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How To Improve Your Reflexes?

Reflexes are nerve signal-induced muscular reactions to external stimuli. For example, if you spot a baseball flying
toward your head, your brain will send a signal to your hand to block the ball before it can hit you. Having good
reflexes aids performance in sports, exercise, and everyday physical activities like crossing the street or driving.
Some people are born with fast reflexes, and others must practice to attain a quicker reaction time to stimuli. Here
are several techniques that can be employed to improve your reflex time.

Method 1 of 3:
Improving Your Reflexes with Physical Exercises

Practice catching a rubber bouncy ball or a “reaction ball.” Reaction balls are 6-sided rubber balls that bounce
at unpredictable angles. They may be purchased at most sporting goods stores. Take one of these, or a simple
quarter-machine bouncy ball, and toss it against an outdoor wall.

Focus on catching the ball as it bounces back in your direction. Once your reflex time improves, throw the ball
harder, challenging yourself to leap and dive to catch it.
Play jacks. For the days when you’re feeling more low-key, grab a set of jacks. This classic children’s game comes
with a small ball and 12 metal pieces. Start by lightly bouncing the ball and picking up as many jacks as possible. As
you get better at the game, challenge yourself by bouncing the ball with greater speed. You may also spread the
jacks farther apart to increase the game’s difficulty.
Play dodgeball with a partner. For this exercise, you need a large rubber or foam ball and a friend. Stand in front
of a wall, either in a gym or outside in front of a building. Have your partner pitch the ball at you from about 10 feet
(3.0 m) away while you practice dodging it. As you get better at dodging the ball, ask your partner to throw it faster
and from a closer distance.

o To make this exercise more difficult, recruit a second pitcher to throw another ball quickly after
you have dodged the first one.

o Ask the pitchers to increase unpredictability by faking throws, throwing from different angles, and
so on.

o Playing dodgeball as a team sport is also a great way to improve your reflexes. Practice fielding
balls and kicking those that are pitched to you.

Try table tennis. Table tennis, or ping pong, is a great sport to help you improve your reflexes and hand-eye
coordination. You can find tables or table top setups relatively affordably online or at many sporting goods stores.
Alternatively, you can join a local table tennis group or club, which will allow you to face off with different partners
and take on greater challenges as you work to improve your reflexes.

If you have never played table tennis before, a local club or group might be beneficial, as they can help you
understand the basics of the game including form and skill-building.
Pick a sport to practice regularly. Many sports, including hockey, tennis, badminton, racquetball, and lacrosse, are
great activities to help you build your reflexes. Look for an athletic activity where you have to manipulate an object,
such as a ball, using a tool, such as a racket or stick. These sports generally require quick reactions, and can help you
build both reflexes and situational awareness.
Run a nature trail. Since it requires no special equipment or exercise partners, running in the woods may be the
easiest way to begin improving your reflexes. Simply find the closest nature trail—preferably one with varied
terrain, rather than a wide, flat path—and start running. The uneven footing and unpredictable roots and rocks you’ll
dodge will create a variety of stimuli to which your body will have to quickly react. The more often you hit the trail,
the quicker your reflexes will get.

o Begin by running at a slow speed. As you feel your reflexes improve over time, push yourself to
run faster. Nature trails have a generally higher risk of injury, so it's important to start slow.

o Mix things up by choosing a different trail whenever possible. If you get too used to one particular
trail, your brain will remember obstacles, and you won’t be improving your reflexes.

o Run the same trail in the other direction if you don’t live close to many nature trails.

Try slow sparring to improve your fighting reflexes. If you play combat sports, like boxing or karate, then slow
sparring can be a great way to develop the muscle memory you need to perform your moves faster. Start by
practicing your moves with a partner in a slow and deliberate way. As they start to become more automatic, you can
gradually speed up.
o Whether you’re sparring in slow motion or at full speed, staying relaxed is key. Before
you start a sparring match, take some time to meditate or do deep breathing exercises to help you
unwind and stay focused.

Method 2 of 3:
Improving Your Reflexes with Mental Exercise

Improve your peripheral vision. Having a quick reaction time is dependent on being keenly aware of what’s
coming. You can strengthen your ability to perceive obstacles and flying objects by paying more attention to your
peripheral vision during everyday activities.

o Look out a window that has a good view and focus your vision on a distant object. Keep looking
at this object while you slowly let yourself become more aware of the objects that surround it on either side.
Do this exercise once a day, widening your field of vision a little more each time. Gradually, you’ll get in the
habit of noticing more objects in your peripheral vision.
o Check out the video below for martial arts techniques used to improve peripheral vision.
Tip: While taking a walk or riding in a car, make a point of noticing objects that pop up in your peripheral
vision. Practice naming the color of people's hair and the make and model of passing cars as fast as you can.

Play video games. Playing video games well requires good hand-eye coordination. You must be able to move from
thought to action without pause, or you’ll quickly lose the game. Studies show that playing video games for a few
minutes each day can help improve reflexes. First person shooters and role-playing games often require the most
coordination, but any video game will do the trick.
Try hypnosis. Some people have found that a hypnosis technique called neuro-linguistic programming helps
increase their awareness of a particular object, giving them the sensation that time has slowed down and they have
more than enough time to react. Picture a sports movie that shows a quarterback watching a football arc toward him
in slow motion. The football is not actually moving more slowly, of course, but according to its practitioners, neuro-
linguistic programming can make it seem that way.
Practice mindfulness. Cultivate mindfulness through regular meditation or by focusing on the present moment.
Clear your head and try to focus all of your attention on what is happening directly around you. Dismiss thoughts of
the past or future and instead focus directly on the sights, sounds, and sensations in the current moment.

Method 3 of 3:
Negotiating Self-Care

Eat nutritious food. Keeping your body and brain in optimal shape is imperative if you want quick reflexes. Foods
high in refined sugars and trans fats can make you feel sluggish. Make sure you are getting enough protein, complex
carbohydrates, and healthy fats.

o Whole foods like nuts, fish, berries, greens, and garlic increase cognitive function.

o Make sure to drink plenty of water as well, since dehydration can also lead to lethargy and decreased reflex

Get plenty of sleep. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), sleep helps you have quicker reflexes and
perform on a higher level than you otherwise would. Both your body and brain slow down when you’re sleepy,
resulting in impaired reflex reactions. Your reflexes will be quickest when you’re well-rested after 7 to 9 hours of

o A good night's sleep is made up of 4 or 5 sleep cycles, each of which consist of a period of deep sleep and
rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. This adds up to 7 to 9 hours per night.

o If you didn't sleep well the night before an important race or game, taking a nap a few hours before the event
will help you be more alert when it's time to perform.
Consider supplements. Certain nutritional supplements are said to lead to improved reflexes. Ginseng, gingko,
vitamin B12, vitamin C, and omega 3 fatty acids have all been cited as dietary supplements that may be worth taking
for better cognitive function and reaction times.

Exercises to Do With a Partner

Coloured Balls
Have a partner toss three balls of different colours into the air, then shout out the names of one or two of the colours.
Catch only the colours he or she shouts.

Whistle Sprints

Have a friend blow a whistle to signal the start and stop of a sprint. As soon as you hear the first whistle, explode
into a sprint. When you hear the next whistle, come to a full stop. Try to do this on a tarmac track if you can.

Forest Run

The next time you run, choose a route with uneven ground and obstacles, like a trail through the woods. Your brain
will struggle at first to react to all that visual stimuli, but eventually you’ll have no trouble skirting sticks, rocks and
other debris. As this can be a bit dangerous, it’s best to bring a friend along just in case.

Exercise To Improve Reflexes

Exercises to Do Alone
Wall Ball

Throw a tennis ball or small ball against a wall and catch it as it bounces back towards you, before it hits the floor.
The harder you throw the ball, the quicker your reaction time will need to be in order to catch it. For an added
challenge, consider using a reaction ball, which will bounce in an unpredictable direction on its way back to you.

Jumps in Place

Begin in a squat position. Without using your arms, explode upward and try to land in the same exact position in
which you started. Focus on accuracy rather than speed to improve you reactionary reflexes. Continue for 30
seconds or as long as you can.

Jump Rope

Hold the rope with the ends in either hand behind your back. Begin to jump continuously on your toes, a couple of
inches into the air. Bend your knees slightly, but keep your legs relatively straight. When your feet touch the ground,
whip the rope over your head, then jump up a few inches again to allow the jump rope to sweep underneath you.
Repeat this motion continuously for a minute or as long as you can. It can take a while to find your rhythm, but this
exercise gets much easier with time.

Stadium Steps

Stand at the bottom of a set of bleachers or outdoor steps. Using both feet, jump from one step to the next as quickly
as you can.

Vision Exercise To Improve Reflexes

Near/Far Drill

Take two detailed objects of a similar size (books or magazines work) and place one about 18 inches from you, the
other about 10 feet away. Focus on the closer object for about 5 seconds, observing as many details as you can, then
shift your attention to the farther object. Study it for 5 seconds. Continue switching between the two objects for
about a minute or two.


Have two partners throw a ball back and forth to each other while you stand in the middle a few yards back. Stay
perfectly still and keep your head straight as you track the ball with only your eyes.

Depth Perception Challenge

Have a partner throw a ball to you while you keep one eye closed and try to catch it to improve your depth
perception. Keeping an eye closed limits the amount of information your brain receives and forces it to make
decisions more efficiently, which improves reaction time.

Exercise Your Peripheral Vision

Your peripheral vision is the line of sight to your left and right when you look ahead. To train it, focus on a distant
object in an area with moderate, constant activity like a shopping mall or city street. As you focus, try to identify
objects in your peripheral vision. Practice for a few minutes every day to improve your automatic responses to
people and objects approaching from the side.

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