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Q1 Outline the key elements of a health and safety Management systems? Or

What are the organizational requirements for the effective H& S Management
system (Refer Text Page 2-1…..2-2)

A1 The key elements of a health and safety management system are as follows

o Policy
o Organizing
o Planning & Implementation
o Evaluation
o Audit
o Actions for improvement

a) Policy: Every organization has health and safety policy which contributes to
their business performances by providing a safe environment to work. The
health & safety policy influences all the activities an decisions relating to
working systems and services and to the control of waste
b) Organizing: Competence, Care, Commitment, Control, Cooperation &
Communication should be effectively incorporated in the roles and
responsibilities of the staff by the management.
c) Planning & Implementation: In this stage organization requires to set health
& safety target.
Identify hazards
 Assess risk and control
 Set standards against which performance can be measured
 Comply with health and safety laws
 Design task, process equipment, products and services, safe system of
 Develop purchase and supply policy which takes health and safety into
 Cooperate with contractors
 Develop emergency procedures.

d) Evaluation :Measuring performance is the key step in HSMS

Procedure to monitor, measure and record. OSH performance on regular basis
should be established and reviewed
Performance monitoring and measurement should be used as means of
determining to the extent to which the OSH policy and objectives are being
implemented and the risks are controlled. It should include both active and
reactive monitoring which should be recorded.

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e) Audit : An Audit is the critical examination of each stage of an organization’s

management system in order to establish whether or not the systems exist are
adequate and are followed
f) Actions for improvement: Performance of the organization is often reviewed
through the use of audits and performance reviews. Arrangement should be
made and maintained for continual improvement of the relevant of OSH
planning system as whole. The health and safety process should be compared
with others in order to improve health and safety performance.
Q2a Outline the purpose of the “statement of intent” section of a health &
safety policy? (Refer Text Page 2-4)

A2a The “statement of intent” section of a health and safety policy is to demonstrate
management’s commitment to health & safety and to set H& S Goals and objectives for
the organization

Q2b Identify the circumstances that would require a health & safety policy to be
A2b The circumstances that would require an H&S policy to be reviewed will be based on..

o Significant organizational changes

o Changes in key personal
o Legislative or guidance changes
o Passage of time
o Introduction of new work method
o Alterations in working arrangements and process
o Findings of an external audit\
o After monitoring of risk assessment or accident/incident investigations
o Following enforcement action
o Changes as result of consultation with workforce.

Q3a Outline the general content of the three section of health and safety policy?

A3a The three sections are Policy, Organization and Arrangement.

Policy: General Statement of the indent of the policy is the declaration of the
management’s commitment to the health and safety policy. It includes aims (which are
not measurable) and objectives (which are measurable) of the organization. The statement
of intent should be clear and in simple languages for everyone to understand.

o Statement should be signed by most senior person of the organization normally

CEO or MD.
o Policy should be written by the organization and not by external consultants as it
needs to address the specific health and safety issues and hazards within the
o Health and safety performance targets are an important part of the statement of
intent.. Type of target depends on the areas that need the greatest improvement in
the organization.

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o The policy statement should be placed predominantly in the notice boards
throughout the workplace and brought to the attention of all employees at
induction, refresher trainings and so on.

Organization: Organization for H& S should reflect the organizational structures,

roles and responsibilities clearly defined from the top management to the supervisors

 Directors and senior manager( responsible for setting policy, objectives and
 Supervisors (responsible for checking day to day compliance with the policy)
 Health and safety advisers (responsible for giving advice during accident
investigations and compliance issues)
 Other specialists such as nurse, electrician,( responsible for giving advice in
H & S issues)
 HSE representatives (responsible for representing employees during
consultation meetings on health and safety issues with the employer.
 Employees (responsible for taking reasonable care of health & safety of
themselves and others.)
 Fire marshals ( responsible for safe evacuation of the building in an
 First Aiders( responsible for first aid to injured persons)

Arrangements: It describes the implementation of the policy classified into general

and specific systems and procedures.

General Arrangements
Safe Systems of work
Health & safety training,
Control of contractors
Safety of visitors
Accident reporting & investigation procedures
Employee consultation
Monitoring & review procedures.
Risk Assessment
Permit to work procedures
Catering and food hygiene procedures
Provision of welfare facilities
Procedure for waste disposal
Maintenance procedures

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Specific Arrangements
Specific types of hazard (e.g. machinery, hazardous substances, manual handling,
fire etc)
Provision of PPE
First-aid facilities
Emergency procedures
Fire Drill procedures
Machinery safety (SSOW, Pressure system and lifting equipment)
Electrical Equipment

Q3b Explain why the health and safety policy should be signed by the most senior person
in an organization such as Managing director or CEO?
A3b The health and safety policy should be signed and dated by the most senior person in an
organization such as managing director or CEO in order to

o Emphasize on absolute management commitment towards H & S and give

authority to the policy
o It will indicate where an ultimate responsibility lies and the frequency with which
the policy statement is reviewed
o It is the responsibility of the CEO or MD to ensure that the health and safety
policy is developed and communicated to all employees in the organization.

Q4a Outline the purpose of an organization’s H& S policy.

A4a The key principles and purpose of HSE Policy are

 Protecting the safety and health of all the members of the organization by
preventing work related injuries, ill-health, diseases and incidents
 Complying with relevant occupational H & S National Laws and regulations
 Ensure that the workers and their representatives are consulted and encouraged to
participate actively in all the elements of the occupational H & S
 Continuing improving the performance of the occupational H& S
 The Policy sets quantifiable organizational objectives for H & S Management

Q4b Outline the issues that are typically included in the health & safety arrangements
section of a policy?

A4b Arrangements: It describes the implementation of the policy classified into general
and specific systems and procedures.

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General Arrangements
Safe Systems of work, Health & safety training,
Control of contractors, safety of visitors
Accident reporting & investigation procedures, employee consultation
Monitoring & review procedures, Risk Assessment
Permit to work procedures, catering and food hygiene procedures
Provision of welfare facilities, Procedure for waste disposal
Maintenance procedures
Specific Arrangements
Specific types of hazard (e.g. machinery, hazardous substances, manual handling,
fire etc)
Provision of PPE
First-aid facilities
Emergency procedures
Fire Drill procedures
Machinery safety (SSOW, Pressure system and lifting equipment)
Electrical Equipment

Q5a Explain why it is important for an organization to set health and safety targets?
A5a The reasons are……….

o It gives evidence on Management commitment to improve H & S performance

o To motivate the employees with tangible goals resulting in individual or
collective rewards.
o They offer evidence during the monitoring, review and audit phases of the
management system.
o Duty of the employer to protect the employees, public, contractors, customers
and visitors
o To enhance the reputation of organization and business productivity.

Q5b Identify the health and safety targets that an organization could set.

 Reduce the no. of accidents and work related illness

 Zero prosecutions
 Reduced sickness absence
 Reduction in compensation claims
 Improve reporting of minor accidents
 Improve reporting of near misses
 Increase the number of Employees trained in health and safety
 Improve in specific movement of health and safety audit scores
 No enforcement notices from the enforcement agency.

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Q6 a Identify a range of health and safety targets and objectives that may be included in
the statement of intent section of an H & S policy.
A6a Targets and objectives

o Meet legal requirements

o Safe Workplace/Equipment/Systems
o Provision of training and information
o Risk assessment
o Adequate resources
o Communication and consultation with the workforce.
o Reduced accidents and ill health
o Active monitoring
Q6b Describe the purpose of “organization” and “Arrangement” section of H & S policy.
A6b Purpose of Organization Section

The purpose is to establish the roles and responsibilities for health and safety at all levels
within the business, from the director down to shop floor and office employees. The
organization section will also include specialist safety roles such as fire wardens, first
aiders and safety advisors. The organization section identifies who is going to deliver the
objectives in the health and safety policy
Purpose of Arrangement Section

The purpose is to establish how the safety policy is to be achieved. This is done by
producing procedures which detail now hazards in the organization are to be identified
through risk assessment and control.

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