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High School Weekly Planning

Subject English First Language Year Group 10 Week Commencing 28/08/17

Unit Unit 1 – Developing Reading Skills Weekly Outcome Have a deeper understanding how the reading objectives are followed in a CIE
mark scheme based on the reading of unseen texts through the analysis of
supporting information and vocabulary.
Weekly Lesson Overview Weekly Resources
Look at model candidate responses and how they fit in to particular marking Documents:
bands as a group and individually critique the language analysis of others
after completing a sample Question 2 based on an alternative passage. Cambridge IGCSE First Language Coursebook Marian Cox
My Place Sally Morgan
Scent of a Woman Giovanni Arpino
CIE IGCSE English First Language Candidate Responses Doc.
CIE IGCSE English First Language Question 2 Mark Scheme Doc.

Week 2
Learning Objectives Teaching Activities Assessment Differentiation

R2 Group Discussion: provide students with the Understand the variation between Lower level students to read My
CIE IGCSE English First Language Question 2 the different levels within reading Place, core level students to read
Mark Scheme Doc. and read as a class, thresholds in a mark scheme. Scent of a Woman and higher
explaining the different bands in terms of how level students to read The Secret
they might differ. Discuss whether looking at Agent.
the top band then moving down, or from the
bottom band and moving up, when marking a
piece of work is beneficial.

Group Activity: put students into group of four Collaborate in differentiated

and provide each group with ta Question 2 groups to identify and then
sample from the CIE IGCSE English First compare allocated marks based on
Language Candidate Responses Doc. Two model answers.
groups of extended students, and three
groups of core students, will be given the
same script with the given mark. Each group
then tries to find examples within the answer
that support the mark given. Students then
mixed into groups of varied ability, with
students from the extended groups to
compare what marks have been provided.

Group Activity: Students remain in their new Collaborate as a group to place

groups and each group is to read two candidate responses in adequate
remaining samples given and try to allocate an marking bands.
appropriate band following the mark scheme.
Once completed present to class and provide
feedback, as well as the correct bands
according to the examiner’s response on the
CIE document.

Group Activity: put students into group of four Identify the significance of a
and provide each group with three Question 2 writer’s intended effect based on
samples from the CIE IGCSE English First the supporting information in a
Language Candidate Responses Doc. Each text.
group is to read the three samples given and
try to allocate an appropriate band following
the mark scheme. Once completed present to
class and provide feedback, as well as the
correct bands according to the examiner’s
response on the CIE document.

Timed Individual Activity: following on from

the discussion in the previous lesson about
the overall atmosphere presented in a
passage, explain that if supporting information
or specific details are removed from a text,
although it may not alter the purpose of the
text, certain things may be lost. Provide
students with their allocated passage (Scent
of a Woman My Place Core) and answer the
following question:

1. Based on the passage, how does the

writer achieve certain effects? Refer to
four words or phrases from the
passage – Extended write in Successfully apply knowledge of
continuous writing, Core can write the CIE mark scheme to place the
with headings/subheadings if work of others in an adequate
necessary. grade threshold.

Explain that students are to identify four to six

words and phrases – and identify the linguistic
technique where possible – and then decide
which of them are appropriate for their

Individual Activity: Once students are to swap

their answers with another student who
completed the same question, and following
the mark scheme used in the first activity, give
the written answer a grade based on the style
of writing and explanation, now whether the
words or phrases are correct at this stage.

Extension Activities
Homework Pages 1-3 of Coursebook.

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