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Content Performance Competency Transformed Unpacking of I can… Activity

Standard Standard Competency Competency

the effects of design an Science (from DepEd CG) design, build 1. Propose a design 1. I can draw a robot Drawing (using
earthquakes emergency and and program of a robot for for search and drawing apps)
enumerate what to do
and volcanic preparedness a robot for search and rescue.
before, during and after Reflection log
eruptions: plan and kit search and rescue (M1)
earthquake and
rescue during
volcanic eruptions; 2. Build a robot for 2. I can build a robot Hands-on
disaster such
S6ESIVb-2 search and for search and
as Documentation
rescue (M1) rescue.
earthquakes (picture taking)
and volcanic
Robotics (from Carnegie Reflection log
Mellon Academy CG)
(2M) 3. Recognize the 3. I can tell the Hands-on
1. Make sense of proper chips combination of
problems and Documentation
combination for chips for the
persevere in solving the robots to robots to perform (picture taking and
them perform a a certain function video recording)
2. Develop an certain function using the Rogic
(M2) software. Reflection log
algorithm designed to
be implemented to run 4. Create a 4. I can make a Hands-on
on a computer.  program for the program for the
designed search- designed robot
(video recording)
and-rescue robot using the Rogic
(M2) software. Reflection log

characteristics design an Science (from DepEd CG) design, build 1. Propose a design 1. I can draw a Drawing (using
of planets in emergency and and program of a robot for robot that can drawing apps)
compare the planets of
the solar preparedness a robot that exploration of explore the
the solar system; Reflection log
system. plan and kit can explore other planets in planets in our
other planets our solar system
in our solar (M1) solar system
system (2M)
Robotics (from Carnegie 2. Build a robot for 2. I can build a robot Hands-on
Mellon Academy CG) exploration of for exploration of
1. Attend to precision other planets in other planets in
(picture taking)
our solar system our solar system.
2. Develop an (M1) Reflection log
algorithm designed to
be implemented to run 3. Recognize the 3. I can tell the Hands-on
on a computer.  proper chips combination of
combination for chips for the
the robots to robots to perform (picture taking and
perform a a certain function video recording)
certain function using the Rogic
(M2) software. Reflection log

4. Create a program 4. I can make a Hands-on

for the designed program for the
exploration robot designed robot
(video recording)
(M2) using the Rogic
software. Reflection log

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