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Agronomy is derived from a Greek word ‘agros’ meaning ‘field’ and ‘nomos’ meaning

‘management’. Principles of agronomy deal with scientific facts in relations to environment in

which crop are produced.
Definition of Agronomy
1. It is defined as an agricultural science deals with principles and practices of crop production
and field management.
2. Agronomy is branch of agricultural science, which deals with principles, & practices of soil,
water & crop management.
3. It is branch of agricultural science that deals with methods which provide favorable
environment to the crop for higher productively,

Boundaries and scale

Crop management, and its scientific study agronomy, are part of a system that comprises the
physical elements of the climate, soil and land, the biological constituents of the vegetation and
soil, the economic opportunities and constraints of markets, sales and profit, and the social
circumstances and preferences of those who work the land.

Scope of Agronomy
Agronomy is a dynamic discipline with the advancement of knowledge and better understanding
of planet, environment and agriculture. Agronomy science becomes imperative in Agriculture in
the following areas.
• Identification of proper season for cultivation of wide range of crops is needed which could
be made possible only by Agronomy science.
• Proper methods of cultivation are needed to reduce the cost of cultivation and maximize the
yield and economic returns.
• Availability and application of chemical fertilizers has necessitated the generation of
knowledge to reduce the ill-effects due to excess application and yield losses due to the
unscientific manner of application.
• Availability of herbicides for control of weeds has led to development for a vast knowledge
about selectivity, time & method of its application.
• Water management practices play greater role in present day crisis of water demand and
Agronomy science answer to the questions ‘how much to apply?’ and ‘when to apply?’.
• Intensive cropping is the need of the day and proper time and space intensification not only
increase the production but also reduces the environmental hazards.
• New technology to overcome the effect of moisture stress under dry land condition is
explored by Agronomy and future agriculture is depends on dry land agriculture.
• Packages of practices to explore full potential of new varieties of crops are the most important
aspects in crop production which could be made possible only by Agronomy science.
• Keeping farm implements in good shape and utilizing efficient manner to nullify the present
day labour crisis is further broadening the scope of agronomy.
• Maintaining the ecological balance through efficient management of crops, livestock and
their feedings in a rational manner is possible only by knowing agronomic principles.
• Care and disposal of farm and animal products like milk and eggs and proper maintenance of
accounts of all transactions concerning farm business is governing principles of agronomy.

Relation of agronomy to other sciences

Agronomy is a main branch of Agriculture. It is synthesis of several disciplines like soil
science, Agricultural chemistry, crop physiology, plant ecology, biochemistry and economics.
The Soil Science helps the agronomist to thoroughly understand the soil physical, chemical
and biological properties to effect modification of the soil environment.
The Agricultural Chemistry help the agronomist to understand the chemical composition
and changes involved in the production, protection, and use of crops and livestock.
The crop physiology helps to understand the basic life process of crops to understand
functioning of each parts of plant to determine their input requirement like nutrients etc.
The plant ecology helps us to understand the associated environment in which the crops
grown like the influence of weather (Temperature, Rainfall etc).

The biochemistry shows the way in which biochemical process takes place in crops which
helps to understand critical requirements to favourably activate this process.
The economics paves the way for profit and loss analysis in farming.

Role of Agronomist
Agronomist is a scientist who is dealing with the study of problems of crop production and
adopting/recommending practices of better field crop production and soil management to get high
yield and income.
• Agronomist aims at obtaining maximum production at minimum cost by exploiting the
knowledge of the basic and applied sciences for higher crop production.
• In a broader sense, agronomist is concerned with production of food and fibre to meet the
needs of growing population.
• He develops efficient and economic field preparation method for sowing crops in different
season. (Flat bed, Ridges and furrows)
• He is also involved to selection of suitable crop and varieties to suit or to match varied seasons
and soils. Eg. Red soil - groundnut, Black soil - cotton, Sandy soil – tuberous crops, Saline
soil – Finger millet (Ragi). In Kharif if water is sufficient go for rice and water is not
sufficient go for maize, sorghum.
• Evolves efficient method of cultivation (whether broadcasting, nursery and transplantation
or dibbling, etc.) provides better crop establishment and maintain required population
• He has to identify various types of nutrients required by crops including time and method of
application (e.g. for long duration rice (150-60-60 kg NPK), short duration: 120:50:50 kg
NPK/ha Application P&K basal and N in three splits)
• Agronomist must select a better weed management practice. Either through mechanical or
physical (by human work) or chemical (herbicides or weedicides, e.g. 2-4-D) or cultural
(by having wide space it may increase weed growth by using inter space crops). Weeds are
controlled by integrated weed management method also
• Selection of proper irrigation method, irrigation scheduling i.e. irrigation timing and quantity
based on the crops to be irrigated, whether to irrigate continuously or stop in between and
how much water to be supplied are computed by agronomy science so as to achieve
maximum water use efficiency.
• Crop planning (i.e.) suitable crop sequence are developed by agronomist (i.e.) what type of
crop, cropping pattern, cropping sequence, etc. (Rice - Rice - Pulse)
• Agronomists are also developing the method of harvesting, time for harvesting, etc.
(Appropriate time of harvest essential to prevent yield loss)
• Agronomist is responsible for every decision made in the farm management. (What type of
crop to be produced? How much area to be allotted for each crop? How and when to
market? How and When to take other management activities?) All the decisions should be
taken at appropriate time to efficiently use resources available).

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