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Submitted to:





Submitted by:


ID: 10304097

Date of Submission: 14th September, 2014

Letter of Transmittal
14 September, 2014


Mahmudul Haq

Assistant Professor

BRAC Business School

BRAC University

Subject: Submission of Internship report on “The General Banking Activities and Analysis
of Financial performance of BASIC Bank Ltd.”

Dear Sir,

I am pleased to submit the internship report as a partial fulfillment of BBA program. I have tried
my level best to present you a report on the general banking activities and analysis of financial
performance of BASIC Bank limited. This paper has provided me the opportunity to relate
theories with the real-world operation. Banks operate in a different way, if I had never been done
my internship in a bank I would never have understand this fact.

In these regard, I have done my heart and soul to complete this report with the quality of your
expectation. It would be my immense pleasure if you find this report useful and informative and
I hope you will appreciate my effort.

Sincerely Yours,

Proggya Neelima

ID: 10304097

BRAC Business School


To begin with, I would like to express my deepest gratitude towards The Almighty Allah for
giving me the capability, ability and determination to effectively complete my internship
program. I also want to thank and convey my gratefulness to my honorable advisor Mahmudul
Haq, Assistant professor, BRAC Businesss School, BRAC University to provide me extremely
well arranged guidelines and time from his busy schedule to complete my report.

I express my deepest thanks to the management of the BASSIC Bank Limited for helping me
throughout my internship program. My special thanks to Mr. Abdus Sabur, Assistant General
Manager, Ms. Kamrun Nahar, Assistant Manager, Ms. Mahfuza Sultana,Officer and to other
assistant officers for giving me essential knoeledge related to the banking sector. Without their
co-operation and proper guidance I would not be able gain practical knowledge and complete my
internship program.

I would like to express my heartiest appreciation to my entire family who have always been a
constant support to me and have patiently helped me while preparing this report. I wish to extend
my thanks to my friends who were always there to help me whenever I needed them.

BASIC Bank Limited is a state owned bank however operates like a private bank. It was
established in order to progress the industrial sector of Bangladesh. For more information I have
prepared a report that starts with the synopsis of Banking Industry in Bangladesh followed by
some more information regarding the history of BASIC Bank limited. A progress chart of
BASIC Bank Ltd. is provided in the report. In the later Chapter the General Banking Department
of this particular bank is elucidated in an elaborate manner. The types of work of this
department, the imperative documents to open an account are described in a very comprehensive
way. Along with that what are the products and service they offer, type of loans can also be
establish in this report. In the forthcoming chapter my three months‟ internship experience and
my activities can be found. In addition to that the most important chapter that consists of the
analysis regarding financial performance of BASIC Bank Limited is also prepared in very
careful manner. Trend analysis and cross-sectional analysis is conducted taking the years 2011,
2012 and 2013 respectively. A assessment is also done with a similar type of bank that is
Bangladesh Development Bank Limited. Lastly the report ends with various beneficial
recommendations provided which can benefit the bank to improve its effectiveness and along
with it a brief conclusion.
Contents Page Number

Chapter 1: Introduction of the Report

1.1 Origin of The Report 2

1.2 Objective of The Study 2

1.3 Scope of The Report 2

1.4 Methodology 3

1.5 Limitations 3

Chapter 2: Overview of BASIC Bank Limited

2.1 Overview of The Banking Sector in 5-6


2.2 History of Basic Bank Limited 6

2.3 Foremost Functions of BASIC Bank 7

2.4 Corporate strategy of BASIC Bank 8
2.5 Organizational Structure of BASIC 8-10
Bank Limited
2.6 Resources & Capabilities of BASIC 10-13
Bank Limited
2.7 Product and Service Offerings 13-17

2.8 CSR Activities & Donation 17-20

2.9 Progress at a Glance (2007-2012) 20-22

Chapter 3: Internship Activities

3.1 Internship Experience 24

3.2 General Banking Department at a 25

3.3 Activities in General Banking 25-26
Chapter 4: General Banking Department

4.1 Accounts Opening Section 28-31

4.2 Common Formalities Required for 31-34

Every Account
4.3 Issuing Cheque Book 34-35

4.4 Fixed Deposit Receipt 36-38

4.5 Local Remittance Section 38-41

4.6 Collection & Clearing 42-43

4.7 Cash Section 44

4.8 Accounts Section 44

Chapter 5: Financial Performance Analysis

5.1 Ratios Used For Analysis 46

5.2 Financial Ratios of BASIC Bank 47

Limited & Bangladesh Development Bank Limited
5.3 Trend & Cross-sectional Analysis of 48-55
the Ratios
Chapter 6: Recommendations & Conclusions

6.1 Recommendations 57-58

6.2 Conclusion 58

6.3 References 59

6.4 Appendix 60
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Theoretical knowledge is not complete unless it is being practiced. As a student of BRAC
Business School, I have got the chance to have that practical knowledge after completing all the
essential courses. Afterwards, finishing three months of internship program from Bangladesh
Small Industries and Commerce (BASIC) bank limited, I have prepared this report under the
guidance of my advisor, Mahmudul Haq, Assistant professor of BRAC business school. Without
his support this report could not achieve its factual outline. Fundamentally, this report is the
result of my thorough understanding and my experience gained from working in banking world.

General Objectives
 To understand the system of bank workings
 To know the products and service offerings
 To understand the banking environment
 To know the type of responsibilities of a bank

Specific Objectives
 To conduct a trend and cross sectional analysis of BASIC Bank Limited with Bangladesh
Development Bank Limited.
 To have a broad understanding about General Banking Department
 To know the financial position of this bank

This report is based on the overall general banking activities of BASIC Bank Limited and also
contains the financial performance analysis including both the trend and peer analysis with
Bangladesh Development Bank Limited.

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The data used to conduct this report is collected from two different sources. They are-
Primary sources:
 Interviewing other officers and staffs
 Personal observation
Secondary sources:
 Annual report of BASIC Bank
 Internet
 Books

To prepare this report I had also faced some difficulties while collecting data. The limitations or
the reasons are-
 Organization did not disclose full information
 Non-cooperative behavior of some officials of the bank
 Up to date data are not available
 Three months are very short span of time to grasp all the banking activities and functions.

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Reinforcing the financial sector is a vital concern for an economy. Efficient banking or sound
financial system serves as an effective channel for mobilizing funds from savers to productive
sectors and hence helps to attain economic development. Bangladesh is a third world country
with an under developed banking system, mostly in terms of the services and customer care
provided by the banks run by. After the independence, banking industry in Bangladesh started its
journey with 6 nationalized commercialized banks, 2 State owned specialized banks and 3
Foreign Banks. In the 1980's banking industry achieved significant expansion with the entrance
of private banks. In general the banks which get license to operate under Bank Company Act,
1991 (Amended in 2003) are termed as Scheduled Banks. There are 56 scheduled banks in
Bangladesh who operate under full control and supervision of Bangladesh Bank which is
empowered to do so through Bangladesh Bank Order, 1972 and Bank Company Act, 1991.
Scheduled Banks are classified into following types:

 State Owned Commercial Banks (SOCBs): There are 4 SOCBs which are fully or
majorly owned by the Government of Bangladesh.
 Specialized Banks (SDBs): 4 specialized banks are now operating which were established
for specific objectives like agricultural or industrial development. These banks are also
fully or majorly owned by the Government of Bangladesh.
 Private Commercial Banks (PCBs): There are 39 private commercial banks which are
majorly owned by the private entities. Conventional PCBs and Islami Shariah based
PCBs are the two types of PCBs. Right now there are 31 conventional PCBs operating in
the industry. They perform the banking functions in conventional fashion i.e. interest
based operations. On the other hand there are 8 Islami Shariah based PCBs in Bangladesh
and they execute banking activities according to Islami Shariah based principles i.e.
Profit-Loss Sharing (PLS) mode.
 Foreign Commercial Banks (FCBs): 9 FCBs are operating in Bangladesh as the branches
of the banks which are incorporated in abroad.

Besides, there are Non-Scheduled Banks, which are established for special and definite objective
and operate under the acts that are enacted for meeting up those objectives, are termed as Non-

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Scheduled Banks. These banks cannot perform all functions of scheduled banks. There are now 4
non-scheduled banks in Bangladesh which are: Ansar VDP Unnayan Bank, Karmashangosthan
Bank, Probashi Kollyan Bank and Jubilee Bank.

Bangladesh Small Industries and Commerce (BASIC) Bank Limited is a banking company
registered under the Companies Act 1913. It was incorporated under the Act on the 2nd of
August, 1988. The bank started its operations from the 21st of January in 1989. It is governed by
the Banking Companies Act 1991. The Bank was established as the policy makers of the country
felt the urgency for a bank in the private sector for financing small scale Industries (SSIs). At the
outset, the Bank started as a joint venture enterprise of the BCC Foundation with 70 percent
shares and the Government of Bangladesh (GOB) with the remaining 30 percent shares. The
BCC Foundation being nonfunctional following the closure of the BCCI, the Government of
Bangladesh took over 100 percent ownership of the bank on 4th June 1992. Thus the Bank is
state-owned. However, the Bank is not nationalized; it operates like a private bank as before. It is
one of the specialized banks in Bangladesh which takes pride itself as the pioneer in financing to
small and medium scale industries.

BASIC Bank Limited is unique in its objectives. It is a blend of development and commercial
banks. The Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Bank stipulate that 50 percent of
loanable funds shall be invested in small and cottage industries sector.

Motto of BASIC Bank Limited

“Serving people for progress”

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Capital Position

Authorized capital Tk. 5000.00 million

Paid up capital Tk. 2946.98 million

Total Reserve and Surplus up to

Tk. 3493.60 million

The Bank is required to transfer 20 percent of its net profit before Tax to Capital Fund as per the
Banking Companies Act 1991.

The Bank Offers:

 Term loans to industries especially to small-scale enterprises.

 Full-fledged commercial banking service including collection of deposit, short term trade
finance, working capital finance in processing and manufacturing units and financing and
facilitating international trade.

 Technical support to Small Scale Industries (SSls) in order to enable them to run their
enterprises successfully.

 Micro credit to the urban poor through linkage with Non- Government Organizations
(NGOs) with a view to facilitating their access to the formal financial market for the
mobilization of resources.

In order to perform the above tasks, BASIC Bank works closely with its clients, the regulatory
authorities, the shareholders (GOB), banks and other financial institutions.

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Financing establishment of small units of industries and business and facilitate their growth
Small Balance Sheet size composed of quality assets.

 Steady and sustainable growth.

 Investment in a cautious way.

 Adoption of new banking technology.

 To employ funds for profitable purposes in various fields with special emphasis on
small scale industries.

 To undertake project promotion on identify profitable areas of investment.

 To search for newer avenues for investment and develop new products to suit such needs.

 To establish linkage with other institutions those are engaged in financing micro

 To cooperate and collaborate with institutions entrusted with the responsibility of

promoting and aiding SSI sector.

To attain its organizational goals, the bank conduct its operation in accordance with the major
policy guidelines laid down by the Board of Directors, the highest policy making body. The
management looks after the day to day operation of the bank.

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Management Hierarchy of BASIC Bank Ltd:

Board of Directors

Managing Director

General Manager

Deputy general Manager

Assistant General Manager

Manager/ System Analyst

Deputy Manager/ Programmer

Assistant Manager/ Assistant Programmer

Officer/Officer( Cash, Computer)

Assistant Officer, Grade-1/ Stenographer

Assistant Officer, Grade-II/ Cash, Computr, Reception

Cashier, Receptionist, Computer Operator

Driver, Electrician/ Caretaker

Armed Guard

Messenger/ Guard-cum-Messenger

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2.5.1 Board of Directors

The members of the Board of Directors are appointed by the Bank and Financial Institutions
Division, Ministry of Finance, Government of the People‟s Republic of Bangladesh. As the
government holds 100 percent ownership of the bank thus appoints all the directors of the board.
At the moment, there are 6 (six) Directors including the Managing Director. There are two
Committees of the Board of Directors namely the Executive Committee and the Audit
Committee as per guidelines of Bangladesh Bank. Each Committee operates under the Terms of
Reference (TOR) as stipulated by the Board and the guidelines of Bangladesh Bank.

2.5.2 Management

The Managing Director is the person who basically takes lead in the management system of
BASIC Bank Ltd. For this critical job the Deputy Managing Director, the General Managers and
the Departmental heads working in the head office, are always there to assist him. This bank is
different from other banks as it relies more on vertical integration to the extent that reporting to
the Chief Executive is concerned. The Branch Managers from different branch always reports
directly to the Managing director. For functional purposes such as dismissing any challenging
circumstances they report to the Heads of the concerned Departments, hence helping in quick
decision making.

BASIC Bank Limited is well prepared to and capable of meeting the demand for a broad range
of banking services. It has got adequate resources, both human and physical, to provide the
customers with the best possible services.

2.6.1 Physical and technological resources

A great deal of investment for developing the physical resource base of the Bank has been made.
The Bank has its presence in all the major industrial and commercial hubs of Bangladesh in order

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to cater to the needs of industry and trade. At present, there are fifty conveniently located
branches throughout Bangladesh. Major features of these branches are:

 Fully computerized accounts maintenance.

 Well decorated air conditioned facilities.
 A fully operational computer network which is currently being implemented. The work
of Local Area Network (LAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN) installation having
reliable and secured communication between the branches and the Head Office is in
progress to facilitate any Branch Banking and ATM Services.
 Money counting machine for making cash transactions easy and prompt.
 Sixteen branches are authorized dealers of foreign exchange. This facilitates speedy
disposal of transaction of export and import trade.

2.6.2 Human resources

BASIC Bank has a well-diversified pool of human resources, which entails personnel with high
academic background. Also, there is a positive demographic characteristic. Most employees are
comparatively young in age yet mature in experience. As at the end 2012 the total number of
employee was 1657. To help employees to adapt the changes and new working conditions and to
meet the challenges in the banking industry, intensive training program, on a regular basis, is
being imparted to employees of all levels. Bank believes that human resource is the main driving
force and quality human resources are the key sources for the success in today‟s banking
business. Keeping this view in mind and recognizing the importance of training for professional
excellence, BASIC Bank established its own training cell in 2005 with modern facilities. In 2011
the cell arranged 29 training courses and provided training to as many as 608 employees of the
bank. BASIC Bank established its own training institute in 2012 with all modern facilities. In
2012, they arranged 20 training courses and provided training to as many as 498 employees of
the bank. The Bank also sends its employees to BIBM and other local and foreign institutions
with a view to enhancing and sharpening their knowledge base. During the year 2012, a total of
191 employees of the Bank were provided with training in various fields at BIBM, BBTA and
other training institutions. Moreover, 5 officials were provided with overseas training programs
in 3 different programs. In case of recruitment of new officers the Bank follows a strict

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recruitment policy in order to ensure that only the best candidates are recruited. For fresh
recruitment, comprehensive written test and viva voce are being conducted through the
renowned institutions like IBA, BIBM, and BIM etc. The Bank, so far, has recruited seven
batches of entry-level management staff, all of whom have got excellent academic background.

2.6.3 Monetary/ Financial Resources

BASIC Bank Limited is unique in its objectives. It is a blend of development and commercial
banks. The Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Bank stipulate that 50 percent of
loanable funds shall be invested in small and cottage industries sector. Like any other financial
intermediaries, BASIC Bank Limited is no exception in performing its core functions viz.
Mobilization of fund and utilizing such mobilized fund for profitable purposes.

A. Mobilization of fund

The main sources of fund for the Bank are:

1. Deposit

2. Borrowing

1. Deposit

Deposit is the mainstay of the Bank's sources of funds. Following usual practices, it collects
deposit through:

a. Current Deposit

b. Savings Deposit

c. Term Deposit

d. Scheme Deposit

2. Borrowing

Apart from deposit, BASIC Bank Limited received funds from:

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a. Bangladesh Bank
b. Asian Development Bank (ADB)
c. KfW (kreditanstalt fur Wieder-aufbau Credit Institution for Reconstruction), a
German development bank. All of these funding sources are for relatively longer
period. Receiving the credit lines from ADB and KfW has been recognition of the
Bank's highly satisfactory performance.

B. Utilization of Fund

BASIC Bank Limited utilizes its funds in accordance with its organizational goals and corporate
strategy. Main use is for lending to industrial and trade sectors. Maintenance of cash and
statutory liquidity reserve with the Bangladesh Bank covers 20 percent of demand and time
liabilities. Placement of funds in Nostro Accounts to handle foreign trade and investment in
money market is also done as usual.

BASIC bank ltd is currently offering the following products and services to its clients. These are


This is a recurring deposit scheme with attractive benefits. Realization of monthly installments
will start from the day of opening and all subsequent installments will be realized/ deposited by
the last day of the same month onward. Up to 80% loan facility on deposit amount excluding
interest accrued will be provided.

3 years 5 years 7 years 10 years
Tk. 500 21,562 40,594 64,468 1,12,136
Tk. 1000 43,124 81,189 1,28,937 2,24,272
Tk. 2000 86,249 1,62,378 2,57,875 4,48,545

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Tk. 5000 2,15,624 4,05,946 6,44,687 11,21,364
Tk. 20000 8,62,496 16,23,787 25,78,751 44,85,456


Taking this scheme will double one‟s money within 06 years. Deposit of Tk. 25,000/- and
multiplies thereof but maximum limit of Tk. 50, 00,000/- at a time will be acceptable.


BASIC Bank Limited gives opportunity to maintain foreign currency account through its
Authorized Dealer Branches.


This bank offer current deposit facility to our customers. It is an easy–to-use account for daily
business transactions with no restriction, instant access and withdrawals of money anywhere in


This is a unique current A/C with free remittance facility where interest amount will be paid on
the basis of average monthly balance and will be credited in June and December of each year.


BASIC Bank offers fixed term deposit a/c which will boost up customers savings amount in
time. For earning a higher rate of interest in return one can deposit a lump sum amount for a
fixed period.


Initial deposit will be 1.5 times in 03 years & 03 months term. Minimum acceptable limit of
deposit will be Tk. 25,000/- and maximum limit will be Tk. 50, 00,000/- at a time.

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Account is a unique savings deposit product for the farmers. Any adult individual farmer in
single or joint name(s) can open this account. Initial deposit of this account can start with Tk.
10.00 only. No bank charge.


In this deposit account customers are allowed to withdraw their money whenever required. It
also promotes the savings habit among the people.


BASIC Bank provides Special Notice Deposit A/C for corporate customers for day-to-day
business operations.


Any adult individual(s) who has/have a Savings/Current/Special Noticed Deposit A/C can open
this scheme in single or in joint names by depositing TK 1,00,000/- or multiplies thereof for 05
(Five) years term.


It is a special product for school students with a vision to grow their savings habits and
familiarize young generations with banking. Account can be opened in the name of any school
going citizen who is under 18 years of age.


Taking this scheme will double one‟s money within 05 years 3 months. Deposit of Tk. 25,000/-
and multiplies thereof but maximum limit of Tk. 25, 00,000/- at a time will be acceptable.


The main focus of the bank is to cater small and medium industries through its entire branch
network in the form of various industrial loans.

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The Bank provides Commercial credit for day-to-day operations of business on commercial


To help in creating a strong base of SME through funding of small and medium sized


Facilitating diversified export import services towards industrial and commercial enterprises.


Loan for Primary Products, Crops, Farming & other Farming Activities as well as agro based
industries is a priority of the bank.


Providing Micro credit to the urban, sub-urban and rural poor through linkage with Non-
Government Organizations (NGOs) with a view to facilitating their access to the formal financial
market for the mobilization of resources is tremendous way to help the economy.


Any enterprise owned or led by woman may be eligible to get loan up to Tk. 5 lac without
collateral security and up to Tk. 25 lac with collateral security.


BASIC bank offers Cash Credit (CC), Export Cash Credit, and Loan for Bid Instrument Purchase
(BIP) [Personal, Contractors & Suppliers], Commercial Service Provider, LIM, LTR, PC etc.


ATM/Debit card can be used for withdrawal of cash as well as for purchasing goods or services
wherever VISA and Q-cash POS under this network is available.

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It offers Cash Credit (CC), Export Cash Credit, and Loan for Bid Instrument Purchase (BIP)
[Personal, Contractors & Suppliers], Commercial Service Provider, LIM, LTR, PC etc.


This service helps the customer or client in experiencing true online facility around the country.


This service includes the guarantee of a bank in billing, purchasing and collecting payments on
behalf of the clients.


This facility is only for the staffs of BASIC bank Ltd. Staffs can take two types of loan. One is 3
basic loan which is for 6 months and the other 6 basic loan which is for 4 years.

The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) was considered in the early part of the
20th century but it received enormous impetus in the early 1950s. As a stakeholder of the
society, the Bank is keen to augment CSR activities gradually in the days to come. As such in
broadly defining, CSR refers to the voluntary role of business towards building a better society
and cleaner environment beyond its financial commitments and regulatory obligations. Some
CSR activities and donations made by BASIC bank are given bellow:

Poverty Alleviation

With a view to widen the access to finance by the poor and ultra-poor community, BASIC Bank
Limited has been financing NGOs for quite since 1995 at privileged rates of interest (between
7.00% and 13.00%). So far the bank has financed 65 NGOs of various categories and capacities
from small to large and also from local/regional to national/international. Such activities also
contributed to generation of income and employment as well.

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Women Empowerment

As half of the population is woman, a sustainable national progress can‟t be attained, if women
are left aside. Considering this reality the bank has been mobilizing credit facilities to the capable
women entrepreneurs at a reduced rate of interest. So far the bank has financed several woman
entrepreneurs and it will gain due momentum in the days to come.

Concern for the Environment

To reduce environmental pollution, this bank has financed 26 CNG refueling stations. Again,
most of their office vehicles have already been converted to CNG fueling system. Use of CNG
fuel also helps save hard earned foreign currency. Environmental issues are taken into account
while assessing credit proposal for the industrial projects.

Sports and Cultural Activities

During the year 2011, the Bank extended financial support Tk.1.00 crore each to Sheikh Russel
Krira Chakra and Sheikh Jamal Dhanmondi Club towards development of games and sports. In
the year 2011, an amount of Tk.8.00 lac was contributed for making documentary exhibition and
archive of scarce footage of our great independence war. The Bank also contributed Tk.10.00 lac
to Bangladesh Table Tennis Federation in the year 2011. In the year 2011, the Bank sponsored
Tk.4.00 lac to arrange Baishakhi Fair. The Bank also sponsored 25th to 31st National Junior
Chess Championship by contributing Tk.1.00 lac in each year. BASIC has been patronizing the
Handball Federation by arranging BASIC Bank Limited Inter-district National Women Handball
Tournament. The Bank also donated a fund of Tk.1.00 lac to Krishibid Institution for organizing
their national convention. In the year 2006 the Bank sponsored Tk.1.00 lac for organizing the
SME fair.

Disaster Relief

In the year 2011, the Bank donated 25,000 pieces of blankets to Prime Minister‟s Relief and
Welfare Fund. In the previous year the Bank donated an amount Tk.1.00 crore to the same Fund
for the rehabilitation of the victims of the Nimtoli Fire Tragedy.

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During 2011, the Bank distributed Tk.5.00 lac among the meritorious students of Gopalganj Zilla
Samity. In 2010, BASIC Bank Limited donated a fund of Tk.50.00 lac to the aggrieved families
of the two late secretaries of the Government of Bangladesh for maintaining the educational
expenditure of their children. In 2009 BASIC Bank Limited donated Tk.2.00 lac to Bangladesh
Asiatic Society for publishing Bengali version of the largest National encyclopedia of
Bangladesh. In publishing the first edition (English version) of the encyclopedia, BASIC Bank
Limited donated Tk.5.00 lac as well. „BASIC Bank Limited Gold Medal‟ was introduced in
collaboration with the Banking Department, University of Dhaka for the students of the
department with outstanding academic achievements.

Promotion of Entrepreneurship

The promoters of the Bank envisaged fostering entrepreneurship amongst the potential, new and
small entrepreneurs and generating employment through financing Small and Medium Scale
Industries (SMIs) towards industrialization actually needed for economic growth of the country.
Keeping the dream in mind, the bank always remained stick to the triple bottom line: People,
Planet & Profit and focused attention to the SMIs which is ultimately promotion of SMEs. In this
way, a lot of entrepreneurs have grown with us through which employment opportunities are
created for a large number of people.

Health Care Program

Access to healthcare facilities is one of the fundamental rights of every human being. BASIC
Bank Limited is committed to assist those poor people, who have no way to secure basic
treatment. In the year 2011, the Bank distributed about Tk.3.00 lac amongst different
disadvantaged individuals. In the year 2010, the Bank patronizes some organizations, which
work for improvement of public health. Also in 2009 the bank donated SANDHANI & Lions
Eye Hospital in organizing their free treatment campaign held at different places across the
country. The Bank also extended its assistance to some acid victims directly.

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Awareness Building

Generation of awareness is a very useful tool to combat social evils, like drug addiction,
smoking, pollution, terrorism, population etc. For this purpose, the Bank has continue to display
banner, festoon sticker, display board and use such other communication channels for
discouraging drug, smoking, pollution, population growth etc. The Bank kept continued such
awareness building activities for the year 2011. In 2010, the Bank donated a sum of Tk.0.50 lac
to Sundarban Supporters Committee for creating awareness to elect Sundarban as the new eleven
Wonders of the World.

In the future the Bank has an active plan to establish a charitable organization in the name of
"BASIC Bank Foundation" to augment CSR activities through expanding both nature and
magnitude towards implementation of social obligations in an organized manner for a better

2.9 PROGRESS AT A GLANCE (2007-2012)

YEAR 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007

From the Balance

(Million Taka)

Authorized Capital 5,000.00 5,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00

Paid-up Capital 2,946.98 2,357.59 1,964.65 1,455.30 1,309.77 1,247.40

Reserve and Surplus 3,493.60 3,124.17 2,509.78 2,468.65 1,672.82 1,349.17

Shareholders' Equity 6,440.58 5,481.76 4,474.43 3,923.95 2,982.59 2,596.58

Fixed Assets 526.82 364.46 283.12 232.65 228.36 196.11

Total Assets 109,682.06 78,031.73 61,569.38 45,308.31 46,651.53 38,773.91

Deposits 87,693.23 62,650.73 49,259.60 34,501.69 38,368.23 31,947.98

Long- term Debt 5,492.93 2,788.15 2,718.46 2,875.16 1,708.4 1,385.81

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Loans and Advances 85,955.76 56,884.76 46,341.51 29,261.53 27,269.13 22,263.35

Placement &
14,111.57 13,760.82 9,294.02 12,244.91 15,659.03 13,560.92

From the Income

(Million Taka)

Gross Income 13,402.26 8,825.20 6,120.53 5,162.30 5,060.29 3,549.51

Gross Expenditure 10,792.18 6,476.70 4,403.49 3,593.96 3,526.35 2,741.37

Profit before Tax 2610.08 2,348.50 1,717.05 1,091.10 1,533.94 808.14

Profit after Tax 27.89 976.11 660.93 648.85 549.86 282.96

Tax Paid
7,066.80 5,987.61 4,948.64 4,225.37 3,538.01 2,790.98

Others (Million Taka)

Import Business 37,093.50 47,087.80 42,205.90 33,976.6 27,359.77 21,266.57

Export Business 29,939.20 33,061.10 23,998.80 19,887.7 22,270.87 16,794.96

Financial Ratios (Percentage)

Capital Adequacy
10.05 10.13 9.41 13.48 12.04 12.91

Capital Fund to
7.34 8.75 9.08 11.37 7.81 9.23
Deposit Liabilities

Liquid Assets to
9.91 14.28 12.06 24.67 47.70 49.10
Deposit Liabilities

Loan to Deposit
91.75 87.74 94.08 84.81 71.07 69.69

Earning Assets to
105.56 108.22 81.55 116.44 114.69 109.70
Deposit Liabilities

After Tax Return on

0.03 1.40 1.24 1.41 1.30 .83
Average Assets

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Net Profit to Gross
0.21 11.06 10.80 12.57 10.87 7.97

Interest Margin
110.17 139.76 95.15 135.79 137.08 176.80

After Tax Return on

0.47 19.61 14.95 18.79 19.68 11.70

SMI/SSI Loan and

Micro Credit to 52.12 54.67 56.78 56.93 59.32 56.73
Total Loan

Number of Branches 62 45 34 32 31 31

Number of
1,657 1132 964 776 735 721

(Million Taka)

Deposit per
52.92 55.35 51.10 44.46 52.20 44.31

Advance per
51.87 50.25 48.07 37.71 37.10 30.88

Profit before Tax per

1.58 2.07 1.78 2.02 2.09 1.51

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I have joined BASIC Bank Limited, Dhanmondi Branch at 26th May, 2014 as an intern. At my 1st
day of joining I was terrified as this was my 1st step towards the outside world. Being lucky
enough, I have met some people who were really helpful throughout the time of my internship
program. Such a warm welcome boosted my confidence up to a level that I became very friendly
with almost everyone in the General Banking Department within a very short span of phase.
Although I got the chance to work; more specifically to assist in General Banking Department,
there are two more departments commonly known as the Loan or Advances Department and the
Foreign Exchange Department.

The General Banking Department sounds somewhat an easy going department however has the
most critical job according to me, as this department has to handle different types of customers
or clients often, that too directly. This department has taught me some very essential jobs that are
very crucial in this modern era of banking. I have learnt how to open a bank account, filling the
formalities of the form, how the customer information number is given, writing a pay order, how
the clearing of cheques are done. Moreover, what type of products they offer to their old and new
clients is also imparted by the personnel of this branch of BASIC Bank ltd.

Learning the above activities was not possible unless I had a strong guidance and cooperation
from the people who were always ready to help me whenever I needed them. Unlike the other
organizations whose behavior is more of domineering type, the behavior of these people made
me feel one of them. Basically, the environment of this branch or the people is very generous,
that also taught me to stay always closer to the ground.

Although only three months is not sufficient to learn everything of banking world, I tried my
heart and soul to relate my theoretical knowledge with practical one. In words, the experiences I
have gathered from working in this branch will surely going to be a great help in my future as
well as in building a better career.

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General Banking department executes the core functions of a bank. It deals day to day
transactions. It takes the deposit from the customer and meets the customer demands for cash by
honoring their cheques. Generally, it has the following core responsibilities:

Accounts Opening Section

Local Remittance Section

Collection and Clearing

Cash Section

Accounts Section

Although the chart shows some very important responsibilities of General Banking Department,
however I did not get the chance to work in all of the sections. My job was to only filling up the
forms for opening account and writing the random numbers each and every leaf of the cheque

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under the guidance of an authorized person. So in this chapter I am going to only cover how an
account is opened and the documents needed to complete the process of opening an account.

In the later chapter I am going to discuss briefly on the local remittance section, collection and
clearing, cash section and account sections as I was always around to assist my co- workers
whenever I was told to do so.

3.3.1 Activities in Account Opening Section

When a customer opens an account in a bank it binds him into a contractual relationship. This is
the way to build up a banker-customer relationship which is also sometimes a start of fraud and
forgery if not being careful. Bearing this in mind the bank takes extra care in selecting its clients.
When a customer wants to open a bank account he or she must meet the criterion that this bank
requires. After providing sufficient documents an account can be opened according to their
demand. There are some basic requirements to open an account such as, photographs, nominee,
national ID card number, introducer etc. And now here comes my part, where I need to fill up the
customer information number, the account number, the address (permanent and present), and the
customers‟ personal data such as birthdate, name of spouse, father and mother. In the case of
customer information number and account number an authorized personnel provided me with
necessary information. Thus help me to fill up the form correctly.

3.3.2 Activities in Terms of Issuing Cheque book

Issuing cheque books is a job of account opening section and I consider this work somewhat very
imperative. As there can be a lot of falsifications regarding this matter, BASIC Bank has a very
good reliable step to prevent this which I find very interesting. Basically an authorized person
throws some random numbers and I just used to write it down on the back of every cheque leaf.
After that, the authorized person checks whether the security numbers are correct or not and
completes the task by putting signature.

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In the previous chapter I have simply discussed about my internship part or the job I used to do
in General Banking Department. Although the part was petite still, I was sentient of the other
sections of general banking department most prominently in the account opening section where
the necessary documents are different for different customers.

One of the elementary functions of commercial banks is to receive deposits. The following types
of account are offered by this branch for accepting both demand and time:

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Types of Accounts with Terms and Conditions

The types of account this segment covers are given below:



This type of account is primarily opened by the small scale savers. Therefore, there is a
restriction on withdrawals in a week. If anyone wants to withdraw a huge amount of money one
must give prior notice in order to get the permission. Some important points are as follows:

 Minimum opening of Tk. 500 is required.

 Cheque book issuing balance is per leaf Tk. 3.
 Withdrawal amount should not be more than ¼th of the total balance at a time and limit
twice in a week.
 Interest rate is 7.00% (p.a.) if monthly minimum balance is up to Tk. 1.00 Crore and
interest rate is 7.50% (p.a.) if monthly minimum balace is above Tk. 1.00 Crore. Interest
is paid twice in a year depending on monthly minimum balance. When money is
deposited within 5 of the following month, then it is counted as monthly minimum

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 Can open the A/c individually or jointly. In case of joint A/c, joint signature is required if
not authorized otherwise.
 Minor (for withdrawal purpose), lunatic, insolvent, pardanshin women (not mandatory)
cannot open such sort of account.


Current Account is generally maintained by or appropriate for traders, importers, exporters,

private individuals who are into business, merchants, mills and factory owners, limited
company‟s etc. The benefit of maintaining this account is that account holders of this account
can withdraw money at any time as there is no restriction. Money can be collected and paid at
frequent interval through this account. Given below are some important points:

 Minimum opening deposit of Tk. 1000 is required.

 Although there is no restriction in withdrawal, if it is a huge amount i.e. 1 lac or more the
bank needs one day before notice.
 There is no interest given on the deposited money.
 These deposits on demand are called demand liabilities of a banker as the banker is under
an obligation to repay these amounts.
 The main objective of this account is to help the businessmen, joint ventures, public
authorities from the risk of handling a lot of cash.
 Minimum Tk. 1000 balance must be maintained all the time.
 Minor cannot open such type of account.
 Account holder can enjoy secured overdraft (SOD) or even temporary overdraft (TOD)


Usually several large companies, organizations, Government Departments possess money in

STD account. Repeated withdrawal is discouraged and involves earlier notification. BASIC

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Bank is given an instruction by the customers to debit their current account as soon as its
deposited amount crosses a certain limit so that the amount will be transferred to the STD
account. Then the deposit must be kept for at least seven days to acquire interest. The interest
offered for STD is less than that of savings deposit. Interest is calculated based on daily
minimum product and paid two times in a year. The interest rate varies depending on the
deposited amount. For instance:

Rate of Interest
Deposit Products

Less than Tk. 1.00 Crore 6%

Tk. 1.00 Crore & above but less than Tk. 25.00 Crore 6.50%

Tk. 25.00 Crore & above but less than Tk. 50.00 Crore 6.75%

Tk. 50.00 Crore & above but less than Tk. 100.00 Crore 7.00%

Tk. 100.00 Crore & above 7.50%

 Duly filled up Account Opening Form.

 Introducer‟s signature on Account Opening Form to be verified by Manager under full
 Two copies of passport size photograph of account opener(s) duly attested by the

Note: Mandate or authority form filled up by an individual (s) or account openers are to
be obtained if the customer wants to authorize another person to operate an account on
behalf of him/ them.

Documents Required For Each Account Separately

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In case of Proprietorship Firm-

 Declaration of proprietorship.
 Trade license.
 Tax Identification No (TIN) directed by Bangladesh Bank.

In case of Partnership Firm-

 Account must be opened in the name of the firm.

 The firm should describe the names and addresses of all partners.
 Board Resolution signed by all partners to open the A/C.
 Photocopy of partnership deed duly attested by notary public.
 Letter of partnership duly signed by all partners.
 Trade license from municipality.
 Tax Identification No (TIN) directed by Bangladesh Bank.

In case of Private Limited Join Stock Company-

 Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association duly certified by Chairman or

 Board Resolution duly certified by Chairman/ Secretary authorizing to open the A/C with
the bank and mentioning the name of the person (s) who will operate the A/C as per
provisions of Articles of Association.
 Certificate of incorporation duly certified by Chairman or Secretary.
 List of all Directors with Designation, Address & Specimen Signature duly certified by
Chairman or Secretary (Form XII).
 Latest copy of Balance Sheet.
 Power of attorney.
 Tax Identification No (TIN) directed by Bangladesh Bank.

In case of Public Limited Join Stock Company-

 Photocopy of Registration certificate certified by Chairman or Secretary.

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 Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association duly certified by Chairman or
 Board Resolution duly certified by Chairman/ Secretary authorizing to open the A/C with
the bank and mentioning the name of the person (s) who will operate the A/C as per
provisions of Articles of Association.
 Certificate of commencement duly certified by Chairman or Secretary.
 List of members of Managing/ Executive duly certified by Chairman or Secretary.
 Tax Identification No (TIN) directed by Bangladesh Bank.

In case of Societies/Clubs-

 Certified copy of Registration certificate under the societies Registration Act, 1962.
 Certified copy of Resolution for opening and operation of account.
 Certified copy of Bye-laws & Regulations/ Constitution.
 Power of Attorney.

In case of Cooperative Society-

 Copy of Bye-law duly certified by the Co-operative officer.

 Up to date list of office bearers.
 Resolution of executive Committee as regards of the account.
 Certified copy of Certificate of Registration issued by Registrar, Co-operative Societies.

In case of Non-Government College/ School/ Madrasha, -

 Up to date list of the Governing Body/ Managing Committee.

 Copy of Resolution of the Governing Body/Managing Committee authorizing opening
and operation of the account duly certified by Gazetted Officer.

In case of Minor’s account-

 Putting the word “MINOR” after the title of the account.

 Recording special instruction of operation of the account.
 The account opening form is to be filled in and signed by either of the parents or the legal
guardian appointed by the Court of Law & not by the Minor.

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Account Opening Procedure in a Flow Chart:

Duly filled-up prescribed application form by the applicant with introductory

reference by an account holder

Duly fill up the specimen signature card in front of a concerned person

Verify the introductory reference and examine the documents by the authorized

Issue the deposit slip and make deposit in cash. No cheque or draft is allowed

Issue one cheque book & pay in slip


4.3.1 New and Old Account

Only against requisition on the prescribed application form a new or fresh checkbook is issued to
the account holder whereas for old account, requisition is made on the prescribed requisition slip
attached with the previously issued checkbook. By generating a security number randomly for
every check leaf the instrument is prepared and with respective security number on the back of
each leaf and signed by the authorized person. After that, necessary entries are made in Check
Issue Register. Lastly client (s) is issued a cheque book.

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4.3.2 In case of Duplicate Check Book

When clients or account holders lose their cheque books he/she might get another one in place of
the lost one however they need to guarantee the bank for the lost cheque book by approaching
personally with an application. Verify signature of the A/C holder with the specimen signature
card. Then the bank records the series number of lost checkbook in the stop payment register and
takes indispensible steps to guard against fraudulent payment.

Account Enquiry

By submitting an application in prescribed balance enquiry receipt a customer can attain the
statement of his A/C. Typically it is provided two times in a year. In addition to that clients can
know their current deposit position casually.

Transfer of an Account

If a client or an account holder wants to transfer his/her own account to another branch the first
thing they need to do is to apply to that branch manager where he/she is maintaining his/her
account with a justified explanation. Then the manager of the current branch requests to the later
branch manager where the A/C holder wants to transfer his account. Also, he also sends original
copy of account opening form and SSC (Specimen Signature Card) and photocopy of application
for transferring the account with the balance remained in the account.

Closing of an Account

An account may close-

 When the customer desirous to close the account.

 When the account is inoperative for a long time.
 In case of customer‟s death, insanity or insolvency.
 When the court on that particular A/C issues Garnishee Order.

The cheque book must be returned to the bank to close the account. BASIC bank charges Tk.
200/= for the same by debiting the amount from his account and rest amount is then paid to the

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customer. Necessary entries are given to the account closing register and computer. After the
necessary entries being made it is to make sure whether that A/C holder is completely free from
all dues or not.

4.4.1 FDR Account

Fixed deposits are time deposits or time liabilities. These are the deposits in which an amount of
cash is deposited in Bank for a fixed period specified in advance. Before opening a Fixed
Deposit Account a customer has to fill up an application form which contains the followings-

 Amount in figures
 Beneficiary‟s name and address
 Time period
 Rate of Interest
 Date of Issue
 Date of maturity
 How the account will be operated ( singly or jointly)
 Signature (s)
 F.D.R. no.
 Special instructions (if any)

After fulfilling the above information and depositing the amount, FDR account is opened and a
FDR receipt is issued and it is recorded in the FDR Register which contains the following

 FDR account no.

 FDR (Fixed Deposit Receipt) no.
 Name of the FDR holder with address
 Maturity period

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 Maturity date
 Interest Rate

In case of FDR Account, the bank does not have to maintain a cash reserve. So, BASIC bank
offers a high interest rate in these accounts. The revised interest rates for FDR effected from July
01, 2014 followed by BASIC are-

Rate of Interest
Deposit Products
01 month 9.50%
03 months 9.50%
06 months 9.50%
12 months 9.50%
24 months & above 9.50%

4.4.2 Renewal of FDR

Customer supposes to inform the bank in writing 15 days before the maturity date for
encashment. If not, bank normally renews the amount just after the maturity date. Renewal will
be for previously agreed maturity period.

4.4.3 Loss of FDR

If the instrument is lost from the possession of the holder, the holder is asked to fulfill the
following requirements-

 Holder should inform the bank immediately

 Record a GD (General Diary) in the nearest Police Station.
 Furnish an Indemnity Bond

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On fulfilling the above requirements, BASIC bank is then issued a duplicate FDR.

Period Premature Encashment Interest rate

Before 30 days No Interest
03 months Every completed calendar
SB (Savings Bank) Rate
Before 03 months SB Rate
06 months Before maturity however Interest payable at 03 months
completes 3 months Rate for a period of 03 months
Before 03 months SB Rate
Interest payable at 03 months
Before expiry of 06 months
12 months Rate for a period of 03 months
After expiry of 06 months Interest payable at 06 months
however before maturity Rate for a period of 06 months
Before 03 months SB Rate
Interest may be allowed at 06
After expiry of 06 months
months Rate for a period of 06
however before maturity
24 months months
Interest may be allowed at 12
After expiry of 12 months
months Rate for a period of 12
however before maturity

It is risky to remit cash from one place to another. So, Banks remit funds on behalf of the
customer (s) to save them from any awkward consequences over the network of their branches.
There are three modes of remitting funds. These are given below-

 Pay Order (PO)

 Demand draft (DD)

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 Telegraphic Transfer (TT)
 Call Deposit Receipt (CDR).

4.5.1 PAY ORDER (PO)

An instrument used to remit fund within a clearing zone is known as Pay Order. Unlike cheque,
there is no possibility of dishonoring PO. The PO can only be encashed through the branch that
has issued the instrument.

PO Charge

 For account holder charge is Tk.50.

 For non-account holder charge is Tk.150.

PO Working Procedure, shown in a flow chart:

Purchaser fills up a relevant form or Purchase the PO in favor of a person or a

application with a credit voucher company

If any account with BASIC Bank

Ltd Deposit the PO in his account
with BASIC bank ltd or another
bank by the beneficiary
Collecting bank sends an
If deposited to another bank

The collecting banker presents the PO to

Payee’s account credited with paying banker through clearing house
collecting banker

Payee’s account credited with collecting banker

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4.5.2 Demand Draft (DD)

DD is called „Banker‟s Draft‟. It is an instrument, issued by a particular branch, drawn on

another branch of the same bank, instructing to pay a certain amount of money. It is very
prevalent instrument for remitting fund from one corner of a country to another. Demand Draft
can be issued against Cash or Cheque.

Demand Draft Charge

 DD issuance charge is 0.10% or Tk. 100.00 whichever is higher.

 DD cancellation charge is Tk. 100.

DD Working Procedure in a flow chart:

Fills up the relevant form Demand Draft is

Applicant has an account
with a credit voucher for handed over the
with BASIC bank ltd
the bank customer where
paying bank is
mentioned and
payment will be made
from another bank

If DD arrives to the bank on

An IBCA along with photocopy
which it is drawn, the bank
of DD is sent to the paying bank
honors it


Sometimes the remitter of the funds requires fund immediately. In that case, the banker is
requested to remit the funds telegraphically. Different modes are Telegram, Telephone, Telex,

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and Fax. Telegraphic Transfer is the most rapid and convenient but expensive method. The
drawer and the payee should have accounts with BASIC bank. TT is issued against cash, cheque,
and letter of instruction.


 TT issuance charge is 0.10% or Tk. 100.00 whichever is higher.

 TT cancellation charge is Tk. 100.

Telegraphic Transfer‟s Working Procedure in a flow chart (outward):

Applicant has an Applicant fills up the Text of telex is written

account with BASIC relevant form with a or the relevant
bank ltd credit voucher for the information along with
bank the test code is sent to
the payee bank
through fax or

Another 2 copies of
the text is sent
through courier to
the payee’s bank

One copy from drawer’s bank and

The reconciliation department reconciles another from payee’s bank are
two copies and detects the fraud and sent to the reconciliation
forgery if any department of HO

Payee’s account credited Before that the payee’s bank

decodes the test and if test is

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4.6.1 Collection

In modern banking the mechanism has become complex as far as smooth transaction and safety
is concerned. Customer does pay and receive bill from their counterpart as a result of transaction.
Commercial bank‟s duty is to collect bills on behalf of their customer.

Types of Bills for Collection

1. Outward Bills for Collection

2. Inward Bills for Collection.


According to the Article 37 (2) of Bangladesh Bank Order, 1972, the banks which are a member
of the clearing house are called as Scheduled Banks. The scheduled banks clear the cheques
drawn upon one another through the clearing house. This is an arrangement by the central bank
where every day the representative of the member banks sits to clear the cheques. For clearing
there is a department in every Bank. This department receives cheques, drafts and like
instruments from its customers for the purpose of collection with a deposit slip over the counter
crediting their accounts. Clearing of cheque is done through the clearing house in Bangladesh
Bank. Every day the first hour starts at 10.00 a.m. and returns house at 5.00 p.m.

Types of cheques for clearing

1. Inward clearing cheques.

2. Outward clearing cheques.

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Inward Clearing Bills

It refers the instrument drawn on BASIC Bank Ltd, received from other banks in the clearing
house by their representative. Settlement process:

Bills collected from other Bangladesh Bank debits

banks through clearing Bangladesh bank
the account of
house by Basic dhanmondi sends the bills to
dhanmondi branch
branch drawn on BASIC BASIC dhanmondi
maintained with BB
dhanmondi branch branch with an

BASIC dhanmondi branch debits customer’s respective account

Outward Clearing Bills

It refers the instruments drawn on the other banks received by BASIC bank ltd. When cheques
are drawn on dhanmondi branch of BASIC, the clearing process is:

Cheques are directly sent to OBC received along

Entry passed in
the respective branch the instrument by
OBC register of
the respective
that branch

IBCA is sent from that to

When IBCA arrives, client’s account is credited later branch

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Cash is the lifeblood of all financial activities. Cash section is a very sensitive point of the
branch. This section deals with all types of negotiable instruments and it includes vault, used as
the store of cash, instruments. The vault is insured up to Tk.20 lac. Insured amount yet to be
enhanced to Tk. 40 lac. Operation of this section begins when the banking hour starts. Cash
officer begins his/her transaction with taking money from the vault, known as the opening cash
balance. Vault is kept in a more secured place. The amount of opening cash balance is entered
into a register. After whole days‟ transaction, the surplus money remains in the cash counter is
put back in the vault and known as the closing balance. If the cash stock goes beyond this limit,
the excess cash is then transferred to BASIC bank main branch. The main functions of this
section are-

1. Cash Receipt
2. Cash Payment

Accounts department maintains all records of transactions and all types of statement. At the end
of transaction hour all concerned section sends vouchers of transactions to this department.
Accounts department compares all figures/ amount, contents of transactions with supplementary
statement prepared by computer. If any discrepancy arises regarding any transaction then this
department reports to the concerned department. Following are the activities of accounts

 To record all transaction in the cash book.

 To prepare daily, weekly, monthly, half-yearly and yearly fund position.
 To prepare all kinds of statements related to Bangladesh Bank, Head office and National
Board of Revenue (NBR).
 To prepare monthly salary statement, provident fund statement and administrative
expenditure statement.
 To make charges for different types of duty.

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To get hold of a swift hint of the performance of a financial institution ratio analysis is used
frequently. This tool is used by investors, creditors, managers and different regulators. For
investing decisions investors often rely on this effective tool. A financial institution itself can
have a clue of its financial position in the industry by doing trend analysis and cross-sectional or
peer analysis. These are the two important analyses I have conduct in order to acquire how well
BASIC Bank Ltd. is performing and what are its future movements in comparing with its
competitors and with itself from time to time. The ratios I have used are classified as Short-term
Solvency Ratios, Debt Management Ratios, Asset Management Ratios, Profitability Ratios, and
Market Value Ratios. For cross-sectional analysis I have taken Bangladesh development Bank
Limited which is also a specialized bank like BASIC Bank Ltd.

BASIC Bank Ltd. Bangladesh Development Bank Ltd

Name of the Ratios
2011 2012 2013 2011 2012 2013

Debt to Equity 13.23 15.98 25.01 0.94 1.08 1.84

Debt to Asset 0.93 0.94 0.96 0.48 0.52 0.65

Return on Asset 1.25% 0.03% -0.34% 2.38% 2.56% 2.18%

Return on Equity 17.81% 0.43% -8.80% 4.62% 5.33% 6.19%

Earnings per Share 33.12 0.95 -18.04 17.15 20.92 25.50

Equity Multiplier 14.23 16.98 26.01 1.94 2.08 2.84

24.94% 0.57% -12.56% 42.90% 44.24% 31.19%

Net Profit Margin

Net Interest Margin 2.80% 2.26% 1.08% 3.11% 2.69% 2.03%

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5.3.1 Debt to Equity

The debt to equity ratio is a financial, liquidity ratio that compares total debt to total equity. It is
calculated by dividing total liability with total owner‟s equity. For a bank loans are assets that
they distribute and deposits are liabilities that they acquire from their customers. The following
scenario shows against TK. 1 as equity BASIC Bank used TK. 13.23, TK. 15.98 and TK. 25.01
as debt in the years 2011, 2012 & 2013 respectively. The trend indicates that BASIC Bank is
adding more debt in its capital structure every year and it is rising significantly which puts the
bank in a riskier position. On the other hand, if compared to BDBL the performance of BASIC
Bank is also very poor. BDBL used TK. 0.94, TK. 1.08 and TK.1.84 as debt against TK. 1 as
equity in the years 2011, 2012 & 2013 respectively and which is way better than BASIC Bank.
The debt to equity ratio of BDBL also signifies that BDBL has good control on its capital
structure, whereas the debt to equity ratio of BASIC Bank does not show that the bank has a
good planning on deciding its capital structure.

Debt to Equity

15 13.23


0.94 1.08 1.84

2011 2012 2013

BASIC Bank Ltd. Bangladesh Development Bank Ltd.

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5.3.2 Debt to Asset

Debt-to-assets ratio or simply debt ratio is the ratio of total liabilities to total assets. It is
calculated by dividing total liabilities to total asset. It is a solvency ratio and it measures the
portion of the assets which are financed through debt. Debt ratio ranges from 0.00 to 1.00. Lower
value of debt ratio is favorable and a higher value indicates that higher portion of asset is
financed through debt which indicates a bank is not that solvent. Debt ratio of 0.5 means that half
of the company's assets are financed through debts. BASIC Bank is highly debt financed as the
debt ratio is increasing that is 0.93, 0.94 and 0.96 consistently. This means more than half of
BASIC Bank‟s total asset was debt financed in the years 2011, 2012 & 2013 respectively. In
contrary, BDBL is in a better position than BASIC Bank and the bank had used 48%, 52% and
65% debt in the years 2011, 2012 & 2013 respectively to finance its assets. Although in 2013,
BDBL used 65% debt to finance its asset, It is still in a better position than BASIC Bank Ltd.

Debt to Asset

1 0.96
0.93 0.94

0.6 0.52



2011 2012 2013

BASIC Bank Ltd. BDBL Bank Ltd.

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5.3.3 Return on Asset

Return on assets is the ratio of annual net income to total assets during a financial year. It
measures efficiency of a bank in using its assets to generate net income. It is a profitability ratio.
It is based on accounting book values not on market values. Higher values of return on assets the
more profitable the bank is. An increasing trend of ROA indicates that the profitability is
improving. Conversely, a decreasing trend means that profitability is deteriorating. In the year
2011 and 2012 BASIC Bank was generating 1.25% and 0.03% of profit to every 1 Tk. of asset.
On the contrary new bank BDBL is generating a huge amount of profit that is 2.38% and 2.56%
however in year 2013 its profit for every 1 Tk. of asset has been decreased to 2.18% even though
it is much better than BASIC bank. As BASIC Bank has incurred loss of 0.34% for every 1 Tk.
of asset, management should think of ways to improve its efficiency in using its assets.

Return on Asset
2.50% 2.38%


2011 2012 2013
-0.50% -0.34%
BASIC Bank Ltd. Bangladesh Development Bank Ltd.

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5.3.4 Return on Equity

Return on equity or return on capital is the ratio of net income during a year to its stockholders'
equity during that year. It is a measure of profitability of stockholders' investments. It shows net
income as percentage of shareholder equity. Return on equity is an important measure of
profitability. Higher return on equity indicates that the bank is efficient enough to generate profit
for every new investment. In the year 2011 BASIC bank was generating more profit than BDDL
which is 17.81% whereas BDDL has only 4.62% of return on equity. In the year 2013 the ROE
of BASIC bank shows a negative figure which means shareholders are losing their money
instead of gaining. This is because the bank had a huge amount of loss in the year 2013.On the
other hand BDDL is having a gradual growth as new bank. It has generated 6.19% of profit for
every 1 Tk. of total equity.

Return on Equity

5.33% 6.19%
2011 2012 2013


BASIC Bank Ltd. Bangladesh Development Bank Ltd.

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5.3.5 Earnings per Share

Earnings per share, also called net income per share, is a market prospect ratio that measures the
amount of net income earned per share of stock outstanding. In other words, this is the amount of
money each share of stock would receive if all of the profits were distributed to the outstanding
shares at the end of the year. Earnings per share or basic earnings per share is calculated by
subtracting preferred dividends from net income and dividing by the weighted average common
shares outstanding. Higher earnings per share, always better than a lower ratio because this
means a bank is more profitable and it has more profits to distribute to its shareholders. The
earning per share of BASIC Bank fluctuates a lot whereas BDBL has steady earnings per share.
BASIC Bank had TK. 33.12 as EPS and BDBL had TK. 17.15 in the year 2011 which means
BASIC Bank generated more income per share compared to BDBL. However, in the year 2012
the scenario is completely opposite and there was a sudden fall in the EPS of BASIC Bank. The
scenario was worse for BASIC Bank in the previous year as it had a loss per share of TK. 18.04
whereas the counterpart BDBL yielded TK.25.5 per share.

Earnings per Share

20 17.15

2011 2012 2013


BASIC Bank Ltd. Bangladesh Banl Ltd.

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5.3.6 Equity Multiplier

The equity multiplier is a financial leverage ratio that measures the amount of assets that are
financed by shareholders. It is calculated by dividing total assets with total shareholder's equity.
This ratio indicates how much of a bank‟s asset is owned by the creditors. Higher the equity
multiplier, higher the risk is. This also means a bank has high debt servicing cost. In the year
2011, the equity multiplier of BASIC bank was 14.23 where as new bank BDBL had a ratio of
equity multiplier, 1.94 which shows that only a small portion of asset is financed through debt.
Since year 2011 BASIC Bank has used a very huge amount of debt to finance its assets as in year
2012 and 2013. It has increased using debt to a higher level in year 2013. It is of a great concern
to the shareholders of the bank. In contrary, BDBL has a ratio of 1.94, 2.08 and 2.84 respectively
which shows that their assets are more financed by the equity holders.

Equity Multiplier



5 2.84
1.94 2.08

2011 2012 2013

BASIC Bank Ltd. Bangladesh Development Bank Ltd.

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5.3.7 Net Profit Margin

Net profit margin is the percentage of revenue remaining after all operating expenses, interest,
taxes and preferred stock dividends excluding the common stock dividends have been deducted
from a company's total revenue. The profit margin ratio is a profitability ratio that measures how
well a bank is turning its revenue into profits for its shareholders. Although a new bank, BDDL
is very efficient in turning its revenues to profits as in year 2011 and 2012 the ratio is increasing
such as, 42.90% and 44.24%. In the case of BASIC Bank year 2011 shows that the management
was efficient enough to turn revenue into profit however in year 2012 the ratio has a sudden fall
which is 0.57%. This means for every 1 Tk. BASIC bank had a profit margin of only 0.0057 Tk.
This situation worsens when the bank had not made any profit in year 2013 rather faced loss of
0.1256 Tk. for every 1 Tk. In case of BDBL although the profit margin decreased however is in a
good position. As for every 1 Tk. it had a profit margin of 0.3119 Tk.

Net Profit Margin

42.90% 44.24%

2011 2012 2013

BASIC Bank Ltd. Bangladesh Development Bank Ltd.

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5.3.8 Net Interest Margin

Net interest margin demonstrates how successful a bank‟s investment decisions are compared to
its debt situations. A negative value signifies that the firm did not make an ideal decision, since
interest expenses were greater than the amount of returns generated by investments. In year
2011, 2012 and 2013 the net interest margin of BASIC Bank is 2.8%, 2.26% and 1.08%
respectively. This means their investment decision or giving loans to clients was not ideal
enough so they had a decreasing ratio consistently. On the other hand, BDBL is also having the
same problem as its ratios are also decreasing from 3.11% to 2.69% to 2.03% respectively from
year 2011 to 2013. Both the banks need to make a carful decision while disbursing loan,
investing in industries to avoid such decreasing rate.

Net Interest Margin

3.00% 2.69%
2.50% 2.26%



2011 2012 2013

BASIC Bank Ltd. Bangladesh Development Bank Ltd.

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Once an outstanding BASIC Bank Ltd is now facing a huge amount of loss. The Bank that used
to be a standard itself is now in a fragile situation. Although not every branch of this Bank is not
at fault, for some branches, overall performance is not meeting up the standards nowadays. There
can be so many reasons behind this bad performance. However If I was told to recommend some
steps to recover this situation I would have suggest the followings:

 The bank should introduce some new products as there are a few to attract new clients.
Even though it is a state owned bank it operates like a private bank. Hence, to compete in
this modern era of banking where private banks are leading, it‟s a duty of BASIC Bank to
enhance its products and services. New products should be included in its portfolio.

 For marketing these products BASIC Bank should find out a proper way so that the
general people get to know about it. In this case they may go for door to door operations.
In this way new clients will be interested to take deposit scheme in the bank.

 Introducing and marketing new products will not attract customers if the bank does not
give guarantee of proper and well-organized services. For this the bank needs to make
sure that whenever withdrawing money it has enough cash reserve.

 Using technology is always of great help whenever there is a need for providing faster
services. BASIC Bank should use more computerized and internet based.
 Research and development activities should be taken into consideration.

 Loan portfolio should be designed in such a way that there is chance of defaulting. For
this, they can rely on different renowned credit rating companies so that the loss of bad
debt can be removed to some extent.

 Effective strategies must be undertaken against defaulters.

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 Office should be fully decorated to attract clients to take its services.

 The bank should unconditionally continue to follow its own rules and procedures.

 The bank can introduce reward system for good borrowers as well as punishment for bad

 Management must try to think how to increase the profit or shareholder‟s value. They
must try to work freely without any influence.

BASIC Bank limited although a state-owned bank, operates like a private bank. The name itself
contains a meaning that is to develop the small industries in Bangladesh. Though it is not
confined only in the improvement of industrial sector, it has also scattered its activities in green
banking and different CSR activities. This is very sorry to say that despite all its activities the
bank has to find itself in a very bad situation recently. However if precautionary steps are taken
the bank can regain its previous form. Working in General Banking Department helped me to
learn a lot and made my internship program complete. I have learnt how a bank operates, how
clients are handled, how calmly a situation is controlled and many more.

To conclude, I would like to say that BASIC Bank will surely come out of its recent status only
if they try to be more careful in disbursing its loans. To bring back its strong existence the
management must think of revolutionary initiatives so that this inconvenience will never be there
to bother in future.

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 Annual Report of BASIC Bank Limited, 2011
 Annual Report of BASIC Bank Limited, 2011
 Financial Statements of BASIC Bank Limited, 2013
 Financial Statements of Bangladesh Development Bank Limited, 2013
 Financial Statements of Bangladesh Development Bank Limited, 2012
 Brigham F. and Houston F. (eds). (2011). Fundamentals of Financial Management.
United States: Thompson South Western.

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BASIC Bangladesh Small Industries & Commerce

BDBL Bangladesh Development Bank Limited

DD Demand Draft

BB Bangladesh Bank

FDR Fixed Deposit Receipt

STD Short Term Deposit

A/C Account

SSC Specimen Signature Card

SB Savings Bank

TT Telegraphic Transfer

OBC Outward Bills for Collection

IBCA Interest Bearing Checking Account

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