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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

Advances in Civil Engineering

Volume 2015, Article ID 631726, 12 pages

Research Article
Experimental Study of Hysteretic Steel Damper for
Energy Dissipation Capacity

Daniel R. Teruna,1 Taksiah A. Majid,2 and Bambang Budiono3

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Disaster Research Nexus, School of Civil Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia
Department of Civil Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia

Correspondence should be addressed to Daniel R. Teruna; [email protected]

Received 8 November 2014; Accepted 2 January 2015

Academic Editor: Andreas Kappos

Copyright © 2015 Daniel R. Teruna et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly

This study aims to evaluate energy absorption capacity of hysteretic steel damper for earthquake protection of structures. These types
of steel dampers are fabricated from mild steel plate with different geometrical shapes on the side part, namely, straight, concave,
and convex shapes. The performance of the proposed device was verified experimentally by a series of tests under increasing in-
plane cyclic load. The overall test results indicated that the proposed steel dampers have similar hysteretic curves, but the specimen
with convex-shaped side not only showed stable hysteretic behavior but also showed excellent energy dissipation capabilities and
ductility factor. Furthermore, the load-deformation relation of these steel dampers can be decomposed into three parts, namely,
skeleton curve, Bauschinger part, and elastic unloading part. The skeleton curve is commonly used to obtain the main parameters,
which describe the behavior of steel damper, namely, yield strength, elastic stiffness, and postyield stiffness ratio. Moreover, the
effective stiffness, effective damping ratio, cumulative plastic strain energy, and cumulative ductility factor were also derived from
the results. Finally, an approximation trilinear hysteretic model was developed based on skeleton curve obtained from experimental

1. Introduction After the Hyogoken-Nanbu earthquake, implementation

of passive damper in Japan has significantly increased [3, 4].
Conventional design concepts of earthquake-resistant struc- In addition, in other areas, such as USA, Asia, and Europe,
tures are not intended to avoid damage on the structures the application of these systems, either for new buildings
but to ensure safety of humans under severe earthquakes. or for retrofitting, has been given significant attention [5–
However, damage caused by extremely strong earthquakes
9]. Hysteretic steel damper is a passive damper system
can result in significant economic impact and loss of human
that absorbs substantial portion of input energy induced by
life. Thus, for important or specific purpose of buildings,
designing the structural experience with minor damage or earthquake through hysteretic deformation of the damper
elastic response during its life time is necessary. To achieve material. In the past 20 years, a number of innovative
this goal, structural control systems have been developed hysteretic steel dampers with high energy dissipation capacity
and incorporated into structures to minimize or reduce have been proposed and tested, such as Tadas device [10–
damage induced by wind and earthquakes [1, 2]. Among these 12], ADAS device [11, 13], honeycomb damper [14], shear
systems, passive control system, also known as passive energy panel [15, 16], rhombic ADAS [17, 18], dual-function DFMD
dissipation, is an inexpensive and effective way to reduce [19], slit damper [20–22], buckling restrained brace [23, 24],
structural deformation during earthquakes. Passive control tube-in-tube damper [25], and circular plate damper [26].
systems absorb energy induced by earthquake in various Figure 1 shows several shapes of hysteretic steel dampers.
mechanisms, such as metal yielding, friction, fluid orificing, These devices are commonly designed to be incorporated into
and viscous elastic deformation of solid. bracing system of structural frame (Figure 2).
2 Advances in Civil Engineering

(a) X-ADAS (b) TADAS (c) Rhombic (d) Shear panel


(e) Slit damper (f) Honeycomb damper (g) DFMD damper (h) CPD damper
1st tube Slit 2nd tube
Restraining part

Core plate 1 Plug weld 1

Section 1-1
Bolt Unbonded material Connection
(i) Buckling restrained brace (j) Tube in tube

Figure 1: Type of hysteretic steel damper.

Beam Beam

Device Device

Bracing Bracing

(a) Single story frame with a steel damper (b) Connection of damper to the beam and (c) Behavior of damper during earthquake

Figure 2: Typical installation of steel damper in chevron configuration.

Hysteretic steel damper can be classified into three types Buckling restrained brace systems, which has three parts,
based on yielding mechanisms, namely, axial, shear, and namely, steel core element to withstand entire brace axial
flexural. ADAS, TADAS, honeycomb device, dual-function load, steel tube element filled with mortar for providing con-
DFMD, low-yield rhombic, and slit damper devices belong finement that prevents steel core buckling in compression and
to the flexure yielding type, whereas buckling-restrained allows it to yield in tension or compression, and unbounded
brace systems yield through axial force arising in the braces. material placed between steel core and mortar to minimize
Advances in Civil Engineering 3

210 210 210 210

R = 16 R = 16 R = 16 R = 16 30
70 90 70 70
10 10 10 10

26 R = 38 26 R = 10 26 R = 25 30 R = 64 300

R = 15 R = 15 R = 15 R = 15


(a) DHSD-1 (b) DHSD-2 (c) DHSD-3 (d) DHSD-4

Figure 3: Details of test specimens.

friction between them. In addition, the tube-in-tube damper dissipation. In this study, four steel damper specimens were
proposed by Benavent-Climent [25] consists of outer and made from mild steel plate and fabricated with specific
inner tubes assembled in two hollow sections using plug and geometry (Figure 3). The steel plates are round in their ends
filled weld. The wall of short outer tube has a series of strips to avoid stress concentration. The tests were performed in the
made by cutting the wall to form a number of slits. Energy Structural Laboratory of Bandung Institute of Technology.
dissipation occurs when slits deform inelastically, which is The aim of the test is to determine which among the four
similar to slit damper. Thus, this damper is a combination of proposed dampers has large energy absorption capabilities,
buckling-restrained brace and slit damper. stable hysteresis loop, and adequate stiffness.
Flexural yielding dampers assume that under cyclic load-
ing, damper yielding occurs simultaneously and uniformly 3. Experimental Program
through the full height of damper, so that it can sustain a
large deformation without premature fracture or buckling. 3.1. Specimens and Loading History. A total of four specimens
However, given that the section properties of slit damper have with specific geometry were fabricated in Mechanical Labora-
uniform moment of inertia, yielding is concentrated at both tory of Bandung Institute of Technology using CNC machine
ends under combination of shear force and moment. This to obtain accurate shape and dimensions. The specimens were
concentration is particularly undesirable both in terms of the designated as DHSD1, DHSD2, DHSD3, and DHSD4. All
amount of energy that can be absorbed and by its inherent of these specimens have the same width (210 mm), height
lack of stability and repeatability in the plastic hinge region. (300 mm), and thickness (20 mm). The difference between
Furthermore, ADAS, TADAS, and rhombic damper are them entirely lies on the shapes of their sides; DHSD1
commonly installed in the direction of weak axis bending shows straight side, DHSD2 has concave side, and DHSD3
to provide energy absorption, whereas the other dampers and DHSD4 were fabricated with convex-shaped sides. The
(honeycomb, dual function DFMD, shear panel, and slit
difference between DHSD1 and DHSD2 solely lies in the
damper) absorb input energy of earthquakes in the direction
width at the middle of the specimen, where DHSD3 and
of strong axis. Therefore, these dampers have a higher stiff-
DHSD4 have 26 mm and 30 mm width, respectively.
ness compared with ADAS or TADAS.
The specimens were welded along the upper and lower
steel plates of 40 mm thick, forming similar I-section. Both
2. Objective of the Research of these steel plates were designed to be thicker the than
Hysteretic steel dampers of flexural yielding type, such as specimens to prevent yield when the specimens reached its
honeycomb damper, slit damper, and DFMD, which are maximum load or unstable condition. The four specimens
installed to withstand shear force and bending moment under were subjected to a displacement amplitude loading pattern
in plane bending, are not truly yielding simultaneously over (Figure 4). Three cycles were repeated for each displacement
the entire plate because the bending moment capacity of the amplitude from 1 mm to 20 mm and then followed by two
plate is a function of the plate width to the second power; cycles for the next displacement amplitude. The tests were
meanwhile, the bending moment diagram is approximately performed until the complete failure of specimens or when
linear. In addition, information about the mechanical charac- the specimens show out-of-plane deformation.
teristics, such as elastic stiffness, yield strength, and postyield
stiffness, with regard to hysteretic model for such dampers 3.2. Material Properties. The specimens were made from
is limited. The hysteretic model is important for designing mild steel plate with specifications that conform to JIS-SS400.
earthquake-resistant buildings equipped with steel damper. To determine the mechanical characteristics of the material,
Thus, further studies are needed to determine the geometrical three tensile coupon tests were conducted (Figure 5 and
shapes of steel dampers, which are good and stable in energy Table 1 for test results). All specimens and coupon tests were
4 Advances in Civil Engineering

Table 1: Tensile test results.

Sample Yield stress Yield strain Tensile strength Modulus of Elongation

(MPa) (10−6 ) (MPa) elasticity (MPa) (%)
20 mm SS400 292 1420 456 2.06 × 105 16

Table 2: Summary of test results.

Specimen 𝛿𝑦 (mm) 𝑃𝑦 (kN) 𝐾𝑒 (kN/mm) 𝑃max 𝑃min 𝛿max 𝛿min 𝜇

HSD 1 2.5 114.408 45.763 220.11 −212.17 46.5 −46.1 18.6
HSD 2 3.4 139.048 40.896 185.31 −176.54 33.9 −32.7 10.0
HSD 3 3.4 175.90 51.74 274.16 −261.18 47.0 −45.1 14.7
HSD 4 2.6 135.048 51.941 238.09 −245.85 50.0 −50.0 19.2

60 caused by the pretension force when the high-strength bolts

50 were tightened had sufficient strength so that the connection
40 would not slip until the specimens reach their maximum
strengths. An 800 kN actuator was used to apply the cyclic
increasing load to the specimen via the T-beam. To prevent
Displacement (mm)

20 the T-beam from out-of-plane deflection, lateral support with

10 roller was provided and connected to the T-beam. However,
0 the T-beam can rotate on the upper plate of the specimen.
−10 Figure 7 presents the photograph of the connection between
T-beam and upper plate of specimen while the lateral support
systems are shown in Figure 8. The tests were performed
until complete failure of the specimens. The failure criterion
−40 of the specimens is defined when either a crack appears
−50 on the surface or the specimens experience out-of-plane
−60 deformation caused by inelastic buckling. The magnitude of
the applied load was monitored using a load cell, whereas
Figure 4: Loading displacement history. lateral displacement of specimen and slip between connected
parts were measured independently with the use of four sets
500 of displacement transducers (LVDT). LVDT 1 intended to
measure the deformation of base support, whereas LVDT 2
measures the slip between bottom plate and base support;
no slip occurred during the test. LVDT 3 was used to record
Nominal stress (MPa)

the absolute displacement at the upper plate of specimen. The

300 difference measurement of LVDT 3 and LVDT 2 was assumed
as lateral displacement of specimen. LVDT 4 was used to
200 control the displacement from actuator. No slip occurred
between T-beam and upper plate of specimen because the
100 displacement recorded at LVDT 3 is similar to LVDT 4.

0 4. Test Results and Discussion

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
Normal strain 4.1. Hysteretic Behavior. In general, all of the specimens
show similar features on the hysteretic behavior without any
Figure 5: Nominal stress-strain of a test coupon.
sign of degradation in both stiffness and strength, except
for specimen DHSD-3. All of the specimens deformed in
double curvature as expected. The overall test results of
taken from the same steel plate sheet in order to minimize the four specimens are listed in Table 2. The maximum peak
variability of its mechanical properties. strength 𝑃max or 𝑃min obtained reached between 1.33x and
1.92x the yield strength because of strain hardening, except
3.3. Test Setup and Measurement. Figure 6 shows the loading for specimen DHSD-3. In addition, the positive peak strength
setup. The specimen was installed between the strong base value 𝑃max and negative peak strength value 𝑃min are not equal
frame and upper loading T-beam using high-strength bolts because of the Bauchinger effect; however, the differences
so that the strong axis of specimen is in the direction of were <5%. The specimen DHSD-4 also showed the highest
applied load. The friction forces between the connected plates ductility and the highest initial stiffness. By contrast, the
Advances in Civil Engineering 5

Lateral support


Actuator Lateral
support Specimen
Base frame
(a) Side view (b) Front view

Figure 6: Test equipment.

the top of the specimen height, and the load sustained was
reduced. The test results indicate that the geometrical feature
of specimen HDSD-1 can be used as damper. However, the
specimen DHSD-1 has energy absorption capacity that is
lower than that of DHSD-4.

4.1.2. Specimen DHSD-2. Figure 10(a) shows the photograph

of specimen DHSD-2. During the test, the specimen shows
slight degradation either in stiffness or in strength, and it was
also incapable of sustaining a large displacement. When a
horizontal force reached 139 kN, yielding started and the test
was stopped when the specimen showed out-of-plane defor-
Lateral support Specimen mation at amplitude displacement <33 mm. The specimen
buckled because of flexural inelastic buckling (Figure 10(b)).
Figure 7: Front view of experimental setup.
This specimen demonstrates not only less energy dissipation
capabilities but also less ductility. Therefore, the geometry of
this specimen is not suitable for usage as a hysteretic steel

4.1.3. Specimen DHSD-3. The photograph of specimen

DHSD-3 is shown in Figure 11(a). The hysteresis curve
obtained from the test is depicted in Figure 11(c). This spec-
imen has both high initial stiffness and energy dissipation
capacity. An initial yielding was observed at 179 kN horizontal
force. Figure 11(b) shows that the specimen started experienc-
ing out-of-plane bending deformation after testing when the
amplitude is equal to 44 mm. The test was terminated when
the amplitude increased to 48 mm. However, its overall cyclic
T-beam Roller behavior is better than that of specimen DHSD-2. The author
believes that the out-of-plane inelastic buckling should not
Figure 8: Top view of experimental setup.
occur since this specimen has the similar geometrical shape
with DHSD-4. It was probably that this specimen experienced
not only in-plane bending but also out-of-plane bending due
specimen DHSD-3 showed the lowest corresponding values. to the out of straightness either during fabricated or during
The test results of the four specimens are discussed and installation unavoidable. Therefore, further investigation is
summarized in the following sections. needed to explain this behaviour. However, the geometrical
shape of this specimen is good promising.
4.1.1. Specimen DHSD-1. The photographs of the specimen
before and after testing and its hysteretic curve are shown 4.1.4. Specimen DHSD-4. The photograph of specimen
in Figure 9. The specimen yielded at small displacement and DHSD-4 is shown in Figure 12(a). This specimen can sustain
exhibited stable hysteretic behavior. The yielding started at a large amplitude displacement. The yielding started at a
approximately 114 kN applied force. The tests were terminated horizontal force of 135 kN. The tests were terminated when
after the crack appeared on the side vicinity, one-fourth from crack occurred in the region slightly below the top of the
6 Advances in Civil Engineering




Force (kN)


−60 −45 −30 −15 0 15 30 45 60
Displacement (mm)
(a) Specimen shape (b) Specimen at failure (c) Hysteresis loop

Figure 9: Results of specimen cyclic test for DHSD-1.


Force (kN)


Buckled −200

−50 −40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 40 50
Displacement (mm)
(a) Specimen shape (b) Specimen at failure (c) Hysteresis loop

Figure 10: Results of specimen cyclic test for DHSD-2.



Force (kN)



−60 −50 −40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Displacement (mm)
(a) Specimen shape (b) Specimen at failure (c) Hysteresis loop

Figure 11: Results of specimen cyclic test for DHSD-3.

Advances in Civil Engineering 7




Force (kN)


−60 −50 −40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Displacement (mm)
(a) Specimen shape (b) Specimen at failure (c) Hysteresis loop

Figure 12: Results of specimen cyclic test for DHSD-4.

specimen. The location of the crack coincides with the region Baucshinger parts, respectively. Equation (1) can be expressed
where the maximum bending moment occurred. The exper- in normalized form as follows:
imental results reveal that the specimen with convex-shaped
sides exhibits not only excellent energy capacity, but also 𝜂 = 𝑆 𝜂 + 𝐵 𝜂,
high elastic stiffness. After testing, no significant distortion
𝑊𝐷 𝑊𝑆 𝑊𝐵 (2)
was observed and free of undesirable pinching effect. On the 𝜂= ; 𝑆
𝜂= ; 𝐵
𝜂= ,
basis of the energy dissipation capabilities and cumulative 𝑃𝑦 𝛿𝑦 𝑃𝑦 𝛿𝑦 𝑃𝑦 𝛿𝑦
ductility factor, this specimen demonstrates superior perfor-
mance compared with the other specimens. Therefore, the where 𝑃𝑦 is the yield strength; 𝛿𝑦 is the yield displace-
geometrical shape of this specimen is highly recommended. ment; 𝜂 is equivalent cumulative plastic deformation ratio;
𝜂 𝜂
𝑆 and 𝐵 are equivalent cumulative plastic deformation
ratio of the skeleton and Baushinger parts, respectively. The
4.2. Energy Absorption Capacity. The energy absorption equivalent cumulative plastic deformation ratio or energy
capacity of hysteretic steel damper depends on loading his- absorption rate 𝜂 is also known as the index parameter
tory applied [27]. To study this dependency, the typical stress- that is commonly used in the energy-based damage model
strain relation of steel material under cyclic loading can be [29]. Moreover, Benavent-Climent [30] proposed energy
decomposed into three parts, namely, skeleton, Bauschinger, based damage model using two parameters, namely, the total
and elastic unloading (Figure 13). This decomposition is dissipated energy and the portion of the energy consumed on
useful for describing hysteretic behavior of structural steel, the skeleton part. It was found that the proposed model can
whereas skeleton part is similar to the stress-strain relation predict level of damage accurately.
of tensile coupon test under monotonic loading [28]. As Another interest parameter is recognized as cumulative
shown in Figure 13(b), segments 0-1, 5-6, 11-12, and 17-18 in ductility factor 𝜇 𝜂 which is defined as
the positive loading and segments 2-3, 8-9, 14-15, and 20-
󵄨 +󵄨 󵄨 −󵄨
21 in the negative loading are the paths wherein the load
𝜂 󵄨󵄨 + 󵄨󵄨 󵄨󵄨 − 󵄨󵄨 󵄨󵄨󵄨 𝑆 𝛿 󵄨󵄨󵄨 + 󵄨󵄨󵄨 𝑆 𝛿 󵄨󵄨󵄨
= 󵄨 𝜂 󵄨 + 󵄨 𝜂 󵄨 = ,
level is larger than the preceding cycle in the same domain. 𝜇 󵄨󵄨 𝜇 󵄨󵄨 󵄨󵄨 𝜇 󵄨󵄨 𝛿𝑦
Skeleton curves were obtained by connecting these segments
sequentially (Figure 13(c)). The rest of the curve is divided
into elastic unloading curves, which have slope close to initial where 𝑆 𝛿+ and 𝑆 𝛿− are the apparent cumulative plastic
elastic stiffness and Bauschinger curve. The latter curve is deformation ratio on the skeleton part in the positive and
softened by the Bauschinger effect. negative regions. Table 3 shows the cumulative ductility
Plastic energy dissipated by the steel component in each factor, the equivalent cumulative plastic deformation ratio
loading until failure can be expressed as the sum of its of the specimens 𝜂, and that of both skeleton curve (𝑆 𝜂)
skeleton and Bauschinger parts as follows: and Bauschinger part (𝐵 𝜂). In general, energy consumed by
Bauschinger part is >80% of the total plastic energy. Figure 14
also shows the relation between cumulative energy dissi-
𝑊𝐷 = 𝑊𝑆 + 𝑊𝐵 , (1) pated and cumulative displacements of four specimens data
obtained from cumulative energy dissipated and ductility
displacement of the four specimens; the specimen DHSD-
where 𝑊𝐷 is total plastic energy dissipation of steel com- 4 shows the largest energy dissipation capacity, whereas in
ponent, 𝑊𝑆 , and 𝑊𝐵 is total plastic energy dissipation in terms of cumulative ductility factor, specimen DHSD-1 is
both positive and negative domains of the skeleton and almost equal to specimen DHSD-4.
8 Advances in Civil Engineering

5 6
11 1

𝛿−max 22 16 10 4 0 2 7 13 19

9 8

Skeleton curve Bauschinger part

Elastic unloading part
(a) Original hysteresis loop
PB 1,5
Py Ke
− − − − − Ke Ke Ke
S 𝛿u S 𝛿4 S 𝛿3 S 𝛿2 S 𝛿1 0.2
+ + + + S𝛿
S 𝛿1 S 𝛿2 S 𝛿3 S 𝛿4
Ke Ke Ke +
Ke S 𝛿u
S 𝛿B
15,20 𝛿y

(b) Skeleton curve

− − Ke Ke Ke

B 𝛿3 B 𝛿2 B 𝛿1

+ + + B𝛿
Ke Ke B 𝛿1 B 𝛿2 B 𝛿3


(c) Bauschinger part

Figure 13: Decomposition of hysteresis loop.

4.3. Effective Stiffness and Effective Damping. Analysis of the where 𝑊𝐷 is the energy dissipated per cycle, which is obtained
response of the structures with linear dynamic procedure from the test and equal to the area enclosed by one complete
requires effective stiffness and effective damping. Figure 15 cycle of the force-displacement relation of hysteresis loop.
illustrates the physical significance of the effective stiffness Table 4 presents effective stiffness and effective damping for
and may be calculated as follows: the four specimens calculated at the maximum displacement.
󵄨󵄨 + 󵄨󵄨 󵄨󵄨 − 󵄨󵄨 The relation between effective damping and displacement at
󵄨𝑃 󵄨 + 󵄨𝑃 󵄨
𝐾eff = 󵄨 + 󵄨 󵄨 − 󵄨 . (4) every cycle are shown in Figure 16.
|𝛿 | + |𝛿 | Table 5 presents the damping coefficients as function of
The energy dissipation capability of hysteretic system effective damping (FEMA 273). The damping coefficients are
is generally represented by effective damping 𝜁, whereas useful for reducing ordinary spectral response acceleration
effective damping is displacement-dependent and calculated through coefficients 𝐵𝑠 and 𝐵1 as specified by numerous
at design displacement, 𝛿, as follows [31]: building code. The average damping ratio provided by steel
damper specimens at displacement 20 mm (assumption of
1 𝑊
𝜁eff = [ 𝐷 ], (5) interstory drift target for building structures remain elastic)
2𝜋 𝐾eff 𝛿2 is >40%. Therefore, the use of steel damper can protect
Advances in Civil Engineering 9

Table 3: Energy dissipation capacity.

Specimen 𝑆𝜂 𝐵𝜂 𝜂 𝑆 𝜂/𝜂 𝐵 𝜂/𝜂 𝜇𝜂

DHSD-1 22218.24 131533.04 153751.28 0.145 0.855 50.20
DHSD-2 23972.02 211257.82 235229.82 0.102 0.898 30.57
DHSD-3 16139.40 68693.55 84832.95 0.190 0.809 23.35
DHSD-4 25451.86 214267.43 239719.29 0.106 0.894 49.93

250 Table 4: Effective damping and stiffness at maximum displacement.

200 Specimens Effective Effective

damping 𝜁 (%) stiffness (kN/mm)
Energy (kJ)

150 DHSD-1 0.475 4.668

DHSD-2 0.467 5.433
100 DHSD-3 0.487 5.812
DHSD-4 0.512 4.839

0 Table 5: Damping coefficient.

0 100 200 300 400
Cumulative displacement (mm) Effective damping 𝜁 (percentage of critical) 𝐵𝑠 𝐵1
5 1 1
DHSD-3 DHSD-4 10 1.3 1.2
20 1.8 1.5
Figure 14: Cumulative energy dissipation of the specimens. 30 2.3 1.7
40 2.7 1.9
50 3.0 2.0

Force Keff
+ a structure should it remain elastic or experience minor
damage under severe seismic excitation.

𝛿− Displacement
4.4. Approximate Trilinear Model. Previous studies proposed
hysteretic models of steel damper, such as the bilinear model
[32], trilinear model A [25], two-surface model [1], Boug-
Wen [33], modified Boug-Wen [18], and Ramberg-Osgood
[15], based on either experimental or numerical results. In
the present study, a trilinear model is adopted to charac-
Figure 15: Definition of effective stiffness.
terize the parameters involved in the development of force-
deformation relationship of the damper because of its sim-
plicity and this type of model is available in the commercial
software package. Figure 17 shows the comparison of trilinear
model and skeleton curve for the four specimens, whereas
0.5 the mechanical properties of approximate trilinear model of
Effective damping

the specimens are listed in Table 6. 𝛼1 and 𝛼2 are the ratios
of elastic stiffness to the first and the second plastic stiffness,
0.3 respectively.

5. Conclusion and Future Researches
0 5.1. Conclusion. This paper presented some experiments
0 20 40 60 on the energy dissipation capabilities of the yielding steel
Displacement (mm) damper under in-plane cyclic loading. The conclusions are
HSD 1 HSD 3 summarized as follows.
(1) All of the specimens exhibit stable hysteretic behavior
Figure 16: Effective damping ratio versus displacement. under moderate displacement; however, specimen
10 Advances in Civil Engineering


PB /Py 𝛼2 Ke
𝛼2 Ke PB /Py

1 𝛼1 Ke
1 𝛼1 Ke

𝛿/𝛿y 𝛿/𝛿y
1 1
(a) Specimen DHSD-1 (b) Specimen DHSD-2
𝛼2 Ke 𝛼2 Ke
PB /Py
PB /Py
1 𝛼1 Ke
1 𝛼1 Ke

𝛿/𝛿y 𝛿/𝛿y
1 1

Skeleton part Skeleton part

Trilinear Trilinear
(c) Specimen DHSD-3 (d) Specimen DHSD-4

Figure 17: Comparison of skeleton curve and trilinear approximation.

Table 6: Mechanical characteristic of trilinear approximation.

Specimen 𝛿𝑦 𝑃𝑦 (𝑃𝐵 /𝑃𝑦 ) 𝐾𝑝1 𝐾𝑝2 𝛼1 (𝐾𝑝1 /𝐾𝑒 ) 𝛼2 (𝐾𝑝2 /𝐾𝑒 )

HSD 1 2.5 114.408 1.379 5.419 1.387 0.118 0.030
HSD 2 3.4 139.048 1.2 4.855 1.438 0.118 0.035
HSD 3 3.4 175.9 1.380 11.708 1.751 0.226 0.033
HSD 4 2.6 135.048 1.391 3.668 1.257 0.070 0.024

DHSD-3 showed slight decrease in stiffness and 5.2. Future Researches. With this study investigation of hys-
strength under large displacement because of the lack teretic steel damper under cyclic loads has been conducted
of stability. and it would be desirable to undertake the further research
(2) Average energy consumed by Baushinger part of in the following areas:
specimens is >80% of the total plastic energy. (1) To perform a parametric study of the damper with
(3) On the basis of evaluation using the four indexes, convex side to obtain the effect of height-width ratio
namely, elastic stiffness, ductility factor, cumulative on the hysteretic behavior of the dampers.
ductility factor, and energy absorption rate, specimen (2) To investigate the effect of out of straightness on
DHSD-4 demonstrated superior performance com- the hysteretic behavior of the damper with various
pared with other specimens. height-width ratio and thickness to height or width
(4) The specimens showed >40% hysteretic damping ratio.
ratio under moderate displacement, whereas the max- (3) To investigate the lack of damper stability before
imum hysteretic damping ratio of >50% was achieved cracking occurred at maximum displacement as
by specimen DHSD-4 at maximum displacement. expected.
(5) The skeleton curves of the specimens can be approx- (4) To developed mathematical formulation on the
imated using trilinear model using parameters elastic mechanical characteristic dampers, especially elastic
stiffness, yield force, and the first and second postyield stiffness of the damper for application of the trilinear
stiffness. hysteretic model.
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