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Document Version: 1H 2020 – 2020-06-03

Planned Working Time Information and Employee

Central Payroll
© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.



1 What's New in Planned Working Time Information and Employee Central Payroll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2 Glossary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

3 Prerequisites for Setting Up Planned Working Time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

4 Setting up Permissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4.1 Granting Permissions to API Users. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4.2 Granting Permissions for Planned Working Time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

5 Setting up Point-to-Point Communication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

5.1 Set Connection Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Creating the Replication Target System Object. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Pinging Employee Central APIs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

6 Replication of Planned Working Time - Scenario Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

7 Settings in Employee Central . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

7.1 Setting Up Planned Working Time Replication Period. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
7.2 Creating Data Replication Configuration for Planned Working Time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
7.3 Work Schedule Replication Exclusion List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

8 Settings in Employee Central Payroll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

8.1 Dummy Work Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Defining Dummy Work Schedule. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Creating Dummy Daily Work Schedule FREE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
8.2 Mapping Public Holiday Class. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
8.3 Mapping Substitution Type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
8.4 Disabling Collision Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
8.5 Creating the Technical User (Integration User). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26

9 Scheduling Replication of Planned Working Time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

10 Using Admin Alerts 2.0 for Time Data Replication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

11 Checking Data Replication Results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

11.1 Using the Employee Central Data Replication Monitor When Replicating Employee Time Data. . . . . . . . . 31
11.2 Monitoring Tools in the Employee Central Payroll System: Web Service Utilities and Application Log
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Planned Working Time Information and Employee Central Payroll

1 What's New in Planned Working Time
Information and Employee Central Payroll

Learn about changes to this guide in recent releases.

1H 2020

What's new Description More Info

The whole guide is new.

Planned Working Time Information and Employee Central Payroll

What's New in Planned Working Time Information and Employee Central Payroll CONFIDENTIAL 3
2 Glossary

Employee Central Employee Central Payroll

Temporary Time Information Substitution

Planned Working Time Information and Employee Central Payroll

3 Prerequisites for Setting Up Planned
Working Time

Here are the prerequisites to set up the replication of planned working time from Employee Central to Employee
Central Payroll using point-to-point integration:

● Employee Central Payroll is based on HR Renewal 2.0 EHP8. The systems are initially provided to you with the
latest HRSP level. In order to use the full range of features as described in this guide, you need to install the
latest Synchronization Support Package EA-HR SP80. In addition, we recommend that you update regularly
your system to ensure legal compliance.
● You’ve activated the business function:
1. Go to Switch Framework in the Employee Central Payroll system by using transaction SFW5.
2. Check the box for business function HCM_SFEC_TDEC2HR to activate it. Activating the business function
makes the Customizing for Personnel Management Integration Settings for SuccessFactors Employee
Central Payroll visible.

 Remember

Business function HCM_SFEC_TDEC2HR is the same business function you need for the integration
between Employee Central Time Off and Employee Central Payroll in general.

Planned Working Time Information and Employee Central Payroll

Prerequisites for Setting Up Planned Working Time CONFIDENTIAL 5
4 Setting up Permissions

Set up the permissions needed by API users in Employee Central, as well as permissions for data replication users
and users who process the replicated time data in Employee Central Payroll.

4.1 Granting Permissions to API Users

Set the permissions required by a user of the SAP SuccessFactors Application Programming Interface (API) and
the Data Replication Proxy and grant your replication (API) users the permission they require for running employee
time data replication in Employee Central.


The permissions listed here give a user access to use the SAP SuccessFactors OData API and OData API for time
data replication. Please note that they don’t grant any user interface logon.

Your API users need permission to access the Data Replication Proxy object, to be able to run the replication of
employee time data to Employee Central Payroll.

For more information about role-based permissions – what they are, how they work, how you set them up – see
Implementing Role-Based Permissions


1. Under Administrator Permissions, select the Manage Integration Tools category.

2. Select the checkbox for the Allow Admin to Access OData API through Basic Authentication permission.
3. Under Administrator Permissions, select the Employee Central API category.
4. Select the checkboxes for the following permissions:
a. Employee Central Foundation OData API (editable)
b. Employee Central HRIS OData API (editable)
5. Under User Permissions, select the Payroll Integration Permission category.
6. Select the checkboxes for View, Edit for the Data Replication Proxy permission.

Next Steps

You can test that the API works by using any commonly available tools, such as the SOAP UI tool.

Planned Working Time Information and Employee Central Payroll

6 CONFIDENTIAL Setting up Permissions
4.2 Granting Permissions for Planned Working Time


Your admin users need the following permissions to be able to make settings for replication of planned working
time to Employee Central Payroll.

For more information about role-based permissions – what they are, how they work, how you set them up – see
Implementing Role-Based Permissions


1. Under User Permissions, select the Payroll Integration Permission category.

2. Select the checkboxes for View, Edit for the following permissions:
○ Data Replication Configuration
○ Data Replication Proxy
○ Trigger Data Replication Proxy Creation Job
○ Planned Working Time Replication Period
○ Work Schedule Replication Exclusion List
3. Under User Permissions, select the Admin Alerts Object category.
4. Select the checkboxes for View, Edit for the Planned Working Time Replication Admin Alert permission.

Planned Working Time Information and Employee Central Payroll

Setting up Permissions CONFIDENTIAL 7
5 Setting up Point-to-Point Communication

The following chapter describes step-by-step how to configure Employee Central and Time Off so that they can
communicate time data to Employee Central Payroll.

To help you with your implementation, use the following sequence:

For information on this step… See…

In Employee Central Payroll you have to set the connection Set Connection Data [page 8]
data to Employee Central and create the Replication Target
Creating the Replication Target System Object [page 9]
System Object.

Ping the Employee Central APIs to ensure that communication Pinging Employee Central APIs [page 10]
is up and running.

Set Connection Data [page 8]

Using the Configuration report for Employee Central Payroll, you set the connections for replicating master
data and time data.

5.1 Set Connection Data

Using the Configuration report for Employee Central Payroll, you set the connections for replicating master data
and time data.


Before creating the replication target system object and verifying the connection with a ping test, start the report
Configuration report for Employee Central Payroll (RP_HRSFEC_PTP_CONFIGURATION) using the
HRSFEC_PTP_CONFIG transaction to set up the connection to Employee Central for the replication of employee
master data and time data.


1. Mark the Set Connection Data radio button.

2. Use the value help to find the API Server URL.
3. Enter Company, User, and Password from the Employee Central system.

Planned Working Time Information and Employee Central Payroll

8 CONFIDENTIAL Setting up Point-to-Point Communication
 Caution

Ensure that your password doesn’t contain the special character &.

 Remember

The user needs permission to access the Employee Central APIs and OData Service Communication must
be enabled. For more information, see Granting Permissions to API User and Getting users up and running:
Permission settings.

4. To create the Replication Target System Name for Employee Central, go under Set Connection Data and set the
Create Repl. Target System flag.

You can also create the replication target system manually in the Admin Center. For more information, see
section Creating the Replication Target System Object Manually.
5. Press Execute

The report creates everything needed for the communication:

○ RFC destination for SOAP communication
○ RFC destination for OData communication
○ Secure storage of Employee Central system credentials
6. You should get the following success messages:
○ Creation of RFC destination ECP_PTP_SOAP_NNN was successful.
○ Creation of RFC destination ECP_PTP_ODATA_NNN was successful.
○ Employee Central credentials were saved successfully.

The last three characters of the RFC destination name should be the same as the SAP client you used.

If you chose to create the replication target system with the report and the creation is successful, you should
see the following success message on the Configuration Status view:
○ Replication Target System XXXCLNTNNN is created successfully in Employee Central.

5.1.1 Creating the Replication Target System Object


There are two ways to create the Replication Target System Object, you can create it automatically using the
Configuration Report for Employee Central Payroll (RP_HRSFEC_PTP_CONFIGURATION) as described in the
previous section or you can create it manually in Admin Center, as described in this section.

Planned Working Time Information and Employee Central Payroll

Setting up Point-to-Point Communication CONFIDENTIAL 9

If you want to create the Replication Target System object manually, go to transaction SCC4.
a. Choose your client and click on the magnifying glass.
b. Note down the logical system name. You will need it again later.
c. Go to Admin Center. In the Tools search field, enter Manage Data.

1. From the Create New dropdown, choose Replication Target System.

2. In the Replication Time Offset in Minutes field enter the amount of minutes you want the resend of data to
be delayed by when the payroll area is locked or in correction phase. If you leave this field empty, the
default time until resend is 60 minutes.
3. In External Code enter the logical system name you just noted down.
4. Define an External Name.
5. For Relevant for Payroll Integration choose Yes and Save.

Related Information

Set Connection Data [page 8]

5.1.2 Pinging Employee Central APIs

Verify that OData API queries are being received, understood, and accepted for master data and time data by using
Ping Employee Central APIs.


You ping an Employee Central API to ensure that the request has succeeded and use the configuration report
(RP_HRSFEC_PTP_CONFIGURATION) to verify the connection.


1. Start the configuration report with transaction HRSFEC_PTP_CONFIG.

2. Choose the Ping Employee Central APIs radio button.
3. Select the connection to test.

○ Employee Master Data API

A logon and logout are executed to the Compound Employee API.
○ Confirmation API
An OData API query is performed to the EmployeeDataReplicationConfirmation object.

Planned Working Time Information and Employee Central Payroll

10 CONFIDENTIAL Setting up Point-to-Point Communication
○ Time Data API
An OData API query is performed to the DataReplicationProxy object.
4. Choose Execute.


When the test is successful, the following success messages display in the log:

● SOAP login/logout HTTP status code: 200

● OData query was successful with HTTP status code 200 for object EmployeeDataReplicationConfirmation.
● OData query was successful with HTTP status code 200 for object DataReplicationProxy.

Planned Working Time Information and Employee Central Payroll

Setting up Point-to-Point Communication CONFIDENTIAL 11
6 Replication of Planned Working Time -
Scenario Overview

With this scenario, you can replicate planned working time from Employee Central to the Substitutions (2003)
infotype in Employee Central Payroll for each day of a year. Doing so, the business case for employee's working
time that deviates from the planned working time and/or to be paid based on a different position/work center is

 Caution

You use this scenario to replicate planned working time only for active employees. Inactive employees like
terminated employees and pensioners are out of scope.

 Note

We recommend that you create work schedules in the Employee Central system.

Planned Working Time Information and Employee Central Payroll

12 CONFIDENTIAL Replication of Planned Working Time - Scenario Overview
Prior to the Replication Process

In Employee Central, planned working time is read in the following blocks:

● Job Information
● Temporary Time Information. You can create this information manually or upload it. For more information, see
Upload of Temporary Time Information.

Phase 1: Create Planned Working Time Replication Period Object

Phase 2: Create Data Replication Configuration

Phase 3 and 4: Create/Update Data Replication Proxy and Trigger Replication


A proxy is generated in the following cases:

● Change in the planned working time replication period

● Event-based proxies:
○ Change of assignment of holiday calendar
○ Change in holiday calendar
○ Change of assignment of work schedule
○ Change of assignment of dynamic break configuration
○ Change of temporary time information

Phase 5: Map Employee Central Data to Employee Central Payroll

Phase 6: Replicate Employee Central Data to Infotype 2003

Planned working times are replicated to infotype 2003: Infotype 2003 is filled based on the mapping.

Phase 7: Update Data Replication Monitor

The Data Replication Monitor is updated with the status of the replication:

● Successful: The replication results are successful and the corresponding data replication proxy objects are
● Failed: The replication results are unsuccessful.

Planned Working Time Information and Employee Central Payroll

Replication of Planned Working Time - Scenario Overview CONFIDENTIAL 13
Phase 8: Retry for Unsuccessful Replication

Any replication with the status Failed is repeated until the status Successful is achieved in the Data Replication
Monitor. When the replication is successful, the corresponding data replication proxy objects are deleted.

Planned Working Time Information and Employee Central Payroll

14 CONFIDENTIAL Replication of Planned Working Time - Scenario Overview
7 Settings in Employee Central

Setting Up Planned Working Time Replication Period [page 15]

All the settings you need to make for the planned working time replication period object. This object is a
prerequisite for the data replication configuration of planned working time.

Creating Data Replication Configuration for Planned Working Time [page 16]
The steps you need to take to create Data Replication Configuration for Planned Working Time replication
from Employee Central to Employee Central Payroll.

Work Schedule Replication Exclusion List [page 18]

You use this feature to create a list of work schedules for planned working times you want to exclude from
the replication to infotype 2003.

7.1 Setting Up Planned Working Time Replication Period

All the settings you need to make for the planned working time replication period object. This object is a
prerequisite for the data replication configuration of planned working time.


To replicate planned working time, create a planned working time replication period. You specify a start date and
the period length. The end date is automatically determined based on your entries. 32 days is the default for the
period length.

 Restriction

The maximum number of days is set to 60. This period length ensures that at least the end of the month of the
current payroll period is included in the replication process.


1. Go to Admin Center and choose Manage Data.

2. Create a Planned Working Time Replication Period object.
3. Specify a unique External Code.
4. Enter a start date.
5. Enter at least one day in Period Length in Days.

The end date is automatically determined based on the start date and the number of days you've specified.

Planned Working Time Information and Employee Central Payroll

Settings in Employee Central CONFIDENTIAL 15
6. Save your changes.

 Note

The system runs checks on the period object and errors are raised in the following cases:
○ The period length is empty.
○ You want to delete a period object already used in a Data Replication Configuration.

A warning message is raised if a time gap occurs, for example when the period object is moved too far into
the past or into the future.

7. [Optional] Choose Yes for Update Automatically. We recommend that you enable this feature so that the period
object is automatically shifted one day further in a nightly job.

Next Steps

In Data Replication Configuration , select the Planned Working Time Replication Period object from the dropdown.

 Note

You can define multiple planned working time replication periods according to your specific needs. Each data
replication configuration object is assigned to a single period object. However, you can assign one single period
object to several data replication configurations.

7.2 Creating Data Replication Configuration for Planned

Working Time

The steps you need to take to create Data Replication Configuration for Planned Working Time replication from
Employee Central to Employee Central Payroll.


You've defined your planned working time replication period.


1. Go to Admin Center and choose Manage Data.

2. Create a Data Replication Configuration object.
3. In Replication Target System, choose the replication target system you created earlier.

Planned Working Time Information and Employee Central Payroll

16 CONFIDENTIAL Settings in Employee Central
4. In the Replication Content Type field, select Planned Working Time.
5. In the Planned Working Time Replication Period , select your period from the dropdown.

A change in the period triggers a proxy creation.

6. Define the Earliest Selection Date.

 Note

This date is important because only planned working times on or after the Earliest Selection Date you
specify here are considered for replication.

 Tip

It's important to familiarize yourself with the following behavior:

○ If the Earliest Selection Date for the Data Replication Configuration is set on January 15, 2020 and the
start date of the planned working time replication period on January 1, 2020, the system takes into
account the data of the date replication configuration.
○ If the Earliest Selection date for the Data Replication Configuration is set on February 1, 2020 and the
start date of the planned working time replication period on February 2, 2020, the system takes into
account the start date of the planned working time replication period. It means that the minimum
period is used when starting the proxy creation job from the data replication configuration.

 Tip

Note that the format of the date depends on your logon language. Let's take the date from our example
January 3, 2018 to illustrate it:
○ English UK: 03/01/2018
○ English US: 01/03/2018

7. Set Correction Phase Indicator. The payroll cycle foresees a correction phase where a limited number of
changes are performed before the actual payroll run is executed. If you set the Always Allow Replication In
Payroll Correction Phase field to Yes, your entire planned working times are replicated and saved in the payroll
system, including those entries generated in any correction phase.
8. If you want to replicate planned working time that wasn’t replicated before you set up the integration itself,
choose Yes for Execute Proxy Creation Job. A job is started that creates proxies for all employees corresponding
to the current data replication configuration. Start date and end date of the planned working time are defined
by the planned working time replication period.

 Note

Note that after saving it switches automatically back to No.

 Note

This feature is only available when changing the Data Replication Configuration using Manage Data, but not
when using Import Data.

Planned Working Time Information and Employee Central Payroll

Settings in Employee Central CONFIDENTIAL 17

You’ve successfully completed the configuration of planned working time replication from the Employee Central
system to the Employee Central Payroll system. A proxy is generated whenever a change occurs in the following

● Holiday Calendar
● Assignment of a work schedule
● Temporary time information
● Assignment of dynamic break configuration
● Planned working time replication period

7.3 Work Schedule Replication Exclusion List

You use this feature to create a list of work schedules for planned working times you want to exclude from the
replication to infotype 2003.


This feature applies only to work schedules assigned to Job Information.. You can’t use this feature to create list for
work schedules assigned to Temporary Time Info.


The following is the list of work schedules in the Employee Central system that are defined in an equivalent way in
the Employee Central Payroll system. Another possible reason is that customers already defined work schedules in
Employee Central Payroll before planned working time replication was available. These customers possibly want to
continue using partially their Employee Central Payroll work schedules.

You manually keep them in sync. When an employee is assigned to a work schedule from this list in the Job
Information block, the corresponding work schedule in the Employee Central Payroll system is assigned to that
employee in infotype 0007. For that reason, the planned working times of the work schedule in the Job Information
block shouldn’t be replicated to infotype 2003 in the Employee Central system. The replication of the planned
working times gets prevented by registering a work schedule in this unique list.


1. Go to Admin Center and choose Manage Data.

Planned Working Time Information and Employee Central Payroll

18 CONFIDENTIAL Settings in Employee Central
2. Create your list of work schedules in Work Schedule Replication Exclusion List.

You can create only one list.

3. [Optional] If necessary, use the Expert Mode to add or remove work schedules from your list.

A warning message is raised before you can proceed with the deletion.

Planned Working Time Information and Employee Central Payroll

Settings in Employee Central CONFIDENTIAL 19
8 Settings in Employee Central Payroll

See how you customize the replication of planned working times in the Employee Central Payroll system.


Make sure that you have added payroll function Processing request for substitution (P2003) to your payroll schema
so that the replication of infotype 2003 is included in the payroll run of your employees. Otherwise, infotype 2003
isn’t included in payroll.


1. In the Employee Central Payroll system, go to transaction SPRO and choose SAP Reference IMG.

2. Check the standard delivery in Display Code Value Mapping as Delivered by SAP in Customizing for Personnel
Management Integration Settings for SuccessFactors Employee Central Payroll Assignment of Code Values
For Point-to-Point Replication .

Here you can see the code value mapping of Employee Cenral Data types as it is delivered by default.

3. Choose Maintain Properties for Code Value Mapping in Customizing for Personnel Management Integration
Settings for SuccessFactors Employee Central Payroll Assignment of Code Values For Point-to-Point
Replication to map the Employee Central code values to the Employee Central Payroll code values.

8.1 Dummy Work Schedule

Find out how to use dummywork schedule


The point-to-point replication of planned working time can be used to replicate the planned working times of an
employee from the Employee Central system to the Employee Central Payroll system. This means you don't need
to create an actual work schedule in the Employee Central Payroll system, which would also require keeping this
work schedule in sync with the corresponding work schedule in the Employee Central system.

Planned Working Time Information and Employee Central Payroll

20 CONFIDENTIAL Settings in Employee Central Payroll
However, infotype Planned working time (0007) requires that you specify a work schedule rule. Therefore, you must
define a dummy work schedule in the Employee Central Payroll system and assign its work schedule rule to
employees via infotype 0007.

In Employee Central, the holiday calendar is independent of the work schedule. However, in Employee Central
Payroll, the holiday calendar is part of the work schedule because the holiday calendar ID is included in the key
structure of the work schedule rule.

For that reason, you may link the dummy work schedule rule available in the Employee Central Payroll system to a
dummy holiday calendar containing no actual public holidays. However, in some cases, you might need to define
actual holiday calendars in the Employee Central Payroll system and keep them in sync with the holiday calendars
defined in the Employee Central system.

For more information on how to define a work schedule in combination with a dummy holiday calendar, see KBA
2906872 .

For more information on how to define a work schedule in combination with an actual holiday calendar, see KBA
2914265 . By default, the replication of planned working time also replicates the holiday class into infotype 2003.
KBA 2914265 describes how to avoid the replication of the holiday class.

Overview of Configuration Options Depending on Your Country/Region

Contry-specific Requirements Configuration

Country/Region A - No replication of planned working time for Define actual work schedules in the Employee Central Payroll
all employees
system and manually keep them in sync with the correspond­
ing ones in the Employee Central system.

Set up the replication configuration in Employee Central to

make sure that no planned working times are replicated for
these employees.

Country/Region B - Replication of planned working time in­ Set up a dummy work schedule with a dummy holiday calen­
cluding the replication of holiday class for all employees dar in the Employee Central Payroll system. For more informa­
tion, see KBA 2906872 .

Country/Region C - Replication of planned working time ex­ Set up a dummy work schedule with an actual holiday calendar
cluding the replication of holiday class for all employees in the Employee Central Payroll system. For more information,
see KBA 2914265 .

Planned Working Time Information and Employee Central Payroll

Settings in Employee Central Payroll CONFIDENTIAL 21
Contry-specific Requirements Configuration

Country/Region D - Replication of planned working time in­ In the Employee Central system, proceed as follows:
cluding the replication of holiday class for most employees
1. Set up a dummy work schedule with an actual holiday cal­
2. Define actual work schedules as far as necessary, and
manually keep them in sync with the corresponding ones
in the Employee Central system.

 Remember
In the Employee Central system, you’ve included
these Employee Central work schedules in the Work
Schedule Replication Exclusion List.

Fo more information, see KBA 2906872 .

There’s no need to set up a dummy holiday calendar. Use an

actual holiday calendar, for example, AU instead of ZZ.

Country/Region E - Replication of planned working time ex­ In the Employee Central system, proceed as follows:
cluding the replication of holiday class for most employees
1. Set up a dummy work schedule with an actual holiday cal­
2. Define actual work schedules as far as necessary, and
manually keep them in sync with the corresponding ones
in the Employee Central system.

 Remember
In the Employee Central system, you’ve included
these Employee Central work schedules in the Work
Schedule Replication Exclusion List.

For more information, see KBA 2914265 .

8.1.1 Defining Dummy Work Schedule

See how you customize dummy work schedule.


1. In the Employee Central Payroll system, go to transaction SPRO and choose SAP Reference IMG.

2. Choose Maintain Code Value Mapping in the Customizing for Personnel Management Integration Settings
for SuccessFactors Employee Central Payroll Assignment of Code Values For Point-to-Point Replication .

Planned Working Time Information and Employee Central Payroll

22 CONFIDENTIAL Settings in Employee Central Payroll
3. In the EC data type field, enter WORK_SCHEDULE_RULE. Enter the mapping for the rule code of the dummy work
Please take the following mapping logic rules into consideration:

Employee Central Employee Central Payroll Mapping logic

The employee isn’t assigned to a work The Employee Central Code Value field Infotype 0007 is filled with the work
schedule. is empty. schedule rule specified in the ERP Code
Value field.

The employee is assigned to a work The work schedule of the employee is Infotype 0007 is filled with the work
schedule. mapped to a given work schedule rule. schedule rule ERP Code Value

The employee is assigned to a work The Employee Central work schedule With this mapping logic, any work
schedule. doesn’t have an explicit mapping: You schedules without explicit mapping are
entered * in the ERP Code Value field. mapped to the rule code of the dummy
work schedule, and infotype 0007 is fil­
led with this dummy work schedule

8.1.2 Creating Dummy Daily Work Schedule FREE


Your employee has a day off that is a planned working time of 0 hours in Employee Central. To replicate it to IT2003,
you need to create a dummy daily work schedule FREE in Employee Central Payroll.

 Remember

Don't enter 0 manually because the system runs standard checks on infotype 2003.


1. In the Employee Central Payroll system, go to transaction SPRO and choose SAP Reference IMG.

2. Choose Maintain Code Value Mapping in the Customizing for Personnel Management Integration Settings
for SuccessFactors Employee Central Payroll Assignment of Code Values For Point-to-Point Replication .
3. Map TIME_FREE_DAILY_WORK_SCHEDULE entered in field EC data type with the ERP Code Value.
4. Save your changes.

Planned Working Time Information and Employee Central Payroll

Settings in Employee Central Payroll CONFIDENTIAL 23
8.2 Mapping Public Holiday Class

See how you customize public holiday class.


Make sure that public holiday class from the Employee Central system is replicated to field Public holiday class
(FTKLA) of infotype 2003.

 Note

To cover some country/region­specific requirements, you can maintain a holiday calendar in the Employee
Central Payroll system and synchronize it with the holiday calendar in Employee Central. In this case, you can
decide not to replicate the holiday class into infotype 2003. For more information on how to avoid the
replication of the holiday class, see KBA 2914265 .


1. In the Employee Central Payroll system, go to transaction SPRO and choose SAP Reference IMG.

2. Choose Maintain Code Value Mapping in the Customizing for Personnel Management Integration Settings
for SuccessFactors Employee Central Payroll Assignment of Code Values For Point-to-Point Replication .

3. Check the standard delivery in Display Code Value Mapping as Delivered by SAP in Customizing for Personnel
Management Integration Settings for SuccessFactors Employee Central Payroll Assignment of Code Values
For Point-to-Point Replication .

The following mapping is delivered in standard:

Employee Central Employee Central Payroll (Fixed values of domain FTKLA)




 Note

By default, field Holiday Class of infotype 2003 is filled with the value 0 for days that aren’t public holidays
in the Employee Central field Holiday Class.

The Day Type field defines the payment relevancy of a certain calendar day, and also the planned attendance
regardless of the daily work schedule.

Planned Working Time Information and Employee Central Payroll

24 CONFIDENTIAL Settings in Employee Central Payroll
It’s filled automatically with the value resulting from this mapping logic on the condition that the value of the
holiday class isn’t initial. Note that this behavior is required due to the logic of infotype 2003

Mapping Value of Holiday Class Day Type Field of Infotype 2003

0 0 (Work/Paid)

1 1 (Off/paid)

2 2 (Off/unpaid)

4. [Optional] Choose Maintain Properties for Code Value Mapping in Customizing for Personnel Management
Integration Settings for SuccessFactors Employee Central Payroll Assignment of Code Values For Point-to-
Point Replication to configure public holiday class according to your country/region­specific requirements.

5. Save your changes.

8.3 Mapping Substitution Type


When replicating planned working times to infotype 2003, field Subsitution Type (VTART) is required because it’s
used to determine the substitution type according to which an employee should work or be paid.


1. In the Employee Central Payroll system, go to transaction SPRO and choose SAP Reference IMG.

2. Choose Maintain Code Value Mapping in the Customizing for Personnel Management Integration Settings
for SuccessFactors Employee Central Payroll Assignment of Code Values For Point-to-Point Replication .
3. Map TIME_PLANNED_WORKING_TIME_TYPE entered in field EC data type with the ERP Code Value.

Only substitution types configured in table T556 are allowed as ERP code values. Go to this table by specifying
SM30 to make sure that fields Personnel subarea grouping for substitution/availability types (MOVER) and
Substitution Type (VTART) are customized for your employees.

 Example

Settings for Australia

Here is an overview of the settings for an Australian­specific substitution type:

○ Checking the settings of MOVER and VTART in table T556:

Planned Working Time Information and Employee Central Payroll

Settings in Employee Central Payroll CONFIDENTIAL 25
Substitution Type Indicator for shift change
PSGpg (MOVER) (VTART) Time Constraint Class compensation

13 02

○ Mapping in table T777SFEC_CVMAPC:

EC Data Type Country/Region ISO ERP Code Value


8.4 Disabling Collision Checks

Collision checks are run in Employee Central. Find out how to disable the checks in Employee Central Payroll.


To avoid unnecessary error messages, you need to turn off several checks in the Employee Central Payroll system.


1. In the Employee Central Payroll system, go to transaction SPRO and choose SAP Reference IMG.

2. Choose Reaction to Overlapping Time Infotypes in the Customizing for Time Management Time Data
Recording and Administration Specify System .
3. Disable the checks for the corresponding infotype by selecting N from the dropdown.
4. Save your changes.

8.5 Creating the Technical User (Integration User)

The user needs to be of type B (System User) with specific authorizations and restrictions. For your convenience,
we’ve created a template role you can assign to this user: SAP_HR_TIM_EC_PTP_REPL. We strongly recommend
that you create the user with this template role. You have also to mark this user as a customer user by assigning it
to the user group customer in transaction SU01, otherwise the user is deleted automatically by the system.

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26 CONFIDENTIAL Settings in Employee Central Payroll
 Caution

You have to copy this role from client 000 into your customizing client.

For more information, see Creating a Technical User in the SAP NetWeaver Library.

Planned Working Time Information and Employee Central Payroll

Settings in Employee Central Payroll CONFIDENTIAL 27
9 Scheduling Replication of Planned Working


The Replication Report picks up the data from the OData API. The report runs as a batch job that you need to


1. In the Employee Central Payroll system, run transaction HRSFEC_PTP_PWT_REPL.

2. Choose the replication target system and save.
3. Get a variant for the configuration by clicking the Get a variant icon.
a. Choose an already existing variant or create a new one.
b. Save the variant and save the configuration.
4. Schedule a batch job for the variant. Run transaction SM36.
a. Enter a job name and choose Start Condition.
b. Choose the start time and mark the checkbox for Periodic job. (There’s no Periodic Job checkbox if you
choose the start time AfterJob.)
c. Press Period Values.
d. Choose Other Period.
e. Enter the timeframe of your choice, for example 15 minutes and save.
f. Save also Start Time.
5. In Define Job, click Step.
a. In the User field, enter the Integration User.
b. In the Name field of the ABAP Program box, enter RP_HRSFEC_PTP_PLAN_WORK_TIME and in the Variant
field enter the variant you created.
c. Press Enter and save.
d. Go back by pressing. F3 and save again.

You get the status message Job PLANNED WORKING TIME REPLICATION saved with status: Released

 Note

To avoid unnecessary replication of planned working times, especially in test systems because
configuration errors aren’t corrected, the following logic has been improved:
○ If the replication per employment and replication content type fails 100 times, the next replication is
automatically rescheduled one hour later. Later on, the replication is restarted 24 times per day to

Planned Working Time Information and Employee Central Payroll

28 CONFIDENTIAL Scheduling Replication of Planned Working Time
replicate the time data again. If the replication fails again, the data is replicated only once a day (101–
125 times failed: One replication per hour; > 125 times failed: One replication per day).
○ To return to the replication frequency of the employment and the replication content type as previously
scheduled in Employee Central Payroll (scheduling of point-to-point report), you can choose one of
these options:
○ Resend the employment in the Data Replication Monitor.
○ Create or update a time object for this employment and replication content type in Employee
Central to reset the replication frequency to the frequency planned in Employee Central Payroll. Do
it for all time data not replicated so far that belongs to the same replication content type and the
relevant employment.
○ Trigger a proxy creation job at the Data Replication Configuration. Be aware that this action applies
to all time objects corresponding to this configuration and not only to a given employment.
○ Trigger the replication of existing absences. For more information, see How to Trigger Replication of
Existing Absences.

Planned Working Time Information and Employee Central Payroll

Scheduling Replication of Planned Working Time CONFIDENTIAL 29
10 Using Admin Alerts 2.0 for Time Data

With the Admin Alerts 2.0, you track errors and warnings that can occur during the replication process of planned
working time.

You can display the alerts that have come up during the replication process. For more information, see Admin
Alerts 2.0.

 Restriction

Enabling the assignments of alerts is currently not activated.

Planned Working Time Information and Employee Central Payroll

30 CONFIDENTIAL Using Admin Alerts 2.0 for Time Data Replication
11 Checking Data Replication Results

Using the Employee Central Data Replication Monitor When Replicating Employee Time Data [page 31]
The Data Replication Monitor shows the replication status of individual employees.

Monitoring Tools in the Employee Central Payroll System: Web Service Utilities and Application Log [page 32]
On the Employee Central Payroll side, there are two monitoring tools that help you identify errors that occur
during the replication of employee master and time data.

11.1 Using the Employee Central Data Replication Monitor

When Replicating Employee Time Data

The Data Replication Monitor shows the replication status of individual employees.

The Data Replication Monitor shows the replication status of individual employments of an employee for the
Replication Content Types Employee Absence Data and Planned Working Time. The monitor displays two statuses:
Successful or Failed. Clicking the Employee Name leads you to the respective Employee File. Clicking the respective
Failed replication status brings up further information about the error.


The picture shows a number of employee entries in the Data Replication Monitor and examples of the replication of
employee time entries with the Replication Content Type: Employee Absence Data.

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Checking Data Replication Results CONFIDENTIAL 31
Manual Rescheduling

You can trigger a replication run for one or more employees in the Data Replication Monitor. This might be
necessary for you after correcting errors like incorrect Time Type mapping.

Select the employees and choose Send. The Scheduled Replication Time field is then set to the current time and the
flag Allow Replication in Correction Phase is set for the respective employees. This means that the employee data is
replicated during the next schedule cycle to the payroll system, even if it is in correction phase. In this case, the
error message Payroll area in correction phase isn’t generated.

11.2 Monitoring Tools in the Employee Central Payroll System:

Web Service Utilities and Application Log

On the Employee Central Payroll side, there are two monitoring tools that help you identify errors that occur during
the replication of employee master and time data.

● Web Service Utilities

● Application Log

The tools cover different stages of the replication process.

Web Service Utilities

Replication messages are first received by the Web Service Framework. Here the system performs a technical
check on the compliance of the received message with the XML schema required by the inbound service interface.
The error log in the transaction SRTUTIL (Web Service Utilities) shows errors that come up in this check.

Application Log

Correct messages are passed on to the application logic that maps the data to the structures of the Employee
Central Payroll employee infotypes and performs the updates on the HCM time data records. Numerous checks are
performed here. Examples of errors are unknown code values, missing mandatory field data, or editing locks if
records are currently being edited by another user. These errors can be monitored in transaction SLG1
(Application Log).

On the selection screen:

1. in field Object enter HRSFEC

2. in field Subobject enter EMPLOYEE_TIME for employment­specific information and EMPLOYEE_TIME_PTP for
technical information
3. To search for all employments of an employee enter the ExternalID and asterisk (*)

To search for a specific employment per employee enter the External ID and User ID in that order separated by a
slash (/).

Planned Working Time Information and Employee Central Payroll

32 CONFIDENTIAL Checking Data Replication Results
It may be useful to look at the data of the replication message in detail to better understand why an error has
occurred. Do so in the message monitor of transaction SRTUTIL (Web Service Utilities). On the selection screen,
enter EmployeeTimeDataECToERPRequest_In for the input field Interface Name at the bottom of the screen and
choose appropriate entries for the timestamp fields. Here, every received replication message is logged. You can
display the content of a message by double-clicking the message. It can also be displayed as an XML.

Planned Working Time Information and Employee Central Payroll

Checking Data Replication Results CONFIDENTIAL 33
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