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Oracle Application Express: Developing Database Web Applications

Hands-On-Labs Guide

Unit 8: Creating and Using Forms

Oracle Application Express: Developing Database Web Applications

This exercise includes two hands-on-labs.

HOL 8-1 Updating the Form Pages in the Demo Projects Application: In this hands-on-lab,
you update the default form pages in the Demo Projects application.

HOL 8-2 Creating a Form on a Table and Linking a Report: In this hands-on lab, you create a
form on the PROJECT_BUDGET table. Then, you create a classic report on the
PROJECT_BUDGET table and link this report to the form. This lab utilizes the Budget App

Oracle Application Express: Developing Database Web Applications

HOL 8-1 Updating the Form Pages in the Demo Projects Application

In the Demo Projects application, you create a report that allows each Team Member to see their
outstanding tasks.

1. Navigate to App Builder and run the Demo Projects application.

2. In the navigation menu, click Demo Proj Team Members.

Then, click the Edit icon (pencil), next to a team member's name to view the modal form page,
for the person you selected.

3. On the Developer Toolbar at the bottom of the page, click Edit Page 3 to jump to the modal
page in Page Designer.

4. In the property editor > Page > Identification, enter Maintain Team Member for both Name
and Title.

Oracle Application Express: Developing Database Web Applications

5. Under Rendering, select the Proj_Team_Member region. In the property editor, navigate to
Appearance > Template Options. Click Use Template Defaults.

6. In the Template Options dialog, under Advanced, for Item Width, select Stretch Form
Fields and click OK.

Oracle Application Express: Developing Database Web Applications

Save your changes. Click Save.

7. Now, modify the default Project form page to be more visually appealing and consistent with
how the Maintain Team Member page was improved. Navigate to the application runtime
environment. In the navigation menu, click Demo Projects.

8. Click one of the Project names, to open a modal dialog.

Oracle Application Express: Developing Database Web Applications

9. In the runtime environment, after selecting a project, in the Developer Toolbar, click Edit Page

Oracle Application Express: Developing Database Web Applications

10. In the Property Editor:

• Identification: Name - enter Maintain Project
• Identification: Title - enter Maintain Project

11. Scroll down to Navigation and for Cursor Focus, select First item on page. Then, click Save.

12. Modify the default Milestone form page to be more visually appealing. In the Demo Projects
runtime environment, navigate to the Demo Proj Milestones page and open one of the records
by clicking the edit icon (pencil).

Oracle Application Express: Developing Database Web Applications

13. In the Developer Toolbar, click Edit Page 7.

14. In the Property Editor:

• Identification: Name - enter Maintain Milestone
• Identification: Title - enter Maintain Milestone

15. Scroll down to Navigation and for Cursor Focus, select First item on page. Then, click Save.

16. Modify the default Task form page to be more visually appealing. In the Demo Projects runtime
environment, navigate to the Demo Proj Tasks page and open one of the records by clicking the
edit icon (pencil).

Oracle Application Express: Developing Database Web Applications

17. In the Developer Toolbar, click Edit Page 9.

18. In the Property Editor:

• Identification: Name - enter Maintain Task
• Identification: Title - enter Maintain Task

19. Scroll down to Navigation and for Cursor Focus, select First item on page.
Then, click Save.

Oracle Application Express: Developing Database Web Applications

HOL 8-2: Creating a Form on a Table and Linking a Report

In this lab, you first create a classic report on the PROJECT_BUDGET table. Then, you create a
form on the PROJECT_BUDGET table. Finally, you link the classic report to the form.

1. Navigate to App Builder and run the Budget App application.

2. Click Application xxxx in the Developer toolbar, it will navigate you the Application
homepage. Now, create a Classic Report on the PROJECT_BUDGET table. Click Create
Page and then perform the following steps:

a) Select Report.

b) Select Classic Report.

c) Enter Project Budget Classic Report for Page Name and click Next

d) For Navigation, select Create a new navigation menu entry and click Next

e) Accept the defaults for Data Source and Source Type.

Select PROJECT_BUDGET for Table / View Name and click Create.

Oracle Application Express: Developing Database Web Applications

3. The report page is created successfully. Now, create a form on the PROJECT_BUDGET table.
Perform the following steps:
a) In the page designer toolbar, click Create and select Page.

b) Select Form.

c) Select Form again.

Oracle Application Express: Developing Database Web Applications

d) Enter Project Budget Classic Details for Name, select Modal Dialog for Page Mode and
click Next.

e) Click Next.

f) Select PROJECT_BUDGET for Table / View Name and click Next.

g) For Primary Key Type, make sure Select Primary Key Column(s) is selected, and
select ID for Primary Key Column.

h) Click Create.

Oracle Application Express: Developing Database Web Applications

The form page is created successfully.

4. The form you just created is a dialog page and so you cannot run it directly. If you click the Save
and Run Page, you see this message:

5. You want to navigate to the Project Budget Report page in the page designer. In the toolbar,
click the Navigate to previous page arrow (down arrow).

Oracle Application Express: Developing Database Web Applications

6. Under Rendering > Regions, select Report 1. In the property editor, replace the existing title
with Project Budget Report.

7. Under Rendering, expand Columns and select ID.

8. In the property editor, under Identification select Link for Type.

Scroll down and locate Link > Target. Click No Link Defined.

Oracle Application Express: Developing Database Web Applications

9. In the Link Builder – Target dialog, select the following:

• Target > Page: Select the form page, Project Budget Classic Details
• Set Items > Name: P9_ID
• Set Items > Value: #ID#
Click OK.

10. In the property editor, navigate to Link. For Link Text, click the Quick Pick and select apex-

Oracle Application Express: Developing Database Web Applications

11. Click Save and Run Page.

12. The Project Budget Classic Report page is displayed.

Note: You might have to log in to the application using username and password. Then, in the
navigation menu, click Project Budget Report.
Click the Edit icon (pencil) for any row, and you see that the form dialog page is displayed.

Oracle Application Express: Developing Database Web Applications


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