat. The word “advertising” is acquired from the

French advertisement which is also said as a giving attention or broadcast. The aim of the

advertisement is to publicly convey the information through mass communication.

Advertising brings focus to variety of products such as consumer products, including food

which is also a major consumer of advertising. Advertising depends on individual

manufactures or as in a group and by wholesalers, retailers and distributors. [ CITATION

Ess18 \l 3082 ]

According to the long history of advertising, modern advertising began with discovery of

printing in the sixteenth century. The early advertisements for foods which were implied

those for books, medicines, cures and remedies meant to be for foods and drinks that were

first dominated by upper class people. The English first reported coffee in 1652, chocolate in

1657 and tea in 1658. there was no significance expansion of print advertisements until the

eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. [ CITATION Gra19 \l 3082 ]

The growth of the advertisement began to spread by changing and developing trade

patterns especially the rail network and the improvement of roads, therefore the improvement

of transportation granted the expansion of extended regional and national trade networks.

As the goods and products began increasing, they had to be more efficient and effectively

distributed and marketed. The early stage of advertisement included the print media, the

spread of literacy, newspapers and magazines, after 1850, the development stimulated. In the
last hundred years that advertisement has developed in a major industry. So, it has become

important that it is the core to the production of general communications and provides the

commercial basis that qualifies to exist. [ CITATION Hea18 \l 3082 ]


Food can be defined as the any substance that provides the nutrients necessary to maintain

life and growth when absorbed. However, when most of the animals feed, they repeatedly

consume foods necessary for their wellbeing but in humans, however, do not eat. they eat.

Over the last 100 years the society has believed that the apart from supplying basic energy,

food has very little sustain on physical and mental health. food then, is something very

powerful rather that of mere nourishment, it forms the significance of the very being.

[ CITATION Rog11 \l 3082 ]


Health comparable to love or joyless is hard to explain or basically impossibly to measure.

According to WHO (World health organization), health is defined as” a state of complete,

physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of diseases and infirmity”.

This definition of health has a whole dimension of meaning on how we understand health.

Our health is affected by how we choose to live our life and these aspects of life depends on

mental issues ,significance such as climate ,our intake in nutritional food ,comfortable shelter,

clean air to breath and pure water to drink and socially how much we are connected with our

family, friends and in our workplace.

 Health is how we take decisions in our daily life, sometimes the social and physical

environment present obstacles to making healthier choices. Health is not something that

happens miraculously. There are three main things to remember about health.
 Being free from symptoms of disease and pain as much as possible.

 Being active, able to do what you want and what you must at the appropriate time.

 Being in good spirits and feeling emotionally healthy most of the time.

Nutrition is the study of all the intercommunication that occur between people and food. It

includes the understanding which nutrients we need ,where to find them in food ,how they are

used by our bodies, and the result they have on our health .It’s also considered the other

factors such as society ,culture, economies and technology, which are involved in maintain

and choosing the food we eat. we do not eat specific nutrient, we eat food and we choose the

right amount of combination of foods and thus our diet provides all the nutrients we need to

stay healthy and if we choose a poor amount of food in our body the essential nutrients will

be missing in our body  but however to maintain the right nutrients it can be very challenging

and difficult because we eat for many other reasons but we do not eat thinking that we need

nutrients to maintain a good diet .[ CITATION Jan171 \l 3082 ]

There are over 40 different nutrients important to human life. We need to consume these

nutrients in our diets because it is not made by our body and it cannot be made in large

amounts to get healthy. Different food contains different nutrients depending in amounts and

combinations. Nutrients provide three basic functions in the body. Some nutrients provide

energy, some provide antibodies and some provide structure. Each nutrient has its own

unique way of performing all these functions and all the nutrients together are needed for

growth, to maintain and repair the body and to allow us to reproduce


Diet is the right amount of food we eat according to our body’s resistance. Once our nature

of diet is determined, it is important to develop and control of what we eat. this is important

because to provide enough energy as well as balance our metabolic needs. Although we have

the right amount of our nutrients it is important to have a balance diet. As for the formal
routine of our meals which is three square meals depending on what we eat in our breakfast,

lunch and dinner but many of us end up eating much more than how much we have to eat. we

indulge ourselves with several snacks or treats thorough out the day depending on our food

and energy. the pattern of eating has been changing thus to maintain of body nutrients we

need to have a balanced diet and approach to healthy eating.

Life style and behavior

Early childhood is considered the most important stage of the development. Healthy early

child development includes the physical. Healthy early child development includes the

physical, social (emotional and language) and cognitive behaviors each of which is equally

important. our early childhood stages of influenced by wellbeing, obesity, or stunting, mental

health, heart disease, literacy and numeracy criminality and economic participation through


Change the eating habits

To eat a healthy diet, you may need to make some changes. Remember that you can

change your eating habits a little bit at a time. Small changes are easier to make and can lead

to better health.

Here are some ways to make healthy changes in your eating habits:

 Keep more fruits, low-fat dairy products (low-fat milk and low-fat yogurt),

vegetables, and whole-grain foods at home and at work. Focus on adding healthy food

to your diet, rather than just taking unhealthy foods away.

 Try to eat a family meal every day at the kitchen or dining table. This will help you

focus on eating healthy meals.

 Buy a healthy-recipe book, and cook for yourself. Chew gum when you cook so you

won't be tempted to snack on the ingredients.

 Pack a healthy lunch and snacks for work. This lets you have more control over what

you eat.

 Put your snacks on a plate instead of eating from the package. This helps you control

how much you eat.

 Don't skip or delay meals, and be sure to schedule your snacks. If you ignore your

feelings of hunger, you may end up eating too much or choosing an unhealthy snack.

If you often feel too hungry, it can cause you to focus a lot on food.

 Eat your meals with others when you can. Relax and enjoy your meals, and don't eat

too fast. Try to make healthy eating a pleasure, not a chore.

 Drink water instead of high-sugar drinks (including high-sugar juice drinks).

Make breakfast a priority

No matter the rush to go to work, never neglect the most important meal of the day. Breakfast

is essential to getting the body ready for the long day. Start your day with some simple

breakfast to rejuvenate your system after the night long fast. This way, you’d give your

immune system a boost, strengthen your brain, hydrate your system, aid digestion, and

relieve stress.

Studies indicate that when you skip breakfast, you are more likely to make unplanned and

irrational decisions. What more, eating a breakfast based on wholegrain cereal or bread, low

fat milk or yogurt and maybe some fruit or vegetables will have you healthy and shedding
that extra weight. Now, imagine missing all that steaming tea, yummy baked muffins and

fresh strawberries for breakfast!

Drink lots of water

Coffee may keep you energized, but drinking water instead will ensure that your body is clear

and free of any toxins. And hey, it’s cheaper than an ice cream and you don’t have to take

time to prepare it. There is no single recommended amount of water, as a person’s

requirements at any one time will vary depending on climate, physical activity, and

individual bodies. The following intakes can however be used as a general guide: about 4-5

cups of fluids a day for children up to 8 years, about 6-8 cups for adolescents, 8 cups for

women and about 10 cups for men. These amounts include fluid from all sources including

all hot and cold drinks, but water is the best.

Keep a consistent eating routine

Like daily office routines, you should a specific time and routine for eating. This is to ensure

that you are able to prepare for it and make healthier choices than rushing through a meal. For

weight loss management, it’s better to appreciate and act on the feedback your body gives

you on the frequency and quantity of food to eat. However, it’s also important to aim for a

regular eating pattern of meals, or meals and mid meals.

A planned pattern of eating is more likely to include the recommended number of serves

from the five food groups. A spontaneous, unstructured eating pattern is more likely to

include too many discretionary foods. This mean too much saturated fat, added sugars, added

salt and kilojoules at the expense of fiber and important nutrients.

Use smaller plates to eat

This is an amazing trick that will prevent you from eating beyond the point of no longer

being hungry. You see, food appear smaller in larger plates, and lead you to think that very

same quantity of food is much larger.

While studies have proven over and over again that smaller plates lead to smaller portions the

reason for this reduction had been unknown until recently. In one experiment, conducted by

Brian Wansink from Cornell University and Koert van Ittersum from the Georgia Institute of

Technology, it was discovered that a shift from 12–inch plates to 10–inch plates resulted in a

22% decrease in calories.

Eat an assortment of foods

Your choice of f food doesn’t have to be bland as every once in a while, the brain craves for

something new. Balance up your foods to get distinct taste sensations that make it easier to

eat healthy.

Also, to make eating right a desirable experience, try out other ways to add new spices and

flavors to your meals.

Avoid late night meals

When you feel the urge to binge on your favorite snacks at night, remember that eating late

keeps your metabolism working and puts your body into starvation mode while you sleep.

This means you wake up really hungry and any food you eat next will be stored as fat.

Beyond packing on the pounds, your body will not burn energy efficiently when you do this.

Eat with other people

We also know that people who eat with others and eat at the dining table, are more likely to

eat regularly and eat well than those who eat alone or in front of the TV. Meals with others
tend to include more foods from the five food groups. For example, people often report that

they can’t be bothered cooking vegetables just for themselves.

Eat slowly gives your body time to give you feedback. Put your cutlery down between

mouthfuls when you’re chewing, or sip water in between swallows to slow your pace. Pace

yourself with a ‘slow’ eater or even the clock. Concentrate on how a food looks, smells,

tastes and feels in your mouth and stomach. By eating ‘mindfully’, you will enjoy food more

and end up needing less to feel satisfied.


In recent years, unhealthy eating habits have been on the rise. The reasons are not hard to

pin down – people have become too busy, stressed and oh, they want to ‘cut down’ on

calories. These often lead to people downing anything filling, but less than nutritious. Eating

healthy involves a lot of commitment.

Food advertisement is nor good or bad but how much it has influenced on our health and

diet has raised concerns. Food product choice is overwhelming as well as TV commercials

and print advertisements has been increased in unhealthier choices. Everything is advertised

from food to other materials. As we are lured into buying the food products it has been very

difficult to cope with the health problems. Children and women are the main targets because

it is very convincing and exclusive.

It is not only important to realize that health can be deterioted by our personal choices but

as giving ourselves a little bit of time and having a healthy lifestyle. We all seem to be aware

about the consequences about the diseases but simple steps can change on how we choose to

live our lives. physical activities, healthy food, social interaction, comfortable shelter and
good sleep are some examples that can change our health, therefore we should always control

our stress level and try to maintain a healthier choices.


Chrzan, J., & Brett, J. (2017). Food Health: Nutrition, Technology, and Public Health.

Berghahn Books.

Essays, UK. (2018). Understanding Food Health Nutrition And Diet Media Essay. Essays,


GradesFixer. (2019). Healthy Lifestyle: A Significant Food Habits. Healthy Lifestyle.

Healthwise Staff. (2018). Healthy Eating: Changing Your Eating Habits. HealthLink BC.

Hughes, R. (2011 ). Practical Public Health Nutrition. John Wiley & Sons.

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