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The Acetyl CoA Step

ª After pyruvate is produced from glycolysis, it enters the mitochondria to begin aerobic
ªAerobic respiration begins with the conversion of pyruvate to acetyl CoA. This conversion
takes place in three steps: decarboxylation, the reduction of NAD+, and the attachment
of coenzyme A.

Some organisms that have no mitochondria or

no access to oxygen will undergo
fermentation and produce ethanol or lactic
acid in the cytosol of the cell.

Those that do have mitochondria and access

to oxygen will undergo aerobic respiration.
Aerobic respiration takes place in the
mitochondria and requires the presence of

Aerobic respiration begins with the conversion

of pyruvate into acetyl CoA.

This conversion begins with the

decarboxylation (removal of CO2) of
pyruvate. A transfer of electrons then takes
place, which results in the reduction of NAD+
to NADH + H+. Finally, coenzyme A (a B
vitamin derivative) is added to the molecule to
produce acetyl CoA.

The addition of coenzyme A energizes the

molecule and makes it more unstable. When
a molecule is unstable, it is more prone to
react and release energy; thus, this step has
prepared the glucose derivative for more
energy release. [email protected]
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