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Ministry Of Higher Education and Scientific Research

University of Kirkuk
College of Engineering
Mechanical department
3rd Stage evening study

“ Industrial Safety report “

Dr. Izzat Abdel-Razzaq Abdel-Karim

Omed Othman Hasan
Industrial Safety
In light of the escalating global awareness of health and environmental safety issues and the call to
assess all its vital and non-vital components, security and safety systems have developed that are
primarily aimed at preventing near and far-reaching crises, and therefore industrial safety systems
are used to protect human, factories and the environment Surrounding if the manufacturing process
exceeds the control and control margins.

The term industrial safety is a general and comprehensive term in the field of industry. Occupational
safety is the responsibility of every individual in his workplace and is related to his relationship with
those around him. The safety of individuals during and after work and its protection, which may
result from the practice of this work in the short and long term, the safety of equipment and
installations, the work environment, the general environment ... etc.

And industrial safety is a system that consists of a set of instructions and protocols followed and
universally recognized to achieve the safety levels used and provide protection for workers by
reducing rates of accidents and work injuries by identifying the sources of those risks and providing
appropriate awareness to workers, while taking the necessary measures to prevent They occur with
an appropriate protective system.

The application of the industrial and professional protection system includes the formation of
committees whose tasks are to identify the sources of risk in the work and to submit reports on ways
and mechanisms for dealing with them, as the workers themselves participate in that and their
opinion is taken in those reports, with an interest in providing them with complete information on
how to operate modern machines in a way Safe, and identify those who have the authority to deal
with it in case of malfunctions. And industrial safety applications always aim to protect the human
element and limit the problems that affect its productive efficiency, making it an effective participant
in developing their society economically.

Industrial safety fields:

Safety in educational facilities

Safety in storage areas

- Industrial safety

• Mechanical workshops

• Paint shops and auto paint doco

• Battery charging workshops

• Diesel workshops

• Rubber welding workshops

• Carpentry workshop

• Presses

• When using equipment and cars

• When using winches

• When using a portable compressor

o Safety in construction projects

o Safety in oil installations
o Safety in office places
o Safety in closed works
o Safety in the medical profession
o Safety in agricultural occupations

Enterprise and institutional risks:

The following is a simplified explanation of these risks, with an explanation of the damages resulting
from them and ways to prevent them, whether people, machines, tools, materials, operating
methods, etc. Safety is a set of procedures aimed at preventing accidents and injuries

From this standpoint, the concepts and techniques of occupational health and safety services
developed in protecting workers in different workplaces from occupational hazards represented by
work accidents and injuries and diseases related to the profession while seeking to provide a positive
relationship between the working person and his work and the work environment surrounding him
in various work sites as well as expanded training To clarify the precautions necessary to avoid the
occurrence of these risks.

First: physical hazards:

These are the risks to which those in the organization are exposed, and which are represented by
inappropriate natural influences, as their effect varies and varies according to the work environment
and its nature, such as:

1. Overheating: as a result of climatic conditions or thermal emissions from operating activities in

nuclear plants and reactors.

2. Excessive humidity or cold: This is what workers in the fields of food industries are exposed to and
the accompanying storage and cooling ... etc.

3. Inappropriate lighting: There are many areas of business that rely on a standard level of vision
achieved in the presence of appropriate healthy lighting in order to avoid the risks of double vision;
Especially in the vital fields of surgical doctors, drivers of vehicles and airplanes, etc.

4. Noise: Noise has a direct effect on the focus during business and an indirect effect on blood
pressure and cardiac arrhythmias; Especially in scientific laboratories, classrooms and lectures.
Therefore, there are engineering procedures for sound insulation according to engineering and
health standards ... etc.

5. Atmospheric pressure: the dominance of this factor in aviation and deep-diving is evident; As
exposure to an increase or decrease in air pressure may lead to various health damages.

Second: Engineering Risks:

The following risks include:

Risks of electrical connections and fittings:

1. Risks arising from electrical connections include the operation of machines, machines and tools
for work in technical and industrial workshops, computer laboratories, electrical rooms, electrical
sub-panels, lighting poles ... etc.

Third: Mechanical hazards:

1. Technical and industrial risks arise as a result of the absence of occupational safety and health
procedures as a result of exposure to the risks of machinery and equipment used in the business,
homes or factories, whether these machines are for daily or productive consumption in industrial

Fourth: Chemical hazards:

1. Under which the risks of chemicals such as liquids, gases, fumes, fumes and dust faced by workers
in scientific laboratories during practical experiments and in industrial workshops during the
transportation, handling and storage of these materials are listed.

Fifth: Health Risks:

1. It is what may affect the human forces in an institution as a result of the presence of germs

2. Or microbes secreted by the environment around them due to the lack of adequate and
quantitative sanitation facilities that include water coolers, water tanks, toilets, restaurants, or as a
result of waste accumulation in the institutional environment.

Sixth: Fire hazards:

1. Fires may endanger the lives of manpower and users of various facilities

2. It leads to loss and damage to property as a result of the absence of safety precautions when
constructing various installations or not equipped with alarm and firefighting devices and training
security teams within the institution on how to act in cases of fire.

Seventh: negative personal risks:

1. It is the damage that affects manpower and enterprise users as a result of lack of attention to the
rules of optimal use and application of occupational safety and health measures as well as lack of
awareness of them as a result of the absence of educational programs and the activation of laws
criminalizing neglect.

Safety precautions for installations:

Before commencing the construction of the facility, the appropriate site that achieves safety for the
facility's users must be determined, and the following safety precautions must be available on the

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