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This report is based on the importance of leadership and the styles of leaders those are used by a
leader in the workplace. Before entering into the main report the first thing that needed to do is to
describe the elements those are going to meet in this report. This report focused on the
“leadership styles” those are very important for an organisation and also for their future. There
were also describing theories through which this “leadership style” can describe in a more
informative way. A leader of a particular organization has been chosen and also describes a
statement through which all the important factors are identified and describe clearly.

Amazon is a very famous company who provide all the necessary products to their customers
through their online shopping process. The leader of Amazon is Jeff Bezos who is the CEO,
president and founder and also the leader. To become a leader is not easy and there different
obstacles are developed from which the leader have to overcome and lead the company towards
success. There is a reason exhibit behind choosing this leader is that Amazon is a “multinational
technology” company and their services are all for satisfying the customers with their services
and their products. Thus, for fulfilling this goal the organisation require a leader who will lead
the organisation as well as the employees to the right path and recommend which is right and
which wrong. For this purpose the leader should follow a particular style of leadership in the
business so that he can improve the business. The thesis statement is based on the requirements
of the topic, the “comparison and contrast the leadership styles those are use in a particular
organizational workplace”. The leader implements the style in the workplace for improving their
performance and the business.

Based on the company and the leader a rationale have to provide why the past, present and future
related some information has been provided. In the company Amazon, the CEO follow the
“transformational leadership” from the beginning, but in the present time they follow two style,
“transformational” and “autocratic” and hope that in the future they focused on this two style
along with some other styles. They should take those steps through which can improve their
business for the future and develop a good and healthy relationship with the customers and the
company’s employees [ CITATION hrs20 \l 1033 ].

Amazon is a well known company who is famous for their good quality based products and their
strategy that they use for staying in the market. The CEO of Amazon, Jeff Bezos is a famous and
richest man since 2017 and business strategies are so great that make him to the richest man. All
his strategies and ideas are for the betterment of the business and for this purpose they mainly
focus on the development of his business and spread it all over the world. In their online
shopping store they provide different types of offers and facilities which the customers are found
attractive. For the growth of the business, Bezos research on different thing, different leader’s
perspectives and try to understand what their thoughts are and how they improve business. With
this purpose they go through a lot of things that later help the in their business for the
future[ CITATION Joh201 \l 1033 ].

When Bezos become the leader of the company, he is aware of the fact that many responsibilities
is now on his shoulder and he have to fulfill all of them. By keeping this in mind, Bezos play his
role and do all his responsibilities, regarding the company and the employees. A leader’s man
task is to provide all the benefits to the employees and motivate them and encourage them in the
activities of the business and involve them all this factors. The leader creates a team and appoints
those members whom he thinks are eligible enough and considerable for the company [ CITATION
Ngu17 \l 1033 ]. Bezos give them proper training according to their projects and to the company
and also inform them about this company’s goals and objectives and inspire them to work for
achieving those goals and fulfill their objectives. The leader should have some characteristic
those separate them from the other roles of the organisation. The leader should have the ability to
take any decision without consulting with anyone, can easily communicate with the members,
skillful to operate any projects and do their jobs by following the ethical rules and laws [ CITATION
den201 \l 1033 ].

Jeff Bezos follow a particular type of “leadership style” in his business which separates them
from other companies. But, Bezos depends on five man points of leadership and which he also
suggested his team members to follow. Those are –

 Bezos suggested his employees that they should give matter to the vision of the company
and take any actions and follow the guidance and strategy. If they follow the strategy of
the company then they might achieve success in their business and fulfill their vision.
 He also said to his members that they should improve their thinking ability and make it
more creative and the message they sent should be construct in simple language[ CITATION
Maa17 \l 1033 ].
 When the employees are appointed in the organisation, from that moment they have to be
committed towards their work and also towards the company.
 The employees should know the market of their skills and capability and based on that
market they should perform their role. They should be careful about their position the
organisation and give importance to the expectation of the company.
 If the employees gain any opportunity from where they can promote themselves then they
should get that opportunity and develop their career[ CITATION TIM191 \l 1033 ].

As Bezos follow the “transformational style” so that he develops a healthy relationship with his
team members and involve them all the projects and also give structures about their duties. They
have to give their best to the organisation. The leader encourage the ad helps them to see what is
best for them and what they can do. Their capability and their skill should not be neglected and
join with the leader and take motivation from[ CITATION Pop16 \l 1033 ]. The leader is always
there for them for their help and give them the best suggestion regarding their job and also about
their life. The leader is trying his best to provide all support and benefit to the employees so that
they might gain all success. Bezos also give his best to support his members and involve them all
types of activities so that they might e very successful in their future ad also consider beneficial
for the organisation [ CITATION Bra20 \l 1033 ].

Bezos also follow another style which is “autocratic leadership”, according to which he will take
all type of decisions for the company by himself; he is not forced to and responsible to anyone
for his decision. In this style he believes on his skills and makes a decision and implements the
idea or decision by himself in the organisation. Even he does not involve any employees in his
decision and this develops confidence on him and this also motivates their employees. If they use
their own thought and present the idea the idea before the leader then it might also develops in
them, but they cannot implement their idea in the organisation[ CITATION Alg16 \l 1033 ].

The organisation Amazon has a leader who is Jeff Bezos and he follow two types of “leadership
style” in his business. But there are also different other styles are also available and within those
styles a comparison has been made, in the comparison the main discussing subject is the
difference between the Bezos’s “leadership style” and the other styles. Through other styles the
organisation may not be able to complete their overall jobs and improve their business in a high
scale. The leader has to be careful about the individual tasks of employees [ CITATION Fia17 \l
1033 ].

From this report the “leadership style” of Amazon identified and the leader Jeff Bezos
implemented this style in the workplace to understand the reaction, acceptance and performance
of the employees. As the employees are very much important for a business as well as leader so
that when a leader chose for an organisation, he requires for a team and the members of the team
will be selected by him. Thus, a comparison has been describes within the Bezos’s “leadership
style” and other “leadership style” and his “leadership style” also contrasted with its features and
effects on the organisation.

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