Practice Sample Questions STA404

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STA404 Regression and Correlation Analysis

Practice/Sample Questions
Lecture 1 to 5
o Solve these questions yourself without any help.
o After your attempt, compare them yourself with lectures notes.
o MCQs answers are given at the end.

MCQs (See answer at the end)

1. In scatter plot, which variable is drawn on the y-axis?
a) Dependent variable
b) Independent variable
c) Normal variable
d) Residual variable

2. The value we would predict for the dependent variable when the independent variables are all
equal to zero is called:
a) Slope
b) Sum of residual
c) Intercept
d) Regression

3. The least square regression equation is a line that is always passing through
a) The point (X, Y)
b) The Point (Y, X)

c) The point ( X ,Y )

d) The point (Y , X )

4. The range of the correlation coefficient is:

a) -1 to 1
b) 0 to 1
c) -1 to 0
d) 0 to 100
5. The correlation coefficient is the _______ of two regression coefficients.
a) Geometric mean
b) Arithmetic mean
c) Harmonic mean
d) Median

Descriptive Questions (2, 3 or 5 marks)

 Write down the two normal equation of the regression line ŷ  a  bx .

 Below is a scatter plot. Identify which one is independent and dependent variable?

 By using the regression line yˆ  1.7  1.9 x , find the residual (error) values.

x y
-1 0
0 2
1 4
2 5
 Using the data below, find the centroid of the data.

x y
1 10
2 8
3 12
4 16
5 20

 Determine the value of slop b in the regression equation ŷ  a  bx by using the following
 X  1710;  Y  760;  XY  130628;
 X 2  293162; n  10

 In a regression analysis, we computed SSE = 23.5 and SST = 204.7. Find the value of SSR.

 Fit the least square regression line of Y on X for the given data:

1 1 1 1
2 1 4 2
3 2 9 6
4 2 16 8
5 3 25 15

 In a study to determine the relationship between two variables, a coefficient of correlation of

-0.90 was obtained. What you can say about the relationship of these variables?

 Give examples of two variables that are positively correlated.

 Find the coefficient of rank correlation from the following ranking of 10 students in
Statistics and Mathematics.

Statistic Mathematics
s (X) (Y)
6 5
7 8
8 10
9 6
10 9

 What values simple correlation coefficient r may assume? Interpret the meaning when r = -1

 Find the correlation coefficient of X and Y from the following data and interpret the
X  156, Y  168, XY  3109, X 2  3024, Y 2  3294, n  9

 What information you can draw about the correlation from the following scatter plot?

Answers for MCQs:
1 (a)

2 (c)

3 (c)

4 (a)

5 (a)

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