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2/8/2020 G.R. No. 133119 | Financial Building Corp. v. Forbes Park Association, 2/8/2020 G.R. No.

. v. Forbes Park Association, 2/8/2020 G.R. No. 133119 | Financial Building Corp. v. Forbes Park Association,

necessarily connected with the transaction or occurrence that is the subject

matter of the opposing party's claim. If it is within the jurisdiction of the court
and it does not require for its adjudication the presence of third parties over
whom the court cannot acquire jurisdiction, such compulsory counterclaim is
SECOND DIVISION barred if it is not set up in the action filed by the opposing party. Therefore,
respondent's claim in the instant action should have been filed as a
[G.R. No. 133119. August 17, 2000.] counterclaim in the injunction suit filed by petitioner. Moreover, the Court said
that respondent's counterclaim at that time is now barred since respondent file
a motion to dismiss the injunction suit filed by petitioner. A compulsory
counterclaim is auxiliary to the proceeding in the original suit and derives its
jurisdictional support therefrom. A counterclaim presupposes the existence of
a claim against the party filing the counterclaim. Hence, where there is no
Carpio Villaraza & Cruz for petitioner. claim against the counterclaimant, the counterclaim is improper and it must be
Quasha Ancheta Peña & Nolasco for respondent. dismissed, more so where the complaint is dismissed at the instance of the
counterclaimant. In other words, if the dismissal of the main action results in
the dismissal of the counterclaim already filed, it stands to reason that the
SYNOPSIS filing of a motion to dismiss the complaint is an implied waiver of the
compulsory counterclaim because the grant of the motion ultimately results in
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR) was the owner of a the dismissal of the counterclaim. Accordingly, the petition was granted and
4,223 square meter residential lot located at No. 10, Narra Place, Forbes Park the decision of the Court of Appeals was reversed and set aside.
Village in Makati City, whereas the petitioner is the duly authorized association
in said village. On December 2, 1985, the USSR engaged the services of
petitioner for the construction of a multi-level office and staff apartment
building at said lot, which would be used by the trade representative of the
USSR. Due to USSR's representation that it would be building a residence for 1. REMEDIAL LAW; CIVIL PROCEDURE; COMPULSORY
its trade representative, the respondent authorized its construction and work COUNTERCLAIM, EXPLAINED; TESTS TO DETERMINE WHETHER
began shortly thereafter. Before the start of the construction, respondent COUNTERCLAIM IS COMPULSORY OR NOT. — A compulsory counterclaim
discovered the second plan submitted by the petitioner to the Makati City is one which arises out of or is necessarily connected with the transaction or
government for the construction of a multi-level apartment building in said occurrence that is the subject matter of the opposing party's claim. If it is
property. Because of this, respondent enjoined further construction work and it within the jurisdiction of the court and it does not require for its adjudication
suspended all permits of entry for the personnel and materials of petitioner in the presence of third parties over whom the court cannot acquire jurisdiction,
said construction site. Petitioner filed to the Regional Trial Court of Makati a such compulsory counterclaim is barred if it is not set up in the action filed by
complaint for injunction and damages with prayer for preliminary injunction the opposing party. Thus, a compulsory counterclaim cannot be the subject of
against respondent for the said action. On April 28, 1987, the trial court issued a separate action but it should instead be asserted in the same suit involving
a writ of preliminary injunction against respondent, but the Court of Appeals the same transaction or occurrence, which gave rise to it. To determine
nullified it and dismissed the complaint. Aggrieved, petitioner filed a petition to whether a counterclaim is compulsory or not, we have devised the following
the Court, but same was dismissed. After the petitioner's case was terminated tests: (1) Are the issues of fact or law raised by the claim and the counterclaim
with finality, respondent filed with the RTC of Makati a complaint for damages largely the same? (2) Would res judicata bar a subsequent suit on defendant's
against petitioner arising from the violation of its rules and regulations. On claim absent the compulsory counterclaim rule? (3) Will substantially the same
September 26, 1994, the trial court rendered a decision in favor of the evidence support or refute plaintiffs claim as well as the defendant's
respondent and against herein petitioner. On appeal, the appellate court counterclaim? and (4) Is there any logical relation between the claim and the
affirmed the decision of the lower court. Hence this petition. DaTISc
counterclaim? Affirmative answers to the above queries indicate the existence
of a compulsory counterclaim.
The Supreme Court granted the petition. The Court ruled that the instant
case is barred due to respondent's failure to set it up as a compulsory
counterclaim in the prior injunction suit initiated by petitioner against
respondent. A compulsory counterclaim is one which arises out of or is 1/9 2/9
2/8/2020 G.R. No. 133119 | Financial Building Corp. v. Forbes Park Association, 2/8/2020 G.R. No. 133119 | Financial Building Corp. v. Forbes Park Association,

WAIVER OF THE COMPULSORY COUNTERCLAIM. — A compulsory Representative of the USSR. 3 Due to the USSR's representation that it would
counterclaim is auxiliary to the proceeding in the original suit and derives its be building a residence for its Trade Representative, Forbes Park authorized
jurisdictional support therefrom. A counterclaim presupposes the existence of its construction and work began shortly thereafter. EScaIT

a claim against the party filing the counterclaim. Hence, where there is no
claim against the counterclaimant, the counterclaim is improper and it must be On June 30, 1986, Forbes Park reminded the USSR of existing
dismissed, more so where the complaint is dismissed at the instance of the regulations 4 authorizing only the construction of a single-family residential
counterclaimant. In other words, if the dismissal of the main action results in building in each lot within the village. It also elicited a reassurance from the
the dismissal of the counterclaim already filed, it stands to reason that the USSR that such restriction has been complied with. 5 Promptly, the USSR
filing of a motion to dismiss the complaint is an implied waiver of the gave its assurance that it has been complying with all regulations of Forbes
compulsory counterclaim because the grant of the motion ultimately results in Park. 6 Despite this, Financial Building submitted to the Makati City
the dismissal of the counterclaim. Thus, the filing of a motion to dismiss and Government a second building plan for the construction of a multi-level
the setting up of a compulsory counterclaim are incompatible remedies. In the apartment building, which was different from the first plan for the construction
event that a defending party has a ground for dismissal and a compulsory of a residential building submitted to Forbes Park.
counterclaim at the same time, he must choose only one remedy. If he
decides to file a motion to dismiss, he will lose his compulsory counterclaim. Forbes Park discovered the second plan and subsequent ocular
But if he opts to set up his compulsory counterclaim, he may still plead his inspection of the USSR's subject lot confirmed the violation of the deed of
ground for dismissal as an affirmative defense in his answer. The latter option restrictions. Thus, it enjoined further construction work. On March 27, 1987,
is obviously more favorable to the defendant although such fact was lost on Forbes Park suspended all permits of entry for the personnel and materials of
Forbes Park. The ground for dismissal invoked by Forbes Park in Civil Case Financial Building in the said construction site. The parties attempted to meet
No. 16540 was lack of cause of action. There was no need to plead such to settle their differences but it did not push through.
ground in a motion to dismiss or in the answer since the same was not Instead, on April 9, 1987, Financial Building filed in the Regional Trial
deemed waived if it was not pleaded. Nonetheless, Forbes Park still filed a Court of Makati, Metro Manila, a Complaint 7 for Injunction and Damages with
motion to dismiss and thus exercised bad judgment in its choice of remedies. a prayer for Preliminary Injunction against Forbes Park docketed as Civil Case
Thus, it has no one to blame but itself for the consequent loss of its No. 16540. The latter, in turn, filed a Motion to Dismiss on the ground that
counterclaim as a result of such choice. Financial Building had no cause of action because it was not the real party-in-

DECISION On April 28, 1987, the trial court issued a writ of preliminary injunction
against Forbes Park but the Court of Appeals nullified it and dismissed the
complaint in Civil Case No. 16540 altogether. We affirmed the said dismissal
DE LEON, JR., J : p
in our Resolution, 8 promulgated on April 6, 1988, in G.R. No. 79319 entitled
"Financial Building Corporation, et al. vs. Forbes Park Association, et al."
Before us is petition for review on certiorari of the Decision 1 dated After Financial Building's case, G.R. No. 79319, was terminated with
March 20, 1998 of the Court of Appeals 2 in CA-GR CV No. 48194 entitled finality, Forbes Park sought to vindicate its rights by filing on October 27, 1989
"Forbes Park Association, Inc. vs. Financial Building Corporation," finding with the Regional Trial Court of Makati a Complaint 9 for Damages, against
Financial Building Corporation (hereafter, Financial Building) liable for Financial Building, docketed as Civil Case No. 89-5522, arising from the
damages in favor of Forbes Park Association, Inc. (hereafter, Forbes Park), for violation of its rules and regulations. The damages claimed are in the following
violating the latter's deed of restrictions on the construction of buildings within amounts: (a) P3,000,000.00 as actual damages; (b) P1,000,000.00 as moral
the Forbes Park Village, Makati. damages; (c) P1,000,000.00 as exemplary damages; and (d) P1,000,000.00
The pertinent facts are as follows: as attorney's fees. 10 On September 26, 1994, the trial court rendered its
Decision 11 in Civil Case No. 89-5522 in favor of Forbes Park and against
The then Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (hereafter, USSR) was the
owner of a 4,223 square meter residential lot located at No. 10, Narra Place, Financial Building, the dispositive portion of which reads, to wit:
Forbes Park Village in Makati City. On December 2, 1985, the USSR engaged "WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the Court hereby
the services of Financial Building for the construction of a multi-level office and renders judgment in favor of the plaintiff and against the defendant:
staff apartment building at the said lot, which would be used by the Trade 3/9 4/9
2/8/2020 G.R. No. 133119 | Financial Building Corp. v. Forbes Park Association, 2/8/2020 G.R. No. 133119 | Financial Building Corp. v. Forbes Park Association,

(1) Ordering the defendant to remove/demolish the illegal IV. THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN ORDERING THE
structures within three (3) months from the time this judgment DEMOLITION OF THE ILLEGAL STRUCTURES LOCATED
becomes final and executory, and in case of failure of the defendant AT NO. 10 NARRA PLACE, FORBES PARK, MAKATI CITY,
to do so, the plaintiff is authorized to demolish/remove the structures CONSIDERING THAT THE SAME ARE LOCATED ON
at the expense of the defendant; DIPLOMATIC PREMISES" 14
(2) Ordering the defendant to pay damages, to wit: We grant the petition.
(a) P3,000,000.00 as actual damages by way of First. The instant case is barred due to Forbes Park's failure to set it up
demolition expenses; as a compulsory counterclaim in Civil Case No. 16540, the prior injunction suit
(b) P1,000,000.00 as exemplary damages; initiated by Financial Building against Forbes Park.
(c) P500,000.00 as attorney's fees; A compulsory counterclaim is one which arises out of or is necessarily
connected with the transaction or occurrence that is the subject matter of the
(d) the costs of suit.
opposing party's claim. 15 If it is within the jurisdiction of the court and it does
SO ORDERED." not require for its adjudication the presence of third parties over whom the
Financial Building appealed the said Decision of the trial court in Civil court cannot acquire jurisdiction, such compulsory counterclaim is barred if it
Case No. 89-5522 by way of a petition for review on certiorari 12 entitled is not set up in the action filed by the opposing party. 16
"Financial Building Corporation vs. Forbes Park Association, Inc." to the Court Thus, a compulsory counterclaim cannot be the subject of a separate
of Appeals and docketed therein as CA-GR CV No. 48194. However, the action but it should instead be asserted in the same suit involving the same
Court of Appeals affirmed it in its Decision 13 dated March 20, 1998, the transaction or occurrence, which gave rise to it. 17 To determine whether a
dispositive portion of which reads: counterclaim is compulsory or not, we have devised the following tests: (1) Are
"WHEREFORE, the Decision dated September 26, 1994 of the the issues of fact or law raised by the claim and the counterclaim largely the
Regional Trial Court of Makati is AFFIRMED with the modification that same? (2) Would res judicata bar a subsequent suit on defendant's claim
the award of exemplary damages, as well as attorney's fees, is absent the compulsory counterclaim rule? (3) Will substantially the same
reduced to fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00) each." evidence support or refute plaintiff's claim as well as the defendant's
counterclaim? and (4) Is there any logical relation between the claim and the
Hence, this petition, wherein Financial Building assigns the following
counterclaim? Affirmative answers to the above queries indicate the existence
of a compulsory counterclaim. 18
DISMISSING THE COMPLAINT FILED BY RESPONDENT Undoubtedly, the prior Civil Case No. 16540 and the instant case arose
FPA DESPITE THE FACT THAT ITS ALLEGED CLAIMS AND from the same occurrence — the construction work done by Financial Building
CAUSES OF ACTION THEREIN ARE BARRED BY PRIOR on the USSR's lot in Forbes Park Village. The issues of fact and law in both
JUDGMENT AND/OR ARE DEEMED WAIVED FOR ITS cases are identical. The factual issue is whether the structures erected by
FAILURE TO INTERPOSE THE SAME AS COMPULSORY Financial Building violate Forbes Park's rules and regulations, whereas the
COUNTERCLAIMS IN CIVIL CASE NO. 16540; legal issue is whether Financial Building, as an independent contractor
working for the USSR, could be enjoined from continuing with the construction
and be held liable for damages if it is found to have violated Forbes Park's
HAS NO CAUSE OF ACTION AGAINST PETITIONER FBC; As a result of the controversy, Financial Building seized the initiative by
III. THE COURT OF APPEALS GRAVELY ERRED IN filing the prior injunction case, which was anchored on the contention that
AWARDING DAMAGES IN FAVOR OF RESPONDENT FPA Forbes Park's prohibition on the construction work in the subject premises was
DESPITE THE FACT THAT ON THE BASIS OF THE improper. The instant case on the other hand was initiated by Forbes Park to
EVIDENCE ON RECORD, RESPONDENT FPA IS NOT compel Financial Building to remove the same structures it has erected in the
ENTITLED THERETO AND PETITIONER FBC IS NOT same premises involved in the prior case and to claim damages for

2/8/2020 G.R. No. 133119 | Financial Building Corp. v. Forbes Park Association, 2/8/2020 G.R. No. 133119 | Financial Building Corp. v. Forbes Park Association,

undertaking the said construction. Thus, the logical relation between the two WHEREFORE, the instant petition is hereby GRANTED and the
cases is patent and it is obvious that substantially the same evidence is Decision dated March 20, 1998 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No.
involved in the said cases. CaASIc 48194 is hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE. SCIAaT

Moreover, the two cases involve the same parties. The aggregate Costs against respondent Forbes Park Association, Inc.
amount of the claims in the instant case is within the jurisdiction of the regional
trial court, had it been set up as a counterclaim in Civil Case No. 16540.
Therefore, Forbes Park's claims in the instant case should have been filed as Bellosillo, Mendoza, Quisumbing, and Buena, JJ., concur.
a counterclaim in Civil Case No. 16540.
Second. Since Forbes Park filed a motion to dismiss in Civil Case No.
16540, its existing compulsory counterclaim at that time is now barred.
1. Penned by Associate Justice Fermin A. Martin, Jr. and concurred in by
A compulsory counterclaim is auxiliary to the proceeding in the original
Associate Justices Conrado M. Vasquez, Jr. and Artemio G. Tuquero, Rollo,
suit and derives its jurisdictional support therefrom. 19 A counterclaim pp. 75-89.
presupposes the existence of a claim against the party filing the counterclaim.
Hence, where there is no claim against the counterclaimant, the counterclaim 2. Eleventh Division.
is improper and it must dismissed, more so where the complaint is dismissed 3. Rollo, p. 876.
at the instance of the counterclaimant. 20 In other words, if the dismissal of the
4. Forbes Park Association, Inc. Rules and Regulations, 1984 edition,
main action results in the dismissal of the counterclaim already filed, it stands
Rollo, pp. 299-320.
to reason that the filing of a motion to dismiss the complaint is an implied
waiver of the compulsory counterclaim because the grant of the motion 5. Rollo, pp. 896-897.
ultimately results in the dismissal of the counterclaim. 6. Rollo, p. 898.
Thus, the filing of a motion to dismiss and the setting up of a 7. Rollo, pp. 90-106.
compulsory counterclaim are incompatible remedies. In the event that a
defending party has a ground for dismissal and a compulsory counterclaim at 8. Rollo, pp. 956-958.
the same time, he must choose only one remedy. If he decides to file a motion 9. Rollo, pp. 959-974.
to dismiss, he will lose his compulsory counterclaim. But if he opts to set up
10. Rollo, p. 973.
his compulsory counterclaim, he may still plead his ground for dismissal as an
affirmative defense in his answer. 21 The latter option is obviously more 11. Rollo, pp. 729-743.
favorable to the defendant although such fact was lost on Forbes Park. 12. Rollo, pp. 9-74.
The ground for dismissal invoked by Forbes Park in Civil Case No. 13. Rollo, pp. 75-89.
16540 was lack of cause of action. There was no need to plead such ground
in a motion to dismiss or in the answer since the same was not deemed 14. Petition, entitled "Financial Building Corporation vs. Forbes Park
Association, Inc. and docketed as CA-G.R. CV No. 48194, Rollo, pp. 9-74.
waived if it was not pleaded. 22 Nonetheless, Forbes Park still filed a motion to
dismiss and thus exercised bad judgment in its choice of remedies. Thus, it 15. Sec. 3, Rule 6 of the 1964 Rules of Court, which were the rules in effect
has no one to blame but itself for the consequent loss of its counterclaim as a at the time of the pendency of Civil Case No. 16540.
result of such choice. 16. Sec. 4, Rule 9, id.
Inasmuch as the action for damages filed by Forbes Park should be as 17. Yulienco v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 131692, June 10, 1999. Citing
it is hereby dismissed for being barred by the prior judgment in G.R. No. Valencia v. Court of Appeals, 263 SCRA 275, 288 (1996).
79319 (supra) and/or deemed waived by Forbes Park to interpose the same
under the rule on compulsory counterclaims, there is no need to discuss the 18. Sec. 4, Rule 9, id.
other issues raised by the herein petitioner. 19. Metals Engineering Resources Corp. v. Court of Appeals, 203 SCRA
273, 282 (1991); Santo Tomas University Hospital v. Surla, 294 SCRA 382,
392 (1998). 7/9 8/9

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