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Electronics Engineering Mastery Test 3: ECE Pre-Board

June 6, 2017

(Last Updated On: March 25, 2020)

This is 100 items Practice Examinations set 3 in Electronics Engineering composed of

previous Board Exams Questions. Read each questions and choices carefully! Choose the
best answer. In the actual board, you have to answer 100 items in Electronics Engineering
within 5 hours. You have to get at least 70% to pass the subject. Electronics Engineering is
30% of the total 100% Board Rating along with Mathematics (20%), General Engineering
and Applied Sciences (20%) and Electronics Systems and Technology (30%).

Start the Test Yourself Exam 3

Choose the letter of the best answer in each questions.

1. ECE Board Exam November 1996

What is a medium of communication with a computer where programs are written in


A. Assembly Language
B. High level Language
C. Machine Language
D. Low level Language

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


2. ECE Board Exam November 1996

The arrow in the symbol of a transistor indicates the direction of

A. Electron current in the collector

B. Donor ion current
C. Electron current in the emitter
D. Hole current in the emitter

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


3. ECE Board Exam November 1996

Digital ICs are mostly

A. hybrid
B. thick film
C. thin film
D. monolithic

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


4. ECE Board Exam November 1996

A ___________ is a program which converts instruction written in a source language
into machine code which can be read and acted upon by the computer.

A. source code
B. assembler
C. application software
D. compiler

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


5. ECE Board Exam November 1996

What is the total resistance of a two equal valued resistor in series?

A. Twice as one
B. The sum of their reciprocal
C. The difference of both
D. The product of both

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


6. ECE Board Exam November 1996

What two elements widely used in semiconductor devices exhibit both metallic and non-
metallic characteristics?

A. Galena and Germanium

B. Silicon and Gold
C. Galena and Bismuth
D. Silicon and Germanium

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


7. ECE Board Exam November 1996

What do you expect when you use the two 20 k-ohms, 1 watt resistor in parallel instead of
one 10 k-ohms, 1 watt?
A. Provide more power
B. Provide lighter current
C. Provide less power
D. Provide wider tolerance

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


8. ECE Board Exam November 1996

Find the required battery capacity needed to operate an equipment of 30 Amperes at 5


A. 6
B. 30
C. 3
D. 150

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


9. ECE Board Exam November 1996

What does ALU which carries arithmetic and logic operations process?

A. Binary coded decimal numbers

B. Hexadecimal numbers
C. Octal numbers
D. Binary numbers

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


10. ECE Board Exam November 1996

A static memory will store information

A. as long as power is applied to the memory

B. even when power is not applied to the memory
C. as long as power is applied and the memory is refreshed periodically
D. when power is applied at regular intervals

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Answer: Option B


11. ECE Board Exam November 1996

The conductance of a circuit having three (3) 10 ohms resistors in parallel is

A. 3.33 S
B. 0.30 S
C. 0.333 S
D. 30 S

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Answer: Option B


12. ECE Board Exam November 1996

Protons are about _______ heavier than electrons.

A. 1,800 times
B. less than thrice
C. less
D. twice

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Answer: Option A


13. ECE Board Exam November 1996

In half-wave rectifier, if a resistance equal to load resistance is connected in parallel with

the diode then

A. circuit will stop rectifying

B. output voltage would be halved
C. output voltage would be doubled
D. output voltage will remain unchanged

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Answer: Option A


14. ECE Board Exam November 1996

______ refers to a function of a decade counter digital IC.

A. Producing one output pulse for every 10 input pulses

B. Adding two decimal numbers
C. Producing 10 output pulses for every input pulse
D. Decoding a decimal number for display on seven segment

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Answer: Option A


15. ECE Board Exam November 1996

What is the time interval to undertake a refresh operation in a typical dynamic RAM?

A. 2 ms
B. 200 ns
C. 50 µs
D. 22 µs

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Answer: Option A


16. ECE Board Exam November 1996

Electric energy refers to _________.

A. Joules divided by time

B. Volt-coulomb
C. Volt-ampere
D. Watt

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Answer: Option B

17. ECE Board Exam November 1996

What is the process by which AC is converted to pulsating DC?

A. Charging
B. Rectification
C. Filtering
D. Clipping

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


18. ECE Board Exam November 1996

_______ frequency is reached when the capacitive and inductive reactance in a tuned
circuit are equal.

A. Infinite
B. Resonant
C. Pulsating
D. Zero

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


19. ECE Board Exam November 1996

A ______ is composed of voltage-controlled oscillator, a phase comparator and a low pass

filter, where the oscillator generates the output frequency in response to an error voltage
produced by the comparator.

A. JK flip-flop
B. error detection
C. voltage-to-frequency converter
D. phase-locked loop

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


20. ECE Board Exam November 1996

How are the networks able to transform one impedance to another?

A. Resistance in the networks substitute for resistances in the load

B. The matching network can cancel the reactive part of an impedance and change
the value of the resistive part of an impedance
C. The matching network introduces negative resistance to cancel the resistive part of
an impedance
D. The matching network introduces transconductance to cancel the reactive part of
an impedance

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


21. ECE Board Exam November 1996

Which of the following demodulates an RF modulated wave?

A. RF amp
B. IF amp
C. Mixer
D. Detector

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


22. ECE Board Exam November 1996

The ideal internal resistance of an ammeter should be

A. equal to the circuit’s resistance

B. zero
C. infinity
D. higher than the circuit’s resistance

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


23. ECE Board Exam November 1996

What type of bias is required for an LED to produce luminescence?

A. Reverse bias
B. Zero bias
C. Forward bias
D. Inductive bias

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


24. ECE Board Exam November 1996

What is the resonant frequency of a circuit when L of 2 microhenrys and C of 30 picofarads

are in series?

A. 20.5 kHz
B. 20.5 MHz
C. 2.65 kHz
D. 2.65 MHz

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


25. ECE Board Exam November 1996

_________ is a layer of insulating medium that separates the plates of a capacitor.

A. Insulator
B. Core
C. Dielectric
D. Space

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Answer: Option C


26. ECE Board Exam November 1996

What is the oscillator of a radar receiver?

A. Detector
B. Product detector
C. Hartley oscillator
D. Klystron oscillator

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Answer: Option D


27. ECE Board Exam November 1996

What is the equivalent of decimal number 11 in binary

A. 1101
B. 1110
C. 1111
D. 1011

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


28. ECE Board Exam November 1996

Which of the following ammeters is the most sensitive?

A. 0-100 micro Ammeter

B. 0-5 milli Ammeter
C. micro Ammeter
D. 0-50 milli Ammeter

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


29. ECE Board Exam November 1996

In the concept of induction heating in industrial electronics, the eddy current penetrates to
greater depths at

A. high frequencies
B. increasing induction
C. decreasing induction

D. low frequencies

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


30. ECE Board Exam November 1996

Refers to the lowest voltage across any insulator that can cause current flow

A. Conduction voltage
B. Breakdown voltage
C. Voltage flow
D. Voltage drop

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


31. ECE Board Exam November 1996

Type of power-line frequency meter composed of vibrating iron reeds placed in alternating
magnetic field

A. Induction type
B. Resonant type
C. Vibrating reed type
D. Electrodynamic type

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


32. ECE Board Exam November 1996

A separately packaged circuit element with its own external connections is called a
______ component.

A. integrated
B. discrete
C. active
D. passive

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


33. ECE Board Exam November 1996

The area of a conductor whose diameter is 0.001 inch is equal to

A. one angstrom
B. one circular mill
C. one micron
D. one steradian

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


34. ECE Board Exam November 1996

______ is called the time sharing of one line with multiplex signals.

A. Simultaneous transmission
B. Bidirectional
C. Relay
D. Multiplexing

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


35. ECE Board Exam November 1996

A process of constant loses of free electrons and then regaining them is called ______.

A. induction
B. ionization
C. polarization
D. electron gaining

View Answer:
Answer: Option B

36. ECE Board Exam November 1996

Term used for an out-of-phase, non-productive power associated with inductors and

A. Reactive power
B. Effective power
C. Peak envelope power
D. True power

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


37. ECE Board Exam November 1996

What do you call the devices that allow computers to communicate with other computers
through telephone lines or radio frequency?

A. Modems
B. Disks
C. Mouse
D. Super computers

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Answer: Option A


38. ECE Board Exam November 1996

As general rule in the process of industrial electronic heating, the frequency with the
thickness of the metal to be heated

A. is not related
B. is directly proportional
C. varies inversely
D. varies

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


39. ECE Board Exam November 1996

A __________ network is a two-port circuit made up of a repeated L, T, pi or H

A. lattice
B. hierarchy
C. hybrid
D. ladder

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


40. ECE Board Exam November 1996

The octal equivalent of binary number 10101100 is

A. 367
B. AC16
C. 254
D. 172

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


41. ECE Board Exam November 1996

Which type of network offers the greater transformation ratio?

A. L-network
B. Pi-network
C. Constant-K
D. Constant-M

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


42. ECE Board Exam November 1996

Refers to the system that has no feedback and is not self-correcting

A. Close-loop system
B. Coal slurry system
C. Feed forward control system
D. Open-loop system

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Answer: Option D


43. ECE Board Exam November 1996

Find the equivalent of 10 Oersted (Oe)

A. 100 Gb/cm
B. 1 Gb/cm
C. 10 Gb/cm
D.1 Gb/m

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Answer: Option C


44. ECE Board Exam November 1996

The density of data recorded on magnetic tape is measured in

A. bit stuffing rate

B. bit error rate
C. bits per inch
D. bits per second

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Answer: Option C


45. ECE Board Exam November 1996

_______ is called back EMF.

A. A voltage that opposes the applied EMF

B. A current that opposes the applied EMF
C. An opposing EMF equal to R multiplied by C (RC) percent of the applied EMF

D. A current equal to the applied EMF

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Answer: Option A


46. ECE Board Exam November 1996

What is the purpose of the rheostat in ohmmeter?

A. Balancing resistance
B. Counter resistance of measured circuit
C. Coil resistance
D. Compensate aging battery of the meter

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


47. ECE Board Exam November 1996

Find the charge in coulombs of dielectric that has a positive charge of 14.5 x 10 to the 18th
power protons.

A. 29 x 10 to the 16th coulombs

B. 14.5 x 10 to the 16th coulombs
C. 14.5 x 10 to the 18th coulombs
D. 29 x 10 to the 18th coulombs
E. None of these

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Answer: Option E


48. ECE Board Exam November 1996

_________ is the transmitter receiver triggered by interrogator used mainly in secondary

surveillance radar and distance measuring equipment.

A. Transponder
C. Interrogator


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Answer: Option A


49. ECE Board Exam November 1996

In electricity, positive electric charge refers to __________.

A. protons
B. neutrons
C. electrons
D. atoms

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Answer: Option A


50. ECE Board Exam November 1996

What is the lagging effect between the magnetizing force applied and the flux density?

A. Hysteresis
B. Permeance
C. Eddy current
D. Reluctance

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Answer: Option A


51. ECE Board Exam November 1996

Find the Thevenins impedance equivalent across R2 of a linear close circuit having 10 volt
supply in series with two resistors (R1= 50 ohms and R2= 200 ohms).

A. 400 ohms
B. 40 ohms
C. 4 ohms
D. 4 k-ohms

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Answer: Option B


52. ECE Board Exam November 1996

What is the process of converting multiple analog input signals sequentially to digital

A. Time division multiplexing

B. Analog to digital conversion
C. Space division multiplexing
D. Pulse code multiplexing

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Answer: Option B


53. ECE Board Exam November 1996

What is the equivalent of decimal 15 in octal?

A. 15
B. 18
C. 17
D. 16

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Answer: Option C


54. ECE Board Exam November 1996

________ is the transistor which fabricated as two complementary SCRs in parallel with
common gate terminal.

A. Triac
B. Field effect transistor
C. Bilateral SCR
D. Unijunction transistor

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Answer: Option A


55. ECE Board Exam November 1996

How many diodes will you use to have a basic half-wave rectifier?

A. Three
B. Four
C. Two
D. One

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Answer: Option D


56. ECE Board Exam November 1996

Electric charge of neutron is the same as

A. proton
B. electron
C. current
D. atom

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Answer: Option D


57. ECE Board Exam November 1996

The current of an electric circuit is analogous to _________ parameter of a magnetic


A. flux density
B. reluctivity
C. mmf
D. flux

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Answer: Option D


58. ECE Board Exam November 1996

Find the filter capacitor that will provide 2.5 % ripple filtered voltage having a load of 120
mA, full wave rectified voltage of 36 V dc and 60 Hz supply.

A. 3117 microfarads
B. 3207 microfarads
C. 311.7 microfarads
D. 320.7 microfarads

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Answer: Option D


59. ECE Board Exam November 1996

Which of the following solid state devices work on the phenomenon avalanche breakdown?

A. Triac
B. Unijunction
C. All of these
D. Light activated SCR

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Answer: Option D


60. ECE Board Exam November 1996

_______ is unipolar semiconductor device which the current is carried by the majority
carriers only.

A. Field-effect transistor
B. Point-contact transistor
C. Zener diode
D. Junction transistor

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Answer: Option A


61. ECE Board Exam November 1996

_________ is a gate which has 2 or more low input signals to get low output.

B. Inverter

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Answer: Option C


62. ECE Board Exam November 1996

The main reason for the variation of amplifier gain with frequency is

A. due to interstage transformer

B. the presence of capacitance both external and internal
C. the logarithmic increases in its output
D. the Miller effect

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Answer: Option B


63. ECE Board Exam November 1996

Component of solar battery which uses light energy to produce electromagnetic force

A. Alkaline cells
B. Polymer cells
C. Lithium cells
D. Selenium cells

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Answer: Option D


64. ECE Board Exam November 1996

What is the term called magnetic field?

A. The force between the plates of a charged capacitor

B. A force set up when current flows through a conductor
C. Current flow through space around a permanent magnet

D. The force that drives current through a resistor

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Answer: Option B


65. ECE Board Exam November 1996

Find the voltage drop developed across D’Arsonval meter movement having an internal
resistance of 1 k-ohm and full deflection current of 150 micro amp.

A. 150 kV
B. 150 mV
C. 150 V
D. 150 micro V

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Answer: Option B


66. ECE Board Exam November 1996

Kind of AC-motor, light load high speed or high load low speed

A. Synchronous motor
B. Squirrel cage motor
C. Split phase motor
D. Universal motor

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Answer: Option D


67. ECE Board Exam November 1996

One of the following can program bipolar PROMs.

A. Biasing bipolar transistor

B. Blowing fuse
C. Enfusing input
D. Charging a gate

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Answer: Option B


68. ECE Board Exam November 1996

In order to maintain same secondary output voltage, a power supply which operate from
either 120 V or 240 V ac lines must have primary winding:

A. split exactly 1/3 from one end

B. split exactly 1/4 from one end
C. completely no split
D. split exactly 1/2 from one end

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Answer: Option C


69. ECE Board Exam November 1996

What is the counter that follows the binary sequence?

A. Binary counter
B. Simplex counter
C. Shift counter
D. Decimal counter

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Answer: Option A


70. ECE Board Exam November 1996

_______ are non-semiconductor devices still used in digital memories.

A. Gates
B. Flip-flops
C. Relay
D. Magnetic cores

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Answer: Option D

71. ECE Board Exam November 1996

What is the reference cycle time use in radar, when the signal is transmitted and back to

A. 10.1 microsec
B. 100.0 microsec
C. 12.4 microsec
D. 24.8 microsec

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Answer: Option C


72. ECE Board Exam November 1996

Process in industrial electronics where electrons are emitted from the surface of certain
metals when expose to the light is called

A. photonics
B. photosensitive
C. phoovoltaic
D. photoemission

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Answer: Option D


73. ECE Board Exam November 1996

A FET can act as an excellent buffer amplifier because

A. it has a low input impedance and high output impedance

B. it has a very high voltage gain and low noise level
C. it has a high input impedance and low output impedance
D. smaller size, longer life and lower efficiency
E. Eddy Currents

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Answer: Option B


74. ECE Board Exam November 1996

What is the smallest element of a matter?

A. Neutron
B. Proton
C. Atom
D. Electron

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Answer: Option C


75. ECE Board Exam November 1996

Refers to a pulse transmitter-receiver used in radio navigation and secondary surveillance

radar to either a reply from transponder is called

B. Interrogator
C. Outer maker
D. Inner maker

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Answer: Option B


76. ECE Board Exam November 1996

A triac behaves like two

A. diodes in series
B. resistors and one diode
C. four-layer diodes in parallel
D. inverse parallel connected SCRs with common gate

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Answer: Option D


77. ECE Board Exam November 1996

________is called the flux density produced within, due to its own induced magnetism.

A. Electromagnetic field intensity
B. Magnetic field intensity
C. Intensity of magnetization
D. Electric field intensity

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Answer: Option B


78. ECE Board Exam November 1996

The resonant circuit of a tuned-collector transistor oscillator has a resonant frequency of 5

MHz. If the value of capacitance is increased by 50%, calculate the new resonant frequency.

A. 3.33 MHz
B. 11.25 MHz
C. 2.6 MHz
D. 4.08 MHz

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Answer: Option D


79. ECE Board Exam November 1996

The ability of a material to conduct magnetic flux through it refers to

A. permittivity
B. permeability
C. reluctivity
D. conductivity

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Answer: Option B


80. ECE Board Exam November 1996

___________ is one factor that does not affect resistance.

A. Cross sectional area

B. Resistivity

C. Mass
D. Length

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Answer: Option C


81. ECE Board Exam November 1996

Type of power line frequency meter device utilizing a principle of balancing an indicator
needle at center at a scale using magnetic fields (resistive and inductive) opposing each

A. Magnetic type
B. Resonant type
C. Resistive type
D. Electrodynamic type

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Answer: Option A


82. ECE Board Exam November 1996

A measuring device or a meter made, so the pointer rests at the center of its scale zero

A. Linear meter
B. Galvanometer
C. Digital meter
D. Non-linear meter

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Answer: Option B


83. ECE Board Exam November 1996

Part of the oscilloscope which produces bright spot through collection of electrons

A. Focus control
B. Heater cathode

C. Aquadag coating
D. Grid

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Answer: Option C


84. ECE Board Exam November 1996

For a processor that uses 4-bit words, the largest number that can be represented using
double precision is

A. 255
B. 15 (decimal)
C. 65,535
D. 127

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Answer: Option B


85. ECE Board Exam November 1996

__________ refers to the class of logic circuit containing flip-flops.

A. Combinational
B. Sequential
C. Linear
D. Feedback

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Answer: Option B


86. ECE Board Exam November 1996

How does junction diodes rated?

A. Maximum reverse current and PIV

B. Maximum forward current and PIV
C. Maximum forward current and capacitance
D. Maximum reverse current and capacitance

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Answer: Option B


87. ECE Board Exam November 1996

What logic circuit is analogous to a single pole mechanical selector switch?

A. Decoder
B. Encoder
C. Multiplexer
D. Exclusive OR

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Answer: Option C


88. ECE Board Exam November 1996

What do you call an electronic measuring equipment used in navigation which provides
runway direction, distance and height guidance to permit blind landing?


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Answer: Option D


89. ECE Board Exam November 1996

An encoder is an MSI (medium-scale-integration) circuit that

A. provides an output code that corresponds to which a set of input line is true
B. provides a storage of a certain number of binary bits
C. selects a given output based on binary input code
D. provides for delivering one of two or more inputs to an output

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Answer: Option A


90. ECE Board Exam November 1996

In a high-fidelity system, the pair of filter which separate audio frequency band signals into
two separate groups, one of which is fed to the tweeter and the other to the woofer is called

A. matching transformer
B. crossover network
C. equalizer
D. bridge network

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Answer: Option B


91. ECE Board Exam November 1996

How long in nautical miles does the radar travel to and from at 12.4 microseconds?

A. 2 miles
B. 1 miles
C. 3 miles
D. 4 miles

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Answer: Option A


92. ECE Board Exam November 1996

The ________ the Q of a circuit, the narrower is its bandwidth.

A. lower
B. higher
C. broader
D. selective

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Answer: Option B


93. ECE Board Exam November 1996

Data selector is also called

A. encoder
B. decoder
C. multiplexer
D. demultiplexer

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Answer: Option C


94. ECE Board Exam November 1996

The code 1011 in BCD is

A. 24
B. letter A
C. 11
D. invalid

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Answer: Option D


95. ECE Board Exam November 1996

What is the equivalent of hexadecimal 1A in decimal?

A. 27
B. 26
C. 42
D. 40

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Answer: Option B


96. ECE Board Exam November 1996

________ is the voltage applied in direct current circuit having a power of 36 watts and
total resistance of 4 ohms.

A. 6 V
B. 9 V
C. 24 V
D. 12 V

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Answer: Option D


97. ECE Board Exam November 1996

A two-pole, one phase motor has _______ field poles.

A. 8
B. 2
C. 6
D. 4

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Answer: Option B


98. ECE Board Exam November 1996

_______ is a device used to store electrical energy in an electrostatic field?

A. Inductor
B. Battery
C. Transformer
D. Capacitor

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Answer: Option D


99. ECE Board Exam November 1996

A memory circuit that has address inputs has how many storage locations?

A. 1024
B. 256
C. 512
D. not determined by sets of input

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Answer: Option C


100. ECE Board Exam November 1996

High sensitive DC voltmeter provides accurate reading when measuring _______ circuits.

A. zero resistance
B. low resistance
C. at any resistance
D. high resistance

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


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