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北京师范大学 双语教学课程《管理信息系统》 课程讲义

Lecture 3 of MIS

课时 2 教学环境 多媒体教室
Topic Chapter 2 教材内容 Section 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
1. Evaluate the role played by the major types of systems in a business and their
relationship to each other.
2. Describe the information systems supporting the major business functions: sales
and marketing, manufacturing and production, finance and accounting, and
Objectives human resources.
3. Analyze the relationship between organizations, information systems, and
business processes.
4. Explain how enterprise applications promote business process integration and
improve organizational performance.
2.1. Major Types of Systems in Organizations
 Different Kinds of Systems
 Four Major Types of Systems
2.2. Systems from a Functional Perspective
 Sales and Marketing Systems
 Manufacturing and Production Systems
Chapter Outline
 Finance and Accounting Systems
 Human Resource Systems
2.3. Integrating Functions and Business Processes: Introduction to Enterprise
 Business Processes and Information Systems
 Systems for Enterprise-Wide Process Integration
Computer-aided design (CAD), Management information systems (MIS)
Customer relationship management (CRM) systems
Management-level systems, Decision-support systems (DSS)
Manufacturing and production information systems
Enterprise applications, Operational-level systems
Enterprise systems, Portal, Executive support systems (ESS)
Key Terms
Product life cycle management (PLM) systems
Finance and accounting information systems
Sales and marketing information systems
Human resources information systems, Transaction processing systems (TPS)
Strategic-level systems, Interorganizational systems
Supply chain management (SCM) systems, Knowledge management systems

Section 2.1: Major Types of Systems in Organizations.

This section focuses on defining terms and guides the students through the kinds of
讲授内容 information systems. Figure 2-1 is a good tool for facilitating this discussion. Figure
2-2 provides examples of the different types of information systems and the levels
supported by these systems.

北京师范大学 双语教学课程《管理信息系统》 课程讲义

(1) Different Kinds of Systems

Operational-level systems: support operational managers, keeping track of the
elementary activities and transactions
Management-level systems: serve the monitoring, controlling, decision-making, and
administrative activities
Strategic-level systems: help senior management tackle and address strategic issues

(2) Four Major Types of Systems

 Transaction Processing Systems (TPS)
 Management Information Systems (MIS)
 Decision Support Systems (DSS)
 Executive Support Systems (ESS)

(3) Transaction Processing Systems (TPS):

Basic business systems that serve the operational level
A computerized system that performs and records the daily routine transactions
necessary to the conduct of the business

(4) Management Information System (MIS):

 Inputs: High-volume data
 Processing: Simple models
 Outputs: Summary reports
 Users: Middle managers

(5) Decision Support System (DSS):

 Inputs: Low-volume data
 Processing: Interactive
 Outputs: Decision analysis
 Users: Professionals, staff

(6) Executive Support System (ESS):

 Strategic level
 Inputs: Aggregate data
 Processing: Interactive
 Outputs: Projections
 Users: Senior managers

Section 2.2: Systems from a Functional Perspective.

Section 2.2 is central to establishing a sociotechnical approach. Encourage students to
understand the need to classify each system in two ways - organizational level and
business function. This concept is central to the rest of the text and to their future
business life. At the same time, understanding the relationships between the systems

北京师范大学 双语教学课程《管理信息系统》 课程讲义

is also critical. Depending upon their previous education and business experience,
many students may not know the differences between sales and marketing. Human
Resources is a different problem, because it is more of a catchall phrase.

(1) Sales and Marketing Systems

Major functions of systems: Sales management, market research, promotion, pricing,
new products
Major application systems: Sales order info system, market research system, pricing

(2) Manufacturing and Production Systems

Major functions of systems: Scheduling, purchasing, shipping, receiving, engineering,
Major application systems: Materials resource planning systems, purchase order
control systems, engineering systems, quality control systems

(3) Finance and Accounting Systems

Major functions of systems: Budgeting, general ledger, billing, cost accounting
Major application systems: General ledger, accounts receivable, accounts payable,
budgeting, funds management systems

(4) Human Resource Systems

Major functions of systems: Personnel records, benefits, compensation, labor
relations, training
Major application systems: Payroll, employee records, benefit systems, career path
systems, personnel training systems

Section 2.3: Integrating Functions and Business Processes:

Introduction to Enterprise Applications. This section discusses enterprise applications,
showing how information systems are often used to coordinate activities, decisions,
and knowledge across the firm’s different levels, functions, and business units. The
purposes for these types of systems are to automate the flow of information to manage
and improve customer relations, supply chains, and more broadly the coordination of
the enterprise internally and with its business partners.

(1) Business Processes and Information Systems

Business processes: Manner in which work is organized, coordinated, and focused to
produce a valuable product or service ;Concrete work flows of material, information,
and knowledge—sets of activities; Unique ways to coordinate work, information, and
knowledge; Ways in which management chooses to coordinate work.

(2) Cross-Functional Business Processes

Transcend boundary between sales, marketing, manufacturing, and research and
Group employees from different functional specialties to a complete piece of work

(3) Systems for Enterprise-Wide Process Integration

 Enterprise systems

北京师范大学 双语教学课程《管理信息系统》 课程讲义

 Supply chain management systems

 Customer relationship management systems
 Knowledge management systems

(4) Zara_case study

重点 企业信息化的相关内容;企业流程再造、企业信息化
难点 管理信息系统的概念
案例分析 Case Study: Can Zara Keep up with Speed Chic? (in Text)
习题 Exercise - chapter 2
Bank TPS for Swapping Currency
Business Transactions in Real Time,


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