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T T The Drive on Metz Rules v1.0 The Drive on Metz Rules v1.0 1

indicated on its face, along the north edge [10.0] RESOLVING COMBAT Table. If the Combat Differential in an [1.0] INTRODUCTION [3.0] GAME EQUIPMENT
from hex 0401 to 0901 inclusive.
How attacks are evaluated and resolved.
attack is higher (or lower) than the highest
(or lowest) shown on the table, it is simply
The Drive Patton in Pursuit [3.1] The Game Map and Scale
General Rule
Each unit has a Combat Strength value
General Rule
An attack results in a “battle” that consists
of the comparison of the strength of a
treated as the highest (or lowest) column
[10.3] What the Combat Results Mean
on Metz The Drive on Metz is a two-player game
recreating General George S. Patton’s
attempt to seize the key city of Metz and
The 8.5” x 11” game map represents the
area of Lorraine (France) just west of the
Moselle River in the vicinity of the ancient
printed on it that represents its basic power specific attacking force with that of a The abbreviations on the Combat Results
September, 1944 get across the Moselle River before the fortified city of Metz as it appeared in
to attack and defend. During a Friendly specific defending unit; it is resolved by retreating Germans could form an effective 1944. The total area of the game map is 44
Table indicate which units are retreated. Table of Contents
Combat Phase, each unit may participate in the throw of a die on the Combat Results defense. The American forces, comprised x 36 kilometers. The game scale for the
NE: No Effect; nothings happens. of three divisions of the 20th Corps, had map is 1:250,000 (one hexagon is 4
an attack against an adjacent hex that is Table. The result of a battle may affect [0.0] USING THESE RULES.............. 1
occupied by an enemy unit. either the attacker or the defender. DR: Defender Retreats; the defending just completed an epic pursuit across kilometers across). Each Game Turn
unit is forced to move one hex away [1.0] INTRODUCTION ...................... 1 France after the Allied breakout from the represents one day of real time.
Procedure Procedure
from the attacking unit(s) by the [2.0] GENERAL COURSE OF PLAY.. 1 Normandy beachhead. The exhausted A hexagonal grid has been superimposed
The player examines the positions of his The Attacking Player totals up the Combat defending player. The attacking Allied forces were at the end of their
[3.0] GAME EQUIPMENT................. 1 to regulate movement and the position of
units, determining which are adjacent to Strength of all his units that are involved in player may then ‘advance after supply line and had barely enough the playing pieces. Explanations of the
enemy units. These are the units that are a given attack and subtracts from that total combat’ one of the attacking units [4.0] SEQUENCE OF PLAY ............... 2 resources left for one last push. terrain features will be found on the
eligible to conduct attacks during that the Combat Strength of the enemy unit into the defender’s vacated hex.
[5.0] STARTING THE GAME ............ 2 If they had been able to get across the Terrain Effects Chart (TEC).
player’s Combat Phase. Attacks are being attacked. The resulting number is
DR2: Defender Retreat 2 Hexes; same Moselle River, they would have [3.2] Game Charts & Tables
conducted using the Combat Results Table called the Combat Differential. [6.0] HOW TO WIN .......................... 2
as above, except the defending unit compromised the entire German Westwall
(see the Player Aid sheet) and the The player locates the column heading on Various game aids are provided for the
must retreat two hexes (see 10.4). [7.0] MOVEMENT OF UNITS ........... 3 defenses. This would have enabled Patton
procedures detailed in the following the Combat Results Table that corresponds players in order to simplify and illustrate
AR: Attacker Retreats; all of the units to make an attempt at crossing the Rhine
section (10.0: Combat Resolution). to the Combat Differential. He then [8.0] REINFORCEMENTS ................. 3 before the end of 1944 and might have
certain game functions. These are the
involved in the attack are forced to Combat Results Table (CRT), the Terrain
Cases consults the Terrain Effects Chart to see if [9.0] COMBAT SETUP ...................... 4 ended the war months earlier.
move one hex away from the Effects Chart (TEC), the Turn Record
[9.1] Combat is Voluntary the column of combat resolution is to be
defender’s location by the attacking [10.0] RESOLVING COMBAT ........... 4 The defending German forces, four Track, and the Victory Point Track.
shifted because of the terrain the defending
A unit is never forced to attack. Attacking player. The defending unit may not divisions of the 82nd Corps of the German These are explained later in the appropriate
unit is on. If more than one type of terrain
is voluntary. In a given Combat Phase,
exists on that hex only the worst (for the
‘advance after combat.’ [0.0] USING THESE RULES 1st Army, were a combination of hastily rules section.
some of the eligible units may attack and [10.4] Movement as a Result of Combat collected and organized units, including
attacker) is used. This gives the Final New gaming terms, when they are [3.3] The Playing Pieces
others may not. Indeed, the player may fresh units from the German interior and
Column that will be used in that battle. When a unit is retreated, it may retreat only initially defined, appear in dark red [3.31] The playing pieces represent
totally pass up the chance to make any remnants of units that Patton had been
attacks at all during a given Combat Phase. For example: A German 2-Strength defending if it does not have to enter a hex containing lettering for quick referencing.
pursuing across France. actual military units that fought in this
unit is subtracted from a US 15-Strength attack. another unit (enemy or friendly) or enter a The instructions for this game are campaign. The numbers and symbols on
[9.2] Target a Single Hex Only The battle, which began on 7 September
The CRT column used is “10+ >.” Since the hex adjacent to an enemy unit (i.e., in an organized into major “Rules” sections as the playing pieces represent the strength
1944 and lasted for about a week, was a
Only one enemy-occupied hex may be the German unit is in a Fortified hex, it is shifted Enemy Zone of Control). shown in large green SMALL CAPS font, and type of unit simulated by that
singular opportunity that could have gone
object of a given battle (a “battle” is three columns to the left and the attack will be [10.41] Rivers: Retreating units may not and represented by the number to the left particular piece. The playing pieces shall
either way. Historically, the Germans won,
defined as a single die roll being compared resolved on the “+4, +5” column. cross rivers, even across a connected of the decimal point (e.g., rule 4.0 is the henceforth be referred to as “units.”
to the Combat Results Table). Even though but just barely.
The Attacking Player then rolls a die and road hexside, when retreating. fourth rule). These rules generally explain [3.32] Sample Unit
an attacking unit may be adjacent to more the game’s subject matter, its components, [2.0] GENERAL COURSE OF
cross indexes the result with that battle’s [10.42] Inability to Retreat: Any unit
than one enemy-occupied hex, it may the procedures for play, the game’s core Setup Unit Size
Final Column and reads the result. That that cannot retreat because of the above PLAY
conduct an attack against only one such
result is applied immediately, before going is destroyed and removed from play. systems and mechanics, how to set it up, Division Unit
hex in its Friendly Combat Phase.
on to any other battles. After he has and how to win. The Drive on Metz is basically a two- (color coded) Designation
[10.43] Advance After Combat:
[9.3] Conducting a Single Attack conducted all of his desired battles for that Whenever a defending unit vacates a hex With each Rule, there can be “Cases” that player game: one player assumes the role Unit Type
No unit may participate in more than one turn, the player announces the end of his further explain a rule’s general concept or of Germany and the other player assumes
as a result of combat, one of the the role of the United States. Each player Combat Movement
battle per Friendly Combat Phase. Combat Phase. victorious attacking units from that basic procedure. Cases might also restrict Strength Allowance
the application of a rule by denoting moves his units and executes attacks on
[9.4] Being Attacked Once Cases battle may enter the vacated hex, even
exceptions to it. Cases (and Subcases) are enemy units in turn, attempting to fulfill Types
No unit may be the object of more than one [10.1] Declaring an Attack across a river hexside. If the units Sizes
an extension of a Rule shown in the way the game’s Victory Conditions.
battle per Enemy Combat Phase. retreated two hexes, one victorious unit
The Attacking Player must clearly indicate that they are numbered. For example, Rule To move from one space (called a “hex”) Infantry X Brigade
Regardless of how many attacking units may enter either vacated hex.
to the Defending Player which of his units 4.1 is the first Case of the fourth Rule; and to another, each unit expends a portion of
are adjacent to it, a given enemy unit may are involved in a given attack against a [10.5] Terrain Effects on Combat its Movement Allowance. Combat is Armored III Regiment
Rule 4.12 is the second Subcase of the first
only be subjected to one battle per Combat specific defending unit, calculating and The Terrain Effects Chart on the Player Case of the fourth Rule. resolved through battles by comparing the (Panzer)
Phase. It must defend against this attack. announcing the Combat Differential and Aid sheet shows how many columns the total Strength Points of adjacent opposing
(Unlike the attacker, the defender’s Important information is in red text. Armored Infantry
Final Column that will be used to resolve combat is shifted when the defender is on units and expressing the comparison as a (Panzergrenadier)
participation in a battle is involuntary.) that battle. The Attacking Player may certain types of terrain. References to examples of a Rule or Case are simple differential (e.g., ‘+3’ means that
[9.5] Multiple Units Attacking resolve his battles that turn in any order he in blue text and this font. the attacking side has a three Strength
The effects of more than one type of terrain Unit types are either infantry (foot
More than one unit may participate in a chooses. Once the die is thrown, however, (like a fortress in the woods) are not Text in shaded boxes, like this, provides Point advantage in that battle). A die is soldiers), armored (German “panzer”), or
given attack. As many units as are adjacent he may not change his mind. cumulative. If more than one type of the voice of the game’s designer, who is rolled and the outcome indicated on the armored infantry (German “panzer
to an enemy-occupied hex may combine [10.2] Higher & Lower Column Battles terrain exists on a hex, only the worst (for addressing you to explain an idea or Combat Results Table (CRT) is then grenadier”).
their strengths into one attack against that the attacker) is used. concept that is not, itself, a Rule or a Case. applied to the units involved.
The calculated Combat Differential is Combat Strength measures a unit’s value
hex. Note that if one or more such units always determined to represent a specific in battle as expressed in Strength Points;
attack, this does not obligate any of the column of results on the Combat Results higher numbers are stronger.
other adjacent units to participate.

© 2000 James F. Dunnigan and © 2007 Victory Point Games © 2000 James F. Dunnigan and © 2007 Victory Point Games
T T The Drive on Metz Rules v1.0 The Drive on Metz Rules v1.0 3

Movement Allowance determines how far German Player Turn per Rule 4.0) until the seventh Game Turn [7.0] MOVEMENT OF UNITS Only one unit is allowed in a hex at the end [8.0] REINFORCEMENTS
the unit can move expressed in Movement 4. German Movement Phase. The is completed. of any Phase.
Points; higher numbers are faster. General Rule How additional units enter the game.
German player may move his units. He [6.0] HOW TO WIN [7.31] A unit may never enter or pass
Unit size is provided for historical interest may move as many or as few as he Each unit has a Movement Allowance through a hex containing an enemy unit. General Rule
only and has no effect on game play. Each wishes, one after another, within the Players win by obtaining more Victory number printed on it which represents the In addition to the forces with which they
[7.32] A unit may never end its
unit represents approximately 3,000 to limitations of the rules for movement. Points (VPs) than their opponent. Victory basic number of hexes it may move in a start the game, both players receive units
Movement Phase in the same hex as
4,000 soldiers and their equipment Points are obtained as follows: single Movement Phase. Each player during the Movement Phases of specified
5. German Combat Phase. The German another friendly unit.
[6.1] American Victory Points moves only his own units during the Game Turns.
Unit identification is also for historical player may attack adjacent enemy units. [7.33] One or more units may move
Movement Phase of his Player Turn (called
interest, but can affect gameplay when He may perform these attacks in any • 1 Victory Point for each unit that begins the “Friendly” Movement Phase), as through a hex containing another Procedure
using Optional Rule 11.1. order he wishes, applying the results the American Movement Phase on the friendly unit, but the moving units may At any time during the specified Move-
shown in the Sequence of Play (Rule 4.0).
The map is divided into hexagons immediately as each attack is made. EAST side of the Moselle River (i.e., in never end the Movement Phase in the ment Phase, newly arriving units may enter
one of the lightly-shaded yellow hexes). Procedure
(we call them “hexes”) which 6. No American Moselle VP Phase. The same hex as another unit. If this should the map through the hexes indicated.
define units’ positions like the squares of a German player checks to see if any • 5 Victory Points for an American unit Units move one at a time, hex by hex, in inadvertently happen, the opposing Cases
chessboard. The map also shows important American units are east of the Mosselle being the last unit to enter or pass any direction or combination of directions player gets to choose which of the
terrain such as forests, cities, fortifications, River and scores 1 Victory Point if there that the player desires. The Movement illegally placed units are to be destroyed [8.1] How Reinforcements Enter
through Thionville [hex 0701].
rivers, and railroads. are none (see Case 6.2). Phase ends when a player announces that (so that only one remains in the hex). When reinforcements arrive on the map,
• 20 Victory Points for an American unit he has moved all of his desired units. they behave identically to units already on
The Player Aid sheet includes the Terrain Housekeeping being the last unit to enter or pass [7.4] Enemy Zones of Control
Effects Chart that more fully explains each Cases the map. The arrival (into the proper hex)
7. Game Turn Phase. Advance the Game through Metz [hex 0807]. A unit must stop upon entering a hex costs the reinforcing units the appropriate
terrain type and how it works in the game, [7.1] A Unit’s Movement Allowance
Turn marker or, if the last turn was • 5 Victory Points for each unit to exit the adjacent to an enemy unit. number of Movement Points for that
the Combat Results Table, the Game Turn played, stop and determine the winner. A unit may never exceed its Movement
EAST side of the map before the end of [7.41] Whenever a unit enters a hex that terrain type. If entering on a road, it is
Record Track, a Victory Point Track for Allowance. That is, during its Movement
These two Player Turns are repeated seven the game. is directly adjacent to any of the enemy assumed that they are entering the map
keeping score during play, and a reminder Phase, each unit may move as far as its
times. The game is over at the end of the [6.2] German Victory Points player’s units, the moving unit must through a road hexside. The units move
of the Sequence of Play during a turn of Movement Allowance permits.
seventh Game Turn and the players immediately stop and move no farther. (and they may participate in combat) in the
The Drive on Metz.
determine the winner as per Rule 6.0. • 10 Victory Points for each unit to exit [7.11] Each unit spends one or more Player Turn of arrival.
the WEST edge of the map by the end of [7.42] Note that there
The six-sided die, which players Movement Points of its total allowance
[5.0] STARTING THE GAME the game. are six hexes adjacent [8.11] Blocked Entry: If possible,
must provide, is used only with the for each hex that it enters. Individual to most hexes on the however, units must enter in the hexes
Combat Results Table to determine the Procedure • 7(-) Victory Points are obtained for units may move less than their map. The six hexes specified. If the entry into the arrival hex
result of battles. The die has nothing to do each unit of the 3rd Panzergrenadier or Movement Allowance.
1. Set aside set aside the two American and adjacent to an enemy cannot be performed as a legal move, the
with movement of units. 17th SS Panzergrenadier Divisions to
eleven German units with Victory Point [7.12] Units may not, however, lend or unit are called the Zone reinforcing units may be brought in at
exit the EAST or SOUTH edge of the map
[4.0] SEQUENCE OF PLAY (VP) values in their upper-right corners;
by the end of the game. The number of
accumulate unused Movement Points. of Control of that unit (as shown here). the closest hex at which it would be
these units are only used when using [7.12] Units are never forced to move [7.43] If a unit begins its Movement legal to place them.
Procedure victory points varies according to the
certain Optional Rules (see 11.0). during their Movement Phase. Phase of its turn adjacent to an enemy For example, if the arrival hex is enemy
How Turns Work: The players take turns Game Turn in which the unit is exited. If
2. Place the German units first. The 106th the unit exits on Turn one, 7 points are [7.2] Terrain Costs for Movement unit (i.e., in its Zone of Control) it may occupied, the reinforcing units would be
moving their units and making attacks as
Panzer Brigade is set up on the Game obtained. Turn two, 6 points; etc. as not leave that hex. Units may only exit diverted to the closest hexes not occupied by
described in this Rule. Units must spend more than one movement
Turn Track to arrive as a reinforcement shown on the Game Turn Record Track. an enemy Zone of Control as a result of enemy units.
Each Game Turn is divided into parts or point to traverse some terrain types. The combat (either the enemy unit is
on Turn 2. The other ten German units Note that if the entry hex were enemy
“phases” that are performed in the exact are setup on the map as indicated by hex • 1 Victory Point at the end of each basic cost to enter a clear terrain hex is two destroyed or retreated or your unit is
(2) Movement Points. The basic entry cost controlled; only one unit could enter
order listed below. All actions in one phase number on the individual units’ top-left German Combat Phase if there are no retreated).
to enter some terrain hexes is higher; these there (and would stop in that hex).
must be finished before the next phase can corner and as shown in the Game Setup US units on the EAST side of the Moselle
costs are specified in the Terrain Effects [7.5] Exiting the Map [8.2] Delaying Reinforcements
begin. The first three phases constitute the illustration. River.
Chart on the Player Aid sheet. Units may leave the map through
American “Player Turn;” the next three
3. Then the American player sets up. Place • 1 Victory Point for each US Combat The entry of reinforcements may be
form the German Player Turn. [7.21] If a unit does not have sufficient movement during a Friendly Movement delayed for as long as the Owning Player
the eight American units along the west Strength point eliminated during play.
Movement Points to enter a given hex, it Phase to obtain victory points. wishes. Should that player so desire, he
American Player Turn edge of the map into groups as indicated [6.3] Using the Victory Point Markers
may not do so. [7.51] The cost in Movement Points to may hold back all or part of the
1. American Moselle VP Phase. The on the individual units and as shown in The VP markers may are used to keep
[7.22] A hex containing more than one leave the map is the same as the cost to reinforcements due him in any Game Turn.
American player checks to see which, if the Game Setup illustration. These units track of each player’s score. Adjust them
type of traversable terrain is entered at enter the hex the unit is leaving from. This is indicated by placing them ahead
any, of his units are east of the Mosselle will all enter play as reinforcements as Victory Points are earned so that players
the higher of the costs. For example, if the unit were leaving the map one Game Turn on the Game Turn Record
River and scores 1 Victory Point for during the American Movement Phase always know what the current score is.
from a Clear hex, it would cost 2 MPs to exit; Track where these units may be considered
each of them (see Case 6.1). of Game Turn 1 (see Rule 8.0). [7.23] When a unit enters a hex through
[6.4] Determining the Winner if there were a road along that hexside, for entry during that turn (or voluntarily
2. American Movement Phase. The 3. Place the Game Turn marker in the a road hexside, it pays only the cost for
Victory is determined at the end of the however, it would cost only 1 MP. delayed again to the following Game Turn,
American player may then move his number ‘1’ box on the Game Turn moving one hex along the road,
game by comparing each player’s Victory and so on).
units. He may move as many or as few Record Track. regardless of the type of terrain entered [7.52] When units do leave the map,
Point score. If one side has 5 more points in that hex. Conversely, a road has they may never return. [8.3] American Reinforcement Schedule
as he wishes, one after another, within 4. Place each player’s Victory Point than the other, it has won a Marginal absolutely no effect on movement if the American units enter the map on Game
the limitations of the rules of movement. markers in the matching boxes along the [7.53] Units may not leave the map as a
Victory; 10 points is a Substantial Victory, hex is entered through a non-road Turn 1 and shown on the Setup illustration.
3. American Combat Phase. The left-most side of the Victory Point Track result of combat. If forced to leave the
and 15 or more points is a Decisive hexside (i.e., to receive this movement
American player may attack adjacent (the “0” and “00” boxes). map by the Combat Results Table, they [8.4] German Reinforcement Schedule
Victory. If neither side is more than 4 benefit, the unit must be moving along
enemy units. He may perform these are eliminated instead. The German 1-8 (106th Panzer Brigade)
After following these steps to set up the points ahead, the game is a Draw. connected road hexes).
attacks in any order he wishes, applying game, the American player begins the unit enters the map on Game Turn 2 as
the results immediately as each is made. [7.3] Stacking Effects on Movement
game and follows the Sequence of Play (as

© 2000 James F. Dunnigan and © 2007 Victory Point Games © 2000 James F. Dunnigan and © 2007 Victory Point Games

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