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Properties of public dominion is outside the

commerce of man. It cannot be alienated. The

This case involves a proposal to lease to
purpose is not to serve the State as a juridical
a japanese corporation one of the four
person, but the citizens; it is intended for the
properties the Phippine acquired from
common and public welfare and cannot be the
Japan under the
object of appropriation
Reparations Agreement, namely the
Laurel v. Roppongi Property.
Garcia, G.R. The issues are not concerned with validity of
No. 92013 (25 WoN the Roppongi and its related ownership or title. There is no question that the
July 1990) properties can be sold by the Executive - property belongs to the Philippines. The issue is the
NO authority of the respondent officials to validly
dispose of property belonging to the State. And the
validity of the procedures adopted to effect its sale.
This is governed by Philippine Law. The rule of lex
situs does not apply.

Holy See is immune from suit because the act of

The petition is about a parcel of land in selling the lot of concern is non-propriety in nature.
Paranaque, which was registered to Holy The lot was acquired through a donation from the
See and was donated to the Papal Archdiocese of Manila, not for a commercial
Holy See v. Nuncio for his residence. The lots were purpose, but for the use of petitioner to construct the
Rosario, G.R. sold to Ramon Licup who assigned his official place of residence of the Papal Nuncio
No. G.R. No. rights to Starbright Sales Enterprises, Inc. thereof. The right of a foreign sovereign to acquire
101949 WoN Holy See can invoke sovereign property, real or personal, in a receiving state,
(December 1, immunity – YES necessary for the creation and maintenance of its
1994) diplomatic mission, is recognized in the 1961 Vienna
Convention on Diplomatic Relations

Greg Bartelli, an American tourist,

detained and raped 12-year-oldKaren
Salvacion. . The civil case for preliminary In fine, the application of the law depends on the
attachment was granted, so the sheriff extent of its justice. Eventually, if the Court rules that
Salvacion v. served a Notice of Garnishment on China the questioned provision is applicable to a foreign
Central Bank, Banking Corporation. transient, injustice would result specially to a citizen
G.R. No. aggrieved by a foreign guest like accused Greg
94723 (21 WoN Greg’s dollar deposits are exempt Bartelli. When the statute is silent or ambiguous, it
August 1997) from attachment or garnishment due to must be presumed that the lawmaking body
CB Circular No. 960 - NO intended justice to prevail.


Mali ata name when I searched it online By looking at the records of the case, the court
Gibbs v Government lumabas pero notes the intention of the deceased to establish
linagay ko yung sa pamana legal domicile in California.
Templeton v. This was a petition by Beatrice to admit It is a recognized rule that the intention with which
Government, into probate the holographic will of her removal is made from a particular state determines
59 Phil. 293 mom. The will disposed of all her whether or not the domicile is abandoned; and
(1933) properties to Beatrice and her children. intention is revealed only in the acts and declaration
of the person concerned
WoN the deceased established legal
domicile in California? YES
Alcantara v. This is a petition for the issuance of a writ The petitioners are not permitted to return to their
Secretary of of mandamus to compel respondents to home to vote and even if they have an intention to
Interior, 61 register the petitioners as qualified return therein, a mere intention to return to their
Phil. 459 electors to vote in the plebiscite for the former homes, not realized and which may never be
(1935) approval or rejection of the 1935 realized should not prevent them from acquiring
Constitution. residence for voting purposes
Three rules though are well established:
WoN the petitioners are residents of  A man must have a residence or domicile
 Where once established, it remains until a
Culion? SC held YES.
new one is acquired
 A man can have but one domicile at a time

This was a case wherein the

administrator of the estate of Moody was
assessed an inheritance and income tax
The deceased had no deliberate intention to
of the estate and paid such under protest.
Vellila v. establish a new domicile elsewhere when he
The administrator was claiming no law
Posadas, 62 surreptitiously left the Philippines.
allowed the BIR to collect inheritance
Phil. 624 Our Civil Code defines domicile as the “place of
taxes from a person not domiciled in the
(1935) their usual residence”

WoN Arthur Moody was domiciled in the

Philippines? YES
Despite him being a registered voter and actually
This was a petition for review by Gallego, voted and had a resident certificate in Malaybalay,
a winning mayoralty candidate of the Bukidnon, he never had the intention to abandon his
1940 elections, against the RTC and CA domicile in Abuyog, Leyte
Gallego v. decision voiding his win due to his alleged In order to acquire domicile by choice:
Vera, 73 Phil. lack of residency requirement.
 Residence or bodily presence in the new
450 (1941)
WoN Gallego had been a resident of
 An intention to remain there
Abuyog for at least one year prior to his
election? The YES  An intention to abandon the old domicile

Delfin Co, a minor, was born of Chinese

father Co Suy and mother Florentina
Villahermosa. Delfin left for China after
Mere birth in the Philippines of a Chinese father and
Villhermosa v. his father died. Due to financial
Filipino mother does not ipso facto confer Philippine
Commissione difficulties, he took steps to return to the
citizenship and that jus sanguinis instead off jus soli
r of Philippines. In doing so, he led in
is the predominating factor on questions of
Immigration, smuggling a group of Chinese men into
G.R. No. L- the country
Reacquisition of Filipino citizenship cannot be used
1663 (21
to evade liability for violating immigration laws.
March 1948) WoN Delfin Co reacquired Filipino
citizenship and therefore cannot be
deported? NO

Robert Cu filed a petition for

naturalization. He testified that he was
born in Bulacan; that his mother was a In naturalization petitions, the Courts are peculiarly
In re: Robert Filipino citizen as believed his parents at the mercy of the witnesses offered by the
Cu, G.R. No. were not legally married; that he failed to candidate. The Courts cannot be expected to
L-3018 (18 elect Philippine citizenship; hence, he is possess acquaintance with the candidates with the
July 1951) filing for naturalization. presenting themselves for naturalization. A witness
who is incompetent renders an application void.
WoN Robert Cu is qualified to be
naturalized as Filipino citizen? - NO

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