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Marketing campaigns functions as informative communication


When the receiver gets the message it means the communicative act was successful.


A deaf man was shot by policemen. Police says he wasn't responding to what they were
saying and kept walking away from them. What kind of barrier did they encounter?


Deficiency in communication systems or channels

systematic barriers

It’s okay to speak before you think because you can say
“sorry” or they’ll forget it anyway.


When idioms and jargons are used. Language Barrier


Resistance to believing in alternative medicine

physiological barriers

Find the maturity value and interest if Php 10,000.00 is deposited in a bank at 2% compounded
quarterly for 5 years.

Maturity Value: Php 11,048.96 Interest: Php 1,048.96

What interest rate per annum is a fund paying its clients if the third to the last payment of a
depositor became Php 1,040.40 from an initial savings payment of Php 1,000.00?

Given the equation \(10x + 3 = 3x − 4\), solve for the value of x that will make the equation
true. -7

A function whose graph is a slanted line has an inverse function.


1. What is the equivalent conversion of 72°F to Celsius? Answer 22.22 °F (Note: with
two decimal digits)
2. What is the equivalent conversion of 100°C to Fahrenheit? 212
(a) How much would the value of her savings be after 12 months?


(b) How much is the interest earned by your savings?


1. If there is limited freshwater supply, then we should conserve water.

P -> q

3. There is limited water supply.

4. Therefore, we should conserve water.

Therefore q

Which of the following statements is NOT equivalent to the statement, “There exists either a
computer scientist or a mathematician who knows both discrete math and Java.”

-There exists a computer scientist who knows both discrete math and Java or there exists a
person who is a mathematician who knows both discrete math and Java.

One of the main architects of quantum theory who suggested that no connection could
be made between indeterminism of nature and freedom of will. - Niels Bohr

State of being conscious, and therefore alive, but completely paralyzed with the possible
exception of their eyes

locked-in syndrome

Debbie will be faxing me the form shortly.

Before Michaelangelo (begin) Answer began his work on the Council of Room in
Florence, Pope Julius II (call) Answer had called him to Rome.
We will see (see) you later this evening.

Different concepts of the family existed

(you/promise) to help? Will you promise to help?

Lunch break today will be 10 minutes longer than usual.

The manner of working -Modus Operandi

Provide your readers with a condensed version of an author's key points. – paraphrase

A condensed information including detail, while not being concerned about length. –

The right to health includes participation of the populaltion in health-related decision-

making at the national and community levels. – false

is a folk illness native to Malaysia. Amok

Education upholds the basic human right to be functionally literate. – true

What is the sequence of the TATA box? TATA

Internal control regions may be these boxes, except: E

Vitamin B2 is also known as Riboflavin

Buffers in saliva prevent tooth decay. True

Who developed the binomial naming of species? Carl Linnaeus

Silencer genes halt the transcription of DNA. False

The xylem vascular tissue system transports sugars and carbohydrates. True

s the movement by the smooth muscles of the alimentary canal that move food along.

Sieve-tube elements lack all of these, except: Cytoplasm

Eukaryotic genes contain exons and intons. True

This binds the core element. SL1

Per gram, fats release three times the energy releases from proteins. False

Vitamin C is also known as: Ascorbic Acid

Superimposed layers of rocks are also called: Strata

What is the tissue that lines the gastrovascular cavity? Gastrodermis

The control element and the upstream contol element are rich in guanine and adenine.

The esophagus contains both striated and smooth muscles. True

These are sources of nitrogen, except: Salad

These are all examples of complete protein, except: Cheese

Which type of cells prvide support for the parts of the stem that have halted
lengthening? Sclerenchyma

Microscopic blood vessels that absorb fructose are also known as Capillaries

Tocopherol is also known as Vitamin E

The mesophyll is a tissue supporting the plant's structure. False

The energy acquired from food is converted to ATP. False

Who proposed the principle of uniformitarianism? Lyell

This type of RNA polymerase is responsible for transcribing tRNA. RNA pol III

Lateral roots develop from the root cortex. False

Which is the most specialized eukaryotic polymerase RNA pol II

These organelles contain hydrolytic enzymes Lysosomes

What book did Lyell publish? Principles of Geology

How many pairs of salivary glands are there? 3

How many nucleotides are there in a codon? 3

Adventitious roots can grow from leaves. True

The vascular cambium is composed of these cells. Merismatic

The parenchyma cells in woody plants are differentiated. True

Most of the fruit we eat are composed of what type of cells? Parenchyma

Which of these is a thin, tubular extension of a root epidermal cell? Root hair

When one individual prevents another from accessing a resource, this is known as
Intraspecific Competition
Without photosynthesis, organic matter cannot be created. True

Elongation is composed of the following, except Roots

This is the protective tissue layer in woody plants. Periderm

The ground tissue contains the pith. True

The competition for one resource may influence the competition for another resource. True

The starting material for DNA isolation may be viral. True

Which enzyme is used to digest DNA? Ribonuclease

Which part of the atmosphere do cyclones maintain? Troposphere

The two main pillars crucial for maintaining life include Metabolism

A root hair is a multicellular organ. False

Parenchyma cells have secondary walls that help them retain their structure. False

These cells regulate the opening and closing of the stomata. Guard Cells

The periderm is impermeable to water due to this substance. Suberin

This is another name for the reproductive part of flowers. Gynoecium

These are all mistaken for roots but are actually stems, except Embryonic roots

What are the two most common precipitants for DNA? isopropanol and ethanol

These are all macronutrients, except. Titanium

A puddle can be considered an ecosystem. True

As radioactive materials decayed, they emitted what? Heat

The TATA box is located where relative to the start of transcription? -24

All ecosystems are closed systems. False

Chlorophyll is soluble in organic solvents. True

This is the protective tissue layer in woody plants. Periderm

In the 60s ribosomal unit, how many rRNA molecules are tnt SL1

are the simplest digestive compartments.' VACUOLES

How many polynucleotide chains are found in DNA? 2

This is the same genetic language in all organisms. DNA or RNA

Trypsin and chemotrypsin are amylases. False

These are all classes of essential nutrients, except: Sugars

Organisms that are only somewhat related can never look alike. False

What is the term for the continous growth of plants?

Who was the father of paleontology? Cuvier

When did Darwin embark on the SS Beagle? 1931

In the 60s ribosomal unit, how many rRNA molecules are there? 3

Darwin observed that there was a relationship between natural selection and
overreproduction. True

Primary growth is produced by apical meristems. True

How many types of essential amino acids do humans require from their diets? 9

These are all parts of the small intestine, except Rectum

Amino acids move by facilitated diffusion into epithelial cells. False

The appendix is necessary for immunity. False

This is a perpetually embryonic tissue. Meristems

The food in the alimentary canal can move in only one direction. True

According to Darwin, what brings about life's unity and diversity? Descent with modifications

Fructose moves by passive transport into the epithelial cells of the small intestine. False

A gastrovascular cavity has only one opening. True

Bacterial protein transcription utilizes what kind of subunits . Sigma

Restriction enzymes occur naturally in bacteria. True

The control element and the upstream contol element are rich in guanine and adenine.

These organelles contain hydrolytic enzymes . Lysosomes

These are circular DNA molecules.Bacteria

is to break down food into smaller particles to increase the surface area for chemical
digestion. Mouth

Which is the most specialized eukaryotic polymerase? RNA pol II

SEO stands for _____. Search Engine Optimization

In GIMP, a/an _____ is considered as a single file such as a JPEG or a GIF . Image
The _____ is the series of steps or phases that web content has to go through before and
after it is published. Web Content Lifecycle

Emails are stored in sections called Folders

With _____, the quality of the file is retained. Lossless

When GIMP was first released back in 1996, the G stood for _____ . General

An image can be composed of several _____, which are stacked on top of one another to
form the main image. Layers

In this chapter, we learned about a form of communication that uses visual elements like
text and pictures to express an idea or send a message. What is it called? Graphics Design

With _____, some of the data that makes up the image are discarded to make the make it

If you make a mistake, you can _____ your action to go back to the state before you made
that action.Undo

Today, GIMP stands for ______. General Image Manipulation Program

are services where people can post messages for others to read and reply to. Online Forum

Google Drive's main page is called _____ My Drive

Which of the following can be launched from My Drive? All of these

Groupware is also known as _____ Collaborative software

Which of the following cannot be used to share documents? None of these

Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides are collaborative _____.Productivity apps

is Google's presentation app Google Slides

is a cloud-based file storage and sharing service owned and operated by Google. Google Drive

Groupware that allow the sharing of information in real-time are called Synchronous groupware

are used by groups to coordinate time and schedule activities. Shared Calendar

is important for websites that aim to get public response such as buying a product or supporting
an advocacy. Call to action

A collection or a bundle of productivity tools is celled Office productivity suite

Prezis created using free accounts can be viewed by anyone while paying users can make their
presentations private. True

The 2 parts of an email address is separated by what sign? Atsign

Which of the following is NOT advisable? Use as many slides as you can

In Weebly, text, image, gallery, and slideshow are called. Elements

Sent emails are found in the Outbox

LibreOffice Writer is a Word Processor

GIMP has two modes. One of them is Multi-window mode

The fonts in a word processor is an example of a Vector Image

In the Graphics Design activity conducted in Week 011, what tool is used to add color to the
entire background layer? Bucket Fill Tool
is a software application or a set of software applications that is used to create, publish, and
manage online content. Content Management System

Software tools called _____ can be used to create websites without having to deal with
computer code. Website Builder

Traditional postal mail is also called Snail Mail

What is the main difference between free and paid Prezi accounts - Everyone can view
Prezis created using free accounts while those made using paid accounts can be made

A set of matching design elements such as fonts and colors is called a Theme

What do you call a form of communication that uses visual elements like text and pictures to
express an idea or send a message? Graphics Design

Where can you find the zoom in, zoom out, and home icon? middle-right part of the screen

In this lesson, we learn about the unit of measurement for resolution. What is it called? Pixel
per inch

If you want to see information about the author or the owners of a website, the best place to
look is in the About Us

Reducing the size of a file is called Compression

are vertical groups of cells. Collumns

The Undo and the Redo buttons are located in the _____
The correct answer is: Top Menu
Which is NOT way to zoom in and out of the canvas?
The correct answer is: Press the Enter button
Moving around the canvas is called _____
The correct answer is: Panning
Where can you find the zoom in, zoom out, and home icon?
The correct answer is: middle-right part of the screen
In Prezi's home page, click the _____ to strt the signup process
The correct answer is: GET STARTED
What is the name of the presentation program that we learned about in this chapter?
Blog is short for web log
GIF stands for Graphics Interchange Forma
The correct answer is: Prezi
The save button/icon is located in the _____
The correct answer is: Top Menu
What part of the Prezi editor can be used to change the frame's color?
The correct answer is: Transformation tool
After you have successfully signed up to Prezi, what will you see when you click Get
The correct answer is: A short tutorial
Which of the following is NOT a good practice?
The correct answer is: Use different colors, fonts, and animations for each slide.
In this lesson which of Prezi's pricing plans were you instructed to use?
The correct answer is: Free
Which of the following is a good practice?
The correct answer is: Plan your design from the beginning and stick to it throughout
your presentation.
In Prezi, you can use _____ to set the theme of your presentation without having to
design it yourself
The correct answer is: Templates
What happens when you us your mouse's scroll wheel?
The correct answer is: You zoom in and out of the canvas
What do you click if you don't want to use a template in creating a new prezi?
The correct answer is: Start blank prezi
Unlike a slideshow that is made up of multiple slides, a prezi is just a single page or
The correct answer is: Canvas
The unit unit of measurement for image resolution is called Image Resolution
The _____ is the order in which your frames are displayed.
The correct answer is: Path
is a technology that enables two or more people to send and receive short messages
instantly. Online Chat
Where can you click to add a textbox?
The correct answer is: Anywhere in the canvas
What is the main difference between free and paid Prezi accounts
The correct answer is: Everyone can view Prezis created using free accounts while
those made using paid accounts can be made private.
What is Prezi's official website?
The correct answer is:
The website's office address and phone number is normally found in the _____.
The correct answer is: contact section
It is customary to add a message box in the _____ so that the viewers can send a direct
message to the website owners.
The correct answer is: contact section
As a free user, your Weebly domain will include _____.
The correct answer is:
In Weebly, text, image, gallery, and slideshow are called _____.
The correct answer is: Elements
What will you find written below the header of a new blank page?
The correct answer is: "Start with a Layout"
The header is also known as the _____.
The correct answer is: masthead
Weebly relies primarily on its _____feature to place and manipulate design elements.
The correct answer is: Drag-and-drop
An online location that points to a group of web pages is called a _____
The correct answer is: website
The _____ is the interactive list that contains the names of the web pages in the
The correct answer is: navigation
_____ are grouped into categories such as Business, Personal, and Online Store.
The correct answer is: Themes
A _____ is important for websites that aim to get public response such as buying a
product or supporting an advocacy.
The correct answer is: call to action
In Weebly, _____ are categorized as About, Services, Contact, Menu, etc
The correct answer is: Layouts
FAQ stands for _____.
The correct answer is: frequently asked questions
As a free user, your Weebly domain will include _____.
The correct answer is:
_____ are grouped into categories such as Business, Personal, and Online Store.
The correct answer is: Themes
If you want to see information about the author or the owners of a website, the best
place to look is in the _____.
The correct answer is: About us
By using a/an _____, you can immediately fill your pages with matching elements.
The correct answer is: layout
In Weebly, what type of page is the most commonly used?
The correct answer is: Standard Page
The _____ is the interactive list that contains the names of the web pages in the
The correct answer is: navigation
Software tools called _____ can be used to create websites without having to deal with
computer code.
The correct answer is: Website builders
The website's office address and phone number is normally found in the _____.
The correct answer is: contact section
In the activity at the end of this chapter, what's the name of the Weebly website that we
The correct answer is:
The _____ is a section that displays a message such as "Register now!""Click here for
more information."or "Donate now."
The correct answer is: call to action
An online location that points to a group of web pages is called a _____
The correct answer is: website
The header is also known as the _____.
The correct answer is: masthead
In Weebly, text, image, gallery, and slideshow are called _____.
The correct answer is: Elements
Which of the following is TRUE?
The correct answer is: You can always change the theme of your website
The _____ usually contains links to Terms of Service and Copyright Information.
The correct answer is: footer
A _____ is important for websites that aim to get public response such as buying a
product or supporting an advocacy.
The correct answer is: call to action
The _____ takes up the largest space in the web page. It may contain articles, images,
videos, etc.
The correct answer is: content section
What will you find written below the header of a new blank page?
The correct answer is: "Start with a Layout"
Weebly relies primarily on its _____feature to place and manipulate design elements.
The correct answer is: Drag-and-drop
The _____ is usually found on the top of the web page and contains the websites name
and logo.
The correct answer is: header
The Undo and the Redo buttons are located in the _____
The correct answer is: Top Menu
Which of the following is NOT a good practice?
The correct answer is: Use different colors, fonts, and animations for each slide.
What do you click if you don't want to use a template in creating a new prezi?
The correct answer is: Start blank prezi
Which of the following is a good practice?
The correct answer is: Plan your design from the beginning and stick to it throughout
your presentation.
The _____ is the order in which your frames are displayed.
The correct answer is: Path
What is the name of the presentation program that we learned about in this chapter?
The correct answer is: Prezi
_____ is the delivery of a topic to an audience using a combination of speaking and
visual aids.
The correct answer is: Presentation
Which part of the Prezi editor will you use if you want to add a new frame?
The correct answer is: Left Sidebar
_____ are boxes in a prezi that act as slides.
The correct answer is: Frames
What happens when you us your mouse's scroll wheel?
The correct answer is: You zoom in and out of the canvas
When creating a WordPress blog, the first step is to select a _____ that best describes your
website. Category
After you have successfully signed up to Prezi, what will you see when you click Get
The correct answer is: A short tutorial
In Prezi's home page, click the _____ to strt the signup process
The correct answer is: GET STARTED
Which of the following is NOT advisable?
The correct answer is: Use as many slides as you can
The Undo and the Redo buttons are located in the _____
The correct answer is: Top Menu
Which is NOT way to zoom in and out of the canvas?
The correct answer is: Press the Enter button
Moving around the canvas is called _____
The correct answer is: Panning
Where can you find the zoom in, zoom out, and home icon?
The correct answer is: middle-right part of the screen
In Prezi's home page, click the _____ to strt the signup process
The correct answer is: GET STARTED
What is the name of the presentation program that we learned about in this chapter?
The correct answer is: Prezi
The save button/icon is located in the _____
The correct answer is: Top Menu
What part of the Prezi editor can be used to change the frame's color?
The correct answer is: Transformation tool
After you have successfully signed up to Prezi, what will you see when you click Get
The correct answer is: A short tutorial
Which of the following is NOT a good practice?
The correct answer is: Use different colors, fonts, and animations for each slide.
In this lesson which of Prezi's pricing plans were you instructed to use?
The correct answer is: Free
When you create a new file, it will be displayed in the New Files
What part of the Prezi editor can be used to rotate the frame? Transformation Tool
Which of the following is a good practice?
The correct answer is: Plan your design from the beginning and stick to it throughout
your presentation.
In Prezi, you can use _____ to set the theme of your presentation without having to
design it yourself
The correct answer is: Templates
What happens when you us your mouse's scroll wheel?
The correct answer is: You zoom in and out of the canvas
What do you click if you don't want to use a template in creating a new prezi?
The correct answer is: Start blank prezi
Unlike a slideshow that is made up of multiple slides, a prezi is just a single page or
The correct answer is: Canvas
The _____ is the order in which your frames are displayed.
The correct answer is: Path
Which one does not belong to the group? Archiving
A _____ is a digital image composed of points, lines, and shapes. Vector Image

Some apps have both synchronous and asynchrounous features. True

A team structure where leadership responsibilities can be given to different members of the
team is called a Holocracy

What do you call text, sounds, images, videos, and other media that are published online?
Web Content

The Presentation app included in Google Drive is called Google Slides

Where can you click to add a textbox?

The correct answer is: Anywhere in the canvas
What is the main difference between free and paid Prezi accounts
The correct answer is: Everyone can view Prezis created using free accounts while
those made using paid accounts can be made private.
What is Prezi's official website?
The correct answer is:
_____ is Google Drive's main page.
The correct answer is: My Drive
ICT can be used to spread _____ by informing the public about important issues.
The correct answer is: Social Awareness
What is the name of the word processor that comes with Google Drive?
The correct answer is: Google Docs
What is the name of the cloud-based file storage and sharing service owned and
operated by Google?
The correct answer is: Google Drive
Skype is an example of _____.
The correct answer is: Videoconferencing
_____ enables two or more people to send and receive short messages instantly.
The correct answer is: Online Chat
What is the name of the spreadsheet app that comes with Google Drive?
The correct answer is: Google Sheets
Circle, Bracket, Rectangle, and Invisible are types of _____
The correct answer is: Frame
A _____is a document that aims to persuade a person or a group to fund or sponsor a
The correct answer is: Concept Paper
What happens when you click the house icon on the right side of the screen?
The correct answer is: The whole canvas is displayed
Websites where people can post and reply to messages are called _____.
The correct answer is: Online Forums
What is the other name given to forums?
The correct answer is: Message boards
What do you call a website where contents can be edited by other members of the
The correct answer is: Wiki
The header is also known as the _____.
The correct answer is: masthead
In Chapter 9, we learned to use a website building tool. What is it called? Weebly
The following are types of synchronous groupware except _____.
The correct answer is: Email
Instead of slides, the contants of a Prezi are all displayed in a single page or a _____.
The correct answer is: Canvas
_____ contains information that can be used to get in touch with the owners of the
The correct answer is: contact section
Holacracy can be compared to what shape? Circle
Which web application was created after the Haiti Earthquake?
The correct answer is: Google Person Finder
What is the name of the presentation app that comes with Google Drive?
The correct answer is: Google Slides
_____ are boxes in a prezi that act as slides.
The correct answer is: Frames
In Prezi, the pre-made designs that you can add to your presentation are called _____.
The correct answer is: Templates
FAQ stands for _____.
The correct answer is: frequently asked questions
What is the other name for groupware?
The correct answer is: Collaborative software
"Buy now!" "Click here download." And "Donate now." Are examples of _____.
The correct answer is: call to action
_____ is an organizational structure in which decision-making and leadership
responsibilities are distributed to every member of the team.
The correct answer is: Holacracy
is the total number of visitors in a website and the number of web pages that they visit.
Web Traffic
_____ is a social media app feature that enables people from disaster-affected areas to
mark themselves as safe.
The correct answer is: Facebook Safety Check
What is the name given to a program or a set of programs used by people to work
together and achieve a common goal?
The correct answer is: Groupware
Which of Prezi's pricing plans were you instructed to use?
The correct answer is: Free
In Weebly, text, image, gallery, and slideshow are called _____.
The correct answer is: Elements
What part of a website is usually found at the top of the page and contains the website's
name and logo?
The correct answer is: header
A _____ is a document that asks for change or action to be made.
The correct answer is: Petition
The delivery of a topic to an audience using a combination of speaking and visual
elements is called _____.
The correct answer is: Presentation
Information shared using _____ are not instantly displayed to other members of the
The correct answer is: Asynchronous groupware
Links to Terms of Service and Copyright Information are often located in the _____.
The correct answer is: footer
A _____ is a list of web pages in your blog or website.
The correct answer is: Site map
A _____ is an online location that points to a group of web pages.
The correct answer is: website
In Prezi, the action of moving around the canvas is called Panning
What is the name of Google Drive's word processor Google Docs
What part of a website contains articles, images, videos, etc?
The correct answer is: content section
_____ can be used to coordinate time and schedule activities.
The correct answer is: Shared Calendar
Online applications have been developed for _____ during natural and man-made
The correct answer is: Disaster Response
_____ contains links to other web pages in the website.
The correct answer is: navigation
Which of the following can be launched from My Drive?
Select one: All Of These
Which of the following is NOT a feature of Google Sheets?
Select one:Spreadsheet formatting such as font, text color, background color and text size
Information shared using _____ are not instantly displayed to other members of the group.
Select one: Asynchronous groupware
A/An _____ can be edited by members of an online community.
Select one: Wiki
Google Drive's word processor Google Docs
Which of the following program is a lot like Google Docs?
Select one:
a. LibreOfficeCalc
b. LibreOffice Writer
c. Microsoft Powerpoint
Google Safety Check was created by volunteers from Google in response to the Haiti Earth
quake. True
Online forums are also called Message boards

What web-based presentation program did we use in Chapter 10? Prezi

is a social media feature that is activated during and after natural and man-made disasters
which enables users in disaster stricken areas to let people know that they are safe.
Facebook Safety Check

What is the name of the web-based word processor that we learned about in Chapter 11?
Google Docs

Question 2

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VoIP stands for _____

Select one:
a. voice over Internet Ports
b. voice over internal Paths
c. voice over international phones
d. voice over Internet protocol Question 3
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Question text

Groupware that allow the sharing of information in real-time are called _____.
Select one:
a. Online groupware
b. Multi-synchronous groupware
c. Synchronous groupware
d. Asynchronous groupware
What is the name of Google's cloud-based file storage and sharing service? Google Drive

Question 4

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Question text

Google Drive's main page is called _____

Select one:
a. My Drive
b. My Slides
c. Google Talk
d. Google Plus

Question 5

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What is the URL that you should use to directly access My Drive?
Select one:

Question 6

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Question text

Information shared using _____ are not instantly displayed to other members of the group.
Select one:
a. Synchronous groupware
b. Multi-synchronous groupware
c. Online groupware
d. Asynchronous groupware

Question 7

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Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides are collaborative _____.

Select one:
a. Presentation tool
b. Productivity apps
c. Word processor
d. Spreadsheet program

Question 8

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Question text

Of all the applications that you have learned about in the previous chapters, which one looks a lot
like Google Sheets?
Select one:
b. LibreOffice Writer
c. Weebly
d. LibreOfficeCalc

Question 9

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Which of the following have a lot in common with Microsoft Excel?

Select one:
a. Google Slides
b. My Drive
c. Google Sheets
d. Google Docs
Question 10

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Question text

Which of the following is NOT a feature of Google Sheets?

Select one:
a. Auto-save functionality
b. Spreadsheet sharing and real-time group editing
c. Spreadsheet formatting such as font, text color, background color and text size
d. You can download your spreadsheed in Microsoft Word format
Sending monetary donations via online money transfer is an example of how ICT can
be used for _____.
The correct answer is: Charity
You can sign up to using your _____.
The correct answer is: Facebook account
In your concept paper, in which part do you ask for permission to use school facilities?
The correct answer is: Support
In what part of the concept paper do you state how your project can make a difference
and who will benefit from it?
The correct answer is: Purpose
During this stage, you present your accomplishments to the public.
The correct answer is: Release and Promotion
Conceptualizing the project and researching about the topic is done at which stage of
the project process?
The correct answer is: Planning
In the sample concept paper that was included in this chapter, what's the name of the
project team?
The correct answer is: Mosaic Alliance
In what part of the concept paper do you give a brief but clear description of the issue
that you wish to address?
The correct answer is: Introduction
We compared the traditional team structure to what shape?
The correct answer is: Triangle
In what part of your concept paper do you include your email address?
The correct answer is: Contact Information
In what part of the concept paper do you explain you plan to accomplish your goal?
The correct answer is: Description
When was Google Person Finder created?
The correct answer is: 2010
The sample concept paper that was included in this chapter aimed to spread awareness
about the issues regarding which school facility?
The correct answer is: Drinking fountain
During which stage do you execute your planned tasks and activities?
The correct answer is: Development
ICT makes it possible to create, promote and sign a _____ online.
The correct answer is: Social Awareness
During a, everyone is required to give a report about the progress of their assigned
The correct answer is: Meeting
is Google Drive's presentation app. Google Prezi
Which of the following is TRUE?
The correct answer is: In this chapter, we learned that the Simplified IT Project Process
is divided into four stages
The Internet has proven to be an effective way to collect and share information during
emergency situations. Because of this, online applications have been developed for
_____ during natural and man-made calamities.
The correct answer is: Disaster Response
_____ is an open source web application created by volunteer engineers after the Haiti
The correct answer is: Google Person Finder
Which of the following is NOT TRUE?
The correct answer is: In your project, your teacher will decide which applications you
will use.
In this chapter, we learned about a team structure in which decision-making and
leadership responsibilities are distributed to every member of the team. What shape did
we compare it to?
The correct answer is: Circle
In this chapter, we learned about a movement that was able to collect millions of dollars
and raise awareness about Lou Gehrig's Disease. What is this movement called?
he correct answer is: ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
The sample concept paper that was included in this chapter aimed to spread awareness
about the issues regarding which school facility?
The correct answer is: Drinking fountain
In this chapter, we learned about a team structure where every member gets to leader
at some point. What's it called?
The correct answer is: Holacracy
Sending monetary donations via online money transfer is an example of how ICT can
be used for _____.
The correct answer is: Charity
In this chapter, we learned about a movement that was able to collect millions of dollars
and raise awareness about Lou Gehrig's Disease. What is this movement called?
The correct answer is: ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
During this stage, you respond to feedback from your sponsor and the public.
The correct answer is: Maintenance
Conceptualizing the project and researching about the topic is done at which stage of
the project process?
The correct answer is: Planning
_____ is a feature that is activated during and after natural and man-made disasters
which enables users in disaster stricken areas to let people know that they are safe.
The correct answer is: Facebook Safety Check
During this stage, you present your accomplishments to the public.
The correct answer is: Release and Promotion
In what part of your concept paper do you include your email address?
The correct answer is: Contact Information
A _____is a document that aims to persuade a person or a group to sponsor your
The correct answer is: Concept Paper
When was Google Person Finder created?
The correct answer is: 2010
In what part of the concept paper do you explain you plan to accomplish your goal?
The correct answer is: Description
In this chapter, we explored _____, an online petition site.
The correct answer is:
_____ is an open source web application created by volunteer engineers after the Haiti
The correct answer is: Google Person Finder
Which of the following is TRUE?
The correct answer is: In this chapter, we learned that the Simplified IT Project Process
is divided into four stages
During which stage do you execute your planned tasks and activities?
The correct answer is: Development
We compared the traditional team structure to what shape?
The correct answer is: Triangle
In the sample concept paper that was included in this chapter, what's the name of the
project team?
The correct answer is: Mosaic Alliance
You can sign up to using your _____.
The correct answer is: Facebook account
In your concept paper, in which part do you ask for permission to use school facilities?
The correct answer is: Support
A _____ is a list of web pages in your blog or website.
The correct answer is: Site map
What is the name of the presentation program that we learned about in Chapter 10?
The correct answer is: Prezi
GNU is the name of the organization that created GIMP. True
Software tools called _____ can be used to create websites without having to deal with
computer code.
The correct answer is: Website builders
You used your laptop open your Facebook account. In this scenario, your laptop is called a
The correct answer is: Client
A _____ is an alias that can be your name or a combination of your name, words and
The correct answer is: Username
What do you call people who send unwanted and unsolicited messages?
The correct answer is: Spammers
_____ is basically an Internet-powered telephone service.
The correct answer is: VoIP
GIF supports _____ colors.
The correct answer is: 256
A program used to create, store, and manage data in tables.
The correct answer is: Spreadsheet
VoIP stands for _____
The correct answer is: voice over Internet protocol
A university is most like to use which TLD?
The correct answer is: .edu
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8293 is also know as _____
The correct answer is: Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines
_____ are programs that can be accessed using an Internet browser.
The correct answer is: Web applications
A biography of the author or owner of the website can most likely be found in the _____.
The correct answer is: About us
The horizontal groupings in a spreadsheet are called _____.
The correct answer is: Rows
The act of tricking people into submitting their personal information is called _____.
The correct answer is: Phishing
Received emails can be found in the _____.
The correct answer is: Inbox
_____ is the act of illegally recording, copying, and/or distributing copyrighted works.
The correct answer is: Piracy
What movement was able to collect millions of dollars and raise awareness about Lou Gehrig's
The correct answer is: ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
In wordPress, you are askedto select a _____ that best describes your website.
The correct answer is: Category
Which shape can Holacracy be compared to?
The correct answer is: Circle
CAPTCHA stands for "Completely Automated Public Turing Test To Tell _____Apart"
The correct answer is: Computers and Humans
A/An _____ is a destination where emails can be sent from or delivered to.
The correct answer is: Email address
ICT can be used for _____ by sending donations through online money-transfer.
The correct answer is: Charity
What is the process of adding information from a database to a word document?
The correct answer is: Mail Merge
A group of programs used to view, manipulate, and print computer graphics is called a _____.
The correct answer is: Graphics suite
What do you call groupware that allow the sharing of information in real-time?
The correct answer is: Synchronous groupware
_____ is an online petition website.
The correct answer is:
_____ is the name given to the task done by a computer for other computers.
The correct answer is: Service
A _____ is a group of characters that is used to unlock your account.
The correct answer is: Password
Which image format is ideal for images with few colors and sharp edges?
The correct answer is: GIF
Which of the following can be used to build a website?
The correct answer is: Weebly
A _____ retains its quality even if you zoom in on it
The correct answer is: Vector image
_____ is an open source web application created by volunteer engineers from Google
for disaster response purposes
The correct answer is: Person Finder
is an open source graphics editor GIMP
Which Google Drive productivity tool is similar to Microsoft Excel? Google Sheets
______ is used to make web contents more visible to online search engines.
The correct answer is: Search Engine Optimization
In the practice of _____, other websites that publish your content are required to give
you credit and include a link to your website.
The correct answer is: Web syndication
( ) retains all the original data in the file.
The correct answer is: Lossless compression
Title, text, gallery, and slideshow are examples of Weebly ( ).
The correct answer is: Elements
At the bottom of GIMP's ( ), you will see the foreground and background colors.
The correct answer is: main toolbox
JPEG stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group
In the first step of creating a Wordpress blog, you have to choose a ( ) that best
describes the type of contents that you will be creating.
The correct answer is: Category
( ) is the last step in Web Content Lifecycle
The correct answer is: Retirement
( ) is the second step in Web Content Lifecycle
The correct answer is: Creation
A ( ) is a message or instruction that urges the users to do something. Examples are
"Click here" or "Watch this video".
The correct answer is: call to action
( ) is the fifth step in Web Content Lifecycle
The correct answer is: Maintenance
Outdated web contents can be moved to a location called a/an ( ) so they can be used
as source of historical data.
The correct answer is: archive
_____ can be used to instantly send and receive short messages
The correct answer is: Online Chat
The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge was used to raise social awareness and gather
donations for the research about Lou Gehrig's Disease.
The correct answer is 'True'.
s the ratio between the size of the image in pixels and its physical size when printed on
paper. Resolution
In GIMP, you can make a _____ by isolating an area of the image so that your actions will
apply to that area alone. Selection
( ) is the method of reducing the file's size.
The correct answer is: Compression
In GIMP, the ( ) action can be used to bring an image back to a state before a particular action
was done.
The correct answer is: undo
_____ is another name for Collaborative Software
The correct answer is: Groupware
The ( ) is at the bottom of the web page and displays important information such as Terms of
Service, Copyright information, FAQ's, etc.
The correct answer is: Footer
Paid ads, email advertising and web syndication are strategies used in ( ), which is a step in
Web Content Lifecycle?
The correct answer is: Promotion
( ) is an online journal owned by an individual or a group.
The correct answer is: Blog
_____ is a Facebook feature that is activated during and after natural and man-made disasters.
The correct answer is: Safety Check
In Weebly, the ( ) is first page that you will see after you log in.
The correct answer is: dashboard
The traditional team structure, with a leader and members can be compared to which shape?
The correct answer is: Triangle
Weebly is an example of software tools called
The correct answer is: Website builder
GNU is an operating system.
The correct answer is 'True'.
A _____ is a collection of web pages that can be accessed through the Internet.
The correct answer is: website
A GIMP file can have one or several ( ) which are stacked on top of each other.
The correct answer is: layers
Traffic signs, product logos, and posters are examples of
The correct answer is: Graphics design
As a free user, "" will be included in your Weebly website address.
The correct answer is 'True'.
PPI stands for _____
The correct answer is: Pixels per inch
The ( ) mode is GIMP's default mode.
The correct answer is: multi-window
( ) is an image format that can be greatly compressed, which makes it ideal for online use.
The correct answer is: JPEG
_____ does not allow real-time information sharing
The correct answer is: Asynchronous groupware
In Prezi, _____ is used to move around the canvas
The correct answer is: Panning
The ( ) mode is another GIMP mode which is not the default
The correct answer is: single-window
( ) is Google Drive's main page where you can access your files and files that others have
shared with you.
The correct answer is: My Drive
In GIMP, the parts of the image that are isolated are called _____
The correct answer is: selection
A web content that is published in a blog is called a ( ).
The correct answer is: post
( ) is an image format that is ideal for images with sharp edges and few colors such as letters
and logos.
The correct answer is: GIF
You can edit uploaded Microsoft Excel files using Google Slides.
The correct answer is 'False'.
In a _____ each member can have the chance to lead at some point.
The correct answer is: Holacracy
Files made using this app can be downloaded and opened using Microsoft Word.
The correct answer is: Google Docs
Files made using _____ can be downloaded in Microsoft Excel or PDF format
The correct answer is: Google Sheets
A _____ is a document that aims to persuade a person or a group to sponsor your project.
The correct answer is: Concept Paper
Web syndication is used to measure the popularity of websites and web contents.
The correct answer is 'False'.

As of 2016, there are over 1 billion websites in the Internet True

Information about the owner(s) of a website can be found in the ( ) section.
The correct answer is: about us
_____ is used instead of permanently deleting old and outdated web contents.
The correct answer is: Archiving
_____ is a file storage and sharing service that can be used by anyone with a Google account.
The correct answer is: Google Drive
_____ are allow real-time information sharing
The correct answer is: Synchronous groupware
Prezi uses _____ instead of slides
The correct answer is: Canvas
( ) is the name of the CMS that was discussed in Chapter 8.
The correct answer is: WordPress
This graphics editor was first released in 1996
The correct answer is: GIMP
In WordPress, a ( ) is a set of design elements such as font, colours and icons that work
together to your blog a certain style.
The correct answer is: theme
Which of the following is a word processor?
The correct answer is: Google Docs
_____ is a lot like using a telephone except it is powered by the Internet
The correct answer is: VoIP
Planning is the first step in _____
The correct answer is: Web Content Lifecycle
Which of the following can be used to make presentations?
The correct answer is: Prezi
An app cannot be synchronous and asynchrounous at the same time.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Web contents are planned, created, and published using which process?
The correct answer is: Web Content Development
A _____ is composed of pixels
The correct answer is: Raster image
Prezis created using free accounts can be viewed by pther people without the owner's
The correct answer is 'True'.
Free WordPress blogs have "" at the end of their ( ) names.
The correct answer is: domain
PNG supports 16 million colors
The correct answer is 'False'

is the practice of moving outdated web content away from the main website Archiving

is the process of planning, researching, creating, publishing, and maintaining information for
online publication. Web Content Development .
_____ is a web-based presentation program.
The correct answer is: Prezi

You cannot edit uploaded Microsoft Word files using Google Docs. False
Which of the following can be used to create a blog?
The correct answer is: WordPress
Text, sounds, images and videos that are published online are called _____
The correct answer is: web content
( ) is the third step in Web Content Lifecycle
The correct answer is: deployment
In GIMP, the ( ) displays the image that the user is currently working on
The correct answer is: image window
GIF can recognize 256 colors
The correct answer is 'False'.
The only way to sign up to is by using your email address
The correct answer is 'False'.
( ) was created as an open-source alternative to GIF.
The correct answer is: Portable Network Graphics
Masthead is another name for _____.
The correct answer is: header
Google Drive app similar to Microsoft Powerpoint
The correct answer is: Google Slides
Which of the following can be used to create and sign petitions?
The correct answer is:
_____is measured in ppi
The correct answer is: Resolution

allows people to make voice calls through the Internet. Videoconferencing

ICT is used to inform the public about important issues with the goal of spreading Social

All the applications that we used in this chapter is owned by which company? Google

True or False: Type TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it's incorrect.
The proposed solution introduced in the position paper should be biased and unique.
The correct answer is: True
True or False: Type TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it's incorrect.
A position paper, despite its nature of presenting an argument, must be based on facts and void of
The correct answer is: True
True or False: Type TRUE if the statement is correct. If it's incorrect, type FALSE.
The use of emotional terms in presenting your opinion on a given topic will further strengthen your
The correct answer is: False
True or False: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it's incorrect.
A position paper need not be creative. It must strictly focus on facts and base the opinions on
previous literature and studies done on a particular topic and nothing more.
The correct answer is: False
True or False: Type TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it's incorrect.
Your position paper must remain persuasive.
The correct answer is: True
True or False: A position paper has no need to anticipate counterclaims as this is considered
unrelated to the argument at hand.
The correct answer is: False
True or False: Weaknesses of the argument must be concealed and downplayed while its strengths
must be put into the spotlight.
The correct answer is: False
True or False: Possible problems count as flaws or errors in your position paper.
The correct answer is: False
True or False: Indirectly related information may be inserted as supporting sources as long as they
are still related to the argument.
The correct answer is: False
True or False: Define foreign terms or concepts to let the readers understand your point.
The correct answer is: True
True or False: The writer of a position paper must avoid admitting unclear interpretations made in his
or her research.
The correct answer is: False
True or False: A good position paper is determined by its length and the quantity of its sources.
The correct answer is: False
True or False: The most important thing in writing your position paper is how many sources you have
to support your argument.
The correct answer is: False
True or False: A position paper must adhere to the rules of style and usage.
The correct answer is: True
True or False: A position paper must answer specific questions vital in presenting your argument.
The correct answer is: True
True or False: The writer of a position paper must avoid admitting unclear interpretations made in his
or her research.
The correct answer is: False
True or False. If the statement is true, write the word True. If False, write False and replace the
underlined word with the correct term. Note that the system accepts an exact answer. Wrong
spelling is considered wrong.
For example:
Q: Whales are reptiles.
A: False - mammals
Unfamiliar concepts must be described and explained immediately to make the point of including
that information in the paper clear to the reader.
The correct answer is: True
True or False: The first part of the concept paper begins with the specific idea that needs to be
elaborated on in the paper.
The correct answer is: False
The gives the ideal timeframe for the whole process to serve as a guide for the researcher.
The correct answer is: timeline
In the position paper at the beginning of the test, was the author in favor of the passage of the
divorce law in the Philippines?
The correct answer is: Yes
True or False: A good position paper is determined by its length and the quantity of its sources.
The correct answer is: False
True or False: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it's incorrect.
A position paper need not be creative. It must strictly focus on facts and base the opinions on
previous literature and studies done on a particular topic and nothing more.
The correct answer is: False
True or False: Type TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it's incorrect.
The proposed solution introduced in the position paper should be biased and unique.
The correct answer is: True
According to the article, which of the following is not the duty of a husband in a marriage?
The correct answer is: render services in the home
True or False: Define foreign terms or concepts to let the readers understand your point.
The correct answer is: True
True or False: The children would be pessimistic in thinking about their future and even their own
future marriages as a result of divorce.
The correct answer is: True
True or False: Type TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it's incorrect.
Your position paper must remain persuasive.
The correct answer is: True
The writer is aware of the dire consequences of divorce. But which of the following is not an
advantage in passing the divorce law in the Philippines?
The correct answer is: The passing of the divorce law will encourage more to speak up in face of a
difficult marriage and have it as an easy escape
True or False. If the statement is true, write the word True. If False, write False and replace the
underlined word with the correct term. Note that the system accepts an exact answer. Wrong
spelling is considered wrong.
For example:
Q: Whales are reptiles.
A: False - mammals
The bibliography would serve as a synthesis of all the resources cited within the paper.
The correct answer is: False - concluding paragraph
rue or False. If the statement is true, write the word True. If False, write False and replace the
underlined word with the correct term. Note that the system accepts an exact answer. Wrong
spelling is considered wrong.
For example:
Q: Whales are reptiles.
A: False - mammals
Your concept paper begins with a general knowledge of the topic based on your experiences.
The correct answer is: True
is a stand-alone statement that can summarize the overall idea of the paper.
The correct answer is: Title page
True or False: Weaknesses of the argument must be concealed and downplayed while its strengths
must be put into the spotlight.
The correct answer is: False
True or False: Type TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it's incorrect.
A position paper, despite its nature of presenting an argument, must be based on facts and void of
The correct answer is: True
rue or False: Type TRUE if the statement is correct. If it's incorrect, type FALSE.
The use of emotional terms in presenting your opinion on a given topic will further strengthen your
The correct answer is: False
A generally presents one side of an arguable opinion about an issue.
The correct answer is: position paper
True or False: Indirectly related information may be inserted as supporting sources as long as they
are still related to the argument.
The correct answer is: False
True or False. If the statement is true, write the word True. If False, write False and replace the
underlined word with the correct term. Note that the system accepts an exact answer. Wrong
spelling is considered wrong.
For example:
Q: Whales are reptiles.
A: False - mammals
The summary is a stand-alone statement that can summarize the overall idea of the paper.
The correct answer is: False - Title page
The position paper must be written in the point of view.
The correct answer is: first person
The states the intention and objectives of a particular concept paper.
The correct answer is: goal statement
True or False: A couple is not only the most intimate of all social relationships but it is also the most
The correct answer is: True
The must be inserted somewhere in the beginning to state the focus and the scope of all the ideas
included in the paper.
The correct answer is: thesis statement
The concept paper may include the that the writer/researcher must answer during the course of the
The correct answer is: research questions
Why are women most commonly at the worse end of a divorce?
The correct answer is: they have difficulty adjusting to a new lifestyle of living solo
What is the author’s proposed resolution to the ongoing debate regarding divorce law?
The correct answer is: follow the stream of modernity
True or False. If the statement is true, write the word True. If False, write False and replace the
underlined word with the correct term. Note that the system accepts an exact answer. Wrong
spelling is considered wrong.
For example:
Q: Whales are reptiles.
A: False - mammals
The clear description of the research topic may be written at the last part of your concept paper but
most importantly, it must appear in the heading of the paper.
The correct answer is: False - title in the form of a question
True or False: Possible problems count as flaws or errors in your position paper.
The correct answer is: False
True or False: A position paper must adhere to the rules of style and usage.
The correct answer is: True
True or False: A position paper must answer specific questions vital in presenting your argument.
The correct answer is: True
True or False: The most important thing in writing your position paper is how many sources you have
to support your argument.
The correct answer is: False
True or False: The committee cannot impose sanctions on violations against human rights but it can
pass resolutions verbally condemning states that commit human rights violations.
The correct answer is: True
In the sample position paper, which of the following is not a measure in stopping gender violence in
The correct answer is: have the citizens simulate the effects of gender violence in order for them to
be aware of its harmful effects on a person
writing considers the lesser directly concerned questions with pre-existing arguments.
The correct answer is: Constructive
writing seeks to find the relations between two points by identifying their similarities and differences.
The correct answer is: Comparative
According to the 2003 annual report, were there human rights violations against Danish women?
The correct answer is: none
When was the first recorded outbreak of influenza according to the paper?
The correct answer is: 1997
Which of the following is not one of the conditions that instilled the tradition of intellectual property
rights violations in developing countries?
The correct answer is: increasing racial discrimination
The established organization that will oversee uniformity in the preventative measures in all APEC
The correct answer is: APEC Avian Influenza Prevention Agency
give the detailed account of a person's knowledge on the topic or his/her experience that is not
written on any research.
The correct answer is: Interview
sources are original documents, photographs, interviews and so forth.
The correct answer is: Primary
writing considers the readers or the target audience for your paper. It aims to rewrite and summarize
a person's work in the author's own words to be comprehensive.
The correct answer is: Expositive
serve to reel in readers but must only be included in the paper if it serves the purpose of the paper
and is directly relevant to the topic.
The correct answer is: Personal experiences
Which of the following is not a preventative measure taken by the Republic of China in preventing
the spread of influenza in their country?
The correct answer is: conducting wide research on the cause of the influenza
lead you to specific answers to specific objectives. The most common type of gathering information
for a research paper.
The correct answer is: Survey
What is the proposed solution of the author in battling counterfeit and pirated goods?
The correct answer is: create the APEC Counterfeit and Piracy Prevention Agency
refers to a subgroup from a larger group called population.
The correct answer is: Sample
is a type of non-probability sampling that enables people from the population to volunteer as
respondents for the study.
The correct answer is: Voluntary sampling
is a method that is suited for a population that can be divided into non-overlapping groups in the
analysis of data.
The correct answer is: Stratified sampling
The encountered depend on the size of the sample.
The correct answer is: sampling errors
is a type of sampling wherein members wherein members of a population are given equal chance to
be selected as sample for the study.
The correct answer is: Probability sampling
assumes that the researcher knows his target population and its characteristics. Choosing members
of the sample using this method is limited to a specific number of persons.
The correct answer is: Quota sampling
is the method used when the researcher's respondents are groups that reside in a place where you
cannot exactly reach.
The correct answer is: Snowball sampling
is an effective way of assessing the effectiveness of the set of questions prepared by the
The correct answer is: Pre-testing
employs two factors: chance and system as conditions for the mebers of the population to become a
part of the sample.
The correct answer is: Systematic sampling
is a type of sampling wherein the researcher himself chooses the people who are qualified to
respond to the objectives of his/her study.
The correct answer is: Purposive or Judgmental sampling
is a process used in statistical analysis in which a predetermined number of observations are taken
from a larger population.
The correct answer is: Sampling
is the type of administration method is done personally by the researcher.
The correct answer is: Face-to-face interview
is the type of sampling where the researcher selects groups or clusters and from each group/cluster,
the researcher may select individual respondents through simple random or systematic random
The correct answer is: Cluster sampling
is a type of questionnaire that is sent to the respondent through postal service.
The correct answer is: Self-administered questionnaire
A is a working document that presents questions as well as the place and space for recording the
The correct answer is: questionnaire
True or False: The text is primary, the figures used are secondary in the presentation of
The correct answer is: True
True or False: It is still deemed appropriate to mix both systems of numbering in preparing your
The correct answer is: False
is a type of heading that presents a certain point of view.
The correct answer is: Talking heading
is the most cost-effective method of gathering needed date for a study.
The correct answer is: Survey
are already set for tabulation as there is a pre-prepared list of responses for the respondents to
choose from.
The correct answer is: Close-ended questions
The total percentage of all the categories for single select questions must be
The correct answer is: 100 percent
True or False: Inclusion of page numbers is one of the things to be checked in proofreading a report.
The correct answer is: True
Responses gathered from must be coded before tabulation.
The correct answer is: open-ended questions
enables the respondent to choose more than one choice out of all possible choices or one that says
"all that apply."
The correct answer is: Multiple Select
require the respondents to rate their level of agreement or satisfaction from 1 to any bounded range.
The correct answer is: Rating scales
is the process of classifying responses, counting them, and using a code or number to represent the
value or significance of each answer.
The correct answer is: Coding
refer to the type of response with only two possible answers.
The correct answer is: Binary responses
Which of the following is not one of the four possible structurally appropriate reporting forms:
The correct answer is: From interviews [source], they [finding]
The involves the counting of responses in which the researcher wants to know how many (or what
percentage of) respondents selected each possible response choice.
The correct answer is: tabulation of data
question is a type of question wherein the respondents are asked to pick only one out of a fixed set
of questions.
The correct answer is: Single Select
The total percentage of all the categories for single select questions must be
The correct answer is: 100 percent
It is recommended that the abstract be written because by then, you'd know what points to highlight
and what details to omit.
The correct answer is: last
plays an important part in writing a report as these are commonly written in sections with headings
and sub-headings.
The correct answer is: Outlining
One important tip in writing a report is to avoid using or terms that are widely unfamiliar to your
The correct answer is: jargons
is an effective way of assessing the effectiveness of the set of questions prepared by the
The correct answer is: Pre-testing
An is a question-and-answer activity between the researcher and the respondent for the purpose of
knowing what the respondent thinks and feels about the subject of the research study.
The correct answer is: interview
When was the first recorded outbreak of influenza according to the paper?
The correct answer is: 1997
is one rule in conducting surveys wherein the researcher must be aware of what information must be
kept private and public.
The correct answer is: Confidentiality
The gives the ideal timeframe for the whole process to serve as a guide for the researcher.
The correct answer is: timeline
The established organization that will oversee uniformity in the preventative measures in all APEC
The correct answer is: APEC Avian Influenza Prevention Agency
The section shows the findings of the research done by the researcher by following the methods.
The correct answer is: results
writing considers the readers or the target audience for your paper. It aims to rewrite and summarize
a person's work in the author's own words to be comprehensive.
The correct answer is: Expositive
The recommendation provides suggestions for the improvement of the discussion that are "specific,
achievable and
The correct answer is: measurable
True or False: The writer of a position paper must avoid admitting unclear interpretations made in his
or her research.
The correct answer is: False
True or False: It is not important to name your figures in the presentation of findings. It is enough to
describe them as accurately and objectively as possible.
The correct answer is: False
enables the respondent to choose more than one choice out of all possible choices or one that says
"all that apply."
The correct answer is: Multiple Select
assumes that the researcher knows his target population and its characteristics. Choosing members
of the sample using this method is limited to a specific number of persons.
The correct answer is: Quota sampling
The concept paper may include the that the writer/researcher must answer during the course of the
The correct answer is: research questions
A is a short, sharp, concise document which is written for a particular purpose and audience.
The correct answer is: report
The writer is aware of the dire consequences of divorce. But which of the following is not an
advantage in passing the divorce law in the Philippines?
The correct answer is: The passing of the divorce law will encourage more to speak up in face of a
difficult marriage and have it as an easy escape
One tip in writing a report is to know your
The correct answer is: brief
According to the article, which of the following is not the duty of a husband in a marriage?
The correct answer is: render services in the home
is an ethical principle in conducting a survey that reminds the researcher to respect the opinions and
position of the respondents in a certain issue.
The correct answer is: Autonomy
True or False: Inclusion of page numbers is one of the things to be checked in proofreading a report.
The correct answer is: True
Why are women most commonly at the worse end of a divorce?
The correct answer is: they have difficulty adjusting to a new lifestyle of living solo
One strength of survey is that is shown by the ability to get a specific group of people to answer to a
particular issue.
The correct answer is: generalizability
questions are basically data that contain single words or phrases that can be consolidated to allow
for spelling and/or other minor variations.
The correct answer is: Short answer
True or False: The most important thing in writing your position paper is how many sources you have
to support your argument.
The correct answer is: False
The opens the report and gives a brief description of the problem or topic at hand.
The correct answer is: introduction
serve as sources of information that will help you study an entire population to gain insight to its
The correct answer is: Respondents
True or False: Weaknesses of the argument must be concealed and downplayed while its strengths
must be put into the spotlight.
The correct answer is: False
question is a type of question wherein the respondents are asked to pick only one out of a fixed set
of questions.
The correct answer is: Single Sel
In the position paper at the beginning of the test, was the author in favor of the passage of the
divorce law in the Philippines?
The correct answer is: Yes
Which of the following is not a preventative measure taken by the Republic of China in preventing
the spread of influenza in their country?
The correct answer is: conducting wide research on the cause of the influenza
A is a working document that presents questions as well as the place and space for recording the
The correct answer is: questionnaire
lead you to specific answers to specific objectives. The most common type of gathering information
for a research paper.
The correct answer is: Survey
is a type of sampling wherein the researcher himself chooses the people who are qualified to
respond to the objectives of his/her study.
The correct answer is: Purposive or Judgmental sampling
A generally presents one side of an arguable opinion about an issue.
The correct answer is: position paper
sources are original documents, photographs, interviews and so forth.
The correct answer is: Primary
The must be inserted somewhere in the beginning to state the focus and the scope of all the ideas
included in the paper.
The correct answer is: thesis statement
The involves the counting of responses in which the researcher wants to know how many (or what
percentage of) respondents selected each possible response choice.
The correct answer is: tabulation of data
True or False: A good position paper is determined by its length and the quantity of its sources.
The correct answer is: False
Responses gathered from must be coded before tabulation.
The correct answer is: open-ended questions
is the type of sampling where the researcher selects groups or clusters and from each group/cluster,
the researcher may select individual respondents through simple random or systematic random
The correct answer is: Cluster sampling
serve to reel in readers but must only be included in the paper if it serves the purpose of the paper
and is directly relevant to the topic.
The correct answer is: Personal experiences
is a process used in statistical analysis in which a predetermined number of observations are taken
from a larger population.
The correct answer is: Sampling
True or False: Indirectly related information may be inserted as supporting sources as long as they
are still related to the argument.
The correct answer is: False
The position paper must be written in the point of view.
The correct answer is: first person
What is the proposed solution of the author in battling counterfeit and pirated goods?
The correct answer is: create the APEC Counterfeit and Piracy Prevention Agency
is the method used when the researcher's respondents are groups that reside in a place where you
cannot exactly reach.
The correct answer is: Snowball sampling
What is the author’s proposed resolution to the ongoing debate regarding divorce law?
The correct answer is: follow the stream of modernity
Identify whether the technique used in writing the following passage
is Classification, Cause and Effect, Comparison and
Contrast, Analogy, Definition, Persuasion, Process Description,
or Interpretation.

Study reveals internet can ruin family relationships

Can the Internet be a source of conflicts? A new study from online security
firm says yes, and it does not just affect intimate relationships but family
relationships as well.

Previous researches have revealed that children on average spend six

hours or more glued to the screens of their devices.

Kaspersky Lab and iconKids & Youth researchers surveyed over 3,700
families in seven countries to know about how the internet is affecting their
personal relationship with their children.

One in four of the parents surveyed say that their kids now prefer to go
online rather than talk to them, with one in three parents believing the
internet isolates them from their children. All in all, a fifth of parents and
children say that the internet can cause family tension.

"It is only natural that using—and misusing—each other’s connected

devices can become a cause of conflict for families. However, as we spend
more and more time online, family dynamics are also changing. It is
important that families maintain an ongoing dialogue about how to spot and
respond to potential dangers, with parents and children together agreeing
on the basic rules on how they can best navigate the digital world,” said
Andrei Mochola, head of consumer business at Kaspersky Lab.

The survey also reveals that the problem may be worsened in the following

If the device used by both parents and children gets broken,

If the device is accidentally infected by a virus while online,

If the parents had to pay for something their child had ordered or
downloaded, and

If the parents had accidentally deleted some of their children's data

Janice Richardson, senior advisor at European Schoolnet, said that

although the internet becomes a source of conflict in some families, siblings
and extended family members take on a much bigger role in children's
online activities.

"Children are instinctively turning to the person they perceive to be able to

fix technical issues, advise on sites and security tools and provide more
objective responses to delicate queries,” Richardson said, citing a recent
study by the Joint Research Center of the European Commission.

She said that given the emerging trend, the importance of parents and
guardians developing their own technical competence and building trusting
relationship with their kids grow.

"At the same time, software and social media providers, too, should seek to
develop more ‘family-friendly’ tools,” Richardson added. — Alixandra Caole

The correct answer is: Cause and Effect

sampling is a method that is suited for a population that can be divided into
non-overlapping groups in the analysis of data.

The correct answer is: Stratified

questions are basically data that contain single words or phrases that can
be consolidated to allow for spelling and/or other minor variations.

The correct answer is: Short answer

Why are women most commonly at the worse end of a divorce?

The correct answer is: they have difficulty adjusting to a new lifestyle of
living solo
True or False: The telephone survey is the most convenient method of
administering questionnaires to respondents as it does not require the
physical presence of the researcher.

The correct answer is: False

True or False: Non-probability sampling is effective because it eliminates

the researcher's bias.

The correct answer is: False

opens the report and gives a brief description of the problem or topic at

The correct answer is: introduction

True or False: It is important for the position paper to be persuasive.

The correct answer is: True

is a short, sharp, concise document which is written for a particular purpose

and audience.

The correct answer is: report

plays an important part in writing a report as these are commonly written in

sections with headings and sub-headings.

The correct answer is: Outlining

One tip in writing a report is to know your

The correct answer is: brief

According to the article, which of the following is not the duty of a husband
in a marriage?

The correct answer is: render services in the home

In researching for materials for your position paper, remember to

unfamiliar terms/concepts.
The correct answer is: define

True or False: The researcher must assume that the readers know the
preliminary details about your research since they would not read it if they
do not know what the topic is all about.

is one method in administering questionnaires to respondents that is done

by sending the questionnaire to the respondent through postal service.

The correct answer is: self-administered questionnaire

is vital in helping your reader follow your points and ideas. Connect the
ideas presented and how one argument relates to another.

The correct answer is: Transition

True or False: The statement, "From interviews with students, we can

gather that they are not directly affected..." is considered appropriate
language of reporting results or findings.

The correct answer is: True

A large group which the sample is selected from.

The correct answer is: Population

The results of the data gathering must be : it must be based on actual

data gathered and not swayed or altered by any biased comment or slant.

The correct answer is: objective

True or False: The position paper may present two stands/arguments on

one topic at the most.

The correct answer is: False

True or False: The non-probability sampling method utilizes random

selection of respondents.

The correct answer is: False

A generally presents one side of an arguable opinion about an issue.

The correct answer is: position paper

questions are questions given by the researcher that suggests answers in a

list, consequently limiting the responses of the interviewee.

The correct answer is: Closed

Identify whether the technique used in writing the following passage

is Classification, Cause and Effect, Comparison and
Contrast, Analogy, Definition, Persuasion, Process Description,
or Interpretation.

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child book review: How the script compares to
the Palace Theatre production

by Jack Shepherd (published in Independent)

For every HarryPotter fan, the release of The Cursed Child is a dream
come true. Who thought an eighth part to the Boy-Who-Lived’s story would
actually materialise so soon after the main series finished? However, it
quickly transpired this was going to be no normal book release.

JK Rowling chose to release The Cursed Child as a play, one ‘tailor made
for the stage’ as noted inThe Independent’s five-star review of the Palace
Theatre production. Critics, including myself, were blown away by the
magical performance, Jack Thorne and John Tiffany helping Rowling
create something of immense wonder.

So, how does the script, released to the public in book form, compare to
the theatre production? Is the magic still there? Already, fans have
devoured the story, taking it apart bit by bit, uncovering inconsistencies in
the story telling, particularly regarding a certain time-turner paradox. Could
it have ever lived up to expectations?

Unfortunately, as fantastic as the production was, racing through the script

was never going to compare. Where stage theatrics sparked imaginations,
now there are brief lines quickly explaining huge set-ups; everyone knew
the script couldn’t compete with the stage production, begging the question,
should this have ever been released in this format?

An example of the script being unmeasurable against the production comes

in act one, scene four. It starts with the explanation: “And now we enter a
world of time changing. And this Scene is all about magic.” In these few
pages our hero, Albus Severus Potter, goes from being sorted into a
Hogwarts house in his first year to rushing onto the Express in his third.
Along the way, we’re treated to a brief Quidditch lesson, Great Hall
assembly, and a Potions lesson, but they’re all so brief we hardly get a
flavour of what is actually happening.

On stage, it was one of the play’s greatest scenes; fast pace but with vivid
imagery. If The Cursed Child was perhaps written as a book this could
have been built on but, in these pages, we barely get a taste of these
formative years. It’s so quick, so little is said, readers will race through,
given little direction as what is happening.

Another example comes when the new generation of wizards drink a

Polyjuice Potion. In previous books and on stage, it was utterly hilarious as
Rowling’s heroes transformed, yet, as a script, the scene passes by rapidly,
the humour and magic lost.

Of course, this is the problem with releasing The Cursed Child as a script,
and one we must all be resolute with. For those who are unable to see the
stage play, there’s still a lot to enjoy in the script. Scorpius Malfoy, son of
Draco Malfoy, is the highlight of the script, funny throughout. Meanwhile,
the titular hero, Harry Potter, has evolved into a slightly grumpy father and
one who lacks some basic parenting skills. It’s a natural progression for an
orphan thrown into the spotlight that is interesting and will no doubt anger
some fans.

Without giving too much, the first half is quite innocent, while the second
takes a dark turn thanks to a time-twisting plot that - when read at
a reasonable pace - can be quite confusing, at times reading like fan-
fiction, particularly when cameo when cameo after cameo rolls in.
If you do have the luxury of being able to attend the Palace Theatre
production, I highly recommend it. If you’re unable to do so, perhaps wait
until the inevitable three-part film series comes.

The correct answer is: Interpretation

serve as sources of information that will help you study an entire population
to gain insight to its society.

The correct answer is: Respondents

True or False: Evaluative writing seeks to answer questions like "how are
positions x and y similar and how do they differ?," "What is the relationship
between the arguments for x and y?" and "how do philosophers A and B
compare with respect to their thinking on P?"

The correct answer is: False

A is a working document that presents questions as well as the place

and space for recording the answers.

The correct answer is: questionnaire

True or False: Secondary sources are pieces of information which were

already interpreted by someone other than the original author.

The correct answer is: True

sampling is a type of non-probability sampling which considers the

convenience for the researcher as he or she can choose subjects from
people near him or her who are willing to be respondents for the study.

The correct answer is: Availability

sampling is a method in which the researcher himself chooses people who

are qualified to respond to the objectives of his/her study.

The correct answer is: Purposive

The writer is aware of the dire consequences of divorce. But which of the
following is not an advantage in passing the divorce law in the Philippines?
The correct answer is: The passing of the divorce law will encourage more
to speak up in face of a difficult marriage and have it as an easy escape

Identify whether the technique used in writing the following passage

is Classification, Cause and Effect, Comparison and
Contrast, Analogy, Definition, Persuasion, Process Description,
or Interpretation.

WoundClot: The Science Behind Faster Healing

by UP Materials Science Society

It's Wisdom Wednesday!

Do you know what WoundClot does?

The WoundClot Gauze, is a single use, sterile, and bioabsorbable medical

device that is fabricated to suit a variety of wounds. It is made from
cellulose with a molecular structure designed to entrap platelets and
coagulants in a modified physical molecular matrix, specifically designed to
create this hemodynamic polymer membrane, with high adherence and
resilience, able to withhold massive blood pressure and restrict blood flow
almost immediately.

The ability to adhere to a bleeding wound reduces the amount of pressure

needed in order to stop bleeding, thus preventing unnecessary damage the
body caused by excessive pressure, or infection caused by prolonged
contact with the wound. Next, platelets from the injury attach to the gauze
by inter-molecular forces to form a stable membrane, which is able to
withstand severe arterial and venous blood flow for hours.
At the same time, specifically designed molecular functional groups
transform to enhance and activate the natural coagulation process.
Coagulation is a complex chain reaction, where different elements are
motivated into action, conditioned from other reactions.

Specific molecular groups, created in the manufacturing process, are then

dispersed during gel formation to activate various coagulation factors in the
blood, thus helping to form a physiologically natural fibrin clot in the wound.
The ability to influence these reactions speeds the whole coagulation

After bleeding has stopped, the remaining residual membrane can be

irrigated out of the wound safely without pulling on soft tissue or the
existing clot. WoundClot is designed to maintain its integrity through
polymeric chains, specifically designed to interact with water molecules to
form a physical cross linked network, which is manageable and natural.

The correct answer is: Definition

A rule in conducting surveys that requires the researcher to commit to the

promise of keeping confidential information strictly private.

The correct answer is: Fidelity

An is a question-and-answer activity between the researcher and the

respondent for the purpose of knowing what the respondent thinks and
feels about the subject of the research study.

The correct answer is: interview

Which of the following is not a strategy in effectively analyzing gathered

data for the research?
The correct answer is: What do people think of the researcher's take on the

is a variable in a concept paper which gives the focus and purpose of the
paper. The researcher introduces the concept at hand and its importance in
this part.

The correct answer is: Statement of the problem

True or False: Concept paper may take a stand on the discussed topic.

The correct answer is: False

The recommendation provides suggestions for the improvement of the

discussion that are "specific, achievable and

The correct answer is: measurable

Identify whether the technique used in writing the following passage

is Classification, Cause and Effect, Comparison and
Contrast, Analogy, Definition, Persuasion, Process Description,
or Interpretation.

The Decay of Friendship

from The Idler, Number 23, September 23, 1758

by Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)

Life has no pleasure higher or nobler than that of friendship. It is painful to

consider that this sublime enjoyment may be impaired or destroyed by
innumerable causes, and that there is no human possession of which the
duration is less certain.

Many have talked in very exalted language, of the perpetuity of friendship,

of invincible constancy, and unalienable kindness; and some examples
have been seen of men who have continued faithful to their earliest choice,
and whose affection has predominated over changes of fortune, and
contrariety of opinion.
But these instances are memorable, because they are rare. The friendship
which is to be practiced or expected by common mortals, must take its rise
from mutual pleasure, and must end when the power ceases of delighting
each other.

Many accidents therefore may happen by which the ardor of kindness will
be abated, without criminal baseness or contemptible inconstancy on either
part. To give pleasure is not always in our power; and little does he know
himself who believes that he can be always able to receive it.

Those who would gladly pass their days together may be separated by the
different course of their affairs; and friendship, like love, is destroyed by
long absence, though it may be increased by short intermissions. What we
have missed long enough to want it, we value more when it is regained; but
that which has been lost till it is forgotten, will be found at last with little
gladness, and with still less if a substitute has supplied the place. A man
deprived of the companion to whom he used to open his bosom, and with
whom he shared the hours of leisure and merriment, feels the day at first
hanging heavy on him; his difficulties oppress, and his doubts distract him;
he sees time come and go without his wonted gratification, and all is
sadness within, and solitude about him. But this uneasiness never lasts
long; necessity produces expedients, new amusements are discovered,
and new conversation is admitted.

No expectation is more frequently disappointed, than that which naturally

arises in the mind from the prospect of meeting an old friend after long
separation. We expect the attraction to be revived, and the coalition to be
renewed; no man considers how much alteration time has made in himself,
and very few inquire what effect it has had upon others. The first hour
convinces them that the pleasure which they have formerly enjoyed, is
forever at an end; different scenes have made different impressions; the
opinions of both are changed; and that similitude of manners and sentiment
is lost which confirmed them both in the approbation of themselves.
Friendship is often destroyed by opposition of interest, not only by the
ponderous and visible interest which the desire of wealth and greatness
forms and maintains, but by a thousand secret and slight competitions,
scarcely known to the mind upon which they operate. There is scarcely any
man without some favorite trifle which he values above greater attainments,
some desire of petty praise which he cannot patiently suffer to be
frustrated. This minute ambition is sometimes crossed before it is known,
and sometimes defeated by wanton petulance; but such attacks are seldom
made without the loss of friendship; for whoever has once found the
vulnerable part will always be feared, and the resentment will burn on in
secret, of which shame hinders the discovery.

This, however, is a slow malignity, which a wise man will obviate as

inconsistent with quiet, and a good man will repress as contrary to virtue;
but human happiness is sometimes violated by some more sudden strokes.

A dispute begun in jest upon a subject which a moment before was on both
parts regarded with careless indifference, is continued by the desire of
conquest, till vanity kindles into rage, and opposition rankles into enmity.
Against this hasty mischief, I know not what security can be obtained; men
will be sometimes surprised into quarrels; and though they might both
haste into reconciliation, as soon as their tumult had subsided, yet two
minds will seldom be found together, which can at once subdue their
discontent, or immediately enjoy the sweets of peace without remembering
the wounds of the conflict.

Friendship has other enemies. Suspicion is always hardening the cautious,

and disgust repelling the delicate. Very slender differences will sometimes
part those whom long reciprocation of civility or beneficence has united.
Lonelove and Ranger retired into the country to enjoy the company of each
other, and returned in six weeks, cold and petulant; Ranger's pleasure was
to walk in the fields, and Lonelove's to sit in a bower; each had complied
with the other in his turn, and each was angry that compliance had been
The most fatal disease of friendship is gradual decay, or dislike hourly
increased by causes too slender for complaint, and too numerous for
removal. Those who are angry may be reconciled; those who have been
injured may receive a recompense: but when the desire of pleasing and
willingness to be pleased is silently diminished, the renovation of friendship
is hopeless; as, when the vital powers sink into languor, there is no longer
any use of the physician.

The correct answer is: Cause and Effect

The section shows the findings of the research done by the researcher
by following the methods.

The correct answer is: results

True or False: You may quote anyone as a supporting evidence or fact to

your research/study.

The correct answer is: False

Identify whether the technique used in writing the following passage

is Classification, Cause and Effect, Comparison and
Contrast, Analogy, Definition, Persuasion, Process Description,
or Interpretation.

21st Century Philippine Writing

by Danton Remoto (May 30, 2015)

Philippine writing in the 21st century has taken a new turn. The works are
seen as sensitive to gender, alludes to technology, show culture as plural
rather than singular, and questions conventions and supposedly absolute

Writing by women continues to flourish. They have a feminist stance that

questions the centrality of the patriarchy (male-centered
viewpoints). Forbidden Fruit: Women Write the Erotic edited by Tina
Cuyugan and Kung Ibig Mo, love poems edited by Joi Barrios show that a
woman’s map of dreams and desires is better drawn by a woman writer
herself. Gone were the days when female characters only came from the
imagination – or fantasy – of men.

Lesbian and gay writing continue to be written. Neil Garcia and I have just
published The Best of Ladlad. My other books include Bright, Catholic –
and Gay: Essays and Rampa: Mga Sanaysay, while coming soon is a
book of stories and essays called Happy Na, Gay, Pa.

Technology is also an important part of this literature, centered on the rise

of the city and anchored on globalization. The economic boom, albeit
benefiting only the elite, has led to the opening of the Philippines to diverse
economic interests. Writings on Filipinos abroad and of Filipinos abroad
also add to this more cosmopolitan, if not more consumerist, attitude of the
21st-century Filipino.

Moreover, writings from the regions have served notice that “imperial
Manila” is no longer the only fountain of ideas. We have to thank Ateneo de
Naga Publishing House, National Commission on Culture and the Arts, UP
Press, and University of San Agustin Publishing House, among others. The
Don Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards in Literature has opened its
magisterial doors to writing from the regions. Ateneo de Manila University
Press and UST Publishing House are both in fine form, publishing
important works from Katipunan and Espana.

Nowadays, writers are no longer made to feel guilty if they write in English.
In true subversive fashion, they now write not just in English or Filipino but
in both languages. Some books show poems printed enface: one side in
English, the other in Filipino. The twains have met, and you can no longer
detect which is written first, and which is the translation, for there is equal
facility and fluency in both. This recalls the verbal legerdemain of
our ladino poets in the 17th century.

Moreover, Marjorie Evasco has been translating her poems in English into
Cebuano, J. Iremil Teodoro writes lyrical stories in Kinaray-a and translates
them into English, Peter Nery slides from English to Hiligaynon in his erotic
poems, Kristian Cordero and Victor Nierva write works in Bicolano and in
the next breath, translate them into elegant English. Surely, the vessels
that contain Philippine literature are no longer one, or two, or even three,
but as many as the different languages in our archipelago.

What about the English being written? Trinidad Tarrosa Subido coined the
phrase “language if [our] blood.” Dr. Gemino H. Abad has used it as
framework in his three anthologies on Philippine poetry in English. He said
that we have colonized English and have made it our own, and the poems
are now “wrought from English.”

It is no longer the very proper English from the old textbooks, or the
Americanese in books copyrighted in New York. It is now a language
filtered by our regional languages and by mass media – printed, seen,
broadcast – as well as shaped by social media, by the fragmentation of text
language, by sound bites, anime, graphic novels, and cosplays (costume

In 1995, the Philippine Studies journal of Ateneo de Manila University

published New Philippine Writing,which was edited by Professor Emmanuel
Torres and I. Prof. Torres said: “An alternative poetics is at work. . . . Form
is more open-ended than closed, looser, more improvisatory; the tone
conversational, informal. And no one seems to think twice about making
explicit statements in the name of personal passion or liberation. Despite
the rise of ‘cause-oriented’ writing, formal matters of craft in no way seem
endangered, thanks to the influence of writing workshops in leading

Prof. Torres continues: “The popularity of poetry readings [and now open
mike readings even by non-poets, for good or for bad] on campuses and in
writer-friendly coffeehouses is partly the reason for the current taste for the
laid-back and discursive. Apparently being revived is the tradition of the
poet as bard, one communally interactive and inclined to addressing the
sound-world of a poem to a roomful of listeners rather than one crafting
lines intended solely for the book page and the solitary reader. . . .”

Thus, we no longer find a poem about a poem; or a poem with Greek or

Roman allusions; or a story set in Greenwich Village. There is now a
certain historicity; allusions to Philippine myth and fable, lore and legend;
astringent satires of popular culture and political foibles. Anglo-American
writers are still being read, but now they are hyphenated and seem like
dispatches from the global village. Works, in translation, of African, Asian,
and Latin American writers are being devoured. There is the shock of
recognition in reading about postcolonial experiences similar to ours, and
fears and dreams coming from the same socio-political conditions.

The internet has also made the Filipino writer less insular or old-fashioned.
Bob Ong started a blog, “Bobong Pinoy” and parlayed it into bestselling
books. Other blogs have become popular books and even box-office-hit
movies, i.e., Ang Diary ng Panget. Celebrities are now supposedly writing,
while radio anchors are turning their zany scripts into books. Senator
Miriam Defensor Santiago’s book, Stupid isForever, is the doyenne of them
all: it has been the bestselling book since December.

Pimply teenagers can upload their stories in Wattpad, watch them viewed
15 million times, and now get contracts for a TV series or a romance film.
Ghost stories are selling, and so do children’s books and graphic novels.
Young-adult novels are being written, for a generation on the run (or eyes
glued to their gadgets). I have done a controversial – and bestselling –
translation of Greene’s The Fault in Our Starsand Anvil will publish my
translation of Marivi Soliven’s novel, The Mango Bride.

The Filipino public has begun to read – and we are all the better for it.

The correct answer is: Comparison and Contrast

is a method of gathering data that aims to get the stand or opinion of a

selected group of people regarding various issues, that will affect a society.

The correct answer is: Survey

The must be inserted somewhere in the beginning to state the focus and
the scope of all the ideas included in the paper.

The correct answer is: thesis statement

One important tip in writing a report is to avoid using or terms that are
widely unfamiliar to your readers.

The correct answer is: jargons

A is an irregularity in the selection arising from the difference between

the sample and the population that resulted from random sampling.

The correct answer is: sampling error

sampling is a method wherein the researcher may select for individual

respondents through simple random or systematic random sampling from a
chosen group.

The correct answer is: Cluster

True or False: The researcher may choose to reveal the specific details of
his/her study to the interviewee to make him/her better understand what
he/she'll participate in.

The correct answer is: False

used on a concept paper are usually based on theory, past research,

experience and need. These will keep the writer on track to the goal,
focusing mainly on the problem of the research.

The correct answer is: Research questions

True or False: The concept paper used for research acts as a proposal
wherein it serves as a foundation for the whole research process.

The correct answer is: True

True or False: It is not important to name your figures in the presentation of

findings. It is enough to describe them as accurately and objectively as

The correct answer is: False

Identify whether the technique used in writing the following passage

is Classification, Cause and Effect, Comparison and
Contrast, Analogy, Definition, Persuasion, Process Description,
or Interpretation.

How they make pancakes in Osaka

by Elfren S. Cruz (August 4, 2016)

A marriage of a pancake and an omelet is a beautiful thing — two breakfast

favorites grilled to juiciness and served piping hot.

In Japan, they call this delicious hybrid okonomiyaki, the “scrambled”

version of which originated from Osaka. It is prepared like a pancake and
served with okonomiyaki sauce, seaweed flakes, bonito flakes, Japanese
mayo, and pickled ginger.

One of the original okonomiyaki restaurants in Osaka, Chibo Okonomiyaki,

is now in Manila at S Maison in the newly opened Conrad
Hotel. Okonomiyaki shops abound in Osaka, but Chibo is one of the oldest,
dating back to 1973. They pride themselves on delivering the same
original okonomiyaki taste consistently across all its branches around the
world. Even visitors from Japan looking for something to eat that reminds
them of home say that Chibo Okonomiyaki in Manila is up to their

Imagine this: you are in a room (they call it the Presidential Room),
engulfed in smoke while you watch the Chibo chef chop, toss, whisk, and
press an okonomiyaki into shape, carefully creating a nice, thin crust. It
resists your bite but the center — composed of anything you like, anything
at all, because Chibo Okonomiyaki has a variant for all tastes — melts in
your mouth.

Chef Akihiro, who is from Osaka and therefore versed in the art of creating
these savory pancakes, creates several different dishes for us, while Kenji
Komuro and David Guevarra, operations manager, share the dish’s origins
and how they create the same okonomiyaki flavor in Manila. They bring
most ingredients from Japan, while some they create. The batter and the
sauce are key and must be consistent. As for what’s inside the pancake,
their menu has more choices than you can handle.

Chef served us a really complex-looking one, topped with unsweetened

meringue and a flattened crab crown — the Shirayukihime or “Snow White
Princess,” an extra-soft okonomiyaki with prawn, bacon, pork, tomato,
avocado and cheese. Kenji says it’s so pretty some guests like to order it
during birthdays, in lieu of cake. Well, happy birthday to me. It’s delicious.

The correct answer is: Process Description

Identify whether the technique used in writing the following passage

is Classification, Cause and Effect, Comparison and
Contrast, Analogy, Definition, Persuasion, Process Description,
or Interpretation.

Should We Pay?

Many issues have been plaguing the sports world recently, especially the
question of paying college athletes. Are athletics so important that colleges
need to put out millions of dollars per year just to pay for students to play
for them? Paying college athletes is like throwing a lit match into a
haystack: once the fire is started, it just keeps burning, making a bad
situation worse.

There are several differences between the haystack and paying athletes.
To start,

throwing a needle in a haystack is a totally negative concept; everything will

burn. However, with paying college athletes, some people can find reasons
why this could be a positive thing. For instance, some believe paying
athletes will bring more competition to the table and make some colleges
much more prestigious than others. Others say this will bring in more
money and more revenue. A second difference is the end of the situation.
At the end of the fire, there is smoke and it will eventually put itself out.
However, this is an issue that cannot extinguish itself. No matter what the
verdict, someone is going to be unhappy and the "fire" will keep burning.

Despite these differences there are many similarities between the two. One
similarity is the haystack going up in flames and the whole educational
system going up. If we pay our college athletes the focus will be more on
the money than on learning.

College is supposed to prepare a student for life's work through learning,

not be life's work. College sports will also become more like professional
sports- all about the money and less about the love of the sport. Related to
this is the issue of scholarships. Are scholarships not enough pay for the
student? And who decides how much money each player receives? Will it
depend on how good the player is, what sport they play, what position they

Another similarity has to deal with going up in flames. By throwing one little
lit match into that haystack, the whole thing goes up. Just by paying college
athletes many other issues arise. Yes, paying athletes may bring in more
revenue, but how much of that will actually go back to the college or
institution? Another issue that comes up is the fairness to other students.
Young athletes already receive many things that non- athletes do not. Not
only do they have the opportunity to travel and stay overnight in the best
hotels, they also get special treatments away from the sport. Some athletes
may receive special attention from certain professors or even people
throughout the town in which the college is located.

A third similarity between the burning haystack and paying athletes is the
rate at which things will "burn". The haystack will burn fast, leaving nothing
behind, and getting bigger and bigger as it goes. The same goes for this
issue. Everyone wants to voice their own opinion about it, snowballing into
a bigger and bigger issue. People will quickly become angry and quick to
defend their side.

Paying college athletes is like throwing a lit match into a haystack: the
educational system and other issues go up in flames and they will occur
very quickly. I believe there are more problems with this idea than there are
good things about it. I find nothing about it to be worth spending millions of
dollars to pay students to play a game. They need to be worrying more
about their studies. This issue will be burning for a long time.

The correct answer is: Analogy

Identify whether the technique used in writing the following passage

is Classification, Cause and Effect, Comparison and
Contrast, Analogy, Definition, Persuasion, Process Description,
or Interpretation.

What happens when a Youtube star writes a book

by Bong Osorio

Since the dawn of the Web and its many versions, numerous Internet
sensations have come and gone, but only a few have sustained and
continue to increase their following. One of them is Felix Kjellberg,
popularly known by his Internet alias “PewDiePie.” He is a 20-something
Swede who has lingered as YouTube’s biggest star since 2013, garnering
over 40 million followers on his channel. This makes him the holder of
the Guinness Book of World Records title for generating the most number
of subscribers of all time. What’s more astounding about his fame is that
his videos have been viewed over 10 billion times but he remains strange
and nameless to most of his audience.

PewDiePie is a social media phenomenon whose popularity emanates

from his one-of-a-kind approach to his video productions, which usually
start off with a shrill declaration of his name before he slides into mocking,
panicky reactions to various games and activities. At the end, he thanks his
“bros” for tuning in. PewDiePie’s fans have multiplied swiftly and become
more pervasive because instant communication facilitates increased word
of mouth.

Following his social media success, PewDiePie ventured into book

publishing and came up with This Book Loves You, now a New York
Times bestseller that is poised to become an international sensation as
well. The tome is an extremely imaginative pictorial collection of direction
and advice manifested in gags and witticisms that lampoons Internet
memes and passages. As he declared, it is a “parody on self-help books”
and is “full of useful quotes.”

This Book Loves You serves up a lot of toilet humor and impassioned
communication. The heftiest improprieties, though, are masked by
intriguing visuals or cheeky figures, while still making the message quite
apparent. The images are caricatures, executed mostly as cartoony
patchworks, and are funny bordering on the ridiculous. Hostility is not a
prevalent theme and the sexual content is manageable. The character of
the opinions listed is ironic and satiric and projects the persona of the
author and the tonality of the message he wants to convey.

What's the narrative?

The book — jokingly or seriously — was a byproduct of the author’s

discovery of his “great wisdom,” or so it seems. He claims that he needs to
share it with a world that desperately needs to read it. His exasperation
with the invariable quotes and memes cluttering social media pushed him
to put together this “first-rate, highly flavored, and optimistic” book.

A fan pic on Twitter inspired him to counter those bothersome memes

with his own take. “I turn these one-liners and quotes upside down by
adding acerbic, smart-alecky, tongue-in-cheek punch lines and colorful,
witty and sometimes irreverent visual supports,” says PewDiePie.

Millennials will surely get some laughs out of this paperback, which
appears superficial and thoughtless on the surface but holds a certain
charm for a specific audience. But knowing that millennials now number in
the millions, who needs breadth and depth? Certainly not PewDiePie.

This Book Loves You provides a window into the wacky mind of one of
YouTube’s best entertainers. Here are samples:

• “My favorite quote? It’s like being asked what my favorite child is. I don’t
have a child.”
• “Money can’t buy you happiness; but it buys you all the things you don’t
have, even friends. I feel sorry for poor people.”

• “Don’t be afraid to say how you feel, because no one is going to care

• “If you can fight your way out of a situation, don’t. You’ll die.”

• “To fly, you must get rid of the things that weigh you down. This is why all
your friends left you.”

• “Don’t sugarcoat everything… you’ll get diabetes.”

• “Impossible is nothing. Doing nothing is easy. So do nothing!”

• “You can’t watch YouTube in prison, so don’t kill anyone.”

• “Running out of money doesn’t count as exercise.”

• “Running away from problems won’t make you skinny.”

• “You can never fail if you never try. So why bother.”

• “You’re not bad, everyone else is just so much better.”

• “You can’t make everyone happy. So focus on making yourself happy so

that maybe one day your happiness will evolve and eat everyone.”

• “Don’t listen to haters. Live your life the way you want to live it.”

• “Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. Unless you don’t have
any friends, then just sit in a corner and cry.”

• “Don’t worry about your problems. If you end up dead tomorrow, they’ll all
be gone.”

• “Every second you’re closer to oblivion. No quote in the world is going to

change that.”

• “If you can’t beat them, there’s still a good chance to annoy them.”

• “Change your life today, for the worse!”

• “Quotes are the most important thing in the universe, and you should
always take them to heart.”

If you’re dedicated PewDiePie fan you might just love him enough to buy
the book out of support for the phenomenon and his unusual, confusing
and unique approach to book writing. But expecting anything beyond a
momentary laugh might be asking too much.

The correct answer is: Cause and Effect

Identify whether the technique used in writing the following passage

is Classification, Cause and Effect, Comparison and
Contrast, Analogy, Definition, Persuasion, Process Description,
or Interpretation.

Federalism and Democracy

by Elfren S. Cruz (August 4, 2016)

Federalism is a form of government where there is a division of powers

between the national government and the regional governments.
Federalism is said to be particularly suited to democracies especially those
with very large populations or large geographical territories.

It has also been noted that real federalism can exist only in a democracy.
This is because an authoritarian government will always insist on
centralizing powers through a unitary form of government. The second
reason is that the separation of powers must be rooted in constitutionalism
and the rule of law.

All organizations, whether in business or government, reach a certain point

at which there must be a decentralization of powers if it wants to be more
efficient. In a businesss organization, this decentralization comes in the
form of creating regional offices and appointing regional heads. In a
democracy, powers must be delegated to an elected body if there is to be
credibility and popular support from the people. Here is how George
Anderson of the Forum of Federations explains it:
“The Soviet Union, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia were not true
federations during the period of Communist rule, even though they had
federal constitutions. All real powers were centralized in the Communist

The situation was more complex in Latin America. Brazil and Argentina had
periods of military rule at the center, but sometimes allowed relatively free
elections within their states or provinces – particularly during military rule; in
Brazil, the states developed a key role in designing a constitution to end
[military] rule. In Mexico, the Institutional Revolutionary Party [PRI] largely
controlled elections for many years but over time its grip loosened,
particularly in certain states.

Nigeria and Pakistan have had similar experiences of intermittent military

rule and federal democracy. Thus, some undemocratic federations are
clearly for show, but in others their federal structure might have some
reality. Moreover, in all these countries, federal constitutional arrangements
came to have real significance during the transition to democracy as
previously subservient units were empowered . In the formerly communist
countries, the federal structure played a role in their break up.”

Federalism and Constitution

A truly effective federal system must be based on a written constitution and

the rule of law. The constitution must clearly define the distribution of
powers between the national government and the regional government.

However, another component in the constitution must be the method for

resolving conflicts over the legal powers of the national and the regional
governments. A citizen cannot obey two contradictory laws. Normally, the
legal conflicts can arise in the following ways:

• When there is a conflict between the laws of the national government and
the regional governments, the central government’s laws are considered
paramount. The only exceptions are those specifically provided by the
• Sometimes the national government and the regional government may
pass laws that are in conflict. However, both sides may claim that their laws
is derive from their powers. For example, the national government may
have powers over internal trade but the regional government has powers
over property. They may pass conflicting laws over these two areas. In
such a case resolving the conflict requires determining which power –
internal trade or property – is more relevant. The constitution must provide
a method for interpreting relevant laws.

• There can also be times that there are no conflicts but a government or
private party may object to law passed by another government on the
grounds that the law goes beyond its powers.

• Sometimes, there are objections to a law on the grounds that it goes

against a constitutionally established right.

A federal form of government requires a very strong and autonomous

federal judiciary. In almost all federal states, the judiciary – especially the
Supreme Court – has the ultimate authority for resolving constitutional

In the United States, the appointment of Supreme Court Justices is a highly

politicized and debated issue but no one questions the right of the
Supreme Court to be the final authority for deciding on constitutional
issues. This is again another reason why federalism can succeed only in a
democracy where the rule of law prevails and is accepted by all authorities
– national and regional.

It is true that federalism cannot guarantee good governance any more than
a unitary form of government. But the increase in worldwide attention to
federalism is being driven by the spread of democracies and the increase
in population in many developing countries. These two factors are leading
to the demand for the devolution of powers to the areas outside the usual
centers of powers.

In the Philippines, Metro Manila has always been the center of power. The
electoral powers has always resided in the so called “ corridor” that
stretches from Pangasinan to Quezon. It is not a coincidence that the
economic power is also concentrated in this same corridor of power.

The devolution of power to the local government units is limited by the fact
that these LGUs are too small to have any real powers; and, must remain
dependent on the largesse of the central powers in Metro Manila.

The time has come to seriously consider how to allow the more equitable
distribution of economic and political power from the center to the regions.
We are not a small country. With a population of more than 100 million,
federalism is the more effective form of government. Why regional
governments? Political power cannot be devolved to an appointive body.
In a democracy, political power can only be devolved to an elected
government. This is the reason for federalism.

The correct answer is: Definition

In the position paper at the beginning of the test, was the author in favor of
the passage of the divorce law in the Philippines?

The correct answer is: Yes

is one rule in conducting surveys wherein the researcher must be aware of

what information must be kept private and public.

The correct answer is: Confidentiality

The gives the ideal timeframe for the whole process to serve as a guide
for the researcher.

The correct answer is: timeline

One strength of survey is that is shown by the ability to get a specific

group of people to answer to a particular issue.

The correct answer is: generalizability

is an ethical principle in conducting a survey that reminds the researcher to

respect the opinions and position of the respondents in a certain issue.

The correct answer is: Autonomy

is one rule in conducting surveys wherein the researcher must be aware of
what information must be kept private and public.

The correct answer is: Confidentiality

True or False: It is not important to name your figures in the presentation of

findings. It is enough to describe them as accurately and objectively as

The correct answer is: False

The concept paper may include the that the writer/researcher must
answer during the course of the research.

The correct answer is: research questions

Identify whether the technique used in writing the following passage

is Classification, Cause and Effect, Comparison and
Contrast, Analogy, Definition, Persuasion, Process Description,
or Interpretation.

What happens when a Youtube star writes a book

by Bong Osorio

Since the dawn of the Web and its many versions, numerous Internet
sensations have come and gone, but only a few have sustained and
continue to increase their following. One of them is Felix Kjellberg,
popularly known by his Internet alias “PewDiePie.” He is a 20-something
Swede who has lingered as YouTube’s biggest star since 2013, garnering
over 40 million followers on his channel. This makes him the holder of
the Guinness Book of World Records title for generating the most number
of subscribers of all time. What’s more astounding about his fame is that
his videos have been viewed over 10 billion times but he remains strange
and nameless to most of his audience.

PewDiePie is a social media phenomenon whose popularity emanates

from his one-of-a-kind approach to his video productions, which usually
start off with a shrill declaration of his name before he slides into mocking,
panicky reactions to various games and activities. At the end, he thanks his
“bros” for tuning in. PewDiePie’s fans have multiplied swiftly and become
more pervasive because instant communication facilitates increased word
of mouth.

Following his social media success, PewDiePie ventured into book

publishing and came up with This Book Loves You, now a New York
Times bestseller that is poised to become an international sensation as
well. The tome is an extremely imaginative pictorial collection of direction
and advice manifested in gags and witticisms that lampoons Internet
memes and passages. As he declared, it is a “parody on self-help books”
and is “full of useful quotes.”

This Book Loves You serves up a lot of toilet humor and impassioned
communication. The heftiest improprieties, though, are masked by
intriguing visuals or cheeky figures, while still making the message quite
apparent. The images are caricatures, executed mostly as cartoony
patchworks, and are funny bordering on the ridiculous. Hostility is not a
prevalent theme and the sexual content is manageable. The character of
the opinions listed is ironic and satiric and projects the persona of the
author and the tonality of the message he wants to convey.

What's the narrative?

The book — jokingly or seriously — was a byproduct of the author’s

discovery of his “great wisdom,” or so it seems. He claims that he needs to
share it with a world that desperately needs to read it. His exasperation
with the invariable quotes and memes cluttering social media pushed him
to put together this “first-rate, highly flavored, and optimistic” book.

A fan pic on Twitter inspired him to counter those bothersome memes

with his own take. “I turn these one-liners and quotes upside down by
adding acerbic, smart-alecky, tongue-in-cheek punch lines and colorful,
witty and sometimes irreverent visual supports,” says PewDiePie.
Millennials will surely get some laughs out of this paperback, which
appears superficial and thoughtless on the surface but holds a certain
charm for a specific audience. But knowing that millennials now number in
the millions, who needs breadth and depth? Certainly not PewDiePie.

This Book Loves You provides a window into the wacky mind of one of
YouTube’s best entertainers. Here are samples:

• “My favorite quote? It’s like being asked what my favorite child is. I don’t
have a child.”

• “Money can’t buy you happiness; but it buys you all the things you don’t
have, even friends. I feel sorry for poor people.”

• “Don’t be afraid to say how you feel, because no one is going to care

• “If you can fight your way out of a situation, don’t. You’ll die.”

• “To fly, you must get rid of the things that weigh you down. This is why all
your friends left you.”

• “Don’t sugarcoat everything… you’ll get diabetes.”

• “Impossible is nothing. Doing nothing is easy. So do nothing!”

• “You can’t watch YouTube in prison, so don’t kill anyone.”

• “Running out of money doesn’t count as exercise.”

• “Running away from problems won’t make you skinny.”

• “You can never fail if you never try. So why bother.”

• “You’re not bad, everyone else is just so much better.”

• “You can’t make everyone happy. So focus on making yourself happy so

that maybe one day your happiness will evolve and eat everyone.”

• “Don’t listen to haters. Live your life the way you want to live it.”
• “Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. Unless you don’t have
any friends, then just sit in a corner and cry.”

• “Don’t worry about your problems. If you end up dead tomorrow, they’ll all
be gone.”

• “Every second you’re closer to oblivion. No quote in the world is going to

change that.”

• “If you can’t beat them, there’s still a good chance to annoy them.”

• “Change your life today, for the worse!”

• “Quotes are the most important thing in the universe, and you should
always take them to heart.”

If you’re dedicated PewDiePie fan you might just love him enough to buy
the book out of support for the phenomenon and his unusual, confusing
and unique approach to book writing. But expecting anything beyond a
momentary laugh might be asking too much.

The correct answer is: Cause and Effect

Identify whether the technique used in writing the following passage

is Classification, Cause and Effect, Comparison and
Contrast, Analogy, Definition, Persuasion, Process Description,
or Interpretation.

Federalism and Democracy

by Elfren S. Cruz (August 4, 2016)

Federalism is a form of government where there is a division of powers

between the national government and the regional governments.
Federalism is said to be particularly suited to democracies especially those
with very large populations or large geographical territories.

It has also been noted that real federalism can exist only in a democracy.
This is because an authoritarian government will always insist on
centralizing powers through a unitary form of government. The second
reason is that the separation of powers must be rooted in constitutionalism
and the rule of law.

All organizations, whether in business or government, reach a certain point

at which there must be a decentralization of powers if it wants to be more
efficient. In a businesss organization, this decentralization comes in the
form of creating regional offices and appointing regional heads. In a
democracy, powers must be delegated to an elected body if there is to be
credibility and popular support from the people. Here is how George
Anderson of the Forum of Federations explains it:

“The Soviet Union, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia were not true

federations during the period of Communist rule, even though they had
federal constitutions. All real powers were centralized in the Communist

The situation was more complex in Latin America. Brazil and Argentina had
periods of military rule at the center, but sometimes allowed relatively free
elections within their states or provinces – particularly during military rule; in
Brazil, the states developed a key role in designing a constitution to end
[military] rule. In Mexico, the Institutional Revolutionary Party [PRI] largely
controlled elections for many years but over time its grip loosened,
particularly in certain states.

Nigeria and Pakistan have had similar experiences of intermittent military

rule and federal democracy. Thus, some undemocratic federations are
clearly for show, but in others their federal structure might have some
reality. Moreover, in all these countries, federal constitutional arrangements
came to have real significance during the transition to democracy as
previously subservient units were empowered . In the formerly communist
countries, the federal structure played a role in their break up.”

Federalism and Constitution

A truly effective federal system must be based on a written constitution and
the rule of law. The constitution must clearly define the distribution of
powers between the national government and the regional government.

However, another component in the constitution must be the method for

resolving conflicts over the legal powers of the national and the regional
governments. A citizen cannot obey two contradictory laws. Normally, the
legal conflicts can arise in the following ways:

• When there is a conflict between the laws of the national government and
the regional governments, the central government’s laws are considered
paramount. The only exceptions are those specifically provided by the

• Sometimes the national government and the regional government may

pass laws that are in conflict. However, both sides may claim that their laws
is derive from their powers. For example, the national government may
have powers over internal trade but the regional government has powers
over property. They may pass conflicting laws over these two areas. In
such a case resolving the conflict requires determining which power –
internal trade or property – is more relevant. The constitution must provide
a method for interpreting relevant laws.

• There can also be times that there are no conflicts but a government or
private party may object to law passed by another government on the
grounds that the law goes beyond its powers.

• Sometimes, there are objections to a law on the grounds that it goes

against a constitutionally established right.

A federal form of government requires a very strong and autonomous

federal judiciary. In almost all federal states, the judiciary – especially the
Supreme Court – has the ultimate authority for resolving constitutional

In the United States, the appointment of Supreme Court Justices is a highly

politicized and debated issue but no one questions the right of the
Supreme Court to be the final authority for deciding on constitutional
issues. This is again another reason why federalism can succeed only in a
democracy where the rule of law prevails and is accepted by all authorities
– national and regional.

It is true that federalism cannot guarantee good governance any more than
a unitary form of government. But the increase in worldwide attention to
federalism is being driven by the spread of democracies and the increase
in population in many developing countries. These two factors are leading
to the demand for the devolution of powers to the areas outside the usual
centers of powers.

In the Philippines, Metro Manila has always been the center of power. The
electoral powers has always resided in the so called “ corridor” that
stretches from Pangasinan to Quezon. It is not a coincidence that the
economic power is also concentrated in this same corridor of power.

The devolution of power to the local government units is limited by the fact
that these LGUs are too small to have any real powers; and, must remain
dependent on the largesse of the central powers in Metro Manila.

The time has come to seriously consider how to allow the more equitable
distribution of economic and political power from the center to the regions.
We are not a small country. With a population of more than 100 million,
federalism is the more effective form of government. Why regional
governments? Political power cannot be devolved to an appointive body.
In a democracy, political power can only be devolved to an elected
government. This is the reason for federalism.

The correct answer is: Definition

Identify whether the technique used in writing the following passage

is Classification, Cause and Effect, Comparison and
Contrast, Analogy, Definition, Persuasion, Process Description,
or Interpretation.

How they make pancakes in Osaka

by Elfren S. Cruz (August 4, 2016)

A marriage of a pancake and an omelet is a beautiful thing — two breakfast

favorites grilled to juiciness and served piping hot.

In Japan, they call this delicious hybrid okonomiyaki, the “scrambled”

version of which originated from Osaka. It is prepared like a pancake and
served with okonomiyaki sauce, seaweed flakes, bonito flakes, Japanese
mayo, and pickled ginger.

One of the original okonomiyaki restaurants in Osaka, Chibo Okonomiyaki,

is now in Manila at S Maison in the newly opened Conrad
Hotel. Okonomiyaki shops abound in Osaka, but Chibo is one of the oldest,
dating back to 1973. They pride themselves on delivering the same
original okonomiyaki taste consistently across all its branches around the
world. Even visitors from Japan looking for something to eat that reminds
them of home say that Chibo Okonomiyaki in Manila is up to their

Imagine this: you are in a room (they call it the Presidential Room),
engulfed in smoke while you watch the Chibo chef chop, toss, whisk, and
press an okonomiyaki into shape, carefully creating a nice, thin crust. It
resists your bite but the center — composed of anything you like, anything
at all, because Chibo Okonomiyaki has a variant for all tastes — melts in
your mouth.

Chef Akihiro, who is from Osaka and therefore versed in the art of creating
these savory pancakes, creates several different dishes for us, while Kenji
Komuro and David Guevarra, operations manager, share the dish’s origins
and how they create the same okonomiyaki flavor in Manila. They bring
most ingredients from Japan, while some they create. The batter and the
sauce are key and must be consistent. As for what’s inside the pancake,
their menu has more choices than you can handle.

Chef served us a really complex-looking one, topped with unsweetened

meringue and a flattened crab crown — the Shirayukihime or “Snow White
Princess,” an extra-soft okonomiyaki with prawn, bacon, pork, tomato,
avocado and cheese. Kenji says it’s so pretty some guests like to order it
during birthdays, in lieu of cake. Well, happy birthday to me. It’s delicious.

The correct answer is: Process Description

The position paper must be written in the point of view.

The correct answer is: first person

These cells function in photosynthesis
The correct answer is: Parenchyma
An ecosystem must have an ecosystem and a nutrient biochemical recycling system.
The correct answer is 'True'.
The guard cells function to control the opening and closing of the stomata
The correct answer is 'True'.
Carrots have fibrous roots
The correct answer is 'False'.
The cuticle, or the wax, functions to protect against insects and pathogens.
The correct answer is 'True'.
The enzyme method is also known as the Maxam-Gilbert Method.
The correct answer is 'False'.
When primary producers capture solar energy and produce complex molecules, this is
known as
The correct answer is: Gross primary production
Generation internal is inversely proportional to genetic gain.
The correct answer is 'True'.
These cells have thin and flexible walls and lack a secondary wall.
The correct answer is: Parenchyma
These cells are fibrous.
The correct answer is: Sclerenchyma
If a cat always eats the white colored mouse, then there brown colored mouse will
increse in number.
The correct answer is 'True'.
This type of transformation involves the insertion of viral genomes into the host genome.
The correct answer is: Episomal
Microbes that become resistant to an antibiotic are an example of microevolution.
The correct answer is 'True'.
These are all mechanisms which cause microevolution, except
The correct answer is: Mutations
If a G gene codes for green eyes and a g gene codes for blue eyes, and G is dominant,
then a girl with Gg genes will have green eyes.
The correct answer is 'True'.
What are pharyngeal pouches?
The correct answer is: Throat pouches
Calcium chloride is used in DNA insertion.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Phosohorous-32 is a medium-energy emitter
The correct answer is 'False'.
According to fossil records, these evolved from land vertebrates as well.
The correct answer is: Amphibians
Genetic engineering may also be called as new genetics
The correct answer is 'True'.
Where did Lindeman study the ecosystem concept?
The correct answer is: Wisconsin
Who advocated for catastrophism?
The correct answer is: Cuvier
Who developed the binomial naming of species?
The correct answer is: Linnaeus
An organism is said to be homozygous if it carries two of the same genes.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Intraspecific competition is competition between two individuals from different species.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Affinity chromatography removes all of the following, except
The correct answer is: RNA
Group selection is natural selection at the group level
The correct answer is 'True'.
Enzymes that catalyze reactions will perish at temperatures below 250 K
The correct answer is 'False'.
Who was the first one to propose a mechanism for evolution?
The correct answer is: Lamarck
What is the ratio used for the precipitation of nucleic acids?
The correct answer is: 2:1
A snake's pelvis is an example of a vestigial structure.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Ecosystem ecology is the implementation of
The correct answer is: Synecology
Indirect reciprocity occurs when a species is likely to help another due to lineage.
The correct answer is 'False'.
A260/280 for pure RNA shoul be
The correct answer is: 2.0
The energy flow of the ecosystem starts with its primary producers.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Evolution moves towards order.
The correct answer is 'False'.
What can be used to further digest DNA after deproteinization?
The correct answer is: Rnase
You can a leaf belongs to a _____ because it has parallel veins.
The correct answer is: Monocot
These are all heterozygous genes, except
The correct answer is: AA
Point mutations will always be harmful.
The correct answer is 'False'.
The vascular cambium in woody plants consists of a layer of this type of cell
The correct answer is: Parenchyma
All plants have secondary growth.
The correct answer is 'False'.
"Multiple feeding pathways" mean that there are organisms that feed from each trophic
The correct answer is 'True'.
Absorbance is measured at
The correct answer is: 260 nm
The stomata allow the uptake of this gas.
The correct answer is: Carbon dioxide
According to Darwin's theory, individuals can evolve.
The correct answer is 'False'.
The spongy mesophyll fills with oxygen and carbon dioxide.
The correct answer is 'True'.
What is the percentage of energy that is passed on to primary consumers?
The correct answer is: 10%
Two different species can occupy the same niche.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Who found that the body size of the organism can be controlled by controlling the
biomass at each trophic level?
The correct answer is: Elton
How many phalanges do we have?
The correct answer is: 5
The xylem transports water from the roots to the stem.
The correct answer is 'True'.
This is where the lateral roots originate from.
The correct answer is: Pericycle
These organisms can capture energy without light.
The correct answer is: Chemoautotrophs
Phenotype refers to an organism's genetic makeup.
The correct answer is 'False'.
This secretes polysaccharides to protect the young part of the plant.
The correct answer is: Root cap
How many reactions are there in the Sanger-Coulson method?
The correct answer is: 4
These cells share their nucleus with seive tube elements.
The correct answer is: Companion cells
The xylem and phloem in stems and leaves are collectively called a stele.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Lateral roots are also known as
The correct answer is: Taproots
Gene stacking is the presence of more than one gene in more than one plant.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Nucleic acids are polyionic at neutral pH
The correct answer is 'True'.
The chances of survival of organisms is maximized when they cooperate with one
The correct answer is 'True'.
These have features of both plasmids and bacteriophages.
The correct answer is: Cosmids
Trichomes function as true roots.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Artificial selection occurs when we breed dogs for a certain length of coat or certain
The correct answer is 'True'.
Who coined the term "ecology"?
The correct answer is: Tansley
The vascular cambium can store water as well aid in wound repair and store
The correct answer is 'False'.
Nucleic acids are recovered through
The correct answer is: Centrifugation
The Continental Drift theory provides evidence for evolution.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Direct reciprocity occurs when two organisms gain from helping each other.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Apical meristems are located at the stems of plants.
The correct answer is 'False'.
The Phelloderm is a thin layer of this type of cells.
The correct answer is: Parenchyma
Natural selection selects for the fittest organisms.
The correct answer is 'True'.
The transfer of alleles into or out of a population is called
The correct answer is: Gene flow
Who proposed the principle of uniformitarianism?
The correct answer is: Lyell
Organisms that are only somewhat related can never look alike.
The correct answer is 'False'.
What year was Darwin born?
The correct answer is: 1809
This is a carbohydrate-protein complex that protects the oral cavity from abrasion. Mucin
These cells have walls that are thin and flexible. Parenchyma
Ground tissue that is internal to the vascular tissue is called PITH
The vascular tissue of a shoot or root system is called STELE
Pinocytosis is also known as cell eating. False
The lateral root can be located near the root's surface. False
Who developed the binomial system of naming species?
The correct answer is: Linnaeus
Who was the father of paleontology?
The correct answer is: Cuvier
Natural selection involves the evolution of individuals.
The correct answer is: False
When did Darwin embark on the SS Beagle?
The correct answer is: 1931
What book did Lyell publish?
The correct answer is: Principles of Geology
According to Darwin, what brings about life's unity and diversity?
The correct answer is: Descent with modifications
HIV is an example of a virus that can completely be eradicated using medications.
The correct answer is: False
Who first proposed that life changes over time?
Water can evaporate through stomata. True
Saliva is secreted through Ducks
The correct answer is: Lamarck
Who contended that suffering is caused be the explosion of populations accompanied
by limited resources?
The correct answer is: Malthus
Organisms that are only somewhat related can never look alike.
The correct answer is: False
Superimposed layers of rocks are also called:
The correct answer is: Strata
Who proposed the principle of uniformitarianism?
The correct answer is: Lyell
This is the same genetic language in all organisms.
The correct answer is: DNA
When humans breed cows for better meat, this is called
The correct answer is: artificial selection
The transfer of alleles into or out of a population is called:
The correct answer is: Gene flow
What year was Darwin born?
The correct answer is: 1809
Adventitious roots can grow from leaves.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Meristems are mature tissues found in plants.
The correct answer is 'False'.
A root hair is a multicellular organ.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Mature sclerenchyma cells cannot elongate.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Another term for the leaf's stake is.
The correct answer is: Petiole
Sclereids are usually long, tapered, and slender.
The correct answer is 'False'.
There is a main root, larger than others, in monocots
The correct answer is 'False'.
This covers the tip of the root as it grows.
The correct answer is: Root cap
This is the protective tissue layer in woody plants.
The correct answer is: Periderm
Another name for the stem is
The correct answer is: Axil
Which of these is a thin, tubular extension of a root epidermal cell?
The correct answer is: Root hair
Stems may also be photosynthetic.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Roots derive nutrition from?
The correct answer is: Photosynthates
The spongy mesophyll is located above the palisade mesophyll.
The correct answer is 'False'.
This produces a waxy covering that protects the plant from insects, bacteria, and fungi.
The correct answer is: Cork cambium
Water moves through vessel elements through
The correct answer is: Pits
Environmental factors supercede genetic factors in the adaptation of plants to their
The correct answer is 'True'.
Most of the fruit we eat are composed of what type of cells?
The correct answer is: Parenchyma
Elongation is composed of the following, except
The correct answer is: Roots
These are all mistaken for roots but are actually stems, except
The correct answer is: Embryonic roots
This hardening agent is absent from collenchyma cells.
The correct answer is: Lignin
This is the external form of a plant.
The correct answer is: Morphology
This makes the walls of secondary xylem hard.
The correct answer is: Lignin
The outer protective layer of the plant is the
The correct answer is: Dermal tissue system
Elongation happens near the tip of shoots.
The correct answer is 'True'.
The ground tissue contains the pith.
The correct answer is 'True'.
The parenchyma cells in woody plants are differentiated.
The correct answer is 'False'.
In monocots, the embryonic root persists
The correct answer is 'False'.
Parenchyma cells have secondary walls that help them retain their structure.
The correct answer is 'False'.
The vascular cambium is composed of these cells
The correct answer is: Merismatic
Seive tubes transport phloem.
The correct answer is 'True'.
The reduced surface are of the spines of cacti enable them to survive in aqueous
The correct answer is 'True'.
The interior of the cork cambium is formed by these cells.
The correct answer is: Phelloderm
These cells regulate the opening and closing of the stomata.
The correct answer is: Guard Cells
In these plants, taproots store carbohydrates and sugars.
The correct answer is: Angiosperms
A puddle can be considered an ecosystem.
The correct answer is: True
Not all ecosystems need a boundary.
The correct answer is: False
This is considered the ecology of individuals organisms and populations.
The correct answer is: Autecology
Without photosynthesis, organic matter cannot be created.
The correct answer is: True
Give an example of an abiotic sphere.
The correct answer is: Hydrosphere
Intra-species competition may be one-sided.
The correct answer is: True
The intensive use of fertilizers is part of land use change.
The correct answer is: True
The niche of species with competition from others is its fundamental niche.
The correct answer is: False
What percentage of the ocean's produce do we use?
The correct answer is: 8%
The classification of predators as carnivores that consume herbivores is
The correct answer is: taxonomic
This occurs when cooperation favors those from the same family lineage.
The correct answer is: Kin selection
When one individual prevents another from accessing a resource, this is known as
The correct answer is: interference
The competition for one resource may influence the competition for another resource.
The correct answer is: True
Parasitoids include indviduals from Diptera.
The correct answer is: True
Life on earth is based on carbon.
The correct answer is: True
Carbon is abundant in the environment.
The correct answer is: False
These are the two types of interspecific competition.
The correct answer is: Asymmetric and Symmetric
These are all macronutrients, except.
The correct answer is: Titanium
This is the primary driving force for the extinction of species.
The correct answer is: Land use change
These are complexes made of both RNA and protein. Ribosomes
All animals complete their digestion extracellularly. False
The petiole is part of Leaves
Animals need a source of nitrogen as part of their diets. True
The consumption of water produces the most substantial effect on the ecosystem.
The correct answer is: False
Protein molecules partition into what phase during DNA isolation?
The correct answer is: Phenol phase
The separation of the nucleic acid from other cell components is not a requirement in
genetic engineering.
The correct answer is: False
The starting material for DNA isolation may be viral.
The correct answer is: True
The mainstay of genetic engineering is the ability to isolate a single DNA fragment.
The correct answer is: True
Which enzyme is used to digest DNA?
The correct answer is: Rnase
A hydroxyl group at the 3' end of the DNA segment is needed for elongation to proceed.
The correct answer is: True
These are all ddNTPs, except:
The correct answer is: R
What is the most common method for separating DNA?
The correct answer is: The Sanger-Coulson Method
What are the two most common precipitants for DNA?
The correct answer is: Ethanol and isopropanol
Ethidium bromide is toxic and carcinogenic.
The correct answer is: True
Urea acts as a binding agent during the reading of DNA sequences.
The correct answer is: False
Larger DNA fragments move slower than smaller DNA fragments.
The correct answer is: True
The purpose of is to count the amount of nucleic acids present.
The correct answer is: scintillation counter
Washing occurs at high ionic strength.
The correct answer is: False
Gel electrophoreses relies on the fact that nucleic acids are polyanionic at low pH.
The correct answer is: False
What enzymes are used to cleave DNA into smaller fragments?
The correct answer is: Restriction enzymes
What is the absorbance of a spectrophotometer?
The correct answer is: 260 nm
SAGE stands for
The correct answer is: Submerged agarose gel electrophoresis
What element is used to isolate pDNA?
The correct answer is: Caesium
These are all common radioactive tracers, except:
The correct answer is: Caesium-60
When fewer calories are taken in than is required, glycogen is hydrolyzed.
The correct answer is 'False'.
The Urey-Miller experiment lay the groundwork for the synthesis of photosynthetic materials.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Rocks become metamorphic due to extreme pressure
The correct answer is 'True'.
A DNA double-helix is necessarily antiparallel.
The correct answer is 'True'.
The TATA box is located where relative to the start of transcription?
The correct answer is: -20
Which part of the atmosphere do cyclones maintain?
The correct answer is: Troposphere
The earth is made up of mainly nitrogen and oxygen.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Sedimentary rocks are classified as what type of rocks?
The correct answer is: Secondary
How many kilometers deep is the mantle?
The correct answer is: 2,900 km
Deoxyribose is attached to how many phosphate groups?
The correct answer is: 1
Bile destroys these cells when they are no longer functional.
The correct answer is: Red blood cells
The esophagus is acidic.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Torrential rains fall at what speed?
The correct answer is: 30 km/hr
All ecosystems are closed systems.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Allele frequencies can change at random.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Pyrimidines contain how many ring bases?
The correct answer is: 1

These are all parts of the large intestine, except jejenum

The vocal chords are found here Glottis

The periderm is impermeable to water due to this substance.

The correct answer is: Suberin
This is another name for the reproductive part of flowers.
The correct answer is: Androecium
The tail of phospholipids are kinked because of hydrogen bonds.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Vegetative reproduction requires mieosis.
The correct answer is 'False'.
As radioactive materials decayed, they emitted what?
The correct answer is: Heat
Metamorphism on small sections of rock is called
The correct answer is: Regional metamorphism
The fireball that was ejected approached the speed of?
The correct answer is: Light
Ovules are called
The correct answer is: Megasporangia
The two main pillars crucial for maintaining life include
The correct answer is: Metabolism
Transgenic animals can be used to amplify the production of new animals.
The correct answer is 'True'.
The fision of cells in unicellular organisms may be multiple or binary.
The correct answer is 'True'.
This is the point where leaves are attached.
The correct answer is: Nodes
Hot gases and materials spewed from volcanoes are part of
The correct answer is: Pyroclastic phenomenon
Ascorbic acid is essential in humans.
The correct answer is 'True'.
In these plants, primary and secondary growth occur at the same time.
The correct answer is: Monocots
With surface faulting, increasing displacement means increasing damage.
The correct answer is 'True'.
The Arctic region is not likely to have tornadoes.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Early cellularization was proposed to mean that polymers are segregated where?
The correct answer is: Cells
Medicines can be created in transgenic animals.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Schleiden proposed that all animals are made up of cells.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Troland proposed that these emerged first.
The correct answer is: Proteins
Cnidaria use asexual means of reproduction.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Below the melting point of rocks, the rocks will become metamorphic.
The correct answer is 'True'.
All these comprise the cell membrane, except
The correct answer is: Enzymes
Physical weathering is known as
The correct answer is: Mechanical disaggregation
According to the second law of energy, energy must be lost at each level of interaction.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Prokaryotic cells do not contain organelles in their cytoplams.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Chlorophyll is soluble in organic solvents.
The correct answer is 'True'

Where did Lindeman study the ecosystem concept?


Intraspecific competition is competition between two individuals from different species.


What is the ratio used for the precipitation of nucleic acids?


Phenotype refers to an organism's genetic makeup.


If a cat always eats the white colored mouse, then there brown colored mouse will increse in


Calcium chloride is used in DNA insertion.


The chances of survival of organisms is maximized when they cooperate with one another.


Ecosystem ecology is the implementation of


The vascular cambium can store water as well aid in wound repair and store carbohydrates.


When primary producers capture solar energy and produce complex molecules, this is known as

Gross primary production

You can a leaf belongs to a _____ because it has parallel veins.

The Phelloderm is a thin layer of this type of cells.


Indirect reciprocity occurs when a species is likely to help another due to lineage


What are pharyngeal pouches?

Throat pouces

These cells have thin and flexible walls and lack a secondary wall.


Nucleic acids are recovered through


Direct reciprocity occurs when two organisms gain from helping each other.


Trichomes function as true roots.


The xylem and phloem in stems and leaves are collectively called a stele.


The enzyme method is also known as the Maxam-Gilbert Method.


These are all mechanisms which cause microevolution, except


What is the percentage of energy that is passed on to primary consumers?


Artificial selection occurs when we breed dogs for a certain length of coat or certain height.


An organism is said to be homozygous if it carries two of the same genes.


Who was the first one to propose a mechanism for evolution?


These are all heterozygous genes, except


These cells share their nucleus with seive tube elements.

Companion cells

Enzymes that catalyze reactions will perish at temperatures below 250 K


The cuticle, or the wax, functions to protect against insects and pathogens.


This secretes polysaccharides to protect the young part of the plant.

Root cap

How many reactions are there in the Sanger-Coulson method?

The vascular cambium in woody plants consists of a layer of this type of cell


If a G gene codes for green eyes and a g gene codes for blue eyes, and G is dominant, then a girl
with Gg genes will have green eyes.


Phosohorous-32 is a medium-energy emitter


Carrots have fibrous roots


A snake's pelvis is an example of a vestigial structure.


All plants have secondary growth.


The energy flow of the ecosystem starts with its primary producers.

These cells function in photosynthesis


There must be a balance between order and entropy.


The Continental Drift theory provides evidence for evolution.


This can form a lateral shoot

Axillary bud

The stomata allow the uptake of this gas.

Carbon dioxide

Two different species can occupy the same niche.


Who developed the binomial naming of species?


Apical meristems are located at the stems of plants.


PAGE is suitable for RNA sequencing


Affinity chromatography removes all of the following, except


These organisms can capture energy without light.


A260/280 for pure RNA shoul be


The xylem transports water from the roots to the stem.

Talking about dogs to someone who hates animals
The correct answer is: attitudinal barriers
Mateo, a three year old boy, went to the playground with his dad, Chuck. Mateo started playing on
the slide. Another boy on the playground started following Mateo and trying to imitate what he was
doing. After a few rounds of going up and down the slide, the boy would always race Mateo and
would go on the slide first. Mateo remained patient until the boy shoved him to the side while
scrambling up the stairs up the slide. Chuck saw everything and even if he was really angry inside,
he calmly walked towards Mateo. He asked Mateo if he was fine, the boy just nodded while balling
his fist. Chuck picked up Mateo and carried him back to their house. Before Mateo can burst out in
tears, Chuck hugged him tightly and told him “you’re okay, anak, that was very brave of you”. Mateo
hugged his father back and tried to smile. What communication strategy was used to comfort the
little boy?
The correct answer is: Pay attention to nonverbal cues and keep emotions at bay.
Cady got a promotion and would like to treat her family to a luxurious vacation. She planned to bring
her family to the beach. Everyone was excited except Trevor-her brother. Trevor doesn’t like going
to the beach and prefers going to cold place like Baguio. To motivate Trevor, Cady kept on trying to
convince him about and kept talking about the beautiful beaches they can go to and the activities
they can enjoy. Also, she assigned him as the person to book them their rooms. She thought making
Trevor more involved in planning will change his mind. Trevor kept putting off his assignment until
summer vacation is almost over, the whole family were not able to go out of town because they
started preparing to get back to work or because of other activities. Cady was really mad because
Trevor did not do his assigned role. What communication barrier happened in this situation?
The correct answer is: Attitudinal
Watch this video "When you spread yourself too thin" by Anna Akana on
( Which of the following statements shows the
communication strategy she used to make sure she stays on top of things?
Statement 1: Always remember that your opinion matters just like everyone else’s does.
Statement 2: Know yourself. Determine your needs and wants, then learn to express them without
stepping undermining the rights of others.
Statement 3: It’s ok to express your emotions as long as you remain respectful. Learn how to
express negative feelings in a way that will not truly offend the other person or group.
Statement 4: Accept feedback. Accept compliments. Ask when you need help and be always
grateful to others in addition to learning from your mistakes.
Statement 5: Know your limits. Be brave enough to say “no”. Agreeing and saying “yes” all the time
may result to spreading yourself too much which may affect the quality of your output or feedback.
Being firm and clear about what you want is beneficial for all parties as they will know where they
stand on issues.
The correct answer is: Statement 2 and 5 only
Getting called on by the teacher you do not like
The correct answer is: psychological barriers
Tessa and Jayson were married and were living together in a small house. They agreed that
household chores must be shared between them. One day, Tessa came home really tired from
work. She cooked dinner and waited for Jayson to get home. Once Jayson was home, while eating
dinner, Jayson’s boss called and told him to go online in an hour for an emergency meeting. Jayson
hurriedly finished his food and put the dishes on the sink. He expected that Tessa would clean up
the dishes. A few hours later, when they were both getting ready to go to bed, Tessa was not talking
to him and kept silent even if he was initiating a conversation. The next morning, Jayson found the
dirty dishes stacked on the sink. He called out Tessa and she got angry and hurriedly stormed out of
their house. Jason was so mad he didn’t bother cleaning up. They both went to work angry at each
other thinking that the other person was being unfair and was not following the rules they set. What
barrier of communication transpired in this situation?
The correct answer is: Systemic / Systematic
Resistance to believing in alternative medicine
The correct answer is: attitudinal barriers
Madeline’s father died the night before her college entrance exam. She was so distraught with what
is happening she snapped at her classmate who asked her to move closer to the person in front of
her while she was lining up to get in the testing room.
The correct answer is: Psychological
It’s okay to speak before you think because you can say “sorry” or they’ll forget it anyway.
The correct answer is: False
A deaf man was shot by policemen. Police says he wasn't responding to what they were saying and
kept walking away from them. What kind of barrier did they encounter?
The correct answer is: Physiological
Shery was scheduled to meet a potential client inside a mall. She was trying to find an empty slot
and kept going around for 15 minutes. She finally spotted an empty slot and tried to park facing the
wall. Unfortunately, the angle of her car was not enough for her to drive in the parking slot, so, she
put her car on reverse and drove a few feet back so she can adjust the angle of her car. Suddenly,
another car appeared and took her spot. He quickly went down, and winked at Shery. He blurted out
“daig nang mabilis ang mabagal “ and proceeded to walk away. Shery was fuming mad because she
was already running late. She suddenly shifted gears, stepped on the gas pedal and aimed for the
car of the driver who took her slot. She slammed her car into the back of the arrogant driver’s car.
The man who owned the car stood shocked in his place. Shery went down, went through her wallet
and handed her business card. She gave him a tight smile and said “daig nang mayaman ang
mabilis”. She went back in her car and went around to look for an empty parking space. What could
Sherry have done to constructively call out the rude driver?
The correct answer is: Keep emotions at bay and assert yourself
An army veteran keeps on telling the same story again and again. Every time he gets the opportunity
to tell his story, he will do it. His kids and grandchildren would endure the story telling just to show
that they’re listening but they keep looking down their phones or try to make excuses to go away.
One day, this veteran met the new gardener. The gardener kept silent and nodded his head every
now and then while the story was being told. The old man would tell his stories in animated way.
Every time they bumped into each other around the house, the gardener would smile. On the fifth
day after the gardener was hired, the old man stopped telling his stories and remained silent but
smiling. The veteran’s son saw the change in his father and observed how fond the old man was to
the gardener. He approached the gardener and tried to talk to him but then found out that the
gardener was mute. Which strategy was at play in the story?
The correct answer is: Practice active listening and pay attention to nonverbal cues.
Little Manuel’s teacher reprimanded him for coloring the leaves on the trees yellow and the sky
orange. He didn’t understand why the teacher would get mad at him, he looked at the crayons and
looked out of the window. He didn’t see anything wrong so he continued coloring pictures that way.
Again and again, his teacher kept on telling him that what he was doing was wrong. So, he started to
shy away from his classmates because of embarrassment. Manuel’s teacher became concerned.
She called the boy’s parents to school. After consulting with Manuel’s parents, she found out that he
was colorblind. The teacher apologized to Manuel’s parents.
The correct answer is: Physiological
A blind man talking to a child
The correct answer is: physiological barriers
Communication enhances social interaction when used properly true
When idioms and jargons are used
The correct answer is: language barriers
The word “salvage” has a different meaning in the Philippines. What kind of barrier is at work?
The correct answer is: Language
Deficiency in communication systems or channels
The correct answer is: systematic barriers
Psychological barrier is when your communicative actions are affected by your state of mind.
The correct answer is: True
Knowing when to say “no” is a barrier to communication.
The correct answer is: False
Talking to survivors of civil war
The correct answer is: psychological barriers
Talking to a Japanese person who knows little English
The correct answer is: language barriers
A deaf man was shot by policemen. Police says he wasn't responding to what they were saying and
kept walking away from them. What kind of barrier did they encounter?
The correct answer is: Physiological
Ethel is from Bohol and she transferred to Manila on her first year in college. While hanging out with
her new friends in the school garden, she noticed a big, black bird land on the mango tree infront of
them. She exclaimed, “ Ui! That langgam’s really big!” So her classmates immediately stood up and
started hopping while looking down on the ground.
The correct answer is: Language
An army veteran keeps on telling the same story again and again. Every time he gets the opportunity
to tell his story, he will do it. His kids and grandchildren would endure the story telling just to show
that they’re listening but they keep looking down their phones or try to make excuses to go away.
One day, this veteran met the new gardener. The gardener kept silent and nodded his head every
now and then while the story was being told. The old man would tell his stories in animated way.
Every time they bumped into each other around the house, the gardener would smile. On the fifth
day after the gardener was hired, the old man stopped telling his stories and remained silent but
smiling. The veteran’s son saw the change in his father and observed how fond the old man was to
the gardener. He approached the gardener and tried to talk to him but then found out that the
gardener was mute. Which strategy was at play in the story?
The correct answer is: Practice active listening and pay attention to nonverbal cues.
Physical barriers include geographic distance between source and receiver of message.
The correct answer is: True
A deaf man was shot by policemen. Police says he wasn't responding to what they were saying and
kept walking away from them. What kind of barrier did they encounter?
The correct answer is: Physiological
It’s okay to speak before you think because you can say “sorry” or they’ll forget it anyway.
The correct answer is: False
Positive motivation
= Improves relationship with self, with others, and enhances knowledge and skills
Social Anxiety
=When someone hesitates in interpersonal communication because of fear of what people will say /
think about them
=Avoidance of speaking in groups, public speaking or even in interpersonal situations
Laughing with a friend
=Communicating to connect
Creating a travel Vlog on Youtube
1. Identify the four functions of communication
= Regulation, motivation, expression, social interaction, information
2. What is communication anxiety?
=When a person is afraid to speak in front of a large audience
3. Which function of communication is used when you go for a job interview?
4. When you express your grief over a relative who died, which function of
communication can you use?
5. Motivation is:
=To stimulate someone to act
6. Motivation is always a positive experience.
= False
7. Negative motivation results to?
=Both Communication apprehension, Social Anxiety, Shyness o public speakng anxiety
8. What is the result of positive motivation?
= No correct answer
9. Which function of communication is used when people watch news on television?
= Expression
Talking online using Skype. Systematic Barriers
10. This determines which function of communication to use
=Speaker’s Purpose

Haptics is the study of which of the following?

Select one:
a. Touch
b. Space
c. Time
d. Sound

Question 2

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How many basic features does the human language have?

Select one:
a. 11
b. 5
c. 99.9
d. 12
e. 45

Question 3

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Lowness or highness of tone of the voice

Select one:
a. Pitch
b. Vocal quality
c. Tempo

Question 4

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Porcelain designs is under what kind of non-verbal communication?

Select one:
a. Haptic
b. Artifact
c. Kinescics
d. Proxemics

Question 5
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Which of these are the basic features of the human language?

Select one:
a. phonology, semantics, morphology, sin tax, and pragmatics
b. phonology, semantics, morphology, syntax, and pragmatics
c. phenology, semantics, morphology, syntax, and pragmatics

Question 6

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To determine the kinds of communication; and To understand how these kinds are used to be an
effective communicator.
Select one:
a. Goals in life
b. Study goals
c. Objectives of this chapter
d. Love goals

Question 7

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Which of the following refers to pauses and stops made between thoughts or utterance?
Select one:
a. Africates
b. Bilibial
c. Denotions

d. Fricatives

Question 8
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This is how language is used

Select one:

a. Pragmatics

b. Grammar

c. Denotations

d. Syntax

Question 9
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Voice quality is about

Select one:

a. Tempo

b. Vocal Quality

c. Pitch

d. Tone color

Question 10
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Morphology is how words are put together to form grammatically correct sentences

Select one:



Question 11

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Pragmatics is the formation of words

Select one:

Question 12

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It is the language of the body.

Select one:
a. Kinescics
b. Haptic
c. Artifacts
d. Proxemics

Question 13

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Business in the west is like hunting while business in the east is like planting rice. Which non-
verbal language is this thinking attributed to?
Select one:
a. Time
b. Space
c. Sound
d. Touch

Question 14

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Which of these are the paralanguage elements?

Select one:
a. vocal quality, pitch, tempo, depth, junctures
b. vocal quality, pitch, tempo, volume, junctures
c. voice, pitch, tempo, volume, junctures

Question 15
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Proxemics is the study of which of the following?

Select one:
a. Space

b. Touch

c. Sound

d. Time

Question 16

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Volume describes the force of the voice

Select one:

Question 17

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What is the difference between non-verbal and verbal communications?

Select one:
a. Both of the given choices are correct
b. Nonverbal communication uses language or speech while verbal communication relies on
Kinesics, proxemics, haptics, chronemics, appearance, artifacts, and paralanguage to convey the
c. Verbal communication uses language or speech while nonverbal communication relies on
Kinesics, proxemics, haptics, chronemics, appearance, artifacts, and paralanguage to convey the
d. No correct answer

Question 18

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Emotions such as nervousness or sadness can be heard through this paralanguage element.
Select one:
a. Vocal quality
b. Tone Color
c. Tempo
d. Pitch

Question 19

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Paralanguage is about how we sound

Select one:

Question 20

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Pragmatics is how language is used

Select one:

Question 21

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Haptics is the language of time

Select one:

Question 22

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Facial ticks are what kind of non-verbal communication?

Select one:
a. Proxemics
b. Kinesics
c. Artifacts
d. Haptic

Question 23

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Pitch describes the force of the voice

Select one:

Question 24

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Which of the following are the 2 forms of verbal communication?

Select one:
a. Written and aural
b. Anything about the senses
c. Gestures and voice quality
d. Written and oral

Question 25

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Different connotation/meanings
Select one:
a. Grammar
b. Syntax
c. Denotations
d. Connotations

Question 26

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It is a form of communication which involves utterance of words, sentences and phrases

Select one:
a. Verbal Communication
b. Non-verbal communication
c. Network Communication
d. System Communication

Question 27

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This refers to the how pleasant or unpleasant a person's voice sounds

Select one:
a. Tempo
b. Pitch
c. Vocal quality

Question 28

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Writing is a form of verbal communication

Select one:
Question 29

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Syntax - how words are put together to form sentences

Select one:

Question 30

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Junctures are the pauses and breaks between utterances

Select one:

Question 1

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The plural of ox is ________

Select one:
a. All of the answers correct
b. Ox
c. Oxen
d. Oxes

Question 2

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These are sounds produced when two vowels are combined which results to a blended sound
within a syllable
Select one:
a. Complex Vowel Sounds
b. Blends
c. Fricatives
d. Dipthongs

Question 3

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Vocal chords are also vocal folds.

Select one:

Question 4

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The voice box is located in the ________

Select one:
a. Larnyx
b. Strong emotions
c. Vowel length
d. Aspiration

Question 5

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What are the vowels in English?

Select one:
a. [a], [e], [i], [o],[u]
b. [i:], [ɪ], [eɪ], [e], [æ], [ɒ], [ɔ], [oʊ], [u], [ʊəʳ], [ə]
c. [i:], [eɪ], [e], [æ], [ɒ], [ɔ], [oʊ], [u], [ə]

Question 1

The speaker's goal should always be considered when choosing which communication
function to utilize True

Not yet answered

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Bilabial stops
Select one:
a. [t] and [d]
b. [k] and [g]
c. [p] and [b]

Question 2

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Velar stops
Select one:
a. [p] and [b]
b. [t] and [d]
c. [k] and [g]

Question 3

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If one is a ________ and a whole set are teeth, why shouldn't the plural of booth be called beeth?
Select one:
a. Tithe
b. Toot
c. Breathen
d. Tooth

Question 4

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When ________ are used, Tone 4 is used

Select one:
a. Larnyx
b. Strong emotions
c. Aspiration
d. Vowel length

Question 5

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________ are created when air is not completely stopped but goes through with a hissing sound.
Select one:
a. Fricatives
b. Complex Vowel Sounds
c. Blends
d. Vowel Combinations

Question 6

[ʒ] mirage F

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The main articulatory parts of the mouth.

a. Points of articulator
b. Points of articulation
c. Lead articulators
d. Chief articulators
Select one:
a. Both Points of Articulation and Chief articulators are correct
b. Both Points of Articulation and Lead articulators are correct
c. No correct answer
d. Both Points of articular and Points of articulation are correct

Question 7

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________ refers to the length of time given to pronounce a vowel sound.

Select one:
a. Aspiration
b. Vowel length
c. Strong emotions
d. Larnyx

Question 8

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Question text

One fowl is a goose, but two are called ________

Select one:
a. Gooses
b. Geeze
c. All of the answers correct
d. Geese

Question 9

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Alveolar stops
Select one:
a. [p] and [b]
b. [t] and [d]
c. [k] and [g]

Question 10

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________ is the sound when there is an explosive release of air after it comes in contact with
parts of the speech mechanism
Select one:
a. Larnyx
b. Vowel length
c. Aspiration
d. Strong emotions

This strategy entails getting the attention of your audience/ receiver

These are techniques on how to solve difficulties encountered when communicating
=Communicative strategies
This competence is the ability to use the appropriate words in a particular situation
=Sociolinguistic competence
This is the proficiency in syntax and morphologhy
=Grammatical competence
This strategy is when speakers take turns in raising their points, opinions or arguments
= ~Turn taking
Listen to the audio - "Pronounciation comparison". The speaker will be saying two words per
number. Choose the correct combination
This is a listening assessment. You will hear two words for every number. Spell out these words. Do
not spell them in IPA format. Wrong spelling is wrong.
1. least - list
2. cough - cuff
3. black - block
4. pot - pat
5. cut - cot
6. hot - hut
7. cheap - chip
8. did - deed
9. fit - feet
10. green - grin
Question text
Then one may be that, and three would be ________
Select one:
a. All of the answers correct
b. Those
c. This
d. These
Question 2
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The plural of house is ________
Select one:
a. All of the answers correct
b. Hice
c. Houses
d. House
Question 3
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The plural of cat is ________
Select one or more:
a. All of the answers correct
b. Cat
c. Cats
d. Kitten
Question 4
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What are the four tones of English?
Select one:
a. low, normal, high, very high
b. 1 low, 2 normal, 3 high, 4 extra high
c. 1 bass, 2 alto, 3 soprano , 4 soprano 1
Question 5
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If one is a ________ and a whole set are teeth, why shouldn't the plural of booth be called beeth?
Select one:
a. Breathen
b. Toot
c. Tooth
d. Tithe
Question 6
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Question text
One fowl is a goose, but two are called ________
Select one:
a. All of the answers correct
b. Geese
c. Gooses
d. Geeze
Question 7
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Question text
The sound when there is an explosive release of air after comes in contact with parts of the speech
Select one:
a. Aspiration
b. Inspiration
c. Exhalation
d. Inhalation
Question 8
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Vocal chords are also vocal folds.
Select one:
Question 9
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These are created when air is not completely stopped but goes through with a hissing sound.
Select one:
a. Fricatives
b. Bilibial stops
c. Nasals
d. Alveolar stops
Question 10
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The ________, would a pair be called beet
Select one:
a. Breath
b. Breathen
c. Booth
d. No correct answer
Question 11
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If I spoke of my ________ and show you my feet
Select one:
a. Seat
b. Stand
c. Footh
d. Footing
Question 12
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Velar stops
Select one:
a. [t] and [d]
b. [p] and [b]
c. [k] and [g]
Question 13
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Question text
The plural of ox is ________
Select one:
a. Oxes
b. Ox
c. Oxen
d. All of the answers correct
Question 14
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Question text
In what instance is Tone 4 used?
Select one:
a. All of the answers correct
b. When one feels sad
c. When strong emotions are expressed
d. When one is presenting
Question 15
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________ should never be meese
Select one:
a. All of the answers correct
b. Mice
c. Mouse
d. Mouses
Question 16
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How many vowel sounds are there in English?
Select one:
a. 5
b. 10
c. 24
d. 11
Question 17
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The plural of pan be called ________
Select one:
a. Pans
b. No correct answer
c. Pen
d. Both of the answers correct
Question 18
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Question 19
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This is where the voice box is located
Select one:
a. Pharynx
b. Larynx
c. Vocal folds
Question 20
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Refers to the length of time given to pronounce a vowel sound.
Select one:
a. Vowel duration
b. Vowel length
c. Dipthongs
Question 21
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Alveolar stops
Select one:
a. [k] and [g]
b. [p] and [b]
c. [t] and [d]
1. Casual speech uses slang, jargon, and short sentences. TRUE
2. Attitudes are inborn. FALSE
3. Communicative competency and Communicative strategies are the same. FALSE
4. Casual speech is a form of speech we use when we communicate with people who are very close
to us. FALSE
5. There is only one type of speech and you can use it in all kinds of situations. FALSE
The skill to smoothly move from one topic to another
The correct answer is: Topic shifting
The correct answer is: Illocution
Speech that is the epitome of formal style that is used in ceremonies and respectful situations.
The correct answer is: Frozen
This strategy is when speakers take turns in raising their points, opinions or arguments
The correct answer is: Turn taking
This strategy entails getting the attention of your audience/ receiver
The correct answer is: Nomination
Focuses on looking outward
The correct answer is: Perception
The correct answer is: Locution
This competence is the ability to use the appropriate words in a particular situation
The correct answer is: Sociolinguistic competence
The act of artistically ending a conversation
The correct answer is: Termination
These are techniques on how to solve difficulties encountered when communicating
The correct answer is: Communicative strategies
Three or more people communicating
The correct answer is: Small group
This is the proficiency in syntax and morphologhy
The correct answer is: Grammatical competence
What is this chapter 11 all about?
The correct answer is: Strategies in various speech situations
The loudness or softness of a sound.
The correct answer is: Volume
What is the name of the web-based word processor that we learned about in Chapter 11?
Google Docs
What is the name of the online petition site that we learned about in Chapter 12?
Parts of a speech
The correct answer is: Introduction, Main body, Conclusion
Parts of the Introduction
The correct answer is: Attention getter, significance, credibility, thesis statement, preview, transition
to first main point
How spoken words are arranged, alternating from stressed and unstressed elements
The correct answer is: Rhythm
How high or low your tone is perceived.
The correct answer is: Rhythm

There is no maximum or minimum length of speeches. It will depend on the purpose of the speech
and the event where it will be used.
The correct answer is 'True'.
This is the ability to express and speak smoothly without difficulty in using the appropriate words.
The correct answer is: Fluency
This speech is delivered by reading a manuscript word-for-word.
The correct answer is: Reading from manuscript
This speech is delivered to entertain, to be enjoyed or to make the audience smile and relax.
The correct answer is: Entertainment speech
This part of the speech entails reviewing the main points.
The correct answer is: Conclusion
This part of the speech preparation process includes defining your goal.
The correct answer is: Choosing the topic
The very first part of a speech
The correct answer is: Attention getter
You have to use this to be able to move from one part of a speech to another
The correct answer is: Transitions
This is the correct articulation of words.
The correct answer is: Enunciation
This method cannot make use of note cards or manuscripts but it must be delivered word-for-word.
The correct answer is: Memorized Speech
The final statement should also link back to the Intro.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Speech preparation does not include an in depth research on information you will be using.
The correct answer is 'False'.
This speech rallies people to either do or not do something.
The correct answer is: Persuasive Speech
Audience analysis is important when preparing speeches.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Three or more people communicating
The correct answer is: Small group
The skill to smoothly move from one topic to another
The correct answer is: Topic shifting
There is only one type of speech and you can use it in all kinds of situations.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Casual speech is a form of speech we use when we communicate with people who are very close to
The correct answer is 'False'.
These four elements affect our self-concept?
The correct answer is: Behavior, attitudes, values, and beliefs
This competence is the ability to use the appropriate words in a particular situation
The correct answer is: Sociolinguistic competence
The act of causing people to do or believe in something
The correct answer is: Persuasion
This strategy entails getting the attention of your audience/ receiver
The correct answer is: Nomination
How we see ourselves
The correct answer is: Self-concept
Communicative competency and Communicative strategies are the same.
The correct answer is 'False'.
This speech rallies people to either do or not do something.
The correct answer is: Persuasive Speech
Four sub-categories of communicative competency
The correct answer is: Grammatical competence, discourse competence, sociological competence,
and strategic competence
The act of artistically ending a conversation
The correct answer is: Termination
Communication with a large number of people with very little feedback going back to the sender
The correct answer is: Public communication
Who said this "A speech has two parts. Necessarily you stae your case, and you prove it"
The correct answer is: Aristotle
Casual speech uses slang, jargon, and short sentences.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Speech that is the epitome of formal style that is used in ceremonies and respectful situations.
The correct answer is: Frozen
This method cannot make use of note cards or manuscripts but it must be delivered word-for-word.
The correct answer is: Memorized Speech
This is the proficiency in syntax and morphologhy
The correct answer is: Grammatical competence
These are "future-oriented messages dealing with roles we call life scripts" and our relationship with
other people mold this.
The correct answer is: Expectation
Factual persuasive speech is based on the question ________
The correct answer is: Is it true?
The correct answer is: Locution
This is the correct articulation of words.
The correct answer is: Enunciation
These are learned personal orientation which we use when deciding right from wrong
The correct answer is: Beliefs
Attitudes are inborn.
The correct answer is 'False'.
The final statement should also link back to the Intro.
The correct answer is 'True'.
This compels the persuasive speaker to be anbiased and free from special interests
The correct answer is: Selflessness
Audience analysis is important when preparing speeches.
The correct answer is 'True'.
You have to use transitions to be able to move from one part of a speech to another.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Focuses on looking outward
The correct answer is: Perception
This strategy is when speakers take turns in raising their points, opinions or arguments
The correct answer is: Turn taking
This type of speech act defines the intention of the speaker
The correct answer is: Illocution
This is how we conduct ourselves toward others and yourself.
The correct answer is: Behavior
These are techniques on how to solve difficulties encountered when communicating
The correct answer is: Communicative strategies
The correct answer is: Illocution
Fluency is frequently observed in this kind of speech
The correct answer is: Impromptu
Casual speech uses slang, jargon, and short sentences.
The correct answer is 'True'.
This compels the persuasive speaker to be anbiased and free from special interests
The correct answer is: Selflessness
This refers to the speaker's credibility
The correct answer is: Ethos
How high or low your tone is perceived.
The correct answer is: Pitch
Object, process, event or concept are reasons why this kind of speech is given
The correct answer is: Expository speech
This speech is delivered to entertain, to be enjoyed or to make the audience smile and relax.
The correct answer is: Entertainment speech
This element is about the clothes you choose to wear on specific events to convey a particular idea
The correct answer is: Appearance
Too little may make you appear too rigid while too much may be to distracting and to theatrical for
the audience
The correct answer is: Arms and hands
You have to use this to be able to move from one part of a speech to another
The correct answer is: Transitions
How spoken words are arranged, alternating from stressed and unstressed elements
The correct answer is: Rhythm
This element is about creating an individual sound
The correct answer is: Articulation
Speech preparation does not include an in depth research on information you will be using.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Being an effective speaker and communicator is something you inherit.
The correct answer is 'False'.
[W] = WHY
The correct answer is: Bilibial
Factual persuasive speech is based on the question ____________
The correct answer is: Is it true?
In what instance is Tone 4 used
The correct answer is: When strong emotions are expressed
This is where the voice box is located
The correct answer is: Larynx
The sound when there is an explosive release of air after it comes in contact with parts of the speech
The correct answer is: Aspiration
Name the factors in creating the rhythm of a speech
The correct answer is: pitch, volume, enunciation, and fluency
This body language communicates control, authority, and belief. Standing straight emphasizes
The correct answer is: Posture
The final statement should also link back to the Intro.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Consonants that sounds vowel-like. There is no friction made when making the sounds.
The correct answer is: Semi-vowels
Parts of the Introduction
The correct answer is: Attention getter, significance, credibility, thesis statement, preview, transition
to first main point
This is the ability to express and speak smoothly without difficulty in using the appropriate words.
The correct answer is: Fluency
The loudness or softness of a sound.
The correct answer is: Volume
The four elements affect our self-concept behavior, attitudes, values, and beliefs.
The correct answer is 'True'.
This speech rallies people to either do or not do something.
The correct answer is: Persuasive Speech
Attitudes are inborn.
The correct answer is 'False'.
The act of causing people to do or believe in something
The correct answer is: Persuasion
These are created when air is not completely stopped but goes through with a hissing sound.
The correct answer is: Fricatives
This enables the audience to let the information sink in
The correct answer is: Pause
These are the windows to our soul. Unconscious movements may work agains the speaker
The correct answer is: Eyes
This sound can be created when a stop is combined with a fricative.
The correct answer is: Affricates
This method cannot make use of note cards or manuscripts but it must be delivered word-for-word.
The correct answer is: Memorized Speech
This part of the speech preparation process includes defining your goal.
The correct answer is: Choosing the topic
Refers to the length of time given to pronounce a vowel sound
The correct answer is: Vowel length
Produced when the air passes through the nose and not the mouth.
The correct answer is: Nasal
Audience analysis is important when preparing speeches.
The correct answer is 'True'.
For compound nouns, where does the stress go?
The correct answer is: First syllable
Communicative competency and Communicative strategies are the same.
The correct answer is 'False'.
This part of the speech entails reviewing the main points.
The correct answer is: Conclusion
Parts of a speech
The correct answer is: Introduction, Main body, Conclusion
This speech requires preparation and a word-for-word delivery. Speaker can move about freely as
the speaker can not use note cards nor manuscripts.
The correct answer is: Memorized speech
Who said this "A speech has two parts. Necessarily you stae your case, and you prove it"
The correct answer is: Aristotle
This speech brings light to things that happened, what is happening, and about to happen to make
audiences more conscious of that is happening or happened in our world
The correct answer is: Speeech about events
Delivering this speech only uses an outline as a guide.
The correct answer is: Extemporaneous speech
Are created when air is stopped in the center by the tip of the tongue against the alveolar ridge,
while your breathe passes either one or both side of the tongue.
The correct answer is: Affricates
This determines the length of speech.
The correct answer is: Duration
There is no maximum or minimum length of speeches. It will depend on the purpose of the speech
and the event where it will be used.
The correct answer is 'True'.
This speech is delivered by reading a manuscript word-for-word.
The correct answer is: Reading from manuscript
Sounds produced when two vowels are combined which results to a blended sound within a syllable.
The correct answer is: Dipthongs
This is the correct articulation of words.
The correct answer is: Enunciation
Vocal chords are also vocal folds.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Casual speech is a form of speech we use when we communicate with people who are very close to
The correct answer is 'False'.
According to Anne Miller, this is the core of language that surprises, grabs, informs, and persuades
the readers as mere explanation will not.
The correct answer is: Imagery
There is only one type of speech and you can use it in all kinds of situations.
The correct answer is 'False'.
This allows the speaker to make extraordinary meaning out of the mundane
The correct answer is: Metaphor


Find the amount of the semi-annual coupon for a Php 250,000.00 bond which pays 7% convertible semi-
annually for its coupons.

ANSWER: 8750


A food corporation declared a dividend of Php 25,000.00 for its common stock. suppose there are
180,000 shares of common stock, how much is the dividend per share?

ANSWER: 138.89


Determine the amount of asemi-annual coupon paid for a 3% -bond with a face value of Php 80,000.00
which matures after 15 years.

ANSWER: 1200

A property holdings declared a dividend of Php 9.00 per share for the common stock. If the stock closes
at Php 76.00, how large is the stock yield ratio?

ANSWER: 11.84



Determine what type of loan is needed for the following situations:

Mr. Alonzo wants to have some improvements in their 10-years old house. He will borrow money from
the bank to finance this plan.

ANSWER: Consumer Loan

Mr. Samson owns a siomai food cart business. He wants to put another cart. He decided to have a loan
to establish the new business.

ANSWER: Business Loan


If a condominium is purchased for Php 5,700,000.00 and the bank requires 30% down payment, how
much is the mortgaged amount?

ANSWER: 3990000


Mr. Capan obtained a 10-year mortgage for Php 4,200,000.00. if his monthly payment is Php 39,500.00,
how much is the total interest?

ANSWER: 540000

A family obtained a Php 1,000,000.00 mortgaged. If the monthly payment is Php 38,000.00 for four
years, how much is the total interest paid?

ANSWER: 824000


Determine what type of loan is needed for the following situations:

iness loan of Php 800,000.00 is to be repaid in full after 2 years. What is the amount to be paid if the
effectave a barbershop. He wants to borrow some money from the bank in order for him to buy the
equipment and furniture for the barbershop.

ANSWER: Business Loan

Mr. and Mrs. Craig wants to borrow money from the bank to finance the college education of their son.

ANSWER: Consumer Loan


A loan of Php 200,000.00 is to be repaid In full after 3 years. If the interest rate is 8% per annum, how
much should be paid after 3 years?

ANSWER: 251942.4



A land developer declared a dividend of Php 10,000,000.00 for its common stock. Suppose

There are 600,000 shares of common stock, how much is the dividend per share?

ANSWER: 16.67


A certain company gave out Php 25.00 dividend per share for its common stock. The market value of the
stock is Php 92.00. determine the stock yield ratio.
ANSWER: 21.27



How many months of artificial payments would you make if you are buy an appliance for Php 2,00.00

for 1 year starting from the 7th month?



Your sister recently landed her dream job. As part of planning for future expenses, she started to

Deposit Php 1,000.00 monthly in a fund that pays 6% compounded quarterly. How much will her

funds worth be after 15 years?

ANSWER: 290076.28
Question 1
Mark 2.00 out of 2.00

Flag question

Question text

Your sister recently landed her dream job. As part of planning for future expenses, she
started to deposit Php 1,000.00 monthly in a fund that pays 6% compounded quarterly.
What is the equivalent interest?

Question 2
Mark 2.00 out of 2.00

Flag question

Question text

How much should Kaye set aside and invest in a fund earning 2% compounded quarterly if
she needs Php 75,000.00 in 15 months?
Question 3
Mark 2.00 out of 2.00

Flag question

Question text
What interest rate per annum is a fund paying its clients if the third to the last payment of a
depositor became Php 510.05 from an initial savings payment of Php 500.00?

Question 4
Mark 2.00 out of 2.00

Flag question

Question text

When invested at an annual rate of 7%, an amount earned Php 21,000.00 of simple interest
in 3 years. How much money was initially invested?

Question 5
Mark 4.00 out of 4.00

Flag question

Question text
How long will Php 50,000.00 amount to Php 75,000.00 if the simple interest rate is at 15%
per annum?
years and Answer

Question 6
Mark 2.00 out of 2.00

Flag question

Question text

To what factor should you multiply a principal amount if you wish to compute for the
interest earned in 6 months of an investment in a fund that pays 24% per annum?

Question 7
Mark 2.00 out of 2.00

Flag question

Question text
When invested at an annual rate of 8%, an amount earned Php 24,000.00 of simple interest
in 18 months. How much money was initially invested?

Question 8
Mark 2.00 out of 2.00

Flag question

Question text

How many periods of artificial payments would you make if you are to buy a commodity for
quarterly payments of Php 8,000.00 for 8 years starting two years from now?
Question 9
Mark 2.00 out of 2.00

Flag question

Question text
A television set is for sale at Php 13,499.00 in cash or on installment terms, Php 2,500.00
each month for the next 6 months at 9% compounded annually.
(a) What is the present value of the installment? Answer
(b) If you are the buyer, which one is better? Cash or installment? Answer

Question 10
Mark 2.00 out of 2.00

Flag question

Question text

How long will Php 40,000.00 amount to Php 51,200.00 if the simple interest rate is at 12%
per annum?
Answer: Answer
yrs and Answer

Question 11
Mark 2.00 out of 2.00

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Question text

Accumulate Php 15,000.00 for 2 years at 15% compounded monthly.


Question 12
Mark 3.00 out of 3.00

Flag question

Question text

How much do you need to save per month to have a future value of Php 10,146.00 after 12
months of saving in a fund that gives 12% per annum?

Question 13
Mark 3.00 out of 3.00

Flag question

Question text

Your teacher saves Php 5,000.00 every 6 months in a bank that pays 0.25% compounded
monthly. How much will be her savings after 10 years?
GMAT-111 / ► Week 16: Long Quiz 4 / ► Long Quiz 4
Question 1
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Marked out of 4.00
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Question text

Determine the type of loan for the following:

(a) Mr. Lau wants to have another branch for his cellphone repair shop. He decided to apply for a loan
that can be used to pay for the rentals of the new branch.
(b) Mrs. Alon decided to take her family for a vacation. To cover the expenses, she decided to apply for a

Question 2
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Marked out of 2.00
Flag question
Question text

Determine what type of loan is needed for the following situations:

(a) Mr. Alonzo wants to have some improvements in their 10-year old house. He wants to build a new
room for their 13-year old daughter. He will borrow money from the bank to finance this plan.

(b) Mr. Samson owns a siomai food cart business. He wants to put another cart on a new mall in the
other city. He decided to have a loan to establish the new business.

Question 3
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Marked out of 4.00
Flag question
Question text

Tell whether the following is a characteristic of stocks or bonds:

(a) A form of equity financing or raising money by allowing investors to be part owners of the company.
Answer: STOCK
(a) A form of debt financing, or raising money by borrowing from investors.
Answer: BOND
Question 4
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Marked out of 3.00
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Question text

A Php 450,000.00 bond is redeemable at Php 550,000.00 after 5 years. Coupons are given at 5%
convertible semi-annually. Find the amount of the semi-annual coupon.
Answer: 11250

Question 5
Not yet answered
Marked out of 2.00
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Question text

Determine the amount of a semi-annual coupon paid for a 3% -bond with a face value of Php 80,000.00
which matures after 15 years. (Note: Answer should have two decimal places)
Answer: 1200

Question 6
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Marked out of 2.00
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Question text

If a condominium is purchased for Php 5,700,000.00 and the bank requires 30% down payment, how
much is the mortgaged amount?
Answer: 3990000

Question 7
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Marked out of 3.00
Flag question
Question text

A certain financial institution declared Php 57.00 dividend per share for its common stock. The market
value of the stock is Php 198.00. Determine the stock yield ratio. (percentage with 2 decimal places)
Answer: 28.78

Question 8
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Marked out of 3.00
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Question text
A business loan of Php 800,000.00 is to be repaid in full after 2 years. What is the amount to be paid if
the effective interest rate if 8%?
Answer: 933120

Question 9
Not yet answered
Marked out of 2.00
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Question text

A family obtained a Php 1,000,000.00 mortgaged. If the monthly payment is Php 38,000.00 for four
years, how much is the total interest paid?
Answer: 824000

Question 10
Not yet answered
Marked out of 2.00
Flag question
Question text

A property holdings declared a dividend of Php 9.00 per share for the common stock. If the stock closes
at Php 76.00, how large is the stock yield ratio? (Note: Answer should be in percent with two decimal
Answer: 11.84

Question 11

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Flag question

Question text

For the purchase of a farm worth Php 2,800,000.00, the bank requires 30% down payment,
find the mortgaged amount.

A food corporation declared a dividend of Php 25,000,000.00 for its common stock.
Suppose there are 180,000 shares of common stock, how much is the dividend per
share? (Note: Answer should have two decimal places.)


Question 1

Mark 3.00 out of 3.00

Flag question

Question text

Determine whether each of the following statements are propositions or not. If the
statement is a proposition, determine its truth value. (If it does not have a truth value,
put NA)
Statement Proposition Truth Value

1 Mindanao is an island in the Philippines. Answer Y


2 Find a number which divides your age. Answer

Statement Proposition Truth Value

3 Help! Answer

4 3+2=4 Answer

Question 2

Mark 2.00 out of 2.00

Flag question

Question text

Determine the truth value:

Consider the following scenario:

One Friday night, Roman and Malou are busy studying for their Logic exam. Meanwhile,
Hadji just tweeted a picture of himself eating crispy pata and sisig. Jeff is sound asleep in
his dorm room.

a. Either Roman has a date with Malou, or Jeff is sleeping or Hadji is eating.
b. Either Jeff is sleeping or Hadji is not eating.
c. Roman and Malou are on a date and Jeff is sleeping, or Hadji is not eating.
Short quiz week 17
Question 1

Mark 6.00 out of 6.00

Flag question

Question text

Determine the truth value:

Suppose that Abbey is in Grade 11.

a. If Abbey is in Grade 11, then she is a senior high school student.

b. If Abbey is in Grade 11, then she is working as a lawyer.
c. If Abbey has a degree in Computer Science, then she believes in true love.
Question 2

Mark 4.00 out of 4.00

Flag question

Question text

Determine whether each of the following statements are propositions or not. If the
statement is a proposition, determine its truth value. (If it does not have a truth value,
put NA)
Statement Proposition Truth Value

1 f(x) = sqrt(x) / ( x+1 ) is a rational function. Answer


2 What is the domain of the function? Answer

3 I am lying. Answer

4 It is not the case that sqrt(2) is a rational number.Answer Y



Question 1

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Question text

What is the rule of inference that was used in the argument in #1

Select one:
a. Modus Tolens
b. Subtraction
c. Syllogism
d. Addition
e. Modus Ponens

Question 2

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Flag question

Question text

Determine which rule of inference is the basis for each of the argument below:

Antonio Luna is a scientist.

Therefore, either Antonio Lune or Jose Rizal is a scientist.

Select one:
a. Modus Ponens
b. Simplification
c. Syllogism
d. Modus Tolens
e. Subtraction
f. Addition
Adrian purchased a laptop through the credit cooperative of their company. The cooperative
provides an option for a deferred payment. Adrian decided to pay after 4 months of purchase. His
monthly payment is computed at Php 3,500 payable in 12 months. How much is the cash value of
the laptop if the interest rate is 8% convertible monthly? 39441.14

Question 3

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Marked out of 2.00
Flag question

Question text

Determine which rule of inference is the basis for each of the argument below:

Antonio Luna and Jose Rizal like Nelly Boustead.

Therefore, Antonio Lune likes Nelly Boustead.

Select one:
a. Simplification
b. Subtraction
c. Addition
d. Syllogism
e. Modus Tolens
f. Modus Ponens
GMAT-111 / ► Week 18: Key Concepts of Propositional Logic; Syllogism and
Fallacies - Part 002 / ► Short Quiz 15


Question 1

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Marked out of 10.00

Flag question

Question text

Determine whether each of the following arguments is valid or not.

a. If the solution turns blue litmus paper red, then the solution contains acid. The solution
does not contain acid. So, the solution does not turn blue litmus paper red.

Answer VALID

b. If the solution turns blue litmus paper red, then the solution contains acid. The solution
turns blur litmus paper red, so the solution contains acid.

Answer VALID

c. If you study hard, you refine your communication skills and build up your confidence. If
you refine your communication skills build up your confidence, then your job opportunities
increase. Hence, if you study hard, your job opportunities increase.

Answer VALID

d. Kidnapping is wrong if society disapproves of it. Kidnapping is wrong. So society

disapproves of kidnapping.


e. If overeating causes disease, then it is not healthy. Overeating does not cause disease. So
overeating is healthy.

PEDH-111 / ► Week 15: Addressing Health and Fitness Issues Thro... / ►

Learning Activity 11

Question text

Which of the following is not included in a planning team?

Select one:
a. Fundraising Team
b. Project Development Team
c. none of the choices
d. Volunteer Recruitment and Management Team

True or False: When organizing an event, it is not important to set a specific goal.
Select one:
True or False: You do not need to have basic knowledge on health and fitness to organize an
event that addresses health and fitness issues.
Select one:

True or False: Communication is a key part of organizing an event.

Select one:

True or False: A planning team can help you execute all aspects of your event.
Select one:

PEDH-111 / ► Week 15: Addressing Health and Fitness Issues Thro... /

► Short Quiz 11

Question 1
Which of the following statements is true?
Select one:
a. There is no need to incorporate learning in your health and fitness related event.
b. When brainstorming for a project, it is important to plan the types of activities that you
want to do for the event.
c. You do not have to determine the number of participants for your event - anyone is
invited, after all.
d. A planning team is unnecesary in organizing an event.

Which of the following is likely to deal with spreading the word regarding an upcoming event?
Select one:
a. Communications Team
b. Project Development Team
c. Fundraising Team
d. Event Team

Which of the following is an ideal way to fund your event?

Select one:
a. seek in-kind donations from businesses and other people
b. seek financial aid from businesses
c. solicit funds from team members and other people
d. all of the choices

Which of the following is the ideal way to spread the word regarding a health and fitness event?
Select one:
a. posting flyers in public places
b. promotion through social media websites like Facebook or Twitter
c. Place ads in the local papers.
d. all of the choices

Which of the following is an ideal place to hold health and fitness events?
Select one:
a. parks
b. community centers
c. all of the choices
d. schools
Question 6

Answer saved

Question text

Which of the following is likely to be in-charge for the funding of an event?

Select one:
a. Event Team
b. Communications Team
c. Leadership Engagement Team
d. Fundraising Team

Question 7

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Question text

Which of the following is an example of low-tech outreach to communicate about your health
and fitness event?
Select one:
a. tweeting about the upcoming event to let your followers know
b. inviting news media to report about your event
c. posting flyers in public places
d. placing ads on the local newspapers

True or False: Team leaders and event coordinators should arrive at the event site early.
Select one:
Question text

Which of the following is an example of communicating your health and fitness event using
traditional media?
Select one:
a. Blogging your event
b. Tweet about your upcoming event
c. Inviting the news media to report about your upcoming event
d. Ask area business in the vicinity to spread the word about your event

Question 10

Question text

Which of the following is not a part of a planning team?

Select one:
a. Communications Team
b. none of the choices
c. Project Development Team
d. Fundraising Team

PEDH-111 / ► Week 16: Physical Activity Assessments to Optimize... / ►

Learning Activity 12

Question 1

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Question text

True or False: It is not important to know the effectivity of a physical activity.

Select one:

Question 2

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Flag question

Question text

During a Talk Test, which of the following is an indication that the physical activity is at a low
intensity level?
Select one:
a. No correct answer
b. A person should be able to sing
c. A person should be able to carry on a conversation
d. A person should be too out of breath to conduct a conversation

Question 3

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Flag question

Question text

True or False: Subjective methods are physical activity assessment methods that rely on the
human perception of physical activity.
Select one:
Question 4

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Question text

True or False: Physical Activities must be evaluated to determine their effectiveness.

Select one:

Question 5

Not yet answered

Marked out of 1.00

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Question text

True or False: Outcomes of physical activities must be evaluated.

Select one:

PEDH-111 / ► Week 16: Physical Activity Assessments to Optimize... / ► Short

Quiz 12

Question 1

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Flag question

Question text

True or False: During a Moderate Intensity level of an activity, an individual should have 50-
70% max HR.
Select one:

Question 2

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Flag question

Question text

In the Borg Rating Scale, what is the maximal number of exertion?

Select one:
a. 5
b. 10
c. 20
d. 1

Question 3

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Question text

Which of the following methods makes use of a decive that records the number of steps taken?
Select one:
a. Direct Observation
b. Telemetry
c. Pedometry
d. Accelerometry

Question 4

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Question text

Which of the following refers to the unit used to measure the amount of oxygen usd by the body
using a physical activity?
Select one:
c. MET
d. HR

Question 5

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Flag question

Question text
When it comes to Direct Observation methods, BEACHES stands for which of the following?
Select one:
a. Behaviors of Exercising Activity for Children's Health Evaluation System
b. Behaviors of Eating Activity for Children's Health Evaluation Syllabus
c. Behaviors of Eating Activity for Children's Health Evaluation System
d. Behaviors of Eating Assessment for Children's Health Evaluation System

Question 6

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Question text

True or False: During a Vigorous intensity level activity, an individual should attain 50-70%
max HR.
Select one:

Question 7

Not yet answered

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Flag question

Question text

Why should you be mindful when organizing a weekly meeting for your fitness event? You
need to seek permission from authorities

Which of the following is a technique used to estimate the total energy expenditure accurately
based on the movement of 2 different types of water found in the body?
Select one:
b. Direct Observation
c. Pedometry
d. Doubly Labelled Water

Question 8

Not yet answered

Marked out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

Which of the following is not a form of subjective method used for assessing physical activity?
Select one:
a. none of the choices
b. self-report
c. heart-rate telemetry
d. recall

Question 9

Not yet answered

Marked out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

Subjective methods of assessing physical activity rely on which of the following?

Select one:
a. solid data
b. no correct answer
c. human perception of physical activity
d. machine data

Question 10

Not yet answered

Marked out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

Which of the following is a type of direct observation which assesses the number of people in a
designated activity area and their activity level at a specific time?
Select one:
a. No correct answer
PEDH-111 / ► Week 14: Long Quiz 3 / ► Long Quiz 3 30/30

Question 1

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Flag question

Question text

Which of the following is a possible cause of freak accidents in the gym?

Select one:

a. none of the choices

b. improper care of equipment

c. the victim is accident-prone

d. the person is fated to get injured

Question 2

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Question text

True or False: When treating wounds, it is essential to clean the wound with gentle soap and water.

Select one:



Question 3

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Question text

True or False: Injuries can only be unintentional.

Select one:



Question 4

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Question text

True or False: Terrorism is a form of community emergency.

Select one:



Which of the following is a form of unintentional injury wherein there is a crack or breaking
of bone? Fracture
Question 5

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Question text

True or False: Domestic violence can lead to mental health issues.

Select one:



Question 6

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Flag question

Question text

Which of the following is an essential part of a disaster kit?

Select one:

a. a gallon of drinking water

b. non-perishable food

c. all of the choices

d. important documents

Question 7
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Flag question

Question text

Why is it so important for communities to prepare for a disaster?

Select one:

a. none of the choices

b. it can be something to brag about to others.

c. it helps in reducing losses that may result from a disaster event.

d. it is none of other people's business.

Question 8

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Question text

True or False: A school health program is ideally coordinated and organized.

Select one:



Question 9

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Flag question

Question text

Which of the following must be kept in mind when giving first aid to an individual with a fractured bone?
Select one:

a. immobilize the injured area

b. all of the choices

c. apply pressure to the wound if there is any

d. apply ice packs if there is swelling

Question 10

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Flag question

Question text

True or False: School emergencies only take place within the school, so families and communities should
not get involved.

Select one:



Question 11

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Flag question

Question text

Which of the following must be practiced in order for people to learn how to respond to emergencies

Select one:

a. Hazards

b. Disaster Management

c. First Aid
d. Disaster Recovery

Question 12

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Flag question

Question text

Which of the following is a component of a coordinated school health program?

Select one:

a. health education

b. physical education

c. all of the choices

d. ensuring a safe environment for students

Question 13

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Question text

True or False: Food poisoning is often caused by consumption of contaminated food or drink.

Select one:



Question 14

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Question text

Which of the following is not a proper way to behave while in the gym or training area?

Select one:

a. remaining alert while in the training area

b. returning all of the equipment in their proper area after use.

c. using cellphones while working out

d. practicing good form in exercise

Question 15

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Question text

True or False: Part of school's effort in injury prevention is providing knowledge on basic first aid.

Select one:



[ɑ] knowledge M

Question 16

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Question text

Which of the following is ideal for small wounds and grazes?

Select one:

a. sling
b. plasters

c. roller bandages

d. triangular bandages

Question 17

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Question text

True or False: Unintentional injuries are a result of violence.

Select one:



Question 18

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Question text

True or False: Schools are required to be prepared when it comes to emergency situations.

Select one:



Question 19

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Question text

Which of the following is the best reason to avoid using cellphones while training?

Select one:

a. not putting all of your attention to your physical activities could lead to injuries.

b. it disturbs other people who were exercising as well

c. it is a distraction during physical activities

d. all of the choices

Question 20

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Flag question

Question text

Which of the following statements is true?

Select one:

a. You must be aware of the exercise area for each equipment.

b. Using phones while inside the gym is allowed.

c. If you're training on a track, keep in mind that the outer lane is for walking while the inner lane is for

d. You may wear jewelry while doing physical activities

Question 21

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Question text

Why is it so important to properly maintain fitness equipment and facilities?

Select one:
a. it helps ensure safety

b. it helps lengthen the equipments' life

c. it is cost-effective

d. all of the choices

Question 22

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Question text

True or False: You have sustained an unintentional injury if it was caused by oneself.

Select one:



Question 23

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Question text

Which of the following is affected by community emergencies?

Select one:

a. families

b. all of the choices

c. government officials

d. soldiers

Question 24
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Question text

True or False: Injuries caused by a parasuicide attempt is a form of unintentional injury.

Select one:



Question 25

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Question text

Lack of proper maintenance could lead to which of the following?

Select one:

a. longer lifespan for your equipment

b. cleaner equipment

c. all of the choices are correct

d. shorter lifespan for your equipment

Question 26

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Question text

True or False: In order to avoid accidents such as choking, it is best to keep small toys and objects away
from children's reach.
Select one:



Question 27

Not yet answered

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Flag question

Question text

When stocking up on disaster supply kit, which of the following is the least necessary?

Select one:

a. towels

b. toilet paper

c. fire extinguisher

d. eyebrow pencil

Question 28

Not yet answered

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Flag question

Question text

True or False: Injuries sustained from an assault is a form of unintentional injury.

Select one:



It is the significant and timely event that might happen anytime soon in Metro Manila.
Emergency drills such as "duck-cover-hold" have been conducted in schools and offices.
Question 29

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Question text

True or False: Community emergencies is not everyone's business.

Select one:



Question 30

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Which of the following is true about triangular bandages?

Select one:

a. all of the choices

b. it can be used to apply pressure to an injury

c. it can be used for treating large wounds

d. it can be used as sling

Which of the following can be used to treat wounds?

all of the choices

If you have a sprain, what does your body experience?

your ligaments were either teared or overstretched

Blackmail is an example of which of the following?

People are more likely to change their lifestyle if they are:

aware of susceptibility to health problems as well as the benefits of a healthy lifestyle

Which of the following is designed to monitor children's eating activity at home and at school?


True or False: Domestic violence can be in the form of physical assault as well as sexual or verbal


True or False: Peer pressure can lead some children to join gangs, most of which are often involved
in gang wars.


True or False: Community emergencies affects everyone.


If you are using the Borg Rating Scale to assess your physical activity, 6 means:

"no exertion at all"

True or False: When treating a fracture, it is best to move the injured individual.


When it comes to organizing health and fitness-related events, what is the main duty of the
fundraising team?

to seek funding for the event

What is the purpose of Target Heart Rate?

To determine if a person's heart is within the target zone during physical activity

SOFIT stands for which of the following?

System for Observing Fitness Instruction Time

What is the first thing to do when treating a burn?

Clean the injury with gentle soap and cool water

Determine which of the following values in fitness activities is being indicated: It teaches an
individual to plan things ahead and know the consequences of his or her act.

Earnestness and sincerity

Which of the following is a method that can lessen the risk of a choking accident among children?

keep small objects away from children's reach

Where is the ideal place to treat a fracture?


Complete the following statement: Success is a _______, which is a direct result of ______ in
knowing that you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming.

peace of mind; self-satisfaction

When it comes to fractures, what should be applied to the injury if there is swelling?

ice pack

The following are strategies which can help keep you safe during emergencies, except:

Staying at home even when there is a declaration of emergency evacuation during disasters

Which of the following is not among the guidelines in using fitness equipment and facilities properly?

use all of the equipment - even those which you don't know how to use yet

True or False: Disaster preparedness is the government's business alone.


Which of the following is not an example of subjective method?


What does a victim often feel when he or she was being stalked?


True or False: Disaster Recovery refers to the planned and coordinated process of supporting
disaster affected communities in reconstruction of the environment, physical infrastructure and
restoration of emotional, social, economics and physical welfare of the population.


If you are planning to run on a track while training, which lane should you go?

outer lane

What does Accelerometry assess?

Acceleration of the body in certain directions

Which of the following is not affected by community emergencies?

none of the choices

Which is not essentially included in a disaster supply kit?

MAC lipstick

If you are using the Metabolic Equivalent Level to assess physical activity, a measurement of over 6
METS means:

that the person is doing a Vigorous Intensity Activity

SOPLAY stands for which of the following?

System for Observing Play and Leisure Activity in Youth

Which of the following statements is true?

Domestic violence can have long term effects.

Plasters are best for which of the following injuries?

small cuts and grazes

Which of the following is a characteristic of a school health program?

all of the choices

How does team spirit affect individuals during physical actvities?

It lets them work selflessly towards a common goal as a group

Which of the following is not essential in an organized event?

None of the choices

When it comes to methods for assessing physical activities, Direct Observation is useful for which of
the following?


The following are components of a coordinated school health program except:


What should you avoid while training in the gym?

all of the choices

True or False: When it comes to fitness training, only use equipment that you already know how to

True or False: Lecturing the youth on the proper use of equipment is not part of the components
needed for a coordinated school health program.


Determine which fitness activity values is being referred to: It lets people to selflessly work towards a
common goal as a member of a team.

Team spirit

True or False: People do not have to practice disaster management if there are capable rescue
teams around.


True or False: Freak accidents may occur if the fitness equipment are not properly handled.


What is the purpose of maintaining fitness equipment and facilities?

all of the choices

True or False: Covering a burn wound with bandage or clean cloth will help prevent infection.


Which of the following is not a does not cause intentional injury?

no correct answer

Which of the following is part of the first aid measures to be taken when someone has been cut?

Applying sterile bandage or plaster after cleaning the wound

What must be included in your disaster supply kit?

Personal sanitary items

UCSP-111 / ►Week 11: Cultural, Social and Political Institutio... / ►Learning Activity 8
Banks and Corporations are irrelevant to the economic structure of the society.
The correct answer is: false
Both state and non-state institutions are essential to the development of the society.
The correct answer is: true
Trade unions help regulate the working relationship between the unions and the employers.
The correct answer is: true
The main duty of a bank it so provide a safe place for people to save excess cash, known as
The correct answer is: true
Cooperatives and Trade Unions are directly involved with economic systems of production and
distribution in the society.
The correct answer is: true
Trade unions and cooperatives are established to maintain the welfare of the workers and the
The correct answer is: true
An institution that is not under the control of the State.
The correct answer is: Non-state institution
A legal entity established under the state law and is designed to generate a profit.
The correct answer is: corporation

UCSP-111 / ►Week 11: Cultural, Social and Political Institutio... / ►Short Quiz 8
An institution that is within the control of the State.
The correct answer is: state institution
Cooperatives and Trade Unions are directly involved with economic systems of production and
distribution in the society.
The correct answer is: true
Banks primarily create profit by lending a portion of the deposited money to corporations.
The correct answer is: true
The main duty of a bank it so provide a safe place for people to save excess cash, known as
The correct answer is: deposit
Corporations are an essential driving force for the economy of a state.
The correct answer is: true
Non-state institutions are not essential to the development of the society.
The correct answer is: false
Refers to an institution that is not under the control of the government or by the State.
The correct answer is: Non-state Institution
Banks and Corporations are important to the economic structure of the state.
The correct answer is: true
Banks are only for storing money and assets.
The correct answer is: false
The separation of Church and State allowed people in many different countries to practice religious
freedom without government interference.
The correct answer is: true
These provide a safe place to save excess cash, known as deposits.
The correct answer is: Banks
These are legal entities which are established under state law that are designed to generate a profit.
The correct answer is: corporations
UCSP-111 / ►Week 12: Cultural, Social and Political Institutio... / ►Learning Activity 9
Education begins in grade school.
The correct answer is: false
With non-formal education, there is generally no control over the performed activities nor does it
necessarily regard the providing of degrees or diplomas.
The correct answer is: false
Distance learning is different from correspondence learning, in a way that the student is at a distance
from the teacher for much, most or even all the time, during the teaching-learning process.
The correct answer is: true
Non-formal education comes with a rigid curriculum.
The correct answer is: false
Non-formal education tends to adapt to the interest and work pace of the students.
The correct answer is: true
Education that does not correspond to an organized and systematic view.
The correct answer is: informal education
A planned, systematized and individualized learning system that allows students to proceed at their
own pace, according to their interests.
The correct answer is: correspondence learning
UCSP-111 / ►Week 12: Cultural, Social and Political Institutio... / ►Short Quiz 9
A type of education that is systematized and classroom-based, provided by trained teachers.
The correct answer is: formal education
One of the global issues which are affecting the progress of the society.
The correct answer is: Mass illiteracy
Refers to education that does not correspond to an organized and systematic view.
The correct answer is: Informal education
A planned, systematized, and individualized learning system that allows students to proceed at their
own pace, according to their interests.
The correct answer is: correspondence learning
With informal education, there is generally no control over the performed activities nor does it
necessarily regard the providing of degrees or diplomas.
The correct answer is: true
Informal education tends to adapt to the interest and work pace of the students.
The correct answer is: false
Education that does not correspond to an organized and systematic view.
The correct answer is: informal education
Refers to an education process which has a more flexible curricula and methodology compared to
formal education.
The correct answer is: non-formal education
Non-formal education comes with a more flexible curricula and methodology compared to formal
The correct answer is: true
Distance learning is different from correspondence learning, in a way that the student is at a distance
from the teacher for much, most or even all the time, during the teaching-learning process.
The correct answer is: true
Learning as those which offer students a measure of flexibility and autonomy, to study the
programmes of their choice when and where they wish, and at a pace to suit their circumatances.
The correct answer is: Open Systems
It is the need for personal growth and development that exists throughout a the life of a person.
The correct answer is: self-actualization

UCSP-111 / ►Week 13: Long Test / ►Long Quiz 3

Correspondence learning is a planned, systematized, and individualized learning system that allows
students to pro ceed at their own pace, according to their interests.
The correct answer is: True
Realization is the need for personal growth and development that exists throughout a the life of a
The correct answer is: False
According to the sociologist Karl Marx, religion is something that the elites of the society use in order
to keep a hold on the working and lower classes.
The correct answer is: True
A belief in numerous personalized, supernatural beings endowed with reason, intelligence, and/or
The correct answer is: Animism
An education process that has a more flexible curricula and methodology compared to
formal education. Non-Formal Education
The smallest type of political organization, it is usually a small group connected by family ties and is
politically independent.
The correct answer is: band
The idea in which the king was the divine representative of a god on earth.
The correct answer is: divine kingship
It refers to religious belief in the existence of one god, or the oneness of God.
The correct answer is: Monotheism
The concept of right to issue and force a command by means of coercive power.
The correct answer is: authority
The belief in multiple gods or goddesses.
The correct answer is: Polytheism
According to Holmberg, it refers to learning supported by those teaching methods in which, because
of the physical separateness of learners and teachers, the interactive, as well as the preactive phase
of teaching is conducted through print, mechanical or electronic devices.
The correct answer is: Distance Learning
According to Durkheim, a religion is a conviction or ideal that an individual or groups accepts as real
or true, regardless of the lack of verifiable evidence.
The correct answer is: False
It refers to the popular acceptance of a government, or any system of authority.
The correct answer is: Legitimacy
The following societies follow Polytheist beliefs except for one.
The correct answer is: Islamic nations
A form of government in which a country is ruled by ecclesiastical authorities.
The correct answer is: theocracy
It is an institution that is within the control of the State.
The correct answer is: State institution
According to him, animist thought serves as a starting point for human religious development.
The correct answer is: Sir Edward Burnett Taylor
The rising literacy rate is of the global issues which are affecting the progress of the society.
The correct answer is: False
A type of religious group that is distinguished by having broken away from a larger organization,
usually a church .
The correct answer is: Sect
According to him, the dominance of religion is part of the theological phase of the development of
The correct answer is: August Comte
refers to any organization that is involved in the political process.
The correct answer is: political organization
It refers to authority made legitimate by a leader whose mission and vision inspires others.
The correct answer is: Charismatic authority
It is an institution is defined as a unified system of beliefs and practices related to sacred things, that
is to say, things set apart and forbidden-beliefs and practices which unite into one single moral
The correct answer is: religion
Formal education is classroom-based and provided by trained teachers.
The correct answer is: True
It refers to an institution that is not under the control of the government or by the State.
The correct answer is: Non-State institution
To most thinkers, Animism is not a form of religion, but rather an explanation of a phenomena.
The correct answer is: True
It refers to education that does not correspond to an organized and systematic view.
The correct answer is: Informal education
The religious doctrine held by the Catholics brought about specific economic behaviior that created
early merchant capitalism.
The correct answer is: False
Legal entities which are established under state law that are designed to generate a profit.
The correct answer is: Corporations
Latin word meaning to declare, or lawful.
The correct answer is: legitimare
He believes that religion is essential for economic development, as observed among predominantly
Protestant Christian societies.
The correct answer is: Max Weber
UCSP-111 / ►Week 14: Cultural, Social and Political Institutio... / ►Learning Activity 10
According to Weber, religion is a unified system of beliefs and practices related to sacred things, that
is to say, things set apart and forbidden, beliefs and practices which unite into one single morel
The correct answer is: false
According to Marx, abolition of religion is a part of the socialist revolution which would pave way to
The correct answer is: true
Karl Marx believes that religion is something that the elite of the society use in order to keep a hold
on the working and lower classes.
The correct answer is: true
proposed the secularization theory.
The correct answer is: August Comte
It is an institution that involves a set of beliefs and practice of a particular social group.
The correct answer is: religion
The church of a particular religion may be supported by the majority of the society.
The correct answer is: true
A conviction or ideal accepted as real or true, regardless of the lack of verifiable evidence.
The correct answer is: belief
Accodring to Durkheim, religion is essential to social cohesion and solidarity.
The correct answer is: true
UCSP-111 / ►Week 14: Cultural, Social and Political Institutio... / ►Short Quiz 10
It refers to a type of religious group that is distinguished by having broken away from a larger
organization, usually a church.
The correct answer is: sect
The sociologist who proposed the secularization theory.
The correct answer is: August Comte
Gives the citizens the freedom to worship without interference from the government.
The correct answer is: First Amendment
The belief in multiple gods or divinities.
The correct answer is: Polytheism
It refers to a conviction or ideal of an individual or groups accepts as real or true, regardless of the
lack of verifiable evidence.
The correct answer is: belief
A belief in numerous personalized, supernatural beings endowed with reason, intelligence, and/or
The correct answer is: Animism
A form of government in which a country is ruled by ecclesiastical authorities.
The correct answer is: theocracy
An institution is defined by Durkheim as a unified system of beliefs and practices related to sacred
things, that is to say, things set apart and forbidden - beliefs and practices which unite into one
single moral community.
The correct answer is: religion
According to him, animist thought serves as a starting point for human religious development.
The correct answer is: Sir Edward Burnett Tylor
It refers to religious groups that seek to establish a systm for actively believing in and engaging God.
The correct answer is: Institutionalized religion
It refers to religious belief in the existence of one god, or the oneness of God.
The correct answer is: Monotheism
UCSP-111 / ►Week 15: Cultural, Social and Political Institutio... / ►Learning Activity 11
It is a health system that is beyond the scope of conventional science.
The correct answer is: alternative health system
A state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or
The correct answer is: health
True or False: Avoid monopolizing the equipment when training in the gym. True
Neuropathy is an example of an alternative health system.
The correct answer is: true
The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every
human being regardless of race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition.
The correct answer is: true
The right to health is an human right exclusive to those who can afford to pay hospital bills.
The correct answer is: false
Folk illnesses affect a specific ethnic group or society.
The correct answer is: true
Also called folk illness, it is a combination of symptoms that are considered to be a recognizable
disease only within a specific society or culture.
The correct answer is: culture-specific syndrome
It is a health system that is based on science and the skills of health workers standardized and
learned from health sciences schools.
The correct answer is: Western health system
UCSP-111 / ►Week 15: Cultural, Social and Political Institutio... / ►Short Quiz 11
The right to health is an inclusive human right.
The correct answer is: true
The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of
humans who are financially superior to others.
The correct answer is: false
It is defined as a number of practices which are beyond the scope of conventional medicine.
The correct answer is: alternative health system
Culture-specific syndrome is also known as
The correct answer is: folk illness
A type of health system that is based on science and the skills of health workers.
The correct answer is: Western health system
Folk illnesses affect a specific ethnic group or society.
The correct answer is: true
It refers to a combination of symptoms that are considered to be a recognizable disease only within
a specific society or culture.
The correct answer is: culture-specific syndrome
It refers to healthcare beliefs and practices that have been established by indigenous people in
developing nations.
The correct answer is: Traditional health system
A state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or
The correct answer is: health
Traditional health systems often makes use of herbs.
The correct answer is: true
Neuropathy is an example of an alternative health system.
The correct answer is: true
The right to health includes the right to be free from non-consensual medical treatment such as
medical experiments or forced sterilization.
The correct answer is: true

UCSP-111 / ►Week 16: Social Stratification / ►Learning Activity 12

This theoretical perspective examines stratification from a micro level perspective.
The correct answer is: symbolic interactionism
The division of large social groups into smaller groups based on categories determined by
The correct answer is: social stratification
The proletariat are the ones that experience more hardships.
The correct answer is: true
Social stratification is not related to social standing.
The correct answer is: false
An extreme form of social inequality in which some individuals are owned by others as their property.
The correct answer is: slavery system
The society is a hierarchy of individuals with varying access to or control over basic economic
The correct answer is: true
It refers to the upper class, who gain wealth through the profits from their businesses.
The correct answer is: bourgeois
A stratification system that is based on the ownership of resources and the occupation or
profession of an individual. Formal Education

UCSP-111 / ►Week 16: Social Stratification / ►Short Quiz 12

An extreme form of social inequality in which some individuals are owned by others as their property.
The correct answer is: slavery system
A theoretical perspective that examines how various aspects of society contribute to ensuring its
stability and continued function.
The correct answer is: Functionalism
Focus on the role of governments in fostering economic development.
The correct answer is: state-centered theories
A theory that focuses on the relationship among the core, peripheral, and semi-peripheral countries
in the global economy.
The correct answer is: world-systems theory
A system that promotes belief in fate, destiny, and the will of a higher spiritual power rather than the
promotion of of individual freedom, socializing people to accept their social standing.
The correct answer is: Caste system
It refers to the division of large social groups into smaller groups based on categories determined by
The correct answer is: social stratification
The respect or admiration that comes from success, achievement, rank, or other favorable attributes.
The correct answer is: prestige
It refers to the stratification system that is determined by personal effort and merit.
The correct answer is: Meritocracy
Theories that claim that global poverty is caused by the exploitation of poor countries by the wealthy
The correct answer is: Dependency theories
A system of stratification that was associated with Feudalism.
The correct answer is: estate system
These are social mobility systems that impose rigid boundaries between social groups and limit
interactions among members who belong to different social groups or occupy different levels in the
social hierarchy.
The correct answer is: closed systems
characterized by unequal opportunities and rewards for different social classes in a society.
The correct answer is: social inequality
A theoretical perspective that examines stratification from a micro level perspective.
The correct answer is: Symbolic Interactionism
It is the feeling of affinity or loyalty towards a particular population, cultural group, or territorial area.
The correct answer is: ethnicity
Are systems of social stratification that are based on achievement, allowing more flexibility in social
roles, increased social mobility, and better interaction among social groups and classes.
The correct answer is: open systems
UCSP-111 / ►Week 17: Long Test / ►Long Quiz 4
The respect and admiration that comes from success, achievement, rank, or other favorable
The correct answer is: prestige
This term refers to a type of religious group that is distinguished by having broken away from a
larger organization.
The correct answer is: Sect

It refers to a combination of symptoms that are considered to be a recognizable disease only within
a specific soc iety or culture.
The correct answer is: culture-specific syndrome
A process that takes place when two social groups or classes are so different that a compromise
between them is im possible.
The correct answer is: social contradiction
Are systems of social stratification that are based on achievement, allowing more flexibility in social
roles, inc reased social mobility, and better interaction among social groups and classes.
The correct answer is: open systems
It refers to transformations that alter the roles and status of people as well as the structure and
organization of society and its institutions.
The correct answer is: social change
The theoretical perspective that examines how various aspects of society contribute to ensuring its
stability and continued function.
The correct answer is: Functionalism
A theoretical perspective based on the ideas of Karl Marx, in which inequalities brought about by
social stratific ation lead to conflict among social classes.
The correct answer is: conflict theory
Which of the following is true about slavery system?
The correct answer is: It is an extreme form of social inequality wherein individuals can be owned by
others as their property.
These theories claim that global poverty is caused by the exploitation of poor countries by the
wealthy ones.
The correct answer is: Dependency theories
It is the feeling of affinity or loyalty towards a particular population, cultural group, or territorial area.
The correct answer is: ethnicity
The spread of certain elements from one group to another in society.
The correct answer is: diffusion
August Comte was the one who proposed the secularization theory.
The correct answer is: True
It takes place when there is a significant disruption that leads to the alteration in the way power and
authority are exercised in a state.
The correct answer is: political change
Which of the following is true about class system?
The correct answer is: It is based on the ownership of resources as well as the occupation or
profession of an individual.
It is a theory that focuses on the relationship among the core, peripheral, and semi-peripheral
countries in the g lobal economy.
The correct answer is: world-systems theory
It refers to the stratification system that is determined by personal effort and merit.
The correct answer is: Meritocracy
A type of health system that is based on science and the skills of health workers.
The correct answer is: Western health system
Functionalism is a theoretical perspective that examines how various aspects of society contribute to
ensuring its stability and continued function.
The correct answer is: True
It refers to the division of large social groups into smaller groups based on categories determined by
The correct answer is: social stratification
Defined as the legal state of being vested with the rights, privileges, and duties of a citizen.
The correct answer is: citizenship
Sex refers to the culturally-imposed characteristics which define masculinity or femininity.
The correct answer is: false
The dynamic process in which the living cultures of the world change and adapt to external or
internal forces.
The correct answer is: cultural change
Which of the following is true about estate system?
The correct answer is: It is associated with Feudalism.
Social conflict is characterized by unequal opportunities and rewards for different social classes in a
The correct answer is: false
Closed mobility systems limit interactions among members who belong to different social groups.
The correct answer is: True
Theories that focus on the role of governments in fostering economic development.
The correct answer is: state-centered theories
It is the belief in numerous personalized, supernatural beings endowed with reason, intelligence,
and/or volition, that inhabit both objects and living beings and govern their existences.
The correct answer is: animism
Caste system is an example of
The correct answer is: closed system
It refers to the process of introducing new ideas, things, and methods in society leading to social
The correct answer is: innovation 143
The process in which the individual or group fully adopts another culture, often leading to the loss of
their nati ve culture.
The correct answer is: assimilation
Traditional health systems are healthcare beliefs and practices that have been established by
indigenous people in developing nations.
The correct answer is: True

SHS-GR11-1S / ► UCSP-111 / ► Week 18: Social, Cultural, and Political

Changes / ► Learning Activity 5/5

Question 1

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social c
Answer Defined by Robert MacIver and Charles Page as the transformations that alter the
roles and status of people as well as the structure and organization of society and its institutions.

Question 2

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Answer The spread of certain elements from one group to another in society.

Question 3

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Answer The process in which individuals and groups learn aspects of a culture that is not
their own.

Question 4

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Innovation leads to social changes when new ideas begin to spread throughout a society through
Select one:
a. true
b. false

Question 5

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Social change was also brought by the spread of new ideas, ideologies and views.
Select one:
a. false
b. true
SHS-GR11-1S / ► UCSP-111 / ► Week 18: Social, Cultural, and Political
Changes / ► Short Quiz 13


Question 1

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Answer Refers to the dynamic process in which the living cultures of the world change
and adapt to external or internal forces.

Question 2

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Answer It is defined as the change in the patterns of temperature, precipitation, humidity,
wind, and seasons all over the world.

Question 3

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Answer According to Theda Skocpol, it is a rapid and basic transformation of the State,
as well as the class structures, that are accompanies and in part carried through by class-based
revolts from below.

Question 4

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Answer The spread of certain elements from one group to another in society.

Question 5

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Answer It results in the change of government, but does not alter other aspects of society.

Question 6

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Answer It takes place when there is a significant disruption that leads to the alteration in
the way power and authority are exercised in a state.

Question 7

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Answer The process of introducing new ideas, things, and methods in society leading to
social change.

Question 8

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Answer Defined as the legal state of being vested with he rights, privileges, and duties of
a citizen.

Question 9
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Question text

Answer The process in which the individual or group fully adopts another culture, often
leading to the loss of their native culture.

Question 10

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Question text

Answer It leads to a large scale change in the society.
UCSP-111 / ►Week 19: Long Test / ►Long Quiz 5
The process in which the individual or group fully adopts another culture, often leading to the loss of
their nati ve culture.
The correct answer is: assimilation
A type of health system that is based on science and the skills of health workers.
The correct answer is: Western health system
The theoretical perspective that examines how various aspects of society contribute to ensuring its
stability and continued function.
The correct answer is: Functionalism
It takes place when there is a significant disruption that leads to the alteration in the way power and
authority are exercised in a state.
The correct answer is: political change
It is the belief in numerous personalized, supernatural beings endowed with reason, intelligence,
and/or volition, that inhabit both objects and living beings and govern their existences.
The correct answer is: animism
A process that takes place when two social groups or classes are so different that a compromise
between them is im possible.
The correct answer is: social contradiction
Are systems of social stratification that are based on achievement, allowing more flexibility in social
roles, inc reased social mobility, and better interaction among social groups and classes.
The correct answer is: open systems
It refers to the division of large social groups into smaller groups based on categories determined by
The correct answer is: social stratification
It refers to the process of introducing new ideas, things, and methods in society leading to social
The correct answer is: innovation 143
It is a theory that focuses on the relationship among the core, peripheral, and semi-peripheral
countries in the g lobal economy.
The correct answer is: world-systems theory
Defined as the legal state of being vested with the rights, privileges, and duties of a citizen.
The correct answer is: citizenship
Which of the following is true about slavery system?
The correct answer is: It is an extreme form of social inequality wherein individuals can be owned by
others as their property.
This term refers to a type of religious group that is distinguished by having broken away from a
larger organization.
The correct answer is: Sect
Which of the following is true about estate system?
The correct answer is: It is associated with Feudalism.
A theoretical perspective based on the ideas of Karl Marx, in which inequalities brought about by
social stratific ation lead to conflict among social classes.
The correct answer is: conflict theory
Social conflict is characterized by unequal opportunities and rewards for different social classes in a
The correct answer is: false
Traditional health systems are healthcare beliefs and practices that have been established by
indigenous people in developing nations.
The correct answer is: True
Caste system is an example of
The correct answer is: closed system
It refers to transformations that alter the roles and status of people as well as the structure and
organization of society and its institutions.
The correct answer is: social change
It refers to a combination of symptoms that are considered to be a recognizable disease only within
a specific soc iety or culture.
The correct answer is: culture-specific syndrome
August Comte was the one who proposed the secularization theory.
The correct answer is: True
Sex refers to the culturally-imposed characteristics which define masculinity or femininity.
The correct answer is: false
It is the feeling of affinity or loyalty towards a particular population, cultural group, or territorial area.
The correct answer is: ethnicity
The spread of certain elements from one group to another in society.
The correct answer is: diffusion
Which of the following is true about class system?
The correct answer is: It is based on the ownership of resources as well as the occupation or
profession of an individual.
Closed mobility systems limit interactions among members who belong to different social groups.
The correct answer is: True
The dynamic process in which the living cultures of the world change and adapt to external or
internal forces.
The correct answer is: cultural change
The respect and admiration that comes from success, achievement, rank, or other favorable
The correct answer is: prestige
These theories claim that global poverty is caused by the exploitation of poor countries by the
wealthy ones.
The correct answer is: Dependency theories
Theories that focus on the role of governments in fostering economic development.
The correct answer is: state-centered theories
It refers to the stratification system that is determined by personal effort and merit.
The correct answer is: Meritocracy
A type of health system that is based on science and the skills of health workers.

Western health system

Traditional health systems are healthcare beliefs and practices that have been established by
indigenous people in developing nations.


It refers to the interdependence of parts in groups within in our society today.

Social organization

The sociologist Max Weber believes that religion is something that the upper class of the society use
in order to a hold on the working and lower classes.


It refers to a combination of symptoms that are considered to be a recognizable disease only within
a specific soc iety or culture.

culture-specific syndrome
According to August Comte, the dominance of religion is not a part of the theological phase of the
development of society.


The idea in which the king was the divine representative of a god on earth.


It refers to the division of large social groups into smaller groups based on categories determined by

social stratification

A theoretical perspective based on the ideas of Karl Marx, in which inequalities brought about by
social stratific ation lead to conflict among social classes.

conflict theory

It is the feeling of affinity or loyalty towards a particular population, cultural group, or territorial area.


The religious doctrine held by the Calvinists brought about specific economic behavior that created
early merchant capitalism.


Theories that focus on the role of governments in fostering economic development.

state-centered theories

Defined as the legal state of being vested with the rights, privileges, and duties of a citizen


Which of the following is NOT TRUE about family?

Sociologists do not recognize the significance of families in providing their memberswith

valuable resources, both economic and noneconomic.

Caste system is an example of a closed system.


Class system promotes belief in fate, destiny, and the will of a higher spiritual power rather than
promoton of individual freedom.


Refers to the act of coordinating various factors of production---land, labor, and capital.

Economic Organization
Social conflict is characterized by unequal opportunities and rewards for different social classes in a


It takes place when there is a significant disruption that leads to the alteration in the way power and
authority are exercised in a state.

Political change

It is a theoretical perspective that examines how various aspects of society contribute to ensuring its
stability and continued function.


It refers to the stratification system that is determined by personal effort and merit.


Banks primarily create profit by lending a portion of the deposited money to corporations.


The church of a particular religion may be supported by the majority of the society.


An organization similar with Joint Stock Company, except that its profits are distributed according to
the value of the purchases.s

Cooperative Organization

Accodring to Marx, religion is essential to social cohesion and solidarity.


A planned, systematized and individualized learning system that allows students to proceed at their
own pace, according to their interests.

Correspondence learning

A view believing that marginalized groups and individuals should be empowered and included in the
political process.

inclusive citizenship

A process that takes place when two social groups or classes are so different that a compromise
between them is im possible.

social contradiction
Revolution, according to Theda Skocpol, is a rapid and basic transformation of the State, as well as
the class structures, that are accompanies and in part carried through by class-based revolts from


What is the technique used to create changes in genes? Mutagenesis

The 5' end of the DNA strand is a hydroxyl. True

Bile is stored and concentrated where? Liver

Bacteria in the large intestine can produce folic acid. True

Amylase hydrolyzes starch. True

The tip of a root is covered by a Root Cap

Osmosis occurs when these ions are pumped out of the lumen. Sodium

These are stages in digestion, except Transport

The movement of people from one place to another for the purposes of temporary or permanent


These are systems of social stratification that are based on achievement, allowing more flexibility in
social roles, inc reased social mobility, and better interaction among social groups and classes.

open systems

It refers to the respect and admiration that comes from success, achievement, rank, or other
favorable attributes


Gender refers to the culturally-imposed characteristics which define masculinity or femininity.


The process in which the individual or group fully adopts another culture, often leading to the loss of
their native culture.


The spread of certain elements from one group to another in society.


Refers to the theory, policy, or practice of lessening or reducing inequalities in income.


Movement of people wihtin their country, such as moving from one city to another

Internal migration

Takes place when there is an order placed by an insider to buy or sell restricted securities from
within a the own treasury of the company.

Close-Market Transactions

To most thinkers, Animism is not a form of religion, but rather an explanation of a phenomena


The dynamic process in which the living cultures of the world change and adapt to external or
internal forces.

cultural change

Estate system is associated with Feudalism.


Max Weber believes that religion is essential for economic development, as observed among
predominantly Protestant Christian societies.


Open mobility systems limit interactions among members who belong to different social groups.


It is the oldest form of business organization. Examples are small-scale businesses.

Sole Proprietorship

It refers to transformations that alter the roles and status of people as well as the structure and
organization of society and its institutions.

social change

It is a theory that focuses on the relationship among the core, peripheral, and semi-peripheral
countries in the g lobal economy.

world-systems theory

A legal entity established under the state law and is designed to generate a profit.

It is education that does not correspond to an organized and systematic view.

Informal education

Cooperatives and Trade Unions are directly involved with economic systems of production and
distribution in the society.


According to Lawrence Kohlberg, the moral development _______

is a continual process that occurs throughout our lifespan.

SHS-GR11-1S / ► PHIL-121 / ► Week 15: Long Quiz 3 / ► Long Quiz 3


Question 1

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Question text

It is grounded in the idea that everything in the world can actually be reduced analytically to its
fundamental physical, or material, basis.
Select one:
a. reductive physicalism
b. logical determinism
c. omniscience

Question 2

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Question text

Which of these fields of study does not entail the use of the term "intersubjectivity?"
Select one:
a. psychology
b. biology
c. anthropology
d. none of the choices

Question 3

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Question text

Edith Stein's doctoral dissertation which served as an extended basis of intersubjectivity.

Select one:
a. "On the Problem of Empathy"
b. none of the choices
c. "Cartesian Meditations"
d. both of the choices

Question 4

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Question text
This book by Voltaire claimed that "Liberty then is only and can be only the power to do what
one will."
Select one:
a. Cartesian Meditations
b. Dictionaire philosophique
c. On the Freedom of the Will

Question 5

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Question text

Martin Heidegger, in "Being in Time," referred to this as something that shows itself in itself.
Select one:
a. incongruence
b. none of the choices
c. appearance
d. phenomenon
Question 7
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Question text
The organization behind "Global Disability Action Plan 2014-2021" which intends to help countries direct
their efforts towards specific actions in order to address health concerns of persons with disabilities.

Select one:


b. WHO


Question 8
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Question text
He is the founder of phenomenology.

Select one:

a. Jurgen Habermas

b. Edmund Husserl
c. Alex Gillepsie

d. none of the choices

Question 9
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Question text
Rule consequentialism exists in these forms, except for...

Select one:

a. none of the choices

b. egoism

c. human thinking

d. utilitarianism

Question 10
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Question text
His research suggests that as babies, humans are biologically wired to “coordinate their actions with

Select one:
a. Colwyn Trevarthen

b. Edmund Husserl

c. none of the choices

d. Jurgen Habermas

Question 11
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Question text
Daniel Stern developed this to focus on research on the non-verbal communication of infants, young
children, and their parents.

Select one:

a. universalism

b. none of the choices

c. relational psychoanalysis

d. dialogism

SHS-GR11-1S / ► PHIL-121 / ► Week 16: Human Person in Society (Part 1) /

► Learning Activity 12


Question 1

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Question text

It refers to the view that only reason is the chief source and test of knowledge.
Select one:
a. rationalism
b. none of the choices
c. naturalism

Question 2

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Question text

The philosopher who considers our body as the source of endless trouble.
Select one:
a. none of the choices
b. Plato
c. Aristotle
d. Socrates

Question 3

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Question text

According to Socrates, the secret to this is in developing the capacity to enjoy less.
Select one:
a. contentment
b. any of the choices
c. intelligence
d. none of the choices
e. happiness

Question 4

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Question text

The author behind "The Question Concerning Technology"

Select one:
a. none of the choices
b. Martin Heidegger
c. John Locke
d. Immanuel Kant

Question 5

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Question text

Feudalism was considered a way of life during this period.

Select one:
a. Medieval
b. Dark Ages
c. Renaissance

SHS-GR11-1S / ► PHIL-121 / ► Week 16: Human Person in Society (Part 1) / ► Short

Quiz 12


SHS-GR11-1S / ► PHIL-121 / ► Week 17: Human Person in Society (Part 2) /

► Learning Activity 13

Question 1

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Question text

Which is a focal point of agrarianism?

Select one:
a. none of the choices is correct
b. both choices are correct
c. simple living
d. fundamental goods of the earth

Question 2

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Flag question

Question text

The author of "The Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ—Against the Fanatics" which
stated that the Eucharist was actually and not virtually the body of Christ.
Select one:
a. Henri Bergson
b. Denis Berthier
c. Martin Luther

Question 3

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Question text

It refers to a society driven by the use of technology to enable mass production, thus supporting a
large population.
Select one:
a. agrarian society
b. none of the choices
c. industrial society
d. virtual society

Question 4

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Question text

This period is considered the transition to agriculture.

Select one:
a. Medieval Ages
b. Green Revolution
c. None of the choices
d. Neolithic Revolution

Question 5

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Question text

The philosopher behind virtuality.

Select one:
a. Gilles Deleuze
b. Duns Scotus
c. none of the choices
d. Charles Sanders Peirce

SHS-GR11-1S / ► PHIL-121 / ► Week 17: Human Person in Society (Part 2) /

► Short Quiz 13


Question 1

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Question text

The philosopher behind Bergsonism

Select one:
a. Denis Bergson
b. Henri Bergson
c. Dennis Bergson
d. Howard Bergson

Question 2
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Question text

The term used to refer to an aspect of reality that is ideal yet real.
Select one:
a. virtual
b. technology
c. none of the choices
d. industrial

Question 3

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Question text

It is identified as a catalyst for the transition to post-modern society

Select one:
a. virtual technology
b. virtual reality
c. information technology
d. industrial technology

Question 4

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Question text

The exact name of the sacrament in the Roman Catholic Church involved in Martin Luther's "
The Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ—Against the Fanatics"
Select one:
a. Reconciliation
b. Holy Baptism
c. Anointing of the sick
d. Holy Eucharist

Question 5

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Question text

It concentrates on the fundamental goods of the earth, communities of more limited economic
and political scale than in modern society, and on simple living.
Select one:
a. none of the choices
b. agrarianism
c. agrarian reform
d. economics

Question 6

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Question text

The primary source of energy within agrarian societies

Select one:
a. plants
b. none of the choices
c. plant biomass
d. biofuel

Question 7

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Question text

Author of "Méditations sur le réel et le virtuel" which gave virtuality another core meaning
Select one:
a. Denis Berthier
b. none of the choices
c. either of the choices
d. Henri Bergson

Question 8

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Question text

It refers to a society driven by the use of technology to enable mass production, thus supporting a
large population.
Select one:
a. Technological Society
b. Virtual Society
c. Industrial Society
d. Agrarian Society

Question 9

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Question text

This is where horticulture and agriculture as types of subsistence developed among humans
somewhere between 10,000 and 8,000 years ago.
Select one:
a. Fertile Crescent
b. none of the choices
c. Fertile Sphere
d. Fertile Circle

Question 10

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Question text

Its focal points include simple living and fundamental goods of the earth.
Select one:
a. industrial society
b. virtual reality
c. rural society
d. agrarianism

SHS-GR11-1S / ► PHIL-121 / ► Week 18-19: Human Persons as Oriented

Towards thei... / ► Learning Activity 14


Question 1

Not yet answered

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Question text

The German philosopher who stated that one cannot fully live unless he confronts his own
Select one:
a. Albert Camus
b. Martin Heidegger
c. Soren Kierkegaard
d. None of the choices

Question 2
Not yet answered
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Question text

It refers to a controversial field which tries to find neural correlates and mechanisms of religious
Select one:
a. Neuroscience
b. any of the choices
c. Neurotheology
d. Absurdism

Question 3

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Question text

State of being conscious, and therefore alive, but completely paralyzed with the possible
exception of their eyes
Select one:
a. locked-out syndrome
b. locked-in syndrome
c. none of the choices
d. paralyzed

Question 4

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Question text

The state when the mind is in communion with universal and eternal ideas
Select one:
a. meditation
b. thinking
c. none of the choices
d. contemplation

Question 5

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Question text

An event that represents the permanent cessation of all biological functions that sustain a living
Select one:
a. deceasement
b. decaying
c. death
d. decomposition
e. absurd

SHS-GR11-1S / ► PHIL-121 / ► Week 18-19: Human Persons as Oriented

Towards thei... / ► Short Quiz 14

Question 1

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Question text

It is a philosophical school of thought stating that the efforts of humanity to find inherent
meaning will ultimately fail (and hence are absurd) because the sheer amount of information as
well as the vast realm of the unknown make total certainty impossible.
Select one:
a. Absurdism
b. Existentialism
c. Nihilism
d. None of the choices

Question 2

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Question text

It states that human meaning is derived from a fundamental fear of death, and values are selected
when they allow us to escape the mental reminder of death.
Select one:
a. Fear Management Theory
b. Neuroethics
c. Theory of Forms
d. Terror Management Theory

Question 3

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Question text

Another word for escaping existence.

Select one:
a. leap of faith
b. escapism
c. divorce
d. suicide

Question 4

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Question text

Albert Camus' chief work involving absurdism.

Select one:
a. The Myth of Sisyphus
b. The Stranger
c. Enigma
d. The Lyrical and Critical Essays of Albert Camus
Question 6

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Question text

He characterized nihilism as emptying the world, and especially human existence, of meaning,
purpose, comprehensible truth, and essential value
Select one:
a. Plato
b. Socrates
c. Friedrich Nietzsche
d. Antisthenes

Question 7

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Question text

Andrei Linde considered that just like space time, this might have its own intrinsic degrees of
freedom, and that one's perceptions may be as real as material objects.
Select one:
a. consciousness
b. paranormal phenomenon
c. spiritual experience
d. freedom
PHIL-121 / ►Week 20: Second Quarter Exam / ►Second Quarter Exam

The exact name of the sacrament in the Roman Catholic Church involved
in Martin Luther's " The Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ—
Against the Fanatics"

The correct answer is: Holy Eucharist

It refers to a society driven by the use of technology to enable mass

production, thus supporting a large population.

The correct answer is: Industrial Society

An event that represents the permanent cessation of all biological functions

that sustain a living organism

The correct answer is: death

It is the notion that all propositions, whether about the past, present, or
future, are either true or false.

The correct answer is: Logical determinism

This book by Voltaire claimed that "Liberty then is only and can be only the
power to do what one will."
The correct answer is: Dictionnaire philosophique

This refers to problems in body function or alterations in body structure,

such as paralysis or blindness.

The correct answer is: Impairment

The philosopher who considers our body as the source of endless trouble.

The correct answer is: Plato

This refers to the capacity to know everything that there is to know and is a
property often attributed to a creator deity.

The correct answer is: Omniscience

A concept in consequentialism where an action is morally right if and only if

it does not violate the set of rules of behavior whose general acceptance in
the community would have the best consequences.

The correct answer is: Rule consequentialism

An argument for consequentualism which states that actions are transient

things, soon gone forever.

The correct answer is: Only results remain

This is where horticulture and agriculture as types of subsistence

developed among humans somewhere between 10,000 and 8,000 years

The correct answer is: Fertile Crescent

The essay where Arthur Schopenhauer stated, "You can do what you will,
but in any given moment of your life you can will only one definite thing and
absolutely nothing other than that one thing.

The correct answer is: On the Freedom of the Will

The state when the mind is in communion with universal and eternal ideas

The correct answer is: contemplation

Persons with disabilities (PWDs), according the UN Convention on the
Rights of Persons With Disabilities, include those who have long-term
physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which?may hinder
their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with

The correct answer is 'True'.

This holds that the mind is a nonphysical substance, the seat of

consciousness and intelligence, and is not identical with physical states of
the brain or body.

The correct answer is: Cartesian dualism

The German philosopher who stated that one cannot fully live unless he
confronts his own mortality.

The correct answer is: Martin Heidegger

According to Gabriel Marcel, this refers to the "ultimate other self."

The correct answer is: God

The work of Edith Stein which served as an extended basis

of intersubjectivity.

The correct answer is: On the Problem of Empathy

Martin Heidegger, in "Being in Time," referred to this as something that

shows itself in itself.

The correct answer is: Phenomenon

The organization behind"Global Disability Action Plan 2014-2021" which

intends?to help countries direct their efforts towards specific actions in
order to address health concerns of persons with disabilities.

The correct answer is: World Health Organization

He posits that causality was a mental construct used to explain the

repeated association of events, and repeated association of events, and
that one must examine more closely the relation between things regularly
succeeding one another.

The correct answer is: David Hume

He suggested that no connection could be made between indeterminism of

nature and freedom of will.

The correct answer is: Niels Bohr

It concentrates on the fundamental goods of the earth, communities of

more limited economic and political scale than in modern society, and on
simple living.

The correct answer is: agrarianism

Which of these fields of study does not entail the use of the
term intersubjectivity?

The correct answer is: Biology??

This is concerned with people with developmental disabilities.

The correct answer is: Habilitation

This theory states that of any two things a person might do at any given
moment, one is better than another to the extent that its overall
consequences are better than the other's overall consequences.

The correct answer is: Plain scalar consequentialism

Its focal points include simple living and fundamental goods of the earth.

The correct answer is: agrarianism

This approach suggests that, instead of being individual or universal

thinkers, human beings subscribe to "thought communities"-communities of
differing beliefs.

The correct answer is: Intersubjectivity

Aside from the Supplemental Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), what is
the other program of the US federal government to assist persons with

The correct answer is: American Association of People with

Disabilities (AAPD)

The author of "The Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ—Against

the Fanatics" which stated that the Eucharist was actually and not virtually
the body of Christ.

The correct answer is: Martin Luther

The primary source of energy within agrarian societies

The correct answer is: plant biomass

According to Socrates, the secret to this is in developing the capacity to

enjoy less.

The correct answer is: happiness

The philosopher behind virtuality.

The correct answer is: Gilles Deleuze

Another term for state consequentalism

The correct answer is: Mohist Consequentialism

Per UNICEF, what is the maximum age for the so-called "children with

The correct answer is: 18

It refers to the capacity of a concept to be readily and accurately

communicated between different individuals and to be reproduced under
varying circumstances for the purposes of verification

The correct answer is: Intersubjective verifiability

Which is a focal point of agrarianism?

The correct answer is: both choices are correct

This period is considered the transition to agriculture.

The correct answer is: Neolithic Revolution

His research suggests that as babies, humans are biologically wired to

"coordinate their actions with others.

The correct answer is: Colwyn Trevarthen

Daniel Stern developed this to focus on research on the non-verbal

communication of infants, young children, and their parents.

The correct answer is: Relational psychoanalysis

It refers to a controversial field which tries to find neural correlates and

mechanisms of religious experience

The correct answer is: Neurotheology

He is the founder of phenomenology.

The correct answer is: Edmund Husserl

It is grounded in the idea that everything in the world can actually be

reduced analytically to its fundamental physical, or material, basis.

The correct answer is: Reductive physicalism

The Philippines' "Magna Carta for Disabled Persons" is also known as


The correct answer is: RA No. 7277

The Philippines' Department of Health implements Republic Act No. 7277,

also known as the "Magna Carta for Disabled Persons.?

The correct answer is 'True'.

The principle which claims that some non-physical mind, will, or soul
overrides physical causality.
The correct answer is: Interactionist Dualism

It is identified as a catalyst for the transition to post-modern society

The correct answer is: information technology

It refers to the view that only reason is the chief source and test of

The correct answer is: rationalism

One of the main architects of quantum theory who suggested that no

connection could be made between indeterminism of nature and freedom
of will.

The correct answer is: Niels Bohr

Author of "Méditations sur le réel et le virtuel" which gave virtuality another

core meaning

The correct answer is: Denis Berthier

The term used to refer to an aspect of reality that is ideal yet real.

The correct answer is: virtual

State of being conscious, and therefore alive, but completely paralyzed with
the possible exception of their eyes

The correct answer is: locked-in syndrome

He maintains that determinism is true because quantum phenomena are

not events or things that can be located in space and time, but are abstract

The correct answer is: Ted Honderich

In consequentialism, this consists of the action itself and everything it


The correct answer is: Consequences

The author behind "The Question Concerning Technology"

The correct answer is: Martin Heidegger

Feudalism was considered a way of life during this period.

The correct answer is: Medieval

It is the philosophy that all events of history, past, present and future, have
been decided or are known (by God, fate, or some other force), including
human actions.

The correct answer is: Predeterminism

Edmund Husserl's best-known text on intersubjectivity.

The correct answer is: Cartesian Meditations

It states that everything that exists is no more extensive than its physical
properties, hence, there are no non-physical substances.

The correct answer is: Physicalism

This refers to the treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in

favor of or against, a person based on the group, class, or category to
which the person is perceived to belong rather than on individual attributes.

The correct answer is: Discrimination

He coined the term "intersubjectivity of mutual understanding" to designate

an individual capacity and social domain.

The correct answer is: Jurgen Habermas

The author behind the doctoral dissertation "On the Problem of Empathy"
which served as an extended basis of intersubjectivity.?

The correct answer is: Edith Stein

This suggest that intdeterminacy of agent volition processes could map to

the indeterminacy of certain physical events, and the outcomes of these
events could therefore be considered caused by the agent.
The correct answer is: Efforts of will theory

He introduced the concept of intersubjectivity aimed?to designate an

individual capacity and a social domain, hence the term "intersubjectivityof
mutual understanding."

The correct answer is: Jurgen Habermas

UNICEF released the so-called "Global Disability Action Plan 2014-2021"

which intends?to help countries direct their efforts towards specific actions
in order to address health concerns of persons with disabilities.?

The correct answer is 'False'.

The UN Declaration on the Rights of Mentally Retarded Persons took place

in what year?

The correct answer is: 1971

This refers to a state of reality characterized by interiority, subjectivity,

sentience, feeling, experience, self-agency, meaning, and purpose.

The correct answer is: Philosophical consciousness

The form of incompatibilism which posits that determinism is false and free
will is possible.

The correct answer is: Metaphysical libertarianism

IFSW is a global organisation striving for social justice, human rights and
social development through the promotion of social work, best practice
models and the facilitation of international cooperation.What does IFSW
stand for?

The correct answer is: International Foundation of Social Workers

EAPP-111 / ►Week 20. Second Quarter Exam / ►Second Quarter Exam

Identify whether the technique used in writing the following passage
is Classification, Cause and Effect, Comparison and
Contrast, Analogy, Definition, Persuasion, Process Description,
or Interpretation.

Study reveals internet can ruin family relationships

Can the Internet be a source of conflicts? A new study from online security
firm says yes, and it does not just affect intimate relationships but family
relationships as well.

Previous researches have revealed that children on average spend six

hours or more glued to the screens of their devices.

Kaspersky Lab and iconKids & Youth researchers surveyed over 3,700
families in seven countries to know about how the internet is affecting their
personal relationship with their children.

One in four of the parents surveyed say that their kids now prefer to go
online rather than talk to them, with one in three parents believing the
internet isolates them from their children. All in all, a fifth of parents and
children say that the internet can cause family tension.

"It is only natural that using—and misusing—each other’s connected

devices can become a cause of conflict for families. However, as we spend
more and more time online, family dynamics are also changing. It is
important that families maintain an ongoing dialogue about how to spot and
respond to potential dangers, with parents and children together agreeing
on the basic rules on how they can best navigate the digital world,” said
Andrei Mochola, head of consumer business at Kaspersky Lab.

The survey also reveals that the problem may be worsened in the following

If the device used by both parents and children gets broken,

If the device is accidentally infected by a virus while online,

If the parents had to pay for something their child had ordered or
downloaded, and

If the parents had accidentally deleted some of their children's data

Janice Richardson, senior advisor at European Schoolnet, said that

although the internet becomes a source of conflict in some families, siblings
and extended family members take on a much bigger role in children's
online activities.

"Children are instinctively turning to the person they perceive to be able to

fix technical issues, advise on sites and security tools and provide more
objective responses to delicate queries,” Richardson said, citing a recent
study by the Joint Research Center of the European Commission.

She said that given the emerging trend, the importance of parents and
guardians developing their own technical competence and building trusting
relationship with their kids grow.

"At the same time, software and social media providers, too, should seek to
develop more ‘family-friendly’ tools,” Richardson added. — Alixandra Caole

The correct answer is: Cause and Effect

sampling is a method that is suited for a population that can be divided into
non-overlapping groups in the analysis of data.

The correct answer is: Stratified

questions are basically data that contain single words or phrases that can
be consolidated to allow for spelling and/or other minor variations.

The correct answer is: Short answer

Why are women most commonly at the worse end of a divorce?

The correct answer is: they have difficulty adjusting to a new lifestyle of
living solo
True or False: The telephone survey is the most convenient method of
administering questionnaires to respondents as it does not require the
physical presence of the researcher.

The correct answer is: False

True or False: Non-probability sampling is effective because it eliminates

the researcher's bias.

The correct answer is: False

opens the report and gives a brief description of the problem or topic at

The correct answer is: introduction

True or False: It is important for the position paper to be persuasive.

The correct answer is: True

is a short, sharp, concise document which is written for a particular purpose

and audience.

The correct answer is: report

plays an important part in writing a report as these are commonly written in

sections with headings and sub-headings.

The correct answer is: Outlining

One tip in writing a report is to know your

The correct answer is: brief

According to the article, which of the following is not the duty of a husband
in a marriage?

The correct answer is: render services in the home

In researching for materials for your position paper, remember to

unfamiliar terms/concepts.
The correct answer is: define

True or False: The researcher must assume that the readers know the
preliminary details about your research since they would not read it if they
do not know what the topic is all about.

The correct answer is: False

is one method in administering questionnaires to respondents that is done

by sending the questionnaire to the respondent through postal service.

The correct answer is: self-administered questionnaire

is vital in helping your reader follow your points and ideas. Connect the
ideas presented and how one argument relates to another.

The correct answer is: Transition

True or False: The statement, "From interviews with students, we can

gather that they are not directly affected..." is considered appropriate
language of reporting results or findings.

The correct answer is: True

A large group which the sample is selected from.

The correct answer is: Population

The results of the data gathering must be : it must be based on actual

data gathered and not swayed or altered by any biased comment or slant.

The correct answer is: objective

True or False: The position paper may present two stands/arguments on

one topic at the most.

The correct answer is: False

True or False: The non-probability sampling method utilizes random

selection of respondents.

The correct answer is: False

A generally presents one side of an arguable opinion about an issue.

The correct answer is: position paper

questions are questions given by the researcher that suggests answers in a

list, consequently limiting the responses of the interviewee.

The correct answer is: Closed

Identify whether the technique used in writing the following passage

is Classification, Cause and Effect, Comparison and
Contrast, Analogy, Definition, Persuasion, Process Description,
or Interpretation.

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child book review: How the script compares to
the Palace Theatre production

by Jack Shepherd (published in Independent)

For every HarryPotter fan, the release of The Cursed Child is a dream
come true. Who thought an eighth part to the Boy-Who-Lived’s story would
actually materialise so soon after the main series finished? However, it
quickly transpired this was going to be no normal book release.

JK Rowling chose to release The Cursed Child as a play, one ‘tailor made
for the stage’ as noted inThe Independent’s five-star review of the Palace
Theatre production. Critics, including myself, were blown away by the
magical performance, Jack Thorne and John Tiffany helping Rowling
create something of immense wonder.

So, how does the script, released to the public in book form, compare to
the theatre production? Is the magic still there? Already, fans have
devoured the story, taking it apart bit by bit, uncovering inconsistencies in
the story telling, particularly regarding a certain time-turner paradox. Could
it have ever lived up to expectations?

Unfortunately, as fantastic as the production was, racing through the script

was never going to compare. Where stage theatrics sparked imaginations,
now there are brief lines quickly explaining huge set-ups; everyone knew
the script couldn’t compete with the stage production, begging the question,
should this have ever been released in this format?

An example of the script being unmeasurable against the production comes

in act one, scene four. It starts with the explanation: “And now we enter a
world of time changing. And this Scene is all about magic.” In these few
pages our hero, Albus Severus Potter, goes from being sorted into a
Hogwarts house in his first year to rushing onto the Express in his third.
Along the way, we’re treated to a brief Quidditch lesson, Great Hall
assembly, and a Potions lesson, but they’re all so brief we hardly get a
flavour of what is actually happening.

On stage, it was one of the play’s greatest scenes; fast pace but with vivid
imagery. If The Cursed Child was perhaps written as a book this could
have been built on but, in these pages, we barely get a taste of these
formative years. It’s so quick, so little is said, readers will race through,
given little direction as what is happening.

Another example comes when the new generation of wizards drink a

Polyjuice Potion. In previous books and on stage, it was utterly hilarious as
Rowling’s heroes transformed, yet, as a script, the scene passes by rapidly,
the humour and magic lost.

Of course, this is the problem with releasing The Cursed Child as a script,
and one we must all be resolute with. For those who are unable to see the
stage play, there’s still a lot to enjoy in the script. Scorpius Malfoy, son of
Draco Malfoy, is the highlight of the script, funny throughout. Meanwhile,
the titular hero, Harry Potter, has evolved into a slightly grumpy father and
one who lacks some basic parenting skills. It’s a natural progression for an
orphan thrown into the spotlight that is interesting and will no doubt anger
some fans.

Without giving too much, the first half is quite innocent, while the second
takes a dark turn thanks to a time-twisting plot that - when read at
a reasonable pace - can be quite confusing, at times reading like fan-
fiction, particularly when cameo when cameo after cameo rolls in.
If you do have the luxury of being able to attend the Palace Theatre
production, I highly recommend it. If you’re unable to do so, perhaps wait
until the inevitable three-part film series comes.

The correct answer is: Interpretation

serve as sources of information that will help you study an entire population
to gain insight to its society.

The correct answer is: Respondents

True or False: Evaluative writing seeks to answer questions like "how are
positions x and y similar and how do they differ?," "What is the relationship
between the arguments for x and y?" and "how do philosophers A and B
compare with respect to their thinking on P?"

The correct answer is: False

A is a working document that presents questions as well as the place

and space for recording the answers.

The correct answer is: questionnaire

True or False: Secondary sources are pieces of information which were

already interpreted by someone other than the original author.

The correct answer is: True

sampling is a type of non-probability sampling which considers the

convenience for the researcher as he or she can choose subjects from
people near him or her who are willing to be respondents for the study.

The correct answer is: Availability

sampling is a method in which the researcher himself chooses people who

are qualified to respond to the objectives of his/her study.

The correct answer is: Purposive

The writer is aware of the dire consequences of divorce. But which of the
following is not an advantage in passing the divorce law in the Philippines?
The correct answer is: The passing of the divorce law will encourage more
to speak up in face of a difficult marriage and have it as an easy escape

Identify whether the technique used in writing the following passage

is Classification, Cause and Effect, Comparison and
Contrast, Analogy, Definition, Persuasion, Process Description,
or Interpretation.

WoundClot: The Science Behind Faster Healing

by UP Materials Science Society

It's Wisdom Wednesday!

Do you know what WoundClot does?

The WoundClot Gauze, is a single use, sterile, and bioabsorbable medical

device that is fabricated to suit a variety of wounds. It is made from
cellulose with a molecular structure designed to entrap platelets and
coagulants in a modified physical molecular matrix, specifically designed to
create this hemodynamic polymer membrane, with high adherence and
resilience, able to withhold massive blood pressure and restrict blood flow
almost immediately.

The ability to adhere to a bleeding wound reduces the amount of pressure

needed in order to stop bleeding, thus preventing unnecessary damage the
body caused by excessive pressure, or infection caused by prolonged
contact with the wound. Next, platelets from the injury attach to the gauze
by inter-molecular forces to form a stable membrane, which is able to
withstand severe arterial and venous blood flow for hours.
At the same time, specifically designed molecular functional groups
transform to enhance and activate the natural coagulation process.
Coagulation is a complex chain reaction, where different elements are
motivated into action, conditioned from other reactions.

Specific molecular groups, created in the manufacturing process, are then

dispersed during gel formation to activate various coagulation factors in the
blood, thus helping to form a physiologically natural fibrin clot in the wound.
The ability to influence these reactions speeds the whole coagulation

After bleeding has stopped, the remaining residual membrane can be

irrigated out of the wound safely without pulling on soft tissue or the
existing clot. WoundClot is designed to maintain its integrity through
polymeric chains, specifically designed to interact with water molecules to
form a physical cross linked network, which is manageable and natural.

The correct answer is: Definition

A rule in conducting surveys that requires the researcher to commit to the

promise of keeping confidential information strictly private.

The correct answer is: Fidelity

An is a question-and-answer activity between the researcher and the

respondent for the purpose of knowing what the respondent thinks and
feels about the subject of the research study.

The correct answer is: interview

Which of the following is not a strategy in effectively analyzing gathered

data for the research?
The correct answer is: What do people think of the researcher's take on the

is a variable in a concept paper which gives the focus and purpose of the
paper. The researcher introduces the concept at hand and its importance in
this part.

The correct answer is: Statement of the problem

True or False: Concept paper may take a stand on the discussed topic.

The correct answer is: False

The recommendation provides suggestions for the improvement of the

discussion that are "specific, achievable and

The correct answer is: measurable

Identify whether the technique used in writing the following passage

is Classification, Cause and Effect, Comparison and
Contrast, Analogy, Definition, Persuasion, Process Description,
or Interpretation.

The Decay of Friendship

from The Idler, Number 23, September 23, 1758

by Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)

Life has no pleasure higher or nobler than that of friendship. It is painful to

consider that this sublime enjoyment may be impaired or destroyed by
innumerable causes, and that there is no human possession of which the
duration is less certain.

Many have talked in very exalted language, of the perpetuity of friendship,

of invincible constancy, and unalienable kindness; and some examples
have been seen of men who have continued faithful to their earliest choice,
and whose affection has predominated over changes of fortune, and
contrariety of opinion.
But these instances are memorable, because they are rare. The friendship
which is to be practiced or expected by common mortals, must take its rise
from mutual pleasure, and must end when the power ceases of delighting
each other.

Many accidents therefore may happen by which the ardor of kindness will
be abated, without criminal baseness or contemptible inconstancy on either
part. To give pleasure is not always in our power; and little does he know
himself who believes that he can be always able to receive it.

Those who would gladly pass their days together may be separated by the
different course of their affairs; and friendship, like love, is destroyed by
long absence, though it may be increased by short intermissions. What we
have missed long enough to want it, we value more when it is regained; but
that which has been lost till it is forgotten, will be found at last with little
gladness, and with still less if a substitute has supplied the place. A man
deprived of the companion to whom he used to open his bosom, and with
whom he shared the hours of leisure and merriment, feels the day at first
hanging heavy on him; his difficulties oppress, and his doubts distract him;
he sees time come and go without his wonted gratification, and all is
sadness within, and solitude about him. But this uneasiness never lasts
long; necessity produces expedients, new amusements are discovered,
and new conversation is admitted.

No expectation is more frequently disappointed, than that which naturally

arises in the mind from the prospect of meeting an old friend after long
separation. We expect the attraction to be revived, and the coalition to be
renewed; no man considers how much alteration time has made in himself,
and very few inquire what effect it has had upon others. The first hour
convinces them that the pleasure which they have formerly enjoyed, is
forever at an end; different scenes have made different impressions; the
opinions of both are changed; and that similitude of manners and sentiment
is lost which confirmed them both in the approbation of themselves.
Friendship is often destroyed by opposition of interest, not only by the
ponderous and visible interest which the desire of wealth and greatness
forms and maintains, but by a thousand secret and slight competitions,
scarcely known to the mind upon which they operate. There is scarcely any
man without some favorite trifle which he values above greater attainments,
some desire of petty praise which he cannot patiently suffer to be
frustrated. This minute ambition is sometimes crossed before it is known,
and sometimes defeated by wanton petulance; but such attacks are seldom
made without the loss of friendship; for whoever has once found the
vulnerable part will always be feared, and the resentment will burn on in
secret, of which shame hinders the discovery.

This, however, is a slow malignity, which a wise man will obviate as

inconsistent with quiet, and a good man will repress as contrary to virtue;
but human happiness is sometimes violated by some more sudden strokes.

A dispute begun in jest upon a subject which a moment before was on both
parts regarded with careless indifference, is continued by the desire of
conquest, till vanity kindles into rage, and opposition rankles into enmity.
Against this hasty mischief, I know not what security can be obtained; men
will be sometimes surprised into quarrels; and though they might both
haste into reconciliation, as soon as their tumult had subsided, yet two
minds will seldom be found together, which can at once subdue their
discontent, or immediately enjoy the sweets of peace without remembering
the wounds of the conflict.

Friendship has other enemies. Suspicion is always hardening the cautious,

and disgust repelling the delicate. Very slender differences will sometimes
part those whom long reciprocation of civility or beneficence has united.
Lonelove and Ranger retired into the country to enjoy the company of each
other, and returned in six weeks, cold and petulant; Ranger's pleasure was
to walk in the fields, and Lonelove's to sit in a bower; each had complied
with the other in his turn, and each was angry that compliance had been
The most fatal disease of friendship is gradual decay, or dislike hourly
increased by causes too slender for complaint, and too numerous for
removal. Those who are angry may be reconciled; those who have been
injured may receive a recompense: but when the desire of pleasing and
willingness to be pleased is silently diminished, the renovation of friendship
is hopeless; as, when the vital powers sink into languor, there is no longer
any use of the physician.

The correct answer is: Cause and Effect

The section shows the findings of the research done by the researcher
by following the methods.

The correct answer is: results

True or False: You may quote anyone as a supporting evidence or fact to

your research/study.

The correct answer is: False

Identify whether the technique used in writing the following passage

is Classification, Cause and Effect, Comparison and
Contrast, Analogy, Definition, Persuasion, Process Description,
or Interpretation.

21st Century Philippine Writing

by Danton Remoto (May 30, 2015)

Philippine writing in the 21st century has taken a new turn. The works are
seen as sensitive to gender, alludes to technology, show culture as plural
rather than singular, and questions conventions and supposedly absolute

Writing by women continues to flourish. They have a feminist stance that

questions the centrality of the patriarchy (male-centered
viewpoints). Forbidden Fruit: Women Write the Erotic edited by Tina
Cuyugan and Kung Ibig Mo, love poems edited by Joi Barrios show that a
woman’s map of dreams and desires is better drawn by a woman writer
herself. Gone were the days when female characters only came from the
imagination – or fantasy – of men.

Lesbian and gay writing continue to be written. Neil Garcia and I have just
published The Best of Ladlad. My other books include Bright, Catholic –
and Gay: Essays and Rampa: Mga Sanaysay, while coming soon is a
book of stories and essays called Happy Na, Gay, Pa.

Technology is also an important part of this literature, centered on the rise

of the city and anchored on globalization. The economic boom, albeit
benefiting only the elite, has led to the opening of the Philippines to diverse
economic interests. Writings on Filipinos abroad and of Filipinos abroad
also add to this more cosmopolitan, if not more consumerist, attitude of the
21st-century Filipino.

Moreover, writings from the regions have served notice that “imperial
Manila” is no longer the only fountain of ideas. We have to thank Ateneo de
Naga Publishing House, National Commission on Culture and the Arts, UP
Press, and University of San Agustin Publishing House, among others. The
Don Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards in Literature has opened its
magisterial doors to writing from the regions. Ateneo de Manila University
Press and UST Publishing House are both in fine form, publishing
important works from Katipunan and Espana.

Nowadays, writers are no longer made to feel guilty if they write in English.
In true subversive fashion, they now write not just in English or Filipino but
in both languages. Some books show poems printed enface: one side in
English, the other in Filipino. The twains have met, and you can no longer
detect which is written first, and which is the translation, for there is equal
facility and fluency in both. This recalls the verbal legerdemain of
our ladino poets in the 17th century.

Moreover, Marjorie Evasco has been translating her poems in English into
Cebuano, J. Iremil Teodoro writes lyrical stories in Kinaray-a and translates
them into English, Peter Nery slides from English to Hiligaynon in his erotic
poems, Kristian Cordero and Victor Nierva write works in Bicolano and in
the next breath, translate them into elegant English. Surely, the vessels
that contain Philippine literature are no longer one, or two, or even three,
but as many as the different languages in our archipelago.

What about the English being written? Trinidad Tarrosa Subido coined the
phrase “language if [our] blood.” Dr. Gemino H. Abad has used it as
framework in his three anthologies on Philippine poetry in English. He said
that we have colonized English and have made it our own, and the poems
are now “wrought from English.”

It is no longer the very proper English from the old textbooks, or the
Americanese in books copyrighted in New York. It is now a language
filtered by our regional languages and by mass media – printed, seen,
broadcast – as well as shaped by social media, by the fragmentation of text
language, by sound bites, anime, graphic novels, and cosplays (costume

In 1995, the Philippine Studies journal of Ateneo de Manila University

published New Philippine Writing,which was edited by Professor Emmanuel
Torres and I. Prof. Torres said: “An alternative poetics is at work. . . . Form
is more open-ended than closed, looser, more improvisatory; the tone
conversational, informal. And no one seems to think twice about making
explicit statements in the name of personal passion or liberation. Despite
the rise of ‘cause-oriented’ writing, formal matters of craft in no way seem
endangered, thanks to the influence of writing workshops in leading

Prof. Torres continues: “The popularity of poetry readings [and now open
mike readings even by non-poets, for good or for bad] on campuses and in
writer-friendly coffeehouses is partly the reason for the current taste for the
laid-back and discursive. Apparently being revived is the tradition of the
poet as bard, one communally interactive and inclined to addressing the
sound-world of a poem to a roomful of listeners rather than one crafting
lines intended solely for the book page and the solitary reader. . . .”

Thus, we no longer find a poem about a poem; or a poem with Greek or

Roman allusions; or a story set in Greenwich Village. There is now a
certain historicity; allusions to Philippine myth and fable, lore and legend;
astringent satires of popular culture and political foibles. Anglo-American
writers are still being read, but now they are hyphenated and seem like
dispatches from the global village. Works, in translation, of African, Asian,
and Latin American writers are being devoured. There is the shock of
recognition in reading about postcolonial experiences similar to ours, and
fears and dreams coming from the same socio-political conditions.

The internet has also made the Filipino writer less insular or old-fashioned.
Bob Ong started a blog, “Bobong Pinoy” and parlayed it into bestselling
books. Other blogs have become popular books and even box-office-hit
movies, i.e., Ang Diary ng Panget. Celebrities are now supposedly writing,
while radio anchors are turning their zany scripts into books. Senator
Miriam Defensor Santiago’s book, Stupid isForever, is the doyenne of them
all: it has been the bestselling book since December.

Pimply teenagers can upload their stories in Wattpad, watch them viewed
15 million times, and now get contracts for a TV series or a romance film.
Ghost stories are selling, and so do children’s books and graphic novels.
Young-adult novels are being written, for a generation on the run (or eyes
glued to their gadgets). I have done a controversial – and bestselling –
translation of Greene’s The Fault in Our Starsand Anvil will publish my
translation of Marivi Soliven’s novel, The Mango Bride.

The Filipino public has begun to read – and we are all the better for it.

The correct answer is: Comparison and Contrast

is a method of gathering data that aims to get the stand or opinion of a

selected group of people regarding various issues, that will affect a society.

The correct answer is: Survey

The must be inserted somewhere in the beginning to state the focus and
the scope of all the ideas included in the paper.

The correct answer is: thesis statement

One important tip in writing a report is to avoid using or terms that are
widely unfamiliar to your readers.

The correct answer is: jargons

A is an irregularity in the selection arising from the difference between

the sample and the population that resulted from random sampling.

The correct answer is: sampling error

sampling is a method wherein the researcher may select for individual

respondents through simple random or systematic random sampling from a
chosen group.

The correct answer is: Cluster

True or False: The researcher may choose to reveal the specific details of
his/her study to the interviewee to make him/her better understand what
he/she'll participate in.

The correct answer is: False

used on a concept paper are usually based on theory, past research,

experience and need. These will keep the writer on track to the goal,
focusing mainly on the problem of the research.

The correct answer is: Research questions

True or False: The concept paper used for research acts as a proposal
wherein it serves as a foundation for the whole research process.

The correct answer is: True

True or False: It is not important to name your figures in the presentation of

findings. It is enough to describe them as accurately and objectively as

The correct answer is: False

Identify whether the technique used in writing the following passage

is Classification, Cause and Effect, Comparison and
Contrast, Analogy, Definition, Persuasion, Process Description,
or Interpretation.

How they make pancakes in Osaka

by Elfren S. Cruz (August 4, 2016)

A marriage of a pancake and an omelet is a beautiful thing — two breakfast

favorites grilled to juiciness and served piping hot.

In Japan, they call this delicious hybrid okonomiyaki, the “scrambled”

version of which originated from Osaka. It is prepared like a pancake and
served with okonomiyaki sauce, seaweed flakes, bonito flakes, Japanese
mayo, and pickled ginger.

One of the original okonomiyaki restaurants in Osaka, Chibo Okonomiyaki,

is now in Manila at S Maison in the newly opened Conrad
Hotel. Okonomiyaki shops abound in Osaka, but Chibo is one of the oldest,
dating back to 1973. They pride themselves on delivering the same
original okonomiyaki taste consistently across all its branches around the
world. Even visitors from Japan looking for something to eat that reminds
them of home say that Chibo Okonomiyaki in Manila is up to their

Imagine this: you are in a room (they call it the Presidential Room),
engulfed in smoke while you watch the Chibo chef chop, toss, whisk, and
press an okonomiyaki into shape, carefully creating a nice, thin crust. It
resists your bite but the center — composed of anything you like, anything
at all, because Chibo Okonomiyaki has a variant for all tastes — melts in
your mouth.

Chef Akihiro, who is from Osaka and therefore versed in the art of creating
these savory pancakes, creates several different dishes for us, while Kenji
Komuro and David Guevarra, operations manager, share the dish’s origins
and how they create the same okonomiyaki flavor in Manila. They bring
most ingredients from Japan, while some they create. The batter and the
sauce are key and must be consistent. As for what’s inside the pancake,
their menu has more choices than you can handle.

Chef served us a really complex-looking one, topped with unsweetened

meringue and a flattened crab crown — the Shirayukihime or “Snow White
Princess,” an extra-soft okonomiyaki with prawn, bacon, pork, tomato,
avocado and cheese. Kenji says it’s so pretty some guests like to order it
during birthdays, in lieu of cake. Well, happy birthday to me. It’s delicious.

The correct answer is: Process Description

Identify whether the technique used in writing the following passage

is Classification, Cause and Effect, Comparison and
Contrast, Analogy, Definition, Persuasion, Process Description,
or Interpretation.

Should We Pay?

Many issues have been plaguing the sports world recently, especially the
question of paying college athletes. Are athletics so important that colleges
need to put out millions of dollars per year just to pay for students to play
for them? Paying college athletes is like throwing a lit match into a
haystack: once the fire is started, it just keeps burning, making a bad
situation worse.

There are several differences between the haystack and paying athletes.
To start,

throwing a needle in a haystack is a totally negative concept; everything will

burn. However, with paying college athletes, some people can find reasons
why this could be a positive thing. For instance, some believe paying
athletes will bring more competition to the table and make some colleges
much more prestigious than others. Others say this will bring in more
money and more revenue. A second difference is the end of the situation.
At the end of the fire, there is smoke and it will eventually put itself out.
However, this is an issue that cannot extinguish itself. No matter what the
verdict, someone is going to be unhappy and the "fire" will keep burning.

Despite these differences there are many similarities between the two. One
similarity is the haystack going up in flames and the whole educational
system going up. If we pay our college athletes the focus will be more on
the money than on learning.

College is supposed to prepare a student for life's work through learning,

not be life's work. College sports will also become more like professional
sports- all about the money and less about the love of the sport. Related to
this is the issue of scholarships. Are scholarships not enough pay for the
student? And who decides how much money each player receives? Will it
depend on how good the player is, what sport they play, what position they

Another similarity has to deal with going up in flames. By throwing one little
lit match into that haystack, the whole thing goes up. Just by paying college
athletes many other issues arise. Yes, paying athletes may bring in more
revenue, but how much of that will actually go back to the college or
institution? Another issue that comes up is the fairness to other students.
Young athletes already receive many things that non- athletes do not. Not
only do they have the opportunity to travel and stay overnight in the best
hotels, they also get special treatments away from the sport. Some athletes
may receive special attention from certain professors or even people
throughout the town in which the college is located.

A third similarity between the burning haystack and paying athletes is the
rate at which things will "burn". The haystack will burn fast, leaving nothing
behind, and getting bigger and bigger as it goes. The same goes for this
issue. Everyone wants to voice their own opinion about it, snowballing into
a bigger and bigger issue. People will quickly become angry and quick to
defend their side.

Paying college athletes is like throwing a lit match into a haystack: the
educational system and other issues go up in flames and they will occur
very quickly. I believe there are more problems with this idea than there are
good things about it. I find nothing about it to be worth spending millions of
dollars to pay students to play a game. They need to be worrying more
about their studies. This issue will be burning for a long time.

The correct answer is: Analogy

Identify whether the technique used in writing the following passage

is Classification, Cause and Effect, Comparison and
Contrast, Analogy, Definition, Persuasion, Process Description,
or Interpretation.

What happens when a Youtube star writes a book

by Bong Osorio

Since the dawn of the Web and its many versions, numerous Internet
sensations have come and gone, but only a few have sustained and
continue to increase their following. One of them is Felix Kjellberg,
popularly known by his Internet alias “PewDiePie.” He is a 20-something
Swede who has lingered as YouTube’s biggest star since 2013, garnering
over 40 million followers on his channel. This makes him the holder of
the Guinness Book of World Records title for generating the most number
of subscribers of all time. What’s more astounding about his fame is that
his videos have been viewed over 10 billion times but he remains strange
and nameless to most of his audience.

PewDiePie is a social media phenomenon whose popularity emanates

from his one-of-a-kind approach to his video productions, which usually
start off with a shrill declaration of his name before he slides into mocking,
panicky reactions to various games and activities. At the end, he thanks his
“bros” for tuning in. PewDiePie’s fans have multiplied swiftly and become
more pervasive because instant communication facilitates increased word
of mouth.

Following his social media success, PewDiePie ventured into book

publishing and came up with This Book Loves You, now a New York
Times bestseller that is poised to become an international sensation as
well. The tome is an extremely imaginative pictorial collection of direction
and advice manifested in gags and witticisms that lampoons Internet
memes and passages. As he declared, it is a “parody on self-help books”
and is “full of useful quotes.”

This Book Loves You serves up a lot of toilet humor and impassioned
communication. The heftiest improprieties, though, are masked by
intriguing visuals or cheeky figures, while still making the message quite
apparent. The images are caricatures, executed mostly as cartoony
patchworks, and are funny bordering on the ridiculous. Hostility is not a
prevalent theme and the sexual content is manageable. The character of
the opinions listed is ironic and satiric and projects the persona of the
author and the tonality of the message he wants to convey.

What's the narrative?

The book — jokingly or seriously — was a byproduct of the author’s

discovery of his “great wisdom,” or so it seems. He claims that he needs to
share it with a world that desperately needs to read it. His exasperation
with the invariable quotes and memes cluttering social media pushed him
to put together this “first-rate, highly flavored, and optimistic” book.

A fan pic on Twitter inspired him to counter those bothersome memes

with his own take. “I turn these one-liners and quotes upside down by
adding acerbic, smart-alecky, tongue-in-cheek punch lines and colorful,
witty and sometimes irreverent visual supports,” says PewDiePie.

Millennials will surely get some laughs out of this paperback, which
appears superficial and thoughtless on the surface but holds a certain
charm for a specific audience. But knowing that millennials now number in
the millions, who needs breadth and depth? Certainly not PewDiePie.

This Book Loves You provides a window into the wacky mind of one of
YouTube’s best entertainers. Here are samples:

• “My favorite quote? It’s like being asked what my favorite child is. I don’t
have a child.”
• “Money can’t buy you happiness; but it buys you all the things you don’t
have, even friends. I feel sorry for poor people.”

• “Don’t be afraid to say how you feel, because no one is going to care

• “If you can fight your way out of a situation, don’t. You’ll die.”

• “To fly, you must get rid of the things that weigh you down. This is why all
your friends left you.”

• “Don’t sugarcoat everything… you’ll get diabetes.”

• “Impossible is nothing. Doing nothing is easy. So do nothing!”

• “You can’t watch YouTube in prison, so don’t kill anyone.”

• “Running out of money doesn’t count as exercise.”

• “Running away from problems won’t make you skinny.”

• “You can never fail if you never try. So why bother.”

• “You’re not bad, everyone else is just so much better.”

• “You can’t make everyone happy. So focus on making yourself happy so

that maybe one day your happiness will evolve and eat everyone.”

• “Don’t listen to haters. Live your life the way you want to live it.”

• “Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. Unless you don’t have
any friends, then just sit in a corner and cry.”

• “Don’t worry about your problems. If you end up dead tomorrow, they’ll all
be gone.”

• “Every second you’re closer to oblivion. No quote in the world is going to

change that.”

• “If you can’t beat them, there’s still a good chance to annoy them.”

• “Change your life today, for the worse!”

• “Quotes are the most important thing in the universe, and you should
always take them to heart.”

If you’re dedicated PewDiePie fan you might just love him enough to buy
the book out of support for the phenomenon and his unusual, confusing
and unique approach to book writing. But expecting anything beyond a
momentary laugh might be asking too much.

The correct answer is: Cause and Effect

Identify whether the technique used in writing the following passage

is Classification, Cause and Effect, Comparison and
Contrast, Analogy, Definition, Persuasion, Process Description,
or Interpretation.

Federalism and Democracy

by Elfren S. Cruz (August 4, 2016)

Federalism is a form of government where there is a division of powers

between the national government and the regional governments.
Federalism is said to be particularly suited to democracies especially those
with very large populations or large geographical territories.

It has also been noted that real federalism can exist only in a democracy.
This is because an authoritarian government will always insist on
centralizing powers through a unitary form of government. The second
reason is that the separation of powers must be rooted in constitutionalism
and the rule of law.

All organizations, whether in business or government, reach a certain point

at which there must be a decentralization of powers if it wants to be more
efficient. In a businesss organization, this decentralization comes in the
form of creating regional offices and appointing regional heads. In a
democracy, powers must be delegated to an elected body if there is to be
credibility and popular support from the people. Here is how George
Anderson of the Forum of Federations explains it:
“The Soviet Union, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia were not true
federations during the period of Communist rule, even though they had
federal constitutions. All real powers were centralized in the Communist

The situation was more complex in Latin America. Brazil and Argentina had
periods of military rule at the center, but sometimes allowed relatively free
elections within their states or provinces – particularly during military rule; in
Brazil, the states developed a key role in designing a constitution to end
[military] rule. In Mexico, the Institutional Revolutionary Party [PRI] largely
controlled elections for many years but over time its grip loosened,
particularly in certain states.

Nigeria and Pakistan have had similar experiences of intermittent military

rule and federal democracy. Thus, some undemocratic federations are
clearly for show, but in others their federal structure might have some
reality. Moreover, in all these countries, federal constitutional arrangements
came to have real significance during the transition to democracy as
previously subservient units were empowered . In the formerly communist
countries, the federal structure played a role in their break up.”

Federalism and Constitution

A truly effective federal system must be based on a written constitution and

the rule of law. The constitution must clearly define the distribution of
powers between the national government and the regional government.

However, another component in the constitution must be the method for

resolving conflicts over the legal powers of the national and the regional
governments. A citizen cannot obey two contradictory laws. Normally, the
legal conflicts can arise in the following ways:

• When there is a conflict between the laws of the national government and
the regional governments, the central government’s laws are considered
paramount. The only exceptions are those specifically provided by the
• Sometimes the national government and the regional government may
pass laws that are in conflict. However, both sides may claim that their laws
is derive from their powers. For example, the national government may
have powers over internal trade but the regional government has powers
over property. They may pass conflicting laws over these two areas. In
such a case resolving the conflict requires determining which power –
internal trade or property – is more relevant. The constitution must provide
a method for interpreting relevant laws.

• There can also be times that there are no conflicts but a government or
private party may object to law passed by another government on the
grounds that the law goes beyond its powers.

• Sometimes, there are objections to a law on the grounds that it goes

against a constitutionally established right.

A federal form of government requires a very strong and autonomous

federal judiciary. In almost all federal states, the judiciary – especially the
Supreme Court – has the ultimate authority for resolving constitutional

In the United States, the appointment of Supreme Court Justices is a highly

politicized and debated issue but no one questions the right of the
Supreme Court to be the final authority for deciding on constitutional
issues. This is again another reason why federalism can succeed only in a
democracy where the rule of law prevails and is accepted by all authorities
– national and regional.

It is true that federalism cannot guarantee good governance any more than
a unitary form of government. But the increase in worldwide attention to
federalism is being driven by the spread of democracies and the increase
in population in many developing countries. These two factors are leading
to the demand for the devolution of powers to the areas outside the usual
centers of powers.

In the Philippines, Metro Manila has always been the center of power. The
electoral powers has always resided in the so called “ corridor” that
stretches from Pangasinan to Quezon. It is not a coincidence that the
economic power is also concentrated in this same corridor of power.

The devolution of power to the local government units is limited by the fact
that these LGUs are too small to have any real powers; and, must remain
dependent on the largesse of the central powers in Metro Manila.

The time has come to seriously consider how to allow the more equitable
distribution of economic and political power from the center to the regions.
We are not a small country. With a population of more than 100 million,
federalism is the more effective form of government. Why regional
governments? Political power cannot be devolved to an appointive body.
In a democracy, political power can only be devolved to an elected
government. This is the reason for federalism.

The correct answer is: Definition

In the position paper at the beginning of the test, was the author in favor of
the passage of the divorce law in the Philippines?

The correct answer is: Yes

is one rule in conducting surveys wherein the researcher must be aware of

what information must be kept private and public.

The correct answer is: Confidentiality

The gives the ideal timeframe for the whole process to serve as a guide
for the researcher.

The correct answer is: timeline

One strength of survey is that is shown by the ability to get a specific

group of people to answer to a particular issue.

The correct answer is: generalizability

is an ethical principle in conducting a survey that reminds the researcher to

respect the opinions and position of the respondents in a certain issue.

The correct answer is: Autonomy

is one rule in conducting surveys wherein the researcher must be aware of
what information must be kept private and public.

The correct answer is: Confidentiality

True or False: It is not important to name your figures in the presentation of

findings. It is enough to describe them as accurately and objectively as

The correct answer is: False

The concept paper may include the that the writer/researcher must
answer during the course of the research.

The correct answer is: research questions

Identify whether the technique used in writing the following passage

is Classification, Cause and Effect, Comparison and
Contrast, Analogy, Definition, Persuasion, Process Description,
or Interpretation.

What happens when a Youtube star writes a book

by Bong Osorio

Since the dawn of the Web and its many versions, numerous Internet
sensations have come and gone, but only a few have sustained and
continue to increase their following. One of them is Felix Kjellberg,
popularly known by his Internet alias “PewDiePie.” He is a 20-something
Swede who has lingered as YouTube’s biggest star since 2013, garnering
over 40 million followers on his channel. This makes him the holder of
the Guinness Book of World Records title for generating the most number
of subscribers of all time. What’s more astounding about his fame is that
his videos have been viewed over 10 billion times but he remains strange
and nameless to most of his audience.

PewDiePie is a social media phenomenon whose popularity emanates

from his one-of-a-kind approach to his video productions, which usually
start off with a shrill declaration of his name before he slides into mocking,
panicky reactions to various games and activities. At the end, he thanks his
“bros” for tuning in. PewDiePie’s fans have multiplied swiftly and become
more pervasive because instant communication facilitates increased word
of mouth.

Following his social media success, PewDiePie ventured into book

publishing and came up with This Book Loves You, now a New York
Times bestseller that is poised to become an international sensation as
well. The tome is an extremely imaginative pictorial collection of direction
and advice manifested in gags and witticisms that lampoons Internet
memes and passages. As he declared, it is a “parody on self-help books”
and is “full of useful quotes.”

This Book Loves You serves up a lot of toilet humor and impassioned
communication. The heftiest improprieties, though, are masked by
intriguing visuals or cheeky figures, while still making the message quite
apparent. The images are caricatures, executed mostly as cartoony
patchworks, and are funny bordering on the ridiculous. Hostility is not a
prevalent theme and the sexual content is manageable. The character of
the opinions listed is ironic and satiric and projects the persona of the
author and the tonality of the message he wants to convey.

What's the narrative?

The book — jokingly or seriously — was a byproduct of the author’s

discovery of his “great wisdom,” or so it seems. He claims that he needs to
share it with a world that desperately needs to read it. His exasperation
with the invariable quotes and memes cluttering social media pushed him
to put together this “first-rate, highly flavored, and optimistic” book.

A fan pic on Twitter inspired him to counter those bothersome memes

with his own take. “I turn these one-liners and quotes upside down by
adding acerbic, smart-alecky, tongue-in-cheek punch lines and colorful,
witty and sometimes irreverent visual supports,” says PewDiePie.
Millennials will surely get some laughs out of this paperback, which
appears superficial and thoughtless on the surface but holds a certain
charm for a specific audience. But knowing that millennials now number in
the millions, who needs breadth and depth? Certainly not PewDiePie.

This Book Loves You provides a window into the wacky mind of one of
YouTube’s best entertainers. Here are samples:

• “My favorite quote? It’s like being asked what my favorite child is. I don’t
have a child.”

• “Money can’t buy you happiness; but it buys you all the things you don’t
have, even friends. I feel sorry for poor people.”

• “Don’t be afraid to say how you feel, because no one is going to care

• “If you can fight your way out of a situation, don’t. You’ll die.”

• “To fly, you must get rid of the things that weigh you down. This is why all
your friends left you.”

• “Don’t sugarcoat everything… you’ll get diabetes.”

• “Impossible is nothing. Doing nothing is easy. So do nothing!”

• “You can’t watch YouTube in prison, so don’t kill anyone.”

• “Running out of money doesn’t count as exercise.”

• “Running away from problems won’t make you skinny.”

• “You can never fail if you never try. So why bother.”

• “You’re not bad, everyone else is just so much better.”

• “You can’t make everyone happy. So focus on making yourself happy so

that maybe one day your happiness will evolve and eat everyone.”

• “Don’t listen to haters. Live your life the way you want to live it.”
• “Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. Unless you don’t have
any friends, then just sit in a corner and cry.”

• “Don’t worry about your problems. If you end up dead tomorrow, they’ll all
be gone.”

• “Every second you’re closer to oblivion. No quote in the world is going to

change that.”

• “If you can’t beat them, there’s still a good chance to annoy them.”

• “Change your life today, for the worse!”

• “Quotes are the most important thing in the universe, and you should
always take them to heart.”

If you’re dedicated PewDiePie fan you might just love him enough to buy
the book out of support for the phenomenon and his unusual, confusing
and unique approach to book writing. But expecting anything beyond a
momentary laugh might be asking too much.

The correct answer is: Cause and Effect

Identify whether the technique used in writing the following passage

is Classification, Cause and Effect, Comparison and
Contrast, Analogy, Definition, Persuasion, Process Description,
or Interpretation.

Federalism and Democracy

by Elfren S. Cruz (August 4, 2016)

Federalism is a form of government where there is a division of powers

between the national government and the regional governments.
Federalism is said to be particularly suited to democracies especially those
with very large populations or large geographical territories.

It has also been noted that real federalism can exist only in a democracy.
This is because an authoritarian government will always insist on
centralizing powers through a unitary form of government. The second
reason is that the separation of powers must be rooted in constitutionalism
and the rule of law.

All organizations, whether in business or government, reach a certain point

at which there must be a decentralization of powers if it wants to be more
efficient. In a businesss organization, this decentralization comes in the
form of creating regional offices and appointing regional heads. In a
democracy, powers must be delegated to an elected body if there is to be
credibility and popular support from the people. Here is how George
Anderson of the Forum of Federations explains it:

“The Soviet Union, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia were not true

federations during the period of Communist rule, even though they had
federal constitutions. All real powers were centralized in the Communist

The situation was more complex in Latin America. Brazil and Argentina had
periods of military rule at the center, but sometimes allowed relatively free
elections within their states or provinces – particularly during military rule; in
Brazil, the states developed a key role in designing a constitution to end
[military] rule. In Mexico, the Institutional Revolutionary Party [PRI] largely
controlled elections for many years but over time its grip loosened,
particularly in certain states.

Nigeria and Pakistan have had similar experiences of intermittent military

rule and federal democracy. Thus, some undemocratic federations are
clearly for show, but in others their federal structure might have some
reality. Moreover, in all these countries, federal constitutional arrangements
came to have real significance during the transition to democracy as
previously subservient units were empowered . In the formerly communist
countries, the federal structure played a role in their break up.”

Federalism and Constitution

A truly effective federal system must be based on a written constitution and
the rule of law. The constitution must clearly define the distribution of
powers between the national government and the regional government.

However, another component in the constitution must be the method for

resolving conflicts over the legal powers of the national and the regional
governments. A citizen cannot obey two contradictory laws. Normally, the
legal conflicts can arise in the following ways:

• When there is a conflict between the laws of the national government and
the regional governments, the central government’s laws are considered
paramount. The only exceptions are those specifically provided by the

• Sometimes the national government and the regional government may

pass laws that are in conflict. However, both sides may claim that their laws
is derive from their powers. For example, the national government may
have powers over internal trade but the regional government has powers
over property. They may pass conflicting laws over these two areas. In
such a case resolving the conflict requires determining which power –
internal trade or property – is more relevant. The constitution must provide
a method for interpreting relevant laws.

• There can also be times that there are no conflicts but a government or
private party may object to law passed by another government on the
grounds that the law goes beyond its powers.

• Sometimes, there are objections to a law on the grounds that it goes

against a constitutionally established right.

A federal form of government requires a very strong and autonomous

federal judiciary. In almost all federal states, the judiciary – especially the
Supreme Court – has the ultimate authority for resolving constitutional

In the United States, the appointment of Supreme Court Justices is a highly

politicized and debated issue but no one questions the right of the
Supreme Court to be the final authority for deciding on constitutional
issues. This is again another reason why federalism can succeed only in a
democracy where the rule of law prevails and is accepted by all authorities
– national and regional.

It is true that federalism cannot guarantee good governance any more than
a unitary form of government. But the increase in worldwide attention to
federalism is being driven by the spread of democracies and the increase
in population in many developing countries. These two factors are leading
to the demand for the devolution of powers to the areas outside the usual
centers of powers.

In the Philippines, Metro Manila has always been the center of power. The
electoral powers has always resided in the so called “ corridor” that
stretches from Pangasinan to Quezon. It is not a coincidence that the
economic power is also concentrated in this same corridor of power.

The devolution of power to the local government units is limited by the fact
that these LGUs are too small to have any real powers; and, must remain
dependent on the largesse of the central powers in Metro Manila.

The time has come to seriously consider how to allow the more equitable
distribution of economic and political power from the center to the regions.
We are not a small country. With a population of more than 100 million,
federalism is the more effective form of government. Why regional
governments? Political power cannot be devolved to an appointive body.
In a democracy, political power can only be devolved to an elected
government. This is the reason for federalism.

The correct answer is: Definition

Identify whether the technique used in writing the following passage

is Classification, Cause and Effect, Comparison and
Contrast, Analogy, Definition, Persuasion, Process Description,
or Interpretation.

How they make pancakes in Osaka

by Elfren S. Cruz (August 4, 2016)

A marriage of a pancake and an omelet is a beautiful thing — two breakfast

favorites grilled to juiciness and served piping hot.

In Japan, they call this delicious hybrid okonomiyaki, the “scrambled”

version of which originated from Osaka. It is prepared like a pancake and
served with okonomiyaki sauce, seaweed flakes, bonito flakes, Japanese
mayo, and pickled ginger.

One of the original okonomiyaki restaurants in Osaka, Chibo Okonomiyaki,

is now in Manila at S Maison in the newly opened Conrad
Hotel. Okonomiyaki shops abound in Osaka, but Chibo is one of the oldest,
dating back to 1973. They pride themselves on delivering the same
original okonomiyaki taste consistently across all its branches around the
world. Even visitors from Japan looking for something to eat that reminds
them of home say that Chibo Okonomiyaki in Manila is up to their

Imagine this: you are in a room (they call it the Presidential Room),
engulfed in smoke while you watch the Chibo chef chop, toss, whisk, and
press an okonomiyaki into shape, carefully creating a nice, thin crust. It
resists your bite but the center — composed of anything you like, anything
at all, because Chibo Okonomiyaki has a variant for all tastes — melts in
your mouth.

Chef Akihiro, who is from Osaka and therefore versed in the art of creating
these savory pancakes, creates several different dishes for us, while Kenji
Komuro and David Guevarra, operations manager, share the dish’s origins
and how they create the same okonomiyaki flavor in Manila. They bring
most ingredients from Japan, while some they create. The batter and the
sauce are key and must be consistent. As for what’s inside the pancake,
their menu has more choices than you can handle.

Chef served us a really complex-looking one, topped with unsweetened

meringue and a flattened crab crown — the Shirayukihime or “Snow White
Princess,” an extra-soft okonomiyaki with prawn, bacon, pork, tomato,
avocado and cheese. Kenji says it’s so pretty some guests like to order it
during birthdays, in lieu of cake. Well, happy birthday to me. It’s delicious.

The correct answer is: Process Description

The position paper must be written in the point of view.

The correct answer is: first person

Question text

Which of the following is not a strategy in effectively analyzing gathered

data for the research?

Select one:

a. What are the writer's reasons for his/her opinion?

b. Did the writer see objections or weaknesses in his/her own argument?

c. Did the writer explore the strengths and weaknesses of each side?

d. What do people think of the researcher's take on the topic?

e. What are the various positions in the issue?


The correct answer is: What do people think of the researcher's take on the

Question text

Identify whether the technique used in writing the following passage is

Classification, Cause and Effect, Comparison and Contrast, Analogy,
Definition, Persuasion, Process Description, or Interpretation.

What happens when a Youtube star writes a book

by Bong Osorio

The correct answer is: Cause and Effect

Question text

True or False: The concept paper used for research acts as a proposal
wherein it serves as a foundation for the whole research process.



The correct answer is: True

Question text

The recommendation provides suggestions for the improvement of the

discussion that are "specific, achievable and Answer ."


The correct answer is: measurable

Question text

The Answer must be inserted somewhere in the beginning to state the

focus and the scope of all the ideas included in the paper.


The correct answer is: thesis statement

Question text

True or False: The researcher may choose to reveal the specific details of
his/her study to the interviewee to make him/her better understand what
he/she'll participate in.



The correct answer is: False

Question text

One tip in writing a report is to know your Answer .


The correct answer is: brief

Question text

A Answer is a working document that presents questions as well as the

place and space for recording the answers.


The correct answer is: questionnaire

Question text

Answer sampling is a method wherein the researcher may select for

individual respondents through simple random or systematic random
sampling from a chosen group.


The correct answer is: Cluster

Question text

One important tip in writing a report is to avoid using Answer or terms that
are widely unfamiliar to your readers.


The correct answer is: jargons

Question text

In the position paper at the beginning of the test, was the author in favor of
the passage of the divorce law in the Philippines?

Select one:
a. No

b. Yes

c. The article did not say so


The correct answer is: Yes

Question text

A Answer generally presents one side of an arguable opinion about an



The correct answer is: position paper

Question text

Answer is vital in helping your reader follow your points and ideas. Connect
the ideas presented and how one argument relates to another.


The correct answer is: Transition

Question text

True or False: Secondary sources are pieces of information which were

already interpreted by someone other than the original author.



The correct answer is: True

Question text

A rule in conducting surveys that requires the researcher to commit to the

promise of keeping confidential information strictly private.


The correct answer is: Fidelity

Question text

Answer sampling is a method in which the researcher himself chooses

people who are qualified to respond to the objectives of his/her study.


The correct answer is: Purposive

Question text

The Answer opens the report and gives a brief description of the problem
or topic at hand.


The correct answer is: introduction

Question text

Identify whether the technique used in writing the following passage is

Classification, Cause and Effect, Comparison and Contrast, Analogy,
Definition, Persuasion, Process Description, or Interpretation.

The Decay of Friendship

from The Idler, Number 23, September 23, 1758

by Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)


The correct answer is: Cause and Effect

Question text
True or False: The telephone survey is the most convenient method of
administering questionnaires to respondents as it does not require the
physical presence of the researcher.



The correct answer is: False

Question text

Identify whether the technique used in writing the following passage is

Classification, Cause and Effect, Comparison and Contrast, Analogy,
Definition, Persuasion, Process Description, or Interpretation.

21st Century Philippine Writing

by Danton Remoto (May 30, 2015)


The correct answer is: Comparison and Contrast

Question text

Answer is an ethical principle in conducting a survey that reminds the

researcher to respect the opinions and position of the respondents in a
certain issue.


The correct answer is: Autonomy

Question text

True or False: The non-probability sampling method utilizes random

selection of respondents.


The correct answer is: False

Question text

True or False: The statement, "From interviews with students, we can

gather that they are not directly affected..." is considered appropriate
language of reporting results or findings.



The correct answer is: True

Question text

True or False: Non-probability sampling is effective because it eliminates

the researcher's bias.



The correct answer is: False

Question text

True or False: Evaluative writing seeks to answer questions like "how are
positions x and y similar and how do they differ?," "What is the relationship
between the arguments for x and y?" and "how do philosophers A and B
compare with respect to their thinking on P?"



The correct answer is: False

Question text
Answer is a variable in a concept paper which gives the focus and purpose
of the paper. The researcher introduces the concept at hand and its
importance in this part.


The correct answer is: Statement of the problem

Question text

True or False: The researcher must assume that the readers know the
preliminary details about your research since they would not read it if they
do not know what the topic is all about.



The correct answer is: False

Question text

True or False: It is important for the position paper to be persuasive.



The correct answer is: True

Question text

Answer plays an important part in writing a report as these are commonly

written in sections with headings and sub-headings.


The correct answer is: Outlining

Question text
Identify whether the technique used in writing the following passage is
Classification, Cause and Effect, Comparison and Contrast, Analogy,
Definition, Persuasion, Process Description, or Interpretation.

Should We Pay?


The correct answer is: Analogy

Question text

A Answer is an irregularity in the selection arising from the difference

between the sample and the population that resulted from random


The correct answer is: sampling error

Question text

Answer is a method of gathering data that aims to get the stand or opinion
of a selected group of people regarding various issues, that will affect a


The correct answer is: Survey

Question text

A large group which the sample is selected from.



The correct answer is: Population

Question text
Answer questions are questions given by the researcher that suggests
answers in a list, consequently limiting the responses of the interviewee.


The correct answer is: Closed

Question text

An Answer is a question-and-answer activity between the researcher and

the respondent for the purpose of knowing what the respondent thinks and
feels about the subject of the research study.


The correct answer is: interview

Question text

Answer is one method in administering questionnaires to respondents that

is done by sending the questionnaire to the respondent through postal


The correct answer is: self-administered questionnaire

Question text

In researching for materials for your position paper, remember to Answer

unfamiliar terms/concepts.


The correct answer is: define

Question text

It is recommended that the abstract be written Answer because by then,

you'd know what points to highlight and what details to omit.

The correct answer is: last

Question text

According to the article, which of the following is not the duty of a husband
in a marriage?

Select one:

a. provide the family with the basic amenities such as food, clothing and

b. support the wife

c. render services in the home


The correct answer is: render services in the home

Question text

Answer questions are basically data that contain single words or phrases
that can be consolidated to allow for spelling and/or other minor variations.


The correct answer is: Short answer

Question text

True or False: The position paper may present two stands/arguments on

one topic at the most.



The correct answer is: False

Question text

True or False: Concept paper may take a stand on the discussed topic.


The correct answer is: False

Question text

The results of the data gathering must be Answer : it must be based on

actual data gathered and not swayed or altered by any biased comment or


The correct answer is: objective

Question text

Answer used on a concept paper are usually based on theory, past

research, experience and need. These will keep the writer on track to the
goal, focusing mainly on the problem of the research.


The correct answer is: Research questions

Question text

Answer sampling is a type of non-probability sampling which considers the

convenience for the researcher as he or she can choose subjects from
people near him or her who are willing to be respondents for the study.


The correct answer is: Availability

Question text

The writer is aware of the dire consequences of divorce. But which of the
following is not an advantage in passing the divorce law in the Philippines?

Select one:
a. The passing of the divorce law will encourage more to speak up in face
of a difficult marriage and have it as an easy escape

b. The passing of the divorce law will reflect a progressive Philippines, free
from the hold of religion and tradition

c. The passing of the divorce law will protect battered wives or husbands
from their abusive partners

d. The passing of the divorce law will deviate the existing sexual hierarchy
and the presumed dominance of the male spouse in the family


The correct answer is: The passing of the divorce law will encourage more
to speak up in face of a difficult marriage and have it as an easy escape

Question text

The Answer section shows the findings of the research done by the
researcher by following the methods.


The correct answer is: results

Question text

Identify whether the technique used in writing the following passage is

Classification, Cause and Effect, Comparison and Contrast, Analogy,
Definition, Persuasion, Process Description, or Interpretation.

The State of Pinoy Pop: 2016

by Ian Uruttia


The correct answer is: Classification

Question text
True or False: You may quote anyone as a supporting evidence or fact to
your research/study.



The correct answer is: False

Question text

Answer sampling is a method that is suited for a population that can be

divided into non-overlapping groups in the analysis of data.


The correct answer is: Stratified

The accounting cycle begins by recording _____________ in the form of journal entries.

Answer=Business Transactions

A chart of accounts is limited to 50 accounts.

Answer= True

Which is NOT a type of adjusting entry?

Answer = Unearned expenses

Rent is prepaid for an office for the business, is the accounting entry to the to the
prepaid rent account a debit or a credit?

Answer = debit

Debit and credit rules for accounts on one side of the accounting equation are mirror
images of those on the

Answer = True

Which of the following is never debited when making closing entries?

Answer = Expenses
Supplies are purchased for cash, is the double entry posting to the supplies on hand
account a debit or credit entry?

Answer = debit

The payment of a liability is recorded by a debit to the liability account and a credit to
the owner's capital account.

Answer = False

The business carried out work for a customer and was paid in cash, is the entry to the
revenue account a debit or a credit?

Answer = Credit

Cash paid to a supplier for goods supplied by them on credit terms, is the entry to
accounts payable a debit or credit entry?

Answer = debit

A form of discount granted by a retailer to encourage a customer to buy the goods is


Answer = b. Sales discount

Which of the following accounts is not an asset?

Answer = b. Unearned commission

Information is cost effective when:

Answer = The value of the information exceeds the cost of producing it.

Accounting involves communication.

Answer = True

Which of the following is not an acceptable basis of recognizing expenses?

Answer = Critical measurement

A supporting document prepared by a seller that is used as an evidence of a downward

adjustment in the amount that is due from a customer is known as:
Answer = Credit Memorandum.

Work was completed and invoiced to a customer for payment within 30 days, is the
posting to accounts receivable a debit or a credit?

Answer = Credit

Person who manages all of a firm's accounting activities.

Answer = Controller

Which of the following expenses is recognized under the direct association with revenue

Answer = Salesmen's commission

Which of the following is an asset account?

Answer =Prepaid Insurance

Accounting provides information on

Answer = Financial conditions of an institution

Government agency gives a CPA certificate to an accountant after he passes a series of

rigorous examinations administered by the Board of Accountancy (BOA).

Answer = PRC

Equity is shown in which financial statement?

Answer = Balance Sheet

The income statement shows which of the following?

Answer= Income and expenses

Which of the following account titles will not appear in the balance sheet of a single

Answer = C. Share capital appears in the Balance Sheet of a corporation

The purchase of a new delivery truck to be used in the business?

Answer = a. Investing

Which of the following is an asset account?

Answer = Prepaid insurance

Which of these is not a Financial Statement?

Answer = Cash book

An increase in the balance in Accounts payable.

Answer = Operating

Which of the following is a current asset

Answer = B. All other choices are non-current or fixed assets.

The term operating, financing and investing as used to categorized what type of item?

Answer = Cash flow

Inventory and accounts receivable are classified in the balance sheet as?

Answer = Current assets

Which of the following is NOT part of the cost of inventory purchased?

Answer = Freight out

Which of the following accounts will normally appear in the ledger of a merchandising
company that uses a perpetual inventory system?

Answer = Cost of goods sold

Noted: yong iba na hindi lalabas nasa

brainly or commonsense lang ang
tanong na iba binabago kasi yong

Which of the following is NOT considered revenue?

Select one:
a. Interest Revenue
b. Ticket Sales Revenue

c. Deferred Revenue
d. Rent revenue


The correct answer is: Deferred Revenue


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1 17/10/17, 09:39 Started Not yet answered

2 17/10/17, 10:00 Saved: Deferred Revenue Answer saved

3 17/10/17, 10:01 Attempt finished Correct

Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text

The business carried out work for a customer and was paid in cash, is the entry to the revenue
account a debit or a credit?

Select one:
a. Debit

b. Credit


The correct answer is: Credit


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1 17/10/17, 09:39 Started Not yet answered

2 17/10/17, 10:00 Saved: Credit Answer saved

3 17/10/17, 10:01 Attempt finished Correct

Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Information is material if:

Select one:
a. It corresponds to financial variables
b. Its omission or misstatement could influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis

of the financial statements.

c. None of the previous answers.
d. It is recorded on the basis of concrete documents.

The correct answer is: Its omission or misstatement could influence the economic decisions of users
taken on the basis of the financial statements.


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Step Time Action S

1 17/10/17, Started N
09:39 a

2 17/10/17, Saved: Its omission or misstatement could influence the economic decisions A
10:00 of users taken on the basis of the financial statements.

3 17/10/17, Attempt finished C

Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

The accounting cycle begins by recording _____________ in the form of journal entries.

Select one:
a. Business Contracts
b. Financial Information
c. Corporate minutes

d. Business Transactions


The correct answer is: Business Transactions


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1 17/10/17, 09:39 Started Not yet answered

2 17/10/17, 10:00 Saved: Business Transactions Answer saved

3 17/10/17, 10:01 Attempt finished Correct

Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Accounting is the language of business.

Select one:
a. False

b. True


The correct answer is: True


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1 17/10/17, 09:39 Started Not yet answered

2 17/10/17, 10:00 Saved: True Answer saved

3 17/10/17, 10:01 Attempt finished Correct

Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Which of the following statements is?incorrect?

Select one:
a. The business enterprise must have ownership over the items reported as business assets.
b. An asset has future usefulness or service potential
c. An asset does not always have physical attributes.
d. A reliable monetary value must be assignable to the reported asset items.


The correct answer is: The business enterprise must have ownership over the items reported as
business assets.


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1 17/10/17, Started N
09:39 an

2 17/10/17, Saved: The business enterprise must have ownership over the items An
10:00 reported as business assets.

3 17/10/17, Attempt finished Co

Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

When does an accountant record a transaction?

Select one:
a. On manager's demand
b. No correct answer
c. If it has a tax implication

d. If it is materialized by a concrete document

The correct answer is: If it is materialized by a concrete document


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1 17/10/17, 09:39 Started Not yet a

2 17/10/17, 10:00 Saved: If it is materialized by a concrete document Answer sa

3 17/10/17, 10:01 Attempt finished Correct

Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Financial statements are prepared:

Select one:
a. For corporations, but not for sole proprietorship or partnership.
b. Only for publicly owned business organizations.
c. In either monetary or non-monetary terms, depending upon the need of the decision-maker.

d. Primarily for the benefit of persons outside of the business organizations


The correct answer is: Primarily for the benefit of persons outside of the business organizations


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Step Time Action Sta

1 17/10/17, 09:39 Started No

Step Time Action Sta

2 17/10/17, 10:00 Saved: Primarily for the benefit of persons outside of the business Ans

3 17/10/17, Attempt finished Co

Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Information is cost effective when:

Select one:

a. The value of the information exceeds the cost of producing it.

b. The information aids management in controlling costs.
c. The information is generated by a computer-based system.
d. The information is based upon the historical costs, rather than upon?


The correct answer is: The value of the information exceeds the cost of producing it.


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1 17/10/17, 09:39 Started Not

2 17/10/17, 10:00 Saved: The value of the information exceeds the cost of producing it. Answ

3 17/10/17, 10:01 Attempt finished Corr

Question 10
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Which financial statement is used to show what the firm owns?

Select one:
a. Income statement

b. Balance sheet
c. Cash flow statement
d. Statement of retained earnings


The correct answer is: Balance sheet


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1 17/10/17, 09:39 Started Not yet answered

2 17/10/17, 10:00 Saved: Balance sheet Answer saved

3 17/10/17, 10:01 Attempt finished Correct

Question 11
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Which is the last step of accounting as a process of information?

Select one:
a. Communication of information
b. Analysis and interpretation of information

c. Preparation of financial statement

d. Recording the transaction


The correct answer is: Preparation of financial statement


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1 17/10/17, 09:39 Started Not yet answ

2 17/10/17, 10:00 Saved: Preparation of financial statement Answer save

3 17/10/17, 10:01 Attempt finished Correct

Question 12
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Probable future sacrifices of economic benefits arising from past transactions are known as:

Select one:
a. Expenses
b. Assets

c. Liabilities
d. Income


The correct answer is: Liabilities


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1 17/10/17, 09:39 Started Not yet answered

2 17/10/17, 10:00 Saved: Liabilities Answer saved

3 17/10/17, 10:01 Attempt finished Correct

Question 13
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

All entries must be supported by a source document.

Select one:

a. True
b. False


The correct answer is: True


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1 17/10/17, 09:39 Started Not yet answered

2 17/10/17, 10:00 Saved: True Answer saved

3 17/10/17, 10:01 Attempt finished Correct

Question 14
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Government agency gives a CPA certificate to an accountant after he passes a series of rigorous
examinations administered by the Board of Accountancy (BOA).

Select one:
a. BIR
b. Civil Service Commission

c. PRC
d. School Registrar

The correct answer is: PRC


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1 17/10/17, 09:39 Started Not yet answered

2 17/10/17, 10:00 Saved: PRC Answer saved

3 17/10/17, 10:01 Attempt finished Correct

Question 15
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

What are the accounting standards issued by the IASB called?

Select one:
a. Internationally Accepted Accounting Standards
b. International Financial Accounting Standards
c. International Accounting Principles

d. International Financial Reporting Standards


The correct answer is: International Financial Reporting Standards


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1 17/10/17, 09:39 Started Not yet a

Step Time Action State

2 17/10/17, 10:00 Saved: International Financial Reporting Standards Answer sa

3 17/10/17, 10:01 Attempt finished Correct

Question 16
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

The basic function of financial accounting is to

Select one:
a. No correct answer

b. Interpret financial data

c. Record all business transactions
d. Assist the management in performing functions effectively


The correct answer is: Interpret financial data


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1 17/10/17, 09:39 Started Not yet answered

2 17/10/17, 10:00 Saved: Interpret financial data Answer saved

3 17/10/17, 10:01 Attempt finished Correct

Question 17
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Which is the last step of accounting as a process of information?

Select one:

a. Preparation of financial statement

b. Communication of information
c. Recording the transaction
d. Analysis and interpretation of information


The correct answer is: Preparation of financial statement


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1 17/10/17, 09:39 Started Not yet answ

2 17/10/17, 10:00 Saved: Preparation of financial statement Answer save

3 17/10/17, 10:01 Attempt finished Correct

Question 18
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Which of the following is more appropriate definition for Accountancy?

Select one:
a. Accountancy refers to the process of recording financial transactions in the order of their
b. Accountancy refers to the art of communicating the financial transactions to accounting users
c. Accountancy refers to the art of classifying the recorded transactions under their respective

d. Accountancy refers to the systematic knowledge of accounting.

The correct answer is: Accountancy refers to the art of classifying the recorded transactions under
their respective accounts


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1 17/10/17, Started N
09:39 a

2 17/10/17, Saved: Accountancy refers to the art of classifying the recorded A

10:00 transactions under their respective accounts

3 17/10/17, Attempt finished C

Question 19
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

A loan can be described as a short-term loan of the period is:

Select one:
a. 3 years

b. Less than 1 year

c. More than 2 years
d. Over 1 year


The correct answer is: Less than 1 year


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1 17/10/17, 09:39 Started Not yet answered

2 17/10/17, 10:00 Saved: Less than 1 year Answer saved

3 17/10/17, 10:01 Attempt finished Correct

Question 20
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

The basic purpose of accounting is to:

Select one:
a. Develop financial statements in conformity with generally accepted?
b. Provide as much useful information to decision makers as possible, regardless of cost.

c. Meet an organization's need for accounting information as efficiently as possible.

d. Record changes in the financial position of an organizations by applying the concepts of double-
entry accounting.


The correct answer is: Meet an organization's need for accounting information as efficiently as


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1 17/10/17, Started No
09:39 an

2 17/10/17, Saved: Meet an organization's need for accounting information as An

10:00 efficiently as possible.

3 17/10/17, Attempt finished Co

Question 21
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

A one year reporting period that begins on January 1 ends on December 31 is:

Select one:
a. Semester reporting period

b. Calendar year reporting period

c. Fiscal year reporting period
d. Quarterly reporting period


The correct answer is: Calendar year reporting period


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1 17/10/17, 09:39 Started Not yet answe

2 17/10/17, 10:00 Saved: Calendar year reporting period Answer saved

3 17/10/17, 10:01 Attempt finished Correct

Question 22
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

A business transaction can affect two accounts on the same side of the accounting equation and still
leave the equation in balance.

Select one:

a. True
b. False

The correct answer is: True


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1 17/10/17, 09:39 Started Not yet answered

2 17/10/17, 10:00 Saved: True Answer saved

3 17/10/17, 10:01 Attempt finished Correct

Question 23
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

The type of accounting which reports on the performance of the firm to essential external users.

Select one:
a. Internal auditing
b. Managerial accounting

c. Financial accounting
d. External accounting


The correct answer is: Financial accounting


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2 17/10/17, 10:00 Saved: Financial accounting Answer saved

3 17/10/17, 10:01 Attempt finished Correct

Question 24
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Which of the following is not a characteristics of an economic resource so that it could be classified
as an asset of the business?

Select one:
a. The resource has future resource has future service potential.

b. The economic resource has physical existence.

c. The resource was acquired as a result of a past transaction.
d. The business entity has control over the usefulness of the economic resource.


The correct answer is: The economic resource has physical existence.


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1 17/10/17, 09:39 Started Not yet

2 17/10/17, 10:00 Saved: The economic resource has physical existence. Answer s

3 17/10/17, 10:01 Attempt finished Correct

Question 25
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Although accounting information is used by a wide variety of external parties, financial reporting is
primarily directed toward the information needs of:

Select one:

a. Investors and creditors

b. Customers
c. Government agencies such as the Internal Revenue Service.


The correct answer is: Investors and creditors


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1 17/10/17, 09:39 Started Not yet answered

2 17/10/17, 10:00 Saved: Investors and creditors Answer saved

3 17/10/17, 10:01 Attempt finished Correct

Question 26
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Financially, shareholders are rewarded by

Select one:
a. Profits

b. Dividends
c. No correct answer
d. Interest


The correct answer is: Dividends

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1 17/10/17, 09:39 Started Not yet answered

2 17/10/17, 10:00 Saved: Dividends Answer saved

3 17/10/17, 10:01 Attempt finished Correct

Question 27
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

The four principal qualitative characteristics of useful financial statements are:

Select one:
a. Understandability, relevance, accuracy, comparability
b. Understandability, relevance, reliability, simplicity

c. Understandability, relevance, reliability, comparability

d. Timeliness, relevance, reliability, comparability


The correct answer is: Understandability, relevance, reliability, comparability


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1 17/10/17, 09:39 Started Not ye

2 17/10/17, 10:00 Saved: Understandability, relevance, reliability, comparability Answe

3 17/10/17, 10:01 Attempt finished Correc

Question 28
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

The top of the T account is used for account titles. Credits are entered on the left side of the T;
debits, on the right.

Select one:
a. True

b. False


The correct answer is: False


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1 17/10/17, 09:39 Started Not yet answered

2 17/10/17, 10:00 Saved: False Answer saved

3 17/10/17, 10:01 Attempt finished Correct

Question 29
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Every transaction affects two or more accounts and is recorded by equal amounts of debits and

Select one:

a. True
b. False


The correct answer is: True


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1 17/10/17, 09:39 Started Not yet answered

2 17/10/17, 10:00 Saved: True Answer saved

3 17/10/17, 10:01 Attempt finished Correct

Question 30
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Which of the following groups use financial accounting?

Select one:

a. All of the answers correct

b. Tax authorities, government and general public
c. Suppliers, customers and competitors
d. Management, employees, shareholders, and lenders


The correct answer is: All of the answers correct


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1 17/10/17, 09:39 Started Not yet answere

2 17/10/17, 10:00 Saved: All of the answers correct Answer saved

3 17/10/17, 10:01 Attempt finished Correct

Question 31
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Which of the following is never debited when making closing entries?

Select one:
a. Revenue
b. Owner's Drawings

c. Expenses
d. Income summary?


The correct answer is: Expenses


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1 17/10/17, 09:39 Started Not yet answered

2 17/10/17, 10:00 Saved: Expenses Answer saved

3 17/10/17, 10:01 Attempt finished Correct

Question 32
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

An asset account appears on the right side of the accounting equation and is also increased on the
right side of its T account.

Select one:
a. True

b. False

The correct answer is: False


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1 17/10/17, 09:39 Started Not yet answered

2 17/10/17, 10:00 Saved: False Answer saved

3 17/10/17, 10:01 Attempt finished Correct

Question 33
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Accounting aims to communicate financial information to investors only.

Select one:
a. True

b. False


The correct answer is: False


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1 17/10/17, 09:39 Started Not yet answered

2 17/10/17, 10:00 Saved: False Answer saved

3 17/10/17, 10:01 Attempt finished Correct

Question 34
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Accounting involves communication.

Select one:

a. True
b. False


The correct answer is: True


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1 17/10/17, 09:39 Started Not yet answered

2 17/10/17, 10:00 Saved: True Answer saved

3 17/10/17, 10:01 Attempt finished Correct

Question 35
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Cash paid to a supplier for goods supplied by them on credit terms, is the entry to accounts payable
a debit or credit entry?

Select one:
a. Credit

b. Debit


The correct answer is: Debit


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1 17/10/17, 09:39 Started Not yet answered

2 17/10/17, 10:00 Saved: Debit Answer saved

3 17/10/17, 10:01 Attempt finished Correct

Question 36
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Which financial statement displays the revenues and expenses of a company for a period of time?

Select one:
a. Cash Flow
b. Balance sheet
c. Statement of Owner's Equity

d. Income Statement


The correct answer is: Income Statement


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1 17/10/17, 09:39 Started Not yet answered

2 17/10/17, 10:00 Saved: Income Statement Answer saved

3 17/10/17, 10:01 Attempt finished Correct

Question 37
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Accounting deals with quantifiable information.

Select one:

a. True
b. False


The correct answer is: True


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1 17/10/17, 09:39 Started Not yet answered

2 17/10/17, 10:00 Saved: True Answer saved

3 17/10/17, 10:01 Attempt finished Correct

Question 38
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

The liabilities that are payable in more than a year and are not be liquidated from current assets.

Select one:
a. Current liabilities
b. All of the answers correct
c. Contingent liabilities

d. Fixed liabilities

The correct answer is: Fixed liabilities


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1 17/10/17, 09:39 Started Not yet answered

2 17/10/17, 10:00 Saved: Fixed liabilities Answer saved

3 17/10/17, 10:01 Attempt finished Correct

Question 39
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Which of the following statements is false?

Select one:

a. Owner's equity can be bigger than the total assets.

b. Owner's equity cannot be bigger than the total assets.
c. Total liabilities can be bigger than the total assets.
d. Owner's equity can be bigger than the total liabilities


The correct answer is: Owner's equity can be bigger than the total assets.


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1 17/10/17, 09:39 Started Not yet

2 17/10/17, 10:00 Saved: Owner's equity can be bigger than the total assets. Answer
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3 17/10/17, 10:01 Attempt finished Correc

Question 40
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Temporary accounts would include:

Select one:

a. Drawing, income and expenses

b. Capital, income and expenses
c. Capital, drawing and expenses
d. Capital, drawing and income


The correct answer is: Drawing, income and expenses


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1 17/10/17, 09:39 Started Not yet answe

2 17/10/17, 10:00 Saved: Drawing, income and expenses Answer saved

3 17/10/17, 10:01 Attempt finished Correct

Question 41
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Accounting provides information on

Select one:
a. Financial conditions of an institution

b. All of the answers correct

c. Company's tax liability for a particular year
d. Cost and income for managers


The correct answer is: All of the answers correct


Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 17/10/17, 09:39 Started Not yet answere

2 17/10/17, 10:00 Saved: All of the answers correct Answer saved

3 17/10/17, 10:01 Attempt finished Correct

Question 42
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Amount generated from sales in a business is called:

Select one:

a. Income
b. Operating profit
c. Net income
d. Gross Profit


The correct answer is: Income


Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 17/10/17, 09:39 Started Not yet answered

2 17/10/17, 10:00 Saved: Income Answer saved

3 17/10/17, 10:01 Attempt finished Correct

Question 43
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

The debts which are to be repaid within a short period (year or less) are known as

Select one:
a. Contingent liabilities

b. Current liabilities
c. All of the answers correct
d. Fixed liabilities


The correct answer is: Current liabilities


Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 17/10/17, 09:39 Started Not yet answered

2 17/10/17, 10:00 Saved: Current liabilities Answer saved

3 17/10/17, 10:01 Attempt finished Correct

Question 44
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text

Which of the following will not be reported in the statement of changes in equity?

Select one:
a. Additional investment of the proprietor
b. Balance of capital at the end of the period.
c. Net income during the period

d. Proceeds from the sale of the building


The correct answer is: Proceeds from the sale of the building


Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 17/10/17, 09:39 Started Not yet ans

2 17/10/17, 10:00 Saved: Proceeds from the sale of the building Answer sav

3 17/10/17, 10:01 Attempt finished Correct

Question 45
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

All of the following are characteristics of managerial accounting, except:

Select one:
a. Reports are used primarily by insiders rather than by persons outside of the business entity.
b. Information may be tailored to assist in specific managerial decisions.
Answer: C
c. Information must be developed in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles or

with income tax regulations.

d. Its purpose is to assist managers in planning and controlling business operations.

The correct answer is: Information must be developed in conformity with generally accepted
accounting principles or with income tax regulations.


Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action S

1 17/10/17, Started N
09:39 a

2 17/10/17, Saved: Information must be developed in conformity with generally A

10:00 accepted accounting principles or with income tax regulations.

3 17/10/17, Attempt finished C

Question 46
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

A credit to an account always increases it: a debit to an account always deceases it.

Select one:

a. False
b. True


The correct answer is: False


Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

Step Time Action State

1 17/10/17, 09:39 Started Not yet answered

2 17/10/17, 10:00 Saved: False Answer saved

3 17/10/17, 10:01 Attempt finished Correct

Question 47
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Person who manages all of a firm's accounting activities.

Select one:
a. Accounting staff
b. Payroll manager

c. Controller


The correct answer is: Controller


Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 17/10/17, 09:39 Started Not yet answered

2 17/10/17, 10:00 Saved: Controller Answer saved

3 17/10/17, 10:01 Attempt finished Correct

Question 48
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
It is usually used in connection with activities and events that result to the inflow of assets and/or
outflow of liabilities.

Select one:
a. Equity
b. Liabilities
c. Assets
d. Income


The correct answer is: Income


Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 17/10/17, 09:39 Started Not yet answered

2 17/10/17, 10:00 Saved: Income Answer saved

3 17/10/17, 10:01 Attempt finished Correct

Question 49
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

The term book keeping and accountancy can be used interchangeably.

Select one:
a. False
b. True


The correct answer is: True


Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 17/10/17, 09:39 Started Not yet answered

2 17/10/17, 10:00 Saved: True Answer saved

3 17/10/17, 10:01 Attempt finished Correct

Question 50
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

The basic function of financial accounting is to

Select one:
a. Record all business transactions
b. Interpret financial data
c. Assist the management in performing functions effectively
d. No correct answer


The correct answer is: Interpret financial data

Learning Activity 4
When invested at an annual rate of 5%, an amount earned Php 15,000.00
of simple interest in 2 years. How much money was initially invested?
The correct answer is: 150000
How much money should a student place in a time deposit in a bank that
pays 1.1% compounded annually so that he will have Php 200,000.00
after 6 yrs?
The correct answer is: 187293.65
Long Quiz 3
What interest rate per annum is a fund paying its clients if the third to
the last payment of a depositor became Php 510.05 from an initial
savings payment of Php 500.00?
The correct answer is: 12
When invested at an annual rate of 8%, an amount earned Php 24,000.00
of simple interest in 18 months. How much money was initially
The correct answer is: 200000
How long will Php 40,000.00 amount to Php 51,200.00 if the simple
interest rate is at 12% per annum?

Find the present value of Php 50,000.00 due in 4 years if money is

invested at 12% compounded semi-annually.
The correct answer is: 31370.62
What interest rate per annum is a fund paying its clients if the second to
the last payment of a depositor became Php 918.00 from an initial
savings payment of Php 900.00?
The correct answer is: 24
To what factor should you multiply a principal amount if you wish to
compute for the interest earned in 6 months of an investment in a fund
that pays 24% per annum?
The correct answer is: 12
Suppose Mrs. Reyes would like to save Php 1,000.00 at the end of each
month for 9 months in a fund that gives 5% per annum compounded
monthly. How much would the value of her savings be after 7 months?
(Hint: make sure the units of the interest rate and the term are the same)
The correct answer is: 7147.3
How long will Php 50,000.00 amount to Php 75,000.00 if the simple
interest rate is at 15% per annum?

Accumulate Php 15,000.00 for 2 years at 15% compounded monthly.

The correct answer is: 20210.27
How much do you need to save per month to have a future value of Php
10,146.00 after 12 months of saving in a fund that gives 12% per
The correct answer is: 800
How much should Kaye set aside and invest in a fund earning 2%
compounded quarterly if she needs Php 75,000.00 in 15 months?
The correct answer is: 73152.8
How many periods of artificial payments would you make if you are to
buy a commodity for quarterly payments of Php 8,000.00 for 8 years
starting two years from now?
The correct answer is: 7
Your teacher saves Php 5,000.00 every 6 months in a bank that pays
0.25% compounded monthly. How much will be her savings after 10
The correct answer is: 101197.42
Your sister recently landed her dream job. As part of planning for future
expenses, she started to deposit Php 1,000.00 monthly in a fund that
pays 6% compounded quarterly. What is the equivalent interest?
The correct answer is: 0.004975
When invested at an annual rate of 7%, an amount earned Php 21,000.00
of simple interest in 3 years. How much money was initially invested?
The correct answer is: 100000
Learning Activity 6
A certain company gave out Php 25.00 dividend per share for its
common stock. The market value of the stock is Php 92.00. Determine
the stock yield ratio. (Note: Answer should be in percent with two
decimal places)
The correct answer is: 21.27
A land developer declared a dividend of Php 10,000,000.00 for its
common stock. Suppose there are 600,000 shares of common stock, how
much is the dividend per share?
The correct answer is: 16.67
Short Quiz 12
A property holdings declared a dividend of Php 9.00 per share for the
common stock. If the stock closes at Php 76.00, how large is the stock
yield ratio? (Note: Answer should be in percent with two decimal digits)
The correct answer is: 11.84
Find the amount of the semi-annual coupon for a Php 250,000.00 bond
which pays 7% convertible semi-annually for its coupons.
The correct answer is: 8750
A food corporation declared a dividend of Php 25,000,000.00 for its
common stock. Suppose there are 180,000 shares of common stock, how
much is the dividend per share? (Note: Answer should have two decimal
The correct answer is: 138.89
Determine the amount of a semi-annual coupon paid for a 3% -bond
with a face value of Php 80,000.00 which matures after 15 years. (Note:
Answer should have two decimal places)
The correct answer is: 1200
Learning Activity 5
Your sister recently landed her dream job. As part of planning for future
expenses, she started to deposit Php 1,000.00 monthly in a fund that
pays 6% compounded quarterly. How much will her funds worth be
after 15 years?
The correct answer is: 290076.28
How many months of artificial payments would you make if you are to
buy an appliance for Php 2,000.00 for 1 year starting from the 7th
The correct answer is: 6
Short Quiz 11
Your sister recently landed her dream job. As part of planning for future
expenses, she started to deposit Php 1,000.00 monthly in a fund that
pays 6% compounded quarterly. What is the equivalent interest?
The correct answer is: 0.004975
Suppose Mrs. Reyes would like to save Php 1,000.00 at the end of each
month for 9 months in a fund that gives 5% per annum compounded
monthly. How much would the value of her savings be after 7 months?
(Hint: make sure the units of the interest rate and the term are the same)
The correct answer is: 7147.3
What interest rate per annum is a fund paying its clients if the second to
the last payment of a depositor became Php 918.00 from an initial
savings payment of Php 900.00?
The correct answer is: 24
How many periods of artificial payments would you make if you are to
buy a commodity for quarterly payments of Php 8,000.00 for 8 years
starting two years from now?
The correct answer is: 7

How long will Php 40,000.00 amount to Php 51,200.00 if the simple interest rate is at 12% per annum?

-2 years and 4 months

Find the present value of Php 50,000.00 due in 4 years if money is invested at 12% compounded semi-

The correct answer is: 31370.62

When invested at an annual rate of 7%, an amount earned Php 21,000.00 of simple interest in 3 years.
How much money was initially invested?

The correct answer is: 100000

Long Quiz 4
A Php 450,000.00 bond is redeemable at Php 550,000.00 after 5 years.
Coupons are given at 5% convertible semi-annually. Find the amount of
the semi-annual coupon.
The correct answer is: 11250
A family obtained a Php 1,000,000.00 mortgaged. If the monthly
payment is Php 38,000.00 for four years, how much is the total interest
The correct answer is: 824000
Find the amount of the semi-annual coupon for a Php 250,000.00 bond
which pays 7% convertible semi-annually for its coupons.
The correct answer is: 8750
Tell whether the following is a characteristic of stocks or bonds:
(a) A form of equity financing or raising
money by allowing investors to be part
owners of the company. Answer (a) A
form of debt financing, or raising money
by borrowing from investors. Answer
1(a). Stock
2(a). Bond

Determine the type of loan for the following:

If a condominium is purchased for Php 5,700,000.00 and the bank

requires 30% down payment, how much is the mortgaged amount?
The correct answer is: 3990000
A certain financial institution declared Php 57.00 dividend per share for
its common stock. The market value of the stock is Php 198.00.
Determine the stock yield ratio. (percentage with 2 decimal places)
The correct answer is: 28.79
For the purchase of a farm worth Php 2,800,000.00, the bank requires
30% down payment, find the mortgaged amount.
The correct answer is: 1960000
A business loan of Php 800,000.00 is to be repaid in full after 2 years.
What is the amount to be paid if the effective interest rate if 8%?
The correct answer is: 933120
Determine what type of loan is needed for the following situations:

A food corporation declared a dividend of Php 25,000,000.00 for its

common stock. Suppose there are 180,000 shares of common stock, how
much is the dividend per share? (Note: Answer should have two decimal
The correct answer is: 138.89
Mr. Capan obtained a 10-year mortgage for Php 4,200,000.00. If his
monthly payment is Php 39,500.00, how much is the total interest?
The correct answer is: 540000
Determine the amount of a semi-annual coupon paid for a 3% -bond
with a face value of Php 80,000.00 which matures after 15 years. (Note:
Answer should have two decimal places)
The correct answer is: 1200

Mr. Capan obtained a 10-year mortgage for Php 4,200,000.00. If his monthly payment is Php 39,500.00,
how much is the total interest?

The correct answer is: 540000

If a condominium is purchased for Php 5,700,000.00 and the bank requires 30% down payment, how
much is the mortgaged amount?

The correct answer is: 3990000

A family obtained a Php 1,000,000.00 mortgaged. If the monthly payment is Php 38,000.00 for four
years, how much is the total interest paid?

The correct answer is: 824000

Determine what type of loan is needed for the following situations

-Consumer loan

-Business loan

Learning Activity 8
Determine the truth value:
Consider the following scenario:
One Friday night, Roman and Malou are busy studying for their Logic
exam. Meanwhile, Hadji just tweeted a picture of himself eating crispy
pata and sisig. Jeff is sound asleep in his dorm room.
a. Either Roman has a date with Malou, or Jeff is sleeping or Hadji is
b. Either Jeff is sleeping or Hadji is not eating.
c. Roman and Malou are on a date and Jeff is sleeping, or Hadji is not

Determine whether each of the following statements are propositions or

not. If the statement is a proposition, determine its truth value. (If it does
not have a truth value, put NA)
Statement Proposition Truth Value
1.Mindanao is an island in the Philippines. Y TRUE
2.Find a number which divides your age. N NA
3.Help! N NA
4.3 + 2 = 4 Y FALSE
Short Quiz 14
Determine whether each of the following statements are propositions or
not. If the statement is a proposition, determine its truth value. (If it does
not have a truth value, put NA)
Statement Proposition Truth Value
1 f(x) = sqrt(x) / ( x+1 ) is a rational function. Y FALSE
2 What is the domain of the function? N NA
3 I am lying. N NA
4 It is not the case that sqrt(2) is a rational number. Y TRUE

Determine the truth value:

Suppose that Abbey is in Grade 11.
a. If Abbey is in Grade 11, then she is a senior high school student.
b. If Abbey is in Grade 11, then she is working as a lawyer.
c. If Abbey has a degree in Computer Science, then she believes in true

Learning Activity 9
Determine which rule of inference is the basis for each of the argument
Antonio Luna is a scientist.
Therefore, either Antonio Lune or Jose Rizal is a scientist.

What is the rule of inference that was used in the argument in #1

-Modus Ponens

Determine which rule of inference is the basis for each of the argument
Antonio Luna and Jose Rizal like Nelly Boustead.
Therefore, Antonio Lune likes Nelly Boustead.
Short Quiz 15
Determine whether each of the following arguments is valid or not.
a. If the solution turns blue litmus paper red, then the solution contains
acid. The solution does not contain acid. So, the solution does not turn
blue litmus paper red.
b. If the solution turns blue litmus paper red, then the solution contains
acid. The solution turns blur litmus paper red, so the solution contains
c. If you study hard, you refine your communication skills and build up
your confidence. If you refine your communication skills build up your
confidence, then your job opportunities increase. Hence, if you study
hard, your job opportunities increase.
d. Kidnapping is wrong if society disapproves of it. Kidnapping is
wrong. So society disapproves of kidnapping.
e. If overeating causes disease, then it is not healthy. Overeating does
not cause disease. So overeating is healthy.
Learning Activity 10
Complete the proof of the argument below:
Proposition Reason
1. s Premise
2. ~(~s) Double Negation
3. (~r) v (~s) Premise
4. ~r 2, 3, Disjunctive Syllogism
5. p OR remise
6 p 4, 5, Disjunctive Syllogism
Short Quiz 16
Complete the proof of the argument below:
Proposition Reason
1.(p OR r) → (~q)Premise
2.(~q)→ r Premise
3.(p OR r) → r Law of Syllogism
4.~r Premise
5.~ (p OR r) 3, 4, Modus Tollens

What interest rate per annum is a fund paying its clients if the third to
the last payment of a depositor became Php 510.05 from an initial
savings payment of Php 500.00?

Find the value of each logarithmic expression. (Note: There's only one
answer for the pair of logarithmic expressions indicated below.)
log2 (2^4/2^10)and log2 2^- log2 2^10

To what factor should you multiply a principal amount if you wish to

compute for the interest earned in 6 months of an investment in a fund
that pays 24% per annum?

Find the value of each logarithmic expression. (Note: There's only one
answer for the pair of logarithmic expressions indicated below.)
log7 75 and 5 · log7 7

3(log9 x)2 = 6 log9 x


Find the value of each logarithmic expression. (Note: There's only one
answer for the pair of logarithmic expressions indicated below.)
log7 (73 · 78) and log7 73 + log7 78

(log3 2)(log3 4) = log3 6


A Php 450,000.00 bond is redeemable at Php 550,000.00 after 5 years.

Coupons are given at 5% convertible semi-annually. Find the amount of
the semi-annual coupon.

How much do you need to save per month to have a future value of Php
10,146.00 after 12 months of saving in a fund that gives 12% per

The horizontal line test is used to determine whether a function is one-

to-one when its graph is given.

Consider the rational function

V2−449,000V+19307)/(125V2(1,000V−43)), does the function have a

The relation pairing an SSS member to his/her SSS number is a one-to-

one function.

The absolute value function has an inverse function.


A certain financial institution declared Php 57.00 dividend per share for
its common stock. The market value of the stock is Php 198.00.
Determine the stock yield ratio. (percentage with 2 decimal places)

A business loan of Php 800,000.00 is to be repaid in full after 2 years.

What is the amount to be paid if the effective interest rate if 8%?

Which of the is the inverse of (\f(x) = 5x - 4\)?

-(\f(x) = (x + 4)/5\)

(a) Mr. Lau wants to have another branch for his cellphone repair shop.
He decided to apply for a loan that can be used to pay for the rentals of
the new branch.
-Business Loan
(b) Mrs. Alon decided to take her family for a vacation. To cover the
expenses, she decided to apply for a loan.
-Consumer Loan

How much should Kaye set aside and invest in a fund earning 2%
compounded quarterly if she needs Php 75,000.00 in 15 months?

For the purchase of a farm worth Php 2,800,000.00, the bank requires
30% down payment, find the mortgaged amount.

Fill in the table that represents the inverse of the function defined by:
-*Look at the pic in this folder*

Find the solution for the rational equation: ((2/(x+1)+5/2x)=2\).


How long will Php 50,000.00 amount to Php 75,000.00 if the simple
interest rate is at 15% per annum?
-3 years and 4 months
The set A = {(-4, 4), (-3, 2), (-2, 1), (0, -1), (1, -3), (2, -5)} of ordered pairs
form a function. Find the inverse of this function.
-*Look at the pic in this folder*

Complete the table of values below:

f(x)=(3)^x= -2 -1 0 1 2 3

-4 -2 0 2 4 6

Some functions have inverse functions.


Suppose Mrs. Reyes would like to save

Php 3,000.00 at the end of each month for
six months in a fund that gives 9% per
annum compounded monthly. How much
would the value of her savings be after 6
months? (Hint: make sure the units of the
interest rate and the term are the same)

Mr. Santos received two offers on a lot that he wants to sell. Ms. Perez offered Php
50,000.00 down payment and a lump sum of Php 1,000,000.00 after 5 years. Mr. Castro
offered Php 50,000.00 down payment and Php 40,000.00 every quarter for 5 years.
Compare the market values of the two offer if the money can earn 5% compounded
C.The Php1,050,000.00

ind the unknown in the table below:Use Simple Interest Computation for your answers.

Principal (P) Rate (r) Time (t) (in years) Interest (I)

10,000.008%15Answer Answer 2%510,000.00360,000.00Answer 23,600.0050

0,000.0010.5%Answer 175,000.00880,000.009.25%2.5Answer

1. 12,000

or the function g(x) = 2x, find

g(2) = Answer
g(4) = Answer
g(0) = Answer
g(-2) = Answer
g(-4) = Answer

Mr. Abad got a Php 700,000.00 loan for the

expansion of his business payable monthly
in 4 years. How much is the monthly
amortization if the interest rate is 12%
compounded monthly?

Which of the following represents an

exponential function? Select one: a. The
number of trees in a rainforest b. population
growth of microorganisms c. The
conversion of fahrenheit to celsius d. The
amount billed to a girl who bought a basket
of flowers

Without using a calculator, find the value of the following logarithmic expression.

Are the following functions one-to-one? (Answer by typing "Yes" or "No" - without the quotation
1. f(x)=4−3x4f(x)=4−3x4 Answer
2. f(x)=3−4xf(x)=3−4x Answer
3. f(x)=4−3x4−−−−−−√2f(x)=4−3x42 Answer
4. f(x)=3−4y4f(x)=3−4y4 Answer
5. f(x)=10f(x)=10 Answer

Without using a calculator, find the value of the following logarithmic expression.
log5 5

Without using a calculator, find the value of the following logarithmic expression.
log7 1

(log3 2)(log3 4) = log3 8 Select one: True

A loan of Php 200,000.00 is to be repaid in full after 3 years. If the interest rate is 8% per
annum, how much should be paid after 3 years?

Determine the type of loan for the following:

(a) Mr. Lau wants to have another branch for his cellphone repair shop. He decided to apply
for a loan that can be used to pay for the rentals of the new
branch. Answer
(b) Mrs. Alon decided to take her family for a vacation. To cover the expenses, she decided
to apply for a loan. Answer
A. Business loan
b. Personal loan

Determine what type of loan is needed for the following situations:

(a) Mr. Agustin plans to have a barbershop. He wants to borrow some money from the bank
in order for him to buy the equipment and furniture for the barbershop.
Answer: Business Loan

(b) Mr. and Mrs. Craig wants to borrow money from the bank to finance the college education
of their son.

Answer: Consumer Loan

Find the value of each logarithmic

expression. (Note: There's only one answer
for the pair of logarithmic expressions
indicated below.) log7 (73 · 78) and log7 73
+ log7 78

43 = x


log1/2 16

log2 32

Find the value of each logarithmic expression. (Note: There's only one answer for the pair of
logarithmic expressions indicated below.)
log3 (27 · 81) and log3 27 + log3 81

For the purchase of a house and lot worth Php 3,800,000.00, the bank requires 20% down
payment amount. Find the mortgaged amount.

log3 2x2 = log3 2 + 2 log3 x


log9 729

log 22 = (log 2)2


The relation pairing a real number to its square is a one-to-one function.

Select one:

log3 2x2 = 2 log3 2x


Fill in the table that represents the inverse of the function defined by:

x -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
y -9 -7 -5 -3 -1 1 3 5 7
(Pagpaliten mo lang value ng x at y )

(log3 2)(log3 4) = log3 6

Select one:

24 = x


log7 (49/7) and log7 49 - log7 7


3 log9 x2 = 6 log9 x

Learning Activity 4
How much money should a student place in a time deposit in a bank that pays 1.1% compounded
annually so that he will have Php 200,000.00 after 6 yrs?
The correct answer is: 187293.65
When invested at an annual rate of 5%, an amount earned Php 15,000.00 of simple interest in 2 years. How
much money was initially invested?
The correct answer is: 150000

GMAT-111 / ► Week 12: Key Concepts of Simple and Compound Inter... / ► Learning Activity 5
Your sister recently landed her dream job. As part of planning for future expenses, she started to
deposit Php 1,000.00 monthly in a fund that pays 6% compounded quarterly. How much will her
funds worth be after 15 years?
The correct answer is: 290076.28
How many months of artificial payments would you make if you are to buy an appliance for Php
2,000.00 for 1 year starting from the 7th month?
The correct answer is: 6
GMAT-111 / ► Week 12: Key Concepts of Simple and Compound Inter... / ► Short Quiz 11
Your sister recently landed her dream job. As part of planning for future expenses, she started to
deposit Php 1,000.00 monthly in a fund that pays 6% compounded quarterly. What is the equivalent
The correct answer is: 0.004975
How many periods of artificial payments would you make if you are to buy a commodity for quarterly
payments of Php 8,000.00 for 8 years starting two years from now?
The correct answer is: 7
Suppose Mrs. Reyes would like to save Php 1,000.00 at the end of each month for 9 months in a fund that
gives 5% per annum compounded monthly. How much would the value of her savings be after 7 months?
(Hint: make sure the units of the interest rate and the term are the same)
The correct answer is: 7147.3
What interest rate per annum is a fund paying its clients if the second to the last payment of a depositor became
Php 918.00 from an initial savings payment of Php 900.00?
The correct answer is: 24

A television set is for sale at Php 13,499.00

in cash or on installment terms, Php
2,500.00 each month for the next 6 months
at 9% compounded annually.
=A. 14628.79
b. cash

A car dealer offers a 15% down payment for

a purchase of a car. How much is the
mortgaged amount of the cash value of the
car is Php 1,500,000.00?

Determine what type of loan is needed for

the following situations: (a) Mr. Alonzo
wants to have some improvements in their
10-year old house. He wants to build a new
room for their 13-year old daughter. He will
borrow money from the bank to finance this
plan. Answer (b) Mr. Samson owns a siomai
food cart business. He wants to put another
cart on a new mall in the other city. He
decided to have a loan to establish the new
business. Answer
=Consumer Loan

= Business Loan

Tell whether the following is a characteristic of stocks or bonds:

(a) A form of equity financing or raising money by allowing investors to be part owners of
the company. Answer
(a) A form of debt financing, or raising money by borrowing from
investors. Answer
According to Gabriel Marcel, this refers to the "ultimate other self."


The principle which claims that some non-physical mind, will, or soul overrides physical causality.

- Interactionist Dualism

An argument for consequentualism which states that actions are transient things, soon gone forever.

-Only results remain

This book by Voltaire claimed that "Liberty then is only and can be only the power to do what one

-Dictionnaire philosophique

This refers to a state of reality characterized by interiority, subjectivity, sentience, feeling,

experience, self-agency, meaning, and purpose.

-Philosophical consciousness

Another term for state consequentalism

-Mohist Consequentialism

He maintains that determinism is true because quantum phenomena are not events or things that
can be located in space and time, but are abstract entities.

-Ted Honderich

He suggested that no connection could be made between indeterminism of nature and freedom of

-Niels Bohr

In consequentialism, this consists of the action itself and everything it causes.


The essay where Arthur Schopenhauer stated, "You can do what you will, but in any given moment
of your life you can will only one definite thing and absolutely nothing other than that one thing.

-On the Freedom of the Will

His research suggests that as babies, humans are biologically wired to "coordinate their actions with

-Colwyn Trevarthen

It is the notion that all propositions, whether about the past, present, or future, are either true or

-Logical determinism

Persons with disabilities (PWDs), according the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons With
Disabilities, include those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments
which?may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others.?


Habilitation is concerned with people who have acquired disabilities.?


He introduced the concept of intersubjectivity aimed?to designate an individual capacity and a social
domain, hence the term "intersubjectivityof mutual understanding."

- Jurgen Habermas
This approach suggests that, instead of being individual or universal thinkers, human beings
subscribe to "thought communities"-communities of differing beliefs.

- Intersubjectivity

It is the notion that all propositions, whether about the past, present, or future, are either true or

-Logical determinism

The UN Declaration on the Rights of Mentally Retarded Persons took place in what year?


In the US, This was signed into law in 1990 with the aim to end discrimination against individuals
with disabilities.

-Americans with Disabilities Act

Per UNICEF, what is the maximum age for the so-called "children with disabilities?"?


The Philippines' "Magna Carta for Disabled Persons" is also known as ____.

-RA No. 7277

This refers to problems in body function or alterations in body structure, such as paralysis or


A concept in consequentialism where an action is morally right if and only if it does not violate the set
of rules of behavior whose general acceptance in the community would have the best

-Rule consequentialism

Which of these fields of study does not entail the use of the term "intersubjectivity?"

The work of Edith Stein which served as an extended basis of intersubjectivity.

-On the Problem of Empathy

Another term for state consequentalism

-Mohist Consequentialism

Edith Stein's doctoral dissertation which served as an extended basis of intersubjectivity.

-"On the Problem of Empathy"

This theory states that of any two things a person might do at any given moment, one is better than
another to the extent that its overall consequences are better than the other's overall consequences.

-Plain scalar consequentialism

It concentrates on the fundamental goods of the earth, communities of more limited economic and
political scale than in modern society, and on simple living.

- agrarianism

IFSW is a global organisation striving for social justice, human rights and social development
through the promotion of social work, best practice models and the facilitation of international
cooperation.What does IFSW stand for?

-International Foundation of Social Workers

It is the philosophy that all events of history, past, present and future, have been decided or are
known (by God, fate, or some other force), including human actions.


Aside from the Supplemental Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), what is the other program of the
US federal government to assist persons with disability?

-American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD)

The essay where Arthur Schopenhauer stated, "You can do what you will, but in any given moment
of your life you can will only one definite thing and absolutely nothing other than that one thing.

-On the Freedom of the Will

This suggest that intdeterminacy of agent volition processes could map to the indeterminacy of
certain physical events, and the outcomes of these events could therefore be considered caused by
the agent.

-Efforts of will theory

He introduced the concept of intersubjectivity aimed?to designate an individual capacity and a social
domain, hence the term "intersubjectivityof mutual understanding."

-Jurgen Habermas

The author behind the doctoral dissertation "On the Problem of Empathy" which served as an
extended basis of intersubjectivity.?

-Edith Stein

He suggested that no connection could be made between indeterminism of nature and freedom of

-Niels Bohr

It refers to a society driven by the use of technology to enable mass production, thus supporting a
large population.

- industrial society

The author of "The Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ—Against the Fanatics" which stated
that the Eucharist was actually and not virtually the body of Christ.

-Martin Luther

According to Socrates, the secret to this is in developing the capacity to enjoy less.

- happiness

This period is considered the transition to agriculture.

- Neolithic Revolution

The author behind "The Question Concerning Technology"

- Martin Heidegger

The primary source of energy within agrarian societies

- plant biomass

The philosopher behind virtuality.

- Gilles Deleuze

Feudalism was considered a way of life during this period.

- Medieval
The exact name of the sacrament in the Roman Catholic Church involved in Martin Luther's " The
Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ—Against the Fanatics"

- Holy Eucharist

Author of "Méditations sur le réel et le virtuel" which gave virtuality another core meaning

- Denis Berthier

This is where horticulture and agriculture as types of subsistence developed among humans
somewhere between 10,000 and 8,000 years ago.

- Fertile Circle

It is identified as a catalyst for the transition to post-modern society

- information technology

WEEK 18-19
The state when the mind is in communion with universal and eternal ideas

f- contemplation

The term used to refer to an aspect of reality that is ideal yet real.

- virtual

Andrei Linde considered that just like space time, this might have its own intrinsic degrees of
freedom, and that one's perceptions may be as real as material objects.

- consciousness

The philosopher who considers our body as the source of endless trouble.

- Plato

An event that represents the permanent cessation of all biological functions that sustain a living

- death

The philosopher behind virtuality.

- Gilles Deleuze
The primary source of energy within agrarian societies

- plant biomass

This period is considered the transition to agriculture.

- Neolithic Revolution

Another word for escaping existence.

- suicide

This is where horticulture and agriculture as types of subsistence developed among humans
somewhere between 10,000 and 8,000 years ago.

- Fertile Crescent

The philosopher behind Bergsonism

- Henri Bergson

The exact name of the sacrament in the Roman Catholic Church involved in Martin Luther's " The
Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ—Against the Fanatics"

- Holy Eucharist

It is a philosophical school of thought stating that the efforts of humanity to find inherent meaning will
ultimately fail (and hence are absurd) because the sheer amount of information as well as the vast
realm of the unknown make total certainty impossible.

- Absurdism

According to Socrates, the secret to this is in developing the capacity to enjoy less.

- happiness

It is identified as a catalyst for the transition to post-modern society

- information technology

Which is a focal point of agrarianism?

- both choices are correct

He characterized nihilism as emptying the world, and especially human existence, of meaning,
purpose, comprehensible truth, and essential value

- Friedrich Nietzsche

It refers to the view that only reason is the chief source and test of knowledge.
- rationalism

It refers to a controversial field which tries to find neural correlates and mechanisms of religious

- Neuroscience

Albert Camus' chief work involving absurdism.

- The Myth of Sisyphus

Its focal points include simple living and fundamental goods of the earth.

- agrarianism

The German philosopher who stated that one cannot fully live unless he confronts his own mortality.

- Martin Heidegger


In the US, This was signed into law in 1990 with the aim to end discrimination against individuals
with disabilities.

- Americans with Disabilities Act

It refers to the view that only reason is the chief source and test of knowledge.

- rationalism

The term used to refer to an aspect of reality that is ideal yet real.

- virtual

IFSW is a global organisation striving for social justice, human rights and social development
through the promotion of social work, best practice models and the facilitation of international
cooperation.What does IFSW stand for?

- International Foundation of Social Workers

It is a philosophical school of thought stating that the efforts of humanity to find inherent meaning will
ultimately fail (and hence are absurd) because the sheer amount of information as well as the vast
realm of the unknown make total certainty impossible.

- Absurdism
This refers to the capacity to know everything that there is to know and is a property often attributed
to a creator deity.

- Omniscience

The exact name of the sacrament in the Roman Catholic Church involved in Martin Luther's " The
Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ—Against the Fanatics"

- Holy Eucharist

Edmund Husserl's best-known text on intersubjectivity.

- Cartesian Meditations

This refers to the treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a
person based on the group, class, or category to which the person is perceived to belong rather than
on individual attributes.

- Discrimination

It refers to the capacity of a concept to be readily and accurately communicated between different
individuals and to be reproduced under varying circumstances for the purposes of verification

- Intersubjective verifiability

He is the founder of phenomenology.

- Edmund Husserl

This is concerned with people with developmental disabilities.

- Habilitation

Aside from the Supplemental Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), what is the other program of the
US federal government to assist persons with disability?

- American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD)

The essay where Arthur Schopenhauer stated, "You can do what you will, but in any given moment
of your life you can will only one definite thing and absolutely nothing other than that one thing.

- On the Freedom of the Will

An event that represents the permanent cessation of all biological functions that sustain a living

- death

The form of incompatibilism which posits that determinism is false and free will is possible.

- Metaphysical libertarianism
Daniel Stern developed this to focus on research on the non-verbal communication of infants, young
children, and their parents.

- Relational psychoanalysis

Per UNICEF, what is the maximum age for the so-called "children with disabilities?"?

- 18

He posits that causality was a mental construct used to explain the repeated association of events,
and repeated association of events, and that one must examine more closely the relation between
things regularly succeeding one another.

- David Hume

It states that human meaning is derived from a fundamental fear of death, and values are selected
when they allow us to escape the mental reminder of death.

- Terror Management Theory

Martin Heidegger, in "Being in Time," referred to this as something that shows itself in itself.

- phenomenon

The Philippines' Department of Health implements Republic Act No. 7277, also known as the
"Magna Carta for Disabled Persons.?

- True

UNICEF released the so-called "Global Disability Action Plan 2014-2021" which intends?to help
countries direct their efforts towards specific actions in order to address health concerns of persons
with disabilities.?

- False

This book by Voltaire claimed that "Liberty then is only and can be only the power to do what one

- Dictionnaire philosophique

Rule consequentialism exists in these forms, except for...

- human thinking

This is where horticulture and agriculture as types of subsistence developed among humans
somewhere between 10,000 and 8,000 years ago.

- Fertile Crescent

Feudalism was considered a way of life during this period.

- Medieval

His research suggests that as babies, humans are biologically wired to "coordinate their actions with
- Colwyn Trevarthen

Albert Camus' chief work involving absurdism.

- The Myth of Sisyphus

He characterized nihilism as emptying the world, and especially human existence, of meaning,
purpose, comprehensible truth, and essential value

- Friedrich Nietzsche

It states that everything that exists is no more extensive than its physical properties, hence, there are
no non-physical substances.

- Physicalism

It is the philosophy that all events of history, past, present and future, have been decided or are
known (by God, fate, or some other force), including human actions.

- Predeterminism

Martin Heidegger, in "Being in Time," referred to this as something that shows itself in itself.

- Phenomenon

Its focal points include simple living and fundamental goods of the earth.

- agrarianism

It is identified as a catalyst for the transition to post-modern society

- information technology
Jurgen Habermas introduced this concept in the concept of intersubjectivity?to designate an
individual capacity and a social domain.?

- Intersubjectivity of mutual understanding

This theory states that of any two things a person might do at any given moment, one is better than
another to the extent that its overall consequences are better than the other's overall consequences.

- Plain scalar consequentialism

This refers to problems in body function or alterations in body structure, such as paralysis or

- Impairment

Daniel Stern developed this to focus on research on the non-verbal communication of infants, young
children, and their parents.

- relational psychoanalysis

Which is a focal point of agrarianism?

- both choices are correct

Another term for state consequentalism

- Mohist Consequentialism

Andrei Linde considered that just like space time, this might have its own intrinsic degrees of
freedom, and that one's perceptions may be as real as material objects.

- consciousness

He suggested that no connection could be made between indeterminism of nature and freedom of

- Niels Bohr

The organization behind"Global Disability Action Plan 2014-2021" which intends?to help countries
direct their efforts towards specific actions in order to address health concerns of persons with

- World Health Organization

This holds that the mind is a nonphysical substance, the seat of consciousness and intelligence, and
is not identical with physical states of the brain or body.

- Cartesian dualism

Which of these fields of study does not entail the use of the term intersubjectivity?

- Biology

It is grounded in the idea that everything in the world can actually be reduced analytically to its
fundamental physical, or material, basis.

- reductive physicalism

Edith Stein's doctoral dissertation which served as an extended basis of intersubjectivity.

- "On the Problem of Empathy"

He maintains that determinism is true because quantum phenomena are not events or things that
can be located in space and time, but are abstract entities.

- Ted Honderich

"People First Language"?eliminates generalizations, assumptions and stereotypes by focusing on

the person rather discussing disability issues.?


The organization behind "Global Disability Action Plan 2014-2021" which intends to help countries
direct their efforts towards specific actions in order to address health concerns of persons with

He coined the term "intersubjectivity of mutual understanding" to designate an individual capacity
and social domain.

- Jurgen Habermas

He introduced the concept of intersubjectivity aimed?to designate an individual capacity and a social
domain, hence the term "intersubjectivityof mutual understanding."

- Jurgen Habermas

Banks and Corporations are irrelevant to the economic structure of the

The correct answer is: false
Both state and non-state institutions are essential to the development of the
The correct answer is: true
Trade unions help regulate the working relationship between the unions
and the employers.
The correct answer is: true
The main duty of a bank it so provide a safe place for people to save
excess cash, known as deposit.
The correct answer is: true
Cooperatives and Trade Unions are directly involved with economic
systems of production and distribution in the society.
The correct answer is: true
Trade unions and cooperatives are established to maintain the welfare of
the workers and the consumers.
The correct answer is: true
An institution that is not under the control of the State.
The correct answer is: Non-state institution
A legal entity established under the state law and is designed to generate
a profit.
The correct answer is: corporation
UCSP-111 / ►Week 11: Cultural, Social and Political Institutio... / ►Short
Quiz 8
An institution that is within the control of the State.
The correct answer is: state institution
Cooperatives and Trade Unions are directly involved with economic
systems of production and distribution in the society.
The correct answer is: true
Banks primarily create profit by lending a portion of the deposited money to
The correct answer is: true
The main duty of a bank it so provide a safe place for people to save
excess cash, known as
The correct answer is: deposit
Corporations are an essential driving force for the economy of a state.
The correct answer is: true
Non-state institutions are not essential to the development of the society.
The correct answer is: false
Refers to an institution that is not under the control of the government or by
the State.
The correct answer is: Non-state Institution
Banks and Corporations are important to the economic structure of the
The correct answer is: true
Banks are only for storing money and assets.
The correct answer is: false
The separation of Church and State allowed people in many different
countries to practice religious freedom without government interference.
The correct answer is: true
These provide a safe place to save excess cash, known as deposits.
The correct answer is: Banks
These are legal entities which are established under state law that are
designed to generate a profit.
The correct answer is: corporations
UCSP-111 / ►Week 12: Cultural, Social and
Political Institutio... / ►Learning Activity 9
Education begins in grade school.
The correct answer is: false
With non-formal education, there is generally no control over the performed
activities nor does it necessarily regard the providing of degrees or
The correct answer is: false
Distance learning is different from correspondence learning, in a way that
the student is at a distance from the teacher for much, most or even all the
time, during the teaching-learning process.
The correct answer is: true
Non-formal education comes with a rigid curriculum.
The correct answer is: false
Non-formal education tends to adapt to the interest and work pace of the
The correct answer is: true
Education that does not correspond to an organized and systematic view.
The correct answer is: informal education
A planned, systematized and individualized learning system that allows
students to proceed at their own pace, according to their interests.
The correct answer is: correspondence learning

UCSP-111 / ►Week 12: Cultural, Social and Political Institutio... / ►Short

Quiz 9
A type of education that is systematized and classroom-based, provided by
trained teachers.
The correct answer is: formal education
One of the global issues which are affecting the progress of the society.
The correct answer is: Mass illiteracy
Refers to education that does not correspond to an organized and
systematic view.
The correct answer is: Informal education
A planned, systematized, and individualized learning system that allows
students to proceed at their own pace, according to their interests.
The correct answer is: correspondence learning
With informal education, there is generally no control over the performed
activities nor does it necessarily regard the providing of degrees or
The correct answer is: true
Informal education tends to adapt to the interest and work pace of the
The correct answer is: false
Education that does not correspond to an organized and systematic view.
The correct answer is: informal education
Refers to an education process which has a more flexible curricula and
methodology compared to formal education.
The correct answer is: non-formal education
Non-formal education comes with a more flexible curricula and
methodology compared to formal education.
The correct answer is: true
Distance learning is different from correspondence learning, in a way that
the student is at a distance from the teacher for much, most or even all the
time, during the teaching-learning process.
The correct answer is: true
Learning as those which offer students a measure of flexibility and
autonomy, to study the programmes of their choice when and where they
wish, and at a pace to suit their circumatances.
The correct answer is: Open Systems
It is the need for personal growth and development that exists
throughout a the life of a person.
The correct answer is: self-actualization

UCSP-111 / ►Week 13: Long Test / ►Long Quiz 3

Correspondence learning is a planned, systematized, and individualized
learning system that allows students to proceed at their own pace,
according to their interests.
The correct answer is: True
Realization is the need for personal growth and development that exists
throughout a the life of a person.
The correct answer is: False
According to the sociologist Karl Marx, religion is something that the elites
of the society use in order to keep a hold on the working and lower classes.
The correct answer is: True
A belief in numerous personalized, supernatural beings endowed with
reason, intelligence, and/or volition.
The correct answer is: Animism
The smallest type of political organization, it is usually a small group
connected by family ties and is politically independent.
The correct answer is: band
The idea in which the king was the divine representative of a god on earth.
The correct answer is: divine kingship
It refers to religious belief in the existence of one god, or the oneness of
The correct answer is: Monotheism
The concept of right to issue and force a command by means of coercive
The correct answer is: authority
The belief in multiple gods or goddesses.
The correct answer is: Polytheism
According to Holmberg, it refers to learning supported by those teaching
methods in which, because of the physical separateness of learners and
teachers, the interactive, as well as the preactive phase of teaching is
conducted through print, mechanical or electronic devices.
The correct answer is: Distance Learning
According to Durkheim, a religion is a conviction or ideal that an individual
or groups accepts as real or true, regardless of the lack of verifiable
The correct answer is: False
It refers to the popular acceptance of a government, or any system of
The correct answer is: Legitimacy
The following societies follow Polytheist beliefs except for one.
The correct answer is: Islamic nations
A form of government in which a country is ruled by ecclesiastical
The correct answer is: theocracy
It is an institution that is within the control of the State.
The correct answer is: State institution
According to him, animist thought serves as a starting point for human
religious development.
The correct answer is: Sir Edward Burnett Taylor
The rising literacy rate is of the global issues which are affecting the
progress of the society.
The correct answer is: False
A type of religious group that is distinguished by having broken away from
a larger organization, usually a church .
The correct answer is: Sect
According to him, the dominance of religion is part of the theological phase
of the development of society.
The correct answer is: August Comte
refers to any organization that is involved in the political process.
The correct answer is: political organization
It refers to authority made legitimate by a leader whose mission and vision
inspires others.
The correct answer is: Charismatic authority
It is an institution is defined as a unified system of beliefs and practices
related to sacred things, that is to say, things set apart and forbidden-
beliefs and practices which unite into one single moral community.
The correct answer is: religion
Formal education is classroom-based and provided by trained teachers.
The correct answer is: True
It refers to an institution that is not under the control of the government or
by the State.
The correct answer is: Non-State institution
To most thinkers, Animism is not a form of religion, but rather an
explanation of a phenomena.
The correct answer is: True
It refers to education that does not correspond to an organized and
systematic view.
The correct answer is: Informal education
The religious doctrine held by the Catholics brought about specific
economic behaviior that created early merchant capitalism.
The correct answer is: False
Legal entities which are established under state law that are designed to
generate a profit.
The correct answer is: Corporations
Latin word meaning to declare, or lawful.
The correct answer is: legitimare
He believes that religion is essential for economic development, as
observed among predominantly Protestant Christian societies.
The correct answer is: Max Weber

UCSP-111 / ►Week 14: Cultural, Social and

Political Institutio... / ►Learning Activity 10
According to Weber, religion is a unified system of beliefs and practices
related to sacred things, that is to say, things set apart and forbidden,
beliefs and practices which unite into one single morel community.
The correct answer is: false
According to Marx, abolition of religion is a part of the socialist revolution
which would pave way to communism.
The correct answer is: true
Karl Marx believes that religion is something that the elite of the society use
in order to keep a hold on the working and lower classes.
The correct answer is: true
proposed the secularization theory.
The correct answer is: August Comte
It is an institution that involves a set of beliefs and practice of a particular
social group.
The correct answer is: religion
The church of a particular religion may be supported by the majority of the
The correct answer is: true
A conviction or ideal accepted as real or true, regardless of the lack of
verifiable evidence.
The correct answer is: belief
Accodring to Durkheim, religion is essential to social cohesion and
The correct answer is: true

UCSP-111 / ►Week 14: Cultural, Social and Political Institutio... / ►Short

Quiz 10
It refers to a type of religious group that is distinguished by having broken
away from a larger organization, usually a church.
The correct answer is: sect
The sociologist who proposed the secularization theory.
The correct answer is: August Comte
Gives the citizens the freedom to worship without interference from the
The correct answer is: First Amendment
The belief in multiple gods or divinities.
The correct answer is: Polytheism
It refers to a conviction or ideal of an individual or groups accepts as real
or true, regardless of the lack of verifiable evidence.
The correct answer is: belief
A belief in numerous personalized, supernatural beings endowed with
reason, intelligence, and/or volition.
The correct answer is: Animism
A form of government in which a country is ruled by ecclesiastical
The correct answer is: theocracy
An institution is defined by Durkheim as a unified system of beliefs and
practices related to sacred things, that is to say, things set apart and
forbidden - beliefs and practices which unite into one single moral
The correct answer is: religion
According to him, animist thought serves as a starting point for human
religious development.
The correct answer is: Sir Edward Burnett Tylor
It refers to religious groups that seek to establish a systm for actively
believing in and engaging God.
The correct answer is: Institutionalized religion
It refers to religious belief in the existence of one god, or the oneness of
The correct answer is: Monotheism

UCSP-111 / ►Week 15: Cultural, Social and

Political Institutio... / ►Learning Activity 11
It is a health system that is beyond the scope of conventional science.
The correct answer is: alternative health system
A state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely
the absence of disease or infirmity.
The correct answer is: health
Neuropathy is an example of an alternative health system.
The correct answer is: true
The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the
fundamental rights of every human being regardless of race,
religion, political belief, economic or social condition.
The correct answer is: true
The right to health is an human right exclusive to those who can afford to
pay hospital bills.
The correct answer is: false
Folk illnesses affect a specific ethnic group or society.
The correct answer is: true
Also called folk illness, it is a combination of symptoms that are considered
to be a recognizable disease only within a specific society or culture.
The correct answer is: culture-specific syndrome
It is a health system that is based on science and the skills of health
workers standardized and learned from health sciences schools.
The correct answer is: Western health system

UCSP-111 / ►Week 15: Cultural, Social and Political Institutio... / ►Short

Quiz 11
The right to health is an inclusive human right.
The correct answer is: true
The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the
fundamental rights of humans who are financially superior to others.
The correct answer is: false
It is defined as a number of practices which are beyond the scope of
conventional medicine.
The correct answer is: alternative health system
Culture-specific syndrome is also known as
The correct answer is: folk illness
A type of health system that is based on science and the skills of health
The correct answer is: Western health system
Folk illnesses affect a specific ethnic group or society.
The correct answer is: true
It refers to a combination of symptoms that are considered to be a
recognizable disease only within a specific society or culture.
The correct answer is: culture-specific syndrome
It refers to healthcare beliefs and practices that have been established by
indigenous people in developing nations.
The correct answer is: Traditional health system
A state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely
the absence of disease or infirmity.
The correct answer is: health
Traditional health systems often makes use of herbs.
The correct answer is: true
Neuropathy is an example of an alternative health system.
The correct answer is: true
The right to health includes the right to be free from non-consensual
medical treatment such as medical experiments or forced sterilization.
The correct answer is: true

UCSP-111 / ►Week 16: Social Stratification / ►Learning Activity 12

This theoretical perspective examines stratification from a micro level
The correct answer is: symbolic interactionism
The division of large social groups into smaller groups based on categories
determined by economics.
The correct answer is: social stratification
The proletariat are the ones that experience more hardships.
The correct answer is: true
Social stratification is not related to social standing.
The correct answer is: false
An extreme form of social inequality in which some individuals are owned
by others as their property.
The correct answer is: slavery system
The society is a hierarchy of individuals with varying access to or control
over basic economic resources.
The correct answer is: true
It refers to the upper class, who gain wealth through the profits from their
The correct answer is: bourgeois

UCSP-111 / ►Week 16: Social Stratification / ►Short Quiz 12

An extreme form of social inequality in which some individuals are owned
by others as their property.
The correct answer is: slavery system
A theoretical perspective that examines how various aspects of society
contribute to ensuring its stability and continued function.
The correct answer is: Functionalism
Focus on the role of governments in fostering economic development.
The correct answer is: state-centered theories
A theory that focuses on the relationship among the core, peripheral, and
semi-peripheral countries in the global economy.
The correct answer is: world-systems theory
A system that promotes belief in fate, destiny, and the will of a higher
spiritual power rather than the promotion of ofindividual freedom,
socializing people to accept their social standing.
The correct answer is: Caste system
It refers to the division of large social groups into smaller groups based on
categories determined by economics.
The correct answer is: social stratification
The respect or admiration that comes from success, achievement, rank, or
other favorable attributes.
The correct answer is: prestige
This is a more critical theoretical perspective towards social stratification, with ideas often
based from the works of Karl Marx. Conflict Theory

It refers to the stratification system that is determined by personal effort and

The correct answer is: Meritocracy
Theories that claim that global poverty is caused by the exploitation of poor
countries by the wealthy ones.
The correct answer is: Dependency theories
A system of stratification that was associated with Feudalism.
The correct answer is: estate system
These are social mobility systems that impose rigid boundaries between
social groups and limit interactions among members who belong to
different social groups or occupy different levels in the social hierarchy.
The correct answer is: closed systems
characterized by unequal opportunities and rewards for different social
classes in a society.
The correct answer is: social inequality
A theoretical perspective that examines stratification from a micro level
The correct answer is: Symbolic Interactionism
It is the feeling of affinity or loyalty towards a particular population, cultural
group, or territorial area.
The correct answer is: ethnicity
Are systems of social stratification that are based on achievement, allowing
more flexibility in social roles, increased social mobility, and better
interaction among social groups and classes.
The correct answer is: open systems
UCSP-111 / ►Week 17: Long Test / ►Long Quiz 4
The respect and admiration that comes from success, achievement, rank,
or other favorable attributes.
The correct answer is: prestige
This term refers to a type of religious group that is distinguished by having
broken away from a larger organization.
The correct answer is: Sect
It refers to a combination of symptoms that are considered to be a
recognizable disease only within a specific soc iety or culture.
The correct answer is: culture-specific syndrome
A process that takes place when two social groups or classes are so
different that a compromise between them is impossible.
The correct answer is: social contradiction
Are systems of social stratification that are based on achievement, allowing
more flexibility in social roles, inc reasedsocial mobility, and better
interaction among social groups and classes.
The correct answer is: open systems
It refers to transformations that alter the roles and status of people as well
as the structure and organization of society and its institutions.
The correct answer is: social change
The theoretical perspective that examines how various aspects of society
contribute to ensuring its stability and continued function.
The correct answer is: Functionalism
A theoretical perspective based on the ideas of Karl Marx, in which
inequalities brought about by social stratific ationlead to conflict among
social classes.
The correct answer is: conflict theory
Which of the following is true about slavery system?
The correct answer is: It is an extreme form of social inequality wherein
individuals can be owned by others as their property.
These theories claim that global poverty is caused by the exploitation of
poor countries by the wealthy ones.
The correct answer is: Dependency theories
It is the feeling of affinity or loyalty towards a particular population, cultural
group, or territorial area.
The correct answer is: ethnicity
The spread of certain elements from one group to another in society.
The correct answer is: diffusion
August Comte was the one who proposed the secularization theory.
The correct answer is: True
It takes place when there is a significant disruption that leads to the
alteration in the way power and authority are exercised in a state.
The correct answer is: political change
Which of the following is true about class system?
The correct answer is: It is based on the ownership of resources as well as
the occupation or profession of an individual.
It is a theory that focuses on the relationship among the core, peripheral,
and semi-peripheral countries in the g lobaleconomy.
The correct answer is: world-systems theory
It refers to the stratification system that is determined by personal effort and
The correct answer is: Meritocracy
A type of health system that is based on science and the skills of health
The correct answer is: Western health system
Functionalism is a theoretical perspective that examines how various
aspects of society contribute to ensuring its stability and continued function.
The correct answer is: True
It refers to the division of large social groups into smaller groups based on
categories determined by economics.
The correct answer is: social stratification
Defined as the legal state of being vested with the rights, privileges, and
duties of a citizen.
The correct answer is: citizenship
Sex refers to the culturally-imposed characteristics which define masculinity
or femininity.
The correct answer is: false
The dynamic process in which the living cultures of the world change and
adapt to external or internal forces.
The correct answer is: cultural change
Which of the following is true about estate system?
The correct answer is: It is associated with Feudalism.
Social conflict is characterized by unequal opportunities and rewards for
different social classes in a society.
The correct answer is: false
Closed mobility systems limit interactions among members who belong to
different social groups.
The correct answer is: True
Theories that focus on the role of governments in fostering economic
The correct answer is: state-centered theories
It is the belief in numerous personalized, supernatural beings endowed with
reason, intelligence, and/or volition, that inhabit both objects and living
beings and govern their existences.
The correct answer is: animism
Caste system is an example of
The correct answer is: closed system
It refers to the process of introducing new ideas, things, and methods in
society leading to social change.
The correct answer is: innovation 143
The process in which the individual or group fully adopts another culture,
often leading to the loss of their nati ve culture.
The correct answer is: assimilation
Traditional health systems are healthcare beliefs and practices that have
been established by indigenous people in developing nations.
The correct answer is: True

UCSP-111 / ►Week 18: Social, Cultural, and Political

Changes / ►Learning Activity 13
The process of introducing new ideas, things and methods in society.
The correct answer is: innovation
Innovation leads to social changes when new ideas begin to spread
throughout a society through diffusion.
The correct answer is: true
The process in which individuals and groups learn aspects of a culture that
is not their own.
The correct answer is: acculturation
The dynamic process in which the living cultures of the world change and
adapt to external or internal forces.
The correct answer is: cultural change
Defined by Robert MacIver and Charles Page as the transformations that
alter the roles and status of people as well as the structure and
organization of society and its institutions.
The correct answer is: social change
Political change takes place when there is no significant disruption that
leads to the alteration in the way power and authority are exercised in a
The correct answer is: false
The spread of certain elements from one group to another in society.
The correct answer is: diffusion
The process in which the individual or group fully adopts another culture
that is not their own.
The correct answer is: assimilation

UCSP-111 / ►Week 18: Social, Cultural, and Political Changes / ►Short

Quiz 13
The spread of certain elements from one group to another in society.
The correct answer is: diffusion
A view believing that marginalized groups and individuals should be
empowered and included in the political process.
The correct answer is: inclusive citizenship
It refers to transformations that alter the roles and status of people as well
as the structure and organization of society and its institutions.
The correct answer is: social change
According to Theda Skocpol, it is a rapid and basic transformation of the
State, as well as the class structures, that are accompanies and in part
carried through by class-based revolts from below.
The correct answer is: revolution
The movement of people into a country.
The correct answer is: Immigration
Refers to the dynamic process in which the living cultures of the world
change and adapt to external or internal forces.
The correct answer is: Cultural change
Defined as the legal state of being vested with he rights, privileges, and
duties of a citizen.
The correct answer is: citizenship
It takes place when there is a significant disruption that leads to the
alteration in the way power and authority are exercised in a state.
The correct answer is: political change
It results in the change of government, but does not alter other aspects of
The correct answer is: political revolution
The movement of people from one place to another for the purposes of
temporary or permanent residence.
The correct answer is: migration
Movement of people wihtin their country, such as moving from one city to
The correct answer is: Internal migration
It results in the change of government, but does not alter other aspects of

The correct answer is: political revolution

It leads to a large scale change in the society.
The correct answer is: social revolution
Refers to the process in which individuals and groups learn aspects of a
culture that is not their own.

UCSP-111 / ►Week 19: Long Test / ►Long Quiz 5

The process in which the individual or group fully adopts another culture,
often leading to the loss of their nati ve culture.
The correct answer is: assimilation
A type of health system that is based on science and the skills of health
The correct answer is: Western health system
The theoretical perspective that examines how various aspects of society
contribute to ensuring its stability and continued function.
The correct answer is: Functionalism
It takes place when there is a significant disruption that leads to the
alteration in the way power and authority are exercised in a state.
The correct answer is: political change
It is the belief in numerous personalized, supernatural beings endowed with
reason, intelligence, and/or volition, that inhabit both objects and living
beings and govern their existences.
The correct answer is: animism
A process that takes place when two social groups or classes are so
different that a compromise between them is impossible.
The correct answer is: social contradiction
Are systems of social stratification that are based on achievement, allowing
more flexibility in social roles, inc reasedsocial mobility, and better
interaction among social groups and classes.
The correct answer is: open systems
It refers to the division of large social groups into smaller groups based on
categories determined by economics.
The correct answer is: social stratification
It refers to the process of introducing new ideas, things, and methods in
society leading to social change.
The correct answer is: innovation 143
It is a theory that focuses on the relationship among the core, peripheral,
and semi-peripheral countries in the g lobaleconomy.
The correct answer is: world-systems theory
Defined as the legal state of being vested with the rights, privileges, and
duties of a citizen.
The correct answer is: citizenship
Which of the following is true about slavery system?
The correct answer is: It is an extreme form of social inequality wherein
individuals can be owned by others as their property.
This term refers to a type of religious group that is distinguished by having
broken away from a larger organization.
The correct answer is: Sect
Which of the following is true about estate system?
The correct answer is: It is associated with Feudalism.
A theoretical perspective based on the ideas of Karl Marx, in which
inequalities brought about by social stratific ationlead to conflict among
social classes.
The correct answer is: conflict theory
Social conflict is characterized by unequal opportunities and rewards for
different social classes in a society.
The correct answer is: false
Traditional health systems are healthcare beliefs and practices that have
been established by indigenous people in developing nations.
The correct answer is: True
Caste system is an example of
The correct answer is: closed system
It refers to transformations that alter the roles and status of people as well
as the structure and organization of society and its institutions.
The correct answer is: social change
It refers to a combination of symptoms that are considered to be a
recognizable disease only within a specific soc iety or culture.
The correct answer is: culture-specific syndrome
August Comte was the one who proposed the secularization theory.
The correct answer is: True
Sex refers to the culturally-imposed characteristics which define masculinity
or femininity.
The correct answer is: false
It is the feeling of affinity or loyalty towards a particular population, cultural
group, or territorial area.
The correct answer is: ethnicity
The spread of certain elements from one group to another in society.
The correct answer is: diffusion
Which of the following is true about class system?
The correct answer is: It is based on the ownership of resources as well as
the occupation or profession of an individual.
Closed mobility systems limit interactions among members who belong to
different social groups.
The correct answer is: True
The dynamic process in which the living cultures of the world change and
adapt to external or internal forces.
The correct answer is: cultural change
The respect and admiration that comes from success, achievement, rank,
or other favorable attributes.
The correct answer is: prestige
These theories claim that global poverty is caused by the exploitation of
poor countries by the wealthy ones.
The correct answer is: Dependency theories
Theories that focus on the role of governments in fostering economic
The correct answer is: state-centered theories
It refers to the stratification system that is determined by personal effort
and merit.
The correct answer is: Meritocracy

UCSP-111 / ►Week 20: Second Quarter Exam / ►Second Quarter Exam

It refers to the division of large social groups into smaller groups based on
categories determined by economics.
The correct answer is: social stratification
An organization similar with Joint Stock Company, except that its profits are
distributed according to the value of thepurchases.s
The correct answer is: Cooperative organization
Revolution, according to Theda Skocpol, is a rapid and basic
transformation of the State, as well as the class structures, that are
accompanies and in part carried through by class-based revolts from
The correct answer is: true
According to August Comte, the dominance of religion is not a part of the
theological phase of the development of society.
The correct answer is: false
The movement of people from one place to another for the purposes of
temporary or permanent residence.
The correct answer is: Migration
A type of health system that is based on science and the skills of health
The correct answer is: Western health system
The sociologist Max Weber believes that religion is something that the
upper class of the society use in order to a hold on the working and lower
The correct answer is: false
The process in which the individual or group fully adopts another culture,
often leading to the loss of their native culture.
The correct answer is: Assimilation
It refers to the respect and admiration that comes from success,
achievement, rank, or other favorable attributes.
The correct answer is: prestige
The idea in which the king was the divine representative of a god on earth.
The correct answer is: divine kingship
Gender refers to the culturally-imposed characteristics which define
masculinity or femininity.
The correct answer is: true
Defined as the legal state of being vested with the rights, privileges, and
duties of a citizen.
The correct answer is: Citizenship
It refers to transformations that alter the roles and status of people as well
as the structure and organization of society and its institutions.
The correct answer is: social change
The spread of certain elements from one group to another in society.
The correct answer is: diffusion
The dynamic process in which the living cultures of the world change and
adapt to external or internal forces.
The correct answer is: cultural change
It refers to the interdependence of parts in groups within in our society
The correct answer is: Social organization
Traditional health systems are healthcare beliefs and practices that have
been established by indigenous people in developing nations.
The correct answer is: True
It refers to a combination of symptoms that are considered to be a
recognizable disease only within a specific soc iety or culture.
The correct answer is: culture-specific syndrome
Theories that focus on the role of governments in fostering economic
The correct answer is: state-centered theories
A process that takes place when two social groups or classes are so
different that a compromise between them is impossible.
The correct answer is: social contradiction
A legal entity established under the state law and is designed to generate a
The correct answer is: Corporation
According to Lawrence Kohlberg, the moral development _______
The correct answer is: is a continual process that occurs throughout our
The church of a particular religion may be supported by the majority of the
The correct answer is: true
Cooperatives and Trade Unions are directly involved with economic
systems of production and distribution in the society.
The correct answer is: true
Slavery system is an extreme form of social inequality wherein individuals
can be owned by others as their property.
The correct answer is: true
A view believing that marginalized groups and individuals should be
empowered and included in the political process.
The correct answer is: inclusive citizenship
Refers to the theory, policy, or practice of lessening or reducing
inequalities in income.
The correct answer is: Redistribution
It refers to the process of introducing new ideas, things, and methods in
society leading to social change.
The correct answer is: innovation
It is defined by Burgess and Lock as a group of persons united by ties of
marriage, blood or adoption constituting a single household interacting with
each other in their respective social role of husband and wife, mother and
father, brother and sister creating a common culture.
The correct answer is: family
It is education that does not correspond to an organized and systematic
The correct answer is: Informal education
A theoretical perspective based on the ideas of Karl Marx, in which
inequalities brought about by social stratific ationlead to conflict among
social classes.
The correct answer is: conflict theory
Banks primarily create profit by lending a portion of the deposited money to
The correct answer is: true
Refers to the act of coordinating various factors of production---land, labor,
and capital.
The correct answer is: Economic organization
Class system promotes belief in fate, destiny, and the will of a higher
spiritual power rather than promoton of individual freedom.
The correct answer is: false
Which of the following is NOT TRUE about family?
The correct answer is: Sociologists do not recognize the significance of
families in providing their memberswith valuable resources, both economic
and noneconomic.
Refers to a transaction in which an order is placed by an insider, after filing
all appropriate documentation, to buy or sell restricted securities openly on
an exchange.
The correct answer is: open-market transaction
It is the oldest form of business organization. Examples are small-scale
The correct answer is: sole proprietorship
Takes place when there is an order placed by an insider to buy or sell
restricted securities from within a the own treasury of the company.
The correct answer is: close-market transaction
It refers to the stratification system that is determined by personal effort and
The correct answer is: Meritocracy
These theories claim that global poverty is caused by the exploitation of
poor countries by the wealthy ones.
The correct answer is: Dependency theories
Accodring to Marx, religion is essential to social cohesion and solidarity.
The correct answer is: false
A planned, systematized and individualized learning system that allows
students to proceed at their own pace, according to their interests.
The correct answer is: Correspondence learning
It takes place when there is a significant disruption that leads to the
alteration in the way power and authority are exercised in a state.
The correct answer is: political change
It is a theory that focuses on the relationship among the core, peripheral,
and semi-peripheral countries in the g lobaleconomy.
The correct answer is: world-systems theory
Max Weber believes that religion is essential for economic development, as
observed among predominantly Protestant Christian societies.
The correct answer is: true
Caste system is an example of a closed system.
The correct answer is: true
Open mobility systems limit interactions among members who belong to
different social groups.
The correct answer is: false
To most thinkers, Animism is not a form of religion, but rather an
explanation of a phenomena.
The correct answer is: True
Estate system is associated with Feudalism.
The correct answer is: true
Movement of people wihtin their country, such as moving from one city to
The correct answer is: Internal migration
It is the feeling of affinity or loyalty towards a particular population, cultural
group, or territorial area.
The correct answer is: ethnicity
Social conflict is characterized by unequal opportunities and rewards for
different social classes in a society.
The correct answer is: false
The religious doctrine held by the Calvinists brought about specific
economic behavior that created early merchant capitalism.
The correct answer is: true
These are systems of social stratification that are based on achievement,
allowing more flexibility in social roles, increased social mobility, and better
interaction among social groups and classes.
The correct answer is: open systems
It is a theoretical perspective that examines how various aspects of society
contribute to ensuring its stability and continued function.
The correct answer is: Functionalism


A type of health system that is based on science and the skills of health workers.
Western health system
Traditional health systems are healthcare beliefs and practices that have been established by
indigenous people in developing nations.
It refers to the interdependence of parts in groups within in our society today.
Social organization
The sociologist Max Weber believes that religion is something that the upper class of the society use
in order to a hold on the working and lower classes.
It refers to a combination of symptoms that are considered to be a recognizable disease only within
a specific soc iety or culture.
culture-specific syndrome
According to August Comte, the dominance of religion is not a part of the theological phase of the
development of society.
The idea in which the king was the divine representative of a god on earth.
It refers to the division of large social groups into smaller groups based on categories determined by
social stratification
A theoretical perspective based on the ideas of Karl Marx, in which inequalities brought about by
social stratific ation lead to conflict among social classes.
conflict theory
It is the feeling of affinity or loyalty towards a particular population, cultural group, or territorial area.
The religious doctrine held by the Calvinists brought about specific economic behavior that created
early merchant capitalism.
Theories that focus on the role of governments in fostering economic development.
state-centered theories
Defined as the legal state of being vested with the rights, privileges, and duties of a citizen
Which of the following is NOT TRUE about family?
Sociologists do not recognize the significance of families in providing their memberswith
valuable resources, both economic and noneconomic.
Caste system is an example of a closed system.
Class system promotes belief in fate, destiny, and the will of a higher spiritual power rather than
promoton of individual freedom.
Refers to the act of coordinating various factors of production---land, labor, and capital.
Economic Organization
Social conflict is characterized by unequal opportunities and rewards for different social classes in a
It takes place when there is a significant disruption that leads to the alteration in the way power and
authority are exercised in a state.
Political change
It is a theoretical perspective that examines how various aspects of society contribute to ensuring its
stability and continued function.
It refers to the stratification system that is determined by personal effort and merit.
Banks primarily create profit by lending a portion of the deposited money to corporations.
The church of a particular religion may be supported by the majority of the society.
An organization similar with Joint Stock Company, except that its profits are distributed according to
the value of the purchases.s
Cooperative Organization
Accodring to Marx, religion is essential to social cohesion and solidarity.
A planned, systematized and individualized learning system that allows students to proceed at their
own pace, according to their interests.
Correspondence learning
A view believing that marginalized groups and individuals should be empowered and included in the
political process.
inclusive citizenship
A process that takes place when two social groups or classes are so different that a compromise
between them is im possible.
social contradiction
Revolution, according to Theda Skocpol, is a rapid and basic transformation of the State, as well as
the class structures, that are accompanies and in part carried through by class-based revolts from
The movement of people from one place to another for the purposes of temporary or permanent
These are systems of social stratification that are based on achievement, allowing more flexibility in
social roles, inc reased social mobility, and better interaction among social groups and classes.
open systems
It refers to the respect and admiration that comes from success, achievement, rank, or other
favorable attributes
Gender refers to the culturally-imposed characteristics which define masculinity or femininity.
The process in which the individual or group fully adopts another culture, often leading to the loss of
their native culture.
The spread of certain elements from one group to another in society.
Refers to the theory, policy, or practice of lessening or reducing inequalities in income.
Movement of people wihtin their country, such as moving from one city to another
Internal migration
Takes place when there is an order placed by an insider to buy or sell restricted securities from
within a the own treasury of the company.
Close-Market Transactions

To most thinkers, Animism is not a form of religion, but rather an explanation of a phenomena
The dynamic process in which the living cultures of the world change and adapt to external or
internal forces.
cultural change
Estate system is associated with Feudalism.
Max Weber believes that religion is essential for economic development, as observed among
predominantly Protestant Christian societies.
Open mobility systems limit interactions among members who belong to different social groups.
It is the oldest form of business organization. Examples are small-scale businesses.
Sole Proprietorship
It refers to transformations that alter the roles and status of people as well as the structure and
organization of society and its institutions.
social change
It is a theory that focuses on the relationship among the core, peripheral, and semi-peripheral
countries in the g lobal economy.
world-systems theory
A legal entity established under the state law and is designed to generate a profit.
It is education that does not correspond to an organized and systematic view.
Informal education
Cooperatives and Trade Unions are directly involved with economic systems of production and
distribution in the society.
According to Lawrence Kohlberg, the moral development _______
is a continual process that occurs throughout our lifespan.

Which of the following refers to the act of taking money or other things by means of force or
threats? Extortion

True or False: Disaster preparedness is everyone's business. True

True or False: Communities, families and individuals should know what to do in the event of
a storm or hurricane. True

True or False: Always include neighbors with special needs into your disaster preparedness
plan. True

True or False: Not all communities have to practice emergency preparedness. False

Which of the following is an example of strategies that must be done at times of

emergency? All of the choices

When it comes for first aid, which of the following is ideal for small cuts and grazes?

This refers to significant events that affects the community.

Which of the following is not a component of a coordinated school health program? Youth

True or False: Disaster Recovery is the planned and coordinated process of supporting
disaster affected communities in reconstruction of the environment, infrastructure, and
restoration of physical, emotional, social and economic welfare of the people. True

True or False: Accidents take place in gyms and training areas due to negligence in
maintaining equipment and facilities. True

Which of the following is not a benefit of properly maintaining equipment and facilities? none
of the choices
True or False: Team leaders and event coordinators should arrive at the event site early.
Monty is the captain of the school's basketball team. Throughout the game, he was unable
to keep his teammates organized, hence they lost in the end. Which of the following values
does Monty need to work on? Leadership skills

True or False: Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in

knowing you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming. True

Annabelle has been working hard in order to lose weight, by jogging everyday. The
progress to weight loss is slow, but she persisted until she finally achieved a fitter body.
Annabelle displays which of the following values? Never Give Up

Which of the following is a benefit of physical activity? all of the choices

True or False: It is not important to know the effectivity of a physical activity. False

True or False: Sports teaches students to focus on the present. True

Lev knows that he is a rookie at volleyball, and that he has to work harder in order to
become better at the game. As such, he practices serving and blocking balls regularly. He
takes practice very seriously. Which of the following values does Lev represent?
Earnestness and sincerity

Shouyou knows that he is a short person, but he also know that he is a fast runner and can
jump really high. As such he does his best to be able to utilize both of his abilities against
his opponents in volleyball. Based on the given information, which of the following
statements is true? Shouyou focuses on his own strengths and abilities

True or False: It is more beneficial to an individual to have knowledge on fitness events,

especially if he or she aspires for a future career related to fitness. True
Which of the following method is usually made up of shot simple questionnaire of 5 to 15
items and set to investigate physical activity patterns? Recall

What is the positive effect of being cardio-fit? Being more resistant to fatigue

True or False: Organizing fitness events does not necessarily require time and coordination

True or False: Sports teaches that the result is more important than process.False

What is the formula to attain the Max Heart Rate? 220 minus the age

Which of the following devices provides data on the heart rate in response to exercise?
None of the Choices

Determine which of the following is being described by this statement: Although winning is
important, losing is not a disgrace. It is important to have respect to those who have been
defeated. Fair Play

Which of the following measures the amount of oxygen used by the body during physical
activity? Met Level

Which of the following is not a type of Direct Observation? MET

Which of the following is true about Accelerometry? all of the statements are true

True or False: When creating rules and guidelines for fitness events, it is essential to
remember that each individual's understanding of healthy living varies. True

Which of the following is essential when organizing an event? all of the choices

True or False: In a fitness event, it is essential to remember everyone's fitness level so that
they do not feel intimidated when they join the event. True

True or False: A good leader is one who leads others on to leadership. True
You can give other websites permission to publish your content. This is called web

PNG stands for Portable Network Graphics

By default, the _____ can be found below the main toolbox Tool options

A _____ is composed of a grid of dots. Raster image

A _____ is composed of a pixels

To persuade a person or a group to sponsor your project, you have to write a Concept

What is the name given to text, sounds, images, videos, and other media that are published
in a website? Web content

Giving other websites permission to publish your web content is called web syndication

is used to create, store, and edit data in tables. Spreadsheet

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