Exam Voodoo Island 1HV

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Exam Voodoo Island 1HV

1. What is the name of Conway’s company?

a. Conway’s Building
b. Conway’s Money
c. Conway Construction
d. Conway Completion

2. What is a “Houngan”?

3. Describe what is meant by ‘The Old World’ en ‘The New World’.

4. James Conway and Kee zijn are two main characters in the story. State who belongs to which
world and why.

5. In the beginning, Conway is sitting in the plane with a woman called Karen. Do they like each
other? Give a quote (citaat) between “ ” from page 6 that shows it.

6. Why does Karen want to go to Haiti?

7. Who is Baron Samedi and what does/did he do? Is he also somebody’s family? Whose and how are
they related?

8. Who is Jacques Remy?

a. A childhood friend of Conway

b. A voodoo specialist
c. A friend of Kee’s
d. A business fiend of Conway

9. What is the problem that Conway describes to Jacques?

10. Kee is describing some changes that took place in Haiti on page 15. Quote and translate three

11. Karen is suddenly afraid at the cemetery. Why?

12. What is the village called that Kee lives in?

a. Bussy
b. Port au Prince
c. Haiti
d. Henri et Jacque

13. On pages 23-27, Kee is trying to give Conway a deal. What is he offering and what does he want
in return?

14. Does Conway take this deal? What does he do instead?

15. What did Kee do to Conway as revenge?

16. At the end, Karen comes to Kee for help. What does she need help with?

17. “Haiti is an Island where people do not always die – they only sleep”. What do they mean with

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