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a) This competition shall be entered into and under the South Chiltern Minor League and shall be
open to Full Member Clubs.
b) All players selected must be a member to an affiliated club to an affiliated County Football
Association and playing their football under the South Chiltern Minor League.
c) The competition shall apply annually via the South Chiltern Minor League for sanction to the
Berks and Bucks Football Association.
d) The competition shall provide 11-a-side for players of their respective age groups.


a) Applications made for Representative football into an Area or a County League shall be made
by the South Chiltern Minor League Committee and signed by the Chairman, Secretary and


a) The Officers of the Management Committee for Representative team football shall be the
Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer, General Secretary, Registration Secretary of the South
Chiltern and the South Chiltern Minor League Representative Co-ordinator/s.


a) The Officers of the Committee may appoint such other Sub-Committees as they may consider
necessary, and the decisions of all such Committees shall be reported for ratification.
b) The Management Committee will have the power to call monthly or quarterly meetings with the
Co-ordinator and the Managers / Coaches of all the respective teams involved.
c) The Management Committee shall have the powers to apply, act upon and enforce the Rules
from the South Chiltern Minor League as appropriate and the Representative Football
Constitution, and shall have jurisdiction over all matters, including any not provided for in the
Constitution. Any Manager, Coach, Player or Official alleged to be in breach of the Constitution
must be formally charged in writing and given the opportunity to present their case before the
Management Committee.
d) All breaches of the Laws of the Game, Rules and Regulations of the Football Association shall
be dealt with in accordance with FA Rules.
e) Decisions of the Management Committee shall be notified in writing to those concerned within
fourteen (14) days.
f) Any Manager, Coach, Player or Official involved in Representative football failing to comply
with an order or instruction of the Management Committee, or satisfactorily attend to the
business and/or the correspondence of the Competition, shall be liable to removed from the
position held or excluded from further involvement in Representative football whether it be as a
player or official.
g) The Management Committee together with the Representative Co-ordinator/s shall have the
power to fill any vacancy that may occur in the running of Representative team football.
h) The Management Committee may at its discretion make annual awards to players who
have represented the SCML.


a) For Managers, Coaches and Officials to improve and achieve the highest potential and
expectations throughout all age group/s. The Management Committee and the Representative
Co-ordinator/s will monitor the progress of each team.
b) Those players selected for the Representative team games are part of what is a long-term plan
to develop players who can perform at the highest levels of the game.
c) Players shall respect the Managers and Coaches appointed together with their own team
players, the opposition, and the referees.
d) The main aim however to all players is to try their hardest during their time with the
Representative teams, and to treat is as an enjoyable experience for however long it lasts.
e) No team other than the representative team selected and approved by the Management
Committee shall play matches under the South Chiltern Minor League Representative banner.


a) All Managers and Coaches responsible for a Representative team must hold a valid CRB
b) All Managers and Coaches must have the minimum Lever 1 Coaching Certificate or similar.
c) All Managers and Coaches of the Representative teams must have attended a F.A Emergency
Aid training course or similar, valid for three (3) years.
d) At all Representative matches each team should have a Representative in attendance who
holds the following Medical qualifications: -
F.A Emergency Aid Training Attendance Certificate, valid for three (3) years or similar.
F.A Recognised Valid First Aid Qualification, valid for three (3) years or similar.
e) Parents are required to ensure that all medication needed by the player/s is readily available at
matches and training, and all information regarding medication is disclosed to the Manager and
Coach of each age group.
f) Managers must have available at all matches and training sessions emergency contact details
of the players parents and guardians.
g) Managers shall provide the South Chiltern Minor League Management Committee a complete
list of all representative team players at the conclusion of the season.


a) All questions of eligibility, qualifications of players or interpretations shall be referred to the

Management Committee and the Representative Co-ordinator/s.
b) Contract players, as defined in Football Association Rules, are not permitted to
c) play Representative football for the South Chiltern Minor League. No player registered with a
FA Premier League or Football League Academy shall be permitted to play. A player
registered with a Centre of Excellence may only play Representative football subject to the
Regulations of the Programme for Excellence.
d) Players selected to play for the South Chiltern Minor League Representative team shall be a
registered player of the South Chiltern Minor League.
e) The qualification dates for the Representative Team games will be inline with the South
Chiltern Minor League dates as stated in the handbook.
f) Players Under 14 shall not play in a team involving players who are more than two (2) years
g) Priority must be given at all times to school and school organisation activities.
h) The availability of players must be cleared with the Head Teacher, (except for Sunday
Competition games).


a) Selection of players for representative teams shall be by way of trials, the dates of which shall
be notified to Club secretaries. There shall be no restriction on the quantity of players permitted
to attend for trials from any one Club.
b) All players attending the selection process shall have in their possession their current SCML
player registration card and produce it on request by a member of the Management
Committee, Representative Team Co-ordinator or Representative Team Manager.
c) The squad size will depend on the League entered by South Chiltern Minor League; the normal
working size would be 20 players per squad for each age group. There will be no restrictions
on the number of players per Club but the South Chiltern Minor League, Rep Co-ordinator
should remind the Representative Manager’s of Rule (8e) for Match days.
d) County Representative League’s would require Team / Squad sheets before the campaign /
fixtures commence and signed off by the County Representative League Committee.
e) The maximum number of players permitted for selection for each Representative Match shall
be four (4) from each club, unless otherwise stated or there is a valid reason to have more.
The decision should be discussed in advance with the Management Committee before the
Match takes place.


a) The South Chiltern Minor League shall, where possible, supply through Sponsorship the
Representative Team Manager’s equipment to assist them in carrying out their designated
function with the teams. All equipment thus provided shall remain the property of the SCML.
b) All Managers of the Representative Teams shall be responsible for the safe keeping of the
Sponsored Kits provided.
c) A Team Manager failing to collect all Kit at the end of each match played shall be held
responsible for replacing any lost items.
d) The Manager shall when requested or within fourteen (14) days of resignation, non re-election
or expulsion shall return the Kit / Equipment and all documentation relating to that team to a
Committee member designated by the Management Committee.
e) All players representing the South Chiltern Minor League Representative teams shall arrive at
each game wearing a Shirt and Tie, and smart Trousers, (No Jeans, Trainers or Hooded


a) The Management Committee and the Representative Co-ordinator/s shall decide the venue for
all Home games. (does not apply to this season 2007 / 2008 under the Southern Counties)

11. REFEREES – (does not apply to this season 2007 / 2008 under Southern Counties)

a) All Home Representative matches shall have a qualified Referee appointed, together with
Assistant Referees.
b) The appointed Referee shall have the power to decide as to the fitness of the ground in all
matches and the decision shall be final.
c) Dependent on the Associated League the South Chiltern Minor League Representative team
shall be responsible for the payment of all Home Game Officials; fees must be paid within
fifteen (15) minutes of the conclusion of the match.


a) The South Chiltern Minor League shall take all the proceeds, if any, from the Representative
games, and will be accountable by the Treasurer of the South Chiltern Minor League.
b) The Management Committee shall first approve all expenditure connected with
Representative Football.


a) The Manager, Coach or Player shall take part in or attend a Representative Match only on
condition that such individual observes the rules of the South Chiltern Minor League as
appropriate together with the Constitution of Representative Football.
b) Each Manager of all Representative Teams is responsible for the conduct of their players and
c) Any dispute occurring between Manager, Coach, Player, and Club in a Representative match
or training session shall be referred for determination by the Management Committee, whose
decision shall be binding upon all parties. (subject to SCML rule 16)
d) Any Manager or other Team Official proved guilty of misconduct, including field offences, or of
inducing or attempting to induce a player or players to join a Club to which they are connected
shall be liable to expulsion from the SCML and or such penalty as the Management
Committee decides. This will be in line with the Football Association Rules.
e) Managers, Players, Officials, Representatives, Spectators and all persons purporting to be
supporters shall conduct themselves in an orderly fashion and refrain from violent, abusive or
obscene language whilst representing the South Chiltern Minor league. This includes travel to
and from matches.
f) At Representative Matches – Parents and Supporters are required to stand on the appropriate
side of the pitch, opposite to the Managers, Coaches and Substitutes and behind boundary
ropes and lines. No spectators or unauthorised persons are permitted to encroach onto the
pitch area.

Reviewed 10/07/07 – Quintin Hampton & Carole Webster

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