746 449 Sa - 05

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1.  Introduction ............................................................................. 4 

2.  Clinical applications................................................................ 7 

3.  Installation ............................................................................... 8 

4.  Operation ............................................................................... 11 

5.  Power operation .................................................................... 23 

6.  Patient weighing and egress detection ............................... 31 

7.  Decontamination ................................................................... 36 

8.  Care and preventive maintenance ....................................... 37 

9.  Accessories ........................................................................... 40 

10. Warranty and service ............................................................ 42 

11. Dimensions and technical data ............................................ 43 

Design Policy and Copyright

® and ™ are trademarks belonging to the ArjoHuntleigh group of companies.
© ArjoHuntleigh 2007.
As our policy is one of continuous development, we reserve the right to
modify designs without prior notice. The content of this publication may not
be copied either wholly or in part without the consent of ArjoHuntleigh.

Issue 5 09/2012

1 746-449-SA-5
Warnings, Cautions and Notes

WARNINGS given in these instructions identify possible hazards in

procedures or conditions, which if not correctly followed, could result in
death, injury or other serious adverse reactions.
Cautions given in these instructions identify possible hazards in
procedures or conditions, which if not correctly followed, could result in
equipment damage or failure.
Notes given in these instructions (indicated by ) are used to explain or
amplify a procedure or condition.

 Items marked with this symbol refer to optional features that are
not available on all beds.

General Warnings
Read and understand these instructions before operating the
bed. You must be trained in the proper use of this product, its
functions and controls, and any accessories.
These instructions are mandatory for the safe and effective
use of this product, including the safety of patients and
Unauthorised modifications or repairs to this product may
affect its safety and will invalidate any warranty.
ArjoHuntleigh accepts no liability for any incident, accident or
reduction in performance that may occur as a result of such
repairs or modifications.
To avoid the risk of electric shock, this product must be
connected to an electricity supply with a protective earth.
Do not use accessories that have not been designed or
approved for use with this bed.
Electrical equipment can be hazardous if misused.
Do not use electrically powered beds in the presence of
flammable gases such as anaesthetic agents.
Do not use electrically powered beds in operating theatres.
To disconnect the bed from the electricity supply for cleaning
or maintenance, remove the power plug from the wall socket.

2 746-449-SA-5
This product complies with the requirements of applicable
EMC standards. However, medical electrical equipment
requires special precautions regarding electromagnetic
compatibility and should be installed and used in accordance
with the EMC information in the product service manual.
Medical electrical equipment can be affected by portable and
mobile RF communications equipment, e.g. cellular

3 746-449-SA-5
1. Introduction

These instructions contain information for the installation, use and

maintenance of the ArjoHuntleigh Enterprise® 9000 range of acute care
hospital beds. These beds have multiple functions to provide the optimum
nursing position for both patient and carer.

Enterprise® 9000 range beds have the following features:

 Integrated patient weighing system with patient egress detection
 Infra red anti-entrapment system
 Electrical adjustment of bed height, leg section elevation and
kneebreak angle
 Electrically operated retracting backrest
 Bio-Contour advanced profiling system
 Electrical adjustment of head down tilt (Trendelenburg) and foot down
tilt (reverse Trendelenburg)
 Fowler (chair) or Vascular position selectable by carer
 Mattress support surface with removable plastic panels
 Integrated mattress platform extension
 Pull-out bedstripper
 Radio-translucent backrest with X-ray cassette tray 
 Accessory (DIN) or drainage bag rails below mattress platform 
 Available with various combinations of bed length and head end panel
as shown in the table:
9000B 9000D 9000K

Standard length mattress platform  

Short mattress platform 

Head end panel on base  

Head end panel on mattress platform 

 These illustrations in these instructions show model 9000B; the

other models are installed and used in the same way.

4 746-449-SA-5
The model number and serial number can be found on the
specification label; this is located on the power supply bracket below the
head end panel.

Specification label

5 746-449-SA-5
Product overview

1. Head end panel 12. Castor

2. Head end safety side 13. Bedstripper

3. Nurse’s controls 14. CPR release lever

4. Backrest section 15. Weighing system controls

5. Attendant Control Panel (ACP) 16. Accessory rail

6. Patient’s controls 17. Safety side release

7. Seat section 18. Foot end safety side

8. Upper leg (thigh) section 19. Anti-entrapment sensor

9. Lower leg (calf) section 20. Brake/steer pedal

10. Foot end panel 21. Lifting pole/accessory socket

11. Accessory socket 22. Roller buffer

6 746-449-SA-5
2. Clinical applications
Areas of use General medicine, general and specialist surgery, care
of the elderly, HDU, ITU, coronary care and oncology.

Indications The bed is appropriate for high dependency patients

who pose a movement and handling risk and / or
whose clinical condition requires that they are
positioned with minimal physical handling.
Patients with a moderate amount of independence can,
at the carer’s discretion, use the controls to adjust their
own position.
The mattress platform can be positioned to assist with
clinical procedures such as intubation; contact
ArjoHuntleigh for further information.
Contra- The total safe working
indications load of the bed is 250kg.

The bed is intended for use by patients over the age of

twelve years. The age, size and condition of the patient
must be assessed by a clinically qualified person
before using the bed.

The use of head down tilt (Trendelenburg) or foot down tilt
(reverse Trendelenburg) may be contra-indicated for certain
medical conditions.
The tilt facility should only be used under the guidance of a
clinically qualified person after assessment of the patient’s

7 746-449-SA-5
3. Installation
Weighing Position the bed on a flat, level surface and apply the
system brakes (refer to Chapter 4).
Remove the four transport locking bolts (A) and
washers (B); there are two locking bolts at the head
end of the bed and two at the foot end.
Retain the bolts and washers in case the bed needs to
be transported at a later date.


Removing the transport bolts

To prevent damage to the weighing mechanism, replace the
transport locking bolts and washers before transporting the
bed by road. This is not necessary when moving the bed
short distances over smooth surfaces.

8 746-449-SA-5
Before using the bed, make sure that the “Power In” rating
shown on the specification label (see page 5) is compatible
with the local electricity supply.
Electrical Connect the electrical supply cable to a suitable outlet
supply socket.
The electrical supply cable is fitted with a plastic hook.
When not in use or before moving the bed, clip the
hook (C) onto the head end panel, coil up the cable and
place it over the hook.

Cable storage and equipotential terminal

Make sure that the coiled electrical supply cable is not
stretched excessively.
Do not allow the electrical supply cable to trail on the floor
where it may cause a trip hazard.
Make sure that the electrical supply cable does not become
entangled with moving parts of the bed.
Before moving the bed, disconnect the electrical supply cable
from the electricity supply and store it as shown above.

9 746-449-SA-5
Do not allow the electrical supply cable to touch the bed frame
as this may affect the accuracy of the weighing system.

An equipotential terminal (D) is located at the head end of

the bed, above the roller buffer on the patient’s right side.
When other electrical equipment is within patient / user
reach, the potential difference between this equipment can
be equalised by interconnecting the equipotential
terminals of each piece of equipment.

Before the first use, or if the bed has been unused for more than
three months, connect the bed to the electricity supply for 24
hours to recharge the backup battery. Failure to do this may
reduce the life of the battery.
Model 9000D beds should be positioned with the roller buffers at
least 20cm from the rear wall to prevent the head end panel
striking the wall when the bed is in head down tilt

Recommended positioning for Model 9000D

10 746-449-SA-5
4. Operation
Safety  Always use a mattress of the correct size and type. A
range of suitable pressure reducing and pressure
relieving mattresses is available from ArjoHuntleigh.
 To reduce the risk of injury due to falls, leave the bed at
minimum height when the patient is unattended.
 Where risk assessment indicates that a patient is at high
risk of entrapment owing to their medical condition or
other circumstances, and where there is no medical
benefit from their being left in a contoured position,
place the mattress platform in the flat position when the
patient is left unattended.
 Patients should not be left in the Trendelenburg position
when unattended.
 It is recommended to use the Function Lockout facility
on the Attendant Control Panel (ACP) to prevent
unintended movement.
 When the bed is operated, make sure that obstacles such
as bedside furniture do not restrict movement.
 Before operating the bed, make sure that the patient is
positioned correctly to avoid entrapment or imbalance.
 Always apply the brakes when the bed is stationary.
 Keep these instructions in a safe place – you may need
to refer to them later.

11 746-449-SA-5
Brakes and There are four linked brake levers, two at either end of the
steering bed. Each lever has a red pedal and a green pedal.
 Red pedal down - brakes are applied on all four castors.
 Lever horizontal - all four castors can rotate and swivel.
 Green pedal down – the steering castor is locked so that it
cannot swivel; this is the head end castor on the patient’s
right unless otherwise specified.
When moving the bed, push it in the direction of travel so
that the castors are all in line; then press the green pedal
down to engage the steering castor. Push the bed from the
opposite end to where the steering castor is located.


 In these illustrations, the red pedal is shown in darker grey.

12 746-449-SA-5
Safety sides

Safety sides must only be used with a mattress of the correct
size and which is approved for use with the bed.
The maximum recommended mattress thickness for use with
safety sides is 180mm.
The clinically qualified person responsible should consider the
age, size and condition of the patient before allowing the use of
safety sides.
Safety sides are not intended to restrain patients who make a
deliberate attempt to exit the bed.
Ensure that the locking mechanism is securely engaged when
the safety sides are left in the raised position.

Safety side contact points are identified by this symbol.

Keep hands and fingers away from these areas.

When choosing bed and mattress combinations, it is important to assess the

use of safety sides based on clinical assessment of each individual patient
and in line with local policy.
When assessing the suitability of a mattress for use with safety sides, the
following factors should be considered:
 The bed is designed to provide an acceptable safety side height when
used with a foam mattress up to 180mm thick.
 Specialist powered air / foam replacement mattresses will typically
envelop the patient when loaded and can generally be deeper than a foam
mattress without compromising safety. All ArjoHuntleigh specialist
mattress replacements will maintain sufficient clearance between patients
and safety side tops to preserve the function of the safety side. Other
makes of specialist mattress replacement must be assessed individually
prior to use to verify sufficient clearance is maintained.
 When using a powered mattress overlay on top of a foam mattress, it may
be necessary (based on risk assessment) to use a lower profile foam
mattress to maintain a 180mm combination height.

13 746-449-SA-5
Safety sides - To lower the side:
operation Hold either safety side handle (E). Pull the release lever
(F) and lower the safety side. The safety side folds down
below the mattress platform.

To raise the side:

Hold either safety side handle (E). Pull the safety side up
and away from the bed until it locks in the raised

Safety side operation – head end

 Both the head end and foot end safety sides operate in the
same way.

Do not use the safety sides to lift or move the bed.

14 746-449-SA-5
Bedstripper The bedstripper is used for supporting clean linen when
the bed sheets are being changed. It may be equipped
with a folding frame to support a duvet.
To prepare the bedstripper for use, pull it out from below
the foot end panel (G).
After use, push the bedstripper back under the foot end
panel until it latches in the closed position.

Bedstripper - extended

The bedstripper load should not exceed

Make sure the bed is level before using the bedstripper.

15 746-449-SA-5
Extending the To extend the mattress platform:
mattress If the bed is tilted, use the bed controls to level the
platform mattress platform - refer to Chapter 5, Power Operation.
Pull down the catches (H) on the underside of the mattress
platform and rotate them a quarter turn to unlock the
Pull the extension out as far as it will go (I).
Rotate the catches (H) until they spring back up into the
locked position.

Mattress platform - extended

To retract the mattress platform:
Pull down the catches (H) on the underside of the mattress
platform and rotate them a quarter turn to unlock the
Push the extension back in as far as it will go.
Rotate the catches (H) until they spring back up into the
locked position.

Always install a suitable mattress extension (squab) when the
bed is extended.

16 746-449-SA-5
Emergency Manual CPR release handles are situated either side of the
CPR function bed, below the calf section.
To lower the backrest in an emergency, pull the CPR
release handle (J).
Alternatively, press and hold the CPR button on the
Attendant Control Panel; refer to Chapter 5 - Power

 The backrest will lower more quickly when using the manual CPR
release lever.

CPR emergency release handle

The backrest can fall quickly. Keep hands clear to avoid

17 746-449-SA-5
End panels The end panels can be easily lifted off the bed for fast
access to the patient.
 One or both end panels may be held in place with
spring catches. To remove this type of panel:
1. Foot end panel only: pull out the bedstripper to gain
access to the catches (K).
2. Pull out the two catches (K) and rotate them a quarter
3. Lift the end panel away from the bed (L).
4. Return the bedstripper to the closed position.

End panel removal

To replace the end panels:

1. Replace the end panels on the bed.
2. Foot end panel only: pull out the bedstripper to gain
access to the catches (K).
3. Rotate the catches (K) until they spring back into the
locked position.
4. Return the bedstripper to the closed position.

18 746-449-SA-5
X-ray cassette The X-ray cassette tray allows thoracic X-ray photography
tray  with the backrest at any angle and without the patient
moving from the bed.

Position the mattress platform at an ergonomic height to allow
easy loading and removal of X-ray cassettes.
Return the X-ray cassette tray to its closed position below the
backrest before raising or lowering the backrest.
Do not sit or place heavy objects on the X-ray cassette tray.
Ensure the X-ray cassette tray is held securely in place by the
catch at all times.

Operation Apply the brakes. Remove the head end panel from the
Pull the knob (M) to release the catch and slide the
cassette tray out (N) as far as will go. It may be necessary
to raise the backrest slightly to allow the tray to slide out.

X-ray cassette tray operation

19 746-449-SA-5
Release the knob to hold the tray in the fully open
position (P). Position the X-ray cassette (Q) on the tray
with its bottom edge against the lip at the foot end of the

Positioning the X-ray cassette

Pull the knob and slide the tray underneath the backrest.
Release the knob to hold the tray in one of the five
latching positions.
The bottom edge of the X-ray cassette at each latching
position is indicated by labels below the backrest; use
these to determine which position provides best coverage
of the area to be X-rayed.

4 3 2 1 0
Position indicator label (patient’s right side)
After use, pull the tray out to the fully open position and
remove the X-ray cassette. Return the tray to the closed
position below the backrest and replace the head end

20 746-449-SA-5
Lifting pole Two lifting pole sockets are located at the head end of
and the mattress platform (R). They can also be used for
accessory other approved accessories.
sockets Two smaller accessory sockets are provided at the foot
end of the bed (S).

Lifting pole sockets Accessory sockets

(head end) (foot end)

Accessory Accessory rails are located below the seat section on

rails  either side of the bed. These can be used to support urine
bags and other drainage equipment.

Do not exceed the accessory rail’s safe working load of 5kg
total weight.

DIN accessory rail Drainage bag rail

21 746-449-SA-5
Angle The backrest hinges and thigh section hinges are
indicators equipped with angle markings. These can be used to give
an approximate indication of backrest or leg elevation.

Backrest angle indicator

 Bed section angles and tilt angle are also shown on the
weighing system display – refer to Chapter 5.

22 746-449-SA-5
5. Power operation
Patient’s The Patient’s controls are located on the inside panel of the
controls head end safety sides. They operate three bed functions as
shown below.

Patient’s controls Patient’s controls

(patient’s left side) (patient’s right side)

Nurse’s The Nurse’s controls are located on the outside panel of the
controls head end safety sides. They operate four bed functions as
shown below.

Nurse’s controls Nurse’s controls

(patient’s left side) (patient’s right side)

Leg sections

Backrest angle
Bio-Contour (simultaneously adjusts backrest and leg
elevation to achieve a comfortable sitting position)

Mattress platform height

Direction keys

23 746-449-SA-5
Attendant Control Panel (ACP)
Attendant Control Panels are located on the outside panel
of the foot end safety sides.
The ACP controls all bed functions as shown below.


Mains on indicator. Lit green when the bed is connected to

the electricity supply.
Battery indicator. Refer to Battery operation later in
this chapter.
Anti-entrapment indicator. Refer to Anti-entrapment
system later in this chapter.

Fowler or Vascular mode selection

CPR function Underbed light

Mattress platform

Backrest angle

Tilt Leg sections elevation

Kneebreak angle

Function lockout

Direction keys

24 746-449-SA-5
Adjusting the mattress platform
The control keys are illuminated from behind to assist
operation in darkened rooms.

Press the appropriate key to select the Function required:

 Mattress platform height
 Backrest angle
 Leg sections elevation
 Kneebreak angle
 Bio-Contour®
The indicator above the key will light green.

Press and hold either Direction key until the required

position is achieved. Movement will continue until the
Direction key is released or the limit of travel is reached.

 If neither Direction key is pressed within ten seconds of

pressing a Function key, the indicator above the Function key
will go out and the function must be selected again.

 If a warning tone (beep) sounds when pressing either

Direction key, this indicates that the bed is operating on the
backup battery – refer to the section Battery operation.

Tilt Head down tilt (Trendelenburg) and foot down tilt

(reverse Trendelenburg) can be applied using the
Attendant Control Panel.
Press the Tilt Function key. The indicator above it will
light green.
Press and hold either Direction key until the required tilt
angle is achieved. The mattress platform will continue to
move until the Direction key is released or the limit of
travel is reached.

 When returning from a tilted position, the mattress platform

will pause briefly at the horizontal position before continuing
its movement.

25 746-449-SA-5
Bed angle When operating the controls for backrest, thigh section,
indication kneebreak or tilt, the weighing system display shows the
approximate angle (in degrees) of the selected function.
Angles are shown relative to the ground, so the displayed
values of backrest, thigh or kneebreak angle change when
the bed is tilted.
The tilt angle is shown as a positive value when the bed is
in foot down tilt and negative when in head down tilt.

 The angle display is for indication only. The values shown

may not be exact due to variations in manufacture.

Extra-low When the mattress platform is at low height, the bed can
height be lowered by a further 8cm (approximately) as follows:

Press and hold the mattress platform height Function

key; at the same time, press and hold the Down Direction
key. Hold down both keys until the mattress platform
stops moving.

At extra-low height, clearance below the bed is reduced. Take
care when using patient hoists with the bed in this position.

26 746-449-SA-5
Additional ACP features
Function Under certain circumstances it may be necessary to
lockout prevent operation of the bed controls, e.g. when traction
equipment is being used.

To selectively disable bed functions:

Press the Function Lockout key on the Attendant Control
Panel. The indicator above the Lockout key will light red.
Press the ACP Function key corresponding to the function
to be disabled. The indicator above the key will light

To disable ALL bed functions simultaneously:

Press and hold the Function Lockout key for five seconds.

 If no Function key is pressed within five seconds of pressing

the Lockout key, the indicator above the Lockout key will go
out and the Lockout function must be selected again.

 Function Lockout settings are retained when the bed is

disconnected from the electricity supply.

To reinstate previously disabled bed functions:

Press the Function Lockout key on the Attendant Control
Panel. The indicator above the Lockout key will light.
Press the ACP Function key corresponding to the function
to be reinstated. The indicator above the key will go out.

CPR emergency
Press and hold the CPR key. This will flatten, and if
necessary lower, the mattress platform to enable cardio-
pulmonary resuscitation to be carried out.

27 746-449-SA-5
Underbed light
Press this key to turn the underbed light on or off. The
indicator above the key lights amber when the underbed
light is on.

Fowler /
Vascular mode In Fowler (chair)
mode, the calf section
is angled down and the
legs are lowered below
the mattress platform.

In Vascular mode, the

calf section remains
horizontal and the legs
are raised above the
mattress platform.

Press the left-hand key to select Fowler mode, or the right-

hand key to select Vascular mode. An amber indicator
will light above the selected mode.

Duty rating lockout

Continuous operation of the controls may exceed the duty
rating of the electrical system, causing the indicators
above the function keys to flash. After 30 seconds, the
indicators will light and all functions are disabled.
If this happens, wait for five minutes then follow the
procedure described above, To reinstate previously
disabled bed functions.

28 746-449-SA-5
Anti-entrapment system
Overview On the base of the bed an infra red transmitter/receiver (P)
is located above each castor. These generate an invisible
beam around the perimeter of the bed that forms the basis
of the anti-entrapment system.

Anti-entrapment beam
Operation The anti-entrapment indicator on the ACP is normally lit
green. If the anti-entrapment beam is interrupted, the
indicator changes to red and downward movement of the
mattress platform is prevented until the obstruction is
If the anti-entrapment indicator is lit red when no
obstruction is present, this may indicate a fault. Contact
ArjoHuntleigh or an approved service agent.

 The anti-entrapment system may be triggered if the beam is

interrupted by bed clothes etc.

Clean the lenses of the infra red receiver/transmitter units
regularly using a soft dry cloth.

29 746-449-SA-5
Battery operation
The backup battery is automatically switched on if the bed
is disconnected from the electricity supply. The battery
provides emergency operation of all powered functions for
short periods of time, e.g. while the bed is being moved
between wards.
When the bed is operating from the backup battery, the
control system indicates the battery status as follows.
If an intermittent warning tone (beep-beep-beep) sounds
when operating the bed, the battery is fully charged. In
this condition all bed functions remain operational.

If a continuous warning tone sounds when operating the

bed, the battery is at low charge.
In this condition, all functions except CPR and Tilt will be
disabled five seconds after the last key is pressed. The
other functions can be temporarily reinstated by pressing
the Function Lockout key once.

If the ACP battery indicator lights red, the battery is fully

discharged. In this condition, all functions are disabled.

Recharging the To recharge the battery, connect the bed to the electricity
backup battery supply. Recharging the battery when it is completely
discharged requires a minimum of eight hours.
While the battery is charging, the ACP battery indicator
lights amber. The indicator will go out when the battery is
fully charged.
To ensure that battery is kept fully charged, and prevent
damage to the battery, the bed should be connected to the
electricity supply at all times during normal use.

30 746-449-SA-5
6. Patient weighing and egress detection
Controls The controls for the weighing system and patient egress
detection are located on the foot end safety side panel.

Patient weighing and egress detection controls

Enable Zero

Select Weight



Patient Egress (on/off/reset)

Alarm Volume Alarm Volume Indicator


 If no function key is pressed within ten seconds of pressing the

Enable key, the indicator above the Enable key will go out and
the operator must press the Enable key again.

31 746-449-SA-5
Patient weighing system

 Local regulations governing Non Automatic Weighing

Instruments may require the weighing system to be periodically
inspected and verified by an approved person.
Overview The weighing system is based around four load cells
installed in the bed frame. The electrical outputs from
these load cells are integrated in a load converter and the
result passed to the user interface.
Accuracy The weighing system is very sensitive and can be affected
by a number of external factors. For best performance,
observe the following precautions:
 Install the bed on a flat, level surface.
 Remove the transport locking bolts and washers before
use – refer to Chapter 3, Installation.
 Position the bed so that it is clear of obstructions, e.g.
walls, furniture, cables and curtains.
 Ensure the patient is positioned centrally on the bed.
 While weighing is taking place, the patient should keep
as still as possible and other persons should keep clear
of the bed.
 Ensure that pillows and bed linen do not touch the head
end panel during weighing (this does not apply to
model 9000D).
Initialisation When the bed is first connected to the electricity supply,
the display will indicate COLD for approximately two
minutes until the weighing system stabilises.
Before using the weighing system it must be initialised as

Place the mattress, bed linen and all necessary accessories

on the bed.

Press the Enable key followed by the Zero key.

The indicator above the Zero key will light green for a
few seconds before the display reads zero (0.0).

Place the patient on the bed.

32 746-449-SA-5
 The zero point can only be set if the load on the bed is 25kg or
less above the factory calibrated zero.
If the user attempts to set the zero point more than once,
the display will show error code E001. To clear the error,
disconnect the bed from the electricity supply for ten
seconds; when power is restored, the zero point will revert
to the previous setting.


Press the Enable key followed by the Weigh key.

The display will show a moving circular pattern until a

stable weight reading is obtained.
The patient’s weight will be displayed for ten seconds
then the display will go blank.

The weight is displayed rounded to the nearest 500g; this

can be temporarily changed to 100g by pressing the Select
Weight Display key. The display will revert to 500g next
time the Weigh key is pressed.

 The 100g weight display should only be used for comparative


Auto The Auto compensation facility allows weight to be added

compensation to or removed from the bed, without affecting the
indicated patient weight.

To use Auto compensation:

With the patient lying on the bed, press the Enable key
followed by the Auto Compensation key.

The display will indicate AUTO.

Add or remove accessories, bed linen, etc. as required.

Press the Enable key followed by the Auto

Compensation key. The indicators above the keys will go
out and the display will show the patient’s weight as
described above.

33 746-449-SA-5
 Auto compensation allows the addition or removal of weights up
to 100kg.

Error codes Error codes are shown on the display. They are used to
indicate a problem with the weighing system; this may be
due to an operator error or a possible fault condition.
Error codes are displayed until the problem is removed.
The table below shows common error codes with their
meanings and possible causes.

Display Condition Probable cause

The zero point was set more than 25kg

Zero error
 above the factory calibrated zero

The total load on the bed exceeds

Overload error
 254.5kg

The total load on the bed is more than

Underload error
 10kg below the zero point

User tried to change the set zero point

Multiple zero error
 – refer to the Initialisation section

Auto Compensation Auto Compensation was attempted for

 negative error a weight decrease >100kg

Auto Compensation Auto Compensation was attempted for

 positive error a weight increase >100kg

A stable weight reading was not

Unstable weight
obtained within 10 seconds of pressing
 reading the Weigh key

If the display shows an error code other than those given above,
refer to the product service manual or contact an approved
ArjoHuntleigh service agent.

34 746-449-SA-5
Patient egress detection
Overview Patient egress detection uses data from the weighing
system to determine if the patient has left the bed.
The egress detection alarm is triggered when the measured
weight falls by 50% or more for longer than two seconds;
this helps to prevent false alarms, particularly if the
patient is restless.
Operation To enable patient egress detection:
With the patient lying on the bed, press the Enable key
followed by the Patient Egress key. The indicator above
the Patient Egress key will light green to indicate that the
system is active.

If the patient gets out of bed, an alarm will sound and the
indicator above the Patient Egress key will light red.

To cancel the alarm or disable egress detection:

Press the Enable key followed by the Patient Egress key.
The audible alarm will cease and the indicator above the
Patient Egress key will go out.

Alarm volume The volume (loudness) of the patient egress alarm can be
adjusted so that the alarm can be heard at the nurse’s
To adjust the volume of the egress alarm:
Press the Enable key, then press the Alarm Volume Set
key repeatedly until the desired alarm volume is achieved.
The lights on the alarm volume indicator show the alarm
volume level as follows:


By default, the alarm volume is set to HIGH.

35 746-449-SA-5
7. Decontamination

Disconnect the bed from the electricity supply before carrying
out decontamination procedures.

 These instructions also apply to accessories but not to

mattresses or safety side pads.
Cleaning Wearing suitable protective clothing, clean all surfaces
with a disposable cloth soaked in a neutral detergent and
hand hot water.
The head and foot end panels, and mattress platform
sheets, can be removed from the bed for cleaning.
Start by cleaning the upper sections of the bed and work
along all horizontal surfaces. Work methodically towards
the lower sections of the bed and clean the wheels last.
Take extra care to clean areas that may trap dust or dirt.
Rinse with clean water and dry with disposable paper
Allow the cleaned parts to dry before replacing the

Disinfecting After cleaning the bed as described above, wipe all

surfaces with sodium dichloroisocyanurate (NaDCC) at a
concentration of 1,000 parts per million (0.1%) of
available chlorine.
In the case of pooling body fluids, e.g. blood, the
concentration of NaDCC should be increased to 10,000
parts per million (1%) of available chlorine.

Do not use abrasive compounds or pads.
Do not use phenol-based disinfectant solutions.

36 746-449-SA-5
8. Care and preventive maintenance

This product is subject to wear and tear during use. To ensure that it
continues to perform within its original specification, preventive
maintenance procedures should be carried out at the intervals shown.

This list indicates the minimum level of preventive
maintenance recommended by the manufacturer. More
frequent inspections should be carried out when the product
is subjected to heavy use or aggressive environments, or
where required by local regulations.
Failure to carry out these checks, or continuing to use the
product if a fault is found, may compromise the safety of both
the patient and carer. Preventive maintenance can help to
prevent accidents.
Disconnect the bed from the electricity supply before starting
any maintenance activity. The bed will still operate on battery
power if control buttons are pressed and the function has not
been disabled using the ACP. If required the backup battery
can be removed from the bracket below the head end of the

Actions to be done by carer/user Daily Weekly Yearly

Cleaning and disinfection 

Examine lifting pole strap and handle  

Check patient handset and cable 

Check ACP handset and cable 

Check operation of anti-entrapment system  

Check operation of safety sides 

Visually check castors 

Visually check electrical supply cable and

Check mattress and safety side pads  

37 746-449-SA-5
If the result of any of these tests is unsatisfactory, contact an Arjo
Huntleigh approved service agent.

The procedures below must be carried out by suitably trained
and qualified personnel. Failure to do so may result in injury
or an unsafe product.

Actions to be done by qualified personnel Daily Weekly Yearly

Carry out a full test of all electrical bed
positioning functions (backrest, height, tilt, 
Ask a person of known weight to lie on the
bed and check that their weight is indicated 
correctly on the weighing system display
Enable the patient egress detection system
and check that the patient egress alarm is 
triggered when the person gets off the bed
Check that the bed operates correctly when
using battery power- see below

Check operation of the manual CPR release

levers on both sides of the bed

Check operation of castors, paying particular

attention to braking and steering functions

Check that the bed extension locks securely

in both the normal and extended positions

Check that the bedstripper latches securely

in the closed position

Examine the electrical supply cable and plug;

replace the complete assembly if damaged, 
do not use a rewireable plug or adapter
Examine all accessible flexible cables for
damage and deterioration

Check all nuts, bolts and other fasteners are
present and correctly tightened

Check all bed accessories, paying particular

attention to fasteners and moving parts

38 746-449-SA-5
Battery test
Every 12 months, check the condition of the backup battery by carrying out
the following test.
1. Disconnect the bed from the electricity supply.
2. Raise the mattress platform to maximum height -
ignore the battery warning tone.
3. Raise the backrest and thigh sections as far as they will
4. Press and hold the CPR key on the Attendant Control
Panel (ACP). The mattress platform will move to a flat,
mid-height position.
5. Lower the mattress platform to minimum height (not

6. Apply maximum head down tilt (Trendelenburg).

7. Return the mattress platform to the horizontal position.

Apply maximum foot down tilt (reverse Trendelenburg).

If this test is not completed successfully, connect the bed

to the electricity supply for at least eight hours to recharge
the battery then perform the test again. If the bed fails a
second time, contact ArjoHuntleigh or an approved
service agent.

39 746-449-SA-5
9. Accessories

A full range of accessories, including mattresses, is available from

ArjoHuntleigh. Details are available on request.
Accessories currently available for the Enterprise 9000 range are shown
in the table below.

Lifting pole with strap and handle ENT-ACC01

IV pole ENT-ACC02
Two-position lifting pole with strap and handle ENT-ACC03
Angled IV pole ENT-ACC04
Fracture frame (for use with Enterprise 9000D ONLY) ENT-ACC05
Syringe pump holder ENT-ACC07
Oxygen bottle holder (for CD, D, E and PD cylinders) ENT-ACC08
Small traction assembly ENT-ACC10
Double bottle holder ENT-ACC12
Lifting pole mounted IV bag holder ENT-ACC13
Drainage jar holder ENT-ACC17
Oxygen bottle holder (B5 size) ENT-ACC18
Urine bottle holder ENT-ACC19
Folding monitor shelf ENT-ACC20
Foot end infill panel ENT-ACC22
Servicing kit ENT-ACC23
Heavy duty IV pole ENT-ACC24
Transducer mounting pole ENT-ACC26
Pads for split safety sides ENT-ACC31
Head end traction assembly ENT-ACC32
ITU head end panel ENT-ACC34
Mattress platform gap filler ENT-ACC35
Wide folding monitor shelf ENT-ACC36
Oxylog® equipment bracket ENT-ACC40

40 746-449-SA-5

Push bar for porters ENT-ACC41

Bedpan holder ENT-ACC56
Oxygen bottle holder (New Zealand type A) ENT-ACC58
Pentaflex pressure reducing foam mattress for 9000B/D 250PM202088
ConformX foam mattress for 9000B/D 150CX202088
Pentaflex pressure reducing foam mattress for 9000K 250PM192088
ConformX foam mattress for 9000K 150CX192088
Pentaflex mattress squab SQB1
Breeze® low air loss system LAL001
Nimbus® 3 dynamic flotation system 151010
AlphaRelief® alternating pressure relief system ALR01

 Extend the mattress platform when using air mattress systems

(e.g. Breeze®) on beds with a short mattress platform (e.g.

Some accessories may not be available in all markets.

ArjoHuntleigh reserves the right to alter accessory details and availability
without notification.

41 746-449-SA-5
10. Warranty and service

ArjoHuntleigh standard terms and conditions apply to all sales; a copy is

available on request. These contain full details of warranty terms and do
not limit the statutory rights of the consumer.
For service, maintenance and any questions regarding this product, please
contact your local ArjoHuntleigh office or authorised distributor. A list of
ArjoHuntleigh offices can be found at the back of these instructions.

Product lifetime
The lifetime of this product is typically ten (10) years. “Lifetime” is
defined as the period during which the product will maintain the specified
performance and safety, provided it has been maintained and operated in
conditions of normal use in accordance with the requirements in these

42 746-449-SA-5
11. Dimensions and technical data

Dimensions All dimensions are subject to normal manufacturing tolerances

9000B / 9000D 9000K
Overall length 228cm 217cm
Extended 240cm 229cm
In-bed length 203cm 192cm
Extended 215cm 204cm
Overall width 99cm 99cm
With safety sides raised 104cm 104cm
Mattress size 203 x 88 x 12.5cm 192 x 88 x 12.5cm

Height of mattress platform Min. Max. Extra low

125mm single castors 38cm 77cm 30cm
150mm twin castors 40cm 79cm 32cm
150mm single castors 40cm 79cm 32cm

Head down tilt (Trendelenburg) 0 to 12°

Foot down tilt (reverse
0 to 12°
Mattress platform angles (max.)

Product weight (approx.) 185kg
Safe working load 250kg

Operating temperature 5C to 40C

43 746-449-SA-5
Electrical data
Power input 5.7A max. at 120V a.c. 60Hz
3A max. at 230V a.c. 50/60Hz.
Duty rating Intermittent 10% (2 min. / 18 min.)
Safety Standards Classified by
(120V versions) Underwriters
Laboratories Inc. in
accordance with IEC
60601-1 and IEC 60601-2-38

Safety Standards Complies with EN 60601-1 and EN

(230V versions) 60601-2-38 (IEC 60601-1 and IEC
Electric shock protection Class I Type B

EMC Complies with EN 60601-1-2: 2001

Equipotential terminal Complies with IEC 60601-1

Liquid ingress protection IPX4

Backup battery 2 x 12V series connected, sealed,
rechargeable lead/acid gel, 1.2Ah.

Weighing system
Minimum verification interval
(scale division, e)
Maximum capacity 250kg
Minimum capacity 10kg
Approvals EC type approval no. UK2823
Non-automatic weighing instrument to
90/384/EEC Class III

44 746-449-SA-5

250kg Safe working load

Equipotential terminal

Protective earth (ground)

Alternating current (a.c.)

Caution, refer to Instructions for use

Type B applied part

Date of manufacture / name of manufacturer

Complies with European Medical Devices Directive


Complies with European Non-Automatic Weighing

Instruments Directive 90/384/EEC

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) -

do not dispose of this product in general household or
commercial waste

45 746-449-SA-5
Transportation and Storage
Handle with care. Do not drop. Avoid shock or violent impact.
This equipment should be stored in a clean, dry and well ventilated area
under the following conditions:
Storage temperature -10C to 50C
Relative humidity 20% to 90% at 30C non-condensing
Air pressure 700 to 1060hPa

Environmental Protection
Incorrect disposal of this equipment and its component parts, particularly
gas springs, actuators, batteries and other electrical devices, may produce
substances that are hazardous to the environment. To minimize these
hazards, contact ArjoHuntleigh for information on correct disposal.

46 746-449-SA-5
ArjoHuntleigh Pty Ltd. ArjoHuntleigh India Pve. Ltd. ArjoHuntleigh GmbH
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Tel. 08 9337 4111 Andheri (West) Tel. 0512 20 4160-0
Fax 08 9337 9077 Mumbai 400053 Fax 0512 20 416075
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[email protected] Fax 022 6694 6698
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BELGIQUE / BELGIË ArjoHuntleigh Polska Sp. Z o.o.
ArjoHuntleigh NV/SA INTERNATIONAL ul. Ks. Piotra Wawrzyniaka 2
Evenbroekveld 16 ArjoHuntleigh International Ltd. 62-052 Komorniki (Poznan)
9420 Erpe-Mere ArjoHuntleigh House Tel. 61 662 1550
Tel. 053 60 73 80 Houghton Hall Business Park Fax 61 662 1590
Fax 053 60 73 81 Houghton Regis e-mail [email protected]
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United Kingdom PORTUGAL
CANADA Tel. +44 1582 745800 MAQUET Portugal, Lda.
ArjoHuntleigh Canada Inc. Fax +44 1582 745866 Rua Poeta Bocage No. 2-2G
Unit C e-mail [email protected] 1600-233 Lisboa
1575 South Gateway Road Tel. 214 189 815
Mississauga ON L4W 5J1 IRELAND Fax 214 177 413
Tel. 905 238 7880 ArjoHuntleigh Ireland Ltd. e-mail [email protected]
Fax 905 238 7881 Unit 16-18 Sydenham Business Park
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Belfast ArjoHuntleigh AG
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ArjoHuntleigh s.r.o. Tel. 02890 502000 4614 Hägendorf
Hlinky 118 Fax 02890 50200 Tel. 061 337 9777
603 00 Brno e-mail [email protected] Fax 061 311 9742
Tel. 549 254 252 e-mail [email protected]
Fax 541 213 550 ITALIA
e-mail [email protected] ArjoHuntleigh S.p.A. SOUTH AFRICA
432, Via di Tor Vergata ArjoHuntleigh Africa Pty Limited
DANMARK 00133-Roma 120 Willem Cruywagen Avenue
ArjoHuntleigh A/S Tel. 06 8742 6211 Klerksoord
Vassingerødvej 52 Fax 06 8742 6222 Pretoria
3540 Lynge e-mail [email protected] Tel. 012 542 4680
Tel. 49 13 84 86 Fax 012 542 4982
Fax 49 13 84 87 MIDDLE EAST e-mail [email protected]
e-mail [email protected] ArjoHuntleigh Middle East
Office G005 Nucleotide Complex SUOMI
DEUTSCHLAND DuBiotech City ArjoHuntleigh OY
ArjoHuntleigh GmbH PO Box 214742 Vanha Porvoontie 229
Peter-Sander-Straße 10 Dubai, UAE 01380 Vantaa
55252 Mainz-Kastel Tel. +971 4 447 0942 Tel. 09 4730 4320
Tel. 06134 186 0 Fax +971 4 447 2814 Fax 09 4730 4999
Fax 06134 186 160 e-mail [email protected]
e-mail [email protected] SVERIGE
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Carretera de Rubi, 88, 1a planta - A1 4004 MB Tiel Tel. 010-335 45 00
08173 - Sant Cugat del Vallés Tel. 0344 640800 Fax 0413-138 76
Barcelona Fax 0344 640885 e-mail [email protected]
Tel. 93 583 1120 e-mail [email protected]
Fax 93 583 1122 UNITED KINGDOM
e-mail [email protected] NEW ZEALAND ArjoHuntleigh UK
ArjoHuntleigh Ltd ArjoHuntleigh House
FAR EAST 41 Vestey Drive Houghton Hall Business Park
ArjoHuntleigh (HK) Limited Mount Wellington Houghton Regis
2909-16, 29/F, Tower 1 Auckland 1060 Dunstable LU5 5XF
Kowloon Commerce Centre Tel. 09 573 5344 Tel. 01582 745700
51 Kwai Cheong Road Free Call 0800 000 151 Fax 01582 745745
Kwai Chung Fax 09 573 5384 e-mail [email protected]
Hong Kong e-mail [email protected]
Tel. +852 2207 6363 U.S.A.
Fax +852 2207 6368 NORGE ArjoHuntleigh Inc.
ArjoHuntleigh Norway AS 2349 W. Lake Street
FRANCE Ryenstubben 2 Suite 250
ArjoHuntleigh SAS 0679 Oslo Addison IL 60101
2 Avenue Alcide de Gasperi Tel. 22 08 00 50 Tel. 630 307 2756
CS 70133 Fax 22 08 00 51 Fax 630 307 6196
59436 Roncq CEDEX e-mail e-mail [email protected]
Tel. 03 20 28 13 13 [email protected]
Fax 03 20 28 13 14
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