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Chapter 10: Employee Satisfaction and Commitment

Industrial/Organizational Psychology by Aamodt

Chapter 10: Employee Satisfaction and Commitment

Job Satisfaction
a positive feeling about one's job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics.

Organizational Commitment
reflects the extent to which an employee identifies with an organization and is
committed to its goals.

Affective Commitment
An employee's desire to remain a member of an organization due to a feeling of
emotional attachment.

Continuance Commitment
a desire to remain a member of an organization because of an awareness of the costs
associated with leaving it (time, expense and effort they have already put in the

Social Information Processing Theory

States that employees model their levels of satisfaction and motivation from other

Social Learning Theory

States that employees model their levels of satisfaction and motivation from other

Equity Theory
a theory that states that people will be motivated when they perceive that they are being
treated fairly.
Chapter 10: Employee Satisfaction and Commitment

Organizational Justice
A theory that postulates that if employees perceive they are being treated fairly, they will
be more likely to be satisfied with their jobs and motivated to do well.

Distributive Justice
perceived fairness of the amount and allocation of rewards among individuals.

Procedural Justice
perceived fairness of the process used to determine the distribution of rewards.

Interactional Justice
The perceived fairness of the interpersonal treatment that employees receive in an

Job Rotation
A system in which employees are given the opportunity to perform several different jobs
in an organization.

Job Enlargement
a system in which employees are given more tasks to perform at the same time.

Job Enrichment
A system in which employees are given more responsibility over the tasks and
decisions related to their job.

Job Characteristics Theory

A theory by Hackman and Oldham that suggests that certain characteristics of a job will
make the job more or less satisfying, depending on the particular needs of the worker.

Job Diagnostic Survey (JDS)

A measure of the extent to which a job provides opportunities for growth, autonomy, and
Chapter 10: Employee Satisfaction and Commitment

Self-directed teams
teams that determine their own objectives and the methods by which to achieve them.

Quality Circles
Voluntary groups of people drawn from various production teams who make
suggestions about quality.

Faces Scale
a measure of job satisfaction in which raters place a mark under a facial expression that
is most similar to the way they feel about their jobs.

Job Descriptive Index (JDI)

A measure of job satisfaction that yields scores on five dimensions.

Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ)

a self-report measure of job satisfaction that breaks satisfaction down into 20 job facets.

Job in General Scale (JIG)

A measure of overall job satisfaction.

Well pay
A method of absenteeism control in which employees are paid for their unused sick

Financial Bonus
A method of absenteeism control in which employees who meet an attendance
standard are given a cash reward.

Paid Time Off (PTO)

An attendance policy in which all paid vacations, sick days, holidays, and so forth are
Chapter 10: Employee Satisfaction and Commitment

Person/Organizational Fit
reflects the extent to which your personality and values match the climate and culture in
an organization

The extent to which an employee is tied to an organization and to the surrounding

Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCBs)

Behaviors that are not required of organizational members but that contribute to and are
necessary for organizational efficiency, effectiveness, and competitive advantage
(helping others, staying late and etc.)

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