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Case Questions

Answer each of the following questions in not more than 250 words each.

Case 1 Questions for Recruitment at Windsor Hospital

1. Which of the three candidates would you select for present position? (10M)

There are several challenges with Windsor Hospital currently both internal and external to the
hospital which are hindering the overall recruitment process. From an external perspective the area
where the hospital is located has a shortage of doctors , along with reducing graduation rates in the
area and the very location given it’s in the border region. Internally the hospital has been running
into financial difficulties.

Amongst the three candidates Dr Eli Cohen is the most experienced and is a specialist in infectious
diseases. Dr Eli Cohen experience is primarily as program directors and professor across various
universities. Though Dr Eli Cohen fits for a specialist role , Dr Eli Cohen will not also contribute to the
overall age diversity at the hospital. Dr Eli’s interests are in research and teaching and might lose
interest over a period of time if required to manage caseloads.

Dr Lisa though has excellent academic records does not have any experience working in hospitals.

Dr Mohammed on the other hand has the required skill sets, has practiced across various hospitals
managing caseloads. He also has been certified in the required computer technical skills. Dr
Mohammed has worked with the UK hospital where he was familiarized with govt protocols and
procedures. The only challenge on his CV is his contact coordinates which are missing, hence a need
to get them. If the same can be got, the candidate will add to the overall diversity both in terms of
age and the underserved region.

2. What changes would you recommend to the current recruitment strategy/plan so that the hospital
can attract a wider pool of candidate in future?

The HR department should add ways to source candidates beyond the current referral strategy
currently being practiced

1. Prioritize the website to brand and market Windsor to the world as talent locally is diminishing.
The website will provide all the information a candidate requires and improve the reach of the
university to other regions. The website should also be clubbed with an online recruitment tool
where applicants can show interest in an easy way.

2. Visit universities creating partnership with them for internship – Improves visibility and helps
recruits young minds

3. Advertise in various medical journals about the hospital

4. Visit medical conventions to brand the hospital and attract talent

5. Partnership with recruitment firms that specialize in recruiting doctors globally

The hospital should also market and advertise conditions for potential recruits in the city/region and

1. Being a not a very big city one of the biggest apprehensions a prospective candidate might have
is schooling for their kids ,job’s for their spouses, Personal development(teaching/learning), and
setting in. The HR department should provide visibility on this and assist the interested
candidate on this by partnering with local bodies/organizations. The same should be advertised
on their hospital website.

2. Work with local bodies and authorities citing the shortage of doctors to create a policy for easy
application and processing of visa’s for doctors from other region/countries

3. As a long term strategy the hospital could also partner with local authorities to brand and
advertise the city/region to attract more applicants


Case 2 Questions for Building a Great Place to Work – Intuit India

3. List the broad steps/principles followed by management of Intuit India, over time to improve its
ranking from 10 to 1. What management learnings can we acquire form these initiatives?
4. What are the major challenges that Intuit would face in order to keep up the momentum and stay in
the top league? Can Intuit India sustain this effort? If so, how? (10

Assignment Question (1000 words)

1. Describe in detail the performance appraisal process in your present organizations. What are the
pros and cons of the process?
(20 M)
2. What changes would you recommend to the present system in order to make it robust and
effective? Describe the method and process in detail.
(20 M)

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