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MECH 2406

Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering, HKU

Section 4

Reference: Hughes’s “Electrical and Electronic Technology” (10th ed.) Ch. 34

Electricity and Magnetism

Electricity Magnetism

Electricity and Magnetism

Constant current produces constant magnetism

Varying current produces varying magnetism

Electricity Magnetism

Constant magnetism produces no current

Varying magnetism produces constant or varying current

Electricity and Magnetism

Current directly produces magnetism

Electricity Magnetism

Change rate of magnetism produces current

1. change via magneto-motive force (e.g., transformer)
2. change via movements (e.g., power generator)

What are transformers?

• A transformer steps up voltage at power station for

efficient transmission
• It then steps down the voltage to lower values for
civilian use
• A transformer room usually presents in a multi-
story domestic dwelling building

Why Do We Need Transformers

• Electricity usually generated at voltages about 11kV –

• Efficient electricity transmission requires even higher
voltage, which implies less current, thus less heat loss
(𝐼 ! 𝑅)
• Electric devices (e.g., computer, lamp, air-conditioner,
motor) require much lower voltage (e.g., 220V in
Hong Kong, China Mainland, 110V in USA)
• Need to step up/down voltage from one value to

What Does Transformers Look Like?

𝑖! 𝑖"
𝑣! 𝑒! 𝑒" 𝑣"

Working principle of transformers
(When the secondary is open circuit)

When the Secondary is Open Circuit

𝑖! 𝑖"
𝑣! 𝑒! 𝑒" 𝑣"

• The big picture:

𝑣! 𝑖! Φ! Φ# 𝑒" 𝑣" 𝑖" Φ"


When the Secondary is Open Circuit

𝑖! 𝑖"
𝑣! 𝑖! Φ! Φ# 𝑒" 𝑣" 𝑖" Φ"
𝑣! 𝑒! 𝑒" 𝑣"

• Primary magnetomotive force (mmf): 𝐹% = 𝑁%𝑖%

• Assume a constant permeability 𝜇
à constant reluctance 𝑆 = '(
)! +! ,!
• Flux due to the primary windings: Φ% = *
= *

When the Secondary is Open Circuit

𝑖! 𝑖"
𝑣! 𝑖! Φ! Φ# 𝑒" 𝑣" 𝑖" Φ"
𝑣! 𝑒! 𝑒" 𝑣"

• Secondary is open circuit: 𝑖- = 0

• Secondary magnetomotive force (mmf): 𝐹- = 0
• Constant reluctance: 𝑆 = '(
• Flux due to the secondary windings: Φ- = =0

When the Secondary is Open Circuit

𝑖! 𝑖"
𝑣! 𝑖! Φ! Φ# 𝑒" 𝑣" 𝑖" Φ"
𝑣! 𝑒! 𝑒" 𝑣"

+! ,!
• Flux due to the primary windings: Φ% = *
• Flux due to the secondary windings: Φ- = 0
• Flux Φ% and Φ- (if any) are opposing directions
+! ,!
• Total magnetic flux D: Φ. = Φ% − Φ- = Φ% = *

When the Secondary is Open Circuit

𝑖! Φ# 𝑖"
𝑣$ 𝑖$ Φ$ Φ& 𝑒% 𝑣% 𝑖% Φ%
𝑣! 𝑒! 𝑒" 𝑣"

"! #!
• Primary flux = total magnetic flux = Φ! =
%&" "! %#!
• The change rate is = , direction is clock-wise
%' $ %'
• The change rate induces an electromotive force (emf) 𝑒(
• 𝑒( is such that it tends to produce a current (not really exists)
whose magnetic flux is opposing the flux Φ! , i.e., the flux is #
%& " %#
counter clock-wise. The magnitude of 𝑒( is 𝑒( = 𝑁( " = ! !
%' $ %'

When the Secondary is Open Circuit

𝑖$ Φ& 𝑖%
𝑣$ 𝑖$ Φ$ Φ& 𝑒% 𝑣% 𝑖% Φ%
𝑣$ 𝑒$ 𝑒% 𝑣%

+!" /,! /,!

• 𝑒% = * /0 = 𝐿% /0
+!" '(+!"
• 𝐿% = = is the
self-inductance, “self” implies that
* &
voltage is induced from the current of the same coil
• The primary windings is the same as a standard inductor
(with a steel core) as if the secondary coil does not exist

When the Secondary is Open Circuit

𝑖$ Φ& 𝑖%
𝑣$ 𝑖$ Φ$ Φ& 𝑒% 𝑣% 𝑖% Φ%
𝑣$ 𝑒$ 𝑒% 𝑣%


The primary windings is a load (i.e.,

𝑣$ 𝑒$ inductor) to the power supply
𝑣% and consumes power ( 𝑒% and
𝑖% are opposing directions)
𝑣% = 𝑒% = 𝐿%

When the Secondary is Open Circuit

𝑖$ Φ& 𝑖%
𝑣$ 𝑖$ Φ$ Φ& 𝑒% 𝑣% 𝑖% Φ%
𝑣$ 𝑒$ 𝑒% 𝑣%

"! #!
• Secondary flux = total magnetic flux = Φ! =
%&" "! %#!
• The change rate is = , direction is clock-wise
%' $ %'
• The change rate induces an electromotive force (emf) on the
secondary windings 𝑒)
• 𝑒) is such that it tends to produce a current (not really exists)
whose flux is opposing the flux Φ! , i.e., the flux is counter clock-
%& " " %#
wise. The magnitude of 𝑒) is 𝑒) = 𝑁) " = # ! !
%' $ %'

When the Secondary is Open Circuit

𝑖$ Φ& 𝑖%
𝑣$ 𝑖$ Φ$ Φ& 𝑒% 𝑣% 𝑖% Φ%
𝑣$ 𝑒$ 𝑒% 𝑣%

+" +! /,! /,!

• 𝑒- = = 𝑀-%
* /0 /0
+ + '(+" +!
• 𝑀-% = "* ! = &
is themutual-inductance, “mutual”
implies that the voltage is induced from the current of
another coil.
• 𝑀%- = 𝑀-% = 𝐿%𝐿-

When the Secondary is Open Circuit

𝑖$ Φ& 𝑖%
𝑣$ 𝑖$ Φ$ Φ& 𝑒% 𝑣% 𝑖% Φ%
𝑣$ 𝑒$ 𝑒% 𝑣%

The secondary windings has a
𝑒% voltage 𝑒-, but no current (as open-
circuit), thus consuming no power. It
is a voltage source connecting no
𝑣- = 𝑒-; 𝑖- = 0

When the Secondary is Open Circuit

𝑖$ Φ& 𝑖%
𝑣$ 𝑖$ Φ$ Φ& 𝑒% 𝑣% 𝑖% Φ%
𝑣$ 𝑒$ 𝑒% 𝑣%

• 𝑒" = 𝑁" 𝑒! 𝑁! 𝑣! 𝑒! 𝑁!
#% = ⇒ = =
#$ 𝑒" 𝑁" 𝑣" 𝑒" 𝑁"
• 𝑒! = 𝑁!
• 𝑁! > 𝑁" ⇒ 𝑒! > 𝑒" : Step-up transformer
• 𝑁! < 𝑁" ⇒ 𝑒! < 𝑒" : Step-down transformer

Example 4.1

A transformer has 480 turns on the primary and 90 turns on the secondary. If the
maximum value of the flux density is to be 1.1 T and the primary current is 1.5A
(r.m.s.) when a p.d. of 2200V (r.m.s.) at 50Hz is applied to the primary, calculate
(a) the cross-sectional area of the core;
(b) the secondary voltage on no load;
(c) the primary inductance and the core reluctance

Example 4.1
A transformer has 480 turns on the primary and 90 turns on the secondary. If the
maximum value of the flux density is to be 1.1 T and the primary current is 1.5A
(r.m.s.) when a p.d. of 2200V (r.m.s.) at 50Hz is applied to the primary, calculate
(a) the cross-sectional area of the core;
(b) the secondary voltage on no load;
(c) the primary inductance and the core reluctance

For (a), since the primary voltage 𝑉$ in r.m.s. is 2200V, the instantaneous voltage is
𝑣$ = 2𝑉$ sin(2𝜋𝑓𝑡)
'(! %*"
Since 𝑣$ = 𝑁$ , the flux is Φ& = cos(2𝜋𝑓𝑡 + 180° )
') %+,-"

%*" $.0$0×%%22
The maximal flux is Φ& = = = 20.6mWb
%+,-" %+×32×042

( 678.9: ( 2.2%2<
Since the flux density 𝐵 = , the area 𝐴 = = = 0.0187m%
5 678.9: ; $.$

Example 4.1
A transformer has 480 turns on the primary and 90 turns on the secondary. If the
maximum value of the flux density is to be 1.1 T and the primary current is 1.5A
(r.m.s.) when a p.d. of 2200V (r.m.s.) at 50Hz is applied to the primary, calculate
(a) the cross-sectional area of the core;
(b) the secondary voltage on no load;
(c) the primary inductance and the core reluctance

*# -#
For (b), since = at no load, the secondary voltage in r.m.s is
*" -"
𝑁% 90
𝑉% = S 𝑉$ = ×2200 = 412.5V
𝑁$ 480

Example 4.1
A transformer has 480 turns on the primary and 90 turns on the secondary. If the
maximum value of the flux density is to be 1.1 T and the primary current is 1.5A
(r.m.s.) when a p.d. of 2200V (r.m.s.) at 50Hz is applied to the primary, calculate
(a) the cross-sectional area of the core;
(b) the secondary voltage on no load;
(c) the primary inductance and the core reluctance

For (c), the primary circuit is an inductor, 𝑉$ = 𝐼$ S 2𝜋𝑓𝐿$ , therefore,

𝑉! 2200
𝐿! = = = 4.67H
2𝜋𝑓𝐼! 2𝜋×50×1.5
-"# -"# 042×042
Since 𝐿$ = , then the reluctance 𝑆 = = = 4.9×100 A/Wb
= >" 0.<?

Example 4.1
A transformer has 480 turns on the primary and 90 turns on the secondary. If the
maximum value of the flux density is to be 1.1 T and the primary current is 1.5A
(r.m.s.) when a p.d. of 2200V (r.m.s.) at 50Hz is applied to the primary, calculate
(a) the cross-sectional area of the core;
(b) the secondary voltage on no load;
(c) the primary inductance and the core reluctance

Alternative for (c), the primary mmf (in r.m.s) 𝐹$ = 𝑁$ 𝐼$ = 480×1.5 = 720A
The instantaneous flux is Φ = %+,-" cos(2𝜋𝑓𝑡 + 180° )
*" %%22
The flux r.m.s is Φ@&A = = = 14.6mWb
%+,-" %+×32×042
B" B" ?%2
Since Φ@&A = , the core reluctance is 𝑆 = = = 4.9×100 A/Wb
= ($!% 2.2$0<

-"# -"# 042×042

Since 𝐿$ = , the primary inductance is 𝐿$ = = = 4.67H
= = 0.C×$2&

Ideal Transformers

𝑖$ 𝑁! : 𝑁" 𝑖%
Dot convention: the black dots are
defined such that: if the two currents
𝑒$ 𝑒% 𝑖! , 𝑖" are entering though the dotted
terminals, they produce magnetic
fluxes of the same directions

&$ '$
• Primary and secondary voltage satisfy: & = '
% %
• Instantaneous power is conserved: Power
generated on secondary is equal to the power
consumed on primary, at any instant:
($ &% '% ($ '%
𝑖! 𝑒! = 𝑖" 𝑒" ⇒ = = . Then, =
(% &$ '$ (% '$

Equivalent Circuit with No Load

𝑖$ 𝑖%

𝑖$ Φ& 𝑖% 𝑒%
𝑣$ 𝑣%
𝑣$ 𝑒$
𝑒$ 𝑒% 𝑣% 𝐿$

Transformer with no load Primary circuit Secondary circuit

'(! 𝑑𝑖$ 𝑁%
Magnetic flux: 𝑒$ = 𝑁$ 𝑣$ = 𝑒$ = 𝐿$ 𝑒% = 𝑒
') 𝑑𝑡 𝑁$ $
𝑖% = 0
𝑣% = 𝑒%

Equivalent Circuit with No Load

𝑖$ 𝑖%D 𝑁! : 𝑁" 𝑖%
𝑣$ 𝑣%
𝑒> 𝐿$ 𝑒$ 𝑒%

E - F -
Ideal transformer: E# = -# ; F#' = -"
" " # #

-# 𝑁%
𝑒% = 𝑒$ ; 𝑖% = 0; 𝑣% = 𝑒% 𝑖%D = 𝑖 = 0; 𝑖$ = 𝑖&
-" 𝑁$ %
𝑑𝑖& 𝑑𝑖$ 𝑑𝑖$
𝑣$ = 𝑒$ = 𝑒> = 𝐿$ = 𝐿$ 𝑣$ = 𝑒$ = 𝐿$
𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡
The current 𝑖& produces the required magnetic flux: Φ& =

Working principle of transformers
(When the secondary has a load)

When the Secondary Has a Load

𝑖$ 𝑖%
𝑣$ 𝑒$ 𝑒% 𝑣%

• The big picture:

𝑣$ 𝑖$ Φ$ Φ& 𝑒% 𝑣% 𝑖% Φ%

When the Secondary Has a Load

𝑖$ 𝑖%
𝑣$ 𝑖$ Φ$ Φ& 𝑒% 𝑣% 𝑖% Φ%
𝑣$ 𝑒$ 𝑒 𝑣%
% 𝒁

• Primary magnetomotive force (mmf): 𝐹% = 𝑁%𝑖%

• Assume a constant permeability 𝜇
à constant reluctance 𝑆 = '(
)! +! ,!
• Flux due to the primary windings: Φ% = *
= *

When the Secondary Has a Load

𝑖$ 𝑖%
𝑣$ 𝑖$ Φ$ Φ& 𝑒% 𝑣% 𝑖% Φ%
𝑣$ 𝑒$ 𝑒 𝑣%
% 𝒁

• Secondary magnetomotive force (mmf): 𝐹- = 𝑁-𝑖-

• Constant reluctance: 𝑆 = '(
)" +" ,"
• Flux due to the secondary windings: Φ- = *
= *

When the Secondary Has a Load

𝑖$ Φ% 𝑖%
𝑣$ 𝑖$ Φ$ Φ& 𝑒% 𝑣% 𝑖% Φ%
𝑣$ 𝑒$ 𝑒 𝑣%
% 𝒁

+! ,!
• Flux due to the primary windings: Φ% = , magnetizing
+ ,
• Flux due to thesecondary windings: Φ- = " " ,
• Flux Φ% and Φ% are opposing directions
+! ,! ^+" ,"
• Total magnetic flux: Φ. = Φ% − Φ- = *
When the Secondary Has a Load

𝑖$ Φ& 𝑖%
𝑣$ 𝑖$ Φ$ Φ& 𝑒% 𝑣% 𝑖% Φ%
𝑣$ 𝑒$ 𝑒 𝑣%
% 𝒁

+! ,! ^+" ,"
• Primary flux = Total flux = Φ. = Φ% − Φ- = *
• Breaking the primary current 𝑖% breaks into two parts:
𝑖! = 𝑖# + 𝑖"$
• 𝑖. is the magnetizing current that produces the Φ. :
Φ. =
• 𝑖-_ neutralizes the demagnetizing effect of 𝑖-: 𝑁%𝑖-_ = 𝑁-𝑖-
When the Secondary Has a Load

𝑖$ Φ& 𝑖%
𝑣$ 𝑖$ Φ$ Φ& 𝑒% 𝑣% 𝑖% Φ%
𝑣$ 𝑒$ 𝑒 𝑣%
% 𝒁

• The change rate of primary flux is , direction is clock-wise
• The change rate induces an electromotive force (emf) 𝑒%
• 𝑒% is such that it tends to produce a current (not really exists)
whose magnetic flux is opposing the flux Φ. , i.e., the flux is
counter clock-wise. The magnitude of 𝑒% is 𝑒% = 𝑁% /0 =
𝐿% /0
When the Secondary Has a Load

𝑖$ Φ& 𝑖%
𝑣$ 𝑖$ Φ$ Φ& 𝑒% 𝑣% 𝑖% Φ%
𝑣$ 𝑒$ 𝑒 𝑣%
% 𝒁

• 𝑒% = 𝑁% /0
+! ,! ^+" ,"
• Φ. = Φ% − Φ- = Φ% = *
• The primary emf is affected by the secondary load
• The primary windings is a load to the power supply and
consumes power (𝑣% and 𝑖% are opposing directions)
When the Secondary Has a Load

𝑖$ Φ& 𝑖%
𝑣$ 𝑖$ Φ$ Φ& 𝑒% 𝑣% 𝑖% Φ%
𝑣$ 𝑒$ 𝑒 𝑣%
% 𝒁

• Secondary flux = Total flux = Φ.

• The change rate is /0
, direction is clock-wise
• The change rate induces an emf on the secondary coil 𝑒-
• 𝑒- is such that it tends to produce a current (physically
exists, the 𝑖-) whose magnetic flux is opposing the flux Φ,
i.e., the flux is counter clock-wise. The magnitude of 𝑒- is
𝑒- = 𝑁- /0
When the Secondary Has a Load

𝑖$ Φ& 𝑖%
𝑣$ 𝑖$ Φ$ Φ& 𝑒% 𝑣% 𝑖% Φ%
𝑣$ 𝑒$ 𝑒 𝑣%
% 𝒁

• 𝑒- = 𝑁- /0
• The secondary windings takes power from the primary coil
and consumes this power on its load 𝒁
• The secondary windings is a power source to the load 𝒁. It
generates power (𝑖- and 𝑒- are in the same direction)

When the Secondary Has a Load

𝑖$ Φ& 𝑖%
𝑣$ 𝑖$ Φ$ Φ& 𝑒% 𝑣% 𝑖% Φ%
𝑣$ 𝑒$ 𝑒 𝑣%
% 𝒁

#$ #$ &$ '$
• 𝑒" = 𝑁" ; 𝑒! = 𝑁! ⇒ =
#% #% &% '%
• 𝑁! > 𝑁" ⇒ 𝑒! > 𝑒" : Step-up transformer
• 𝑁! < 𝑁" ⇒ 𝑒! < 𝑒" : Step-down transformer

Equivalent Circuit with a Load

𝑖$ 𝑖%D 𝑁! : 𝑁" 𝑖%
𝑣$ 𝑣%
𝑒> 𝐿$ 𝑒$ 𝑒% 𝒁

E# -# F# -"
Ideal transformer: = ; =
E" -" F#' -#

𝑖$ = 𝑖& + 𝑖%D 𝑒$ = 𝑒> = 𝐿$
The current 𝑖& produces the required magnetic flux: Φ& =


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