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Techniques in
Teaching EPP,
Terminal Objective:
• At the end of the session, the
participants will be able to adopt
appropriate review, motivational,
presentation and developmental
teaching techniques and develop
contextualized lesson exemplars.
Enabling Objectives:
1. Understand the purposes and principles
of a review in a lesson.
2. Familiarize with the different techniques
in reviewing the lesson.
3. Get acquainted with the
procedure/steps of the different review
4. Appreciate the importance of the
different review techniques.
Group participants into 3 (EPP, TLE, TVL).
• Perform an activity entitled “Passing the Cabbage
• Let the participants pass or throw the cabbage ball
while music plays.
• As the music stops the participant handling the
cabbage ball will open the first leaf and read the
question and let him/her answer it.
• Repeat procedure until the last leaf of the cabbage
ball with question will last.
1.How do you feel about the
2. Have you tried this activity in
your class? If yes, what part in
your lesson do you apply such
•Connects the current
lesson with previous
lessons by going over
points that were taught or
learned previously.
Principles of a Review Lesson
• The review must be of value to the
• The review must stimulate interest.
• The review should adhere to
pedagogical and psychological
principles of learning.
Purposes of Review
1. Retention of facts and information learned
2. Organization of materials and experiences
3. Ability of the learner to evaluate the
4. Foundations of further learning
5. Diagnosis of the learners’ weakness
6. Development and interest in the old
1. Four Corner Fun Review Technique
• Multiple choice review questions are
center stage in this activity that can be
used to review any subject matter, any
• Promotes listening, verbal communication,
critical thinking and decision-making
• It can also be used as formative
Four Corner Fun Review Technique
1. Create four large signs (A, B, C, D) and post
one of the signs in each corner of the
2. Obtain one index card for every student in the
class and write PLAYER on about ¾ of the card
and FIBBER on the remaining card.
3. Place one of the index cards face down on
each student’s desk.
Four Corner Fun Review Technique
4. Instruct students to look at their cards
privately to find out if their role in the game is
that of Player or a Fibber. Tell students not to
reveal their roles to their classmates.
5. Pose the first question and four possible
6. Have students who think the correct answer
to stand by that sign (A,B,C or D)
Four Corner Fun Review Technique
• Here’s the catch!
7. Students who hold the PLAYER cards go to
their appropriate corners while students
who hold the FIBBER cards are free to go
any corner.
8. When all students have taken their corners,
reveal the correct answer to the question.
9. Ask students to explain why they selected that
answer. Then you’re ready to pose the next
• Increase attention to details
• Train visual memory,
• Improves the ability to find
similarities and differences
• Improve vocabulary
1. Gather 20 (3x5) inch index cards and create 10
questions/problems that relate to your past lesson.
Write the answer to each question on another 10
2. Arrange the cards in random order in 5 rows on 4
cards on the board/bulletin.
3. Place a large sticky note on top of each card.
Number the sticky notes in order from 1-20 to look
like the board from the Concentration TV game
4. Start the game by calling the name of a student.
5. The student calls out a number.
6. Lift the sticky note with that number on it to
reveal a question or an answer.
7. If a question is under that sticky note, students
call out another number under which they hope
to find the matching answer; if the number they
called out reveals an answer underneath,
students call out another under which they hope
to find the matching question
8. If the cards under the two numbers reveal a
matching question and answer, then the student
earns 1 point..
9. If the cards do not match, the sticky note with the
number on it is returned to its spot and all students
do their best to recall what question or answer was
revealed under each number so when they’re
called on, they will be able to make a match.
10. Keep playing until all matches have been
3. Entry Pass
1. Each student/learner is given an entry
pass wherein they need to write what
they have learned from the past lesson.
2. Then call 10 students in random to read
what they have written on the entry pass
3. Collect all entry pass after the 10
Entry Pass
What did I learn last meeting?
Name: ___________________________________
Gr./Sec. : _________________________________
4. Will the Winners Lose?
• Answer questions related to a
review topic
• Use the Math to figure out their
team’s score
• Develops the value of self-
confidence, team work and
decision making.
Will the Winners Lose?
1. Prepare a set of 10 “scoring cards.” On each
of those cards, write different instruction.
• Earn 100 points - Earn 70 points
• Lose a turn - Double your total points
• Take 50 from the other team
• Deduct 50 points from your score
Will the Winners Lose?
2. On the other set of cards, write 10
questions related to the topic or skill(s)
you want to review and reinforce.
3. Post the 10 scoring cards in random
order on a bulletin or chalkboard. Post
the cards with the blank side facing
students and the scoring instructions
hidden from view.
Will the Winners Lose?
4. Arrange students into two or more
teams. Decide which team goes first.
5. Pose the first question to a member of
that team. If the student answers
correctly, he or she draws a scoring
card. The score on the card determines
the score the student earns for his or her
Will the Winners Lose?
6. If the student answer incorrectly, the
first student on another team to raise his
her hand earns the right to “steal” the
7. At the end of the game, each student
who correctly calculated each team’s
final score might earn 50 bonus points
for his or her team.
5. Friendly Feud
- Students will review or reinforce
knowledge and skills by playing this
- Students will play by the rules and
show courtesy to members of their
team and opposing team.
Friendly Feud
- Start the game by arranging students
into teams of four or five players and
determine the sequence in which
teams will play.
- Have each team appoint a captain
who will act as the team’s final-
decision maker and spokesperson.
5. Friendly Feud
1. Prepare to pose the first question of the
2. In the first round, the captain of each
team will be the only one who can
answer the question
3. Read aloud the first question; call on
the team captain who raises his /her
hands first to answer the question.
5. Friendly Feud
4. To earn a point, that captain must correctly
answer the question within 5 seconds. If the
captain who was called does not answer the
question correctly, the next team can steal the
5. The members of that team can talk among
themselves, then they must agree on the
correct answer.
6. If the captain says the correct answer, his or her
team earns a point and so on….
5. Friendly Feud
7. The team that correctly answers the
question earns the first chance to answer
the next question – which is posed to the
second player on the team. An incorrect
answer passes the question to the second
player on the next team.
8. At the end of the game, the team with
the most points is the winner of “Friendly
6. Ping Pong
• This game is ideal in developing
mental and oral capability of
• Promotes listening and the value of
cooperation among the members
of the group.
Ping Pong
1. Divide students into two teams.
Students work as a team to answer a
review question.
2. Then, if they answer it correctly, they
get a chance to bounce a ball into
one of three plastic cups to get a prize
for their team…
3. Prizes will be up to the teacher..
7. Head Bands

• Helps exercise the body and mind.

• Teach learners the value of
teamwork and promotes social
Head Bands
1. A fun spin on the popular game
headbands is to write a review term on a
post-it note.
2. Each students must stick the note to her
forehead without looking at it.
3. Each group is given 10 seconds to figure
out what the term on the forehead is, by
giving clues about the term through
body movement.
8. Scavenger Hunt
1. This allows review and also helps to
teach the value of keeping good notes.
2. Give students a list of review topics and
send them to their note books to seek
the answers.
3. An alternative would be to allow
students to partner up or work in teams
9.Beach Ball
• Promotes verbal communication,
critical thinking and readiness or
• Develops the value of self-
Beach Ball
1. Purchase a white beach ball and write
a variety of review questions on the ball.
2. Then have students sit on top of their
desks. The goal of this game is to play
3. When a student catches the ball, he/she
must answer the question their right
thumb is touching..
10.Spin the Wheel
1. Create a wheel with a variety of review
questions on it.
2. Then randomly call upon students to come
up and spin the wheel to see if they can
answer the questions correctly. Each
student is given 10 seconds to answer the
3. Whoever could give the correct answer
within the given time is given a prize.
“There will be times when, despite
your best efforts, you haven’t
come up to your own standards.
Always try to do the best that you
can, but don’t be too hard on
yourself when you haven’t done as
well as you liked.”

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