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Question 1

What was/were the major concern/s of reforms and movements in the modern period of

a. Fighting against "untouchability" and for greater equality for women in all areas of
family and public life

Question 2

Which of the following is not true about the Veda?

d. Most Hindus believe that Visnu revealed the Vedic texts to the early people in Indus
River who then wrote about the greatness of His words and acts.

Question 3

What Hindu concept was the major basis to the development of the Hindu caste system?

d. Karma; a person is born in a specific group because of their actions in past life

Question 4

True or False: The Hindu understanding of creation is that it goes through cycles of existence
and non-existence.

d. True

Question 5
The Hindu epic that tells the story of a great prince who battled a demon to rescue his abducted
wife is

d. Ramayana


Question 1

True or False: Traditionally, the Hindu society has been matriarchal manifested by the strong
presence of female deities.

d. False

Question 2

True or False: Most Hindus believe that the Vedic texts are revealed or heard and not composed
by humans.

d. True

Question 3

Where do scholars associate the origin of Hinduism with?

b. Harappan civilization whose cultural centers emerged and flourished along the Indus

Question 4

How did Mahatma Gandhi envision India during the British rule?
d. An independent country focused on democratic and economic self-sufficiency

Question 5

Which of the following is true about Hinduism's concept of God?

a. Multiple divine forms being worshipped are manifestations of One Ultimate

Question 6

The Hindu Ultimate permeating all existence is

a. Brahman

Question 7

What is/are Hinduism's concept/s of Creation?

a. The Creation goes through cycles of existence and dissolution.

Question 8

What was/were the new concept/s introduced in the Upanisads which was/were critical in the
development of Hindu belief?

d. The concept of human personhood as an eternal and immutable soul

Question 9

The Hindu epic that tells the story of a cataclysmic war between two sets of cousins
c. Mahabharata

Question 10

.0Which is not true about Hindu belief?

a. The relationship of God with humankind throughout history


Question 1


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True or False: The stream of Buddhism, Vajrayana tradition, is most prominent in Tibet.

c. True

Question 2

What are the three streams of the Buddhist tradition?

a. Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana tradition

Question 3
The Buddhist tradition which regards itself as "great" both in its interpretations of the Buddha's
teaching and in its openness to a broader group of people, especially lay people

a. Mahayana

Question 4

The ideal spiritual model of Theravada Buddhism who attains nirvana and have perfected their
discipline such that defilements and desires are extinguished

c. Arahants

Question 5

Which of the following is not considered as a major stream of Buddhism?

d. Vedic


Question 1

True or False: The Theravada tradition is more flexible about the orthodoxy of scriptures.

b. False

Question 2

The Buddhist tradition which regards itself as the most faithful to the teachings that have been
passed down through the generations

a. Theravada
Question 3

A syllable or phrase for chanting or meditation, containing within it the sacred power and cosmic
energies of a Buddha or bodhisattva

d. Mantra

Question 4

Which is true about the Vajrayana or Tribetan tradition of Buddhism?

a. It sees itself as embodying both the teaching and meditation practice of the Theravada
monks, as well as the teaching of the emptiness of all conditioned things that is
distinctive to Mahayana philosophy.

Question 5

The ideal religious figure in the Mahayana tradition

b. Bodhisattva

Question 6

True or False: The Buddha spoke of five types of suffering.

a. False

Question 7

True or False: The Theravada tradition sees Shakyamuni Buddha as central.

b. True

Question 8

Which of the following is/are not included in the five precepts at the foundation of all morality?

d. Not cheating

Question 9

Which of the following is/are included as not a type of dukha (suffering) the Buddha spoke of?

d. The suffering which is inevitable

Question 10

According to Buddha tradition, the only way to achieve freedom is to develop which of the
following habits?

d. Right speech


Question 1


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The state of awakening

Select one:

a. Meditation

b. Karuna

c. Nirvana

d. Sangha



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Question 2

A syllable or phrase for chanting or meditation, containing within it the sacred power and cosmic
energies of a Buddha or bodhisattva

c. Mantra

Question 3

An esoteric form of Mahayana Buddhism with an accelerated path to enlightenment

b. Vajrayana

Question 4
Which is true about the Vajrayana or Tribetan tradition of Buddhism?

b. It sees itself as embodying both the teaching and meditation practice of the Theravada
monks, as well as the teaching of the emptiness of all conditioned things that is
distinctive to Mahayana philosophy.

Question 5

The arahant are Buddhist practitioners who attain nirvana and have perfected their discipline.

a. True

Question 6

The religious orientation of the early Vedic culture was toward orderly functioning of the cosmos.

a. True

Question 7

The Vajrayana tradition is more flexible about the orthodoxy of scriptures.

b. False

Question 8

The ideal religious figure in Mahayana tradition

c. Boddhisattva
Question 9

community of monks

d. Bhikshus

Question 10

the untouchables

a. Dalit

Question 11

The Mandala is literally translated as "protects the mind".

a. False

Question 12

The bhikshus are Buddhist practitioners who attain nirvana and have perfected their discipline.

a. False

Question 13

These/This contain/s elaborate mythology of deities

b. Puranas
Question 14

All of the following are included in the "Four Noble Truth" of Buddhism except "

c. There is no way out of suffering.

Question 15

Which of the following is/are not included as the major characteristic of the Theravada?

d. Mandala- cosmic diagram for ritual or interior visualization

Question 16

"Hinduness" is associated with Indian nationhood.

a. True

Question 17

Which of the two major streams of Buddhist tradition is more widespread in China, Vietnam,
Korean and Japan?

d. Mahayana tradition

Question 18

A new genre of text containing elaborate mythology of deities

c. Puranas
Question 19

The stream of Buddhism, Vajrayana tradition, is most prominent in Tibet.

a. True

Question 20


a. Meditation

Question 21

What does the Upanisads Brahman pertain to?

d. The Ultimate permeating all existence and every soul as its essential reality

Question 22

The illness that the Buddha diagnosed as the human condition is termed as dukha.

a. True

Question 23

Sacrifices were considered not only religious acts, but also efficacious operations for desired

a. True
Question 24

Which of the following is/are not included as the major characteristic of the practice of

b. Arahant (arhat)- the ideal spiritual model of the Theravada

Question 25

Those who follow the Buddha

a. Sangha

Question 26

The most well-known Dalit leader of pre-independence India was Mahatma Gandhi.

b. False

Question 27

The Buddhist tradition, Mahayana is also called as Tantrayana.

b. False

Question 28

the ethical repercussions of actions

a. Karma
Question 29

The stream of Buddhism, Theravada tradition, is most prominent in Tibet.

a. False

Question 30

What does the Hindu concept of the "many and the One" mean?

b. Multiple divine forms being worshipped are manifestations of one Ultimate


Question 1

The first step in acquiring clear character is extending our knowledge by "investigating things."

d. Confucius

Question 2

The attitude of goodness, benevolence, and altruism towards others

b. Humanity

Question 3

What is the most well-known aspect of Mencius' thought?

b. the inherent goodness of people

Question 4

Human nature possesses potential goodness

d. Mencius

Question 5

The effortless adherence to social norms and the performance of customs

b. Ritual conduct


Question 1

"If a man has a good friend to resist him in doing bad actions, he will have his reputation
preserved. So, if a father has a son to resist his wrong command, he will be saved from
committing serious faults"

b. Classic of Filial Obedience

Question 2

Our minds and hearts house our inherent tendency towards moral goodness.

c. Mencius

Question 3
Society is capable of directing our nature towards good or towards evil.

a. Kao

Question 4

Human nature is neither good nor bad, but can be molded either way

c. Kao

Question 5

"When a command is wrong, a son should resist his father, and a civil servant should resist his
noble ruler."

b. Confucius

Question 6

The effortless adherence to social norms and the performance of customs

d. Ritual conduct

Question 7

The principle which involves negative duties to avoid harm

d. Principle of reciprocity

Question 8
The attitude of goodness, benevolence, and altruism towards others

d. Humanity

Question 9

"Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you."

a. Principle of reciprocity

Question 10

Who argued that human nature is neither good nor bad, but can be molded either way?

c. Kao


Question 1

According to Taoist tradition, this both creates and sustains everything that exists.

d. Tao

Question 2

Everything around us has been recycled and will again be recycled

b. return

Question 3
We need to eliminate knowledge and act spontaneously through natural intuition.

d. wu-hshin

Question 4

Who is credited for the foundation of Taoism according to tradition?

d. Lao-tzu

Question 5

Leaders must abandon common notions of governance, which typically involve authoritatively
imposing their wills on the people

d. minimal governing


Question 1

The two traditions of Taoism are

d. Philosophical and Religious Taoism

Question 2

The tradition of Taoism concerning in the pursuit of immortality?

c. Religious Taoism
Question 3

What is the central theme of Daoism?

b. return: all things eventually decay and return to their ultimate source within the Dao

Question 4

Who is credited for the foundation of one of the most important book of Taoism, often regarded
as the Classic of Complete Emptiness?

b. Lieh-tzu

Question 5

According to Taoist tradition, this both creates and sustains everything that exists.

a. Tao

Question 6

Everything around us has been recycled and will again be recycled

c. return

Question 7

Which of the following is/are not a tradition of Taoism?

b. Social
Question 8

Leaders must abandon common notions of governance, which typically involve authoritatively
imposing their wills on the people

a. minimal governing

Question 9

Everything we do should flow with simple spontaneity and without contrivance

d. wu wei

Question 10

This recommends pursuing the path of emptiness as a means of becoming united with the Tao

a. Classic of Complete Emptiness


Question 1

What is/are the kind/s of action that, according to Confucius, will lead to good government?

b. Discovering people's natural capacities and encourage them to work in those areas

The Dao De Jing advocates a non-intellectual and even anti-intellectual approach.

Select one:
a. False
b. True
a ceremony or action performed in a customary way
Select one:
a. Norms
b. Customs
c. Tradition
d. Ritual

Question 2

all things eventually decay and return to their ultimate source within the Dao

a. Return

Question 3

include those of the father-son, husband-wife, and ruler-subject

a. Confucian principle of "Three Bonds"

Question 4

A central theme of Taoism is that of non-mind.

b. False

Question 5

What is/are not Confucius' notion/s of humanity?

a. Religion promotes humanity; humanity leads to finding one's religious identity

Question 6

Which is not true about the Dao de Jing?

a. Composed in a popular style with vivid stories and parables

Question 7

Taoist tradition, the best style of governing for the ruler to take a hands-off approach through the
practice of non-action.

b. True

Question 8

According to Confucius, a ruler can unselfishly pursue what he desires when he restricts his
desires to cultivating a good government.

b. True

Question 9

The "Three Bonds" include those of the elder brother and the younger brother, the elder friend
and the junior friend and the father and son.

b. False

Question 10

Which is true about the Tao of Taoism?

d. The understanding of the Tao begins with subduing one's desires

Question 11

The inward component of ritual conduct concerns the visible ritual itself.

b. False

Question 12

Confucius stated that there are six relationships that underlie the order of society.

b. False

Question 13

What is the most well-known aspect of Mencius' thought?

d. the inherent goodness of people

Question 14

In the conversation of Mencius with Kao, Kao argued that human nature is neither good nor bad,
but can be molded either way.

b. True

Question 15
the attitude of goodness, benevolence, and altruism towards others

c. Humanity

Question 16

The Chuang-tzu recommends pursuing the path of emptiness as a means of becoming united
with the Tao.

a. True

Question 17

Which of the following is/are not included as the relationships underlying the order of society as
stated by Confucius?

Select one:

a. Mother and son

five relationships that underlie the order of society

Select one:
a. Wulun
The relationship between father and son
Select one:
a. Confucian principle of "Three Bonds"
b. the Inherent Goodness of People
c. the superior person
d. Filial obedience

Question 18
our minds and hearts house our inherent tendency towards moral goodness

c. the Inherent Goodness of People

Question 19

By tradition, who is credited for the foundation of Taoism?

b. Lao-tzu

Question 20

digested conversations

a. Analects

Question 21

we need to eliminate knowledge and act spontaneously through natural intuition

b. Non-mind

Question 22

Leaders must abandon common notions of governance, which typically involve authoritatively
imposing their wills on the people.

b. Minimal governing

Question 23
According to Confucius, the first step in acquiring clear character is extending our knowledge by
"investigating things".

b. True

Question 24

Artificial actions run counter to the natural course of things, and usually involve aggression and

c. Non-actioN

Question 25

There is a distinction between one's mere outer expressions of humanity and one's inner sense
of it.

b. True

Question 26

important sacred books of Taoism

d. Daode Jing and Chuang-tzu

Question 27

everything we do should flow with simple spontaneity and without contrivance

b. Effortless action

Question 28
Which of the following is not included as the kind of actions that, according to Confucius, will lead
to good government?

b. He should acquire knowledge of all aspects in society such as religion, economy,

science and arts

Question 29

A person named Lieh-tzu is credited for the foundation of Taoism by tradition.

a. False

Question 30

The Dao De Jing repeatedly refers to the Tao as the mother of everything.

b. True


Question 1


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What is known as the Great or Ritual Purification in Shintoism?

b. Oharai

Anything that can fill us with wander and awe

Select one:
a. Torii
b. Shinto
c. Matsuri
d. kami

Question 2

What is/are the manifestation/s of the Meiji Shrine?

d. that Shinto is intimately connected with Japan's history

Question 3

What is the main goal of Shintoism?

a. Enhance and make holy life in this world

Question 4

the Shinto festivals

c. Matsuri

Question 5
the place of prayer

b. haiden


Question 1

What is the feature of Shinto focusing on its relation to communities?

d. The sociological role

Question 2

What is the Shinto principle of polytheism?

c. Polytheism means the sacred world is varied, nuanced, pluralistic and not reducible to
a single entity.

Question 3

What, in Shinto tradition, is the representation of the divine presence?

d. shintai

Question 4

The Shinto feature emphasizing the importance of doing things as they have "always" been done
is termed as

d. Traditionalism
Question 5

What do you call the sacred rope in Shinto tradition?

d. shimenawa

Question 6

The Shinto feature focusing on its relation to communities

c. The sociological role

Question 7

The Shinto feature focusing on the importance of sacred space and time

d. Purity

Question 8

What is the theology of Shintoism?

b. Spirits and spiritual powers exist in the natural world

Question 9

The feature of Shinto emphasizing the importance of doing things as they have "always" been
done is termed as

c. Traditionalism
Question 10

the mountain priests

c. yamabushi


Question 1

The particular way of ordering the realities of one's world is known as

b. worldview

Question 2

Which of the following is included as the category of spirituality according to contemporary


c. a God-oriented spirituality

Question 3

Which of the following is not included as the category of spirituality according to contemporary understanding?
Select one:
a. a world-oriented spirituality
b. a God-oriented spirituality
c. a humanistic spirituality
d. a self-oriented spirituality
Religion and religiousness are inherently social-psychological phenomena.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
What is the ultimate concern of spirituality according to LaPierre?

c. an encounter with transcendence

Question 4

What are categories affecting how people view religion and spirituality according to Scott?
Select one:
a. System of thoughts or sects or beliefs
b. Early experiences in life
c. Experiences of connections or relationships
d. Pleasurable state of being

Which of the following is considered an element of religion?

a. sacred space

Question 5

True or False. Religion and spirituality are positively related to drug and alcohol abuse.

a. False


Question 1

What are the 'two dangers' posed by contrasting religion and spirituality?

a. Danger of losing the sacred

Question 2
The toriidemarcates the boundary between the outer world of pollution, and the kami-world of purity.
Select one:
a. True

Which of the following is/are considered an element of religion?

d. sacred space

Question 3

True or False. Religion and spirituality are independent to affect and emotion.

a. False

Question 4

Developing a set of criteria for defining religion and spirituality is known as

a. religiousness*

Question 5

The sense of sacred central to the both the experience of religion and spirituality
Select one:
a. Religiousness
b. Rituals
c. Cosmos
d. The sacred core

What does Sheldrake suggest about the schism between religion and spirituality?

b. It is the result of human knowledge and historical-cultural events that continually affect
people's perception of the divine.
Question 6

True or False. Both religion and spirituality are multidimensional.

b. True

Question 7

The term referring to a belief in one God

d. monotheistic

Question 8

The term referring to a belief in many gods

d. polytheistic

Question 9

Which of the following is not considered an element of religion?

d. belief in God

Question 10

Religion and spirituality are independent to affect and emotion.

b. False

Question 1

Spirituality is developing a set of criteria for defining religion.

b. False

Question 2

The heavenly kami

a. Tenjin

Question 3

many gods

b. polytheistic

Question 4

Shinto has no known founder.

b. True

Question 5

Place of prayer
c. haiden

Question 6

Religion and spirituality are positively related to drug and alcohol abuse.

b. False

Question 7

Also called as the National Cathedral of Japan

b. Isechrine

Question 8

Religion and spirituality are relevant to the study of personality.

b. True

Question 9

The feature of Shinto emphasizing the importance of doing things as they have "always" been
done is termed as

b. Traditionalism

Question 10

The Shinto festivals

c. Matsuri

Question 11

By Shinto tradition, practice is often more important than subjective or intellectual belief.
Select one:
a. False
b. True

The torii demarcates the boundary between the outer world of pollution, and the kami-world of

b. True

Gate demarcating the boundary between the outer world of pollution and the kami-world of purity
Select one:
a. Shinto
b. Matsuri
c. kami
d. Torii

Question 12

The way of Gods

d. Shinto

Question 13

Which of the following is not a major concern of Shintoism?

d. Enhancing and making holy life in this world

Question 14

Ideologies, activities and lifestyles are spiritual.

b. False

Question 15

What is the theology of Shintoism?

b. Spirits and spiritual powers exist in the natural world

Question 16

Developing a set of criteria for defining religion and spirituality

b. Cosmos

Question 17

Where thoughts and practices are premised in theology

d. God-oriented spirituality

Question 18

What is not an ultimate concern of spirituality according to LaPierre?

Select one:
a. an understanding of oneself

Dedicated to the god of fertility, fortune, fields, and foxes

b. Inari family of shrines

Question 19

Where the shintai or sacred object is contained

d. honden

Question 20

What is the Shinto principle of polytheism?

b. Polytheism means the sacred world is varied, nuanced, pluralistic and not reducible to
a single entity.

Question 21

Shinto is the least democratic of religions, because in it has the kami decide matters by
discussion and consensus, not arbitrary fit, according to Shinto theologian Hirai Naofusa.

b. False

Question 22

What does one need to develop to attain spirituality?

a. A quest for meaning

Question 23

In Shinto space and time, one feels close to the purity of nature.
a. True

Question 24

Which of the following is included as the category of spirituality according to contemporary


a. a God-oriented spirituality

Question 25

the Shinto god of fertility, fortune, fields and foxes

d. Inari

Question 26

A belief that all is One

a. Monistic

Question 27

Stressing one's relationship with ecology and nature

c. World-oriented spirituality

Question 28

Religion and spirituality are not related to cognitive phenomena.

e. False

Religion and spirituality are related to cognitive phenomena.

Select one:
a. False
b. True

Shinto also has a role in celebrating stages of individual life, what are called rites of passage.
Select one:
a. True

Question 29

Religion and spirituality are increasingly recognized as having negative derivative social

a. False

Question 30

Sacred mountains are especially ancient, famous, and important as pilgrimage sites in Japan.

a. True

The Theravada tradition evokes the image of Buddhist teaching as a vehicle that can cross over the river of
Select one:
a. True

b. False
The correct answer is: False
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Question 2
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Responsible understanding of religious traditions, practices and institutions
Select one:
a. Religiousness

b. Religious literacy
c. Religion
d. Spirituality
The correct answer is: Religious literacy
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Question 3
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The Final prophet and Messenger of God, according to Islamic tradition.
The correct answer is: Muhammad
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Question 4
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Religion functions in the promotion of both violence and peace.
Select one:
a. True

b. False
The correct answer is: True
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Question 5
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One assumption of the cultural studies approach is that the method is discrete.
Select one:
a. True

b. False
The correct answer is: False
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Question 6
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Answer is the ethical repercussion of every action.
The correct answer is: Karma
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Question 7
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The Mahayana tradition evokes the image of Buddhist teaching as a vehicle that can cross over the river of
Select one:

a. True
b. False
The correct answer is: True
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Question 8
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Answer refers to shared meanings we make from the things we encounter in our everyday lives.
The correct answer is: Culture
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Question 9
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Shintoism is the ancient belief system indigenous to Japan.
Select one:
a. False

b. True
The correct answer is: True
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Question 10
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Question text
Methodism was the movement emphasizing the forgiveness of and grace of loving God.
Select one:
a. False

b. True
The correct answer is: True
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Question 11
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Question text
What is the form of violence that represents the existence of prevailing or prominent social norms that make direct
violence seem natural or right?
Select one:
a. Structural violence

b. Cultural violence
c. Behavioral violence
d. Direct violence
The correct answer is: Cultural violence
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Question 12
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Question text
This is conceptualized as a triad with three points of reference: God, Torah and Peoplehood.
Select one:
a. Buddhism

b. Judaism
c. Shinto
d. Confucianism
The correct answer is: Judaism
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Question 13
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The widespread genocide of Jews during the World War II.
The correct answer is: Holocaust
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Question 14
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There is one God the Creator who communicates to people through prophets and revelation
Select one:
a. Hinduism
b. Christianity

c. Islam
d. Judaism
The correct answer is: Islam
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Question 15
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Question text
The assumption/s of cultural studies approach in understanding religion is/are
Select one:

a. Knowledge claims arise from particular historical and cultural contexts

b. Culture is isolated from historical contexts and movements
c. Culture norms represent absolute and universal truths
d. Knowledge claims are relative from person to person thus are all equally valid
The correct answer is: Knowledge claims arise from particular historical and cultural contexts
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1 16/10/17, 07:47 Started Not yet an

2 16/10/17, 07:53 Saved: Knowledge claims arise from particular historical and cultural contexts Answer sa

3 16/10/17, 07:53 Attempt finished Correct

Question 16
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Analects or “digested conversations”
Select one:
a. Buddhism

b. Confucianism
c. Judaism
d. Shinto
The correct answer is: Confucianism
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1 16/10/17, 07:47 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 07:53 Saved: Confucianism Answer saved

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Question 17
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Christians believe that the common ancestor of humankind is Abraham and his wife Sarah.
Select one:

a. False
b. True
The correct answer is: False
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1 16/10/17, 07:47 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 07:53 Saved: False Answer saved

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Question 18
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
The presumptions of religious literacy is/are
Select one:
a. Religion, being socially constructed is malleable to changes.
b. Religion is static and isolated from historical and cultural movements.

c. There is a difference between religious learning and understanding about religion.

d. Religion is isolated from human political, social and cultural life.
The correct answer is: There is a difference between religious learning and understanding about religion.
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Response history
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1 16/10/17, Started Not yet

07:47 answered

2 16/10/17, Saved: There is a difference between religious learning and understanding about Answer s
07:53 religion.

3 16/10/17, Attempt finished Correct

Step Time Action State

Question 19
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Answer are the practices and processes of making meanings with and from texts we encounter in our
everyday lives.
The correct answer is: Cultural Studies
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1 16/10/17, 07:47 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 07:53 Saved: Cultural Studies Answer saved

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Question 20
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Answer is any act of threatening one’s life or any act causing danger and harm; can be of 3 forms:
direct, structural, and cultural
The correct answer is: Violence
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2 16/10/17, 07:53 Saved: Violence Answer saved

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Question 21
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
The Vajrayana tradition is more flexible about the orthodoxy of scriptures.
Select one:
a. True

b. False
The correct answer is: False
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2 16/10/17, 07:53 Saved: False Answer saved

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Question 22
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Lao-tzu emphasized that respect for superiority is not blind obedience.
Select one:
a. True

b. False
The correct answer is: False

Mencius emphasized that respect for superiority is not blind obedience.

Select one:
a. True
b. False

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Step Time Action State

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Question 23
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Answer is a universal principle that underlies everything from the creation of galaxies to the interaction
of human beings.
The correct answer is: Tao
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1 16/10/17, 07:47 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 07:53 Saved: Tao Answer saved

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Question 24
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
The Quran originally functioned as an oral scripture that was meant to be recited, heard and experienced.
Select one:
a. False

b. True
The correct answer is: True
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Step Time Action State

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Question 25
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Our minds and hearts house our inherent tendency towards moral goodness.
Inherent Goodness of People
The correct answer is: Inherent Goodness of People
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1 16/10/17, 07:47 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 07:53 Saved: Inherent Goodness of People Answer saved

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Question 26
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
“Hinduness” is associated with Indian nationhood.
Select one:
a. False

b. True
The correct answer is: True
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Step Time Action State

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Question 27
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Cultural studies primarily concerns in the following except
Select one:

a. Understanding about ritual practices and what scriptures say

b. Understanding how codes of behavior are articulated, enforced and reshaped
c. Understanding ways in which identities are formed
d. Heightening attention to beliefs and practices implicitly enforced
The correct answer is: Understanding about ritual practices and what scriptures say
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1 16/10/17, 07:47 Started Not yet answ

2 16/10/17, 07:53 Saved: Understanding about ritual practices and what scriptures say Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 07:53 Attempt finished Correct

Question 28
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Which of the following definitions pertain to Cultural Studies?
Select one:
a. an ensemble of beliefs and practices that function as a pervasive technology of control
b. a typical widespread practice, procedure or custom
c. a personal set of or institutionalized system of religious beliefs, attitudes and practices

d. the practices and processes of making meanings with and from texts we encounter in our everyday lives
The correct answer is: the practices and processes of making meanings with and from texts we encounter in our
everyday lives
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Response history
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1 16/10/17, Started Not yet

07:47 answere

2 16/10/17, Saved: the practices and processes of making meanings with and from texts we Answer
07:53 encounter in our everyday lives

3 16/10/17, Attempt finished Correct

Question 29
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
The Son of God, according to Christian tradition.
The correct answer is: Jesus
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1 16/10/17, 07:47 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 07:53 Saved: Jesus Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 07:53 Attempt finished Correct

Question 30
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
A central theme of Taoism is that of non-mind.
Select one:
a. True

b. False
The correct answer is: False
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1 16/10/17, 07:47 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 07:53 Saved: False Answer saved

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Question 31
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
In Arabic, the word islam means submission.
Select one:
a. False

b. True
The correct answer is: True
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Question 32
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Monasticism was the movement emphasizing the forgiveness of and grace of loving God.
Select one:
a. True

b. False
The correct answer is: False
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1 16/10/17, 07:47 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 07:53 Saved: False Answer saved

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Question 33
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
If rulers follow the Dao then their states will be well ordered and in natural harmony.
Minimal governing
The correct answer is: Minimal governing
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1 16/10/17, 07:47 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 07:53 Saved: Minimal governing Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 07:53 Attempt finished Correct

Question 34
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
The Creation goes through cycles of existence and dissolution.
Select one:
a. Christianity
b. Judaism
c. Islam

d. Hinduism
The correct answer is: Hinduism
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1 16/10/17, 07:47 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 07:53 Saved: Hinduism Answer saved

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Question 35
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Answer is not merely the absence of war but also freedom from disturbing thoughts or emotions
The correct answer is: Peace
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1 16/10/17, 07:47 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 07:53 Saved: Peace Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 07:53 Attempt finished Correct

Question 36
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Answer is the sacred text of Hinduism, according to Hindu tradition.
The correct answer is: Veda
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2 16/10/17, 07:53 Saved: Veda Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 07:53 Attempt finished Correct

Question 37
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
A religious literate person needs to understand the following except
Select one:
a. the diversity of religious beliefs, traditions and institutions among and within religions
b. understand the historical and cultural contexts that shaped religions
c. the interactions of socio-political and religious aspects of life

d. the truth about God and the ways to be saved

The correct answer is: the truth about God and the ways to be saved
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1 16/10/17, 07:47 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 07:53 Saved: the truth about God and the ways to be saved Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 07:53 Attempt finished Correct

Question 38
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text

Answer is the responsible understanding of religious beliefs, practices, traditions and institutions.
The correct answer is: Religious Literacy
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1 16/10/17, 07:47 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 07:53 Saved: Religious Literacy Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 07:53 Attempt finished Correct

Question 39
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
The idea of “many and the One” with which worship of diverse manifests One Ultimate
Select one:

a. Hinduism
b. Judaism
c. Islam
d. Christianity
The correct answer is: Hinduism
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1 16/10/17, 07:47 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 07:53 Saved: Hinduism Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 07:53 Attempt finished Correct

Question 40
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
The central and essential function of religion
Select one:
a. Religion
b. Religious literacy

c. Spirituality
d. Religiousness
The correct answer is: Spirituality
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1 16/10/17, 07:47 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 07:53 Saved: Spirituality Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 07:53 Attempt finished Correct

Question 41
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
It has two major streams of tradition namely Theravada and Mahayana
Select one:
a. Shinto

b. Buddhism
c. Taoism
d. Confucianism
The correct answer is: Buddhism
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1 16/10/17, 07:47 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 07:53 Saved: Buddhism Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 07:53 Attempt finished Correct

Question 42
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Its common themes are ritual conduct, humanity, filial obedience and good governing
Select one:

a. Confucianism
b. Shinto
c. Buddhism
d. Taoism
The correct answer is: Confucianism
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1 16/10/17, 07:47 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 07:53 Saved: Confucianism Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 07:53 Attempt finished Correct

Question 43
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
The Rabbinic texts include ritual sacrifices with offerings made to a wide array of deities.
Select one:

a. False
b. True
The correct answer is: False
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1 16/10/17, 07:47 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 07:53 Saved: False Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 07:53 Attempt finished Correct

Question 44
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
The Dao De Jing repeatedly refers to the Tao as the father of everything.
Select one:
a. True

b. False
The correct answer is: False
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1 16/10/17, 07:47 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 07:53 Saved: False Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 07:53 Attempt finished Correct

Question 45
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
The belief in many gods.
The correct answer is: Polytheism
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1 16/10/17, 07:47 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 07:53 Saved: Polytheism Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 07:53 Attempt finished Correct

Question 46
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Theology is the academic study of religious beliefs, behaviors and institutions.
Select one:

a. False
b. True
The correct answer is: False
Make comment or override mark

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1 16/10/17, 07:47 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 07:53 Saved: False Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 07:53 Attempt finished Correct

Question 47
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
All things eventually decay and return to their ultimate source within the Dao.
The correct answer is: Return
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1 16/10/17, 07:47 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 07:53 Saved: Return Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 07:53 Attempt finished Correct

Question 48
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Judaism is conceptualized as a triad with three points of reference namely:
Select one:

a. God, Torah, Peoplehood

b. God, Bible, Peoplehood
c. God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit
d. God, Jesus and the Bible
The correct answer is: God, Torah, Peoplehood
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1 16/10/17, 07:47 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 07:53 Saved: God, Torah, Peoplehood Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 07:53 Attempt finished Correct

Question 49
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Jews believe that the common ancestor of humankind is Abraham and his wife Sarah.
Select one:
a. False

b. True
The correct answer is: True
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1 16/10/17, 07:47 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 07:53 Saved: True Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 07:53 Attempt finished Correct

Question 50
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
The movement in which Jews should be eliminated from the society.
The correct answer is: Anti-semitism

What did Confucius emphasize on the concept of filial obedience?

Select one:
a. The importance of tolerance and patience despite feeling the sense of inferiority
b. The importance of abiding the law despite one's own principle of what is right and should be done from what is
wrong and shouldn't be done
c. The importance of having the proper attitude in fulfilling this duty, rather than simply abiding by the letter of the
A central theme of Taoism is that of return.
Select one:
a. False
b. True


What is Buddhism?
A discussion of the origins of Buddhism is impossible without taking
into consideration the life of Siddhartha Gautama and the cultural and
social conditions of his time that sparked the birth of a new belief
According to the beautiful literary legend told by Ashvaghosha in the
first century CE, Prince Siddhartha Gautama was born in the year 563
BCE from a royal Shakya family in a place called Lumbini located in
present-day Nepal. According to this same legend, seers foretold the
fate of Prince Siddharta: he will either be a great king or an
enlightened teacher. He will only become a teacher if he sees the “four
passing sights” namely old age, sickness, death, and a wandering
ascetic. Once he sees these sights he will renounce his royal life and
withdraw from the rest of society to seek enlightenment.
His father, the king, was furious to hear about this prophecy because
he wanted Siddharta to become a great ruler so shielded the prince
from these realities of life and made him live in an artificial protected
environment. At age 29 though, Siddharta went out of the space that
confined him and saw the very sights his father made him to avoid.
Like the seers foretold he left the luxury of the palace and withdrew in
the forest to study and live and austere life with teachers and fellow
However, his journey to become a great teacher did not end here.
Living with teachers and ascetics of his period made him realized that
severe bodily austerities promoted by these did not help him answer
the question of the source of suffering and the release from it.


Because he was able to experience both self-indulgence (life in the
palace) and self-denial (life in the forest), he decided to settle on a
“middle way,” a balance between these two extremes. From then on,
Siddharta pursued the way of meditation and emerged as the Buddha
or “Awakened One” with the teachings that would be the foundation
of what will become Buddhism.
It is clear from the history and life of Siddharta Gautama that the
social, political, and cultural spheres of Indian society shaped his
experience and thoughts on suffering and the release from it.
Here are specific social, political, and cultural events around the
Buddha’s lifetime that led to the founding of a new belief system,
1. The rise of the Paurava Empire: Aryans have established a
new empire, the Paurava Empire in northern India during the
13th century BCE.
2. The writing of the Vedas: The Aryans’ codified their religion
in the sacred texts collectively called the Vedas by the 19th
century BCE
3. The rise of the Brahmins. The codification of the Aryan
religion led to the establishment of a new socio-religious
structure (“caste”) known as the “Brahmins” or priests. The
creation of a new caste of Brahmins transferred the authority of
the gods into them. The rituals and ceremonies that the
Brahmins presided became as important as the gods
4. The decline of the Paurava Empire: In the 8
th century BCE
The Paurava Empire declined after a great flood forced the
relocation of the capital. The once grandois empire broke into
many smaller republics and kingdoms. This led to the advent of
a period of philosophical and religious speculation.
5. The institutionalization of Brahmanism. The 1st century
BCE (566-485 BCE) was the period of the Buddha’s lifetime.
During this period the Paurava Empire have thoroughly
declined and major republics have emerged. These republics
functioned through either democratic (like the Vrji Republic)
or autocratic political institutions (like Kosala and Magadha).
However, both kinds functioned under the religious structure of
Brahmanism (the old name for Hinduism) because the religion
has codified instructions about how a leader should rule as well
as his duties and moral obligations. The Buddha was born in
Shakya, a former republic incorporated into Kosala.
6. Rise of the merchants. Buddha’s lifetime saw the rise of a
wealthy merchant class. The merchants’ accumulation of
money threatened the kings who became less rich than the
merchants prompting them to bestow more autocratic measures
in commerce and society at large. People during this time
either pursued wealth or power. Governments became stricter
and individual freedom was compromised. This lead to the
suffering that Buddha saw before his enlightenment.
7. The Brahmanas and the Shramanas. Before Buddha’s
enlightenment two paths were open for the sincere spiritual
seeker looking for liberation from the suffering that
proliferated in ancient Indian society. The Brahmanas were
solitary ascetics living in the forests. They were part of the
Brahmanic tradition that followed the Upanishad. On the other
hand, the Shramanas were wandering mendicant spiritual
seekers. They were not Brahmins. Caste was not a requirement
for being a Shramana. They lived together in forests in groups
called sangha. Budddha joined the Shramanas during his
period of enlightenment.

Issue: Buddhism – Peaceful or Violent?

Because of contemporary figures in Buddhism like the Dalai Lama and
Thich Nhat Hanh, Buddhism developed an image of being a peacefule
religion. However, as we have discussed in this course, religions can
be so internally diversed it’s impossible to generalized them into lables
like “All Buddhists are peaceful…”
In this section of this module we are going to explore this image of
Buddhism even further by bringing up two important issues that
challenged the Buddhist image of peacefulness. Please read the
required text provided below and watch two accompanying videos to
really immerse yourself into the issue. The reading features two
violent cases perpetuated by Buddhist monks and laymen in the
countris of Sri Lanka and Myanmar (Burma) while the videos explore
these cases individually Written Report: Comparative Analysis
Now that we have discussed the two major Indic religions, it’s time to
do a comparative analysis of them. This comparative analysis shall
also serve as your Written Report for the secondt grading period.
Please read below for instructions on how to do the report. Also,
please be reminded that the activity shall require you to do some
research. Write your sources using the APA guidelines we discussed
on module one to cite your sources correctly.
Also, be mindful of the four (4) tenets of religious studies while doing
the report. To do so, please identify the specific sect, denomination, or
branch of the religious tradition you are comparing. For example,
don’t just write “Buddhism,” state “Buddhism: Mahayana Buddhism”
on your paper. Feel free to use other religions under Buddhism, not
just Mahayana. Do the same with Hinduism. Remember that many
sects, denominations, and branches have grown under each religious
tradition for their many years of existence.
Use the following template and questions to compare the two Indic


Welcome to the ninth module of the course “Introduction to World

Religions and Belief Systems.” For this lesson, are going to talk about
specific events and situations that illustrate how religious devotion can
result to either good or bad.
It is important for you to get acquainted with the founders of this
religion are, its sacred texts, its basic doctrines, its concept of God, its
sects, and issues concerning it.

What is Confucianism?
Understanding the religion of East Asia is challenging especially
Chinese religion. Today, Chinese religion is an amalgam of Buddhism,
Confucianism, and Taoism. In ancient times, these three religions were
entirely separate systems and during a certain period Confucianism
was the main religion of China, which meant ¼ of the world’s
population at that time.
After the fall of the Chinese Empire in 1912 and the communist
Cultural Revolution, Confucianism faced severe attack from political
institutions and thus has declined ever since.
Unlike the South Asian religions (Hinduism and Buddhism), Original
Confucian philosophy was not grounded on the metaphysical. Its main
problems were moral and political issues. Because of this the birth of
Confucianism is a very good illustration on the influence of culure to
the rise of religious thought.
Below are the important political and cultural conditions that gave rise
to Confucianism:
1. Anarchy and Chaos in China. Before Confucius’ time China
was an orderly feudal society. Chaos and anarchy broke out
when the bigger national monarchies lost political power over
China’s different provincial states. This decentralization of
power resulted to local rulers waging war against each other.
This period was very bloody as accounts mention a total of
more than 400,000 slaughtered during this time.

2. The Advent of the Classical Period of Chinese Philosophy.

Confucius lived during the classical period of Chinese
philosophy, which occurred between 600-200 BCE. The
flowering of philosophy during this time was partly caused by
the social upheaval of this time as philosophers offered
different solutions to the social problems present across
Chinese society.
3. The Period of 100 Philosophers. This rise in philosophical
solutions to social and political problems led to the age called
the Period of 100 Philosophers. These 100 philosophies were
later on classified into just six schools namely (1)
Confucianism, (2) Taoism, (3) Mohism, (4) the Ying and Yang
School, (5) the Logicians, and (6) Legalism. The various
schools competed against each other pursuing the endorsement
of the rulers of China. Confucianism became an important and
influencial school of thought because it won this political
It is important to note that Confucianism and the flourishing of the
Confucian school was not the direct result of Confucius’ prominence
during his time. In fact he considered himself a failure until his death
at age 73. It is through his followers who preserved and developed his
teachings that led to the blossoming of Confucian thought.

Issue: Women In Confucianism

It is difficult to look for issues directly related to Confucianism as a
religion. Confucianism has become more than a religion. It has
permeated modern contemporary culture and way of living not just in
China but also in other East Asian countries especially Korea.
If there is an issue that Confucianism has always been criticized about
it has to be the cultural norms about women that arose out of its
In this second section of our module we shall study this issue further.
See its roots and impact. There will be two readings for this section.
The first reading provides a historical and legal backgrounder to
Confucianism’s treatment of women specifically in Chinese society.
Then we read another text about how Confucian values have also
affected the emotional and psychological wellbeing of modern
American Korean women. This discussion shall be further expanded
through the video about the culture of shame in South Korea.


What is Taoism?
As established in the previous module, the Chinese society from 600-
200 BCE was characterized with political and social chaos. Among the
schools of thought that aimed to address the anarchy was Taoism.
Being the second most popular religion in China, it is considered by
many as an important rival of the Confucian School.
There are two kinds of Taosim: Philosophical Taoism (Tao-chia) and
Religious Taoism (Tao-chiao). Philosophical Taoism concerns itself
with the concept of Tao and its use in individual and social life while
Religious Taoism concerns itself with the pursuit of immortality.
Philosophical Taoism is associated with two sacred texts namely the
Tao Te Ching (c. 300 BCE) and the Chuang-Tzu (c. 250 BCE). These
texts became the foundation of a recognized school of Philosophical
Taoism established during China’s Han Dynasty (206 BCE – 220 CE).
Issue: Taoism and Modernity
Like Confucianism, it is difficult to look for an issue that would
characterize Taoism as a whole. Because many consider Taoism is the
longest living spiritual tradition indigenous to China, Taoist views on
capitalism, environment, homosexuality, and women among many
social issues of today are different from modern contemporary
However, Taoism as a religion does faces a bigger issue, one that
affects its very own existence and survival. In recent years, Taoism has
been on a continuous decline in poluarity even among Chinese
To have a feel about this issue, please read the Wall Street Journal
article by Christopher Carothers entitled “Is Daoism Losing Its Way?”
at It provides both qualitative and
quantitative proof reports on the
seeming decline of Taoism.
But the question of this issue is the cause of the decline.
An answer to this question is modernity and the rise of capitalism in
China. This is actually an issue that most Chinese religions face at the
present moment.


What is Shintoism?
Shinto literally means “The Way Of The Gods.” It is the ancient belief
system indigenous to Japan that started approximately around 1,000
BCE. Unlike the other major world religions, Shinto has no known
founder. Its theology is simple. According to this belief system, spirits
called “kami” and spiritual powers exist in the natural world wether in
living creatures like animals, plants, and people or non-living things
like stones, mountains, and rivers. Even the dead are venerated.
It is a very animistic religion, which is difficult to categorize as a
“religion” because it is intensely interwoven with Japanese culture and
way of life.
Shintoism is a good illustration of how geographical environements
influence a culture’s belief system. Early Japanese people have to
make sense of their universe and the world that surrounds them. Thus,
they developed rituals and mythologies that enabled them to do so.
Shintoism is so loose and pluralistic that it coexisted with the arrival of
Buddhism in the 6th century CE.
Issue: State Shinto
The American Occupation of Japan after World War II from 1945 to
1951 ended Shinto’s status as a state religion also called “State Shinto”
by Japanese studies scholars. The Americans attempted to completely
eradicate the influence of Shinto from the entire Japanese society
especially its emphasis on a pure racial identity (similar to Hitler’s
Aryan race) and worship of the Emperor.
As you will learn in this second section of the module, the evolution of
Shinto as Japan’s indigenous religion or “way of life” into a state
religion was seminal to Japan’s expansionist campaign during the
Second World War.
This issue is of much concern to Japanese most especially as the
government is trying to revive Shinto’s political roots and influence in
order to boost the moral of a new generation of Japanese children who
are feeling worthless, unpatrioritic, and ashamed of their history.
Written Report: Comparative Analysis
Now that we have discussed the three major East Asian religions, it’s
time to do a comparative analysis of them. This comparative analysis
shall also serve as your second Written Report for the second grading
period. Please read below for instructions on how to do the report.
Also, please be reminded that the activity shall require you to do some
research. Write your sources using the APA guidelines we discussed
on module one to cite your sources correctly.
Also, be mindful of the four (4) tenets of religious studies while doing
the report. To do so, please identify the specific sect, denomination, or
branch of the religious tradition you are comparing. For example,
don’t just write “Taoism,” state “Taoism: Zhengyi Dao” on your
paper. Feel free to use other religions under Taoism, not just the said
sect. Do the same with Confucianism and Shintoism. Sects, branches,
and denominations of East Asian religions are more difficult to look
for so please exert extra effort in researching. Remember that many
sects, denominations, and branches have grown under each religious
tradition for their many years of existence.

Worldview, Spirituality, And Religion
For the most part in this course we looked at and studied religion as an
outsider. This is important especially today when nobody is immune
from religious illiteracy and its damaging effects.
Although we still would like you to continue studying religion through
the lens of science and religious studies, we are also aware that
religion serves an important function in the positive development of
the individual and society at large. Religion and religious structures
that emerged from classical philosophies of old are representations of
a deeper desire within all of us – that is, the desire to understand our
universe and our place in it.
Because of this undeniable truth, we are going to give some space for
a discussion of that which binds all religions together, that common
desire. To facilitate this discussion, we shall dive into some workable
definition of terms.
As a disclaimer, it is important to remember that there is no one
official definition for each of these terms. These terms represent
concepts that are continuously debated and our understanding of each
will change in the following years to come. Each word is used in so
many different contexts and therefore it is very difficult even among
scholars to strike and prescribe one definition for each.
What definitions we will be presenting below were derived from
definitions that we currently know and that we found useful for the
discussion in this chapter.
The illustration that accompanies these definitions of terms shall serve
useful for differentiating between the three.
Vincent Imbat
Worldview (or belief system) is a particular way of ordering the
realities of one’s world. In other words it is how one makes sense of
the world.
In most ancient cultures, the concept of “God” was used to explain the
mysteries that abound in the natural world. However, the concept of
“God” differed depending on cultures. A way of categorizing
worldviews is according to the number of Gods espoused within each.
Examples of this are:
1. Monistic – all is one.

2. Polytheistic – many gods.

3. Monotheistic – one God.
4. Atheistic – no God or gods.
Eventually this way of ordering one’s realities became a complete set
of rituals then progressed further into sophisticated social structures
and systems that involve sacred texts that house rules derived from this
worldview. These systems were then introduced to society and created
followers. The belief system evolves from there and becomes a
The elements of religion are as follow:
1. A general desire among members to elevate their whole self to
a higher dimension of existence
2. A framework of transcendent beliefs
3. Text or scriptures
4. Rituals
5. Sacred spaces (e.g. church, temple, mosque, or synagogue)
A follower of a particular worldview or religious tradition eventually
finds it necessary to go deeper than mere religious rituals and
traditions or even builds the religious rituals and traditions based on
something deeper. This desire gives rise to spirituality, the soul of all
religious traditions
Spirituality is one’s integrative view of life. Proponents of spiritual
revitalization movements in recent years have argued that spirituality
does not need religion to exist. One simply needs to see the unity of
everything and be willing to go through a quest for the meaning and
ultimate value of life. Spirituality has become a reaction to the
instrumentalist and materialistic attitude to life that modern society has
espoused and that many religions have adapted.
In order to be spiritual one must have:
1. A holistic (fully integrated view of life)
2. A quest for meaning (including the purpose of life)
3. A quest for the sacred (beliefs about God, human existence, or
4. A self-reflective existence.

Huston Smith and The Way Things Are

Huston C. Smith is one of the most popular religion scholars of our
time. He has published numerous books on the subject of world
religions and his best-selling “The World’s Religions” had been
reprinted for its 50th anniversary edition selling over two million
copies to date. It is one of religious studies’ classical texts and a
common introduction to comparative religion.
As a religious scholar Huston Smith looked at religion through the lens
of an outsider. But something about the man won’t let him be just an
outsider. He did not only study religion, he also felt compelled to
practice them. He was involved in Vedanta Hinduism, Zen Buddhism,
and Sufism for over ten years each.
He is a different kind of student of religion as he was not only
interested in the academic study of it but also its internal appreciation.
In this section of the module, we are going to study one of Huston
Smith’s interviews. As you read the required text below notice how
the man was able to incorporate different practices from the world
religions we discussed in this course into his own personal version of
spirituality. Notice how he is not associated with one institutional
religion and how he was able to make this arrangement work for him.

Q.1.True or False: The stream of Buddhism, Vajrayana tradition, is most prominent in Tibet.
Q.2.The ideal spiritual model of Theravada Buddhism who attains nirvana and have perfected their
discipline such that defilements and desires are extinguished
Q.3.What are the three streams of the Buddhist tradition?
Answer.Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana tradition
Q.4.The Buddhist tradition which regards itself as "great" both in its interpretations of the Buddha's
teaching and in its openness to a broader group of people, especially lay people.
Q.5.Which of the following is not considered as a major stream of Buddhism?Answer.Vedic
Q.6.Which is true about the Vajrayana or Tribetan tradition of Buddhism?
Answer.d. It sees itself as embodying both the teaching and meditation practice of the Theravada monks,
as well as the teaching of the emptiness of all conditioned things that is distinctive to Mahayana
Q.7.True or False: The Buddha spoke of five types of suffering.
Q.8Which of the following is/are not included in the five precepts at the foundation of all morality?
Answer.Not cheating
Q.9.According to Buddha tradition, the only way to achieve freedom is to develop which of the following
Answer.Right Speech
Q.10.Which of the following is/are included as not a type of dukha (suffering) the Buddha spoke of?
Answer.The suffering which is inevitable
Q.11.True or False: The Theravada tradition is more flexible about the orthodoxy of scriptures.
Q.12.The ideal religious figure in the Mahayana tradition
Q.13.True or False: The Theravada tradition sees Shakyamuni Buddha as central.
Q.14.The Buddhist tradition which regards itself as the most faithful to the teachings that have been passed
down through the generations
Q.15.A syllable or phrase for chanting or meditation, containing within it the sacred power and cosmic
energies of a Buddha or bodhisattva
Q.16.The Rabbinic texts include ritual sacrifices with offerings made to a wide array of deities.
Q.17.The state of awakening
Q.18.The sacred text of Hinduism
Q.19.A rich mosaic of a broad range of religious ideas, practices, and communities native to South Asia
that has evolved over more than three millennia interweaving threads from many cultures and worship of
the divine in diverse forms
Q.19.The hereditary social groups in the Hindu society are known as varnas.
Q.20.What does the Hindu concept of the "many and the One" mean?
Answer.Multiple divine forms being worshipped are manifestations of one Ultimate
Q.21.What were the four major hereditary social groups of the Hindu caste system?
Answer.Brahmans, ksatriyas, vaisyas, sudras
Q.23.The Buddhist tradition, Mahayana is also called as Tantrayana.
Q.24.Which of the following is/are included as the major characteristic of the practice of the Vajrayana?
Answer.Mundra- a symbol or ritual gesture signifying the qualities and presence of various buddhas
Q.25.What do early Hindus believe about the goal of human life?
Answer.The liberation of the soul from entrapment in a succession of bodies through disciplinary practices
of the body
Q.26.What are the two major streams of the Buddhist tradition?
Answer.Theravada and Mahayana tradition
Answer. Brahman
Q.28.Some trace the beginnings of Hindu tradition to the archeological remains of the Indian Civilization
that emerged along the Indus River.
Q.29.According to Buddha tradition, the only way to achieve freedom is to develop the following habits
Answer.Right insight
Q.30.The arahant are Buddhist practitioners who attain nirvana and have perfected their discipline.
Q.31.Some occupations were considered polluted and must belong only to those in the lowest group
Q.32.The most well-known Dalit leader of pre-independence India was Mahatma Gandhi.
Q.33.What were the "four passing sights" Prince Siddhartha Guatamahad to see to seek enlightenment?
Answer.Old age, sickness, death, and a wandering ascetic
Q.35."Hinduness" is associated with Indian nationhood.
Q.36.Sacrifices were considered not only religious acts, but also efficacious operations for desired results.
Q.37.the Ultimate permeating all existence
Q38.The concept of "Hinduism" as a religion emerged only in the nineteenth-century colonial context.
Q.39.Which of the following is/are not included as the major characteristic of the practice of Vajrayana?
Answer.Arahant (arhat)- the ideal spiritual model of the Theravada

Q.41.Essential unity of atman with the Brahman


43.An esoteric form of Mahayana Buddhism with an accelerated path to enlightenment


We need to eliminate knowledge and act spontaneously through natural intuition.

a. Wu-hshin

What did Confucius emphasize on the concept of filial obedience?

a. The importance of obedience towards the superior for it is a sign of respect

Which is true about the Tao of Taoism?

A. The understanding of the Tao begins with subduing one’s desires

The tradition of Taoism concerning in the pursuit of immortality?

a. Religious Taoism

What stream of Taoism concerns in the pursuit of immortality?

a. Religious Taoism

Which of the following is/are not Confucius understanding of knowledge?

a. When you know a thing, to hold that you know it; and when you do not know a thing, to allow that you do not
know it

What is Confucius understanding of knowledge?

Select one:
a. Holistic knowledge of science, arts, politics, economy and religion
b. Knowledge of the right, the moral and the ethical
c. Knowledge is not knowledge without application
d. Knowledge of oneself and of one's limitation

Who is credited for the foundation of Taoism according to tradition?

d. Lao-tzu
The ideal society which in practical terms means small farming families and communities.
a. Primitive simplicity
This recommends pursuing the path of emptiness as a means of becoming united with the Tao
b. Classic of Complete Emptiness

Everything we do should flow with simple spontaneity and without contrivance

d. wu wei

Leaders must abandon common notions of governance, which typically involve authoritatively imposing their
wills on the people
d. minimal governing

According to Taoist tradition, this both creates and sustains everything that exists.
Select one:
a. Tao

Which of the following is not included as the kind of actions that, according to Confucius, will lead to good
Select one:
b. He should acquire knowledge of all aspects in society such as religion, economy, science and arts

Leaders must abandon common notions of governance, which typically involve authoritatively imposing their
wills on the people

Select one: c. minimal governing

Which is not true about the Dao de Jing?
Select one:
d. Composed in a popular style with vivid stories and parables

Which is/are true about Confucius’ perspective/s on ritual conduct?

Select one:
d. Learning ritual conduct involves personal knowing of oneself.

Who is credited for the foundation of one of the most important book of Taoism, often regarded as the Classic
of Complete Emptiness?
Select one:
d. Lieh-tzu

What were the major themes which Confucius focused on?

Select one:
b. Ritual conduct, humanity, filial obedience, and good government

Whichis/are not true about Confucius' perspective/s on ritual conduct?

Select one:
a. Learning ritual conduct involves active social participation.
b. The true development of ritual conduct requires that we subdue ourselves.
c. Ritual conduct is inherent or intrinsic to the human mind and soul

What is the central theme of Daoism?

Select one:
d. return: all things eventually decay and return to their ultimate source within the Dao

Who is credited for the foundation of Taoism according to tradition?

Select one:
d. Lao-tzu

Answer Question 1

The correct answer among the given choices is letter d. Mencius, a Confucian philosopher, is often referred to
as the “Second Sage” of Confucianism. Mencius is best known for his claim that “human nature is good.” From
the above choices, the statement "the inherent goodness of people" is another translation for saying that
“human nature is good.”

Question 2


The correct answer from the choices is letter a.

Question 3

Who is the credited for the foundation of one of the most important book of Taoism, often regarded as the
Classic of Complete Emptiness?


The correct answer among the choices is letter c. Lieh-tzuis credited for the foundation of one of the most
important book of Taoism, often regarded as the Classic of Complete Emptiness.

Question 4


The correct letter answer among the choices is letter d. Return can be best described as:

Return is ''Everything around us has been recycled and will again be recycled.''
'Return is 'All things eventually decay and return to their ultimate source''.
Question 5


The correct answer among the stated choices is letter c. The central theme of Daoism is:

about ''return: all things eventually decay and return to their ultimate source within the Dao''.
Question 6

Means Everything around us has been recycled and will again be recycled

Select one:

a. return


The correct answer from the stated choices is letter a. Return is described as:

Return is ''Everything around us has been recycled and will again be recycled.''
Question 7

Who is the person credited for the foundation of Taoism according to tradition?

Select one:

a. Lao-tzu


The correct answer from the above choices is letter c.

Question 8

Refers to What stream of Taoism concerns in the pursuit of immortality?

Select one:

c. Philosophical Taoism


The correct letter answer among the stated choices is letter c.

Question 9

Who is the person credited for the foundation of Taoism according to tradition?

Select one:

a. Lao-tzu


The correct answer among the choices stated above is letter a. Lao-Tzu is a Chinese philosopher credited in
founding the Taoism.
Question 10

Refers to According to Taoist tradition, this both creates and sustains everything that exists.

Select one:

d. Tao


The correct letter answer from the choices is letter d.

Question 11

Refers to Which of the following political and cultural condition/s gave rise to Confucianism?

Select one:

c. Anarchy and chaos in China


The correct answer among the above given choices is letter c. Anarchy and chaos in China gave rise to

Question 12

Refers to What did Confucius emphasize on the concept of filial obedience?

Select one:

d. About The importance of obedience towards the superior for it is a sign of respect


The correct answer among the various choices is letter d.

Question 13

Refers to Artificial actions run counter to the natural course of things, and usually involve aggression and

Select one:

c. Non-action

The correct answer among the different choices is letter c.

Question 14

Refers to Leaders must abandon common notions of governance, which typically involve authoritatively
imposing their wills on the people

Select one:

b. minimal governing


The correct answer from the given choices is letter b.

Question 15

Refers to Which is true about the Tao of Taoism?

Select one:

b. About The understanding of the Tao begins with subduing one’s desires


The correct answer among the various given choices is letter b.

Question 16

Means ''Everything around us has been recycled and will again be recycled.''

Select one:

a. Return


The correct answer among the multiple choice selection is letter a.

Question 17

Refers to Which of the following is/are not a tradition of Taoism?

Select one or more:

d. Social

The correct answer among the choices given is letter a.

Question 18

Refers to What is the central theme of Taoism?

Select one:
d. return


The correct letter answer among the different choices is letter a.

Question 19

Refers to Which is not true about the Dao de Jing?

Select one:

d. Correct answer- Composed in a popular style with vivid stories and parables


The correct answer from the given choices is letter d.

Question 20

Refers to ''He argues that we naturally have four specific moral virtues, namely, commiseration, shame,
respect, and approval''

Select one:

a. Mencius


The correct letter answer among the choices stated is letter a.

What is/are not Confucius’ notion/s of humanity?

To acquire humanity, one should develop dignity and patience.

True or False. Religion and spirituality are independent to affect and emotion.
What is the ultimate concern of spirituality according to LaPierre?
an encounter with transcendence

Which of the following is/are considered an element of religion?

sacred space

The term referring to a belief in many gods

d. polytheistic

What are the ‘two dangers’ posed by contrasting religion and spirituality?
d. Danger of losing the sacred

Which of the following is considered an element of religion?

b. sacred space

Developing a set of criteria for defining religion and spirituality is known as

c. religiousness

Which of the following is included as the category of spirituality according to contemporary understanding?
a God-oriented spirituality

What does one need not to develop to attain spirituality?

Select one:
a. A quest for faith

The particular way of ordering the realities of one’s world is known as

b. Worldview

Collection of ideas, practices and values and stories that are all embedded in culture
Select one:
a. Religion
What stream of Taoism concerns in the concept of Tao and its use in individual and social life?
Select one:
a. Religious Taoism
b. Philosophical Taoism
Original Confucianism was not grounded on the metaphysical.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
concerns itself with the concept of Tao and its use in individual and social life
Select one:
a. Religious Taoism
b. Philosophical Taoism
The Dao de Jing tell us that the God both creates and sustains everything that exists.
Select one:
a. False
Humanityis the effortless adherence to social norms and the performance of customs.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
the philosophical system evolved by Lao-tzu and Chuang-tzu
Select one:
a. Taoism

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