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Intro: Play it.
• Enter your name.
• Select if you want to see the Intro or not. o TIP: You want to select yes because your
relationship with Laura and Maria will not improve if you skip.
• Once the introduction is complete, you are transported to school.
• Go up to the First floor.
• Talk to all classmates. ( Morgan, Tyna, Jason, Tom, Daisy, Nadine, Ronald, Christian,
Charles, Sandra, Brenda, Phil and Rachel)
o Marckus will give you Milf´s Hentai Magazine.
o Answer to Tyna : Nothing
o Answer to Christian: No.
• After talking to all of your classmates, walk to the chair in front of your desk and click to
attend class.
• At recess you will transport to the courtyard and speak with Rachel, choose the option;
"Throw a Compliment.", this will increase your relationship with Rachel
• Christian will walk to you and you will fight, you will be taken to the infirmary, watch the
scene, your relationship will improve with Ms. Gyna and Rachel
• After the scene you will automatically attend the second class and leave school. (This begins
the Rachel Quest.
• Go back to Old Quarter.
• Go back home. Look at the small tutorial in your house.
Before start is a good thing to bye a car from Golden Town. Use money cheat to do
it use a lamp in your room (or use a Firebane’s mod you can also rewind the time at
16:00 hours when you return to Old Quarter) right from you PC end enter password
1640 for cheats.
Go to Golden Town (right side of East Town) south west to the car dealer and bye a
car (choose a fast and expensive one to impress Beth at her quest later on)
There are parking in every town on map except Old Quarter there you have a
parking beside your home parking's have a cycle, there you can park and leave the
car. I also recommend to Backup your saves every time you finish quest lines, so if
you made an error to return to older saves to correct it.

Visit Rachel at home during the afternoon (on weekends you can also visit in the morning).
She lives in building 5 in Old Quarter.
a. Watch the Scene
b. Leave her House
Go to the Food Store in New Neighborhood and buy chocolates.
Go to School.
a. In class talk to Rachel. She will be upset with you.
b. Give her the Chocolates.
c. Rachel will forgive you and ask you to call her for a date.
(It is a good thing also to start first Daisy and second Beth recess in between, only
recess do not continue her quests, leave it for later time. You can see Beth’s recess info
on last pages)
c. You can now use the phone in your items → Main Items to ask her on dates. (You can only
date in the Afternoon or Evening. You only date Rachel and Carol no other girl)
After school call Rachel for your first date. (You can Info for Dating Rachel at last pages)
a. After the date Rachel will invite you to the alley
b. Maria will catch you in the alley. (Now begin the Maria Quest)
c. You must complete Maria Quest Part 1 before progressing further with Rachel.
Maria Part 1:

a. You will transport to your room and she comes in to yell at you.
b. The next morning go downstairs and Maria will be waiting. She say's you need go to
Terracotta fashion store to pick up a package for her. She give you $5 and her keys.
c. Go to the weapon store in old quarter and make a copy of her keys
d. Go to New Neighborhood and enter in Terracotta Fashion Store
e. Talk to the shop girl and she gives you Maria´s package.
f. You transported back to Old Quarter, in your house.
g. Maria is waiting you in front of you talk to her. You give her the package and you will
transport to school.
After school go to Maria’s room take a copy of your room key Look for shining stars In room,
check Maria's laptop press ok when ask for password, at 19:00 hours go to family room check
Maria's Laptop (left side) get to the password.

Next day morning before school go to Maria's room check laptop read the diary, go to school
Maria stand’s in frond of the door and she tell you you are grounded, after school do the chore
she gave you (4 times). (Weekend nothing to do If you cheat for money go to New
Neighborhood and purchase from computer store games to increase YouTV reputation, also is
good to study).
Continue to do chores until Maria take's you to her sister house. At sister house take the 4
boxes to upstairs on cycles, enjoy.

Next day (here is a good thing to use cheats to increase sex skills to see some night
visit’s from Maria) morning before school look at Maria's laptop, after school go straight home
and the family room see the scene, at same night 24:00 hours watch TV she comes to watch
TV with you, after that MC goes upstairs, see Maria scene in her room, Aunt calls you and
invites you for dance (be patient after her dance it take some time to see the next dialog), then
you go home with aunt enjoy.

Next Morning before school check Maria's laptop, go to school, after school at 23:00 hours go
and watch TV, clock on Maria, see the scene, when you go to sleep Maria visit you. Saturday
at 19:00 go to family room from the right door see the scene, go to sleep and she visit's you
again. Sunday at 19:00 hours play console in your room enjoy the scene, go to sleep.
Next day before going to school check Maria's laptop, go to school (if you finish Daisy’s
recess you can start now Beth’s recess), after school at 19:00 hours go to Maria's room

After midnight, go to Maria´s room. Try to touch her while she sleeps. The first time she will
a. You can do this on any night. As you increase your stealth you can progress further.
b. The next morning (after your first attempt) leave your house.
c. A girl will run into you and steal $5 of your money, You can now begin stealth training (better
use cheats to increase stealth use the lamp right from your pc input 1640 for password).
(The next days until weekend continue and finish Daisy’s recess, save before speak to
Daisy, to reload if you didn’t find what she want’s, don’t do anything else just study or
increase YouTV reputation, in the meantime triggered a Chem class scene, after that
scene and school do not go and speak to Marcus at his house, because if you talk to
him bugs Beth’s quest at later time).
On the weekend in the morning find Maria on the beach in Old Quarter and talk with her.
a. She will ask you to join her on the beach
b. Go back home and into your room and in the closet right from the lamp, take your swimsuit
c. Go back to the beach and talk to Maria. Enjoy the scene.
d. On the same day at night while you sleep, Maria will wake you up.
On the first weekday (Monday) morning, after you spend time with Maria on the weekend, go
downstairs Maria stands in front of the doorway of your home, talk to her before the afternoon
a. She will take you to her job
a. You have to go into the computer of Maria's
rival Dr. Robson.
b. Grab the money from the office.
c. Look on the north wall at the calendar and
then on the whiteboard. (If you can't figure out
the puzzle the password is 1998)
d. Go to the PC and enter the password
e. Once inside the computer visit the following
in this order: Recycle Bin, Pictures folder, and
Documents / Erenipeltol.
f. Get out of the office and talk to Maria. You
will transport back home. Talk again with Maria
Enjoy the scene.

You MUST do this mission with Maria before Day 30 in the game.
(If you play the game correctly until this point the in game day’s must be 22)

Now back to Rachel’s quest:

Next day go to School

a. Talk with Rachel in the classroom. She will ask you to change the answers on her exam,
you have to sneak into the teachers area and don't let them see you.

1. Walk the green line and hide down the hallway at 1

2. A teacher will pass you, once she stops run past and over to the right and collect the $150
3. Go down along the path but make sure not to go too fast and run into the teacher walking
the same direction.
4. Stop at the door marked by 2 and check it out (if you don't the keys won't be in the desk
later on)
5. Continue to follow the teacher and then grab the honey from the locker then go in the door
marked 3.
6. Grab the $5 from the desk and wait till the teacher you were following turns around and
goes back the other way.
7. Exit the door marked 5 after she passes
8. Continue to the left and grab the $15 from the locker and quickly get in the door marked 6
(you may have to backtrack and hide if you don't get there before the next teacher comes)
ix. Grab the $5 and the Milf's Hentai Magazine and then go to the desk to get the teacher's
room key marked 7.
9. Walk back to the door marked 2 while avoiding teachers.
10. Grab the Candies, Pregnancy Test and $2 then go to the desk and change the answers.
11. Your character will go to leave and notice Ms. Taylor's coat. You'll get her house key and $5
then the character will move to exit from a side window

You need to go to the weapon store in Old quarter to make a copy of her keys. You have 1 min
30 sec to get to the store, make the copy, and then get back to the side of the building where
you came out of the window.
1. If you arrive on time: You will have a copy of the keys to Ms. Taylors House
2. If you don't arrive on time: WARNING: Ms. Taylor will change the locks at her house and
you will not be able to do the Ms. Taylor quest line.

Once you're back inside the teachers room there will be no more teachers in the area. Walk
back to the exit on the North-West and when you exit you will transport to attend the second

Visit Rachel in her house. She will finish what you started in the alley. When you are about to
finish you have a choice to warn her.
a. Warn her: More love.
b. Don't Warn her : Less love

You can visit Rachel at home during the afternoon on weekdays, morning and afternoon on
weekends. WARNING: Do not go to another date with her only home visits.
(If you want to finish fast use Firebane’s mod to rewind the time and enter again and
again at Rachel’s house, this is a good time to tell that some quests auto triggered, the
time that quests triggers is depended of how you use Firebane’s mod, or how many
days skip school or go to school)

Continue Rachel home visits. When your love level is high enough if you talk to Rachel at her
home she will ask you to recover her comics.
Talk to the beggar next to her house and retrieve the comics for a fee of $50.
Go back to Rachel´s house and enjoy a new scene.

When your love level is high enough if you talk to Rachel at her home she will ask you for a
favor, you have to go to Beth's house to pick up some of Rachel's things.

Visit Beth at her home in the afternoon time. Beth lives in house number 4 in High
Neighborhood. Second home at right of bus stop.
a. Enter in Beth´s House
b. Talk with Beth´s mom
c. Go upstairs
d. Enter in Beth´s room and talk with her.
e. She will return Rachel´s stuff.
Go to Rachel´s house. Give her stuff back and watch another new scene.Continue visits to
increase your love with Rachel.
When your love level is high enough if you talk to Rachel at her home she will ask to have sex
with you.
Sex will not go well the first time.
In the afternoon you can visit Morgan at his home. Morgan lives in house number 5 in High
Neighborhood. (Behind Beth’s house).
a. Enter Morgan's house
b. Talk to Morgan and he will tell you that in the East Town bookstore Jet’s store you will be
able to train to increase your sexual skills, talk to her and select Special Lessons. Enter the
door right from Jet. Do the first special lesson (If you use cheats to increase sexual skills At
Maria’s quest when you enter for special lesson you see on screen your increased
stats, if you use Firebane’s mod to decrease time go back to Rachel’s home and finish
her visits and her quest line.
For First anal scene you have to buy Lubricant, go to East Town at sex shop and buy it.
WARNING: when you reach at point to select what to do, don’t select other action
except sex because of a bug, if you select other action resets Rachel Love and the next
time you visit her she asks you again to go to Beth’s for her clothes).
When you max out your love with Rachel, talk to her at recess time and she go with her, enjoy.

Dad Part 1: (Day 30)

When 1st part of Maria’s quest finished, at day 30 Dad will come home and give a gift to each
member of the family.
a. you will be transported to school (do not enter the school)
b. Return home and visit Maria and Dad's room, enjoy.

The next day morning when you wake up you will see Dad in the hallway talking on the phone.
a. Watch the scene and then follow him outside of the house, do not get too close (keep about
4 boxes away)
b. Follow him through New Neighborhood into Commercial Neighborhood and into the alley.
c. Watch the scene

The next day you go to school. The director

will stop you when you enter and have a
conference with you and Dad.
a. When you leave the meeting go up to the
first floor and head over to the east wing.
b. Travel to the room on the bottom left of
the map and go inside to find a screwdriver
c. From there exit the door and near the
door to the right you will see a ventilation
shaft. (You can't miss it there is a big arrow
blinking on it.) use the screwdriver to open
the shaft and climb inside.

Refer to [Image] to see the path and

location of all interesting events (watch the
time limit).
1. Spy Brenda
2. Spy Carol
3. Spy Ms. Gyna
4. Spy Pam and Nadine
5. Spy on Dad
After class go to your house and Dr. Robson will be outside. Talk with her.

On the same day go to your home at 18:00 and speak with Maria in the kitchen for another
scene. (IMPORTANT: This must occur on the day you talk to Dr. Robson, once your father
speaks to you at night the opportunity is gone).

When you transport to your room at night Dad will come to your room to talk to you
(At this point if you didn’t finish Daisy and Beth recess, use cheat to finish them, you
need it to see a scene, Daisy HJ in changing room with Kayla).
The next morning go to school. Dad will come to pick you up at the school after class finishes.
He will take you to meet Warren i. Warren will talk to you, he will offer to give you something.
You have three options (women, money, luxury)
ii. Women: sex with warren's whore. (My choice)
iii. Money: $500
iv. Luxury: Alienmecha PC
b. After your choice Warren will ask your Dad to go pick up his niece. You will go with Dad.
c. You will meet Kayla. In the car let her do what she wants.
d. Upon arriving at Warren's house, Steve will talk to Dad and the two will leave. You will have
to attempt to listen to their conversation.
e. Walk to your left and check the door to Warren's office to see another scene. (Green Circle
on [Image)
f. Enter the room on the upper right of the map and you will see the stars for where to go. (Red
Circle on [Image)
g. Push the chair over to this spot to
climb up and listen.
h. When the scene ends Kayla will catch
you. She will ask you to take her to buy
clothes. (IMPORTANT: Save your Game.
You can lose the driving mission and get
a game over.
i. In the car she will make advances at
you. In this scene press the buttons that
appear on the screen before they
disappear. If you fail 3 times, you will die
and the game will end.
j. Once in the store watch the scene and
then you will transport to the dressing
k. You can spy on the women in the
rooms. (Daisy, Ms. Robson, Kayla).
When you spy on Daisy she is give you a hand job.
l. Choose the dress you like best on Kayla
m. Return to Warren's house. When outside go home.

Now we go to Maria’s quest Part 2

When you are return from Warren’s after midnight and go upstairs you teleport to your room,
Maria will come and confront you about what happened in the kitchen. (WARNING: You will be
given a choice, you must tell Maria the truth or your storyline with Maria will end)
a. Tell the truth.
b. You will have sex with Maria. (Maria is very good in bed so she will deplete your stamina
faster than other girls. Make sure your sex skills is maxed).
c. You will talk some more and she will leave the room.
Now we go to Dad’s quest Part 2

Do not got to school the next day, ignore this if is weekend.

Spent time untill night, Dad will come and find you in the room.
Watch the scene in the alley

Now we go to Maria’s quest Part 3

Next morning when you go to school Maria will be waiting for you outside the school
a. She wants you to come and see her boss.
b. The meeting with the boss will end outside Otter Laboratories, Maria will leave (there is a
small bug here, Maria still standing in front of you pass her by and continue to next quest).


Otter Laboratories take your car (parking lot at right, visit the News Stand in Old Quarter
beside pharmacy and buy the first Tinymon card for $20.

Go to Sarah's room in your home during the afternoon 15:00 to 17:00 hours and give her the
card then watch the scene.

Check out the vending machine near the beach in

Old Quarter [Image]

Go to the construction site in Old Quarter and

speak with the foreman. He will tell you he thinks
his wife is cheating and will offer to help if you can
find out. He'll give you the keys to his house to find
evidence. (You can now begin the foreman's wife
You must complete foreman's wife quest before
you can progress with Sarah

Foreman's Wife (Sharon):

Go to the foreman's house during the morning to

spy on his wife. The foreman lives in building 5 of
New Neighborhood.
a. Enter in house important and take all items
b. Go upstairs
c. Discover the Foreman´s wife with her lover.
d. After talking Sharon will give you three options:
(the options do not change any outcome of the
i. 100$: She gives you $100
ii. 1000$: She gives you $100 and a Blow job
iii. Fun with that body: fuck her and finish with a
Blow job. :)
Save you game before talk with the Foreman at the construction site in Old Quarter
You have two options: (CAUTION This decision does influence the development of the story)
i. Betray the wife
ii. Cover the wife:

CHEAT OPTION: If you edit your save file you can cheat and make both choices to progress
both storylines simultaneously.
Choose both to Betray the wife and Cover for the wife of the foreman
When you are confronted with the choice to Betray or Cover for the foreman's wife
choose either option and you can edit your save file to go back and choose the other
leaving both quest lines open.
Make your choice with the foreman
Save the game
Open your save file in a save editor
Take note of the value of variable #33 Evento Cartas (Write it down)
Edit variable #33 Evento Cartas = 5 load your game
Speak with the foreman again and make the opposite choice
Save the game
Open your save file in a save editor
Edit variable #33 Evento Cartas back to the value you wrote down load your game.
You can now continue to follow both paths in the Foreman's wife quest line

Return to the vending machine and talk to the man standing next to it. He will help you retrieve
the card underneath.

Option 1: Betray the wife

On the weekend travel to East Town, The yoga teacher
is waiting for you, he will approach you and steal your money. $100
Go to Old Quarter. Speak with the foreman at the construction site. He wants you to discover
where the yoga teacher lives.
Travel to New Neighborhood. See where he lives
Go back to Old Quarter. Speak with the foreman again. He will give you $300
You want to alert the yoga teacher about the danger from the foreman.
More content in future updates.

Option 2: Cover the wife

On the weekend go to the beach in Old Quarter. Sharon is on the beach. Speak with her. She
thanks you and asks for your telephone number and say's she will call you.
Wait until at least Day 25. After this day when you enter the school map Sharon will call you
and tell you to come to her house and visit some time.
Go to the food store in new neighborhood and buy wine.
Go to the Foreman's house any day in the morning and bring her the wine. She will have sex
with you. a. You can repeat this event whenever you want but make sure you bring wine each
End of Sharon Quest. Possibly more content in future updates.
You can continue Sarah’s quest (if you are not near a weekend) and finish this quest line at
next weekend.
Back to Sarah:

Go to Sarah's room in your home during the afternoon and give her the second card from
under the vending machine then watch the scene.
You have two options to choose from . (These
options do not change the story)
a. Cum on her ass. - Less Love
b. Cum in your hand. - No love lost

After midnight (24:00 hours) use the copy of Ms

Taylor's key to enter into her house. Ms. Taylor
lives in house 4 of Old quarter.
a. Take all objects [Image] and put the sleeping
pills you found during the foreman's wife quest into
the tea bottle in the refrigerator.
b. Go into Ms. Taylors room and take a picture of
her boobs.
c. You will have a choice to jerk off on her or leave.
Neither decision influences the story.

Go to school. In the classroom speak with Ronald.

He will be in front of Ms Taylor. Give him the
picture and receive the third Tinymon card

Go to Sarah's room in your home during the afternoon and give her the third card you received
from Ronald. You have two options to choose from. ( WARNING: This decision does influence
the development of the story)
a. Leave Card: When you go to sleep at night (must go to bed before midnight 23:00 hours)
Sarah will come in to your room and give you a surprise scene
b. Leave Her: When you go to sleep at night (must be before midnight) Sarah will come in to
your room and steal the card. (WARNING: If you choose this option your story line with Sarah

In the morning before 09:00 talk to Sarah in the kitchen of your home. She will tell you that
herself and Shasha need to speak with you at school.

Go to School and speak with Sarah and Shasha on the right side of the main hall of the
School. They will tell you about another Tinymon card you may be able to get from Shasha's
boss at the comic book store. (your stealth need to be at max, use cheat to max out if you

Any day in the afternoon visit Shasha in the comic store (Commercial Neighborhood). Shasha
will bring you to talk with Jazmine. Talk with Jazmine and she will ask you to do a job for her
boyfriend to get the card.
At night time visit the Hornet Pub in Old Quarter and talk with the barman.
a. Enter in the door next to the bar.
b. Talk with Nesrot. He will ask you to block a window in the school.

Go to school in the morning.

a. Enter in the school and see the instructions.
b. From the main hall head down the West path and go to the Men´s bathroom to block the
window. You will see stars in the correct spot.
At night visit the school (19:00 or 20:00 hours).
a. Talk with Jacqueline. She will be just outside the gate to the school grounds.
b. After you hop the fence go to the west side of the school yard to find Jacqueline by the
window you blocked. Talk with her and enter the school.
c. Take Jacqueline to the Director´s Office. It is in the main hall on the East side.
d. Watch the scene, after that go to room where Jacqualine is and speak to her.
e. You will transport back to Hornet Pub. Speak first to man in black and the with Nesrot and
then choose the girl you want to have sex with as a reward.
i. Maggie - Raises your Ability
ii. Yalena - Raises your Endurance
iii. Miko - Raises your stealth
iv. Chloe - Futanari

In the afternoon time go back to the comic store in commercial neighborhood. Enter in the
office and talk with Jazmine. She'll give you the fourth Tinymon card

Go to Sarah's room in your home during the afternoon and Shasha will be there with her.
Speak to Sarah and give her the fourth card and enjoy.

Now start Jet’s Main quest:

Visit the bookstore at night. 20:00 hours.

a. Watch the scene. (you can use the car here)
b. Go to Hornet Pub in Old Quarter (go straight there, if you pass too much time you will fail
and end your quest with Jet.)
c. Talk to Jaqueline next to the Bar, she will give you a gun.
d. Hurry back to the library. (Don't take any detours, if you pass too much time and arrive late
at night in the dawning you will fail and end your quest with Jet)
e. Watch the scene and you will transport to the hospital.
f. Watch the next scene and you will transport back home to your room.
g. Watch the scene with Sarah and then you will go to sleep.

At morning check your Inventory and use the Jet photo you have in the inventory. Jet will invite
you to visit her at home some time.

At night (before 00:00) visit Jet at home. Jet lives in

building number 1 of East Town enjoy the scene and Jet
will ask you to help her.
At night (before 00:00 go there at 23:00) go to Annie
Garrison's house in High Neighborhood, house number
7 [image].
a. Talk to the guard out front and you will need to find
another way in.
b. Go to the back of the house by the water and find an
old man, he will ask you to steal panties for him.

On the same night or a different night if you choose, visit

the houses 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8 in High Neighborhood. Click on the arrows at each house
(WARNING: at Beth’s house you see 2 arrows pick the left one only, if you pick the right you
get a black screen and you have to load at earlier point). You will need to have a stealth level
of at least 12 to complete this task. You also will need a rope in your inventory. You can buy
this at the Gift shop in commercial neighborhood.
SECRET: If you didn't get the rope before you went all the way to high neighborhood and don't
feel like back tracking, you can check the mailbox in front of house number 8 in High
Neighborhood (Daisy's house) and you will silently get a rope in your inventory.

Talk to the old man behind Annie Garrison's

house again. (If you decided not to do this
on the same night when you steal the
panties, remember he will only be there at
night before 00:00)
a. Alert Save before Enter the house
WILL BE KILLED) (See [Image] for all items
and reference)
b. Once inside the house follow the guard
south down the hallway and enter the big
room to find $15 in a bookshelf.
c. Go back from where you came and turn
right down the center (West-East) hallway.
Visit the second office and pick up the
d. Walk to the room with the computer and
you can find $15 in one of the cabinets. (The image which comes from the official guide say's
sleeping pills are in this room too, but this appears to be bugged.)
e. Walk to the PC and enter the password
(3542). Touch the PC again and activate the
f. Go back to the statue near where you first
transported into the house. Activate the Button.
g. Travel back to that middle hallway and go all
the way to the right to the end of the hallway
and turn left to go north. You will see stairs. Go
down to the basement.
h. Pick up all the items in the basement [Image]
($150, Pineapple PC (you can only have 1 PC
in inventory so if you have a better one already,
don't take this), Expensive Perfume, PC Game,
$75, Bullets). Talk to the girl in chains and free
her. You will transport near the window where
you first came in.
i. Walk south back to that center (West-East) hallway and walk to the third room.
j. Get the Whiskey from one of the dressers and then touch the girl sleeping. You will find the
5th Tinymon card (Xorlax) for Sarah's Quest.

SECRET: If you touch the clock on the wall in sleeping girls room left from closet, it will tell you
a number. This number is your stealth level. Each time you touch the clock it will increase your
stealth by 1 allowing you to instantly max your stealth.
k. Go out of the room and head to the right down the hall, turn left and then left again toward
the center of the room toward the stairs to the top
l. When you go far enough [image] a scene will
trigger. Watch the scene and go upstairs.
m. On the top floor walk to your left and turn down
the hallway [Image]. At the end turn right toward
the center of the room. Enter the first room on
your right with two safes inside. Open the safes to
get an Ultra Rare Jewel and $350.
n. Exit the room and head to the left from where
you came. When you get far enough another
scene will trigger. Watch the scene.
o. You will be inside Annie Garrison's room. Leave
the jewel in the clothes hanging in the center
of the room stay there don’t move until you
will hear the guards and need to hide.
p. Just to the left of the clothes in between
the fireplace and the bathroom are two
closets. Hide in the left one. And watch the
q. Walk toward the room to the right of the
fireplace and enter the room. Enjoy the
scene with Annie.
r. When finished look in one of the
bookshelves to the right to find Jet's Papers
then exit the room.
s. Try to leave Annie Garrison's bedroom
and you will be stuck because the guards
have returned outside.
t. Walk to the desk to the left of the room
where you met Annie and find a Pen. On the desk just to the right of the same door you can
find Paper. Your character will write a note to the guards. Walk to the door where the guards
are and slip it under the door to escape.
Return to Jet's house at night to bring her the registry. Enjoy the scene.

WARNING: You will be faced with a choice that impacts the progression of the story
line: BETRAY JET or HELP JET. I choose to HELP JET.

You will transfer to Warren's house. Speak with him to tell
him about Jet's plan.
Return to East Town in the morning and find Jet outside her
home and you will be transferred to Mr. Gibson's house
a. Walk into the woods where you enter. [Image]
b. Go right when you get to the well and follow the path to
find a man in goggles i. The man will rob you of $100
ii. I'm not sure what the purpose of this is, but this
interaction will set a new variable that will probably be used
in a future release
c. Go back to the well and head north to find the cave. Enter
d. Warren will be waiting inside with his guards. He will take Jet and give you a reward
e. This ends this quest line for the current release

Return to East Town in the morning and find Jet
outside her home and you will be transferred to Mr.
Gibson's house
a. Walk into the woods where you enter.
i. Go right when you get to the well and follow the
path to find a man in goggles 1. The man will rob
you of $100
2. I'm not sure what the purpose of this is, but this
interaction will set a new variable that will probably
be used in a future release
ii. Go back to the well and head north to find the
cave. Enter
b. Make your way to the Northeast corner of the
map and climb the ladder
c. You will appear in a small room in the basement.
i. Exit the room and then go to the next door north
into the hall.
ii. Walk to the right and then head south down the hall. Walk far enough and you will see a
iii. Walk to the sleeping guard and check him to get a key
iv. Go to the door on your left and click the arrow to unlock a door. Take note of the passcode
written on the wall.
v. Return to the sleeping guard and walk through the door next to him.
vi. Go to the door in this room to the
northwest and check the panel on the wall
next to it. Enter the passcode 7834 to
unlock the door and walk through.
vii. Walk to your left and then you will hear
guards talking and they will leave.
viii. Continue to the next door.
ix. Don't move when you enter this room.
When the security system turns off
IMMEDIATELY run to the other side on the
right. And enter the door. You need to use
the dash button to make it on time.
x. Grab the items from the safes and then
click on the arrow (it's hard to see) to climb
into the vents. Continue to walk upstairs
d. You will now be on the first floor. [Image]
Follow the path to avoid running into
guards. You will be following a guard so
don't walk too quickly.
i. Wait at this spot until the guard passes
ii. Enter in the room and grab the whiskey and the wine
iii. Enter in this room and grab Test 2 Drug and Cinnamon. WARNING: don't walk any further
right than where the Test 2 Drug is found or the guard behind the wall will see you.
iv. Check this door to see Christian and a woman
v. Walk up the hallway to hear the guards talk
about the elevator
vi. Enter the room with the elevator and
switch puzzle
vii. Throw the switches in the following order:
Red, Blue, Yellow, Green. Enter the
e. Now you are on the final floor. [Image]
i. Walk until you see Dialogue with Chloe
ii. Enter in the room to your left, be careful
here because there is a guard, avoid him
seeing you.
iii. Enter the room on the Southwest and
speak with Chloe
iv. You will transfer into the hallway, watch the
scene and wait.
v. Enter the door in front of you and go to the computer.
vi. Walk to the left and check the
door to see Chloe and Jet
vii. Continue left and check the panel on the wall next to the big door. You will need to solve a
1. Top Row - Yellow
2. 2nd Row - Green
3. 3rd Row - Blue
4. Bottom Row - Red
viii. Enter the big door and grab all the items.

WARNING: make sure to grab the birth certificate last or you will miss out on the other items.
f. You will be transported outside the mansion in the woods. Speak with Jet and enjoy the
scene. You will transport to High Neighborhood (This ends the mission of Jet) i. Once you have
completed Jet's mission you can now visit her at her home in the evening and replay the
interactive sex scene whenever you like.

TIP: You will want to go back and have sex with Jet at least once so you can initialize your love
with Jet. This is necessary if you want to choose Jet as an option in the Charles quest later on.

Now Back to Sarah’s quest:

Once you have the Xorlax card go to Sarah's room in your home during the afternoon and give
her the card. She will tell you she wants to put a stop to what you are doing because she has a
boyfriend now.

Go to School and talk with Shasha in the main hall. She will tell you Sarah is in the library with
a. Go to the West side of the school and visit the library.
b. Walk far enough west in the library and you will see Sarah with Roger. You will hear them
talking about a party on the weekend.
c. Either exit the library or talk to the librarian and he will interrupt Sarah and Roger. Neither
decision impacts the game.
d. Go to the first floor of the school.
i. First talk to Jason for an opportunity to raise your relationship with him. Ask him about the
party and when he asks if you want to get together for a private party choose "we'll get
together soon". This will raise your relationship with Jason to 10. This can only be done once
while you are trying to find out where the party is.
ii. Now talk to Morgan, Pam, Daisy, Brenda, Tyna and finally Rachel in the Girls Bathroom.
e. Enjoy the scene with Rachel (is the scene Carol see your penis, you need that at Carol’s
f. Go to the men's bathroom and talk with Beth to have her invite you to the party.

Any night before the party, ensure you are at home at 20:00 when Sarah takes her daily bath.
Spy on her in the bath. When she is finished, enter the bathroom after her. You will find her
Diary in the bathroom. Read all pages.
a. On the same day wait until after midnight when Sarah has gone to sleep. Walk to her door
and you will notice it is open. Enjoy the scene. (Note: this has to happen on the same day you
read her diary or you will miss your opportunity to view the scene)

Wait until the weekend and at night, after 20:00, visit Beth's house in High Neighborhood.
(House number 4)
a. Speak with Beth outside to enter the party
b. At the party you must prevent Sarah from having sex with Roger. You must avoid Emily
because she will distract you and waste time. If Emily catches you three times she will rape
you and you will lose the possibility to stop Sarah.
c. Use the path indicated in the photo [Images] to minimize distractions (You must have less
than 9 distractions to make it on time).

1. First wait where you spawn in the house until just after Emily passes you. Then follow her to
the left down the lowest path then turn right to go up to the other room. You should run into
Pam here for your first distraction.
2. Continue heading north and around the table to the right. You will run into Jason. He will
distract you for a second time but also give you a stink bomb.
3. Go South from Jason and then turn left to the central hall and another quick left toward the
4. When you get upstairs make sure you stop on the square in front of the door just to your left
to see Beth and Tom having sex for distraction number 3.
5. Continue from there north up the hallway. You will get stopped by Rachel and Tyna.
Distraction 4.
6. Next continue up the hall. As soon as you pass the next two people go to the right and walk
against the wall until you hit the opening to the piano room on your right. Enter this room and
walk along the south wall of the room until you come to the first door. Check the door to see
Christian and Daisy. Distraction 5.
7. Walk back to the left the way you came along the south wall for about 2-3 squares and then
turn to go north. Once you get to the top turn left and go through the opening back to the
hallway and you'll run into Shasha. Distraction 6.
8. After talking to Shasha go to the door straight in front of you on the left wall where Sarah
and Roger are inside.
9. You will be given a choice of how to stop them. Anything other than the stink bomb will result
in a loss of love with Sarah.
10. You will be transported outside the party

The first weekday morning following the party you will run into Sarah and Roger when you
leave your house.
a. Talk to them
b. Shasha will come around the corner and offer to be your date if you help her.
d. Go to Beth's house in High Neighborhood (house number 4) and sneak in the window
indicated by the flashing arrow.
i. Check the computer on her desk. It will need a password that you don't know. The dog will
bark and Beth's mom comes in. Watch the Scene. When it asks if you want to record the
scene, do it. This video is handy for Beth wuest later on. After the scene you will have the
ii. On Beth's computer click the webcam to sync her webcam to yours. Then click the video to
delete it for Shasha.
iii. Once you leave a car will pull up and it will be Marckus. Go with him to his house.
iv. Talk to Marckus and you will have to go to the bathroom while he tries to find something.
v. Talk to Marckus' mother in the hallway. Help her in the kitchen.
vi. Get out of the kitchen and look at the sister's room to spy her.
vii. Return to Marckus' room and he will give you Xpowder.
e. Wait until you transport to your room at 22:00. Sarah will be in your room and you will leave
for your double date. (WARNING: This is your last chance to save before you have to make a
choice that will impact the story line. I recommend you save on two different slots to cover both
f. On the date choose the correct drinks for each person.
i. SHASHA: Vodka with Lemon
ii. ROGER: Beer
g. Choose to put the Xpowder in SHASHA's drink. Other choices will ruin your chances with
either girl
h. Watch the rest of the date scene and in the end you will be given a choice to go with Sarah
or Shasha ( WARNING: The adventure line will be finished with whichever girl you don't
choose. Unless you edit your save file. If you want to do both:

Choose Both Sara and Shasha

You can edit your save file to continue both Sarah and Shasha's quest line at the same time.
To do this it's easiest to choose Shasha, but it's not technically required. You can choose
Sarah as well and still continue both but the process cannot be done using To choose Sarah first you would need to have an unpacked version of the
game and use something like RPGMaker Save Edit to add the variables to your save file (An
option not available through Another drawback to choosing Sarah is you
will miss one scene with Shasha in the train.
If you choose Shasha -
Watch the scene with Shasha on the train Return
to your home
Go upstairs and place your character just at the
top of the stairs with one square between you and
Sarah's door [Image] then save the game
*IMPORTANT: The location where you save is
very important for this because when you trigger
the Sarah scene your character will try to move
left 4 squares. If he is blocked from doing this by
an object the game will hang.
Edit the following variable in your save file: Set
#70 Preparativos cita = 20 Restart the game and
the scene will trigger with Sarah as if you chose
her. You will get her key and be able to continue
with Sarah.
If you chose Sarah - Add the following variables to your save file. Add #57 SASHA QUEST = 1
Add #50 Relacion SHASHA. = 25 Add #187 Amor Shasha = 5
You will be able to continue the Shasha quest line when more content is available.

After the date you will transport back home and speak with Sarah. She will invite you into her
a. You have 2 choices of what to do with her. Neither impact the story but they will give you
different scenes to watch.
b. Sarah will give you the keys to her room, with the keys you can start to do the Sarah
nighttime events see them at the end of Sarah’s quest.

Go to school in the morning and speak with Markcus or Morgan outside the entrance. Find out
that Richard has a Tinymon card.
a. Walk up to the second floor and find Richard just to the right of the stairs
b. Speak with him and he'll ask you to meet at his house in midtown

Visit Midtown (Midtown is just north of Commercial Neighborhood) in the afternoon and go to
Richard's house (number 2)
a. Speak with Richard and he will ask you to destroy some pictures from your Aunt Maggie.
b. You can also just buy the card from him for $3000 if you refuse. (if you choose this skip to
point 27 I choose to buy the card to avoid possible bug)

If choose to destroy the pictures:

Visit Aunt Maggie's house in Midtown you can only enter in the afternoon during the week or
on the weekend in the morning and afternoon. Aunt Maggie lives just to the left of Richard's
house in the same building
a. Speak with Maggie and she'll ask you to sit for a snack
b. There is a mess, ignore the time limit and proceed as follows.
1. Go Upstairs
2. Enter Maggie's bedroom in the Northwest of the map
3. Find the keys to her office next to the bed
4. Go to the second bedroom across the hall in the Southwest corner
5. Find a note on the floor with the PC password
6. Enter the office just to the right of the second bedroom
7. Check the Chest in the room to find the camera and get rid of one of the pictures
8. Check the Printer to find a printed copy and destroy it
9. Go to the PC and enter the password 4578
10. Click on the webcam icon and enter the password 5824 to sync her webcam to yours
11. Check all of the pictures except for the one on the bottom row just to the right of the video
12. After checking all others then click on the picture just to the right of the video.
13. Once you destroy this last piece of evidence, enjoy a snack with her and transfer out of the

Return to Richard's house in the afternoon a. Speak with him

b. You will obtain the Lunario card [you beat him :)]
c. Xorlax card will be removed

If you buy the card:

Visit Sarah in her room in the afternoon and talk with her about the gift you have for her a. You
will now play as Sarah for a short while.
b. You will need to get money from your dad. (Do the following to maximize the money he
gives you)
i. Choose to wear pajama 3
ii. Walk downstairs and speak with Dad in the TV room
1. Choose to turn around
2. Choose to sit on his lap or not doesn't matter
3. Give him a kiss
4. Choose show your ass
5. Choose pretend you are sleeping
c. Go to the Bathroom and check the door
d. Return upstairs into Sarah's room
e. Dad will give you money.
f. Return downstairs and try to exit your home. You will choose how you want to travel to the
g. In the mall visit all three stores and choose what you want to buy for your date. After all
three exit the mall and return home.
h. Enter into the bathroom and do the following in order
i. Take a shower
ii. Go to the bathtub
iii. Go to the sink
iv. Go to the clothes on the floor next to the shower
i. You will now play as mike again and transfer directly to Midtown
j. You will see Sarah and go to the restaurant for your date. Make the following choices to
ensure a successful date
i. Ratatouille
ii. Risotto
iii. Wine
iv. Problems
v. Tinymon
k. If the date is successful you will transfer outside.
l. Walk to your right and see Shasha. Speak with her and watch the drama(ATTENTION:
stand in frond of her not behind, she stuck she can’t leave and you can’t move).
m. Enter into the hotel where you transferred in front of after the date. Enjoy the scene. (This
ends the quest of Sarah)
i. Once you complete this point in the Sarah's quest you can now obtain a repeatable
interactive sex scene with her at home when you visit her in her bedroom at night.

SARAH Nighttime events

There are several different Night quests with Sarah all with different tasks to complete in order
to activate the special scenes. One of these require you buy items from the Beggar outside of
Rachel's Apartment. (See Beggar Section in Appendix E)
• Blowjob in Bed - This is the simplest scene to trigger. After you receive her key, simply enter
her room after she is asleep and touch her on the bed. She will ask if you want to sleep with
her. You have a 20% chance she will wake you up in the middle of the night and give you a
• Spanking - Buy the Tinymon toy from the beggar. Place it on the table in your room during
the morning. Check back at night and the toy will be gone. Enter her room after midnight. As
you walk in you will ask her if she stole your toy. You can chose to punish her. This will trigger
a spanking scene which will make her more submissive. You can repeat this scene. o GRIND
ALERT: You must increase her submissiveness to 5 (meaning spank her 5 sessions) before
you can get her to wear the butt plug. You can continue using Tinymon toy and forgive her to
increase your carma.
• Dildo - Buy a dildo from the sex shop. Enter Sarah's room at night (but before midnight when
she is there to sleep) and leave it on her bed. Enter her door after midnight and you will watch
her use it. You can repeat this.

• Xtra Size Dildo - Go to the Sex Shop and buy the Xtra Size dildo. You can enter Sarah's
room during the morning and place it on the table next to her bed. If you return to her room at
night she will try to get it in her ass. She won't get it in. After the first attempt you can buy
another Xtra size dildo but this time also buy lubricant. Again place both the Dildo and the
Lubricant on her table in the morning. The second time she will get it in a little further. Continue
to buy the Xtra size dildo and the lubricant and repeat this another 2 times. After your fourth
attempt she will get it all the way in. Once she has gotten it all the way in, you will no longer be
able to leave the Xtra Size dildo on her table. So you cannot repeat this one.
• Butt Plug - This one almost isn't worth the effort because it is a decent amount of work and
the scene is bugged. First you have to make sure you do the spanking scene multiple times to
lower her submissiveness. You will need to buy the butt plug from the Sex Shop and then you
can place it next to the TV in Sarah's Room at night (before she goes to sleep at midnight).
after midnight enter her room and she will ask if you want to sleep with her. In the morning you
will tell her you have a surprise for her. You will tell her to wear the butt plug in her ass. If her
submissive level is less than 5 she will say no. (You need more spanking sessions). If greater
than 5 she will put it in her ass. When you go to school in the morning once you sit in your
chair to attend class you will get a shot of Sarah with no panties on wearing the butt plug. o
BUG ALERT: In this scene you are supposed to see several images of your character putting
the butt plug in Sarah's ass and her showing it off to you before you go to school. There is a
bug in here where the picture of Sarah lying on the bed asking you to sleep with her never
leaves the screen. The image is never erased and all the new images appear behind it. If it
weren't for the school scene you would see nothing for your work to get Sarah to wear the butt

• Blow Job - First enter the bathroom of your house and check out the sink. You will take a
picture of your dick and send it to Sarah. If you enter her room after midnight you will catch her
masturbating to the picture. When she see's you she will give you a blowjob.
o NOTE : This is not a new scene. If you choose to go home with Sarah after your date with
her and Roger you will see this same blowjob when you choose to play with her ass.
Ms Taylor:

Once you have given the picture to Ronald (Sarah quest) if you have placed the Sleeping
Pills in the Tea bottle when you took her picture (Sarah quest) you can return to Ms. Taylor's
home after midnight. If you have not completed these two steps Ms. Taylor will always be
a. You will see Ronald assaulting Ms Taylor
b. Choose to Intervene
c. Select call police
d. When you leave to get the police you will drop Ms. Taylor´s keys in her mailbox.
e. Watch the scene
f. The police will interrogate you. The correct answers follow:
i. Willing collaborate.
ii. Follows Ronald
iii. Ronald left the door open.
iv. Collaborate.
v. No
vi. Class companions

Go back to Old Quarter and retrieve the keys you dropped in Ms. Taylor´s mailbox.

(At this point of the quest normally triggered the appearance of Rozalva at next Friday,
v1.7 have a bug, to fix it do this: Save after the first Friday after Ronald has been
Set switch 315 "Rosalva en cole" to true. Then you can find Rosavla at recess to start
her quest).

The next time you go to school in the morning Ms Taylor will be waiting for you in front of the
door to your class. Speak with her. She will take you to the teachers room and offer to tutor
you after class.
INFO: In my fresh v1.7 game play, Rozalva appears after talk with Ms Taylor and
triggered the gym scene this is the first step of beginning the Teachers Quest.

In the afternoons you can visit Ms. Taylor (also mornings on weekends) in her house. Do
classes with her to increase your love with Ms. Taylor.
INFO: I found I bug here (helpful bug) if you visit Ms Taylor at 24:00 hours, after each
scene finish, you can go back in to continue increase your love with her, the time does
not change).

When your love is high enough she will ask you to pick up something from the pharmacy.
a. Go to the Pharmacy in Old Quarter and talk with Laura. She will give you Ms. Taylor's
b. Go back to Ms. Taylor´s house and give her the package
c. Have Sex with Ms. Taylor.
d. When you leave Ms. Taylor's house Laura will call you on the phone (This begins Laura's

When you receive the phone call from Laura after leaving
Ms. Taylor's house, she will ask you to come to the
pharmacy to talk with you.
a. Go back to the pharmacy and she will ask you about Ms.
Taylor's package.
b. She will leave and go downstairs to change
c. Collect all items on the top floor [Image 17a] ($300,
Pharmacy keys, Viagra)
d. Go down the stairs and collect more items [Image 17b]
(Aphrodisiac, Sleeping Pills)
e. Go to the gate and spy Laura getting changed.
f. Go back up stairs. See sequence. You will Transport back
to Home.
g. At home watch the sequence with her.
h. When she leaves you, go out of the house and go back to
the pharmacy
i. Go back downstairs and into the changing room and check
her locker.
j. Explore her tablet.
i. Look at her mail
ii. look at all pictures in her Gallery
iii. Look at her Internet
k. Leave the pharmacy

The following morning at 06:00 go to the shower when Laura

is inside a. select peek
b. select enter
c. see scene.

In the afternoon go to New Neighborhood. Laura will call you on your phone. (IMPORTANT:
This has to occur on the same day you entered her shower. If not you will miss your
a. She will ask you to come to Terracotta fashion store. You
will transport there automatically
b. talk with her
c. search in the store for a sexy swimsuit. It will be behind
the counter to the right of the register girl.
d. When you find it you will transport to the female dressing
room. You can peek on Laura and another customer while
you wait.
e. when she is ready she will come out and ask you how
the swimsuit looks
f. after the conversation you will transport to a date with her
at the pool, enjoy the scene.

In the morning when Laura takes a shower at 06:00 enter the bathroom. Enjoy the scene.

Visit the Pharmacy and talk to Laura. She will ask you to get a copy of her pharmacy keys from
her bedroom. She will give you her bedroom keys.
a. Go to the Weapon store and make a copy of Laura's keys.
b. Return home and go into Laura's room and grab the pharmacy keys off of the table in her
room. While you are in the room sync her webcam with yours.
c. Return to the pharmacy and give the keys to Laura before the pharmacy closes at night.
i. This ends the Quest of Laura, possibly more content in future updates
ii. Now you will have Laura's room key copy and can do the Laura night time side quest
(This ends Laura events for this version)

Back to Ms Taylor:

When your love is high enough she will ask you if you can go to pick up a wine bottle . She will
give you $10
a. go to the food store and buy wine with the $10 (if you already have wine in your inventory
speak to her again).
b. Go back to Ms. Taylor´s house and give her the wine bottle
c. Watch a new scene, leave and go to sleep.

The next time you go to class in the morning speak with Ms. Taylor at her desk.
(At this point, Day 58, in my game play Ms Turner quest starts with a quiz, using
Firebane’s mod to rewind or forward the time, to start the event, it depends how you
play the game and how many times you go to school, quiz answers are:
When Elisabeth II’s coronation?: 1953
When did Christopher Columbus discover America?: 1492
Who discovered penicillin?: Alexander Fleming
When did WW II begin?: 1939
When was Leonardo da Vinci born?: 1452
What colors are the Honduran flag?: Blue & White
You can now begin visits to Ms Turner. More info at the end of this WT at section
Teachers Quests)
Continue to visit Ms. Taylor at her home to increase your love.
When your love is high enough she will do a hand job scene
Continue to visit Ms. Taylor at her home to increase your love.
When your love is high enough she will do a Blow job scene.
Continue to visit Ms. Taylor at her home to increase your love.
Continue to visit Ms. Taylor at her home to increase your love.

When your love is high enough she will ask you to fuck her ass

Continue to visit Ms. Taylor at her home to increase your love. Continue until you are able to
have anal with her whenever you choose.

After that at recces school time if you speak to her there is a 25% change to invite you at


You cannot begin Amy's quest until you have spent

35 days in the game. You must also complete Jet's
Quest. Once it's been at least 35 days, visit the
Hornet Pub in Old Quarter during the evening
20:00 to 23:00 hours (after midnight is too late).
Next to the bar, you'll find Amy's boyfriend Derek
sitting with Chloe. [Image]
a. Walk to them and they will enter the private door
next to the bar.
b. Follow them in and you will find Nesrot inside.
c. If you have completed the task in Sarah's Quest to get the Zoodra card, Nesrot will try to
help you. Otherwise I believe the story line with Amy ends.

In the afternoon 15:00 hours find Amy in the basement of your house. Try to talk to her.
a. When she leaves the room a bag will appear where she was standing, inspect the bag and
find her keys
b. Go to the gun shop and make a copy then return to the basement and put her key back in
the bag before the time is up. You have 2 min.
c. Amy will return to pick up the bag. If you fail she will catch you and you will lose both keys.
The quest can continue either way.
d. As a side note once you have her key you can enter her room at night and sync her webcam
with yours. You can also start the Amy night time visits.

At night return to speak with Nesrot at his office in Hornet Pub, (WARNING: Save your game
before entering. You will have multiple options with different
scenes and only one chance. You can restart and explore
them all.)
a. He'll ask you to help him by performing a service for one
of his clients.
b. Select which client you want to help. (I choose No 2, here
you can play with time to finish this at the same day).
c. After you transport out of the office go to house number 7
in New Neighborhood. [Image]
d. Go back to Hornet Pub and talk to Nesrot, he will offer
one of his girls as a reward. (This is another option to raise
your stats)
1. Maggie - Raises your Ability
2. Yalena - Raises your Endurance
3. Miko - Raises your stealth
e. After you finish Chloe will go with you to Derek's house to
help you find evidence for Amy.
f. When you arrive outside Derek's house she will ask you to
pay her. You can give her $200 or have sex with her.
g. Once inside Derek's house collect all of the items [Image]
($15, Expensive Book, Suspicious Package, Whiskey, $5,
$5, $15, 10 bullets) and then click on the door at the top right of the room. Return home and

Next day at 19:00 hours go to basement and talk to Amy she say to leave her alone. MC … I
need to find other way to talk with her… Go to your room at 24:00 or 01:00 hours(if you auto
teleport to your room exit and spend time until 24:00 or 01:00 hours and enter again).
The MC say’s that thinking about Amy … Maybe I should send Amy some pics on WatsApp.
Let see what happens. After that you teleport to East Town look at conversation. When sitting
on bench she smoke doob I choose to smoke.
(ATTENTION At this point maybe before teleport to home Jacqueline catch you, this
start Crime Bosses quest leave it for later time.
If happened, wait to your cell Cloe appears and ask you to fuck her, your choice what to
do. Wait some more Nesrot came and tell you to steal Maria’s laptop as I say leave it for
later time).
(Again in my game play, ‘day Friday’ at this point when you go to school Ms Jordan
‘Chem teacher’ tells you to visit her husband at Otter Laboratories for extra lessons,
see at Teacher’s Quests at the end of this WT for more info).
Next day after school (if you want to see the scene again save before) at 20:00 hours go to
Commercial Neighborhood enjoy the scene. This is the end of Amy’s quest at current version

Is good think to have a car you can finish faster the quest.

Once you have completed the recess side quest with Sandra (5 times, better use cheat) after
that she will be standing next to the gate in front of school on weekday. Speak with her.

She tells you about her debt and invite you to her home.

Go to New Neighborhood Apartment no 3. She tell you for 1st person she owns Edwin, you can
find him at 19:00 hours at East Town near Sex Shop pay him 200.

Next day After School go to Sandra’s home, talk to her, look at scene HJ, then she tells you
about 2nd Randy, you can find him at 20:00 hours Commercial Neighborhood near Hospital left
from bus stop, talk to him and PAY THE PRICK or KILL HIM IF YOU HAVE A GUN.

Next day After School go to Sandra’s home again, talk to her, look at scene BJ, then she tells
you about 3rd Tony he is at New Neighborhood across Sandra’s home between the two buildings
MC say’s that he talk to him tomorrow but you talk to him after exit Sandra’s home, he made an
agreement with you to get rid of the debt, he ask you ti find him 2 packages. (Use you car) Go to
Chinatown the first package is at the right side of Night Club (man in black stand in front) pick the
hard box not the wooden one, next return to East Town the second box is strait up pass Edwin the
box between the bench and the garbage can.

Next day After School go to New Neighborhood talk to Tony the go to Sandra’s home again, talk
to her, look at scene MC finger’s Sandra. She tells you only two left about 4 th is Sherman hi is
at High Neighborhood 20:00 hour at park (left side when you enter to High Neighborhood) go at
same night and talk to him at the end he tells you to fuck off, you need to figure out how to take
care of him. Next day go to Morgan home High Neighborhood House 5. Go in wait to for
Morgans mother to clear the passage and go speak to his father, MC says he can’t tell him maybe
find a way to enter his room and leave some information in his job papers, go back at right side of
house living room appears a box check it you found the key, go upstairs left room at bottom go in
ant click on papers at office, leave the house.

Go to Sandra’s home, talk to her, she tells you about last one Melissa you can find her outside
of school at night 20:00 hours, look at scene and some blood :).

At same night go to school talk to Melissa she is at right side of bus stop (you can use time
cheat to finish this faster), she tells you to collect some packages for her from dealers (they all
wear blue hat) the one is near the beach in Old Quarter and the other is near Gus station in
East Town, another one is in New Neighborhood near clothing store (behind Terracotta) and last
one in China Town near the gym. Go speak to each of dealer and tell every one of them that
Wilipo send you, when finish return to Melissa read the dialogue the she tells you about a favor
at another day and the debt will by paid at later date.

Next day After School (if you start her quest Monday the last visit is in weekend so go at
morning) go to Sandra’s home again, talk to her, enjoy.

Here end’s Sandra quest, you can start visit her at home, when you max out the love at recess
if you talk to her she asks you to go with her.

Go to Morgan´s house, Morgan lives at house 5 in High Neighborhood.

a. Go Upstairs and look for Marge at the top of the stairs.

i. If she is not there then you will need to improve your relationship with Morgan. Go to his
room and speak with him and choose one of the options
to improve your relationship.
1. Talk: Increase relationship by 5
2. Play Video Games: Increase relationship by 10
3. Watch Porn: Increase relationship by 15
ii. Repeat until you see Marge at the top of the stairs.
b. Talk with Marge and she will ask you to search for her
c. Go to Morgan's room and he will tell you where you
might find the cat.
2. Enter the sewers of High Neighborhood (Entrance is
to the right of Morgan's house) look for the cat [Image].
The cat will run away.
3. Go to one of the food stores and buy fish.
4. Go to the sewers of East town and find the cat.
5. Come back to Morgan's house talk to Marge, enjoy
6. Afterwards Morgan will ask you for an aphrodisiac.
You actually need 2 (buy more).
7. Go to the Sex shop in East town and buy
aphrodisiacs (one if you already have one from Laura's
8. Return to Morgan's House. Talk to him in his room
and he will ask you to distract his father.
9. Return to your house and at night talk to Dad in the
dining room. You will call Morgan and he will ask you to
meet him.
a. Go to New Neighborhood and talk to Morgan in front
of the police station. Enjoy
b. Once in the office choose any psychopath for your mission (choice does not affect the game
ATTENTION: After living with Morgan from
the park do not use your mouse or
keyboard until he park the car.
c. When you arrive at the home of the
psychopath you will be asked if you want to
activate a tutorial, activate it to indicate how to
solve the puzzle.
d. Push the barrel marked with the flashing
arrow (red circle in [Image]) and bring it to the
window that has no tree in front of it. It will have
an arrow flashing as well.
e. Then you see the pile of garbage (blue circle
in [Image]) next to the garage with an arrow
flashing on it. Check the pile and receive a
f. return to the barrel you pushed in front of the
g. Once inside the house refer to [Image->].
h. Travel north a few steps and then turn left
down a hallway. You should pass a door on
your characters right. Check the door and you
will find it is locked.
i. Continue walking to the left of the screen and
you'll enter a big room with a carpet in it. Check
the carpet to find the door key. pick up the key
and go back to the locked door and open it.
Check the envelope on the desk to find part of
a pass code.
j. Leave this room and go all the way to the left
of the screen past the big room with the carpet.
Just after the big room you will see another
door on your characters right that is open.
Enter the room and check the notebook on the
desk to the left and find the second part of a
pass code.
k. Go back to the large room with the carpet and go to the far northeast corner of this room
and use the statue to the right of the stairs. Put the password 47895631. This will activate a
l. Go back south and turn right to go past the open door with the desk where you got the
second pass code. Keep walking till you reach the far northwest corner of the house. There will
be some drawers that opened when you hit the switch. Check to find a Mirror Decoration.
m. Travel across the house to the far northeast corner of the house and find a large mirror.
Check the mirror and a secret passage will open. Go down the stairs.
n. once inside you can check the door but it will be locked. Pull the lever on the left hand side
and something else in the house will move.
o. Go back upstairs to the house and go to the room where you read the notebook to get the
second pass code. Check the small
cabinet with the open drawer to the right
to find the basement key. Go back
through the mirror and now open the
p. In the basement refer to [Image-> ].
Travel north through two doorways
then turn left and travel west for two
doorways. In this room you should see a
message on the wall with another pass
q. Go back to the east through two
doorways and turn to your characters
right and go south through the west most
doorway to the south (if you go south
through the doorway on the east side of the room you'll go back to where you entered the
basement). Continue south past one more doorway and turn to the west. You should see a
metal gate to your characters right in this room. Enter the pass code 3124.
r. Continue to follow the path until you come across the psychopath. You will have 2 choices.
i. Kill it (Karma decrease)
ii. Leave it (Karma Increase).
s. You will transport back to Morgan's home. Enjoy the scene at dinner.
t. Once outside Marge will be waiting for you. She will ask you to come see her sometime.
(This end's the quest of Marge. More content in future updates.)
Carol or Caroline:

To begin you must first increase your relationship with Carol at recess by answering the
questions correctly (5 times) until your relationship no longer improves.
WARNING: It's highly recommended that you at least get to the point of where Carol see's you
and Rachel in the bathroom stall before you complete maxing your relationship.

Once you have raised your relationship to 15 wait until Monday of the next week (if it is already
Monday when you hit 15 you won't have to wait.) On Monday after recess, Ms. Turner will
assign a book to read and a group project. You will be assigned to work with Carol.
a. When you exit school Carol will be waiting for you and you will talk with her.
b. In your inventory you will have a workbook for the school project, use it, do it before it is
Friday or you will fail and your story line with Carol will end.

The next day after you've read the book go to school and you will talk to Carol in class.

In the afternoon, visit Carol at her house. Carol lives at house number 6 in New Neighborhood.

a. WARNING: If Carol did not see your penis in the toilet when you were trying to find the
location of Beth's party, Do not go to Carol's home. Make sure to find out about the party first.
b. WARNING: visit Carol before Friday or you will fail and end the storyline with Carol
c. When she leaves the room (there is a bug here Carol appears in room don’t talk to her) go
to her PC on the desk she left and activate her webcam.
d. Go to the bathroom to speak with her then watch the scene.

Wait until it is Friday, the teacher will give the grades for your project. When leaving school
Carol will be waiting for you outside. From now on you can have dates with Carol. You also will
now be able to visit Carol at home.

When you raise your love up to 1500 or above through home visits and/or dating, if you speak
with Carol at recess she will have sex with you in the bathroom at school, also you get a
change for threesome with Sandra when you max out your love with both girls.


There is a beggar outside of Rachel's apartment who will sell you rare items if you bring him
some things. To unlock this you must get the keys to Sarah's room . Go see the beggar. He will
ask you to bring him some panties worn by Maria, Whiskey and Sausages. You can buy the
Whiskey and Sausages from the food store. For Maria's Panties you will have to check the
washing machine in your home. You won't be able to get them in the afternoon unless it is
exactly 18:00 on a weekday (When Maria is in the Kitchen) . Once you bring them he will
unlock his store. You can buy various items from the Beggar. Most have no value in the current
version but three are important for the side quests.

Tinymon Toy - Leave one of these on the table in your bedroom during the day. Sarah will
steal it before night. After midnight you can enter her room and spank her for stealing it to
increase her submissiveness.

Sleepy-Time Candle - Once Dad returns home after day 45 you can no longer enter Maria's
room to touch her in her sleep. If you place this in her room during the day you will be able to
enter at night because Dad will be fast asleep.
Weed - You will need to give this to Pam for her recess side quest. The beggar will be found
both in front of Rachel's home and outside of school on the far left side of the map he will sell
you things from either location.

NOTE: The beggar is important in the Nadine quest line as he will give you all of your
missions. No matter your choice on the date (Sarah or Shashs) you will still need to visit the
Beggar in front of Rachel's house to complete the Nadine quest. He will not give you any
missions from the school location. Also, during the Rachel quest line, you will still need to
recover Rachel's comics from him at the location outside of Rachel's home.


Before you begin the quest of Nadine you must first raise your
relationship with Nadine. You can do this by doing the recess
side quest (5 times)

After you have raised your relationship to 15 and opened

Beggar's shop, go to Chinatown at night and visit the strip
club. You will find Nadine working there. She will ask you to
help her recover some stone statues.

In the afternoon go to the school and look for Nadine to the left
of the bus stop by her motorcycle. [Image] She will take you on a ride over to visit the Beggar
to find information on the statues.
a. Talk with Beggar and he will tell you that someone named Alfred had them.
b. You will travel to East Town with Nadine.
c. Find Alfred next to the sex shop in East
Town. [Image] He will ask you for Whiskey, Cake and
Meat in exchange for the statue.
d. Go to the food store in East Town and buy whatever
items you don't have in inventory.
e. Return to Alfred and give him the items and you'll get
the first statue.
f. Alfred will tell you that Beggar may know where the rest
g. Nadine will thank you, time will pass to night and
Nadine will leave.

In the afternoon go to the school and look for Nadine on her motorcycle again. She will take
you back to the Beggar.
a. Talk with Beggar and he will tell you a woman named Margareth has one of the statues.
b. You will travel to New Neighborhood.
c. Margareth live in house Number 7. Visit her there.
d. She will tell you she has not had sex in a very long tme.
e. Have sex with her and receive the second statue.
f. Nadine will thank you, tme will pass to night and Nadine will leave

In the afternoon go to the school and look for Nadine on her motorcycle again. She will take
you back to the Beggar.
a. Talk with Beggar and he will tell you a man named Robert has two of the statues.
b. You will travel to the Port.
c. Robert (a bold one) will be in front of the only building at the Port.
d. Speak with him and he will ask you and
Nadine to put on a show for him.
e. Watch the scene and receive the third and fourth statue.
f. Nadine will thank you, time will pass to night and Nadine will leave
g. Walk North to Chinatown to exit the Port. When you get to Chinatown, Nadine will send you
a message on your phone.

In the afternoon go to the school and look for Nadine on her motorcycle again. She will take
you back to the Beggar.
a. Talk with Beggar and he will tell you that he can get you one from some guys if you transport
some weed for him.
b. You will have to complete a mini game running from the cops in order to deliver the weed.
TIP: The best way I've found to pass this mini game is to immediately crash through the center
wall over to oncoming traffic. Once there just ride down any of the dashed lane separators for
the whole way. No cars travel on the lane markers on that side of traffic.
c. After you complete the game you will deliver the weed and then get the fifth statue.
d. Nadine will thank you, time will pass to night and Nadine will leave

In the afternoon go to the school and look for Nadine on

her motorcycle again. She will take you back to the
a. Talk with Beggar and he will tell you that a man named
Carl has another statue in Chinatown.
b. You will travel to Chinatown
c. Carl will be standing in front of the Gym.
d. Speak with him and he will tell you that he hid the
statue somewhere in Chinatown but has forgotten
where. If you find it you can keep it.
e. Walk to the lower right hand corner of the map past
the Strip club to find an alley at the far right of the map.
Head north up the alley and you will see the stars
indicating where to look. [Image] Grab the sixth statue.
f. Nadine will thank you, time will pass to
night and Nadine will leave

Go to your home and stay up until after midnight. Go to your room and try to sleep and Nadine
will text you.
a. Watch the scene
b. Follow Amy to the bathroom and check the door
c. Enjoy the scene

NOTE: Before advancing forward you probably will want to ensure you have completed the
Maria quest line. If you do not you will miss out on one of the better scenes involving Maria.
In the afternoon go to the school and look for Nadine on her motorcycle again. She will take
you back to the Beggar.
a. Beggar will tell you that Rachel's mom has one of the statues.
b. Rachel will exit her house and see you with Nadine and get jealous. Your relationship with
Rachel will drop.
c. Nadine will leave and then you can enter Rachel's house to speak with her mom.
d. Rachel's mom will ask you to find her a date.
e. Speak with Beggar outside of Rachel's house and offer to clean him up to be Rachel's
Mom's date.
f. Take Beggar to your house and he will get in the shower.
g. Go into the Laundry room to find him some clothes.
h. Talk with Maria. Enjoy the scene.
i. Check the closet with the arrow on it to find the clothes for Beggar.
j. Go into the bathroom and bring him the clothes.
k. Return to Rachel's house and bring Beggar in for the date with Rachel's mom.
l. She will ask you to stay and watch her cat while she is on the date
m. Check Rachel's computer to sync her webcam with yours. (Make sure you do this first, you
only have about 40 seconds to check the house before the game will go auto on you)
n. After some time you will go to get something to eat and they will return. On your way to
leave you will feel sick and go to the bathroom.
o. When you leave the bathroom, enjoy the scene.

In the afternoon go to the school and look for Nadine on her motorcycle again. Give her the
statue you received from Rachel's mom and then go with her back to the Beggar.
a. Speak with Beggar and he will tell you he has the last statue.
b. Enjoy the Scene.
c. You will now be able to visit Nadine at her home (house 4 in New Neighborhood). This end's
the Nadine Quest.
i. When you raise your love up to 1500 or above through home visits, if you speak with Nadine
at recess she will have sex with you in the bathroom at school
ii. When you max out your love with both Pam and Nadine you will have a 25% chance that
both Pam and Nadine will be at Nadine's home when you visit. Enjoy the special scene.


In order to begin the quest with Tyna you must first take the job at Amaria's goods and then
work on that job for 20 days.
Once you have worked the 20 days when you enter Amaria's goods you will hear Tyna and
Amaria arguing over something. Amaria will tell you that Tyna is involved in an underground
fight club and she is afraid Tyna will be hurt. She asks you to help her.

Go to Chinatown and visit the building to the left of the Gym with a guard standing in front of
the door. Speak to the guard and he will not let you in.
a. Wait a few minutes and Warren's car will pull up next to the building.
b. If you have already gotten to the point where your Dad has introduced you to Warren you
will be able to speak with him and he will bring you inside
c. If you have not met Warren, wait another minute or so and Nesrot's car will pull up. If you
have gotten to the point where you have to break into the school for Nesrot you can speak to
him and he will take you inside.
d. Once inside watch the fights.
e. After the fights are over speak with Tyna and you will offer to help her
Visit Tyna at school. you can either speak to her in the recess yard or in front of the school in
the afternoon. She will tell you where you can go to train your strength.

Visit Amaria's goods again and Amaria will give you a reward for helping Tyna.

At this point we start and complete the Crime Bosses Quest up to the point where you become
a member of one of the Mafia's to continue with Tyna.

Crime Bosses:

Travel to East Town at night (before midnight). When you enter the map, Jacqueline will pull up
in a car and take you with her. (If you already see that earlier go to: Enter into Maria's
a. When you wake up Jacqueline will tell you Nesrot wants to speak with you
b. If you chose to have sex with Chloe as payment for help finding proof about Derek, Chloe
will come in and ask to have sex with you one last time. Otherwise skip it.
c. Nesrot will enter the room and talk to you about your family. In the end he will ask you to
steal Maria's computer.

Enter into Maria's room in either the morning or the afternoon

Make a save before click on her computer [Image]. You will
need to make a major branch decision of how your game will
play out from now on.

a. Warn Nesrot i. If you choose to warn Nesrot at this point

you are making the first decision to enter either Warren's
mafia or Nesrot's mafia.
1. Leave your house and travel to Hornet Pub in Old Quarter.
Speak to the man outside to get him to let you in to see
2. After speaking with Nesrot you will return home with
Jacqueline to copy files from Maria's computer.
3. After copying the files you will enter your room to verify
all the files are good. Your dad will walk in and see you with
one of his rivals and take Jacqueline away.
4. Once Dad takes Jacqueline away you have to make your
final choice of which mafia you want to become a part of.
1. Warn Nesrot - You will become a part of Nesrot's mafia.
Continue the walkthrough Nesrot's Mafia.

When you choose Nesrot you will automatically transport to

his office and warn him about Jacqueline. Dakota will offer
to help get her back
a. You will transport with Dakota to Warren's hideout.
b. Walk along the opening in the trees to your left and follow the
path to find a cave. [Image]
c. Enter the cave and you will need to find the correct set of stairs
that leads up into Warren's hideout. Choose the ladder that is the
second one from the left. [Image, Nesrot]
d. Leave the room you start in from the door on the right and then
walk straight up and then into the door on your left. You will find a
TV remote. [Image]
e. Leave this room and go to the right and turn up the hallway into
the room with no door. You will use the TV to distract the guards.
f. Walk behind the guards walk into the room on your left before you check the computer to
see Lady X and one of her lovers.
g. Walk to the computer and check it to unlock one of the doors.
h. Walk past the computers to a switch on the North wall. Throw this switch to disable the
security sensors. If you don't you will die on your way to the next door unlock.
i. Walk through to the next area on the right of switch where you will see some boxes. Check
them to find a suspicious package (nothing there).
j. Head south from the package until you go through
a gate and then turn East to the next door you see.
This was the locked door. Enter it and check the
computer to unlock door 2.
k. Go back the way you came all the way past the
guards watching TV until you hit the bottom of the
screen and turn East and enter the room next to you
to find a switch which will open door 3.
l. Walk back again behind the guards and back to
where you found the room that unlocked Door 2. This
time walk past the room a little further to find another
door which you just unlocked. Enter.
m. Make your way to the section of the room
just to your right where there are a bunch of boxes. Check the sack of flour for a suspicious
n. To your North there should be three doors. Between the Left and Center doors there is a
row of wall lockers. Check the middle locker for another Suspicious package.
o. Enter in the Middle door and rescue Jacqueline.
p. You will transport back to Nesrot's hideout. Nesrot will bring you in as a member of his
mafia. You will automatically follow Jacqueline around as she shows you the hideout where
you will eventually end with a reward. Enjoy.

2. Go with your Dad - You will become a part of Warren's mafia. Continue the walkthrough
Warren's Mafia

When you choose to go with your Dad you will automatically transport to the Garage of your
house and tell your dad you want to go with him. From there you head to Warren's hideout.
a. Warren will talk for a long time about how awesome he is and eventually he'll invite you to
be a member of his mafia and will leave you with Bliss.
b. Bliss will take you to the Brothel section so you can get a reward for your good work.
c. While you shower to prepare for your reward Kayla shows up in your room and will ask you
to come with her.
d. You will transport outside with Kayla to a shack in the woods. Enjoy.
e. Nesrot catches up with you in the cabin in the woods and kidnaps you and Kayla.
f. When you awake Nesrot will call Warren to let him know he has Kayla and wants to swap for
Jackie. He'll talk some more and leave.
i. If you have had sex with Chloe already she'll offer to have sex with you one last time.
g. Nesrot will come back and you will transport to a lighthouse where a swap is made to
get Jackie back.
h. You arrive back at Warren's hideout where he will welcome you in as a member of his mafia.
You will automatically follow Bliss around the hideout while she shows you where everything
b. Warn Maria i. If you choose to warn Maria you are making the first decision to enter either
Mr. Chang's mafia or the Russian mafia.
ii. When you choose you will automatically leave the house. You will be picked up by a
mysterious limousine when you leave by the head of the Russian mafia named Nina.
iii. Nina will tell you about the Russian mafia and ask you to think about joining her, she will
then drop you off at Otter Labs where you can meet up with Maria.
iv. When you warn Maria you will be given your choice of how to help her, either talk with Mr.
Chang or see if the Russian's can help.
1. Go with Chang - When you choose Chang one of the Russian's will show up and offer to
help Maria. She will choose the Russian's and tell you that this is where your story together
ends. You will have one last chance to chose to go with her.

2. Go with her - You will become a part of

Nina's mafia. Continue the walkthrough

Nina's Mafia

When you choose to go with Maria you

automatically transport to Nina's office. After a
conversation you will go with Mila to steal data
from Warren.
a. When you arrive at Warren's Walk along the
opening in the trees to your left and follow the
path to find a cave. [Previews Images]
b. Enter the cave and you will need to find the correct set of stairs that leads up into Warren's
hideout. Choose the ladder that is on the far left of the map. [Previews Image, Nina]
c. Leave the room you start in from the door on the right and then walk straight up and through
the room with a TV in it. [Image]
d. Walk into the room on your left before you check the computer to see Lady X and one of her
e. Walk to the computer and check it and a guard will come, Mila is captured.
f. After they leave walk past the computers to the right up to a switch on the North wall. (You
can ignore the computer with the stars on it, it will open a door you don't need to enter). Throw
this switch to disable the security sensors. If you don't you will die on your way to rescue Mila.
g. Walk through to the next area on the right of switch where you will see some boxes and
head south until you go through a gate and then turn East. Walk past the first door you see
and go in the second one on the North wall.
h. To your North there should be three doors. Between the left and center doors there is a row
of wall lockers. Enter the center door (to the right of the lockers) and rescue Mila.
i. You will transport back to Nina's hideout. Nina will welcome you as a member of her mafia.
You will go with Mila to get a reward. Enjoy.
j. When you leave the room you will automatically follow Svetlana around as she shows you
the hideout.

Once you are a member of one of the Mafia's and have gotten the tour you can begin training
for pussy fights if you have completed up to point you must training in Tyna's Quest
a. You can leave the mafia hideout by exiting the front door and asking the driver to take you
home. You will be dropped off near the bus stop in Old Quarter. From now on the driver will
always be near the bus stop and you can get a ride to the hideout whenever you like.
Go with Chang - You will become a part of Chang's mafia. Continue the walkthrough Chang's

When you choose to go with Chang you automatically

transport to Chang's office and tell him about Maria. After
a long conversation you will go with DV to steal data from
Warren and Nina. a. When you arrive at Nina's go south
through a break in the trees and follow the path to a
cave. [Image]
b. Enter the cave and you will need to find the correct set
of stairs that leads up into Nina's hideout. Choose the
ladder that is on the far right of the map. [Previous Image,
Chang 1]
c. When you enter the hideout in a small room exit out
the north door and you will see a hallway with three
doors on the north wall.
d. Avoid the guards and go into each door to see several
computers. Five of them will have information to steal,
the rest do nothing. See [Image] for the correct
e. After you steal all of the information you will
automatically transport outside of Warren's hideout.
f. Walk along the opening in the trees to your left and
follow the path to find a cave. [Image]
g. Enter the cave and you will need to find the correct set
of stairs that leads up into Warren's hideout. Choose the
ladder that is the second one from the left. [Previous Image, Chang 2]
h. Leave the room you start in from the door on the right and then walk straight up and through
the room with a TV in it. [Image]
i. Walk into the room on your left before you check the
computer to see Lady X and one of her lovers.
j. Walk to the computer and check it and a guard will
come DV is captured.
k. After they leave walk past the computers to the right up
to a switch on the North wall. (You can ignore the
computer with the stars on it to your left, it will open a
door you don't
need to enter). Throw this switch to disable the security
sensors. If you don't you will die on your way to rescue
l. Walk through to the next area on the right of switch
where you will see some boxes and head South until you
go through a gate and then turn East. Walk past the first door you see and go in the second
one on the North wall.
m. To your North there should be three doors. Between the left and center doors there is a row
of wall lockers. Enter the center door (to the right of the lockers) and rescue DV.
n. You will transport back to Chang's hideout. Chang will welcome you as a member of his
mafia. You will go with DV to get a reward. Enjoy.
o. When you leave the room you will automatically follow Sayuki around as she shows you the
Once you are a member of one of the Mafia's and have gotten the tour you can begin training
for pussy fights if you have completed up to must training in Tyna's Quest You can leave the
mafia hideout by exiting the front door and asking the driver to take you home. You will be
dropped off near the bus stop in Old Quarter. From now on the driver will always be near the
bus stop and you can get a ride to the hideout whenever you like.

Now continue Tyna’s quest

No matter which Mafia you choose to be a member of they will all have a gym in their hideout
where you can train.
a. Visit the gym at the hideout (not in Chinatown) every day and speak with Silvia near the ring
to train for the fight.

b. You can only train once per day and you will become tired and have to come back the next
day. (The exception to this is on any day after the first day where you train on a maze. These
won't tire you out so you can speak to Silvia again a second time to train that day.)

*BUG ALERT - Not sure if this is a bug or bad design, but the flag that is set to say you are no
longer tired only gets set when you transport back to your home at night. So if you sleep
before 22:00 then when you return to the gym it will still say you are tired.

c. After you complete 10 training sessions when you speak to Silvia she will say you are ready
for the fight and you will be able to convert your training points you earned into stats for your

If you want to have a superhuman fighter then follow the advice above until you clear the stats
distribution screen. Once you do then you can save again and use the save editor to increase
those stats as high as you want. You can also increase strength back to as high as you want if
you downgraded it to pass the stats screen. I recommend this because strength is used along
with power in the calculation for how much damage you do on offense. The variables for the
stats are as follows:
1701 = Health
1702 = Power
1703 = Guard
1704 = Evade
1705 = Stamina
1542 = Strength

After you have completed your training you can return to Tyna outside of the schoolyard and
tell her you completed the training.
*POSSIBLE BUG ALERT: Try to continue before change the Quest Variable, for me work
without change. When you go back earlier to visit Amaria for your reward to help Tyna, the
Quest variable 103 for Tyna is set to 20. In order to continue it must be set to 17.

a. Tyna will ask you to show her your skills

b. You will transport back home with her and listen to her talk and find out you need financing
for the fight.
c. You will transport with Amaria and Tyna to the gang hideout (SAVE BEFORE ENTER THE
OFFICE POSSIBLE A BLACK SCREEN BUG, to pass the scene you have to play it at
earlier ver of game 1,5, make a dummy save on ver 1,5 copy your save from ver 1,7 and
replace it play the scene save at same slot when you are outside of office close v1,5
copy that save to v1,17 save folder replace and continue. You can also search the
F95zone forum for other solutions) use the elevator door to enter the office of the Mafia
leader you are aligned with to ask for money. The boss will tell you that if you can beat their
second fighter you are in.
i. Warren - Fight Christian
ii. Nesrot - Fight Dakota
iii. Chang - Fight Mao
iv. Nina - Fight Svetlana
d. When you win the boss will tell you to return to him/her whenever you are ready to go to the
Return to your hideout and head up to the bosses office to travel to the Pussy Fights.

Pussy Fights

Welcome to the world of Pussy Fights!! Once you have completed Tyna's Quest up to point
Return to your hideout and head up to the bosses office to travel to the Pussy will be taken to the fights. Once you begin the fights you will be locked in the
tournament for 3 days. When you arrive you will be in your room with Tyna and Amaria. You
can explore the stadium but there really isn't much you can do . To begin the tournament exit
your room and travel west until you reach the fight floor. Once inside an event will trigger
where Tyna will show you around and then the announcements of fighters begins. After the
matches are decided you are free to walk around the arena. If you want to watch the other
fights and see the ending scenes, visit the counter on the NorthEast section of the room and
the woman will ask if you want to bet on the fight. You can bet if you like but if you say yes or
no she will then ask if you want to watch. if you click yes you will watch the fight. When you are
ready to fight walk over to the stage just to the right of the ring where the blinking Arrow is to
begin your fight. When you have completed your fight the round is over. You can go back to
your room and sleep for the next day.
The fights take a turn based approach. You will start either with an offensive move or a
defensive move. Once you make your choice the opponent will make their choice which is
opposite of yours. Then you will get a turn which is opposite of your first. If you were on
offense you will now be on defense.
The brackets for the fight are slightly different depending on which Mafia you are a member of
when you enter the fights. This means you can see some different scenes depending on the
route you take.

Warren's Mafia
Lady X vs. Logan
Birko vs. Alessandro Lady X vs. Birko
Lady X vs.
Svetlana vs. Anabel NeoGenesis
NeoGenesis vs. NeoGenesis vs.
Zelma Svetlana You vs. Lady X
Mao vs. Celine
Dakota vs. Brianna Dakota vs. Mao
You vs. Dakota
Jinx vs. Rex
You vs. jinx
You vs. Night
Nesrot's Mafia
Lady X vs. Logan
Birko vs. Alessandro Lady X vs. Birko
Lady X vs.
Svetlana vs. Anabel NeoGenesis
NeoGenesis vs. NeoGenesis vs.
Zelma Svetlana You vs. Lady X
Christian vs. Celine
Christian vs. Mao
Mao vs. Brianna
You vs. Christian
Jinx vs. Rex
You vs. Jinx
You vs. Night

Nina's Mafia
Lady X vs. Logan
Birko vs. Alessandro Lady X vs. Birko
Lady X vs.
Mao vs. Anabel NeoGenesis
NeoGenesis vs. Mao
NeoGenesis vs.
Zelma You vs. Lady X
Christian vs. Celine
Christian vs. Dakota
Dakota vs. Brianna
You vs. Christian
Jinx vs. Rex
You vs. Jinx
You vs. Night

Chang's Mafia
Lady X vs. Logan
Birko vs. Alessandro Lady X vs. Birko
Lady X vs.
Svetlana vs. Anabel NeoGenesis
NeoGenesis vs.
NeoGenesis vs.
Zelma Svetlana You vs. Lady X
Christian vs. Celine
Christian vs. Dakota
Dakota vs. Brianna
You vs. Christian
Jinx vs. Rex
You vs. Jinx
You vs. Night


The premise of pussy fights is that each fighter will put up some form of Pussy as a bet for the
fight. Female characters can wager their own or someone else. The winner get's the pussy for
the whole crowd to see. In order to enjoy these special scenes you must go to the betting
counter and choose to watch the fights. You can just fight your rounds and ignore watching
other fighters if you want to skip these special scenes. When you fight though you won't be
able to skip the scenes. If you win then you will claim your prize.
There are also a few other small special scenes at the tournament some depend on which
Mafia you choose.
Amaria - In the beginning of each day before you go out to the floor for your fight you can talk
to Amaria in your room and she will show you her outfit and say she is ready for the fights. This
is a still shot and it is repeated each day.
Motivation - After you have won your fight you can stop by the rest area on the way to your
room and buy pussy wine. If you bring this back to Tyna after the fight she will give you a still
shot surprise to congratulate you on your win. This image is different each of the three days of
the tournament.
Sex with Anya - If you enter the pussy fights as a member of Nina's Mafia at the end of Round
3 Birko's pussy, Anya, will be standing outside of your room. She will have sex with you for
good luck in your final match with Lady X.
Sex with Lady X - This scene is only available if you have chosen to enter the fights as a
member of Warren's Mafia. At the end of each round after your fight you can go to the rest
area and talk with Lady X. She will ask you to bring her a pussy beer. Buy her one after each
of the three rounds and she will have sex with you after you beat her in round 4.
Sex with Chloe - If you have had sex with Chloe in the past she will be standing outside of one
of the upstairs Dormitory doors after Round 1. Talk to her and she will offer sex again. It
doesn't matter even if you are a member of Warren's crew.
Lost Tablet - At the end of Round 2 you will find a girl standing to the right of the Rest Area
door by a plant. Talk with her and she will tell you she lost her tablet. If you return back to the
Ring Area of the stadium you can find some stars on the right hand wall North of the ring.
Check here to find a random key. Take the key to the second floor of the dormitory and you will
be able to enter the far right room. You will find the tablet in here on the floor. Bring it back to
the girl and she will thank you the way all girls do in this game. The woman is different
depending on which mafia you fight for. If Warren you will meet Brianna, if Nesrot you will meet
Charlotte, If Nina you will meet Heather and if Chang you will meet Celine.

Now continue Tyna’s quest:

Once you have won the competition you can visit both Tyna and Amaria at their home
a. As you visit either of the girls your love will increase and you can have more and more
interactions of a sexual nature with her. You will need to bring wine every time you visit
b. When you have completed all of the interactions with one of the girls you can continue to
visit her and at this point you can choose whatever sexual interaction you want to have with
It takes 5 visits for each girl before they will let you choose what you want.
c. This ends the quest of Tyna.


Visit Brenda at school during recess and

offer to help her. She will ask you to find an
Aruna flower in the woods for her.

Find the entrance to the woods by traveling

to New Neighborhood and take the exit out
of the Southwest corner of the map. This
will take you to the cemetery. Once in the
cemetery travel to the left and you should
see a small path in the trees. Follow this
path to the Ethel Forest.
a. Once inside the woods take the first right and follow this path North past a large tree.
Continue north (walk past the path on your right) until you pass some animal bones (you will
need to come back for these later). You should come to a section where you can continue to
go North or go left to head to the West. Take the left path and you should see a man in a gas
mask by the fire.
b. Talk with the guy in the gas mask
and he will steal your money and run.
This gas mask guy has appeared
before and will probably have
significance in a future part of the
story so run into him when you can.
c. After the gas mask guy steals your
money, continue going West along
the path. Past the next large tree until
you run into a river with a bridge.
Cross the bridge and then turn right
to head north from the bridge.
Continue following this northern path
until you find the Aruna flower.
Visit Brenda again at school during
recess and give her the flower. She
will then ask you to get her Anir Root.

In order to obtain the Anir root you must have opened up the Beggar's shop during the Sarah
quest line. Once you have opened the shop you can go there and buy the Anir root.

Visit Brenda again at school during recess and give her the Anir root. She will then ask you to
get her bones from a dead animal.

You will have to return to the Ethel forest and retrieve the bones you walked past on your way
to get the Aruna flower.

Visit Brenda again at school during recess and give her the bones. She will then ask you to get
her Mare's milk.

To get the Mare's milk once again enter the Ethel forest and return back to the bridge that you
crossed when finding the Aruna flower. Once you cross the bridge continue going West out to
an exit of the forest.
a. You will then enter an area where you will see a home and stables. If you have entered this
area and it is not night time the farmer will tell you to get out and you will be warned to return
at night.
b. At night time the farmer should be inside the home. The home has two windows with lights
on. If you check each window you have a 1 in 3 chance to view a CG image of action going on
inside. There is only one scene per window.
c. Go to the barn and click on one of the horses and your character will say he needs a bottle
to get the milk.
d. Check the box on the right side of the home to find a bottle to put the milk in. This box will
only have a bottle in it at night.
e. Go back to the horses with the bottle and collect the milk for Brenda.

Visit Brenda again at school during recess and give her the Mare's milk. She will then ask you
to get her Saracen flour.
Go to Amaria's goods in Commercial Neighborhood and speak with Amaria to ask for the flour.
Amaria will ask you to give her something for the flour. If you have completed the Tyna quest,
enjoy the scene. If not she will ask you to pay her $30.

Visit Brenda again at school during recess and give her the Saracen flour. She will then ask
you to get her Ketamine.

To get the Ketamine go to the Pharmacy and visit Laura. She will ask you to come downstairs
to help her. If you have completed Laura's quest she will give you a surprise, enjoy the scene.
If not she will ask you to help her arrange boxes.
After you help her she will ask you to go upstairs and see if there are any customers. When
you are upstairs alone grab the Ketamine.

Visit Brenda again at school during recess and give her the Ketamine. She will then ask you to
get her Hair from a mother.
You will get the hair from Maria while she sleeps. Enter her room at night and click on her as if
you were doing the night time stealth game and you will get her hair.
WARNING: If you do this after dad returns on Day 45 you will need to buy a sleepy time
candle from the beggar and place it in Maria and Dad's room in the morning or afternoon
before you can enter the room at night.

INFO: In my game play day 108, activated Ms Liz Art Teacher quest, her quest is pretty
much linear, and you can start visit her at Golden Town house 1, this event skips one
day from Brenda’s quest, continue next day. More info at the end of WT. And again the
activation of auto events depends of how you play the game.

Visit Brenda again at school during recess and give her the Mother hair. She will then ask you
to get her Semen from a Virgin.

To find the Virgin semen you must have a relationship with Jason that is above 8. If not speak
to him at recces to build your relationship with Jason. When your relationship is high enough
speak with Jason in the recess .He will offer to give you the semen if you pay him $500 or if
you help him get it.
WARNING: If you choose not to pay Jason the scene you will be given is homosexual in
nature between the MC and Jason.

Visit Brenda again at school during recess and give her the Virgin Semen. She will then ask
you to get her hair from a female virgin.

Go to your Aunt Maggie's house in Midtown. You will arrive on the upstairs floor where you can
find your cousin in the room on the Southwest corner. She will offer to give you a lock of her
hair if you get her some cosplay costumes she wants.

Head to Commercial Neighborhood in the afternoon and visit the comic store. Speak with
Shasha and she will sell you the costumes for $200.

Return to Aunt Maggie's and tell Mindy that you ordered the dresses and they are on the way.
She will then give you the hair.

Visit Brenda again at school during recess and give her the Virgin hair. She will then ask you
for some of your blood.
You will not need to go anywhere you will give up the blood at the end of the conversation.
In the afternoon after school speak with Brenda just outside the school gates to the right. She
will tell you why she needed all of the items you gathered.

Go to the cemetery at night and speak with Brenda. She will ask you to distract the guard.
Speak with the guard and your character will come up with a plan.

Return to old quarter and find Chloe standing to the right of the hornet pub. Speak with her and
secure her services. If you have completed Amy's mission she will only charge you $100.
Otherwise she will charge $300.

Return to the cemetery and speak to the guard again. Chloe will distract him. a. Speak with
Brenda and she will join your party
b. If you want to spy on Chloe and the guard click on the door of the guard shack
c. Walk north through the graveyard and into the building on the left.
d. Watch the scene and Brenda will invite you to come to her home to help her become more

Before visiting Brenda a home go to Commercial neighborhood and buy Hair Dye and Make-
up from the Gift shop. Then go to Terracotta fashion store in new Neighborhood and Buy
Brenda's clothes and Brenda's Panties.

Visit Brenda at home and give her a makeover to help her feel more confident. You will have to
visit 5 times to complete the transformation.
a. On the first visit you will need $80 to take Brenda to the hairdresser to get a new hair style.
b. On the second visit you must bring her the Hair Dye in order to complete her new Hair look.
c. On the third visit you will need to bring her the make-up
d. Visit 4 requires you to bring her new clothes
e. On the final visit you need to bring Brenda new panties.

From now on you can visit Brenda at home and make different choices with her to raise your
relationship and to watch bonus scenes. This ends the quest of Brenda.
When you raise your love up to 1500 or above through home visits, if you speak with Brenda
at recess she will have sex with you in the bathroom at school. Attention at school yard exists
2 Brenda choose the blond one :).


To begin Pam's quest you need to raise your relationship to 15 with her at recess (talk to her 5

Once your relationship is high enough, speak with Pam outside the school near the playground
in order to begin her quest. Pam will tell you she has a stalker and ask you to help her find who
it is.

Meet Pam on the West side of the beach in Old Quarter. Once you speak with her follow her to
the left into the Coast.

Walk around the beach clicking on random guys. After you have checked out seven of them
your player will transport close to Pam and discuss what you've found.

Go to school and meet Pam in the entrance just after you enter the door.

Walk to the east side from the school entrance and enter the East area of the school. You will
need to find 10 pieces of evidence of who is stalking Pam.
a. Check the bloodstained locker just after you enter
b. Check the trashcan just after the locker which should have stars signaling you.
c. Continue walking East until you see a blonde girl standing by a crack in the wall and speak
to her.
d. From the blonde girl go North up the hallway and find broken glass.
e. Go back south from the glass and turn East past the blonde girl and check the door to the
girls shower room
f. Continue walking East until you find a wall locker with stars indicating something is here
g. continue East and check the chair at the end of the row of lockers.
h. Go back west and south of the blonde girl to enter the men's locker room. Check the
footprints on the ground in front of you
i. Check the jacket hanging on the locker 1 step south and 1 step west of the footprints
j. Head East from there and check the bag on the floor just before the showers.
Go to recess and talk with Pam she will ask you to meet her in the restroom. Talk with Pam,
and you will come up with a plan to have her shower the next morning in the locker room.
(there is a bug here v1.7 you are not teleported to restroom to solve it edit your save
with RpgMakerSaveEdit_0.65 and
1. Set switch 450 "Pruebas completado" to false.
2. Set switch 451 "Caza acosador" to true.
3. Set variable 165 "PAM Quest" to 10.
Go to school the next day and return to the East side of the school and check the women's
locker room door to confirm Pam is there.
a. Go up to the first floor and check the air vents on the southwest side of the teacher's lounge
area to enter the vents.
b. Navigate to the far west of the vents and you will find the stalker.
c. Return to Pam at recess and give her the camera she'll tell you to visit her at home.
There is a bug here after speak with Pam MC teleport to bathroom, there repeats the last
scene of Beth’s recess (if you finish it earlier). After scene, go out and continue the
game, this bug returns no error.
d. This ends the quest of Pam, you can now visit her at home as often as you like.
1. When you raise your love up to 1500 or above through home visits, if you speak with Pam at
recess she will have sex with you in the bathroom at school. (Bug at v 1.7 didn’t work)
2. When you max out your love with both Pam and Nadine you will have a 25% chance that
both Pam and Nadine will be at Pam's home when you visit. Enjoy the special scene.


Speak with Rosalva in recess and she will ask you to watch the door for her for any teachers.
a. You will follow her into the shed.
b. Randomly you will see footprints in front of 1 of 8 doors. Check the door with the footprints.
If you choose the wrong door three times you will fail.
c. You will take a picture of Rosalva for each correct door.
d. You will transfer outside and increase your relationship with Rosalva by 3 point each time
you are successful.

Once you have increased your relationship 5 times, speak with Rosalva just outside the school
near the play area
a. Choose to blackmail her with the pictures. At this time the choice to give her the pictures has
not been implemented.
b. She will ask you to meet her at home.
Go to the sex shop in East town and buy the Maid's dress before you visit Rosalva at home.
(She lives in the house next to Amaria's goods in Commercial Neighborhood)

Speak with Rosalva at her home. This ends the quest of Rosalva, you can now visit her at
home whenever you like to build up her submissiveness.
When you raise her submissiveness to the maximum (1500) return to the toilet in the recess
yard. Check the stall second from the right and your character will say he has an idea if he had
a saw. Go to your home and in the basement you can find a saw in the right of the two white
NOTE: The saw will only be here after you have raised Rosalva's submissiveness to above
1500. before this you won't find anything in the cabinet.
Return to the bathroom in the school to prepare the bathroom door. Once the door is ready
you can speak with Rosalva at recess and bring her into the bathroom for some gangbang fun.


To begin Jason's quest you need to raise your relationship to 15 with him at recess.

Once your relationship is high enough, speak with Jason outside the school near the
playground in order to begin his quest. Jason will tell you he needs a date for a family dinner
so his parents won't suspect he is gay.

Exit the school area out to the street and walk to the right as if you were leaving to go to Old
Quarter. Rachel will be there just before you leave. Speak with her.
Rachel will ask you to buy her a Modern dress in order to go out with Jason

Return to the school where you met Rachel in the afternoon on a weekday. Give her the dress
and she will agree to go to Jason's house for the family dinner on the weekend.

In the afternoon on the following weekend travel to East Town and find Rachel outside of
Jason's house (House number 1 also Jet house) and speak with her. Enjoy the scene.

Return to school and speak with Jason either outside of the school in the afternoon or just
outside of the classroom during the morning class time.
He will ask you for another favor to pretend you are him to trick his parents.

At night time between (19:00 and 23:00) return to Jason's home and speak with him outside.
He will give you the keys and you can go in and pretend he is sleeping in his bed.
a. WARNING: There is an optional gay scene at this point in the game. If this is not to your
liking you can skip the scene. When Jason returns he will try to take advantage of you when
you sleep you can choose to either let him do it or wake up. Neither choice impacts the future.
b. Jason will now invite you to come over and hang out with him when you want.
c. You will need to do this to continue to build your relationship.

Repeatedly visit Jason to build your relationship up to at least 70 points.

a. At this point your relationship with Jason should start at 20.
b. When you visit him you have a choice to Talk, Play Video Games or Watch Porn (later on if
you optionally choose to have sex with him, you will get a new menu item to have sex again as
well when you visit.)
c. Each choice will increase your relationship with Jason by 5 points if you visit during the
morning or increase by 10 points if you visit in the afternoon.
After your relationship with Jason has increased to 70 points visit him at home again and his
dad will be standing near the entrance.
a. Speak with him.
b. After the conversation continue to Jason's room and tell him about what happened with his
c. Jason will take you to go see a friend named Peter and you will transport from the home.
d. Speak with Jason's friend and formulate a plan and you will go inside to wait for Jason's

WARNING: There is a second optional gay scene at this point in the game. If this is not to your
liking you can skip the scene by choosing to help or choosing to leave. Either of the watch
options will trigger the scene. If you choose to leave you will decrease your Karma, if you
choose to help Karma will increase.

Return to Jason's house and confront him about leaving you by yourself at his friend Peter's
house. Jason will apologize and offer to do something to make amends. You are given two
a. Have sex with him - You will watch another gay scene at this point and the Jason storyline
will end. It's possible that in the future this will branch off into another path where your
character is homosexual but for now this ends the quest.
b. Have sex with his mother - Jason will agree and ask you to meet him at the church in
midtown to discuss another plan.

During the weekend travel to Midtown during the morning and find Jason outside of the small
church in the far Northwest of the map.
a. Speak with him and enter the church.
b. Enter in the door on the Northeast corner of the church and speak with the priest.
c. You will transfer outside the church to wait for Jason.
d. After about 30 seconds or so Jason will exit the church and you can speak with him and he
will tell you to meet him at his home.

Make sure you have wine in your inventory and then return to Jason's home during the
a. Go to his room and choose to hang out and then instead of transporting out of the home,
you will stay inside after night begins.
b. Go to the living room and speak with his mother. Give her the wine and spend some time
with her.

From now on you can continue to visit Jason's house to progress your relationship with his
a. You will need to visit Jason first in the afternoon and choose to spend time with him so the
clock progresses to night time while you are in the house. Then you can visit his mom, Dory, in
the living room.
b. As you visit Dory your love will increase and you can have more and more interactions of a
sexual nature with her.
c. When you have completed all of the interactions you can continue to visit Dory and at this
point you can choose whatever sexual interaction you want to have with her.
d. This ends the quest of Jason

To begin Charles' quest you need to raise your relationship to 15 with him at recess.

Once your relationship is high enough, speak with Charles outside the school near the
playground in order to begin his quest. Charles will asks you to get him a fake vagina he can
Go to the sex shop in East Town and buy Charles the fake vagina for $100 .
*NOTE: It is recommended that you save your game before speaking to Charles in next step
so you can return and try all of the choices presented.

In the afternoon return to Charles in the school yard and bring him the fake vagina. He will tell
you that he is a virgin and your character will feel bad and decide to do something to help
Charles out. You will be given a choice of which girl you would like to get to help him out:
a. Jet - This is an available choice if you have completed Jet's Quest [Take note it is important
that you return to Jet's home and visit her once after you complete her birth certificate mission]
i. Travel to East town in the afternoon and speak with Jet outside of the book store.
ii. Pay her $500 and she will help you
iii. You will transport back home
b. Marge - You will have this available choice if you have completed Marge's quest
i. Travel to High Neighborhood in the afternoon and speak with Marge outside of Morgan's
ii. Pay her $400 and she will help you
iii. You will transport back home
c. A Prostitute - This option is always available.
i. Travel to Old Quarter in the afternoon and speak with the prostitute outside of Marckus'
ii. Pay her $300 and she will help you
iii. You will transport back home
In your room you will call Charles to come over. Watch the scene you selected and then
Charles will thank you and invite you to come hang out at his house whenever you like and
that he wants you to destroy his sister Lizzy.
From now on you can visit Charles' house (he lives in house left from pharmacy in Old
Quarter) to progress your relationship with his sister.
a. When you visit you must first speak to Charles and spend time with him. Then speak with
Lizzy to progress your relationship.
b. In order to progress your relationship you must increase your popularity on YouTV.
i. As you increase popularity you can go back and visit Lizzy periodically and advance to the
next sexual interaction with her.
ii. You must have a popularity of above 100 on YouTV before Lizzy will speak to you.
iii. Once you have achieved a popularity of 1100 you can progress through all of the sexual
interactions. However, you will still need to visit her one time for each interaction before you
can move on to the next.
c. When you have completed all of the interactions you can continue to visit Lizzy and at this
point you can choose whatever sexual interaction you want to have with her.
d. This ends the quest of Charles.


To begin Phil's quest you need to raise your relationship to 15 with him at recess.

Once your relationship is high enough, speak with Phil outside the school near to the left of the
entrance in order to begin his quest. Phil will tell you that he collects insects and needs your
help to find some rare insects. He will tell you the location of the first insect.
Go to Commercial Neighborhood and enter the gift shop to buy the insect net for $75.
Travel to the Ethel Forest and look for
the yellow butterfly with blue wings in the
Southwestern section of the forest. (Ethel
Forest Map )
IReturn to Phil in the afternoon in front of
school and bring him the yellow butterfly
and he will tell you where to find the next
Travel to High Neighborhood and look for
a tree stump which has flashing stars on
it behind Annie Garrison's house. Check
this stump to find the nix spider.
Return to Phil in the afternoon in front of
school and bring him the nix spider and
he will tell you where to find the next
Travel to Old Quarter and enter the
sewers in the northern end of the map, in
parking tight of Ms Taylor house.
a. From the entrance go to your right and find a Yellow switch on the wall at the end of the
map. Flip it to cause a bridge to open on the southeast section of the map.
b. Cross the bridge on the southeast section of the map and follow the path to the left.
c. You will come across the suspicious guy again and he will steal some of your money.
d. Behind the suspicious guy is another switch flip it to open another bridge this time on the far
southwest of the map
e. Travel back across the first bridge and go north to the next pathway leading to your left.
Follow it all the way west until you come to the new bridge. Cross it and find the rew cockroach
running around in this small section of the map.
Return to Phil in the afternoon in front of school and bring him the rew cockroach and he will
tell you where to find the next insect.
Travel to the cemetery and look for sparkling stars near a tree in the northeast corner of the
map to find the prew grasshoper. (See the Cemetery Map from Brenda q)
Return to Phil in the afternoon in front of school and bring him the prew grasshoper and he will
tell you where to find the next insect.
Travel to Commercial Neighborhood and looks for the stars indicating where the krio
grasshopper can be found in the small park on the east side of the map near the entrance to
otter labs.
Return to Phil in the afternoon in front of school and bring him the krio grasshoper and he will
tell you where to find the final insect.
Travel to the coast through the southwest section of Old Quarter near the beach
Find the jaw cricket on the far west side of the map near some trees marked by the shining
Return to Phil in the afternoon in front of school and bring him the jaw cricket and he will thank
you and tell you to come visit him some time at his home after school (He lives in house #2 of
New Neighborhood). You will need to do this to continue to build your relationship.
Repeatedly visit Phil to build your relationship up to at least 50 points.
a. on the first visit your relationship with Phil should start at 20.
b. When you visit him you have a choice to Talk, Play Video Games or Watch Porn
c. Each choice will increase your relationship with Phil by 5 points if you visit during the
morning or choose to talk during the afternoon. If you choose to play video games or watch
porn during the afternoon you will increase the relationship by 10 points.
After your relationship with Phil has increased to 50 points, instead of transporting out of the
home you will stay inside after night begins.
a. Go to the kitchen and speak to Phil's mother. She will thank you for being fiends with her
b. At this point you must not go to Phil's home to visit for 5 straight days (It’s a good time to
start Aunt Maggie quest).
A counter will track how many days in a row you haven't visited, any time you return to his
home the counter resets to zero
After 5 straight days of not visiting Phil, his mother will show up outside of your school after
class has ended in the afternoon. You will find her outside of the school wall on your way out to
Old Quarter. Speak with her and she will offer to come to an agreement with you if you
continue to be friends with her son.
From now on you can continue to visit Phil's house to progress your relationship with his
a. You will need to visit Phil first and choose to spend time with him so the clock progresses to
night time while you are in the house. Then you can visit his mom, Claire, in the kitchen.
b. As you visit Claire your love will increase and you can have more and more interactions of a
sexual nature with her.
c. When you have completed all of the interactions you can continue to visit Claire and at this
point you can choose whatever sexual interaction you want to have with her.
d. This ends the quest of Phil

Aunt Maggie

To begin Aunt Maggie's quest you must first raise your relationship up to 15 with her by visiting
her at home and chatting over snacks. You also must have completed Maria's Quest before
Aunt Maggie's quest will trigger.
NOTE: You receive 3 points to your relationship with Aunt Maggie each time you snack and
chat with her. So you have to visit her 5 times. If you have already visited her during the Sarah
quest to destroy the pictures for Richard then you should begin with a relationship of 3 or
higher when you get to this point.

Visit Maggie at home in the afternoon in Midtown. If you have satisfied the criteria she will tell
you she thinks Maria is cheating on her brother (your Dad). She'll ask you to help her find
evidence and take you to Otter Labs in a car.
a. You will arrive outside of otter labs and talk with Aunt Maggie about your past. Eventually
you will see Maria. Just continue following along with the scenes until eventually you will go
with a mobster to help him on a job. There are no diverging paths and you just have to keep
following along.
b. At this point you will open up the Gigolo job.
c. After opening up the job you will transport out to commercial neighborhood at 20:00 and find
a clue of what to do next.

In the afternoon go to Commercial Neighborhood and visit Martinia Press. Enter into the room
on the far northeast corner the room is locked go to receptionist she give you the key, where
Aunt Maggie usually works. She will not be there
Check the desk on the far Northeast corner to find what Aunt Maggie is working on. You will
find you have to go to Otter Labs to do some detective work for her.

Skip school and take the bus to Otter Labs in the morning.
a. Enter the labs and talk to the receptionist. She will give you a guest badge since you are
Maria's son.
b. Use the guest badge to take the elevator up to the second floor.
c. Once on the second floor head to the exit path to the right side of the map to go to the office

WARNING: DO NOT enter the room on the far Northeast corner. Maria works in there and if
she sees you she will send you back to school and you will fail the mission.
a. When in the East part of the labs check the first door you pass above you which looks like it
is marked as a ladies room. Maria will come in with a coworker to take showers and you will
hide to avoid being seen.
b. After they enter the shower check the locker Maria's coworker stood in front of to find a lab
coat you can wear to blend in better.
c. Check the shower doors for some fun.
d. Now again travel East and you will find a hallway with a guard standing in front of it. If you
have the badge and the lab coat you can walk right through him to the other side.
e. Enter into the lab in the Northwest corner of this map. You will see stars indicating
something of importance but a scientist is blocking your path. Speak to him and he will say he
needs coffee.
f. Exit this lab and go straight across to the lab in the Northeast corner. Go south until you get
close enough to two scientists having a conversation. When one leave you will find Laxatives
in his desk. Take them.
h. Exit the lab and take the hallway all the way south until you find the blue vending machine.
Check this to get a coffee and you will put the laxatives in the coffee.
i. Bring the coffee back to the scientist in the Northwest corner room and wait for him to go to
the bathroom. Then check the star area to find a true Lab ID.
j. Head back to the hallway and go north to the elevators to go to the next floor.
k. You will find a big office protected by guards. Go to the East side and push the pot under the
HVAC vent to climb up and sneak in.
l. You will find that a secret shipment is coming into the ports tonight and you must be there to
find out what it is. When the scene is done you will automatically transport to the port at night
m. You will see four circles on the ground in the port area. You must make it to each of these
circles without being spotted by guards to take a picture at each.
n. Once you get all four pictures watch the scene that ensues and eventually you will rescue
Aunt Maggie. She will ask you to come over some time for snacks again then you will transport
outside of Maggie's house in midtown. It will be too late to visit.

From now on you can continue to visit Aunt Maggie's house to progress your love level with
her. a. You will need to bring Aphrodesiac each time you visit in order to progress with Aunt must have Aphrodesiac with you for your love with her to increase.
WARNING: Do not try to show Aunt Maggie your dick until after you have increased your love
with her to above 12. If you do she will get angry and you will get a -2 for your love. You will
know when you are high enough because during the snack scene she will be sitting much
closer to you.
b. As you visit Aunt Maggie your love will increase and you can have more and more
interactions of a sexual nature with her.
c. When you have completed all of the interactions you should be able to continue to visit Aunt
Maggie and at this point you can choose whatever sexual interaction you want to have with
d. This ends the quest of aunt Maggie
Cousin Mindy:

To begin Mindy's quest you must first complete the recess side quest for Brenda before
Mindy's quest will trigger.

Go to Midtown and you will find Mindy standing outside of her house (Aunt Maggie's). Speak
with her and she will tell you the cosplay costumes you bought for her were stolen and she
needs your help to find them. She will give you a list of suspects for you to check out to see if
they have her stuff.
The list will have several houses on it which you can break into and check for Mindy's stuff.
You must do this mission at night and it requires different levels of stealth for each house.
a. The costumes are only ever in one house so no need to check any others. Go to Chinatown
and check the house that is in the northeast corner of the map. You will need to climb on some
oil drums to get in.
b. If your stealth is above 7 then you will successfully break in.
c. Check the middle closet in the row of three and you will find the costumes.
Return to Mindy's house in the afternoon and you will find her upstairs in her room with Sarah.
Return the costumes and enjoy watching them model the costumes for you.
When you return home and go to sleep in your bed, the scene will cut over to Sarah and Mindy
returning to your home after the contest. You can't do anything but watch and follow along with
the story.
In the morning go to school and attend class. When you go to recess you will receive a phone
call from Mindy asking you if you would like to come over and watch TV with her some time.
If you visit Aunt Maggie's home at night you will find Mindy is there and Aunt Maggie is not at
home. (Do not visit after midnight or it will be too late and they will both be in bed). She will ask
you if you would like to watch some TV with her.
a. You will be able to visit Mindy each night and watch TV with her to increase your love with
her. As you visit Mindy your love will increase and you can have more and more interactions of
a sexual nature with her.
b. When you have completed all of the interactions you will be able to continue to visit Mindy
and at this point you can choose whatever sexual interaction you want to have with her.
c. This ends the quest of Mindy


To begin Daisy's quest you need to raise your relationship to 15 with her at recess.
Once your relationship is high enough, speak with Daisy outside the school in the small
playground area to the right side. She will ask you for help finding her cheerleader uniform that
someone stole.
You will transport into the East side of school with Daisy into the women's locker room.
a. Check the lockers in the room you are in to find a clue and some dirty panties Take it.
b. Exit the locker room and go straight South into the Men's locker room. Look at Amy's
boyfriend with another boy and auto take a bottle, get out of the boys' locker room and go
into the next room, the cafeteria and use the bottle in the water fountain.
c. Exit the cafeteria and go into the right door you see to the North. Enter here and talk to the
teacher and she will tell you to go home.
d. Leave this room the way you came and continue West and talk to Marckus.
e. Follow Marckus out the West hallway to the main area of the school and walk to the
principal's office. The second door on the South wall as you walk West. Check her desk to find
a video and discover Hannah.
f. Leave the office and head back to the Women's locker room to check out the suspects
g. When you get there you will get a message that you need to find something to open it. Go
all the way back out the West door to the Main hall.
h. As you walk West check the first door on the South wall just to the East of the principal's
office. Enjoy. ALERT: After see Marcus with principal DO NOT VISIT HIM AT HOME,
this bug Beth’s Quest, if you speak with him to fix this use RpgMakerSaveEdit with a
save before speak with Tom, and set switch 578 to true, load your game and
i. Continue going to the West until you see a wall locker with stars shining on it outside of the
nurses office. Check here for a tool to open the locker.
j. Head back enter the room where the teacher was, enjoy, then go to the Women's locker
room to open the locker.
k. After you open the locker you will find Daisy's cheerleader outfit. Walk East from the locker
into the shower section of the Locker room and give the clothes to Daisy enjoy the dance.

Now e begin Beth’s Recess Side Quest only (if you finish this earlier, skip this part and
continue Daisy’s quest), we continue her quest after Daisy’s
Speak with Beth in the recess yard and she will begin a competition to see who has the
biggest dick in your class. You must go and find competitors each day to see who is biggest.
You will have 2 min to speak with the competitors and then go back and speak to Beth to begin
the challenge. If you are not one of the competitors you can bet on who will win and earn some
extra cash. After the first 4 days you will no longer need to find competitors, just talk to Beth
and the challenge will continue bracket style with whoever is remaining.
Day 1 - Talk with Morgan and Marckus (Bet on Morgan)
Day 2 - Talk with Tom and Phil (Bet on Tom)
Day 3 - Talk with Charles and Christian (Bet on Christian)
Day 4 - Talk with Jason
Day 5 - Morgan and Tom (Bet on Tom)
Day 6 - Christian and Your Character
Day 7 - Tom and Your Character

Now back to Daisy’s Quest

Once you have completed Beth's cock contest at recess, when you enter Old Quarter in
the afternoon, Daisy will appear with a car and invite you to a party at Kelly's house.
In Kelly’s room look her pc, you need a password, look at south left corner there is a blue
diary see the password 1995, back to pc input the password and MC connect her cam to
his pc. When done Kelly enter the room with her brothers bath suit. You teleport outside
the room.
First Path: if you select Sarah at her quest go downstairs walk south and enter to room
where the pool table is and talk to Sarah she is next to TV go across to kitchen see the
blinking stars make the cocktail. Go outside from front door, go left and north you see
Sarah by the pool with her friend Cynthia, talk to her watch the scene :). Go back in to
house, Sarah stand in front of left column, talk to her, go again in the kitchen to blinking
stars take the drink and head upstairs to Kelly’s room, almost :(, Daisy interrupt you.
Go downstairs and you get a cal from Daisy she blackmail you. After that you teleport to
High Neighborhood outside of Annie’s house go home and sleep.
Second Path: Get out of the house and talk to Daisy in the pool, Go back to Kelly's Room.
Kelly will be at the door talking to her if you decide to help her take you to her room to do a
cock contest against Matthew, you will win but Daisy will take a picture and blackmail you.
If you do not decide to help Kelly, go into Kelly's room and pick up the cream and go back
to the pool. And talk to Daisy. Go back to Kelly's room. if you have aphrodisiac candles,
use them on the desk to have an extra scene.
Daisy will make you a photo das a cheerleader and blackmail you.
Next day go to school, after class Daisy call you (if you have a car ignore at the moment
Beth standing next to it at parking, do not talk to her) to do her cores, clean all items
(don’t forget the mirror if you clean her room). You teleport outside Daisy house, go home
with you car or bus, enter your room, if you auto teleport in your room go out and enter
again, MC say maybe Kelly activate her cam check your PC to see her.
Next day go to school, before go in talk to Sarah she stands at the right side of school
door, Sarah informs you that Kelly take a long time to come out of her locker room, enter
the school and head to girls locker room (where you start Daisy quest north east to next
map) mini bug not important when you click the locker door MC say is locked but he
enters. Go to right side and see Kelly naked, talk to her. She will give you a copy of Daisy
After school at 19:00 or 20:00 hours go to High Neighborhood to Daisy’s house No 8 Left
from Annie’s house with guards in black. Enter the house look at right to see her mon :), go
upstairs to Daisy room (second door from left) MC hides in closet, look at scene with Daisy
and her stepfather. Go home and sleep.
Next day (you must have finish pussy fights to continue) after school, talk to Daisy near the
fountain in front of school, Christian come and hit you (again snif) Daisy stops him and you
two have a conversation. MC says that he will help her with her stepfather.
Go to your Gang hideout and talk to Jaqueline, Svetlana, Sayuki or Bliss depends on wich
mafia you belong to. Go home and sleep
The next day after school speak with Daisy at the school fountain, he will tell you that you
can visit at her home on afternoons (if it Is weekend you can go on mornings too). Go to
her home and she ask you to steal the uniforms of her rival cheerleaders, go home and
The next day go to school enter and search the school lockers (5 lockers in hallways in
ground floor) with the blinking stars to take all uniforms, when finish after school go to
Daisy house.
From now on you can visit her (to enjoy her). In first visit she tell you she is not ready,
return to your home and go to sleep, you receive a massage, for a few first visits, before
you sleep she send you a messages.
After two time you have vaginal sex, she tells you that she is not ready. Go home and
sleep she send you a message. Next day go back to her house.
Continue visits until you max out her love, after max out her love, when you talk to her at
recess she ask you to go with her enjoy, when you finish Beth quest below and max her
stats to you have I chance for threesome with Daisy and Beth.

Now return to do Beth’s Main Quest:

You must have buy a car to continue Beth’s quest, go to Golden Town (right side of East
Town) south west to the car dealer and bye a car (choose a fast and expensive one to
impress Beth)
After school go outside to parking (south – east) to your car, there you see Beth standing
next to it, talk to her and you go for shopping. The scene end in front of Beth’s house at
High Neighborhood. Go home and sleep.
Next day go to school and you see Tom standing in frond of entrance, speak to him he tells
you if you help him with Beth’s Mon he break up with Beth.
Enter school, you see an announcement from principal office, you teleport in office enjoy.
After school go to Marcus home at Old Quarter left side of parking house No 3, enter and
talk to Marcus (when you click to door says Mark apartment is the same).
When exit go to your Gang hideout and talk to, Svetlana, Sayuki or Bliss depending on
which mafia you belong to, for Nesrot gang talk with Chloe you see her when you enter to
Go in to rooms area and talk to receptionist, when you talk with girl she offer you some fun to
see the scene choose NO, if you don’t want to see the scene choose YES.
Afterwords you two go to find Beth’s Father to trap him, MC hides and take the picture of him
having sex with trans girl, or Chloe.
Next day after school go to Tom house High Neighborhood No2 (left from Beth’s house).
If you want to see the scene again save before speak with Tom’s Mother. Enjoy.
After talk with Tom do not waste time and go strait to your home, when you enter you receive a
phone call from Beth and you teleport to her room enjoy.
Now you can visit Beth to max out you relationship with her.

Teacher’s Quest.
If you play a new game and follow this walkthrough you see the activation of these quests
during the game play, the day these quests starts it depends of how many days you go to
school, the more often you go to school, the sooner they will start.
If you play the game from earlier full save version, after finish Beth’s quest go to school every
day and the teachers quest starts automatically (in about 2 or 3 weeks).
(if you want to speed up use RpgMakerSaveEdit to make changes to variables 301 to
305 =15, the first step start at the first day you go to school gym class).

Ignore the scene at chem class with Morgan explode the chemical reaction. After this
scene Teacher’s quest begins at next days.

The event start at swimming pool when you speak with Morgan and Marcus about girls select
your favor girl. After that is pretty much linear.
(No content for Ms Glober in this version).
After the scene finish continue going to school and the rest quests starts automatically at next

You can play the visits in any order you want this does not have effect to the game

Ms Turner at some point she made a quiz test (use google to find the correct answers) you
must answer correct and she invite you to her home New Nationhood house 1 the one with the
trees and flower pots in front at your left near bus stop, pretty simple, you can now visit her to
max out your relationship with her. After a few visits at recess you receive a message from
Rachel enjoy then Ms Turner talk to Rachel and she ask her for you tel number, go and visit
Ms Turner at the same day after school. At night go to sleep look the scene, at some point you
are hot choose to SHOWER enjoy. At next visit she admits her fillings for you. Continue visits
until you max out her stats when you do that at when you talk to her at recess she ask you to
go with her enjoy.

Ms Jordan at some point she tell you to stay after class she tells you to go her husband at
Otto Laboratories for further education.
Go at Otto speak to receptionist and select to work for Mr Jordan, do the work and when you
finish go for a drink with him. At 3rd visit after all the talk for his inability, he offers you to fuck
his wife and invite you at home for a dinner, when Ms Jordan tells you to strip down and
wait for her in bed enjoy. In this first sex scene there is not special sex so you can wait
until MC comes or press Q button to finish. From now one you can visit Ms Jordan at
home at Golden Town house No 3 (not her husband at work).

Ms Liz is last because her lesson is one time per week, at some point after her class she tell
you to be a male model and invite you at her home Golden Town house No 1. Her quest is
linear so no difficulties. After finish first modeling session you meet Sandra’s mother Tania,
there is no quest line for her yet, maybe there is one at new versions.
From now one you can visit her to modeling and max out you relation with her.
Beth’s Recess Info
Day 1 - Talk with Morgan and Marckus (Bet on Morgan)
Day 2 - Talk with Tom and Phil (Bet on Tom)
Day 3 - Talk with Charles and Christian (Bet on Christian)
Day 4 - Talk with Jason
Day 5 - Morgan and Tom (Bet on Tom)
Day 6 - Christian and Your Character
Day 7 - Tom and Your Character

Dating Rachel
You can ask Rachel out on a date in the afternoon or in the evening to raise your love with
her. As your love increases new events will occur with Rachel. Dating Rachel during the
afternoon is not the best option. You could instead visit her at home and increase your love
with her much faster. At night you cannot visit Rachel at home so dates are still a good
You will receive the following increments to your love with Rachel based on how the date
• Good Date +45
• Bad Date -5
As a side note there is one hidden picture at each location on the date. There is nothing
specific you need to do to view this extra image, it is completely random. You have a 2.5%
chance to see this image any time you take her to a location.
During the date you will start with 0 success points for the date. How you correspond with
her will either increase or decrease the success counter. In order to have a successful
date you must reach 5 points. Below is a list of the impact each action will have on your
How to get there:
• Walking Afternoon +0
• Walking Night -1
• Train -1
• Bus +2
• Taxi +0
Where to go:
• Park +3
• Pool +5
• Restaurant +4
• Gym +1
• Pub +2
Answer her questions:
• Correct Answer +1
• Incorrect Answer -1
• You haven't told me +0
Below is a list of all of the correct answers to Rachel's questions
• Favorite Movie - Survival Games
• Favorite Music Group - Two Directions
• Favorite Video Game - League of Kings
• Videos on YouTV - Falling Videos
• Favorite Color - Blue
• Do you know what I like my Bird? - That Sing
• How many people want to enter nursing career - 20000
• Favorite Book - The Vampires Bleed
• Car of Her Dreams - Mercedes Bins
• Addicted to a series - The Walking Zombie
• Favorite store to buy clothes - Terracota
• Worst person at school - Christian
• How many followers on Piupiu - 1000
• Best Friend - Tyna
• Prefer to sleep alone or accompanied – accompanied

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