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Dandy Dungo and Gregorio Sibal were charged of violating RA 8049 or “the Anti-Hazing Law” for the
death of Marlon Villanueva. All of them were students in UP Los Banos. Petitioner pleaded not guilty.
Thereafter, trial ensued. The prosecution presented 20 witnesses to prove the crime charged. From their
testimonies, positive identification of Dungco and Sibal were obtain that they were member of APO
Fraternity and were the ones who brought the victim to JP Rizal Hospital. Dr. Masilungan, the attending
doctor of the Hospital, further opined that the extent and location of injuries was a victim of hazing, which he
was familiar with as he undergone when he was a student and his experience in treating victims. Another
testimony was of Susan Ignacio, owner of sari-sari store, which was barely steps away from the place of
initiation. She testified that she saw the accused with their other members arrived on the day of incident.
On the other hand, the defense presented 7 witnesses to prove the innocence of petitioners
contending that Sibal and Dungco would not attend the initiation; that Dungco was with his girlfriend from
afternoon up to dinner time, and he went home when he was called by a member of the Frat and asked to
come over the place. As such he called Sibal; when they arrived they were only told to bring Villanueva to
nearest hospital; that he did not disclose his real name in the guard of hospital because he was afraid.
RTC ruled that petitioners were guilty of RA 8049. On appeal to the CA, they contended that the
prosecution failed to establish their guilt beyond reasonable doubt for violating R.A. No. 8049. They also
assailed the constitutionality of Section 4 of the said law, which stated that mere presence in the hazing was
prima facie evidence of participation therein, because it allegedly violated the constitutional presumption of
innocence of the accused. CA in its decision also found petitioner guilty. They move for reconsideration but
was also denied. Hence, this Petition.

WON the petitioner were guilty of RA8049?

Yes. Section 1 of R.A. No. 8049 defines hazing as an initiation rite or practice as a prerequisite for
admission into membership in a fraternity, sorority or organization by placing the recruit, neophyte or
applicant in some embarrassing or humiliating situations such as forcing him to do menial, silly, foolish and
other similar tasks or activities or otherwise subjecting him to physical or psychological suffering or injury.
From the said definition, the elements of the crime of hazing can be determined: 1. That there is an initiation
rite or practice as a prerequisite for admission into membership in a fraternity, sorority or organization; 2.
That there must be a recruit, neophyte or applicant of the fraternity, sorority or organization; and 3. That the
recruit, neophyte or applicant is placed in some embarrassing or humiliating situations such as forcing him to
do menial, silly, foolish and other similar tasks or activities or otherwise subjecting him to physical or
psychological suffering or injury. From the said definition of hazing, it is apparent that there must be an
initiation rite or practice performed by the fraternities, sororities or organization.
Aside from inducing Villanueva to attend the initiation rites and their presence during the hazing, the
petitioners’ guilt was proven beyond reasonable doubt by the sequence of circumstantial evidence
presented by the prosecution. Their involvement in the hazing of Villanueva is not merely based on prima
facie evidence but was also established by circumstantial evidence.
The rules on evidence and precedents to sustain the conviction of an accused through circumstantial
evidence require the existence of the following requisites: (1) there are more than one circumstance; (2) the
inference must be based on proven facts; and (3) the combination of all circumstances produces a
conviction beyond reasonable doubt of the guilt of the accused. To justify a conviction upon circumstantial
evidence, the combination of circumstances must be such as to leave no reasonable doubt in the mind as to
the criminal liability of the accused. Jurisprudence requires that the circumstances must be established to
form an unbroken chain of events leading to one fair reasonable conclusion pointing to the accused, to the
exclusion of all others, as the author of the crime.
The Court agrees with the CA and the RTC that the circumstantial evidence presented by the
prosecution was overwhelming enough to establish the guilt of the petitioners beyond a reasonable doubt.
The unbroken chain of events laid down by the CA leaves us no other conclusion other than the petitioners'
participation in the hazing. They took part in the hazing and, together with their fellow fraternity officers and
members, inflicted physical injuries to Villanueva as a requirement of his initiation to the fraternity. The
physical injuries eventually took a toll on the body of the victim, which led to his death. Another young life

Ito ung chain of events

1. Marlon Villanueva is a neophyte of Alpha Phi Omega, as testified by his roommate Joey Atienza.
2. At around 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon of January 13, 2006, Sunga was staying at their tambayan, talking
to her organization mates. Three men were seated two meters way from her. She identified two of the men
as appellants Sibal and Dungo, while she did not know the third man. The three men were wearing black
shirts with the seal of the Alpha Phi Omega.
3. Later at 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon, two more men coming from the entomology wing arrived and
approached the three men. Among the men who just arrived was the victim, Marlon Villanueva. One of the
men wearing black APO shirts handed over to the two fraternity neophytes some money and told the men
"Mamalengke na kayo." He later took back the money and said, "Huwag na, kami na lang."
4. One of the men wearing a black APO shirt, who was later identified as appellant Dungo, stood up and
asked Marlon if the latter already reported to him, and asked him why he did not report to him when he was
just at the tambayan. Dungo then continuously punched the victim on his arm. This went on for five minutes.
Marlon just kept quiet with his head bowed down. Fifteen minutes later, the men left going towards the
Entomology wing.
5. The deceased Marlon Villanueva was 'last seen alive by Joey Atienza at 7:00 in the evening of 13
January 2006, from whom he borrowed the shoes he wore at the initiation right [sic]. Marlon told Joey that it
was his "finals" night.
6. On January 13, 2006 at around 8:30 to 9:00 o'clock in the evening, Susan Ignacio saw more than twenty
(20) persons arrive at the Villa Novaliches Resort onboard a jeepney.1âwphi1 She estimated the ages of
these persons to be between 20 to 30 years old. Three (3) persons riding a single motorcycle likewise
arrived at the resort.
7. Ignacio saw about fifteen (15) persons gather on top of the terrace at the resort who looked like they were
praying. Later that evening, at least three (3) of these persons went to her store to buy some items. She did
not know their names but could identity [sic] their faces. After she was shown colored photographs, she
pointed to the man later identified as Herald Christopher Braseros. She also pointed out the man later
identified as Gregorio Sibal, Jr.
8. Donato Magat, a tricycle driver plying the route of Pansol, Calamba City, testified that around 3:00 o'clock
in the morning of January 14, 2006, he was waiting for passengers at the corner of Villa Novaliches Resort
when a man approached him and told him that someone inside the resort needed a ride. Magat then went to
the resort and asked the two (2) men standing by the gate who will be riding his tricycle.
9. The four (4) men boarded his tricycle but Magat noticed that when he touched the body of the man who
was being carried, it felt cold. The said man looked very weak like a vegetable.
10. Seferino Espina y Jabay testified that he worked as a security guard at the J.P. Rizal Hospital and was
assigned at the emergency room. At around 3:00 o'clock in the early morning of January 14, 2006, he was
with another security guard, Abelardo Natividad and hospital helper Danilo Glindo a.k.a. Gringo, when a
tricycle arrived at the emergency room containing four (4) passengers, excluding the driver. He was an
arm's length away from said tricycle. He identified two of the passengers thereof as appellants Dungo and
Sibal. Espina said he and Glinda helped the passengers unload a body inside the tricycle and brought it to
the emergency room.
11. Afterwards, Espina asked the two meq for identification cards. The latter replied that they did not bring
with them any I.D. or wallet.1âwphi1 Instead of giving their true names, the appellants listed down their
names in the hospital logbook as Brandon Gonzales y Lanzon and Jericho Paril y Rivera. Espina then told
the two men not to leave, not telling them that they secretly called the police to report the incident which was
their standard operating procedure when a dead body was brought to the hospital.
12. Dr. Ramon Masilungan, who was then the attending physician at the emergency room, observed that
Marlon was motionless, had no heartbeat and already cyanotic.
13. Dr. Masilungan tried to revive Marlon for about 15 to 20 minutes. However, the latter did not respond to
resuscitation and was pronounced dead. Dr. Masilungan noticed a big contusion hematoma on the left side
of the victim's face and several injuries on his arms and legs. He further attested that Marlon's face was
already cyanotic.
14. When Dr. Masilungan pulled down Marlon's pants, he saw a large contusion on both legs which
extended from the upper portion of his thigh down to the couplexial portion or the back of the knee.
15. Due to the nature, extent and location of Marlon's injuries, Dr. Masilungan opined that he was a victim of
hazing. Dr. Masilungan is familiar with hazing injuries, having undergone hazing when he was a student and
also because of his experience treating victims of hazing incidents.
16. Dr. Roy Camarillo, Medico-Legal Officer of the PNP Crime Laboratory in Region IV, Camp Vicente Lim,
Canlubang, Calamba City, testified that he performed an autopsy on the cadaver of the victim on January
14j 2006; that the victim's cause of death was blunt head trauma. From 1999 to 2006, he was able to
conduct post-mortem examination of the two (2) persons whose deaths were attributed to hazing. These two
(2) persons sustained multiple contusions and injuries on different parts of their body, particularly on the
buttocks, on both upper and lower extremities. Both persons died of brain hemorrhage. Correlating these
two cases to the injuries found on the victim's body, Dr. Camarillo attested that the victim, Marlon Villanueva,
sustained similar injuries to those two (2) persons. Based on the presence of multiple injuries and
contusions on his body, he opined that these injuries were hazing-related.

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