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H.R.H.Prince Doda von Etsakor – Ebie

PT. Celekom Doda Oil & Gas Indonesia
Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav.26 Sonatopas
Tower Lt. 5a / 15 Jakarta Indonesia/
Kota –Agung, Lampung Indonesia

We, AECOM, a _______ company established under the laws of the Republic of Indonesia,
having its registered office at _______________ (hereinafter referred to as the
“FIRST PARTY”) confirm to engage as the Master O&M Contractor of the LARGE SCALE
GREENHOUSE PROJECT (hereinafter referred to as the “PROJECT”) of PT. CELEKOM
DODA OIL AND GAS INDONESIA (hereinafter referred to as the “SECOND PARTY”) a
limited liability company established under the laws of the Republic of Indonesia, having its
registered office at Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav. 26 Sonatopas Tower Lt. 5a / 15 Jakarta Indonesia/
Kota -Agung Lampung Indonesia, in this matter represented by H.R.H. Prince Doda von
Etsakor – Ebie as its President Director (hereinafter referred to as the “PROJECT OWNER”)

As planned and intended in accordance with our mutual understanding which will be set out
under the Agreement and Contract between AECOM & CELEKOM, which therein includes
the scope of works of the Master O&M Contractor of the Project of PT. CELEKOM, we hereby
agree to go into an agreement and a Contract which includes the Operation and Maintenance
of the Project including Sales & Marketing of its products. At the present stage to provide
support, project planning assistance, and other required services, up to financial closure as to
our capacity and expiates. In close working relationship with C ELEKOM and their appointed
consulting institution, i.e. Deloitte.

We, AECOM hereby give our confirmation to the following provisions:

1. That we have agreed to engage into an agreement with PT.C ELEKOM regarding the scope
of Operation and Maintenance of the Project including the Sales and Marketing of its
products, the related guarantees and obligations where the chosen O&M Sub contractors
with 30 years experience shall in collaboration with AECOM make the arrangements for
the obligations.
2. We confirm to cooperate in close working relationship with all parties to execute the
arrangements of the overall concept, procedures, and all necessary engineering and
conceptual, architectural and overall design for the needed facilities of the Project, its
requirements to execute theproject as defined by the Project Owner.
3. We furthermore confirm our intentions to arrange together with chosen Sub contractors
the required Warranty /Bank Guarantee/ Insurance Guarantee as may be required to cover
the Project’s contract period of 25 years covering the Greenhouse O&M responsibility
only as to terms and conditions to be agreed.
4. We hereby confirm that our performance and our provided Guarantee shall meet S&P’
BBB- or Moody’s BAA standard ratings as required for the O&M aspect of the Project.
Our duties shall be discharged as per agreed terms & conditions and as to rates specified in
our agreement with CELEKOM.

Place: Jakarta

Date: 8/07/2018

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