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I dedicate this report to my uncle Kimera Patrick and Mr. Lutaakome Kayiira Mathias for being

a pillar of strength for me and to always being there for me whenever I needed advise.


I Kimera Johnpaul hereby declare from the bottom tips of my heart that the information

presented in here is my original work and have not been submitted to any university or any other

institution of learning.




I certify that this report was compiled under my guidance and is now ready for submission for

academic purposes.

Signature………………………… Date…………………………………..

Ms. Lovince Akurut.

(Academic Supervisor)


This report is as a result of many individuals. This all process has not been an easy journey to

walk but it is because of these people that the intern managed to go through all the hardships and

accomplish it successfully.

First and foremost, the intern would like to give praise to the good Lord for the gift of life and

health and for protecting me throughout this period.

Secondary, to the management and staff of St. Lucia Hill school Namagoma f or granting me an

opportunity to work them and

My thanks would not be complete without making mention of my friends and family especially

my uncle Kimera Patrick an all my fellow interns who supported and encouraged me throughout

this period and for that the intern will never forget you.

May the good Lord reward you accordingly?


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY...........................................................................................................vii
CHAPTER ONE............................................................................................................................1
1.0 Introduction................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of field attachment.................................................................................................1
1.2 Objectives of Field Attachment.................................................................................................1
1.3 Background of St. Lucia Hill School.........................................................................................2
1.4 Location.....................................................................................................................................2
1.5 Vision.........................................................................................................................................2
1.6 Mission......................................................................................................................................2
1.7 Department of placement...........................................................................................................3
1.8 Organization structure...............................................................................................................4
CHAPTER TWO...........................................................................................................................5
ACTIVITIES UNDERTAKEN BY THE INTERN....................................................................5
2.0 Introduction................................................................................................................................5
2.1 Activities Undertaken................................................................................................................5
CHAPTER THREE.......................................................................................................................7
LESSONS LEARNT, SKILLS AND EXPERIENCES..............................................................7
3.0 Introduction................................................................................................................................7
3.1 Skills attained by the intern.......................................................................................................7
3.2 Lessons leant..............................................................................................................................8
3.3 Experiences................................................................................................................................9
CHAPTER FOUR.......................................................................................................................11
CHALLENGES, ENJOYMENTS AND DISAPPOINTMENTS............................................11
4.0 Introduction.............................................................................................................................11
4.1 challenges and limitations.......................................................................................................11
4.1.1 Personal challenges...............................................................................................................11
4.1.2 Organization challenges........................................................................................................12

4.2 Enjoyments..............................................................................................................................12
4.3 Disappointments......................................................................................................................13
CHAPTER FIVE.........................................................................................................................14
RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS....................................................................14
5.0 Introduction..............................................................................................................................14
5.1.0 Recommendations.................................................................................................................14
5.1.1 To St. Lucia Hill School.......................................................................................................14
5.2 Conclusion...............................................................................................................................15
Appendix I: Copy of acceptance letter..........................................................................................18
Appendix II: Sample of the log book............................................................................................19


The intern carried out my industrial training at St. Lucia Hill School Namagoma in the finance

department. The purpose of this internship was to enable me apply theoretical work into practical

work, understand business ethics, behaviors and responsibilities as well as getting knowledge

and skills as well as being able to gain experience with the working environment.

During my stay at St. Lucia, the intern was able to gain a lot of skills and experience from the

professional that the intern worked with for example communication skills, interpersonal skills,

ICT practices among others and also got a chance to improve on the few skills that the intern had


Chapter one of this report contains organization backgrounds of my placements St. Lucia Hill

School, location organization structure, mission, vision, values and objectives of the

organization. Chapter two talks about the activities carried out during my stay at St. Lucia which

include balancing books of accounts, reconciling books of accounts, preparing receipts for the

students who paid their fees from school among others while chapter three entails the lessons,

skills and experiences the intern got from the placement. Chapter four presents the challenges

faced, limitations, enjoyments and disappointments the intern encountered in the organizations as

well as to the institution (MUBS).


1.0 Introduction
This chapter introduces the organization where the intern carried out her field attachment

training. It briefly describes the background of field attachment, objectives of the field

attachment, mission, vision, goals, organizational structure and services of the organization. The

intern carried out his field attachment training from St. Lucia Hill School Namagoma for a

period of two months.

1.1 Background of field attachment

Field attachment is a field-based practical training experience that prepares trainees for the tasks

they are expected to perform on the completion of their training. Field attachment training is a

requirement by the national council of higher education for the acquisition of the awards of the

academic certificates by the institutions of higher learning in Uganda for example University

level. This is so because the national council is responsible for releasing highly trained and

competent graduates to the job markets in the employment sector to better the quality of

employee reliability in the country at large. While at the training, the student is able to participate

in the daily running of the business operations in the organization where they get placement so

that they are able to apply all he knowledge acquired theoretically during the course of the


1.2 Objectives of Field Attachment

 To enable students attain practical experience in the daily operations of the business.

 To improve on the student’s interpersonal and communication skills.

 To enable students meet potential employers and also improve their social live as during the

training they are able to meet fellow students coming from other institutions.

 To deliver strong and result oriented employees in the job market thus meeting the demands

of employers in the job market.

 To help the students understand the business ethics and also improve their livelihood as

during the training, students are able to meet many people who can be of help in their lives.

1.3 Background of St. Lucia Hill School

St. Lucia Hill School started in 1999 on Namagoma Hill within Nsangi Zone, Wakiso district. It

started with only ordinary level but later it upgraded to even the advanced level. It is a Christian

based secondary school and it offers both arts and sciences subjects.

1.4 Location
The school is located about 10 miles away from Kampala city along Masaka road, is barely a

kilometer from the main road.

1.5 Vision
“To build a solid foundation of excellence, spiritual, emotional, intellectual and social abilities.”

1.6 Mission
“To provide positive learning environment that will encourage academic excellence, creativity

and intellectual curiosity in harmony with each individual abilities and interests.”

1.7 Department of placement
The intern was attached to the accounting section and that is the bursar’s office. This deals with

all the finances of the institution for example issuing of receipts to the payments made, preparing

the profit and loss accounts, reconciling the bank statements with the cash books among others.

1.8 Organization structure

Board of Directors

Board of governors Resident Director

Head Teacher Support Staff

Deputy Head Teacher

Director of studies

Head of Departments Guidance and counseling

Senior Woman Teacher

Class Teacher

Student Leaders


Source: St. Lucia Hill school Namagoma Brochure (2013)



2.0 Introduction
This chapter explains the various activities and assignments undertaken by the intern throughout

the training period at St. Lucia Hill School Namagoma that took the intern two months.

2.1 Activities Undertaken

Balancing books of account

The intern also got opportunity to work with the school bursar of St. Lucia Hill School where he

had to balance the books of accounts daily. The intern received money from the students and he

had to update their balances in the organization’s system using a computer as well as issuing

receipts to students.

Reconciling books of accounts

The intern also was able to reconcile the cash book records with the bank statements of centenary

and equity bank for the months of May and June. This helped the intern to exercise the skills

gained theoretically in accounting into practice.

Customer care

The intern carried out customer care services to the clients of the organization for example the

parents and guardians of the students by directing them to the relevant offices to their problems.

Stock taking

The intern was also able to calculate physically the laboratory equipment, available library

books, and furniture. The intern also counted the all the school asset and this information was

sometimes needed by the auditor.

Supervision of examinations

The intern also got a chance to supervise the students during examination periods. The intern got

a chance by the time he started his period the students were in mocks examinations.


The intern also got an opportunity to have meetings with the Head teacher and he tried to explain

him some of the leadership styles and the different challenges being faced by the organization.

These meetings were organized by the administration for the interns to assess their abilities and

also get to know to know some of the challenges they face during their training.



3.0 Introduction
This chapter emphasizes the skills, experiences, and lessons learnt by the intern during his

industrial training at St. Lucia Hill School.

3.1 Skills attained by the intern

Time management skills

During field attachment training period, the intern learnt punctuality and the meaning of time

management in an organization. He realized that time management is an important element in

any organization. My practical training taught me to organize my work according to schedule

that enabled me to complete my tasks I the allocated time.

Writing skills

The intern got to learn writing skills as he was given assignments to type and print out

requisition forms and memos in case of any information that the administration would like to put


Listening skills

The intern developed good listening skills since working in a sensitive office needed much

attention to avoid making mistakes especially when it came to recording figures. More so taking

time listening to what my field supervisor had to say and take actions respectively. This did a

great job on my listening skills.

Interpersonal skills

The intern got the opportunity to relate to different people, for example my fellow interns,

workmates, and the clients. He was able to learn their different characteristics and personalities

whether good or bad I had to admit and try to understand them accordingly.

Communication skills

The intern also learnt to interact with different kinds of people verbally or non-verbal for

example making phone calls, letter wring, exchanging phone calls among others. The intern also

learnt different people have different attitudes, behaviors and emotions. For example you listen

to others interests and try to work according to their needs.

3.2 Lessons leant

Working in profession environment

The intern gained knowledge in working with a professional environment with highly qualified

individuals. The intern got an opportunity to work with highly qualified human resource

managers and accountants with vast amount of knowledge and experience. The intern learnt how

to behave in a real working environment for example dressing, he ay to speak among others.

Time management

The intern was able to learn how to manage time better since he was required to always report at

work by 8am as well as signing in an attendance book at the time of arrival and departure for

each and every day because everything was kept in records.

Fear and respect to the superiors

The intern learnt that it is very important to always fear and respect our superiors in the

organization for the smooth running of the organization activities and also it is good for the

superiors to learn how to delegate authority to their subordinates.

Importance of customers

The intern was also able to learn the importance of a client to an organization. He learnt how to

sweetly handle customers, customer’s satisfaction as well as getting new customers during the

period in the field and the meetings he hard with different clients.

3.3 Experiences
Working in profession environment

The intern gained experience in working with profession environment that has got highly

qualified individuals. The intern got an opportunity of taking to highly qualified personalities and

this helped him to improve on his skills and confidence in doing profession jobs.

Preparing books of accounts

This training period introduced the intern to hands on skills and handling of documents like

cashbooks, cheaque books, payment voucher which I had known about theoretically. The intern

also got an opportunity to prepare several Bank reconciliations.


The intern was able to supervise the payments paid by the students in the school so as to be able

to calculate the balances of the students as well as those that have completed fees.

Handling clients

The intern gained experience in handling different clients who came around to clear student’s

fees. Most clients were illiterate and required more attentions and explanations about the

school’s services and their importance.

Preparing bank reconciliation

The intern got an opportunity to work closely with the school bursar and he was able to prepare

the bank statements for the months of May and June and this gave him confidence while dealing

with reconciliatiations.

Drafting documents

The intern experienced in writing business formal documents like appointment letters, job

description forms, appraisal forms, loan ledgers, saving ledgers, etc which were challenging at




4.0 Introduction
This chapter presents the challenges and limitations, enjoyments and disappointments during the

field attachment at St Lucia Hill School.

4.1challenges and limitations

4.1.1 Personal challenges

Uncooperative staff

The intern faced a challenge of some staff members who weren’t willing to offer their help by

giving the intern necessary information he wanted. This made it hard for the student to execute

some tasks especially on time. However some staff members were willing to share their


Rude clients

Some clients were rude and did not want to listen to what the intern had to say and as a result this

created inconveniences to the intern while accomplishing tasks. The intern always controlled

herself whenever a client backed at him and apologized to the client.

Repetitive work

The intern found it challenging and boring because he had to do the same piece of work every

day. The intern complained to her field supervisor anhe was often allocated to different


4.1.2 Organization challenges
Too much paper work

Too much paper work at the organization made work become tiresome to the intern since many

documents had to be first filled. The intern always asked for help from his fellow interns to help

him finish his work on time. This can be solved by using a centralized computer database

management system in order to manage school documents hence reducing paper work

Limited computers

The organization lacked enough computers since more than two people could end up using one

computer hence the intern ended up not having enough practice. This caused delay in the

organization’s activities. The school should purchase more computers in order to eliminate the

challenge of limited computers and more so update the existing ones.


The method of communication at the organization was a vertical one and this meant that

information had to travel through different departments before reaching the top.

This made decision making very difficult and also a burrier to the easy progress of the school

activities. The school management should delegate authority lower subordinates in order to

reduce on the issue of bureaucracy.

4.2 Enjoyments
Working in a reputable organization

Working with a famous school was a great honor for the intern among his peers because it made

the student feel good and respected working with the known school.

Putting theory into practice

The intern was able to exercise the theoretical knowledge he acquired from the university and

tried to apply it in different tasks that he was assigned to by the field supervisor.

Dealing with a committed supervisor

The intern enjoyed working with the field supervisor who made the training a success through

the continuous assistance and guidance he always provided. The guidance of Mr. Dominic was

so vital during his training.

Meeting new people

The intern meets new people like workmates, fellow intern and company clients. This was so

interesting to the intern since he was able to learn different people’s behaviors and how to handle


4.3 Disappointments
No allowance and welfare

No allowances were given to cater for the transport and lunch and yet the intern did loads of

work to complete within limited time thus getting disappointed when the work was incomplete.

Out of bound activities

The intern was sometimes told to carry out activities that that was not contributive to his field

training and he was so disappointed. However the intern did all these work without turning his

back since he was giving respect to his superiors.



5.0 Introduction
This chapter comprises of the recommendations and conclusions that the intern deems necessary

to St. Lucia. The information in this chapter is what the intern thinks the school administration of

St. Lucia and Makerere University Business School should work on to improve their services

and to maintain their core objectives and goals.

5.1.0 Recommendations

5.1.1 To St. Lucia Hill School


The management of St. Lucia should provide avail the trainees with transport facilities in form of

money to enable them transport themselves daily and to do their training with ease.


The organization should be cooperative with the institution academic supervisor and give them a

fair report about the competence and behaviors of the intern.

5.1.2 To Makerere University Business School

Surprise visit

Students should be supervised at least thrice during the second months of training and students

do not need to be informed about the date and time for supervision so as to properly assess the

students with no exaggerations because other students finish before they meet their academic


Place of attachment

The intern recommends the Makerere University Business School to engage in strategic alliances

with other corporate organizations so as to help those students without places of attachment to

find some vacancies on time.

Report format

Makerere University Business School should avail students with the standard format of the

report and in time so as to guarantee quality of their reports.

5.2 Conclusion
The internship was a success because the intern managed to learn different lessons, skills, and

experience in the business world from the theoretical lectures he used to have. The place of

attachment was for a great importance to the intern since the field supervisor that was given to

him was ready to direct and share the knowledge with the intern. The intern enjoyed his

internship despite of some loopholes that came along like transport cost and doing an

contributive activities but the training was for a great importance.



Appendix I: Copy of acceptance letter

Appendix II: Sample of the log book

Appendix I: Copy of acceptance letter

Appendix II: Sample of the log book


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