Application of Registration of Foreign Spouses of Mauritian Citizens PDF

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Application for Registration as a Citizen of Mauritius

under section 7 of the Mauritius Citizenship Act, 1968

1. I……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

(here insert address of applicant)

was born at ……………………………………………………….on…………………………………….

2. My father’s full name is/was………………………………………………………………………………

and he was born at…………………………………………………on……………………………………

3. I was married at……………………………………………………on……………………………………

(here insert full name of spouse, of late of)

(here insert spouse’s address or last address if he/she is deceased )

4. My spouse was born at……………………………………………..on…………………………………...

5. My spouse’s father’s full name is/was…………………………………………………………………......

and he was born at…………………………………………………on……………………………………

6. My marriage (is still subsisting) (has terminated by reason of…………………………………………...)

(If the marriage is not subsisting, state whether it was terminated by the spouse’s death or by divorce)

7. My spouse is/was a citizen of Mauritius by reason of the fact that………………………………………..

(state the grounds on which it is claimed that the applicant’s spouse is or was a citizen of Mauritius)

8. I am a national or citizen of the following country or countries.

9. I have contracted the following other marriages:


(here please state place and date of marriage and name and nationality or citizenship of spouse in each case)

10. I have/have not previously renounced or been deprived of citizenship of Mauritius.

(if the applicant has renounced his/her citizenship of Mauritius, here state the date on which the declaration of renunciation was made: and if he/she has been
deprived of his/her citizenship state the date on which the authority by whom the order of deprivation was made)

11. I have been living with my spouse under the same conjugal roof in Mauritius since…………………….

12. I hereby apply to be registered as a citizen of Mauritius.

I,…………………………………………………………… solemnly and sincerely declare that the

foregoing particulars stated in this application are true and I make this solemn declaration conscientiously
believing the same to be true.


Made and subscribed this…………………………day of ………………………….20…..…before me

Judge of the Supreme Court/Chief Registrar, Supreme Court/

District Magistrate of……………………………………………..


I,……………………………………………………………do swear The Oath or Affirmation of

(or solemnly affirm) that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Allegiance is not required
Mauritius according to law. (So help me God). to be taken if the applicant
is a Commonwealth citizen.


Sworn/Solemnly affirmed and subscribed this…………………………………day of……………………..

before me.

Judge of the Supreme Court/
Chief Registrar, Supreme Court/

District Magistrate of………………………………………………………..

Section 7 – Registration of Spouses of Mauritian Citizens
1. The foreign spouse of a Mauritian citizen is eligible to be registered as a citizen of Mauritius, after
having resided under the same conjugal roof as the Mauritian spouse in Mauritius for a period of not less than
four years immediately preceding the date of application.


2. Application Forms are available at the Citizenship Section of the Prime Minister's Office, Level 4,
Government Centre, Port Louis, Tel Nos 201-1495; 201-3362; 201-2208 or on the following website:


3. A declaration in the form set out in the application form/an oath or affirmation of allegiance has
to be subscribed in Mauritius in the presence of a Judge or the Master & Registrar of the Supreme Court
or a District Magistrate, prior to submission.

4. The following supporting documents in original and two photocopies should accompany the application
(clean and legible copies on A4 format):-
(a) birth certificate of applicant;
(b) birth certificate of applicant’s spouse; recent copies thereof
(c) marriage certificate of applicant
(d) first five pages of applicant’s passport;
(e) the certificate of foreign nationality of applicant’s spouse (if applicable);
(f) residence permit of applicant in Mauritius;
(g) certificate of character issued by the Director of Public Prosecutions (recent - 3 months); and
(h) birth certificates of father and father-in-law of applicant. (a recent copy)

NOTE: Any change of name should be made executory in Mauritius.

5. A non-refundable application fee of Rs 2,000 should be paid upon submission of the application.

6. Upon approval, a prescribed fee of Rs 20,000 is payable at the Cash Office of the Prime Minister's
Level 2, Government Centre, Port Louis and thereafter the Certificate of Registration is issued within one week.

7. If the application is not approved, the applicant is notified accordingly by way of a letter within a week.


8. A Certificate of Registration issued under the Mauritius Citizenship Act is valid for an indefinite period
but it should be kept safely as no duplicate is issued in case of loss.


9. Any person who has acquired citizenship by registration may be deprived of that citizenship if the
registration has been obtained by means of fraud, false representation or the concealment of any material fact.

 Only a complete dossier with all relevant documents will be accepted.

 Processing of applications generally requires 12 months.
 No reason will be given for the refusal of any application under the Act.

Prime Minister’s Office

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