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J Indian Prosthodont Soc (July-Sept 2013) 13(3):366–372

DOI 10.1007/s13191-012-0173-2


Diagnosis and Management of Occlusal Wear: A Case Report

V. R. Thirumurthy • Y. A. Bindhoo •
Sunil Joseph Jacob • Anjana Kurien •
K. S. Limson • P. Vidhiyasagar

Received: 12 November 2011 / Accepted: 18 September 2012 / Published online: 4 October 2012
 Indian Prosthodontic Society 2012

Abstract The rationale for doing full mouth rehabilita- introducing deflective occlusal interferences. Literature
tion are, when occlusal forces become traumatic hampering indicates stress combined with tooth interferences in cen-
the health of periodontal tissues, extensive occlusal dis- tric and eccentric occlusion as triggering factors of para-
eases, trauma, temporomandibular joint disease and con- functional activity. Glossary of Prosthodontic terms (GPT-
genital disorders with malformed dentition. Literature 8) defines Bruxism as ‘‘Parafunctional grinding of teeth or
exposes that full mouth fixed rehabilitation is one of the an oral habit consisting of involuntary rhythmic or spas-
taxing procedures in the field of Prosthodontics. A critical modic non functional gnashing, grinding or clenching of
aspect for successful occlusal rehabilitation is to determine teeth in other than chewing movements of the mandible
the aetiology, correct sequence of treatment and most which may lead to occlusal trauma’’ [2]. Bruxism can
importantly the occlusal vertical dimension and centric occur during wakefulness (Diurnal Bruxism) or during
relation in which to plan the treatment. A systematic sleep (Sleep Bruxism). The International Classification of
approach in managing these patients can lead to a pre- Sleep Disorders (AASM, 2005) categorizes Sleep Bruxism
dictable and favourable prognosis. This article presents the as a sleep-related movement disorder and defines it as ‘‘An
stages of prosthodontic rehabilitation, from diagnosis to oral activity characterized by grinding or clenching of the
final treatment and follow-up, of a bruxer patient with teeth during sleep’’ [3].
severely worn dentition. Restitution of mutilated dentitions, as a result of func-
tional and parafunctional occlusal wear is one of the
Keywords Occlusal disease  Bruxism  Extra capsular  arduous trials in Prosthodontics [1, 4, 5]. Hesitations in
Load testing  Adapted centric  Sectional acrylic block attempting to reconstruct debilitated dentitions are height-
ened by widely divergent views concerning the appropriate
procedures for successful treatment. McCollum, D’Amico,
Introduction Stuart and Stallard, Christensen, Pankey-Mann-Schuyler
are the proponents whose concepts were debated, tried and
Occlusal wear of teeth due to attrition is the result of tested over the years by the practicing gnathologists. This
friction by functional and parafunctional activities [1]. led to the evolution of a more organized approach in
Frictional tooth wear alters the existing occlusal plane occlusal rehabilitation [1, 6, 7]. Occlusal rehabilitation is
the correlation of all indicated and required dental treat-
ment for a particular patient in order to restore his occlu-
sion to normal function, to improve esthetics, and to
preserve tooth and their supporting structures [8]. This case
report elucidates the stage by stage full mouth rehabilita-
V. R. Thirumurthy  Y. A. Bindhoo (&)  tion of a patient with bruxism who presented with gen-
S. J. Jacob  A. Kurien  K. S. Limson  P. Vidhiyasagar
eralized attrition of his dentition. The importance of
Department of Prosthodontics, Sri Ramakrishna Dental College
& Hospital, Coimbatore, India diagnosis and treatment planning in this scenario is thor-
e-mail: [email protected] oughly discussed.

J Indian Prosthodont Soc (July-Sept 2013) 13(3):366–372 367

Case Report

A 55 year old male patient reported to the department of

Prosthodontics, Sri Ramakrishna Dental College & Hos-
pital, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, with the complaint of
generalized sensitivity of teeth and difficulty in chewing.
Patient also reported jaw stiffness and joint pain, which
was intense in the morning and reduced thereafter. Patient
was an alcoholic and he did not report any compromising
medical condition. Personal history revealed that patient Fig. 1 Frontal view of the dentition depicting generalized attrition
was under considerable psychological stress due to finan-
cial constraints.
Occlusal evaluation revealed protrusive and balancing
occlusal interferences.
Extra Oral Clinical Examination
Patient exhibited mandibular deviation on normal mouth
opening. Temporomandibular joint examination revealed
1. Orthopantomograph of the patient revealed general-
tenderness in the periauricular region on both sides of the
ized loss of enamel and dentin with the attrition very
face. He also had tenderness in the muscles of mastication.
close to pulp in relation to most of the teeth.
Vertical dimension at rest and in occlusion was measured
2. Load testing was done to assess centric position.
between two soft tissue landmarks; tip of the nose and
prominent portion of chin. A difference of 5–6 mm was
evident between VDR and VDO position. The rest position
of the mandible is influenced by muscular equilibrium, so Diagnosis and Treatment Planning: Stage I
the patient was made to sit relaxed with head erect and
unsupported. This technique of vertical dimension deter- Load testing was done to verify whether the condyles are
mination is considered physiologic as it avoids gravita- completely seated when the mandible is gently manipu-
tional influence on the mandibular position, allows the lated to CR position. A comfortably seated condyle in
muscles to be in minimal tonic contracture with the man- centric position is essential for any dental treatment.
dible passively suspended. The vertical dimension was Dawson refers a verifiable centric relation which is in
further assessed by phonetic and aesthetic method. harmony with maximum intercuspal position as Type I
occlusal condition. In other words, occlusion is in harmony
with condyle/disk assembly in the temporomandibular joint
Intra Oral Clinical Examination [1]. This relation is disturbed in the presence of occlusal
interferences. Occlusal interferences initiate negative reflex
Patient was completely dentate except for 18, 36, 38, and actions and alter the path of mandibular movement. This
48. A generalized attrition with occlusal wear facets was creates muscle engram and interferes with complete seating
evident. Maxillary central incisors were previously restored of condyle in CR [1, 4]. Dawson refers such an occlusion
following endodontic treatment. The endodontically treated as Type II occlusal condition i.e. occlusal contacts are not
maxillary right lateral incisor was fractured (Figs. 1, 2). in harmony with condyle/disk assembly. Muscle

Fig. 2 Occlusal view of

a maxillary and b mandibular
dentition showing extensive

368 J Indian Prosthodont Soc (July-Sept 2013) 13(3):366–372

deprogramming or occlusal correction erases the muscle

engram and allows comfortable centric closure of condyles.
Any signs of tension or tenderness on centric loading even
after muscle deprogramming is an absolute indication that
the condyles on the affected side is not fully seated and
there is some form of intra-capsular structural disorder [1].
Since the treatment for a muscular etiology versus an
intracapsular disorder varies, proper diagnosis and confir-
mation of the same is mandatory before commencing the
In the present case, cotton rolls [8–10] were placed
between the anterior teeth and the patient was instructed to Fig. 3 Removable occlusal splint on the mandibular arch
‘‘bite’’ for 5 min ensuring that there was no contact on the
posterior teeth. Following this anterior deprogramming was adjusted with equal intensity centric stops on all of the
procedure, the patient was able to repeatedly reproduce teeth. Immediate posterior disclusion, with shallow anterior
centric position, without any signs of discomfort. This guidance in lateral and protrusive movements was also
clearly indicated that the source of pain is extra capsular perfected. The patient was advised to use the splint as
due to muscle engram as a result of occlusal interferences. much as possible (Fig. 3).
Therefore, the goal of treatment was elimination of tooth
interferences that trigger muscle pain and rehabilitation of
dentition in harmony with neuromusculature.
Diagnosis and Treatment Planning: Stage II

Diagnostic Mounting Review was done after 24 h and patient reported a mild
reduction in symptoms. Further checkups, after a week and
Two sets of maxillary and mandibular diagnostic impres- a month, revealed that the patient was responding favour-
sions were made with irreversible hydrocolloid (Tulip– ably to the splint as the muscle and joint tenderness were
Cavex, RW Harlem, The Netherlands). The maxillary cast satisfactorily controlled. This confirmed the necessity to
was mounted on a semi adjustable articulator (Artex-NA, correct the occlusal contacts to relieve the patient’s
Amann Girrbach, Germany) using transfer bow. As the symptoms. Still more, the severely attrited teeth needed
patient had reduced VDO, a wax interocclusal record of CR protection from further damage, so prosthodontic inter-
position was made at a VDO that will allow a normal vention in the form of full mouth occlusal rehabilitation
freeway space of 3 mm. CR record was made after anterior was decided for the patient. After a permissive splint has
deprogramming. The mandibular cast (first set) was related been used, the challenge is to maintain this harmony in the
to the mounted maxillary cast using this CR record. This final rehabilitation. Designing of occlusal scheme in rela-
was removed and set aside and the second mandibular cast tion to the condyle/disk assembly is the most challenging
was mounted using this CR record again. The first man- part in full mouth rehabilitation. Mock preparations and
dibular cast was used for fabrication of occlusal splint and diagnostic wax ups were planned to decide the next phase
the second set was used for diagnostic evaluation. of treatment.
The second set of mandibular cast was secured back on
the articulator for evaluation. Customized Broadrick flag
Fabrication of Centric Stabilization Splint assembly was set for the articulator to determine the
Curve of Spee. Mock preparations of the anterior teeth
Occlusal splint therapy was planned to free the neuro- were done and diagnostic wax up of these teeth was
musculature from occlusal interferences and to assess completed. With distal incisal edge of mandibular canine
patient’s response to increased vertical dimension. Wax as the anterior survey point and articulator condylar ele-
pattern for occlusal splint was prepared on the mandibular ment as the posterior survey point, long arc and short arc
cast in the recorded VDO and was processed with heat of 4 inch radii were scribed on the flag respectively
polymerizing clear acrylic resin (Veracril, Mangalore (Fig. 4). The point of intersection of the arcs was used to
dental corporation, Karnataka, India). The fabricated draw a sagittal curve of 4 inch radius along the stone cast
diagnostic occlusal splint was assessed on the articulator of mandibular posterior teeth. The procedure helped to
mounting and refined to be free from interference in centric differentiate between tooth surfaces requiring considerable
and eccentric position. The universal flat plane appliance tooth reduction from tooth surfaces requiring minimal

J Indian Prosthodont Soc (July-Sept 2013) 13(3):366–372 369

Fig. 5 Diagnostic wax-up and silicon index for fabrication of

temporary Crowns

Treatment Staging and Execution

• Tooth preparations of anterior segment were carried out

on the patient. Silicone index of the diagnostic wax up
Fig. 4 Customized broadrick flag assembly was set to determine the was used to make the provisional restorations (Cool
curve of spee temp, Coltene Whaledent, USA).
• The sectional acrylic bite blocks were placed bilaterally
between the second molars and the rest of the posterior
reduction, to achieve an acceptable curve of Spee.
teeth were prepared. (Fig. 6). Silicone indexes were
Though Broadrick flag assembly will help to decide the
used to fabricate the temporaries. Once the temporaries
curve of Spee on the diagnostic mounting, executing the
were all in place in the planned VDO, the sectional
required tooth reduction to achieve this clinically is a
acrylic bite blocks were removed and tooth prepara-
tricky task. The authors have designed a simple sectional
tions on the second molars were completed (Fig. 7).
acrylic bite block to solve this issue. Mock tooth prepa-
Provisional restorations were placed full arch and luted
rations of maxillary and mandibular posterior teeth were
with temporary cement (Fig.8). Patient was monitored
done except for the second molars. On the articulator,
periodically for one month. Once the provisional
auto polymerizing clear acrylic resin was used to make
occlusal scheme and VDO proved to be comfortable
sectional bite blocks (DPI Cold Cure, The Bombay
for the patient, attempts were made to fabricate a
Burma Trading Corporation, Mumbai, India) in the
duplicate of the same in the final restoration. A custom
established VDO between maxillary and mandibular sec-
incisal table of the wax mockup was fabricated to
ond molars on either side separately. This was used as a
duplicate the same incisal guidance in the final
vertical stop to guide in tooth preparations and tempori-
zation. Following this second molars were also prepared
• Full arch maxillary and mandibular impressions of the
on the model and the diagnostic wax up of posteriors was
tooth preparations were made (3 M ESPE Express, and
carried out following the occlusal plane designed with the
Express XT Ultra-Light, Seefeld, Germany). Face bow
aid of customized Broadrick flag assembly. Silicone
transfer and articulation were completed using centric
indexes were made to prepare the temporaries (Fig. 5).
Thus the blue print of the treatment was designed on the
diagnostic cast for each and every step and only then
carried out on the patient.
The unopposed maxillary left third molar was indicated
for extraction. Post and core was required in relation to
maxillary right lateral and left central incisors which were
previously endodontically treated. The tooth preparation
was staged as preplanned on the articulator. Endodontic
treatment of the attrited teeth was not required as the
increase in vertical dimension required only very minimal Fig. 6 Sectional acrylic bite blocks are placed on the second molars
incisal and occlusal tooth reduction. at the planned VDO

370 J Indian Prosthodont Soc (July-Sept 2013) 13(3):366–372

verified to be in harmony with lip closure path of the

patient. The contact relation of maxillary and mandib-
ular anteriors allowed satisfactory disclusion of the
posterior provisionals during excursions. After satis-
factorily deciding the anterior guidance, the posterior
provisionals on either arch were removed retaining the
anterior all ceramic restorations in place. Protrusive
interocclusal record (Virtual, Ivoclar Vivadent, and
Bendererstrasse, Liechtenstein) was made and the
articulator was programmed.
Fig. 7 Anterior teeth were prepared to receive all ceramic restora- • In the laboratory, the occlusal plane of mandibular
tions and posterior teeth were prepared for PFM restorations posterior PFM crowns was assessed with the help of the
Broadrick flag assembly and then maxillary occlusal
plane was designed to follow this. The entire ceramic
buildups were refined on the articulator such that there
was definite harmonious occlusal contacts in centric
and disclusion in the posterior region during protrusion.
Group function occlusion was developed for lateral
• The restorations were tried on the patient and the
occlusion was further confirmed. After the necessary
adjustments, they were polished and glazed. Initial
cementations of the final restorations were done with
Fig. 8 Provisional restorations fabricated with the aid of diagnostic temporary cement (Temp bond-Kerr Corporation,
wax up Orange, Canada) and were then replaced with perma-
nent cement (GC Asia Dental Pte Ltd) after a month of
interocclusal record (Virtual, Ivoclar Vivadent, and
review (Fig. 10).
Bendererstrasse, Liechtenstein).
• Patient was instructed to wear a soft splint at night as an
• All ceramic restorations (Lava 3 M ESPE Dental
additional measure to ensure occlusal stability and to
products, St.Paul, USA.) were planned for the anteriors
protect the restorations from parafunctional wear. Soft
and PFM restorations (IPS d.SIGN-Ivoclar Vivadent,
splint use was discontinued after two months as there
Germany) for the posteriors. Zirconia and metal
were no signs of evident occlusal wear during review.
copings were fabricated (Fig. 9) and tried into assess
the marginal fit.
• The contours of the maxillary and mandibular anteriors
were established using the silicone index of the Discussion
diagnostic wax up and further refined with the custom
incisal guide table. The anterior provisionals were Extensive tooth wear is an impending threat for dentition
removed for trial of anterior restorations (before final and masticatory function [1, 3, 4]. The management of
glazing) and presence of stable centric stops, esthetics attritional tooth wear is becoming a subject of increasing
and phonetics were evaluated. Labial contours were interest in the prosthodontic literature, from both

Fig. 9 Zirconia copings for anteriors and metal copings for

posteriors Fig. 10 Final restorations in place

J Indian Prosthodont Soc (July-Sept 2013) 13(3):366–372 371

preventive and restorative point of view [5, 6]. Attrition is a teeth as the mandible moves from CR. The anterior guid-
tooth–tooth friction due to bruxism and empty mouth ance (lines in the front) assumes the responsibility of
parafunction [1]. A systematic approach for managing separating the posterior teeth during excursions providing
tooth wear can lead to a predictable and favorable prog- mutual protection for each other [8]. This harmony
nosis. This article presents the stages of prosthodontic between anterior and posterior teeth can be established by
rehabilitation, from diagnosis to final treatment and follow- identifying the correct occlusal plane. The curve of Spee,
up, of a bruxer patient with severely worn dentition. which exists in the ideal natural dentition, allows harmony
Inspite of the existence of conflicting philosophy, the to exist between the anterior tooth and condylar guidance
basis of successful full mouth rehabilitation is programmed [14–16].
treatment planning. All occlusal analysis should start with In the present case, the temporomandibular joints and
the examination of temporomandibular joint. In the pres- centric relation assessment revealed the cause of the
ence of joint disorder, the choice of treatment is clearly patient’s symptoms to be due to extracapsular reasons.
related to the category of the TMD. The second parameter Parafunctional wear due to psychological stress combined
to be considered is a properly aligned condyle-disk with occlusal interferences has triggered the muscular pain.
assembly in centric relation which directs forces through Psychological Counseling and use of occlusal splint
the avascular, noninnervated central portion of discs that relieved the symptoms of the patient. Decision was made to
are designed to accept loading. This is only possible in the increase the vertical dimension of occlusion. The contour
absence of deflective occlusal interferences to centric of anterior teeth and their guidance were refined to be in
relation. Assessment of these essential factors allows cre- compliance with the envelope of function. The customized
ating harmonious posterior determinants in developing Broadrick flag analyzer assisted in the reproduction of
functional occlusion. [1, 4, 11]. tooth morphology of posterior restorations, commensurate
The third important issue to be addressed in full mouth with the curve of Spee [17]. This method prevented pro-
rehabilitation is deciding the correct occlusal vertical trusive interferences. The use of sectional acrylic bite block
dimension in which full mouth rehabilitation can be plan- fabricated from the diagnostic mounting facilitated con-
ned [6, 11]. This is especially a confounding issue in trolled conservative tooth reduction. In the clinical report
dentitions showing extensive wear. Methods used to presented, the bite block was a vital tool for transferring the
determine vertical dimension are still considered unem- designed VDO from the diagnostic wax-up on the articu-
pirical due to the number of factors influencing the rest lator to the mouth. The bite block allowed accurate
position recording. In situations requiring alteration in reduction of the tooth structure to the level of the rede-
VDO, to overrule this difficulty, two or more methods are signed occlusal plane. This ensured adequate clearance for
always employed to decide vertical dimension and the prostheses fabrication in the laboratory. Due consideration
changes should be tried with provisional restorations [6, 8]. was given for patient compliance and the entire treatment
In this present case, physiologic method, esthetics and plan was tried first with provisional restorations and then
phonetics were used to assess the VDO which was later duplicated in the final restoration. Occlusal protection of
found satisfactory with the short term use of provisionals. the final restorations with soft splint served to protect
The anterior determinants of mandibular movement are dental/periodontal structures against adverse effects of
the contacting surfaces of maxillary and mandibular teeth. hyper-loading and parafunctional wear. [18].
Of the teeth contact mentioned, the incisal guidance
formed by the anterior teeth, has the most profound influ-
ence upon the mandibular movement [1, 11–13]. So the Conclusion
fourth step in oral rehabilitation soon after deciding VDO
is to check for the presence of favourable incisal guidance Full mouth rehabilitation entails the performance of all
and in its absence to develop the contours of anterior teeth the procedures necessary to produce a healthy, esthetic,
in compliance with aesthetic and phonetic demands of the well-functioning, self maintaining masticatory mechanism
patient. The incisal guidance then controls the necessary [19]. This clinical report illustrates the value of thorough
steepness of all posterior tooth inclines. diagnosis of the condyle/disk assembly in relation to the
Summarizing all the above, the salient features of opti- occlusion in treating a patient with severe parafunctional
mum occlusion was stated by Peter Dawson [1] as ‘‘Dots in occlusal wear. Greater care was taken in diagnosing the
the back, lines in the front’’, clinically visualized in an cause before treating the effect. Without properly com-
ideal occlusion, when occlusal contacts are assessed in paring and classifying the joint position to the occlusion,
centric and eccentric relations, with articulating paper the development of neuromuscular harmony and con-
interposed. This formula represents contact in centric comitant pain resolution would have been virtually
relation (Dots in the back) and disclusion of all posterior impossible.

372 J Indian Prosthodont Soc (July-Sept 2013) 13(3):366–372

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