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6/23/2020 Document 966743.

Copy right (c) 2020, Oracle. A ll rights reserv ed. Oracle Confidential.

HTTP Data Send error: '12031' (tcp connection reset) after clicking the "Submit" button to send Sales Order to AIA. (Doc ID 966743.1)


Siebel CRM - Version 8.1.1 [21112] and later

Oracle Communications Integration Pack for Order to Billing - Version 2.0.1 and later
Oracle Solaris on SPARC (64-bit)


Customer experienced with the data send error, showed in a popup window on the Siebel Order Items view, then the "Submit" button has been clicked to send the Sales Order to
the Oracle SOA 10g instance. The Oracle AIA/BRM Web Service end-point: "ProcessSalesOrderSiebelJMSProducer" of the Oracle AIA Prepackaged Integration Processes for
Communications had to be invoked.

The essential part of the error message in Siebel UI was:

Error invoking service 'ProcessSalesOrderSiebelJMSProducer', method 'process' at step 'Submit Order WS'.(SBL-BPR-00162)
HTTP Internet Exception during 'Data Send': 'The connection with the server was reset', code: '12031'(SBL-EAI-04116)

The error happened sporadically and seems was not related to the application load.

The same Sales Order could be successfully transmitted by next try of clicking the "Submit" button.

The issue could be reproduced in Siebel Thin Client Business Service simulator view to run the " process
" method of the " ProcessSalesOrderSiebelJMSProducer" Outbound WS proxy
Business Service with some sample payload (instance of the " PDS Order - No Hierarchy
" Integration Object), captured from a failed calls.

Oracle SOA 10g logs did not show any related traces to this case.

6/23/2020 Document 966743.1
The TCP traffic monitoring on Siebel side, identified, that the TCP connection, opened by the Siebel EAI HTTP Transport to the HTTP Apache Server of Oracle SOA 10g instance was
unexpectedly closed by Apache (FIN, ACK received). This causes Siebel to fail at next HTTP call, when the Siebel HTTP Transport tried to re-use this previously opened TCP

Note, by default the Siebel EAI HTTP Transport uses the HTTP /1.1 feature of "persisted connections", to optimize the performance on data exchange between HTTP Client (Siebel
CRM Application) and HTTP Server (external application, such as HTTP Apache Server).

The "..The connection with the server was reset', code: '12031'... " error has been brought by the WinInet API program stack, indicating that the client tries to use TCP connection,
which has been already closed by the server party.


The reason for connection reset by SOA 10g was not clearly identified

However, the following workaround did help to solve the reported behavior on Siebel side, achieving stable Sales Order submission:


prevent the EAI HTTP Transport to use the HTTP /1.1 "persisted session" feature


Solution for Siebel Releases 8.1.1.x/8.2.2.x:

Add following input arguments to each call of the affected outbound WS proxy BS method call:

Name = Value pairs in the input property set:

siebel_transport_header:Connection = close
siebel_transport_param:HTTPMaxIdleSeconds = 0

Note: To staticially (have no need to specify at each BS call) add the above mentioned parameters, one can amend definition of the proxy BS to provide these as user properties
with exact same name and value pairs.


NOTE:859382.1 - How To Control Parameters On Transport For Outbound Web Service, e.g. HTTPSleepTime (HTTP) Or SendUsername (JMS)
NOTE:1076251.1 - Master Note For Siebel Web Services IP2016 , IP2017 and 18.x
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