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Client GSK Pakistan Limited Job Reference VISP-154-0420

Location SITE Area Reference Standard / Code: SEMA
Date of Report 22/6/2020 Date of Inspection 15/6/2020 Next Inspection Date 14/6/2021
Item(s) Inspected Rack Inspection. Manufacturer N/A
Rated Capacity 100 kg (As per present operational condition) Place of Inspection Engineering Store(1st floor AC area below 25°C

Total Numbers upright

Sr.# Area RACK # Beam Deflection Underload diagonal bracing deflection fastening base plate out of plumb paint Risk Action Remarks
of Beams deflection

1 A 4 satisfactory satisfactory satisfactory satisfactory bolted plate with anchors satisfactory satisfactory G Accepted
Engineering See against
Store(1st floor Rejection
2 B 16 satisfactory satisfactory satisfactory satisfactory bolted plate with anchors satisfactory satisfactory G
Category of
AC area below
3 C 8 satisfactory satisfactory satisfactory satisfactory bolted plate with anchors satisfactory satisfactory G Accepted

G - Green, A - Amber, R - Red

Green Zone The damages measures are within the damage limits, so these damages are considered as non critical, but should be reviewed at next inspection.

Amber Zone The damages measures are exeeding the damage limits but immediate off loading of the racks is not required. Once the rack is unloaded it should not be reloaded untill the repairs have been caried out. That mean racking with amber risk.

Red Zone The damages measures are exeeding the damage limits, the racking must be off loaded immediately and isolated from future use until repair work is carried out. it is not recommended to repair damage components it should be replaced.

Name of Inspector: Muhammad Jawad Rafique Signature:

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