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The Village by The Sea: Chapter 11

1. Withered (p.127) : (adj): dry and decay.

Chapter 5 Ex: Those flowers become withered without water.
Group members: Chanchendavtey Kol, Kim Sophaleap
1. Abuse (p. 68) (v) to speak to someone rudely or 2. Cherished (p.127):(adj) : to be loved and caring .
cruelly. Ex: He brings his most cherished daughter to hospital
Ex: The crowd started abusing him after he failed to quickly.
save a goal.
2. Lashing (p. 68) (n) the punishment. 3. Fragile (p.129): (adj): weak ,tired or having less
Ex: He was sentenced to receive a lashing. power.
3. Beam (p. 68) (n) a line of light that shines from one Ex.He looks fragile because he didn’t eat anything this
object. morning.
Ex: We could just pick out the trail in the weak beam of
the flashlight. 4. Humiliation (p.130): (n): The feeling of shame or
4. Thrash (p. 68) (v) to move from side to side in a been eased the pride.
violent or uncontrolled way. Ex.His son brings him much humiliation by committing
Ex: He was screaming and thrashing around on the a serious crime.
5. Abandon (p. 68) (v) to leave a place, thing, or 5. Gloom (p.131): (n): a condition in which a person
person, usually forever. feels downed or depressed
Ex: We had to abandon the car. Ex. He unconsciously glazed into the gloom.
6. Dispiritedly (p. 69) (adv) not feeling much hope
about a particular situation or problem. 6. Mouldy (p.132): (adj): being covered with fungal
Ex: The troops were disorganized dispiratedly. growth caused by aged
7. Ignominiously (p. 69) (adv) in a way that is Ex. In the city of Chernobyl, mouldy building stood
embarrassing because of something being a complete even after years of abandoned.
Ex: She was ignominiously forced to resign. 7. Frolicked (p.132): (v): dancing or moving along in a
lively and harmony way
Chapter 6
Ex. On stage, the frolicked dancer brings a harmony
Group members: Kov Yuvorak, Kuch Monyroth
atmosphere to the party

1. Perpiration (n): sweat from body.

8. Immersed (p.133): (v): submerge under liquid
Ex: Hot weather causes perspiraton.
Ex. Stranded passenger watched hopelessly as the ship
2. Strenuous (adj): Exhausted.
was steadily immersed into the ocean.
Ex: It can be strenuous if you don't eat anything for the
whole day. Chapter 2
3. Jostling (n): act of bumping Name: Dybo Solide, Eng Sithithea
Ex: Crowd is pushing and joslting me roughly.
4. Transfix (v): feel terror. 1. commotion (noun): situation where people create a
Ex: A kid was transfixed by a loud honk of a car. scene and make everyone notice. (p. 27)
5. Stipulated (v): a certain agreement that allowing Example: The commotion distracts everyone on the
something to happen by proving a scope. street from what they are doing.
Ex, they stipulated their own marketplace. 2. gossiped (verb): to spread the information which
6. Quiver (v): to feel emotional about something. hasn’t been confirmed yet. (p. 29)
Ex. I quiver with fear. Example: The workers start gossiping about their boss
7. Placated (v): agree to calm someone down. as soon as he left.
Ex. I placated with her to make her happy. 3. dazzled (verb): to impress someone by something.
8. Dissipate (v): being vanish or fade away. (p. 33)
Ex. He is immediately dissipated when I turn around. Example: She is dazzled by the view of the sea.
4. bogus (adjective): false, not real, or not legal. (p. 34) 3. Accustomed (p.150): (adjective): Usual; customary;
Example: Don't believe in that bogus news source. used to.
5. outlandish (adjective): strange and unusual and Ex: She is accustomed to her brother weirdness.
difficult to accept or like. (p. 36) 4. Console (p.151): (verb): to comfort.
Example: His outfit is outlandish. Ex: I am trying to comfort her because of her brother
6. discreetly (adverb): in a way that is careful not to death.
cause embarrassment or attract too much attention, 5. Hint (p.152): (noun): Intimation; a small piece of
especially by keeping something secret. (p. 37) information or advice.
Example: She follows him discreetly. Ex: Give me a hint or I quit.
7. sulk (verb): to be silent and refuse to smile or be 6. Blob (p.153): (noun): A drop of a thick liquid or other
pleasant to people because you are angry about viscous substance; usually of something sticky or thick.
something that they have done. (p. 39) Ex: Blobs of unclean water drop on my white shirt.
Example: She is sulking since her mother did not allow 7. Enslave (p.154): (verb): cause something or
her to hang out. someone to lose their freedom of choice or action.
Ex: People was enslaved by their debts.
Chapter 4 8. Abruptly (p.156): (adverb): suddenly and
Name: In Reaksmeisereirothana unexpectedly
Khut Keo Mony Ex: I shouted because of everyone vanished abruptly.

1. (p. 59) sarcastically (adv.) talking or saying CHAPTER 8

something to mock or tease someone. Group : Ngim Chandara & Mom Sokunrattanak
Ex. “You are fit with that old-fashioned clothes” said
JULY sarcastically.
2. (p. 61) languid ( adj.) relaxing or fine atmosphere. 1. Soot (n): black stain left from smoke after burning
Ex: The vacation was great with a languid atmosphere materials such as coal, wood, ... (p92)
under the sun. Example: My kitchen’s walls are covered with soot
3. (p. 62) dilemma (n.) unresolved problem. because I mostly use coal instead of propane gas.
Ex. We are facing a dilemma of losing our home and 2. Clasp (V): To hold both of your hands tightly into a
land. fist. (p97)
4. (p. 62) pacify ( V.) to persuade or make somebody Example: Kids always clasp their hand when they want
who is angry or upset become calm or quiet something from you.
Ex: The speech of her boyfriend pacified her anger. 3. Occupied (v): Busy or engage in something. (p98)
5. (p. 64) shrewder ( adj.) cleverer at understanding or Example: I am pretty occupied with all these
showing good judgment about a situation assignments.
Ex: The solicitor was shrewder than I had imagined. 4. Fetch (v): grab or pick something up. (p98)
6. (p. 65) dispelled (v.) calmed someone or distracted Example: My mom told me to fetch a carton of egg for
someone from worries. her cooking.
Ex. I dispelled my worries about my semester results 5. Emaciated (adj): extremely thin due to illness or lack
after it was officially released. of nutrient. (p99)
7. (p. 66) bewildered (adj.) feeling confused. Example: After dealing with chemo-therapy, patients
Ex. 'What are you talking about?' I said bewildered. usually look very emaciated.
6. Clouded (v): fill with something (p102)
The Village by the Sea: Chapter 13 Example: The thought of global pandemic clouded her
mind with fear.
1. Dismay (p.148): (noun): concern or distress causing 7. Longing (n): a strong feeling of desire. (p102)
lose enthusiasm, or disillusion. Example: He has a strong longing in taking over the
Ex: To my dismay, my cat left me. world.
2. Shriek (p.149): (noun): a scream.
Ex: I can hear shrieks of laughter for your birthday
Chapter 10 by Vimol, Visal and Nica Ex: He fend for himself and doesn’t need any help.

1. Shrivelled (pg 112) (Adj) Someone that aging due to 4. crook (n): a person who is a criminal.(p. 86)
old age but still have a youthful mind and inside. Ex: Ex: he kidnapped a kid, so he is a crook.
Even though Chantha is shrivelled person, he still
enjoys playing kid games. 5. relief (n): a feeling that make you feel less worry.(p.
2. Turmoil (pg112) (Noun) From the disturbed water 87)
where they meet and sport. Ex: The sea was turmoil Ex: I feel relief now.
because of waste that people threw into the sea.
3. Drenched (pg112) (Verb) to make someone or 6. Dignity (n): a serious face and manner. (p. 87)
something getting wet. Ex: Visal plays the water gun Ex: He was not happy and he walked out with dignity.
with his friend during Khmer New Year and the water
drenched him. 7. soundly (adv): something that comfortable.(p. 91)
4. Urchins (Noun, p.113): small kids or youngsters that Ex: Last night, I slept soundly.
usually live or play along the street.
Chapter 12
Example: A bunch of urchins is begging for money after
they clean our vehicle without permission.
5. Smoldered (Verb, p.114): When something gets 1. suffocating (adj) causing difficulty in breathing.
Ex: I will move away soon because it’s so suffocating
burn slowly with smoke coming our but without any
flame yet. here due to the smog. (p. 135, line 2)
Example: The smouldered is strong when you you burn
2. inadequate (adj) lacking the quality or quantity
damp pieces of woods and only smoke come out.
6. Pedestrians (Noun, p.120): are people that like required.
walking rather than riding vehicles or travel by foots. Ex: One of the main issues amid the outbreak is
inadequate food supplies. (p. 137, Line 21)
Example: Lin is known to be pedestrian by her friend,
because she prefers walking to school or other places
rather than riding her vehicle. 3. hubbub (n) a busy, noisy situation.
Ex: Nara fought through the hubbub. (p. 137, line 33)
7. Dismal (adj, pg.121): awful attempted on something.
Ex: I was terrified to see my dismal performance on the
test. 4. Boasted ( past tense of Boast) Boast (v) to speak too
8. Dwindled (verb, pg.122): to become smaller or less. proudly or happily about what you have done or what
you own
Ex: The shirt that I just bought dwindled after I wrongly
put in the washing machine. Ex: He boasted that he always gets the highest score.
9. Treacherous (adj, pg.124): risky, dangerous or (p. 138, line 10)
unstable. Ex: The weather is treacherous for us to go
5. Delight (n) great pleasure, happiness. (P. 139)
rock climbing right now.
Ex: Everyone plays with Tanghai with great delight.
Chapter 7
Group member: 6. Haggle (v) to bargain the price or condition. (P. 141)
Lengryry Sophakneath Ex: Visal buys shoes without haggling.
Ly Tanghai
7. Gleam (v) to produce or reflect a small bright light.
1. wandered (v): walk slowly. (p. 84) (P. 142)
Ex: He wandered around my house yesterday. Ex: His old ring gleams after polished.

2. amused (v): entertaining.(p. 84) 8. Hurl (v) to throw something with great force, in an
Ex: He does some crazy things to amuse his sister. angry or violent way. (P. 142)
Ex: He hurls stone into the sea.
3. fend for (phrasal verb): earn oneself for own
living.(p. 85)
Chapter 1 - Idiot [noun] a person having severe mental
retardation, one mentally deficient, a bom fool.(p57)
• Inundated (v): sunk under water or flooded. (p.7) Ex: No one is allowed call your classmate an idiot in
Example: His car was inundated by flood. class.
• Scattered (v): to throw something around the place.
1. Grateful (adj): Happy for the situation that you are
Example: My son scattered his toys all over his room.
• Crumbling (v): broken down, fall down. (p.9) in. (p.103) Example: Vin is grateful for the life that she
Example: He threw away his LEGO which crumbling has right now.
into pieces as it hit the wall.
• Crumpled (adj): messy or wrinkle of cloth. 2. Confined (adj): Be restricted with works. (p.103)
Example: This shirt looked crumpled. Example: Mazer is confined to her assignment both day
and night.
• Duped (v): to be tricked, fooled or cheated (past
tense or past participle of the word
“dupe’’). (p.24) 3. Painstakingly (adv): Take really good care of sth.
Example: Randy was duped by drug dealers to carry a
bag of weed for them. Example: Chhorvin feeds her sick dog painstakingly
• Stunned (adj): to shock for something that with the spoon.
happened. (p.24)
Example: Kimtong was stunned when he heard about 4. Sullenness (adj): Watching someone with less
his exam result. emotion or silently. (p.106)
Example: Sandra got upset with her boyfriend and
• Ignorant (adj): uneducated or unknowledgeable.
(p.25) looked at him with disappointment and sullenness.
Example: He came and duped the ignorant villager.
5. Benefactor (n): Help other people by giving them
Chapter 3 money. (p.107) Example: Tauro was a benefactor but
- Sprawling [adj] built over a wide area in a way that is then she stopped because people were taking it for
ugly or not carefully planned. (p. 48) Ex: Los Angeles granted.
may be the world's most famously sprawling city.
6.Taciturn (adj): Speak so little. (p.108)
- Vigorously [adv] in a way that involves physical Example: Sura is a Taciturn. It’s hard to get to know her
strength, effort, or energy; strenuously. (p. 49) Ex: secret.
Sokha exercises vigorously nearly every day.
7.Jolt (n): a vibrate or a tremble. (p.109)
- Dazed [adj] very confused and unable to think clearly. Example: My dad’s car jolt so hard.
(p. 52) Ex: Sokha who was the driver in the accident
appeared so dazed, but not badly hurt. 8.Embarrassment (n): thankful way. (p.111)
Example: My sis looked at me in embarrassment when
- Agony [noun] extreme suffering, death, extreme I helped her solved her problem.
physical or mental pain, severe struggle. (p. 53) Ex:
Sokha lay on the bed screaming in agony, as she had an
traffic accident.

- Ferocity [noun] cruelty or savage. (p55) Ex: The

ferocity of the attack shocked a lot of people.

- Intruder [noun] someone who get into your place

without your permission. (p56) Ex: Intruders had
entered the house through a back window.

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