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12:30 to 2:15 pm

Mathematics in our World

Core Idea: Mathematics is a useful way to Core Idea: Logic is the basis of all
think about nature and our world mathematical reasoning. The rules of logic
1. Patterns and Numbers in Nature and the help us understand, think critically,
World: The snowflake and honeycomb; and reason logically with statements.
tiger’s spots and hyena’s spots; the Mathematical logic has been concerned with
sunflower; how people ought to think rather
the snail’s shell; flower petals; world’s
population; the weather, etc. than how people do think.
2. The Fibonacci Sequence, Phi Numbers,
Fractals Logic statement and quantifiers
3. Roles of Mathematics in the Real World Truth Tables and Tautologies
Conditional, Biconditional and related
Mathematical Language and symbols statements
Core Idea: Like any language, mathematics Symbolic Arguments
has its own symbols, syntax and rules Arguments and Euler Diagrams
1. Characteristics of Mathematical Language
2. Expressions vs. Sentences Linear Programming
3. Convention in the Mathematical Language Core Idea: In "real life", linear programming
4. Basic Concepts of Sets, Functions and is part of a very important area of
Relations, and Binary Operations mathematics called "optimization
5. Elementary Logic techniques". This field of study is used every
6. 6. Formality day in the organization and allocation of
resources. Optimization is the
Problem Solving and Reasoning way of life.
Core Idea: Mathematics is not just about 1. System of Linear Inequalities in Two
numbers; much of it is problem solving and Unknowns
reasoning 2. Geometry of Linear Programming
1. Inductive and Deductive Reasoning (Graphical Method)
2. Intuition, Proof, and certainty3. Polya’s 3. Simplex Method
Principle in Problem Solving
4. Problem Solving Strategies The Mathematics of Finance
5. Mathematical Problems Involving Patterns Core Idea: Mathematics helps us making
6. Recreational Problems using mathematics financial decisions that we make every day.
A good understanding of
MIDTERM EXAMINATION mathematical concepts will be beneficial and
are no doubt a key role in the planning and
Data Management success of our financial lives
Core Idea: Statistical tools derived from 1. Simple and Compound Interest
mathematics are useful in processing and 2. Credit Cards and Consumer Loans
managing numerical data in order 3. Stock, Bonds, and Mutual Funds
to describe a phenomenon and predict 4. Home Ownership
Gathering and Organizing Data FINAL EXAMINATION
Measures of Central Tendency
Measures of Dispersion
Measures of Relative Position
Probabilities and Normal Distributions
Linear Regression and Correlation
Hypothesis Testing
2:00 - 4:00 pm
Emyline D. Salinas

Topical Outline: Other sample topics:

1. Filipino Cultural Heritage
1. Meaning and relevance of history 2. Filipino-American Relations
1.1 Primary and Secondary sources 3. Government Peace treaties with Muslim
1.2 Distinction of primary and secondary Filipinos
sources 4. Institutional history of schools, corporations,
1.3 Internal and external criticism of primary industries, religious
sources. groups and the like.
1.4 Repositories and different kinds of primary 5. Biography of a prominent Filipino
5. Critical Evaluation and promotion of Local
2. Content and contextual analysis of selected and oral history, museums,
primary sources historical shrines, cultural performances,
2.1 Identification of the historical importance of indigenous practices, religious rites
the text/Examination of the and rituals, etc.
author’s main argument and point of view
a. First Voyage Around the World JUNE 12 Friday
b. Customs of the Tagalogs JUNE 15 Monday
c. Paintings of Juan Luna and Fernando JUNE 22 Monday
Amorsolo July 3 Friday MIDTERM
d. President Corazon Aquino’s Speech Before JULY 6 Monday
the US Congress. JULY 13 Monday
e. Raiders of the Sulu Sea (Film) July 24 Friday MIDTERM
f. Kartilla ng Katipunan (Declaration of
g. Mga Gunita ng Himagsikan (Memoirs)
h. Political Caricatures of the American Era 2. External and Internal criticism
(Editorial Cartoons) Repositories of primary sources
i. Documents of the 1898 Declaration of Different kinds of primary sources
Philippine Independence, First Voyage Around the World
The Malolos Constitution, and the First Customs of the Tagalogs
Philippine Republic
j. Filipino Grievances Against Governor Wood 3. Political Caricatures
(Petition Letter) Speech of Corazon Aquino
Works of Juan Luna and Fernando
3. “One Past but many histories”: Amorsolo
Controversies and conflicting views in
Philippine history 4. Raiders of the Sulu Sea (short film)
a. Site of the First Mass Kartilla ng Katipunan
b. Cavite Mutiny Grievances against Governor Wood
c. Retraction of Rizal
d. Cry of Balintawak or Pugadlawin 5. Site of the first Mass
Cavite Mutiny
4. Social, Political, Economic and Cultural Retraction of Jose Rizal
issues in Philippine history Cry of Pugadlawin/ Balintawak
Mandated Topics:
1. Agrarian Reform policies 6. Agrarian Reform
2. The Philippine constitution Philippine Constitution
- 1899 (Malolos) Constitution Taxation
- 1935 Constitution Local History/Museum
- 1973 Constitution 7. Cultural Performances
- 1987 Constitution Indigenous People
3. Taxation Religious rites/rituals

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