Ika c1 Calorimeter Manual

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C 1_042016

IKA® Calorimeter C 1

Operating instructions EN
Declaration of Conformity
We declare under our sole responsibility that this product is in compliance with the regulations 2014/68/EC (article 3, (3)), 2011/65/EU,
2014/30/EU and 2014/35/EU and conforms to the standards or standardized documents: EN 61010-1, EN 61326-1, EN 60529 and EN ISO

Explication of warning symbols

Indicates an imminently hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, will result in death, serious injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, can result in death, serious injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, can result in injury.

Indicates practices which, if not avoided, can result in equipment damage.


Reference to exposure to a hot surface!


User notes
Read the operation instructions completely before The warranty does not cover worn out parts, nor does it apply
starting up and follow the safety instructions. to faults resulting from improper use, insufficient care or
Keep the operation instructions in a place where they can be maintenance not carried out in accordance with the instructions
accessed by everyone. in this operating manual.
Ensure that only trained staff work with the appliance.
Please read these operating instructions carefully. IKA only

Follow the safety instructions, guidelines, occupational health and consider themselves to be responsible for the safety, reliability
safety and accident prevention regulations. and performance of the appliance when
In this chapter you can find out how to work through these • the appliance has been operated in accordance with the
Operating Instructions most effectively to be able to work reliably operating instructions,
with the calorimeter system.
• only persons authorised by the manufacturer interfere with
The instructions in the section “Safety instructions“ must the
be complied with. appliance,
The chapters are designed for you to work through them in order. • only original parts and original accessories are used for repairs.
The section “Transport, storage“ is relevant for system reliability The calorimeter system may be opened only by an authorised
and for ensuring high measuring accuracy. Service Agent or Customer Service Centre.
The calorimeter system is ready to perform measurements once If service is required, we recommend that you contact our
you have completed the procedures in the section “Setting up customer service department. Furthermore, we refer you to the
and commissioning“: - “Preparing a measurement“ and “Starting applicable safety conditions and accident requirements.
a measurement“.
Numbers 1, 2, 3 etc. indicate operating instructions in the IKA is not responsible for damages or costs resulting from

following sections. These must always be carried out in the accident, improper use of the device or impermissible modifications,
specified sequence. repairs or renovations.

Warranty and liability

In accordance with IKA warranty conditions, the warranty period

is 12 months. For claims under the warranty please contact your

local dealer. You may also send the machine direct to our factory,
enclosing the delivery invoice and giving reasons for the claim.
You will be liable for freight costs.

Page Page
Declaration of Conformity 02 Measurements 25
Explication of warning symbols 02 New measurements 25
User notes 02 Last result 25
Contents 03 System test 26
Safety instructions 04 Measurement archive 26
Correct use 05 Measurement archive: Edit 27
System properties 05 Measurement archive: Print 27
Transportation, Storage 06 Measurement archive: Delete 27
Transport and Storage conditions 06 Measurement archive: Delete all 28
Unpacking 06 Calibration archive 28
Scope of delivery 06 Calibration archive: Edit 28
Description of the system components 06 Calibration archive: C-Value selectin 29
Hoses 07 Calibration archive: Print 29
Calibration archive: Delete 29
Commissioning 07
Place of installation 07 Default settings 30
Cooler connection 08 Settings 30
Venting hose connection 08 Date / Time 30
Drain hose connection 08 Units 30
Oxygen supply connection 08 Display / Keypad 31
Power supply unit connection 09 Inverted menu view 31
Connection of peripherals 09 List view 31
Handling the unit 09 Language 31
Accessories 32
Control unit with display 10
Chiller test 32
Dialog box 11
System start 12 Maintenance 32
Maintenance menu 32
Switching on the system (in the open state) 12
Change seal 33
Selection of language 12
Stirrer test 33
Pressure test 13
O2 System blow 33
Oxygen pressure 13
Servo up 33
System check 13
Servo down 33
Heating detected 14
Factory settings 14 Informations 33
Calorimetric measurements 14 User information: Memory 34
Determination of gross calorific value 14 Prior to input a new measurement 34
Corrections 15 After input a new measurement 34
Notes on the sample 15 Exchanging off wear parts 34
Complete combustion 16 O2 Valve seal change 34
Calibration 16 Change ignition wire 35
Notes on calibration 16 Change ignition electrode 35
Overview Main menu 17 Change the main seal 35
Measurements 17 Change ground electrode 36
Default settings 17 Leak test with the system test 36
Settings 17 Fault and troubleshoot 36
Maintenance 18 E01 STIRRER 36
Informations 18 E02 COMMUNICATION 37
Preparing and performing measurements 18 E03 DRIFT ALARM 37
Performing the measurement 18 E04 MINTEMPDIFF 37
Placing the sample 19 E05 FILLWATER 37
Preparing a measurement 20 E06 EMPTYWATER 38
Close the calorimeter 20 E07 POSTWATERFILLING 38
Prerequisite checking for a measurement 21 E10 FILLWATER SENSOR 38
Measurement procedure 21 E11 SYSTEM OPEN 38
Cleaning the inner vessel 23 E12 PRESSURE 38
Follow-up measurement 23 E13 HEATER 39
Display the storage overview 23 E16 MAXTEMPDIFF 39
Use of a disposable crucible 23 Accessories and Consumables 39
Using a scale 24 Maintenance 40
Permissible weight entries 24 Warranty 40
Cancel a measurement 25 Technical data 41

Safety instructions

Read the operating instructions in full before start- Combustion gases are hazardous
ing up and follow the safety instructions. DANGER to health, therefore the venting
hose must be connected to a suita-
Keep the operating instructions in a place where they can be ble gas cleaning system or extrac-
accessed by everyone. tion system.
Ensure that only trained staff work with the appliance.
Caution! In case of failure Error 04
The calorimeter C 1 may only be used for the determination of DANGER ”Min.Temp.Diff.“ the combustion
calorific value of solid and liquid materials according to national chamber could be hot after an ig-
and international standards (eg DIN 51900, BS 1016 T5, ISO 1928, nition/combustion, even though
ASTM 5468, ASTM 5865 and ASTM 4809). the message ”No temperature in-
The pressure vessel is integrated into the calorimeter C 1. The crease!“ is displayed.
maximum extra energy added to the pressure vessel must not At the end of the work period, close the main valve for the oxygen
exceed 40,000 J (select the test mass accordingly). The permitted supply.
operating pressure of 142 bar (14.2 MPa) must not be exceeded.
The maximum permitted operating temperature must not exceed Perform servicing work only when the equipment is depressurised.
50 °C.
When using stainless steel crucibles thoroughly check their condi-
Only fill calorimeter system C 1 with oxygen to a maximum tion after each experiment.
pressure of 40 bar (4 MPa). Check the pressure setting on the If the material gets thinner, the crucible may catch fire and dama-
pressure reducer for your oxygen supply. Perform a leakage test ge the pressure vessel. Crucibles must not be used for more
before each combustion process (see section “Leaktightness than 25 combustions for safety reasons.
testing with system test“).
Some materials tend to explode when combusted (e.g. due to The EC Declaration of Conformity confirms that this pressure ves-
formation of peroxides), which could cause the decomposition sel was manufactured by the Pressure Equipment Directive
vessel to crack. The IKA C 1 calorimeter may not be used
2014/68/EC. (Article 3, paragraph 3).
for testing explosive samples.
The pressure vessel has undergone a pressure test with test pressure
If the burning behaviour of a material is unknown, it must be
of 203 bar (20.3 MPa) and a leakage test with oxygen at 40 bar.
tested before combustion in the inner vessel (risk of explosion).
If you are burning unknown samples, leave the room or keep
Decomposition vessels are experiment autoclaves and must be tested
your distance from the calorimeter.
by a technical expert after each use. (see capture: “Maintenance“).
Benzoic acid may only be combusted in its pressed form! Flammable
dust and powder must be first pressed. Oven-dry dust and powder Individual use is understood here to include a series of experiments
such as splints, hay, straw etc. explode when combusted! Always performed under roughly the same conditions in terms of pressure
wet these materials first! Highly flammable liquids with a low and temperature. Experiment autoclaves must be operated in special
vapour pressure (e.g. tetramethyl dihydrogen disiloxane) must not chambers.
directly touch the cotton thread!
The pressure vessels must undergo repeated tests (internal tests and
pressure tests) performed by the technical expert. The frequency of
Please pay attention to the combustion of metal-containing
these tests is to be determined by the operator on the basis of experi-
substances, that the permissible total energy input is not exceeded!
ence, type of operation and the material used in the pressure vessel.
Furthermore, toxic combustion residue in the form of gases, ashes
or condensation, for example, is possible in the inner wall of the The declaration of conformity becomes invalid if mechanical
inner vessel. modifications are carried out to the experiment autoclaves or if
tightness can no longer be guaranteed as a result of major corro-
Observe the accident prevention requirements applicable to the
sion (e.g. pitting by halogens).
activity and the work station.
In particular the Thread on the lower part of the pressure vessel
Wear your personal protective equipment.
and the nut are subject to considerable stress and must therefore
When handling combustion sam- be checked regularly for wear. (see figure “Description of the sys-
DANGER ples, combustion residue and tem components“).
auxiliary materials, please observe The condition and function of the seals must be checked and en-
the relevant safety regulations. sured by way of a system test (see capture “system check“).
The following materials, for example, could pose a risk: Check the seals for damage before each use (see chapter
- corrosive “Maintenance“.
- highly flammable
- explosive If the maintenance, and especially
- bacteriologically contaminated DANGER the pressure testing, is not per-
- toxic. formed or is performed incorrectly,
there is a risk the decomposition ves-
Please observe the relevant regulations when handling oxygen. sel may burst or an uncontrolled in-
ternal fire may occur at the elec-
Warning: oxygen as a compressed gas is oxidising; intensively aids trodes which could burn away the
combustion; can react violently with flammable materials. seals (oxyacetylene torch effect),
Do not use oil or grease! thus posing a risk to life and limb!
Tubes and screwed joints for oxygen must be kept free of grease.
Only technical experts may perform pressure tests and service
work on the decomposition vessel.

We recommend that you send the C 1 calorimeter system National directives and laws must be observed for operating
to our factory for inspection, and if necessary, repair after pressure vessels!
1000 tests or after one year or sooner depending on use. Anyone operating a pressure vessel must keep it in a proper
For the purposes of these operating instructions a technical condition, operate it properly, supervise it, carry out the necessary
expert is someone maintenance and repair work immediately and implement the
1. who guarantees to conduct the tests properly on the safety measures required in the circumstances.
basis of his training, knowledge and experience gained A pressure container must not be operated if it exhibits defects
through practical work, that could endanger those working with it or third parties.
2. who is sufficiently reliable, You can obtain a copy of the pressure vessel regulation from
3. who is not subject to any instructions in terms of the test Beuth Press.
4. who has suitable test equipment if necessary,
5. who can provide appropriate proof of the requirements
listed in 1.

Correct use

The IKA C 1 calorimeter system is used for calorific value deter-

Do not use distilled or demineralized water (increased risk
mination of solid and liquid substances. of corrosion)!
This is done by placing a known quantity of a substance in a de- Fill the cooler according to the cooler operating instructions.
composition vessel which is surrounded by a water jacket. The Cooling water temperature settings on the thermostat / cooler:
sample is then combusted in an oxygen atmosphere . The calorific - in mode of opretaion isoperibol 22 °C: 18–21 °C
value of the sample can then be calculated from the resulting - in mode of opretaion isoperibol 30 °C: 26–29 °C
increase in temperature, the sample mass and the known thermal Alternatively, the device can also be operated via an optionally
capacity of the overall system. available heating C 1.20 (accessories) at a fixed water connection.
The C 1 calorimeter system is subject to the Pressure Vessel Direc- The accessories for connection to the water pipe or the thermo-
tive 2014/68/EC. Comply with the safety instructions accordingly. stat is contained in the corresponding delivery.
For adaptation to individual laboratory tasks, use original IKA ®
Requirements for the operation of the C 1 with the C 1.20 heating
consumables and accessories. on a water pipe:
- tap water: is recommended in drinking tap water quality. Mix in
System properties (max. 1 ml for 4-5 l of water) of the supplied water additive.
The IKA C 1 calorimeter is a combustion calorimeter for deter-
Thus, the durability of the water is improved.
mining gross calorific values of liquid and solid non-explosive sub- - temperature range: 12 °C – 28 °C
stances. The samples were burned at an excess of oxygen under (according to the water temperature, the measuring mode
pressure in a closed vessel. The resulting amount of heat, measured 22 °C or 30 °C must be selected).
in a previously calibrated system, allows the determination of the - water pressure: max. 1 – 1.5 bar
calorific value of the sample after preliminary various globally ap- (at higher or constant pressure, we recommend using the
plied standards and regulations. C 25 water pressure regulating valve available as an
The necessary corrections after combustion in the calorimeter - water consumption per measurement: about 4 liters
can then, for example, about our CalWin C 6040 calorimeter

software (accessories), from the acid corrections up to the calo- Automatic internal system checks enable the identification and
rific value according to DIN, ISO, ASTM, GB, and GOST standards monitoring
typed, corrected and calculated. By a transfer of the results to • the presence of oxygen pressure
Excel can quickly and easily adapt special or own calculations. • the controlled stirrer speed
The worldwide unique patented IKA calorimeter C 1 operates on
• the the availability of water in the system
the globally applied isoperibolic measurement procedure at 22 °C • the input water temperature
and 30 °C. The temperature values are output every 12 seconds, • of inner vessel
and the calculation of the temperature correction according to • the correct shutter of the measuring cell with locking
standards Regnault Pfaundler. • Ignition counter with memory function for the next due
Measurement times of the system:
- Sample preparation time: < 1 minute
- from the start of measurement until the start of the next: 12 minutes
- Pre-experimental period: Response of the system 3 minutes
- Main experiment: after ignition of the sample: 4 minutes
To a supply of cooling water, the calorimeter can with a conven-
tional thermostat / cooler operate for example such as the IKA ®

KV 600 (accessory).

Transportation, Storage
Transport and Storage conditions If you require servicing, return the appliance in its original packag-
The system must be protected against mechanical impact, vibra- ing. Storage packaging is not sufficient. Please also use suitable
tions, dust deposits and corrosive ambient air during transporta- transport packaging.
tion and storage. It is also important to ensure that the relative
humidity does not exceed 80%.
The appliance must be completely emptied before storing and Please unpack the system components carefully and check for
transportation. any damage. When you unpack the equipment, check for any
In case of repair the device has to be cleaned and free from any damages which may have occurred during transportation.
materials which may constitute a health hazard. In the case of any damage a fact report must be sent immediately
(post, rail or forwarder).

Scope of delivery

• IKA C 1 Calorimeter
• Mains cable • 1 O-ring FPM 3.1 x 1.6 • 4 base
• Power supply unit • 1 Tool • 5 O-ring FPM 3.0 x 1.5 • O-ring-grease Molykote 55
• Inflow conduit • 5 O-ring FPM 11.0 x 2.0 • 5 O-ring FPM 48.0 x 2.0 • Handle
• Return conduit • 2 O-ring FPM 6.0 x 2.0 • 1 Quad-Ring NBR 92.0 x 4.5 • Operationg instructions C 1
• Discharge hose • 2 O-ring FPM 15.0 x 2.0 • 1 X-Ring NBR 6,07 x 1,78 • Safety instructions C 1/C 6000
• Round cable clamp • 5 O-ring FPM 10.0 x 2.5 • C 1.104 water bath additive • Technical information C 1
• Connection tube • 5 O-ring FPM 8.0 x 2.5 • C 723 Benzoic acid • Insert sheet C 1 (4 steps to use)
• Venting hose • 5 O-ring FPM 4.0 x 1.5 • C 1.1012 Organizer • Warranty card

Description of the system components

Controller unit with

display, Multifunctional
element and keybord

pivotable lift

Threaded nut handle

Threaded base Sectional view

inner vessel

Measuring cell as
a pressure vessel
Inner vessel (IB)
Ignition wire

holder Interfaces on
rear of the unit

C 1.1012 Ground electrode Base



Discharge hose (overflow)

Inflow conduit filter 10μm
Cooler (water in)
max. 1.5 bar C1

Return conduit C1
(water out)


Venting hose
Exhaust C1


Connection tube Adapter C1
Pressure reducer C 29 SW10

Place of installation

A constant ambient temperature is an important requirement For operation of the system the following must be available at the
for ensuring the high measuring accuracy of the system. The place of installation:
following conditions must therefore be fulfilled at the place of - A power supply corresponding to the nameplates on the system
installation: components,
• No direct solar radiation - An oxygen supply (99.95 % pure oxygen, quality 3.5; pressure
• No draughts (e.g. beside windows, doors, air conditioning) 30 bar) with pressure gauge.
• Sufficient distance to radiators and other heat sources A shut-off valve for the oxygen supply must be installed. Observe
• The minimum distance between the wall and the rear side the instructions on handling oxygen given in the chapter “Safety
of the device must be at least 25 cm. instructions“.
• The system must not have laboratory hardware such as Observe the instructions on handling oxygen given in the chapter
shelves, wire ducts, ring lines, etc. installed above it. “Safety instructions“. Please read these operating instructions
• The (constant) room temperature should be around carefully. IKA consider themselves responsible for the safety,

20 °C ... 25 °C. reliability and performance of the appliance only when

• The system must be set up on a horizontal surface.
• the device has been operated in accordance with the
operating instructions
• the specifications for the place of installation have been met.

Cooler connection

1. Connect the inflow pipe to the 2. Connect the return pipe to the
quick coupling to the “water quick coupling to the “water
in“ (on the calorimeter) port. out“ (on the calorimeter) port.
Connect the other end of the Connect the other end to
radiator side of “water out“ “water in“ (on the cooler) and
and tighten the hose clamp. tighten the hose clamp.

Inflow pipe
Return pipe

Venting hose connection

1. Screw the venting hose to Observe the applicable safety regulations..

to “degas“ screw coupling The combustion gases are vented from the decompstion vessel
(SW8; on the calorimeter) and after each combustion test on the vent hose. The vent hose must
lay the free end in the extractor. not be kinked or pinched during installation.
Connect the free end to a gas
scrabber gadget.

Combustion gases are dangerous

DANGER to health, so the venting hose
must be connected to a suitable
Venting hose gas cleaning and extraction.

Drain hose connection

2. Secure the hose end with
1. Insert the drain hose fully into an attachable adhesive
the “tap-water“ connection protection.
(on the calorimeter). Lay the
other end of the drain hose to The hose end must always
the cooler filler neck. have free access of air and
never immerse themselves
in the cool water!

Drain hose Cooler

3. Do not use distilled or demineralized water (increased
risk of corrosion)! Fill the cooler according to the cooler
operating instructions. is recommended in drinking tap water
quality. Mix in (max. 1 ml for 4-5 l of water) of the supplied
water additive. Thus, the durability of the water is improved..
4. Adjust the cooler temperature corresponding to the calori-
meter operating temperature.

Oxygen supply connection

1. Insert the connection tube fully

into the coupling (“O2 in“; on
the calorimeter) and connect
the free end on the pressure
reducer IKA C 29 (possibly

with the C 29 adapter, included with).

IKA C 29 Pressure reducer

Connection tube allowable

operating pressure 40 bar

Power supply unit connection

1. Connect the power supply The desktop power supply (scope of delivery) must not be placed
connecting cable (24 V) flat on the laboratory table. It must be protected against moisture
and water penetration and must not be wet.
NOTE: Note the correct inser-
tion position (flat side 2. Tape the supplied rubber feet
of the connector to the power supply.
pointing to the right). Place the power supply on the
rubber feet.
Connect the connection cable
to the DC power supply to
flat side of the connector your supply network
(100-240V AC 50/60 Hz).
Connecting cable

Connection of peripherals

Heating: Control output for the connection of the IKA ®

This driver can be downloaded from the
heating. IKA website.

Find your driver at the following website:

Scale: RS232 interface for connection of a scale
(Mettler, Ohaus, Sortorius, Kern) http://www.ika.com/ika/lws/download/usb-driver.zip.
Interface parameters: Baud rate: 1200 Programming- (only for service)
Data its: 7 interface:
Parity: odd
Stop its: 1 24V= 24 V Voltage input for the included power
Handshake: none supply table.
PC/Printer: RS232 interface for connecting a PC to control
the C 1 (CalWin C 6040) or a printer to output the

measurement data. Heating (ext)

Interface parameters: Baud rate: 9600
Data its: 8
Parity: none Scale (balance)
Stop its: 1
Handshake: none
PC / Printer (PC)
USB-B: USB device interface for connection the calori-
meters to the PC (CalWin C 6040).

The connection simulates a serial interface on the USB-B (USB)

Installation: Programming (Prog)
After the C 1 was connected with the supplied interface
data cable to the PC, the C 1 tells the Windows
operating system, which device driver is required.
24 V =
Handling the unit

1. Opening the unit

h 1

The closing of the unit in the reverse order

2. Removing the inner vessel 3. Removing the inner vessel base
Inserting the inner vessel takes place in the reverse

h h

4. Switch on the device

Open the device and

switch the device on
and off with the front
power switch.

Control unit with display

Display: View system information, test data, as well as

menus and dialog boxes for the data input
Numbers bloc: Entering numbers and decimal points
Del button: Deleting an entered character string to the left of
the cursor (eg the weight of a combustion
Display sample)
Esc button Multifunction element
Made possible by turning the scroll and select
Numbers menu items, as well as by pressing the Change
bloc and confirm input values

Esc button: The Esc-(Escape) function is active in the menu

structure, the input window and input fields.
• In the menu structure (if any) change to the
parent menu
• In the input window is changed to the higher
level menu structure
• When the ESC button is pressed in an editable
field, the editing is finished and the original
value is restored.

Del button

Dialog box

The dialog boxes are equipped with the following elements:

Menu-heading Selected menu item input field
(blue) Scrollbar (yellow)

Status field

Menu options resp. user notification

Menu-heading: • ‚Back‘:
The name of the currently displayed window Closing a info window without information input
values and return to the parent menu.
Selected menu item: Also possible using [ESC].
The blue background (cursor) marks the selected
item. The position can be changed by • ‚Accept‘:
turning the multifunction element. Closing a window. Changes made are saved by
the system.
Scrollbar: If a menu window more entries can be displayed as • ‚Start‘:
the current is displayed a scrollbar. Starting a measurement.
Turn the multi-function element, the other menu
items are visible. • ‚Details‘:
Detailed information during a running
User notifications: measurement.
Some windows have a field in the user notes will • ‚Graph‘:
be displayed. View graph during a running
Menu options: measurement.
They allow a “getting ahead“ from the current Editable input field:
window. They can be enabled for value entry by pressing
In the following example, the most frequently the multi-function element. The background color
displayed menu options are listed and described: of the active field is indicated in yellow. By using
• “Break off“: the numeric keys or by turning the multi-function
Closing a window, the changes made will not be element, the input values can be changed.
accepted by the system. Status field:
Also possible using [ESC]. Display the device status, which is important for
the user and operation.

On confirmation On confirmation changes

changes will not be will be applied

System start
Switching on the system (in the open state)

After switching on the calorimeter, first the initial screen with the
IKA logo, the calorimeter-type and the software and firmware


INFO: Upon initial system start, the menu language must be


See capture - “Selection of language“

A menu language has been selected, the splash screen will

change to the following information window:

INFO: Exceed the number of ignitions devices, the maximum

recommended number of ignition, a pressure test must
be performed with the device.
An additional information window is displayed.
See capture - “Pressure test“
INFO: If the oxygen pressure is too low, a corresponding user
information is displayed.
See capture - “Oxygen pressure too low“
By an verification (pressing the multifunction element) another
user information on the proper use of the system is shown.
Refer to the chapter “Care and Maintenance“.

INFO: When the system is closed, a purge routine is started.

See capture - “System check“
INFO: Has been selected in the settings menu under accessories
heating option, but this is not detected, user information
is displayed.
See capture - “Heating detection - System start“

Selection of language

Pressure test

A pressure test must be performed after a decomposition vessel

has reached or exceeded the recommended number of ignition
Once the pressure test has been performed a release code can be
entered to enable the unit to be used for further measurements.
The warning message will then disappear. The enable code can
be in the following screen, by pressing the “Next button“ to be
INFO: Using the unit may be further worked.
Contact for performing the pressure test, the
service department from IKA Works.

Observe the safety instructions!

[email protected]
Oxygen pressure

Information screen: oxygen pressure is too low.

The calorimeter C 1 required for functionality an oxygen
pressure of at least 20 bar.
Reproducible measurements for a working pressure
of 30 bar is required.

System check

System start when the device is closed.

The system is brought through the system check in a safe
and completely deflated state. For this, the oxygen and water
discharge is performed.

Here, the following information screen is displayed:

INFO: During the system check detected no oxygen or the oxygen

pressure is too low, the following error message is displayed:

Heating detected

If the use of heating selected C 1.20 (accessories) in the Setting

menu, but this is not recognized, the following user information
is displayed.

Check that the heater is correctly connected and turned on.

Factory settings

As delivered, the C 1 calorimeter system is configured as follows:

• Menu: animated • Heating: off
• Color palette: white • Disposable crucible: no
• Key tones: on • Printer: off
• Date device: 01.01.2012 • Service Info: no
• Time device: 00:00:00 Uhr • Scale: off
• Units: J/g

Basic settings:
• C-value IB1: 0 • QExternally 1: 50
• C-value IB2: 0 • QExternally 2: 0
• Reference calorific value: 26457 • Controlled time: off
• Start temperature: 22 °C • O2 rinsing: off
• HO Combustible crucible: 19839 • Cooling: on
• Prolonged venting: 0

Calorimetric measurements
Determination of gross calorific value
Test condition • Solid substances may be formed (for example ash).
Combustion is carried out in a calorimeter under specific
conditions. Often, however, the combustion products that form the basis
of the standards are not the only products that are formed. In
The IKA C 1 is filled with a weighed fuel sample, the fuel sample

such cases, an analysis of the fuel sample and the products of

is ignited and the temperature increase in the calorimeter system
combustion are necessary to provide data for a correction cal-
culation. The standard gross calorific value is then determined
The specific calorific value of the sample is calculated as follows:
from the measured gross calorific value and the analysis data.
• Weight of fuel sample
• Heat capacity (C-value) of calorimeter system The gross calorifc value Ho is formed as the quotient of the
• Calculated temperature increase of water in the calorimeter amount of heat liberated upon total combustion of a solid or
system liquid fuel and the weight of the fuel sample. The compounds
comprising the fuel that contain water must be present in liquid
For complete combust on the inner vessel is filled with pure
state after the combustion.
oxygen (quality 3.5). The pressure of the oxygen atmosphere in
the inner vessel is max. 40 bar. The heat value Hu is equal to the gross calorific value less
the energy of condensation of the water that was contained
The exact determinat on of the gross calorific value of a
in the fuel and was formed by the combustion. The heat value
substance requires that the combust on proceed under precisely
is the more important quantity for technical purposes, since in
defined conditons. The applicable standards are based on the
all important technical applications, the heat value is the only
following assumptons:
quantity that can be evaluated in terms of energy.
• Depending on the start temperature that is set, the tempera-
ture of the fuel before the combustion is 20 °C upto 30 °C. For information on the fundamental principles of calcula-
• The water contained in the fuel before the combustion and tion for gross calorific value and heat value, please refer
the water that is formed when compounds comprising the to the applicable standards (for example: DIN 51 900;
fuel containing hydrogen undergo combustion is present in ASTM D 240;ASTM D 1989, ISO 1928).
a liquid state.
• No oxidation of the atmospheric nitrogen has taken place.
• The gaseous products after combustion consist of oxygen,
nitrogen, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and the oxidation
products of the sample.

Fuel Heat quantity from: wire of the inner vessel.

Inner vessel in which the combustible crucible is to be used, must
External energy be fitted with an additional overlay (see accessories). The sample
is weighed directly into the disposable crucible. In most cases, no
additional combustion aid is necessary because the disposable
crucible itself acts as the combustion aid.
Acid correction
Almost all substances to be analyzed contain sulfur and nitrogen.
Under the conditions that pre-vail during calorimetric measure-
Igniter ments, sulfur and nitrogen undergo combustion and form SO2,
SO3 and NOX. Sulfuric and nitric acid arise in combination with
water resulting from combustion and humidity. Heat of solution is
Formation of Formation of
sulphuric acid nitric acid also generated. To obtain the standard gross calorific value, the
effect of the heat of solution on the gross calorific value is
As determined by the system, during a combustion experiment, To obtain a defined final status and to record all acids quantitati-
not only is heat generated from the combustion of the vely, approx 5ml distilled water or another suitable absorption
sample, but heat also occurs in the form of extraneous energy. solution is placed in the inner vessel. With this absorption fluid
This may fluctuate considerably in proportion to the heat energy and the combustion water, the combustion gases form acids.
of the fuel sample. After the combustion, the decomposition vessel is thoroughly
The combustion heat of the cotton threat that ignites the sample washed with distilled water so as to collect the condensate that
and the electrical ignition energy would result in distorted values has settled on the inner wall of the vessel as well. The solution
of the measurement. This effect is taken into consideration in the obtained in this manner can now be examined with a suitable
calculation with a correction value. peripheral detection device for aqueous decomposition into the
respective acid content.
Substances with low flammability or substances that burn poorly
undergo combustion in combination with combustion aids. For more information on this subject, please contact IKA ‚ or

The combustion aid is first weighed and then added to the crucible your nearest authorized dealer.
with the sample. From the weight of the combustion aid and its When calculating the energy value in C 1 external energies are
known specific gross calorific value, it is then possible to determine taken into account from kiln furniture, however, there is no
the quantity of heat that is introduced thereby. The result of the correction of acid. The calorific value is not calculated.
experiment must be corrected by this amount of heat.
The C 14 disposable crucible is a combustible crucible that can To do this, use the calorimeter software IKA CalWin .
® ®

be used instead of a traditional crucible. The disposable crucible

undergoes total combustion with no residue. If a disposable
crucible is used, there is then no need for a cotton thread. The
crucible is in direct contact and is ignited by the fixed ignition

Notes on the sample

The calorimeter system IKA C 1 is a precision measuring instru-
Rapidly burning substances tend to squirt. Such substances
ment for the routine determination of calorific values of solid and must be pressed into tablets before combustion. Suitable
liquid substances. Exact measurements can however be achieved for this is e.g. the IKA pelleting press C 21.

only if the individual steps of the trial are performed with care.
• Most liquid substances can be weighed directly into the cru-
The procedure as described in the “For your safety“ section 1 and
cible. Liquid substances exhibiting turbidity or containing water
in the following sections must therefore be adhered to exactly.
that will settle out must be dried or homogenized before they
If you are burning unknown samples, are weighed in. The water content of these samples must be
DANGER leave the room or keep well away determined.
from the calorimeter! • Highly volatile substances are placed in combustion capsules
A few points should be noted in respect of the substances to be (gelatin capsules or acetobutyrate capsules, see “Accessories“)
combusted: and undergo combustion together with the capsules.
• For substances with low flammability or low calorific substances
• Normally, solid substances can be burned directly in powder use combustion aids (see “Accessories“). Before the capsules or
form. Rapidly burning substances (for example benzoic acid) the combustion bag is fi lled with the substance to be deter-
must not undergo combustion in loose form. mined, it must be weighed in order to determine the additional
Benzoic acid must only be burned in the form of pellets! Com- extraneous energy introduced into the system from the weight
bustible dust and powder must be compressed into pellets and the gross calorific value. This is taken into consideration
before combustion. Oven-dry dust and powder such as wood with QExtern2. The amount of combustion aid should be as little
chips, hay, straw etc. burn in an explosive manner! They must as possible.
be moistened first! Readily combustible liquids with a low va-
por pressure must not be come in direct contact with the The external energy must be determined externally.
cotton thread (e.g. tetramethyl dihydrogen disiloxan).

• Under the conditions that prevail during calorimetric mea- These correction values can
​​ not be entered in C 1. For this, use the
surements, sulfur and nitrogen un-dergo combustion and form IKA calorimeter software CalWin .
® ®

SO2, SO3 and NOX. Sulfuric and nitric acid arise in combinati-
To increase the service life of parts to wear and tear (O rings,
on with the water resulting form combustion. Heat of solution
seals etc.) we recommend to work with water added to the
is also generated. This heat of solution is taken into conside-
experiment as a matter of general principle.
ration in calculating the gross calorific value. In order to quanti-
tatively record and determine all acids that have been formed,
Halogen rich substances can cause corrosion on the inner con-
about 5 ml of distilled water or another suitable substance can
be added to the decomposition vessel before the experiment.
These substances must not be burned in C 1 with the
The calibration of the system must have been performed in
standard inner vessel.
accordance with the instructions!
In halogen-rich substances of special halogen-resistant
Remove after measuring the complete inner vessel. Turn the inner inner vessel C 1.12 must be used.
container upside down, loosen gently the internal container bot-
tom. Rinse thoroughly with distilled water, the inner area of the
inner container. The rinsing water and the solution formed from
the water that was added are combined and the acid content of
the combined solution is examined. If the sulfur content of the
combustion aid and the nitric acid correction are known, the water
does not need to be analyzed.



Complete combustion
To correctly determine the gross calorific value, it is of fundamen- undergo complete combustion only with the aid of combustion
tal importance that the sample undergoes complete combustion. capsules or combustion bags (C 10/ C 12 see “Accessories“). It is
After each experiment, the crucible and all solid residues must be also possible to use liquid combustion aids such as paraffin oil.
examined for any signs that combustion was not complete.
The combustion aids as well (for example the cotton thread) must
In case of using substances tending to squirt it is not possible to undergo complete combustion. If unburned residues are left over,
ensure complete combustion. the experiment must be repeated.
Substances with low flammability (substances with a high
content of mineral matterand low-calorific substances) will often

To ensure precise, reproducible results of the measurement, the to calculate the heat capacity based on the increase in temperature
calorimeter system is calibrated after it is initially placed in service, of the calorimeter system. The reference substance for calorimetry
after service jobs, after parts are replaced and at specific time inter- on an international level is benzoic acid of the National Bureau of
vals. During calibration, the heat capacity of the calorimeter system Standards (NBS Standard Sample 39 J) with a guaranteed gross
is redetermined. calorific value.
Regular calibration is absolutely essential to obtain accurate For more detailed information on calibration please see the relevant
measurements! standards.
If the IKA C 1 is operated with several different decomposition

For this purpose, a specific quantity of a reference substance

vessels, you will need to determine the heat capacity of the system
undergoes combustion in the IKA C 1 under the conditions of

for each decomposition vessel. The parts of each decomposition

the experiment. Since the gross calorific value of the reference
vessel must then not be swapped with parts from other vessels.
substance is known, it is possible after combustion has occurred

Notes on calibration
Ensure that calibration is carried out under the same conditions as For determination of calorific values the increase in temperature
the subsequent tests. If substances are used in the decomposition must be about as great as for the calibration (± 30%). 1g benzoic
vessel in combustion tests (e.g. distilled water or solutions), you acid =˜ 6K. The optimum sample quantity must de determined by
must use exactly the same amount of this substance for calibration. several trials where necessary.

Overview Main menu
The user has two display modes are available.

Animated view List view


The following submenus are available:

• New measurement
• Last result
• System test
• Measurement archive
• Calibration archive
• Memory overview

Default settings

The following submenus are available:

• C-value IB1
• ID IB1
• C-value IB2
• ID IB2
• Ref. cal. value
• Ho Comb. cruc.
• Start temperature
• QExtern 1
• QExtern 2
• O2 rinse
• Cool Down
• Extend. O2 Emptying


The following submenus are available:

• Date / Time
• Units
• Display / Keypad
• Language
• Accessories
• Cooler test


The following submenus are available:

• Change seal
• Test stirrer
• O2 System blow
• Servo up
• Servo down
INFO: When performing maintenance programs, the system
must be open !


The following informations are available:

• Software
• Firmware
• Serial number
• Service
• Pressure test
• Ignitions
• Next test
• Support

Preparing and performing measurements

The term “measurements“ below refers to both the measure-

ments to calibrate the calorimeter system (calibration measure-
ments) and the actual measurements for determining the calorific
value. The difference lies mainly in the evaluation, whilst prepara-
tion and performance make virtually no difference.

Performing the measurement

Select and confirm “Measurements“ in the main menu with the

multi-function element.

In the submenu select and confirm the option “New


Select and confirm the menu item “Sample weight“. Enter the
sample weight with numeric keypad and confirm.
INFO: A distinction is made between the use and non disposable
cup. Use of disposable crucible can be selected in Settings
" Accessories.
INFO: For automatic input of the weight may be a connected
scale can be used
INFO: The inputted weight values ​​are checked for permissibility.
INFO: The existing store will be reviewed after the entry of a
new measurement / calibration and a user note displayed
if it is not possible to save the measurement / calibration.
Ensure that a maximum energy input of from 40,000 joules is not
For more, detailed descriptions of the individual menu items are
treated in the chapter “Calorimetric Measurements“.
INFO: If a scale is used in activation of the input field, the
weight is automatically queried. It can be pressed on the
scale alternatively, the transmit button.
Fill in the sample weight.

Calibration off.

When you are ready with your input, press “OK” button.

Don’t close the C 1 before you have pressed “OK“


Placing the sample

During the prerequisite checking, the cotton thread can be When using a disposable crucible of contact between the ignition
attached to the ignition wire, hung the crucible in the provided wire and the combustible crucible must be present. The fixing of
holder and the sample are contacted with the ignition wire. the cotton thread is not necessary.

Preparing a measurement
The inner container base remains in the control of sample prepara- 1. Attach with a loop a cotton thread centered on the ignition
tion in the calorimeter. But you can also use it by pulling it out wire (at the open calorimeter).
individually, or for consequential - Analysis - determinations, refer
to the closed inner container. 2. Weigh the substance with an accuracy of 0.1 mg directly into
The following preparations must be made to prepare the system the crucible.
for a measurement: Where appropriate distilled water or a solution must be
presented in the inner vessel.

The input of the maximum possible sample weight is limited to a

maximum of 5 g.

Impression for distilled water or a

solution as a template

C 6 Quartz crucible
To increase the service life of wearing parts (O-rings, seals, To determine the potential energy initially very small sample
etc.) it is advisable to always work with a water template. weights (approx. 0.2g) must be chosen when working with
unknown substances. If you burn unknown samples, leave
Generally, the test sample must be selected so that the tempe- the room or keep your distance from the calorimeter.
rature elevation during the measurement is below 10 K and
the temperature increase of the calibration comes close (max. If distilled water or solutions presented in the decomposition
energy input: 40,000 J). Such exposure may damage the vessel during the combustion experiment, the calibration
calorimeter. with the same template must have been performed before.
When exceeding the maximum energy input is recommended
to return the calorimeter.

Close the calorimeter

After the sample is loaded and the contact with the ignition wire
is present and the inner vessel was placed, the calorimeter is

The following screen informs the user whether the system is

closed properly and securely.

Are combustion vessel and the complete system properly closed,

the measurement starts automatically.

Can the inner container and / or closure ring with handle heavy
wire, please follow the instructions for oiling the seals!
Prerequisite checking for a measurement

When checking the preconditions for a measurement using a

distinction is made with and without C 1.20 heating between. The
following points should be checked:
• Existing Ignition
• Sufficient oxygen present
• Open water connection
• Tempered water or using a heating their functionality

Without • Ignition:
C 1.20 Checking whether ignition contact available
heating: • Oxygen pressure:
Check whether the system has sufficiently high oxygen pressure
has to make a measurement
• Water detected:
Check whether the system has detected water
• Limit ≤ Water ≤ Start temp:
Check whether there is the current water temperature within the
permissible temperature range

With • Heater test:

C 1.20 Check the heating functionality

Measurement procedure

During a measurement, different phases are passed through.

These phases are described below

• Phase 1:
Filling the calorimeter with water
After switching on the calorimeter C 1 or after a break of 2
hours during the filling of the calorimeter C 1 is still carried
out an intermediate emptying (H2O - purge). Once the
water sensor detects water, the stirrer is switched on.
After a short waiting period begins phase 2.

• Phase 2:
Filling the calorimeter with oxygen (Note: If the option-O2
flushing under the main menu " Basic Settings is selec-
ted, the inner vessel is two times with Oxygen rinsed)
Alternatively, to display the graph may also have a detailed
view of be selected with the following information:
• Current temperature:
Mean value of the actual temperatures
• Ignition temperature:
the currently measured temperature
• Measurement time:
Display: duration of the measurement
• Fill time:
Filling the inner vessel with water.
The fill time is user specific and must be kept constant
on each measurement. Check the filter where long fill times
are used.

• Phase 3:
Filling with oxygen

• Phase 4:
Stabilizing the temperature and preliminary

• Phase 5:
The system ignites and thereby starts the main test

INFO: An ongoing measurement can be stopped by selecting

“Cancel“ at any stage

• Phase 6:
Post test

• Phase 7:
Venting, result is displayed

• Phase 8:
Cooling (if option under the main menu " Basic Settings
" cooling is enabled) and water emptying
With the “cooling“ option, the energy is absorbed (by the
combustion in the calorimeter entered).
Deactivation, the measuring time and the accuracy of the
calorimeter affecting (depending on the sample

• Phase 9:
The system is completely emptied, and can be opened.

The inner vessel can be taken down. Through a visual check

is necessary to ensure that the sample in the crucible was
combusted completely.
Result Display

Cleaning the inner vessel

After each combustion are all parts of the inner vessel that come the inner vessel, it shall be subjected to no cases of mechanical
in contact with the combustion products to clean condensate. cleaning.
It is sufficient to parts with an absorbent, lint-free cloth to wipe
off. Combustion residues in the inner vessel, for example, soot Please contact in such cases, contact your local service center or
or ash are eliminated in the same way. Can not be cleaned in send the inner vessel for inspection and cleaning to our factory.
the manner described (eg due to burn-in or pitting corrosion) of

Follow-up measurement

By pressing the multi-function element, the result display returns

to the measurement sub-menu and the next attempt can be
Because the calorimeter C 1 (all internal parts) still not in a
first measurement at operating temperature, the result of
the first measurement can differ significantly from the
subsequent measurements of a test series.
We therefore recommend not to evaluate the outcome and
possibly to delete.
Alternatively, a system test can be performed,
see chap. “System Test“.
Display the storage overview

If after pressing the “New Measurement“ button, the memory

overview is displayed, the capacity of the storage spaces for
measurements / calibrations are almost depleted. If the maximum
number is reached, no new measurements / calibrations more can
be saved for this mode. By pressing the OK key to access the screen
“New Measurement“. Delete measurements / calibrations are no
longer needed.

Use of a disposable crucible

The disposable crucible can optionally be used instead of metal

or quartz crucible and burned during the measurement complete
(see chap. “Accessories“).

INFO: 50 Joule omitted. With the combustible crucible not a

cotton thread is used.

Using a scale

About Settings " accessories can be selected using a scale.

If this option is selected, the displayed on the scale weight is

automatically transmitted to the selected weight input field.
Depending on type of balance this function may need to be be
activated on the scale or the Transfer button must be pressed.

This applies both to the initial sample weight of the sample and
the weight of the disposable crucible.

Permissible weight entries

In a non-permissible weight is the OK button inactive (grayed out)

and can not be selected..
• Sample weight:
There are weights of 0.00001 g to 4.99999 g permitted!
From 2.5 g in addition the message appears that the sample
weight in the limit range is (initial mass in the limit).
• Combustible crucible:
There are weights of 0.00001 g to 0.99999 g permitted!
Weights greater than 0.99999 g are not possible.

Example: sample weight in the limit and initial weight of the

combustible crucible too high

Confirm the selection with OK button.

Cancel a measurement

An ongoing measurement can be canceld at any time.

After ignition, the system waits for 1 minute with the emptying,
as otherwise there is a risk that the sample is not completely
After confirm the cancellation, the system automatically emptied
and bring it to a safe state. The calorimeter can be opened and
you can return to the main menu.


New measurements

• New measurement:
Preparing and starting a measurement
• Last result:
Displaying the result of the last measurement
• System test:
The functionality of the calorimeter is checked
• Measurement archive:
The system can store up to 100 measurements
• Calibration archive:
The system can be used for both modes of operation (22 °C,
and 30 °C) for each inner container (1 and 2) each
storing 15 calibrations.
• Memory Summary:
Display the memory summary

Last result

This screen shows the results of the measurement carried out

previously successfully.

System test

Functional testing of the system

Use for the system test one or two benzoic acid tablets.
Alternatively, however, for example, an appropriate amount of
sugar or an alternative fuel to be used.
The system test is used to test the functionality of the overall
system. For this purpose all switching operations are carried out,
which take place in a normal measurement. If the system test
performed without error, the functionality is guaranteed.
The system test can be used to create a quick ˝warm up“ the
system. It is faster than a normal measurement, since there is no
analysis and improves the accuracy of the first measurement so
that they need not be discarded

Measurement archive

In measurements Archive up to 100 measurements can be stored.

A measurement taken is automatically added to the archive.
Displays the line number, the name of the measurement as well
as the result.
Further details are displayed by clicking on a measurement.

Measurement archive: Edit

By clicking on the “EDIT“ button in the list view another screen

for selecting the edit mode.

• Measurements can be selected and printed
• Measurements can be selected and deleted
Delete all:
• All measurements are deleted

By selecting one of these menu items to the list view is displayed

again. As a heading of the screen active editing is displayed. The
“EDIT“ button is replaced with an “OK“ button.

Measurement archive: Print

Click on the individual measurements they are selected and

marked with a green tick. By clicking again the selection is

By confirming the selected measurements with “OK“ followed

by the display of the user note. By confirming with “OK“, the
selected measurements are printed.

Measurement archive: Delete

By clicking the “OK“ button, the following dialog appears:

By confirming with “OK“, the selected measurements will be


Measurement archive: Delete all
By clicking the “OK“ button, the following dialog appears:

By confirming with “OK“, all measurements will be deleted.

Calibration archive

After selecting the appropriate archive is displayed.

INFO: In each calibration archive up to 15 calibrations can be

stored. A calibration performed is automatically added to
the appropriate archive

Displays the line number, the name of the calibration and the
result (C value).
Below the list of the current C-value of the system is shown (in
red). By confirming the multifunctional element details concerning
the measurement are displayed. For the C-value calculation, select

INFO: The C-value can also manually at Main Menu > Basic
settings entered alternative.

Calibration archive: Edit

By clicking the “EDIT“ button in the list view, another screen

appears to select the edit mode.
Selection C values​​:
• Calibrations can contribute to the redefinition of the C-value
be selected
• Calibrations can be selected and printed
• Calibrations can be selected and deleted
By selecting one of these menu items to the list view is displayed
again. When heading of the screen active editing is displayed.
The “EDIT“ button is replaced with an “OK“ button.

Calibration archive: C-Value selection

Click on the individual calibrations they are selected and marked

with a green tick.
By clicking again the selection is canceled and the new C-value
(mean value) is displayed below the list view directly.

By clicking the “OK“ button, the following user message appears:

By clicking the “OK“ button, the new value is accepted.

INFO: For RSD calculation of at least two C-values must

​​ be
selected. Otherwise, the result is Infinite and it is “Inf“ is
displayed as RSD.
Formula for calculating: X is a set of data (x1, .... xn)
and N the number
Relative Standard Deviation (RSD)
= (standard deviation / mean value) x 100
Mean value: X = XMean = (ΣNn=1 xn )/N
Standard deviation:
σ = √ ΣNn=1 (xn - XMean )2/(N - 1)
INFO: The new value is also displayed under Main menu "
Basic settings.
Calibration archive: Print
Click on the individual measurements they are selected and
marked with a green tick. By clicking again the selection is

By clicking on the OK button, the following user dialog appears:

By confirming with “OK“, the selected calibrations are printed.

Calibration archive: Delete

Click on the individual measurements they are selected and
marked with a green tick. By clicking again the selection is

INFO: Calibrations that are used to the current C-value

calculation, can not be deleted.
She are grayed out and can not be selected..

By clicking the “OK“ button, the following user dialog appears:

By confirming with “OK“, the selected calibrations will be deleted.

Default settings

• C-value IB1; C-value IB2:

C value for the corresponding inner vessel
• ID IB1; ID IB2:
Identification number of the inner vessel
• Ref Energy:
Calorific reference value of benzoic acid
• HO Combustible crucible:
Calorific value of the combustible crucible
• Start temperature:
Changing the mode of operation between 22 °C and 30 °C.
• QExtern 1; QExtern 2:
Default values ​​for the external energies 1 and 2
• O2 rinse:
The inner vessel can before the measurement of oxygen
be rinsed (2x with subsequent filling)
• Cool down:
Cooling the system after measurement
• Extend. O2 Emptying [min]:
0 - 99 adjustable

When using a gas-washing station, the ventilation time
must be extended.

The setup menu contains the following menu items
• Date / Time
• Units
• Display / Keypad
• Language
• Accessories
• Chiller temperature

Date / Time

Setting the system time and date.

This data is used for automatic generation of a new measurement


The user can choose between the listed below unity


• J/g
• cal/g
• BTU/lb
• MJ/kg

Display / Keypad
The user can access this menu
• select and change the background color of the display.
The background color can be selected either white or black
• the key tones on or off
• the appearance of the menus between animated view
and list view move

Inverted menu view

Colour range black Colour range white

List view


Selecting the system language

Selection of accessories
• Heating:
Use of heating during the measurement C 1.2
• Combustible crucible:
yes / no
Weight input of the combustible crucible in the submenu “New
measurement“ can be done manually or by data transfer from
the balance.
• Printer:
Using a serial printer.
Selection option between:
• off: no expression
• briefly: expression
• standard: result expression with temperature values
• Service Information:
Service information is outputted via the serial interface
• Balance:
Selecting a balance type.
Selection option between:
• out
• Sartorius/Kern
• Mettler-Toledo
• Ohaus

Chiller test

Check whether the cooling water tem-

perature within the specified range of
19.5 +/- 1.5 °C at the wor-
king temperature 22 °C
27.5 +/- 1.5 °C at the wor-
king temperature 30 °C
is located.


Maintenance menu:

The system must be open to performing the maintenance programs.

The maintenance menu can be reached at Menu > Maintenance and contains the following points
Viewing maintenance programs that can be performed by the
user at regular intervals.

Inner vessel and the inner vessel bottom lift out and set

Change seal:
1 In the Menu Maintenance press “change seal“ button. This 38 III
requires oxygen pressure be present at C 1.
2 Unscrew the piston (Pos. 38 III) with screwdriver
counterclockwise VI (8,0 x 2,5)
3 Remove the O-ring (Pos. 38 VI) 38
4 Put new O-ring on piston (Pos. 38 VI)
5 Screw in piston and tighten securely
6 “Change seal“ button again actuate pistons move to the O-ring
home position (Water inlet valve

Stirrer test
The stirrer is switched on and off for a visual check.

O2 System blow:
1 Lift out the inner vessel from the bottom and set aside
2 After about 20 seconds the button “O2 system blow“ button.
Keep openings with a paper towel or similar covered by hand Stirrer
3 After about 3 seconds, this state switches itself off again.

This any remaining condensed water and dirt is

in the line blown out.

Servo up
The locking pin is extended.
locking pin
Servo down
The locking pin is retracted.


This screen shows:

• the software and firmware version

• the serial number of the device

• the date of the last service

• the date of the last pressure test

• the number of performed ignitions

• the number of ignitions in the next pressure test must be


• the number of performed ignitions and support information

• IKA - Contact information


User information: Memory
Prior to input a new measurement
Information about the available space when you select the menu
item “New Measurement“
This information is displayed when there is a value in the
critical region is located, that is, from 95 out of 100 possible
measurements in memory or from 13 of 15 calibrations in store
for IB1, IB2 at 22 °C or 30 °C operating temperature.

After input a new measurement

After entering the values ​​for a new measurement archive
database will be checked again and if no free space is available
following message is displayed:
Depending on the selection measurement or calibration, the
screen sample will vary.

The user can skip this message, then the following measurement or
calibration is not saved. However, it can also switch on the button
“Archive“ to the appropriate archive and then delete old or unused
measurements or calibrations.

Exchanging of wear parts

O2-Valve seal change

Use only original IKA spare parts!

40 (10,0x 2,5)
1 Bushing (Pos. 33) with the enclosed tool SW11
screw out 32/21
2 Lift piston (Pos. 32/21) with tweezers
3 Remove the O-ring (Pos. 40), insert a new O-ring and ensure
the correct position 32/8
4 Set piston (Pos. 32/21) back in the opening
5 Bushing (Pos. 33) screw with the enclosed tool SW11
(3,0 x 1,5)
handtight, paying attention to correct position of the
O-ring (Pos. 32/8)

Change ignition wire
I Safety note:
1 To release the ignition wire (Pos. 24) on the ignition electrodes 25 13 Use only original IKA ®

(Pos. 23) are both 6- hexagon nuts (Pos. 13) using

II spare parts!
spanner SW 5.5
2 Turn down the upper nut (Pos. 13I1)
13 In particular,
3 To release the ignition wire to the ground electrode (Pos. 22) the hex nuts
crucible holders hold hex nut (Pos. 13/3) and solve with (Hastelloy!)
spanner SW 5.5 24
4 Screw (Pos.25) and remove while holding the crucible holder
5 Remove old ignition wire iand attach new ignition wire
6 Ignition wire (Pos. 24) mounted as shown in figure on the 23
screw (Pos.25)
7 Screw in screw (Pos.25) into the crucible holder, screw hex nut
(Pos.13/3) on the screw
8 Complete unit (Pos. 25, 24,10,13) srew in the ground electrode,
until the screw the ignition wire clamps
9 Align the crucible holder, no contact to the ignition electrode, 13/1
with hexagon nut on the ground electrode counter 13 III
10 Align the lower nut on the ignition electrode (Pos.13/2) so that
the ignition wire is horizontal
11 Ignition wire (Pos. 24) on ignition electrodes (Pos. 23) mount 22 h
12 Screw the upper hex nut (Pos. 13/1) and tighten the ignition
wire with two nuts by counter holding the lower nut
2x O-ring

Change ignition electrode

1 Loosen ignition wire at the ignition electrode as described

2 Hex nut (Pos. 12) and remove on the bottom of the inner
vessel bottom (Pos. 2) loosen with the spanner and screw
down SW7
3 Ignition electrodes (Pos. 23) by pulling it upwards 23
4 Take O-ring (Pos. 3) and replace with a new one
5 Install new ignition electrode in reverse order, making sure
that the insulating bushing (Pos. 6) located in the inner vessel 3
bottom (4.0 x 1.5)
6 Tighten hex ​​nut (Pos.12) by hand
Caution: Risk of short circuit at the nut is tightened
too strong
Change the main seal

1 Remove O-ring with a suitable non-sharp tool Uper part

Pos. 43 Quad-ring (92,0 x 4,5)
The O-ring can be removed with your fingers, pull the O-ring to
two fingers apart, thus it is pulled out of the groove. Now it can
be removed with your fingers.
Note: Rub the new O-ring before inserting it into the groove with
O-ring grease (O-ring grease supplied).
This facilitates the closing of the C 1 considerably!

Inner vessel
Pos. 15 O-ring (48,0 x 2,0)
1x X-ring
Marked with  rings must 
be greased as needed with
the supplied grease.

Change ground electrode

1 Loosen ignition wire as described above on the ground

2 Unscrew the ground electrode (Pos. 22) with spanner SW 7
3 Remove and replace O-ring (Pos. 17) to mount the O-ring on
the new ground electrodes
4 Screw in the new ground electrode
5 Install the new O-rings (Pos. 14) to the ground electrode




Leak test with the system test

Run a full system test to check for leaks: Since no sample / calibration substance is used, breaks the
system test with the error message “MINTEMPDIFF“.
• “Measurement“ menu " menu ˝System test“.
• To perform a leak test with the system test, you must not use The tightness test is passed if the cotton thread burned and the
sample / calibration substance. inner vessel is dry inside. No water should flow from the C 1.
• Use to the cotton thread to check whether the ignition
electrode is correctly installed.
The cotton thread is not burned. Reason could be a short to
ground between the ignition electrode and the inner vessel
bottom (e.g. by a wrong-mounted ignition wire).

Follow the instructions of the calorimeter!

Fault and troubleshoot

The calorimeter C 1 is subjected during the manufacture to stringent quality controls. Should any malfunctions occur, refer to the
following section for a series of fault and error situations, the suitable remedial measures.
All disturbances and errors during measurement are displayed in a specific error window. There, the user receives a Circumstances of
malfunctioning or error, and possible causes.
If your troubleshooting attempts is unsuccessful, contact your authorized from IKA Technical Service.

This error appears if the setpoint of the stirrer speed is not
A possible cause for this problem is a defective stirring motor.

Check the stirring function, using the maintenance menu.

If no internal communication between the software and firmware
are prepared COMMUNICATION ALARM appears..


Drift Alarm
In preliminary experiment or or post-experiment the temperature
drift criterion is not met.

Check the stirring function.


If 30 seconds is no temperature increase of 0.5 °C takes place

after ignition, the alarm is displayed.
The most common causes for this problem are:
• the cotton thread is not in contact with the sample
• the contact with the fuse wire is not present due to
contamination or an not properly tightened screw
• the bad combustibility the sample, optionally you must use
firing aids
• Low oxygen pressure. Check the oxygen supply (30-40 bar)
• Short circuit at the ignition electrode, crucible holder is
present at the ignition electrode

Message appears when the system during filling with water after
50 seconds does not detect water in the upper water outlet.
Causes for this problem are:
• the cooler is not switched on or not connected
• Water valve seal defective
• no oxygen present (for switching the valves, the system
requires pressure)
• upper water sensor is defective
• the filter in the supply line is dirty
• Water valve tightly or defective
the water supply is not connect
• the water filter is clogged

Occurs when the lower water sensor during the emptying of
system after 60 seconds still detects water.
Possible causes for this problem are:
• the drain hose for sucking the air is in the water. Check the
hose laying on the cooler (see page 8).
• the pump is defective. Switch the device off and back on
and then run a system test. Disconnect the return flow line
and let the water drain into a lower lying container..

After 45 seconds in the post-water-filling state, the current
temperature is compared with the selected fill-water temperature.
If it falls below the Fill-water temperature, the oxygen filling is
Otherwise, the system additionally waiting 180 seconds, if the
fill-water temperature is not reached.
A possible cause for this problem is set too high cooler temperature.
Check the cooler.


Water is detected too early in outlet.

The cause of this problem are water drops on the sensor.

contact this service.


System is not closed properly during an ongoing measurement.
• Contact closure defective!
• Locking can not engage.
• Twisted rotary handle.

Oxygen pressure is too low (min. 20 bar).
The most common cause for this problem is an unopened or
empty oxygen bottle.
Check the oxygen supply!

20 bar, the minimal pressure necessary to keep the system
is able to work. A pressure < 30 bar may have measurement
errors in consequence.

When using the heater C 1.20 this is not detected.
The most common cause for this problem is a switched off or unplugged
heating during measurement.
Check the contact of the heating C 1.20.

Temperature increase > = 10 °C detected.

Accessories and Consumables

C 6040 CalWin software

C 1.104 Water bath additive
KV 600 d Cooling water supply C 5041.10 Connecting cable (for CalWin C 6040)®

C 1.10 Combustion chamber C 1.101 Set of spare parts 1000

C 1.12 Combustion chamber, halogen resistent C 25 Pressure regulating valve (when connected to
C 1.12 Halogenresistent water pipe above 1.5 bar)
C 1.50 Dot-Matrix-Printer • Crucible holder
C 1.30 Venting station • Filter wrench
C 1.20 Heater • Oxygen adapter China
C 21 Pelleting press
C 29 Pressure gauge • Connecting cable PC/CalW./Kal-Mettler AE
C 4 Quartz dish • Connecting cable PC/Kal-Mettler AT, AM
C 6 Quartz crucible, big • Connecting cable PC/Kal-Mettler PR, PS, AG
C 5 Set of VA combustion crucibles • Connecting cable PC/CalWin /Kal-Sartorius

C 710.2 Set of VA combustion crucibles

C 15 Paraffin strips
• Print ribbon RC-7000
C 16 Parafilm
C 17 Paraffin • Printer paper for Star Printer SP712
C 9 Gelatine capsules • Serial printer cable for SP700
C 10 Acetobutyrate capsules
C 12 A Combustion bags
C 12 Combustion bags
C 723 Benzoic acid, BIG Pack
C 723 Benzoic acid, blister package
C 710.4 Cotton thread
C 1.103 Ignition wire

Cleaning the water filter: - When cleaning, please do not allow moisture to get into the unit.
Clean the water filter in the water supply line every 2-3 days in - Wear the proper protective gloves during cleaning of the devices.
the beginning and define the regular intervals, depending on the - Before performing a non-recommanded method of cleaning or
degree of contamination for cleaning.
decontamination, the user must ascertain with IKA that this

Cleaning the combustion chamber:

method does not destroy the instrument.
Only use lint-free cloths for cleaning und drying! Cloth or paper Spare parts order:
lints clog the filter in the water supply line. When ordering spare parts, please give:
Thus, the flow rate is reduced and more error messages occur. - Machine type
This also affects the measuring accuracy! - Serial number, see type plate
- Software Version (second displayed value when the device is on)
The device is subject only to the natural wear and tear of com- - Item and designation of the spare part please see www.ika.com.
ponents and their statistical failure rate. According to the IKA ®

manufacturer specifications we recommend an annual mainte- Repair:

nance with security check and pressure test according to Pressure Please send instrument in for repair only after it has been
Equipment Directive! cleaned and is free from any materials which may consti-
tute a health hazard.
Cleaning: For this you should request the “Decontamination Certificate”
from IKA , or use the download printout of it from the IKA web-
® ®

For cleaning, disconnect the main plug! site www.ika.com.

Return the instrument in its original packaging. Storage packaging is
not sufficient. Also, please use suitable shipping package materials.
Only use cleaning agents recommended by IKA . ®

Contamination Cleaning agents

Dyes isopropyl alcohol
Building materials water containing tenside/isopropyl alcohol
Cosmetics water containing tenside/isopropyl alcohol
Foodstuffs water containing tenside
Fuels water containing tenside

In accordance with IKA warranty conditions, the warranty period is 12 months. For claims under the warranty please contact your local

dealer. You may also send the machine directly to our factory, enclosing the delivery invoice and giving reasons for the claim. You will
be liable for freight costs.
The warranty does not cover worn out parts, nor does it apply to faults resulting from improper use, insufficient care or maintenance not
carried out in accordance with the instructions in this operating manual.

Technical data
Power supply unit (external)
Design voltage /-frequency 100–240 V AC 50/60 Hz
Power consumption max. 120 W

Design voltage 24 V DC 5A
Power consumption max. 120 W

Permissible duration of operation 100 %

Protection type acc. DIN EN 60529 IP 20
Protection class I
Overvoltage category 2
Contamination level II
Permissible ambient temperature 5–40 °C
Permissible relative humidity 80 %
Operation at a terrestrial altitude max. 2000 m
Dimensions (W x D x H) 290 x 300 x 280 mm
Weight 15 kg
Measuring range (max.) 40,000 J
Mode of the measuring isoperibol 22 °C
isoperibol 30 °C
Measuring time approx 7 min
Reproducibility (1g benzoic acid NBS39i) 0.15 % RSD
Working temperature 20–30 °C
Temperature measurement resolution 0.0001 K
Cooling medium temperature 19.5 K +/- 1.5 K for measuring mode isoperibol 22 °C
27.5 K +/- 1.5 K for measuring mode isoperibol 30 °C
Cooling medium permissible operating pressure 1.5 bar
Cooling medium tap water / drinking water quality
Cool art flow rate
Flow volume 50 ... 60 l/h
Oxygen operating pressure 30 ... 40 bar
Interfaces RS232, USB-device

Subject to technical changes!

IKA®-Werke GmbH & Co.KG
Janke & Kunkel-Str. 10
D-79219 Staufen
Tel. +49 7633 831-0
Fax +49 7633 831-98
[email protected]

www.ika.com 20005032d

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