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Delhi draws red line: If

situation continues,
will vitiate Beijing ties
Chinese Ambassador urges India to avoid any action that
may complicate situation along Line of Actual Control
First faceoff
A DAY after Indian and Chinese
in Galwan
plement the understanding on
disengagement and de-escala-
was in early
tion” along the Line of Actual
Control, New Delhi drew the red
May, weeks
line Thursday, saying “continua-
only vitiate the atmosphere for
US National Security Advisor
Robert O’Brien, at a press
before clash
the development of the relation- meet called on China in
ship”betweenthetwocountries. Phoenix, Arizona, where he KRISHN KAUSHIK &
Amid reports of satellite im- said America “will act to SHUBHAJIT ROY
agesshowingChinesestructures check the spread of Beijing’s NEW DELHI, JUNE 25

A CORONA TEST back at the site of the June 15

clash in Galwan Valley and
massing of PLA troops in the
ideology”. AP
their first faceoff in the Galwan
At an exam centre in Bengaluru for Class 10 exams on Thursday. Over 7.5 lakh students appeared for the Karnataka board exams, originally scheduled in Depsang plains, Anurag In a strongly worded state- Valley in the first week of May,
March, with the state ordering one student per bench and 18-20 students per classroom to ensure social distancing. The exams will go on till July 4. PTI Srivastava, spokesperson for the ment, Srivastava said “at the around the time they came to
Ministry of External Affairs, said heart of the matter is that since blows on the banks of the
“both sides remain deployed in early May, the Chinese side has Pangong Tso, and more than a
large numbers in the region” of been amassing a large contin- month before the June 15 show-
In talks with Remaining Board exams Next semester to be fully the Galwan Valley “while mili-
tary and diplomatic contacts are
gent of troops and armaments
along the LAC”.
down in Galwan Valley in which
20 Indian Army personnel were

RBI to recast for July cancelled, Class 12 online at IIT-Bombay, CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 continuing”. killed.
This came to light Thursday
when the Ministry of External
loans for to have option of re-test others likely to follow Trade bodies say need Affairs mentioned it for the first
time and the Chinese


time to stop reliance
CBSE will not have the second
option — for them, the remain-
the safety and well-being of the
Ambassador to India, Sun
Weidong, detailed the incident
in an interview to PTI, a tran-
MUMBAI, NEW DELHI, JUNE 25 on imports from China
ing exams have been scrapped.
“The Covid pandemic has
made us at IIT-Bombay rethink
script of which was posted by
the Chinese embassy.
formed the Supreme Court of the way we impart education to Top sources in the Army con-
WITH THE Covid graph rising this decision Thursday during THE INDIAN Institute of our students. To ensure that our are of the view that “knee-jerk” firmed that scuffles similar to
ENS ECONOMIC BUREAU steadily,theremainingBoardex- the hearing on a plea seeking Technology (IIT) in Mumbai has students begin the academic PRABHA RAGHAVAN & offensive againstthe neighbour- Pangong Tso, though not as in-
NEW DELHI, JUNE 25 ams for students of Classes 10 cancellationof theremainingex- become the first major educa- year without further delay, we AANCHAL MAGAZINE ing country till alternative ven- tense or violent, had taken place
and12inschoolsaffiliatedtothe ams. The examinations, which tional institution in the country areplanningonextensive online NEW DELHI, JUNE 25 dorsarefinalisedordomesticca- in Galwan Valley near Patrolling
IN WHAT may bring borrowers Central Board of Secondary were stalled in March due to the to scrap all face-to-face lectures classes, details of which will be pacities are built will hurt Point 14 (PP-14) in the first week
a huge relief, the government is Education(CBSE)andCouncilfor pandemic, had later been for the next semester due to the informed to all students in due AS SEVERAL ministries move to companies and the economy. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
in active discussion with the Indian School Certificate rescheduled to be held between Covid-19 pandemic. This means course of time,” he said in a block imports and investments Federation of Indian Export
Reserve Bank of India to offer a Examination (CISCE) will not be July 1 and July 15. itwillholdonlyonlineclassestill Facebook post shared close to from China following the recent Organisation’s(FIEO’s)President,
one-timeloanrestructuringplan held as scheduled in July. The pending exams for Class the end of the year. midnight. border clashes along the border Sharad Kumar Saraf, and THE EDITORIAL PAGE
tocompaniesforthemtosurvive Instead, the students will be 12 in CBSE-affiliated schools in- In an announcement made This is the first time in the in- where 20 army men were killed, Director General, Ajay Sahai,
the adverse impact of Covid-19 assessed on a special marking cluded 12 core subjects — late Wednesday night, IIT- stitute's 62-year-old history that the industry is concerned about hinted on Thursday that a “blan-
pandemic, Finance Minister scheme. If they are not satisfied Business Studies, Geography, Bombay Director Subhasis a new academic year will begin the adverse impact on several ketban”maynotbefeasible.The ONOUROWNIN
Nirmala Sitharaman said withtheresultsbasedonthissys- Hindi (Core), Hindi (Elective), Chaudhuri said the institute with no students on campus. sectors. India Cellular and Electronics NEIGHBOURHOOD
Thursday. She also stressed on tem,theycanappearfortheexam Home Science, Sociology, would teach the next semester The other IITs are likely to follow From pharmaceuticals to Association and the Automotive BY PRATAP BHANU MEHTA
theneedforbankstopassonthe whenever it is scheduled later. Computer Science (Old), “purely in the online mode so with similar announcements on telecommunications and auto- Component Manufacturers PAGE 12
benefits of repo rate cuts by re- However,Class10studentsof CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 that there is no compromise on CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 mobiles, industry associations CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
ducinginterestrate aggressively,
and indicated that the benefit of
emergencycreditline guarantee
scheme (ECLGS) would be ex-
tended to individual borrowers
TRACKING INDIA’S COVID CURVE Visit to Covid centre not must, back to old BUSINESS AS USUAL
such as truck owners.
“In these pandemic times, it
has actually caused a lot of pain
115 CASES:
DAYS SINCE 4,73,105
RECOVERED: 2,71,696
DEATHS: 14,874
system in another Delhi protocol revision BY UNNY

and stress. We are talking to BEGAN TESTS: 75,60,782 | DOUBLING RATE: 19.48** which allows assessment at lance officer, the patient is mild/
ReserveBanktoseeif aone-time SOURAV ROY BARMAN home by a “home isolation pre-symptomatic/ asympto-
restructuring can be offered so NEW DELHI, JUNE 25 team”, has been reinstated. matic and has a residence of two
that everyone comes out a bit The decision was taken at a rooms or a separate room and a
more honourably (out) of this DAYS AFTER Lieutenant meeting of the Delhi Disaster separate toilet for the patient,”
(crisis),” she said in a video con- Governor Anil Baijal made it Management Authority chaired said a statement released by the
ference interaction with senior mandatory for all positive pa- by Baijal. With 73,780 cases so L-G Secretariat.
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 tients in Delhi to visit a Covid far, Delhi is the worst-hit city in The AAP government had
Care Centre for clinical assess- the country. opposed the new protocol,
KEYSTATES TOTAL SURGEIN 7-DAYAVG DOUBLING ment to determine if they can “The patient shall be allowed which came into effect on June
TOWATCH CASES 24HOURS GROWTH* RATE** optforhomeisolationornot,the A family at LNJP Hospital, home isolation if, as per the as- 22, saying it was “nearly impos-
■ Maharashtra 1,42,900 3,890 2.93% 24.58 order was “modified” on Thursday. Tashi Tobgyal sessment of home isolation sible”toimplementit.BothChief
■ Telangana 10,444 891 9.10% 7.91 Thursday. The earlier system, team sent by the district surveil- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 INSIDE
■ Delhi 70,390 3,788 5.91% 12.19
Bigrelief in
■ Tamil Nadu
■ Haryana
High positivity, fatality rates: Centre sends
A LOAN restructuring
* Compounded Daily Growth Rate over last 7 days


** Calculated over 7-day growth


teams to Gujarat, Maharashtra, Telangana
scheme, especially at a positivity rates that are consid- most number of cases. Maharashtra and Gujarat.
time when companies KAUNAIN SHERIFF M ered criticalin theefforts against The government is said to be A senior Health Ministry of-
are under huge stress 3.33 7.57 16,922 NEW DELHI, JUNE 25 the pandemic. especially concerned about ficial said, “Further handholding
will help companies NOW: NOW: RECOVERED TODAY: Sources said experts may Telangana, where testing has re- and assistance are required in
strengthen their books 3.15 6.26 13,012 WITH MORE than 16,000 fresh also be sent to Tamil Nadu and mained low and positivity rate the three states.Seniorepidemi- STRIKES IN BIHAR
and be eligible to borrow coronavirus cases reported on WestBengal,whicharealsoseen high. Sources said the Central ologists from the Directorate
again. There is a risk that
Deaths as a ratio of
positive cases (in %);
Positives against
number tested (in
Becoming sick vs
recovering; more Thursday in a new single-day as requiring advice and assis- team, including specialists and General of Health Services and NO REGULAR TRAIN
large scale defaults may indicator of progress %); indicator of the recoveries for 14 days high, the Centre announced it tance on clinical management. epidemiologists led by Joint team doctors will visit them. SERVICES TILL
in averting deaths spread of disease may signal the peak
force permanent closure
willbesendingateamof experts The Centre is already closely Secretary (Health) Lav Agarwal, On Friday, the team will AUGUST 12
of many units. frompreviousdays.Assuch,trendsbasedondailynumbersareindicative,notdefinitive to Telangana, Maharashtra and monitoring the Covid-19 situa- will be stationed for two days visit Gujarat, followed by PAGES 8, 6
Gujarat — three states with high tion in Delhi, the city with the there, against one each in CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

ANCHOR Unfair & Lovely, Unilever admits, will change cream name
having a global portfolio of skin Design and Trademark on June There have been a number of Fair & Lovely gained much pop-
SURBHI GUPTA care brands that is inclusive and 17 to get the name ‘Glow & online petitions recently, de- ularity in India but in recent
NEW DELHI, JUNE 25 cares for all skin tones, celebrat- Lovely’ registered. manding that HUL take ac- years it has received flak for
inggreaterdiversityofbeauty.We The conglomerate derives countability for the brand name equating a fair skin tone with
ALMOST FIVE decades after it recognise that the use of the $500 million from the brand in which, one of them said, is a self-worth, beauty, confidence
patented the name Fair& Lovely, words‘fair’,‘white’and‘light’sug- India alone, and is popular in “product of colourism”. In Asia, and better marital prospects.
Hindustan Unilever Ltd (HUL), gestasingularidealofbeautythat countries like Bangladesh, a number of cosmetics compa- “It’s a milestone in our jour-
theIndianarm of theglobalcon- we don’t think is right, and we Pakistan, Indonesia and nies, including L’Oréal, Shiseido ney ending colourism in India.
AT 36,880 CASES, U.S. glomerate,announcedThursday wanttoaddressthis,”saidSunny Thailand, apart from catering to and Procter & Gamble, have de- But what is sad is that it has
RECORDS HIGHEST that it will move towards a
"moreinclusivevisionof beauty"
Care, Unilever, in a statement.
the Asian diaspora in the West.
The move comes in the wake
voted a huge part of their busi-
nesses to fairness creams. And,
taken us 10 years. We did write
SINGLE-DAY COUNT — by dropping the word “Fair” Jain said that after changing of the Black Lives Matter move- prominent Bollywood actors, in- always ignored,” said Kavitha
and changing the brand name. the advertising,communication ment, and protests in the US af- cluding Priyanka Chopra, Emmanuel, who started Dark is
WEEK-LONG VOTE It will also remove the words and packaging in South Asia, ter the death of George Floyd, Katrina Kaif, Deepika Padukone, Beautiful,anadvocacycampaign
IN RUSSIA ON “fair/fairness”, “white/whiten- they are taking the next step of which has compelled compa- Sonam Kapoor, Yami Gautam against colourism, in 2009.
EXTENDING PUTIN’S ing”, and “light/lightening” from changing the brand name. nies, globally, to reassess their and Shah Rukh Khan have at “Advertisements and prod-
TENURE its products’ packs and commu- According to a PTI report, the businesses and marketing some point in their careers en- uctsthatweputontheshelf play
PAGE 15 nication. company approached the On a shop shelf in Ahmedabad on Thursday. Reuters strategies for signs of racism, dorsed fairness creams. a huge role in endorsing the
“We are fully committed to Controller General of Patent colourism and discrimination. Over the last few decades, CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

New Delhi




■ CUSTOMIZABLE IDaulatBegOldieisanamehardtoforget.Aquickexaminationoftheetymologyrevealstheratherexotic
Behind Ramdev’s
Indian Express
medicalofficer,HenryWalterBellew,translatedthenameastheplacewhere‘theLordofthestatedied’. claims of a Covid-19
★★★★★ ■4.6
NOIDA METRO STATION DRUGS BEING USED IN In the latest episode of the 3 Things
RENAMED AS ‘SHE MAN’ INDIA NOW podcast, we talk about the problems
Trans Rights activists Firms launched generic behind Ramdev’s claims and the questions
SCANTHISQRCODETO express discontent at versions of Remdesivir it raises about Patanjali.
move and Favipiravir


Delhi protocol revision divide. The funds raised would go Unilever
Continuation of situation will vitiate ties
towards assisting the institute in
Minister Arvind Kejriwal and Deputy Chief Minister purchasing laptops and internet bias... The rebranding and drop-
Manish Sisodia had criticised the move and raised the data plans for such students to ac- ping of products will definitely
issue with the Centre. cess virtual classes, Chaudhuri helpinendingcolourism,"saidthe
Kejriwal,Sisodiaandotherseniorfunctionarieswere said. Underliningthatthisis“notin meeting between diplomats un- Western Sector.” maticcontactsarecontinuing,”he Chennai-basedfounderof Women
present at the meeting today. “We have estimated that we accordance” with the pacts since der the Working Mechanism for “Wehadregisteredourprotest said. of Worth, a non-profit organisa-
Addressingawebcastafterthemeeting,Sisodiasaid: needaboutRs5croretohelpthose 1993, he said: “Obviously, the Consultation & Coordination on on the Chinese actions through Meanwhile, Chinese tion.
“Wearehappythatourdemandtoreinstatetheprevious needy students. Our alumni have Indian side had to undertake India-China Border Affairs both the Diplomatic and Military Ambassador Sun Weidong, in an HUL's announcement comes
system has been accepted. The method of home isola- committed a good amount of sup- counter deployments and the re- (WMCC)asa“significantdevelop- channels, and made it clear that interview to PTI, said his country after Johnson & Johnson (J&J) de-
tion has been highly successful in Delhi, where at least port, but that is not enough,” he sulting tension has thereafter ex- ment” and referring to the agree- any such change was unaccept- was ready to work with India to cided to stop the sale of
30,000 patients have recovered while being at home.” said in his Facebook post. pressed itself.” ments and understanding able to us. Subsequently, the properly deal with the border Neutrogena Fine Fairness cream,
According to the statement released by the L-G According to sources, IIT-Delhi On June 20, the Prime reached between the Foreign Senior Commanders met on 6 standoff. He said "suspicion and sold in Asia and Middle East, and
Secretariat, patients found fit for home isolation will be is also going to announce a com- Minister’sOfficehadsaid“Chinese Ministers on June 17 and Army June2020andagreedonaprocess friction" was a wrong path that Clean & Clear fairness cream, sold
provided a contact number for medical consultation, pletely online semester for inter- forces have come in much larger CommandersonJune6and22,he for de-escalation and disengage- goes against the fundamental as- only in India, earlier this month.
along with the phone number of CATS (Centralised mediate year students. Students strength to the LAC and that the said,“We expecttheChinese side ment along the LAC that involved pirations of people of the two Matrimonial site,, has
AccidentandTraumaServices)forcallinganambulance who don't have access to a digital Indian response is commensu- to sincerely follow up on this un- reciprocal actions. Both sides had countries. alsodecidedtodiscontinuetheop-
in case the symptoms worsen. device or internet connection will rate”. derstandingandensuretheexpe- agreedtorespectandabidebythe Saying India and China are tion that allowed users to filter po-
“If the said patient has moderate/ severe symptoms havetheoptionof droppingthese- The MEA also hit out at ob- ditious restoration of peace and LAC and not undertake any activ- abletoproperlymanagetheirdif- tential matches by skin tone.
with co-morbidities, he shall be transferred to the care mester or returning to the campus struction of Indian patrolling by tranquility in the border areas.” itytoalterthestatusquo,”hesaid. ferences, Sun called upon New In February, the Ministry of
centres,healthcentresorhospitals.Incasehisresidence and attending online classes from Chinese troops in “complete dis- Responding to queries, “As I mentioned in my state- Delhi to avoid taking actions that Health had said that advertise-
is not found to be fit for home isolation by the surveil- their rooms. Last week, the Punjab regard” to all mutually agreed Srivastava, reading from a state- ment on 20th June, the Chinese may"complicate"thesituationin ments promoting fairness creams
lance team, the patient will be admitted to a Covid Care EngineeringCollegeannouncedits norms. ment, said: “In early May, the side departed from these under- easternLadakh.Hewentontoadd could soon be banned and attract
Centre for isolation as per the Union Ministry of Health decisionto moveits nextsemester “The deployment of a large Chinese side had taken action to standings in respect of the LAC in that at present, the overall situa- a jail term extending up to five
and Family Welfare guidelines,” said the statement. completely online. bodyof troopsandchangesinbe- hinder India's normal, traditional theGalwanValleyareaandsought tion in the China-India border ar- years.
Meanwhile,theMinistryofHomeAffairs(MHA)said haviour has also been aggravated patrolling pattern in the Galwan to erect structures just across the eas is "stable and controllable." “The cat was set among the pi-
the decision was taken on June 21. “Today's SDMA deci- Board exams by unjustified and untenable Valley area. The resulting face-off LAC. When this attempt was "We hope the Indian side geons by J&J, which happens to be
sion on home isolation of Covid-19 positive patients in claims. The recent shift in the was addressed by the ground foiled,Chinesetroopstookviolent meets the Chinese side halfway, a small player in the Indian mar-
Delhiisareaffirmationofthedecisiontakenatthemeet- Chinese position on the Galwan commanders as per the provi- actions on 15 June 2020 that di- avoids taking actions that may ket. The biggest player is HUL with
ing held by Union Home Minister Shri @AmitShah on CBSE MARKING Valleyisoneexample,”Srivastava sions of the bilateral agreements rectly resulted in casualties. complicate the border situation, Fair & Lovely, which has Rs 2,400
the MHA spokesperson tweeted. SCHEME said,referringtoBeijing’sclaimto
Galwan Valley.
and protocols. In mid-May, the
Thereafter, both sides remain de-
and takes concrete actions to
crore in turnover. This is a signifi-
cant move, but the big challenge is
AftertheJune21meeting,theMHAhadsaidinastate- 4 scenarios for students of Describing the Wednesday status quo in other areas of the gion, while military and diplo- eas," he said. thatafairnesscreamwillnowhave
mentthatthe“HomeMinisteralsosaidthatallCovid-19 Classes 10 and 12: to morph itself into a beauty
positivecasesshouldbefirstreferredtoCovidcentresand cream," said brand strategy spe-
those who have adequate facilities at home and do not
suffer from other co-morbidities, can be allowed to stay
in home isolation.”
■ Completed their exams:
based on performance in
these papers.
First faceoff in Galwan Valley was early May cialist Harish Bijoor.
According to the recently pub-
lished report, "India Fairness
Subsequently,theDelhiDirectorateGeneralofHealth ■ Appeared in more than of May between patrolling units “On May 6, the Indian border clashes, the Chinese envoy said: On the way forward, Sun Cream & Bleach Market Overview,
Services had said on June 22 that for “mild/ pre-symp- three: average marks in of the two sides. It was after the troops crossed the LAC in the “First, the incident happened on said, “The merits of this incident 2018-2023", by Ireland-based
tomatic (cases), the patient will be shifted to Covid Care “best three performing clashes at these two sites that Galwan Valley by night and tres- the Chinese side of the Line of is very clear. The onus is not on Research and Markets, the
Centre to assess eligibility for home isolation”. subjects” in subjects for the standoff began, sources said. passed into China’s territory. Actual Control (LAC), and the China.” women's fairness cream category
Baijal'sofficetweetedthattoday'sdecisionwastaken which exams have not Anurag Srivastava, They resorted to violent means Indian side crossed the LAC first. “The two sides agreed to is anticipated to achieve market
“in accordance with the guidance” given by Shah. been conducted. spokesperson for the Ministry to create a standoff between the The Galwan Valley is located on fairly address the serious situa- revenues of more than Rs 5,000
of External Affairs, told re- two sides and built infrastruc- the Chinese side of the LAC, tion caused by the conflict in the crore by 2023.
IIT-Bombay semester ■ Appeared in three:
average marks in “best two porters: “In early May, the tures in an attempt to maintain where the ground situation of Galwan Valley, jointly observe The HUL move has been a long
holding virtual lectures for the Autumn semester. performing subjects” in Chinese side had taken action to a permanent presence.” control and management is the consensus reached at the time coming, said Mumbai-based
Chaudhuri has also sought Maharashtra Chief subjects for which exams hinder India's normal, tradi- The Chinese envoy said the very clear. The two sides basi- commander-level meeting be- Pallavi Chakravarti, Executive
Minister Uddhav Thackeray's permission to gradually have not been conducted. tional patrolling pattern in the first faceoff in Galwan Valley cally have kept peace for tween the two sides, cool down Creative Director, Taproot Dentsu.
bringbackseniorPhDscholarstothecampustoresume Galwan Valley area. The result- was on May 6. On May 5-6, decades. However, since the be- the situation on the ground as "This is a bold and welcome move,
research activities. ■ Appeared in one or two: ing face-off was addressed by Indian and Chinese troops had ginning of this year, the Indian soon as possible, and maintain given the numbers that the brand
“It would be a small group, (which will be allowed) Board performance and the ground commanders as per clashed on the banks of side has continuously built fa- peace and tranquility in the bor- does in the country. Having said
after appropriate quarantine, and will maintain all ap- “internal/practical project the provisions of the bilateral Pangong Tso, triggering a face- cilities at or crossing the LAC in der area in accordance with the that,it'snotjustabouttherebrand-
plicable social distancing norms. Once the first group assessment”. agreements and protocols.” off that led to massing of troops the Galwan Valley, constantly agreements already reached be- ing of the label but how they craft
settlesdown,then(wewill)tryforanothersmallgroup Ambassador Sun, while reit- by both sides along the LAC. changing the status quo of tween the two countries,” he theirmarketingcommunications,"
and so on,” he told The Indian Express in an email re- erating Beijing’s position, said: Referring to the June 15 ground control.” said. she said. “If they start (making
sponse. Computer Science (New), suchchanges)now,wecanachieve
Last week, in a virtual interaction with IIT-Bombay Information Practice (Old), this in possibly a decade.”
alumni, Chaudhuri had said all research activities have Information Practice (New), Mehta that the beginning of the lowing the Covid-19 outbreak and out any prior notice, can be coun- tected.“Theconfirmationrate isas (WITHBENITAFERNANDO)
come to a halt. Information Technology and Bio- new academic year would have to subsequent lockdown. terproductive.” high as 18%,” the source pointed
While the institute has begun admissions for post- Technology. be clarified by the Board. It will “There is a target we are pursu- An Automotive Component out,nearlythreetimeshigherthan Sitharaman
graduate courses, it is considering deferring the join- The CISCE had eight papers left have to start in September if the ing in line with ‘AtmaNirbhar Manufacturers of India (ACMA) the national average of 6.3%. membersof ChennaiInternational
ing of new PhD students by a semester. for Class 12 and six for the Class 10 optional exams are conducted in Bharat’ which is to reduce unnec- representativesaidthat,giventhat OnTelangana’stestingrate,the Centre.
The Autumn semester was earlier scheduled to be- when the government asked all August, the court said. The court essaryimports,notcountry-specific the industry is emerging out of a official said, “While it has in- Banks argue that the RBI needs
gin on July 27. Since classes will now be held remotely, school boards to postpone the ex- also directed the central govern- imports,” said DPIIT Secretary lockdown, a “knee jerk reaction” creased, tests per million are still to give operational flexibility to
the institute's Senate is reworking the curriculum, es- ams. ment to devise a “pan-India” solu- Guruprasad Mohapatra. may disrupt the value chain and very low. Against the country av- banks for a comprehensive re-
pecially for courses involving laboratory activities. TheCBSEwillannounceresults tion for the exams at a later date. It The Indian Express on June 23 impact the recovery process. erage of around 4,800 tests per structuring of the existing loans
Given that a large section of students at IIT-Bombay based on the marking scheme by also directed the government to had reported that import consign- The issue, which has also im- million, Telangana is at 1,200 tests and also a modification of the 90-
come from economically weak families, the director July 15 so that students can seek come up with a “time frame”. The ments from China at ports like pacted as many as 50 American per million. Neighbouring Andhra day norm for asset classification.
also appealed for donations to help bridge the digital admission to higher education in- next hearing is on Friday. Chennai and Mumbai were learnt manufacturing firms in India Pradesh is testing 9,000 per mil- As of now, the June 7 circular on
stitutionsontime.TheClass12stu- to be facing hurdles over the last across sectors like telecom, auto- lion and Tamil Nadu, 8,600 per loan restructuring is stringent and
dents will also be eligible to sit for Anti-China calls fortnight, with clearances being mobiles and fast-moving con- million. Even Uttar Pradesh is at gives little flexibility to banks, in-
the optional exams to improve Association are among other trade held up by customs authorities. sumer goods, prompted the US- around 1,900 tests per million.” dustry sources said.
their performance, which will be and industry associations which This may have inadvertently af- India Strategic Partnership Forum Of the 67,318 samplestestedso On the ECLGS scheme run by
conducted “as soon as the condi- have echoed these views. fected imports of crucial compo- (USISPF) to flag its concerns with far, the state has found 10,444 the National Credit Guarantee
tions are conducive”. However, if Saraf said the decision to boy- nents and raw materials used in the commerce and finance min- casesandseen225deaths.Thelast TrusteeCompanyLtd(NCGTC),the
the student chooses the latter, the cott non-essential products made several industries here. istries this week. five dayssincetesting was ramped government had approved fund-
marks secured in the optional ex- in China can be left to the individ- Amongthoseimpactedarecer- But with China’s overt aggres- up alone have seen 2,999 cases. Of ing of upto Rs 3 lakh crore for the
ams will be treated as final. ual . "Banning the imports of raw tain pharmaceutical firms, which sion,someleadersinIndianindus- them, 2,053 were asymptomatic MSME sector. Banks could extend
According to sources, the HRD materials from China without have been unable to receive their try are also of the view that India while the remaining showed an extra 20 per cent of outstand-
Ministry will soon hold meetings which products over here cannot consignmentsof essentialrawma- can over the next 4-5 years start Severe Acute Respiratory Illness ing loans to their MSME borrow-
with Delhi University, to ensure be made will be difficult. It would terials like active pharmaceutical producingmany of theseproducts symptoms. ers with a clean credit history.
that CBSE's alternate scheme does be better to maybe raise the duties ingredients(APIs)andkeystarting in India. While initially, SN “The Central team will discuss Thisschemecurrentlydoesnot
not hurt students. DU may be on cheaper raw materials instead materials (KSMs) from the Subrahmanyan, CEO and how to increase Telangana’s test- provide any benefit to individuals.
asked to extend its deadline (July of going in for any blanket ban," he Mumbai port. This happened de- Managing Director, Larsen & ing. It has the physical capacity, A senior member of the Chennai
4) for applications. said at a press briefing on India's spite any instructions from the au- Toubro, the country’s largest engi- both in the public and private sec- International Centre pointed out
Thegovernmentisalsoconsid- current and future trade scenario. thorities. “Some of our member neeringandconstructionfirm,said tors. They will also discuss how to to the finance minister that nearly
ering asking all higher education “What can help a smooth tran- companies have brought it to our in an interview cautioned that "to optimally utilise the capacity in two-third of his borrowers are in-
institutions to not close their ad- sition from reliance on imports to notice that consignments of APIs take a total view that we can boy- both central and state govern- dividuals including truck owners.
mission process till the students, AtmaNirbharta are certain policy and KSMs only from China are cott the Chinese goods" was not ment facilities,” the senior official Responding to these comments,
who appear for the optional Board measures by the government like stuck up at the port in Bombay,” feasible, the next day he said India said. Sitharaman said: “I think we are
exams, get their results. allowing grandfathering of duties Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance can “drastically reduce depend- In Maharashtra, sources said, very close to give that opportunity
Inthecaseof studentsof CISCE, on modules and cells for projects Secretary General Sudarshan Jain ence on Chinese products”. the concern is “clinical manage- to include individuals too in this
SeniorAdvocateJaideepGupta,ap- which have already been bid out,” told The Indian Express. Power Minister R K Sinha also ment of cases”, with the case fatal- NCGTC scheme.”
pearingfortheCouncil,saidthere- said Sumant Sinha, CMD, ReNew In a letter to the Finance said on Thursday his ministry was ityratioof 4.7%higherthanthena- The Finance Minister denied
mainingClass 10and12examsare Power. Minister and the Revenue planning to impose basic customs tional average of 3.2%, and “new thatprivatebankswerehesitantin
optional this year. Over the last three months, Secretary, Pankaj Mohindroo, duties (BCD) of around 15-25 per areas where cases are increasing”. disbursing credit under the
The CISCE students will be therehasbeenaconcertedpushto Chairman, India Cellular and cent on solar equipment starting Maharashtra has so far reported scheme to MSMEs and noted that
evaluated on performance in reduce reliance on unnecessary Electronics Association, said: “The August. This duty would subse- 6,739 deaths. 16 private banks were providing
school assessment, and will have imports and potentially oppor- industry is already in very deep quentlyberaisedupto40percent, The official added that while data on disbursements regularly.
the opportunity to appear for the tunisticinvestmentscomingespe- distress having lost production of he said. The Directorate General of things were “broadly stabilizing” While public sector banks have
exam at a later date to improve cially from China. Clear signs of over Rs 40,000 crore and has only Trade Remedies (DGTR) has been in the Mumbai metropolitan area, disbursed Rs 22,197 crore under
their marks -- both Classes 10, 12. such a move were first seen on recovered to less than 40 per cent investigating around 35 cases of places like Thane, Pune, Palghar the scheme, private sector banks
The CBSE’s decision was taken April 18 after China’s central bank of normalcy. India is at a very cru- dumping from China across prod- and Solapur continued to report have given Rs 10,697 crore, she
in consultation with the HRD raiseditsshareholdingintheHDFC cialmomentwiththelaunchof the ucts, including chemicals, steel, more cases. said. “Private sector banks will
Ministry. The Home Ministry also Ltd,thelargestprivatesectorhous- PLI (production-linked incentive) polyester yarn, copper and various Regarding Gujarat, the Central have to definitely buck up a bit
approved the CBSE’s stand before ing finance company. At that time, scheme and two others which re- yarns. team’s focus would be the high fa- more because many of MSMEsare
the Supreme Court Thursday. the Department for Promotion of quire a high level of motivation in tality rate, at 6%. Its Covid toll with them,” she said.
The Board’s expert committee IndustryandInternalTrade(DPIIT) the headquarters of global and lo- Central teams stands at 1,736 deaths. She also said her ministry was
cited letters written by the Tamil had said firms in neighbouring cal companies. They need to move MaharashtraonSaturday.Itwillbe Gujarat, at 8.5%, and intenselyengagedwiththeReserve
Nadu,Delhi and Maharashtra gov- countries wishing to invest in largeamountof plantandmachin- in Telangana on Sunday and Maharashtra at 17% also have high Bank, along with the banks, to un-
ernments seeking cancellation or Indiancompanieswouldnowonly ery, components, sub-assemblies, Monday.” positivity rates. derstand why transmission of rate
postponement of the exams. be able to do so after government and in some cases, finished prod- Telangana’s highpositivityrate Both states, along with Delhi, cuts was not happening.
Hearing the matter, the Bench approval — at a time when valua- ucts,toIndia.Regardlessof therea- has led to fears that a large num- continue to report a fatality rate FULLREPORTSON
told Solicitor General Tushar tions of companies were low fol- sons,suchamove,especiallywith- ber of cases might be going unde- higher than the national average.

New Delhi

AIM TO REACH ALL HOMES BY JULY 6 Man shot dead while driving
Second round of Asha for Delhi as after argument with bikers
door-to-door screening restarts
into an argument. They then let
MAHENDER SINGH the car pass but started following
MANRAL it. They soon came alongside the
NEW DELHI, JUNE 25 vehicle, and words were ex-
changed between the two
A 30-YEAR-OLD accountant was groups… Near Preet Vihar Metro
“Corona foot warriors shot dead inside a moving car in station,oneofthebikerspulledout
SOURAV ROY BARMAN Containment and Surveillance East Delhi’s Preet Vihar, in what, apistolandfired.Thebulletfirsthit
NEW DELHI, JUNE 25 Teams”,whichalsohadtheman- policesaid,appearstobeaninci- Somesh in the chest and pierced
datetoscreenDelhi’sentirepop- dent of road rage. His cousin, Rahul’sjaw,”saidtheofficer.
OVER TWO months after a sim- ulation, alert authorities about whowassittinginthepassenger Police said the bikers man-
ilarinitiative lost steam midway, suspected corona cases, trans- seat, also sustained injuries as aged to flee. “Somesh lost his
the capital’s second shot at portpatientstomedicalfacilities the bullet hit his jaw. control of the car, which hit a di-
screening its entire population and enforce social distancing. The incident took place on Somesh Chhabra vider near Jagatpuri around 1
to map the spread of Covid-19 The teams, which were also Wednesday night when the vic- am. The victims were taken to
started Thursday. Armed with a tasked with checking on every tim,Somesh Chhabra, his cousin hospital where Somesh suc-
mobileappandnotebooks,two- resident aged 60 or above and Rahul Sharma (29), and their “The three were in an i20. cumbed to injuries, while Rahul
memberteamsof ASHA(accred- “red-flagging”thosewithserious friendShivamDua(24)wentout They left around 8.30 pm and is out of danger after an opera-
ited social health activist) work- medicalconditions,weretohave for a ride and were returning went to Connaught Place. tion. He is recuperating and po-
ers and ANMs (auxiliary nurse BLOs,onecivildefencevolunteer, home to Shahdara. Someshwasdriving,andShivam lice have recorded his friend’s
midwife) fanned out across ASHA/anganwadi worker, MCD En route, they got into an ar- was sitting in the rear seat. statement,” said the officer.
many parts of the city. sanitation worker and a Delhi gument with four men on two Around 11.45 pm, they decided DCP (Shahdara) Amit
While the screening process, Police beat constable. separate two-wheelers near to head back home,” said a sen- Sharmasaid,“Ourpoliceperson-
which has a deadline of July 6, “Many of these were created, Preet Vihar Metro station over ior police officer. nelwereatthespotwhenthecar
has begun in sub-divisions un- however, they did not make giving way. Shivam,inthecomplaint,told hit the divider. We took them to
der the Central district — home Two-member teams of Asha workers and auxiliary nurse midwives have fanned out across much headway due to lack of se- An FIR has been registered policethattheyranintofourpeo- hospital and also launched
to several densely populated the city. Tashi Tobgyal riousness. Also, many workers but no arrest has been made yet. ple on two-wheelers near V3S search operations. The matter
neighbourhoods — in districts contracted the virus and had to Police said they have found mall. “Somesh started honking comes under the jurisdiction of
such as South and West, the isolate themselves. Many SDMs footage from CCTV cameras andaskedthemtogivethemway. PreetViharpolicestationandthe
teams are likely to be deployed On Thursday, we tried to cover sharedwithlocalmedicalofficers, as name, age, address and con- also turned corona positive. which shows the attackers. The bikers hurled abuses and got case was transferred to them.”
over the next two days. old Chandrawal, which has a who would, based on their as- tact, the workers are feeding the Now that screening of the entire
Around 9 am on Thursday, populationof around2,500peo- sessment,identifynamesthatre- mobile app with information city has been made part of the
teams led by SDM (Civil Lines) ple,” Tayal told The Indian quire immediate testing. such as the travel of every indi- Covid response plan, the sense
Pradeep Tayalhit thenarrowby- Express. In other districts, apart The teams are being de- vidual being screened; whether of urgency is more. We are treat-
lanes of old Chandrawal area, from ASHA workers and ANMs, ployed at the poll booth level in or not they use the Aarogya Setu ing it like a Census, albeit with a
where a slum cluster is located, even MCD staffers have been each sub-division, SDM (Saket) app; symptoms of flu; medical different set of questions and
and went around collating as roped in for the task. RakeshKumarsaid.Theteamsto conditions among other things. objectives. Apart from feeding
much data as they could till At old Chandrawal, the team be fielded in the South district The same app was being used in the app with requisite data,
around 4 pm. carriedoutadoor-to-doorsurvey underwent training on carrying out screening at the workers are being trained to ask
“We launched the screening while also interacting with clus- Thursday, SDM (Hauz Khas) containment zones. indirect questions to try and as-
on Wednesday by covering tersofpeopleatcornershops.The Kapil Chaudhary said. On April 13, Chief Secretary sess the situation better," said a
ArunaNagarnearMajnukaTilla. datacollatedthroughthedaywas Apart from basic details such Vijay Dev had constituted senior official.

Mostly relief, some

Notification No. 1771-RG Dated 23.06.2020

apprehensions over
Advertisement, bearing Notification no. 1679-RG dated 17th June,
2020, inviting applications from eligible members from Bar for filling

suicide at
up 06 (six) [but likely to vary subject to result of Civil Appeal No. 1867
of 2006 (Malik Mazhar Sultan’s case now pending before the Hon’ble

home no more Boards Supreme Court of India) in the post of District Judge (Entry Level)
has been uploaded on the website of High Court, at Calcultta.
Application for such posts must reach office of the undersigned
before 4:30 PM on 09.07.2020.
For details visit this Court’s website
NEW DELHI, JUNE 25 NEW DELHI, JUNE 25 Registrar General
had been pushing for Dated 23.06.2020 High Court, Calcultta
A 16-YEAR-OLD girl, who was a STUDENTS,PARENTSandschool the exams to not take
popular TikTok content creator, principals expressed relief over place during this period.
allegedly committed suicide at the CBSE’s decision to not con-
her home in Shahdara on duct the remaining Class X and They had even brought
Wednesday night. Police said XIIboardexaminationsbetween the issue to the court
the minor was "discovered by July 1 and 15.
her father in her room around However, some apprehen-
9 pm, and police were in- sion remains as stakeholders thesedifficulttimes.Forparents,
formed around 9.15 pm about await the finer details, such as this is a matter of relief,” said
the incident." which previously held examina- Seema Tyagi, president of the
DCP (Shahdara) Amit tions the students will now be Ghaziabad Parents Association.
Sharma said, "No suicide note evaluated upon. “It is a good decision to not
has been found yet. Inquest “Ididn’t wanttowritetheex- holdexamsnowasitwouldhave
proceedings have been initi- ams on the dates which had been unsafe for children. I know
ated in the matter.” been released as the situation in someparentswhowereplanning
The girl’s post-mortem was the city is not alright, so that’s tonotallowtheirwardstoappear
conducted Thursday, and the good. But I’m still waiting to find forexamsif theywereheld,even
body has been handed over to out how my results will be cal- if itmeantlosingayear,”saidDPS
the family. culated and that’s making me Rohini principal Vibha Singh.
The girl has over a million anxious,” said Rahul Gupta, a Springdales, Pusa Road prin-
followers on TikTok and over a Class XII student of Mamta cipal Ameeta Mulla Wattal said
lakh on Instagram. Early Modern School. the information that has been
Wednesday evening, she had Parents’associationshadalso made public till now served a
posted a short video on been pushing for the exams to balance between safety and as-
Instagram of her dancing to a nottakeplaceduringthisperiod, piration. “The good thing is the
Punjabi song. and it was parents who had uncertaintyisoverasthere were
Police said the statement of brought this issue to the court. issuesof anxietyandstresscrop-
the girl’s family has been taken. “In fact, this decision has ping up. The decision of letting
A police source said, “The fam- come much later than it should students improve by taking ex-
ily is gutted and have no idea have.Childrenhavebeeninadif- ams later is also a balanced
what led her to take such an ex- ficult position for many months choice, as it is a question of their
treme step.” now, getting stressed out in careers and admissions.”

Man held in jewellery

shop firing case
side Sagun Jewellers. On June
EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE 23, Harish and his associates
NEW DELHI, JUNE 25 fired outside PC Jewellers
and Gahana Jewellers and
DELHI POLICE has arrested a left threatening messages,
man who was allegedly in- demanding money. In an-
volved in a firing incident at other incident, the gang fired
two jewellery shops in two bullets outside a prop-
Najafgarh, said officials on erty dealer’s office in
Thursday. The accused, Nawada.
Harish, was allegedly in- Police said he worked for
volved in eight cases of vio- ‘Lawrence Bisnoi-Akshay
lence and murder. Palda-Kala Jathedi’ gang.
The Special Cell of Delhi During interrogation, Harish
Police arrested him from told police that he and his as-
Dwarka on Wednesday. The sociates worked under crim-
accused, along with his asso- inals named Sethi and Kapil.
ciates, was involved in cases Sanjeev Kumar Yadav,
of carjacking, murder and ex- DCP (Special Cell) said his
tortion in Haryana and Delhi. team had received informa-
Police said the accused al- tion about the accused. “He
legedly committed two mur- was wanted in two murder
ders — of a man and a cases along with carjacking,
woman — in Jhajjar on June and one attempt to murder
9 on instructions from two of case in Haryana. We caught
their gang leaders. On June 8, him from the Najafgarh-
the accused fired bullets out- Dhansa road.”

SOL site ‘crashes’ as students

try to download admit cards
New Delhi: Students of the University (DU) is tohold cen-
Schoolof OpenLearning(SOL) tralised online open book ex-
have alleged that the SOL ams (OBE) for its final year
website crashed on Thursday students.
whentheyloggedintotryand SOL officer on special duty
download their admit cards (OSD) U S Pandey said there
and question papers for inter- wassome“technicalissue”for
nal assessment. This comes some time in the morning but
less than a week before Delhi it was fixed. ENS

New Delhi


3,000 budget hotels to shut
At Lok Nayak, video conferencing doors on Chinese nationals
to bring patient and family closer SHIVAM PATEL

als would no longer be provided
NEW DELHI, JUNE 25 hotels and guesthouses across
TOTAL CASES HOSPITAL BEDS VENTILATORS the city. The decision was taken
Nayak will be able to speak to 73,780 13,239 741 along the lines of the call to boy-
cott Chinese products by the
their family members through Daily cases Recoveries Deaths Tests ConfederationofAllIndiaTraders
video conferencing facilities that (CAIT) on Tuesday, hotel associ-
startedatthegovernmenthospi- June 24 3,788 2,124 64 19,059 ation president Sandeep No hotel will be forced to follow the guidelines, the group said
tal on Thursday. June 25 3,390 3,328 64 17,305 Khandelwal said.
Family members of several Total 26,586* 44,765 2,429 4,38,012 “The Chinese are not the
patients have been complaining *Total active cases
world, we can survive without CAIT’s national secretary give visa and flight tickets to
thatoncethepatientisadmitted, them as well. We are law-abid- general Praveen Khandelwal Chinese nationals if we don't
it is hard to get in touch with ing citizens and no one will take said the trade body would wel- want them to come here. They
them. The problem is seen espe- havebeenadmittedtothehospi- eighthoursdayafterday,”hesaid lawintheirhands,butthiswould comeanyonewhowishestojoin should make their policy clear.
cially with elderly patients who tal till date, out of which over and asked them to not pay heed make the Chinese worried… its campaign to boycott Chinese Already business is down and it
do not have smart phones. 2,700 have recovered and re- to “negative stories” in media. War and trade cannot happen at products. He also said CAIT will doesn’t look like it will pick up
Whilemanyprivatehospitals turned home. Speaking to reporters as he the same time,” he said. now appeal to farmers, small- this year,” he said.
are extending video calling facil- CM, Sisodia at Lok Nayak, Thursday Union Home Minister Amit leftthehospital,Kejriwalsaidthat While a majority of hotels scale industries, hawkers, entre- Naresh Garg, owner of a ho-
ities to patients, in government Shahhadalsovisitedthehospital the shortcomings should be have agreed with the decision, preneurs and other sectors to telinOldDelhi'sDaryaGanj,said
hospitals, doctors and nurses on June 15 and had interacted blamed upon the government he said no one will be forced to join their campaign. the government had failed to
havebeentheonlylinkformany. Kejriwal. be used by doctors and adminis- with the doctors. He was not ac- and not the doctors. “You have follow it. He added that the as- While the decision is limited support the hospitality industry
Lok Nayak hospital, where Tablets have been placed in- trativestaffaswelltostayintouch companied by any Delhi govern- pointed out some shortcomings. sociation would also try to get to Delhi as of now, the hotels’ as- and they are having to pay elec-
759 patients are admitted, was side the wards and at a counter with patients and avoid entering ment minister. Those are because of the admin- five-star hotels on board. sociation would try to rope in tricity bills running into lakhs of
the first dedicated Covid facility outsideaswell,forusebypatients the ward unnecessarily and ex- In his interaction with the istrationandthegovernment,not The association’s move theircounterpartsinotherstates rupees even when the hotels are
in the city. It is the biggest Covid andtheirrelatives. Familymem- posing themselves to the virus. doctors, Kejriwal thanked the the doctors,” he said. comes at a time when the hos- as well, added Praveen shut. “We can't say atithi devo
hospital and has 2,000 beds. bershavebeengatheringoutside The CM also spoke to doctors doctors and said he knew it was The city saw 3,390 fresh pitality industry is already reel- Khandelwal. bhava (guestisgod) on onehand
“Till now, the problem was the hospital every day, asking as well as two patients admitted difficult to work while wearing Covid cases on Thursday, taking ing under heavy losses due to Thursday's decision, how- andthendenybookings,”hesaid.
thatif aCovidpatientwasadmit- doctors about the condition of in the ICU – an elderly woman PPE.“Ithasbeenadifficult,tough, the total tally to 73,780. The lack of tourism and closure of ever, has not gone down well Amardeep Singh, a hotel
tedtothehospital,relativeswere those admitted. Most would be and an IIT Delhi employee. andarduousjourneyforallofyou. number of deaths in the city hotels in the wake of the coron- with some hotel owners in the owner in Paharganj, said 60% to
unable to meet or talk to them... turnedawayasdoctorsandnurs- In a meeting with the hospi- I have heard a lot of times about reached 2,429 as 64 more pa- avirus shutdown. city, who said the Central gov- 65% of bookings in his hotel are
Now, tablets have been installed ing staff are not immediately talmedicaldirector,Kejriwalwas youall,thatithasbeendayssince tients died in the past 24 hours. Sandeep Khandelwal admit- ernment should make its policy made by international tourists,
in every ward of the hospital. aware of the patient's condition told that all beds in the hospital you have not visited your homes Delhi’s fatality rate is 3.2% while tedthatseveralhotelowners are clear on the matter. including Chinese nationals.
Family members can visit the or in which ward they are. are equipped with oxygen. and not met your family mem- the recovery rate touched 60.6%. undergoing extreme stress as Hotels in the city have not Vinod Baweja, who also
hospital and talk to the patient DeputyChiefMinisterManish MD Dr Suresh Kumar said bers. I know that it is not easy to Over15,000peoplearepresently they are unable to pay pending beenallowedtoreopensincethe owns two hotels in Paharganj,
throughvideoconferencing,”said Sisodiasuggestedthatthetablets that over 3,700 Covid patients wearaPPEkitandsweatitoutfor in home isolation. bills, loans and rent, and the lat- lockdown was imposed. said, “We have not been given
est decision might not prove to Kulwant Singh, owner of a hotel permission to open hotels right
be feasible in the long run: “All in Karol Bagh, said the associa- now. When they do, we can de-
BRIEFLY things depend upon govern-
ment policy and the relation be-
tion's decision would have no
impact unless tourism resumes.
cide about the matter. But the
government should make its
tween countries.” “The government should not stance clear on this.”
installedin Test kits in Kin check out Covid
New Delhi: The Northern
Railways has installed an
stock for at patient after row,
alarm system in its isola-
tion coaches at Shakur
Basti to alert doctors of
least 15-20 hospital says hid info
any emergency situation
involving a patient, offi-
days: Govt
cials said on Thursday. JIGNASA SINHA We ordinarily don’t
The Shakur Basti isola- NEW DELHI, JUNE 25 allow patients to leave
tion coaches currently PRITAM PAL SINGH
have five patients with NEW DELHI, JUNE 25 THE FAMILY of a 59-year-old but if the family insists,
mild COVID-19 symp- Covid patient admitted at Lok we can’t stop them, said
toms, officials said. PTI THE DELHI High Court Thursday Nayak Hospital got him dis-
sought to know from the Centre charged within 24 hours of ad-
a Lok Nayak official
HCseeks its assessment of the prepared-
nessof theauthoritiesinDelhito
mission, alleging that the hos-
pital did not provide him five hospitals that day to get
actionplanon deal with the rising Covid-19
cases now and in future, when
adequate treatment. The pa-
tient, R P Sharma, is now under
him a bed before Lok Nayak ad-
mitted him. He died on June
Covidtesting MONSOON & THE CITY thenumbersareexpectedtorise
further. A bench of Chief Justice
isolation at his Burari home.
The hospital denied claims
10,” he said.
Sharma, a heart patient,
New Delhi: The Delhi D N Patel and Justice Prateek of negligence. Dr Ritu Saxena, tested positive the same day
High Court Thursday di- Near Rajpath, Thursday. The IMD Thursday announced the arrival of monsoon over Delhi, two days before its normal onset Jalan sought to know whether Lok Nayak deputy medical su- and the family rushed him to
rected the Delhi govern- date. This is the initial stage of the monsoon and heavy showers can be expected between July 15 and the last week of August, there is any shortage of testing perintendent, said: “Our doc- Lok Nayak, where he was ad-
ment to give an action said Kuldeep Srivastava, head of the IMD's regional weather forecasting centre in Delhi. Tashi Tobgyal kitsandaskedDelhigovernment tors helped the patient with mitted.
plan on ramping up the toensurethatithasenoughtest- medication, this was also writ- “We thought he would be
Covid-19 testing, observ- ing kits in the coming days. ten in the discharge summary. treated and went back home.

Wife of former President recovers from

ing it was “imperative” It asked the Delhi govern- They didn’t tell us about the pa- Soon, I received a call from my
as the capital, on June 24, ment to look into the aspect of tient suffering from heart dis- father saying he couldn’t
recorded the highest real-time updation of its web- ease. We ordinarily don’t allow breathe and no doctor had
daily increase in Covid sites and app and also to aug- patients to leave but if the fam- come to see him. Worried, I
cases in the country. The
bench also directed the
government to file an af-
virus at 93, discharged from AIIMS ment its Covid related helpline
numbers before the next date of
hearing on July 16. The direc-
ily insists, we can’t stop them.
The district surveillance officer
was also informed about the
reached the hospital around 4
pm and sent him fruits and dal
chawal through the nurse,” al-
fidavit containing a tab- tions were issued during the discharge and home quarantine leged Bharadwaj.
ulated statement of the to a virus would have been the treatment. The whole family is hearing of a PIL, initiated on its of the patient.” However, the family alleged
number of tests carried ASTHA SAXENA worst…,” her son Ashutosh extremelyhappythatwegother own on the basis of a video clip A hospital spokesperson Sharma’s condition worsened
out under each category. NEW DELHI, JUNE 25 Dayal Sharma told The Indian home.It'sstillalongroad…sheis showing a man struggling to said Sharma was discharged on and that he wasn’t provided an
Express. on nasal oxygen support of 2-3 find a hospital bed for his Covid- “personal request”. oxygen cylinder. They claimed
Twoheld VIMALA SHARMA, wife of for-
mer President of India Dr
days, she was not put on ventila-
litres per hour,” said Ashutosh.
Doctors said apart from an-
19 positive mother.
Delhi government’s Senior
According to the protocol set
by the government, patients
to have called doctors and other
staffers but no one helped.
forduping Shankar Dayal Sharma was dis-
tibiotics, she was on a high flow
nasal cannula – a technique
Standing Counsel (Criminal)
Rahul Mehra and advocate
with co-morbid conditions and
those who require oxygen sup- ment
On June 11, after a long argu-
with authorities,
New Delhi: A 34-year-old treonThursdayevening,daysaf- ing her entire stay. “The biggest throughwhich a highamount of ChaitanyaGosainsubmittedthat port have to be admitted to hos- Bharadwaj got the discharge pa-
man from Dehradun, ter she tested positive for challenge is that you are cut off oxygen can be delivered. “If that they were at least 15-20 days pital. pers signed and took his father
who was on the run for Covid-19. The 93-year-old is Vimala Sharma fromallknownfaces.Butitisim- doesn't work, then we put the ahead with regard to require- According to the family, home.
three years, was arrested among the oldest to have recov- portant not to panic…,” he said. patient on a ventilator. During ment of testing kits vis-a-vis ex- Sharma, an accountant with “It was scary for us because
along with a woman for eredfromthevirusinthecapital. Fifteen days after the admis- this time, it is important for the pected rise in cases. CSIR, was admitted to the hos- my mother is also old. I didn’t
allegedly duping over According to her family, her positive and we immediately sion, she was tested again and family and patient not to lose Additional Solicitor General pital on June 10. want to risk her life but I knew
500 people on the pre- oxygen levels started dipping on rushed her to AIIMS. It came as a her reports came out negative. hope. All is not lost, even if you ManinderAcharya,appearingfor His son Nitish Bharadwaj, that my father won’t be able to
text of offering them jobs June5afterwhichshewastested, shockasshedoesn'tgooutof the “On Tuesday, we started plan- developCovid.Peoplemusttake the Centre, submitted that hos- who works at a hotel in manage in that hospital. We
at reputed firms, police andherreportscamepositiveon house at all. The first four days, ning the discharge. We were in precautionsandseekhelpif their pitals are strictly adhering to the Andaman & Nicobar Islands, bought masks and gloves from
said on Thursday. ENS June 6. her condition did deteriorate a touch with Dr Neeraj Nischal, conditionworsens,”saidasenior guidelines and testing each and said his uncle had tested posi- a nearby store and an oxygen
“Toourhorror,herreportwas bit.Iknowsheis93butlosingher who was helping us with her doctor at AIIMS. everypersonapproachingthem. tive on June 1. “We had to visit support system as well,” he said.


As hotels struggle amid slowdown, linked services share the pressure

coronavirus lockdown. Over the service in Karol Bagh, which re- usedtogetalotof businesswhen staff at two hotels, for 18 or 20 said many are not able to pay has been converted into a facil-
SHIVAM PATEL past two months, the family has ceivesbusinessfromseven-eight therewereexpos,exhibitionsand hours in a day, as he had to sup- loan EMIs and rent for hotel ity for asymptomatic interna-
NEW DELHI, JUNE 25 sold their furniture and bor- hotels in the area. His family has during the time of IPL. All of that port his family of six: “I earned buildings. “We have a capacity tionalarrivals toDelhi,whohave
rowed food from neighbours to been running the service since is now over. My staff has left for aroundRs17,000intotalamonth, of providing 50,000 quarantine to quarantine themselves for a
BEFORE THE coronavirus pan- survive.“TimesaredifficultandI 1972, and Kanojiya has been in- their home towns and I am too and I used to send it all home. rooms to the government. They minimum of seven days as per
demic gripped the country, 53- thinkfromnowonlymychildren volved in it for 17 years. “I have thinking of leaving,” he said. Coronadoesn’tscaremeandIam can take it on a fixed charge of currentrules.Thetariff setbythe
year-old Amir Ahmed used to willbeabletoearnsomemoney. never seen business shutting For hotel staff who are back ready to return to work right Rs 4,000 or Rs 3,000 and that government for a single room is
manufacture cloth slippers for I won’t be able to do field or completely like this,” he said. in their hometowns, there’s un- away. I am more scared of my will slowly help us revive our Rs 1,850 plus taxes and Rs 2,250
budget hotels in central Delhi’s labourwork,evenif Iwantto.No Onamonthlybasis,heusedto certainty on when to return, and children not having food to eat.” business,” he said. plus taxes for a double room. He
Karol Bagh, selling them for Rs oneknowswhenhotelswillstart receive orders worth around Rs if thejobstheyhadwouldstillbe With no clear sign of when For a fewowners,conversion said, “Recovery from the losses
17 a pair. Now he is scrambling business again,” Ahmed said. 20,000fromeachhotelinthearea. around. Sanjay Naik (47) and tourism would resume and a of theirhotelsintoquarantinefa- suffered in the lockdown is still
to put together enough food for The closure of budget hotels Aftertheoutbreakbegan,notonly Satyaranjan Das (40) went back consistent surge in Covid cases cilities has resulted in some flow far away, and for the next six
his family of four living in UP’s in Delhi under the coronavirus has he not received new orders, to their native villages in Odisha in the city, hotel owners too of cash, but they say they are months there would be no busi-
Bulandshahr. lockdown has also put many of he has not been paid bills over Rs in March. have mounting expenses. only able to pay current ex- ness... We don’t even know
Ahmed and his two sons, their associated businesses and 5 lakh owed to him by hotels. Das, who came to Delhi in Amir Ahmed at his home in Sandeep Khandelwal, president penses with it. whether after the current batch
whoworkasapainterandabar- staff out of work. Kunal Kanojiya “Isssaalhotelnahichalpaayega 1985, said he used to work dou- Bulandshahr of the Delhi Hotel and Lovleen Anand’s Citi of peopleinquarantineleave,we
ber,weremaderedundantinthe (30) is the owner of a laundry (hotels won’t run this year). We ble time as waiter and kitchen Restaurant Owners Association, InternationalHotelinKarolBagh would get more guests.”

New Delhi



BJP questions China donation to RGF, Week on,

NPP back in
DELHI CONFIDENTIAL Congress says talk about incursions fold, rejoins
BJP govt in
Nadda says funds taken for studies that were not in national interest; oppn party slams ‘diversionary tactics’ Manipur
engagements with the
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE Communist Party of China.
partment head Randeep NEW DELHI, JUNE 25
THE RULING BJP targeted the Surjewalasaid,“Pleasestopliving
Congress Thursday by question- in 2005 and start answering EIGHT DAYS after they with-
ing a purported donation that questions in 2020.” drew support to the BJP gov-
Rajiv Gandhi Foundation (RGF) He said the issue todayis that ernment in Manipur, putting
had received, with BJP president the “Chinese have made fresh the saffron party's first govern-
JPNaddasayingthatthefounda- transgressions in the Galwan ment in the Northeast on the
MASTERING THE VIRTUAL tiontook$300,000fromPeople’s
serious build-up in the Depsang
verge of collapse, the four legis-
lators of NDA ally National
WHILEPRIMEMinisterNarendraModiheldavirtualmeetingof embassy in 2005-06 to carry out area… Why is the government People’s Party (NPP) met
the Cabinet in April, when the lockdown was at its strictest, it studies that were not in national mumaboutfurtherChinesepres- Governor Najma Heptullah at
appears the experience has given way to hybrid meetings. This interest. ence in the eastern Ladakh area? the Raj Bhavan in Imphal on
came to the fore in Wednesday’s Cabinet meeting when some The Congress did not com- In the national interest… the na- Thursday and presented a writ-
ministers were surprised to hear Home Minister Amit Shah’s ment on the specific allegation, tion wants to know the answers ten declaration on their contin-
voice while he wasn’t physically present. After looking around, butsaidtheBJPshouldnotlivein for these questions instead of di- ued support to the N Biren
theyrealisedShahhadjoinedthemthroughvideo-conferencing. 2005 and instead discuss the versionary tactics of the BJP gov- Singh government.
Shah,infact,seemstobeusingthismechanismquitewellwhile fresh Chinese incursions. ernment.” The four MLAs, including
being in the national capital. He had joined the all-party meet- Nadda said the Congress has Surjewala said Prime Deputy Chief Minister Y
ingonJune19aswellasthePM’sinteractionswithchief minis- no moral right to talk about the Minister Narendra Modi, as Joykumar Singh, arrived in
tersearlierinthesameweekfromhisofficeinthecapital.Defence country’s security after having Chief Minister of Gujarat, had Imphal along with party presi-
Minister Rajnath Singh, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman takenmoneyfromChina.“Today BJP president J P Nadda addresses the Madhya Pradesh Jan Samvad virtual rally from the visited China four times, then as dent and Meghalaya CM Conrad
andExternalAffairsMinisterSJaishankarwerepresentwiththe I was shocked to watch on TV party headquarters in New Delhi. PTI PM five times, and invited SangmaandAssamministerand
PM in the all-party meeting; Shah had joined it from his office. that in 2005-06 People’s Chinese President Xi Jinping to BJP leader Himanta Biswa
Republic of China and the India three times. Modi and the Sarma.
Chinese embassy gave a fat sum made us lose 43,000 sq km of as one of the “partner organisa- questionsonthedonationandin- Chinese President, Surjewala The legislators had been
TESTING TIMES to RGF. This is a secret relation-
ship between Congress and
tions and donors”. China’s name
figures in the list of donors for
steadaccusedtheBJPof tryingto
said, met 18 times in the last six
years. He claimed that the RSS
brought back to the NDA fold af-
ter a meeting with Union Home
HIMANTA BISWA Sarma, the ruling party’s troubleshooter in China. These people take funds donation and teach us national- Rajiv Gandhi Institute of incursions, Vijay Mahajan, held consultations with the MinisterAmitShahandBJPpres-
theNortheast,hadtakenabreakfromhisroleasAssam’sHealth from China and then conduct ism. Haathi ke daant dikhaneke Contemporary Studies (RGICS), SecretaryandCEOof theRGF,did Communist Party of China in ident J P Nadda on Wednesday.
MinisterforafewdaystosortoutthepoliticalcrisisinManipur, studies that are not in the inter- aur khane ke alag hote hain.” a policy think tank promoted by not respond to telephone calls 2009 and a year earlier the BJP On Thursday, Sangma said
where ally NPP withdrew support from the BJP government, est of the country. These studies Telecom Minister Ravi RGF. and text messages. received a Chinese delegation NaddaandShahhadassuredthe
leaving iton the vergeof collapse. Resuming histask of battling create the environment for that. ShankarPrasad,too,echoedthis: Among the many donors for The annual report mentions and held confabulations with NPPthat allgrievanceswouldbe
with Covid-19 in Assam, Sarma tweeted about the state's “ag- The nation wants to know for “ThedonorslistofRGFannualre- RGICS are Government of that economist Bibek Debroy— them. addressed.
gressive testing” and said it has, as of Thursday, tested 3,51,753 what they were paid and what port in 2005-06 clearly shows People’s Republic of China, chairman of the Economic “Is it also not correct that in He said, “In our meeting yes-
samples. His post was liked, among many others, by Manipur study they conducted,” he said, that it received a donation from European Commission, Advisory Council to the PM— January 2011, the then BJP pres- terday, we expressed our griev-
CM N Biren Singh, whose chair Sarma seems to have saved. addressing Madhya Pradesh Jan theEmbassyof People’sRepublic Government of Ireland and was director of RGICS till ident Nitin Gadkari took a dele- ances and concerns that we are
Samvad, a virtual rally. of China. We want to know why United Nations Development December 12, 2005. After his gation of the BJP to China and having in this political alliance.

ReferringtotheCongressrais- this donation was taken.” Programme. exit,PDKaushiktookoverasact- held detailed consultations. They understood the problem
ing questions over the govern- The two BJP leaders were re- Congress president Sonia ing director. When contacted, Were they anti-India consulta- and assured us that the issues
ment’s handling of the Galwan ferringtoanaccountofdonations Gandhi is the chairperson of RGF Debroy said, “I am aware of this tions? Is it not correct that in will be addressed and that they
HIS LATESTcoronavirus testreport havingcomenegative,for- Valley standoff, Nadda said, “All made to RGF in 2005-06 and its and the trustees include former but this happened after I had 2014, the BJP sent a 13-member will personally look into them.
mer Union minister and veteran RJD leader Raghuvansh politicalpartiessaidfortheinter- annualreportoftheperiodwhen PrimeMinisterManmohanSingh left.” Kaushik could not be con- MP-MLAdelegationforstudying We have decided to withdraw
PrasadSinghis expectedtobedischargedinthe nextfewdays estof thenation,wearewithyou the RGF carried out a study on and Montek Singh Ahluwalia. tacted. the Chinese political system… our resignations. The NPP will
from AIIMS, Patna, where he was admitted last week after Modi ji, you move ahead. Only free trade agreement between Congress leaders Rahul Gandhi, The Congress hit back at the were those anti-India activi- continue to support this govern-
testing positive. Singh had created a flutter while in hospital: onefamily,anditsintentionsand India and China and suggested it Priyanka Gandhi Vadra and P BJP for what it called a “disinfor- ties… but today is not the time ment.”
He resigned as national vice-president of RJD. Singh is known policy,beganraisingquestions…. to be beneficial to India. Chidambaram besides Suman mation and sinister campaign” todiscussallthose…todayisthe He saidNPP leaders will con-
for his plain-speak, and all eyes in RJD will be on what he says today they are standing against The RGF annual report for Dubeyaretrusteecumexecutive against the party and Rahul day to discuss about fresh tinue as ministers, although
and how he acts after leaving hospital. Chinaasifthereisnosentinellike 2005-06 mentions the Embassy committee members. Gandhi. Senior leader Anand Chinese incursions… instead of there may be changes in their
them.Themistakesof onefamily of ThePeople’sRepublicof China While the Congress skirted Sharma put out a list of the BJP’s diversions,” he said. portfolios.

UP plans to give
employment to
BJP targets Congress on 45th
1 crore people anniversary of Emergency
in single day talrightsweresnatchedawayand
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE newspaper offices were locked. SECOND FREEDOM
NEW DELHI, JUNE 25 On this anniversary of Congress-
imposed Emergency, I bow to all
LUCKNOW, JUNE 25 THEBJPonThursdayattackedthe thosepatriotswhodespitesuffer- ON EMERGENCY
Congressonthe45thanniversary inggreatinjusticeandtorturedid New Delhi: Calling the fight
The Uttar Pradesh government of the Emergency, paying tribute not kneel down to those who against Emergency “the sec-
on Friday will take up its ambi- to those leaders who had strug- murdered democracy...” ond freedom struggle”, Vice-
tious target of providing em- gled against the government of The official Twitter handle of President M Venkaiah Naidu
ployment to one crore people the then Prime Minister Indira the party also posted a 2018 blog recalled his days as a cam-
in a single day. The same day, Gandhi. ontheEmergencywrittenbythe paigner and “underground
Prime Minister Narendra Modi Prime Minister Narendra late Arun Jaitley. courier” at that time.
will interact with beneficiaries Modi tweeted: “Exactly 45 years Meanwhile, Home Minister In a Facebook post, he
of the Garib Kalyan Rojgar ago, Emergency had been im- Amit Shah took potshots at the contrastedthesituationwith
Abhiyan Yojna from six dis- posedonthecountry.Ibowtothe Congress based on reports of the Covid-19 lockdown, say-
tricts. people who struggled and suf- bickering during a recent meet- ing, “It was exactly 3 months
The state government fered to protect India’s democ- ing of its top leaders. back that we volunteered to
meanwhile claimed that racy. The nation will never forget “Onthisday,45yearsago,one confine ourselves to homes
Friday’s drive to provide em- their sacrifice.” family’sgreedforpowerledtothe to ward off the looming
ployment to one crore under Attached to the tweet was a imposition of the Emergency. threat of coronavirus. We
various schemes would be the videomessagecontainingvisuals Overnightthenationwasturned preferred to mask ourselves
biggest such effort seen so far of theEmergency,inwhichModi into a prison... This sorry state of and restrict our movements
in the country. said, “If ever there was an occa- affairsthrivesintoday’sCongress for the good of all… This le-
The maximum employment sion in the world where people too!” Shah said in a tweet. gitimate confinement is a
generation would be through kept aside their interests and Referring to media reports of sharpcontrasttotheonethat
MGNREGA, which, sources said, rightsandvotedonlyfortheidea a recent Congress Working the nation was subjected to
reached about 57 lakh a day ofdemocracy,itwastheelections Committeemeetingwherelead- this day 45 years back...”
this month, then about 40 lakh of 1977,” he said. ers differed on how to attack He urged the people of
in the different industries in- In a statement released on Modi politically, Shah said, “As the country “to uphold the
cluding MSME and remaining twitter, BJP president J P Nadda one of India’s opposition parties, dignity of life founded on the
in the government projects said, “In 1975, on this day, for po- Congressneedstoaskitself:Why individual freedoms guaran-
such as highways, road projects liticalself interest,thoseopposed does the Emergency mindset re- teed by the Constitution,
as well as self-help groups and to the government were put be- main?Whyareleaderswhodon’t based on the learning from
through government schemes hind bars after declaration of belong to 1 dynasty unable to that dark era”. ENS
of self-employment. Emergency. People’s fundamen- speak up?...

Suspension of work visas by US will affect

movement of Indian professionals: MEA
assessingtheimpactof theorder should not permit large num-
SHUBHAJIT ROY Trump had onIndiannationalsandindustry bers of foreign workers to enter
NEW DELHI, JUNE 25 suspended in consultation with stakehold- the United States at a time when
H-1B visas ers,” he said. so many Americans are out of
DAYS AFTER US President until the OnApril22,PresidentTrump work”, the statement said.
Donald Trump signed an execu- end of 2020 had signed an executive order The ban on the entry of non-
tive order extending the ban on banning the entry of workers on immigrant workers with H1B
immigrant and non-immigrant non-immigrantvisasforaperiod visas is likely to have the biggest
worker visas until the end of this professionals will continue to be of 60 days. impactglobally,andespeciallyon
year, India on Thursday said the welcomed in USA in the future,” Earlier this week, Trump Indian IT firms and workers.
move would likely affect the Srivastavasaid,whileresponding signed an executive order, ex- The order also replaced the
movement of skilled Indian pro- to questions at the weekly brief- tendingthe60-daybanonimmi- current system of awarding H1B
fessionals working lawfully in ing. gration and non-immigrant visas by lottery with a system
the US. “We have seen the worker visas till the end of 2020, that privileges applicants who
Ministry of External Affairs ProclamationissuedbyPresident including the coveted H1B and are paid more than others.
spokespersonAnuragSrivastava Trump on June 22 temporarily H2Bvisas,aswellascertainother Many major global technol-
said on Thursday that high- suspending entry of certain cat- categories of H4, J, and L visas. ogy companies outsource their
skilledIndianprofessionalsbring egories of non-immigrant visa- In a statement, the White backend database updation,
important skill sets, bridge tech- holders & their family members House said that many American service,andmaintenancejobsto
nological gaps and impart a till December 31, 2020 workers had been hurt by the IT companies based in India.
“competitive edge to the US “This is likely to affect move- coronaviruspandemic,and“they However, skilled employees
economy” and are a “critical ment of Indian skilled profes- should not remain on the side- from these organisations travel
component of the workforce”. sionals who avail of these non- lines while being replaced by to the US on client site visits, and
“The US has always wel- immigrant visa programmes to new foreign labour”. to work on more specialised re-
comed talent and we hope our work lawfully in the US. We are Barring exceptions, “we quirements.

New Delhi


Ramdev ‘corona kit’:

Rajasthan sends
Covid deaths now across half the Train services
suspended till

notice to NIMS dists, but 70% fatality still in top 10 August 12


over clinical trials

spread of the disease. bulletins of some states, includ-
KARISHMA MEHROTRA Thereisasetof50districtsthat ing Telangana and Assam, do THE GOVERNMENT on
NEW DELHI, JUNE 25 had seen at least one death more not give consistent district-wise Thursday decided to keep regu-
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE than a month ago, but have not data. lar train services suspended till
JAIPUR, JUNE 25 WITHFATALITIESfromthenovel hadanysincethen.Butthereisan- Also data matching exercises August 12.
coronavirus infection doubling other set of 145 districts that had have seen death toll surges in Sourcessaidthatthedecision
THE RAJASTHAN Health every 14-16 days in India, more nodeathsatthebeginningof this Mumbai and Delhi, and scrutiny was taken keeping in mind the
Department has sent a notice to than half the country’s districts period,buthaveatleastonenow. by state death audit committees increasing number of coron-
NIMS University over the clini- (407 out of 720) have now seen While the top 10 list remains may lead to varying definitions avirus cases in the country. All
cal trials that were reportedly at least one Covid-19 death. largely static,someMaharashtra of a Covid death. special trains — 12 pairs running
conducted on Covid-19 patients However, around 7 out of 10 cities such as Aurangabad, India’s overall fatality rate ontheRajdhaniroutessinceMay
by a joint research team of Raghu Sharma, Ramdev Coviddeathsinthecountryhave Solapur, and Nashik are begin- has increased from 2.8 per cent 12 and 100 pairs operating since
Patanjali Research Institute and been concentrated in only a ning to see a faster increase in two weeks ago to 3.2 per cent June1 — willcontinue,theysaid.
National Institute of Medical handful of districts. deaths than larger cities such as now, according to Health Thelimitedspecialsuburban
Sciences and Research, NIMS During the launch on So while the number of dis- Kolkata, Indore, and Jaipur. Ministry data. But the recovery serviceswhichbeganrecentlyin
University, Jaipur, officials said. Tuesday, Ramdev had claimed tricts that have been touched by These cities in Maharashtra rate too, has increased from 47 Mumbai to ferry essential serv-
According to senior officials thatthemedicine,manufactured atleastoneCoviddeathhasrisen also have an unusually high case per cent to 57 per cent. Active ices personnel identified by the
of the state Health Department, by Haridwar-based Divya from 272 a month ago to 348 A medic marks a sample for rapid antigen test at Kadipur fatality rate of between 6 and 9 cases have doubled in the past local authorities will also con-
the university has been asked to PharmacyandPatanjaliAyurved two weeks ago to the current Community Centre, in Gurgaon on Thursday. PTI percent.Gurgaon,Faridabad,and three weeks. tinue to run, officials said.
clarify its position and reply Ltd,istheresultof ajointresearch number,the10districts withthe Ghaziabad too, are have shown Deaths in Haryana, Tamil “All tickets booked for the
within three days. of Patanjali Research Institute most deaths have accounted for an abnormally high death Nadu, Delhi, Karnataka, regular time-tabled trains for
“In the notice, we have said andNationalInstituteof Medical about 70 per cent of fatalities more than 10 deaths each, have this category has gone from growth over the past month. Uttarakhand,Assam,andPunjab journey date from 01.07.20 to
that we learnt from newspapers Sciences and Research, NIMS throughout this period. contributed roughly 20 per cent about 30 a month ago to 50 two Delhi has been counted as have more than doubled in the 12.08.20 also stand cancelled.
that they have violated the pro- University, Jaipur. Districts that are not in this of total deaths. weeks ago to 80 now — also an one “district” in this analysis. last two weeks, according to Full refund will be generated,”
tocol by conducting clinical tri- Rajasthan Health Minister top 10 list but have recorded Butthenumberof districtsin indication of the increasing The data is not perfect because Health Ministry data. the Railway Board order stated.
als. NIMS was acquired by the Raghu Sharma had said that
government and designated by strict action will be taken if any
it as a Covid care institute and
asymptomatic patients are sent
attempt is made to sell this drug
as a potential medicine for
Over 30 test As cases rise in
there who are treated according Covid-19 in Rajasthan.
positive at
to the guidelines of the state and
central government. We have
asked for an explanation within
The Indian Express had earlier
reported that during the trial,
when mildly symptomatic pa- Naval Air Bengaluru, fresh
three days,otherwise action will
be taken,” said Dr Narottam
Sharma, Chief Medical and
administered allopathic medi-
cines. The trials were conducted
Station in TN lockdown ruled out
Health Officer, Jaipur. only on asymptomatic and
He said the notice was sent mildly symptomatic patients, PRESS TRUST OF INDIA EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE
onWednesdaynighttotheman- while severely symptomatic pa- RAMANATHAPURAM (TN), BENGALURU, JUNE 25
agement of NIMS University. tients and those with acute res- JUNE 25
Following the launch of an piratorydistresssyndromewere THE KARNATAKA government BS
ayurvedic ‘Corona Kit’ by excluded for enrolment. OVER 30 personnel attached to on Thursday ruled out the pos- Yediyurappa
Ramdev’s Patanjali Ayurved Ltd, The Rajasthan Health Naval Air Station INS Parundu sibility of reimposition of a lock-
claiming it cured Covid-19, the Department had said that only here have tested positive for down in Bengaluru amid rising
Rajasthan government had said asymptomatic patients were coronavirus,districtofficialssaid Covid-19 cases and growing
that they were not informed
about the clinical trials which
kept at NIMS.
“We have not received any
erating base was ‘operational’,
pressure on healthcare, but an-
nounced a wait and watch pol-
Exams begin
were conducted and that due such letter or notice so far,” said DefencesourcesinChennaisaid. icy to take a final call on forced Bengaluru: The
processes were not followed by Dr Sandeep Tripathi, Registrar, While the district authorities social distancing in the city. Secondary School
the makers of the said medicine. NIMS University. putthenumberof infectedat33, “People need to cooperate. Leaving Certificate (SSLC)
Defence sources said “some” of When you don't maintain social exams began in
the sailors, mostly who had ar- distancing,thediseasespreadsin Karnataka on Thursday

Home isolation RETURN CHECK: Migrant workers at the Lokmanya Tilak Terminus in Mumbai on Thursday.
rived here recently on postings,
have been affected with the
virus. They said that as per stan-
densely populated areas like
slums. If you don't want
Bengaluru to be sealed down
amid tight security and
rigid precautions. The
Karnataka Secondary

for doctors with They had left Maharashtra during the lockdown but are now returning to the state as
industries resume operations. Pradip Das
dard protocol, such personnel
are quarantined and tested for
the contagion in which “some”
again then people must cooper-
ate and maintain social distanc-
ing,'' Chief Minister B S
Education Examination
Boardon thedirectionsof
the state government de-

Covid in Bihar of them have tested positive. Yediyurappasaidonthesidelines cidedtoconducttheSSLC

After Solanki, 3 more Gujarat

“INS Parundu is very much of a meeting of ministers and of- or 10th standard board
operational.Entryof civilianstaff ficials to discuss the situation. exams amid Covid-19
doctors and health profession- working there has been re- Following the meeting, fears. ENS
SANTOSH SINGH als, including frontline work- stricted,”theyadded.Districtau- RevenueMinister R Ashokasaid,

Cong leaders test positive

PATNA, JUNE 25 ers, should be given home iso- thorities are set to take up disin- “There will be no lockdown in
lation facility. This facility fection procedures later. Bengaluru. It is clear, no lock- incidence in Bengaluru has not
THE BIHAR health department would be subject to availabil- The INS Parundu in Uchipuli down in Bengaluru.” gone out of control. Still, Covid-
has decided to allow home iso- ity of home isolation and quar- is primarily used as a reconnais- Thereweregrowingmurmurs 19caseshavebeengoingupover
lationfacility onlytodoctorsand antine of family contacts. of our senior leaders have come Vaishnavsaid,“Igotmyselfadmit- sance station to monitor the in the state government on the and we will take all action to
health professionals. These doctors and health pro- EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE out positive and they are all in a ted in Banker’s Hospital on South East Bay of Bengal. possibilityofanotherlockdownin controlit.Wewillhavemeetings
The decision came after a fessionals would have to sub- AHMEDABAD,RAJKOT, stable condition. Our other lead- Tuesdayandmyreportscameout According to the Navy, INS the wake of a rise in Covid-19 for two days to draw up plans,”
Covid profile study in the state mit daily self-monitoring re- JUNE25 ers such as Himmatsinh Patel, yesterday. I am stable now.” Parundu provides search and cases in the city since June 1. Yediyurappa said. “We have not
revealed that two per cent of port and be ready to get ShaktisinhGohil,LakhaBharwad ChiragKalariyaisthefirstMLA rescue coverage and conducts “Bengaluru has been an ex- goneinforafulllockdown.Some
those who tested positive were themselves checked at nearby THREE SENIOR Congress leaders and CJ Chavda have been put un- fromSaurashtraregiontotestpos- operational sorties over the Palk ample for the whole country, areas have been locked down. It
healthprofessionals,sixpercent primary health centres.” from Gujarat, including a legisla- der quarantine. The test report of itive for Covid-19. Bay area on a regular basis. and compared to other cities the will continue.”
were students and five per cent They would have to go for a tor,havetestedpositiveforCovid- ourGPCCpresidentAmitChavda Dr Mitesh Bhanderi, Chief
homemakers. Seventy per cent Covid test after 14 days of home 19 in the last 24 hours, days after has come out negative.” District Health Officer of Rajkot,
of the cases were detected
among labourers.
Of the 1,81,737 samples
isolation, stated the circular,
to sign a written undertaking
Bharatsinh Solanki was found to
be infected with the novel
On June 22, three days after
the Rajya Sabha elections in the
confirmed that the 42-year-old
Owner of TN sweet shop kills
tested so far, 8,381 people have
tested positive, and 6,480 have
been discharged. Last week,
stating compliance of home iso-
lation conditions.
As per the revised
recent trend of discharging as
mer Union minister Bharatsinh
Solanki had tested positive. After
his results, as many as a dozen
had tested positive on
Wednesday night.
self after testing positive
seven doctors of the Patna Government of India guidelines manypeopleasthosetestingpos- leaders who had come in contact inclosecontactwithSolankidur- A Saravanan, Deputy Sahitya Akademi Award for his
Medical College and Hospital on April 7, 2020, eligibility of itive—ormoreonsomedays—as with him during the elections ing the Rajya Sabha elections in ARUN JANARDHANAN Commissioner of Police in novel Sool, said he knew Singh
had tested positive. home isolation meant that “the Thursday saw 410 patients being wereputunderquarantine,espe- Gandhinagar last week. CHENNAI, JUNE 25 Tirunelveli town, said Singh’s personally. “There maybe better
The health department has person should be clinically as- discharged against the 577 who ciallyRavalandVaishnavwhohad “After the Rajya Sabha elec- death was a huge loss for halwa shops in Tirunelveli but it
not specified any specific reason signed as a very mild case/ pre- tested positive. accompanied him to tion, I had stayed in Gandhinagar THE OWNER of the Iruttu Kadai Tirunelveli. “It was an iconic was his business model that
for allowing home isolation fa- symptomatic case by the treat- According to officials of Gandhinagar. fortwodays.OnWednesday,Ifelt Halwa store, an iconic sweet shopneartheNellaippartemple. made his halwas tastier and
cility to doctors and health pro- ing medical officer”. They state Gujarat Pradesh Congress Chavda tweeted , “Three sen- Ihadatemperature.So,insteadof shop in Tirunelveli, committed He represented the third gener- world famous... He would open
fessionals. “a communication link between Committee (GPCC), MLA Chirag ior leaders of Gujarat Congress returning to my home in suicide on Thursday morning. ation of his family. A police con- the shop at 5pm and shut at
A June 23 order issued by the caregiver and hospital is a Kalariya, former Ahmedabad have tested positive for Covid-19 Jamjodhpur, I directly went to a Police said Hari Singh, 75, was stable used to be often deployed 8pm. If you reach a minute after
Bihar Principal Health prerequisite for the entire dura- CongresspresidentChetanPRaval andIprayfortheirearlyrecovery.” hospitalandmysamplesreturned found hanging at a private hos- to manage the huge crowd and 8pm and even offer him Rs 1
Secretary Umesh Kumawat to tion of home isolation”. and Gujarat Congress vice-presi- While MLA Kalariya has been positive... However, the fever has pital an hour after he tested pos- traffic before his small shop. He crore, he wouldn’t serve
all district magistrates, princi- An official in the Bihar health dent from Vadodara, Maulin hospitalised in Rajkot, Maulin since gone and I am feeling nor- itive for Covid-19. used to open it only between you...”Dharman said.
pals of all medical colleges and department said: “The general Vaishnav, have tested positive for Vaishnav has been admitted to malnow,”KalariyatoldTheIndian In 1940, Singh’s family had 5pm and 8pm, and ran the shop “During Sabarimala season,
hospitals, and civil surgeons of government of India guidelines Covid-19. Banker’s Hospital in Vadodara. Express on Thursday evening, migratedfromRajasthanandset under a single zero watt bulb,” he used to have a huge crowd, I
all district sadar hospitals, said: do not mention any preference SpeakingtoTheIndianExpress, Raval, being asymptomatic, has addinghehadgothimselfadmit- up shop in Tirunelveli, and for Saravanan said. used to tease him saying that he
“...It has been decided that todoctorsandhealthprofession- GPCC spokesperson Jairajsinh beenputunderhomequarantine. ted to a private hospital in Mavdi three generations over the next Veteran Tamil writer Cho has more devotees than
asymptomatic Covid positive als.” Parmar said, “The results of three SpeakingtoTheIndianExpress, area of Rajkot. 80 years, his family ran the store. Dharman, who won the 2019 Sabarimala Ayyappa.”

salons, parlours In Bhagalpur silk hub, looms tell a story: ‘95% collapse’
open on June 28, Bhagalpur is a microcosm of home to 6,000 weaver families. hicletopass,MohammadShoaib identifying two-three places
ASADISTRICT Bihar these days, with returning He estimates that the industry Ansari's small storeroom for where we will plant trees for co-
with conditions UNLOCKS migrants, a rising Covid graph, wasonceworthRs500crore,be- cloth is now a grocery shop. coons so that there is raw mate-
and an economy showing signs fore sliding to around Rs 100 “Earlier, I earned Rs 500-600 a rial. In the short term, we have
Mumbai/Pune: The Maharashtra of deep distress. The district is crore. “Myunitproduced10,000 day. There was no work so I requested those who have small
government on Thursday de- AN EXPRESS SERIES also the focus of a month-long sq m of silk a day, earned Rs 30 opened thissmall shop.I sithere factories to increase work, but
cided to open salons, barber assignmentbyTheIndianExpress lakh a month and employed from 6 am to 8 pm, and earn there are limitations. Even those
shops and beauty parlours from DIPANKAR GHOSE totrackhowlivesandlivelihoods 3,000 people. Now, since about Rs 100 a day...nowhere thatproduce,theyonlymakethe
June 28 to offer only select serv- NATHNAGAR (BHAGALPUR), in smalltown India are coping February,nothing...morethan95 nearfulfillingourneeds,”hesays. cloth, stitching and branding
icessuchashaircuts,waxingand JUNE 25 with the unlockdown. per cent of business has col- Yet,despitethedeepdistress, happen outside. We will create
threading,prohibitingafewsuch Bhagalpur’s story is inextri- lapsed,” he says. the romance of Bhagalpuri silk a brand, do some stitching and
as shaving. THE LARGE first-floor room has cably linked to its silk industry, “Silk is an expensive cloth means it is always part of con- then see. We will develop a clus-
“We will observe the situa- never been so full: silk cloth spanninggenerations.Trafficsig- product, and in today’s market, versation.OnMay25,BiharChief ter for those who want to work,
tion for a few days and then take everywhere, some of it without nals have “Silk City” written on nobody wants to spend that Minister Nitish Kumar argued and then create forward and
a decision regarding full-fledged wrapping paper, others in card- them, the district administra- money. Our demand came for industries to set up shop in backward linkages,” he says.
opening of salons,” Transport board boxes ready for transport. tions website says “Silk City of mostlyfromcompaniesbasedin thestateandassuredhelpforre- Rahman acknowledges that
Minister Anil Parab said after a For Zia Ur Rahman, the promise Bihar”. The past 30 years has Europe or America. But now, Mohammad Shoaib Ansari at his grocery shop. Dipankar Ghose turning migrants. His example the administration has reached
Cabinet meeting in Mumbai on that theroomwouldbeemptied seen considerable decline, due withlogistics a problem,and the of an avenue filled with oppor- out. “But they want us to put
Thursday. evaporated long ago. Instead, to political apathy, mismanage- companies struggling, there are tunity? Bhagalpur silk. money in. The question is who
In a notification, the govern- whathasbeenemptyingquickly mentandthecommunaltension no orders,” Rahman says. worth Rs 40 lakh. “There is no trajectory. “On top of that, em- Asked if the administration will buy the product? The solu-
ment said that barber shops, sa- over the last five months in of 1989.Buttoday,afterthelock- It isn’t just that new orders word from them. Orders worth broidery and printing happen in hadanyplansforrevivalandres- tion, if any, is that they help us
lons and beauty parlours would Nathnagar, home to Bhagalpur’s down, it's teetering on the edge. aren’t coming in, he says, the old Rs 80 lakh from Europe and Delhi, Bengaluru, Surat or cue, District Magistrate Pranav monetarily and buy the silk we
be allowed to remain open only famous silk industry, are bank Zia Ur Rahman runs one of ones are being cancelled. For in- America have been cancelled Varanasi, and they are all shut.” Kumar says they are “definitely produce,” he says.
if they provide select services balances, savings accounts — the largest weaving units in stance,theclothstackedinboxes since February,” says Rahman, In the lanes of Nathnagar, looking at this sector”. “In the FULL REPORT ON
with distancing norms. ENS and hope. Nathnagar, 6 km from town and was for an order from England signalling the pandemic's global barely wide enough for one ve- long term, we are looking at

New Delhi
New Delhi


Four of Punjab
family ‘involved Pandemic hits space manned mission, In IPS vs IPS, ‘APPREHENSIONS ABOUT LIFE, LIBERTY’

all other projects, says ISRO chief

in drug trade’
murdered in complaint filed
their sleep
against J&K DGP
sector. Because of this pan-
demic, these industries have
that could also be delayed, al-
though Sivan said there was still
ply to a Parliament question in
KAMALDEEP SINGH BRAR PUNE, JUNE 25 not been able to operate at their some scope for making up on March. These included the
AMRITSAR, JUNE 25 optimum level. As a result, they lost time. launchesof 10earth-observation ARUN SHARMA
ALLMISSIONS,includingthetest are not in a position to supply “Our in-house development satellites, three communication JAMMU, JUNE 25
FOUR MEMBERS of a family flight for sending humans into the required subsystems for the activities, and research and de- satellites, and two navigation
along with their driver were space, planned by the Indian missions by ISRO. So this will af- velopment has been going on. satellites, besides Chandrayaan- IN AN unusual case for Jammu
killed at village Kairon of Space Research Organisation fect all our targeted missions These have not stopped though 3andGaganyaanunmannedtest and Kashmir Police, it has re-
Punjab’s Tarn Taran district on over the next two years face de- over the next few months,” they too have been affected a flight. ceived acomplaint from a senior J&K DGP Dilbag Singh and
Wednesday night. lay because of the disruption Sivan said. bit,” he said. “We have not yet worked out IPS officer against the Union IGP Home Guard Basant Rath
Head of the family Brij Lal caused by COVID19 pandemic, “In addition, there have been Sivan: Training in Russia of Sivan said the ongoing train- the new timelines for all these Territory’s top cop, DGP Dilbag
(60), his son Bunty (25), two ISRO chairman K Sivan has told travel restrictions in many states astronauts back on track. ing of the selected astronauts for missions.Thereisnopointin de- Singh, over an alleged threat.
daughters-in-law Amandeep The Indian Express. becauseof whichouremployees theGaganyaanmissioninRussia, ciding now. There is still a lot of In a written complaint ad- on WhatsApp or a direct mes-
Kaur (24) and JaspreetKaur (28), A rescheduled timeline has have not been able to move which had been disrupted due uncertainty. So we have to wait dressed to the SHO of Gandhi sage on his Twitter handle.
andfamilydriverGursahibSingh not been worked out because of around. It has, naturally, affected year end, and the unmanned to the pandemic, had resumed for the situation to normalise. NagarPoliceStationinJammudis- He also appreciated the SHO
(35)werefoundmurderedinthe continuing uncertainty, he said. our work,” he said. test flight for Gaganyaan, India’s and was going on “with full Only then we will be able to trict, Inspector General-rank IPS and his team's “brilliant job in
house. The throats of all five vic- “In our work strategy, many The missions that would first attempt at sending humans steam”. make a correct assessment and officerBasantRathonWednesday these testing times”. He wrote,
tims were slit while they were of the design and development have be rescheduled include into space. The main Gaganyaan ISRO had planned 36 mis- decide on realistic timelines,” he urged the officer to “take note of “May Allah protect you and your
sleeping in separate rooms. activities happen in the private Chandrayaan-3, planned for this mission is slated for 2022, and sions in the financial year 2020- said. my apprehensions about my life, your brilliant team and your
However, four children liberty and bald head”. family members. Stay safe and
sleeping in the house were not The “reason”, Rath wrote, is keep the people of J and K safe.”
harmed. A seven-year-old girl
fromthe familyinformedneigh-
bours about the blood-soaked
Mumbai Police set “certain activities of Sh. Dilbagh
Singh, IPS, 1987 batch, currently
DGP, UT of J and K”.
Home Guard, in J&K, refused to
say anything on the matter. DGP
bodies of her kin.
booked in at least 49 cases un-
to get Ravi Pujari’s Rath marked a copy of the
written complaint to DGP Singh.
Making clear that that he is
Singh did not respond to re-
peated phone calls.
Promoted as IGP in 2018,
der the Narcotic Drugs and
Psychotropic Substances Act,
1985. They were all out on bail.
custody in a month doing this “as a private citizen”
— in his “personal capacity”, and
not as a civil servant or a police-
people for his effective regula-
tion of traffic in J&K.
It is not clear if Gursahib, the man—Rathwrote,“Iamnotask- But despite the massive fan
driver, was booked in any case. EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE ing you to lodge an FIR against following, especially among the
“At least 49 cases of drug MUMBAI, JUNE 25 the person mentioned. I am just youth,hisstintasIGP-Trafficwas
smuggling were registered asking you to make this letter a short-lived. While disciplining
against Brij Lal and his four sons. MUMBAI POLICE is preparing to partof thedailydiaryinyourpo- traffic and making roads in J&K
Itseemstheyallwereoutonbail. take withinamonth thecustody lice station. Today. Now.” saferforpedestrians,heissaidto
We have been checking records of gangster Ravi Pujari, who was Hewrote,“Incasesomething havehadrun-inswithsomesen-
to see if any of them was con- extradited to India from Senegal bad happens to me, you should ior and powerful politicians, bu-
victed in any case. We have ze- earlier thisyear.Currently, Pujari know whose number you reaucrats and police officials.
roedinonsomepersons.Wewill is in the custody of the Central should dial...” Rath was shifted to his pres-
soon arrest the murderers,” said Crime Branch of the Bengaluru Ravi Pujari will be charged Pointing out that he expects ent posting following a run-in
DSP Patti Kuljinder Singh. police in connection with the in 19 cases. File the SHO to acknowledge his let- with the mayor of Srinagar
2017 murder of builder Subba ter, Rath wrote that the officer Municipal Corporation, Junaid
Rao. Further,MumbaiPolicewill can send him a screen shot of it Azim Mattu, last year.
Goa Archbishop: only be charging him in 19 of the as it had to translate the
49 cases registered against him. chargesheets from Marathi to Relatives of a victim killed in lightning strikes in Bihar’s Gopalganj on Thursday. Gopalganj
Churches can
open with strict
Senior officers in the
Mumbai Police Crime Branch
French, the official language of
Senegal. “It had to be sent in a
district reported the most deaths —13 — followed by eight in Nawada and Madhubani. PTI
Two LeT men killed
Lightning kills 83 in Bihar
said that of the remaining 30 particular format... It was a cum-

conditions cases, while a few are being in-

vestigated by the CBI, others had
taken place decades ago and it
bersome process. Finally, last
week, we sent details of the nine
cases and have decided not to
in Sopore gunbattle
would be difficult to find any ev- charge him for the rest.” This is the latest of several
PRESS TRUST OF INDIA idence against him. “In a few of these 30 cases, BarauliandUchkagaonreported ADIL AKHZER bloodyencountersthathaveun-
Asenior officer said,“Wehad
written to the government of
sterChhota Rajan andhence,the PATNA, JUNE 25 UP: Lightning four deaths each.
Bihar Chief Minister Nitish
folded in the Valley this year, in
which 110 militants have been
Ferrao has said that churches in
Senegal with details of nine
cases against Pujari, for which
some cases, while the co-ac- LIGHTNING STRIKES killed as kills three KumarannouncedRs4lakheach
for the next of kin of a victim.
militants were killed in a joint
killed so far.
The J&K Police said the other
the state will be allowed to re- we want to charge him in cused have already been acquit- many as 83 people, including 26 Banda/Lalitpur (UP): Prime Minister Narendra operation by security forces and gunfight started at Chewa Ular
open with strict conditions such Mumbai. This is in addition to ted, in others, the call records or children, on Thursday in Bihar— Three people including a 12- Modi tweeted condoling the the police in North Kashmir’s area of Awantipora. “Police and
as social distancing. Those in thedetailsof the10caseswehad other such evidence is not avail- its worst such single-day toll in year-old girl were killed in lightning deaths in Bihar and as Sopore on Thursday, authorities security forces are on the job.
containment or buffer zones sent immediately after his de- able. We have just gone by cases recent years. lightning strikes in Banda well as Uttar Pradesh—where said. Another encounter was on Furtherdetailsshallfollow,”read
identified by the state adminis- tention in Senegal.” where we have strong evidence Confirming the toll, the Bihar and Lalitpur districts, police three people died. The Prime in South Kashmir’s Tral. a tweet by Kashmir Police Zone.
tration will not be allowed to The officer added that as per like audio or video clippings on DisasterManagementAuthority said on Thursday. Minister said that both states Officials said the first gun-
open. extraditionlaws,onecanonlytry record...,” the officer said. said these deaths took place in a Raj Narayan, 38,a farmer, have immediately begun relief fight broke out in Hardshiva vil-
Terror module busted
The state's churches, closed apersonforthecasesmentioned Pujari, who was on the run 12-hour period. was killed when he was work. lage area of Baramulla district The J&K Police said it had
for public worship since the in the plea seeking extradition. for almost 15 years, was arrested The deaths were spread struck by lightning while early on Thursday after the po- busted a “terror module” linked
lockdown, will have to obtain SinceMumbaiPolicehadsentde- in South Africa and later de- across 23 districts in Bihar. working in his field in Banda
Small locust group licereceivedaninputonthemil- to the LeT and arresting five mil-
permission from the archbishop tails of only 10 cases in the extra- ported to Senegal. Later, he was Gopalganj was the worst-hit on Wednesday evening. The enters Bihar's Rohtas itants’ presence there. itant associates in Budgam dis-
before opening up. The Goa gov- dition plea, they had to intimate extradited to India and brought with 13 casualties, followed by 12-year-old girl died and a A small swarm of about “Duringthesearchoperation, trict of Central Kashmir. “On a
ernmenthadallowedreopening theSenegalauthoritiesaboutthe to Bengaluru on February 23. Nawada and Madhubani hit woman received serious 2,500 desert locusts entered as the presence of terrorists got credible input, Budgam police
of religious places on June 8, but nine other cases before they for- Prior to 2017, the Bengaluru po- with eight deaths each. burns after being struck by Kochasareaof Bihar'sRohtasdis- ascertained, they were given the alongwith02RRhavearrested5
many such places, including mallychargePujariinthosecases. lice had filed two chargesheets In most cases, people were lightning in Chakora village trict on Wednesday evening opportunity to surrender. terrorist associates from Narbal
churches,werereluctanttodoso Theofficerfurthersaidittook againstPujari–theShabnamde- hit by lightning when they were of Lalitpur district. from Prayagraj. Rohtas agricul- However, they fired indiscrimi- area,” a police statement said.
fearing a spike in coronavirus the police all this time — Pujari velopers double murder case out of their homes. Bhagalpur In another lightning ture officer Radha Raman told nately upon the joint search According to the police, they
cases. wasarrestedinFebruary2019 — and an extortion case. and Siwan reported six deaths strike in Lalitpur, a 37-year- The Indian Express: “It is a small party,whichwasretaliated,lead- have recovered “28 AK-47
each. East Champaran, Banka old farmer was killed while group. Generally, it is a swarm of ing to an encounter,” said a po- rounds, 1 AK-47 magazine and
and Darbhanga reported five working in his field. PTI 1 lakh plus locusts but it was a lice spokesperson. “The identifi- 20 posters of LeT”. “As per the

Money for cow dung: Chhattisgarh deaths each, followed by two

deaths each in Khagaria and
stray case. They did not attack
any crop but some trees. We
cationandaffiliationof thekilled
terrorists is being ascertained.
police records, they were in-
volved in providing logistic sup-

launches scheme for livestock owners

Aurangabad. ple who died in the district were have started chemical sprays to However,aspercrediblesources, portand sheltertotheactiveter-
Gopalganj sub-divisional of- struck by lightning while work- drive them away. There is no the killed terrorists belonged to rorists of LeT operating in the
ficerUpendraPalsaidthe13peo- ing in the fields. In Gopalganj, need to panic as of now.” proscribed LeT terrorist outfit.” area,” the police said.
multipleobjectives,includingin- sold for additional profit, he
GARGI VERMA come generation and environ- added.


ment conservation.
“Chhattisgarh has had the tradi-
tion of cattle grazing in open,
government in the state will
utilise cowsheds, set up in thou-
Floods in Assam, Arunachal: 3 killed, lakhs affected
ment will now buy cow dung which harms both the cattle and sands of villages under a differ- the swollen Lagun river in people were killed in a landslide Lakhimpur, Biswanath,
from livestock owners and con- the crops of farmers. Stray ani- ent scheme, as a source of ver- ABHISHEK SAHA Naharlagun town a day earlier Assam State Disaster in the Barak Valley region of Golaghat, Jorhat, Majuli,
vert it to fertiliser, a move it said mals on roads of cities are a ma- micompost. This fertiliser will GUWAHATI, JUNE 25 was recovered on Thursday Management Authority Assam. The Regional Sivasagar, Dibrugarh, Tinsukia —
would help prevent open graz- jorcauseof roadaccidents.Often thenbesoldtofarmersaswellas morning, officials said. Meteorological Centre in were on Thursday impacted by
ing and make cattle-rearing cow owners leave the cows othergovernment departments. THREE PEOPLE, including a two- The two-year-old girl, an said 11,500-odd Guwahati has predicted heavy the floodwaters.
profitable. astray after milking, which Afive-memberpanelof min- year-old girl, were killed in land- Itanagar resident, died after her persons are in relief rainfall for major parts of Assam, Meanwhile, neighbouring
The initiative is part of the causes various problems. This isters is expected to fix a pro- slides and floods in Assam and house collapsed under a land- ArunachalPradesh,Nagalandand Bhutan released water from its
camps, and 9 districts
'Godhan Nyay Yojana', an- will change after the implemen- curement rate for the manure, ArunachalPradeshaslargeparts slide on Thursday. Her body was Manipur onFridayandSaturday. Kuricchu dam from 5am on
nounced by Chief Minister tation of Godhan Nyay Yojana. besides working out other of bothstatesonThursdayreeled dug out of the debris and she were impacted The day’s bulletin from the Thursday, ramping up the water
Bhupesh Baghel at an online Livestock owners will provide modalities associated with the underheavyrainsandrisingwa- was declared brought dead at a Assam State Disaster levelinriversflowingthroughthe
press conference on Thursday. It proper fodder and water to their scheme.Thiscommitteewill de- ters that affected lakhs. hospital. Chief Minister Pema Management Authority said bordering districts of Chirang,
will commence from 20 July, cattle and keep then tied up.” liberate upon suggestions from Two of the deaths, including Khandu has announced Rs 4 people were lodged in three re- nearly two lakhpeoplewere “af- Baksa and Barpeta. The Kurichhu
when 'Hareli', a local festival, is Baghel said. farmers, livestock owners, that of the minor, were from lakh to her next of kin. liefcampsonThursday.Thedeath fected” by the floods, while HydropowerPlant—arun-of-the-
celebrated. The cow dung thus collected cowshed operators and Arunachal Pradesh. The body of In Assam, a person was killed took this year’s flood toll in the 11,500-odd persons are in relief river project—is located on the
Baghel said the scheme had canbeconvertedtofertiliserand “intellectuals”. a woman who had drowned in in Dhemaji district, where 383 state to 13. Earlier this month, 21 camps. Nine districts—Dhemaji, riverbythesamenameinBhutan.

INS condoles
death of Assam gas leak and fire: NGT directs OIL to deposit Rs 25 cr
Tej-Bandhu Around 11,000 people from the reparable loss to the entire bio- cludes Member Secretaries of the public; whether there were
TORA AGARWALA surrounding villages are now in diversity of the region and loss both the Central and State any mitigation measures put in
Group chief GUWAHATI, JUNE 25 relief campssetupbytheadmin- of lives and property”. Pollution Control Board, a senior place by OIL to offset the inci-
istration. Both the Central and The NGT order stated, “In expert from the Council of dents, among others.
New Delhi: The Indian The National Green Tribunal stategovernmentshaveinstituted view of the prima facie case Scientific and Industrial “While dealing with the
Newspaper Society’s president, (NGT)onThursdaydirectedgov- inquiries to probe the incident. made out against OIL on the ex- Research (CSIR), District above questions, the Committee
ShaileshGupta,hascondoledthe ernment-owned Oil India On Thursday, a principal tent of damage causedtotheen- Magistrateof Tinsukiadistrict,as may also dwell on the action
death of Vishwa Bandhu Gupta, Limited (OIL) to deposit an ini- bench of the NGT — comprising vironment and biodiversity, well as Dr Sarbeswar Kalita, taken thus far either by the
who was chairman and editor- tial amount of Rs 25 crore with Justice S P Wangdi and expert damage to both human and Professor and Head of the Government or by the OIL or by
in-chief of Tej-BandhuGroup,on Assam’sTinsukiadistrictadmin- member Siddhanta Das — heard wildlife, public health and, hav- Department of Environment anyotheragencyandtheexpen-
behalf of the Society. Vishwa istration, after hearing two peti- twoseparatepetitionsviavideo- ing regard to the financial worth Science, Gauhati University, diture incurred towards mitiga-
BandhuGupta,aformerMember tions in connection with the conference: one by Kolkata- of the Company and the extent Abhay Kumar Johari, former tion. Opportunity may also be
of Parliament famously known Baghjannaturalgasblowoutand based environmentalist Banani of damage, we direct the OIL to member of Biodiversity Board provided to the Respondent OIL
astheBalloonMan,passedaway subsequent fire. KakkarandtheotherbyWildLife deposit an initial amount of Rs andiAjitHazarika,Ex-Chairman, to give its views and submis-
on June 21. He was 93. The ecological disaster at and Environment Conservation 25 crores with the District Oil and Natural Gas Corporation sions” said the order.
Gupta stated Vishwa Bandhu Baghjan in Tinsukia district was Organisation, which works for Magistrate, Tinsukia District, Workers at the site of the gas blowout and fire in Assam’s Ltd (ONGCL). OIL spokesperson Tridiv
Gupta was a former INS presi- precipitated by a blowout at well conservation awareness in Assamandshallabidebyfurther Tinsukia. Operations to control it have hit a roadblock due The Committee of Experts Hazarika said that the company
dent, and the Society had im- number5,reportedonMay27.On Upper Assam districts. orders of the Tribunal.” to torrential rains. Courtesy: OIL hastospecificallyinvestigatethe “respectsandwelcomestheNGT
menselybenefitedfromhisvision June 9, the well—located close to The petitioners alleged that The bench also constituted cause of leak; extent of loss and order”.
and leadership. His demise is an the Dibru-Saikhowa national OIL had failed to prevent the an eight-member Committee of damage caused to human life, TheNGTorderstatedthatthe
irreparablelosstotheentireprint park—caught fire, leading to the blowout at Baghjan 5, resulting Experts — to be chaired by for- Justice (retd) B P Katakey —to in- its preliminary report within 30 wildlife and environment; dam- matter will be heard again on
media industry, he stated. ENS deaths of two OIL firefighters. in “a massive fire causing ir- mer Gauhati High Court judge vestigate the matter and submit days. The committee also in- age and health hazard caused to July 29.

New Delhi
New Delhi

Withdraw concession on skimmed ENVIRONMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT DRAFT CBI to probe

Officials propose 60-day extension

milk import: Co-op dairies to Centre land grab, graft
Marketing Federation Limited
(GCMMF), which markets its
charges against
trust run by
for responses, get only 20 days
NEW DELHI, JUNE 25 products under the brand Amul.
the country have demanded the
stocks of SMP and white butter
for which the Government of
J&K ex-minister
withdrawal of the notification of Indiaisgivinginterestsubvention.
tariff rate quota (TRQ) scheme, This import will crash the SMP ARUN SHARMA
which allows the import of market, resulting in decline in Environment Minister Prakash notice period comes into effect Until April 20, an official view of the Corona pandemic,” JAMMU, JUNE 25
10,000 tonnes of skimmed milk milkpricebyRs7-8perlitretothe JAY MAZOOMDAAR Javadekar set June 30 as the “from the date on which copies wrote, 1,190 mails were re- stated the April 23 noting of a
powder (SMP) at a concessional milk producers,” Sodhi said. NEW DELHI, JUNE 25 new deadline — an order to this of the Gazette containing this ceived in the email specified for Joint Secretary, proposing ex- THE CBI has filed a preliminary
duty of 15 per cent during the The latest decisions reverse effect was issued on May 7. notification are made available the feedback. Of these, 46 of- tension of the notice period. enquiry to look into allegations
current financial year. theUnionBudgetmove,inwhich CITING THOUSANDS of public The Minister’s office was to the public.” fered suggestions and 1,144 re- On May 4, file notings of land grabbing and corruption
“We request the the government had withdrawn representations seeking exten- unavailable for comment. Since the draft was pub- quested extension of the dead- recorded the Environment byaneducationaltrustbeingrun
Government of India to with- the concessional duty of 15 per sion of the mandatory 60-day Official records show that lished on April 11, the manda- line due to the pandemic. Secretary’s instruction to ex- by former J&K minister
draw it immediately,” said R S cent applicable on imports of up notice period to the draft Ministry officials proposed that tory 60-day public notice pe- “Numerous representations tend the notice period by 60 Choudhary Lal Singh.
Sodhi, managing director, to10,000tonnesof SMPduringa Environment Impact the 60-day public notice period riod would end on June 10. By (over 4,000) have been re- days. Accordingly, a draft order Singh had quit the BJP along
Gujarat Cooperative Milk fiscal under the TRQ scheme. Assessment (EIA) 2020 notifi- be extended by another 60 days setting June 30 as the new ceived by the undersigned also. with the new deadline of with party leader Chander
cation published during the to August 10. The draft EIA no- deadline, Javadekar settled for Since the EIA Notification and August 10 was put up for ap- Prakash Ganga after the two
Covid-19 lockdown, officials in tification, sent to the govern- an extension of 20 days. any change thereto is of great proval the same day by the Joint were made to resign from the
the Environment Ministry pro- ment press on March 23, was File notings show that significance to the manage- Secretary concerned. then PDP-BJP coalition cabinet
posed that the deadline for re- published only on April 11 due Ministry officials received sev- ment of environment in the On May 5, the file reached in the wake of a controversy
ceiving objections and sugges- to “shortage of manpower in eral representations, “majority country as a whole and to the the Minister through the offices over their public support to the
tions to the draft be extended light of the lockdown”. of which are inter alia suggest- matters of access and utilisa- of the Additional Secretary and demand for a CBI probe by rela-
by another two months to Under Rule 5 (3) of the ing that the draft EIA tion of natural resources, there Secretary. Javadekar wrote June tives of the accused, who were
August 10. Environment (Protection) Notification 2020 needs to be is some merit in the request to 30 as the extended deadline arrested by the police on
On May 5, however, Rules, 1986, the 60-day public withheld.” reconsider the time limit… in and signed the file. charges of gang rape and mur-
der of an eight-year-Bakarwal
girl in the forests of Kathua dis-
CBI opens inquiry HC allows LG Chemicals trict in 2018.
Singh did not respond to

against DAVP team to return to S Korea

multiple attempts by The Indian
Express to reach him for


S Sairam told the court that the
police did not prevent them
from leaving the country but
The preliminary enquiry ac-
cuses the trust of being in pos-
session of huge tracts of land in
out-of-circulation THE ANDHRA Pradesh High
had asked them to be present
for further inquiries by the in-
gross violation of the ceiling
prescribed under the Jammu

newspapers CourtThursdaygaveconditional
permission to three employees
of LG Chemicals, who had ar-
vestigation committee set up by
the state government. The AG
further submitted that the peti-
and Kashmir Agrarian Reforms
Act, 1976.
It has further been alleged
C.´fi. ´ff½fSX MÑXf³Àfd¸fVf³f IYfSX´fûSmXVf³f d»f. rived in Visakhapatnam on May tioners be required to file affi- that false certificates were is-
BÊ-d°fd±f d½fÀ°ffSX d³fd½fQf Àfc¨f³ff Àfa. 19- DEEPTIMAN TIWARY 13 to probe the cause of the davits stating that they would be sued — to claim that the land is
NEW DELHI, JUNE 25 styrene monomer leak at the LG willing to come to India and under the exempted category
BÊÀfeMXeÀfe/ ¸fbSXf./ 2020-21 ¸ffÂf EI Polymers factory, to return to present themselves before the under the Act — to enable the
d³fd½fQf ´fif´°f Wû³fZ IZ I fS¯f, d³fd½fQf Àfc¨f³ff THE CBI has initiated a preliminary enquiry against un- South Korea. police if required during the RB Educational Trust in Kathua
Àfa. 07-BÊÀfeMeÀfe/¸fbS f./2020-21 IZ Aa°f¦fÊ°f knownofficialsoftheDirectorateofAdvertisingandVisual The three South Koreans had course of investigation. to purchase agricultural land
Ii ¸ffaI 07 I e d³fd½fQf, ªfûdI dQ. Publicity (DAVP) and two private persons for allegedly moved the court on June 22 say- A bench of Chief Justice J K for non-agricultural purposes,
25.06.2020 I û 14.00 ¶fªfZ °fI ´fif´°f I S placingadsinnewspapersthatarenowoutofcirculation. ing the police were not allowing Maheshwari and Justice K according to sources.
According to CBI sources, it is alleged that certain them to leave the country. In Lalitha Kumari on Thursday said In a public interest litigation
dQ. 26.02.2020 I û 14.00 ¶fªfZ Jû»fe ªff³fe DAVP officials, in connivance with the owners of some their petitions, they said they the three should present them- in the High Court in 2015, S K
±fe, A¶f dQ. 06.07.2020 I û 14.00 ¶fªfZ newspapers, which now exist only in government wereemployeesof LGChemicals selves if required during the in- Bhalla, a retired professor, had
°fI ´fif´°f I S dQ. 07.07.2020 I û 14.00 records as they have either stopped printing or print which is the parent company of vestigation by the committee. sought directions to the state
¶fªfZ Jû»fe ªffE¦feÜ A³¹f d³f¹f¸f ½f Vf°fZË bare minimum copies, placed government ads in these LG Polymers. They further said However, it observed that the government to retrieve land
¹f±ff½f°f SWZ a¦feÜ W` »´f»ffB³f-0591-2480911 newspapers and released payments, leading to a loss they have concludedtheirprobe three South Koreans have no lia- which was in excess to the ceil-
to the exchequer. but there is delay in recording bility as they were neither em- ing prescribed under Section
WXÀ°ff./- A²feÃf¯f Ad·f¹f³°ff, d½fôb°f “Irregularities have been found in placement of ads their statements by the police. ployees of LG Polymers nor di- 2(1) read with Section 14 of J&K
ªff³f´fQ ´ffSmX¿f¯f ¸f¯OX»f, ¸fbSXfQf¶ffQ, kkSXf¿MÑX in these newspapers between 2016 and 2019... These However, Advocate General rectors of the company. Agrarian Reforms Act, 1976.
dWX°f ¸fZÔ d¶fªf»fe ¶f¨ff¹fZÔll, ´fÂffaIY- 421 aresuchnewspaperswhichhavefalselyclaimedtohave
I`Y¸´f- BÊÀfeMXeE¸f/MXe-2/¸fbSXf. dQ³ffaIY a circulation making them eligible for government ads.
25/6/2020 They either are not printing anymore or printing just
about 100 copies which are sent to government offices
to make them appear as if they are still in circulation. A
MEA: OIC has no
locus standi on
FATF greylisting
preliminaryenquiryhasbeenstarted.If furtherevidence
is found, a regular case in the form of an FIR will be reg- internal matters, vindicates India stand
on Pak, says MEA
istered,” a CBI officer said.
Theofficeraddedthatthetotalquantumof fraudhas including J&K
been calculated to be around Rs 65 lakh.
Thecaseisaresultof nationwidesearchescarriedout New Delhi: After a key group of
bytheCBIinAugust2019tocrackdownoncorruptionin the Organisation of Islamic MEA official spokesperson
government departments. On August 30, 2019, the CBI Cooperation (OIC) rejected the EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE Anurag Srivastava said,
had carried out surprise checks across 41 cities and Indian government’s decision to NEW DELHI, JUNE 25 “Pakistan continues to be on
towns, involving more than 150 searches at offices of 27 scrap special status of Jammu the FATF grey list, and it is yet
different government departments. These raids were and Kashmir on Monday, India INDIA ON Thursday said that to show action and show
conducted inajointoperationwithVigilanceOfficersof Thursday once again said OIC Pakistan’s continuation on the progress on 13 of the 27 points,
concerned government departments. Among the vari- had“nolocusstandi”andshould grey list of the Financial Action under the action plan. This is
ous departments raided at that time was also DAVP. refrain from making unwar- Task Force “vindicates” New despite all the deadlines for
The agency had then claimed that the checks were ranted references against India. Delhi’s stand that Islamabad has completing the action expired
beingconducted“atsuchpointsandplacesof corruption “Our position is consistent on “not taken concrete action” to a long time ago. The continued
where common citizens or small businesspersons feel thismatterandhasnoambiguity. address international concerns greylisting of Pakistan by FATF
maximum pinch of corruption in government machin- OIChasnolocusstandiinmatters regarding financing of terrorism vindicates our position that
ery”. It had said the raids “strive to identify and high- strictlyinternaltoIndia,including and safe havens in the country. Pakistan has not taken concrete
light points and places vulnerable to corruption”. that of the Union Territory of The government also hit out action to address international
Accordingto CBI, thedepartments where thesejoint Jammu and Kashmir. We have in at Pakistan overthe abduction of concerns regarding terrorist fi-
surprisecheckswereconductedincludedRailways,coal the past also reiterated that OIC an Indian national in nancing and safe havens which
mines and coalfields, medical and healthcare organisa- should refrain from making un- Afghanistan as it blamed “exter- exist in the country.”
tions, Customs and Food Corporation of India, power, warranted references on India,” nal actors” for the kidnapping of Pakistan will remain on the
municipal corporations, ESIC, transport, CPWD, MEAofficialspokespersonAnurag Nedan Singh. The government FATF grey list for failing to com-
Directorateof Estates,FireServices,sub-registraroffices, SrivastavasaidonThursday. condemned the abduction and ply with the global terrorist fi-
GST departments, Port Trust, DAVP, Airport Authority of A virtual meeting of the OIC’s said that it is in touch with the nancing watchdog’s deadline to
India and public sector oil companies. contactgrouponKashmiralsoex- Afghan government to secure prosecute and penalise terrorist
pressedconcernoverceasefirevi- Singh’s safe and early release. financing in the country.
olations along LoC and called on New Delhi also criticised The decision was taken at
Indiato“rescinditsunilateraland Islamabad for levelling “ficti- the third and final plenary
CORRIGENDUM NOTICE illegalactions,andallowKashmiri tious charges” against others meeting on Wednesday under
peopletofreelyexercisetheirright after Pakistan’s proposal to the Chinese Presidency of
to self-determination through a list an Indian national as a Xiangmin Liu but hasn’t been
UN-supervised plebiscite”. ENS global terrorist. announced yet.




New Delhi

dk;kZy; eq[; egkizcU/kd] fuekZ.k foax

mÙkjk[k.M is;ty lalk/ku fodkl ,oa fuekZ.k fuxe
mRrjk[k.M ljdkj dk midze
403@1 bfUnjk uxj] nsgjknwu&248001 nwjHkk"k@QSDl% 0135&2764075
E-mail:- [email protected], [email protected]
Government of Uttarakhand “e” procurement Notice
Bid Identification no :- 1270 / Nivida/Garhwal/ 209 Dated : 25.06.2020
S.N. Name of works Estimated Cost Period of Completion
1. Bid Identification no :- 1268 / Nivida/Garhwal/ 207 Dated : 25.06.2020
Construction of Govt. Polytechnic (Phase-II) at 960.00 Lakh 18 months
Jassowala, Vikas Nagar Dehradun, Uttarakhand.
2. Bid Identification no :- 1269 / Nivida/Garhwal/ 208 Dated : 25.06.2020
Construction of Science Block at Govt.(PG) 545.00 Lakh 18 months
College, Dakpather Dehradun,Uttarakhand.
3. Name and Address of officer inviting the Bid:- Chief General Manager, Construction Wing,

TRIPURA HOUSING & CONSTRUCTION BOARD Uttrakhand Pey jal Nigam , 403/1
Indira Nagar, Dehradun
(Constituted under Tripura Act-2 of 1979) 4. Date and Time Availability of bid documents in the portal:- 26/06/2020 -14.00 Hrs.
Agartala, Tripura (West) 5. Pre Bid Meeting 29/06/2020 -11.00 Hrs.
6. Last Date/Time for receipt of bids in the portal:- 09/07/2020 -17.00 Hrs.
Press NI-e-RFP No: 02/DEO(PD-II)/THCB/2020-21 Details of subsequent addendum/corrigendum/cancellation etc. may be obtained from the website.
dated : 25/06/2020 Further details can be seen from the e-procurement portal ""
General Manager (Garhwal)
Notice Inviting e-Request for proposal
Subject: Construction of Ownership flat at New Capital
Complex (near new Secretariat Complex), Agartala, e-Procurement Tender Notice
Tripura / Construction of (B+G+14) storied single TSSPDCL intends to float tenders for procurement of a) 55 AAA
apartment tower, accommodating tentatively 140 (one Conductor, b) New Transformer Oil, C) 3-PH 315 KVA DTR with BIS EE
Level-3, d) 11KV 220V Fed VCB,CTs,CR Pnl& IED Relays, e) 11KV CTs
hundred forty) no's (112 nos 3 BHK flats and 28 nos 2 900-450/1-1-0.577A, 0.2S Class, f) 33KV Lightning Arrestors (Line Type),
BHK) flats on Design & Build Basis. g) 24V 40AH Battery Charger (Conventional type) and h) 11KV, 3Cx185+70 XLPE AB Cable on e-procurement platform. For further
DNI-e-RFP NO:- 01/THCB/PD-II/2020-21 details,please visit and www.tender. Phone: 040-23431360, 1034
Tender ID: 2020_THCB_10856_1 DIPR R.O. No. : 680-PP/CL-AGENCY/ADVT/1/2020-21
1. Tripura Housing and Construction Board, invites e-
Request For Proposal (RFP) in Two Bid System from
experienced EPC firms / construction organizations
who have adequate experience in preparing Detailed
Architectural Drawings, Detailed Structural Drawings
using latest software’s, simultaneously holding requisite
credentials for construction of high rise buildings,
following all relevant BIS Codes on Design & Build
1. The details of RFP can be seen in:,, VISVESVArAYA JALA nIGAmA LImItED
(Government of Karnataka Enterprises)
Interested bidder can participate & bid in the only
website Uppar Bhadra Project, Div. No.5, Chitradurga.
SD/- Ph/Fax: 08194-230102 E-Mail: [email protected]
Chief Executive Officer No:EE/UBP/VJNL/Div-5/CTA/TALYA/2020-21/229 Dt: 23.06.2020
Tripura Housing and Construction Board SHOrt tErm E-tEnDEr nOtIFIcAtIOn
(Only through E-prOcurEmEnt pOrtAL)
Tenders are invited by the undersigned on behalf of Managing
HIMACHAL PRADESH PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Director, VJNL, Bangalore, from eligible contractor for the Work
Phone No. 01905- 222172 E-Mail: [email protected]
“Extension of Holalkere Tank Filling Scheme to fill up 06 nos. of
The Executive Engineer, Electrical Division, HP.PWD, Mandi HP on behalf of Governor of H.P invites the item rate bids, in tanks including construction of one impounding reservoir along
electronic tendering system for the following works from the OEM/ Authorised agency of OEM of VRV System and Audio System with one additional tank filling (Kereyagalahalli) in Talya hobali
respectively as detailed in the table.
under Upper Bhadra Project in Holalkere Taluk of Chitradurga
Sr. Name of Work Estimated Cost Starting date for Earnest Deadline for sub-
No downloading bid Money mission of bid District with operation and maintenance for 05 years after
successful completion of work” (INDENT No: VJNL/2019-20/IW/
1 Construction of Sanskriti Sadan at Motipur,
District Mandi HP (SH: Providing VRV
09.07.2020 at
10.00 A.M
Rs. 232350/- 18.07.2020 at
06.00 P.M WORK_INDENT1363” Amount put to tender is Rs. 5653.36 Lakhs, Karnataka Renewable Energy
System therein) the contractors can submit the tenders in Two cover system through Development Limited
2 Construction of Sanskriti Sadan at Motipur, Rs. 19982113/- 09.07.2020 at Rs. 92800/- 18.07.2020 at from 25.06.2020 to 10.07.2020 till (A Government of Karnataka Undertaking)
District Mandi HP (SH: Providing Audio Rs. 6025807/- 10.00 A.M 06.00 P.M # 39, "Shanthigruha", Bharath Scouts & Guides, Palace Road,
System in Auditorium therein) 16:00, The Pre-bid Meeting is Scheduled on 07.07.2020, 11.00 AM
in the office of Chief engineer, VJNL UBP Zone, Chitradurga. Last Bengaluru-560 001. Karnataka.
The bidders are advised to note other details of tenders and Technical Qualification Criteria from the department web-
site date for queries up to 06.07.2020, 5:00 PM, Opening of Technical Mobile:9449817158/9620945670
Executive Engineer bid is on 11.07.2020, 16:30 onwards in the office of Executive Website:, e-Mail:[email protected],
Electrical Division,
1177/HP HP-PWD, Mandi HP 175001 Engineer, VJNL, UBP Division No.05, Chitradurga. Financial bid will [email protected]
be opened after the approval of technical Bid. No. KREDL/07/SOG-1/366/2019-20/ Call-2 Date: 25.06.2020
rO no. 182: DIpr/ctA/mcA/2020-21 Sd/- Executive Engineer
Qf³ff´fbSX LXf½f³fe ´fdSX¿fQ Solar Power Pack for Anganawadi Centers
d³fd½fQf Af¸fadÂf°f Àfc¨f³ff (Through e-procurement platform)
(e-procurement IZY õXfSXf WXe- Tenders are invited for Design, Supply, Installation,
Qf³ff´fbS Lf½f³fe ´fdS¿fQ, Qf³ff´fbS Lf½f³fe ÃfZÂf IZ d»fE Lf½f³fe ÃfZÂf IZ ½¹f½fÀffd¹fI ½ffW³f ´fi½fZVf A³fbÄfd´°f Vfb»I NZ I ûÔ IZ Af½faM ³f WZ °fb Testing and Commissioning with 5 years Comprehensive
A»f¦f-A»f¦f d³fd½fQf ¹fb¦¸f ¶fû»fe, °fI ³feI e QÀ°ff½fZªf (d»fR fR f 01) E½fa d½fØf ¶fû»fe (d»fR fR f 02) B¨Lb I d³fd½fQfI fS ÀfZ Af¸fadÂf°f Maintenance of Solar Powered Lights and Fans for 1027
I S°ff W` Ü ¹fW BÊ-d³fd½fQf W` A°f: dI Àfe ·fe ´fdSdÀ±fd°f ¸fZÔ À½f¹fa ´fiÀ°ff½f ¹ff WÀ°f ¶fû»fe (Manual Bid) À½feI fS ³fWeÔ I e ªffE¦feÜ B¨Lb I nos. of Anganawadi Centers of “Department of Women
NZ IZ QfS ·ffS°f ÀfSI fS IZ e-procurement portal site ´fS »ffg¦f B³f I SIZ d¶fO Of»f ÀfI °fZ W`Ô Ü and Child Development (DWCD)” throughout the State
IiY¸f NZXIZY IYf ³ff¸f ³¹fc³f°f¸f Af¸fadÂf°f ²fSXûWXSX SXfdVf d½f´fÂf Vfb»IY E½fa of Karnataka through e-procurement portal under two cover
Àfa. SXfdVf ´faªfeIYSX¯f Vfb»IY system. Intending bidders can download the tender
1. Lf½f³fe ÃfZÂf ¸fZÔ ½¹f½fÀffd¹fI ½ffW³f ´fS ´fi½fZVf A³fbÄfd´°f Vfb»I 1,44,00,000/- 2,80,000/- 5,000/- documents from the e-procurement website:
¸fWX°½f´fc¯fÊ d°fd±f¹ffh d³f¸³fd»fdJ°f W`ÔXÜ on or after 26.06.2020.
Sd/- Assistant General Manager
1 ´fiI fVf³f I e d°fd±f 26.06.2020 Àfb¶fW 10.0 ¶fªfZ
Solar Off Grid-1, KREDL
2 Afg³f»ffBʳf QÀ°ff½fZªf OfC³f»fûO IZ Vfb÷ Af°f I e d°fd±f 26.06.2020 Àfb¶fW 10.0 ¶fªfZ
3 d³fd½fQf ·fS³fZ I e ´fifSa d·fI d°fd±f 26.06.2020 Àfb¶fW 10.0 ¶fªfZ
4 Afg³f»ffBʳf QÀ°ff½fZªf OfC³f»fûO I e Aad°f¸f d°fd±f 17.07.2020 Vff¸f 5.00 ¶fªfZ °fI GOVERNMENT OF ODISHA,
5 ´faªfeI S¯f WZ °fb Vfb»I ªf¸ff I S³fZ I e Aad°f¸f d°fd±f 17.07.2020 Vff¸f 5.00 ¶fªfZ °fI “e”-PROCUREMENT NOTICE
6 d³fd½fQf ·fS³fZ I e Aad°f¸f d°fd±f 17.07.2020 Vff¸f 5.00 ¶fªfZ °fI WORKS DEPARTMENT
7 °fI ³feI e QÀ°ff½fZªf IZ Jb»f³fZ I e d°fd±f 20.07.2020 Àfb¶fW 11.30 ¶fªfZ B-110 E-mail- [email protected]
³fûM:- Bid Identification No. CE-W.B.P. (O) - 06/2020-21
(i) d³fd½fQf QÀ°ff½fZªf Afg³f»ffB³f C´f»f¶²f W` AüS ·ffS°f ÀfSI fS IZ e-procurement portal site 1. The Chief Engineer (World Bank Project), Odisha on behalf ´fS We Afg³f»ffB³f Af½fZQ³f QZ ÀfI °fZ W`Ô Ü d³fd½fQf IZ Af½fZQ³f IZ d»fE d³fd½fQfI fS IZ ´ffÀf of Governor of Odisha invites percentage rate bid in double
Ad²fIÈ °f Ad²fI fSe õfSf ´fi¸ffd¯f°f Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) Wû³ff Af½fV¹fI W` Ü cover system in ONLINE MODE from eligible contractors for
(ii) d³fd½fQfI fS I û ÀfÃf¸f ´fQfd²fI fSe õfSf ´fi¸ffd¯f°f Af¨fS¯f E½fa ¨fdSÂf ´fi¸ff¯f ´fÂf °f±ff ÀfÃf¸f ´fQfd²fI fSe õfSf d³f¦fÊ°f À±ff¹fe ´f°ff construction of Bridge works as detailed below:
´fi¸ff¯f ´fÂf, Àfü»f½fZ³Àfe ÀfdMÊ dR IZ M B°¹ffdQ d³fd½fQf ´fi´fÂf IZ Àff±f A´f»fûO I S³ff W` Àff±f We Àff±f d³fd½fQf R fg¸fÊ ¸fZÔ Qe ¦fBÊ Àf·fe 2. Nature of work : Bridge works
I f¦fªff°f »fûO I S³ff Wû¦ffÜ
(iii) ´faªfe¹f³f Vfb»I RTGS/NEFT IZ õfSf ·fe ªf¸ff dI ¹ff ªff ÀfI °ff W` Ü ªf¸ff I S³fZ IZ C´fSf³°f Lf½f³fe ´fdS¿fQ IZ ¸fZ»f ´fS Àfc¨f³ff 3. No. of work : 01 Nos.
dQ¹ff ªff ÀfI °ff W` ¹ff dR S I f¹ffÊ»f¹f ¸fZÔ ªf¸ff I S ÀfI °fZ W`Ô Ü 4. Tender cost : Rs. 10,000.00 (on-line)
(iv) dI Àfe °fSW I f ÀfaVfû²f³f ¹ff A³¹f Àfc¨f³ff e-procurement portal site ´fS Qe ªffE¦feÜ 5. Class of Contractor : Super / Special Class Contractor
´fÂffaIY Àfe.¶fe.OXe./MXe.EÀf./E.Àfe./ 20-21 ¸fb£¹f Ad²fVffÀfe Ad²fIYfSXe, 6. Available of bid : From 10.00 A.M. of 30.06.2020 to
dQ³ffaIY: 2020 Qf³ff´fbSX LXf½f³fe ´fdSX¿fQ document in the 05.00 PM of 16.07.2020.
8TH LEVEL, C-WING, DELHI SECRETARIAT, NEW DELHI-110002 8TH LEVEL, C-WING, DELHI SECRETARIAT, NEW DELHI-110002 Futher details can be seen from the website: Any addendum/ corrigendum/
No. F.5(501)/Lit./LJ&LA/19/Pt-I Dated:-
No. F.5(501)/Lit./LJ&LA/19/Pt-I Dated:- cancellation of tender can also be seen in the said website.
Tender Id:- 2020_LAWJA_192084_I 2020_LAWJA_192084_I Chief Engineer
Tender Id:- 2020_LAWJA_192094_I 2020_LAWJA_192094_I
NOTICE INVITING TENDER World Bank Project, Odisha
NOTICE INVITING TENDER E-Tenders are invited from the eligible Insurance companies registered with Insurance OIPR-34003/11/0008/2021
E-Tenders are invited from the eligible Insurance companies registered with Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) having adequate financial resources and
Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) having adequate financial resources and healthy track record in handling business of large magnitude for providing Group (Term)
healthy track record in handling business of large magnitude for providing Group Medi-claim GOVERNMENT OF ODISHA
insurance for approximately 28774 practicing advocates providing life cover of Rs. 10,00,000/-
coverage for approximately 29077 practicing advocates enrolled with the Bar Council of Delhi OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER,
(Rupees Ten Lakhs only per advocate ) who are enrolled with the Bar Council of Delhi and are
and are also in the voters’ list of Delhi, their spouse and two dependent children up to the age JEYPORE (R&B) CIRCLE, JEYPORE
of 25 years, for a family floater sum insured of Rs. 5,00,000/- (Rupees Five Lakhs only). also in the voters’ list of Delhi. B-111
The tender document with complete details, specifications and other terms and condition can
The tender document with complete details and other terms and condition can be downloaded Bid Identification No. S.E.J.C. (R&B)- 08/2020-21
from the website and the same is available on Government of NCT be downloaded from the website and the same is available on No. 2493 Date. 22.06.2020
of Delhi e-procurement system Government of NCT of Delhi e-procurement system 1. Name of the Work : ROAD & BUILDING WORKS 2. Total No. of Works : 02 (Two) Nos.
Sl. Particulars Date Time
No. S.I Particulars Date Time 3. Estimated cost : Rs. 128.52 Lakhs to 738.00 Lakhs
1. Date and time of 25.06.2020 6:00 PM No. 4. Period of completion 09 Months to 10 (Ten) Months
availability of e-tender 1. Date and time of availability of e-tender 25.06.2020 6:00 PM 5. Bid Cost : Rs. 10,000/- (Each)
2. Last date & time for 10.07.2020 01:00 PM 6. Class of Contractor : “B”, “A”, “Special” & “Super” Class
2. Last date & time for submission of tender 10.07.2020 01:00 PM
submission of tender 7. Date & time of availability of : From 10.00 hours of 30.06.2020
3. Pre-bid meeting and place 03.07.2020 in Conference room of Pr 05:00 PM bid document in the portal to 17.00 hours of 15.07.2020
3. Pre-bid meeting and 03.07.2020 in the Conference room of Pr. Secretary (Law, Justice & LA),
place Secretar (Law, Justice & LA), Department of 8. Last date/ Time for receipt of : 17.00 hours of 15.07.2020
Department of Law, Justice & LA, bids in the Portal
Law, Justice & LA, Government of NCT of
Government of NCT of Delhi, 8th Level,
Delhi, 8th Level, C-Wing, Delhi Secretariat, 9. Opening date of Bid : 10.00 hours of 16.07.2020
Delhi-110002 C-Wing, Delhi Secretariat, Delhi-110002
10. Name and address of the : Superintending Engineer
4. Date & Time of opening 10.07.2020 3:00 PM 4. Date & Time of opening of Technical Bids 10.07.2020 05:00 PM Officer Inviting Bid Jeypore (R&B) Circle, Jeypore
of Technical Bids 5. Date & Time of opening of Financial Bids Will be intimated to the technically qualification
5. Date & Time of opening Will be intimated to the technically qualified bidders at a bidders at a later date. Further details can be seen from the e-procurement portal
of Financial Bids later date.
Please check regularly the above mentioned websites for any further amendments/ Any addendum / corrigendum / cancellation of tender can also
Please check regularly the above mentioned websites for any further amendments/ corrigendum/ Addendum (if any) to the tender. be seen in the said website only.
corrigendum/ Addendum (if any) to the tender. Tender document completed in all respect should be submitted only on the Delhi Government Sd/-
Tender document completed in all respect should be submitted only on the Delhi Government e-procurement system Superintending Engineer
e-procurement system Principal Secretary (Law, Justice & LA) Jeypore (R&B) Circle, Jeypore
DIP/Shabdarth/0109/20-21 Principal Secretary (Law, Justice & LA) DIP/Shabdarth/0110/2021 OIPR-34108/11/0006/2021

New Delhi



Quacks pretend to cure other
men's disorders, but fail to find a remedy
for their own. — MARCUS TULLIUS CICERO

On our own

How did India, in quest for global prestige, manage
to lose its neighbourhood? Answers lie at home

UNMAKING IN INDIA Pratap Bhanu Mehta

Identifying country of origin of products is an idea whose time
AS THE BORDER stand-off with China deep- property, regulation, agriculture, labourmo- strategic necessity of the rest of the world to
should never come — serves no economic purpose, will have costs

ens, India will have to think of all possible bility, the very areas where freedom is vital come together on China has never been
strategic options that give it leverage in this for India’s economy? Will a US hell-bent on higher; yet the appetite for concerted action
NWEDNESDAY,THEDepartmentforPromotionof IndustryandInternal crisis. One element often discussed in this bringing manufacturing jobs back to the US, has never been weaker. Fundamentally, few
Trade (DPIIT) reportedly directed e-commerce companies such as context is new arrangements with a variety easily gel with an “atma nirbhar” Bharat? To countriesaregoingtoputtheirmoneywhere
Amazon, Flipkart and Paytm to figure out a mechanism that will allow of powers. Many strategic experts are sali- see what is at stake, we just need to look at their mouth is.
consumers to identify the country of origin for all the products sold on vating at the prospect of an even closer al- the way in which friction over the develop- The value of global alliances and public
their platforms. The latest directive comes amid a growing clamour for liance with the US. This is a propitious mo- ment paradigm is driving tensions on trade, opinion in settling our local conflicts has al-
ment to mobilise international opinion on taxation and regulatory issues between the ways been limited for two reasons. First, the
theboycottof Chineseproducts,intheaftermathof theclashbetweenIndianandChinese
China. The degree of global alienation with US and EU. international community has not been very
soldiers on the LAC. This is a troubling development. It signals a willingness on the part the Xi Jinping regime is unprecedented. But There is sometimes a complaint in the effective in neutralising low cost asymmet-
of the government to allow the discrimination, possibly the shunning, of products on the can this be translated into concerted global US that India is invited but refuses to come ric options exercised by some powers. This
basis of their place of origin. Coupled with the government’s push for “atma nirbharta” action to exert real pressure on China? India to the table with enthusiasm. There is some is the tactic Pakistan has used. Second, what
or self-reliance, marked by more zeal than prudence, and reports of it contemplating the should pursue all possible avenues. But we truth to this, despite the salutary cultural military options India can exercise, fortify-
raising of tariffs on imports, moves such as these appear to showcase an opportune po- shouldalsohaveaclear-eyedviewof thelim- and political momentum in this relation- ing defences, gaining strategic leverage in
itations of what new alliances or arrange- ship. But the drivers of this have often been areas where we can, is for military experts
litical optics at a high economic cost — it could end up undoing the benefits and revers- The value of global alliances
ments can do for India. legitimate differences over development, in- to decide. But don’t count on the fact that
ing the gains over the last few decades of free trade. It could presage a misguided shift to- It is important to remember that inter- and public opinion in cluding climate change. It has also been that, the world will support an Indian escalation
wards protectionism, sliding into the failed policy of import substitution. national relations are formed in the context at various points, that ask was antithetical beyond a point. The efforts of the interna-
settling our local conflicts
The idea of specifying the country of origin in products in today’s integrated world of acountry’sdevelopmentparadigm.India’s to India’s other strategic commitments. tional community, in the final analysis, will
serves no rational economic purpose. The difficulties in executing it only underline its primary aim should be to preserve the max- has always been limited for India was wise to stay out of the war in Iraq, be to try and throw cold water on the con-
absurdity. At the crux of the matter is defining the “country of origin”. While products imum space for its development model, if it two reasons. First, the it was wise not to spurn Russia entirely, and flict; no one has a serious stake in the fate
can actually formulate one. India is not international community it is wise not to throw its weight behind the of the terrain India and China are disputing.
uniqueinthisrespect.TheUS-Chinarelation- US’s Iran policy. There is more maturity in At the end of the day, India has to manage
several other countries. This makes it challenging to identify who “manufactures” the has not been very effective in
ship may have had its origins in the strategic the US to understand India’s position. But China and Pakistan largely on its own.
product. A distinction thus has to be made between “assembling” and “manufacturing”, attempt to create a Sino-Soviet split. But for neutralising low cost there is a section of India’s strategic commu- The logic of the Chinese opening so many
and the extent of value added at each stage has to be estimated. Take, for instance, the decades, this relationship was sustained not asymmetric options nity that sees India’s reluctance to go in with fronts together is baffling. Reassuringly, it
iPhone.Itscomponents,suchasthetouchscreendisplay,memorychipsandmicroproces- by a strategic logic, but by the logic of the po- exercised by some powers. the US, hook line and sinker, as a kind of ide- could mean China is overreaching. Less reas-
sors come from a mix of US, Japanese, Korean and Taiwanese companies, not all of them litical economy of development in both the ological wimpishness, not a sign of more suringly, it could mean that rather than dis-
US and China, where they reciprocally de-
This is the tactic Pakistan deeply thought out realism, which it has playing strategic coherence, China is now a
manufactured in China. These individual components are shipped to China, where it is has used. Second, what
pended on each other. What has changed been. regime that, like so many authoritarian
assembled, and then shipped across the world. So will an iPhone sold on an e-commerce
profoundly in the US is the view that this military options India can It is an odd moment in global affairs, regimes of the past, is willing to damage it-
website in India identify China as the country of origin? Even products that are assem- arrangement largely benefitted big business where there is recognition of a common self and the world. Such regimes are always
exercise, fortifying defences,
bled in India have components from several countries. How will the country of origin be in America at the expense of its own domes- challenge emanating from China, but no harder to handle because it is not straight-
worked out? Will it be based on value added? Who will be responsible for providing ac- tic manufacturing base.
gaining strategic leverage in global appetite to take concerted action. An forwardly interest that drives them. Even as
curate information about the product — the platform or the seller? The political legitimacy of the develop- areas where we can, is for interesting example might be the global re- we deal with the military situation on the
Seen alongside recent developments, this latest directive raises concerns over the in- ment model waned, and it is this fact that military experts to decide. sponse to the BRI. Many countries are strug- border, the test of India’s resolve will be its
will largely be the driver of the US-China re- But don’t count on the fact gling to meet their BRI debt obligations. ability to return to some first principle think-
creasing protectionist impulses and inward looking signals emanating from the govern-
lationship. The question for India is not just Many Chinese loans have become a mill- ing about its own power. How does it create
ment. Such policies open the door for further lobbying, and facilitate rent-seeking. From whether the US has a stake in India’s devel- that the world will support stonearoundthedebtorcountries’necks.But the space for accelerating its development
theexcessivelywiderhetoricof self-reliancetoreportsof thegovernmentconsideringrais- opment, which it might. But it is, rather, to an Indian escalation beyond itisdifficulttoseetherestof theinternational — in the long run, the only cornerstone of a
ing tariffs to boost domestic manufacturing, India seems to have forgotten the lessons ask whether India’s development needs will a point. The efforts of the community helping all these countries to defence policy? How does it stay true to its
learnt from its past mistakes. fit into the emerging US development para- international community, in wean their regimes away from dependence greatest strength, its political identity as a
digm. Will the very same political economy on Chinese finance. Similarly, there are now liberal, pluralistic democracy? How did
forces that create a disengagement with the final analysis, will be to great concerns over frontier areas of conflict India, in its quest for global prestige, man-
try and throw cold water on
China also come in the way of a closer rela- like cyber security and space. It is difficult to age to lose its own neighbourhood? Our ma-
tionship with India? Some sections of the conflict; no one has a imagine concerted global action to create jor vulnerabilities are all at home, and so are
American big business might bat for India; rules in these area, partly because Great the solutions.
serious stake in the fate of
but the underlying political economy dy- Powers like the US and Russia will always
the terrain India and China
Ramdev’s so-called cure for COVID flouts medical and namics are less propitious. Will the US give want to maintain their exceptionalism. So The writer is contributing editor,
India the room it needs on trade, intellectual are disputing. we are in a paradoxical world where the The Indian Express
business due process, while discrediting Ayurveda

ITH THE COUNTRY’S COVID graph surging past the 4.5 lakh
mark and nearly 15,000 people succumbing to the disease, any
claim of a “100 per cent cure” is bound to generate hope. But in
such difficult times, it’s also important to regulate and guard
againstthepropagationof afalsesenseof security.TheMinistry
of AYUSH has, therefore, done well to ask Baba Ramdev’s Patanjali Ayurved to stop adver-
tising that it has found a cure for the contagion, until it examines the matter. As a report
inthispaperhasbroughttolight,thecompanydidnotfollowdueprocessesbeforelaunch- ‘Cricket Samrat’ was a window to the sport in the Hind heartland before TV, internet
ing the “Corona Kit”, which it advertised as a panacea for COVID-19. The Uttarakhand
government has said its licensing authority did not grant approval to the Haridwar-based
Divya Pharmacy, Patanjali’s medicine unit, to manufacture the “Corona Kit”. And, the Daksh Panwar
Rajasthan government has disclaimed any knowledge of clinical trials of the drug at the
LIKE THE ELDERLY, the COVID-19 pandemic in 1978, it rode on cricket’s expanding foot- it became evident that I didn’t have it in me
National Institute of Medical Sciences and Research in Jaipur. The litany of Patanjali’s un-
has ravaged old media. Earlier this week, printinthecountry.BetweenLord’s1983and tobeacricketer,themagazineinspiredmeto
ethical practices doesn’t end here. When mildly symptomatic patients developed fever Cricket Samrat, a once-influential and wildly Bombay1987,itgrewexponentiallyasIndian become a sports writer.
during the trials, they were administered allopathic medicines. popular Hindi magazinebut one that was on cricket hit its apogee. It was a symbiotic rela- At its peak, it was the top-selling sports
The advertising of Ayurvedic drugs is governed by a law that dates back to 1954 — the life supportfor some time, announced it was tionship,withIndiancricketalsogainingfrom magazine in India, but its importance began
Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisements) Act. The Act does talk about shutting down after 42 years. Cricket Samrat. It acted as a force multiplier, to diminish with the advent of the internet.
“false claims” and “directly or indirectly giving a false impression regarding the true char- Gen Z and non-Hindi readers might not democratising the game by taking it to the The monthly news cycle became outdated
haveheardof it,but foracricket-lovingkid in blind spots — blind swathes, in fact — in the and cricket websites such as Cricinfo, which
acter of the drug”. But serious diseases such as AIDS or encephalitis, which have emerged
the BIMARU region of the ’80s and ’90s, the north. provided real-time updates, cornered the
in the past 40 years, are not listed under the law. In February, the Union Ministry of Health importance of Cricket Samrat can’t be encap- The seeds of the small-town revolution market. Till 2013, the magazine had an aver-
andFamilyWelfarereleasedadraftof anamendmenttothe1954Acttocorrectsuchshort- sulated. But I will attempt here. It was like that would hit Indian cricket in the 2000s age issue readership of over a million, but
comings. But then the country was overtaken by COVID and the Centre has used the 1954 ESPNCricinfo,Sports Illustrated andStar Sports were perhaps sowed by Cricket Samrat. It fu- hardly any advertisements. Its one-time
ActtoscrutinisePatanjali'stallclaims—theAYUSHministry’snoticetoBabaRamdev’sout- in one package. elled the dreams of young kids hungry to strengths — Hindi and niche — were turning
fit was served under this law. Perhaps the government has to find ways to include COVID- LikeCricinfo,itwouldcontaindetailedre- make their name in the game. It was North against it.
19 under its purview. Its use of the ordinance route to amend the 123-year old Epidemic ports,in-depthanalyses, statisticsandscore- From its humble beginnings India’s very own Wisden — the globally For some reason, Cricket Samrat never
cards of domestic and international cricket in West Delhi in 1978, it rode revered Bible of Cricket. made the transition to the digital medium,
Diseases Act, to curb violence against doctors, could be instructive for the purpose.
— content that in the pre-internet era would Cricket Samrat used to be a rage at the even though it can be argued that there was
This is not to undermine the role of Ayurvedic remedies for people’s health and well- otherwise have been inaccessible. Cricket on cricket’s expanding Sports Hostels of Kanpur and Lucknow that — and perhaps still is — an audience for a
being, especially during the pandemic. Some herbs are known to be immunity boosters. Samrat wasalsoSportsIllustratedinthesense footprint in the country. threw up international cricket stars like quality cricket website in Hindi.
In fact, Patanjali, reportedly, sought regulatory approval for individual medicines, that it that the magazine’s pull-out posters would Between Lord’s 1983 and Mohammad Kaif, R P Singh and Suresh Cricket Samrat’s biggest service to Indian
later included in the “Corona Kit”, as “immunity boosters” and as remedies for “cough adorn our walls. For this reason, many non- Bombay 1987, it grew Raina. The centrefolds would be found in cricketwascoveringthedomesticgameassid-
and breathlessness”. In claiming that these medicines cure COVID, Ramdev’s company is Hindi readers also avidly collected Cricket most rooms where budding cricketers uously.AtatimewhentherewaslittleTVcov-
Samrat’s issues. exponentially as Indian would spend restless nights dreaming erage,itgavetheplayersamuch-neededplat-
guilty of flouting medical — and business — ethics, while also discrediting Ayurveda.
And in an era when TV sets were a lux- cricket hit its apogee. It was a about the heroes who watched them from form. You didn’t need Cricket Samrat to know
ury in mofussil India and cable TV hadn’t ar- symbiotic relationship, with the walls. a Kapil Dev, but without it, you wouldn’t have
rived, it was our Star Sports in that its vivid Mumbai Ranji cricketer Iqbal Abdulla understood what an Ashish Winston Zaidi or


Indian cricket also gaining
prose in a language that we lived and learned the basics of the game through anAmarjitKaypeeoranAtulBedademeantto
breathed would help us “see” the matches from Cricket Samrat. It acted Cricket Samrat, quite literally. Growing up in Indian cricket. It was coincidental but fitting,
that we couldn’t watch. The writing of many as a force multiplier, Azamgarh, UP, Abdulla didn’t have access to then,thattwodaysafterthedeathof Rajinder
of its contributors was a breath of fresh air democratising the game by TV. This could have limited his understand- Goel, arguably the tallest among domestic
Sport and its prima donnas are having an especially hard time from the stoic style prevalent among Hindi ing of cricket, but he had an alternative in cricket stalwarts, Cricket Samrat also drew its
resting it out in the shadows taking it to the blind spots —

newspapers of the time. Cricket Samrat. If it put young cricketers on final breath.
Cricket Samrat was all that and more. blind swathes, in fact — in the right path, it also showed the way for-
ORLD NO 1 tennis player Novak Djokovic will have a fortnight of FromitshumblebeginningsinWestDelhi the north. wardtofailedones.Inmycase,atleast,when [email protected]
isolation to mull over the havoc that can be wreaked on the hu-
man body shouldavirus latch ontoits respiratoryairways. Itwas
Djokovic's casualness that saw him make light of a global pan-
ers, test positive for the virus. But this isn't just about Djokovic inviting top tennis play- JUNE 26, 1980, FORTY YEARS AGO
ers for an exhibition tournament and thumbing his nose at social-distancing protocols.
Sport and its prima donnas have been finding it difficult to rest it out in the shadows. ASSAM BANDH of the 48-hour Lakhimpur bandh passed off AFTER SANJAY
All across the world, the calls for sport to resume, from business interests, grows because THE SPONSOR OF the Assam movement ap- peacefully.Allvehiculartrafficwasoff forthe TWO-DAYS AFTER Sanjay Gandhi’s death,
a bunch of supremely fit superstars cannot fathom that the human body can cave under peared to be in for a confrontation with the day. Congress I members of Parliament have be-
an infection, at a mere sneeze or a cough. Sequestered in their bubbles where millions governmentwhichdecidedtomaintainnor- gun discussing in what ways the function-
adore them for feats their bodies can perform, sportspersons refuse to acknowledge that
malfunctioningof the administrationinface CARTER’S PROPOSALS ing of the ruling party will change with its
of the agitators’ plan to paralyse it through a THE US PRESIDENT Jimmy Carter proposed most important decision-maker becoming
something that's not painted in glory, like war, can halt their athletic exuberance. So, golf 24-hour state-wide bandh tomorrow. The a transnational arrangement for governing the victim of an unfortunate air crash. Most
goesoninAmericabeforeabunchisfelledbyCOVID-19.Andfootballispullingoutallstops government has warned its employees with Afghanistan to prevent a mass slaughter of party members are of the opinion that the
across Europe to complete their big dollar leagues. paycuts and other disciplinary action for ab- pro-Soviet elements if Soviet troops are crucialdecisionswillhavetobetakenbyMrs
Mercifully the Olympics got postponed, but global superstars, all super fit, just can't sence of duty because of the bandh that be- withdrawn. He said that assurances that a Gandhi herself, and grief stricken as she is,
wrap their brains around a body that can be weakened by a flu. This bull-headedness gins at 6 am. It was taking steps to prevent slaughter would be prevented, and a the Prime Minister will have to find some
picketing in front of offices and to provide staunch anti-Soviet government would not time to unfold her mind on some of the is-
works well for the heavily-invested officials, broadcasters and sponsors who are in dan-
transport with armed escort to help the em- emerge might be the necessary condition sues. There is a view that is emerging that
ger of going bankrupt if live sports don't resume quickly. Were the players more circum- ployees attend work. All air and train serv- for a Soviet withdrawal. In its first reaction to Mrs Gandhi should draft Sanjay Gandhi’s
spect about taking to the field, the resumption of sports would be much later and ices from Assam have been cancelled be- Carter’s proposals, Moscow has termed wife, Maneka, or Rajiv Gandhi, who is an Air
smoother. Djokovic just went and got infected, instead of waiting for science to do its job. cause of the bandh. Meanwhile the first day them vague. India pilot into politics.

New Delhi


“Regardlessof the grandstanding of hawkish Indian elements, Pakistan
should respond maturely to New Delhi’s provocations. The government has
made clear that adventurism will not be tolerated, and extremist Indian
hawks would do well not to beat the war drums.” — DAWN

Understanding Xi’s China First, ease

Beijing today uses muscle, money and soft power to further its hegemonic ambitions.
India under Modi has no delusions about the new China
of living
In post-Covid world, growth of business must
not be at expense of societal well-being
than those with large, and very well-
equipped, private health systems, such as
the USA. Countries with universal social
Japan, South Korea and Germany, seem to
be managing the effects of the economic
Rakesh Sinha breakdown on the poorer sections of their
FORMER PRIME MINISTER Manmohan Arun Maira COVID-19 has revealed the deep fis-
Singh’s letter to Prime Minister Narendra sures in economics, between the school of
Modi on the recent stand-off between the economics that has dominated public pol-
armies of India and China deservesattention COVID-19HAScausedahealthcarecrisisin icy across the world since the 1980s — the
for more than one reason. It represents the India. Consequently, concerns about the “free market” school that the authors of
views of the Congress and it follows the al- ethicsof themedicalprofessionhavearisen, Good Work refer to — and another school
legations made by both Sonia Gandhi and withquestionsaboutthepriceschargedby whichsaid that theneeds of human beings
Rahul Gandhi that India has lost some of its hospitals for treatments, and by pharma- must trump the needs of business in eco-
territory to China and the government was ceutical companies for medicines. nomic policy, and not the other way
hiding this fact. The fundamental question seems to be, around. The profession of economics must
The Indian Army and the government howmuchqualifiesassufficientprivategain be reoriented. Societal (and environmen-
havedeniedthattherehavebeenChinesein- whileprovidingapublicservice?Thisques- tal) well-being must be the goal of eco-
cursions on Indian territory. The Indian tion will arise whenever any industry be- nomic policies, not the size of the GDP.
Army’s integrity and apolitical character are C R Sasikumar comes attractive for investors, who want Citizens’ “ease of living” must become
beyond doubt. Political regimes change, but China’s speeding economic growth can- whoprotestedtheparty’sresolutionthatde- their investees to run their enterprise as a more important than “ease of doing busi-
the armed forces largely remain unaffected not — and should not — be the only param- claredChinaanaggressorformedtheCPI(M). “business” rather than as a public service. ness”. No doubt, the health of businesses
by it. The army has safeguarded itself from eter to judge its character. It is devoid of The CCP engineered another split in the Doctors who prescribe tests and med- and the economy is good for the health of
vices such as casteism, communalism, re- democracy and abhors liberalism, both hall- CPI(M), leading to the formation of CPI(ML) icinesthatpatientsdonotreallyneedtoin- a society. However, the growth of busi-
gionalism etc, which have inflicted most of marks of the modern world. Xi’s philosophy in 1967. Peking Radio and Chinese media crease the revenues of hospitals and sales nesses and the economy must not be al-
India’sinstitutions.Then army chief,General is to convince Europe, the US and India that openly encouraged the rebellions in the of pharmaceutical companies (and im- lowed to harm societal and environmen-
J J Singh, showed great resilience in the face its political system and ideology of gover- CPI(M). Things have now changed under Xi. prove their own bonuses) are placing the tal well-being.
of pressurefromtheUPAgovernmenttopro- nance are superior to theirs. A report by the Not all are in the same boat but all roads lead needs of business owners above those of All professional institutions including
videcommunity-wisestatisticsof thearmy’s Global Public Policy Institute (‘Authoritarian to Rome. the public they serve. The same applies to businesses, are built on three fundamental
composition to the Sachar Committee in Advance’, February 2018) says the Chinese Systematically, Chinese influence in- other industries: Professional journalists structures,accordingtotheauthorsof Good
2008. He categorically stated thatpatriotism leadership “aims to present its political con- creased in the media, academia, opinion in- become less professional when the news Work — mission, standards, and identity.
was the only religion of the army. cepts as a competitive, and ultimately supe- dustry,NGOsandevensocial-culturalorgan- media becomes a business, and they are Mission is the purpose of the institution in
Anydiscoursewhichunreasonably drags rior, political and economic model”. isations, not only in India but also in Europe. pressed by the owners of the business to society. A healthcare institution’s purpose
the armed forces into political controversy Xi has acquired more power than Mao Theyusedproxylobbiestoreachouttothose producewhatsells—toattracteyeballsand is to improve the health of all citizens; and
damages its reputation and demoralises it. ever could. There is an unprecedented con- who seemed inaccessible to them. The pact increase TRPs and advertising revenues. anewsinstitution’s purpose istorevealthe
Being a former prime minister, centration of power at the top. Like any other between the Congress and the CCP and the They lose sight of the purpose of profes- truth to society. In contrast, a business in-
Manmohan Singh is expected to know this dictator,hebelievesinconfrontationaltactics invitations extended to ideological adver- sional journalism, which requires the dili- stitution’spurposecanbeaveryselfishone,
better than any of his party colleagues. The and uses both muscle and money as tools of sariesareapartof thisoutreachstrategy.The gent uncovering of truths. of producing wealth for its investors, espe-
threat perception from China needs no evi- geopoliticalstrategyandtofurtherhegemonic hospitality extended to them and the facade Threeeminentsocialpsychologistssaw cially when it is run on the principle that
dence; it has been more than obvious. But ambitions.TheUSCongressrealisedthisback of collaborationsinart,culture,scholarships, the crises in professions brewing in the “the business of business must be only
restating it exposes pre-Modi governments, in 2005, when it overwhelmingly voted etc help Beijing trivialise narratives that ex- 1990s with the accelerating advance of business”, which has become the domi-
particularly the ones that were headed by against Chinese state oil company, CNOOC, pose authoritarianism, restrictions on indi- businessesintothedomainof publicgoods. nant view since the 1990s.
the Congress. The 1962 war that led India to making an $18.5-billion bid for Unocal. Since vidual liberties, distortion of Marxism, and, In theirbook,Good Work—When Excellence Professionals are expected to maintain
lose 38,000 sq km of strategic territory was the outbreak of COVID-19, countries such as above all, the human rights violations in and Ethics Meet, Howard Gardner, Mihaly high standards in their work and in their
the result of self-betrayal by the Nehru ad- AustraliaandJapan,waryof Chinesedomina- China. Csikszentmihalyi and William Damon, conduct, such as the Hippocratic Oath that
ministration. Warnings from the socialists, tion,havestartedsafeguardingtheireconomic Beijing’s role in Taiwan and Hong Kong write: “We have no fundamental quarrel all the medical professionals swear to. The
RSS, and prominent faces in his own party sovereignty. The resurrection of an era of na- caused no consternation among the Indian with the operations of the market in eco- standards can be voluntarily determined
were ignored. Congress governments, in- tional self-reliance and non-hegemonic rela- people. This is a reversal of Indian people’s nomic spheres; we recognise the positive and applied by the professionals them-
cludingtheUPAunderManmohanSingh,left tionships in economic and trade matters is consciousness against Chinese expansion- role that markets can play, for example in selves,asaccountingfirmsdo— or aresup-
3,800 km of India-China border open with- causing pain to China. ism in the 1950s and 1960s. Leaders, includ- competition among publications or phar- posedto.Otherwise,theymustbeimposed
out adequate infrastructure. The Chinese Xi made another tactical shift to further ing Rammanohar Lohia, Jayaprakash maceutical companies… But not all on them by the public they claim to serve
military has engaged in territorial adventur- hisagendaincountriessuchasIndia.Thepre- Narayan, Deendayal Upadhyay and J B spheres of life are best run on a market through government regulations.
ism every single year since 1962. The pace of Xi regimes used communist parties to serve Kripalani, openly professed the independ- model. Many professional spheres — med- Identity, according to these psycholo-
construction of roads, rail bridges and air- theirinterestsandimageunderthefacadeof ence of Tibet and sovereignty of Taiwan. icine, science, education, art — ought not gists, comprises of a person’s own values
ports on the Indian side of the border has “ideological fraternity”. Xi realised the limi- Raghu Vira, a member of the Constituent to operate in the same way as commercial and traits, adding up to “a person’s deeply
been slow compared to the situation on the tationsof thisstrategyandtooktwostepsfor- Assembly who left the Congress in opposi- enterprisesdo,inthewaysuggestedbythe feltconvictionsaboutwhosheis,andwhat
Chinese side. Then defence minister, A K ward,surprisingnon-communistforces.The tion to Nehru’s China policy in 1961, said the Adam Smith-Friedrich von Hayek-Milton matters most to her existence as a worker,
Antony, admitted as much in Parliament in Chinese Communist Party (CCP) unhesitat- overwhelmingsupporttoNehru’sChinapol- Friedman view of the marketplace. citizen, and a human being”.
2013. The speed at which infrastructure is inglymingleswithnon-Leftpartiesandtries icyinbothHousesof Parliament“constitutes Medicine requires financial prudence, but The lockdowns following COVID-19
built on the Indian side of the border has in- tocultivatepro-Chinesesentimentsusingsoft a picture of fatuity and fickleness, which the purpose of the profession should not have caused many people to introspect
creased since the Modi government took power. At the 19th party congress of the CCP though devoid of guile is not devoid of guilt, be to achieve the greatest profit for share- about the purposes of their lives, and the
charge. Therefore, the Congress lacks moral inOctober2017,Xiunravelledanewideolog- for it has prepared the ground for unleash- holders of a health maintenance organisa- purposes of the enterprises they serve. It
groundtotutortheModi government onde- ical roadmap for China in unambiguous ing upon the Asian world horrors and mis- tion. Nor should legal protection, educa- has also provided an opportunity to reset
fence preparedness. terms. It proposed to export “Chinese wis- Xi has acquired more power eries unknown to the history”. tionalopportunities,andothervitalhuman the course of economies. Business associ-
We should not allow domestic political dom and a Chinese approach to solving the Modi’s unambiguous policy towards needs and privileges simplybe allocatedto ations, and those who lead them, should
concerns to influence the public discourse problemsfacedbymankind”and“contribut-
than Mao ever could. There ChinaisreflectedinNewDelhi’sdefencepre- the highest bidder. In the words of the use this crisis to determine how they must
on China. In 1959, the Jana Sangh leader ing Chinese wisdom and strength to global is an unprecedented paredness andpragmatisminworldpolitics. French prime minister, Lionel Jospin, ‘We reform their associations to not merely
Deendayal Upadhyay described the Chinese governance”. This is the advocacy of illiber- concentration of power at China’s displeasure shows the legacy of pas- arenotagainstmarket-basedeconomy,but lobby for the ease of doing business, and
creed as “cartographic aggression”. Those alism and a rejection of open society. the top. Like any other sivity and inaction that Modi inherited from market-based society’”. how they will regulate the conduct of their
who denigrate it as “jingoism” not only fail Chinese political interest in India is not a his predecessors has been buried. It is also The COVID-19 crisis has revealed many members. Or else, business will have to be
tounderstandnationalismbutarealsoguilty new phenomenon. Earlier, it was guided by dictator, he believes in clear that India has come out of the self-in- weaknesses in economies and societies. regulated more firmly by the government
of condoning China’s strategy of perpetual ideology and closely linked to Indian com- confrontational tactics and flicted delusion that China under Xi does not Healthcaresystemsinmostcountrieshave for increasing citizens’ ease of living.
expansionism. India cannot neutralise munists. The conflict between the former uses both muscle and money carry the legacy of Mao Zedong’s deception not been able to cope with the pandemic:
China’s territorial ambitions by chanting Soviet Union and China cast its shadow on as tools of geopolitical and lies. The crisis was too large and too sudden. Maira, former member of the Planning
peace; it can do so only by acquiring power. the Communist Party of India (CPI) and the However, countries with stronger public Commission, is author of Reforming
Hollow idealism cannot protect national 1962warbecameareasonfortheCPItosplit. strategy and to further The writer is a Rajya Sabha MP and healthsystems,suchasVietnam,forexam- Capitalism: Improving the
boundaries and sovereignty. The 32 members of the CPI National Council hegemonic ambitions. member of the BJP ple, seemed to have managed far better World for Everyone


A time to universalise PDS BJP’S GLASSHOUSE
That foodgrain stocks lie in public godowns while people are going hungry is a scandal THIS REFERS TO the article, 'When
democracy was shackled' (IE, June 25). ONLINE
Dipa Sinha The writer, while patronising dis-
senters, is also deftly warning them of ONLY IN THE EXPRESS
consequences. From Nehru to Indira
THEPUBLICDistributionSystemhasplayedan arestillmanywhoareleftoutofthefoodsecu- crore from the National Small Savings Fund grains procured will also be reduced, which and Sanjay Gandhi, the BJP looks to the ● WHEN DEMOCRACY
important role in providing relief to people in ritynet.JusttofulfiltheNFSArequirementof67 (NSSF).Butthisisentirelyaresultof misman- wouldmeanthatfewerfarmerswouldbeable past for examples to outshine its own WAS CHALLENGED:
theaftermathof thenationallockdown.With percent,theupdatedpopulationestimatesof agement and off-budget accounting by the to access minimum support prices. actions and inactions. With a chunk of GAURAV BHATIA
COVID-19 cases increasing and the economy 2020mustbeusedinplaceofthecurrent2011 governmenttoshowalowerfiscaldeficit.This Withdrawing the PDS is also not favoured the mainstream media singing paeans
continuing to be in a downturn, some correc- numbers.Moreover,inthepresentcrisiswhere comes at the cost of the sustainability of the by state governments. Since the NDA came to to thegovernment,the“gag”wasnever ● LESSONFROM AMERICA:
tivemeasuresneedtobeputinplacetoensure many have lost their livelihoods, the require- FCI,whichhasalreadypaidforthegrainithas power,ithastriedrepeatedlytopressurestates further in than now. Freedom is an in- BINOYVISWAM
that there are no exclusions and that this ba- mentwouldbemuchmore.Unfortunately,the procured. In fact, a perusal of the data shows to shift to cash transfers. The fact that no state alienableright;itisnotforademocratic
sic support of subsidised foodgrains reaches government has not made the PDS universal. thattheactualfoodsubsidyandtheNSSFloan wasforthcoming,andthecentralgovernment government to “give”, let alone be
everybodypreventinglarge-scalehungerand There is no announcement of extending the combinedstillaccountsforlessthan1percent finally managed to initiate DBT in PDS only in proud of “giving”.
starvation. Despite gaps, the PDS is one of the relief measures from July onwards, ignoring of the GDP per annum. Excluding the off- Chandigarh, Daman and Diu and Puducherry Yusuf Ghazali, Patna
most effective instruments to reach people in thecontinuingdespairinruralandurbanareas. budgetborrowings,thefoodsubsidyinthelast says something. In Puducherry, following lo-
the current situation. The COVID-19 survey What is disturbing is that in the middle of three years is between 0.53 and 0.59 per cent cal protests, its share in PDS was converted THIS REFERS TO the article, ‘When
conducted by the Azim Premji University the current crisis some are now calling for a ofGDP,muchlessthanwhatitwasintheyears back to an in-kind transfer in a few months. democracy was shackled’ (IE, June 25). Besides, only Indian sources have pub-
found that during the lockdown, 89 per cent massive downsizing of the PDS and a shift to precedingNFSAwhenitwasbetween0.8-0.85 These debates can continue, but it is ab- The writer should keep in mind, before liclyconfirmedthejointideasofthemu-
of rural and 69 per cent of urban respondents cash transfers in place of foodgrains. This de- per cent. Therefore, it is not entirely true that solutelyunethicaltohavestockslyinginpub- casting stones, the irrational invocation tual consensus whereas China has not
reportedthattheywereabletogetfoodgrains batehasbeengoingonforsometime,andsuch the food subsidy is increasing at an exponen- lic godowns while people are going hungry. of the UAPA, NSA, sedition law and re- announceditasacommonobjectiveyet.
from a government ration shop compared to a policy direction has also been reiterated in tial pace. Currently, there are more than 100 million cently,theDisasterManagementActand Parul Srivastava, Prayagraj
only30percentofhouseholdssayingthatthey the Economic Survey 2019-20 to reduce the Second, there are several issues with re- tonnesintheFCIgodowns,morethanenough Epidemics Diseases Act by BJP govern-
received the Jan Dhan transfer.
Under the National Food Security Act
contain the fiscal deficit that the government
to meet the present NFSA requirements for a
year. With the next kharif harvest in five
Suchak D Patel, Ahmedabad
(NFSA), about 60 per cent of the current pop- is reluctant to expand the PDS despite bur- sidisedfoodgrains.Thereareahighernumber months,thegovernmentisrunningoutofstor- THISREFERSTOthearticle,'Anurturing
ulation has priority ration cards while some
geoning stocks. Cash transfers are an impor-
tant form of welfare provision, especially
of fair price shops than bank branches and al-
age space. The last time there were such high
stocks in the godowns, in 2001-02, they were
WATCH OUT place’(IE,June25).Amajorlacunainvir-
tual learning lies in the top-down
Telangana have additional coverage which through schemes such as old age, widow and many of these accounts are dormant and the given away at BPL prices to exporters while THIS REFERS TO the article, 'Disengage teacher-student communication path-
they support through their own budgets. disability pensions and maternity entitle- transactioncostsof withdrawing thecashare manypartsofthecountrywerefacinghunger butverify'(IE,June25).Evenaftertaking way it offers. School education, as the
Providinganadditional5kgoffoodgrainsand ments.Theamountsgivenunderthesetrans- high. Going by the experience of other cash and starvation. We are yet again faced with a a stand on the “mutual consensus” for bedrockofpersonalitydevelopment,de-
1 kg of pulses for free under the Pradhan fers are woefully inadequate. But to argue for transfer schemes in India, it can be safely said situation of excess stocks and people in dis- militarydisengagementbetweenChina mands interactive engagementto bring
MantriGaribKalyanAnnaYojana(PM-GKAY) thePDStobereplacedbycashtransferswould that these will not be inflation-indexed and tress.Unfortunately,itseemslikewewillonce and India, it would be too perilous for out the best in students. Improving the
was only for the 81 crore individuals who are be erroneous and misplaced in the current thus their real value will keep decreasing, again make the same mistakes. India to disband the assembled troops teacher-studentratiobyropinginbright
currentlycoveredbytheNFSA,andlateraspart context. whichisnotthecasewithfoodtransfers.There presentatthelineof confrontationafter graduates is an optionto bridge the gap.
of the Atmanirbhar package, another 8 crore First, the FCI finances are indeed in a mess are also fears that if there is no distribution The writer teaches at the breakdown of June 6 agreement. Anjali Bhavana, Thiruvananthapuram
migrantshavebeenincluded.However,there with an outstanding loan of over Rs 2.5 lakh mechanisminplace,thentheamountoffood- Ambedkar University Delhi

New Delhi

If there are questions of current or contemporary relevance that you would like
explained, please write to [email protected]


United Kingdom
In space, growing private role
Government has announced a new organisation, IN-SPACe, part of reforms to increase private participation
in the space sector. A look at its objectives, and what it means to the future of space exploration
to concentrate on science, research and de-
264,689 AMITABH SINHA velopment, interplanetary exploration and
PUNE, JUNE 25 strategic launches. Right now, too much of
1,188,631 473,105 ISRO’s resources is consumed by routine ac-
247,486 India THE GOVERNMENT on Wednesday ap- tivities that delay its more strategic objec-
254,416 Spain proved the creation of a new organisation to tives. There is no reason why ISRO alone
ensuregreaterprivateparticipationinIndia’s should be launching weather or communi-
TOTAL CONFIRMED: 9,478,266 DEATH COUNT: 483,613 spaceactivities,adecisionwhichitdescribed
as “historic”, and which Indian Space
cation satellites. The world over, an increas-
ingnumberof privateplayersaretakingover
Source: Johns Hopkins University, updated at 11 pm on June 25 . JHU’s India tally and Health Research Organisation (ISRO) chairman K this activity for commercial benefits. ISRO,
Ministry’s tally (below) may not match as these are accounted at different times. Sivan said was part of an important set of re- like NASA, is essentially a scientific organi-
forms to open up the space sector and make sation whose main objective is exploration
space-based applications and services more of space and carrying out scientific missions.
widely accessible to everyone. There are a number of ambitious space mis-
A low-cost, easy-to-use Covid The new Indian National Space
Promotion and Authorisation Centre (IN-
sions lined up in the coming years, including

emergency ventilator SPACe), which is expected to be functional

within six months, will assess the needs and
demands of private players, including edu-
Moon, a human spaceflight, and then, pos-
sibly, a human landing on the Moon.
A TEAM of engineers easily fabricated and cational and research institutions, and, ex- away the revenues that ISRO gets through
and physicians has de- theventilatorcanbeas- plore ways to accommodate these require- commercial launches. As Sivan said, the
veloped a low-cost, sembledinjust15min- ments in consultation with ISRO. Existing space-based economy is expected to “ex-
easy-to-use emer- utes, according to UC ISROinfrastructure,bothground-andspace- plode” in the next few years, even in India,
gency ventilator for SanDiego.Itsaidthede- based,scientificandtechnicalresources,and and there would be more than enough for
Covid-19patients.They vice’s electronics and even data are planned to be made accessible all. In addition, ISRO can earn some money
work is described in an PAPER sensors rely on a robust to interested parties to enable them to carry by making its facilities and data available to

upcoming issue of the supplychainfromfields out their space-related activities. private players.
journalMedical Devices that are not related to
and Sensors, according healthcare, and hence Why private participants Beyond IN-SPACe
to a statement released NEW RESEARCH they are unlikely to be Itisnotthatthereisnoprivateindustryin- IN-SPACe is the second space organisa-
by University of affected by shortages. volvement in India’s space sector. In fact, a tion created by the government in the last
California-San Diego. The cost of a venti- largepartofmanufacturingandfabricationof two years. In the 2019 Budget, the govern-
The team will be seeking approval for latorwouldbejust$500perunit.Ithas rocketsandsatellitesnowhappensinthepri- menthadannouncedthesettingupof aNew
thedevicefromtheUSFoodandDrug been named UCSD MADVent Mark V. vate sector. There is an increasing participa- Rocket prototypes at the entrance of ISRO's Sriharikota launch range. Amitabh Sinha Space India Limited (NSIL), a public sector
Administration, it said. It offers pressure-controlled ventila- tion of research institutions as well. But as company that would serve as a marketing
Thedeviceisbuiltaroundaventila- tion equipped with alarms to signal SivantoldthisnewspaperonThursday,Indian arm of ISRO. Its main purpose is to market
tor bag usually found in ambulances. that pressure is too low or too high. industryhadabarelythreepercentshareina space technology now cuts across sectors, their own launchpad within the Sriharikota the technologies developed by ISRO and
The team built an automated system Source: University of rapidlygrowingglobalspaceeconomywhich from weather to agriculture to transport to launch station, and ISRO would provide the bring it more clients that need space-based
aroundthebag.Itscomponentscanbe California-San Diego was already worth at least $360 billion. Only urban development, and more. As Sivan told necessary land for that, he said. services.
twopercentof thismarketwasforrocketand this newspaper, ISRO would have to be ex- IN-SPACe is supposed to be a facilitator, That role, incidentally, was already being
satellite launch services, which require fairly panded 10 times the current level to meet all and also a regulator. It will act as an interface performed by Antrix Corporation, another
large infrastructure and heavy investment. the demand that is arising. betweenISROandprivateparties,andassess PSU working under the Department of
INDIA COUNT: 4,73,105 (14,894 DEATHS) Theremaining95percentrelatedtosatellite-
based services, and ground-based systems.
At the same time, there were several
Indian companies waiting for make use of
how best to utilise India’s space resources
and increase space-based activities.
Space, and which still exists.Itis still notvery
clear why there was a need for another or-


AndamanandNicobarIslands 56
AndhraPradesh 10331
Indian industry, however, is unable to
compete, because till now its role has been
these opportunities. Sivan said there were a
few companies that were in the process of How ISRO gains
ganisation with overlapping function.
On Wednesday, however, the govern-
12,010 ArunachalPradesh 158 mainly that of suppliers of components and developing their own launch vehicles, the There are two main reasons why en- mentsaiditwasredefiningtheroleof NSILso
Haryana Assam 6198 sub-systems. Indian industries do not have rockets like ISRO’s PSLV that carry the satel- hancedprivateinvolvementinthespacesec- that it would have a demand-driven ap-
Bihar 8209
theresourcesorthetechnologytoundertake lites and other payloads into space, and ISRO torseemsimportant.Oneiscommercial,and proachratherthanthecurrentsupply-driven
16,009 70,390 Delhi Chandigarh 420
Rajasthan Chhattisgarh 2419 independent space projects of the kind that would like to help them do that. Right now, the other strategic. Of course, there is need strategy. Essentially, what that means is that
19,557 UP DadraandNagarHaveli
US companies such as SpaceX have been do- alllaunchesfromIndiahappenonISROrock- for greater dissemination of space technolo- instead of just marketing what ISRO has to
HimachalPradesh 806 ing, or provide space-based services. ets, the different versions of PSLV and GSLV. gies,betterutilisationof spaceresources,and offer, NSIL would listen to the needs of the
JammuandKashmir 6422 Additionally,thedemandforspace-based Sivan said ISRO was ready to provide all its increased requirement of space-based serv- clients and ask ISRO to fulfil those. This
Jharkhand 2207
12,448 Karnataka 10118 applications and services is growing even facilities to private players whose projects ices. And ISRO seems unable to satisfy this changeinNSIL’srole,Sivansaid,wasalsopart
28,943 MP Kerala 3603 within India, and ISRO is unable to cater to had been approved by IN-SPACe. Private need on its own. of the reforms that have been initiated in the
15,173 Ladakh 941 this.Theneedforsatellitedata,imageriesand companies, if they wanted, could even build TheprivateindustrywillalsofreeupISRO space sector.
West Bengal Manipur 970
Meghalaya 46
1,42,900 Mizoram 142

China shipments stuck: why business is concerned

Maharashtra Nagaland 347
Odisha 5752
Puducherry 461
10,444 Punjab 4627
67,468 Telangana Sikkim 84
Tamil Nadu Tripura 1259
Uttarakhand 2623 Customs (CBIC) either, the importers say. activities in India, said they were “increas- sions on supply chains and manufacturing
UnionHealthMinistryupdateasof 11pm,June25.Somestatesmayhave PRABHA RAGHAVAN & Several importers in Chennai said ingly concerned” that component parts and in India, and will send a “chilling” signal to
reportedhighernumbers.Onlystates/UTswithatleastonecaselistedabove. AANCHAL MAGAZINE Customs officials have been advised not to other inputs “necessary” to their manufac- foreign investors, who look for predictabil-
NEW DELHI, JUNE 25 clear any container that has arrived from turingoperationswerebeingdetainedatthe ity and transparency, the USISPF has argued.
2,71,697 PATIENTS DISCHARGED IN 35 STATES AND UNION TERRITORIES China, even if an Out of Charge (OOC) order ports.
AGROUPrepresentingsomeAmericancom- for clearance has been issued. The forum has sought the restoration of The China trade
Have a question on the COVID-19 outbreak and what you should/should not do? panies that have manufacturing operations port operations or, “at a minimum”, that the Possible curbs on imports from China in
Write to [email protected] in India has written to the Department for Ladakh link? government publish any change in port pol- theformof tariff ornon-tariff barriersarebe-
Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade SomeChennaiCustomszoneofficialssaid icy“toprovidethebusinesscommunitywith ingdiscussedwithin the government,which
(DPIIT), saying they are experiencing diffi- that checks were being carried out on the the visibility they need to function.” is understood to be considering a list of im-
cultiesinaccessingcrucialcomponentsfrom consignmentsbasedonspecificintelligence- Consignments of around 50 US firms ported items for imposition of various re-
their facilities in China. based inputs. Importers and industry, how- with manufacturing operations in India strictive measures.
ever, see it as a nudge to change their import across sectors such as telecommunications, Between April 2019 and February 2020,
The issue pattern, especially of non-essential goods, automobiles, medical equipment, and fast China accounted for around 14% of India’s
Import consignments from China are amid calls for reducing the consumption of moving consumer goods (FMGC) are learnt imports; the main items being components
learnt to be facing hurdles at some ports, in- Chinese goods in the wake of the tensions at to be among those affected. for smartphones and automobiles, telecom
cludingChennaiandMumbai.Itislearntthat the Line of Actual Control in Ladakh where The government has issued “no formal equipment, plastic and metallic goods, ac-
over the last fortnight, Customs authorities 20 Indian soldiers lost their lives in a deadly orders” or provided a “specific” reason for tive pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), and
have indicated to importers that there will clash with the Chinese Army on June 15. not clearing their consignments, the group other chemicals.
be delays in clearing Chinese shipments, but has said, and expressed concern that the ab- Inpharmaceuticalsparticularly,Indiade-
have not cited any reasons. The concern sence of transparency “threatens” the con- pends heavily on China for crucial ingredi-
There has not been any written or verbal TheUS-IndiaStrategicPartnershipForum tinuity of their businesses. The “unantici- ents.In2018-19,around68percentof India's
instructionsfromthe Customsauthoritiesor (USISPF), a group representing some pated” embargo on imports of goods from $3.56 billion worth of bulk drugs or API im-
the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and American firms involved in manufacturing neighbouring countries will have repercus- ports were from China.

Hinduja brothers: what property dispute is about, how much is at stake

trol of Hinduja Bank which was in dementia. claim, and it was not in his best interests for
Srichand’s sole name. The court said
Srichand had insistedin2015 that the letter
THE FOUR BROTHERS “Vinoo, his younger daughter, acting as
his Litigation Friend is bringing these pro-
the proceedings to continue. Srichand has
two daughters, Shanu and Vinoo.
“doesn’treflecthiswishesandthatthefam- ceedings on his behalf. It is very unfortu-
ON JUNE 23, a UK court ruled in favour of ily’s assets should be separated”. The three SRICHAND GOPICHAND natethattheseproceedingsaretakingplace What’s at stake in the Hinduja empire?
Srichand Hinduja, chairman of the Hinduja younger brothers said Srichand was suffer- HINDUJA, HINDUJA, as they go against our founder’s and fam- TheBloombergBillionairesIndexvalues
group, and his daughter Vinoo on the issue ing from a form of dementia. 84, current head Co-Chairman of ily’s values and principles that have stood the family fortune at $11.2 billion. The $50-
of control of Hinduja Bank, headquartered of the family and Hinduja Group. formanydecades,especially,everythingbe- billion Hinduja Group, controlled from the
in Switzerland, against the wishes of his What was the court’s decision? Chairman of One of the longs to everyone and nothing belongs to UK, is active in old economy sectors such as
three youngerbrothers. TheHindujagroup, “Vinoo is appointed as Srichand’s litiga- Hinduja Group architects of its anyone,” they said. banking & finance, transport, automobiles
once considered a close-knit business fam- tionfriend.Stepstakeninthelitigationprior and charitable transformation “Weintendtodefendtheclaimtouphold andenergyaswellastheneweconomysec-
ily,isfacingabigchallengeoverthedivision tothatappointmentwillhaveeffect,asper- foundations. from an Indo- thesedearlyheldfamilyvalues,”theysaidin torsliketechnology,mediaandrenewables.
of assets. Three Hinduja brothers — mitted under CPR 21.3(4),” Justice Falk said. After joining the Middle East a statement, hinting that the legal fight is It’snowaninternationalconglomeratewith
Gopichand, Prakash and Ashok — had con- CPR21.3(4)providesthatanysteptakenbe- family business in 1952, he trading operation into a multi-billion- likelytocontinue.Observersdon’truleouta a footprint across 38 countries and a
tested the claim of Srichand and his daugh- fore a protected party has a litigation friend strategised its diversification. dollar transnational conglomerate. division in the empire in the future. 150,000-plus strong team. Ashok Leyland,
ter, saying “everything belongs to everyone “hasnoeffectunlessthecourtordersother- flagship of the Hinduja group in India, is the
and nothing belongs to anyone.” wise”.Thethreeyoungerbrothershadused PRAKASH ASHOK Will Srichand’s assets pass on to his second largest manufacturer of commer-
the July 2014 letter to take control of HINDUJA, HINDUJA, daughter? cial vehicles in India. Dheeraj Hinduja, son
What’s the tussle about? Hinduja Bank. This is not valid now. Chairman of the based in Mumbai, The three brothers noted that if the of Gopichand, is on the board of Ashok
On July 2, 2014, the four brothers pur- Hinduja Group is Chairman, claim succeeds, all assets in SP’s name Leyland. IndusInd Bank, a leading private
portedly signed an agreement that assets What are the three brothers saying? in Europe. Hinduja Group would pass to Vinoo and her immediate sector bank, is also controlled by the
held by one brother will belong to all, and They claim that the litigation will not Since 2008, he of Companies family on SP’s death, including the entire Hindujas. Gulf Oil controlled by the group
eachbrotherwillappointtheothersastheir haveanyimpactonthefamily’sglobalbusi- has been based (India). Hs been shareholding in Hinduja Bank, accordingto has sales in 100 countries.
executors. Srichand and Vinoo went to nesses, which will continue to function as in Monaco. driving the the judgment. They maintain that a num- P D Hinduja, father of the four brothers,
court stating the letter should have no legal they have been. They say it will be appar- Having initially group's ber of the complaints about the 2014 letter whoiscreditedwithestablishingtradelinks
effect. Justice Falk of the High Court of ent from the judgment of the High Court in joined the family business in diversification since it re-entered relate to its impact on Vinoo personally between India and Persia set up the busi-
Justice, Business and Property Courts of EnglandthatSrichand'shealthhasbeende- Tehran, he later moved to Geneva in India in the mid-1980s. Heads several rather than Srichand. They also contend nessin1914.Twoof hismajorphilanthropic
England and Wales said the three other teriorating for a number of years suffering 2008 to Monaco. Group companies. that Vinoo has shown disregard for projects are Hinduja Hospital in Mumbai
brothers tried to use the letter to take con- from Lewy body disease, which is a form of Srichand’s best interests in bringing the and Hinduja Foundation.

New Delhi

A small-scale miner in Tanzania has become an overnight millionaire after
unearthing two of the biggest rough tanzanite gemstones ever found. Tanzania's
government bought the book-sized stones weighing 20 pounds (9 kg) and 11
pounds (5 kg) from miner Saniniu Laizer for $3.4 million


At 36,880,
US records
Mary Jackson. NASA
highest 1-day
spike so far
New York: NASA an-
nounced on Wednesday
that it would name its BIGGEST24-HRRISE
Washington, D.C., head-
quarters after Mary
THE UNITED States reported
Jackson, the organisa- Wednesday, the largest one-day Sydney: Australia’s second
tion’s first black female total since the start of the pan- most populous state de-
engineer and a pivotal demic and more than two ployed ambulances and
player in helping US as- months after the previous high. mobile test centres in a
tronauts reach space. Jim The number of infections in- testing blitz as the country
Bridenstine,the adminis- dicated that the country was not recorded the biggest daily
trator of NASA, said the only failing to contain the virus, riseincasesintwomonths.
agencywouldcontinueto but also that the caseload was Victoria state said 33
honour those whose his-
tories have long been
overlooked. “It appropri-
BRITAIN’S DAY OUT worsening — a path at odds with
steady declines after an earlier
days of double digit new
ately sits on ‘Hidden Thousands defied coronavirus social distancing rules and gathered at a beach in Bournemouth, England, on Thursday — the hottest day of the year so far. peak. Cases in the United States cases in the state. It has
Figures Way,’ a reminder A ‘major incident’ has been declared in the area to allow authorities to take emergency measures in response to the breach of rules. AP had been on a downward trajec- around 200 current cases
that Mary is one of many tory after the previous high of outofacountrytotalof270.
incredible and talented 36,739casesonApril24,butthey Victoria state Premier
professionals in NASA’s haveroaredbackinrecentweeks. DanielAndrewssaidauthor-
history who contributed
to this agency’s success,”
he said.
Imran Khan calls Russia opens polls for week-long The resurgence is concen-
trated largely in the South and
West. Florida, Oklahoma, South
most affected suburbs. He

Osama ‘martyr’ in Pak vote on extending Putin’s tenure Carolina and Texas reported be conducted over the next

their highest single-day totals 10days. REUTERS
on Wednesday, but case num-

Parliament, faces flak bers have been rising in more

ASSOCIATED PRESS than 20 states. New York — along with
EiffelTower MOSCOW, JUNE 25 The tally of new cases, based ConnecticutandNewJersey—said
reopensafter SAJJAD HUSSAIN POLLS OPENED in Russia on ●
on a New York Times database,
showed that the outbreak was
104days ISLAMABAD, JUNE 25 Thursday for a week-long vote
on constitutional changes that Concern over
stronger than ever. The elevated
numbers are a result of worsen-
As of Wednesday, more than
Paris: Marking another
milestone in France's re-
Khan on Thursday called slain al
would allow President Vladimir
virus,turnout ingconditionsacrossmuchofthe
died. Governor Gavin Newsom
covery from the lock- Qaeda chief and 9/11 master- The vote on a slew of consti- ing — but testing alone does not of California said that his state
down, the Eiffel Tower re- mind Osama bin Laden a "sha- tutionalamendments,proposed AT A time when Russia is explain the surge. Increases in had recorded more than 7,000
opened to visitors heed" (martyr) and said that by Putin in January, was initially Vladimir Putin still struggling with the hospitalisations also signal the newcases over the previous day.
Thursdayafteritslongest- Islamabad faced "embarrass- scheduled for April 22, but was pandemic, poll organisers virus’s spread. The WHO warned
everclosureinpeacetime: ment" by taking part in Imran Khan. Reuters/File postponed because of the coro- reportedlyfacedifficultyin Some states, including New Wednesday that if the Americas
104days.Touriststrickling America's war on terror. navirus pandemic. It was later Constitutional Court and were ensuring a good turnout. York, which at one point had the were not able to stop the spread
back to Paris were de- Speaking in parliament dur- rescheduled for July 1, with signed into law by Putin. He in- There are also concerns most daily virus cases, have of the virus, there may be a need
lighted to find it open ingthebudgetsession,Khansaid ing us. And, 70,000 Pakistanis polling stations opening a week sisted that they be put to a vote, thatmeasuresputinplace broughttheirnumbersundercon- to impose — or reimpose — gen-
when some other attrac- the American forces entered died because of US' war on ter- earlier and staying open for even though it is not legally re- due to the outbreak, like trol. Hoping to keep it that way, eral lockdowns.
tions in the French capital Pakistan and killed Laden with- ror," he said. seven days in an effort to avoid quired,inwhatmanyseeasanef- stretching the poll over a
out informing Islamabad after Khan's remarks drew criti- crowds on the main voting day. forttoputaveneerof democracy weektoavoidlongqueues,

Trump loses ground

Museum isn't reopening which everyone started abusing cism from the Opposition. The proposed amendments on the controversial changes. leave room for potential
untilJuly6.Of the tower's his country. "I don't think there's "Osama bin Laden was a terror- include a change in the constitu- Russia is still reporting over fraud.Forexample,aspera
three decks, only the first a country which supported the ist and our PM called him a mar- tionthatwouldallowthe67-year- 7,000 new virus cases daily and report, it is uncertain how
two reopened. Those
who made the climb
Thursday were rewarded
barrassment for it. Pakistan was
tyr. He was behind massacre of
thousands," said Khawaja Asif of
over two decades, to run for two
has 606,000 confirmed infec-
tions in all, the third-worst case-
load in the world.
ballot boxes will be sur-
veilled during sanitising,
when everyone must
in key states: Survey
with far-away views and in Afghanistan," Khan said. Pakistan on Thursday ex- rent one expires in 2024. Other The Kremlin has repeatedly leave the venue.
a light breeze in scorch- "For Pakistanis across the pressed its disappointment over amendments talk about improv- dismissed these concerns, say- NATE COHN
ing summer weather. globe, it was an embarrassing theUSStateDepartment'sreport ingsocialbenefits,definemarriage ing that Russia was able to slow NEW YORK, JUNE 25
moment when the Americans which described the country as a as a union of a man and and a downtheepidemicandassuring Some Moscow politicians
PAKISTAN came and killed Osama bin "safe harbour" for regionally-fo- womanandredistributeexecutive people that all necessary meas- and journalists launched a PRESIDENT DONALD Trump has
Laden at Abottabad...martyred cusedterroristgroups."...Pakistan powers within the government, ures have been to ensure the “No!” campaign against the lost significant ground in the six
PIAgrounds him. The whole world started willnotallowanygrouporentity strengtheningthepresidency. safety of the voters. amendments, but the virus battlegroundstatesthatclinched RACE FOR
150pilotswith abusing us after that. Our ally
came inside our country and
to use its territory against any
country," the Foreign Office said,
The changes have already
The country's divided oppo-
sition, meanwhile, has failed to
lockdown prohibited rallies,
and authorities have detained
his Electoral College victory in
2016, according to New York THE WHITE
‘dubiouslicences’ killed someone without inform- commenting on the report. PTI parliament, the country's mobilise a significant protest. even single pickets. Times/Siena College surveys,
with Joseph R Biden Jr opening
double-digit leads in Michigan,

Illegal wildlife trade putting global ecosystem at risk: FATF

Islamabad: Pakistan
International Airlines on Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Bidenleadingby14pointsnation-
Thursday announced that Trump’s once-commanding wide, 50 percent to 36 percent.
it has grounded 150 pilots advantage among white voters Bidenwould win thepresidency
with "dubious licences", a should be applied to wildlife tion,threatsbiodiversity,andcan help dismantle such networks. has nearly vanished, a develop- with at least 333 electoral votes,
day after the preliminary ESHA ROY trade, since the proceeds enters havesignificantpublichealthim- "Combating criminal organ- mentthatwouldallbutpreclude far more than the 270 needed, if
probereportoftheKarachi NEW DELHI, JUNE 25 the global market through pacts. In particular, the spread in isations through their financial thepresident’sre-election.Biden he won all six of the states sur-
planecrashblamedthepi- money laundering. recentyearsof zoonoticdiseases flowsisasignificantlegalandin- now has a 21-point lead among veyed and held those won by
lots and the air traffic con- THE FINANCIAL Action Task "The illegal wildlife trade is underlinestheimportanceof en- vestigative tool to prevent white college graduates, and the Hillary Clinton four years ago.
trol for the tragedy that Force (FATF), an independent in- devastatingourwildlifeandput- suring that wildlife is traded in a wildlife trafficking and the po- president is losing among white With a little more than four
killed 97 people. ter-governmental body that de- tingthe global ecosystem at risk. legal, safe and sustainable man- tential proliferation of zoonotic votersin thethreeNorthernbat- months to go until the election,
“Groundingsomanypilots velops and promotes policies to Time is running out. To ensure ner, and that countries remove diseases," it stated, suggesting tleground states. there is still time for the presi-
willaffectthePIAflightop- protect the global financial sys- the survival of endangered the profitability of illegal mar- the use of money laundering of- Four years ago, Mr. Trump’s dent’s political standing to re-
eration,”thespokesperson tem against money laundering, FATF president Xiangmin Liu species, we need to build strong kets,''says the report. fences since they carry more se- strength in the disproportion- cover,justasitdidonsomanyoc-
forthenationalcarriersaid, terrorist financing and the fi- public private partnerships to Initsreport,theFATFpointed verepenaltiesinmanycountries. ately white working-class bat- casions four years ago. He
adding that they have al- nancing of proliferation of prevent, detect and disrupt this out that following the money al- While the exact connection tleground states allowed him to maintains a substantial advan-
ready dismissed six pilots weapons of mass destruction, Estimating the proceeds of IWT activity following the money lowscountriestoidentifyawider between the trading of pan- win the Electoral College while tage on the economy, which
with fake degrees. Those has released its first ever report at between $7 and $23 billion that fuels it and the organised networkof syndicateleadersand golins and pangolin scales with losing the popular vote. The sur- couldbecomeanevenmorecen-
pilots who get their li- on illegal wildlife trade (IWT). per year globally, the FATF has crime gangs, poachers and traf- financiersinvolvedandtoreduce the Covid-19 outbreak is yet to veys indicate that the president tral issue in what has already
cences verified will be al- The report, released on suggestedtoallmembergovern- fickersbehindit,"saidFATFpres- the profitability of the crime. It beestablished,researchersinter- continues to fare better in these beenavolatileelectioncycle.And
lowed back on duty, Geo Thursday, comes amid increas- ments that the financial aspect ident Xiangmin Liu. also stated that syndicates in- nationally are looking into pos- relatively white battleground many of the undecided voters in
News quoted the PIA ing international concern that of wildlife trade needs to be "The illegal wildlife trade volved in the crime are usually sible connections. states than he does nationwide. thesestatesleanRepublican,and
spokespersonassaying. the crime could lead to more looked at more carefully, and (IWT)isamajortransnationalor- engaged in other illegal enter- FULLREPORTON AseparateTimes/Sienasurvey may end up returning to their
zoonotic diseases in the future. that money laundering laws ganised crime that fuels corrup- prises,andthattacklingIWTwill released on Wednesday found party’s nominee. NYT


Wrongfully accused by algorithm, US man’s arrest highlights tech bias

handcuffedWilliamsonhisfront the table, face down. was a close-up. The photo was ing about racism in law enforce- nition.Shearguesthatlow-qual- not talked to their neighbours
KASHMIR HILL lawn, in front of hiswifeandtwo “When’s the last time you blurry, but it was clearly not ment.Millionsareprotestingnot itysearchimages—suchasastill about what happened. They
NEW YORK, JUNE 25 young daughters, who were dis- went to a Shinola store?” one of Williams. He picked up the im- just the actions of individual of- imagefromagrainysurveillance wonder whether they need to
traught. The police wouldn’t say the detectives asked, in age and held it next to his face. ficers, but bias in the systems video — should be banned, and put their daughters into therapy.
ON A Thursday afternoon in why he was being arrested, only Williams’s recollection. Shinola “No, thisis not me,”Williams usedtosurveilcommunitiesand that thesystems currentlyinuse “My mother doesn’t know
January, Robert Julian-Borchak showing him a piece of paper is an upscale boutique that sells said. “You think all black men identify people for prosecution. should be tested rigorously for about it. It’s not something I’m
Williams was in his office at an with his photo and the words watches, bicycles and leather look alike?” This month, Amazon, accuracy and bias. “There are proud of,” Williams said. “It’s
automotive supply company “felony warrant” and “larceny.” goods in the trendy Midtown Williams knew that he had Microsoft and IBM announced mediocre algorithms and there humiliating.”
when he got a call from the Hiswife,Melissa,askedwhere neighbourhood of Detroit. not committed the crime in they would stop or pause their are good ones, and law enforce- He has since figured out what
Detroit Police Department he was being taken. “Google it,” Williams said he and his wife question. What he could not facial recognition offerings for ment should only buy the good he was doing the evening the
tellinghimtocometothestation she recalls an officer replying. had checked it out when the have known, as he sat in the in- law enforcement. The gestures ones,” Garvie said. shopliftingoccurred.Hewasdriv-
tobearrested.Hethoughtatfirst The police drove Williams store first opened in 2014. Robert Julian-Borchak terrogation room,is thathiscase werelargelysymbolic,giventhat About Williams’s experience ing home from work, and had
that it was a prank. to a detention centre. He had Thedetectiveturnedoverthe Williams had an alibi. NYT may be the first known account the companies are not big play- in Michigan, she added: “I posted a video to his private
An hour later, when he his mug shot, fingerprints and first piece of paper. It was a still of anAmericanbeingwrongfully ers in the industry. strongly suspect this is not the Instagrambecauseasongheloved
pulled into his driveway in a DNA taken, and was held image from a surveillance video, arrested based on a flawed Clare Garvie, a lawyer at firstcasetomisidentifysomeone came on — 1983’s “We Are One,”
quiet subdivision in Farmington overnight. Around noon on showing a heavyset man, Five timepieces, worth $3,800, match from a facial recognition Georgetown University’s Center to arrest them for a crime they byMazeandFrankieBeverly.
Hills, Michigan, a police car Friday, two detectives took him dressed in black and wearing a were shoplifted. “Is this you?” algorithm, according to experts on Privacy and Technology, has didn’t commit. This is just the He had an alibi, had
pulled up behind, blocking him to an interrogation room and redStLouisCardinals cap,stand- asked the detective. on technology and the law. writtenaboutproblemswiththe first time we know about it.” the Detroit police checked for
in. Two officers got out and placed three pieces of paper on ing in front of a watch display. The second piece of paper A nationwide debate is rag- government’suseof facialrecog- Williams and his wife have one. NYT

New Delhi

PUBLIC NOTICE IYf¹ffÊ»f¹f ´fi¶f³²f d³fQZVfIY
GREETINGS General Public is hereby inform that ´fdV¨f¸ffa¨f»f d½fôb°f d½f°fSX¯f d³f¦f¸f d»f.
Halak Pandya, a very Happy
my Clients Sanjay Palanwal S/o Late
Shri Inder Singh Palanwal R/o d½f¢MXûdSX¹ff ´ffIÊY, ¸fZSXNX INVITING PERCENTAGE RATE e-TENDER
1/1952, Plot no- 32, Gali no- 22A,
22nd birthday to you from your Near Durga Mandir, East Ram BÊX-d³fd½fQf d½fÀ°ffSX Àfc¨f³ff Executive Engineer (C), Postal Civil Division, New Delhi
friends! Lots of Love! Nagar, Shahdara, North East Delhi-
110032 have Disowned his Son d³fd½fQf d½fdVf¿MeI S¯f Àfa£¹ff ´fd½fd½fd³fd»f/ ¸fZ/ ¸fb./ 02/ Swift Dzire/ Tours/ Tata Tigor/ 2020-21 IZ invites on behalf of The President of India, online
PERSONAL 0050165851-1 Aakash Palanwal from all movable
and immovable Properties due to his
Jb»f³fZ I e d°fd±f dQ³ffaI 25.06.2020 ±fe dªfÀfI û A´fdSWf¹fÊ I fS¯fûÔ ÀfZ dQ³ffaI 02.07.2020 °fI d½fÀ°ffdS°f dI ¹ff percentage rate (CPWD-7) e-tenders for the following work:
ªff°ff W` Ü d³fd½fQf I e d³f¹f¸f ½f Vf°fZË ¹f±ff½f°f SWZÔ¦feÜ WXÀ°ff./- A²feÃf¯f Ad·f¹fa°ff (¸fb.) IÈY°fZ ´fi¶f³²f d³fQZVfIY,
I, Manipal S/O Bhagwan Das
misbehavior and drinking liquor. As
Such, whosoever deals with them SXfáÑXdWX°f ¸fZÔ d¶fªf»fe ¶f¨ffEa kkd¶fªf»fe ¨fûSXe IYe Àfc¨f³ff WZX»´f»ffBʳf ³f¸¶fSX ´fSX QZÔ: 1800-180-3002 (¸fZSXNX) N.I.T. No.: NIT/EEPCND/2020-21/18
I Tejbir Alias Tejbir Rapria S/o
Singh R/o H.No. 315, Toor Mafi Ram Kishan R/o House No-324,
LOST & FOUND shall deal on their own risk and my
Clients will not be responsible.
1800-180-8752 (»fJ³fDY)ll ´fÂffaIY 5098 dQ³ffaIY: 25.6.2020 Name of Work: Miscellaneous civil repair works for the year
Kothi , Kidmatpur Amroha U.P.- Village-Sheikhpura, Tehsil- I Shyam Aggarwal Director of
RITU VERMA (ADVOCATE) 2019-20 in MMS, Naraina, New Delhi-110028.
244501 have changed my name Enrl No:- D/1126/92
Gannaur, Sonipat, Haryana- Tyro Consultants Private Off. No. B-25, Gupta Palace OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER SUB TRANSMISSION DIVISION, DODA Estimated Cost: ` 59,98,873/-
from Manipal Singh to Mahipal 131101, have changed my A-2/42, Rajouri Garden (E-mail: [email protected], Tel. Fax: 01996-233076)
Limited having its Regd. Office
Singh for Future. 0040539961-6 name to Tejbir Rapria N. Delhi-110027 CIN No. U40300JK2013SGC003898 Earnest Money: ` 1,19,977/-,
at B-132, Anand Vihar, Delhi-
0070707352-1 110092 here by report that I EXTENSION NOTICE Period of completion- 04 Months.
I, Sushila Singh w/o Mahipal
have lost Original Re- Due to poor response to e-NIT No. 11 of 2020 dated: 18.05.2020 for
Singh r/o H.No.315, Toor Mafi I, Vijay Kumar Pahilajani S/o- the Rate contract for execution of various works involving Lifting of mate- Last time and date of submission of bid: 06.07.2020
allotment letter no.
Kothi Kidmatpur, Amroha, U.P.- Vasudev Pahilajani, 109-
HSIIDC/Residential 1504 dated rials from Division Store Doda, Transportation, Erection of Poles, upto 15.00 Hrs.
244501, have changed my name A,D.D.A, Flats-Shahpur Conductor, Guys and other allied line materials as and when required for
from Sushila Singh to Sushila 12-06-2014 related to Plot no. The bid forms and other details can be obtained from the
Jat,New Delhi-110049.have repair and Maintenance of existing 33 KV Transmission lines wherever
for Future. 0040539961-7 changed my name to Vijay
181, Sector-1, Manesar,
required in District Doda, the last date of submission of bid is extended website
Gurgaon Haryana. In case it is upto 01.07.2020 and date of opening is 03.07.2020.
Pahilajani. 0040540317-4
I, Sweety Patwari D/o Rajkumar found please return it to its All other terms and conditions remain unchanged.
Patwari W/o Prassan Goyal I Suman Agarwala W/O Sandip Regd. Office. 0040540264-1 Sd/- Executive Engineer,
R/o-C-128, Pundrik-Vihar, Agarwal R/O-BG-6/223A, Sub Transmission Division, Doda.
Pitampura, Delhi-110034,have Paschim-Vihar, New Delhi- No. STD/Doda/486-89 DIP/J-1705/20 Dated: 24.06.2020
changed my name to Shringar 110063. Have Changed my
Goyal. 0040540317-12 Name to Suman Devi.

I, Sapana D/o Puran Bahadur 0040540317-6

R/o.H.No.E-18, Ist-Floor, I Sheikh Mohammad Sikandar
Rajapuri, Uttam Nagar, Delhi- Heyat S/o.Ibrar Ahmad R/o-
110059.have changed my name Property-No.M-60 Fourth-Foor
to Sapna permanently. Abul Fazal, Enclave-1, Jamia-
0040540317-9 Nagar Okhla, Delhi-
110025,have changed my
I, Sandeep Singh Sehgal S/o name to Sikandar Heyat
Shri. Surender Pal Singh R/o Permanently 0040540258-2
1/124, Pratap Singh Building,
Janpath Lane, Delhi have I Sandip KR Agarwala S/O
changed my son name from Jagadesh Prasad Agarwal
Ojas Sehgal to OJAS SINGH R/O-BG-6/223A, Paschim-
SEHGAL for all future purposes. Vihar,New Delhi-110063. Have
Changed my Name to Sandip
Agarwal. 0040540317-5
I, Sandeep Singh Sehgal S/o
I Sandeep Nagar S/o Girraj
Shri. Surender Pal Singh R/o
Nagar R/o Village-Tigaon, PO-
1/124 , Pratap Singh Building,
Tigaon, Faridabad, Haryana-
Janpath lane, Delhi have
121101, have changed my
changed my son name from
name to Sandeep Naagar
Japesh Sehgal to JAPESH
SINGH SEHGAL for all future 0070707340-1
purposes. 0040540259-1 I Ravan Kumar S/o Sree Ramlal
I, Ritu Chabra W/o Vinay R/o Chak Diyalla Kathua,
Chhabra, R/o- C-5/50B, Jammu and Kashmir-184144,
Lawrence Road, Keshav puram, have changed my name to
New Delhi-110035 have Raman Kumar 0070707333-1
changed my name to Ritu I Pardeep Kumar S/O, Sh. Chet PUBLIC NOTICE
Chhabra 0070707324-1 Ram R/o Rzg-253 Raj Nagar-ii Be it Known to the public at large that My
clients Sh. Prabhu dayal and Smt.
I, RAJESH AGGARWAL, S/O- Palam Colony New Delhi Santosh Rani (Both Husband and Wife)
DEVINDER GUPTA R/O-L-2/1 110045 have changed my name Residing at House No. 7028-7029 Mata
Rameshwari Nehru Nagar Tank Road
SHASTRI-NAGAR ASHOK VIHAR to Pradeep Kumar for all Karol Bagh New Delhi has disowned and
DELHI-110052. changed my purposes. 0040540296-1 debarred their respective Sons and
daughter in laws 1. Gulshan Kumar @
name to RAJESH GUPTA. I Nivi Gupta W/o Kushpinder Bunty and his wife Rekha 2. Lalit Kumar
@ Labbo and his wife Ranjeeta 3. Nitin
0040540312-5 Singh Matharoo R/o House No- Kumar @ Sunty and his wife Manisha 4.
1931, Street No-4, Circuit Jitender Kumar @ Arun and his wife Priya
I, Pankaj Kumar S/o Kailash Pati @ Golu and their sons and daughter’s
House Road, Maharaj Nagar, from their movable and immovable
Ranjan Sahay R/o-190,1st-
PO Bharat Nagar, Ludhiana, properties/assets and severe all relation
Floor,Pratap-Nagar Mayur- with them, due to their Misbehavior and
Punjab-141001, have changed criminal conduct. My clients shall not be
Vihar Phase-1,Delhi-110091.
my name to Navreet Kaur responsible for their any act or conduct.
have changed my name to Whoever deals with them deals at their
Matharoo 0070707338-1 own cost and consequences.
Pankaj Sahay,for all,purposes. Sd/-
I Nisha W/o Rahul Ray R/o-A-502 D.C. AKARNIYA (ADVOCATES)
0040540312-10 B-22, BGS Block, Tis Hazari Courts,
Neelpadam-kunj, Sector-1 Delhi-110054
I, NO-6939978M HAV AJIT SINGH Vaishali, Ghaziabad-201010
S/O-AMILAL R/O-VILL-NANGAL have Changed my Name to
REWARI, HARYANA-123401, purposes 0040540258-1 Be it known to all concerned that my client
Sh. Anil Kumar Vaid S/o late Sh. C.P. Vaid
have changed my minor son’s and Smt. Urmil Vaid W/o Shri Anil Kumar
I Kanta W/O Kamal Nain R/O-
name,from ANMOL to ANMOL Vaid both r/o WZ-6 B/2, ground floor,
QTR No-136,S.J. Hospital Staff- Krishna Park, Street no. 8, Tilak Nagar,
YADAV,for all,future purposes. New Delhi- 110018 have disowned their
Qtr., Safdarjung Enclave, New son Shri Ankit Vaid R/o WZ-6 B/2, second
0040540317-7 Delhi-110029 Have Changed floor, Krishna Park, Street no. 8, Tilak
Nagar, New Delhi- 110018. My clients have
I, NAZARUL HASAN, S/O-HAMID my Name to Kanta Devi. debarred him from all their movable and
immovable properties which exist or may
HASAN R/O-G-73 GROUND- 0040540312-1 exist in future in name of my clients. My
FLOOR NIZAMUDDIN WEST clients sever all relations/connections with
I Kanika D/o Tejbir Rapria R/o their son. That my client(s) shall not be
DELHI-110013, changed my liable or responsible for any acts(s) and / or
House No-324, Village-
name to NAZAR HASAN. omission(s), any claim, loss, interest and/
Sheikhpura, Tehsil-Gannaur, or otherwise to anyone in any manner on
the part of above person/relations hence
0040540312-3 Sonipat, Haryana-131101, have forthwith.
I, Mohammad Asif S/o- MANISH GARD & ASSOCIATES (“A State Govt. Undertaking”)
Mohammad Shafiq R/o-B-62, G- Rapria. 0070707359-1 (ADVOCATES)
Chamber AT: C-92, C.L. JOSEPH *NOTICE INVITING TENDER* (e-Tendering Mode Only)
Floor,DDA-Colony, New I Kamal Bhatia Alias Kotera BLOCK, TIS HAZARI, DELHI
Zafrabad Delhi-32,have Ponnappa Accamma D/o
OFFICE: 011-23936573 9213415030
Online bids in two part bidding system are hereby invited on behalf of
changed the name of my Kotera Somaiah Ponnappa HPSEB Ltd. by the Superintending Engineer (Designs), Power House
son,From Amaan to Mohd and W/o Ajay Bhatia R/o 403, Electrical , HPSEB.Ltd., Sunder Nagar, Distt. Mandi (H.P)-175019 for
Amaan. 0040540312-9 Chikkanappa Layout, Byrathi, PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION UNIT-HEALTH supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Dehydration plant
I, Mehrunisa W/o Saeed Ahmed Hennur, Bangalore North, Uttarakhand Disaster Recovery Project-Additional Financing (UDRP-AF) 4500LPH capacity for Bassi HEP (4X16.5MW) under Bassi Power
Umar R/o-E-21 F.F, Nawada Bangalore, Karnataka-560077, 4TH Floor, DDPM Tower, Haridwar Bypass Road, Ajabpur Khurd, DEHRADUN House Division, HPSEBL., Jogindernagar, District Mandi (H.P.) from
Housing-Complex Vipin- have changed my name to Ph. No. 8126148268; Email id: [email protected]; manufacturers who regularly manufacture the equipment of the type
Garden Dwarka-More Delhi- Kotera Ponnappa Accamma Website: specified and have adequate technical knowledge and experience in
110059, Changed my name to 0070707341-1 Ref. No.: 11/PIU(Health), UDRP-AF Date: 25/06/2020 respect of all items covered under scope of Supply and services in Bid
Specification No. HPSEBL/PHE/Bassi Dehydration Plant/2020-1 as per
Mehrunnisha Khan.
I Jonathan Gordon Samuel Alias NOTICE FOR NATIONAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING the following :
0040540317-2 Jonathan Gordon Samuel NAME OF PROJECT: Uttarakhand Disaster Recovery Project - Additional
Nongrum S/o Godley Samuel Financing (UDRP AF) Loan No. - 89210-IN Request for online bid documents : From 30.06.2020 (10.00Hrs)
I, Mahipal S/o Ram Chander R/o The Government of India has received financing from the World Bank towards the
R/o B-608, Shaurya Apartment, to 16.07.2020 (12.30 Hrs)
14/9, U.G.F., Subhash Nagar, cost of the UDRP-Additional Financing and intends to apply part of the proceeds for
Sector-62, Noida, Gautam Issue of online bid documents (bid : From 30.06.2020 (10.00Hrs)
New Delhi-110027.have following packages of Machines & Ambulance Hence National Competitive Biddings sheets) to 16.07.2020 (12.30 Hrs)
changed my name to Mahipal Buddha Nagar, UP-201301, are invited for the following Machines & Ambulances and the bid document of which
have changed my name to Date of pre bid meeting : 18.07.2020 (11.00Hrs)
Singh permanently. can be downloaded from the website Bids must be
Jonathan Gordon submitted online on the website on or before 11:00 AM, Last date of submission of online : Up to 21.07.2020 (11.00Hrs)
0040540317-8 17 July, 2020 A complete set of bidding documents in English may be downloaded bid
I, Khushal S/o Harbans Lal R/o- by interested eligible bidders from the website which will Date of opening of Techno- Comm : 21.07.2020 (15.00Hrs)
CA-17A, DDA Flats Maya Puri I Inder Preet Singh S/o be available on the website from 01/07/2020 to 17/07/2020. Bids will be opened on ercial bid (Part-1)
Sh.Kanwar Inder Pal Singh R/o 17 July, 2020 at 3:00 PM Cost of Bid Specification Document : (Rs. 2000/- +18% GST) =
Delhi-110064 have changed my
name to Khushal Gakhar. C-10/3, Model Town-III, Delhi- SI. Package No. Name of Work Bid Cost of Bid (Non-refundable including GST@ Rs 2360/-
110009 have changed my name No Security Document
0040540317-1 to Inderpal Singh for all
(In INR) (In INR)
: Rs 21000/-
1 2 3 5 7 Earnest Money Deposit
I, Jyoti John W/o-Vijay Pahilajani purposes. 0040540252-2 1. 01/PIU-Health/CERC/ Supply & installation of CT Scan Machines INR 40.00 5000+GST
R/o-32, AI-Block, Birla-Farm, I Harjeet Kaur W/o Rupinder
UDRP-AF/2020 in 4 Tertiary Care Hospitals of Uttarakhand Lakh
The detailed tender notification can be viewed / downloaded free of cost
Chhattarpur-Extn., New Delhi- Singh R/o B-1/2081, Mohalla
2. 02/PIU-Health/CERC/ Supply of Ambulances (100 Basic Life INR 68.34 5000+GST
from website and tender
UDRP-AF/2020 Support-BLS & 40 Advance Life Support- Lakh
110074. have changed my name Ahluwalia Wala, Old Rajpura, ALS) for Health Department, Uttarakhand document can be had after making prescribed payment. Any clarification /
to Vinny Pahilajani. Patiala, Punjab-140401, have amendment shall be uploaded on the above website.
0040540317-3 changed my name to Note- 1. The corrigendum for the above works will be uploaded on website www.
Jaswinder Kaur. & (Partap Thakur)
I, Janendra Gulati S/o Surendra
2. Email id [email protected] may be contacted for any Superintending Engineer (Designs).
Kumar Gulati R/o D-2/24, Gold 0070707361-1
information or complaint related to the works under PIU (Scope, Bridge & Power House Electrical, HPSEB Ltd.. Sundernagar.
Croft Apartment, Dwarka I Disha Varma W/o Manish Irrigation), UDRP-AF or the complaint/grievance may also be uploaded on Distt. Mandi (HP)-175019. Tel/Fax: 01907-262596
Sector-11, Delhi-110075, have Diwan R/o Flat No-301, the website Email: /[email protected]
changed my minor son’s name Dhanshree Apartment, Sd/-
from Ayyan Gulati aged 1 year Program Manager Save Energy for the Benefit of Self and Nation
Premises No-2, C-78, Sector-2,
to Ayaan Gulati forever Lohia Nagar, Vikas Nagar,
0070707325-1 Lucknow, UP-226022, have
changed my name to Dishha
QdÃf¯ffa¨f»f d½fôb°f d½f°fSX¯f
Verma 0070707339-1 d³f¦f¸f d»f., IYf¹ffÊ»f¹f
VIHAR DELHI-110052, changed
my name to RITU GUPTA.
I Biswajit Ghosh Alias Biswajeet
Ghosh S/o Bijon Shekher A²feÃf¯f Ad·f¹f³°ff, d½fôb°f d½f°fSX¯f
Ghosh R/o QR No-D/2, NABM,
Prasar Bharati Colony,
¸f¯OX»f, WX¸feSX´fbSX, SXe-MZX¯OXSX Àfc¨f³ff
I, Chirag verma S/o-Ajay Verma,
Add-892/A housing board
Mancheswar, bhubneswar,
Mancheswar Railway Colony,
BÀf I f¹ffÊ»f¹f õfSf Af¸fadÂf°f BÊ-d³fd½fQf
colony faridabad sector-29,
Haryana-121008,Have changed
Khorda, odisha-751017, have Àfa£¹ff 07/SE/EDCH/2020-21,
changed my name to Biswajit
my name to Shubham Verma. Ghosh 0070707332-1 08/SE/EDCH/2020-21,
0040540312-8 I Bala Devi W/o Bansraj
Bhardwaj R/o 316, Gali No-04,
12/SE/EDCH/2020-21 ¸fZÔ
I, Babita Jasjit Jain W/o-Mr.A.K.
Jain R/o-A3-701,Uniworld Ambedkar Statue, ´f¹ffÊ´°f d³fd½fQfI fSûÔ õfSf ·ff¦f d»f¹fZ
Shibbanpura, Ghaziabad, UP-
City,Sector-30, Gurgram,
Haryana, have changed my 201001, have changed my ªff³fZ IZ I fS¯f C¢°f BÊ-d³fd½fQf I û
name to Babita Jain,for
all,future purpose.
name to Shanti Devi
Se-MZ ¯OS dI ¹ff ªff°ff W` Ü A¶f C¢°f
0040540317-11 I Aryan Sunil Kumar Singh S/o BÊ-d³fd½fQf dQ³ffaI 30.06.2020 I û
I, BADURL HASAN S/O NAZAR Sunil Kumar Singh R/o 22/4,
Railway Board Transit Flat,
12.00 ¶fªfZ °fI BÊ-d³fd½fQf IZ ¸ff²¹f¸f
FLOOR NIZAMUDDIN WEST Chanakya Puri,Delhi is also
known as Aryan Singh. Both
ÀfZ À½feI fS I e ªff¹fZÔ¦fe °f±ff B³f BÊ-
DELHI-110013, Changed my
name to BADRUL HASAN. names are of one and the d³fd½fQf I f °fI ³feI e ·ff¦f (´fi±f¸f
same person. 0040540252-1
·ff¦f) dQ³ffaI 30.06.2020 I û
I, Ashima Shanker D/o Suresh
Kumar Gupta W/o Vinay
15.00 ¶fªfZ A²fûWÀ°ffÃfSe õfSf BÊ-
Shanker R/o-C-101,
Pushpanjali, Shakarpur,Delhi-
DELHI-110085. CHANGED MY d³fd½fQf I e ½fZ¶fÀffBM ´fS Jû»ff
110092.have changed my name KANSAL. 0040540312-7 ªff¹fZ¦ffÜ WXÀ°ff./- (Àfbd¸f°f ½¹ffÀf),
to Ashimma Shanker.
I, Vinay Chabra S/o Vinod A²feÃf¯f Ad·f¹f³°ffÜ ´fÂffaIY Àfa.-
Chhabra, R/o- C-5/50B,
I, Chahat D/o Anil Rana R/o- Lawrence Road, Keshav 1495/ d½f.d½f.¸f.WX./ ´fe-1
H.No.469, Bharthal-Road,
Bijwasan, New-Delhi, have
Puram, New Delhi-110035 have
changed my name to Vinay (´fiIYfVf³f)/ d³fd½fQf/ 2020-21,
changed my name to Chahat
Rana. 0040540312-6
dQ³ffaIY- 24.06.2020

New Delhi



`49,072 `75.65 $41.25 `48,705
Note: Gold, silver rates at spot market in Delhi; gold per 10g, silver per 1 kg; Brent crude as of 2330 IST

SENSEX: 34,842.10 ▼ 26.88 NIFTY: 10,288.90 ▼ 16.40 NIKKEI: 22,259.79 ▼ 274.53 HANG SENG: 24,781.58 ▼ 125.76 FTSE: 6,110.60 ▼ 13.09 DAX: 12,124.09 ▲ 30.15
International market data till 1900 IST


CIL: No plan to give

Google to pay some

Sebirelaxespreferentialpricing up any blocks for
publishers in Brazil, norms,tweakstakeovercode commercial mining

Coal India is the holder

Australia, Germany
since COVID-19 has struck. This rectacquisition,theacquirertakes
of 463 coal blocks with

ENSECONOMICBUREAU will make it more attractive for controlofalistedtargetcompany COALINDIALtd(CIL)hasnoplans a combined estimated
MUMBAI,JUNE25 promoters, who are the typical bybuyingitsshares;inanindirect togiveupanycoalblocksforcom- mining capacity of
publishers for high-quality raisingcapital buyersofpreferentialshares,toin- acquisition, control is gained by mercial mining, CIL Chairman
REUTERS contentforanewsexperience THE BOARD of the Securities and ● vest more capital in their compa- buying the shares of a holding or PramodAgrawalsaidonThursday, close to 170 bn tonnes
BRUSSELS,JUNE25 launchinglaterthisyear,”Brad ExchangeBoardofIndia(Sebi)has THE relaxation in nies and stave off hostile parentcompanyofthetargetfirm. noting that the PSU would con-
Bender, Google’s vice-presi- made it easier for listed compa- pricing norms will be takeovers. It is also particularly The Sebi board also sought to tinue to be viable in the competi- able entity in the “competition
ALPHABET’S GOOGLE on dent for news, said. “We will niestoraisemoneybytemporar- particularly useful for usefulforlistedcompaniestoraise strengthen regulations for pre- tiveeraofcoalmining.TheCentre era.” CIL is the holder of 463 coal
Thursdaytookasteptoresolv- startwithpublishersinanum- ilyrelaxingpricingnormsforpref- listed companies to raise capital at a time when banks are venting insider trading. It ap- hadannouncedthecommerciali- blockswithacombinedestimated
ing its spat with publishers, ber of countries, with more to erentialallotmentofshares.Italso capital at a time when risk averse and unwilling to lend. proved maintaining a structured sation of coal as part of the miningcapacityofcloseto170bil-
sayingitwouldpaysomeme- comesoon,”hesaid.Theprod- tweaked its takeover regulations banks are risk averse. In a relief for shareholders of digital database which will con- Atmanirbhar Bharat plan. Prime liontonnes.“...takingintoaccount
dia groups in Australia, Brazil uctwillbeavailableonGoogle to ensure that shareholders re- companies which are being ac- tain the nature of unpublished Minister Narendra Modi had an- theprojectedgrowthintheensu-
andGermanyforhigh-quality News and Discover. He said ceiveinterestifopenoffersarede- quired,theregulatorhasimposed price sensitive information and nounced the first auction of coal ing years, CIL will be able to pro-
content and expects to do Googlewouldalsooffertopay layed. made between July 1, 2020, or a 10 per cent penalty on open of- the names of the persons who blocks for commercial use last duce and fuel the expanding coal
moredealswithothers. forfreeaccessforuserstoread The board has allowed com- dateofnotificationofamendment fers which get delayed by the ac- shared the information. week. Earlier, only end-users of demand of the country to a con-
The US internet giant has paywalled articles on a pub- panies to use the higher of vol- to the Regulations, whichever is quirer owing to reasons such as It also permitted automating coalsuchaspowerandsteelcom- siderableextentintheforeseeable
for years tried to fend off de- lisher’ssitewhereavailable. ume-weightedaverageofpreced- later, and December 31, 2020,” valuationdisputes,investorcom- the process of filing stock panies were permitted to bid for future,” said a release by the PSU,
mands for payment from Publishersthatwillbepaid ing two weeks or 12 weeks for a saidastatementfromtheregula- plaints, litigation and so on. exchange disclosures and lifting coalblocks. addingthatithastargetedannual
newspublishersworldwidein for their content include preferential allotment. Currently, tor. The securities allotted on the Separately, the regulator also restrictions on the trading win- “There is no proposal to give production of 1 billion tonnes of
return for using their content, Germany’s Der Spiegel, companies have to necessarily basisofthispricingwillbelocked- said the acquirer should deposit dow for transactions prescribed away any CIL block for commer- coalby2023-24.
with European media groups FrankfurterAllgemeineZeitung, price such issues at the volume- in for three years, it added. 100 per cent of the open offer by Sebi. cialmining,sothereisnocausefor A CIL release said its expertise
amongtheirfiercestcritics. Australian groups Schwartz weightedaveragepriceofthepre- Relaxingthepricingnormwill amount payable into an escrow The regulator has also concern,”saidAgrawal,addingthe inexploration,mineplanning,in-
“Today,weareannouncing Media, The Conversation and ceding 26 weeks (6 months). allow companies to price their account for indirect acquisitions. tweaked its settlement regula- company had sufficient blocks frastructureengineering,andenvi-
a licensing programme to pay Brazil’sDiariosAssociados. This pricing option “shall be preferentialissueslowerbecause Currently,sucharuleisapplicable tions to streamline the process with abundant resource capacity ronmentalmanagementgaveitan
availableforthepreferentialissues share prices have come down onlyfordirectacquisitions.Inadi- and make it faster. to continue as a commercially vi- edgeoverpotentialcompetitors.

2019: Indian money in Swiss banks ‘Amazon India has seen a 50% rise in COMMERCIAL COAL MINING OF 41 BLOCKS
Most blocks already allotted &
falls 5.8%; total foreign deposits up 3.1% new seller registration post-lockdown’ surrendered as allottees ‘failed
TOLEVERAGEbenefitsofe-retail, canhelpsmallbusinessesatscale.
DEPOSITS IN SWISS BANK BY COUNTRIES sellershavemadeabeelinetoget
onboarde-commerceplatforms. Howdoyourespondtothe
to develop within deadline’
NEWDELHI,JUNE25 India China US Total foreign Amazon India’s vice-president— government’splanon
2019 0.9 15.3 160.6 1,440.9 seller services GOPAL PILLAI told mandating‘countryof origin’ KARUNJITSINGH Experts noted that the
MONEY PARKED by Indians in
2018 1.0 13.5 142.7 1,398.0
PRANAV MUKUL that the online tagforproductsone- NEW DELHI, JUNE 25 surrender of the 33
Swiss Banks fell for the second marketplacehasconsistentlyseen commerceplatform?
straight year — this time by CHF 2017 1.0 16.1 166.6 1,463.2 50 per cent rise in seller registra- We continue to look for ways OF THE 41 blocks that Prime blocks did not indicate
55 million, or 5.8 per cent, to CHF 2016 0.7 9.6 177.0 1,420.4 tion post-lockdown, as against to offer most relevant and robust Minister Narendra Modi an- any issues with the
899 million (Rs 7,100 crore) — in pre-lockdown numbers. He also GopalPillai,AmazonIndia detailpagesasprovidedbysellers nouncedwouldbeauctionedfor
2019. While the figure was at its
2015 1.2 7.4 196.5 1,418.5
spoke about the government’s vice-president—seller and search capabilities to offer commercialcoalmining,33were
mining potential of
highestatCHF6.46billionin2006, 2014 1.8 8.2 244.9 1,476.6 plan to mandate ‘country of ori- services. File seamless customer experience. previouslyallottedtopublicsec- these blocks
it stood at CHF 1.81 billion (Rs All Figures in CHF Billion, Source: Swiss National Bank gin’tagonproductsandifitcould Sellersareresponsibleforprovid- tor or private sector companies
14,400 crore) in 2014 when NDA playaroleincustomer’spurchas- ingallrequiredinformationabout butlatersurrendered.Previously, of Indian Industry.
governmentcametopower,andit ing choice. Edited excerpts: showcase their offerings. theproducttheylistandtherefore, coal blocks were only allotted to Only eight of the 41 blocks
has come down in line with the releasedfortheyear2019showsa sharedunderthenewframework we continue to educate them industries, such as power and set to be auctioned have not
Centre’s steps over the last few sharpriseindepositsbyAmerican for automatic exchange of infor- AmazonIndiaishavingits HasAmazonIndiarecovered about the need for displaying ac- steel industry, which use coal as been allotted previously and
years to curb black money in the residentsinSwissbanksasitrose mationbetweenSwitzerlandand SmallBusinessDayonJune27. fromthelockdownslumpin curate, complete information an input. have a target mining capacity of
economy and following the set- by CHF 17.8 billion, or 12.5 per India to help check the black Traditionalretailerssaythat termsof ordervolumes? about theirproducts. Our focusis Experts noted that the 24.1 million tonnes per year, as
tingupofnewframeworkin2016 cent, to CHF 160 billion. money menace last September. sales,schemes,etcmaynot Wehaveseenaspikefromthe to be absolutely compliant with surrenderof theseblocksdidnot against the total target mining
that allowed exchange of infor- Even as some nations wit- WhileSwitzerlandbegansharing pushdemand.Whatmakes pre-COVIDnumbersconsistently all Indian laws and regulations. indicateanyissueswiththemin- capacity of around 223 million
mationbetweenSwitzerlandand nessed a jump in 2019, there has foreign client details on evidence youhopefulthisprogramme for the last one month since we ing potential of these blocks as tonnes per year.
India to help check the black been an overall decline in money of wrongdoing provided by India coulddrivedemand? openedup.Forthelastfourweeks, Hascountryof originfora manyweresurrenderedafterthe Majumdersaidalotoftherm-
money menace. parked by residents across coun- and some other countries, it has We want to give an opportu- we haven’t seen any drop in that productbecomeamajor allottees did not develop the al power plants that were set to
Whileoveralltotalforeignde- triesinSwissbankssincetheyear agreedtofurtherexpanditscoop- nitytoMSMEstoshowcaseuniq- spike.Secondly,newsellersarere- decision-makingfactorfor blocksforproductioninlinewith usecoalfromsuchblocksdidnot
posits rose by 3.1 per cent to CHF oftheglobalfinancialcrisis.While eration on India’s fight against ue products because we’ve no- alising that e-commerce and customerspurchasing timelines agreed upon. come up as state governments
1.44trillionfromCHF1.39trillion total foreign deposit in Swiss black money with the new pact ticed that Indian entrepreneurs modern digital commerce gives productsonline? “Someoftheseblockshadnot moved towards renewable en-
in 2018, China saw a major 13.1 banks hit an all-time high of CHF for automatic exchange of infor- are coming up with innovative them an additional opportunity A customer looks for various beendevelopedaspertheirmine ergy. She noted that many such
per cent jump in money parked 2.43trillionin2007,theyhavede- mation (AEOI). products during this tough time. tosellthroughadifferentchannel information points ... what their development plans and (the al- plantscurrentlyoperationalwere
byitsresidents,fromCHF13.5bil- clined since then. While overall IndiaandSwitzerlandhad,for For example, I found a seller who andwehaveseen50percentplus friends and family think about it lottees) had to give year on year also operating at only 30-40 per
lion in 2018 to CHF 15.3 billion. foreigndepositshavefallen41per automaticsharingoffinancialac- manufacturedmatchingmasksto in search terms like ‘sell online’, ... reviews. There was a study that updates on their status. Some of cent of their plant load factor.
India’s neighbour Pakistan centsince2007,thatforIndiahas count information, signed a Joint shirts.Therearealsopeoplecom- ‘sellonAmazon’,etcandwehave said there were over 20 events theblocksallocatedtoPSUswere Ofthe41blocks,30havebeen
witnessed a sharp decline in the declined by 79 per cent since Declaration on November 22, ing out with products that have seen a 50 per cent rise in new and decision-making attributes not developed and there were classified as “explored”, with an-
money parked by its residents in 2007.ForIndia,thetotalliabilities 2016 for activation of AEOI in tax demand in the COVID world. sellerregistrationcomparedwith that people use to find products. some queries raised by industry otherfourcoalblocksclassifiedas
Switzerlandlastyearasitdeclined of Swiss banks stood highest in mattersbetweenthetwonations. Theseareworkfromhomegoods, pre-COVID. This shows that e- Every customer has their own that these had not been devel- “explored in detail”. The auction
by 45 per cent from CHF 745 mil- 2006 at CHF 6.46 billion. The use and disclosure of the in- cleaningproducts,appliances,etc commerceprovidesdualpurpose way of finding a product because oped as per the mining plans,” of these blocks reduces the per-
lion in 2018 to CHF 410 million. The SNB data comes after the formationreceivedisgovernedby forwhichthereisalotof demand benefits: one, helping customers theylookforcertaininformation. said Sreya Majumder, deputy di- ceived risk for bidders according
The latest data from Zurich- firstsetofdetailsofbankaccounts the confidentiality provisions of anywayandthisgivestheoppor- gettheirproductswhilemaintain- Full interview on rector and lead for energy policy to Vipul Tuli, chairman of FICCI
based Swiss National Bank (SNB) held by Indian nationals were the India-Switzerland tax treaty. tunity to small businesses to ing social distancing ... two, this at industry body Confederation Power Committee.


US GDP contracts 5% in Q1; worse likely on the way
Trai’s‘channel MSIL sees end of road for diesel vehicles ASSOCIATEDPRESS
the current three-month eco-
nomic period, which will show
ter of 2008 during the depths of
New Delhi: The Telecom Re-
after its price overtakes petrol in Delhi WASHINGTON,JUNE25

THE US economy shrank 5 per

what happened when the pan-
The Commerce Department
unchanged from the estimate
The 5 per cent drop was the
The first quarter period cap-
tured just two weeks of the shut-
gulatory Authority of India by anywhere between Rs 1.25 cent in the first quarter with a reportedThursdaythatthedecline sharpestquarterlydeclinesincean downs that began in many parts
(Trai) Thursday launched a SANDEEPSINGH Diesel crosses `80 lakh and Rs 2.05 lakh over the much worse decline expected in inthegrossdomesticproduct,the 8.4percentfallinthefourthquar- of thecountryinmid-March.
‘channel selector app’, that NEWDELHI,JUNE25 New Delhi: Petrol price in petrol variant and if the running
enables users to select and Delhi was hiked to Rs 79.92 costof dieselcarisnotlower(asit
pay only for channels they ASTHEperlitrepriceofdieselhas perlitrefromRs79.76,while was before), it doesn’t make eco-
wishtoseeinsteadofreceiv- overtaken that of petrol in Delhi dieselrateswereincreasedto nomic sense to buy a diesel car.”
ing all channels in a specific and the gap has narrowed in Rs80.02alitrefromRs79.88, While the average price gap
bouquet and paying for it. many states, Maruti Suzuki India as per a notification of state between per litre of petrol and
Limited (MSIL) feels it will be the oilmarketingfirms. PTI diesel stood at a high of Rs 31 in
Newproductby end of road for diesel cars — at
least in the smaller car segment.
2011-12, it came down to around
Rs 7 per litre in 2019-20 and is
KarnatakaBank Having stopped production of
has come down from around 60
percentin2012-13to 28percent
the country. There has been a
New Delhi: Karnataka Bank and betting big on CNG as the fu- in 2019-20 (17 per cent share in sharp rise in prices of diesel and
haslaunchedanewproduct, ture fuel, MSIL plans to introduce Q4 FY20), Shashank Srivastava, petroloverthelastthreeweeksto
KBLMicroMitra,togivefina- CNGvehiclesacrossallmodelsgo- ED, sales and marketing at MSIL, aboutRs80perlitreinDelhi.With
ncial assistance up to Rs 10 ing forward and it has already in- said ownership of diesel cars do the price of diesel overtaking
lakhcantomicromanufact- troduced it across eight models. not make much of economic petrolinDelhi,therunningcostof
uringandserviceenterpris- Astheshareof dieselcarsales sense.“IntheBS-VIregime,theac- adieselvehicleisashighasthatof
eseitherforworkingcapital inthepassengervehiclesegment quisitioncostofdieselcarishigher petrol car now.
or for investment purposes.

PFC:FY20net ‘Limited policy support Goyal: To talk to

profitof`6.8Kcr hampering research, Lighthizer on
New Delhi: Power Finance proposed trade
innovation in clean energy’ deal in few days Regd. Office.: PSEB Head Office, The Mall, Patiala,
CIN: U40109PB2010SGC033813;
Rs 6,788 crore for FY20, as difficultforSMEstoreaptheben- O/o The Chief Engineer/TS, B-1, Shakti Vihar, Patiala
against Rs 6,953 crore in ENSECONOMICBUREAU efitsoftheprovisions,”areportby NewDelhi:CommerceandIndus- Tel/Fax: 0175-2303093; e-mail: [email protected] : [email protected]
FY19, excluding one-time NEWDELHI,JUNE25 WWF India said. try Minister Piyush Goyal Thurs- TENDER ENQUIRY NO. TSQ-1109/PSPCL/TD-II
impactofDTAduetochange In its report, WWF India has daysaidhewillbetalkingtoUSTR Tender are invited through e-Tendering under three part bid system for specification for
in corporate tax rate. LACKOFadequatepolicysupport identified six segments, solar Robert Lighthizer in the next few manufacture, testing, supply & delivery of 220 MT hot dip galvanised nuts, bolts and 15
MT electro-galvanised spring washers.
fromthegovernmentishamper- rooftop, electric mobility, energy days to “quickly wrap” up initial IMPORTANT DATES:
CanaraBankQ4 ingresearchanddevelopment,as
well innovation in the clean en-
efficiency, smart energy, waste-
1) Start date for downloading of tenders:
2) Last date of downloading of tender:
From the date of publication
27.07.2020 upto 11.00 A.M.

netlosswidens ergy sector, which is in turn im-

it believes could have consider-
able impact across industries,
ing a trade deal to iron out differ-
ences and promote two-way
3) Last date & time for bid submission:
4) Date & time of opening of bid:
27.07.2020 upto 11.00 A.M.
29.07.2020 at 11.30 A.M.

NewDelhi:CanaraBankpos- small and medium enterprises, buildings and transportation. commerce.Goyalsaidheisinreg- 1. It is informed that in case tender process is not completed due to any rea-
ted widening of its stand- the WWF India said in a release. Apart from lack of policy sup- ulardialoguewithUSTradeRepr- son, no corrigendum will be published in newspapers. Details regarding
corrigendum may be seen on Punjab Government e-tendering website
alonenetlosstoRs3,259.33 “While almost 140 govern- port, the is also very difficult for esentative(USTR)andUSComm- ( (GePNIC Portal)
crore for the quarter ended mentinterventionsfocusdirectly start-ups and SMEs in the clean erce Secretary Wilbur Ross. “I 2. Detailed NIT and Specification can be downloaded from Punjab Government
March2020.Ithadreported or/andindirectlyoncleanenergy energy tech space to find and re- thinkMrWilburRossandIwillbe e-tendering website ( (GePNIC Portal)
a net loss of Rs 551.53 crore and startups and SMEs, only 38 tain trained and dedicated staff meeting with businessmen of Sd/-
C 206/2020 Dy. CE/TL (D).
in the year-ago period. ENS policiesactuallytargetSMEsinthe over longer periods of times, the both countries sometime in the 40343/PB PSPCL, Patiala.
cleanenergyecosystem,makingit report said. middle of July.” PTI

New Delhi

After asserting that the 2011 World Cup final was “sold” by
"certain parties" in Sri Lanka to India, the island nation's former
sports minister Mahindananda Aluthgamage has now called his
claim a "suspicion" that he wants investigated.

Coach set to
lose job after
spat over
Sports federations lose recognition Liverpool
thrash Palace,
Move comes after Delhi High Court issues order related to governance issues; ministry to file application inch closer to
webinar topic MIHIRVASAVDA&
“Theministrywasnotstoppingthem.WhenI EPL title
PRITAMPALSINGH brought this to the notice of the court, an or-
ENS/PTI NEWDELHI,JUNE25 der was passed in which one para said if the
NEW DELHI, JUNE 25 ministryandIOAseektotakeanydecisionwith ASSOCIATED PRESS
INANunprecedenteddevelopment,thesports regard to NSFs, they will file the material be- LIVERPOOL, JUNE 25
THE WRESTLING Federation of India (WFI) ministry withdrew the annual recognition of forethecourtandsubsequentlytakethedeci-
has said they will sack women’s team for- all National Sports Federations (NSFs) on sion,” Mehra said. The ministry was forced to LIVERPOOL IS on the verge of ending its 30-
eign coach Andrew Cook because, according Thursday following a Delhi High Court diktat withdrawtherecognitionbecauseithaddone year league title drought after cruising to a
to a senior federation official, he ‘works only onthematter.Thedecisioncomesontheback so without informing the court in advance. 4-0 victory over Crystal Palace with an at-
for salary and is not passionate about Indian of a decade-long court case in relation to gov- IOApresidentNarinderBatra,meanwhile, tacking display that exemplified a dominant
wrestling’. The WFI has alleged that the ernance issues within the federations. deniedtherewasanywrongdoingontheIOA’s campaign. Jurgen Klopp's team can even
American coach refused to take part in a Earlierthismonth,thesportsministryhad part. “I am all for good governance. The gov- clinch the Premier League title on Thursday
Sports Authority of India (SAI) webinar for extended the federations’ recognition until ernmentdoesnotgiveanyfederationasingle without playing if Manchester City fails to
non-payment of salary. Cook, who termed September 30, 2020. However, they were paisa.Allthefundingisdirectlycreditedinthe beat Chelsea. It then plays City, the second-
WFI’s decision as ‘shocking’, argued that he forced to reverse the order. In a letter to all 54 accountsofconcernedparties.Pleaseshowus placed defending champion, next Thursday.
only asked for a change in subject of the ses- federations, sports ministry deputy secretary where are governance issues,” Batra said. "I'll watch the game tomorrow night not
sion, which SAI ‘declined, making me look SPS Tomar wrote: “… in compliance of the TheDelhiHighCourt’sordercouldhavefar- to prepare a celebration, I'll watch the game
defiant I guess.’ Orderdated24.06.2020passedbytheHon’ble rangingimpactonthewayIndiansportisrun. because we play against City a week later,"
Cook, who left for home in Seattle after DelhiHighCourt…,theDepartment’sletterof Innormaltimes,thedecisiontowithdraw Klopp said. "Whatever happens tomorrow
the national camp was suspended in March evennumberdated02.06.2020grantingpro- recognition of all federations would have cre- night we have no influence on it, so I'm not
after the outbreak of the pandemic, had visional annual recognition of 54 NSFs stands ated a highly complex scenario for India’s too much interested to be honest."
claimedhehadnotbeenpaidforthemonths withdrawn.” Olympicsportsandathletes.Thegovernment All that matters to Klopp is collecting the
of March, April and May despite several re- The decision means the suspension of issupposedtograntfundingandpermissions maximum two more points from seven re-
minders.Recently,SAIgotintouchwithCook threefederations—IndianGolf Union,School for national camps and international tourna- maining games to clinch the trophy. After
to attend oneof its online sessions. However, Games Federations of India and Rowing ments only to sports bodies it recognises. stuttering in a 0-0 draw with Everton after
theWFItoldthePressTrustof IndiathatCook Federation of India -- will continue. A sports Owingtothepandemic,therearenotrain- the restart on Sunday, Liverpool was author-
responded by saying that ‘unless he receives ministry official said they will file a fresh ap- ing camps currently underway apart from itatively rampant again against Palace on
his pending salary, he won’t attend them’. plicationbeforethebenchand‘sortoutthecri- weightliftingandathleticswhileparticipation Wednesday.
Cook has refuted the allegations. sis at the earliest.’ ininternationaltournamentsisoutoftheques- Trent Alexander-Arnold curled in a free
“Thisbehaviourisnotacceptable.Itshows The annual recognition is granted to the tionuntilglobalsport,andtravel,resumes. kick to start the rout against Palace and
thatCookworksonlyforsalaryandisnotpas- federationsinJanuaryeachyear.Accordingto A federation official, however, expressed Mohamed Salah swept in the second before
sionate about Indian wrestling. The SAI offi- thoseintheknow,theprocesstooklongerthan Hockey India is one of the 54 National Sports Federations which have lost their concern that Thursday’s development could half timefromFabinho'sdinkedball.Fabinho
cialsshowedusthescreenshotsof hisrefusal usualthisyearbecauseofsomedetailssought recognition following a court order. File delay the resumption of their activities. “We powered in the third from distance in the
messages," WFI assistant secretary Vinod bytheministryfromthefederations.Beforeit had shared with the sports ministry our plan 55th minute and Sadio Mane raced onto
TomarwasquotedassayingbyPTI.“Afterthat couldbeconcluded,thepandemicstruckand to resume the national camps in phases July Salah's throughball to complete a counter-

What does this decisionmean?

we told Cook to attend sessions and assured a lockdown was imposed. “To make sure the onwards.However,wedonotknowif wewill attack in the 69th to make it 16 wins in 16
himthathissalarywillbecleared.Hedidpar- operationsremainedsmooth,theministryex- beeligibleforfundingforthesame,”theofficial home games in the league this season.
ticipate in a few sessions but we did not like tended the provisional recognition till said.ThegovernmentandtheIndianOlympic "It was the best counter pressing behind
hisbehaviour.Weaskedourwrestlersif they September,” a source said. GRANTING RECOGNITIONtosports the unrecognised sports federations Associationarealsoperplexedwiththecourt’s closed doors ever," Kloppquipped. "The atti-
reallyneedhim.Thewrestlerstoldusthathe The process to grant provisional recogni- federations is an annual ritual that withoutits prior consent. order that they will first have to inform the tude we showed tonight, the passion we
is not indispensable, so we have decided to tion, according to lawyer and activist Rahul makesthem eligiblefor However, with the bench about any decision taken in relation to showed, was exceptional and we played
terminate his services.” Mehra,was‘inviolationof sportscode’.Heal- government fundsas well ongoing pandemic forcing the NSFs before implementing it. some outstanding football."
Cook, whose contract was till August leged that “the Indian Olympic Association as assistance for training sporting lockdown of sorts, TheIOAisconcernedthatthiscouldbecon- The victory moved Liverpool 23 points
2020 at a salary of $4,500 per month, said (IOA) was trying to derecognise a lot of sports and competition. In the the impact of the court strued as ‘interference’ by the International ahead of City with seven games remaining
SAI and WFI ‘wanted him out’ because he federationsandsimultaneouslycreateparallel absence of recognition, the decision will beminimal. Olympic Committee (IOC), which would be a of a campaign that will end without any fans
spoke up about his salary issues. “I attended bodies while the sports ministry played ball.” process does not necessarily But once the sports resume violationofitscharter.“Wewillacceptandho- in the stadium to celebrate the Reds' first
the classes they required. They asked me to “The IOA’s modus operandi is they write a come to a halt but rather and preparation of the nour the court’s order. But my only fear is championship triumph since 1990.
speak on athletes’ selection in the USA,” he letter to the international federation of a par- becomes a lot more Olympics gets underway, whether this leads to a suspension from the "We've waited a long time for this and
told The Indian Express. “I only asked to ticular sport, bring up certain disputes and cumbersome. the present stand-off could IOC. If you have to take permission for every- we've worked hard for this over the last few
change (the) topic because we don't select piggy-backingonthat,theycallforthecreation The Delhi High Court, delay administrative thing, then the autonomy goes away,” Batra years as a team," Salah said. "As a club this is
athletes (in USA). They attend school and ofanewbody,”Mehrasaid,addingtherewere however, has said IOA and ministry decisionsand that inturn can hamper said.“In2012,whentheIOCsuspendedIndia, what we've dreamed of and we're in a good
work through that system. They declined to around five instances where this sequence cannot take any decisions in relation to the training of athletes. one of the reasons was interference in IOA’s position, so hopefully we'll be able to get it
change, making me look defiant.” ocurred. He accused IOA office-bearers of in- functioning.” across the line very soon."

OVER THE HEDGE by Michael Fry & T Lewis

ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 20) LIBRA (Sep 24 - Oct 23)
You may feel Forget all petty
exploited or taken concerns and trivial
for granted, but this details. If you can see
is not really the beyond surface
point. The fact is that this is a appearances, you'll glimpse the
positive moment for timeless reality concealed
putting yourself out on behalf behind the daily facade. You
of others, even if you think should listen to your
they don't deserve it. imagination and follow your
Get things into perspective — dreams. You don't know where
and put your feelings in they'll lead, but you'll never find
their place. out unless you look.
TAURUS (Apr 21 - May 21) SCORPIO (Oct 24 - Nov 23)
All artistic and Social life could be
creative types are taking a turn for the
favoured by today's better, and your
CALVIN & HOBBES by Bill Watterson compassionate romantic hopes
Moon. If you don't think should be high. Do be aware,
that you fall into this bracket, though, of the risks of over-
you can still do your best committing yourself financially,
to be spontaneous and and only make promises you
develop those unique and know you can fulfil. Give
wonderful gifts that you have yourself a way out until you're
ACROSS DOWN always ignored. absolutely sure.
1 Safe anchorages found on 1 The game is to follow one’s
GEMINI (May 22 - June 21) SAGITTARIUS (Nov 24 - Dec 22)
entering Nigerian port (7) destiny (5)
It's time to go back to You should find that
5 Go back in public transport 2 It may be caught in a fishing
first principles and other people are
intended to take in others area (3)
start from scratch. much better able to
(5) 3 To turn us in or turn us out?
This does mean take care of
8 Ambitious Ruth is worried by (4)
dealing with left-over family themselves, which means that
a sharp pain (9) 4 So a gin is mixed with old port
questions, as well as all those you can concentrate on long-
9 An alternative to a key ring (3) (6)
lingering practical domestic term ambitions. It's time to
10 They take one over water or 5 Such unions aren’t recognised
chores. But it's also important to shape up to new
round a point (4) (8)
have a vision of the future, just responsibilities, particularly
12 You have to put up with him 6 There would be universal
to put everything into context. if you have some favours
(4-4) hostility if it came
to return.
14 Chews a sort of nut (6) (6,3) CANCER (June 22 - July 23)
15 Be too clever for one - but not 7 Subordinate theme (7) MARVIN by Tom Armstrong You have done CAPRICORN (Dec 23 - Jan 20)
in intelligence? (6) 11 Sound vibration on a screen extremely well in Today's super stars
17 Strives to study minds (8) perhaps (9) many respects, but hold out superb
18 Means of transport, 13 Played back? (8) there is still some prospects for all
sometimes sprung (4) 14 He’ll get nowhere unless he way further to go. Over the Capricorns planning
21 It is charged for a portion pushes himself forward (7) next few days, you may gather to start a new course of study,
without wine (3) 16 King of fitted wardrobes fresh information, discuss fight a legal battle or travel
22 Harry does worry about (6) your plans and re-arrange overseas. In all matters it is
Dobbin (9) 19 Petal shaped fold (5) some of your long-held necessary to seize the
24 A step on the stairs (5) 20 The last worker’s project? (4) opinions about what is right moral high ground. Plus, there's
25 Steeped in the most 23 Regret expressed in the and what is wrong. a chance that what is good
intensified way (7) French way (3) for you may be even better
LEO (July 24 - Aug 23) for others.
There seems to be
SolutionsCrossword4153:Across: :1Hospital,5Arms,9Rimed,10Exhibit,13 some sort of power AQUARIUS (Jan 21- Feb 19)
Larder,14Spread,17Horsesoldier,20Bifocal,21Stock,22Tory,23Prospect. struggle going on, The time looks right
Down:1Hardandfastrules,2Seminar,3Indifference,4Averse,6Rebel,7Setaside, and superficial for taking a
8Chiropodists,12Alphabet,15Eyesore,16Cooler,18Refer,19Skit. causes of disagreement, such as treasured
money, could be nothing more relationship one
than a distraction. If your stage deeper, entering a new
personal plans and ideas level of intensity. It also
JUMBLED WORDS DifficultyLevel3s
become the centre of attention, happens to be an ideal moment

you may concede that you for making extraordinarily

Instructions might just be wrong for profitable investments,
Givenbelowarefourjumbledwords.Solvethejumblestomakeproperwordsandmovethemto TosolveaSudokupuzzle, a change. so keep a look-out for
therespectivesquaresbelow.Selectthelettersintheshadedsquaresandjumblethemtoget everydigitfrom1to9 passing opportunities.
VIRGO (Aug 24 - Sep 23)

theanswerforthegivenquip. mustappearineachofthe
Thesearenotbooks,lumpsoflifelesspaper,but___aliveonthe___.-GilbertHighet(5,.,7) There's a wonderful PISCES (Feb 20 - Mar 20)
nineverticalcolumns,in world waiting just You really must
eachoftheninehorizontal around the corner - shape up to the truth
SZEEI EIODMN rowsandineachofthe in your dreams. in relationships,
nineboxes. Today's bold lunar alignments such as it is. The
encourage flights of fancy. problem lies in distinguishing
If you're ready, then you the way people really are from
SOLAS ABEEHV DifficultyLevel
may set your imagination free, the way you would like them to
leave daily concerns to take be. In the meantime, take your
1s=Veryeasy;2s=Easy; care of themselves, and focus pleasures where you can, and
3s=Medium;4s=Hard; on what could be, instead of appreciate people's strengths
Gilbert Highet 5s=VeryHard;6s= being weighed down by instead of drawing attention to
Answer: These are not books, lumps of lifeless paper, but minds alive on the shelves. - Genius what is. their weaknesses.

Vol LXXXVIII No. 196 Regd.No. DL-21046/03-05

R.N.I. No.506/57. Printed and Published by R.C. Malhotra on behalf of The Indian Express (P) Limited and Printed at The Indian Express (P) Limited Press, A-8, Sector-7, Noida - 201301 and Published at The Indian Express (P) Limited, Mezzanine Floor, Express Building, 9 & 10,
Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi-110002. Editorial office: The Indian Express (P) Limited, Mezzanine Floor, Express Building, 9 & 10, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi-110002. Phone: 0120-6651500. Advertising office: The Indian Express (P) Limited, B1/B, Sector - 10,
Noida - 201301. Phone: 0120-6651291. Chairman of the Board: Viveck Goenka, Chief Editor: Raj Kamal Jha, Editor: Unni Rajen Shanker, Editor (Delhi): Rakesh Sinha ** **Responsible for selection of News under the PRB Act. Copyright: The Indian Express (P) Limited. All rights re-
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