Streaking Kittens-Rules

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this is the second expansion
Don’t Know How to Play?
You can find the instructions
to the full game at:

the rules
contents: 15 cards

setup 7
Remove any extra Exploding Kittens
from the game.

Remove the Exploding Kittens (4)
and Defuse Cards (6) from your
Exploding Kittens deck as normal.

Insert any extra Defuse Cards back into
the deck.

Remove the Exploding Kitten (1) from
the Streaking Kittens expansion deck.

two or three players

Combine the 14 remaining Streaking Put only 2 of the extra Defuse Cards back into
Kittens expansion cards with the rest of the deck. Remove the remaining Defuse Cards
from the game.
the cards from the main deck and
shuffle the deck.

Shuffle the deck and put it face down in
the center of the table. This is your
Draw Pile.

Deal 7 cards face down to each player.

(Be sure to leave some space

for a Discard Pile as well.)

Deal 1 Defuse Card to each player
for a total hand of 8 cards per player.
Keep your hand secret.
10 Pick a player to go first and start
playing as usual.

faster game Variant

Before inserting any Kittens into the deck,
randomly remove about one third of the deck
from the game (you will be playing with

Insert enough Exploding Kittens back approximately two thirds of a deck, but you
won’t know which cards have been removed).
into the deck so that the total number of
Then, shuffle the appropriate number of
Kittens is equal to the number of players - Exploding Kittens into the Draw Pile, and
this is 1 more Exploding Kitten than start the game.
normal because the Streaking Kitten Card
allows a player to hold an Exploding Kitten
in their hand without exploding!

follow the instructions on each

card to learn what it does.

stop reading!
imploding kittens
If you are playing with the Imploding Kittens
go play!
If you have questions about specific
expansion deck, insert the Imploding Kitten and
enough Exploding Kittens back into the deck so
that the total number of Kittens (Imploding and
cards, flip this sheet over.
Exploding) is equal to the number of players.

Copyright Exploding Kittens 2018


streaking Kitten 1 card catomic bomb 1 card

While this card is in your hand, you can Remove all the Exploding Kittens from the
also secretly hold 1 Exploding Kitten Draw Pile so that everyone can see them.
without exploding. Then, shuffle the Draw Pile, and return the
Exploding Kittens face down on top.
but... End your turn without drawing a card.
If the Streaking Kitten leaves your hand for any
reason, the Exploding Kitten in your hand will
imploding kittens
If you are playing with the Imploding Kittens
If another player steals or receives an expansion deck, do not remove the Imploding
Exploding Kitten from your hand, they explode. Kitten when you remove the Exploding Kittens.
They must defuse it or lose the game.

If you take any action causing you to play

an Exploding Kitten from your hand into the
Discard Pile, you explode. You must defuse mark 3 cards
it or lose the game.
Pick a target player. Randomly pick 1 of
IMPORTANT - Streaking Kittens and Exploding their cards and “mark” it by returning the
Kittens cannot be used with the 5 Card Special card to their hand facing out to the other
Combo. This means you can't use either of players. The card is still part of their hand
them in your collection of 5 cards, nor can you
(and they can look at it), but it must stay
remove either of them from the Discard Pile.
marked until it is played or stolen.
Why? Because it breaks the game. Don't break
the game...the game loves you. If a marked card is stolen, it doesn’t stay marked.

imploding kittens curse of the cat butt 2 cards

If you’re playing with the Imploding Kittens Pick a target player. That player must
expansion deck, the Streaking Kitten does not
immediately make their cards BLIND by
affect the Imploding Kitten.
putting them face down on the table and
shuffling them. The blind player is not allowed
to look at any of their cards until they
successfully draw a card from the Draw
exploding Kitten 1 card Pile without exploding.
On their turn, if the blind player decides to play
Extra Exploding Kitten Card to
any cards, those cards must be picked
accommodate the Streaking Kitten.
randomly and played face up on the Discard
Pile. If the card is playable, play as normal.
If not, (a single Cat Card, etc.) the card is lost.
super skip 1 card
End your turn without drawing a card. If you’re
BLIND Exploding Kitten
supposed to take multiple turns, end them all If you draw an Exploding Kitten (and don’t have
exploding kitten

(useful when you’ve been attacked).

a Streaking Kitten), that does not count as mark
three of a kind
successfully drawing a card. You must now play garbage collection

cards blindly until you play a Defuse. All non-Defuse Cards

see the future (5x) 1 card

played are lost without any effect. After successfully defusing
the Exploding Kitten, you can return to non-blind play.
If you play an Exploding Kitten while blind, you explode
Privately view the top 5 cards from the Draw immediately and must blindly defuse the Exploding Kitten
Pile, and put them back in the same order. or lose the game.
Don’t show the cards to the other players. If you’re the most unlucky person in the world and play an
Exploding Kitten while trying to defuse an Exploding Kitten,
you must defuse each of them before continuing.

alter the future (5x) 1 card BLIND Favor

If you play a Favor Card while blind, you may look at the
Privately view the top 5 cards from the card you receive before turning it face down and shuffling
it into your hand on the table.
Draw Pile, and rearrange them in any
order you’d like. BLIND Mark
If an opponent marks you while you are blind (or if you
become blind while holding a marked card), the marked
card must remain facing the opposite direction from the
swap top and bottom 3 cards rest of your hand until it is played or stolen.

Swap the top and bottom cards of the BLIND Three of a Kind
If an opponent plays the “Three of a Kind” special combo
Draw Pile without looking. on you while you are blind, find the card requested (if you
have it), give it to them, then put your cards back on the
table blind and shuffle them.

garbage collection 1 card BLIND Garbage Collection

If Garbage Collection is played while you are blind, you
Every player who has cards (including the must pick a card to contribute without looking at your
player who played this card) must choose 1 cards. After you have made your selection, you may
secretly view the card (so that if you’ve accidentally
card from their hand to secretly insert into the given up a Streaking Kitten and you’re left with an
Draw Pile. Then, shuffle the entire Draw Pile. Exploding Kitten in your hand, you can try to defuse it).

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