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Subject Code: 2931901
Semester – III

Type of course: Humanities and social science


Rationale: This subject is a robust tool and offers directions in making the best decisions based on
available data. It may provide the executive with an analytical and quantitative basis to identify the
problem area. The most frequently adopted applications in this category deal with production
scheduling and cost reduction.

Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Credits Examination Marks Total
L T P C Theory Marks Practical Marks Marks
ESE (E) PA (M) ESE (V) PA (I)
3 0 0 3 70 30 0 0 100

Sr. Topics Teac
No. hing
1 General concepts: 01
Introduction to O.R., Definitions of O.R.
2 Linear Programming: 09
(i) General Concepts / Definitions
(ii) Assumptions in LP / Limitations in LP / Applications of LP.
(iii) Formulation of LP Problems
(iv)Solution Methods
•Graphical method (maximization, minimization)
•Simplex method (maximization, minimization)
•Big M and Two Phase methods
(v) Special issues in LP (Graphical & Simplex methods)
•Infeasible solution
•Unbounded solution
•Degenerate solution
•Alternate solution
(vi)Duality & Sensitivity analysis
•Duality in LP
•Economic Interpretation of dual
•Sensitivity analysis
3 Transportation Problems: 06
Balanced / Unbalanced Problems
(i) General Concepts / Definitions
(ii) Formulation of TT problems
(iii) Solution Methods
•NorthWest Corner Rule(NWCR)
•Least Cost Rule (LCR)
•Vogels Approximation Method(VAM)
(iv)Optimality Tests
•Stepping Stone Method (SSM)
•Modified Distribution method (MODI)
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w.e.f. AY 2018-19
Subject Code: 2931901
(v) Special issues in Transportation Problems
•Resolving Degeneracy
•Maximization case of Transportation Problems
•Alternative solution
•Prohibited Routes
4 Assignment Problems: 04
Balanced / Unbalanced Problems
(i) General Concepts / Definitions
(ii) Solution Methods
•Hungarians Algorithm:
(Concept of Opportunity costs), Minimization Case, Maximization Case.
(iii) Special Issues in AP
•Restricted routes / choice
•Reserved routes / choice
•Multiple Optimal Solutions
5 PERT and CPM: 07
(i) Introduction, Definitions, Terminology
(ii) Types of Networks •CPM : Critical Path Method •PERT: Programme Evaluation
Review Technique
(iii) Drawing a network
(iv) Network Calculations
•Deterministic model: CPM
•Probabilistic model: PERT Critical Path, Float / Slack, Significance of floats, Types of
floats(Total Float (TF) , Free Float (FF), Independent Float (IF))
(v) Estimation of Project completion time
(vi) Project Cost Analysis: Crashing, Project cost time trade-off
(vii)Resource allocation and leveling.
6 Sequencing Problems: 05
(i) Introduction, Concepts, Definitions
(ii) Assumptions, Limitations, Applications of Sequencing Problems
(iii) Types of Sequencing problems and solution methods
•N jobs 2 m/cs case
•N jobs 3 m/cs case
•N jobs M m/cs case
•2 jobs M m/cs case
7 Decision Theory (Analysis): 04
(i) Introduction, Definitions, Application
(ii) Uncertainty and risk in Decision making
(iii) Static Decisions
•Payoff Tables
•Expected value of perfect information (EVPI) and its interpretation
(iv) Sequential Decisions and Decision Trees
8 Replacement Problems: 05
(i) Introduction, replacement cases and reasons for replacements
(ii) Cases of Replacements •Replacements of items that deteriorate with time (Tabular
•Replacements of items that fail completely
9 Queuing Models: 04
(i) Introduction, Concepts, Terminology
(ii) General structure of queuing system
(iii) Operating Characteristics of Queuing system
(iv) Poisson-exponential single server model-infinite population

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Subject Code: 2931901
(v) Poisson-exponential single server model-finite population

Distribution of marks weightage for cognitive level

Bloom’s Taxonomy for Cognitive Domain Marks

% weightage
Recall 10
Comprehension 15
Application 20
Analysis 25
Evaluate 25
Create 05

1. N.D.Vohra, Quantitative Techniques in Management, Tata McGraw-Hill.
2. F.M.Wilkes, Elements of Operational Research, McGraw Hill.
3. Taha H. A., Operations Research: An Introduction, Pearson/Printice Hall.
4. D. S. Hira & P. K. Gupta, Operations Research, S Chand.
5. J.K.Sharma, Quantitative Techniques: Theory and Application, Macmillan India Limited.

Course Outcomes:
After learning the course the students will be able to :

Sr. CO statement Marks % weightage

CO-1 Identify and develop models for optimizing the management and 25
production systems from the verbal description of the real system.
CO-2 Facilitate quantitative solutions in business decision making under 25
conditions of certainty, risk and uncertainty.
CO-3 Adopt optimization techniques to solve manufacturing and other 25
industry related problems to minimize cost.
CO-4 Apply various scientific tools and models that are available in the 25
subject to take decisions in a complex environment.

List of open source:


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